#choices: the royal heir
choices-binglebonkus · 5 months
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tessa-liam · 3 months
Turning the Page
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Only You Can Love Me This Way 
Chapter 13 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 3624 
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Only You Can Love Me This Way
Chapter Summary: Olivia continues to mentor Riley on how to adapt to Cordonian nobility. Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah babysit William and Bartie, taking them on a Lythikan adventure. Liam and Riley re-connect and discover that their love story is stronger and better than ever. 
Music & Title Inspiration: Only You Can Love Me This Way, Keith Urban 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
A/N3: My submission for choicesjunechallenge, prompts: spatial-hotel / temporal-beginning/   dialogue- “Up for a little trip?” 
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El Alami residence, Rabat, Morocco 
With her ankles crossed delicately underneath her, Madeleine El Alami pulled out her cellular to check the status of the Uber driver. It was still incredibly early in the morning in Morocco, and time was of the essence. Her flight was scheduled to leave in ninety minutes from Rabat – Sale International airport and nothing and/or no one was going to halt her journey. Not even her husband.  
Peeking out from between the fence columns outside her home, she could see the city coming alive as the sun's first rays illuminated the horizon. The people who had been hushed moments before, now filled the streets, greeting each other and heading off to start their day. It was a side of life Madeleine had never experienced before, a stark contrast to the opulence and splendor of her former life at the Cordonian palace. It was a reminder of the sacrifices she had made to follow her heart to be with her lover, Eduardo.  
Now five months pregnant, the former queen, now the wife to the Moroccan diplomat, was leaving this world behind. While her husband slept, Madeleine, along with two hand servants were waiting for the Uber vehicle to roll to a stop at the estate’s front entrance. Her suitcases were hefted on board, as she sat down in the rear seat and buckled herself in. The driver shut the door and the car slowly rolled away, the servants went back inro the estate. 
Her parents' disappointment and dismay had only grown when she told them about her unborn baby on their last visit. Her father coaxed her to pack up and return to his duchy in Karlington, England and start over. Her mother wanted her to move back home to Krona, Cordonia. As usual her parents were worlds apart when it came to their only daughter and her well-being, but they were united against Eduardo. 
However, she was done with being controlled by Eduardo.  Done with her father's demands and her mother's nagging. This time, she was going to do what she wanted to do. And what she wanted to do was to spend the rest of her pregnancy alone. 
As she Uber drove to the airport, Madeleine left her husband, forever closing that chapter, watching the world go by; but not seeing anything. Her mind turned to the letter she had left for her husband. She had no regrets for her actions but hoped her words would provide solace for him. 
She felt nothing. No sadness. No loss.  
She had already mourned her former life and the loss of her title as queen. In its place was a new sense of freedom. And with that new sense of freedom came the hope for a new life, with the baby growing inside her. 
Nevrakis Lodge, Lythikos, Cordonia 
"Are you excited to see Uncle Maxwell and Aunt Savannah today, William?" Liam spoke as he was getting his little prince ready for the day. William giggled. "Yeah!" 
"And you get to ride in a carriage! You have never ridden in one before, have you?" Liam smiled as his son's excitement grew. "YES! Horsies!" the little boy replied enthusiastically, his eyes wide with excitement. Liam chuckled. "Let's go get some breakfast and then we can go and wait for Uncle Max.” 
"Okay, daddy!" William beamed; his excitement shined brightly from his big blue eyes. 
As they entered the hallway, they heard a familiar voice call out, "William! Look at how big you are!" 
"Unca Max!" William cried out, running towards his favorite uncle. 
Maxwell scooped the little boy up in a bear hug, smiling widely. "We're going to have so much fun today, little man!" 
"Where's Bartie?" William was concerned, his eyes searching for his newfound best friend. 
"I'm over here," Bartie replied, popping out from behind his mother. "I wanna play with the horses, too. Can we, Mommy? Pleeease?" 
Savannah gave her son a loving smile. "Well as long as the two of you eat your breakfast first." William bounded over to his little friend. "YAY!" The boys both cheered. Liam strolled over, "Savannah, hello. You look well this morning," Liam kissed her cheek. 
"As do you, your majesty," she replied with a curtsy, bowing her head. “Liam, I am so happy and excited for you and Riley.”
"Thank you, Savannah."
Liam clapped Maxwell on the shoulder. "It is good to see you both, too, Lord Beaumont, Duke Ramsford." 
“Your majesty.” Bertrand bowed and smiled, then stepped back to join his wife. 
"Good to see you too, Li." Maxwell grinned at his childhood friend, as the men watched the boys follow Savannah as she grasped their hands. 
Liam shook his head, a grin on his face. "Those two are inseparable. It's a good thing Bertrand has gotten over his fear of children." 
Maxwell laughed. "Bertrand loves kids, he just has to be the most uptight person on the planet." 
Liam chuckled. "I suppose that's true." 
"Hey Max, are you ready?" called out Savannah from down the hall. 
"Ready to eat always, Savvie ... as I"ll ever be," Maxwell replied, turning to Liam. "So, what's the plan for today?" 
Liam gave a mischievous smile. "Well, I thought you could spend the day with William and Bartie, giving Riley and I a chance to have some alone time." 
Maxwell grinned. "Hah ... sounds like fun," he winked. "You're going to owe me, though." 
Liam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want." 
Maxwell chuckled. "Alright, let's get this show on the road. The kids and my stomach are waiting." 
Liam turned back to adjust his tie and reached for his suit jacket which was draped over a wing chair. He walked to the foyer to meet with Riley and Olivia, Bastien following discreetly behind him. 
"You're dismissed, Damien," Liam said. "I appreciate your vigilance. 
“Of course," Damien bowed and took his leave, joining the other members of the Royal Guard in the hallway. As he closed the door, his eyes wandered across the hallway, where he watched Olivia wrapping William in a hug before turning toward the foyer and the waiting limo outside. 
Damien had been captivated by Olivia from the moment they were introduced. As he watched her wrap the little crown prince in a hug, his mind wandered. 
He could not help but admire her grace and elegance, the way her fiery hair shone underneath the chandelier or when her eyes sparkled when she laughed. 
Damien knew he could never have her, but the thought of being able to spend time with her, to make her laugh and see her smile, was enough to fuel his dreams. 
He wondered what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to kiss her soft lips and feel her body pressed against his. 
But that was all it could ever be, a fantasy, a dream. 
‘What would a Duchess ever see in a guardsman? Olivia is a rare beauty,’ Damien mused. ‘She's not like any other noble, and she doesn't seem to care about the status or title.’ 
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and he straightened up, adjusting his uniform. 
As Damien thoughts went back to his post, his eyes drifted back to Olivia, and he could not help but wonder if there was a chance, however small, that his dreams could become a reality. 
“Olivia, why are you being so secretive?”  Riley inquired again, after spending the morning shopping for clothes and accessories in the city center, the limousine rolled to a stop at the Nevrakis lodge entrance. 
Bastien opened the limousine door as Olivia stepped out. Glancing back to Riley, she smirked, “You are one lucky lady”. Riley’s eyebrow lifted in question. “You, my dear have a final challenge to endure." 
Riley sat and blinked as she took in her words. After reaching for her bags Riley turned her attention to exit the limo after Olivia, when she heard a deep baritone voice, "...Hi." 
Riley looked up to see a six-foot, 4-inch-tall familiar man looking at her with a huge smile. Dressed in a crisp, sleek suit overtopped by an Armani topcoat 
"Liam? ...What are you doing here?" Riley’s eyes went wide as she looked up at her lover. 
"...And dressed like that?”  
“Love, I wouldn't dream of being underdressed for your final challenge." Liam smirked and then chuckled softly watching Riley’s look of disbelief. 
"So, you're here for the challenge too?" 
"You bet. I've been waiting for this moment since you came back to Cordonia."��
"Liam, what is going on?" 
 “This is our final destination. According to Olivia, I am the challenge.” 
"And that would be?" 
Liam smiled wide, not giving out any clues.
"Oh my, this isn't a game show, right?" 
"Not to worry, love. All I know is that Olivia has prepared something for us and it's a surprise." 
"Okay. So, what is this surprise? Please tell me."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil the fun." 
"Liam, I don't like surprises." 
"Love, I know ...I can see that. But, I think you will like this one. This is our last day in Lythikos; I've already been briefed and we're going to have a blast." 
Olivia’s watched their exchange and added, “the last thing you need to get back into fighting form is to reconnect with what you are fighting for. 
...And you have always been driven by your love for Liam; for your family.”
Liam slid his arm around Riley’s waist pulling her close to him. “Which was an unusually sentimental thing to hear Olivia say.” 
Olivia sighed, “a bit saccharine for my tastes, but to each their own. I always thought love was a weakness, but you seem to actually draw strength from each other.” 
Riley’s scrunched her eyebrows, “Just to be clear, my last challenge is to spend time with King Liam Rys?” 
“The whole day, actually. Olivia is taking us into town.” 
“Everyone else will help me take care of William while you’re away.” Olivia added.
“Sweet! Free daycare! I’m really warming up to Lythikos hospitality.” 
“It’s a circumstantial offer. Cherish it while it lasts.” 
Liam kissed Riley’s cheek, “believe me, we plan to.” 
“But Olivia, you’re supposed to be looking into our Madeleine problem....and the press.” 
“Damien and I will dhave everything covered; I promise. 
And you have your marching orders. Reconnect and start fresh, that you may crush your enemies on the morrow.” 
Liam grinned, “Ah, Romantic.” Placing his hand on the small of her back, Liam steered Riley back into the lodge to change into the evening wear that she bought in town. 
Standing at the entrance of the dining room, along with the other guards, Damien Nazario stood vigilantly watching the crown prince. His eyes were sharp and ever watchful. As a trained ex-secret service agent and bodyguard, he knew when people were watching. 
His attention was suddenly drawn to a smattering of voices outside in the main hall, and a moment later, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis entered the dining room, and Damien felt his breath catch. 
She was stunning. She had been stunning the night before, but he had not noticed her beauty fully. This morning, the Duchess wore a form fitting black and grey suit. Her vibrant red hair was done up in a chignon. Damien was entranced by her, but he knew better than to stare. He tore his eyes away from her and glanced down at the floor, taking in the shiny black patent leather of her boots. He swallowed, wondering how they would feel around his neck. He shook his head, trying to clear the image from his mind. He looked up, and his eyes once again caught sight of her, this time her stormy blue green eyes were looking straight into his. 
She arched an eyebrow and tilted her head as she regarded him. Damien's cheeks warmed. 
"Good morning," a voice sounded beside him. 
"Morning," he mumbled, glancing back to where the Duchess had been, only to find her gone. 
Drake chuckled. "See something you like?” 
Inside the limo, Liam and Riley arrived outside an upscale restaurant in the city center.
Bastien opened rhe passenger door and Liam stepped out, holding out his hand for Riley. She took it and climbed out of the limo. She gasped when she looked at the building in front of her. "This is beautiful." 
"You are beautiful," Liam smiled. "And tonight, you will be dining on the best seafood this side of Paris." 
"That's a high bar to live up to." Riley's eyebrows raised. 
Liam chuckled. "It can certainly get the job done." 
They were escorted inside the restaurant, with Liam's hand on the small of her back as they were led to a secluded table overlooking the city center. 
Liam pulled out Riley's chair and she sat down, exposing her long tanned leg through the side slit of her cocktail dress. He sat down and his eyes drank in the sight of her, his gaze lingering on her legs. 
Riley blushed. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Liam looked down. 
Riley reached across the table and took his hand in hers. "Look all you want, Your Majesty." 
Liam lifted his head and locked eyes with her, his blue orbs sparkling. "I have wanted to do this since the night of the Coronation Ball. You were breathtaking that night. I wanted to sweep you into my arms and dance the night away with you. But there was always someone or something getting in the way." 
Riley grasped Liam's hands in hers ...
"Mmm, this whole place smells like fresh bread. I want to eat that smell." 
"I will order the kitchen to prepare you a fresh loaf immediately." Liam grinned. 
Riley threw her head back and laughed. 
"Please do. After Olivia's challenges, I feel like I could devour this entire restaurant." 
"I love the sound of your laugh," Liam whispered. 
Riley's heart skipped a beat. 
Liam's grin widened. "I hope we have many more dates just like this. After Olivia's unique brand of 'help', we've definitely earned this day." 
Riley giggled. "That was the nicest way of saying Olivia was a royal pain in the ass." 
Liam let out a chuckle. "That was very diplomatic of me, thank you." 
Liam smiled as a steaming breadbasket and the entrees were set down on the table. The waiter tops off Riley's red wine and sets a glass of scotch down for Liam. 
Riley picked up her glass and held it aloft. "A toast. To us." 
"To us," he echoed, clinking his glass against hers. 
As Riley takes a sip, the waiter places a small dish in front of her. Inside is a thick chocolate sauce in the shape of a heart, the word "love" written in script, and two berries. 
Riley looked from the dish to Liam, her lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Chocolate covered strawberries? Are you trying to seduce me, Liam?" 
"That depends," Liam replied, a matching grin forming on his face. 
"On what?" Riley asked. 
"Whether or not it's working," he whispered. 
Riley's eyes met his and they burned with desire. 
"I'll take that as a yes." His grin widened and he leaned across the table. Liam took Riley's hand in his, his fingers tracing slow circles on the back of her hand. "You are beautiful. I wish we could have been together from the start." 
Riley's lips formed a soft smile. "So do I, Liam. I don't want this night to end." 
"It doesn't have to." Liam reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, laying them on the table between them. 
"Up for a little trip?” 
Riley's eyes widened. "Are you suggesting we run away together?" 
"One of the best kept secrets in Lythikos is a glass igloo tucked away in the mountains. The perfect view of the stars, the perfect view of the valley." 
Riley bit her lip and looked up at him from under her lashes. "I think I might have found the perfect view right here." 
"It's also very secluded. Not another soul for miles." Liam winked. 
Demurely smiling, Riley added, "I can think of a few ways to take advantage of that." 
"So can I ... if you're up for the trip." 
Riley picked up the keys, the smile on her face growing wider. "Let's skip the dinner and jump right to the dessert."
"Then we should leave right now," he suggested, his eyes never leaving hers. After a few calls, Liam stands and offers his arm to Riley. 
Riley slipped her arm through his and together they headed out of the restaurant, and back into the waiting limo. 
The driver was already waiting and pulled the car into the traffic. They passed through the city streets and up into the mountains. It was dark when the car finally pulled up in front of a domed glass structure. Stepping inside, the entire frozen mountainside stretched out around on all sides, a beautiful aurora shined through the ceiling panels. 
"Oh Liam, this place is unreal ... it's all the natural wonder of camping with the comfort of a five star hotel." 
"And a lot more privacy." Liam added.
"After the past few weeks, I really wanted to get you away and alone," Liam softly spoke, his arms slipping around Riley's waist. 
She placed her hands over his. "Me, too. I don't want this day to end." 
"I have one more surprise for you." 
Riley smiled. "Is that why you brought me here? For a surprise?" 
"No. I brought you here because I want to be alone with you." He kissed her cheek, his lips trailing along her jawline and down her neck. 
Riley's eyelids fluttered and she tilted her head back. "Mmm, is that so?" 
Liam nuzzled his nose against the spot behind her ear. "I wanted to do this all evening." 
"What's stopping you now?" 
He grinned. "Nothing." 
Liam pressed his lips to hers. She melted into him and deepened the kiss. His tongue sought hers and they moved together in unison. He cupped her ass and pulled her into him, her curves conforming to his body. 
Riley's hands tangled into his hair, her fingers tugging. Liam moaned into her mouth, his desire rising. Together tumbling back onto the bed, legs tangling as they fall down onto the plush mattress. 
A while later, Liam's fingers combed absently through Riley's hair as they watched the way the colors and lights swirled around, constantly changing.... It was hypnotic. 
"When I look up into the sky ... I see you. I see something beautiful, brilliant, untamable ... a breathtaking force of nature. I know that we have been through a lot, but when you're in my arms like this ... I also know that we can find a way through it together, if you'll let me."
Riley sighed happily. "Liam..."
*I know, love, that I said I wouldn't bring it up again, but after tonight, I need to tell you that I'm so sorry for everything." 
"Liam, it's okay, I know you had to do it. I know the weight of the world was on your shoulders, and you had to do what's best for your people, that's your duty. But you have to also do what's best for yourself. We all do." 
Liam's grip tightened slightly around her waist. "That's what I want. You...
"Riley. I love you. And William. I can't imagine my life without you both in it."
"I love you too, Liam," she whispered. "So much..."
"Do you forgive me?" Liam asked quietly in earnest. 
"Of course, I forgive you. I am so sorry that I was a coward and left without telling you about..."
"SSHHH! There is nothing to forgive you for, Riley. You were just doing what you felt you had to do. I am so sorry that the court was so unfair to you. My father ..." 
"Liam, please. Let's just focus on the present."
"... and the future." LIam added with a kiss...
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@choicesficwriterscreations @thosehallowedhalls
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
Cordonia and Drakovia fr
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storyofmychoices · 1 month
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Geometric Maxwell Beaumont
For @fictionangyl
There are 150 shapes (not including the squid...I merged those layers before counting them)
[Geometric Art Masterlist]
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
Heir Apparent Chapter 21: Not According to Plan
Series: Heir Apparent.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Liam x Riley (past)
Rating: MA
Warnings: Mature themes, language, Depression
Word Count: 2,307
Everything else: Master List.
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In the months following the press conference, things settled considerably with Liam. He had stopped pushing the idea of a Cordonian Arrangement and had been nothing but solicitous and courteous with both Drake and Riley.
All of them continued with therapy and progress had been made. Liam and Drake gradually fell back into the patterns of their lifelong friendship as the tension between them eased.
Riley and Drake agreed to relocate temporarily to the palace as they awaited the birth of Cordonia’s heir. While things had calmed between the three of them, the press had only ramped up their frenzy over the impending birth.
Riley couldn’t go anywhere without being set upon by the paparazzi, so she stopped going out. Everything and everyone came to her. It was both a perk and a restriction of being the mother to the heir apparent to the throne.
The baby was doing well, they had collectively decided to wait and find out the gender at birth. They had learned to do a lot of things collectively, everyone was settled and happy, or at least content with the way things were.
Then all hell broke loose.
“Remind me again why I have to attend this ball tonight?” Riley grumbled as she pulled at her dress while frowning at her reflection in the mirror.
She was tired. She was huge. Her feet hurt.
“Because it’s a tradition, καρδιά μου,”  Drake told her gently as he grasped her shoulder and turned her around to face him. “And you can stop fussing with the dress. You look beautiful.”
“Well, it’s a stupid tradition,” she muttered with a shake of her head. Her bad mood evaporated as she looked up into her husband’s face. “Can you sneak me out of there early?”
“You know this ball is in your honor, right?”
“It’s in the baby’s honor not mine,” she quipped, “And the baby wants to go to bed early tonight.”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you. And if Bradshaw and Isabella start pushing a marriage alliance again, I might punch someone so be prepared for that.”
“I thought Liam was clear with them that he was abolishing marriage contracts on behalf of minors.”
“He was.” She heaved a deep sigh as her hands caressed her stomach. “That hasn’t stopped them from trying.”
He pulled her tight against him. “Just let me know if you want me to have them thrown out.”
That got a laugh out of her. “If only. But I’m pretty sure that would cause a whole political incident.”
“I’m willing to risk it,” he told her with a teasing grin.
“Stop,” she giggled as she playfully hit his shoulder. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
The grand ballroom was filled with Cordonian aristocracy and a few foreign dignitaries. There always seemed to be a few of them visiting at any given time.
She had agreed to one dance with Liam. She was afraid that was all her feet could take, but the dance was also a tradition. The expectant parents taking one last turn on the dance floor before the little one's arrival.
Of course, that dance was usually between a married king and queen. Not always though. Bertrand had listed seven specific examples from Cordonian history that defied the tradition when she had complained about it. She and Liam were the parents and that was what mattered, and no one seemed fussed about the fact that she was married to someone else.
Riley entered the ballroom on her husband’s arm but quickly found herself whisked away by the king. She stood by Liam’s side as they accepted congratulations from the nobility. When the meet and greet portion of the evening was over, he led her out onto the dance floor. Her eyes found Drake in the crowd. He gave her an encouraging smile and the tension drained out of her body.
She forced her attention back to Liam and smiled up into his eyes for the benefit of the crowd.
She had learned well how to play the game of swaying public opinion.
The smile faltered as she correctly clocked that the grin he was giving her in return was also forced.
No matter her own feelings on the subject, Liam always had a ready and genuine smile for her. Her brow creased in concern. “What’s wrong?”
A look of startlement crossed his face quickly replaced by gleeful satisfaction as he beamed at her. “You know that you’re the only one that can see through my diplomatic façade, right?”
Despite her sore feet, despite the unconventional situation they found themselves in, despite the drama and trauma of the past several months, despite the fatigue that had set in her very bones, she found his simple, pure joy at their connection contagious. The smile on her face broadened and ripened into a true expression of happiness. “Am I?”
“Yes,” he assured her without hesitation as he spun her around the room.
“Then don’t you think you should tell me what’s wrong?”
His face fell as he considered the problem weighing on his mind. “I don’t want to burden you.”
Riley’s heart dropped. No matter what else had gone down between the three of them, she and Liam had always maintained a close friendship. Placing and holding boundaries that needed to be held to maintain her marriage had not always been easy, but she thought they were finally all in a good place. “Liam, please. I’m here to support you. I want to help if I can, even if that means just listening.”
He hated himself a little for the way her simple declaration made his heart start dancing wildly in his chest. She might be carrying his child, and he might be in love with her, but she wasn’t his. Not anymore. He drew in a deep breath as he fought against confiding in her, but he knew he was going to. There was no one else he wanted to discuss this with.
His grip tightened around her as he leaned closer so they wouldn’t be overheard. “Bastien has a lead on my mother’s death.”
“What?” Shock coursed through her. “Since when? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Liam shook his head. “You’ve had so much on your plate getting ready for childbirth, Riley. You’ve been tired and—”
“That’s all true but—"
“The doctor said you should avoid stress.”
The next few minutes were a chaotic haze that she would barely remember later.
Their conversation was interrupted as the dance ended. They bowed politely to the crowd and before she could ask follow-up questions, Bastien had whisked him away.
Drake got pulled into the conversation, leaving her on the sidelines with Max when she was hit by a wave of dizziness, followed by the worst headache she’d ever experienced. She reached out for Max as she struggled to keep her balance. Everything went blurry.
“What is it, blossom? What’s wrong?”
“I….I…..” everything went black. She felt Max’s arms catch her before she hit the floor. She heard the ballroom burst into panicked shrieks and yells. Somewhere in the distance, an alarm was clanging.
When the room swam back into view, she found herself looking up into several concerned faces. Drake, Max, Liam, Hana, Olivia. “What happened?”
“That’s what we want to know.” Drake smoothed her hair as he peered into her eyes with urgency. “Are you okay?”
“Maybe.” She pushed up into sitting, glancing around at the room that had been plunged into semi darkness. The main lights were out leaving only the emergency lighting powered by the backup generator. The music was gone and there was a loud roar coming from the crowd. She swung her arm around the room. “I meant what happened here.”
Every eye shot to Liam. His jaw tightened. “It would appear that Godfrey was behind my mother’s murder. He got away by activating the new security system. Give us a few moments and we’ll get you out of here and to a hospital.”
“Oh, Liam, I’m so sorry!”
He gaped at her in astonishment. “I appreciate that but it’s hardly the important thing at the moment. I’ve waited this long to get justice, I can wait a bit longer. Right now we have to make sure you and the baby are okay.”
Drake and Liam helped her to her feet but the moment she was upright, her vision swam again, and she stumbled as a contraction ripped through her.
Through the ringing in her ears she was vaguely aware of a lot of shouting. Drake was yelling for a doctor, Liam was yelling for security to open the door, Max might have been crying. Hana was definitely crying and Olivia was barking orders about finding the nurse that was supposed to be on duty.
Liam’s voice pierced through her consciousness as he roared, “What do you mean you can’t? You’re the head of palace security how do you not have the goddamn security codes?”
She felt herself lifted into Drake’s arms. “I’m taking her to the hospital wing, someone find the fucking doctor!”
As Drake disappeared carrying Riley out of the ballroom, Isabella materialized at Liam’s side. “Is there anything we can do to help?”
“Unless you can get those doors open or happen to have a doctor with you, I doubt it.” Liam snapped before turning to scream at his personal assistant, “Where is Dr. Russo?”
“You can’t find your doctor? Seems wildly irresponsible on her part, doesn't it? To be missing when Her Grace is so close to her delivery date.”
Liam’s rage trembled, the white hot anger the only thing holding him on this side of falling into the abyss of hopelessness. Both his assistant and the head of his guard had told him that the palace had been searched thoroughly and Dr. Russo was nowhere to be found. Her phone was going straight to voicemail.
“We would be happy to lend you ours.” Isabella purred with smug satisfaction.
Liam’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, you just happen to have an OB with you? While ours is missing. That is suspiciously convenient.”
“Oh, he goes everywhere with us.” Isabella waved her hand dismissively. “He's our children’s personal doctor. We never leave home without him.”
“So, he’s a pediatrician?”
“He’s double board certified in pediatrics and obstetrics.”
“We can also get that door open,” Bradshaw popped up to interject. “So your doctor can get in. Whenever you find her.”
Overwhelming relief poured through him. “Yes, thank you, that would be amazing! We would appreciate it immensely. Where’s the doctor? How soon can you get the doors open?”
“Not so fast.” Isabella gloated. “Before we do either of those things, we need to discuss terms.”
Icy cold dread snaked down Liam’s spine. “Terms?”
“Yes. Our doctor isn’t licensed in Cordonia. But if we were allies—"
“Not to mention,” Bradshaw added, “We can’t just break down your palace doors unless we’re allies. That could be seen as an act of war.”
“No.” Liam’s head shook vigorously. “I’m giving you the go ahead, there would be no—”
“Still. International opinion, NATO regulations, Council rules—”
“Fine!” The fury was back, and Liam could barely restrain it as he tried to push the discussion along and secure help for Riley before it was too late. “What are your terms?”
Two minutes later Liam entered the hospital room to find an unconscious Riley hooked up to an IV and monitors. He sent a silent prayer of thanks that he’d had the hospital wing installed when his father was dying. “How is she?”
The nurse on duty approached him. “Not good. She has sudden onset preeclampsia. She’s stabilized for the moment, but the baby needs to be delivered right away.”
“Can you do that?”
“Me?” the young woman gave him a deer in the headlights stare. “No, Your Majesty. I’m a nurse, she needs a surgeon.”
“Have they found Dr. Russo?” Drake demanded.
“No. But there is another solution.” Liam quickly updated Drake on Isabella and Bradshaw’s offer.
Drake stared at him in disbelief. “This is a setup. You see that, right?”
“I admit that it’s very suspicious, but the fact remains that we need a doctor, and we need the palace doors opened. They can provide both.”
“But only if you affiance your unborn child to their heir! That’s extortion!”
“It is.”
“You promised her you would never do that!”
“I did. But these are exigent circumstances.”
Drake shook his head in denial. “Dr Russo... You've known her all your life there's no way she would just disappear without telling anyone anything! Isabella and Bradshaw are using this to get what they want!”
“They are.” Liam agreed, his voice cracking a little, betraying his fear and pain. “But what choice do we have?”
Drake’s head swiveled from Liam to Riley and then back. “But we can’t agree to what they’re asking!”
 “We need a doctor, Drake.”
 “She needs her doctor, Liam!”
“Her doctor isn’t here.”
“As her husband, I’m forbidding you—"
“As the father of the baby and the king, it’s my call. You can sue me when all this is over if you want.” Liam spun and headed for the door.
“What if she never speaks to you again? What if she hates you for it?”
He paused for a fraction of an instant with a glance back at the unconscious woman. “At least she'll be alive to hate me.”
Before he made it out the door, Riley’s body convulsed. The nurse pushed some medication through the IV as she yelled over her shoulder, “If you have a doctor that can get the baby out of her, do it now!”
Liam's eyes flicked briefly to Drake who was openly weeping. “Do it,” he whispered hoarsely, “Do whatever you have to.”
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sfb123 · 1 year
Leaping to Conclusions
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: The pressure to produce an heir is getting to Liam and Riley, leading them to turn to some unconventional methods.
Rating: PG, Adult Language
Word Count: 1,395
A/N: This fic is insanity guys, I'm not even going to pretend it's anything but. I learned the most absurd fun fact this week, and after sharing it with pretty much everyone I know, @ao719 convinced me that it needed to be a fic, and here we are.
For the record, this story doesn't take place in any of my timelines. My Liam and Riley can be weird, but never this weird. 😂
I am participating in @choicesflashfics, the prompt: “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” will appear in bold below.
And finally, nobody has pre-read this, so apologies in advance for my horrendous grammar, and anything else about it that sucks.
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Riley’s eyes fluttered open as she felt Liam’s lips trailing slowly across her shoulder. She moaned softly and arched back into him. 
“Good morning, love.” He whispered huskily into her ear. 
“When it starts like this it is.” She replied, reveling in the attention she was receiving from her husband. 
As his hand traveled up her body, her stomach started to lurch. Her hand flew to her mouth and she leapt out of his arms and rushed to the bathroom of their guest room in the Walker ranch. Liam sat up and watched with worry as the door slammed shut. 
After a few moments, Liam stood and approached the door. He could hear his wife on the other end, and he knew exactly what was going on. He rapped gently on the door. “Riley, are you alright? Can I get you anything?”  
The only response he received were a few more retching noises, followed by the toilet flushing. Soon after, the door opened, and Liam met Riley’s red, blotchy eyes. “Sorry.” 
Liam wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against him. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault.” They stood there in silence as Liam held her. “Riley, do you think you may need to take a test?” 
Since the royal couple had gotten married, they’d been facing pressure to produce an heir. While they did not take their positions as monarchs lightly, for them, it was more about building a family together. 
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Riley shrugged before returning to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Liam took a seat at the end of the bed to wait for her. 
“Oh no!” Liam stood and rushed back to the door at Riley’s cry. She came back into the bedroom, more distraught than she had been before. “I dropped the test in the toilet.” She buried her head in her hands. 
Liam chuckled slightly, as he wrapped his arm around her. He had read that pregnancy hormones could cause overreactions; he assumed, hoped, that was why she was so upset. “It’s alright, just take another one.”
“Liam, it was the last one!” She snapped.
He stepped back, shocked by her aggression. “That’s alright, we can go into town and get more.” 
“Are you kidding?!” Riley threw her hands up in frustration before moving to the bed and dropping down, burying her face in the pillow. “The press has been all over us, the last thing I need is for them to get a picture of me buying pregnancy tests!” 
Liam sat beside her on the bed, rubbing her back gently as he racked his brain for a solution. “I’ve got it!” 
Riley rolled over and sat up, leaning against the headboard. “What?” 
“We’re in Texas, surely there is a frog around here somewhere.” He said as he moved to the dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans. 
“Liam, this is no time to go wildlife gazing, I might be carrying the heir!” Riley chided him.
“Love calm down, the frog will be able to tell us.” He said matter of factly as he continued to get dressed. 
Her face contorted into a confused expression. “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” 
He sat beside her on the bed and slid on his boots. “For about twenty years, starting in the nineteen forties, before the pregnancy tests we are familiar with today, there was the Hogben test. A British zoologist, Lancelot Hogben, discovered that when urine samples from pregnant women were injected into frogs, the frog would spawn eggs within eighteen hours. It was the most rapid and reliable pregnancy test of the time.” 
Riley stared at her husband in stunned silence. “How the fuck do you even know that?” 
“I like history.” He shrugged. 
Still befuddled by her husband’s solution, Riley took a deep breath. “So you want to inject a frog with my pee, and then in 18 hours either nothing happens and I’m not pregnant, or I am pregnant and we also have a hundred and seventy two frog eggs?” 
“They’re called frogspawn, love.” He corrected. 
She slapped her palm against her forehead. “Yeah, because that’s the most crucial thing in this conversation.”
“I’m sorry, force of habit,” Liam smiled sheepishly. “Would you like to try it? It’s a fascinating concept, I would be interested to see it in action.” 
“Liam, I don’t even want to touch a frog, let alone do science experiments on it.”
“I’ll take care of everything,” he insisted. “I’ll just need your… well, your um… sample.” 
Riley chuckled when Liam started to get flustered. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy, and all I have to do is pee in a cup, then let’s give it a try.” 
Liam grinned and leaned in, planting a quick kiss on Riley’s lips. “Excellent!”
“I guess Kermit was right, it’s not easy being green.” Riley said, shaking her head. 
Liam made his way to a nearby pond in search of the perfect frog. His eyes roamed the banks in search of his test subject. “If I were a frog, where would I be?” 
Finally, he noticed a slight movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see a frog seated on a nearby rock. “Perfect.” He stalked toward his prey, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. 
Liam was so laser focused that he didn’t notice Drake coming up behind him, curiously observing the actions of his best friend. “Li, what the fuck are you doing?” 
Drake’s words startled Liam and before he had time to catch himself, he tumbled over into the pond as the frog lept away. Drake cackled as the King of Cordonia sat waist deep in the pond glaring at him. 
“Sorry,” Drake apologized as he reached down, helping Liam out of the water. “But seriously, what are you doing?”
“Riley might be pregnant,” he answered.
Drake furrowed his brow, even more confused now that he had the explanation. “Okay, so you decided to go frog hunting to celebrate?” 
“No, we lost the test,” he responded. When Drake continued to stare at him with a blank expression, Liam sighed and explained the Hogben test just as he had done for Riley earlier. 
“And Brooks agreed to go along with this?” Drake chuckled.
“We would do anything for eachother.” 
Drake rolled his eyes and moved toward the pond. A few moments later he returned with a frog. 
“How did you do that?” Liam marveled. 
“You had your training growing up, I had mine.” He shrugged in reply. 
Liam took the frog from Drake, thanking him for his efforts and began walking back to the house. 
“I’ve gotta see this.” Drake said to himself as he followed Liam. 
Liam entered the house heading toward the stairs, until he saw Riley sitting with Madeleine on the living room couch. When he stepped up to them, he noticed the crestfallen expression on his wife’s face. 
“Love, what’s wrong?” 
“I’m not pregnant,” she responded, her eyes trained on the floor. 
“But how do you know? I’ve got the frog right here.” He held it up to show her. 
Madeleine stood from the couch, glaring in confusion and disgust at the sight in front of her. “When I was in town this morning, I bought some tests. I figured you would need them.” 
“Oh Riley,” Liam moved to Riley, outstretching his arms. 
“Liam,” she held a hand up to stop him from getting any closer. “You’re slimy, and wet… and holding a frog.” 
“Oh, right.” Liam looked down at himself, and the frog in his hands. “I should shower. Care to join me?” He asked slyly. 
“Um… maybe you should handle this one solo,” she cringed. 
Liam handed the frog over to Madeleine, who grabbed it instinctively. He signaled for Riley to follow him, and they made their way up the stairs to the bedroom.
“So you’re not going to pee on a frog?” Drake called out as they exited the room. 
“Ugh,” Madeleine groaned. “None of this would be happening if I were queen.” She turned to Drake, thrusting the frog in his direction. “Make yourself useful and deal with this thing.” She stormed out of the room, mumbling to herself, questioning where things went wrong for her.
Drake looked down at the frog with a grin. “God I love Texas.”  
@3pawandme @alj4890 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @malblk21 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn
@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
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New York Bound - Trystan x Gabriel by @somewillwin
Thank you for yet another gorgeous art piece, Gabi!!
If y’all get a chance, go get a beautiful commission of your own!
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Sent by anonymous
‘I personally don’t understand the love for the royal romance books. I don’t think they are really bad, but the amount of books they got was just a bit insane to me.’
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masked-alien-lesbian · 8 months
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"Just focus on me, my love, you have nothing to fear." Hana says calming your nerves. You attempt a shaky smile, wipe your sweaty palms on your waist, take your wife in your arms, fall into her warm reassuring eyes and lose yourself into the steps of the Auvernese tango.
🔥🔥🔥dancing the tango with Hana Lee 😍😍
One of my favorite scenes in the TRH series is performing the Auvernese tango against Isabella and Bradshaw. We got to show them up as well as spend an intimate moment with our wife ❤️.
I absolutely love this beautiful commission done by the talented @sazanes. Thank you so so so much for bringing my favorite OC to life. I've done several edits of Raelyn but never could quite get them right, but you portrayed them just perfectly. I can't wait to see more of the couple in the future! 💕
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farizrz · 1 year
A character supposed to die in TRR book 2 by TRR writer, Kara
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choices-binglebonkus · 2 months
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
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tessa-liam · 1 month
Turning the Page
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 4816 
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Chapter Summary: Daniel & Matteo get married in Greece 
Music Inspiration:
Unchained Melody, Righteous Brothers 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
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A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesaugustchallenge , prompt "Summer Wedding"
"What an amazing wedding venue!" Riley gushed as she and Liam leisurely strolled, hand-in hand along the pristine beach with William. "This white sand ... the turquoise water ... it's absolutely breathtaking!"  
Liam smiled tenderly as he admired her elation and innocent amazement of the seaside in front of the hotel. Arriving on the island of Santorini, the weeklong pre wedding festivities began as wedding guests arrived to join the celebration. 
“It truly is," Liam agreed as he also took in the beauty of the scenery." I can definitely see why Daniel and Matteo chose this location. However, I must say that Cordonian bea --" 
Interrupting his father, William tugged his hand and pulled, "Daddy, I wanna play in the water. Pleeaaase?!" 
“Is that so?”
William squealed when Liam at once picked him up and twirled him around, giggling and clapping his hands in delight.
"He's getting so big!" Riley cooed, reaching out to tickle William's belly. "You're such a big boy now, aren't you?" 
William grinned and nodded. "I'm three now, mama!" Grinning and patting his chest proudly. 
"That's right, Will," Liam chuckled, giving him a high-five. "You're growing up so fast!" 
They continued their walk along the beach, taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Riley slipped her arm through Liam's and leaned her head against his shoulder. William began to pull away from them to follow a seagull that flew up from the water's edge. 
"William, don't run too far ahead," Riley called after him. 
"I won't mama," William called back, slowing his pace. Damien, who followed close behind, kept an eye on the prince. As they continued their walk along the beach, Riley and Liam enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on their skin and the gentle breeze blowing through their hair. 
"What a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon," Liam smiled joyfully. "This is what I have always dreamed of -- you by my side, with children underfoot ...enjoying life with my family." 
"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," Riley said, returning his smile. 
"Nor I, Riley," Liam said, placing his arm around her waist pulling her closer. 
"I'm so happy for Daniel and Matteo," she sighed. "They're perfect for each other." 
"And so are we." 
"We are," Riley murmured, tilting her head as she leaned up and captured his lips. The kiss was slow and deep; savoring the taste of him.  
Liam's tongue brushed against hers, sending a thrill of desire throughout her body. He pulled her even closer, his hand splayed on the small of her back. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently as she kissed him harder. 
They were so caught up in each other that they did not even notice when Maxwell, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie strolled alongside. 
"Hey, lovebirds," Savannah called, breaking them out of their passionate embrace quickly. 
"Sorry," Riley giggled, her cheeks flushing. 
"It's okay, you're just young and in love," Savannah smiled, giving her a knowing wink. "But don't forget, there are little eyes around, too." 
"Yes, save some of that for later, you two," Bertrand chimed in, indignantly.  
"You're one to talk, Bertrand," Maxwell guffawed. "I've seen the way you and Savannah can't keep your hands off of each other." 
"I suppose you have a point," Bertrand conceded, looking pleased with himself. Liam acknowledged, "Duke Beaumont, you are correct. It is good to relax and spend time with the people we care about. It's what we all need." 
"Indeed," Bertrand said, his eyes sparkling. 
"We'll try to keep our hands off each other, just for you," Riley laughed, teasing the elder Beaumont. 
"Good, thank you," Bertrand huffed. 
Maxwell chuckled, "Yeah, I'll make sure Bertrand behaves himself in public, too. For Bartie's sake, of course."
"What are you talking about?" Savannah asked, her brows furrowing. 
Bertrand’s eyebrows shot up in annoyance. "Nothing," Maxwell and Bertrand said in unison. 
Bartie, seeing William up ahead, tugs his mother's hand wanting to join his friend. 
"Bartie, don't go too far," Savannah called as he sped off to join William.  
"Please excuse me, your majesty," Bertrand quickly followed the chase. 
Liam and Riley exchanged an amused look and continued their stroll along the beach, hand in hand. “Hey, Max, how did you convince your brother to come to the beach, anyway?" Riley grinned mischievously. 
“Ha,” I had to bribe him,” Maxwell shook his head, chuckling. “I told him if he would come out here that I would look after Bartie during the wedding. He was reluctant at first, but eventually, he caved.” 
"That's sweet of you, Maxwell," Riley said. 
"Yes, Maxwell, that's noble of you. It is good that you are looking after your nephew. You're a great uncle." 
"Thanks, Liam. I appreciate that." 
"Of course," Liam smiled. "What on Earth--"
Up ahead, as Bertrand pursued his son, the chase ended when he tripped and landed face first, with a splash, into the water. 
"Bert!" Savannah called out, "Bartie, what did I tell you?" 
"Sorry, mommy," Bartie said sheepishly. 
"Bertrand, are you okay?" Maxwell asked, rushing to his brother's side. 
Bertrand grunted, pulling himself up and wiping his face. "I think that's enough for today," he said, looking annoyed. 
Savannah giggled, "It's okay, Bertrand. Accidents happen." 
"Right," he nodded, with a look of disgust at his wet clothing. 
"Let's get out of here before something else happens." Maxwell chimed in, trying, but failing not to laugh. 
"I think that's a good idea," Liam said, suppressing his amusement. 
"Yes, I'm fine," Bertrand grunted as he stood up, soaking wet. 
"Let me help you with that, Bert," Savannah offered, handing him a towel. 
"Thank you, Savannah," Bertrand said, taking the towel. 
Maxwell helped his brother dry off while Bartie looked on, a look of concern on his face. "Father, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you fall into the water." 
"It's alright, Bartie. Accidents happen," Bertrand replied, giving the boy a small smile. 
"Come on, let's get you back to the hotel so you can change into some dry clothes," Savannah said, taking Bartie's hand. 
"Yes, good idea. Let's go," Maxwell followed behind, shaking his head with a smirk. 
As they walked, Bertrand turned his head back to Maxwell. "Did you see what happened? I could have sworn that there was a shark fin in the water. It looked like it was heading straight for Bartie!" 
"A shark? Really?" Maxwell burst out laughing uncontrollably. 
Damien, overhearing their conversation, grinned as he turned with William and walked towards Liam and Riley. 
"That was quite the scene, huh?" Damien quietly commented and snickered. 
"It was something," Liam nodded, as he bit the inside of his cheek, successfully holding his laughter. 
"It was quite entertaining," Riley chuckled. "Bertrand needs to come out here more often, especially with Bartie. He is so sweet." 
"Having his son and Savannah with him at House Beaumont has been a positive influence on him." Liam replied. "Bartie is just curious and adventurous. He's a good kid." 
"He's a little rascal," Damien laughed. 
"Maybe, but he's a cute one," Riley added. 
Damien stopped walking as he noticed Olivia and Drake up ahead at the hotel entrance. 
"I'll be right back," Damien said, making his way towards the entrance. 
Riley watched him leave; her brow furrowed in question. "What's going on?" 
"Well, I think Duchess Olivia has an admirer." 
"Is that so?" Riley asked, her interest piqued. 
"It would appear that way," Liam said, his lips curving into a knowing smile. 
As Damien approached closer, he saw Olivia and Drake locked in an intense discussion. He could not make out what they were saying, but he had a feeling that things were getting heated. 
"We should keep walking," Riley said, smiling coyly at Liam. "Yes, let's get out of here." Liam agreed, taking her hand and leading her further down the beach. 
"This is the perfect place for a honeymoon," Riley mused. "Greece is so romantic." 
"Do you see that temple over there, Riley?" Liam asked, motioning to a magnificent structure that rose up from the shore of the main island. 
"That's the Temple of Apollo," he continued. "It's one of the most famous monuments in Greece." 
"Wow, it's gorgeous," Riley breathed, awestruck. "It looks like something out of a movie." 
"The ancient Greeks were known for their exquisite architecture," Liam explained. "They used materials like marble and limestone to create these stunning monuments." 
"It's incredible to think that something so beautiful has lasted for thousands of years," Riley pondered. "I wish I could have seen the world back then, when these temples were still new." 
"Me too," Liam chuckled. "Although I'm not sure how I would have adjusted to a time without modern technology." 
"True," Riley laughed. "I can barely manage going without my phone for a few hours, let alone a lifetime." 
As they continued to walk along the beach, Liam regaled her with stories about the Greek gods and goddesses, and how their myths had inspired the Greeks to create some of the most iconic art and literature in the world. Riley listened with rapt attention, enthralled by the stories of love, betrayal, and heroism. 
"So, which god do you think would be the best fit for you, Liam?" she asked teasingly. 
"Hmm, that's a tough question," he chuckled. "But I think I would have to say, Hermes, the god of travel and trade." 
"A good choice," Riley nodded. "What about me?" 
"Definitely Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty," he replied without hesitation. 
"Wow, high praise indeed," she blushed. 
"It's no less than you deserve, my love," he murmured, kissing her cheek softly. 
The sun was beginning to set over the sea, casting a warm, golden glow over the beach. The breeze ruffled Riley's hair as she leaned against Liam's chest, her heart filled with joy and contentment. 
"Thank you for coming here with me, Liam," she whispered. "This means so much to me." 
"It is my pleasure, Riley," he murmured, holding her close. "I'll never get tired of seeing the world with you." 
He leaned in and moved a lock of hair behind her ear, and kissed her lips, as she melted into his arms. 
Daniel and Matteo’s wedding day... 
The setting was stunning, with the Aegean Sea providing a breathtaking backdrop. The guests were greeted with glasses of champagne, and Riley and Liam mingled with their friends and Matteo's family.  
 As the sun started to set, Riley noticed that Daniel and Matteo had not arrived yet. She began to wonder if there had been any delays, but as she was about to text them, the guests heard a motorboat approaching the shore.  
 Riley gasped as she saw the two grooms arrive on the boat, looking dashing in their tuxedos. The guests cheered as the two men disembarked and made their way towards the ceremony venue. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song as Daniel and Matteo walked down the aisle, arm in arm. 
"Welcome, family and friends, to the wedding of Daniel and Matteo," the officiant began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two wonderful people in marriage. 
“Daniel and Matteo have chosen to write their own vows, which they will now recite to each other." 
Matteo nodded and took Daniel’s hand. 
"Daniel, when I first met you, I knew you were someone special. You are intelligent, kind, and incredibly generous. You have brought so much joy into my life, and I am so grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." 
Matteo paused and took a deep breath, his eyes glistening with tears. "Danny, I promise to love and support you, to be by your side through good times and bad, and to share in your dreams and ambitions. I will love you and cherish you for all the days of my life." 
With tears in his eyes, Daniel takes a deep, shuddered breath. 
 "Matteo, When I first met you, I never imagined that we would end up together. But every moment we have shared since that day has made me realize that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are kind, funny, and so very dear to me. Thank you for making me a better person and for loving me unconditionally. I vow to be your partner in all things, to stand by your side through the ups and downs of life and to love you forever and always.” 
After the exchange of rings, the officiant asks, "Matteo, do you take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 
"I do," Matteo replied, his voice thick with emotion. 
“And Daniel, do you take Matteo as your lawfully wedded husband?” 
“Yes, yes, I do.” Daniel smiled through his tears. 
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom!" 
Daniel and Matteo wasted no time embracing and kissing each other passionately. The guests applauded and cheered. 
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo!" the officiant announced. 
"I love you, husband," Matteo said, cupping Daniel's face. 
"And I love you, husband," Daniel replied, kissing him again. 
The newlyweds made their way down the aisle, surrounded by their friends and family. As they walked, they could hear the guests chanting "kiss, kiss, kiss!" 
Finally, Daniel and Matteo obliged, stopping to give each other a long, loving kiss. Matteo lifted Daniel's hand in thew air and with the other he lifted a glass. Grinning, he smashed it down and yelled, "Opa!" 
Matteo chuckled. "I can't wait for our honeymoon." 
"Same," Daniel grinned. 
Riley smiled as she watched the two men walk off hand in hand. She turned to Liam, her eyes sparkling with happiness. 
"That was so beautiful," she said, her voice full of emotion. "They are truly in love." 
"They are," Liam agreed, his voice tinged with sadness. 
Riley turned to him; a questioning look in her eyes. "Are you okay, Liam?" 
Liam nodded; his expression somber. "I'm just thinking about the past. How could my life have been different if I had chosen you from the start." 
"But you did choose me," Riley reminded him, her tone gentle. 
"Yes, but at my coronation --," Liam began, his tone regretful. "If I had given you that ring, things would be so different." 
Riley placing her hand on his cheek, “we're together now, and that's all that matters. I'm so glad you came with me here," she said softly. 
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he replied, his voice low and husky. 
He leaned in and captured her lips, and she happily responded. 
Amidst the cheers and applause, the guests were gathering for the traditional Greek wedding dance. Riley and Liam were swept up in the moment, as Maxwell and Savannah linked arms with them as they joined in the dance. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song, and the guests formed a circle around the newlyweds. 
"This is called a Syrtos," the band leader explained. "It's a traditional Greek dance that symbolizes the union of two souls. Daniel and Matteo, if you will please take the center of the circle." 
"Now, everyone, join hands and begin the Kalamatianos," the band leader instructed. 
The guests joined hands and began to dance, circling around the newlyweds. 
"Great! Now, the bride and groom will walk around the inside of the circle, holding hands. Opa!!!" 
Daniel and Matteo danced around the inside of the circle, their arms linked. As they passed their friends and family, they shared smiles and hugs. 
"This is a wonderful tradition," Liam whispered in Riley's ear. 
"I know, it's beautiful," she agreed, smiling. 
The dance came to an end, and the guests broke into applause. 
"Thank you all for joining us on this special day," Matteo called out, his smile beaming. "We are so happy that you could share in our celebration. We hope you have a wonderful time and that you will join us for the reception." The reception was a beautiful blend of traditional and modern, with delicious Greek cuisine and a lively dance floor.  
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo," Riley said, giving them both hugs. 
"Thank you, Riley," Matteo replied, smiling. 
"We're so happy for you both," Liam added, shaking Daniel's hand. 
"Thanks, Liam," Daniel said. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a reception to get to!" 
With that, Daniel and Matteo made their way to the wedding feast, hand in hand. The guests followed, ready to continue the celebration. 
The newlyweds were soon swept away by the joy and excitement of their reception, and the party began in earnest. Loud music played and the guests danced and celebrated well into the night. 
Riley and Liam spent the evening talking and laughing with their friends, and when it was time to cut the cake, the couple fed each other a slice, much to the delight of the guests and then snuck off to take some photos. 
William pointed to the wedding cake displayed on a nearby table. "Look, Mama! Big cake." 
"That's right, sweetie. That’s a wedding cake."  
“Mama, you and daddy married, too?" Riley’s eyes snapped up to meet Liam’s gaze as he smiled tenderly, raising his eyebrows.
"Maybe someday," she said, winking at Liam. 
"Can I have cake now, pleeaase?" 
"Of course," Riley smiled. 
"Come on," William said, getting up from his chair, grabbing Liam's hand. 
"Okay," Liam chuckled, as he started to stand up to follow his son. “Oh Liam, no worries. I can take him.” 
As Riley started to rise from her chair, Liam tenderly put his hand on her shoulder, urging her to still be seated. Liam bent down and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek.  
William led his father over to the wedding cake, where they were greeted by an older woman. 
"Ah, King Liam." The woman bowed her head and dropped down to curtsy. "How can I help you, Your Majesty?" 
Liam graciously bowed his head in respect and placed his hands on William's shoulders. “My son would love to try some of the wedding cake, thank you." 
"Of course, Your Majesty. Would you like a small or large piece?" 
"Wait ... is the cake made of baklava?" Astounded by his favorite dessert in the world made into a wedding cake. He was ecstatic. 
Matteo overheard his question and leaned over, a grin on his face. "It is, actually. It’s my favorite." 
"Wow," Liam breathed. "This is amazing." 
"My yia yia [grandmother] made it herself." Matteo said. 
"So, would you like a slice, Your Majesty? She smiled warmly. 
"Please," Liam nodded, his eyes sparkled happily. 
Matteo 's grandmother first cut a slice for William and then cut a generous slice and placed it on a plate for Liam. 
"Here you go." She smiled proudly.
"Thank you," he said, his tone sincere. 
"You're welcome, Your Majesty." 
Liam took a bite of the cake and sighed contentedly. "αυτό είναι απίστευτο" ["This is incredible"].
"Χαίρομαι που σου αρέσει" ["I'm glad you like it"], Matteo smiled. 
"ο Βασιλιάς είναι ένας σοφός άνθρωπος" ["The King is a wise man!"] Matteo's grandmother exclaimed. 
"μιλάς ελληνικά;" ["You speak Greek?"]
"Έκανα μερικά μαθήματα" ["I took a few lessons," Liam admitted.
"Λοιπόν, τότε είναι διπλή τιμή που σας έχω εδώ! [""Well, then I'm doubly honored to have you here."]
"παρακαλώ η τιμή είναι δική μου!" ["Please, the honor is all mine."]
After the desserts were served, the band began playing a lively tune. Maxwell grabbed Savannah's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Bertrand contentedly remained seated with Bartie. 
"Come on, Daddy," William said, pulling at Liam's sleeve. 
The woman's eyes went wide as she realized the little boy was his son.
"Θεέ μου ο Μάτι ο βασιλιάς έχει έναν γιο!" ["Oh, my goodness, Matty ... the king has a son?"]
Later in the evening, Matteo's grandmother approached Liam, as he enjoyed a drink with Drake and Olivia.
"Your Majesty, please give this to your bride. It's a family heirloom, and I want her to have it," the elderly woman said, pressing a small, ornate necklace into Liam's hands. 
"Yia yia, With respect, I can't accept this. It's too much," Liam protested, but the old woman was adamant. 
"Nonsense," she insisted. "It's a gift from me to your bride, for more healthy babies. 
Liam felt his face flush at her words and the thought of having more children with Riley. He swallowed hard and nodded. "Thank you, Yia yia. But I must ask why." 
The old woman smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Because I see the love between you two, and it reminds me of my late husband and me. You are a lucky man, Your Majesty. I hope you cherish each other always." 
Touched by her words, Liam gave her a hug and thanked her again. 
As Liam sat back down, he could feel the intense gazes of his friends look straight through him.
Laughing, and out of breath, Riley and Maxwell sat down from dancing at the table. "This was so much fun. I am so thirsty ..."
"Say no more, Ri. I'll be right back with refreshments," Maxwell stood up and saluted, in jest, and went to the bar.
"It's lovely to see you celebrate Daniel and Matteo's wedding." Liam squeezed her hand.
"They are so happy together." 
"They are," Liam said, a slight wistfulness in his tone. 
Riley caught his gaze and held it for a moment, reading the look in his eyes. 
"We're going to get our happy ending too, you know," she lowered her voice, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. 
"I know," Liam replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And even if we have to wait a little longer, it'll be worth it," Riley continued, her tone firm and confident. 
"I couldn't agree more," Liam said, his expression softening, making a mental note to send Olivia a 'thank you so much' gift for helping Riley find her spark again.
"Besides," Riley added, a mischievous glint in her eye, "I can think of a few ways to pass the time until then." 
Liam laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're incorrigible," he said, his tone playful. 
"You know you love it," Riley teased, leaning in closer. 
"I do," Liam said, his gaze fixed intently on hers. 
Their faces were only inches apart, and Riley could feel her heart racing. She knew she could pull away, but she couldn't seem to make herself do it. 
Liam leaned in and kissed her soundly, the taste of scotch lingering on his lips. Riley closed her eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment. 
When they finally broke apart, their faces were flushed, and their breathing was ragged. 
"Come on," Riley said, her voice low and husky. "Let's go back to our room." 
"Gladly," Liam replied, his voice matching hers. 
They slipped out of the reception, their hands intertwined. As they walked back to the hotel, they knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other. 
Later that night, Liam and Riley were getting ready for bed in their hotel room. Riley had just finished washing her face and was brushing her teeth when she noticed Liam staring at her from across the bedroom. 
"What?" she asked, toothbrush still in her mouth. 
"Nothing," he chuckled. "You're just so beautiful." 
She grinned, her cheeks turning pink. "Charmer," she mumbled. 
Liam walked over to her and gently took the toothbrush from her. "Matteo's grandmother gave me something for you," he said, pulling the necklace from his pocket. 
Riley's eyes widened as she saw the beautiful piece of jewelry. "Liam, it's gorgeous," she breathed. 
"Here, let me put it on you," he said, his voice soft and husky. 
He reached around her neck and fastened the clasp, his fingers brushing against her skin. Riley shivered at his touch, her body responding to his closeness once again.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering. "But I don't understand why--" 
"She told me it was for more healthy babies," he interrupted, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
"Oh," Riley said, her blush deepening. 
"Well, we should probably get started then," Liam said, his eyes darkening with desire. 
He pulled her close and kissed her, his tongue brushing against hers. Riley melted into his arms, her body pressed against his. 
"Yes, Your Majesty," she murmured, her lips curving into a smile. "We should definitely get started." 
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Thank you for reading, tags are in the comments. Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed.
@choicesficwriterscreations @thosehallowedhalls
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harbingerofdespair · 7 months
Yes I paid $15 to sleep with Olivia, yes it was worth it.
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storyofmychoices · 5 months
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SpreadJoy #863 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Heather Stillufsen
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Holy trinity of punchable faces of Choices.
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Left to right:
Ansel Crane: The heist: Monaco
Guy Ledford: Mother of the year
Barthelemy Beaumont: The Royal Heir
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
Heir Apparent Extras
Thanks again to @secretaryunpaid for always bringing me so much joy with her creations! She has a way of visually bringing my stories to life, and I'm here for it!!!
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