#choi wonjae reaction
taejikookiee · 4 years
💌 INDIGO Music FT GIRLBOY Reaction 💌
Reaction to you using aegyo to get your way 
NO:EL / Jang Yongjun
He would be so flustered as you pouted while calling him baby to get his attention. It would catch him off guard as you usually didn’t use aegyo but he would love every minute of it. 
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Kid milli / Choi Wonjae
His adorable dimpled smile would be on full display as you put on the cute show to get him to buy you fried chicken, he would see how far you were willing to go knowing that you hated being cute but knew you wanted chicken more. 
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Swings / Moon Jihoon
He would pretend that you calling him by his real name in that baby like voice wasn’t effecting him but deep down his heart would be fluttering and he would be willing to give you whatever you wanted x10000 if you continued for much longer. 
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Yanghongwon (Young B)
He would become a giggling mess as you rubbed your eyes tiredly asking to go home, you weren’t doing it intentionally but you would use it to your benefit if it meant you could go home. 
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Justhis / Heo Seung
Even though you were older than him he couldn’t handle your cute charm, so when you wanted to go to the club and he didn’t you would call out his name in a cute tone which would instantly get his attention. 
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Giriboy / Hong Siyoung
Aegyo is this boys BIGGEST weakness and everyone knew it. So all it would take would be you sitting in his lap, looking at him with big eyes and a pout for him to cave and give you what ever you wanted and some. 
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taejikookiee · 4 years
💎 Kid Milli Scenario 💎
Kid Milli showing maximum aegyo to get you to talk to him again 
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“(Y/n) please talk to me I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to say the baby was ugly I was kidding.. i didn’t know it was your cousin” He reasoned trying to get you to talk to him again. You were feeling overly emotional this week due to your period which meant you were getting annoyed at Milli for the tiniest thing.
You huffed turning away from his pretty facing knowing it would only be a matter of time before his cute face caused you to break. “Okay okay, what do you want me to do… I’ll do anything just talk to be again” He pouted pulling you onto his lap to gain your attention. You knew exactly what you wanted him to do and the evil smirk that came onto your face sent a shiver up his spine. “No (y/n) I’m not doing that” he huffed pushing you off his lap, “Aegyo” you said simply, causing him to roll his eyes, “fine I will continue to ignore you then” you said. He sighed before getting up off the sofa and rubbing his face to gain composure causing you to laugh.
“Okay ready…. “ He smiled.
“Nico Nico niiiiiiii” he smirked swaying side to side, “hands” you suggested wanting him to do the full show, the evil look currently on his face suggested you were in trouble later but you were enjoying yourself too much.
“Nico Nico niiiiiiiiiii!” He beamed bouncing from side to side causing you to laugh.
“Now come here you evil human” he leaped, “no no wonjae stop” you screamed as he tickled you until you physically couldn’t breath, “love yooooou” he cooed kissing the tip of your nose.
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taejikookiee · 4 years
💎 Kid Milli Scenario 💎
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“Wonjae ya, Wonjae ya, Wonjae ya” annoying your best friend was somewhat of a full time job, his lack of reaction only made you want to annoy him more.
“(Y/n) you know that is not going to work… now stop being a weirdo and get me some snacks” he responded while still having his eyes glued to his phone, you rolled your eyes before getting up and throwing the chips as his face, “YA!” He moaned causing you to laugh as clearly violence was the only way to get his attention.
“Btw, Im going out with Harry and the other H1ghr music boys tonight, you want to come?” You asked chewing loudly on your favourite sweet potato snack. “What? Where are you going?” He paused, “Clubbing duh” you responded while rolling your eyes. “No you aren’t” he huffed, causing you to turn and face him with a raised eyebrow as he had clearly lost his mind to be telling you what you can or can’t do.
“Lol since when did I listen to what you told me to do” you laughed, “since today, you aren’t going out with them they get too wild and you are too innocence for that” he replied once again turning back to his phone. “Wonjae, you aren’t my dad so don’t be a dick, also I’m most definitely not as innocent as you think I am trust me” you scoffed causing him to laugh, “yeah okay whatever you say (y/n)”.
“Yeah I’m leaving bye” you stressed fed up with his terrible attitude, getting up putting your shoes on before grabbing your bag “oh come on, don’t be so dramatic” Wonjae reasoned grabbing you arm, you flipped him off before muttering bye, so which he responded which a sigh.
You rolled your eyes as you saw Milli’s name light up your screen for the 5th time in the last hour as you had been ignoring his calls while you were getting ready, but also because he was being a dick. You adjusted your dress before slipping on your trainers going for the casual vibe because you knew you were a clumsy one when drunk. You paused your music as the sound of your door bell distracted you.
“YA (y/n) open up” the mysterious person shouted, “omg..” You muttered knowing exactly who it was. “What do you want” you said annoyed as you opened the door to a smiling Wonjae holding a bottle of Hennessy “I accept your invitation, I’m coming with you” he smiled, “no you aren’t” you huffed following him inside, “ I definitely am, so what time we leaving” he asked throwing himself onto the sofa. “Now” you said picking up your bag and walking towards the door leaving him to catch up with you.
The familiar feeling of liquor warming you chest somewhat comforted you. Woogie had his arm around your waist  as you almost choked while laughing at his joke. You were having a great time letting your hair down. You moved a piece of hair out of woogies face before the burning gaze of Wonjae became too intense and you excused yourself to talk to your bitter friend.
“Wonjae… can you stop staring and have fun please” you tried to reason with him as you leaned over the booth to talk to him. “What? Enjoy myself and hit on girls just like Woogie is obviously hitting on you when you don’t want him to” He replied causing you to look around dumbfounded, “and If I wanted him to hit on me?” You responded causing him to just stare at you, “are you being serious right now?” He questioned to which you just shrugged your shoulders. He furrowed his eyebrows before getting up and pushing through the crowd towards the exit.
“Whats wrong with Milli?” Harry questioned, to which you couldn’t even answer because you were just as confused.
You grabbed your bag heading for the exit to find your stroppy best friend. “Wonjae..” You said grabbing his shoulder stopping him from walking away further. “Do you like him?” He spat, causing you to be even more confused, “why does that even matter?” You asked. Before you knew it his lips were on yours as you melted into his touch.
“Well that changes things doesn’t it …” you said pulling away biting your lip.
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taejikookiee · 4 years
💌INDIGO MUSIC + Giriboy Reaction💌
Reaction to you crying at their new song about you.
NO:EL / Jang Yongjun 
“Baby why are you crying? I didn’t mean to make you cry I’m sorry!” He would say rushing from the producers chair to comfort you.
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Kid milli / Choi Wonjae 
He would brush your tears away  before peppering you with kisses all over your face until your tears turned to laughter.
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Swings / Moon Jihoon 
“YA! Stop crying! Its not a sad song!!” He would find it hilarious that the cute song he made for you made you cry.
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Yanghongwon (Young B) 
He wouldn’t understand why you were crying but you would explain it was because the song was beautiful.
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Justhis / Heo Seung 
He would just hug you to stop you from crying because he knew that is all you wanted.
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Giriboy / Hong Siyoung 
Seeing you cry would make him cry and he would just whisper how much he loved you to calm you down.
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MASTERLIST https://taejikookiee.tumblr.com/post/643925002253713408/masterlist-kpop-khhpkrb
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taejikookiee · 4 years
🖤 Bloo Scenario🖤
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You and Bloo being in a open relationship and him not liking the fact that you flirt with other guys in a club which leads to a confession. 
You adjusted your hair in the mirror as your friend handed you another shot of soju to down before you headed out. “Is Bloo going to be there tonight?’ (YF/n) asked, “I mean probably when isn’t he out” you scoffed, “I guess you two are still arguing then” your friend laughed, “when aren’t we? He has a stick up his ass about something but he won’t say what and I’m not going to force it out of him” you rolled your eyes before downing the shot, hissing at the familiar burning of your chest. “But we all know who he will be texting tonight when he is drunk” you stated matter of factly. 
You and Bloo had been in an open relationship for months now, it was more of a sexual relationship within a great friendship, we both didn’t like the idea of commitment but enjoyed each others company and were literally the same person so an open relationship was the best way forward. It was beneficial and had been pretty good for both of your for the first 6 months but over the last few weeks Bloo had been getting pissed at literally everything, if you even looked at another guy he would flip his shit and not talk to you. He was the one that suggested an open relationship in the beginning so his newfound jealousy at you interacting with other men just didn’t make sense to you. Either way you were determined to have a good time tonight, work had been hell recently and you needed to let your hair down. 
“Ready?” You asked your friend before picking up your bag and adjusting your silk mini dress. 
The loud bass matched your heartbeat as your downed another shot with your friend egging you own. Being in a somewhat relationship with Bloo meant going out a lot so you could handle your alcohol. The familiar sight of a good friend caused your face to light up, “MILLI!!!!” You hollered wrapping your arms around his neck as he giggled saying hi, you and Wonjae went to high school together so had practically known each other forever and were basically best friends, he was the person who introduced you to Bloo in the first place in fact. 
“Ive missed you cutie” Kid Milli cooed giving you a spin to admire you “I saw you last week” you laughed, you had a flirty personality and everyone knew that but you and Wonjae really pushed the boundary of flirting and everyone found it extremely entertaining to see how far you would push each other, but you both knew the limits. “Like what you see” you winked pushing your boobs together, causing his boys to laugh, “always” he replied kissing you on the cheek. “Drink?” He asked ordering bottles for the table. Little did you know Bloo was standing two tables away sending daggers your way.
 Your friend had found her man of choice for the night so you enjoyed yourself with Milli and his boys who you had met before. You and Wonjae were being your typical goofy pairing and were dancing together until the familiar red hair of Nafla caught your attention meaning Bloo wouldn’t be far behind, Wonjae followed your gaze to see the pretty boy staring in your direction. “still arguing then?” He laughed sipping on his drink as you danced together, “Of course” you muttered rolling your eyes as you saw Bloo move towards you and Kid Milli, you tried to tell your heart to stop beating so fast because you were still mad at him and didn’t want to feel the usual butterflies that seeing Bloo set off in your stomach, “(y/n) can we talk” Bloo mumbled, you looked at Milli pleading with you eyes for him to get you out of this situation, him being his annoying self, sipped his drink, raising his hands “Im leaving you to it” he laughed walking away as you sent daggers into his back. 
“I want to smoke can we do this outside” you suggested picking up your bag and walking away without even acknowledging his answer. You pulled out a cigarette as Bloo did the same as you entered the smoking area outside which was surprisingly empty thankful. “So what did you want to speak about?” You puffed releasing the smoke from your mouth, “I’m sorry” he huffed taking you aback, Bloo wasn’t the type to apologise so easily so you were confused. “sorry for what Bloo? You’ve been in such a shitty mood with me the last few weeks for no reason, if you don’t want to do this anymore then just tell me! We can end it hear before it ruins our friendship aswell” you exclaimed offering him an out as you really didn’t want to ruin your friendship by ending on bad terms because he really was your best friend.
“No, thats not what I want” he responded, “okay well tell me what you want! We can’t keep doing this back and fort of you being angry at me for no reason, then us not talking for a week, me forgiving you without an apology because I have a soft spot for you then us sleeping together when we are drunk! It is not healthy for us!” You were getting frustrated by his lack of explanation. 
“I know, I know.. its just I get so frustrated when I see you with those guys and especially him! Like I know I have no right to be angry that is the nature of out relationship but I want you all to myself and it just gets me so angry to see their hands on you, to see you laugh at their jokes, to see you sharing drinks, FUCK!” He rambled running his hands through his head crouching down, you could tell whatever was annoying his was worse than your normal tiffs by his reaction. You put out your cigarette lowering your self to his level cupping his face in your hands brushing his hair out his face, smelling the familiar sent of whiskey and smoke that comforted you normally. “Baby whats the matter… just tell me” You reasoned seeing his red eyes caused your heart to beat uncontrollably. 
“…. I want you all to my self (y/n) … I want us to be in a real relationship so no one else can even try to touch you, or make you laugh, especially Wonjae” he pouted as he said Wonjaes name which made you giggle. The thought of you being in a real relationship is something that had crossed your mind before, come to think of it you hadn’t even been out with another guy other than Bloo or Milli in more than 4 months and no other guy was even getting any of your attention… maybe you had deeper feelings than you had thought. 
Bloo placed his lips on yours pulling you out of your thoughts, and for the first time your heart was beating uncontrollable as you kissed passionately, you had kissed millions of times before but this felt like so much more, “I really like you (y/n) like… like you like you” he giggled pulling away as you both stood up. “Maybe this could work” you bite your lip as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “So is that a yes?” He raised his eyebrow, “ummmmm I don’t remember you asking me a quessssssstion” you teased, he rolled his eyes, “will you be my girlfriend” he asked annoyed with your stupidity, “I guess you…..” You trailed looked down as if it wasn’t a big deal, you looked up to see his beaming smile before he kissed you once again. 
“Btw … If Choi Wonjae lays a hand on you again I will ruin his pretty little face” he muttered against your lips causing you to laugh uncontrollably, “I promise baby… I’m all yours” 
MASTERLIST - https://taejikookiee.tumblr.com/post/643925002253713408/masterlist-kpop-khhpkrb
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