a-timeline-of-cacao · 5 months
Cacao in Mesoamerican Society
Chocolate is arguably the most popular confection in the western world. The Swiss alone consume an average of 19.8 pounds of chocolate per person annually. However, chocolate wasn’t always a mass produced confectionery. For centuries, chocolate was produced in small quantities for a select group of people. Cacao’s botany resulted in cacao and chocolate being used to reinforce social hierarchies and connect humans with the gods.
Cacao’s botany had unique social, political, economic, and societal implications for Mesoamerica. However, before discussing cacao’s effects on Mesoamerican societies, it is important to understand the origin of cacao cultivation and nature of cacao production. Cacao was first cultivated by the Barra people of Soconusco, Mexico, a civilization that predates the Olmec; the Olmec then perfected the processing of chocolate, and this process spread to other civilizations. Cacao is particularly difficult to cultivate. For starters, cacao only grows within 20° of the equator in a temperature range of 60℉ and 95℉; furthermore, cacao trees can only grow in shade, and must be planted under larger trees for protection against the Sun. After some time, cacao trees will start to produce flowers; only 3 of every 1,000 flowers on a cacao tree will become cacao pods. Once the cacao pods are mature, they must be delicately harvested by a large workforce, using machetes to carefully separate the pods from their roots. After being harvested, the cacao pods are cut open, revealing the cacao beans, the component used to make chocolate. Cacao beans must undergo a series of steps to be consumable, including fermentation, drying, roasting, and winnowing. First, cacao beans are left to ferment for several days to remove the pulp from the beans. Next, the beans are dried out in the Sun; the length of this drying period depends on the weather. After being dried, the beans are roasted. Next, the beans are winnowed; winnowing is the process in which the edible cacao nibs are separated from the inedible shells. Finally, the nibs are ground and blended; this resulting liquid, called chocolate liqueur, is molded into the desired shape, creating chocolate. The limited growing region and intensive processing of cacao meant that chocolate in Mesoamerica was a limited commodity.
As stated earlier, cacao’s botany led to it being a limited good in Mesoamerican societies. This, in turn, resulted in cacao being used to reinforce societal hierarchies. As cacao was a limited good, only nobles could readily afford it. Chocolate was also difficult and time consuming to prepare; instead of producing the chocolate themselves, nobles had servants prepare their hot chocolate beverage. To further show off their wealth, nobles had their chocolate drinking vessels intricately decorated with images depicting cacao being served to nobles and the gods. The image below is an example of how chocolate was used to reinforce social hierarchies. In the painting, the man serving the chocolate is kneeling, while the man consuming the chocolate is sitting on a throne, showing a class difference between the two. Historians know this beverage is chocolate due to the foam on the top of the drink, as various accounts describe Mesoamerican chocolate as being a frothy drink.
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Additionally, the Mexica, also known as the Aztecs, used cacao beans as a form of currency. According to the Codex Mendoza, 4 1⁄2 hours of work was equivalent to 1 cacao bean. When a Mexica noble drank a cup of chocolate, they were literally drinking money, reinforcing their status as the elite.
Not only was cacao used to reinforce social hierarchies, but it was also used to connect mankind to the gods. In the Maya myth of origin, cacao was one of the primary ingredients used by the gods to create mankind, along with yellow corn, white corn, and paxtate. This link between humans and the gods was strengthened further with cacao’s importance in the continuation of the life cycle. In the Madrid Codex, the gods are displayed as watering cacao trees with their blood; when humans consume cacao, they are nourished by the gods. In order to nourish the gods in return, humans would offer chocolate and other foods to the gods during festivals like the Five Dangerous Days; these ceremonies were key in continuing it. Cacao trees also featured in the pantheon of sacred trees, trees which were responsible for holding up the sky and connecting it to the earth, acting as a pillar between the two realms.
Cacao held great significance in Mesoamerican society. As a result of cacao’s limited growing region and labor-intensive cultivation process, cacao was a limited commodity. This led to cacao being used to reinforce social hierarchies and connect mankind with the gods.
Works Cited
Castillo, Lorena. “The Most Surprising Chocolate Statistics and
Trends in 2024.” Gitnux.org, December 16, 2023.
Juarez-Dappe, Patricia. “Cacao Origins.” YouTube, August 21, 2020.
Juarez-Dappe, Patricia. “Chocolate Encounters.” YouTube, August 26, 2020.
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saffronandcyrus · 6 months
Unwrapping the Delights of Yorkshire's Inspired Chocolate
Hello, fabulous readers! Recently, our little Persian family embarked on a car journey with the promise of shirini-filled (sweet-filled) goodness awaiting us at Yorkshire’s Inspired Chocolate. Now, let me share the details of our fun-filled family day out before we headed to our cosy weekend retreat at The Burgoyne Hotel. Getting There: The Hunt for Shokolaat (Chocolate) Our cocoa-filled…
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bottlebrief · 2 months
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skybarcino-blog · 6 years
History of Chocolate
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”History of Chocolate” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You may did not know that the arrival of chocolate in Europe was from Barcelona. Yes it was!!!
When Christopher Columbus arrived in Barcelona in 16th century, he presented a lots of great gifts to King Charles Ferdinand and Queen…
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taste4chocolate · 4 years
Chocolate Factories Innovations
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European Contact on Cacao in making chocolate made it possible for them  to receive financial gain.It began to be the beginning of supply and demand in production of Chocolate by the 1700’s.Chocolate changed European and Chocolate changed its identity from the process of making chocolate in factories to different spices added making chocolate solid and powder to become a liquid drink.
The old methods when producing chocolate without machinery began with cacao beans being fermented and dried. Then came roasting, winnering, grinding which were done manually, making chocolate such as grinding on a stone metate, mixing it with paste with spices and liquids in order to create an authentic taste.Mechanization In Europe did changed how cocoa beans become chocolate and one of the best technology was the hand turned bean roasters,until the coming of a bean roaster that was powered by water. The better innovation Europe had, the better the quality and fastness the process was in making chocolate. By the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution beginning in Great Britain caused economic growth, social change and global changes. It gave new manufacturing processes, more efficient use of energy, consumption patterns and international division of labor. By the Second Industrial Revolution, it gave mass production of chocolate and large manufacture of machine tools among other things. Export-Import method between Europe and Latin America gave a new form of neocolonial relationship,raw materials and machinery.Both were benefiting from each other.
 Modern Manufacturing did not only mean that the machines were better, it also meant that the taste of the chocolate became better. Chocolate became smoother and chocolate taste became sweeter. Sugar was added, chocolate turned into powder  in order to be made at home as a beverage and this was known as dutching.Drinking chocolate became popular by the late seventeen to nineteen century. Chocolate became ahead among coffee and alcoholic beverages. Why Alcoholic  beverages? Quakers persuaded the poor to give up Alcohol because they felt that alcohol led to violence and destroyed families. Therefore chocolate became a big role when advertising because it was a way for alcohol drinkers to think about the cause of alcohol and replace it with chocolate.
Britain was not the only country producing chocolate in factories, the first mechanized chocolate factory came from Francois-Louis Cailler in Switzerland. In a book titled Chocolate:History, Culture, and Heritage,chapter 46, From stone to Metates to Steel Mills by Rodney Snyder , Bradley Foliart Olsen,and Laura Pallas Brindle writes that Cailler envisioned in the idea of making chocolate better by the use of machinery and yet having the consumer pay chocolate at a low cost. Chocolate was very pricey and it was for those who were able to afford it. Philippe Suchard also started a factory in Serrières, France and designed his own chocolate making equipment and it functioned by water power. 
Butter Press was something that took a long time to finalize because it had to make a perfect compression in taking out the fat and the extract fat becoming  into a liquid that can be turned into different chocolate confections.The reduced cocoa butter was then able to be milled into cocoa powder. Using machinery and ingredients to make chocolate meant wasting money for the machinery and ingredients added,therefore it could have been the reason chocolate companies, factories became to sell chocolate at a high price. Cadbury, one of the most famous chocolate brands in Britain, had challenges in making the best known chocolate without the loss of money. However he was able to make chocolate affordable for him to make by reducing the twenty percent of cocoa content of their chocolate and using eighty percent of starch, sago, flour and treacle. (Snyder et.al.615)
Today we have large chocolate companies and some are Cadbury which is now taken over by Kraft, Rowntree which is taken over by Nestle and three biggest mass production in the USA is Baker’s chocolate, Ghiradelli and Hershey. Chocolate is beginning to lose his status, affordable to everyone thanks to factory innovations. 
Image Link: https://www.themindfulsprout.net/eat-mindfully/2015/1/16/from-cacao-to-chocolate
 Lecture 5: Chocolate factory: technological revolution
Snyder, Rodney, and Laura Pallas Brindle. “From Stone Metates to Steel Mills:  The Evolution of Chocolate Manufacturing.” Chocolate: History,Culture, and 
Heritage, by Bradley Foliart Olsen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009, pp. 611–620.
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swizzlybiker · 7 years
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#long #old #swiss #chocolate #history #chocolatehistory #maisoncailler #cailler #nestle #broc #fribourg #suisse #switzerland #swisschocolate @maisoncailler (hier: Maison du Chocolat Cailler)
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Today's #snowday reading material: an original #ChocolateRecipes by #Baker in #Dorchester, MA. Published 1907. Such a fun find, thank you to my new friend Dayle from #bookgroup! #newfriends #dorchester #chocolate #cocoa #missparloa #recipes #oldbooks #readingmaterial #walterbaker #readinglist #chocolatehistory #history (at Baker's Square)
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hashtagcwinstagram · 6 years
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#Repost @americanheritagechocolate ・・・ Cooler weather is blowing in. Time for a #pumpkinspicelatte replay. Our recipe reinvents this all-time cult favorite with chocolate and a hint of spice. Get our recipe at the link in our bio!⠀ ⠀ #psl #latte #coffee #pumpkinspice #chocolatehistory #chocolatestories #americanheritagechocolate #chocolate #chocolatelover #baking #dessert #darkchocolate #foodie #foodblogger #huffposttaste #buzzfeast #feedfeed #f52grams #delish #buzzfeedfood #feedfeedchocolate #instagood #instafood #recipe #thekitchn #historybuff https://ift.tt/2xr2ePP
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whatscookinitalian · 5 years
#AD Homemade macarons are easy to make. Grab some @Choc_History for a special chocolate filling! Get the recipe: https://t.co/lOXXlR20Xu #ChocolateHolidays #ChocolateHistory pic.twitter.com/HwGEsjMa1E
— Sandi G (@Fearless_Dining) December 9, 2019
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soulessarah · 5 years
July 11 is a holiday for all the sweet lovers of the world, as it marks the 20th anniversary of World Chocolate Day. So today I would like mention 20 Strange Things You Didn't Know About Chocolate by researching various historical facts. In the homeland of chocolate, in the USA, chocolate days are still celebrated on July 7 and October 28. You need to thank the French for this, who in 1995 figured out how to make life fierce and happier. Lets find out the 20 Interesting Facts About Chocolate history.[Reference: 1] 1. The lifespan of cocoa trees can reach 200 years, but they bear fruit only 25 years. 2. The word chocolate comes from the word "xocolātl", which in the Aztec language meant bitter water. The Aztecs believed that cocoa seeds are a gift from the God of wisdom. They were so significant that they were even used as money. For example, for 100 cocoa beans you could buy a slave. 3. Despite the fact that cocoa was first used in Central and South America more than 4000 years ago, now almost 70% of the world's cocoa raw materials grow in Africa. The State of Côte d'Ivoire is one of the largest cocoa producers, providing about 40% of the world's supply. 4. Spaniards brought dried cocoa beans to Europe. For a long time, chocolate was known only at the royal court of Spain, and only at the beginning of the 17th century an overseas curiosity reached France. 5. Famous favorite Madame Pompadour believed that chocolate can rekindle passion in the blood. 6. To produce 450 grams of chocolate, 400 cocoa beans are required. 7. In 1842, the Cadbury English chocolate factory launched the world's first chocolate bar. 8. The world's largest chocolate bar weighed 5.8 tons and was manufactured on October 7, 2011 at the Thorntons factory in the UK. 9. The most expensive chocolate in the world is Madeleine, created by a culinary specialist Fritz Knipschildt from the US state of Connecticut: 450 grams of such chocolate costs $2,600. 10. The largest box of chocolate in 2002 was made by Marshall Field. 11. Switzerland is in first place for chocolate consumption, where almost 10 kg of chocolate per person per year. The United States is in 11th place: 5.5 kg per inhabitant each year. 12. Cocoa beans in nature are classified by 300 flavors and 400 flavors. 13. Theobromine, which is part of cocoa, normalizes the level of sugar in human blood. But this substance is extremely toxic to animals (dogs, cats and others), as it creates a large load on their cardiovascular system and can be harmful for their life. 14. It turns out that dark chocolate is much more beneficial for human health than milk, white and other varieties. 15. Researchers did not find any connection between pimples and chocolate. 16. Melting chocolate in a person’s mouth can cause a longer “euphoric” effect than kisses. 17. Chocolate has a much stronger effect on women than on men. Chocolate contains not only theobromine (very similar to caffeine), but also substances that affect female hormonal secretion. 18. Studies show that by increasing blood flow to the brain, dark chocolate improves memory, alertness, speed of reaction, and problem solving skills. 19. A study at Indiana University showed that cyclists who drank milk chocolate felt less tired after exercise and showed much higher results in endurance tests than those who drank sports drinks. 20. At the tastings, it is customary to eat chocolate with a good sip of strong tea without sugar. And I want to end the excursion into chocolate history with advice: no matter what the benefits and dangers of chocolate are said, but if you get the joy of its consumption, eat it to your health. References: [1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_chocolate #ChocolateHistory #ChocolateFacts #ThingsAboutChocolate DISCLAIMER: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel https://www.youtube.com/healthaptgala Facebook Page: http://bit.ly/2j1w04r Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFkTF2OwJuA by Health Apt
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bakelikeapro · 7 years
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#Repost @christoslambrou (@get_repost) ・・・ Let's talk about 🍫🍫🍫!!! See you today at our Chocolate Seminar @iekdeltaathens #christoslambrou @ledrafoods @cacaobarryofficial @iekdelta #chocolateseminar #iekdelta #iekdeltaathens #ledrafoods #chocolatelover #cacaobarry #cacaobarryofficial #chefslife #pastry_inspiration #pastryelite #chefstyle #chefstalk #chefstable #chefsroll #chefsofinstagram #pastrychef #pastrylife #pastrycheflife #happyfriday #chocolatehistory #chocolateevolution #greece #athens #seminar #bakelikeaproyoutube http://ift.tt/2iFPwWr
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taste4chocolate · 4 years
Cacao Production in Americas - Africa - International Players
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Cacao production in the Americas became labor intensive during the colonial times.Cacao was produced by the poor and consumed by the rich. Producing cacao from enslaved laborers was labor intensive because they did not get paid, lied to in contracts,became part of the triangular trade system and wealth was only distributed to the International players. 
Contracts between the laborers and the Spanish authorities became nothing other than a piece of paper with lies written on it. These contracts were about staying temporarily to work for them and when the contract ended, they were promised to go home. This was not the case, they were lied to and it was an excuse for the laborers in continuing to work in bad conditions. Laborers didn’t earn much money and unfortunately, for most of them, they didn’t get paid at all. As we know the background of Spaniards colonization of Natives, Natives were converted to christinatity and were under control of the Encomenderos, conquerors. The Encomienda  System was about enslaving them and using them for labor which includes producing cacao. Native laborers including Tabasco and Soconusco were given grants, which was a way for encomenderos to protect natives under their care,turning each one into christianity and control over their land, in exchange for them living in their own village and fulfilling jobs they were required to follow under their native rulers. The Encomendieros later became Hacendados, landowners, while Spaniards took the empty lands and occupied them. Venezuela, Ecuador,Brazil and Carribean regions were part of the enslaved labor producing cacao in Haciendas. In the Spanish Empire, Venezuela which is present day Chuspa and Puerto Cabello,  was the major producer of Cacao, Venezuela had prevailing winds which gave great moisture for the soil and it had a supply of water. Spaniards did not own the Natives due to the fact that they were given grants and that it was the start of Spaniards having relationships with the natives,this formed mixed races known as the Mestizos. Therefore, Africa became the target for enslavement. 
During the Transatlantic slave trade, slaves coming from Africa were transported into ships and traveled in the middle passage. The transatlantic slave trade became extrememly profitable and fueled european economy. It became a system to trade goods such as cacao and slaves to each international player that was involved. Both international players would trade cacao for slaves or slaves for cacao, it was possible to have them because of the slave trade and slave ships.Other international players would also resell cacao either for a higher or lower price.For example, in a reading titled Encomienda, African Slavery, and Agriculture in Seventeenth Century Caracas byRobert J. Ferry wrote that there is a hypothesis saying that neighbors of Caracas, Portuguese slave traders would sell cacao from Central American dealers at a lower price to Spain. The slave ships were in bad conditions and the mortality rate was very high, which was not good due to the fact that they needed slaves for labor and trading.The International players Spain, France, Portugal,Dutch and Uk were not interested in Cacao but they wanted wealth, in order to have that, they took over land that would be producing cacao and other crops. Because chocolate was very popular internationally, it was a chance for them to make a profit out of it. Chocolate became recognized among the wealthy people by the mid1660 in Europe. 
Cacao eventually became part of this labor and trade system affecting natives and Africans for the International players to consume chocolate.Cacao changed the international players in becoming wealthy and consuming chocolate while also changing its own identity in the process. 
Ferry, Robert J. “Encomienda, African Slavery, and Agriculture in Seventeenth-Century Caracas.” The Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. 61, no. 4, 1981, pp. 609–635. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2514606. Accessed 15 Nov. 2020.
Lecture 4:Production in the Americas
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hashtagcwinstagram · 6 years
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#Repost @americanheritagechocolate ・・・ Whisk Tip: Did you know that the terms "bittersweet" and "semisweet" are broadly used? In the United States, both can have a cacao content ranging from 35% to 88%. Now you know!⠀ ⠀ Haven't tried our chocolate yet? Get it on Amazon at the link in our profile! @americanheritagechocolate #chocolate #chocolatestories #chocolatehistory #americanheritagechocolate #food #foodfact #foodhistory https://ift.tt/2IYb4bu
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whatscookinitalian · 5 years
AD: We’re putting a twist on the traditional Pumpkin Pie by crossing it with a cheesecake. The result was this ultra-creamy, decadent Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Cheesecake ft. @Choc_History https://t.co/5EQIqTnIQU | Shop: https://t.co/Oj10zah5M8 #ChocolateHistory #ChocolateHolidays pic.twitter.com/PD97wOX6Y5
— Living the Gourmet (@livingtgourmet) November 17, 2019
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chocolateuplift · 8 years
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A hit on today's "autumn abundance" chocolate tour: classic chocolate truffles at #hendrickxbakery, luscious and luxurious and made onsite, in the long tradition of chocolate-dusted ganache delights that resemble the mushroom type of truffles! #valeriesoriginalchocolatetours #chocolatehistory (at Hendrickx Belgian Bread Crafter)
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