Sarah Soules
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soulessarah · 2 months ago
In 4 Weeks Strengthen Your Abs with this Dynamic Core Workout
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Scientist now proved that your eyes can tell when you may die. It seems incredible to many, but it is quite realistic to predict the possibility of a premature death by the appearance of the eyes. As a rule, changes in the appearance of the retina warn of negative processes in the body associated with the disease. This was found out by a group of foreign scientists, whose findings were published by a foreign news agency. It turned out that the condition of the eyes largely reflects the internal processes in the body. The retina reflects any negative processes that affect life expectancy. To confirm the theory, a scientific experiment was carried out. As part of the study, scientists studied the condition of the eyes of more than 40 thousand patients. If the real age of the participant in the experiment looked "younger" than the eyes, then this was evidence of a serious disease with a high mortality rate. In the presence of a large difference in age and appearance of the eyes, an increased risk of premature death was observed. Experts believe that this aging of the retina indicates the presence of heart disease and cancer in most cases. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
If you take this food once to reduce bad cholesterol level by 33% this is truth. As you know, one of the factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases is a high level of bad cholesterol. It is recommended to monitor the growth of this indicator, and a healthy diet and moderate exercise is a known means of preventing an increase in LDL levels. But, as the results of recent studies have shown, it is possible to reduce the indicator of at a time, and immediately by 33%, according to the Daily Express. A similar effect is provided by the use of fenugreek seeds. The discovery was made during the analysis of several databases in order to find drugs that reduce cholesterol. In total, 5 scientific papers were found on the properties of fenugreek seeds, each of which confirmed the assumptions of modern scientists. So it was found that after a single use of fenugreek leaves reduces cholesterol levels by 9%. Such a strong effect of fenugreek seeds in the fight against cholesterol, scientists explain the abundance of soluble fiber in its composition. It absorbs water and prevents the penetration of cholesterol into the blood. To reduce bad cholesterol levels, scientists recommend eating 5-10 grams of soluble fiber daily, which will help avoid clogging of the arteries. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
This video reveals the secret to protect against hair fall. Hair loss is a serious problem that significantly impairs the appearance. If a set of measures is not taken in a timely manner, then the situation can take an unpleasant turn. Gorgeous hair has always been considered not only an ornament, but also an indicator of a woman's health. But what if the hair began to fall out? This happens especially often after serious illnesses. Do a head massage, comb your hair at least 50 times. It is better to use a wooden comb or massage brush with natural bristles. Keep your comb and brush clean (wash periodically with warm water and soap). Improves hair growth and prevents hair loss using a scrub with the addition of coffee grounds or salt. Cosmetic products with the addition of red pepper extract are very effective. You can buy at a pharmacy or make your own. Use with caution on sensitive scalp. Rub onion or garlic juice into the scalp. These plants are rich in sulfur and stimulate hair growth as well. Use decoctions, infusions or tinctures of medicinal herbs. Nettle, burdock root, birch leaf, calamus root, nasturtium, linden or chamomile flowers, rosemary or sage herb and many other plants improve hair growth. It is also desirable to include in your diet legumes rich in protein, zinc, biotin. Fatty fish and vegetable oil, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, are good for hair. Recommended seafood, dairy products, eggs. Nuts, seeds and whole grains improve hair growth, because they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, selenium and zinc, which strengthen hair follicles. Fruits and vegetables rich in provitamin A - carotene are very useful for strengthening and hair growth. As you know, in our body, retinol (vitamin A) is synthesized from carotene, which is responsible for the condition of the skin. In addition, fruits are rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant. Improve the condition of the hair and the addition to food of such a wonderful spice as turmeric. The abuse of coffee, alcohol and tobacco, salt and sugar harms the condition of the hair. The use of preservatives and refined products adversely affects the condition of the hair. In winter, it is not recommended to walk without a hat. Excessive use of styling products, washing with hot water, frequent drying with a hot hair dryer, combing wet hair harms the hair. If the hair falls out strongly, then it is recommended to contact a trichologist who will select the necessary treatment. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
what diseases belly fat speaks about that is explained in this video. A large amount of belly fat can lead to various serious health problems. The fact is that in a small amount, fat in the abdomen performs a number of functions necessary for the body, but its excess provokes the development of hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Other serious illnesses are also possible. In some cases, the problem even leads to infertility. Obesity of individual organs can occur with a large amount of fat mass. This is obesity of the liver, heart, pancreas. The organs cannot function as they should. The doctor also said that serious consequences can be avoided. To do this, you need to start paying attention to your health in time, take slow but right way to lose weight. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
You should watch this to know about the overlooked signs of a silent stroke. Silent stroke is a harbinger of critical problems. However, its signs are not always easy to recognize. According to physicians, few people pay attention to some simple changes in well-being, but they are the ones that signal a stroke and the symptoms are not permanent. The specialist also explained how to identify signs of the disease. This usually results in sudden dizziness. Along with this, there may be a violation of gait, vision deteriorates sharply. In some cases, there may be loss of sensation in the limbs, facial asymmetry, and speech problems. It is also worth adding that a greater risk of developing this problem in hypertensive patients and diabetics. About 15% of those who have had a stroke face serious consequences. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Well this 3 spices that can reduce bad cholesterol and blood pressure you need to pay attention. By adding certain spices to tea, you can reduce bad cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Cinnamon, ginger and black pepper have such beneficial properties. Studies in people with type 2 diabetes have shown that cinnamon not only normalizes cholesterol levels, but also blood sugar levels. Study participants consumed 6 grams of cinnamon for 40 days and their performance improved. However, experts note that 6 grams of cinnamon is much more than people usually put in drinks. Ginger helps lower blood pressure, according to a study in which people over the age of 50 consumed 3 grams of this spice per day for 8 weeks. The results of the study showed a statistically significant decrease in blood pressure in the subjects. Black pepper contains the piperine, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in animal studies. Inflammation can be a symptom of many chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Reducing the inflammatory response helps limit the progression of other symptoms. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
The thing is the future of planet earth will it heats up or cools down. Scientists from Switzerland published their forecast about the future of planet Earth, which is fundamentally different from previously published scenarios. Employees of the Higher Technical School of Zurich believe that the core of the planet, and with it the Earth itself, are cooling one and a half times faster than previously thought. The results of the work were published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Having studied the materials of the intermediate layer of the planet in laboratory conditions, scientists have found out what processes occur in the bowels of the Earth. They found that the thermal conductivity at the mantle-core interface is about one and a half times higher than they thought. This indicates a higher heat flux from the core and, consequently, a higher mantle convection. This is how assumptions appeared that in the entire history of its existence, the Earth had already cooled down, and this changes the previous views on the process of its evolution. Scientists tend to believe that further cooling of the planet's core will one day finally reduce the activity of the Earth, and it will turn into a kind of Mars or Mercury. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER News: This video is purely informative. The opinions or views contained on the News, Reports & Analysis may not represent the opinions or views of The Health Apt Channel and everyone working behind it. The Health Apt Channel makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in any News, Research, Analysis or Opinion provided by its videos. Under no circumstances will The Health Apt Channel, and everyone working behind it, be held liable by any person or entity for decisions made or actions taken by any person or entity that relies upon the information provided here. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: #futureofearth #futureofplanetearth by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
What could be the causes of the new coronavirus NeoCov as we can ask. Constantly occurring virus mutations provoked the emergence of a new NeoCov coronavirus. This was stated by the director of the Center. N. F. Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg, commenting on the situation with new strains of COVID-19. Gintsburg explained that new strains of coronavirus will appear again in those countries where the sequencing level is about 100,000 or more per month. New strains will not appear where the sequencing level remains in the range of 2-4 thousand bp. A new strain of coronavirus became known at the end of January this year. Chinese scientists have reported that the NeoCov coronavirus discovered in Africa is similar to SARS-CoV-2, it can be potentially dangerous to humans. A new coronavirus has been identified in bats in South Africa. It is known that so far only individuals in this population are affected by it. According to scientists, the infection has the potential for mutations and can be dangerous for animals and humans. It is noted that the new coronavirus is not the only virus that in the future may be dangerous to humans. #coronavirus #coronavirusmutation #newcov Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER News: This video is purely informative. The opinions or views contained on the News, Reports & Analysis may not represent the opinions or views of The Health Apt Channel and everyone working behind it. The Health Apt Channel makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in any News, Research, Analysis or Opinion provided by its videos. Under no circumstances will The Health Apt Channel, and everyone working behind it, be held liable by any person or entity for decisions made or actions taken by any person or entity that relies upon the information provided here. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Did you know the benefits of canned kidney beans? If you are looking for the best sources of plant-based protein then kidney beans are one of them. Canned kidney beans are also rich in dietary fiber that is good for colon health and reduce blood sugar level. Kidney beans are full of prebiotics, several vitamins and minerals, essential for our health. Because of high protein and fiber, kidney beans can reduce digestion of carbs that is good for weight loss. Canned kidney beans are also low in cost, easy to prepare for any recipe and surely has a long shelf life. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #kidneybeansbenefits #cannedbeansbenefits #healthbenefitofbeans DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Did you know the benefits of bitter gourd juice? Bitter gourd or bitter melon has the property to maintain blood sugar levels. Bitter melon can lower the bad cholesterol level. Your skin will glow and hair will shine if you drink bitter gourd juice. It can cleanse your liver and relief from hangovers. Bitter gourd has low calorie and high fiber. So drinking bitter gourd juice regularly help in your weight loss goal. Bitter melon juice can boosts your immune system and great for your eyes as well. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #bittergourdbenefits #bittergourdjuice #bittermelonbenefits DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Do you know the benefits of dried apricots? Well apricot is very nutritious fruit that has low calorie & fat. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Apricots contain antioxidant like flavonoids that protects body from oxidative stress. It also contain beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C & E that protects our eyes. Naturally apricots are high in antioxidants which boost skin health. It has soluble fiber that is good for gut health. Apricot is a water & potassium rich fruit, that protect our heart by reducing blood pressure and risk of stroke. Some animal studies proved that Apricot protect the liver from oxidative stress. Dried apricot contains iron and copper which can help to prevent or treat anemia. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #driedapricotbenefits #benefitsofapricot #apricotforhealth DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Did you know the benefits of putting almond oil in belly button? If you want to glow your skin then surely use almond oil in belly button daily. Your skin will feel so soft and more supple. It will make your skin hydrated. It also helps to remove your dark circles and wrinkles. If you are suffering from cracked lips, then use this method to heal it as well. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #almondoil #almondoilbenefits #almondoilinnavel DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Did you know the health benefits of banana peel on face? Well placing a banana peel on closed eyes regulerly can reduce puffiness. If you have acne scars, then rubbing the peel on it can help them to fade. By rubbing a banana peel on your face daily, you can brighten your skin and reduce wrinkles. It is a great remedy to reduce pimple as well. You can rub banana peel on your teeth to whiten it. It can also remove warts from your skin if you have them. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #bananapeel #bananapeelbenefits DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
benefits of adult swaddling: the bizarre new health trend. Sure it is. Its surely reduces stress level and promotes relaxation. It may help your body posture and balance. It also help to improve your sleep. From stiff muscles it can release the tension. And last but not least, if you are sufferings from hips, shoulders and back pain. It can help to ease that pain as well. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #adultswaddling #benefitsofadultswaddling DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Banana vs Apple energy which is better for health? Every 100gm of banana contains 1.2gm protein, 27.2gm carbs, 0.3gm fat and 116 calorie. So its good for immune system of our body and skin. On the other hand, every 100gm of apple contains 0.2gm protein, 3.2gm fiber, 86% water and 59 calorie. So it can surely help to lower blood sugar and cholesterol level of our body. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #bananavsapple #applevsbanana #bananavsappleenergy DISCLAIMER News: This video is purely informative. The opinions or views contained on the News, Reports & Analysis may not represent the opinions or views of The Health Apt Channel and everyone working behind it. The Health Apt Channel makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in any News, Research, Analysis or Opinion provided by its videos. Under no circumstances will The Health Apt Channel, and everyone working behind it, be held liable by any person or entity for decisions made or actions taken by any person or entity that relies upon the information provided here. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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soulessarah · 3 years ago
Do not eat banana before bed. You should never eat banana at night or at dinner. Because banana has a tendency of mucus formation. So if it does that in your stomach then your digestion will get disturbed. But if you eat banana during lunch then it is really good for your health. Because it strengthens the immune system of our body. It also improves our skin to make it more beautiful. Life is beautiful and you can make it more beautiful by living longer and doing much more good deeds that you deserve to do. If you want to live a healthy happy life then stay tuned with our channel and thanks for watching. #bananabeforebed #bananaatlunch DISCLAIMER News: This video is purely informative. The opinions or views contained on the News, Reports & Analysis may not represent the opinions or views of The Health Apt Channel and everyone working behind it. The Health Apt Channel makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in any News, Research, Analysis or Opinion provided by its videos. Under no circumstances will The Health Apt Channel, and everyone working behind it, be held liable by any person or entity for decisions made or actions taken by any person or entity that relies upon the information provided here. DISCLAIMER Health: This video is purely informative. Do not self-medicate and in any case, consult a qualified medical professional before applying any information presented in the video. We do not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for the harm that can be caused by using the information stated in the video. ------------------------------------------------- Health Apt Channel Facebook Page: Video: by Health Apt
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