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versegm · 2 years ago
ngl i was seriously anticipating how you would react to lb6 morgan considering you're a notorious mordred simp. Your reactions did not disappoint :D
I am going to fuck Morgan.
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tainbocuailnge · 5 years ago
Beryl talks with tayunskapon in lb5.2 and she says that hes descended by wolves so him being a werewolf still might be possible
i keep getting conflicting info so I think the right call is just to wait a week or two for more detailed translations to come pouring in. def hope he’s a wolf of SOME kind tho because why else does he have the TEETH
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coe-lilium · 5 years ago
i must say I really liked this lb. kirsch not being a typical snobby mage and is actually super similar to guda(love the tragedy of the what-if scenario that they could've been great friends) and- despite me being a greek mythology nerd instead of roman- the CONCEPTUAL fight between greek vs roman gods/civ, how ares grew to be a more compassionate god through human love/beliefs vs losing their human connection zeus, and makarios+adele. awesome npcs that actually journeyed with us until the end
Yes, yes, yes! 
The twins are a blessing and worthy successors to Patxi (also very much needed after 4 LB with the NPCs being little to nothing more than “cute kid, feel bad”. If you wanna rip my heart to shreds do it properly mushroom man).
Mars stuff has me in a excellent mood, I’m very positively surprised TM recognized and used it *proud*   
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vyragosa · 5 years ago
heyyy I dunno if you like spoilers and you have to use google translate to read it if you don't know CN, but there's a small scene in ifrit's POV in the game later on: ak. mooncell. wiki /w/SW-ST5/NBT
AH SHIT I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS ASK BUT the link didn’t seem to work the first time hold on
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cerastes · 3 years ago
Dreamer did you hear that undertides 2 might be the next anniversary event for ak???
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Yes! I'm Aware Of That Particular Leak! I will put my thoughts under a cut in case of anyone desiring to not get spoiled:
I fucking CALLED it I told you we'd get Specter Alter sooner than later, because it'd be beyond criminal for them to tease the capabilities of Sane Specter (AKA going full fucking Devil May Cry air combos in Under Tides) and then not do something else with that, specially when Specter herself is a popular character both in gameplay and with fanartists.
I almost got her gameplay right, too: She'll be an Eunectes type duelist Defender, and I can't wait to see what they do with her. I initially thought she'd be a Reaper, a 6* La Pluma, basically, but it seems they've gone a similar yet distinct route. I can't wait to see what kinda broken shit she'll bring to the board, given that among the other high rarity characters that have gotten alters so far, she is the only one that's not undertuned or powercreeped; Nearl, Ch'en, and Skadi are famously undertuned or powercreeped and popular, hence their alters taking preference. But Specter is meta to this day, and won't stop being meta because she is the only one that can do what she does as well as she does it. It's definitely an interesting decision, and I'm here for it >:)
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queenofnohr · 8 years ago
Yes!!!!! Umineko was a huge part of my middle/high school years!
In that regard, I suppose, along with how much the story itself resonates with me, it’s the media I love the most, even though I don’t talk about it so much.
It, along with Higurashi, is something that definitely is just kind of intrinsic to me now? It definitely influences my work, my enjoyment of other media, and is always in the back of my head ^^
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tang-wei · 8 years ago
heyheyhey, How do you think Guren feels when people in the army call him a hero when in reality he was the one who set the apocalypse?
wow, never really thought of that before. Hmm, I don’t think he’s the type that will suddenly become super depressed or try and correct people for it. Knowing that he kept the fact that his squad died from them, and that people don’t seem to know what actually happened, and perhaps even a gag order by kureto/ the Hiiragi sucm,he would be playing into the role of the hero. He’d accept the complement with a smile, and take it as a title- nothing more nothing less. It doesn’t do to dwell on the past and change things he can’t. He’d try and move forward. 
Also, it just popped into my mind that Kureto himself could have propagated those rumors. Guren is an excellent commander (at the very least). People would want to follow the hero of the apocalypse more than the mighty but distant Hiiragi. Since Kureto sees Guren as someone he controls, he would want Guren to have a large following for him to manipulate....
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versegm · 4 years ago
Do you think zerkerguda will look at zouken, call him barbatos and happily try to kill him for farming materials, or try to kill him out of sheer hatred for being a disgusting mage?
can’t believe guda’s gonna look at zouken and go “it’s free spinal fluids babes!”
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tainbocuailnge · 7 years ago
ok so the post about siegfried and his fashion statements? Have you watched his summer fate episodes yet?
i didnt cause im constantly torn between “i want to know EVERYTHING” and “i want to read these fates WHEN I GET TO THEM” especially when it comes to characters i really desperately want already
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timeandcircles · 10 years ago
I was tagged by jordsie  (bit late shush)
My band/musician: Ling Tosite Sigure
Using the song titles from the band/musician you picked, cleverly answer these questions. Tag as many people as you want. Try not to repeat song titles. It’s harder than you think!
Are you male or female?: I Was Music Describe yourself: Replica How do you feel: Red Temptation Describe where you currently live: Filmsick Mystery If you could go anywhere, where would it be: Knife Vacation Your best friend is: Cool J You and your best friend are: Abnormalize Favorite time of day:  AM 3:45 If your life was a tv show, what would the title be: Memories of Sunset  What life is to you: A 7 Day Wonder Your relationship: Enigmatic Feeling Your fear: Telecastic Fake Show
I’m gonna tag:  championess, hinasakisanctuary, lucy-and-loki, choco-tan99
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sexysilverstrider · 6 years ago
your thirst for seteth is so valid bc in the beginning i thought of seteth as "i'm gonna love poking fun at him lol" and then I read his a support and now it's ASLKJDGASKJFHGAG SETETH WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME (also lords/byleth is otp lol)
OH BIG MOOD I DIDNT EXPECT TO LOVE HIM AT ALL LMAOOOO i do love his voice actor so of cource mark p whitten was just the door for my seteth love ;w;
love this green man. muah (god yes...lords/byleth is fluff angst fuel)
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cerastes · 8 years ago
there's a video for lobo's myroom now and you can see the various facial expressions he makes. you also have to listen to him growl to hear the implications he's trying to make. at least in bond 5, he's barking at you instead of growling :D
Oh, that IS very cool! I do not have Hessian Lobo, myself, so this is really cool to know, thanks!
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rukazaya · 10 years ago
do you read the drrr!! light novels??? :3
Yes I do ♥
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vocaotome · 11 years ago
Hi! I have a question. If you're playing on your phone, do you know how to get past the beginning part of the clock tower part in the prologue? I can't past it... _._;
While you are in the early part of the prologue, try skipping to the next choice?
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tainbocuailnge · 8 years ago
heyyyyy... I just started the game like, 2 weeks ago, is it worth switching over to the eng. vers. when it comes out?
if you’ve only just started and you’re willing to wait a bit longer to really get going you might want to just wait for the eng version since it’s gonna come out pretty soon already (this summer). you can’t transfer your jp account servants to the en server from what I’ve seen so unless you’re really impatient there’s not much reason to keep playing jp version, especially since early game fgo is pretty hard and you’d have to do it all again
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brave-frontier-imagines · 11 years ago
Summoner getting pissed off at the low capture rates for the battle maidens, so the units are whispering to each other about his/her mood and how they keep going through the same dungeons over and over again (cuz my luck for the battle maidens is non existent... OTL)
Imagine the Summoner comes back from a Battle Maiden Dungeon with empty hands and an exhausted Squad. "Finally..." Selena pants as she sits down. "That took forever to finish..."Michele flops down on the ground beside her. "Ugh we didn't even catch her! What a waste!""Get off the ground," Loch says as he pulls her up. "We're probably about to leave aga-""Come on," the Summoner urges as they open the portal again. "We're trying again.""Speak of the devil...""Summoner, m'lord," Will speaks up. "How long are we going to do this? This is our third attempt now...""Yeah!" Douglas joins in, obviously peeved. "We're really tired, y'know!""We're not stopping until we catch her!" the Summoner argues back. "Now come on! The quicker we beat her the quicker we can come home!"Morale is dangerously low as the Units mow down the wave of enemies ahead of them, only to be soundly beat once again by whatever Maiden they go up against. Fortunately, some lucky shots take down the Maiden again...only for her to disappear without joining. Again. "FOR THE LOVE OF LUCIUS WHY DO YOU ELUDE ME SO?!" the Summoner shrieks. "There they go again..." Will sighs. "My feet hurt..." Michele whines. "I can't believe I'm saying this but can we just take a rest day now?""If I were to guess, I'd say the Summoner'll use a Gem to recharge the portal," Loch predicts. "Don't say that!" Selena scolds. "They might actually-""Aha! Found one!" The Summoner holds up a Gem they were searching for. "Alright, team! Five minute rest, then we're trying again!""I'm so killing you later, Loch.""Fair enough... Thank goodness this event will close soon...""What're the chances we'll even get this Maiden?" Douglas asks, leaning against his gun. "At this rate I wouldn't be so hopeful."
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