dbfacets · 2 years
Facets: Chapter Eleven
Summary: While exploring another planet, Etro, Calabris, and Turnis run into some old and familiar faces.  However, not all of them are friendly...
Author Notes: GUESS WHOS BACK...BACK AGAIN....read to find out lol!
Shot begins on Planet Namek.  NOBITU is being summoned.  NAV can be seen standing with CHLEA with a gun to their head.  He’s forcing them to make a wish.  NOBITU’s eyes glow red, and suddenly RHU is brought back to life in a flash of light.  She looks dazed at first, but she soon looks at her hands and squeezes them shut when she realizes that she’s alive.  She then looks at NAV.
RHU …  Is my empire still standing?
NAV shakes his head.  RHU growls before walking past him.
RHU Whatever.  It doesn’t matter…  I have something else on my mind, anyway.
Cut to a jungle planet elsewhere.  TURNIS, CALABRIS, and ETRO are all sitting around a fire while ETRO prepares a meal.  He hands out the...meat kebabs, I guess.
ETRO Careful, it’s hot.
TURNIS Thanks.
ETRO sits down, and they start eating.  Suddenly, CALABRIS looks to the side when he senses movement from the bushes.  TURNIS senses it soon as well, and they both stand up.
CALABRIS Looks like dinner will have to wait…  We’ve got company.
The two are on-guard, now.  Shot shows PATOTO’s boot stepping out of the brush, and then it shows PATOTO in full view.  KINPA peeks out from behind him.  Both are wearing new outfits, moreso KINPA than PATOTO.  TURNIS and CALABRIS calm down.
CALABRIS Well, whaddya know?  Look who it is.
PATOTO Didn’t expect to see you two out here…
CALABRIS Likewise.  We’re on vacation.  What’s your excuse?
KINPA We’ve been planet hopping for a while.  We just happened to be here exploring when we found you.
ETRO stands up, and KINPA seems a little put off by him.  PATOTO crosses his arms.
PATOTO Who’s the big guy?
TURNIS This is Etro.  He’s a friend of ours.
PATOTO Really?  Both of yours?  Huh.  I didn’t think Calabris here was capable of making friends.
CALABRIS looks exasperated.
CALABRIS Why does everyone keep saying I can’t make friends?
TURNIS smirks a little.  Shot changes to show all of them sitting together having a meal.
KINPA This is very good…  Where did you learn to cook like this?
ETRO It’s just something I picked up on my own.  I’ve always loved to cook.  I’m actually a chef on a planet not too far off from here.
PATOTO I’m assuming that’s where you guys live now?  What happened to Sadala?
CALABRIS We decided it sucked and ditched it.  We found a new planet to crash on.
PATOTO Sounds like Sadala really has gone down the drain since we left.
CALABRIS No kidding.
As if to interrupt them, a ship flies overhead and lands in a nearby clearing.
KINPA …  I don’t feel good about that ship for some reason.
PATOTO Me, neither.  Let’s check it out.
Shot changes to show them all walking out to see what’s up.  The ship’s door opens, and out steps RHU with NAV behind her.  PATOTO and KINPA look surprised.
KINPA Her again?
CALABRIS What?  You know her?
PATOTO She gave us some trouble a few years ago.  She’s supposed to be dead.
ETRO Maybe she was brought back to life like I was?
RHU steps off the ship and stands on the ground, looking very serious.
RHU …  You.
PATOTO huffs.
PATOTO Back for more, huh?  I take it you’re still pissy about being beaten back then?
RHU sneers.
RHU I guess you could say that.  But, I’m here to right that wrong today.
PATOTO Oh?  I hope you’re bringing more to the table than you did last time, then.  Otherwise this isn’t gonna end up well for you.
RHU Oh, you just wait and see.
She then proceeds to power up all the way to Super Saiyan 4, the top half of her bodysuit ripping off.
RHU I’ve learned your stupid little transformation, and I’ve made it better!  I’ve gotten much stronger than you were when you defeated me.  Now it’s over!
KINPA seems a little nervous, and he looks at PATOTO, who is just smirking.
PATOTO Is that it?
RHU What?
PATOTO You honestly don’t think that after all these years, that is the most powerful transformation I have, do you?
Without letting her answer, he powers up to Super Saiyan Blue.  She looks very unhappy about this.
PATOTO This is Super Saiyan Blue.  It’s what happens when a saiyan achieves the power of a god, and then goes beyond that. RHU is fuming.
RHU Whatever, whatever, whatever!!!  I don’t care what color you are now!!  I’m going to beat you to a pulp!!
She launches at him with a battle cry, and they start fighting.  PATOTO easily dodges her wild attacks, and eventually he starts laying into her with his fists.  She tries to fire a big energy blast at him, but he cancels it out with his own blast.  This pisses her off again, and she darts forward to try and attack, but he counters and knocks the wind out of her with a knee to the gut.  She collapses to her knees in front of him, and he stands triumphantly over her.
PATOTO You see?  You can’t win, even after all that effort.  It’s pointless.  You lose again.
RHU clenches her fists.
RHU No…  This can’t be happening…!  I can’t lose to you…! Not again!  I won’t lose to you again!!
She suddenly yells, and she seems to start to be gaining more and more power.  The ground starts cracking around her, and pebbles start floating.  You know, like in Dragon Ball Z.  Everyone looks worried all of a sudden.  PATOTO steps back cautiously.  Eventually, RHU’s energy turns dark (basically like Cumber’s) and she opens her eyes to reveal that they’ve turned white.  Two clawed hands made of energy emerge from the aura surrounding her.
TURNIS Her energy…  It feels much darker than before.
KINPA Patoto, be careful!
TURNIS turns to ETRO.
TURNIS ETRO, go back to the ship where it’s safe.
ETRO O-okay!
ETRO runs back into the trees and brush.  RHU starts her attack, sending out one of the claws to swipe at PATOTO.  When he dodges, she snarls, and balls of dark energy start shooting out around her.  TURNIS pulls up a shield to protect himself, CALABRIS, and KINPA.  PATOTO does his best to dodge them.  Unfortunately, NAV and the ship get taken out in this attack.  F.
PATOTO What the hell happened?
KINPA She seems to have gained a lot of power from somewhere!
PATOTO Obviously!
PATOTO tries shooting her with energy balls, but her claws knock them away easily.  She then launches up into the sky at him, grabbing him with the claws before he can escape.  She starts to crush him, and KINPA sees he’s in trouble.
KINPA He needs help!
KINPA powers up to SSJ4 and flies in.  He fires a big blast at her to distract her, and she turns around to face him.  She then tosses PATOTO at him, and they slam into each other, crashing to the ground.  PATOTO groans and rolls off of KINPA.
PATOTO You okay?
KINPA I’m fine--Look out!
PATOTO turns just in time to see RHU holding a huge ball of dark energy above her head.  They get up from the ground and charge up their own energy attacks before she throws the ball, and then they fire back at it.  The two energies collide, and they struggle for a moment.  Eventually, though, RHU’s attack breaks up, causing an explosion.
KINPA We broke it!
Suddenly, though, RHU bursts through the smoke and collides with the two of them, dragging them through the ground.  She flips over and lands on her feet a ways off from them, leaving them in the dirt.  They look pretty beaten.  TURNIS turns to CALABRIS.
TURNIS Cal, we need to help them.
CALABRIS Should we fuse like last time?
TURNIS There’s no time.  Let’s just power up and head in.
The two of them go SSJ4 as well before blasting off to help.  RHU sees them coming, but they use a team energy attack before she can react.  The smoke clears to reveal her still standing there, and now she’s even more pissed.  She sends out her claws to attack them, and they both dodge, but she then uses the claws to pick up huge chunks of rock from the ground and toss them at them.  CALABRIS dodges just barely, but TURNIS gets nailed because he wasn’t expecting it.  He gets knocked to the ground, a bit battered.
CALABRIS growls and goes in for hand-to-hand combat.  He and RHU fight that way for a minute before RHU grabs him by the throat and slams him into the ground, choking him.  He quickly blasts her away with an energy ball, but she recovers and lands a few yards from him.  CALABRIS stands up, and soon the other three are joining him.
PATOTO Looks like we’ve gotta team up again.
CALABRIS Looks like it.
RHU growls at them, and they have a staredown for a moment.  Then, they all launch at each other.  All four attack her together, but with her claws and own body, she fends them off pretty well.  When they surround her, she curls up before releasing a huge AOE attack like Zamasu does in Xenoverse 2 so you know it’s bullshit powerful.  They all get knocked away and land on the ground, beaten pretty badly.  PATOTO tries to get up, but RHU is on him quickly, picking him up by his hair and causing him to cry out.  She grins wickedly and reels back a hand with one final energy ball, ready to end it.
RHU Looks like it’s curtain call for you.
PATOTO looks actually frightened for a moment.  However, suddenly, IVE and POLI teleport onto the scene.  Everyone looks at them.  IVE is smiling warmly, as well as POLI.  However, he soon notices what’s going on.
IVE Oh…  Have I come at a bad time?
RHU Who the hell are you supposed to be?
IVE It’s nice to see you again, everyone.  Though...it looks like I’ve walked in on something.
RHU growls.
RHU You’re with them, huh?  Figures.  Give me a sec to take care of this trash and his orange friend, and then I’ll come take care of you.
IVE I can’t allow you to do that.
RHU Tch!  Who are you to stop me?  I’m stronger than the gods now!
IVE Hmm…  I don’t think so.
RHU Whatever.  I’ll just have to show ya what happens when ya interrupt.
She drops PATOTO and then bolts towards IVE, reeling back her fist.  He easily dodges and she misses, blinking.  She then swipes her energy claws around, and he flips over them as well.  She gets pissed again and comes at him with another punch and he just grabs her fist and holds her there.
RHU Who the hell even are you?!
IVE I’m the God of Destruction for your universe.
RHU You?  Yeah, right!  As if someone like you could be a god!  All you’ve done is dodge like a coward!
IVE You want to see my power, then?  Okay…
He suddenly appears behind her, and he gives her a little flick.  She goes flying away and crashes into a mountain.  After a moment, she climbs out of the crater she made, snarling before launching back at him again.  Before she can reach him, he holds out a hand and stops her movements, causing her to lock up and fall to the ground.  He holds her there.
IVE You may be stronger than a saiyan with god power, but you’re not stronger than a god themself.  You still have a long way to go before you get there.
RHU tries to get free, growling.
IVE From what I gather, you have beef with those two over there, right?  What for?
RHU They killed me and ruined my whole empire!  I was gonna rule over the whole galaxy!!
IVE frowns a little.
IVE It sounds like they were stopping you from doing something bad, then…
RHU So what?  I did what I had to to gain the power I needed!  Power is everything, and I woulda gotten everything I wanted if those two idiots hadn’ta stepped in and taken it from me!!
IVE You do have a lot of power, but it isn’t everything.  It won’t get you what you need.
RHU Oh my god, shut up.  I did not come back to life just to be preached to about good and evil by some skinny dude in a costume.
IVE Did all that power get you friends?  Love?  Or did it only get you subordinates and fear?
RHU Shut UP!!!
She tries to get up again, but she can’t.
IVE There’s a reason you’re so against those things, isn’t there?
RHU I’ll kill you if you keep talking.
IVE Something happened that made you stop trusting them, right?
RHU snarls and thrashes around while the others watch with interest.  Eventually she calms down to try and regain her stamina.
RHU …  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is that I learned I didn’t need those things to be satisfied.  All I needed was strength and power; those are the only two things I can depend on!
IVE I’m sorry for whatever you went through that made you feel that way.  You must have not had a good friend and you got hurt, right?
RHU doesn’t respond this time.  IVE thinks.
IVE Maybe you just need someone to show you what it’s like to have a good friend.
He finally holds out his hand.
IVE Okay then.  I’ll be your friend.
RHU looks up at him incredulously.
RHU …  For real?  You’re offerin’ to be my friend, even after seein’ what I did to those guys and what I tried to do to you, too?  You honestly wanna be friends with someone like me?
IVE smiles a little.
IVE I’ve met people like you before that were able to change for the better.  I think if they can, you can, too.
RHU …  Yer gonna make me throw up.
IVE keeps holding his hand out, and RHU just stares at it.  Eventually, though, she gives in with a sigh.  Her evil aura dies down, and she also powers down to base form before taking his hand.  He helps her up.  In the background, the others are helping each other up as well.  RHU looks disgruntled.
RHU …  God of Destruction, huh?  Yer bad at destroyin’ things.
IVE laughs a little.
IVE I’m new.
He turns to the others.
IVE Are you all okay?
CALABRIS I guess.  But, what are you gonna do about her?
IVE thinks before turning back to RHU.
IVE You’re from Sadala, right?  I can take you back there since your ship is totaled.
RHU scoffs.
RHU Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea, seein’ how I left it last time.
IVE Then I can take you to another planet you’ll be happy on.  It’s no problem.
RHU Really?  You literally just offered to be my...friend...and then yer gonna just drop me off on some random planet?
IVE Well, I do still have a job to do.  But I do plan on visiting you!  Plus, I can give you something that’ll let you contact me whenever you want, even just to talk.  POLI, can you give me the transceiver?
POLI hands him that little round button thing Whis gave to Bulma.  He hands it to her.
IVE You can press this button and it’ll patch you through to Poli.  Then she can tell me you’re calling.
RHU looks at it with a frown, but doesn’t say anything.  PATOTO walks up to them with his arms crossed.
PATOTO Well, I didn’t expect this to happen.
RHU Shut up.  I’m still pissed at you for killin’ me.
PATOTO   I mean, hey, I killed that greasy guy over there too and now look at us.  We’re allies...sort of.  I wouldn’t mind having you around to spar with now and then, you know.
RHU Just because this guy offered to be my friend doesn’t mean you can come over here an’ get the same thing.
PATOTO holds up his hands.
PATOTO I never said anything about being friends.  I was thinking more along the lines of rivals.
RHU squints, then scoffs and looks away.
RHU …  Whatever.  As if you’d ever be able to rival me at your level.
PATOTO smirks.
PATOTO I’ll take that as a challenge.
IVE places his hand on POLI’s back and holds out his other hand for RHU. She looks at it for a moment before taking it.  She then looks at PATOTO for a sec before scoffing and turning away, and the three of them teleport off somewhere.  TURNIS, CALABRIS, and KINPA walk up to PATOTO.
CALABRIS Well, that was...a lot.
KINPA I agree…  I was shocked to see Ive in Moja’s place.  I suppose he was serious about making him into the next God of Destruction.
ETRO calls out from off-screen.
ETRO (off-screen) Hey!
Shot shows ETRO peeking out from the bushes.
ETRO Is it over…?
CALABRIS Yeah!  We’re good.
He turns to PATOTO and KINPA.
CALABRIS You guys wanna hang with us for a little while and eat some more?  I wanna hear what you two have been up to all this time.
PATOTO Sounds fine to me.
CALABRIS smirks a little.  The shot zooms out to show them all walking towards ETRO.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Beagle and cat caught cuddling before "hitting snooze" in adorable clip
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/RAY7e
Beagle and cat caught cuddling before "hitting snooze" in adorable clip
A cat and a beagle named Chlea and Chloe are melting hearts all over the internet thanks to a collection of videos that show them cuddling each other. In one of the viral clips posted by their owner, who uses the handle Thebeagleandthebun, Chlea and Chloe can be seen snuggling in bed and stretching out […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/RAY7e #CatsNews
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not-that-debonair · 2 years
Aha! Chuir mo chleas mioscaiseach chun an t-amhrán as Gaeilge is fearr liom do gach duine a thaispeánt dallamullóg oraibh‼️
I ndáiríre tá iontas orm go bhfuair an oiread daoine Ní na Lá mar is é an toradh go cinnte nach gheobhainn. Ah bhuel, is dócha go n-éiríonn le m’uquiz rialú cáilíochta
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quentawewe · 2 years
DSMOM SPOILER ALERT! couldn't help myself from sharing this short clip. but i'm really really excited for it's 3rd movie
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chlealondon · 6 years
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Photographer @juice954 
Model @londonfbby
Wearing @fashionnova
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topmodelcentral · 4 years
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Chlea Ramirez 
~ America (20) ~
by Rightarm Photography
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thecircusfreaks · 3 years
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lovelyballetandmore · 5 years
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Marcin Kaczorowski | Célestin Boutin | Chlea Giguere | Les Grands Ballets Canadiens | Photo by Sasha Onyshchenko/Kravetz Photographics
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antmrankingskd · 6 years
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11. Chlea
Chlea took several steps back this week. The pose is alright and her body looks good in the dress, but her face is major letdown. She seems really disconnected from the setting and her eyes are completely unfocused. Her face also photographed super flat, which is due to the angle and her lack of defined bone structure. As weak as this shot is, Chlea did a much better job than my bottom 3.
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nailsonthebeach · 6 years
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photographer @juice954 
model @londfbby
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dbfacets · 2 years
Facets: Chapter Nine
Summary: Time passes, and Turnis and Calabris are once again visiting new planets.  This time, however, they find a culture with a mysterious set of orbs that can apparently grant wishes...?
Author Notes: look! dragon balls! lol.  honestly im mostly excited to post this chapter so i can upload cal and turnis’ timeskip designs LMFAO anyway enjoy!
Shot begins by showing TURNIS and CALABRIS’ ship flying through space.  They’re flying towards Namek apparently.  Shot changes to show them landing somewhere.  The hatch opens, and they step out, revealing their kickass new outfits.  Hell yes.
CALABRIS Well, this place seems pretty nice.  The map said it’s called Namek.
TURNIS I feel like I’ve heard of it…
CALABRIS Well, might as well go exploring.
Cut to the two of them flying through the sky.  They come across a village.
TURNIS Look, there’s a village.
CALABRIS Let’s go see if they’re friendly.
Shot shows the two of them landing near the village, and a few namekians look over at them curiously.  They seem to recognize them as saiyans, and they immediately get wary.
CALABRIS I’m sensing some harsh vibes…
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN What are you doing on our planet, saiyans?
CALABRIS and TURNIS look to the UNNAMED NAMEKIAN who addressed them.
CALABRIS We’re just checking it out.
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN You’re not here for the dragon balls?
CALABRIS The what now?
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN The wish orbs.  You are not here to steal them and have a wish granted?
TURNIS We don’t know anything about any dragon balls.  We’re just passing through looking for a place to settle.  If you don’t want us here, we’ll leave.
CALABRIS seems to think for a second.
CALABRIS Hold on, actually…  Are you saying these dragon balls or whatever can grant wishes?  Like, for real?
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN Yes.  Many have come to steal them and use them for horrible reasons.
CALABRIS …  Would you, uh...mind if I borrowed them for a minute?
TURNIS looks at him confusedly.
TURNIS Calabris?  What do you need them for?  You’re not planning on making some weird wish, are you?
CALABRIS Just trust me on this.
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN You may not use the dragon balls!  You saiyans are untrustworthy.
Calabris Come on, just one wish!
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN No!  Leave this planet at once, before you attract more of your people.
TURNIS Come on, Cal.  There’s no point if they don’t trust us.
CALABRIS frowns, and the two of them turn to walk away.  Suddenly, CHLEA speaks up.
CALABRIS and TURNIS stop and look back.
CHLEA These two saiyans don’t mean any harm.  Their intentions are good.  I think we should let them use the dragon balls.
UNNAMED NAMEKIAN What?  Are you sure about this?
CALABRIS and TURNIS look at each other.  Cut to CALABRIS standing with CHLEA in front of the gathered dragon balls while TURNIS hangs back with his arms crossed.  CHLEA summons NOBITU, and the other two look up at him in awe.
CALABRIS Whoa…  That’s huge.
NOBITU You that have summoned me, speak your wishes now.
CHLEA What do you want me to tell him?
CALABRIS glances back at TURNIS before looking up at the dragon.
CALABRIS I want to wish our friend Etro back to life and bring him here to us.
TURNIS looks super surprised.  CHLEA nods and addresses the dragon, speaking the wishes in Namekian (I’ll figure it out later).  NOBITU’s eyes glow red, and soon enough, ETRO is appearing in front of them in a flash of light.  He looks delirious for a second, but he gains his composure after a moment and looks around in confusion.  When he sees his friends, he blinks.
ETRO Calabris?  Turnis…?
TURNIS hesitates, but he soon runs over to ETRO and looks up at him for a moment.  Then, he steps forward and hugs him.  ETRO hugs back.  
ETRO I haven’t seen you two in ages…  What did I miss?
TURNIS peeks over at CALABRIS with a grateful expression, and CALABRIS just looks back with a warm grin.
CALABRIS I hope this makes up for something, at least.
TURNIS scoffs lightly with a small grin, and he then rests his forehead against ETRO’s armor.
Cut to another planet, I’m not naming this one I guess.  There’s little weird aliens running around as well as other more humanoid aliens.  Shot shows the saiyans’ ship landing outside of a small civilization.  Shot then cuts to show the three of them walking around the town.
ETRO This place seems nice…
TURNIS I’ll go ask around to see if there’s any available places to stay.
CALABRIS Sounds good.
When TURNIS walks off, CALABRIS leans over to ETRO.
CALABRIS I forgot to mention it, but after you died, your pets were given to foster homes.  I know you’ve probably worried about them.
ETRO sighs.
ETRO Thanks for telling me…  I hope they’re doing okay.
CALABRIS Hey, don’t worry.  I’m sure they’ll let us take ‘em back if we ask.
ETRO smiles a little.
ETRO That...would be nice.
TURNIS walks back to them.
TURNIS Good news--I found us a place to stay.  It seems like it’s a pretty decent space for the three of us.
ETRO seems to notice a sign with food on it off to the side.  There’s a flyer on the window that says “NOW HIRING” in a couple different languages.
ETRO Um…  You two go settle in.  I want to check something out first.
CALABRIS Oh.  Okay, then.  Don’t get lost, I guess.
TURNIS Be careful.
ETRO starts to walk off.
ETRO I will.
Shot shows TURNIS and CALABRIS in the distance as ETRO walks off.  Cut to ETRO entering the apparent restaurant.  Everyone stops eating and just kind of looks at him.  A nervous waiter scuttles up to him.
WAITER Um…  Can I help you, sir?  Do you want a table?
ETRO Actually, I…  I’m interested in applying to be a cook here, if that’s alright.
The waiter blinks, not expecting that.
Cut to TURNIS and CALABRIS hanging out in their new crib, just chillin’.  ETRO walks in, and they look at him.
CALABRIS Hey, you found us.
TURNIS Where did you go?
ETRO You won’t believe it.
ETRO smiles really big, seeming happy and excited.
ETRO I got a job as a cook!  There was a restaurant that was hiring, and I applied.  They said they liked my cooking, and they let me in immediately.
TURNIS and CALABRIS smile at him.
TURNIS That’s great!
CALABRIS Way to go, Etro!
TURNIS I guess this means we’ve found our new home.
CALABRIS relaxes on the couch.
CALABRIS Sounds good to me.
Chapter ends with a shot of the house and a view of the sky.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#2 – Chlea
I don’t know what happened to Chlea since she came to Bali, but she became a model. I wouldn’t even be able to guess this was her, she looks like a plus-size goddess. The fabric is hugging her bodies in all the right places, and this angle for her face is magnificent. Her jawline is stronger than it has ever been, and her face looks beautiful. It is dramatic, fashionable and really a piece of art. It is this type of shot that makes me so glad they did the social media scoring for this cycle, as otherwise Chlea would have been remembered as probably the worst plus-size model on ANTM.
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Anakin and Padme trash-talking the gaudy ostentatious people at a senatorial gala.
The senator from Cantonica is loud. A tall, aggressively thin woman with her stylistically white hair pulled back into a bun so tight that it pulls her skin back in what looks like an incredibly painful way. 
Padme smiles easily at the other woman. “Chlea. It’s so nice to see you again.” 
Anakin hangs back. Everything about this woman seems fake, from her tan to her teeth to her height, elevated even more by her tall, opalescent shoes. Her dress is a shiny, headache-inducing gold, accented by the slit up the side of it an a plunging back. 
The two women kiss cheeks and Padme smiles understandingly at Anakin.
“Chlea, this is my husband, Anakin,” she says, pulling back to take Anakin’s hand. “Ani, this is Chlea Thedora. She is the senator from Cantonica.” 
He nods, holding out his mech hand in greeting. “It’s very nice to meet you, Senator Thedora.” 
Chlea keeps smiling, but it stops reaching her eyes as she takes in Anakin. From his formal Jedi robes to the mehcho hand he’s offering her. “It’s...very nice to meet you. Anakin, is it?” 
“Skywalker,” Anakin nods, slowing lowering his hand. “Jedi Knight.” 
“Ah,” Thedora nods, her smile fading a little. “Yes. Of course. I heard about you. Well. I hope you two are enjoying the party.” 
Padme looks around with wide eyes at the decor of the gala that the Cantonican senator has put together in honor of her homeworld’s acceptance into the Republic. Everything is gold. Everything. “It is very nice,” she says, smiling at the Cantonican again. “We’re having a very nice time. And the food is lovely.” 
“Oh, I’m so glad!” Chlea chirps. “Well, I must dash, but I...I wanted to say hello.” He looks Anakin up and down again. “Maybe next time your husband can find something a little less...rustic. To wear to one of our parties. Instead of something he likely brought with him from Tatooine.” She beams at them and then flits off. 
Anakin blinks and looks down at himself. “Uh.” 
“Don’t...don’t worry about it,” Padme says gently. “Cantonicans are known for being a little judgemental. They have a lot of money from their casinos and they have very high standards.”
“Coulda fooled me,” Anakin grumbles, looking around. “Is that a gold statue of their high leader? Who does that?” 
“They even decorated the fresher gold,” he adds. “And she wouldn’t even shake my hand.” 
Padme sighs softly. “I’m sorry, Ani. I didn’t know she would be that way.” 
“No, it’s fine,” he assures her. “Though maybe I should go.” 
“Or,” Padme suggests, taking both of his hands. “You could stay and help me make fun of all of this.” 
Anakin lifts an eyebrow. “A tempting offer.” 
She grins and tugs him closer. “And we can even kiss in the corner a little. To make sure Chlea knows that we’re bored with her party.” 
He smiles gratefully, kissing her gently. “That is an offer I can’t refuse.” 
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pinaysfinest2013 · 4 years
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chlealondon · 6 years
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Photographer @rightarmphotography
model @londonfbby Chlea London
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topmodelcentral · 5 years
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Chlea Ramirez 
~ America (20) ~
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