#chiyoh's theme
osachiyo · 11 months
letting your huge follower count get to your head is really fucking pathetic. you're not some big ass celebrity, you aren't better than any of us. girl you're a writer on tumblr, not some life-changing icon lmfao 💀 this girl needs to humble herself asap because she's just digging herself into a bigger hole atp 💀
mdni banners are basic asf and your themes aren't extraordinary that a lot of people would downright copy it. you didn't create any tropes, falsely accusing someone of plagiarism and letting your basically robotic ass followers attack someone and send death threats to chase them off the app is just childish and so fucking immature.
grow the fuck up and do better. you aren't the victim here and you never were. your victim mentality will be the cause of your downfall, sweetee.
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folie-a-deux · 5 months
A compilation of my favorite hannigram quotes, related lines or conversations throughout the series.
— Uhm... Just because?
S01E01: Apéritif
Hannibal: "God forbid we become friendly."
Will: "I don't find you that interesting."
Hannibal: "You will."
S01E04: Oeuf
Hannibal: "Feeling paternal, Will?"
Will: "Aren't you?"
Hannibal: "Yes."
S01E09: Trou Normand
Hannibal (to Will): "Who knows Abigail better than you and I? All the burden she bears. We are her fathers now. We have to serve her better than Garrett Jacob Hobbs."
S02E01: Kaiseki
Hannibal: "I miss him."
Bedelia: "You are obsessed with Will Graham."
Hannibal: "I am intrigued."
Bedelia: "Obsessively."
S02E09: Shiizakana
Hannibal (to Will): "No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved’s potential comes true. I love you, Will."
S02E10: Naka-Choko
Hannibal: "Stay with me."
Will: "Where else would I go?"
Alana: "It's just hard to know where you are with each other."
Will: "We know where we are with each other. Shouldn't that be enough?"
S02E12: Tome-wan
Will (to Hannibal): "You're right. We are just alike. You're as alone as I am. And we're both alone without each other."
Will (to Hannibal): "I bond with Abigail, you take her away. I bond with barely more than the idea of a child, you take it away. You saw to it that I alienated Alana, alienated Jack. You don't want me to have anything in my life that isn't you."
Hannibal: "Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus. Whenever he's mentioned in the Iliad, Patroclus seems to be defined by his empathy."
Will: "He became Achilles on the field of war. He died for him there, wearing his armor."
Hannibal: "He did. Hiding and revealing identity is a constant theme throughout the Greek epics."
Will: "As are battle-tested friendships."
Hannibal: "Achilles wished all Greeks would die, so that he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone. Took divine intervention to bring them down."
S02E13: Mizumono
Hannibal: "We could disappear now. Tonight. Feed your dogs, leave a note for Alana, and never see her or Jack again. Almost polite."
Will: "Then this would be our last supper."
Hannibal: "Of this life. I served lamb."
Will: "Sacrificial."
Hannibal: "I don't need a sacrifice, do you?"
Will: "You were supposed to leave."
Hannibal: "We couldn't leave without you."
Hannibal: "Time did reverse. The teacup that I shattered did come together. A place was made for Abigail in your world... You understand? A place was made for all of us, together. I wanted to surprise you. And you... you wanted to surprise me. I let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare gift. But you didn't want it."
Will: "Didn't I?"
Hannibal: "Do you believe you could change me, the way I've changed you?"
Will: "I already did."
Hannibal: "Fate and circumstance has returned us to this moment— when the teacup shatters. I forgive you, Will. Will you forgive me?"
S03E02: Primavera
Will: "A valentine written on a broken man."
Will: "I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I'd be without him."
Abigail: "What did you see?"
Will: "He left us his broken heart."
Abigail: "How did he know we were here?"
Will: "He didn't. But he knew we'd come."
Abigail: "He misses us."
S03E03: Secondo
Hannibal: "He said he forgave me."
Bedelia: "Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love."
Hannibal: "You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love."
Chiyoh: "How do you know Hannibal?"
Will: "One could argue intimately."
Chiyoh: "'Nakama'? It's a Japanese word for very close friends."
Will: "Yes, we were 'nakama'."
Chiyoh: "Why are you looking for him after he left you with a smile?"
Will: "I've never known myself as well as I know myself when I'm with him."
Jack: “Will Graham understands Hannibal. He accepts him. Now, who among us doesn’t want understanding and acceptance?”
Bedelia: “What your sister made you feel was beyond your conscious ability to control or predict."
Hannibal: "Or negotiate."
Bedelia: "I would suggest what Will Graham makes you feel is not dissimilar. A force of mind and circumstance.”
Hannibal: “Love. He pays you a visit or he doesn't.”
S03E04: Aperitivo
Jack: "You remember when you decided to call Hannibal?"
Will: "I wasn't decided when I called him. I just called him. I deliberated while the phone rang. I decided when I heard his voice."
Jack: "You told him we knew."
Will: "I told him to leave. 'Cause I wanted him to run."
Jack: "Why?"
Will: "Because... because he was my friend. And because I wanted to run away with him."
Dr. Chilton: "Will Graham is alive because Hannibal Lecter likes him that way."
Jack: "Maybe it's one of those friendships that ends after the disemboweling."
Dr. Chilton: "I would argue, with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation."
S03E06: Dolce
Jack: "Hannibal will slip away. Will you slip away with him?"
Will: "Part of me will always want to."
Hannibal: "If I saw you everyday, forever, Will, I would remember this time."
Will: "Strange seeing you here in front of me. Been staring at afterimages of you in places you haven't been in years."
Will: "I wanted to understand you... before I laid eyes on you again. I needed it to be... clear. What I was seeing."
Hannibal: "Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?"
Will: "Mine?"... "Before you and after you."
Will: "You and I... have begun to blur."
Hannibal: "Isn't that how you found me?"
Will: "Every crime of yours, feels like one I'm guilty of. Not just Abigail's murder, every murder. Stretching backward and forward in time."
Hannibal: "Freeing yourself from me and me freeing myself from you. They're the same."
Will: "We're conjoined. I'm curious whether either of us can survive separation."
Hannibal: "I would've liked to show you Florence, Will."
S03E07: Digestivo
Hannibal: "Do we talk about teacups and time, and the rules of the disorder?"
Will: "The teacup's broken. It's never gonna gather itself back together again."
Hannibal: "Not even in your mind?"... "Your memory palace is building, it's full of new things. It shares some rooms with my own. I've discovered you there, victorious."
Will: "When it comes to you and me, there can be no decisive victory."
Hannibal: "We are a zero-sum game?"
Will: "I miss my dogs. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not going to find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't want to know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore."
Hannibal: "You delight in wickedness and then berate yourself for the delight."
Will: "You delight. I tolerate... I don't have your appetite."
Will: "Goodbye, Hannibal."
Hannibal (to Will): "I want you to know exactly where I am, or where you can always find me."
S03E09: ...and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Hannibal: "Is there a child in your life, Will? I gave you a child, if you recall."
Will: "You called us "murder husbands.""
Freddie Lounds: "You did run off to Europe together."
S03E10: ...and the Woman Clothed in Sun
Bedelia: "Have you been to see him?"
Will: "Yes."
Bedelia: "You haven't learned your lesson have you? Or did you just miss him that much?"
Bedelia (to Will): "My relationship with Hannibal isn't as passionate as yours. You are here visiting an old flame. Is your wife aware how intimately you and Hannibal know each other?"
S03E11: ...and the Beast from the Sea
Will (to Hannibal): "I'm not fortune's fool. I'm yours."
S03E12: The Number of the Beast is 666
Will: "Is Hannibal... in love with me?"
Bedelia: "Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you?... Yes. But do you ache for him?"
S03E13: The Wrath of the Lamb
Hannibal: "When life becomes maddeningly polite, think about me. Think about me, Will. Don't worry about me."
Will: "I knew you wanted me to know exactly where I could find you when I needed to."
Hannibal: "And you did."
Will: "I need you Hannibal." ... "Please."
Will: "It really does look black in the moonlight."
Hannibal: "See? This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us."
Will: "It's beautiful."
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cedarxwing · 3 months
My favorite details in Castle Lecter's set design
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1. The Lecter family crest pays homage to the Hannibal book cover.
It references Milan's biscione, a snake devouring a man, which appears on the coat of arms of the Visconti and Sforza families (from which Hannibal is descended on his mother's side).
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SIDE NOTE: One of Hannibal's favorite pastimes as the curator of the Palazzo Vecchio was reading about his ancestors:
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Funnily enough, the Visconti-Sforza commissioned their own tarot decks in the 15th century, so Hannibal might've been studying those in the Palazzo library around the time he designed his Vitruvian Man tableau. Here's the original Visconti di Modrone Three of Swords vs an artist's reproduction:
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2. Pheasant & Raven imagery
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The Chiyoh/Abigail parallels are strong, but Chiyoh's symbolic prey animal is a pheasant instead of a deer! She uses pheasant quills as decoration for her dinner with Will, and there are some taxidermied pheasants in the hunting lodge we didn't get to see:
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But my favorite detail is how she uses a pheasant bone to kill the Caged Man! Even a prey animal has sharp edges.
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Meanwhile, ravens represent Hannibal's imposing presence haunting the estate. We see them on the Lecter family crest and taxidermied by the fireplace.
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Doubled birds of prey motif... a nod to how Will is joining Hannibal as a predator?
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All the hawk paintings could also just be referencing this single line in Hannibal Rising:
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SIDE NOTE: Over in Florence, Hannibal is keeping in the bird theme with a feathered arm ham wing and a nest of green bean asps for his dinner with Sogliatto:
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3. A Shrine for Mischa?
There's a deleted scene in the script where Will spots a Shinto shrine while snooping:
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A small version of this shrine appears above the fireplace. It includes a pair of birds of paradise, the same flower Chiyoh leaves on Mischa's grave:
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If you've read the books, Mischa's presence is also palpable in the deer heads watching over their dinner (not that we got to see them lol):
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4. The way the painting above the fireplace is cut off makes it look like an oni glaring at them! Creepy!
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Or maybe it's meant to look like Enma, the Buddhist King of Hell, who is depicted in the painting on the ceiling in the original production design (The Fever of Tairo no Kiyomori by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, 1883):
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It's actually this Rorschach of a landscape based on Old Plum by Kano Sansetsu (1646):
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5. Japanese family crests (mon) on the curtains
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The Secondo scene uses the weeping wisteria family crest (sagari fuji mon):
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The name Murasaki means wisteria, so I assume this crest represents her. It's doubly fitting, since in real life, this is the Fujiwara crest, and Lady Murasaki's namesake (Murasaki Shikibu, author of the Tale of Genji) was a Fujiwara.
The original production design uses a princess tree family crest (kiri mon). Not sure if there was any symbolism to that choice, but they didn't go with it in the end.
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quackerofoatz · 3 months
Primavera and the Love of Hannibal ♥
( @manilovedinosaurs tagging as they had given me this wonderful idea with their question :D )
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Uffizi Gallery and seen Primavera over ten times. He could have sat before any painting while Will was chasing him but chose Primavera.
Botticelli's work Primavera is an allegorical tableau. It depicts a scene from classical mythology, where the three Graces dance together. The central figure is the goddess of love, Venus, who stands on the right, surrounded by a retinue of gods, nymphs, and attendants. In the background, the horizon is filled with a scene representing the season of spring. The painting is considered a masterpiece of early Italian Renaissance art.
Primavera would have been a personal painting and would reflect his thoughts and feelings to me. Especially as Hannibal is a man of high-class taste including Renaissance art and Greek mythology. Primavera is a painting from the Italian Renaissance expressing the feeling of love.
There are many theories and ideas on what this painting could mean or represent with its symbolism with the characters. Some are the allegory of spring, humanism during the Renaissance, showing of Neoplatonism, the kindling of love, and the metamorphosis of time.
 It is generally agreed among historians that these are the main themes but there are many theories about if there is more.  For Hannibal, the main themes I think he sees are the metamorphosis of change, Neoplatonism, and the kindling of love. There are way too many themes in this beautiful painting so I will focus on these themes briefly. 
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The metamorphosis of time is shown in this painting by combining the ideas of the past and present. It showed how religion and the subject matter of art have changed from Greek mythology to Christianity showing a clash of these. It’s in this sense that it matches the way Hannibal sees the world. He has a complex relationship with God yet sees the parallels of mythology around him. Like the Renaissance, he seems to reveal and understand more the violent and the gritty parts of Christianity. This is considered an uncommon theme for the time this painting is set in the Renaissance. There are several transformations in this painting with the figures of Venus to Mary and Chloris into Flora. In the same way, Hannibal had changed from Il Monstro to the Chesapeake Ripper, Will having his becoming as well.
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( Where does the difference between the past and the future come from? 
Before you and after you.
 Yours? )
This painting by looking at it from a broad perspective is about the depiction of the seasons and the changing characters. The painting illustrates a spring scene as the flowers bloom and the seasons change and shows the passing of time in the changing nature of the characters themselves. The image of Zephyrus, the west wind, represents the coming of spring and fertility, while Chloris, the goddess of flowers, holds the nymph Flora as she blossoms in the springtime. Other figures symbolize the different ages of life, symbolizing the changing faces of time. Venus is pictured illustrating the natural cycle of life, which is birth and fertility, which this goddess represents, in combination with the Virgin Mary. With the change that has emerged in Hannibal’s life, there was always a change of women in his life from his past, present, and future.
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She is depicted with the themes associated with the Virgin as being visibly pregnant, dressed modestly, and hand raised like in the annunciation. The Venus/Virgin Mary is represented in every woman he’s encountered. Bedelia is his present, Mischa and Chiyoh are his past and Abigail is his future. It is also paralleled with the women WIll has met in his life, (Alana, Abigail, Margot). Yet with meeting these women, they have begun to combine and blur more into each other with time The women in his life change just like the seasons, yet Will is the only person he wants to stay with.  Hannibal has seen this painting as a young man and now as a man in his late forties. He has changed with time and with the meeting of Will Graham.
(Where does the difference between the past and the future come from? 
Before you and after you. 
 It's all starting to blur. 
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He visited Florence with Will and without Will. WIll in that way represents the change Hannibal saw in himself and the change he wanted to cause in Will. Like Zephyrus, he wants to change Chloris and elevate her in the name of love to Flora. He wanted Will to transform into the person he should be, into the person Hannibal envisions him to be. He comes to Florence in hopes of a fresh start and in a way to forget the kindling of the love he shared with Will. As with the final, Hannibal left heartbroken wanting to have shown Will many things about himself and the world. With every turn and step, Hannibal could never truly be free or forget Will as he did with others.  The figures of Zephyr, the personification of the west wind, and Chloris symbolize the romantic pursuit and connection. Zephyrus's gentle touch as he holds Chloris’ hand depicts a tender and loving moment between them as they begin their journey together are the centers of attention in the painting's narrative of romantic love. Zephyr's romantic pursuit of Chloris, portrayed by his touch, represents the initial connection and attraction between the two. This scene reflects the idea that love often blossoms unexpectedly, resembling the way the wind blows swiftly and suddenly without warning. This romantic chase is a representation of the deep emotional connection between the two, capturing the raw passion and determination in their pursuit of love. 
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It reflects the Renaissance emphasis on Humanism, particularly in its portrayal of the kindling of love. During this period, Humanism emphasized the importance of human potential and individual experience. The painting illustrates a moment of blossoming love, with The themes of love and fertility in the painting reflecting the Humanist focus on the individual's emotional and physical well-being and the celebration of natural beauty and desire. Hannibal in a way was always for expressing his nature and that violence was a part of it and believed to be natural. He believed there was nothing wrong with expressing oneself in this manner believing it to be biblical. Many scenes in the Renaissance have gory scenes in the Bible or mythology and love can be attributed during or before the scene. He thinks of violence and love to be parallel to each other. 
(You dropped your forgiveness, Will.
 You forgive how God forgives.
 Would you have done it quickly?
 Or would you have stopped to gloat?
 Does God gloat? 
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He is the foil to Hannibal, in more ways than one. They are conjoined, yet not similar. The love and understanding they share are as natural as the coming of spring.  They are as conjoined as the themes of violence and love in Renaissance art, neither can exist without the other. It is a tango of both desire and passion with these themes. Violence and love share a strange connection in life and literature. While they appear to be complete opposites, they coexist in an unusual dance of power and desire. This push-pull relationship is a raw expression of human emotion on the most fundamental level. It is in the very being of the relationship between Hannibal Lecter and Will. 
He is the Clrois to his Zephyrus. 
Patrocules to his Achilles. 
Love to his Violence. 
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hoochieblues · 8 months
for the wip ask meme, please can i have as much as you feel comfortable sharing about 'funk hole' (an inherently funny combo of words, onomatopoetically speaking) or failing that the nanananana HANNIBAL (im assuming hummed to the batman theme tune)!
Thank you! You can have both! :D (oprahwinfreybees.gif )
Ngl, Funk Hole's title choice is like 50% 'oh this would be an attention grabber heh heh' but the phrase was also WW2-era slang, capitalising on the anger/fear that people were using country hotels or resort towns to hide out away from the bombardment and fighting ('funk hole' having originally been military slang for a dugout). The press really went after certain areas for this, including Torquay, where I lived for... like six months at one point, and distracted myself by reading a lot of local history. (side note: the majority of my family's from Kent/London, and when you listen to people's memories, or just look a map of V2 bomb sites, you can extra see why the idea that wealthier folks were just paying to avoid the reality of war generated so much rage.)
So, it's a queer romantic drama set in 1940s south Devon, in a (mostly) fictional quaint little country hotel run by an eccentric old lady, with help from her quiet, bookish nephew, a socialist conscientious objector saddled with the first name Raleigh. Poor bastard. Cue the cast of weirdoes living in the hotel - a mix of neurotic oddballs, well-heeled assholes, self-styled bohemians and Artsy(tm) types - until a new guest arrives: a recently disabled ex-pilot recovering from his injuries, his stay paid for by a wealthy relative.
You know where this is going. But I promise it's going to be an interesting or at least enjoyable journey. Probably. idk, this one's still largely notes on a proverbial napkin, but it's got all that good potential: the dissolving myth of 'England' in the post-Edwardian mess of the early-mid 20th century; the rapidly changing roles and boundaries of class, gender, and identity; hurt/comfort with graphic skin graft recovery (I read multiple books about Harold Gillies and now everyone else must suffer); characters forced to come to terms with lives and worlds irreparably changed by things beyond their control... and so forth. With luck, I might actually get to writing up the first draft later this year.
Aaaand then there's the Batman Hannibal AU, a concept which is largely @emungere's fault and that is the story I'm sticking to. It is entirely skates dangerously close to crackfic and is not to be taken at all seriously.
More beneath the cut if you dare.
Essentially, Hannibal is Alfred. Mischa is Batman, Chiyoh is Robin (kinda), and Commissioner Crawford has a perpetual headache. And Will Graham is... Dog...Man...?
The Lecter siblings coped with the death of their parents in different ways. Hannibal largely withdrew from society while Mischa secretly became The Bat, a vigilante who fights crime but does not kill, despite the fact that assholes are constantly breaking into Lecter Manor to rob/murder the city's wealthiest siblings. Fortunately, Hannibal's there to keep things neat and tidy... and cater spectacular menus for his beloved little sister's charity galas.
Things get complicated when Chiyoh lays a little too much smackdown on one of The Bat's enemies, and they bring him back to the estate to recover. This one's still in super early stages, but I cannot resist sharing the visual that would never ever leave my head. I'm sorry. Not very sorry, though.
Shreds of moonlight glanced off the brickwork and made ghosts of the gasoline rainbows in the puddles underfoot. The alarm still blared in the distance, shrill and ignored. Wherever the figure had gone, they were trapped in the alleys now. No way out. Mischa stole forward, boots silent on the greasy asphalt.
Chiyoh sniffed. “Smells like wet dog.”
Mischa shot her a frown. Rain beaded the tight slick of Chiyoh's hair, as dark and smooth as her high-necked black suit. Behind the mask, her gaze stayed firm. Mischa felt her lips twitch.
“What d’you expect?” she murmured. “It’s rough out there.”
Chiyoh sighed and looked away. Movement deeper in the alley drew their attention, and they crept forward. Mischa drew breath to call out to the thief, but something shifted in the dark.
A dog ran out of the shadows, a scruffy white-and-brown little thing, barking and showing his teeth. He stopped a few feet from them, stubby legs planted determinedly square, and let out the squeaky small dog version of a baying howl, back end quivering with over-excitement.
“Buster!” A voice called from the depths of the alley. “Leave!”
The sound of scrabbling paws and footsteps filled up the dark, and a dog pack of varying shapes and sizes burst from the alley. If Mischa hadn’t known better, she’d have said the scruffy little dog looked almost smug. Beside her, Chiyoh reached for a blade, but her hand stopped at her utility belt as three of the larger dogs pushed forward, growling.
“I wouldn’t do that. They’re… protective.”
A figure all in black—black jeans, black sweater, black hat pulled low over unruly dark curls—melted from the shadows behind the dogs. A small blue backpack dangled from his fingers. The kind people who hiked a lot zipped their pets into so that Fido could carry his own snacks and water bottle. Each of the dogs had one, but something trailed from the unzipped backpack in the man’s hand. Even in the dim light of the alley, the strings of diamonds glittered.
“You’re kidding, right?” Chiyoh said, her tone flat. “The Westerley robbery. And you… put….”
She let out a long, weary breath. Mischa lifted her chin. The subway vent behind her hissed. Steam rose, turning white against the cold. It snaked around her ankles, climbing the sleek black of her cape. If he knew who she was, he didn’t seem to care, and that irked her. All of Gotham knew The Bat.
“Who the hell are you, anyway?” She glanced at the pack surrounding him, each with their own little harness stuffed with ill-gotten gains. Seven sets of jaws panted, each furnished with awfully white teeth. “Dog… Man…?”
He stepped forward and clipped the backpack onto Buster, who lifted each paw obediently in turn, never looking away from Mischa. When the guy straightened up, he didn’t meet her eyes, but he wore a hard, crumpled kind of smile.
“Funny. No. You can call me The Packmaster.”
“I don’t think so,” Chiyoh said.
Her hand moved in a blur. The blade flew, silver against the dark. Mischa caught her breath, and it was easy to fall into the rhythm of their training, to read Chiyoh’s body language as easily as her own heartbeat, and to know she was just as readily understood.
Together, no one would stand against them.
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tactician · 1 year
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even though i said i wasn't going to, i ended up shiny hunting for an all-shiny team to play through the new pokemon scarlet teal mask dlc! :D meet aske the gallade, chiyoh the sinistcha, syrup the dipplin, laz the munchlax, marrow the mandibuzz aaaand crossbun the heracross! i love this lil gang so much and am so hype to progress further in the actual plot now dkfldskg
i'm gonna ramble about how each of my hunts for these pkmn went under the cut! :3c there'll be no plot spoilers because i have pretty much only scratched the surface of that!
ok so... syrup the dipplin was the first shiny that i collected for this team! i got her in a random applin outbreak a few weeks before the dlc dropped. i wasn't sure what to evolve her into (or if to just keep her as an applin), so i ended up procrastinating on that... but i realized that she was the perfect candidate for my teal mask team, since dipplin is a brand new pkmn. i generally don't keep track of encounters during outbreaks, but she showed up really fast! i was worried that i'd miss her since applin is SO small, and it's also green so it tends to blend into the grass ;_; either way, i caught her in a luxury ball o7
the second shiny i got was laz the munchlax! munchlax has been a dream shiny of mine so i was extremely hype to take this hunt on. ik it's on the more subtle side, but i think the rich, darker blue is really cute on munchlax, and a shiny is a shiny, u know? i started it off in pkmn shield a few days before the dlc dropped, since the pkmn twitter posted a screenshot with a munchlax in it hehe. i decided to try for a moon ball munchlax via the masuda method (somehow i have a TON of special apricorn pokeballs in shield?!?! we were eatin good back then wtf). i ended up going over-odds in shield for munchlax the NIGHT that the dlc dropped... i'm not sure about the exact number, but i was definitely over 512. once that happened, i transfered the parent snorlax over to scarlet and resumed the hunt over there, since i figured it'd be more fun to explore the new region as i hatched eggs. i hatched roughly 150 more of them before laz hatched on egg 668! (i also got the item finder mark on him, so his full title is 'laz the treasure hunter' - sooo cute. ;_;)
after laz, i decided to try for some more outbreak shinies, since i thought those would be quick and easy. by full odds standards, they totally were!!! but by outbreak standards, i def faced... a few little challenges! LDFGKD;GK
the morning after the dlc dropped, i had a ralts outbreak so i figured i'd go for another dream shiny of mine - gallade. that'd mean finding a male ralts, since gallade is gender-specific. i tried to hunt for a male ralts back in legends arceus and ended up finding a female one as well as a female kirlia, so i figured that i'd have some better luck in another game. i ended up finding FIVE more female ralts before finally getting a male one as ralts #8. i caught him in a net ball and named him 'aske' after a character in the dnd campaign that i'm in with my friends!! iykyk!!! LSDKFDSLKG but i really do enjoy catching pkmn that are themed after other characters so i'm totally thrilled to have this gallade!!! ;v;
shortly after nabbing aske, i got marrow the mandibuzz during a vullaby outbreak! this shiny was such a standard fun little outbreak shiny - i knocked out around 60 vullabies and she turned up very quickly after that. i think if you have the teal mask dlc and enjoy outbreak shiny hunting, the paradise barrens portion of the map is gonna be really, really good for them, since theres barely anything to obscure the pkmn that are outbreaking (and there's no grass, so there's like, no lag at all LMFAO). i caught the beloved lil birdy in a luxury ball.
after marrow came home so fast, i was emboldened, so i started my hunt for chiyoh the sinistcha(/poltchageist). i decided to see if i could get an artisan poltchageist outbreak to trigger, since, at the time, there were rumours about all-artisan outbreaks - and i suceeded in doing so!!! but then i couldn't find a shiny like... at all... to the point that i was genuinely wondering if it was glitched or something. i hunted in it for a full day and by that point i was like, Convinced that something was wrong, so i ended up giving up on that outbreak. i now realize that the shiny is REALLY subtle, though, so it's possible that i walked right past SEVERAL and didn't know... but i was being ridiculously careful when i hunted it, so i'm honestly not sure about that. anyway, while i was looking for the shiny poltchageist, i phased on TWO different heracrosses. i love heracross' shiny SO MUCH that i succumbed and decided to add one to my team! and that heracross ended up being named crossbun!
by that time, i decided that i didn't really care about having an artisan or counterfeit version of the poltchageist shiny (and tbh i kinda agree with the notion that artisan outbreaks sort of ruin the appeal of hunting down a rare forme), so i ended up doing a few encounter power sandwiches instead. when i finally ran into the shiny, it was huge relief LMAO. chiyoh was my 6th team member, so, with that, my teal mask team was complete! o7
i gave everyone mints, hyper trained them and ev trained them (using lots of mochi from the new ogre oustin' game hehe) and they're now ready to take on the plot! ik that it's definitely not all that necessary to build a team from scratch for the dlc but i had a blast doing it. the time i spent gathering these pals and exploring kitakami was really special. i'm definitely planning on doing this again for the indigo disc dlc!
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titleleaf · 1 year
What are the Bad Hannigram Takes you're encountering? I watched the show but never got too involved in the fandom so I am fascinated
Oh god I'm so sorry, I have no idea how coherent any of this will be if you haven't dipped into the fandom and even for my part I've been mainly watching and reading from afar but hereeeee... are my thoughts. Disclaimer that YMMV, let people have fun, etc., but I am a gigantic hater.
[fandom negativity and a leetle canon-related negativity behind the cut: if for whatever reason you don't want to hear me bitching about people being Wrong On The Internet About A TV Show keep scrolling, mute me, block me, whatever]
Character-specific tunnel vision where Hannibal is the center of the universe -- not just in the sense that he's, yk, the title character of the show and the most memorable character created by Thomas Harris but in the sense that all characters are evaluated by how much they support or obstruct Hannibal's God-given right to do whatever he wants to anybody ever. And my God, it is so, so boring.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, either. Delicate use of the exonerative passive voice — oh it's so sad, Will was framed, Beverly was murdered, Abigail was killed, but by whom? Hard to say! Especially funny when people whip this out regarding shit even Hannibal plainly regrets, like framing Will and then not having Will to hang out with. In general downplaying Hannibal's agency is such a weird move with a character who takes so much pleasure in doing what he wants. "To what extent are people a product of their external influences and life traumas, to what extent is Hannibal capable of not killing" is a whole other conversation but it's just a very odd reading of the character and the show as a text.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, because it's actually the fault of... [scans crowd] that woman over there! Weird misogyny, often overlapping with the above (bc boy howdy, the list of women who Hannibal kills, maims, tortures, or otherwise fucks over is not short — Abigail, Alana, Bella, Beverly, Bedelia, Miriam, Margot, Georgia… I guess Freddie makes it out okay?) but sometimes seemingly just because, or to exonerate Hannibal of all blame for his own actions toward Will, as if this is the kind of show where it’s vitally important our blorbos be morally pure. Like… I’m sorry but I don’t think this is the show for you if that’s the case. People are really weird about Alana, people are really really weird about Bedelia, people are turbo weird about Molly... I'm sure there are people out there being weird about Chiyoh but I haven't encountered them yet, and I feel like there's some uhhhh other factors in play there too.
Baffling ship war stuff even once the canon's long since finished airing. I'm a big multishipper for this fandom so the weird competitive approach where Will and Hannibal's love must be the only real love (or even the only real erotic desire) they've either ever experienced ever is really off-putting. Showrunner Word of God here regarding Will's sexual orientation is in itself a take that annoys me, as a humorless bisexual man, but this is more commonly expressed via weird not-joking "jokes" about how the only reason Hannibal would ever have sex with a woman would be as an elaborate ruse (and how she'd deserve it for being stupid enough to believe he'd be into women) or how Hannibal's a better wife to Will than Molly ever could be. Dude... relax... your pairing has a literal love theme like a 1990s erotic thriller, why are you this insecure. People will do this with characters who don't even appear in the show! Now why is Clarice in it???? I need people to just be normal.
Nice polite sweet tea-sippin' Southern boy Will, and his equally annoying twin brother, Will with an inexplicable and phonetically-rendered Southern accent. 50% me being an extremely sensitive buzzkill about how the text presents Will's childhood and how the romanticized vision of the American South people draw on is superficial and rooted in white supremacist nostalgia, 50% me being a person who can hear Hugh Dancy speak dialogue in a television show and recognize basic American regional accents.
General... accrued fanon, I guess? All the tropes and memes and fandom in-jokes and fandom characterizations that build on one another to the point where their relationship to the show as a text (or to the novels, for that matter) is pretty damn tenuous.
In general, and while I know where this is coming from as a lover of dark stories/horror media/dark and destructive love stories who’s gotten flak for all of that: people getting so defensive about shipping something ~*~*~*problematique~*~* that they take other people talking about the things that textually make their dynamic fucked up (even if they’re talking about those things as something they like or something they enjoy exploring with the canon) as an attack or a sign somebody's Interrogating The Text From The Wrong Perspective. I think the show itself has some narrative weaknesses that lend themselves to this kind of fandom circlejerk but please... please Lord... I just want to write about a really weird guy getting his dick stepped on whilst classical music plays and having the time of his life, why is everyone doing this to me
On the much more benign end of things, “Will is totally normal average everyman while Hannibal is weird and pretentious and fruity” bc it just makes them sitcom parents. Show!Will is a weird fucking guy in his own right! They're both weird! And they're in love!
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Hey K! How are ya?
I was thinking about the wonderfully romantic lines from Hannibal and Will to each other in Dolce:
Hannibal: “Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?
Will: Mine? Before you and after you. Yours? It’s all starting to blur… Mischa, Chiyo”
And I found interesting how Will doesn’t include himself in the list of people he thinks changed Hannibal’s past and future and influenced him. Why do you think that is?
Will immediately admits that Hannibal is the milestone that defines his past and his future but why doesn’t he think the opposite is also true?
Hi! This is a fascinating question, I love it. I think this moment underlines the depth of Will’s feelings and his doubts about his own importance to Hannibal.
I always believed that meeting Chiyoh affected Will’s confidence regarding Hannibal’s love for him. In the first several episodes, Will is operating under the knowledge that Hannibal loves him, and his emotions come to the surface more openly. He can't and doesn't want to move on; he openly admits to Jack that he wanted to run away with Hannibal. He chases Hannibal emotionally by spending time in his house and physically by sailing after him. But once he meets Chiyoh, Will starts drawing comparisons between them, and in my opinion, it awakens his insecurities again. If Hannibal abandoned Chiyoh, whom he was supposed to love, so easily, for so many years, without bothering to return to her, then maybe he's just not capable of love. Will is insecure by nature, he often doubts himself, and textually, that's the first time he starts considering killing Hannibal again. Seeing Bedelia as his replacement just reinforced this idea, so Will returned to his bitter and vengeful state, hence his attempt with a knife in Dolce.
But the time in the gallery is like a temporary white zone. Despite his simmering resentment and bitterness, Will allows himself to be genuine here, to speak of his feelings, and his words reveal a lot. Like you said, he openly admits that Hannibal defined his life, separating it into “before” and “after.” There was also this deleted part:
Will: You and I have begun to blur.
Hannibal: Isn't that how you found me? 
Will: Even as the possibility of free will dissipates, my experience of it remains the same. I continue to feel and act as though I have it.
I think Will is saying that he is fated to be pulled toward Hannibal. He’s not in control of himself, not really - he just goes along with fate. This is a big theme in S3. But the important question here is, does he feel like the situation is the same for Hannibal? Because it doesn’t appear to be the case - Will seems torn.
On the one hand, as you pointed out, Will doesn’t include himself into the list of people who changed Hannibal’s life and divided it into huge relevant parts. But then Will also adds that they are conjoined and wonders whether “either” of them can survive separation. This implies a degree of mutuality.  
I’d say that all these lines mean the same thing: a part of Will knows Hannibal loves him, realizes how important he is, but this part is in need of constant reassurance. I always read Will as someone arrogant yet deeply insecure. He’s insecure about his darkness, he’s insecure about himself, he’s insecure about what people, specifically Hannibal, feel for him. 
I think he deliberately avoided mentioning himself in this scene because he wanted Hannibal to contradict him and include him on his own. He wanted to hear about how important and beloved he is from Hannibal’s own lips; he waited to be elevated to the level of Chiyoh and Misha or maybe even beyond that by Hannibal himself. Will is cunning, and I think he applies a similar tactic of getting reassurance throughout the show. That’s one of the reasons why I’m certain he’s the one behind the attack on Bedelia after TWOTL. He wanted to hunt her down and to harm her together with Hannibal, to get another confirmation of the fact that only he is unique and special, and that Hannibal wouldn’t mind killing/mutilating a woman he shared such a complex relationship with. 
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mlobsters · 4 years
chiyoh's theme (my naming) by brian reitzell - s3e3 secondo
chiyoh is an interesting character, something as I recall, is mentioned briefly in the books but expanded to take place of other characters involved in hannibal's backstory for the show. I found her confusing at first, she looks so young - how could she be from a similar generation as hannibal? but this music almost implies there's something dreamy and magical about her. like time did indeed stop passing while she was with her charge, the prisoner. it's not a melody, but just these soft ringing tones from some sort of percussion instrument I would guess. I only included a small clip but will post a bit more of her conversation with hannibal after muskrat farm with the same theme later.
my percussion friend said it sounded like tibetan singing bowls!
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carmillasboywife · 3 years
Tumblr media
another WIP from my chiyoh zine
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shinelikethunder · 3 years
carnal embrace: a non-exhaustive list of "hannigram rearrange each other's guts" fic
because i enjoy crafting only the most hinged of themed rec lists, here, have all the gore kink, erotic cannibalism, woundfucking, and sexy vivisection i could pull out of my AO3 bookmarks.
amazingly, no confirmed major character death outside of anyone's overheated fantasies. consent ranges from enthusiastic to highly dubious to viciously trampled-upon.
freeform tag lists (+ any non-Hannigram pairings and any warnings besides violence) reproduced in full so you can pick which flavors of dead dove you want to eat.
corresponding AO3 collection, 1 bonus fic (TWOTL woundfucking with major character death), may get more additions later:
things you shouldn't do to holes that shouldn't be there
The Enticement of Suffering by jonnimir
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Blood and Gore, Blood Kink, Blood Drinking, Medically inadvisable treatment of wounds, Sadism, Sadistic Hannibal, Possibly Asexual Hannibal, Pain, Non-consensual sadism, Dubiously consensual sexual contact, But Will's dick is really the least of his concerns, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hurt No Comfort, Semi-masochistic Will Graham, Gory dirty talk, Discussion of woundfucking, Theoretical semi-public humiliation, Improbable orgasm, Episode: s03e06 Dolce, M-rated sexual content, E-rated violent fuckery, torture?
After Will is shot, Hannibal takes a sadistic interest in his wound.
Head Like A Hole by Nerve_Itch
Rape/Non-Con, Francis Dolarhyde/Will Graham, Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Gore, injury misuse, things going into wounds that shouldn't, woundfucking, Trauma, terrible things happening to Will Graham, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, enthusiastic Cronenberg references
A version of events that somehow makes things even worse for Will. Written for the Hannibal Gorefest 2019
Gladly Beyond by EarthsickWithoutYou
Enemies to Lovers, Episode: s03e06 Dolce, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, wound licking, scar kink, Will Graham in pleasured pain, Stream of Consciousness
Takes place during the episode "Dolce," after Will is shot by Chiyoh. As Hannibal tends to Will's bullet wound, Will's feelings come to the surface and force Hannibal to confront his own.
Marital Relations by StratsWrites
Serious Injuries, Violence, Blood, so much blood, Oh god, Blood Drinking, Blood As Lube, yes i know it doesn't work that way, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Gunshot Wounds, Inappropriate contact with injuries, i have no idea how to tag this, DON'T PUT YOUR TONGUE THERE, do you want bloodborn pathogens because this is how you get bloodborn pathogens, sexual contact with wounds, poking fingers and tongues in holes that shouldn't be there, sex not on top of a corpse but very adjacent to it, Don't Try This At Home, unless you want pain and infections
They don't fall over the cliff. They fall to their knees, and then to the ground, a haze of blood and love. Pain and suffering and affection, the way it has always been for them.
Love Like Blood by princesschubbles
Blood, lots of blood, Post TWOTL, Not wound fucking but also not NOT woundfucking, imminent risk of infection, "Will graham kinkshames himself", Medical Kink, ? - Freeform, surgery kink, Blood Kink
Will can't leave their wounds alone. (Smut. Gory but not as gory as I expected.)
anatomical or surgical know-how
Come Undone by strix_alba
Vore, Cannibalism, Blood, Medical Inaccuracies
"My name is Will Graham," he recites. "It’s 6:30pm, and I am in your kitchen, preparing to be, uh." He surveys their setup, and his mouth twists into a smile. "Eaten." (Vivisection and cannibalism as sex, because nothing says 'I love you' like letting your psychiatrist play around with your internal organs. PWP.)
fate and circumstance by tei
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, weird vivisection sex, Unsafe Insane and Consensual
Hannibal cuts Will open. Again.
A Taste For Suffering by StratsWrites
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, BDSM, Dom/sub, Murder Husbands, Incarcerated Hannibal, Will Graham on a rampage, Dark Will Graham, Dom Hannibal Lecter, Sub Will Graham, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Don't Try This At Home, Breathplay, Knifeplay, Whipping, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Bondage, Painplay, Painful Sex, Dry Sex, Murder, possibly missing tags, Read at Your Own Risk, sex with a broken leg, would not recommend btw, Post-Fall (Hannibal), Graphic surgery, sexualized surgery, extreme kink without a safeword, Asphyxiation, THOSE WERE SOME IMPORTANT TAGS I FORGOT, Character Death, Not Will or Hannibal
Hannibal Lecter was recaptured on a Tuesday afternoon, nearly five years after he disappeared. He didn’t appear to have aged a day, to Jack Crawford’s irritation. There were whispers amongst the transport crew that he was a modern-day Elizabeth Bathory, bathing in the blood of his victims for eternal youth. Or, rather, eternal middle-age. They imagined they were safe, with Hannibal back behind bars. They didn't count on the rampage Will would go through to get him back.
Inferno by Psyromayniak
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Vivisection, Dissection, operation, medical kink maybe, Existing Relationship, will knows and accepts Hannibal is the ripper, Gore, Blood, internal organs, Cannibalism, all that shit, Restraint, Will is awake during this, anaesthetic
Hannibal wants to touch Will on the inside...
Season 1 Episode 7 - Sorbet by PaleGlimmer
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Episode Related, Season 1, Hannigram - Freeform, Medical Procedures, Autopsy, Masochism, Organ Removal, Evisceration, Pain, Sexual Fantasy, Vivisection, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
After having witnessed bloody Hannibal Lecter saving a life, Will Graham keeps dreaming about the doctor rearranging his guts (literally). In his obsessed mind, sexual autopsic shenanigans ensue.
putting the erotic in homoerotic cannibalism
taste by YouAreMyDesign
Post-Fall (Hannibal), Dark Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Will Graham is a Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Will Graham Knows, Blow Jobs, Cannibalistic Thoughts, Murder Kink, Murder Husbands, Come Swallowing, Jealousy, Jealous Will Graham, Past Relationship(s)
"If you could eat any part of me," he purrs, "what would you take?"
Only the Tender Meat by Isagel
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Vore, Cannibalism, Cannibalistic Thoughts, Shared Vore Fantasies, Dominance, Submission, Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Voyeurism, Cooking, Gentleness, Caring, Tenderness, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Guro, Hannibal is a Cannibal, Possessive Hannibal, Nightmares, Caretaking, Sociopathic Love Songs, All I Want In Life Is For Hannibal To Own Will, BDSM, Sadism, Possessive Behavior, Disturbing Themes, Exhaustion, Community: kink_bingo, Scent Kink, Scenting, Scents & Smells, Psychopathology & Sociopathy
Will has nightmares. Hannibal soothes them. Or: The One With Shared Vore Fantasies And Cuddling.
whole by YouAreMyDesign
Past Relationship(s), Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Will Graham is a Cannibal, Dark Will Graham, Will Graham Knows, Vore, Cannibalistic Thoughts, Established Relationship, Post-Fall (Hannibal), Blow Jobs, Alcohol, Come Swallowing, Blood and Injury
Will is breathing heavily, shivering with pain, with ecstasy. "Eat it raw," he breathes. "I want to watch."
Uncovered by HotMolasses
Cannibalism, Rough Sex, Blood, Choking, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Murder Husbands, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Will and Hannibal have been living together and murdering together for some years. They've had sex, but it's only ever for Will's pleasure. Hannibal won't let Will touch him, claiming he can't lose control. Will has had enough of that, and surprises Hannibal with a piece of his own liver, to draw out the real person behind the mask that he so desperately wants to see.
my thoughts are often not tasty
a place for us by tei
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
While Will waits for news of his death, Hannibal indulges in a fantasy.
They made it for me by zombieboyband
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Asexuality, asexuality but not really seriously not really, Canon-Typical Violence, canon typical manipulation, Sex, everything is an excuse for sex, Serial Killers, Therapy, Hannibal is the best and worst therapist ever, Dirty Talk
Alana wants Will. Will wants to want Alana. Will does not want to understand serial killers any more vividly than he already does. As ever, Hannibal has some suggestions. "I feel there is a high likelihood that you have not been entirely honest with me about your night terrors," Hannibal adds. "The true extent and depth of them." "Ding ding," Will says. "Would you say that your dreams when you are in the place of your killers have a sexual component?" Hannibal asks. OR: Will is manipulated into dirtytalking at Hannibal about the Ripper.
Loving Tribute by jonnimir
Murder, Blood and Gore, Artistic Murder Tableaus, the chesapeake ripper, death kink, Dark Will Graham, Masturbation, Erotic Horror, Illustrated
Will was, in a word, awestruck by the Ripper.
Wine of Life by sourweather
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Angst and Porn, Violence, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Biting, Teeth kink, biting kink, violence kink, God complexes, will wakes up everyday and chooses violence, i have no choice but to stan
"I've been...thinking a lot about teeth, lately." Hannibal's amusement became more apparent. "You're interested in teeth?" "Interested in what they can do," He clarified. "Yours. Mine. Mostly yours."
just fuck me up
Forgiveness by justlikeyouimagined
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Episode AU: s02e13 Mizumono, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Extremely Dubious Consent, Blood, Gore, Fisting, ill-advised wound care, semi-consciousness, Character Death, Not Will or Hannibal
"Deep inside him: a tender tickling. Like worms, having crawled in through his once-gaping wound, have found residence deep in his gut and are anxiously writhing in an attempt to settle in. He groans again, louder. His limp cock twitches feebly at the thought." Mizumono UA where instead of leaving Will on the kitchen floor, Hannibal has second thoughts and they leave together.
The Depth of Betrayal by jonnimir
Rape/Non-Con, Blood and Gore, Rape, Partial fisting, Hannibal has an emotional meltdown, Heavy Angst, Everything Hurts, graphic cannibalism
For Kinktober Day 8: Blood/Gore + "Hate-fucking" + Fisting After learning of Will's betrayal in Mizumono, Hannibal ends up confronting him earlier than planned. Overwhelmed by emotions, he goes much further than he intended.
spider by YouAreMyDesign
Will Graham/Other(s), Original Male Character(s), Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Will Graham Knows, Dark Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Will Graham is a Cannibal, Established Relationship, Consensual Infidelity, Bottom Will Graham, Top Will Graham, Top Hannibal Lecter, Creampie, Organs, Organ Fucking, Necrophilia, Murder, Murder Husbands, Hair-pulling, Come Eating, Come Marking, Possessive Behavior, Canon-Typical Violence, organ harvesting
Hannibal likes his kills clean. Will likes them messy.
You Are My Heart (Else I Would Cut You Out) by InfiniteCrisis
Rape/Non-Con, Post-Series, Not Really Canon Compliant, sort of ooc, don't even ask where this came from, Dark Will, Submissive Hannibal, Dom/sub Undertones, Bottom Hannibal, Enemas, Anal Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Consensual Rape, I guess???, Abusive Relationships, mild bloodplay, Self-Mutilation, sex as punishment, Will is actually really angry, Hannibal is the one who needs help this time, THIS IS NOT A HAPPY MURDER HUSBANDS STORY
This first chapter to a longer post-fall story I will probably never write, in which Will is uncharacteristically dark and Hannibal is uncharacteristically accommodating.
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osachiyo · 11 months
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onchyart · 2 years
The show didn' handle race well. It exoticised Japanese culture to the point Chiyo was less of a character and more of a perpetuation of the silent Asian Assassin trope.
And Fuller said the speech from Hannibal regarding the muralist appreciating skin color for pure aesthetic purposes and not being politicized was an opinion he shared, which is uncomfortable, especially for a White man to say since in an interview he said he was sad he wouldn't be able to go up and tell a Black person he thought their skin color was beautiful (as if they need the "compliment")
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree |strongly disagree
Chiyoh was underdeveloped and it is a crime. Exoticising of Japanese culture was in the books that were written in the 80s. Handled better in the show, but this topic needs conscious deconstruction and not just be a part of aesthetic exercise as it is right now. "Art is inherently political" wasn't a part of the mainstream culture then and the limp liberal "I dont see color" line of thinking was rampant through the 10s, so it is not surprise Fuller said what he said. Also, horror as a genre is only now is becoming something people are willing to discuss through political lenses (it has been before ofc, but people were so quick to shut it down and pretend it is all in good fun). Why I am not strongly agreeing on your take? Because this discussion deserves level-headed thinking and people on social medias are usually tended to be jumpy, conclusive in all the wrong places and self-righteous to the detriment of the topic at hand, without contributing anything new or productive. I am not saying it is you, who are those things anon, I am glad you are paying attention and not just mindlessly consuming the text. I think you should do a separate text post with your thoughts and how this theme could be better handled, cause we need this for the future, so our art would not suck balls like that.
send me unpopular opinions
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questionablygourmet · 4 years
Will and Hannibal: participation and transformation
An anon prompted me recently to talk about why Will fell in love with Hannibal, and I’ll rarely turn down an opportunity to wax rhapsodic about certain themes in the show, so here we go!  
There’s a few key places where Will himself addresses the issue.  The first one I want to mention is in Contorno, where Will says of Hannibal to Chiyoh,
We afforded each other an experience we may not otherwise have had.
The direct context of this is that they’re talking about violence and influence, but it’s true far more broadly than that, as is referenced many times over the course of Hannibal and Will talking with each other and numerous other characters - their relationship with one another is a unique experience to both of them, being known and understood and accepted in a way they’ve not otherwise encountered.  
There’s a bit of commentary about this from Hugh that makes the rounds often enough that I’m not going to bother fishing up the direct quote, but to paraphrase, he says it’s like Will’s a chess master who’s never met another person in the world who plays chess, until he meets Hannibal.  It’s not just about Hannibal being very intelligent, as most of the characters on the show fit that description, but Hannibal being specifically equipped to operate on not just the same level as Will does, but the same wavelength.  To extend the metaphor, someone like, say, Alana doesn’t really play chess, but she’s an expert at Go.  People who play chess and people who play Go might have plenty to talk about and appreciate about each other, but they’re not playing the same game, so they can’t play together, at least not equally.  
This is something that we see starting to show itself even early in season 1 - Will’s initial standoffishness toward Hannibal rapidly dissipates as Hannibal shows that he’s not just another psychiatrist who wants to study Will, but someone who can understand and enjoy Will - his thoughts, his sense of humor, his company - as a whole human being and not just a “unique cocktail of personality disorders and neuroses” (thanks, Chilton).  Of course this gets rather tragically undermined throughout season 2, initially by the bombshell betrayal of Will’s trust, and later as Will sees a pattern in Hannibal’s patient history via Randall Tier and Margot Verger, but even through Will’s seething anger and distrust, the dynamic persists.  Even when they’re at odds, they speak the same language and connect to one another to an elevated degree.
(Incidentally, this is a really common - albeit not uniquely or exclusively - neurodivergent experience of deep love, be it romantic or otherwise.)
Continuing on that theme of both understanding and appreciation is a bit of a more esoteric discussion of different conceptualizations of love as represented in the show.  In Shiizakana, Will has a dream where he kills Hannibal via stag-powered squishing, and in the dream Hannibal says to him,
No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them.  By that love, we see potential in our beloved.  Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential.  Expressing that love, our beloved’s potential comes true.
This is a near-quote from Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, which you could say both Will and Hannibal have diegetically read, since Hannibal gets to quote it in another scene in the waking world - “An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior” - or you could just say that Bryan Fuller has clearly read it and the characters don’t know they’re quoting something, but that distinction isn’t important here.  What is important here is that it’s coming from Will’s mind and it’s indicative of some of his attitudes about love - in a vacuum, one could perhaps argue that it’s just indicative of how he thinks Hannibal thinks about love, but then in Secondo, he says, with almost painful sincerity to Chiyoh,
I’ve never known myself as well as I know myself when I’m with him.
I think this is a really succinct and potent re-affirmation of that concept of love-as-actualization/transformation (self and other), which goes hand in glove with Will and Hannibal’s shared anxiety toward their love as a bringer of violent change to the self.  (Briefly, because s2-3 are positively brimming with relevant quotes, “Do you think you could change me, the way I’ve changed you?”  “If you don’t kill him, you’re afraid you’re going to become him.”  “We’re conjoined.  Curious if either of us can survive separation.” etc)
And I think the reciprocal aspect here is also very important: I don’t think Will would have fallen for Hannibal, or at least not nearly so deeply and inescapably, if Hannibal hadn’t also fallen for Will in a very similar manner (though the specifics of how it develops for each of them differ).  The mutuality of their otherwise-unique experience with one another is intrinsic to how special the relationship is, rather than incidental - to return to the chess metaphor, it’s not just that Hannibal understands the game of chess and can appreciate Will’s playing, but can and does play with him, which means he’s got his own pieces on the board and is responding to Will’s every move.  Or, because I can’t resist hammering on a parallel motif when I see one, he’s a participant, not an observer.  
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
Happy 1am! My uterus is trying to commit murder & I really want ice cream but I just brushed my teeth so I think The Kiss is the only thing sustaining me tonight.
* And we open withhhhhhh a drop of blood! As so many episodes do.
* OH SHIT THIS IS THE ONE WHERE HE WALKS AROUND FLORENCE LOOKING BEAT TO SHIT!!! Amazing, spectacular, dare I dykely say, sexy.
* No, the sexy part is Bedelia bathing him. Oh, to be cared for by a Milf. A lesbians dream come true.
* UGH THE SCORE IN THIS OPENING ALONE!!!!! The cracks & cranes & little ticks & drops & hums! AMAZING!!!!!!
* And our reunion on Florence!!!! With two limping old friends. One from a fight & one from *wheezing* falling off a train.
* “Will you slip away with him [Hanni]?” “Part of me will want to.” Don’t be shy, babe, you can do it.
* Oh NOOOOOOO NOT THE END!!!! Thank you for giving me this scene, my darling. I’m so grateful.
* History repeating itself is the central theme of this damn show.
* God damn, I don’t think I blinked that entire time. OH MY GOD, THAT CLICKING RETURNS WITH THE KISS!!!!
* “But not today.” Ma’am, what if I die? It will be your fault. God. Women. 😍
* Cordell is THIS close to loosing his job. Oh nvm, he’s Peking. I do love Peking duck😋
* LMAOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!! The giant glazed Hannibal.
* Oh Margot looks GOOD!
* Bedelia, what are you OH RIGHT YOU’RE GONNA GET HIGH!
* Chiyoh & Bedelia. Yummmmmmmmy
* Cage him. Like that man now hanging.
* “I thought Will Graham was Hannibal’s biggest mistake…I wonder if it isn’t you.”
* I’m fine with needles, but THIS OH DID SHE HAVE TO BITE HER LIPS???
* I’M SORRY, I HAVE TO LAUGH!!!! High Bedelia with Will AND Jack?? YES, PLEASE!!!!
* Ugh, she’s so high, but So Cute.
* Oh, we love a reversal! Will doesn’t believe her like how she actually believed him!
* Lmao Jack’s impressed!🤣
* Of course Will pulls a Batman.
* Margot needs a new foundation. Or a just no foundation lips.
* “I could take parenting classes.”🤣🤣🤣
* OH HE’S BACK! Working on his art, once again.
* “If I saw you every day, forever, Will, I would remember this time.” “Strange seeing you here in from of me. Been staring at afterimages of you in places you haven’t been in years.” They’re so in love, your honor.
* “How is Chiyoh?” “She pushed me off a train.” “Atta girl.” SHUT UP, I LOVE HIM! Also, yes, OF COURSE I’m thinking Caro thoughts.
* “You & I have begun to blur.” & that’s what I love about this fucking show. THEY’RE CONNECTED, PEOPLE!!!!
* I know I haven’t finished this show, but that was easily my favorite scene of the entire thing so far. Nope; I lied. Season 2 ending THEN museum date.
* I’m sorry, did we just cut to The Sapphics? We did.
* Adore the kaleidoscope.
* Time to rank! This lesbian gives it a 7/10! (remind me to send you the podcast ep. I did on Lesbian in movies)
* Give Bedelia her Oscar! Hand over mouth theatrics. Amazing.
* Absolutely fucking dying over this God conversation. “Does God gloat?” “Often.” BASTARD!
* Did I blink and miss Hannibal injecting Will with something? Because I feel like I did.
* Ahhhh, the soup!!!! Let’s hope this one doesn’t kill his immune system.
* He’s so dramatic. Calm Down, Hanni.
* Oh no wait no. Please tell me this isn’t leg day.
* Jack, what are you snooping around for?
* OH WITH CHIYOH! My dark academia goddess.
* Let’s see how long it takes for them to try & kill each other.
* And what did you find? Your old friend!
* Damn, she’s still at it!!! Her eyes DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!!!!!
* Please babe, just punch his nose. We all want it.
* And I see that Jack has joined for dinner. So, not leg day.
* Every one’s eyes in this episode is extra emotional & sparkly!
* Hannibal, I know isn’t happening! You’d never do that to him! Right? RIGHT?!
* Fucking NBC Joker I STG!
* I will admit, very strong episode. But more so in the Florence department than anything else. I wasn’t that interested with the Vergers. The museum date was the best part.
Bloody and beaten!Hanni is one of the sexiest types of Hanni, which is why I think you're going to enjoy the next episode :D
Slight side-note, Gillian Anderson sounded so much like Anthony Hopkins (ok in terms of tone and such) when she said "but not today..." and that just makes it so much sexier to me.
Ahh yes, the legendary gallery reunion... which was turned into fanart that is now hanging in the U.S. Capitol... I am not kidding 😂 also Hanni is saying a quote that he said to Clarice in the book - "if I saw you every day forever" etc. so in case there is ANY doubt (not from you of course <3) that he is in love with Will... they literally used one of the most blatantly romantic lines from the books!
Ok, so the kaleidoscope s3x scene - I adored this scene because a) it's filmed so uniquely that it's such a "lol, what the fuck" moment when you first see it, but also b) this is the first s3x scene that is a pure, loving, no-hidden-agendas-and-no-thinking-about-other-people intercourse between two people. Like, it's such a beautiful intimate moment between these two women who have been hurt so much, but have found comfort and love in each other, you know what I mean? Also the writer of this episode is Don Mancini aka the creator of Chucky who recently gave us That Epic Scene in the Chucky show sooooo this is a very queer horror show 😂
Now onto the mid-season finale! I expect a lot of screaming, and I also have a bit of homework for you - try and work out which scene my grandma accidentally walked in on, and proceeded to go "wait, what on earth are you watching?" "Hannibal." "...that cannot be Hannibal Lecter, this man is attractive" 😂
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macneiceisms · 3 years
WIP ask meme: a ship to wreck!
this is my and @fakeblondeabigailhobbs' top secret collab fic and so i wont spill too many beans BUT I think I can say it's a post-fall hannibal/will fic with heavy family themes and a deep dive into imagos.
here’s a little teaser:
The steady blip-hiss of hospital machines climbs into Will’s consciousness, a burglar of peace. His pulse kicks steadily in his right arm. If it weren’t for that, he’d be sure he’d lost the limb. Subclavian and axillary vein injury, his mind supplies around the numb-heavy press of his bandaged chest. He’s a grotesque mimicry of Molly lying in a similar bed in the semi-dark.
She’d never been afraid of his scars, but never had any of her own. They both lost someone and that’s all she really knew. Now they match, if that counts for anything. (It doesn’t. A bullet through her peripheral vessels wasn’t even the first blow to your relationship, but it was the kill shot. And it didn’t kill her, but it killed something.)
He’s considering ripping all his wires and tubes out, despite the fact that he can't even wiggle his fingers yet, and storming through demanding where Hannibal is. If he’s dead, then Will’s dead too. If he’s alive, and Jack’s outside with the FBI, then Will’s going to — going to —
He doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know what he’ll do. He’s pretty far past the point of caring.
A nurse checks in on him, attentive to the increased heart and respiration monitors.
“Good you’re awake, Mr. Hooper,” the nurse says.
Will can’t tell her she has the wrong name. He can only track her with his eyes as she checks his vital signs. God knows why she’s pleased. He’s not.
“I’ll notify your family you’re awake,” she says.
Inexplicably he thinks again about Molly, with an inexplicable dread. But the reality coming through the door is somehow worse. Worse than Jack, worse than Chiyoh putting a bullet through his shoulder, worse than Hannibal slicing through him, worse than the purring rattle of the bone-saw against his skull and the blood running into his mouth, worse than Hannibal kneeling in the snow.
Abigail sits down in the chair beside his bed. She frowns.
“Are you in pain?” she whispers.
He nods, a fraction of a centimeter of movement. The pillow on either side of his temples is cold and wet.
He can’t tell her that his swollen tongue and cheek, his immobile and compressed chest and neck with their inches of gauze and pinpricks of fading numbness don’t hurt at all compared to seeing her here.
(This is the version of her you conjure since you left Hannibal Lecter in the snow. Shorn hair gone wavy over two ears like a spring lamb growing in her second coat. A dark sweater with a heavy flannel jacket. Like a strange mirror image of you.)
“Here we are again,” she says. “Do we talk about the other worlds we could have been in? All the ways it could have ended? Do we talk about teacups and time and the rules of disorder?”
(In your last moments you selfishly wished for everything you ever loved to come back to you. You reap what you sow and other such things in the form of hallucinated daughters. You’re beginning to wonder if it’s just a weird side effect of massive transfusion, like they say air embolisms, hypothermia, and acidosis are. No amount of love ever brought anyone back.)
But Will can’t look away from her, even if she blurs behind a sluice of tears, flickering in and out of existence. All that time in and out of love with Hannibal, all the agony and the betrayals, all the misspent time and unspoken words. They should have decided in advance what to kill and left Abigail well alone. Left everyone alone.
He sleeps again and dreams again of waves crashing against the shore, and when he wakes, it’s Chiyoh in Abigail’s place.
Of course it’s Chiyoh.
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