nettleclanstale · 5 months
Moon 47
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A handful of graduations
Chivepaw is just shiny Aloesight ngl
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shrikeclan · 7 days
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Rest in peace, Cliffjump...
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spiral-of-stars · 5 months
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Here’s Pestopaw’s brat pack of living siblings; Basilpaw, Chivepaw, Mintpaw, and Mosspaw! All of SpringClan, all trouble in their own ways. Basil is lazy and sly, often getting out of doing most of his work as an apprentice through trickery. He naps often and speaks little, preferring to be a fly on the wall in most conversations. Chive is nosy and in your face, and always sure that her way is right no matter what. She can be very persuasive, like her brother, which earned her a spot as a council apprentice. Chive is maturing faster than their littermates, but still slower than most cats. Mint is a mischievous, loud prankster, and the bane of her mentor Puddlesplash’s existence at times. He will make her into a warrior, somehow, someday, or he will die trying. Moss is sweet as honey and cute as can be, and she absolutely knows it. She is an attention seeker, with a voice much louder than her sibling’s at all times to keep their parents’ attentions. If she’s not the center of attention, she’s not happy. A day where Moss is quiet is a rare but scary one, as it means she is likely scheming a stunt to earn the spotlight.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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gaycatwithaegg · 7 months
Warmups with some of my favorite clan gen blogs!!
Coyotekit from @we-are-dogclan and Chivepaw from @whispering-clan
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whispering-clan · 8 months
Chivepaw is listed as Comfreypaw in the allegiances, just so you know. I really love your art style and can't wait to see where this goes! No pressure though!
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(I will fix it later today)
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randomcatgen · 25 days
Chivepaw is a stout apprentice with downy, brown and cream rosetted fur. They are 14 moons old. They have heavy, bright blue eyes and a square jaw. They are social and adventurous, but disrespectful. They make up words for random things. They like to wear a fresh flower behind their ear.
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counterclan · 5 months
(for HoundClan) If it isn’t a difficult question, who is “Mama”?
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Chivepaw: Mama is Poprock’s mama of course! But I don’t really know her that well at all…
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ashrimpnamedlauren · 4 months
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Made a clangen save and decided to draw my lineup
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Also Chivepaw's sister Quillpaw, who was part of the og crew and died from a training accident the moon before her warrior ceremony.. poor baby
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One of Us is a Killer (part 2)
Continuation of: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/738940160410058752/one-of-us-is-a-killer?source=share
Going solely on what kin say in Lifegen every six moons, we build a story, and, more importantly, a resident
Please feel free to comment your interpretations of what is happening or your thoughts on the characters!
Who are your suspects so far?
Main character: Burnetshriek -- Lonesome
Mother: Wetfish (deceased) -- Wise
Mom: Beaverspeckle -- Adventurous
Sister: Midgefreckle -- Calm
Brother: Yewstripe -- Strict
Brother: Privetdusk (deceased) -- Ambitious
Mate: Heathertree -- Loving
Daughter: Batkit -- Noisy -> Sneaky
Son: Yarrowkit -- Attention-seeker
Son: Rubblekit -- Troublesome
Son: Jaggedkit -- Honest -> Righteous
Side note: [....] in speech indicates that Burnetshriek has said something.
Bonus side note: orange highlights previously indicated that something was not directed at Burnetshriek or didn't have to do with her. Now, it's for text that is a repeated conversation.
MOON 60 (kits are 5):
Mom: *Cough* *Wheeze* [Breathing is short and staggered]
Midgefreckle: *Sigh*..."Hi, Burnetshriek. [....] Hm? I just got back from a hunting patrol....I utterly embarrassed myself. I had a mouse literally walk into my paws and I still failed to grab it. [....] Hm. Yes, that's true. I'm not going to always succeed, the best thing I can do is get back up and get back to it. You're right, Burnetshriek. You're always right. Thank you."
Yewstripe: [Having an outburst with Leafpaw]. "Seriously? Thorns in my nest, again? I swear to StarClan, you must be the most irritating, empty-headed apprentice--Oh, Burnetshriek, it's you. What is it? Do you need anything? [....] I'll be right there, just let me finish this first. [Burnetshriek holds back a laugh at the apprentice's shock at the sudden switch-up].
Heathertree: "Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, find me. We can sit under the stars and watch Silverpelt. [....] I always find it helps. It's calming, knowing all of our ancestors watching over us."
Bat: "Jawswipe just told me the funniest joke ever! It went like -- heehee -- how did the *snrk* - how did the - AHAHAHA!!!!"
Yarrow: "Burnetshriek...I'm so...sleepy *yawns* It's still early.....I said I was gonna play with Breezekit at sunhigh, but that's so far away, and if I go to sleep now, I won't be able to play with him...Oh Burnetshriek, what will I do?" [Burnet promises to wake them]. "You will? Oh Burnetshriek, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is why we're the bestest of friends! [Yarrow dramatically falls into the nest, and later trips over his paws when running to his friend].
Rubble: "Burnetshriek!!!!" [Rubble sprints across camp and tackles Burnet with a squeal, clambering all over her fur].
Jagged: [Burnet likes making a game of counting all of Jagged's toes while he sleeps. Burnet thinks that he is a perfect, darling kit].
Bonus: Wetfish wants to talk to a medicine cat. Maybe her mate?
MOON 66:
Burnet's apprentice is Storkpaw.
Mom: "I met some kittypets on patrol today. StarClan, I gave them a scare! One look at my 'mean' face and they went mewling back home to their Twolegs like little kits running into the nursery! Bahahahahaha!"
Bonus: apprentice is Sappaw.
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek. How are you? [....] I'm absolutely okay, I'm not up to much here, just catwatching, as usual. [....] Huh? You think I should get to know the other cats, instead of watching? Oh, I'm just fine here! I don't talk to the others, it's just how it is....! [....] You'd think I'd get on with Birdstar? You think? [....]...Hm. I suppose I'll have to go and talk to them, at some point. You've never guided me wrong."
Bonus: apprentice is Chivepaw.
Yewstripe: "What's that? You want to know how I'm...feeling? [...] Hmph. You should know by now that I don't do the whole 'feeings' thing. But, if you want to know so badly, I guess I'm feeling...Worried. And tired. But also on edge. And hungry. But, I'm sort of full, too...hm...See, this is why I don't talk about my feelings. I'm not good at it."
Bonus: previously mentored Maplefern.
Heathertree: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Heather presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Bat: [Accidently slips while walking across camp. Without missing a beat, Bat catches herself, spins on her paws, and continues walking with a flick of her tail. How does she manage to make falling look cool?]
Bonus: mentor is Hillstep.
Yarrow: Previously killed by a fox at 7 moons old.
Rubble: [Jagged and Rubble laugh together, talking about stories Burnetshriek used to tell them in the nursery. Burnet considers telling them stories they missed, but decides not to ruin the moment].
Bonus: mentor is Heathertree.
Jagged: "Oh, uhm, hello... [...] Oh, you wish to talk to me? [...] Err...sure, can do, I suppose....The wind is lovely, it always waves through our coats when were wandering through the territory. Maybe that's StarClan's way of telling us we're doing a good job."
Bonus: Mentor is Birdstar.
MOON 72:
Mom: "Hey, Burnetshriek, dare me to jump off the warriors' den! [...] No? Why in StarClan's name not?! [...] Because I could hurt myself...? But that's what's fun about it!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek, can I have your opinion on something? [...] I was having an argument with Chivespeckle a couple of days ago. I was giving them some advice on something, and they told me I talk like I'm better than everyone. Do you think...? [...] No? That's good. That's absolutely not my intention. I want to help, but not be more important than any other cat. [...] Thank you, Burnetshriek. I know that no matter what, you'll always tell me what I need to hear."
Yewstripe: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetshriek, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Permanent Condition: weak leg
Heathertree: "Mm, Oh, watch out, Burnetshriek! Don't come any closer!" [Looking at a bee]. "It must have stung something...I think it's dying. Poor little thing." [Burnet asks why he doesn't just squish it. Heather recoils]. "It's a living thing, just like you or me! What crime has this bee committed? The crime of being small? No, it deserves a death with dignity, just like the rest of us..." [The bee falls very still]. "Oh...I think it just went...Ah, I'm sorry little bug...I hope, wherever you are, you find plenty of flowers, and even more mercy." [Gently scoops it up and lays it on moss].
Battumble: [Burnet compliments her on a shiny object she's playing with]. "Hm? Oh, why thank you. Isn't it pretty? I nabbed it off these Twolegs who were passing through the territory. I knew it would make just the perfect addition to my nest." [Burnet asks if isn't that stealing?]. "Tch, relax. Just think of it as a 'finders keepers' type of thing. Besides, those Twolegs weren't using it for anything important anyways."
Rubblenettle: "Hey, Burnetshriek! Get a load of this one! What happens when a tree falls into the mud? [...] It leafs an impression! Hahaha!....Hey, where are you going?"
Jaggeddusk: "Hello, Burnetshriek. What do you think of the weather? [...] If you want my opinion, I think it's been enjoyable. It's pleasantly warm, but not so hot that it makes today's jobs an unpleasant business. Not to mention, I haven't noticed a hint of rain, so if you're going out, you shouldn't get wet. Well...unless you fall into a pond. But other than that, StarClan has been good to us today."
Coniferkit (son, 2 moons): "Burnetshriek! Burnetshriek! I had the mosr funnest day ever today! First, I played feather-catch. It's this really cool game where I throw a feather into the air and then try to catch it. Then, I runned around in circles! I went a-round and a-round and a-round, but then I got sick and had to stop. And then....[Conifer continues on]
Continued on next part!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
And who is your favourite?
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A collection of interesting happenings from SkyClan
its a lot so i'm putting it under the cut
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ulfric and galmar are like. on top of each other lmao (i don't blame em I started the game in leaf-bare so it C O LD)
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new cat! His name is Shinemoss!
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5 moons in and we already got babs
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oh no, what did WindClan do
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some babs and more accessories
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they're hiding from the children
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I love the little flavor texts
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apprenticed by the three veterans! that's neat
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Chivepaw just *casually* bothering the leader
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local general gets offended by literal children
AND that's the first 12 moons, see ya later lol (im gonna make a sketchdump of this)
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shrikeclan · 25 days
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Chivepaw is one of five of Parsley's kits. He never shown interest in warrior duties and got queasy over the smallest wounds, but he has shown great skill in talking things through with others. Silverpeak asked if he wanted to become his mediator apprentice, to which he agreed!
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dodos-and-kiwis · 2 years
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"If Cloudberry believes that he needs to start his training now, then who are we to argue?"
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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Hello I am Kat!! I am doing a Clangen comic/challenge for fun! I will probably be not consistent with the comics and this is my first time making a comic so please give me tips if you want!
Asks is: #rtcAsks
Moons is: #rtcMoons
Lore is: #rtcLore
The clans name is TwoClan and I will be starting with Chivepaw and Dewkit! You can also ask the clan questions if you have any
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legendspeaker · 6 years
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