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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
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This is what happened when Dragona started 'dating' the darling. It didn't last long.
completely accurate image 👍
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months ago
Hello, I hope you don't mind if I share a weird headcanon of mine 👉👈
I normally see people talking about Kakyoin make drawing about you but what if Jotaro does that too? The reason I have this headcanon because I remember the scene when Jotaro using Star Platinum drawing the fly he saw in the picture, and he draw it so well. It makes me think that maybe Jotaro has talent in art too. Jotaro's style will be realistic style while Kakyoin will be more like cartoon/anime style.
Imagine their sketchbook filling with so many drawing of you 💕 Jotaro will watching you from afar, sketching you with your cute smile, your beautiful eyes, he captured it all. For Kakyoin, I think he will even make up characters (oc) that look like you and him and ship them together lol (this headcanon inspried by my friend, she actually do that with her crush).
Thank you for reading my ramble, glad to talk with you :D I would love to hear your thoughts about my weird headcanon
P/s: Love you writing so muchhhh 💝
This is fun stuff, I could eat it up all day. Thanks for sending it in, so I can blabber my mouth about it
This always internally bugged me so I’m very thrilled that someone brought up how well Star Platinum drew that fly. I suppose it’s kind of easy to gloss over for a lot of people compared to Kakyoin’s scene of painting on that canvas. (Then again that fly was kind of important to identify to figure out where Dio was so then again it’s “???” for an explanation)
Anywho, I’d say signs point to Jotaro being able to draw, and I think it’s a hobby he prefers keeping to himself. Like you said of him having a sketchbook, almost no one sees what he draws in it and he doesn’t want anyone else to see it especially if it’s various sketches of you. So more than likely when he does do so, he’s somewhere where he won’t be pestered by school girls, or whatever punk tries to start a fight with him.
I’d also like to think he goes back and lingers on prior stuff, just staring at it for a little while. This applies usually when you’re out of school sick (which he’ll probably stop by later anyway with or without your knowledge). But there’s something comforting about seeing every piece of your visage in his sketchbook. Literally no one else knows about this sketchbook aside from maybe Kakyoin (Holly has her suspicions he takes a sketchbook around but she smiles not pestering her son on his hobbies as she thinks it’s adorable).
For the most part art wise I think Jotaro sticks to traditional art, maybe a dabble of charcoal but he prefers pencils. Maybe watercolor if he ever went beyond, but traditional with pencil/pen is the easiest way for him to pull something out at his leisure. Would he let you see? Maybe eventually when he gets you where he wants you, or if the cat is out of the bag early and you see it and you’re not quite with him yet. Let’s just say seeing that may speed up him taking you.
Kakyoin I could definitely see diving into the oc type of thing, he’d certainly reference an artstyle of a manga you like. (Don’t ask how he figured that out so quickly). Though he definitely loves putting some passion into his artwork and occasionally shamelessly make sultry artwork of you and himself. He loves painting the most as he spreads colors, mixing them into the wondrous hues that is your skin tone. Or splashing watercolors in a notebook, that looks something out of a fairytale. Soft and warm lighting….oops he’s getting a tad bit excited.
He definitely presents pieces that are obviously meant to be stand ins for the two of you. That no one else would ever be wiser too, yeah you might have this odd feeling something’s not quite right, but there’s nothing there you could really prove other than observe just how pretty the composition is. If you compliment it, that just fuels this man’s desire further.
Biggest takeaway here is Jotaro and Kakyoin very blatantly have their own styles whether sticking with black/white/grey, or full on color. Both would be pretty in their own right, and their style choices speak of their personalities without saying a single word.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 1 year ago
I feel like yan!Jodio is the type to take you out to eat in a Mac McDonald's or something, stay silent the whole "date" (at least that's what he thinks it is), leave without even really saying goodbye, and still think that was the best day of his week
Honestly though he would do that, you’re just left bewildered wondering what just happened. The food was a nice thought but like what???…
The next time you see him again you asked if he had to leave for something important and if that’s why he wasn’t talking much. He’ll likely tell you nothing was up, and he did enjoy the time out. The answer doesn’t exactly illuminate any explanation for you, you’re more confused and just settle with he just works that way somehow.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 10 months ago
Yk I think we should study the yandere jojo dream thing because it's crazy how many people are having dreams of yandere jojo's. Like I recently had a great cinematic type dream where I was in part four dealing with a yandere josuke (let me tell you it was brutal :() when I just point blank got yoinked over to part eight. I think I must have taken over the place of a version of myself because everyone knew me already. I was having a mental breakdown about it and ended up having a really deep conversation with Gappy about it but I woke up in the middle of the conversation so. Yeah.
I meant to answer this before I went on my little break,
Anyhow if you’re going to have an upending conversation with someone it might as well be Gappy, considering his own stranger circumstances with his life. I’d think he’d be good support (maybe a little too good of support). Kind of funny how these things just pop up in people’s dreams. Not to mention the assortment of creepiness that can seep in.
if anyone else has had some type of Yandere character dream feel free to share
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 1 year ago
Not a request, but i feel that rohan is the most terrifying yandere. I read what you wrote about him not using heaven's door to force romantic affections, but that doesn't mean he won't possibly write something like "darling will stay with me forever. But keep their personality and emotions" or something. He can easily make it to where we could NEVER escape.
Oh absolutely no doubt he wouldn’t hesitate to write that in your pages. Immediately restricting your capability to run away is something out of a horror movie. Even worse you probably wouldn’t be able to talk about it to anyone else, the further the restrictions written, the realization you really have no way to leave or fight back. That’s a big blow to your mental state and there’s no real reason to actually do anything with your personality.
Rohan is already bad enough in canon, being Yandere just takes it to a whole new level. The way he sees it, you’re free to do whatever you like but not without him being aware of it. Stifle? Smothering? He sees no such thing, he finds most of the people you interact with an annoyance. Especially if they try to cater to you romantically. As the mangaka sees it, he’s doing you a favor of pruning the undesirables. Even if that means literally everyone falls under this definition except himself.
But hey at least you can still have your opinions on the type of sweets you like right? That’s gotta count for something .
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months ago
I swear in the "you dummy..." part i could imagine Fugo blushing and smiling all beaten up and bleeding asf while Illuso watched him as if he was crazy 😭🙏
I’m pretty sure Illuso is going to ask what the hell is wrong with Fugo. He definitely doesn’t recall any of the Bucciarati team being masochistic from the information he was given. He’s not quite sure whether he’d find it embarrassing or not. It does drag the situation down in a strange way for him.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months ago
Everyone's talking about how Fugo and Purple Haze would be but no one's thinking what Leone and Giorno are seeing and thinking poor dudes 💀
Poor Giorno is probably sweating bullets at darling just brazenly going up to Purple Haze like that. He’s switching gears completely to make that antidote several times faster. He knew you could be fascinated by certain stands, but did it have to be one of the most dangerous ones? Not to mention if you walked up to it just fine and were somehow immune? Nah he’s still checking you over after the battle is said and done. You’re going to give him a heart attack with your nonsensical actions.
He’s cursing underneath his breath, do you even have a single brain cell left right now? Enemy stand user, Fugo himself is in trouble, and now you doing this? It’s almost impossible to focus on the task at hand with you doing who knows what. Abbacchio could almost believe another stand user was doing something, if it weren’t for the fact he already knew your personality.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months ago
Nooo cause i would become besties with Barbara Ann and not even go to their house for Jodio or Dragona...💔 'wonder how they'd react to their s/o not paying them any mind and fudging becoming best friends with their mother even helping them around
That’s okay they’ll just figure out a way to worm themselves into your interactions with her. Believe me I believe both Dragona and Jodio are perfectly capable of doing so. Specifically if you take care of a few errands for Barbara Ann, like say grocery shopping? Or just running out for a little thing. Or even use their knowledge of what she likes to their advantage.
“oh hey I think mom was eyeballing this for a while” Jodio points out casually.
Dragona points out a dessert she hasn’t had in a while, “how about we make this together, she’d really appreciate it”
Don’t think you’re getting out of anything without either of these siblings. Family is important so it’s great you’re embracing it so well, even if you’re trying to just speak with Barbara Ann herself.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 1 year ago
cjvbhdmsudj no because like Fugo feeling his head be kissed bya his stand omg he would feel so confused specially because he's being beated up in the mirror world and reader just doing dumb ducks ncjxksasnd
Illuso is beating the snot out of poor fugo, but hey what’s this fuzzy feeling all of a sudden? Wtf? He has his stand out, who’s touching him? How? The virus Purple Haze gives off is super deadly? Is it the new guy Giorno? Probably with the immunity part but the fuzzy feeling, a kiss?
wait a minute….
It’s you. He flusters himself even more upon the obvious signs.
“You dummy….” Of course you’d be the one ridiculous enough to approach purple haze, even of what he directly told you himself. Then again you’d probably pet something if it was cute enough, even if it were the most poisonous thing in the world.
“I’m gonna murder them if I don’t die here first” he thought to himself. Which was sort of true but he wouldn’t lie his heart rate was all over the place right now.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 1 year ago
imagine trying to play chess with kars or literally any of the pillarmen besides wamuu 😭😭
Like is there even a point? It’s just a simple game, you know supposedly a thing that’s great to pass time. Even Santana the one pillarman who was considered just a guard dog could pick up languages, and dismantle a gun almost instantly. Would likely be able to adjust quickly to Chess. In normal circumstances it would be fun to see how the opponent thinks of their next moves, their various strategies, even if you do lose.
No, you’re probably sweating bullets knowing what you’ll do of course. But you can’t help but feel the piercing gaze of Esidisi, Kars, or even Santana. It feels like you’re in a fight for your life, logically you know you aren’t, these pillarman would’ve killed you ages ago if they didn’t feel compelled to keep you.
You’d think hey at least Kars would eventually get bored of this right? You’re pretty much a peon at this point when it comes compared to almost anything he’s experienced. He ends up ending or dragging out the game as long as he likes, while careful to not be too cocky and lose. He eats up every little expression you make, and you should probably just act like you didn’t just see him lick his lips either.
It’s like a new form of torture specially tailored in playing a game.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
I love the ask about a kid lifting reader's skirt. I feel so relate with this but it happened to me when I'm a little kid. Some naughty boys in class think it's a great idea to run out to lifting skirt of the girls in class. From that time, I afraid of wearing skirts, never want to wear one because I scared of my skirt being lifted up by someone. Until I'm older, I start to wear skirt again to fight back my fear (also now I realized I love wearing skirt, so comfy :D)
See the Joestar stand up for reader like that feel so great, justice has been served 😤
A Yandere (especially the Joestar’s) are always going to serve up some justice to whoever messes with their darling. That’s pretty much guaranteed.
That is awful though, I’m sorry you had to actually go through that. (But skirts are comfy when you feel like you can wear them freely)
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 8 months ago
Hi uhm by any chance do u have a masterlist or so?? :3 /gen
On here? Not really. I’m too disorganized to even bother with one (it would probably really help honestly). Apologies for my laziness, I like just spitting things out and submitting them on here.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 8 months ago
Hi!, I don't know if you take criticism, or even take criticism well, but im just going to say that you probably should explain WHY the characters turn into a yandere, basically the thought process behind the characters turning yandere fast or slowly, explaining why the character is turning yandere will make things more easier to understand and reader could feel mad,frustated,etc by these, like they can actually feel dread...
Ofc you can ignore this if you like, im just saying..ps. i really like the way you write, i just need an explanation for the characters to know what im dealing with..
Well rest assured I’m not going to bite your head off for fair criticism. You can’t really improve if you don’t take certain things to heart. I don’t want to be one of those people that ignore criticism and snap at someone for trying to be helpful.
That’s actually a big thing that I’ve been grappling with, (one of the few things actually). I’ll try my best to get more of that in there. I may have a teensy issue with fixating on certain bits and neglecting others, so this is good to know.
Thanks for dropping by to say this!
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 8 months ago
Just dreamed about a zombie(?) Apocalyptic world, and theres me just trying to survive and trying to not get my cat killed
When all of a sudden josuke (gappy) just showed up, rizz me up and helped me, before fucking ghosting me 😭😭😭
And then i started to murder people there after that happened....
Its the most wild fucking dream I've ever had 😭
It’s crazy what dreams can scramble together.
Perhaps Gappy got distracted by something else and just decided it wasn’t important enough to tell you and went ‘poof’.
Guess the lack of communication set your dream self off and you snapped. Understandable for a murder spree in an apocalyptic scenario.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
So basically johnny and reader's dynamic lol..😭😭
This is painfully accurate to a t. Rip reader-chan
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
Your favorite jojo character is risotto isn't it?
Hehe Maybe…
His stand name is one of my favorite bands, how could I not have him as one of my favorites? He’s generally a neat character for the exceedingly short amount of time he showed up.
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