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In this edition, we will talk about the next few things:
@horseheadaib Face reveal!!! but he seems to look like Chishiya.
@chishiya-of-diamonds is in love with @kuinaoflight but @somatheking tries to come in between them and make a move on Kuina
Trouble between @arisuthegamer and Usagi? Has Arisu been cheating?
@your-sweet-cookie seems in love with @daikichixkarube
@twentyfourhourtitts, @hoodedchishiya, and @niragisugurusan had a threesome?
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
If you had to pick 6 people on your game team who would you pick?
i'll start with @risa-of-spades and @usagiclimbs — who wouldn't want a fighter and a climber in their team? the latter provides a great advantage of being able to look at the venue from the high ground, and risa's got neverending stamina for eventual running. aguni would be a decent replacement for queen of spades, but he gets tired easily, and considering my latter choices we wouldn't need another weapon specialist and/or close combat fighter.
then, let's get the brains — @chishiya-of-diamonds/@cheshire-shuntaro and @niragi-of-bitches/@niragixpsych, just because i need a rubber ducky to explain my plans to. i expect them to find flaws, if there are any, and come up with solutions. chishiya's medical knowledge is helpful when it comes to injuries and his strategic thinking is unbeatable. if weapons are allowed niragi could take care of any approaching opponents from afar, keeping a safe distance. if not, he's a video game engineer — he knows where to look for bugs and glitches. there's no such thing as perfect game, thus any gap in the rules could be exploited, and he's an expert in that.
to be fair, i'll take @kuinaoflight for multiple reasons. first, because she's friends with everyone — she'll deescalate any situation. she's great at communication, works well in a team and under pressure, can fight — paired with risa they could become an unstoppable force in any game requiring close combat.
last but not least, @your-sweet-cookie — the hearts specialist making sure we know the intentions of other players, planning in consideration of their expected behavior foreseen by kukki.
if a game requires more than six players, then — let's be real — the chances of more than one survivor are increadibly high, so we'll be just fine.
— fate
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Wow! I’m somewhat shocked; I’ve never reached so many notes on a post.
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Continued from here. @chishiya-of-diamonds
Who said I'd let you anywhere by my neck?
Can you even reach it?
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King Of Diamonds, A Short Summary
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nightvyre · 2 years
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"does this life has a value ? or does it not ? you yourself get to decide." - chishiya shuntarō
Alice in Borderland (manga x adaptation parallel)
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yoongyuplace · 2 years
if you dont take risks, you wont win
manga!chishiya — king of diamonds game
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chevka-idk · 10 months
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dreamoridesigns · 2 years
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Alice in Borderland!
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l0sercat · 2 years
Hey, can i request a kuzuryuu x reader ?
Where the reader lost him after the beach and they see each other during his game. The reader can die maybe ?
Sorry if its weird
Nonono anon it's not weird. I love it >:))) also Kuzuryuu is maybeee a little ooc but I don't think it's too bad . Also this took me forever 💀
Kuzuryu x reader
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You and Kuzuryuu were close and always stuck by each others side. You always made him laugh and you just wanted him to be happy. He also made you happy and just hang out in his room on his balcony. But when the Beach was set on fire and you couldn't find him you panic. You yelled out his name trying to locate him. It got to bad inside you couldn't find him.
The game ended and you still couldn't fine him. You looked almost everywhere, your eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill. You clenched you fists and looked down, the Beach burning in the background. You started to shake and you bit your lip. You wanted to cry and break down so bad but there were people around.
Kuzuryuu was alive you knew he was he was to smart. You just knew where he was and it killed you that you couldn't find him. You promised each other you would stick together and you weren't going to break it.
You looked around the perimeter of the outskirts of the Beach but still didn't see him. You closed your eyes and yelled in frustration. You slowly say down on the ground and let the tears spill. You stayed quiet the best you could but you couldn't keep the tears in anymore.
You were going to find him no matter what.
You had a day left on your visa and so you walked to the King of Diamonds game. You weren't that good at diamond games. But you had to do this game. Maybe Kuzuryuu was in this game as well. He was extremely at diamond games.
You made your way to the game to get started. You saw someone who looked familiar but you only saw the back of their head. You moved to your seat and you got a better look. You couldn't believe it, you gasped. "Kuzuryuu?!" You said in disbelief
His head snapped up and his eyes visibly widened. "No.." he whispered. He was glad to see you but knowing the rules he couldn't bear it. He clenched his fists, he wanted to warn you leave but you already sat down and we're locked in. "Kuzuryuu I'm so happy to see you again," you said smiling with tears down your cheeks.
The people there stared at you with confusion. "I thought I lost you forever I knew you weren't dead" you looked at him such joy and love. It broke his heart but he continued to say nothing. You stopped talking and looked at him. "What's wrong Kuzuryuu?..." You asked
Chishiya walked in and sat down officially starting the game. "Hello y/n" he gave a small smile "oh hello Chishiya!" You smiled, Chishiya was talking but you spaced out a bit. You heard the familiar robotic lady voice and payed attention. You listened to her and tried to understand the rules. You understood the rules but didn't know what do. You couldn't come up with a strategy. The smile on your face was wiped off. You started to shake and you panicked. You couldn't survive this.
Your breathing was becoming rapid but you calmed yourself down. You put on your poker face and breathed out. Kuzuryuu looked at you with worry when he saw you panic. It was time for you guys to choose your numbers. You didn't know what to do. You stared blankly at it and chose 35. It was random but you didn't know what to choose.
Kuzuryuu chose his number and stared at you. He remembered that you told him you were terrible at diamond games. He wondered why you would participate in this one. It then struck him, you participated because there was a good chance he was here since he excelled at diamond games. He looked at your blank face. He knew deep down you were terrified and confused. He thought you would never have joined the game but obviously he was wrong.
Everyone chose there numbers and it appeared on the screen. You stared at it and when Kuzuryuu won this round you smiled softly. You looked over at him, he had his hand intertwined in front of him. He stared at you which sent shivers down your spine. You remember when he went down on you and gave you that same stare. Heat pooled in your stomach and you practically melted. But now wasn't the time to think about that.
Chishiya started talking to Kuzuryuu but he ignored him. The other player started talking and Kuzuryuu answered him. Chishiya started taking again, you looked at him. The lady said 'life doesn't have the same value'. Something flickered in his eyes for a brief moment.
The next round started and you chose the number 13. You had no clue what you were doing. You hands started to get sweaty waiting for this to be over. It showed the average and you smiled. You won this round, you let out a giggle. This was probably the only round you were going to win. But you happy you won one. Kuzuryuu gave a small smile at your excited form. You were so amusing to him sometimes.
"Kuzuryuu," "what" you ears perked up at Kuzuryuu's voice, you stared at him. "I think I understand now, the thing that your trying to measure, it's the value of life isn't it?" Your eyebrows furrowed what was Chishiya talking about. Kuzuryuu didn't say anything for a second before starting "No it's not" "then what are you doing," Chisiya pressed "You can tell me" Kuzuryuu stared off it looked like he was thinking something.
The round started and we all picked out numbers. I chose 2 and looked at the screen. I was shocked Chishiya chose 100 wasn't that bad? I didn't dwell on it he probably hadhis own strategy. I couldn't judge since I had no strategy. It's showed the average again and I won again. I was shocked and my smile grew. I was excited and I was surprised. I didn't pay attention to what Chishiya was saying. Kuzuryuu look at me with fondness and love.
In the next round Chishiya won. It was round seven and I chose the number five. The girl won and and she was excited. Letting out a strange excited noise. Another round started and I picked three. Kuzuryuu won. The robotic voice spoke of the two participants who had -10 points. The started to panic, I frowned and stared at them. It would be a painful death, I sighed and wondered if I was next. I looked away not wanting to see what would happen next. They started to scream for help. Kuzuryuu didn't even flinch he just stared ahead. I heard one mans screams of agony before he was cut off. The other started to scream and gurgle but I heard a slam. I flinched and peeked at the bloody mess. "Ah this is starting to look more like a face card game," Chishiya said, I looked at him and he looked at me with a small smile. "Is this the equality your after?"
I quickly looked away and back at Kuzuryuu. We held eye contact for ages before the robotic voice started. "Two new rules will be added, new rule 1: if 2 or more players choose the same number, the will be disqualified from the round and all each lose 1 point. Rule 2: choosing the exact correct number will cause the other players to lose 2 points instead of 1."
The atmosphere in the room was tense. Kuzuryuu looked calm and he sighed, I stared at his long slim fingers. I thought back to a memory, I blushed but quickly shoved it aside. I snapped back to my reality and chose 0. I looked at the screen and everyone chose 0. My eyes widened, my score was now -7.
Another round started and I picked 7. I was shocked when Chishiya chose the correct number. My eyes widened when I realized I would be at -9. But I knew from the beginning I would never win this. I breathed out and leaned back in my chair. I blankly stared at the girl who was going to die. She panicked and started calling Chishiya a cheater. I was amused, I didn't talk to him much but I knew he was smart. So the chances of him cheating were low. He went on to say how he knew what she would pick.
She panicked and started pleading and screaming no. She grabbed and tucked on her belt. The acid fell on her and melted her flesh instantly. "Well she said that not all lives have the same value, think she still believed it up until the bitter end?" I moved my gaze to him.
I sighed with these two I'm totally dead. No way I'll outsmart them. I sighed and stretched my arms out. I don't regret anything. I'm glad I got to see Kuzuryuu again. I smiled, "Tell me have you ever peered behind the curtain seen how the world really works? Watch children die because their parents couldn't afford a few yen for medicine? Seem girls sold off to pay for their parents debts? Been powerless to stop the cycle of poverty?" I frowned and stared at Kuzuryuu.
"A new rule is being added, if a player chooses 0 as their number, the other player will win if they choose 100." I heard Chishiya talking once again but tuned him out. I wasn't going to listen it didn't matter. I already accepted I was going to die when the rules were explained. I looked and smiled at Kuzuryuu sadly. I took in all his features, admiring him.
The round started and I closed my eyes. I hummed and moved my finger around and landed on a number. I opened my eyes to see I chose 69. Chishiya looked at me with a eyebrow raised. "What was that?" He asked, Kuzuryuu looked up without concern. I shrugged my shoulders "I already know I'm going to lose so it doesn't matter what I pick," I grin, "I could never win against you guys, so it's pointless to try, might as well try to make the most of my last moments alive, no?" I say and let out a dry laugh. I looked at the screen and Chishiya won. I clapped my hands "woo good job yahh" I said in a sarcastic tone. Chishiya looked at me with a amused smile. Kuzuryuu looked at me with a saddened look.
His cold blank look was now filled with sadness. He frowned and looked at your smile it would be the last time he saw it. He took in all of your features. You looked at him and gazed lovingly at him. Memories of you and Kuzuryuu beng together flashed through your mind. When you convinced him to dance with you and he was terrible at it which caused you to laugh so hard you couldn't breath. Or when you were in games together. And late nights staring at the sky in his balcony. Tears pricked your eyes.
"I guess it's true, you do see your life flash before you eyes when your about to die" you say smiling and letting out a dry laugh with tears streaming down your face blurring your vision. You stared at Kuzuryuu with love and adoration. "Heh..maybe in another life we'll be together, maybe we can be somewhere where we don't have to constantly fear for our lives.. I'll miss you Kuzuryuu" you smiled at him. His eyes widen and he stares at you, you weren't afraid.
The acid fell and covered you like a blanket. It was painful for a second but soon everything stopped hurting and your vision went dark. You didn't have to worry anymore. One last memory popped in your mind, it was when you first arrived at the Beach you were a bit overwhelmed. Kuzuryuu was there and he helped you get away from everyone there, especially Niragi. You were thankful and you guys spent hours taking. It was then your relationship sparked and he was the first person you ever trusted in this cruel world.
Kuzuryuu stared at you and tears pricked his eyes. His hands still intertwined, clenched. He looked down and he felt his heart ache. "Well that was dramatic" Chishiya commented, Kuzuryuu looked up and glared at him. Chishiya smirked "So they were close to you hm? Who would have thought a king like you would have actually cared for someone?" Chishiya was practically mocking him right now. Kuzuryuu stayed silent and continued on with the game. He stared down and never looked at him.
It was the last round Chishiya chose his number and after a while Kuzuryuu chose . "The following round is over" the robotic voice spoke "So you made your choice, the value of a life can be decided, tell me why you did it" Chishiya spoke, Kuzuryuu looked up and spoke calmly "I did it for my ideals"
"The winner is master Chishiya, a player has reached -10points," Kuzuryuu leaned back and his head tilted up. "It is game over for that player" Kuzuryuu smiled and closed his eyes "it's nice to see you can actually smile" Chishiya said
"I'm finally free, I made my own choice and based on my own ideals," An image of you flashed in his mind. "It's all because of you" tears escaped his eyes and the memory of the Beach burning played in his mind. His smile grew wider and he thought of you again. How you always clung to him and praised him and made him feel good. He was glad he was going to be free and he too wished to see you again in another life.
The acid spilled and poured all over him. It instantly killed him and his body fell against the table hard. Both of you didn't regret a thing.
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szallejhscorner · 2 years
King of Diamonds - Part V
•♦•♦• When Chishiya Shuntarou accepted to remain in the Borderlands as a citizen, I knew there was nothing I could do but to accept as well. •♦•♦• 
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AN: In case anyone wants to be added to a taglist, just say so in the comments (:
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Chishiya eventually threw me out of his room so he could get some rest. It only made sense since he had been shot twice just a couple of days ago, and while I didn���t want to leave the comfort of his presence, I soon found myself strolling through the main floor, searching for either a familiar face to talk to or something else that could help me find my place in this world now that I belonged to it.
I supposed that Rikki wouldn’t be around now since she had wanted to meet friends of hers, and I didn’t know of anyone of my friends who had accepted the citizenship. They had all been sane enough to decline, except me. But thinking about it, none of my decisions had been exactly sane when it came to Chishiya.
With a long sigh, I glimpsed into open doors at both sides of the hallway in search for anything interesting. As I passed the refectory, I grabbed some small snacks to eat on the way. Only few people were sitting there in small groups, silently talking to each other. I had assumed the room would be filled to the brim since it was evening and plenty of food waited to be eaten, but as I returned to the hallway, the main source of noise seemed to origin from further down. The more I approached a half-opened double door, the more I could hear laughter and shouts of excitement.
At first I was hesitant to walk through, unsure if I was allowed to be there after all, but since no one tried to keep me from entering, I took a deep breath, stuffed the remains of the sandwich I had eaten into my mouth and passed the door.
A huge, cinema-like hall stretched in front of me, although it had more resemblance with the monitoring room from the beach. Dozens, no hundreds of huge monitors covered the walls all around me, and I immediately realized what they were showing.
New games. New players.
Countless people were already playing for their lives, most of them still completely unaware of just how cruel the Borderlands were. They looked desperate, confused, frightened, some of them really angry. All games had already begun, and I avoided my eye from a monitor that suddenly zoomed into the footage of a girl burning to ashes. Luckily for me the sound was either shut off or so silent that I couldn’t hear the screams, but the agony on the blackened face had been enough.
The games had begun, and already people were dying. Some of the easier games were coming to an end and I saw people cheering for their victory, and some monitors turned black since everyone had died in a Game Over.
“Always easy to spot the newcomers, cowering like beaten dogs when they see this”, a deep voice mocked behind me. I turned around to face a tall and tattooed guy who was probably in his late forties and had his head shaved entirely bald, and I could already tell that I wouldn’t like him. He bumped my shoulder and gave a raspy snicker before exiting to the hallway.
I rubbed my arm and walked to a bunch of desks in the middle of the room, where a handful of citizens were gathered around huge boards that had been constructed. Since they didn’t force me to witness death or any other form of violence, the pin boards caught my interest and I supported my hands on one of the tables to get a better view.
Several dozen notes hung there and it was easy to see through what they meant. “That’s… all the games!” I gasped as I read through some of them, giving all the important information about the game type, difficulty, rules and even the solutions.
Someone shifted next to me, and I glimpsed towards another woman about my height, with a tidy ponytail and a good amount of makeup in her face. It made her look like a doll, but somehow it suited her. “Yep”, she begun with a grin that seemed much friendlier compared to the baldhead, “every single game for the next three nights. In case you want to participate.”
“Wow. That seems unfair to me.” Right now people died and fought for their lives, and I could just go and pick one game I was in the right mood for. More and more it dawned on me what it really meant to be a citizen – and how clueless we had been as players.
The woman shrugged. “I thought so too, at first. But think about it! Didn’t we play all those games already, with no one telling us how to do it? We earned us a bit of fun now that the games are nothing but, well – games for us.”
“A bit of fun before we die in the face card games, you mean.”
“Oh, the pessimism.” A hand was reached out for me to shake it. “Welcome to the real Borderlands, then! I’m Myoka Himari.”
Now that I faced Myoka, I noticed that her hair was almost black but her eyes were piercingly blue, quite unusual for a Japanese. It made me wonder if she wore contact lenses or if this was her true eye color, but of course I didn’t ask. I introduced myself instead, and Myoka followed me as I circled the round of tables, scanning the different games that were displayed here. The range went from One of Clubs to Ten of Spades, but the most interesting ones were the Hearts games. Just like the Witch Hunt, the solution usually was quite simple and would allow all players to survive, and yet I knew that it wouldn’t end that way. Not with time pressure and fear blinding people’s minds and fooling their hearts.
“Searching for a game to play tomorrow?” Myoka asked with a certain excitement in her voice, and I really wondered why everyone here was so eager about playing. I had seen more people die than any normal human could bear in their lifetime, and still death was everywhere around me, never ever leaving me in peace. That was the price to pay in order to be close to Chishiya. More and more I doubted that it had been the right decision to stay.
I let out a sigh, trying to shake that thought off. No matter if I wanted it or not, it was too late to change anything. My way back home had been shut off forever, and the only way out was to die. “I wonder”, I muttered instead of answering Myoka’s question, “if those games repeat every relaunch. I can’t seem to recognize any of the ones portrayed here.”
Myoka hummed, backing against one of the tables as her eyes wandered to the notes. “Some do. Not every game will be played each round, but I already attended some of them before.”
“Who’s the organizer, then, if not us citizens?”
“The dealers, of course”, Myoka explained as if this was common knowledge. Maybe it was and everyone knew except me. “They choose from a pool of already existing games and locations, and they also prepare the areas. And clean them afterwards”, she added with a smirk.
“Huh.” I threw a look over my shoulder where a group was making some noise in front of a monitor. Some were cheering loudly, others were complaining, making it obvious that there had been some kind of bet. “We do nothing but observe, then?”
Myoka pushed herself off the table and begun to wander around the hall, expecting me to follow her which I did. “We can do a lot! Participate in games, mingle with the players. We’re even allowed to manipulate things to a certain degree.” Judging from the smirk in her face, she had already done that or at least enjoyed the thought of doing so. “Those who want to apply for a Face Card usually take the time to prepare their games. The big ones are up to us, you know. Almost no restrictions.”
Most of the monitors were going dark now as the night progressed. I thought back to the Face Card games I had played only a week ago. It suited Hibiki to have chosen the escape room-style for his game, but it made me wonder if he had had help with the details since parts like the hidden message on the map or the chemicals seemed too thought out for such a child. And I could easily hear the King of Hearts laugh while he set up the table with poisoned food. Had it been there already for the first round, where all players had died? Or had it been an extra add-on for the second try, to spice things up?
No one would ever tell me the answer.
“Myoka…” I begun, hesitating to continue. Her strikingly blue eyes stared into mine, a silent order to speak on. “Did you know any of the former Face Cards?” She had yet to tell me how many relaunches she already had witnessed, but this obviously wasn’t her first one.
The woman shrugged. “None of them close enough to care. We’re so many, it’s hard getting to know everyone by name before they die.”
I realized that Myoka was leading us out of the huge hall, and I felt relief upon entering the brightly lit hallway. Many people had lost their lives already, and even so early into the new stage, citizens were out there, pretending to be normal players and risking their lives in games even though they didn’t have to.
There were indeed lots of people hustling and bustling around us, making me wonder just how many people were living in the Borderlands overall. Hoping to get an answer from Myoka, I spoke my thoughts out loud.
She simply gestured me to keep on following her, until I found myself in a slightly smaller hall than the monitoring room, although it was still huge compared to the normal chambers we resided in. A lone monitor covered one entire wall, and it was so gigantic that I couldn’t take it all in at once.
At first it was hard to make out what was shown on the monitor, but the closer I approached it, the better I could read the names. Hundreds, if not thousands of them.
Every name had a number assigned, and while most of them were displayed in white on black ground, some had been colored red. “More than three thousand players!” I uttered in disbelief, still trying to take it all in.
“Yesss.” Myoka nodded. “In a week, a few hundred of them will be dead. At the end of stage one, probably four of five hundred will be left alive. And if they succeed to clear all Face Cards…” She paused, recalculating. “Last round, we had seventy-five survivors if I’m not wrong. And thirteen of them decided to stay – including you. I don’t know if it’s possible to get insight into the former launches, but I think the numbers are always about the same.”
Seventy-five out of three thousand. Not more had survived, and it was frightening. This world was even deadlier than I had thought!
Next to me, Myoka was stretching her upper body and patting her stomach. “A lot to process, I know. And if I’m being honest, I could definitely use something to eat now. A steak, maybe? Care to join me?”
I shook my head, unable to speak. What stretched out in front of me captivated me in a way that prevented my feet from moving, and I knew my stomach couldn’t handle food right now. The sandwich was already causing nausea, however I tried my best to keep it in.
Myoka clapped on my shoulder as a goodbye. “Alright, see you, then!” She disappeared into the hallway and hurried towards the refectory while I could do nothing but stare at all those names. Over three thousand, and it was just the number of newcomers. Every several weeks, thousands of people were sent here to die. Just... how did no one ever notice back in the real world? How could so many people disappear from the surface without causing any suspicion?
It gave me goose bumps to think that someone might have stood here and watched that board, reading my name and Chishiya’s while having similar thoughts. And someone before them… and before them… a never ending cycle whose only way of escape was death.
Upon so many names, the possibility was high to find someone I knew. Yet I didn’t recognize a single one, and once I had scanned almost every name, my eyes were burning and my head threatened to explode with pain.
As I turned around, a single beeping noise caused me to throw one last glimpse over my shoulder. All at once, several names blinked a few times until they changed their color to red, and I hurried out of the room while a tear rolled down my cheek. Midnight had just passed, and those names were all the people killed by lasers because they hadn’t taken care of their visa. Since it was only the first day, I supposed they had died of lack of knowledge.
Hurrying through the hallway, I didn’t dare to lift my head whenever I passed another citizen. They sure would see me crying, but there was no need to show them the guilt and misery I felt. All of them were here because they wanted to. The thought of becoming a citizen, manipulating players or even killing them didn’t scare anyone else but me. It was obvious that I didn’t belong into this world, and I wondered if those feelings would ever vanish.
Rikki had said that she knew of nobody who remained here more than a handful of relaunches. Maybe I’d be the one to change that, because I couldn’t imagine becoming a Face Card and either being responsible for the death of others or dying a terrible death myself. Chishiya would lead Diamonds game after Diamonds game given he survived, but one day he’d be dead. It was inevitable, and I couldn’t follow him to the very end.
Maybe I could find a way out after all?
I barely noticed how my feet flew up the stairs and how door after door rushed past me. It was a miracle that I found the room that was now mine without accidentally stumbling into someone else’s home, and I avoided looking into the mirror as I brushed my teeth and washed the tears from my face.
Sleep was what I desperately needed right now, since the headache wouldn’t get better and my eyes burnt mainly from crying now. Yet I wouldn’t be able to close my eyes being here all alone, so I eventually headed for the medical wing and tiptoed to Chishiya’s room.
It was dark inside and I heard nothing but Chishiya’s calm breathing, however I knew he was awake the moment I opened the door.
“Hey, Chishiya… can I sleep here tonight?” I whispered straightforward, and the blonde shifted in his bed, apparently to look at me.
He stayed silent for a few moments before his low voice interrupted the quietness. “Why?”
I sighed. “There’s so much I have to talk to you about, but we better leave that for tomorrow. For now… I’m frightened to be alone.” The thousands of names turning red would follow me into my dreams, and only Chishiya could keep them away from me. This part I kept for myself of course, since the blonde would only call me childish and pathetic. And still he understood.
“Snore and you’ll be out.”
His bluntness made me smile, and I climbed into his bed, cuddling up to Chishiya to give him a kiss. The hug only lasted for a minute before I turned around, because I knew he wouldn’t sleep as long as my touch constrained him. Sleeping right next to Chishiya in the same bad was already something I highly appreciated, and I whispered a “Good night” before I allowed sleep to lull me in.
And as I had predicted, Chishiya’s presence caused it to be a dreamless one.
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sleepymjntyy · 2 years
chishiya having a heart in the live action makes me snicker.
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chishiya-of-diamonds · 8 months
(Closed RP)
The man approached the door and knocked a few times. As he waited for the girl inside to answer, he shifted on his feet. No response. Glancing down at his hand, he opened it and looked at the large black numbers that Chishiya had written there, in Sharpie marker, of course. Those were going to be there for a while.
He closed his hand into a fist and knocked again, this time harder. Where was this chick? He had been following her all morning until she went back to her room. Just like Chishiya told him to. She didn’t leave the room, he was sure of it.
“Wait for her in the dining hall. After she finishes breakfast, follow her back to her room. Wait 30 minutes. Knock. When she answers, tell her I would like to see her in my room and that you will be escorting her. Bring her here. Can you do that, Oaf?”
Chishiya’s words- which he had said as he etched the numbers on Todd’s palm with the thick black marker- echoed in his head. He had done exactly what Chishiya told him to. Wait. Why did Chishiya call him Oaf? His name was Todd. Did Chishiya mean to send some guy named Oaf? Shit. Shitshitshit…
He was starting to sweat. If the girl had somehow left the room, Chishiya would…well, Todd would probably end up with a broken hand that had numbers written on it.
Just then the door opened in front of him and he jumped.
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In the reflection of what AiB S2 did to my mental health, here is Chishiya's sequence in the King of Diamonds game
1. Chishiya believing he just lost by letting Kuzuryu decide for him
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2. Chishiya is announced the winner; realizing this is his way to victory
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3. Heartbreaking moment of realization that he would prefer not winning
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(Is saying "I'm so jealous of you" to a corpse of the man you understand suicidal or just lonely?)
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illumoonated · 2 years
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i know i’d be too stupid for him and he’d sacrifice me to satan for one corn chip but i am in love with this man 
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