poojayadavsblog · 3 months
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zayadryfruits · 4 months
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vagadagroservices · 1 year
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What Is Chironji? Health Benefits Of Chironji
Chironji, also called charoli or Buchanania lanzan, is a small nut-like seed found in India. It comes from a tree called the Chironji tree, which grows in the Himalayan region and parts of India. Chironji seeds are ivory-colored and have a mild, sweet taste.
Chironji seeds have been used in traditional Indian medicine for a long time because they have many health benefits. Read here Health Benefits of Chironji.
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ritu-in · 6 months
Chironji Oil Manufacturer
Our Chironji oil manufacturers are committed to improving the quality of the oil and extracting the oil from the best seeds ensuring powerful, pure and effective products. We take care of your skin and wellness needs.
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infantisimo · 2 years
In the 1950s and ’60s, women baked cakes in the abandoned ammunition boxes left behind by British troops in the villages of Nagaland, a state in northeast India. The Naga writer Easterine Kire recalls how wives of Christian missionaries taught English and cake-baking to young girls, including her mother. While they didn’t really pick up the language, the tradition of baking cakes was passed down “from mother to daughter and from daughter to granddaughter.” It was the men who thought to repurpose the boxes — they were airtight, preserved heat well and fit perfectly over the wood fire. Since they had no temperature controls, the baker had to sit by the fire, constantly stoking it and eventually reducing it to embers. The timing had to be perfect: A minute too soon or too late could alter the fate of the cake. The boxes eventually ended up becoming part of a family’s heirloom until electric ovens became commonplace.
In the opposite corner of India, in Kerala in the deep south, several bakeries trace their history to the Mambally Royal Biscuit Factory in Thalassery, established in the late 19th century. Its founder, Mambally Bapu, is said to have baked India’s first Christmas cake. Bapu had trained as a baker in Burma (now Myanmar) to make cookies, bread and buns. When he set up shop in 1880, he made 140 varieties of biscuits. Three years later, the Scotsman Murdoch Brown, an East India Company spice planter, shared a sample of an imported Christmas plum pudding. Wanting to re-create this traditional recipe but unable to source French brandy, Bapu improvised with a local brew made from fermented cashew apples and bananas. He added some cocoa and — voila — the Indian Christmas cake was born.
The beauty of the Indian Christmas cake lies in its local variations. The Allahabadi version from north India features petha (candied ash gourd or white pumpkin) and ghee instead of butter, along with a generous helping of orange marmalade. Maharashtrians, in west India, add chironji, also known as cuddapah almonds. The black cake in Goa derives its color from a dark caramel sauce. In the south, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, cashew nuts are added to the mix. The Indian version is “a close cousin” of British plum pudding, but it has no lard and is not steamed. “Indian Christians add a generous dose of hot spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and shahi zeera (royal cumin seeds), roasted dry and then ground and added, also referred to as ‘cake masala,’” writes Jaya Bhattacharji Rose, an Indian publishing consultant, in “Indian Christmas,” an anthology of personal essays, poems, hymns and recipes.
“Our Christmas cakes reflect how India celebrates Christmas: with its own regional flair, its own flavor. Some elements are the same almost everywhere; others differ widely. What binds them together is that they are all, in their way, a celebration of the most exuberant festival in the Christian calendar,” writes Madhulika Liddle, co-editor of the anthology. Reading the book feels like a celebration in itself and makes one realize that Christians in India are as diverse as India, with Syrian Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans and others. Though Christians make up just 2% of India’s population, this equates to some 28 million people.
Christianity came to India in waves. It is believed that Thomas the Apostle arrived in present-day Kerala in 52 BCE and built the first church. Syrian Christians believe he died in what is now Chennai in Tamil Nadu. San Thome Basilica stands where some of his remains were buried. Toward the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed on Indian shores, followed by others, paving the way for Portuguese colonies in the region. Christian missionaries, who set up Western educational institutes, spread the religion further. The trend continued under the British Empire.
What is unique about India is the “indigenization of Christmas,” notes Liddle. It can be seen in the regional dishes prepared for Christmas feasts and celebrations. Duck curry with appams (rice pancakes) is popular in Kerala, while Nagaland prefers pork curries, rich with chilies and bamboo shoots. In Goa, dishes with Portuguese origins, such as sausage pulao, sorpotel and xacuti, adorn the tables. Biryanis, curries and shami kababs are devoured across north India.
The same regional diversity can be seen in Christmas snacks. “East Indians,” a Christian community in Mumbai described as such for their close ties to the East India Company, fill their plates with milk creams, mawa-filled karanjis (pastry puffs filled with dried whole milk), walnut fudge, guava cheese and kulkuls (sweet fried dough curls). In Goa, a platter of confectioneries called kuswar is served, including kormolas, gons, doce and bolinhas, made with ingredients ranging from coconut to Bengal gram, a yellow lentil. In Kerala, rose cookies are popular. Common across north Indian Christian households are shakkarpara, a sweet fried dough, covered in syrup; namakpara, a savory fried dough studded with cumin seeds; gujiyas, crisp pastries with a sweetened mix of semolina, raisins and nuts; and baajre ki tikiyas, thin patties made from pearl millet flour sweetened with jaggery, an unrefined sugar.
Liddle, who used to spend the festival at her ancestral home in the north Indian town of Saharanpur, also tells us about a lesser-known variation of the Christmas cake: cake ki roti. (In Hindi, “roti” means “flatbread.”) Like most communities in India, many Christian families in north India buy the ingredients for the Christmas cake themselves and take them to a baker who will prepare it. Bakers used to make the Christmas cake by the quintal (220 pounds) or more, and cake ki roti was a byproduct of that large-scale baking. The leftover Christmas cake batter was “not enough for an entire tin, not so little that it can be thrown away,” Liddle explained. So the baker would add flour and make a dough out of it. “It would be shaped into a large, flat disc and baked till it was golden and biscuity,” she said. The resulting cake ki roti may have “stray bits of orange peel or candied fruit, a tiny piece of nut here or there, a faint whiff of the spices … It was not even the ghost of the cake. A mere memory, a hint of Christmas cake.” Since cake ki roti was considered “too pedestrian,” it wasn’t served to the guests. Instead, it would be reserved until the New Year and eaten only after all the other snacks were gone.
Jerry Pinto, co-editor and contributor to “Indian Christmas,” recalled his childhood Christmases in Mumbai. There may not have been much snow in this tropical city, but wintry scenes of London and New York adorned festive cards and storybooks, and children would decorate the casuarina tree with cotton balls, assuming it to be pine. The mood would be set with an old Jim Reeves album featuring “White Christmas.” “Where do old songs from the U.S. go to die? They go to Goan Roman Catholic homes and parties,” quipped Pinto. Raisins would be soaked in rum in October, and cakes baked at an Iranian bakery. Every year, there was a debate about whether marzipan should be made with or without almond skins. The “good stuff” meant milk creams and cake slices with luscious raisins, while rose cookies and the neoris (sweet dumplings made of maida or flour and stuffed with coconut, sugar, poppy seeds, cardamom and almonds) were just plate-fillers.
The feasting is accompanied by midnight mass, communal decorations and choral music, with carols sung in Punjabi, Tamil, Hindi, Munda, Khariya, Mizo tawng, as well as English. “One of our favorite carols was a Punjabi one, which we always sang with great gusto: ‘Ajj apna roop vataake / Aaya Eesa yaar saade paas’ [‘Today, having changed His form / Jesus comes to us, friend’],” Liddle remembered.
Starting as early as October, it would not be unusual to hear Christmas classics by Boney M., ABBA and Reeves in Nagaland’s Khyoubu village. “The post-harvest life of the villagers is usually a restful period, mostly spent in a recreational mood until the next cycle of agricultural activities begins in the new year,” wrote Veio Pou, who grew up in Nagaland.
“Christmas is a time when invitations are not needed. Friends can land … at each other’s homes any time on Christmas Eve to celebrate. … The nightly silence is broken, and the air rings with Christmas carols and soul, jazz and rock music. Nearly every fourth person in Shillong plays the guitar, so there’s always music, and since nearly everyone sings, it’s also a time to sing along, laugh and be merry,” wrote Patricia Mukhim, editor of Shillong Times, a local newspaper in the northeastern state of Meghalaya.
Neighborhoods in areas with Christian populations, like Goa and Kerala, are lit up weeks in advance with fairy lights, paper lanterns and Christmas stars. In Mizoram’s capital of Aizawl, local authorities hold a competition every Christmas for the best-decorated neighborhood, with a generous prize of 500,000 rupees ($6,000) awarded to the winner. This event is gradually becoming a tourist attraction.
Rural India has its own norms and traditions. In the villages of the Chhota Nagpur region, mango leaves, marigolds and paper streamers decorate homes, and locally available sal or mango trees are decorated instead of the traditional evergreen conifer. The editor Elizabeth Kuruvilla recalled that her mother had stars made of bamboo at her childhood home in Edathua, a village in Kerala’s Alappuzha district. The renowned Goan writer Damodar Mauzo, who grew up in a Hindu household, said his family participates in many aspects of the Christmas celebrations in the village, including hanging a star in the “balcao” (“balcony”), making a crib and attending midnight mass.
In the Anglo-Indian enclave of Bow Barracks in Kolkata, Santa Claus comes to the Christmas street party in a rickshaw — the common form of public transport in South Asia. “Kolkata’s Bengali and non-Bengali revelers now throng the street, lined by two rows of red-brick terrace apartment buildings, to witness the music and dance and to buy the home-brewed sweet wine and Christmas cake that some of the Anglo-Indian families residing there make,” wrote the journalist Nazes Afroz. Bow Barracks was built to house the Allied forces stationed in Kolkata during World War I, after which they were rented out to the city’s Christian families.
Kolkata also is home to a tiny community of about 100 Armenian Christians, who celebrate Christmas on Jan. 6, in line with the Armenian Apostolic Church. Many break their weeklong fast at the Christmas Eve dinner, known as “Khetum.” The celebration begins with an afternoon mass on Christmas Eve followed by a home blessing ceremony to protect people from misfortune, held at the Armenian College and Philanthropic Society, an important institution for the community. The Khetum arranged for the staff members and students includes a customary pilaf with raisins and fish and anoush abour, an Armenian Christmas pudding made with wheat, berries and dried apricots, among other dishes. The Christmas lunch also includes traditional Armenian dishes such as dolma (ground meat and spices stuffed into grape leaves) and harissa, a porridge-like stew made with chicken, served with a garnish of butter and sprinkled ground cumin.
“Missionaries to Indian shores, whether St. Thomas or later evangelists from Portugal, France, Britain or wherever, brought us the religion; we adopted the faith but reserved for ourselves the right to decide how we’d celebrate its festivals,” Liddle wrote. “We translated the Bible into our languages. We translated their hymns and composed many of our own. We built churches which we at times decorated in our own much-loved ways.”
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annapurnaeat · 4 days
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney)
इमली की चटनी क्या है?
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney) जिसे इमली चटनी के नाम से जाना जाता है, एक लोकप्रिय (Popular) भारतीय इमली की चटनी है जिसका उपयोग चाट की तैयारी में किया जाता है और इसे अक्सर समोसा, कचौरी, गोलगप्पा, पानी पुरी और पकोड़े जैसे स्नैक्स (Snacks) के साथ भी परोसा (Served) जाता है। यह मीठी और तीखी इमली की चटनी बेहद स्वादिष्ट (Big Tasty) और स्वादिष्ट (Tasty) होती है। अच्छी तरह से तैयार की गई इमली की चटनी चाट और स्नैक्स के स्वाद को बढ़ा देती है।
मैं दो तरह से इमली (Tamarind) की चटनी बनता हू । पहली तरह से बनाई जाने वाले इमली की चटनी झट पट वाली इमली की चटनी
इमली की चटनी बनाने के लिए सामग्री (Material) :
एक बड़ा चम्मच - इमली का गूदा (Tamarind Pulp)
तीन बड़ा चम्मच - गुड या चीनी (Jaggery or Sugar) खट्टा - मीठा अपनी स्वाद अनुसार
काला नमक (Black Salt) स्वाद अनुसार
भुना जीरा (Roasted Cumin) 
थोड़ी पिसी लाल मिर्च (Some Ground Red Pepper) कलर वाली और तीखी दोनों अंदाज से।
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney) तैयार करने की विधि (Method) :
इमली के गूदे को, एक घंटा (One Hour) हल्के से गर्म पानी में भिगो लिजिये ।
फिर उसे मसलकर (Chafe) छलनी से छाकर किसी बर्तन में (लोहे या पीतल का न हो) उबलने (Boil) रख लिजिये और गुड़ कूटकर (Crushed Jaggery) या चीनी (Sugar) भी साथ ही डाल लिजिये ।
फिर मंदी आंच (Recession Flame) पर, उबलने (Boil) के लिए छोड़ दीजिए ।
गाढ़ा या पतला (Thick or Thin) जैसा चाहिए, वैसा रखने के बाद उसमें काला नमक, भुना जीरा, लाल मिर्च मिला लिजिये ।
इमली की चटनी तैयार है।
दूसरी तरह से बनाई जाने वाले इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney)
थोड़ी आराम से इमली की चटनी।
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney) बनाने के लिए सामग्री (Material) :
भीगा हुआ इमली का गूदा (Soaked Tamarind Pulp) जितनी बनानी हो ।
गुड या चीनी (Jaggery or Sugar) अपने स्वाद अनुसार
काला नमक (Black Salt) स्वाद अनुसार
सफेद नमक (White Salt) स्वाद अनुसार
पिसी लाल मिर्च (Ground Red Chilli) तीखी और कलर वाली दोनों
सूखे खजूर (Dried Dates) भीगे हुए, कटे हुए ।
चिरौंजी (Chironji) अंदाज से ।
किशमिश (Raisin) अंदाज से ।
कटी अदरक (Ginger)
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney) तैयार करने की विधि (Method) :
उपरोक्त विधि (Above Method) के अनुसार ही इमली की चटनी, मसाले डालकर तैयार कर लिजिये ।
फिर उसमें अदरक और सूखे मेवे डालकर थोड़ा उबाल (Boil) लिजिये ।
इमली की चटनी खट्टी मीठी चटनी (Sweet and Sour chutney) तैयार है।
उसके बाद सर्व करें (Serve Food)
इमली की चटनी (Imli ki Chutney)
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examwalamotivation · 2 months
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grav61 · 2 months
Make special Paag for Janmashtami | Janmashtami special bhog recipe | mewa paag recipe
Food enthusiasts all throughout the world have a particular place in their hearts for the dish paag. This aromatic and flavorful Paag, which comes from the Indian subcontinent, has a long history and several regional varieties, each with a distinct flavor and personality.
✍🏻ingredients ( सामग्री ) :-
👉🏻For Paag
* ghee ( घी ) 1 Tbsp
* Almond ( बादाम ) 100 g
* Cashew ( काजू ) 100 g
* coconut ( नारियल ) 50 g
* Groundnut ( मूंगफली ) 2 Tbsp
* Fox Nut ( मखाना ) 10 g
* almondette ( चिरौंजी ) 2 Tbsp
* pistachio ( पिस्ता ) 1 Tbsp
* raisin ( किशमिश )
* white chilli powder ( सफेद मिर्च पाउडर ) ¼ Tsp
* poppy seeds ( खस खस ) 2 Tsp
👉🏻For sugar syrup
* sugar ( चीनी ) 100 g
* water ( पानी ) 1 Cup
Method to MakePaag:
To heat dry fruits, add ghee in a pan.
When the ghee becomes hot, reduce the gas flame to medium and add dry fruits to it like almonds, cashew nuts, coconut, peanuts, makhana, chironji, pistachios.
Fry all the dry fruits for 2-3 minutes.
After 3 minutes add poppy seeds to it.
After 3 minutes, we will add poppy seeds to it, Fry it well, after frying, turn off the gas and keep the dry fruits to cool. When the dry fruits cool down, put them in a jar add cardamom and grind them.
To make sugar syrup, put sugar in the pan, add water to it, after the sugar melts, reduce the gas flame to medium or cook until the sugar syrup becomes sticky.
When the syrup becomes sticky, turn off the gas and add dry fruits mixture to it and add raisins to it.
If the chasni becomes sticky then turn off the gas or add a mixture of dry fruits to it, add white pepper powder and mix well or turn on the gas and cook for 1-2 minutes.
For baking, grease a tray with ghee and add the prepared mixture into it.
Keep it in the fridge for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you can give the shape of a barfi to the pag.
Paag is ready.
Making this Paag recipe with Mina Ki Rasoi will be enjoyable! Please remember to like, share, and subscribe to our channel if you enjoyed this dish so you can see more amazing ones. Click the bell icon to watch our newest videos.
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chaabhiindia · 3 months
Chironji seeds benefits | Charoli Seeds | Cuddapah almond
Chironji is a great source of  nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Chironji, also known as charoli dry fruit, or cuddapah almond is a small, yellow-colored dry fruit. Owing to its low glycemic index, it doesn't cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. This renders it a commendable option for individuals grappling with diabetes or those endeavoring to regulate their glycemic indices. It is also useful in weightloss, lowering againg process, There are several scientific studies that proves this. You can found these in details in this article.
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poojayadavsblog · 3 months
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dharmenmahto · 10 months
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mrjoseph129 · 1 year
Inveda Kanti Kaya Whitening Ubtan
Inveda Kanti Kaya Whitening Ubtan: Reveal Your Skin's Natural Glow with the Power of Nature
Inveda Kanti Kaya Whitening Ubtan is a transformative skincare product that harnesses the goodness of nature to enhance your skin's radiance. Enriched with carefully chosen ingredients like chironji, olive oil, and tea tree, this ubtan offers a holistic approach to skincare, providing deep nourishment, hydration, and a natural whitening effect. Let's delve into the remarkable benefits of each ingredient and explore how this unique formulation can revitalize your skin.
One of the standout features of this ubtan is its versatility. It can be customized to suit different skin types and concerns. Regular use of this ubtan promotes skin brightening, making your complexion appear more youthful and radiant. Inveda Kanti Kaya Whitening Ubtan is a testament to the harmonious blend of traditional wisdom and modern skincare innovation. Its natural ingredients, chironji, olive oil, and tea tree, work in perfect synergy to unveil your skin's inner luminosity. As you indulge in the sensorial pleasure of applying this ubtan, you're not just taking care of your skin; you're honoring a tradition that celebrates the beauty of nature. Embrace the journey to radiant skin with Inveda Kanti Kaya Whitening Ubtan, and let your skin glow with the timeless brilliance of natural ingredients.
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lvnfoods · 1 year
LVNFoods - Dry Fruit, Nuts - Buy Chironji Online in India
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Buy Chironji Online in India from the best spice company online that offer affordable price and authentic products. Shop for 100% natural products to add to your culinary experience from LVNFoods.
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dagabrother · 1 year
"Discover the Nutritional Powerhouse: Charoli by Daga Brothers"
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Gautam Hegde who played the character of Chironji Jajotia in Miley Jab Hum Tum, took to his Instagram handle to share a special post celebrating 15 years of the show. Miley Jab Hum Tum aired on September 22, 2008. The actor shared a picture from his video call with Samrat and Gunjan aka Mohit Sehgal and Sanaya Irani. Gautam wrote, "15 years after Miley Jab Hum Tum, video calling to check if Samrat and Gunjan are having ‘Hulchul dil mein’ because they are ‘Suhaane weather mein’ Rocket chhodey they iss dil ke kadam se!"The post itself brought so many nostalgic memories for the fans.Netizens dropped adorable messages for the cast and show. A user wrote, "So nostalgic feeling. 20 Years me n sajan mayur, those fight. Waiting for epi after dmg,rab ne bana di jodi. Watching repeat agagään n again. Waiting for the trailer"Fans also demanded that the show should return with its second season as a web series. A user wrote, "Please bring back samrat gunjan s2 on ott." Another user added, "Can't believe it has been 15 years, feels like it was yesterday." Recently, in an exclusive conversation with ETimes TV, Rati Pandey who played Nupur in the show also opened up about her journey. She shared, "Definitely, why not I can never say no to the makers. I’m still in touch with the makers and still text them sometimes to come up with the second season of Miley Jab Hum Tum. Jaldi kar lo nahi toh hum Buddhe hojaayenge."She added, "Miley Jab Hum Tum was one of the benchmarks in my career. It was one of the shows that set a benchmark and also was a trendsetter of that era. It is still appreciated. I never knew that I will become so popular and the show will become so popular and it will be loved till date. Of course, I would love to do the new season with a fresh new start. I want to see how the makers would present us with a new concept and different storyline. I’m sure audiences would love to see us perform together again in a different avatar. I would urge all the fans, audience and the media to request the makers to come up with season 2 of MJHT."!(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) )( window, document, 'script', ); [ad_2]
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"15 Years of Miley Jab Hum Tum: Uncover Gautam Hegde's Celebratory Reunion with Mohit Sehgal and Sanaya Irani as he Reveals an Exciting Secret about Samrat and Gunjan's Fiery Hearts!"
Gautam Hegde, known for his role as Chironji Jajotia in the popular show “Miley Jab Hum Tum,” recently took to his Instagram handle to celebrate 15 years of the show. On September 22, 2008, the show “Miley Jab Hum Tum” first aired. The actor shared a picture from his video call with Mohit Sehgal and Sanaya Irani, who played the characters Samrat and Gunjan respectively. In his post, Gautam wrote,…
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