#chiron x kevin
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simpel-is · 10 months ago
ranting abt moonlight again bc holy FUCK THIS FILM IS SO SMART AND SO GOOD WITH ITS COLOR
this hyperfixation will drag me into the ground and i will happily go along
spoilers for the movie (if u havent seen it go watch it mf its pride month) also discussion about religion (kind of), homophobia, black masculinity identity and culture, ect ect
no because how tarell mccraney and barry jenkins used the color blue as a symbolism in this movie is SO FUCKING GOOD i feel like in almost every scene u can see a color being used in a symbolic way
in my interpretation at least, blue here represents both vulnerability, security with one's identity but also masculinity (in the sense how blue is used in society to represent men and masculine gender roles, the expectations that come along), and which meaning of the blue is used is colored (ha get it) by the context of the scenes
at the end we reach the conclusion that masculinity and vulnerability can co-exist without contradicting each other in the final sequence of little in blue moonlight but WE WILL GET TO THAT IN A BIT
in the beginning chase sequence little is getting bullied and chased while he wears a blue backpack -> the blue here represents the vulnerability, and how it paints a target on chiron to get bullied by other kids
even in subtle details like how juan drives a blue car but doesn't wear blue on himself, how teresa wears blue through-out the movie, how there's hints of blue in juan and teresa's home (in that scene where juan has little sitting with his front to the door but back to the blue, but we the audience can see it, smth tells me its supposed to be how juan is trying to put up a front to act as a reliable older figure for little which GUH JUST SHOWS HOW MUCH HE CARES), his house's walls and mother wore blue at the beginning scenes which shows when he was younger he could feel and project vulnerability into his own home at one point
during the little section, after the chase sequence little is shown wearing a red shirt while other kids, including kevin, wear white and blue. white here is sort of used as a neutral color of uncertainty and perhaps innocence, while red is the opposite of blue; it's invulnerability, but also insecurity and femininity (which lines up with how chiron's mother wears red in the scene she yells at him), and it shows how chiron is outcasted with the kids, bc of his quiet nature
during the chiron section, the bully wears red and black, contrasting against chiron's mainly light colored outfits. i thought a long time for what the yellow could stand for, and maybe it's there to represent whenever chiron feels love towards another character (teresa, kevin, in specific scenes with his mother) or that sense of escapism (when he was running to the beach at night), his shirt for 80% of this section is a plaid shirt with yellow blue and white sort of mixed up together and a blank white shirt inside
before and during the betrayal scene, he wears a white shirt with blue lines, no yellow anymore bc it felt like he doesn't need to imagine kevin's love for him only exists in dreams. it's reality now, and it makes things more clear for him and his identity (THEIR SHIRTS EVEN MATCH LIKE THEY COMPLETE EACH OTHER IM GONNA CRY.)
also it might be to distinguish when its masculinity or vulnerability but the shade of blue used during the revenge scene is a more teal blue while the moonlight blue is like a natural real blue without a tint of green (i could yap on abt how green is used but this is getting too much)
now during the black section of the film, yellow is first used to represent anxiety for chiron when he wakes up from the nightmare; that escapism and affection he felt for kevin and his mother now reminds him of what happened years ago. it still haunts him. and it also haunts kevin shown in the scene when he calls chiron to apologize (but at the center the lighting is blue. he calls in vulnerability)
as black travels back to confront his past and familiar ties, his mother now wears light blue which is contrasted against chiron's darker shade of blue shirt in the forgiveness scene (they're on different ends of the spectrum, but they're slowly healing, both on the same page of what they wanna do; heal from the past)
as the movie continues, the yellow in scenes slowly turns to represent familiarity and affection instead of anxiety, but the yellow doesn't look warm or as bright as before; there's still tension, things left unsaid. but at the centre, the focus point of these scenes, there's blue, and it isn't tinted by another color (the car drive scene, how blue light peeks in through the diner scene, when kevin changes into a blue shirt)
and the scene where black fucking says "you're the only man who's ever touched me." good fucking god.
he looks at kevin's shirt. he wants the blue. he wants to share the vulnerability with kevin.
when kevin holds chiron, the lighting is dark, and the yellow now is warmer, it represents familiarity and affection again. a lot of things are still a mystery to them, a lot still left unsaid, but everything feels familiar again in a new way, in a more intimate way.
and that fucking scene where little looks back in the blue moonlight, showing how chiron's vulnerability and masculinity don't have to contradict one another; he reaches security with his child self. he finally heals.
this movie is so, so beautiful.
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aliferousdreamer · 2 years ago
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here are (some of) my favourite lgbtq+ ships to celebrate pride month part 2 because i missed so many on the first one 🌈🏳️‍🌈
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vampbarbiex · 6 months ago
We need a moonlight 2, I’m still not over them!
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cherryblossomshadow · 10 months ago
Moonlight 2016
It's you.
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I'm not a giffer but my bestie @suibianworks needed this in gif form. Where's that post about gifs as an invention allowing me to watch the same two seconds looped for like a minute straight?
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ryah-wolfe · 1 year ago
I’ve read the first Percy Jackson book for the first time and this crossover came to mind. I only know PJ universe through a quick and vague wiki search, so sorry if this is inaccurate.
The Foxhole Court x Percy Jackson and The Olympians
The message came in a sealed scroll, all formal and shit, asking for aid. Wymack wanted to burn the damned thing. But he knew a war between the immortals meant his foxes -his kids- would be dragged in anyways. Chiron asked for peace talks, wanting a reconciliation between the main camp and its runoff.
Most modern demigods are born for the modern aspects of their Godly parent, some kids though, are born from war for war. Their godly blood boiling in their bodies. Making them volatile, and perfect when in ancient times, there was always enemy forces that need slaying but in these times of peace? It made them more likely to lash out at those around them. Most burn up before hitting their teens, their blood consuming them. The few who make it to Camp Half-blood end up being sent away, being too dangerous to be around the other campers.
Chiron asked to send an envoy to Palmetto Academy.
Dan- daughter of Nike
Matt- son of Dionysius
Allison- daughter of Athena
Seth- son of Ares
Renee- daughter of Iris (edit: I can’t believe I forgot her)
Nicky- son of Aphrodite
Aaron- son of Apollo
Andrew- son of Apollo
Kevin- Won’t Say
Neil- unclaimed (favorited by Hermes)
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kevinfrommoonlight · 2 years ago
"...I'll cook you something. Maybe... Maybe play that song for you..."
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raypowellapologist · 3 years ago
POV: you said you didn't like moonlight around me
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riosnecktattoo · 5 years ago
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              Hello, Stranger.......
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dontmindmyopinion2 · 4 years ago
5 Cute *Almost* Same Height
5 Cute Couples & Ships
(my personal favorites)
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5 | Castiel & Dean Winchester
Supernatural (you choose)
Ship Name : Destiel
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4 | Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Ship Name : Merthur
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3 | Chiron & Kevin
[CANON COUPLE] in my opinion
Ship Name : Unknown
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2 | Ennis del Mar & Jack Twist
[CANON COUPLE] Brokeback Mountain
Ship Name : Unknown
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1 | Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan
Ship Name : Weilan
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kylegallners · 4 years ago
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‘cause you waited and watered my heart till it grew
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rubylioness · 4 years ago
The way The Get Down and Moonlight came out the same year��😶
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mcqraw · 5 years ago
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the only one  
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ashleyrguillory · 5 years ago
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I hope Chiron and Kevin go on a lot of cute dates and they take Kevin’s kid to disney world together or something. 
Happy pride month, everyone. 
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anariki6 · 5 years ago
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💙 Moonlight 🖤
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sandcrdriesens · 5 years ago
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so who’s gonna tell me i’m right😁✨
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tale-wind · 5 years ago
lag fyrir ömmu
631 words | complete | Chiron & Paula, Chiron/Kevin
Chiron is still trying to line his “VISITOR” sticker up straight before he smooths it onto his chest when Paula spots him. “Chiron?” she says, a smile spreading across her face as she sidles up to the welcome desk next to him.
He looks up with a start. “Hey, Mama,” he says, his eyes darting to the side before making contact with hers, and then back down to the sticker.
“Here, let me—” she says, and Chiron lets her take the sticker, and he doesn’t say anything about the tremor in her hands, or how she presses the sticker on a little lopsided, with one of the corners already peeling up. She pushes it down again, and it curls back up.
She clucks her tongue, and before she can try again, Chiron carefully takes her hand. “‘s fine, Ma,” he says, and lets their joined hands drop. “Let’s go outside.”
Keep reading on AO3
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