#chiron sextile mc
daskolas · 1 year
Hello 💗 Could you please describe Lilith and Chiron sextile MC ? (Lilith conjunct Chiron)
Hey!Sorry for answering your ask late.
At a public level, many people can try to tarnish your image due to jealousy.
In your workplace, you will try to express yourself. Doing things that make you feel like yourself like bringing creativity.
People with Lilith aspecting MC do not like working under people. They would rather be independent than getting orders from people.
They also do not take criticism nicely in the workplace. They might show that they're fine with it but at the end, you might start resenting that person.
As Lilith also represents sensuality, so people can see you as alluring or someone who is there to get work done instead of playing around.
Many people with this placement are also not afraid to speak up with the issues they are facing in the workplace. They will readily call out people on their favouritism.
They also tend to go for career path which has not been taken by any person in their family. It can be because of their rebellious nature or maybe they don't want to associate themselves with many of their family members.
You will also be interested in talking about topics which can make other people uncomfortable.
People with this placement also turn to careers like mental health professionals, medical field or occult. Things which have stigma surrounded by it or maybe even in legal field.
You can also have power struggle with authorities like your boss or your father.
You are inclined to career where you can find yourself. A career by which you can heal yourself.
You can be interested in fields like being a mental health professional. As by being in this career, you are giving a space which was not provided to you.
You can also be interested in being a speaker or being provided a space where you can share your personal experience and help other people who are going through the same thing.
You also can use your past wounds to move forward with your life.
People with this aspect are also interested in using their words to clear out stigma around the topics which are considered taboo
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black-lake · 8 months
Hello 🤍 Could you please describe Lilith and Chiron sextile MC ? (Lilith conjunct Chiron)
Lilith conj chiron - it could mean some early childhood events, deep rooted fears, patterns or certain beliefs, difficult connections and experiences relating to lilith themes. Though I can also see it as inner conflict relating to accepting your inner power, being ostracized or misjudged or challenged by society, being sexually liberated, dealing with the darker aspects of your character. It could mean being targeted because of having some special traits that are envied too. It’s interesting but the house where the conjunction falls in would tell a lot more. Either way the traits of lilith are pivotal for you to accept fully, heal, and use effectively in this lifetime.
Lilith sextile MC - with some tact and skills, this is an outlet where you can use your lilith to your advantage in your career and in the public. It could mean using your story, your sexuality or sex appeal, your physical appearance, your character, your intelligence and mind to get where you want or what you want and it doesn’t have to be in a way that is common or accepted by society, but your own way. 
Chiron sextile MC - this is another positive aspect. If you work on it a bit and discover how to use it, chiron is helpful for you in your career and with the public. It could mean using your wounds and your own story to inspire and uplift others, your difficult experiences, your compassion and relatability can draw people to you. 
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opia-tarot · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Chiron sextile midheaven? It’s on of my strong aspects but it’s harder to come across for information on it lol
chiron sextile mc
Okay so this aspect is underrated ngl. I think chiron has quite a negative reputation which is understandable considering it’s about trauma etc. This aspect is great! There’s a link between the shadow and the public here. So this aspect is about being the person other people can confide in. These people are the therapists, nurses, etc. These people are really suited to work in the medical/mental health field. They are understanding and they have an ability to empathise with people’s shadow. They make space for you to be vulnerable. And it’s usually something they experience from adolescence. Have you ever noticed how others just confide in you or tell you their secrets? Yep it’s a natural ability you have. You help people deal with their shadow, which has probably been annoying at some point because it can end up being a situation where you have to be the emotional dustbin within friendships or relationships. So an aspect of this placement is setting boundaries in order to really make use of this ability of great empathy. They have empathy like no one else honestly regardless of the experience or situation. They feel what you feel. This aspects allows an opportunity to be able to help others. I would say the more you tap into that chiron energy within yourself the greater your opportunity is to help others. This aspect creates a caring reputation, caring, helpful, comforting, trustworthy etc. These people have the ability to help others feel more empowered by helping them face their shadow.
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driftingsprite · 3 months
Does anyone have any experience with Chiron aspecting the MC as a natal placement? How do you work with that energy.
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ariesphysics · 2 years
Experiences with the Moon signs
This is my personal experiences with the Moon signs, this is going to be kinda long so I’m going to chop it in several posts (read: it’s 12AM and these are the only things that I have written). Themes refer to shared traits/feelings with the people I have encountered and had a chance to know. But, anyways enjoy reading. Comments are appreciated.
Theme: unfavored by their mother, passionate, opinionated, devoted to their nephews/nieces, anger issues, emotionally expressive
a. Father [with birth time] (his Moon sextile my Moon, 1° his Moon sextile my Neptune, 2°)
He is very supportive about my feelings, and does understand how to deal with me emotionally. He also hits bull's eye when he's telling me about something. It's comfortable and I feel very safe with him. He is protective of me and will not be afraid to reprimand or take action to someone who has wronged me.
I also serve as an inspiration to him, he really likes writing and the stuff he publishes are sometimes my idiosyncrasies. He also pushes me to do what I like but I'm really anxious about things I want to start doing.
When we are together, we will talk about politics, religion, history, people. I reckon it's probably his Sag Sun + Aries Moon and my 9th house dominance in work here. It always feels that I always have something to learn from him every time we hang out.
b. Close friend [no birth time] (their Moon sextile my Moon their Moon sextile my Neptune)
When we hang out, we tend to just joke around and talk about people and things happening with us. They really like giving gifts, I tend to just go home as fast as possible because 💕autism💕. But, when we do get together, they will always bring something to give me, whether it be food, an inanimate object, or something they found.
Although sometimes, I feel that our relationship is distant and we don't really get each other at certain times (we never had a fight), I don't really have a reason to call our relationship over. We weren't just as close like before because we have other stuff going on with our lives now. Still, when I'm with them, it's fun. Our relationship is very light-hearted but there were also moments that we spilled our guts to each other.
Theme: grudges, hot-headedness, comfort, opinionated, emotionally secretive
a. Paternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon sextile my MC)
I look up to her and she's the only person I can freely cry about my worries about my future job or position in society.
She also likes telling me about her work, and she quit her job because her comfort is not met there. She is also very childish in an affectionate sense, youthful.
b. Maternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon square my Venus)
It seems like I have a pacifying effect on her because when she is with her siblings, she is very chaotic and just screams every time she talks, but when she is with me, she is domesticated.
I have noticed that she picks up on my habits and also starts doing them, which kinda pisses me off for some reason, and she does not respect my personal boundaries sometimes.
You could mistake her for a Fire moon, but it's just her Aries stellium in action. The reason possibly why they are such a cesspit of hell together is her Moon opposites the Scorpio moon sibling and squares the Aquarius moon sibling.
c. Close friend [no birth time] (her Moon squares my Saturn, her Moon trines my Lilith)
When we are together, we just tend to do our own things in one room. But, when we do talk, our topics typically revolve around politics, although when we are out of that topic we just spout literal nonsense to each other (speaking gibberish for some reason).
And for some reason, she has been the only person I am comfortable with being physically close. She is very secretive, even to her circle of friends (which I am a part of), and when questioned about her feelings towards a thing, she will find a way to divert the topic.
Theme: light-heartedness, fun
a. Virgo Venus in question [no birth time] (his Moon conjunct my Mars, his Moon opposite my Pluto)
Yes, he had been stuck in my memory for how many years now. Probably my only proper crush. During the time that we were together, he always puts a smile on my face. To me, he was the funniest thing ever. I felt so light and cheery with him.
He was an amusing storyteller, although he really likes his dirty jokes. He would help me with mathematics and I helped him with languages. He also liked telling me his outlandish ideas and kept updating me on challenges he did (for example, using his phone without charging it for a month).
b. Past friend [no birth time] (her Moon square my Lilith, her Moon trine my Chiron)
We are now just acquaintances, not as close as before, but still on good terms, just grew out of each other.
But, when we were together, we also did childish and hilarious stuff. One time, we got punishment for it, lol.
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
Olá, Crystalsenergy! Tudo bom? ^^
Uma amiga me recomendou a sua conta! Sempre estive muito interessada na astrologia, apesar de não entender muito sobre ela sozinha kkkk
Por isso, gostaria de perguntar se você poderia me dizer algum caminho sobre minha futura carreira profissional de acordo com a meu mapa!
Estou em período de vestibular e bem confusa sobre qual caminho seguir! Me ajudaria muito essa leitura e, vendo seus últimos posts, gostei demais da sua percepção (sobre o karma) e das suas outras leituras (incluindo as sobre carreiras também!) :)
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Muito obrigadaaaa♡♡♡
oieee, tudo bem? espero que sim.
vamos ler então!
especificamente na carreira
MC em Libra conjunção Vênus em Libra
MC em Libra conjunção Júpiter em Libra
MC em Libra sextil Plutão
MC em Libra trígono Netuno
MC em Libra oposição Nodo Norte em Áries
já que para vermos a parte de carreira, é importante olhar o mapa com um todo, para que a gente não se esqueça de outros pontinhos que fazem parte de quem a gente é, do que queremos, do que nos faz bem. por isso, de nada adianta olharmos somente para o MC, então vou falar aqui do resto também
influências gerais na personalidade
Marte em Touro na 4
Nodo Sul em Libra na 9
Nodo Norte em Áries na 3 (speak your truths :))
Netuno e Urano na 2
Chiron na 1!! (tem relação com o Nodo)
Plutão na casa 12
Vênus e Júpiter em Libra na 10
Lua, Sol e Mercúrio na casa 8
Lua e Mercúrio em Leão
seu mapa é diverso, achei interessante.
temos bastante energia de libra e vênus, e como você é virginiana, percebo uma predisposição a algo que envolva resolução de problemas (Libra), ou algum tipo de serviço (Virgem) relacionado a cura, organização (de coisas, de pessoas, de situações) ou remediação de algo.
Meio do Céu em Libra
traz a busca por carreiras que envolvam diplomacia, justiça, equilíbrio, questões que envolvam o bem-estar alheio (Libra está relacionado ao contato constante com o mundo exterior). pode existir uma necessidade de contribuir com a vida alheia em níveis físicos ou até mesmo imateriais. por exemplo, resolução de conflitos (mediação, direito, trabalhar com leis, com justiça) ou até equilíbrio no sentido corporal (estética, um pouco de saúde também). a parte imaterial para mim traz a busca por equilíbrio e ajuste em questões espirituais/emocionais/energéticas, que de alguma forma afetem as pessoas.
outro lado de Libra é o da arte, um interessem em expressões artísticas.
levando isso em consideração, penso em
Direito (principalmente a área de mediação de conflitos, ou direito de uma forma geral, serviços jurídicos, algo que envolva questões sociais e uma maneira de atuar nelas);
Têxtil, Moda, Estética
Artes e Design (são várias as possibilidades): Animação Arquitetura e Urbanismo Artes Visuais Comunicação das Artes do Corpo Conservação e Restauro Dança Design Design de Games Design de Interiores Design de Moda Fotografia História da Arte Jogos Digitais Luteria Música Produção Cênica Produção Fonográfica Teatro
os aspectos do Meio do Céu com Vênus e Júpiter aumenta essas características de: busca por justiça ou por alguma coisa que beneficie o coletivo, questões de diversidade (Júpiter) e diplomacia, resolução de problemas alheios(Vênus), em que você é chamada para agir de forma imparcial e ao mesmo tempo facilitando a chegada ao equilíbrio.
levando em consideração o restante de seu mapa,
MC em Libra sextil Plutão
capacidade de ir no cerne de cada questão que envolva a sua carreira, e, na realidade, de alguma forma ter uma grande abertura às questões mais profundas que as pessoas experienciam em seu interior. isso pode fazer parte de sua carreira também: os medos, as inseguranças, os complexos negativos individuais e coletivos, as lutas internas de cada um e os preconceitos. problemas profundos, questões intensas, violência, ódio, aversão a grupos, transformação, regeneração.
MC em Libra trígono Netuno
é bastante natural uma questão de empatia e amor ao próximo em sua carreira, pode existir a necessidade de tocar e trabalhar com assuntos mais ignorados pela sociedade, por meio da receptividade e abertura. além disso, pode também significar uma cura de questões internas por meio da criatividade, da arte, dos meios de expressões mais criativas. misticismo, sonhos, mente, saúde mental.
MC em Libra oposição Nodo Norte em Áries na casa 3
= MC em Libra em conjunção Nodo Sul em Libra na casa 9
aspecto de dificuldade, tensão, os opostos que não falam a mesma língua. você pode ter problemas em lidar com autoritarismo e ideias muito impositivas em relação a área que você decidir seguir, tendo dificuldades com pessoas mais autoritárias, sem compreensão, que focam em um olhar mais superficial (casa 3), imediatista (Áries e casa 3) e individualista (Áries) sobre as coisas. você quer engrandecimento, crescimento, expansão (casa 9), por meio da abertura ao outro, por meio do contato com as pessoas, por meio da troca, trabalhando ou não em conjunto, mas sempre em prol de outras pessoas (Libra). também, esse aspecto pode significar a importância de aprender a lembrar de si mesma nos momentos e situações que você pode estar esquecendo de si, de suas próprias necessidades.
até mesmo porque você tem Chiron na casa 1, casa de Áries, então tende a ter dificuldades com aceitar seguir as suas próprias vontades. é importante entrar em contato com o que é a sua identidade, quais são as suas necessidades. pois o lado negativo de Libra é seguir demais as opiniões alheias, esquecendo-se de si mesmo.
falando de Sol em Virgem, penso também em possibilidades na área da saúde, resolução de questões mais físicas. apesar de ainda assim ver muito mais tendência à carreiras que envolvam questões alheias ou até mesmo sociais (o direito envolve um pouco disso, as ciências sociais também). ainda assim, mostrando algumas possibilidades levando em consideração esse lado de Virgem:
Saúde e Bem-Estar
Biomedicina Educação Física Enfermagem Esporte Estética e Cosmética Gestão Desportiva e de Lazer Medicina Musicoterapia Nutrição Psicologia Terapia Ocupacional
como temos em seu mapa um Sol em Virgem na casa 8 (e Mercúrio também na casa 8) você tem os traços de buscar a compreensão das coisas de forma mais profunda, trazendo os detalhes mais escondidos à tona. Leão em Mercúrio e na Lua trazem a importância que se expressar tem para você, a vontade de ser referência e respeitada em uma área, em algo que faz e em quem você é (apesar de vermos Leão sendo influenciado por Saturno).
fez enem anteontem? (caso queira responder, claro)
espero que tenha ajudadoo ♡
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harmoonix · 9 months
Stars Waterfall
°Short Astrology Observations°
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🌃 - Scorpio Ascendant in your Venus persona chart makes people to envy your beauty, or to be obsessed/manipulative with you
🌃 - Taurus Mercury/Mercury in the 4th house can have the most cutest voice ever, their voice can be light and soft and also very cute (for both genders, men with these placements are 10000/10 omg)
🌃 - Aquarius Risings with their trendsetter style, they inspire a lot of people, their mindset/clothes/personality Inspire people, and they have a really great influence in the society
🌃 - Mercury square/opposite Moon can be prone to sharing secrets/gossip/ and talking bad behind others back, they can aslo be the type of person who's always talking about someone
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🌃 - How can people with Sun in the 12th house be so magnetic?? They're always surrounded with mystery and striking beauty, they pull you towards them without realizing
🌃 - Jupiter/Sagittarius in the 11th house are so good at manifesting things, and they have luck for this aswell, they're full of desires
🌃 - If you are attracted by men and you have Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in the 7th house, you may want your partner to be romantic. I cannot imagine these natives not getting in relationships with non - romantic people
🌃 - Chiron in the 9th/12th house can be religiously wounded, they can often believe that "God" abandoned them or that he doesn't love them etc..
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🌃 - Chiron in the 12th house can heal with sleep, like sleeping is the best method to do when you're hurt because while you sleep your body tries to heal so just sleep or idk transform into the sleeping beauty but don't let the prince to wake up...
🌃 - Saturn in the 4th house/Saturn in Cancer can have an very nurturing yet hurt soul, like they have this nurturing/healing/soft energy but also some of pain/sadness/nostalgic in them
🌃 - Gemini Rising natives can often look younger than they actually are, so people can mistake their age a lot like for example you're 19 and people think you're 16/17 because you look younger than that
🌃 - Leo Sun/Moon/Rising like to be everyone's favorite, they're cute but they can get so jealous if someone dear spends time with someone else rather than them...
🌃 - Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus are very clingy people, if they are not clingy it's probably because they're either very shy or introvert to be clingy
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🌃 - Pisces Midheaven or MC in Pisces Degrees 12°, 24° can find themselves being attracted to multiple things at once, especially in their career/job, one moment they can like art, the next moment they may like acting/singing etc..
🌃 - Pluto conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury are very revengeful in words, when they hurt they can say things they may regret but omg, their words have a very big impact on others
🌃 - Pluto aspecting the ascendant can have that rbf (resting bitch face), to show when they're irritated, angry, overwhelmed...
🌃 - If your Dad has any earth placements especially an Earth Moon/Earth Saturn they may like country music, or just that type of old music that people listen in the old times
🌃 - Ascendant at 4°. 16°, 28° degrees > gosh I just know these natives have really beautiful eyes, they look very feminine, no matter the gender, they're gracious
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🌃 - Jupiter in the 9th house can end up to travel the world around with their partners? Maybe they can end up like those couples on YouTube who travel around the world with their van or something
🌃 - Moon in the 8th house people don't fw with people who seem suspicious at first, they're very picky at people and don't like to share their time with people who seem "bad"
🌃 - Uranus in your 4th house > This placement can manifesting as you have so many ideas about your home and you don't know how to put all of them in work. It may be a bit stressing for you to decorate your house because you have too many ideas
🌃 - Mercury in the 11th house > They have the most funniest conversations ever, these natives can connect so easily with other people
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🌃 - Earth Moon/Venus may enjoy traditional music. Especially if you have it placed in your 4th house, they love culture/traditions and things that remind them of their home
🌃 - Pluto in your 1st/11th house > You can get envy just because of being yourself, you have a very powerful presence in other people's lives
🌃 - Mars in 1st/2nd/10th house can have a very gorgeous body. Especially if they work on their bodies. It ends up with good results
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🌃 - I love making spiritual posts because they are giving such a good vibe, its always this comforting energy coming in!🌃
🌃 Hope you all have a good day full of blessings to everyone reading my notes 🌃
- H a r m o o n i x
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botanicalsword · 5 months
Indicators for Marriage
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In Composite Chart ♡ For Further Development of a relationship
✧ Composite Chart ➔ Davison Chart
The Composite Chart can be seen as the initial condition when two meet and start developing a relationship
The Davison Chart represents the long-term direction of the relationship. In essence, the Davison chart provides a more accurate understanding of the true nature of a relationship over time.
✧ Indicators for Marriage / long-term relationship
Sun in 1 / 4 / 7 / 10H
Sun conjunct / Sextile / Trine Venus
Venus in 10H
Venus / Jupiter in 1st House
Jupiter in 7th House
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Ascendant in Libra / Taurus
Harmonious aspect between 1st and 7th House House Ruler
Pluto conjunct Asc / MC
Venus / Juno conjunct Vertex
Vertex conjunct Dsc
Aspect between 1st / 7th House Ruler and Juno / Chiron
Juno Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Sun / Venus / Jupiter
Juno in same house / planet as Sun 
❥ Composite Chart / Davison Chart
>> Davison Chart • will there be reconciliation? >> ☽ Observations on Composite Chart / Davison Chart (extended) >> Indicators for relationship that are “difficult to break”
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Exclusive access : Patreon
/ instagram : @le.sinex / @botanicalsword
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.20
*just based on my opinions, only take what resonates
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I feel like 2nd house overlays can make you overly forgiving towards the person with planets in your 2nd house. It’s a Venusian house and that can bring a sort of desire to see the best in that person (7th can have this effect to a lesser degree imo bc Libra is focused on balance, so there’s affection there but it’s less likely to skew into being overly forgiving)
Chiron in the first can be a very beautiful person when they’ve really healed their wounds. A person who has a sort of glow from their inner light.
Earth moons in general like to receive and give gifts and Capricorn moons tend to be hyper fixated on giving the right gifts to the people they’re close to
5th house Venus could make you more creative in a relationship
7th house venus/Taurus/Libra definitely creates more in a healthy relationship
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Mars conjunct MC could mean being known for a career in violence, like martial artist or action star
Lilith MC could mean success in a taboo career, like s*x work or just some alternative field (I’m a tattoo artist :0)
People with planets conjunct your south node are definitely tied to your past life and may be destined to do certain actions towards/with you
North Node overlays can also be tied to past life but they’re usually here to make sure you grow in some capacity/move towards your destiny.
Your Venus sign could show the most beloved features of your body (Sagittarius Venus- a lot of people may notice your legs, Libra Venus- a lot of people may notice your butt, Virgo Venus- a lot of people may notice your hands, etc)
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Moon conjunct Jupiter could make you very empathetic, could also make people see your emotions as big whenever you express them
Imo Virgo shows where you are a minimalist (Virgo Asc usually has a minimalist approach to fashion/accessories/tattoos/etc, Virgo Venus or Virgo in 11th could point to having a circle of only a few friends, Virgo in 4th could show a minimally decorated home, etc)
Aries risings tend to have big heads/foreheads or their heads are the first things people notice about them (my mom used to get called tweety bird bc she had a big head and a little body which was mean, but so is she so…..)
Pisces moons tend have this look like they could cry at any time (like their eyes always look wet and sad if that makes sense lol)
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Wherever Pluto aspects (trine, Sextile) your personal planets shows where you can be the most transformative (or obsessive/possessive lowkey, especially for harsh aspects like square/oppositions— conjunct feels the intensity of both). Moon can show that your emotions push you to transform, Venus is this for your personal/romantic relationships, Saturn is how you use the lessons it teaches and how it affects your self discipline, etc
Leo in 6th could point to dealing with performance anxiety
Cancer in 8th could point to trauma around family (Scorpio over 4th could point to this too)
Gemini in 8th could point to trauma with neighbors/siblings/cousins/the education system or communication in general (Scorpio over 3rd could point to this too)
Sagittarius in 8th can point to having religious trauma or having intense/taboo experience with religion (Scorpio over 9th could point to this too)
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Capricorn can show where you start to lose yourself and can’t go through with when your stressed (I have Capricorn in 3rd and I literally lose my voice when I internalize stress, it’ll start cracking so fast it’s spooky. Capricorn in 5th could mean you absolutely cannot relax when your stressed. In 6th your health starts to act up immediately and you catch colds. In 1st you may have issues with your skin/breakouts when you’re stressed out.)
Mercury in 12th could stay up all night overthinking or experiencing intrusive thoughts
Virgo moons that oversimplify are underdeveloped
The mother of a Capricorn moon views love as super transactional (like if you don’t give them a hug you don’t love them, instead of the child being a person who deserves their own autonomy)(I was watching Beef and I got frickin triggered when Ali Wong’s character said her daughter was “supposed to love her forever” but wouldn’t give her a hug when Ali wanted her to, so she thought her daughter’s love was conditional— I was like holy sh*t I’ve heard that before!! Lol Saturn moon gang lol)
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elysiansparadise · 9 months
Schedule: What posts to expect this January?
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Aspects of Chiron || Neptune in the 2nd house || Jupiter in the 1st house || Moon in the 5th house || Composite chart observations II || Taurus Rising
🤍Risings done so far: Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising
Planets in the houses masterlist || Aspects to the Ascendant || Aspects to the MC || Conjunctions || Oppositions || Sextiles || Squares || Trines and talents
🤍PS. Taurus Rising will be posted on January 29th!
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lunaa007 · 2 years
Astrology observations #2
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This is for fun, they are just my personal observations :)
♦️ Capricorn Venus might be attracted to people with good social status like doctors/lawyers, social success might be a turn-on for them. They value stability and financial success.
♦️Virgo venus is the venus sign most likely to have cosmetic procedures done as they project their perfectionism on their appearance and aesthetic. They want to (and often do) look perfect.
♦️Mars in 1st house might come across as agressive or intimidating. They might not look very approachable. They could have a strong body and look athletic regardless of their exercise routine.
♦️Mars in scorpio: I know only two people in my close circle with this placement and they both have dark circles under their eyes. Even when they are not tired. It gives them a penetrating and intense look.
♦️Sun conjunct/square Saturn natives might have a harder time expressing their core personality in the first years of their life. They might feel restricted in their self-expression and might show their sun sign only with people they truly feel comfortable with.
♦️Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury can easily express their emotions and feelings. Especially by writing, they find the perfect words to express how they feel. They could write amazing love letters ❤️
♦️Mars conjunct/square/opposite Uranus often love speed. These aspects are very common in Formula 1 drivers and motoGP racers. These people love to take risks and live for the adrenaline. However they also must be careful when driving as they can be too impulsive. But they usually have excellent reflexes (conjunct especially). The square and the opposition might be more clumsy and often hit themselves against furniture and stuff like that.
♦️The people I know who ride motorcycles all have Mars-Uranus aspects, but more tense aspects. A lot of them also have a Mars-Pluto aspects, but more harmonious ones.
♦️Sun-Uranus positive aspects (conjunct, trine, sextile, quintile) have the gift of not caring what other people think about them. They could easily express their individuality and follow their own path, not caring about following a socially accepted one.
♦️Chiron in the 4th house might have had a chaotic childhood. Their family might trigger trauma responses in them. They might have to do inner work on accepting where they come from and might help other people with troubled families.
♦️Sun or venus in the 5th house might be interested in polyamory or open relationships. They might love the thrill of romance and flings and might not want to give that up for one person.
♦️ Aries on the 3rd house cusp might be very impulsive drivers, not respect speed limits and have aggressive interactions with other drivers on the road.
♦️Sagittarius + Scorpio placements can be very contradictory in relationships. They might not want to commit to one person and keep their freedom but at the same time they could be obsessive and jealous in love, wanting the other one to only have eyes for them.
♦️Neptune in the 1st house might receive a lot of projections from other people. This is a common placement for celebrities as their fans can see in that person whatever they want to see, regardless of who that person really is. Neptune puts a filter, a blur in the house it sits and the 1st house rules the appearance among other things. This also gives an ethereal look, they are often considered beautiful. They could be very photogenic as Neptune rules images and mirrors.
♦️Jupiter in the 8th house people might receive inheritances during their life, and they might also marry rich. They might have a huge interest in psychology and taboo topics.
♦️North node opposite MC people might find that their direction of growth in this life is to not prioritise their work and career over their home/personal life but to find a balance. They might have an easier time focusing on their career but paying less attention to their family.
♦️Pluto in the 1st house might like having piercings and tattoos. They might do these to mark new beginnings in their life.
♦️Moon in the 11th house might rely on their friend group for their emotional balance, their social life can be highly important for them.
♦️Pluto conjunct MC people: please never do illegal things and immoral things because your deepest secrets/wrongdoings will be revealed for everyone to see. Pluto represents what is hidden, our underworld, and the MC is the highest point in our chart, the first part of us that the public sees. This might also mean that if you have an affair it will become public.
♦️I noticed a lot of Aquarius risings go through a hard time with their hair before learning to love it and treat it in the right way.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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uyuforu · 4 months
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Astro Observations: Lunar Return Chart II
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Finally succeeded to make a gradient text lol. Also wanted to post more LRC observations because it's lacking on the internet >:(
How to make a LRC?
✮⋆˙ Go on Astro.com
✮⋆˙ Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings & Data > Extended Chart Selection
✮⋆˙ Chart Type: Scroll to "Lunar Return Chart"
✮⋆˙ Start Date: I suggest to start with 1st of the month and you'll see the date written when your LRC starts on your chart.
╰┈➤ For ex: For April, mine starts on April 12th 2024 and the next date if May 5th 2024 for my May LRC. So be careful about the dates!
✮⋆˙ Don't forget to add additional objects if you want to, and you are done!
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All pictures are from Pinterest.
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જ⁀➴ Solar Return Observations I
જ⁀➴ Lunar Return Observations I
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Synastry III
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₊˚⊹♡ Stellium in 6H means you'll be very busy with work this month, or just busy generally.
₊˚⊹♡ Traveling indicators in LRC:
╰┈➤ 4H Ruler in the 4H
╰┈➤ Jupiter 4H
╰┈➤ Sun/ Jupiter/ Sagittarius/ Part of Fortune in 9H
╰┈➤ Ruler of 9H/ 12H in 9H/ 12H.
₊˚⊹♡ If 4H Ruler is Mars and is in the 4H, this can mean the travel will be quick, not last long, and you may not go far either (meaning you travel in the country, or not too far from where u live).
₊˚⊹♡ Part of Fortune 1H could mean you can find yourself more pretty or more attractive this month.
₊˚⊹♡ Pluto 2H could mean there is a big change in your finances! If it conjunct/ sextile/ trines Jupiter, this is a big positive change! You could gain more money this month or get more money opportunities related to a big change! If it trines Jupiter, this can mean Jupiter is in the 6H, meaning this is related to a big change in your career.
₊˚⊹♡ Mars conjunct Chiron 4H can mean you could get a fight with a family member this month.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus 5H isn't a sign of sudden break up or bad news in the relationship -.- Something sudden can indeed happen in your love life. If the Ruler of the house is Venus, this can be a good surprise, more if Uranus conjunct, sextile, trine Venus/ Juno/ Jupiter/ POF.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus 5H could also mean having online crushes or having a long distance relationship or crush, etc. Romance could just be online.
₊˚⊹♡ 1H Ruler in 6H means you'll take care of your health this month or just your appearance, you'll do more exercise and skincare too.
₊˚⊹♡ Stellium 11H usually means you'll spend more time online or with friends. If Chiron is involved with Moon or Mercury, you could get in a fight with a friend or online, or with an online friend!
₊˚⊹♡ Sun 6H means you will be very focused on your career this month, and also your work. You will be busy, and you could also focus a lot on your routine, health and exercise. You could also be hardworking this month and study too.
₊˚⊹♡ Ruler of 6H being Venus could indicate a glow up.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Venus 6H means you will love your job this month! You could also be very much loved in your career field.
₊˚⊹♡ Anytime I struggled with money or had hard time to make myself some money, I had Saturn in 2H or 8H.
₊˚⊹♡ 2H or 8H ruler being in 6H means money can come from your work.
₊˚⊹♡ Libra MC means a lovely and very good reputation this month! A lot of people can love you, mostly if Jupiter or Venus conjunct/ sextile/ trines MC!
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury 6H means you'll be very much into working, thinking often of work and perhaps can be a workaholic this month. You can also study more related to your job.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Venus in 6H or 10H means you can get a lot of compliment and praises for your work.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon in 6H means you could be very focused on work, and you could take everything happens at your work at heart. You could also be anxious because of your job, but depending of what aspects the moon, this can be more positive. You could have a desire to glow up, take more care of yourself too.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter 6H means a big opportunity at work could present itself! You could be quite lucky when it comes to work and make big progress! You could also lose weight more easily or having a better health this month.
₊˚⊹♡ 9H or 12H ruler being in the 6H or 10H could mean you travel for work.
₊˚⊹♡ 7H ruler being in the 6H could mean getting or signing a contract work related.
₊˚⊹♡ Stellium in 2H could mean focusing more on money.
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₊˚⊹♡ Sun 1H could mean also feeling pretty or good looking. You could feel more happy this month. You could also feel like this month feels like a new start in your life.
₊˚⊹♡ 4H Ruler being in the 1H could mean you could live by yourself this month, or you could move in your own place. Or you could just end up having the house by yourself.
₊˚⊹♡ 3H Ruler in the 1H means you could talk about yourself more, or post more selfies online, you'll focus on yourself more.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon 12H means you could be quite secretive about your emotions this month, not letting it out easily and preferring to keep it for yourself. You could be more private about yourself generally. It also means you can be more intuitive this month and you could also be good at manifesting, more if it conjunct/ sextile/ trines Jupiter.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury 2H means you could learn how to manage money or you could think more about your money. You could also learn a lot about how to live a stable life. You could post often about your outfit, your make up, but also lifestyle, etc.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus 2H lol, you could love money this month! You could love your lifestyle and go shopping often too. You could buy a lot of clothing, make up, and go often to the restaurant too.
₊˚⊹♡ Ruler of 5H in 2H is a sign of your partner paying for you on dates, or just providing you generally. They could pay on dates, pay for your shopping, literally being a sugar partner lol. Otherwise, this can also mean you'll enjoy spending money, and you could treat yourself a lot this month.
₊˚⊹♡ 7H Ruler in 12H is a bit tricky. It depends what's in the 7H and 12H. Im gonna take my example. I have this placement in July, and the ruler is Jupiter. I don't think it means bad because there aren't anything bad in the 12H as aspects and placements, I just think it means having spiritual awakening because of relationships, it can also means knowing a secret about your lover, or someone you love, or an enemy! Discovering a secret enemy. My case is very specific because it's connected to some houses, so I won't talk about it too much lol. One of my best friend had 7H ruler in 12H and it was also Jupiter, and she learned some good tea about the man she loves, and she was happy discovering that secret.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn 10H could mean you may struggle with your reputation and career this month.
₊˚⊹♡ Having Chiron and Neptune 11H means you can get hurt because of something about you online. You could also discover something that will hurt you online. Someone could also post something about you that you won't like.
₊˚⊹♡ Mars 12H means you won't really want to do a lot of things lol. You could be more lazy.
₊˚⊹♡ Neptune 7H is a sign of being crazy in love, you can be on cloud 9 lol. You could also be confused about your relationship. There might be some misunderstandings between you and your partner this month.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn 6H could mean you could struggle with your mental health this month, and if it conjuncts 7H Ruler, it can be related to your relationships or enemies.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus 9H is a big sign of traveling unexpectedly this month. If the Ruler of the 9H is Venus this could be traveling with a lover or someone you love very much.
₊˚⊹♡ 9H ruler in 11H means you can travel with friends, or you could travel to see a friend. You could also travel with people you know in a group. You could also travel with someone you like, and travel in a country you like the culture, or you like the community there.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury 12H could means you could be quite shy this month, or speak a lot a foreign language.
₊˚⊹♡ 4H Ruler in 9H is a sign of moving out of your country, or traveling out of where you live.
₊˚⊹♡ 7H Ruler in 9H is a sign of traveling with your partner.
₊˚⊹♡ 4H Ruler in 7H means you can move in or live with your partner this month, you could often stay at home with them or just feel at home and safe with them.
₊˚⊹♡ Mars 7H can mean arguments can happen but some hot times too... hehe Actually if Mars 7H aspects well 8H Ruler, well you'll probably spend a lot of times being intimate this month with your partner!
₊˚⊹♡ If 9H Ruler is Mercury, it can mean you can learn a new language this month, or practice more, and even in the country itself!
₊˚⊹♡ 3H with Saturn conjunct Neptune means some miscommunications happening! Where the 3H Ruler is, is why or what about! If North Node is there too, you could need to work on it this month.
₊˚⊹♡ In my case, I have it in 3H and conjunct DSC too. It means the problem of communication can happen in the relationship and because both people don't share enough.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter conjunct Moon 6H is a big sign of having a better mental health this month!
₊˚⊹♡ I forgot! The 9H is not only about travel but it's also about In Laws! So having a stellium there, 7H or 5H ruler being in the 9H could be a big sign of meeting your IL.
₊˚⊹♡ So 11H Ruler in 9H could be a sign also of meeting In-Laws.
₊˚⊹♡ And if the 4H Ruler is in 9H, it can also means living at your IL's place for a while.
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Thank you for reading!
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬
Hello! I’m Skylar. I’m a Kepler College graduate and received my diploma from their school in 2022 but have been studying astrology for about a decade now
My mission is to inform people based on what I’ve learned and help others to gain some of the knowledge I’ve gained in order for them to use astrology as a resource for growth
There’s false stereotypes out there that can often create confusion for aspiring astrologers and I’d like to help people understand how to differentiate which sources are accurate vs which ones aren’t accurate as well
For more information about my account click here to see my masterlist
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭
◈ Planets/Houses don’t just have “a few meanings” they have many more that many people don’t know about. Otherwise astrology would probably be very basic and boring -> beginner astro help
◈ Most astrology information on Tiktok is false. Be careful who you get your information from -> tiktok astrologers with reliable info
◈ Typically twin flames will have a lot of similar placements to one another
◈ Cusps are not a real thing. Only an astrological myth made recently -> more info here
◈ If you’re noticing you don’t really have many long term relationships only flings/short term relationships it could be caused by having Uranus in the 5th/7th house
◈ Jupiter in the 4th house can indicate being the most successful person in your family - money or wealth wise (Ex: Billie Eilish)
◈ Venus sextile Mars is the most flirtatious aspect. This is because sextile aspects can have sexual energy depending on the planets involved (in this case it would), Venus rules over charm/romance, and Mars rules over flirting/lust
◈ The Sun/MC both rule over fame itself. Other placements only indicate things such as attention, attraction, idealization, glamour, etc. but do not DIRECTLY indicate fame as those things can come with OR without fame (they can still be indications depending on the sign/house/degree though)
◈ Both your South Node and Saturn can give insight about your past lives. Chiron tells about karmic wounds made in past lives that were carried into your current one
◈ Aquarius Venus/Uranus in the 7th house can indicate marrying someone that you would’ve never expected to marry
◈ Aquarius venus’ become more romantically attracted to you whenever you get along really well with their friends
◈ People with mercury in the 8th house aren’t big on gossiping typically (depending on other placements)
◈ Many people with saturn or uranus in the 9th house don’t go to college
◈ I’ve noticed a lot of libra and gemini placements are successful dancers
◈ Having your venus conjunct, trine, or sextile neptune can make many people idealize being in a romantic relationship with you
◈ Venus conjunct/square/opposite chiron can indicate a challenging love life before settling down long term
◈ The 9th house mainly rules over religion (the 12th house is more about spirituality) however, since it rules over beliefs as well it can tell a little about your spirituality
◈ Tantalus (2102) represents having a strong desire for something that’s very out of reach and remains so
◈ Desiderata (344) represents what one desires and desirability. It can give you deeper insight beyond mars
◈ Nyctimene (2150) in the 5th/7th house in Solar Return can indicate you need to leave a relationship that year in order to be happy
◈ Deidre (165574) in the 10th house can indicate being known by the public for your immense feminine beauty - many women who are praised for their beauty have this placement
Venus aspecting someone’s Deidre Asteroid can indicate the Venus person is in love with the Deidre persons immense feminine beauty/power
◈ Actor (12238) in the 6th/10th house can indicate being an actor for a living - ex: timothee chalamet
◈ Juno (3) in the 7th house can indicate a happy marriage (whether it be the first, second, etc it will eventually happen)
◈ Eros (433) at 6° can indicate getting into your first relationship later than most
◈ Reddish (2884) represents things we easily get embarrassed over/embarrassment in general
Asteroid Reddish in cancer can indicate your mom embarrassing you often
◈ Sinon (3391) represents persuasion/convincing someone to let their guard down
◈ Tripaxeptalis (2037) in gemini/sagittarius can indicate an interest in numerology
◈ Your Sun conjunct someone’s Moon can indicate you having a really good/close friendship with the Moon person
◈ Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Moon can indicate having a strong understanding of one another’s emotions
◈ Mars in someone’s 6th/11th house can indicate the Mars person struggles to get along with the 11th house persons friends -> info about 6H friends here
◈ Mercury square Venus can indicate the Mercury person doesn’t have interest in the Venus person romantically. Mercury is something under-looked in Synastry and in general when it comes to love. Not only does it rule over communication but also interests
◈ Mars conjunct Mars can indicate being able to resolve conflict with one another very well
◈ Sun conjunct Ascendant can be a challenging aspect and cause you both to resent one another
◈ Your Sun in someone’s 7th house can indicate a romantic relationship occurring
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
◈ 11th house stelliums can indicate you both have similar political views
◈ Saturn in the 11th house can indicate challenges in your relationship involving difference in desires or struggles involving friends/friend groups/socialization
◈ 9th house stelliums can indicate really good romantic chemistry with one another -> why
◈ Saturn at 0° can indicate a karmic relationship or being together long term. You likely knew one another in a past life as well
◈ If you have chiron in the 7th house you may stay together for a while out of fear of losing one another because you’re so comfortable with one another and thrive off of your partnership together
◈ Cancer ascendant can indicate meeting one another through your family or theirs
◈ Many think capricorn/aquarius stelliums are bad but they can indicate a long term relationship with one another
◈ Jupiter in the 5th house can indicate bringing one another lots of joy
◈ Uranus in the 8th house can indicate being close friends before dating
◈ Lots of 5°/14°/23° can indicate being a good looking couple together
◈ True Node at 11° is a strong indication of twin flames and experiencing multiple past lives together
◈ Mars in the 9th house can indicate having a passion for traveling together
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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driftingsprite · 2 months
Tryna lean into my Virgo MC/NN/POF (the two latter in 9th house) by writing about my crazy life experience to get published.
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777rare · 1 year
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disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs and bad words so please scroll if ur below 18+
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Mercury in 1st house natives are very talkative beings lmao🙊
Mars in fixed signs(AQUARIUS,LEO,TAURUS,SCORPIO) won't take anybodys shit no matter what..if somebody ain't treating em right, they're always ready to fight back
Mars in cardinal signs(CAPRICORN,CANCER,LIBRA,ARIES) can control their temper and toleration levels when somebody's acting all shitty but when they can't take it anymore, you're done for.
Mars in mutable signs (PISCES,GEMINI,SAGITTARIUS,VIRGO) will most of the time tolerate ur shit and get pissed off internally. They won't show it although they do sometimes, its mostly always internal. suppressed anger and frustration.
Apollo-venus/neptune folks are very admiring. Apollo-venus/ 8th house people are charming and alluring whereas apollo-neptune/ 12th house people have ethereal or outwardly beauty. Apollo aspecting ascendant are attractive too. Ex: alexia demie has Apollo quintile venus, zendaya has Apollo in 8th house.
Adams-sun/moon/asc/Mc natives have a very masculine character or mascular body in a man's chart ex: Chris evans has Adam's trine sun, Dwayne Johnson has Adam's sextile moon.
people with aura/ascendant in harsh aspects with moon(esp. Square) could mean people sense ur aura/ energy to be "too emotional" or "cold ass bitch" vibe. the tension in these aspects can also manifest according to the placements, degrees and other aspects.
natives with sirene conjunct jupiter could have such a raw seducing energy and lots n lots of it by the way! They tend to have a very mysterious,sexy,alluring touch to them. its like they have this "cremé dé lá cremé" persona blended in them..it's just so fucking hot..I also feel these natives catch too much attention sometimes even when they don't intend on trying to catch anyone's attention. It can sometimes get really annoying for them too.
In your varuna persona chart usually I feel the native is born to gain world wide fame if their sun/moon conjunct asteroid varuna.
Melete-chiron/sun/moon/asc harsh aspects tend to become victims of anxiety disorders, panic attacks. Check the houses and signs to get more insight as well. Ex: zendaya has melete semi square moon and sesquiquadrate ascendant
Lacrimosa in 12th house natives emotions gets overwhelming when they're in bed or at night. These people could feel overwhelmed with grief and sadness at times and cry themselves to sleep
chiron in aquarius/ 11th house, can show a native getting severely wounded or experiencing trauma, anxiety, grief because of online platforms, social media, technology, anything techno like phones,laptops etc.also these natives never have good, honest friendships. It's always fake friends and getting cheated or left out by friends. These natives should be very careful when it comes to making friends as well. Ex: I have this placement and when I was 10 yrs old, my closest friend food poisoned me. still don't know why.
Saturn-venus natives are beautiful but it's somewhat of an energy that's sleeping in them or yet to sprout. These natives need to put in some self love and work to glow up, especially showing themselves love.these natives tend to dislike the way they look or always try to find some flaw in themselves but their beauty will truly shine only when they begin to love themselves and work on themselves more. (Esp. Harsh aspects)
Virgo lilith natives have a very reserved sex appeal. These people tend to be very picky and minimalistic when it comes to their sexual partners.people most of the time assume these natives to have less knowledge about sex but deep down these natives are just crazy internally. You'll know it when you meet a virgo lilith native.🤠💫Aspects and houses can differ too.
I feel like asteroids in special degrees 11°, 22°,0° also have a really strong or special effect on the native.
sun-mercury natives always look younger than their age. The native can also be very childish even after ageing so much.
Planets in Scorpio sign or where your scorpio is placed is where you keep things hidden, out of reach from others or have deep information about. Thats why when scorpio falls on someones ascendant they are seen as very mysterious and secretive. Ex: I have scorpio over 8th house and i keep my sexual life hidden(8H= sex,money,etc), my brother has scorpio in 3rd house and he knows a lot about my past than my mom, and also about the people in our neighborhood(3H= siblings,neighbours), my mother has scorpio moon so she does hide her emotions a lot. My sister has scorpio jupiter and she does lots and lots of researching and has a lot of knowledge about books and countries that most of the people don't know about.not even me🙂.
Pallas-ascendant(positive aspects) natives look wise and mature
Lots of planets aspecting to chiron can show a native who has been wounded so so many times in their life.
Sokrates conjunct neptune or in pisces/scorpio/ in 8th/12th house natives love deep conversations.they hate small talk and just wanna go so so deep.
Pallas conjunct neptune natives have so much spiritual wisdom.
Tone-pluto natives tend to have a raspy,deep touch to their voice.
Asteroids mentioned above :
apollo - 1862
Adams- 1996
Aura - 1488
Sirene - 1009
Varuna - 20000
Melete - 56
Lacrimosa - 208
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Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 Hope you all enjoyed. Thankyou.bye!❤ have a great day ahead!🏝☀️
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cleapallea · 2 months
Astro Edition: 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗲
Which signs are giving me dark feminine energy?
Ok, let's face the truth. I know some of you have this kind of thinking why some women tends to look better with makeup or, can change their aura with the use of makeup? Well, because makeup doesn't suit for everyone—especially if it's about emphasizing the look or features of a woman because you reject the power of makeup. In a sense that makeup depends on how you carry yourself (subconsious, conscious, and unconsciously), Your inner potential and how other perceived you based on the knowledge you share, talents and etc. Makeup is an art. An expression of your personality, your mood, and your creativity. It's on your mood—based upon it!
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Here are the Zodiac Placements who's giving me a dark feminine energy (in order)
A. Big 6 or have more influence
Leo (high royale/power )
Aries (bold and fiery)
Gemini (Trickster)
Scorpio (creation/creativity )
Sag (exploration and enhancing)
Libra (balance it out)
Aquarius (go with the flow)
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B. With Housing placements / with example (look for my given zodiac signs) then applied it to planets I mentioned here.
Keywords: sextile, conjunctions, trine, semi-sextile
Planets: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune
For asteroid: Lilith, Chiron, love asteroids and beauty (make sure that they are placed in signs I mentioned)
Neptune sextile Pluto (Libra/Sag/Scorpio)
Moon Trine Neptune (esp if moon is Aries then Neptune is Sagi)
Mercury Sextile Mars (Example: if Virgo then Mars is Scorpio)
Venus with good aspect in Pluto since Pluto ruled by Scorpio (main)
Mars conjunct/sextile/ trine on Jupiter
Jupiter good aspects with Uranus
Pluto sextile Mc
Asc —Mc/Rising/Moon/Neptune/
Sun—Asc/moon/Venus/Jupiter/ Uranus /Neptune/Jupiter
Notes: sag degree, or any other signs I mentioned plays on, placement of house. Example: 1st house, 8th, 7th, and so on.
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c. Possible Makeup
Witch makeup, Thailand makeup, Dark Feminine Makeup, Glam makeup, Dark romantic, Latina, Douyin (if asian), edgy, emo, grunge makeup, 90s, Gothic and so fourth. But these are what I recommend :) Happy exploring 🤝!
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—𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗶𝘀 𝗔 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲—
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