#chiral? girlfriends
sunbentshadows · 1 year
"don't mix greek and latin roots" cowards. this too is yuri.
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risingshards · 3 months
Spring 2024 anime review!
It's time for my annual anime season review! I had a lot more shows to watch this season than last, which at times got a bit hectic! It's not quite done yet but it's done enough that I think I can put this up. Warning: Long post incoming where I ramble about the many anime shows I watched and personal reflection about how Going Through It™ affected my watching.
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Laid Back Camp Season 3: My fav of the season, I'm obsessed with these camping girlies and any more time with them is always a treat. The combo of the suspension bridge arc with the wacky over the top arc is a fun jarring one, and the last trip was so sweet. Rin and Nadeshiko felt even gayer this season which is impressive, they're the most girlfriends to me, Chiaki and Aoi too (or maybe I should just ship full camping polycule???) It was only a few second scenes too but I love that they added Aya into the later arcs as well. I've been in a rough place mentally for a while and it kicked into a new gear this summer, so the comfort vibes of the show hit differently. I'm a super anxious person so chill times where everything is OK is such a nice escape from the world. Shout out to the OP/ED for being my favs this season! Also highly recommend both sub and dub, because the dub cast is SOOOO good once more. Celeste Perez is so fantastic as Rin, and Morgan Laure Garrett does an incredible performance as Nadeshiko. The whole cast is so great I could ramble on and on about them.
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Whisper Me a Love Song: Not technically done yet as eps 11 and 12 are delayed, but in spite of the production woes this one has my heart this season in that "I love the manga and am happy to see this animated, I am hyperfixated, and warts and all I love watching it and get way way WAYYYY too sensitive about it seriously chiral go touch grass instead of having anxiety attacks about an anime" kind of way. The voice cast is SO perfect and everyone fits their characters so well and it's a treat to see the manga adapted. Himari and Yori's fluffy relationship was so sweet and I teared up a lot at their big moments. My beloved Aki got so many delicious angsty scenes while also showing her as not a bad person, just someone who's caught up in a crush while heartbroken about her true love leaving her (a true love that she didn't even realize was true love). Speaking about that true love, Shiho getting to be a feral cat storming into the proceedings is a treat, and I love that we get to see her earlier in the anime than in the manga.
The downsides ofc are the production that delayed two of the episodes, and now has the last two pushed to a later date, and my big qualm is the festival getting skipped over (well still kinda animated in the visual comic they released with the voice actors doing great on it), that's a bummer. I can see structurally what they were going for, 6 eps for Himari/Yori and 6 eps for the very popular Aki/Shiho storyline, and having the 'lost' ep voice acted helps a bit. But ughghggh even with all that...IDK it's still my babg and they're my babygorls so I'm rooting for 11 and 12 to be really great and for me to not engage with any fandom discussion about it LOL. Like I said this one had my heart this season, and when something latches onto your heart like that, I think it's good to cherish that a bit.
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Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: I heard the buzz a few episodes in about this and was hooked pretty quickly. The animation quality was great, I adored the characters, and I loved the queerness in it with the nonbinary talks, trans yakuza ladie, the kiss, and while I wish they went more in on the romance, we still got a lot of queerness that I don't want to count out. It's another case where I really need to disengage with what people think about something when it's special to me (that might be the moral of the season, honestly). My big downside for this is it got a little too stressful for me, the big fight towards the end of the show kept me up at night. I might be going through it pretty bad if watching anime does that to me BUT we stay silly.
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Train to the End of the World: I didn't realize until I saw a post about it like yesterday that this had the same director as Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann and in hindsight yeah that tracks. This was such a wild ride, I love a good journey story and this scratched that itch well. A group of girls go on a weird, hilarious, and heartfelt journey via train through a bizarre world? It made me really want to write a journey story. Funniest show of the season by far, crazy visuals, fun action, each episode being a strange little journey on its own helped the vibe.
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The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: This was a really cute one, bubbly gyaru x stoic girlie is a fun dynamic. Going by the structure, I assume this was the first 3 light novels adapted, since each arc was 4 eps IIRC. I hope the light novels get translated here because I'd love to see where the story goes next. My downside to this is this one also got STRESSFUL stressful in that like social kind of way as the main duo deals with stalkers, assholes online, shitty voice directors (I hope that voice director that was giving Yasumi a hard time gets super fired in season 2) and that took away from the fluff at times. Still was a definite highlight of the season.
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Nijiyon Animation 2: Maybe even weirder than the first season, I was really glad to get more of this one, weekly 3 minute adventures of a wacky gay harem really is good for the soul. I love the vibe of like "yeah we're doing this premise this week let's just go with it" that a lot of the episodes had. Do Season 3 cmon!
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Vexations of a Shut in Vampire Princess dub: I am a big stan for Vexations, and this dub has not disappointed so far (I think just one or two episodes to go for it), VERY well cast with Brittney Karbowski (of Railgun fame) putting in a STELLAR performance as Komari, showcasing all the facets of Komari's personality, like her spoiled bratty princess side, her anxious about being plopped into a dire situation side, the theater kid performance that helps her through this, and many other sides, it's really fantastic work by her. Vill, Sakuna, and Millicent are standouts as well (every Millicent scene I needed to pause afterwards because wow 🥵).
I also watched the back half of Dungeon Meshi (which is so big rn that I feel like I don't know what to add? It's great!), the new Spice and Wolf which was nice, Bartender: Glass of God which was VERY chill, and a coworker friend rec'd Condition Called Love, but I did not really enjoy that one.
All in all despite the bumpy road, I was really happy with this season and got SO much yuri. I do still need to watch Girls Band Cry and will rectify that soon, I just had way too many shows to watch at once.
Next season I am mainly looking forward to My Deer Friend Nokotan, and started watching Suicide Squad Isekai mainly for the ED lol. Next season big goal also: Chiral touches grass and her hypersensitive ass stops getting so worried about what other people think of the anime she watches and to just enjoy the anime hyperfixation while it's in full swing like this.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 7 months
My girlfriend, painstakingly walking to the Chiral Artist: I really hope she doesn’t want to go back to the Junk Dealer’s. He seems like a dick.
Me: 😬
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queercraftingchonk · 3 years
Tali {finally} gets to kiss her best friends on a {first} date~
  Tentatively, Shepard reached out with her organic hand and cupped Tali's face gingerly. She kept her hand on the black fabric of the underhood, but let the tip of her thumb gently graze the quarian's cheek. Her skin felt warm and soft. "Tali," Shepard said, "I, uh, made sure to, y'know, brush my teeth and floss and take some supplements, so I--" Tali pounced on Shepard, knocking the human onto her back and placing her red head squarely in Garrus's lap. All at once, Tali's lips crashed down on Shepard's. The commander made a quick sigh of surprise before closing her eyes and pulling the unmasked quarian close. Garrus's subvocals purred as the women kissed beneath him. Shepard felt Tali's pointed tongue tease the Spectre's maroon lips; it was pointed like Garrus's, but felt much smaller. She eagerly accepted Tali's enthusiasm and sighed with pleasure as the quarian began exploring her human mouth. Shepard barely registered the presence of the cold nasogastric tubes still hooked up to Tali--one electrode was firmly sealed over the quarian's left frontal nostril above her brow, while the split NG tube disappeared into her left primary nostril. "I'd say she likes her first date, Shepard," Garrus drawled. He played with one of Shepard's scarlet curls, delighted his girlfriend wore her hair down for the day. Tali finally pulled away from the kiss and sat up on her knees. Her heart was humming like a newborn rachni. Shepard began to sit up--until her sore muscles screamed at her. She winced and collapsed back into Garrus's lap. "Ah! Shepard! Did I hurt you?!" Tali cried. Shepard just laughed and waved off the worry. "Oh, you didn't hurt me. I just had a run in with a justicar yesterday. I keep finding new bruises," she laughed. Garrus offered his help and supported Shepard as she more awkwardly returned to a kneeling position on their picnic blanket. "Unless someone wants to give me a kiss," Garrus smirked, "I'd suggest we eat while the food's still hot." Shepard scowled playfully at Garrus, but Tali just laughed. Seeing her dimpled cheeks and petite, sharp-toothed grin pulled a trill from the turian. Tali stood up, walking behind a still-sitting Garrus, and reached down to place her lips on his forehead. "I suppose that counts," Garrus teased. "Bosh'tet," Tali chided. Garrus leaned his head further back and looked up into Tali's gold-white eyes. His mandibles twitched pleasantly. The quarian grabbed both sides of his head and dove down, lips to mouth plates. She suckled the edge of his upper plate; Tali shivered when Garrus replied with a lavish taste of her lower lip with his long blue tongue. When they parted, Tali said, "Is that a sufficient enough kiss, Mister Vakarian?" Garrus's subvocals flanged playfully. "Very."
Tali practically skipped back to her cushion. Shepard laughed. All three felt giddy, cloaked in a haze of excitement and joy. As Garrus grabbed and uncorked the Palaveni wine, Tali took stock of the picnic and frowned. "Shepard," she began, "there's no levo food here for you." Shepard crossed her legs and grinned. Garrus was momentarily distracted from pouring wine when he suddenly had an eyeful of powerful fishnet-covered legs. A hum rumbled in his chest. Shepard said, "Dr. Chakwas tested me for chirality sensitivities a while back. I might not get any nutritional value from dextro-food, but when I asked her earlier this week if I could eat dex, she basically gave me the go ahead." Tali's brow furrowed. "The 'basically' is doing some heavy lifting in that sentence." The commander chuckled. "Well, she said that even with antihistamines and herbal supplements, I'll probably need some more, uh, bathroom time than usual tomorrow. And I'll need to make sure to have an actual levo meal later. Otherwise, though--no worry about anaphylaxis or anything." Garrus poured the Palaveni wine and handed glasses to Tali and Shepard. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. "It's not a big price to pay as far as I'm concerned. I want to learn about quarian and turian cuisine. I want to know what foods you guys like, and what your childhoods tasted like. Besides," Shepard said, "it's not as if I'm going to try and eat dex food all the time now. But for special occasions like this? Hell yeah it's worth it." "I hope you don't regret it, Shepard," Tali said softly. "You know, you're very sweet." "You noticed," Shepard grinned. Her attempt to accept the compliment with suave coolness was hindered by the vibrant blush burning across her cheeks. Tali raised her wine glass. Shepard and Garrus followed suit. "Keelah se'lai!" She cheered. The three clinked their glasses. "Keelah se'lai!" Garrus and Shepard responded in unison. They each sipped the mediocre wine; soon conversation dwindled as they ate the picnic foods eagerly. Every so often, a moment was punctuated with a pleased moan from Tali as she savored a dip she hadn't had in over a decade, or when she excitedly explained each side dish that Garrus or Shepard asked about. As the picnic continued, Tali adamantly demanded a photo of the occasion. She summoned her drone, Chatika, to take a pic that included the whole picnic setup with herself, Shepard, and Garrus centered amidst the blankets, pillows, and food.
--Excerpt from Chapter 20:Two Bosh’tets Woo a Quarian [Part_02] from How to Love a Biotic God(dess) on Ao3~
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johannesviii · 4 years
A Useless Post Rating the Preppers From Death Stranding
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Because I can and I will. I got super attached to some of these bunches of pixels while playing, and I want to share my useless and extra subjective opinions
No plot-related spoilers. This is only listing the Preppers and not any Bridges employee from the various cities and facilities. No reasonable individuals to be found here, only strange people living in bunkers, baby
Let’s go
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The Ludens Fan
Shelter placement: On a mountain, right between a Timefall zone and MULE territory, and not on any obvious delivery route. Not great. The view is super nice, though. 6/10
Prepper: A cinnamon roll who believes the world will be saved by fandoms and games. Always happy to see you. Gets super excited when you find old figurines for him. Sends lost stuff to people he doesn’t even know. Has toy dinosaurs.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: He is a Friend. 9/10
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The Musician
Shelter placement: Hidden behind a little cliff, on a mountain, in a patch of nice fresh moss, next to a cool waterfall, overlooking the whole valley. Not on any delivery route whatsoever but come on. This guy is living the dream. 10/10
Prepper: Talks to you as if he’s known you since highschool. Has an emo haircut. Very passionate about rock albums from the “beginning of the 21st century” so I’m assuming he’s a fellow MCR fan. The walls of his shelter are covered in vinyls. Wants to create and share the music of the future for free. Streams his concerts on the chiral network.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A harmonica. You can play it. I’m in love
Opinion while playing: Hell yeah what a cool dude 10/10
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The Engineer
Shelter placement: In plain view right next to a huge road and two MULE territories. Dude didn’t even try to hide and his packages are stolen all the time. At least the weather is nice? 3/10
Prepper: Has spent his entire life inside of this bunker since birth. Polite and a bit shy. Has a friendly smile. Judging by the amount of alcohol we deliver to him, feels lonely. Sometimes you’ll find gallons of lube with his name on it and he’ll refuse to give any kind of explanation and to be fair the guy probably uses it for all his mechanical inventions. But deep down, we know.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the Power Skeleton. You know you want them.
Opinion while playing: Another Friend. I will judge him silently every time I have to bring him his lost lube though. 9/10
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The Craftsman
Shelter placement: Next to a huge road on a plain ravaged by Timefall, between two MULE territories and a voidout crater choke-full of BTs. Can potentially see the nightmarish ruins of a roadside factory and a traffic jam where everyone clearly got killed. I don’t know if I hate it or respect the shit out of it. 2/10
Prepper: Suspicious of us. Sends us on a suicide mission to fetch old equipment in a terrifying place. Hates Fragile, so we can’t be friends. Likes to fix broken watches, apparently. A lot of his lost packages seem to be special reinforced underwear. I’m curious but also I don’t want to pry.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Custom hematic grenades. Can’t live without them.
Opinion while playing: A suspicious little shit and I don’t trust him but he’s still a good ally. 5/10
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The Elder
Shelter placement: On a majestic plateau in the middle of the region, overlooking everything. Not on any obvious route, which is a problem, but also away from danger, Timefall and MULEs. A green little patch of heaven. 9/10
Prepper: Old and kind but takes no shit from anybody. All of his emails are like “anyway, f█ck the government and f█ck this country” and I’m living for it. Will give away old photo albums, books and games predating the Death Stranding, in hope they can be shared with other people and their kids. Wholesome as hell.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: The most valid boomer you will ever see. My adoptive grandfather and I must protect him at all costs. 10/10
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Peter Englert
Shelter placement: Not on any obvious delivery route but right next to Lake Knot City on a plain ravaged by Timefall. You can see Middle Knot City’s crater from there. Not a bad spot, but also no good vibes whatsoever. 6/10
Prepper: Never at home, has no hologram and keeps finding terrible excuses not to be there, which is rude. Possibly imaginary friends and relatives. Writes extremely long and well-spoken, obsequious, smarmy emails to you and you’ll receive them at the worst possible moments, like he just knows. Only interested in pizza, and you.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Hope you like high quality guns, and very disturbing journal entries.
Opinion while playing: Was literally calling him my nemesis even BEFORE learning anything about the guy. The best and the worst prepper at the same time. Go f█ck yourself, dude, I love you. Pizza/10
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The Timefall Farmer and the Environmental Scientist
Shelter placement: Right next to a huge MULE territory. There’s the Tar Belt in the distance and no city, road or friends for miles. Very awkward. 4/10
Preppers: Planned to study the effects of Timefall on plants and became farmers instead. They are not enjoying it one bit and you’re under the impression they occasionally get on each other’s nerves even though they’ve been colleagues for years. The concept of their farm is a fantastic bit of worldbuilding, though, but they are a bit bland themselves.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A goose hologram. I need it
Opinion while playing: They’re super nice but their general weariness is too contagious for comfort. 4/10
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The Film Director
Shelter placement: In the middle of jagged rocks, reasonably far away from local MULEs and Timefall, but also from any kind of road or decent delivery route. The ground is a poisonous reddish brown with occasional smoke. Ominous. 5/10
Prepper: Really worried about ancient media getting lost and forgotten, and will do anything to save old movies from oblivion. Trusts you instantly. Is always surprised you brought something for him, or just thought about him, and it’s heartwarming to see. Geeks about things he likes in your emails when he isn’t low-key flirting with you. Has the most epic beard you will ever see in your life.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A rock hologram. Uh?
Opinion while playing: Came for the geeking, stayed for the flirting  8/10
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The Collector
Shelter placement: Inside a cavern two-thirds up a vertical rock face in a canyon slap bang in the middle of MULE territory. Invisible from ground level, and invisible from the bottom of the canyon. The MULEs live literally next door and don’t even know the guy is there. No chill whatsoever. Incredible. What a king. 10/10
Prepper: Shaped like a friend. Loves videogames and loves geeking about them. Fascinated by pre-Stranding press like “people were buying newspapers? On real paper?? :O”. Really wants you to read his emails because he’s got nobody to share his special interests with. Wants to write about your adventures to inspire other people. Occasionally you’ll find a lost package with a vintage playstation and you know it’s for him even without looking at the name on the tag.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A backpack cover to protect your stuff from Timefall?? holy shit?
Opinion while playing: We have no choice but to stan. 9/10
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The Junk Dealer
Shelter placement: On a heavily polluted, rust-colored hill in the middle of a scrapyard full of broken down cars, overlooking both MULE and BT territory AND some f█cking terrifying ruins on all sides. It’s metal as shit, but also, the dude’s got a death wish. 3/10
Prepper: Tries to emotionally blackmail us with videos of his supposedly dead girlfriend. Very rude. Sends us on a suicide mission in BT territory to look for junk just for a laugh. Is such a piece of shit he got divorced by a woman who was willing to be carried under heavy Timefall through a horde of BTs to see him. Killed his girlfriend’s parents and didn’t tell her.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the Speed skeleton, and also chiral ladders, which are both life-saving, and I hate the fact that I need those so much.
Opinion while playing: A piece of shit and a terrible human being. Go sit on some rusty metal in BT territory, my dude. 1/10
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The Chiral Artist and her Mother
Shelter placement: Overlooking a bottomless lake of tar and depressing ruins plagued by Timefall, far from civilisation but also far from trouble. Depressing, but safe. 6/10
Preppers: A little ray of sunshine. Capable of planning a journey on foot while avoiding Timefall and BTs after having done the trip exactly once (1) and on our back, which makes her one of the bravest Preppers we ever meet. Talented as hell with chiralium. Very awkward speech patterns and elocution which I always find relatable. Makes extremely bad choices regarding her love life. Will send you likes in a cringy but cute way. I don’t really trust her adoptive mother too much but she seems to be friends with the Cosplayer and any friend of the Cosplayer is my friend.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Chiral boots. Literally the most useful thing anyone anywhere gave me in this game. No matter how far I am from her and her mom I will backtrack to get some brand new chiral boots from her every time I need them. They are that good
Opinion while playing: I love her but she’s making extremely bad life choices and it’s giving me mild anxiety 8/10
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The Cosplayer and the Wandering MC
Shelter placement: At the very bottom of a long, narrow canyon plagued by Timefall, inside a vertical hole in the ground. How they haven’t both drowned yet is beyond me. This is the worst idea ever. 1/10
Prepper: Both of them are always super excited to see you. Trade a ton of art and crafts supplies back and forth with everyone in the region. Organised a goddamn post-apo cosplay convention through the chiral network. She considers cosplay to be ‘the art of transformation’, and he’s a big fan of you, and also otters. Otter facts. Dad Jokes to the max. Legends only
Will I get something nice if I help them: Backpack custom options. And the otter hood. Come on. Who doesn’t want to look like an otter. According to the MC it was “threaded and triple stitched by [his] cosplay partner using silk”. I don’t deserve this gift
Opinion while playing: Just because it’s the apocalypse doesn’t mean you can’t look and feel your best 10/10
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The Doctor and the Medical Device Engineer
Shelter placement: Overlooking a little river in the mountains, right before the snow starts. Extremely close to Mountain Knot City. Practical and beautiful. Lovely spot. 8/10
Preppers: She invented and crafted a medical terminal that allows doctors to examine patients remotely through the network, and distributed it for free. He’s sitting on years of medical knowledge and stockpiles of meds, and also sharing both with everyone. Got married because they admired each other so much and shared a common hatred of the lack of medical assistance post-Stranding. Two absolute angels. We don’t deserve them
Will I get something nice if I help them: Custom blood bags. A must during boss fights.
Opinion while playing: A bit too serious, but mad respect. 7/10
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The Photographer
Shelter placement: In the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, overlooking the valley, but away from everything and everyone, next to BT territory and daaaangerously close to the biggest Demens camp in the entire country. Who told you this was a good idea. 4/10
Prepper: The walls of her shelter are decorated with photos of beautiful landscapes. Friendly but takes no shit. Constantly trying to go out to take pictures of cool places and weird paleoart and stuff even though there’s a whole gang of terrorists outside firing live ammo at anyone on sight. Her cameras get stolen all the time, and yet she keeps doing it again and again. Judging by one delivery she sent to Mountain Knot City, she even has footage of Edge Knot City. You know. The unreachable nightmarish place beyond the f█cking Tar Belt. HOW
Will I get something nice if I help them: Guns because she clearly has no chill
Opinion while playing: This woman has more nerves in her left pinky than I have in my entire f█cking body. We stan a queen 9/10
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The Novelist’s Son
Shelter placement: In a vast, beautiful green plain full of rivers and lakes, kind of in the middle of nowhere but also at a safe distance of the Demens territory. It’s painted the same green as the rest of the plain, which is a stroke of genius. 8/10
Prepper: Considering his title and the fact that the walls of his shelter are full of bookshelves, I expected a pretentious writer of sorts. But no. He doesn’t write. He’s just a soft boy who wants to save the world with plants. Will make sure you read his emails because he’s very passionate about gardening, gourds and mythology, and wants to talk about it with everyone. Too good for this world, too pure.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Special cryptobiotes! Pretty cool. I want to save some for Fragile
Opinion while playing: I love him I love thinking about him 10/10
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The Roboticist
Shelter placement: High in the mountains, but in some sort of hollow, surrounded by snow and rocks on all sides. There’s also a nice hot spring nearby. Feels strangely safe and pleasant for such an isolated spot. 7/10
Prepper: Super approachable and quite friendly. Clearly a genius considering how good the all-terrain skeleton is. The stuff she’s looking for goes from stuff for her projects to a plush for her kid or a vintage coffee machine. Her emails, meanwhile, are shit-your-pants terrifying, like her wondering if machines should replace humans, or pranking you by pretending she was dead the whole time and her hologram is an IA. Thank you for the heart attack.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the all-terrain skeleton, hell yeah baby
Opinion while playing: I’m very conflicted because her emails are scary as shit but if she stepped on my face I’d say “thank you” 8/10
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The Mountaineer and the Mountain Guide
Shelter placement: On top of a mountain but in a relatively flat and safe area, very isolated but also far from Beached Things, with good visibility. There’s logic to the madness. 6/10
Preppers: Initially in panic mode due to a medical emergency. Tough outside, but soft inside. He gives you precious advice about whiteouts and how to deal with them and stay alive in the mountains. We don’t know much about her, except she used to explore the mountains using chiral climbing anchors. Just speculation but I’m under the impression they met one day on a super dangerous expedition and ended together because they were both tough as nails, or maybe because they saved each other. Their kid is going to be unstoppable.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Chiral climbing anchors.
Opinion while playing: Wholesome couple of adventurers. A bit bland, but in a good way 7/10
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The Spiritualist
Shelter placement: On a mountain peak in the middle of a whiteout area, but sometimes the weather can be decent and the view pretty nice, if you squint. Getting there feels like a test to join a secret cult and I don’t like that one bit. 3/10
Prepper: Twin sister of the Cosplayer, but gives off a very different vibe, like some sort of white suburban mom who’s discovering new age stuff. Has a very mystical approach to this whole apocalypse thing but seems to be wayyy too much into it for comfort. Really wants to see the Beach and tries to do so through meditation. We can receive chemicals from her. I do NOT want to know what’s in there.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A RACCOON HOLOGRAM?? I LOVE IT
Opinion while playing: Harmless but she scares me. 3/10
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The First Prepper
Shelter placement: On a nearly inaccessible mountain peak battered by snow storms. The slope is so dangerous I straight up died once while walking on it. Absolutely nothing for miles and no visibility. That’s not a shelter, that’s a coffin. 1/10
Prepper: Apparently his family has lived in shelters ever since the beginning of the Cold War, then decided to stay there in case the world would end in the year 2000, then because of the Bush era, and long story short the guy is like “I did it before it was cool” and he’s literally gatekeeping other Preppers and calling them amateurs. Tries really hard to convince us to stop helping people and get our own shelter. At least he admits self-sufficiency is a mirage in the end, which is more than I expected from this clown.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A hat, and a wolf hologram
Opinion while playing: When the nicest thing I have to say about a Prepper is “well they’re not hurting anybody”, you know it’s bad. What a jerk 2/10
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The Evo-Devo Biologist
Shelter placement: On an isolated snow slope away from civilisation, overlooking ruins and geysers in the distance. Not far from BT territory and terrorists, but still at a reasonable distance. Next to a hot spring. The view is majestic as f█ck. 9/10
Prepper: Looks strict and gives off severe teacher vibes, but you’re under the impression that’s purely because she hasn’t seen or talked to another human being in years. Polite but distant. Thinks the sixth mass extinction is a golden opportunity for science, and inevitable, and that we should study the shit out of it even if we end up dying. She’s not wrong exactly but also, yikes
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: I genuinely have no idea. An enigma. 5/10
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The Geologist
Shelter placement: High in the mountains on a desolate snowy slope, completely isolated from everything. I think I’ve seen a movie about that kind of place once, except it was a hotel. 2/10
Prepper: The first package we bring to him is a shipment of meds to fight chiral contamination. No more nightmares or suicidal thoughts after that, so he’s ok. Also he’s obsessed with Heartman to the point you wonder if he’s got a crush on him, belittles himself and his work constantly, and also thinks saving the world is a waste of time and effort. No no he’s still ok, he swears. But yeah uh. Dude is clearly one small step away from blowing a fuse and going full Demens, we need to sit down and talk about your problems my friend
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: I like him but he worries me a lot and I’m a bit scared for him 7/10
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The Paleontologist
Shelter placement: In a little valley in the mountains, where grass and snow meet, miles away from civilisation and roads, but also miles away from problems. If there wasn’t this pit full of toxic gas literally next door, this would be perfect. 8/10
Prepper: Likes to complain about everything and everyone. A bit rude but more in a familiar way than an unpleasant way. Extremely passionate about fossils and prehistoric stuff and gets super excited about ammonites in particular. Mentions exploring a place full of toxic gas without any kind of protection just to fetch some neat rocks once, so we both clearly have the same level of survival instincts when our special interests are involved.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really, unless you count level 2 Hematic Grenades
Opinion while playing: Relatable as shit. I feel like I’d be this guy if I existed in this game’s world. 9/10
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The Veteran Porter
Shelter placement: Nowhere Man lives on a very abrupt slope full of rocks in the middle of Nowhereburg, Nowhere State, Nowherica. You get the feeling he knows the region like the back of his hand and picked that spot exactly for that reason and frankly, I have to respect that. 7/10
Prepper: Ex-Porter with a damaged spine. A retired adventurer, exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Higgs used to be his boss back when he was still working at Fragile Express so the dude has massive trust issues now and I won’t argue with that. Initially suspicious of us and Bridges, for good reasons. Every time I found a super isolated bunker signed under Fragile Express I was like “woah their employees were hardcore to find all these places that Bridges couldn’t find”, and he’s one of these guys, and I get it now. And he’s tired. So tired. A whole mood.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: Unlike the First Prepper I respect the shit out of him and I want him to enjoy his well-earned retirement 8/10
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sparrowsabre7 · 4 years
Used the floating carrier like a sledge to wheeeeee down the mountain from the weather station which was all giggles till O stacked it on a rock. Making my way through MULE territory and finally trying out the bola gun which is a lot of fun now that I know 1/14 means 1 loaded bola with 14 remaining ammo and not 1 ammo out of a possible 14.
Delivered some wheat to a timefall farm which is actually run by two people. First time I've seen that. They drop some knowledge that Fragile saved them and upgrade my odradek so I can counter-ping the MULEs so they can't detect me as easily. Seems like they're trying to use timefall to grow crops somehow. Unclear how they will work given that it ages things on contact.
Even though it is fucking H O R R I B L E in this part of the world to do so,I still love using bikes and trucks as the novelty hasn't quite worn off yet.
Delivered some stuff to a junk dealer who, again, looks like a member of the nouveau riche rather than someone who, you know, deals in junk. Has a creepy holo of his missing girlfriend play before talking to me which makes me feel like I interrupted his private wank sesh. And now he's being a huge dick about it,tells me to fuck off with my Chiral network before asking me to get him 60 kilos of old junk in a BT zone. Yeah cheers prick, turns out your gf's alive but I'm not gonna tell you shit. Ass.
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crackinglamb · 5 years
Fluff-uary Prompt 22 - Date Night
(ME - Henna and Garrus)
Henna had always been more comfortable in a hardsuit than a dress, which was why she had four sets of armor and only one set of formal wear that wasn't her dress uniform.  But at Nihlus's urging, she went out and tried to find something suitable for a nice dinner in one of the little boutiques that seemed to be on every corner of Nos Astra.  
It was strange to feel so giddy over this.  Especially since she felt like it should also feel weird to be going out to dinner with someone other than Nihlus.  But he wanted her to explore her options, see where her friendship and camaraderie with Garrus could go.  If anywhere.  She hesitated to call it a date, but Nihlus hadn't.  And he'd been genuinely happy when he said it.  
She made her purchase and hurried back to the ship.  Once tucked safely in the Loft, she pinged the extranet address Nihlus had given her as she changed.  She hoped that he would be able to vidcall instead of just chat this time, and was smiling when her terminal let her know she had an incoming call.
“Hi,” she said brightly when his red and white face took the place of her ship collection on the vid screen.
“Did you find something?”
“I did.”  She twirled around for him, letting him see the subtle shimmers in the tunic style top.  It hung down nearly to mid-thigh and she'd bought soft leggings to go with it for propriety's sake.  She couldn't do anything about her footwear, but at least her parade shine hadn't lost any of its ability to make even her everyday boots look presentable.
His mandibles flickered in a smile.  “Very nice.  Green is a good color on you. His mandible will be on the floor.”
“That's not precisely the idea,” she reminded him.  He gave her a skeptical look across the lightyears.
“Uh huh, sure. Henna...look...”
She met his eyes. “You said I should go with it and figure this out.  I'm going with it.  Unless you're having second thoughts?”
He relaxed.  “No, it's not that.  I just don't want you to feel like you have to do this because I want you to.”
“I like Garrus.  I didn't agree to this because you wanted me to.  I agreed because I wanted to.”
“All right,” he grinned, at ease again.  “Now get going.  Have fun.”
She blew him a kiss and watched the screen disappear back into the ceiling, shaking her head at his whimsical happiness in seeing his girlfriend go on a date with someone else.  Butterflies set up shop in her stomach, but she controlled them and went to meet Garrus at the airlock.  He looked rather handsome in black civvies with white piping.  Remarkably handsome, she corrected mentally, feeling those butterflies escape to batter around her stomach again.
The restaurant was a simple affair, with separate menus for each of them based on chirality.  She ordered something that claimed to be like a Cobb salad, eager for fresh greens, and Garrus ordered a dextro meal that resembled a whole shank of something that roamed a savanna.  She laughed.
“You know there's a cliche among humans that women only eat salads, while men eat steaks on dates,” she said when she could.  “But honestly, the thought of fresh produce was entirely too tantalizing.”
“Can't say I blame you there, shipboard rations can leave a lot to be desired.”
“Is that a complaint, Battery Officer?” she asked archly.
“No, Commander. Not exactly.”  For a moment he looked stricken, as if a line had been crossed.  She smiled at him, hoping to take out the sting, feeling like she'd really put her foot in it.
“Relax, Garrus. I'm not the Commander tonight.”
“So...just Henna?”
“That's right.”
Their food came and they ate companionably, sharing small jokes and stories as they dined.  They lingered over coffee and what passed for it for turians. Then Garrus suggested a stroll along a tree lined boulevard, something of a rarity in Nos Astra.  All around them other couples walked, a sea of shades of blue occasionally broken by alien faces like her own.  She noticed quite a few salarians taking in the sights, and even a volus.
“Is this all right?” Garrus asked walking next to her and seeming a bit discomfited by it.  He was too used to being on her six, she mused.
“This is lovely,” she replied.  She dared to link their arms and he subtly transformed from at attention to casual, his face plates and mandibles relaxing as they walked.  The boulevard led to a freshwater reservoir and they leaned on the fence overlooking it, watching birds settling down at the edges, causing ripples to spread out.   The sun was setting, turning everything a glowing pink with shades of yellow, making the skyline across from them softer.  
She shifted on her feet and brushed against Garrus's arm.  He didn't startle, exactly, but he did turn a little towards her, his face unreadable.  Suddenly she got lost in the blue of his visible eye and lost whatever murmuring apology she was about to make.  The moment stretched, and something like tension grew between them, an invisible string slowly pulling them together.  She noted idly that Garrus wasn't as tall as Nihlus as he bent towards her.  She leaned in a little and their foreheads touched.  She closed her eyes, feeling it every bit as strongly as if it were a human kiss.
“Henna,” he whispered.  “I don't know where to go from here.”
“I don't either,” she confessed.  Their heads were still connected at that single point of contact and she peeked upwards, meeting his eyes that were so close she could see the strands of color in them.  Buried deep in the blue was a hint of green she wouldn't have seen from farther away. She waited to feel conflicted, or confused.  But she felt only at peace.  Without thinking about it too hard, she slipped her arm around him, only making sure to rest her arm against his ribs and not his waist.  His returned the gesture, his hand coming to rest nervously on the upper curve of her hip.  For a second, she felt his talons tighten on her, then consciously relax.  “This is nice.”
“It is,” he agreed, his subvocals purring below his words.  
“Are we making out in public?”
He snorted a soft laugh and it broke the seal of their forehead kiss.  She worried that she'd ruined the moment, but he leaned towards her again, not quite touching, but definitely still present.  “A bit, yeah.”
“Should we stop?”
“Do you want to?”
“Not really, no.”
He closed the last inch between them, his brow plate brushing her forehead again. “Good.”
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vixenfur · 7 years
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Hey everyone! I’ve returned from my 6th Anime Central! Here are all of my cosplays, with characters labeled on each picture. If you have any pictures of me I’d love to see them. I was also Victor at the rave with a shirt that said “I <3 Katsudon” :) I had a blast! I hope you all did as well!
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cosplaysoulbackups · 8 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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risingshards · 1 year
Hi there! Are you looking to read something new during Pride Month?
Maybe you'd be interested in a free indie published web novel, one that's heavily yuri influenced, has a mix of slice of life, fluffy romance, comedy, fantasy adventure, some drama and angst, and more, a series that structurally is like a mix of a TV season and the arcs of an anime/manga/light novel?
If any of that sounds up your alley, I recommend my series, Rising Shards!
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Rising Shards has a boatload of characters, but primarily focuses on Zeta Faleur, an anxious and energetic trans girl who's feeling lost after a really bad relationship with her first girlfriend ended. Suddenly, she grows fangs, and finds out she's a Cani (people who grow fangs and gain other bestial traits, have special powers, and the ability to enter a special dimension where they can battle monsters and go on adventures and such), and thusly has to go to a Cani school, the titular Rising Shards.
There Zeta makes lots of new friends, but the person she connects the most with is the kindhearted Oka Ohri, a girl raised on a harsh Cani training school/orphanage who's still adjusting to life outside of it. Zeta and Oka grow closer, but is Zeta ready to move on from her ex?
There are lots of other characters who all go on their own journeys. To name a few: The sporty and snarky Kalei, who starts to explore her sexuality after a girl makes her feel new things (spoiler alert: she's gay), Lillia, the bookish and strict rule follower who's usually crushing on someone but not used to being sought after when an idiot jock starts catching feelings for her, Aira, an odd and gentle girl who deals with wanting something more with her best friend, and the duo of Iris and Maia, besties who are both kinda dumb to notice how into each other they both are.
Another important duo to mention: Stella, Zeta's older sister and guardian, and Dr. Diast, Zeta's teacher. At the request of readers, the duo received their own spinoff series, Rising Shards: Evy & Stella, an 18+ series about the two.
Rising Shards is about healing, finding yourself, learning to be proud of yourself, finding joy in the people who care about you whether their friends, finding peace in gentle fluffy moments, enduring through painful times, laughing through wacky adventures, with the help of friends, family, lovers, a majority of which is through a very queer cast of characters.
Both the main series and the side series are ongoing, and are currently being updated on Tapas and Scribble Hub.
Rising Shards Tapas link: HERE
Rising Shards Scribble Hub link: HERE
Evy and Stella link: HERE
And of course, please support the artist I commissioned for the series, Flopicas!
If you read this far, thank you so much, and I hope you check out my series! Happy Pride!
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rosemund-fr · 8 years
Pre-Happenings Compendium
The weekend is here, so in between my busy, busy social schedule of writing papers and visiting the library I’m gonna be working on the Happenings in my clan whateverthefuck they are someone wanna fill me in pls Rowan’s screaming is not communicative and Moira actively hates me EVEN MORE than Hesti so she’s not talking she’s just LAUGHING at me
In preparation, I’ve just... made a list of everybody. And looked at whether they’re likely to die. I’m gonna go ahead and post it here-- with character summaries-- because: I WANT PPL TO TALK TO ME ABOUT THE DRAGONS.
This is so you can see if there’s dragons you’d like to do a lore interaction with-- see if they’d be friends, enemies, weirdly antagonistic buddies, romantic partners, science bros, whatever-- with your dragon. Orrrr you can ALSO help by asking questions about them :D (even “why is that dragon gonna die/survive” will help me process)
I kind of have no idea what I’m doing here sorry, under a cut because LONG-ASS LIST I have too many dragons
Okay, quick “key”: dragons in bold are probably gonna die. Feel free to offer lore interactions, knowing that (or offer to buy them when they die in my lore, that’d be fine too, especially Maedwe she’s a lvl25.
Dragons in normal text are gonna survive. [If they’re in brackets they’re kinda exempt, either because they’ve got no character or because they’re involved in Vhann’s happenings] Feel free to offer lore interactions for these.
Dragons in italic text have a chance of dying. Their relationship networks and/or characters are underdeveloped, or the lore is pushing them that way, but I’d rather they didn’t die. Would especially love lore interaction for these.
[Brackets = no character / plot can’t touch dis (i.e. notgods). If there’s strikethrough they’re not even sticking around they’re just here for completeness]
I was gonna make each name a link but I got tired of that quickly so please just look at my lair here
Hesti - Leader, self-proclaimed advocate of the Twelfth God
Krus - Founder, warrior (kinda need to do something interesting with him before he actually turns into a rock. Or turn him into a rock I could do that)
Knacknar - ex-gladiator
Solari - ??? (she was part of a cult somewhere I don’t THINK it was Honeytouch whoops. she’s old as balls and kinda ‘get off my lawn’ but mostly chill)
Erik - Bratty demonologist/lord of the universe
[Inert - notgod of Arcane]
Tony - inventor, mechanist
Creme - somehow never actually managed to acquire a character
P-bark - FABULOUS SNEKK. More or less exists because he amuses me. and because Doppel hasn’t managed to drain him from reality yet. I’m starting to wonder if Doppel’s a failure as a double or if I just believe in p-bark too much all by myself.
Kanani - Scholar, fighter, liaison to the Honeytouch cult
[Courkus - ???]
[Sterile - notgod of nature, teenage rebel]
Natasha - Lightning Ninja ??? I cannot remember her ever having a character beyond “FANDRAGON” but she kicks ass in the Golem Workshop
Moira - Lady of the Looking Glass i e prophetess like I KNOW you’re gonna help the other Gentle Ones through this mess and I’m glad because I paid a LOT for you lot-- oh shut up I know you wouldn’t let them die just to spite me-- but won’t help me write any of this AT ALL
Maedwe - ??? i tried i swear i tried
Morgan - enchantress, retrievals specialist
Michael - murderangel, Rowan’s partner
Kalei - fighter, one of the Gentle Ones
Aespe - mad scientist, materials retrievals
Mora - ??? got her first NotN, bought her two gem scrolls, trained her to lvl25, STILL have no emotional attachment
Ahrabyth - magic scholar, scrolls expert
[Zephyr - notgod of earth]
Venin - code-infected nature avatar, Lernea’s life partner
Kimi - warrior, trainer of warriors
Nūx - possibly the most pissed off of the Gentle Ones, Ahrabyth’s pet project
Jeremiah - one of the Cousins
Jael - one of the Cousins
Lernea - battle automaton, Venin’s life partner
Eternity - Ahrabyth’s brother
[Unnamed Pearlcatcher (pearl/robin/robin) - ???]
Sarah - one of the Cousins
Merlin - mage
Agmina - coliseum veteran, Collu’s girlfriend, liaison to the Honeytouch cult
[Unnamed Pearlcatcher (orca/smoke/peridot) - ???]
Shakespeare - priest of the Honeytouch cult?
[Triton - ???]
Oloros - researcher/mad scientist, found Styx and created its container
Collu - coliseum veteran, Agmina’s girlfriend
[Unnamed Spiral (copper/copper/robin) - ???]
[Unnamed Imperial (orca/smoke/peridot) - ???]
Rowan - Banshee, Michael’s partner, Camilla’s partner
Camilla - warrior? Rowan’s partner
Haralamb - battle instructor
Akari - (gen2 imp)
Charlotte - procurement expert, Sorin’s mate
Sorin - materials acquisitions expert contracted to the Alchemists’ guild, Charlotte’s mate
[Sathona - ???]
Doppel - doppelganger trying to usurp p-bark
[Unnamed Nocturne (spruce/raspberry/peach) - possibly a construct the Honeytouch cult has been perfecting]
[Conduit/AltConduit pairs - ???]
[Soul/Devotion - ???]
Tene - sees spirits, one of the Gentle Ones
Styx - animate void-tar in a body-shaped container, courtesy of Oloros
Kore - Tene’s ‘sister’, one of the Gentle Ones
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storyofadventures · 8 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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johannesviii · 4 years
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[Images: Two Death Stranding screenshots with textposts copypasted on them. 1) The Junk Dealer, talking to Sam outside of his bunker: “I had a girlfriend once. Sometimes it’s like I can still hear her voice.” 2) The Chiral Artist, to him: “We literally got married six hours ago f█ck off”.]
Hi it’s “make fun of the Prepper I hate the most” hours again
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risingshards · 2 years
Rising Shards: just me rambling about main characters part 1
I wanna post about my characters more on here!!! You can read Rising Shards here! And please support the artist I commissioned for my Rising Shards art, the wonderful Flopicas here or here 😁
Zeta Faleur
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Zeta (and all the Rising Shards mains) is a Cani, which means when she hit her awakening moment, her fangs grew in and she got weather control powers. All Cani get fangs, a power, and then maybe other animal type traits as they continue to grow. Oh and they can go to a dimension called the void to fight monsters with a weapon called a bloodsaber. Zeta's the most common type of Cani, one who gets just fangs and a power to start. The other kinds are Exa Cani, who shapeshift back and forth between a base form and a big monster form (all Cani have some shapeshifting powers though) and Kanibari, who are much more animal-like than common Cani and Exa Cani. I'll do a post just about Cani lore at some point so back to Zeta!
Zeta's a shy/anxious but hyper girl that's obsessed with Raina Starlight, especially loving Raina's books and a big TV show she stars on called Tower of Hate and Love. Zeta's big gay, but her first girlfriend Jeans treated her very badly and she's still working to get over that. Zeta's trans, and since her fangs came in her transition has taken huge strides. She's good natured but can get very hyper and when the full group is together can get big stupid in a fun way. She goes to a Cani school, the titular Rising Shards. Zeta lives with her older sister Stella, who has raised her since she was very young due to circumstances Zeta isn't sure of at the start of the series. Her closest friends at Rising Shards are Oka, who she may or may not be getting feelings for stronger than just a friend way, as well as Kalei and Lillia.
Oka Ohri
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Oka's a big sweetheart despite her upbringing. Her fangs came in when she was very young so she was shipped off to a harsh militant Cani elementary boarding school that forced her to attempt to train her powers that hadn't even developed yet while "shielding" the students form the outside world. After she turned 16, she was adopted by a member of the wealthy Kilander family and ended up at Rising Shards. Oka's Cani power is plant life control. She loves theater and musicals and is thrilled to join Rising Shards' theater department. She's new to having friends in general but she quickly connects with Zeta and Kalei, and soon becomes close with Lillia as well as they're both in theater. Oka gets embarrassed about how little she knows about modern society due to her old school, and relies on Zeta to help catch her up on things.
For now I just wanna really get some character bios in on here, but there any other posts you'd like to see about Rising Shards? Like scenes, previews, anything else? I'm always happy to talk about my series! :)
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