#chiral live 2022
suikyounamegami · 2 years
CHiRAL LIVE 2022 × Slow Damage!!!!!! 😭
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POR FIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(me parece que ha pasado más tiempo desde el evento donde se anunció SD por primera vez 🙄?)
DIOOOOOOOOOOOOS MÍO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ojalá Naito-kun hubiese aparecido SD 😭
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towaeyecandy · 1 year
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[ Transparent Chiral Live Night 2022 Towa Drawn by Yamada_uiro ]
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slybluehologhost · 8 months
I'm sure many of you are already following their work, but I just wanted to take a moment to highlight some other folks who are also doing a lot of cool things related to N+C content!
The Denpa Archive contains some content relating to sweet pool, DMMd, & Slow Damage (including fan translations for Clean Dishes), but it’s a wonderful resource in general for folks who are interested in denpa.
NitroChiral Degenerate posts a lot of N+C merch, event-related photos, & scans — they also recently started a tumblr!
vogue-man isn’t N+C specific, but they have a massive collection of GOATBED’s releases; they’re currently working on updating a lot of their links, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re into music like I am.
yukirayu has a whole host of fan translations, as well as a large amount of Slow Damage-focused content (including the CHiRAL LIVE 2022 post I reblogged earlier today).
If you have any other contemporary recommendations you’d like to share, you’re welcome to send me an ask! I’m sure there are many, many other folks out there doing archival work, so thank you for all of your hard work! 🖤
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yukirayu · 2 years
We all hate not getting to attend the live events or watch the livestreams, but it happens sometimes. 
However, everyone deserves to watch the CHiRAL Live x Slow Damage concert, so I’m providing the download link for that. The catch is that the resolution is only 480p, but everything should still be clear enough for watching. 
Hope you enjoy~
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suzuran777 · 2 years
CHiRAL LIVE 2022 x Slow Damage
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Five years after CHiRAL LIVE x Rhythm Carnival, Nitro+CHiRAL is back with another live event! Songs from their newest game, Slow Damage, will be performed live for the very first time. Nitro + CHiRAL is also bringing back some well-known songs from their previous games (Togainu no Chi, Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID-, sweet pool and DRAMAtical Murder). The whole event will also be livestreamed, so definitely check it out if you’re interested!
The website mentions that some of the images that will be shown during the live performances could contain some spoilers, so it might be good to be aware of this if you haven’t played some of the games.
ARKTA, Anna Evans golden folks, Itou Kanako, GOATBED, THE ANDS and Watanabe Kazuhiro will all be performing live during this event!
CHiRAL LIVE 2022 x Slow Damage livestream tickets are now also available for those who don’t live in Japan! The total price is 4718 yen, (32 USD) and you’ll get access to the livestream on December 3rd and the livestream’s archive.
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kanon-uk · 2 years
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CHiRAL LIVE 2022 Towa & Naito kun
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crowaes · 1 year
after playing every nitro+chiral game ive been thinking a lot about their strengths/weaknesses as a developer. by far the thing that stands out in all their games is making a protagonist that you really care about.
i could really take or leave most of the love interests in nitro+chiral games. tallying them up, i only like 6/20 across all five games. but with the exception of akira, every protagonist is deeply likeable and has managed to live in my head rent free. togainu no chi has really rough writing so its the only one that i feel makes a misstep with its protagonist.
konoes whole history with leaks, youjis tragedy, the mystery of aobas birth and powers, and the mystery of towas past means most romances feel more like a means to an end. you get little pieces of the world and characters as you go along. konoe is probably the least developed due to the sheer amount of crossover between routes. you learn everything about konoe the first route and dont get new information on other routes. youji is a bit similar since theres really one main path with brief branches. but they still command a lot of interest or empathy.
aoba and towa really stand out because of how much their games structures slowly feed the player information. you cant know everything about them until you get to ren or fujieda. they also definitely have the most standout personalities. playing dmmd back in 2015 and playing slow damage in 2022, both character captured me pretty much from their first scenes.
i think its one of nitro+chirals greatest strengths as a studio. in general protagonists can make or break a game but the issue is compounded by writing flaws that tend to come up frequently in nitro+chiral games. i would not have stuck through five games (and i guess six soon considering i need to play reconnect) if not for the protags being compelling enough to get me through some truly awful love interests.
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risingshards · 2 years
12/17/22 my 2022 writing year in review
With 2022 almost over, I’m feeling contemplative about my writing this year and how things have gone. I’m asking myself a few things like, “Am I proud of what I’ve written?” “Was I happy writing it?” “Are people enjoying it?” “Is Rising Shards living up to what I dreamed it to be?” Am I closer towards my long term goals?” “What do I want for next year?”
Warning: Chiral rambles about writing for very long time past the break (I cannot guarantee any of this is coherent or makes sense):
Am I proud of what I’ve written?
I feel like I didn’t fully get to what I wanted to in 2022. With money tight I wasn’t able to get art for a group of new characters until late in the year, characters that were supposed to show up and be important much earlier, so I moved some things around and got to focus more on the main group. Could I have written the newbies without the art? Sure, but I wanted the art hahaha. I am still super proud of the 2022 episodes, buuuuut I’m really excited to finally get to these new characters who were supposed to be a big deal around May or so of this year. I’m proud of releasing another year’s worth of chapters on time (three a week with bonuses every now and then is a lot!), and I’m very proud of finally getting Evy & Stella side series up and running for those who waited very patiently for me to get on with it (so that's like 4 chapters a week regularly this fall!). 
Another thing I’m proud of - finally getting past where the first “book” of Rising Shards would have ended had I gone strictly for the tradpub attempt, with the fight against Jeans (major antagonist and the main villain of the first arc of RS for non-readers). I had a lot of that fight written for years and years and for a long time it felt like that was the end of the story, and anything past that would be a sequel I'd never get to right unless I got the one in a million shot of getting published. Until I realized I could web novel it and give my characters the time and care I wanted for them, and that l didn’t have to be burdened by trying to fit everything into a publishable set word count. Getting to finally progress past that fight with Jeans is scary, but it feels like setting sail to places I’ve been meaning to get on my metaphorical story boat (???) for a long while. In a way I progressed past it last year, with the arrival of characters like Iris, Maia, Amara, KJ, Rain, Nikki, none of whom likely would have shown up in any meaningful capacity had I just rewritten the first volume over and over and had a much more limited space to write. So I’m very proud of all that.
For non-RS writing, I struggled with my side project, which I’m calling Project ZERO for now, but I’ve had some ideas to make it work late in the year that may turn it around. I didn’t get a lot done on that but I had chapters and an outline for my workshop group so that’s something?
Was I happy writing it?
For Project ZERO, not really. It was a struggle and not a fun one for much of this year. It didn’t take any RS writing time away, but I’m hoping I can find a way to make it not feel so sludgy to work on. 
For Rising Shards (including Evy & Stella)? Absolutely. 100%. Some of the most fulfilled I’ve ever felt writing was this year, with some of the most therapeutic stuff I’ve put down, I mentioned in a past blog how I like got into a trance for a week after a panic attack and just wrote out what I was feeling and it helped me heal alongside my characters. I think part of what makes me able to release so many chapters on time is that it’s so joyful for me to write. If I’m having a bad day, sometimes just writing a scene of Zeta, Oka, Kalei, Lillia, and the others hanging out recharges me. Zeta and Oka cute fluff scenes as well. As well as any of the fluffy scenes with any characters. New goal: Lots more fluff in 2023!
Are people enjoying it?
I freaking hope so! My views have been really good I think, subs steadily rising overall, and I get such wonderful comments from my lovely readers. I hope my readers are enjoying Rising Shards, and I hope they enjoy what’s coming next too.
Is Rising Shards living up to what I dreamed it to be?
This is gonna sound really pretentious I know, but another thing I’m proud of is to push forward my vision of what I wanted the series to be from the start. Some of my choice to put it in web novel form came from some bitterness about how I saw things in the traditional publishing space. There were things where I was like “There’s no way RS fits in with what they’re doing. That sucks.” And also just burnout from working at a publisher that was going through a lot of internal changes that mainly led to us all having lots and lots more work before we got laid off. Obviously not all of Rising Shards is from that bitterness, I don’t think I’d be able to work on a project fueled by spite that long. On the non-bitter side, having a series I write exactly the way I want it and being in complete control of its release, while getting to mush all my fav genres and archetypes together and garnish it with some personal writing…I would say Rising Shards is living up to my goals there, yes!
Am I closer towards my long term goals?
Some of my long term goals I think I’ve met already, which is amazing and I’m incredibly grateful for the aforementioned wonderful readers who made it happen. Before I launched Rising Shards, I wanted to have fans reading that speculated and theorized and shipped and made fan art, and I got em! Getting my first unprompted fan art this year was such a surreal and wonderful experience. So in that regard I hope I can meet those goals, but like more. So on my end I have to focus writing to the best of my ability and maaaybe trying to promote myself a little more in the coming year?
Another long term goal is to have a print release of Rising Shards. I want to have em physical for my shelf, I’d love to be on one of those book talk channels (well unless they’re saying how much my writing sucks I’d rather not have that…). Having Rising Shards in print the way I want is a dream still, but I believe I’m closer to it now than if I was plugging away at trying to get a perfect 80k-100k YA manuscript and convince lit agents, publishers, etc. that my goofy mishmash of concepts can work.
I could just like do a print by demand thing but I want the print RS books to feel really nice. And be light novels so I’d want illustrations for each episode. (If I had to divvy them up right now for a print run, I’d make episodes 1-8 a book, then 9-20 another, then 20-33 the third, but those might get pretty beefy page count wise. So maybe I’d do three books of eight episodes each for Season 1…something like that. On that note, while I like having dividing things like season and volume, I think it might be a little too much so I might scale back actually saying all that a little. I’m definitely keeping episodes and seasons at least, but just thinking ahead to print editions goal, I might need to revamp what constitutes a volume anyways. I’ll stop speculating there on writing minutiae because I don’t need to take up much more of your time if you’re still reading this (thank you sincerely if you’re still reading this).
My pie in the sky long term goals I’m…incrementally closer to? AKA comic version, animation, video game. Like the big adaptations. I’m closer just by kinda keeping at it with these!
What do I want for next year?
I’m leaving specific narrative goals out cuz no spoilers. The gist of my goals for 2023 is:
-more readers
-me write good
-other projects
-falling shards collab
To go a little further, I’d love to continue growing my audience and maybe try to promote more to get it out there, to build the audience so that print run could be more possible. ANother thing is I really want to make 2023 like the best year of Rising Shards yet so I’m pushing myself to ensure top quality. I’m still trusting my characters and letting their voice be the important thing, but I’m trying to do a full year broad outline squared away now before I dive in more. Evy & Stella I have a lot of random scenes ready for but I still have to turn them into a narrative for 2023. 
OK actually some vague narrative goals: I want to learn to write iyashikei more. That may be tough because I had an idea for a shonen inspired arc for 2023 so I want to balance that with like a full on AdaShima Laid Back Camp all my chill healing series inspired stuff. So fluff and action and fluff. 
I’m not immediately putting too much pressure to get a lot done on my side projects for next year. I put a lot of pressure to get a lot done on ZERO this year and I didn’t get much more than zero done on it ha ha..eh… I had a seed of an idea for a new project today but I’m taking it slooooow and not diving in And none of the side projects have a higher priority than Rising Shards (which again includes Evy & Stella even if that’s technically a side series) because that’s my heart and soul project.
Something I’ve been tinkering with and kicking around in my head is doing a collab series with someone. With who I have no idea cuz I haven’t reached out to anyone about this. But I wanted to expand the RS universe and have stories that don’t fit with the light and floofy tone of RS. One idea was like a murder mystery side series about Cani on the west coast of the main series’ country that I may do on my own. And then there’s Falling Shards, the boys’ school opposite Rising Shards. As of late I’ve come to the realization that I kind of (IMO at least) suck at writing male characters now. So I think for Falling Shards I’d want someone who could do that better, write something in universe but totally different. Like instead of a floofy silly fantasy adventure with some angst and lots of lesbians in Rising Shards, like someting very different from that going on at the boy’s school. My dumb worry is that if I did find someone to do it that Falling Shards. Or that I’d have to get so much lore and world building to another writer that they wouldn’t want to. Or just not finding a collab partner for it and the little sparks of ideas I have for it just sit there. BUT that’s stuff for next year.
If you read this far, thank you, if you read Rising Shards at all, thank you, just THANK YOU. I wouldn’t be writing any of this without my lovely lovely readers.
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pravalika · 2 years
Lactic Acid Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Year End Discount: Flat 1000$ off on any Market Report, Enter Code : "FLAT1000" on Checkout
 Lactic Acid Market size is estimated to reach $1.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Lactic acid is one of the most well-known organic acids, with an extensive series of industrial applications. The food, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors are mostly utilizing lactic acid. Lactobacillales are an order of gram-positive, low-GC, acid-tolerant, ordinarily nonsporulating, non-respiring, either rod-shaped (bacilli) or spherical (cocci) bacteria that share typical metabolic and physiological traits. These bacteria, normally discovered in decomposing plants and milk products, generate lactic acid as the principal metabolic end product of carbohydrate fermentation, providing them the typical name lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Lactic acid is essential for preparing wine and fermented dairy products, as well as pickling vegetables. Lactic acid E270 can be utilized in meat, poultry and fish in the form of sodium or potassium lactate to expand shelf life, regulate pathogenic bacteria (enhance food security), improve and safeguard meat flavor, enhance water binding capacity and decrease sodium. Lactic acid serves an assortment of purposes, like a catalyst, food emulsifier and hazardous chemical or plastic replacement. Lactic acid is utilized as a catalyst in the generation of an assortment of industrial products. The application of lactic acid as a substitute for harmful chemicals and polymers, particularly in food and drinks and pharmaceuticals, is fueling the expansion of the Lactic Acid Industry. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) owing to the existence of a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group. It is utilized as a synthetic intermediate in numerous organic synthesis industries and in different biochemical industries. The conjugate base of lactic acid is termed lactate. The derived acyl group is named Lactoyl. Enzyme Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme discovered in most living organisms accountable for the conversion of pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, into lactic acid. Additionally, lactic acid has several applications in the manufacture of drugs as an electrolyte in numerous, parenteral/I.V. The principal functions for pharmaceutical applications are pH-regulation, chiral intermediate and metal sequestration, as a natural body component in pharmaceutical products.
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Lactic Acid Market Report Coverage
The “Lactic Acid Market Report - Forecast (2022-2027)" by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Lactic Acid Market.
By Raw Material: Sugarcane, Corn, Cassava and Others. By Application: Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care and Others. By Geography: North America (the U.S, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand and the Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest Of The World (Middle East, Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America (Lactic Acid Market share) accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027 owing to the expanding personal care, pharmaceutical applications involving functions like metal sequestration and food and beverages industries and the advancing pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. as a result of rising expenditures on medicines in the North American region.
Lactic Acid Market growth is being driven by the surging application of lactic acid which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), in the production of Polylactic Acid (PLA), which is a biodegradable polymer and a compostable thermoplastic prepared from renewable sources, like lactic acid, generated through fermentation processes. However, the fermentation process of the lactic acid which needs technological optimization and product purification and the biotechnological production needing optimization of nutrients thereby resulting in soaring manufacturing costs are some of the major factors hampering the growth of the Lactic Acid Market.
Lactic Acid Market Detailed Analysis of the Strength, Weaknesses and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Lactic Acid Market report.
Lactic Acid Market Segment Analysis - by Raw Material
The Lactic Acid Market based on raw materials can be further segmented into Sugarcane, Corn, Cassava and Others. The Sugarcane Segment held the largest Lactic Acid Market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the surging application of Sugarcane as feedstock for the production of lactic acid attributed to its allowing producers to enhance sustainability. For example, the increase in demand for farming land across the globe makes sugarcane a more beneficial raw material owing to its typically producing a higher yield per hectare than other feedstocks, like corn or rice. This means that there needs to be an abundance of sugar accessible for lactic acid producers to utilize even when farming land decreases. Its byproduct molasses include heavy metals which have a growth-inhibitory effect. The main sugar content in molasses is sucrose which often needs to be hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose, especially for utilization by Lactobacillus species. Lactobacillus species can convert sugar content to lactic acid with great efficiency. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and is a chemical exfoliator typically made from sugarcane which is further propelling the growth of the Sugarcane segment.
Furthermore, the Corn segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 9.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the soaring preparation of Lactic acid which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) from corn and its frequent application as an exfoliant and in anti-wrinkle products and in body wash where it functions as a natural preservative. Presently, nearly 90% of the commercially accessible lactic acid is generated by submerged fermentation of corn and the corn feedstock is responsible for almost 70% of the complete production cost (Abdel-Rahman et al., 2013). The heightening production of Poly(lactic acid) or polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA) as a biodegradable and bioactive thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable biomass, classically from fermented plant starch like from corn is further fuelling the growth of this segment.
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Lactic Acid Market Segment Analysis - by Application
The Lactic Acid Market based on the application can be further segmented into Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care and Others. The Food & Beverages Segment held the largest Lactic Acid Market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the advantageous characteristics of Lactic acid like its capacity to enhance the flavor of food and beverages while also extending their shelf life by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes. With the heightening penetration of lactic acid in the fish, poultry and meat industries, demand for these products is estimated to increase as a result of these features. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) owing to the existence of a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group. It occurs naturally in numerous edible products and is also a vital ingredient in the food industry. Also, lactic acid is non-toxic and consequently recognized and classified as a ‘Generally Recognized as Safe’ substance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for extensive application as an additive in the food industry. The soaring application of lactic acid as a flavoring substance in numerous food products like pickles and fermented milk, the production of lactic acid during the fermentation process of numerous healthy foods, including yogurt, kimchi and miso and the proliferating application of lactic acid as a food preservative for cheese, olives and desserts are further propelling the growth of this segment.
Furthermore, the Pharmaceuticals segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the expanding application of Lactic acid in pharmaceutical manufacture. Lactic acid is divided into lactate (Lactate ions) and Hydrogen ions. The advantageous properties of lactic acid like metal sequestration, pH regulator, effectiveness in being a natural body constituent and chiral intermediate in pharmaceutical products are further fuelling the growth of this segment.
Lactic Acid Market Segment Analysis - by Geography
The Lactic Acid Market based on geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and the Rest of the World. North America (Lactic Acid Market) held the largest Lactic Acid Market share with 39% of the overall market in 2021. this growth is owing to the existence of personal care and cosmetic firms like Maybelline New York, Procter and Gamble, the Colgate-Palmolive Company, Avon, Unilever and Johnson and Johnson Private Limited in the North American region. The robust manufacturing base of international cosmetic manufacturers, like Procter and Gamble, Unilever and Johnson and Johnson Private Limited, in the U.S. results in greater demand for personal care products, emerging demand for Polylactic Acid (PLA) attributed to the U.S. government's endeavors toward decreasing carbon footprint, soaring demand from packaging applications and the growth of the pharmaceutical and personal care industries are further propelling the growth of the Lactic Acid Industry contributing to the Lactic Acid Industry Outlook in the North American region.
Furthermore, the Asia-Pacific region is estimated to be the region with the fastest CAGR rate over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to factors like the rise in the application of lactic acid as a food additive resulting in greater demand for lactic acid in the Asia-Pacific region. Lactate is metabolized essentially in the liver (60%) and kidney (30%). Heightened demand for lactic acid in meat and additional food applications, accessibility of low-cost raw materials, technological innovation and powerful backing from large manufacturing businesses are further fuelling the growth of the Lactic Acid Industry in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Lactic Acid Market Drivers
The Growing Demand for Lactic Acid in Food and Beverage Applications is Propelling the Growth of the Lactic Acid Market:
Lactic acid is considered a critical constituent in food and beverage products owing to its distinct functional qualities. The extensive series of applications of lactic acid in the food and beverage sector, as well as the assortment of functional advantages provided by food acidulants, are fuelling the growth of the Lactic Acid Market. There are two kinds of lactic acid drinks namely lactic drinks and pasteurized lactic drinks. Pasteurized lactic drinks are manufactured by pasteurizing fermented milk. Proteins in lactic acid drinks are suitably stabilized in order to avoid sedimentation and separation during the shelf life. In the food & beverage industry, lactic acid is preferred over synthetic chemicals owing to their altered flavor, texture, or characteristics of products to increase their shelf life. In the dairy industry, lactic acids are used to coagulate milk and produce cheese flavors. Whereas in the brewing industry, lactic acid improves starch conversion in beer, thereby increasing the yield. In the baking industry, lactic acid help in controlling the acidity of the dough and improving the shelf life of baked goods. Major uses of lactic acid in the food industry are found in cheese manufacturing, baking, confectionery manufacturing, processed meat and vegetable processing. The molecular weight or molar mass of lactic acid is 90.08g/mol while its PH level is 3.51 per 1 mM of lactic acid. The recommended dosage of calcium lactate in the dough is 0.1-1% to restrict mold growth and for good taste. Formerly utilized at concentrations between 2 and 5 percent to treat beef, lactic acid is certified for application at concentrations up to 10 percent for certain processes. The growing demand for lactic acid in food and beverage applications is therefore propelling the growth of the Lactic Acid Market.
The Increasing Usage of Lactic Acid in Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry is Fuelling the Growth of the Lactic Acid Industry:
Presently, lactic acid is utilized in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries based on its functional characteristics. This alpha hydroxyl acid plays numerous significant roles in several biochemical pathways. Lactic acid esters are finding expanded application in agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. In agrochemicals, they are utilized to generate environment-friendly insecticides and pesticides. In the pharmaceutical sector, lactic acid esters are utilized in manufacturing ointments and medicines. One of the principal functions of pharmaceutical applications is metal sequestration. Lactic acid is used as a humectant, exfoliator, pH adjuster and skin prepping agent in different beautifying and personal maintenance products. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) owing to the existence of a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group It smoothens, revitalizes and sets an even skin texture while appearing firmer. It helps in diminishing acne spots, wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Additionally, the product is included in hair products owing to its capability to reinforce fragile hair. The upsurge in user consciousness is estimated to amplify the demand for cosmetics and individual maintenance products and further thrust the market development. The promptly increasing number of social media handlers, tailored advertisements and celebrated social influencers recommending numerous cosmetic products by way of these media are estimated to boost cosmetic and personal care product sales. Further, brands with online websites and e-commerce businesses like Alibaba Express and Amazon have amplified online shopping, which, in turn, may bolster the demand for cosmetic and personal care products. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid, or AHA, utilized in over-the-counter (OTC) skin care products and professional treatments. Over-the-counter lactic acid products come in distinct concentrations, from 5% to greater than 30%. The increasing usage of lactic acid in pharmaceuticals, cosmetic and personal care industries is therefore fuelling the growth of the Lactic Acid Industry thereby contributing to the Lactic Acid Industry Outlook during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Lactic Acid Market Challenges
The Possible Side Effects of Lactic Acid in Food are Hampering the Growth of the Lactic Acid Market:
Lactic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) owing to the existence of a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group. Lactic Acid, 85 Percent, FCC is utilized as a food preservative, curing agent and flavoring agent. Lactic acid, or lactate, may be regarded as a chemical byproduct of anaerobic respiration. Although lactic acid is typically regarded as safe and has been connected with numerous health advantages, it may bring about side effects for certain people. Specifically, fermented foods and probiotics may temporarily aggravate digestive problems like gas and bloating. One small investigation in 38 people connected probiotic application, increased blood levels of lactic acid and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine with symptoms like gas, bloating and brain fog - a condition represented by impaired memory and concentration. Certain research also recommends that probiotics influence immune function distinctly in healthy people in comparison with those who are immunocompromised. Furthermore, these safety concerns are principally for individuals with serious health conditions utilizing probiotic supplements. Probiotics, inclusive of lactic acid-producing bacteria, may bring about digestive issues and brain fog in certain people. They may also adversely influence immunocompromised people, though this mostly applies to supplements instead of foods. These issues are restraining the growth of the Lactic Acid Market.
Lactic Acid Industry Outlook
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Lactic Acid Market. The Top 10 companies in the Lactic Acid Market are:
Corbion N.V.
Cargill Incorporated
DuPont de Nemour Inc.
Vigon International Inc.
Henan Jindan Lactic Acid Technology Co. Ltd.
Mitushi Biopharma
 Musashino Chemical Laboratory
Synbra Technology
Recent Developments
In September 2021, LG Chem, a leading global diversified chemical firm and ADM, a global leader in nutrition and biosolutions, declared that they have marked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore US-based generation of lactic acid to meet the burgeoning demand for an extensive assortment of plant-based products, inclusive of bioplastics.  The terms of the agreement were signed by Juan Luciano, chairman and chief executive officer of ADM and Hak Cheol Shin, vice chairman and CEO of LG Chem, at ADM’s global headquarters in Chicago. Under the terms of the agreement, the two firms plan to take steps toward introducing a joint venture in early 2022 that would construct, own and function a U.S.-based facility to generate high-purity corn-based lactic acid on a commercial scale.
In June 2021, International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) launched YO-MIX ViV, an “extremely robust” lactic acid bacteria culture for ambient yogurt and additional fermented drinks products. The constituent introduction targets the Asia-Pacific region, with attention aimed at China. YO-MIX ViV is marketed as a rare culture that permits producers to provide ambient yogurt and other fermented beverages with greatly stable live cultures all through shelf-life for the earliest time.
In April 2021, Total Corbion PLA, a 50/50 joint venture between Total and Corbion, started the front-end engineering design stage for its novel 100,000-tonne-per-year Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) factory in Grandpuits, France. The facility will be the first of its kind in Europe when it opens in 2024. Total Corbion PLA would become the global market leader in PLA, well-positioned to meet the constantly increasing demand for Luminy® PLA resins. This concludes the Lactic Acid Industry Outlook.
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quincytatas · 2 years
trying to use all the brain power i have left to figure out how to watch chiral live 2022
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leyhejuhyunghan · 2 years
CERN ALICE collaboration A ten-year journey through the quark–gluon plasma and beyond, The ALICE collaboration takes stock of its first decade of quantum chromodynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider., Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. The three kinds of charge in QCD (as opposed to one in quantum electrodynamics or QED) are usually referred to as "color charge" by loose analogy to the three kinds of color (red, green and blue) perceived by humans. The force between quarks is known as the colour force (or color force) or strong interaction, and is responsible for the nuclear force., Color confinement, Kari Jobe The Wind, Rest (Live At The Belonging Co, Nashville, TN/2020)
CERN ALICE collaboration A ten-year journey through the quark–gluon plasma and beyond, The ALICE collaboration takes stock of its first decade of quantum chromodynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider., Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. The three kinds of charge in QCD (as opposed to one in quantum electrodynamics or QED) are usually referred to as "color charge" by loose analogy to the three kinds of color (red, green and blue) perceived by humans. The force between quarks is known as the colour force (or color force) or strong interaction, and is responsible for the nuclear force., Color confinement, Kari Jobe The Wind, Rest (Live At The Belonging Co, Nashville, TN/2020) https://blog.naver.com/artnouveau19/222925129863
https://home.cern/news/series/feature/ten-year-journey-through-quark-gluon-plasma-and-beyond https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_chromodynamics
A ten-year journey through the quark–gluon plasma and beyond.
The ALICE collaboration takes stock of its first decade of quantum chromodynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider.
Find out more: https://home.cern/news/series/feature/ten-year-journey-through-quark-gluon-plasma-and-beyond
A ten-year journey through the quark–gluon plasma and beyond
By: ALICE collaboration
9 November, 2022
The ALICE collaboration takes stock of its first decade of quantum chromodynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is one of the pillars of the Standard Model of particle physics. It describes the strong interaction – one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force holds quarks and gluons – collectively known as partons – together in hadrons such as the proton, and protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei. Two hallmarks of QCD are chiral symmetry breaking and asymptotic freedom. Chiral symmetry breaking explains how quarks generate the masses of hadrons and therefore the vast majority of visible mass in the universe. Asymptotic freedom states that the strong force between quarks and gluons decreases with increasing energy. The discovery of these two QCD effects garnered two Nobel prizes in physics, in 2008 and 2004, respectively. Besides further smaller-scale but highly innovative upgrades for the next LHC long shutdown, the ALICE collaboration has prepared a proposal for a completely new detector to be operated in the 2030s. The new detector will open up even more new avenues of exploration, including the study of correlations between charm particles, of chiral-symmetry restoration in the QGP, and of the time-evolution of the QGP temperature.
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. The three kinds of charge in QCD (as opposed to one in quantum electrodynamics or QED) are usually referred to as "color charge" by loose analogy to the three kinds of color (red, green and blue) perceived by humans. The force between quarks is known as the colour force (or color force) or strong interaction, and is responsible for the nuclear force., Color confinement
Quantum chromodynamics
In theoretical physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. Quarks are fundamental particles that make up composite hadrons such as the proton, neutron and pion. QCD is a type of quantum field theory called a non-abelian gauge theory, with symmetry group SU(3). The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. Gluons are the force carriers of the theory, just as photons are for the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics. The theory is an important part of the Standard Model of particle physics. A large body of experimental evidence for QCD has been gathered over the years.
QCD exhibits three salient properties:
Color confinement. Due to the force between two color charges remaining constant as they are separated, the energy grows until a quark–antiquark pair is spontaneously produced, turning the initial hadron into a pair of hadrons instead of isolating a color charge. Although analytically unproven, color confinement is well established from lattice QCD calculations and decades of experiments.[1]
Asymptotic freedom, a steady reduction in the strength of interactions between quarks and gluons as the energy scale of those interactions increases (and the corresponding length scale decreases). The asymptotic freedom of QCD was discovered in 1973 by David Gross and Frank Wilczek,[2] and independently by David Politzer in the same year.[3] For this work, all three shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics.[4]
Chiral symmetry breaking, the spontaneous symmetry breaking of an important global symmetry of quarks, detailed below, with the result of generating masses for hadrons far above the masses of the quarks, and making pseudoscalar mesons exceptionally light. Yoichiro Nambu was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for elucidating the phenomenon, a dozen years before the advent of QCD. Lattice simulations have confirmed all his generic predictions.
Physicist Murray Gell-Mann coined the word quark in its present sense. It originally comes from the phrase "Three quarks for Muster Mark" in Finnegans Wake by James Joyce. On June 27, 1978, Gell-Mann wrote a private letter to the editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, in which he related that he had been influenced by Joyce's words: "The allusion to three quarks seemed perfect." (Originally, only three quarks had been discovered.)[5]
The three kinds of charge in QCD (as opposed to one in quantum electrodynamics or QED) are usually referred to as "color charge" by loose analogy to the three kinds of color (red, green and blue) perceived by humans. Other than this nomenclature, the quantum parameter "color" is completely unrelated to the everyday, familiar phenomenon of color.
The force between quarks is known as the colour force[6] (or color force[7]) or strong interaction, and is responsible for the nuclear force.
Since the theory of electric charge is dubbed "electrodynamics", the Greek word χρῶμα chroma "color" is applied to the theory of color charge, "chromodynamics". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_chromodynamics
Color confinement
In quantum chromodynamics (QCD), color confinement, often simply called confinement, is the phenomenon that color-charged particles (such as quarks and gluons) cannot be isolated, and therefore cannot be directly observed in normal conditions below the Hagedorn temperature of approximately 2 terakelvin (corresponding to energies of approximately 130–140 MeV per particle).[1][2] Quarks and gluons must clump together to form hadrons. The two main types of hadron are the mesons (one quark, one antiquark) and the baryons (three quarks). In addition, colorless glueballs formed only of gluons are also consistent with confinement, though difficult to identify experimentally. Quarks and gluons cannot be separated from their parent hadron without producing new hadrons.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_confinement
#KariJobe #TheWind #TheBlessing Kari Jobe - The Wind (Live At The Belonging Co, Nashville, TN/2020) https://youtu.be/CR7d05-rTuA
Kari Jobe
1.25M subscribers
390,384 views  Nov 27, 2020
“The Wind” official live video by Kari Jobe.
Recorded live in Nashville, TN at The Belonging Co.
Subscribe to Kari Jobe on YouTube: https://karijobe.lnk.to/subscribeYD
#KariJobe #Rest #TheBlessing Kari Jobe - Rest (Live At The Belonging Co, Nashville, TN/2020)
1,337,311 views  Nov 6, 2020
Kari Jobe
“Rest” official live video by Kari Jobe.
Recorded live in Nashville, TN at The Belonging Co.
Subscribe to Kari Jobe on YouTube: https://karijobe.lnk.to/subscribeYD
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lifeiszestyy · 3 years
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*my writing from 2021 from January 1st to December 31st!
*i wrote 800,009 words instead of going to therapy and i did not have the TIME to reread all of it, but i feel as though each of these represent the core of each of my major stories that i wrote this year. i definitely feel accomplished since one of my major hang-ups from the past decade was that i was always too tired from depression and anemia to sit down and write. the downside of writing a lot is, bro, writing for 5+hours a day is not recommended, i don’t recommend it, please take breaks and stretch unlike me. i Have Not exercised since april
*’2021 Drabbles’ and ‘A Thousand Masks’ are part of a Super Mario fanfic project i have with my sister @juliettelime . ‘hmm expl gam’ was a short story where i wanted to explore a scenario i would never put my ocs through in canon. the characters are from the novel i’m planning. ‘lost souls’ is my 670,000+ word self therapy. absolutely self-indulgent and it helped me rediscover my inner hopeless romantic whomst i buried long ago. and ‘love’ is a poem that i wrote as a result of healing from my past relationship trauma
*the first piece of writing is from 1/1/2021 and the last was written today, 12/31/2021 a few hours ago. it’s still a few hours until midnight where i live
*thanks much if you read 🥺💕 onto 2022~!
*transcript under the cut!
2021 Drabbles – 01/01 Brighton January 01
He paced back and forth, a smile on his face. This time, for sure, he’ll get the upper hand on Twila. No more played out draws, no more incidental ties. It had been, what, three thousand or so years since their rivalry started? His chosen players were sure to be the Superstar. Sure, Mario doesn’t always win, but the chances of him winning are pretty high, right? And even if none of his players win (which certainly can’t happen), at least they’ll make the game exciting. They always do! The drama! The pizzazz! The last second bonus star wins! Getting ahead early in the game only to lose it all! Nothing’s better than a party tournament.
Hmm Expl Gam February 25
“Woah, who ordered shrimp?” says Chester from the front seat. He turns around and smirks. “Just kidding. Name’s Chester.” “Oh, so you’re the asshole Jez warned me about.” “I can neither confirm nor deny.” “I can confirm,” says Frey. “So can I,” says Mike as he gets into the car. “Me, too,” says Sven as he also gets in. “Why did James have to ditch me in these trying times?” Chester says with a fake pout.
Lost Souls [1] – 5th Dream May 11
“I don’t want you to forget what it feels like to be unloved, to be used, and to be alone.” She suddenly grabs his head with both hands. “Because I’m still there in these memories, and it hurts! I’m so lonely! No one loves me! No one cares!” He shuts his eyes, but the tears fall freely as his heart feels like it’s about to burst. The pain of being used, the pain of being unwanted, and her voice repeating over and over in his mind.
Lost Souls [2] – Entelecheia June 29
Because analyzing your own behavior is a difficult matter. We can only see so much of ourselves. And we tend to be biased towards certain ideas. You thought that I was going to show you a flashback, a memory. No, I do not deal in memories. I deal in reality, in the present. I can only show you how things are rather than how things could be. Entelechy is the realization of potential and a manifestation of the soul. You must do the work in order to manifest your potential, and you do so by understanding your soul. Who are you, Kade? Do you know? Do you want to know the truth?
love August 22
a kiss on your cheek to remind you where you are a kiss on your lips to remind you who you are
a hand on your back to keep you steady a hand on your heart from a lover who sees you
a kiss on the ear from a lover who hears you fingers intertwined with a lover who loves you
Lost Souls [3] – Chirality August 22
I’m tired, tired, tired, tired. “I know. Me, too. But we can’t rest. We have stories to write and new, better people to meet. It’s not time to end things, not yet.” You do not want me. I am a distraction, a roadblock. You always seek to get rid of me as quickly as possible. “But… I need you to remind me of what’s important. There’s no such thing as a life without pain. Come on. We can rest.”
A Thousand Masks – Chapter 44 September 27
“Eh? Laws are just guidelines. They don’t prevent disorder or chaos, and they aren’t morally correct. They were made by flawed beings. I thought you adults knew everything?” “Little one, I also thought adults knew everything. They seem so confident in how they talk about what they know.” “Aren’t you an adult now, Blumi?” Blumiere chuckled softly. “As it turns out, you don’t just magically gain wisdom once you turn a certain age. I still feel like a child sometimes.” “Like right now?” “Yes.” He sighed again and looked at the child. “Sometimes, you sound like an old man.” The child smiled sweetly. “Even though I’m a brat?”
A Thousand Masks – Chapter 46 September 27
The person I was, the person I used to be, he was buried under so many layers of pain, memories upon memories of death and birth and love and hate and vengeance and brief moments of respite under the stars and the moon and the sun. The memory of a boy sitting under a palm tree by the river, crying, having just lost his parents in an accident that he had no control over. The memory of a boy meeting the daughter of the man he was apprenticed to, her, revealing the trajectory of his life through cards. The memory of a boy with a heart full of love and hope for the future he thought was within his grasp. A perfect world full of magic with her by his side, their fingers locked together.
Lost Souls [4] – New Year’s Eve November 28
“Yes, well, that’s the creative process, isn’t it? Your original concepts may not survive the transition to newer, edited versions. Things change, people, concepts, even the great spirits and the deities themselves. It’s what you make of those changes that’s important. Once you find something that makes sense, you can create a more solid foundation. Your earlier versions of your creative realms and the characters that inhabited them were half formed. But that’s not a bad thing. Those are the steps that were necessary to get better, to improve. But you figured out what worked and have built on it little by little. And I’m proud of you. Beyond what you’ve accomplished here in this realm, I’m proud that you found something to hold onto. This year you began a new journey of self-discovery, and now, here at the end, you’ve blossomed into a wonderfully creative person. I’m excited to see where you go from here.”
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agexpharma-123 · 2 years
The  Indian Chemical Industry is an integral part of the economy. In all different ways it’s a part of our lives. We are inextricably linked to the industry-be it be the furniture we use, cars we drive, garments we put on  or the drugs we consume. Indian Chemical industry is both capital as well as knowledge intensive. This industry is playing important role in meeting up with basic needs of the people and improving their lives. S Epichlorohydrin (67843-74-7) manufacturer India is a leading Indian manufacturer of speciality chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates and aroma chemicals with a global footprint. We manufacture chemicals used in the downstream manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, polymers, additives, surfactants and chirally pure intermediates. Our wide portfolio has made us a global partner of choice for various major global and domestic customers.
Based on composition and end use, chemicals can be divided into following broad categories:
● Bulk Chemicals:
This segment includes basic organic (methanol, acetic acid, phenol, etc.) and inorganic (also known as alkali chemicals, caustic soda, chlorine and soda ash).
●Specialty chemicals:
Also known as performance chemicals are high value compounds with low volume. Paints and adhesives, electronic and oilfield chemicals are few of the specialty chemicals examples.
Chemicals important for agriculture crops to protect against insecticide and pesticides.
Chemicals derived from petrochemicals. Two common classes of petrochemicals are olefins and aromatics.
Fertilizers are organic or inorganic compounds required for the growth of the plants. Manufacturing raw materials for agriculture in fertilizer sector, is the foremost occupation of India.
● Indian chemical industry is vastly diversified with more than 80,000 commercial products in the market. Chemical industry in India is delicensed apart from for few of the hazardous chemicals.
● The market size of chemical industry of India came up at $ 163 billion for FY 2021-2022 and is expected to reach $ 304 billion by 2030, with growth in demand for chemical products by approx. 9 % per annum in coming next five years.
●  India is the third largest producer of chemicals by volume in Asia and sixth largest producer of chemicals in the world.
●India has 3.40% of contribution towards the global chemical industry along with 10.30% of chemical products exports share, making it to rank on 14th in exports globally (excluding pharma products). HIL (India) Ltd, a PSU under the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals has recorded growth in exports in the first two-quarters of FY 2021-2022.
● Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda launched the Phase-II of the Direct Benefit Transfer of Fertilizer Subsidy (DBT 2.0) in July 2019. The new initiatives of DBT 2.0 are DBT Dashboards, PoS 3.0 Software and Desktop PoS Version. The Department of Fertilizers (DoF) has implemented the Phase-I of the DBT system in fertilizer subsidy pan-India in Fertilizers w.e.f. March 2018. 
●India is the third largest consumer of polymer , and fourth largest producer of agrochemicals in the world. With more than 45 technical grade pesticides being manufactured in the homeland, the country qualifies as one of the most dynamic generic pesticide manufacturers in the world. Being a net export earning industry, it has a significant contribution to the foreign exchange basket of the country. 
●India accounts for approx. 16% of the world dyestuff and dye intermediates production, making it a strong dye supplier globally.
●The specialty chemicals market in India  has witnessed 14% growth in past 5 years and is expected to reach $ 70 billion in market size by 2020. India produces many fine and specialty chemicals, which are essential for increasing industrial production. These special chemicals find wide usage as polymer additives, food additives and pigments and anti-oxidants in the rubber industry. 
● Under its diversification programme, FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) has taken up a project to establish a white cement plant near village Nohra Dhar in the Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh, at a project cost of approximately INR 605 cr. 
● Total chemicals and petrochemicals production in India were $ 7,44,607.71 during the year 2021-2022. The petrochemical market is expected to reach $ 100 bn over the next 5 years at a CAGR of 10%.
● Alkali chemicals have the largest share with approx. 69% share in the total production globally.
● Indian Scientists have designed a new non-toxic organic photocatalyst that can efficiently capture CO2 and convert it into methane.
● Indian Chemical Industry has created employment opportunities for more than 2 million people.
● FDI of 100% is allowed in the chemicals sector of India under the automatic route, except for few of the hazardous chemicals.
● Mitsubishi chemicals
●Akzo nobel
● Indian Potash limited (IPL) signs MoU with Israel Chemicals Limited (ICL) for the supply of Muriate of Potash (MOP) for the period 2022 to 2027 with the aim to propel agriculture production and improve lives  of farming community.
● IFFCO has started production of Nano Urea and the work on Nano DAP, as less amount of Nano Urea will be used contrary to the quantity used for fertilizers at present and contribute to higher nutrient use efficiency.
● GOI aims to make Atmanirbhar Bharat in Urea and DAP Production by using 'Green Hydogen'.
●  The Chemical industry in India is expected to grow at 9.3% per annum to reach USD 304 Bn by FY 2025. 
● Fertilizers production (weight: 2.63 percent) declined by 1.4 percent in February 2022 over February 2021. Its cumulative index decreased by 0.4 percent during April to February 2021-22 over the corresponding period of previous year.
● Among Major Chemicals, the production of Pesticides & Insecticides has increased by 25.04% and in the case of Alkali Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals, Organic Chemicals and Dyes & Pigments production has decreased during the period as compared to the last year.
● The production of Pesticides & Insecticides has increased by 32.54% and Organic Chemicals has increased by 2.13% and in case of Alkali Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals, and Dyes & Pigments production has decreased during the period as compared to the last year.
● Exports of Organic and Inorganic chemicals values at  USD 2649.59 mn in March 2022 and records positive growth vis-à-vis March 2021 of 15.76%. 
● Organic and Inorganic chemicals shares 6.56% of the total exports of the country in the month of March.
● Exports of Organic and Inorganic chemicals values at  USD 29152.67 mn from Apr21- Mar22 and records positive growth vis-à-vis Apr20-Mar21 of 31.98%. 
● Organic and Inorganic chemicals shares 6.98% of the total exports of the country in the period Apr21- Mar22.
● Exports of Plastic and Linoleum values at  USD 811.53 mn in March 2022 and records positive growth vis-à-vis March 2021 of 12.78%. 
● Plastic and Linoleum shares 2.01% of the total exports of the country in the month of March.
● Exports of Indian Chemicals has registered growth of 106% in 2021-22 over 2013-14. India’s exports of Chemicals for 2021-22 hit a record at USD 29296 Mn.
Indian chemical industry is expected to register a growth of 8-9% in the next decade and is expected to double its share in global chemical industry to 5-6% by 2030. Indian Chemical industry has the potential to grow significantly provided some of the key growth imperatives are taken care of. Securing Feedstock, Right Product Mix, M&A opportunities are currently the key imperatives for chemical industry in India. Few investment opportunities can be highlighted as:
1.                            Chemical companies in India can either explore alternate feedstock or invest in setting up plants in resource rich nations to secure feedstock.
2.                             Companies need to invest in exploring the right product mix to be competitive and profitable using the available feedstock in India i.e. Naphtha and its derivatives.
3.                             Indian companies can explore possible Merger, JV opportunities for technology, capital or access to international market by taking advantage of increasing expansion of western companies in India.  
4.                            Chemical companies can invest in exploring strategic energy management and strategic water management to cut down their energy costs and contain water availability concerns.
5.                            Companies can invest in upcoming PCPIRs in India and overcome challenges related to  infrastructure, power and water availability.  
6.                            There are good opportunities in segments such as Speciality Chemicals, Speciality Polymers, for catering to huge emerging domestic demand as also as a manufacturing hub.
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strategyr-blog · 7 years
The Global Market for Chiral Technology Enabling Products is Projected to Reach US$7.6 Billion by 2022
Supportive Regulations, Government Investments & Patent Extensions Drive the Global Chiral Technology Market, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
GIA launches comprehensive analysis of industry segments, trends, growth drivers, market share, size and demand forecasts on the global Chiral Technology market. The global market for Chiral Technology Enabling Products is projected to reach US$7.6 billion by 2022, driven by government investments and incentives, supportive regulations, and extension of patent protection for chiral extensions of existing non-chiral drugs.
Chiral technology and chirality are widespread in the lives of people. Hair sprays, clothes, drugs for treating diseases, and several common materials are all composed of organic molecules, many of them chiral. Over the past few years, progress made in the technology has had a growing influence on pharmaceutical research and development. Chiral technology also plays a pivotal role in addressing requirements of the pharmaceuticals sector in the manufacture of optically pure molecules, including APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) and intermediates that are utilized as the framework for single enantiomer drugs. Robust growth in the market is driven by supportive regulations, government investments and incentives, and continuous expansion of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Apart from regulations, drug efficiency and cost efficiency, the major and important factor driving growth of chiral intermediates in pharmaceuticals is the extension of patent protection for drugs manufactured from enantiomers. Chiral extensions of existing non-chiral drugs utilize a new compound that differs in many ways from the older compound and automatically leads to an extension of the all-important patent rights.
Technological advancements and collaborations between academic institutions and research labs are driving demand for chiral technologies, together with research activities in the fields of medicines, genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics which are helping increase the use of chiral columns. New developments in the field of chiral technology as well as demand for enantiopure compounds are expected to spur growth in the market. Future growth in the market will be supported by increasing spending by several governments on clinical research, strong focus of companies on acquisitions and mergers to expand product portfolios and market presence and growing availability of next-generation chiral chromatography methods with sophisticated features. Despite the opportunities for growth, the market will face challenges coming from the complexity of chiral chemistry, slow commercialization of novel chiral technology-based chemicals and drugs, lack of proficient skilled staff and high cost of chromatography equipment.
As stated by the new market research report on Chiral Technology, Europe represents the largest market worldwide. Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East together rank as the fastest growing market with a combined CAGR of 7.1% over the analysis period, led by increased outsourcing of drug development activities to China and India. China represents the largest as well as the fastest growing market for chiral technology. While increasing R&D activities and growing adoption in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are the primary drivers of chiral chromatography columns in India, strong focus on research remains the most important factor for increasing penetration of chiral chromatography columns in Japan. Chiral Intermediates constitute the largest segment in the global chiral technology enabling products market, while Pharmaceuticals represent the largest end-use application area for chiral technology enabled products.
Major players in the market include Agilent Technologies Inc., Albemarle Corporation, BASF SE, Cambrex Corporation, Chiral Quest (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., Chiral Technologies Inc., Daicel Corporation, Johnson Matthey Fine Chemicals, Phenomenex Inc., Regis Technologies Inc., Shimadzu Corporation, Sigma Aldrich Corp., Solvias AG, Sterling Pharma Solutions Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., and YMC America Inc. among others.
The research report titled "Chiral Technology: A Global Strategic Business Report" announced by Global Industry Analysts Inc., provides a comprehensive review of trends, issues, and strategic industry activities of major companies worldwide. The report provides market estimates and projections for geographic markets, such as the United States, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World. The report also analyzes the Chiral Technology Enabling Products market by segments - Intermediates, Analytical, and Others. End-use applications analyzed in the report include Pharmaceuticals, and Agrochemicals.
 For enquiries e-mail us at [email protected] or [email protected].          To connect with us, visit our LinkedIn page.
  Global Industry Analysts, Inc. 6150 Hellyer Ave., San Jose CA 95138, USA, All Rights Reserved. 
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