mossyinkynebulous · 1 year
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Whiteboard drawings done with @alwaysdevillain
"sorry" for the cursed vibes
Prompts: warm up, Bottle/Fragile/Lace, Toxic/Sun/Tears, and Hero/Innocent/Passionate
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dippyface · 2 years
it's October time for annual call to my landlord to be like "bitch the heat ofc won't come on bc I've had it off for 6 months"
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teamstormbow · 11 months
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Chillbies. Chilled chibies. Featuring some of his more iconic (and blursed) looks.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
But I was talking about their individual Grillby abilities.
Ooooo lol my bad
Grillby/grills: they call theirs lightly salted. Basically their flames taste salty. Anyone struck by their flames is left feeling like they just licked a Pringle (and in pain from whatever damage they just took lol)
Felby: he can reverse the temperature of his flames making them feel cold. He can only hold this for a few seconds at a time though
Spinby: when he spins, his flames spark and crackle like a sparkler. It’s a fun party trick!
Steallby: he has a sort of hovering ability where he can stand a few inches off the ground and stay in place if he concentrates
Farbon: his special ability is dragons flame. Basically when he breathes fire, the flames coming out his mouth make the shape of a dragon. Very cool party trick
Chillby: she is a rare flame elemental with a second affinity, ice! It’s her special ability to be able to use ice magic as well. If she was interested in fighting, she’d be a real powerhouse
Dolby: he can turn on electronics without having to touch them! He calls it his electric glare
Phoenix: he can briefly change the color of his wings flame feathers to suit his lighting needs. It’s beautiful to watch
Kelby: she always lands on her feet. No matter how high she’s falling or at what angle, she’ll land on her feet
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bluemoonbitties · 2 years
This post is bound to change
Available to adopt:
Sans Bitties
Sansy by @fucken-crybaby
Punny by @fucken-crybaby
Edgy by @fucken-crybaby
Baby Blue by @fucken-crybaby
Runt/Cherry by @fucken-crybaby
Soft Bones by @fucken-crybaby
Bittybone Chillby by @chillysansy
Papy Bitties
Papy by @bittybones-au
Boss by @bittybones-au
Meek by @bittybones-au
Lil' Bro by @bittybones-au
. Poppy by @bittybones-au
Teacup by @bittybones-au
Pamyrus by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Paprika by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Coral by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Papilly by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Cupcake by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Fluffy Fluff by @nazo677
Original Bitties
Electric Blues
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Broken Hopes: Freezeout continued
I chuckle and joke that my chilidogs taste like dirt.
Papyrus laughs at my joke and stands up.
"Sorry, but I gotta go. Sans is going to be furious if I don't show at my station. He keeps trying to get into the Royal Guard even though it got disbanded twenty-one years ago."
"Well, tell him for me that he's gotta stop."
"Nyeh heh heh! Will do, Frisk."
Chillby taps me on the shoulder and asks me to meet him in the kitchen. I nod and go to the kitchen.
"Frisk… uh… you need a break. At least fourteen weeks off. And, well, I learned from Sans that today's your birthday, so I've decided to give you a day off today. Don't worry about the pub. It's about time I started actually doing my job instead of letting you do everything. Go home and get some rest. You can use the back exit."
"W-what? No. I… I… alright."
I use the back exit and head home. The door opens, and I step inside. I close the door, take off my apron and put it on the hook. I go to sit down on the couch and relax, but Sans is sleeping on it.
He wakes up, probably sensing that someone is there, standing over him, and sees me there.
"oh, heya kid. chillby let you off early or something?"
"He's given me at least 14 weeks off."
"hey, good! uh, i think you should take a shower. you haven't had the chance to in a decade, right?"
(Despite not having taken a shower in a decade, Frisk appears very clean. She 'cleans' herself using ice magic.)
"Yeah. I'll go do that."
I go to the bathroom and hop in the shower. As the warm water spills over me, I feel rejuvenated. As I wash myself, a decade's worth of dirt gets rinsed down the drain. The ice magic only got rid of the grime, not the dirt.
Feels good, innit? I bet you haven't felt this warm since you actually had sleep.
Shh. Not right now… Chara, right?
Mhm. After you get out of the shower, and take a nap, there's someone I want you to meet… again.
Is it Azzy?
Yeah. His full name is Asriel Tobias Dreemurr.
By now, I’ve gotten out of the shower, dried off, and dressed into new clothes.
If ya wanna talk face to face, I’ve a way to do that. You just gotta find a mirror. “Hey, Sans!”
“yeah, kid?”
“Do I have a room in this house? I’ve forgotten since—”
“sure ya do. it’s behind the door in between papyrus and my room.”
“no prob, bob.”
I go to my room and look around at the place I used to spend a lot of time in.
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shokoraa · 2 years
cruisin' through the apocalypse with my hitman because Namimori has no chill
cruisin' through the apocalypse with my hitman because Namimori has no chill
By: Ourliazo
Summary: A month after Tsuna is accosted by a handsome man in a suit claiming to be his new 'home tutor', the zombie pandemic finally hits Japan. And, really, nothing much changes.
Status: Complete
Words: 3,773  Chapters: 3/3  Language: English
Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: No Archive Warnings Apply
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: Reborn, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians, Hibari Kyouya
Relationship: Reborn & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi & Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Additional Tag: Alternate Universe - COVID-19, Alternate Universe - Adult Arcobaleno, Warning: Hibari Kyouya, Alternate Universe - Zombies, The First Thing You Learn Is That Reborn Is An Asshole, Adult Reborn - Freeform, Daily Life Arc (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Skull's Masochistic Streak, Fluff and Humor, I wanted zombies but got Covid instead, Fix-it fic for the pandemic?, Reborn and Tsuna's abusive and rather sadistic friendship
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downheart-ut · 3 years
I'm surprised I haven't seen the name "Chillby" been used for an ice Grillby. I guess there's a first for everything.
Also I'll be working on the locations of each area and some side characters like this one so stay tuned for that :)
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Cool Owner of Chillby's Parlor
Chillby is a dry ice monster, and while he can't melt, cold gases can be seen emminating from him.
While Chillby does serve ice cream, he also serves other cold treats like Fudge, Pudding, and Margaritas for adult monsters
Sans does pay Chillby since he feels guilty for not doing so, but Chillby occasionally has his order on the house
Papyrus and the Bunny sisters sometimes volunteer to help Chillby with the parlor
Likes to have conversations/small talk with his customers so they don't have to feel lonely
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spookym00kie · 5 years
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My Masterpiece Art on this year, I hope you guys loved it!😘💕
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dippyface · 2 years
it's fucken chillby
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ask-ufpapyrus · 4 years
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Heheheh chillz be a sap
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
What're they like when they've got a crush?
Grillby/grills: they’re chattier, and they tend to hover. Like you’ll see them right by you if you’re ever talking yo someone else. Grills more so, he lost his subtly in the famine lol
Felby: he’s very charming and flirtatious, it’s like he can turn off his grumpiness when he’s around someone he wants in his bed lol. He gets bored of his crushes easily though, and they never last
Spinby: he’s cuddly, very very cuddly. If you’re ok with it, he always seems to be touching you somehow, like leaning on you, a hand on your shoulder, or waist if he’s being especially bold
Steallby: he’s softer, he doesn’t rely as much on his fake aggressive mask he uses around others. And he tends to stutter a bit around his crush
Farbon: lol he’s definitely nicer and cuddlier but he won’t realize he has a crush until said crush either confesses first or calls him out on it
Chillby: lol, the second she knows she’s crushing she confesses. Chillby is not a patient monster
Phoenix: he’s aromantic and has never had a crush before
Kelby: she shows off hoping to impress her crush. So she cooks more elaborate meals, shows her strength, and dresses up more for them
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snapsicle · 4 years
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my custom furb is finished! i love the way he came out! he’s very chubby and fluffy, especially right next to my other furbies :D his name is Chillby (A combination of Chill + Furby, creative i know) and he likes rock music & cold weather! (he has also been known to cosplay as Snap from Chalkzone) 
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cyberfell · 5 years
Gift animation for @kitsunewolf95
Based on this.
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meine01-main · 4 years
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How about Chillby headcanon?
Ice boy who doesn't mind to offer you a hot drink and a warm meal. His cabin migh be a bit chilly in the air but he has a fireplace to keep it's atmosphere. Holding the cold close to him. He can also make you some special flavored icecream
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Broken Hopes: Freezeout continued
I almost faint when I see one burger patty on the griddle. Thankfully, it isn't burnt.
I hear someone, probably the plant monster, complain about not having received their burger yet. I very quickly prepare the burger with the condiments that I know the plant monster usually has and hurriedly bring it out to them.
"Hrm. Took you long enough," they mumble.
"I-i-i'm sorry. I forgot you had ordered a burger," I say, breathing heavily.
"Just don't forget next time, or I might not come back here."
"O-okay. I'll… okay."
I bow apologetically and return to the kitchen to prepare the chilidogs.
Chillby is in the kitchen, and he got started on the chilidogs for me. "Thanks, Chillby. I got it from here," I say. Chillby simply shakes his head and says, "Naw, I got it. Your chilidogs don't turn out too well, anyway. I'll deliver 'em to Papyrus for you, as well."
"There's no need. I got it."
Chillby pauses and looks at me before firmly telling me to return to the counter. I reluctantly nod and go back out.
“Hey. How’s the ‘dogs comin’ along?” Papyrus asks.
I yawn and say, “Chillby’s doin’ ‘em.”
Papyrus, probably… no… definitely worried about me, lends me his scarf. “You can return it tonight,” he says. I refuse it, saying that it is against the rules to wear anything other than the uniform during my shift. Papyrus makes googly eyes pop out of his head, and he looks angry.
“YOUR SHIFT IS FROM 4:20 A.M. TO 4:10 A.M.,” he shouts quietly, “Why does Chillby make your shift 23 hours and 50 minutes long? And why does he not have any other employees?”
“I ask myself that every f**king day,” I mutter. My thoughts are interrupted by an unexpected voice.
I finally got back into your head. Your Determination’s been so weak for the past… DECADE… that I haven’t been able to talk to ya, partner.
I’m sorry, but I can’t talk right now… Who are you, again?
Ya know, I don’t blame you for not remembering me, Frisk. I haven’t talked to ya in over a decade, so… yeah. And the last time I did talk to you, I shouted at you and made ya cry like Azzy. It’s me, Chara.
Don’t tell me you forgot teh fluffy goat bro, too!
I don’t respond.
Papyrus waves his hand in front of my face and says, “Helloooo. Earth to Frisk? You’ve been staring off into space and polishing the same spot on that pint glass for over ten minutes. Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah. I just… was thinking.”
“Well, that’s dangerous,” Papyrus jokes. “In all seriousness, the chilidogs that Chillby made were delicious!”
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