#child/adult shippers dont touch this i swear i will
questionabletrash · 1 year
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haven't felt the best lately but i finally managed to draw something and i only passed out once!!!!
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ruffiorocks · 6 years
Supergirl Season 2 episode 1 review. The Kara and James relationship. (Or lack of) FYI. Long Post and NOT James friendly!)  In this essay i will.... actually write an essay!😅
 OK so the parts in bold are what i deemed the most important parts of James and Kara non relationship in this episode. In case you don't want to read it all!
2.28 into the episode and Kara sees Mon El for the first time. (IF i was a Karamel shipper i would say this is where James went out of the window. But one look at at an unconscious guy and falling for him is super creepy! )
3.55 in and Kara is over enthusiastic and rambling about her date with James. While the whole time  Alex looks awkward as hell.
4.14 in and Alex is telling Kara she is doing that thing where she is super over eager which means she really isn't but she's trying to convince herself that she is.
4.20 in and Kara is trying to convince Alex that she is excited but seems to be trying to convince herself more than Alex. Alex just isn't buying it.
7.27 in and Kara is rushing to get ready.
7.35 in and Kara is struggling to find the correct outfit.
7.43- There’s a knock in the door and Kara looks in the mirror, takes a breath and looks like she is mentally preparing for this. 
7.58 - Awkward ‘do you want to come in or go out?'
8.03 - James produces Pizza and Pot stickers, Kara snatches the food and honestly looks more excited about the food than she has about James the entire episode so far! 
8.10 - Kara says pot stickers and Pizza are her favorite. To which James replies ‘Which i know about you!’ Well why wouldn't he know that? They have been friends for a whole year, is this supposed to be impressive?
8.17 - James is surprised Kara isn’t watching the Venture launch because ‘I know how into the Space program you are’. TWICE! Twice in the last 6 minutes he felt the need to point out to Kara two things he knew about her. Who are you trying to convince here James? 
8.25 - Kara puts the TV on, seemingly more interested in the food and it than James. She’s way more excited James said she could put it on than she has been about their date so far. 
11.22 - Kara shows way more excitement about seeing Clark than anything she has shown in regards to James and her date. 
11.37 - Kara shows more excitement and joy in teaming up with Clark than she has ever shown in regards to anything about dating James. This here is what real excitement looks like.
12.43 - Winn shows more excitement and heart eyes in meeting Clark than Kara has EVER shown towards James. 
13.29 - Alex, who in a few episodes will realize she’s gay tells Kara ‘your cousin smells terrific’. Alex the soon to be lesbian shows more interest in Clark than Kara has towards James. 
14.19- Winn tells Clark he looks fantastic. (I ship it!) 
15.28 - Clark is telling James that everyone at the Daily Planet has missed him, and he says he missed them to but he likes it in National City. He says this while glancing at Kara who is nervously touching her glasses and looking really awkward. Thankfully Cat rescued Kara from this situation. 
16.44 - James and Kara have another awkward chat about their rushed date, Kara rambles on about how it isn't OK and it was an important step for them and how they will make a plan, execute the plan fully. Even James says ‘that sounds errr. romantic’. Kara is clearly over compensating here, she doesn't want to do this. 
17.15 - Kara says she wants it to work, James does to aaaaaand cue another interruption. 
18.50 Kara meets Lena
19.02 - Lena turns around and makes eye contact with Kara. 
19.06 - Lena smirks at Kara and asks who she is. 
19.09 - Kara is having trouble remembering her own name! 
19.37 - Clark tells Lena her name isnt Smith its Luthor. Cue Kara glancing at Clark  and giving him a curious look, like ‘Come on, thats not fair’. 
19.44 - Lena tells her back story, but she tells it directly to Kara, not to Clark.
20.12 - ‘Im just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside her family, you understand that?’ Kara ‘YES!’ Lena's already showing she has more in common with Kara than i think James has ever had! 
20.33 Lena ‘Just give me a chance Mr Kent, im here for a fresh start, let me have one’. 
20.38 - Clark tells Lena to have a good day, while in the back ground Kara nods approval at Clark’s answer. Almost as if to say, good job for not being harsh on her again. 
20.52 - Kara asks Clark what he thinks about Lena, he says he's learned not to trust what Luthors say. 
20.59 - Kara tells Clark she isnt a reporter but she kind of believed Lena. 
21.17 - Kara asks Clark how he does it all, the Supergirl part of her life is clear but the rest of it isnt. 
20.32 - Clark says You mean Jimmy?’ Cue Kara’s utter (and quite frankly odd) surprise that he knew about this. 
22.22 - Clark tells Kara to trust her heart and if things are right with James she will know it. Kudos to Clark here, he didnt try to push her towards James. (Like Alex will later do with Mon El) 
25.59 - Kara saves Lena and the helicopter and tells Lena she is safe. 
26.13 -back at Cat Co Kara runs into James stating she’s been looking for him, cue more Kara rambling (i swear this is the most rambling in a single episode we have see so far). She goes on about how nothing is getting in the way of their date. All the while James is looking so done with this situation. While Kara is suggesting Italian and she’ll even fly there he interrupts her. 
26.26 - James says its OK, and asks her to just admit that something has changed for her. 
26.30 - Kara gets as far as saying ‘James’ before she is rudely interrupted  by him saying ‘dont tell me im wrong, or im imagining something because i know you, i thought its what you wanted’. Ignoring the fact that this is the third time in this episode alone James has felt the need to tell Kara he knows her or something about her. He isnt even allowing her to speak.
26.39 - Kara finally stops trying to convince herself she want to be with James. 
26.53 - Kara says she doesnt know what she wants. 
26.54 - The smile James had is now gone, even though he was the one who told her from the start of this conversation to admit something is different. Kara does him the curtsy of doing what he just asked her to do and his response is ‘ Well thats honest at least’ and then he walks off, leaving her in the middle of Cat Co. Dude!! You can’t tell people to admit something is wrong, then act all butt hurt when something is in fact wrong. Instead of acting like a mature adult and not a teenager, he doesn't try to discuss it further, no he walks away butt hurt and wounded like she owed him something. 
(honestly if Kara hadn’t realized James isnt what she wants already, then this should have been the thing that convinced her. I would say she doesn't want to be dating a man child, but we all know what she ends up doing later this season!) 
28.06 - Cat Grant tells Kara to dive! 
28.57 - Cat tells Kara they are used to their comfort zones, but in order to live they have to keep daring and diving. Im curious, does this mean that James was simply a comfort zone for Kara? If she had gotten with him would she have been settling? 
30.29 - Kara is comfortable enough with Lena to walk to the naming ceremony with her and Lena is already confiding in Kara. 
31.30 - Lena is attacked (again), James is at the naming ceremony for some reason. I still dont know why, all he does is ‘save’ someone by helping someone stand up who was already about to do it anyway. Then we dont see him again here. Was this some Guardian foreshadowing? If it was it was s**t!
31.57 - Alex saves Lena from Corbin.
33.22 - Lena returns the favor and saves Alex from Corbin when Kara couldn't. Lena is already showing she is more useful than James has been this whole episode. First she handed over the flash drive, then she saved Alex’s life.
33.36 - Far from looking pissed at Lena for shooting someone, Kara looks impressed. 
33.49 - Alex says ‘ nice work Supergirl’ Er.... Alex? are you forgetting that it was Lena who just saved your ass and she is still standing right there?!! Kara ‘i had help’ she says while looking at Clark in the sky! Err... Kara? again Lena is stood right there! You may have saved the building but Alex is alive because of Lena. This right here unfortunately is just the beginning of Lena saving lives and the world and it either being under appreciated, ignored or Kara getting the credit. A trend that has lasted all the way up to the current season. 
33. Back at L Corp, Lena thanks Clark for writing about how she shot Corbin, Yes Clark! At least you noticed and gave her the credit she deserved! Clark even says he was wrong about Lena. A lesson that will take James a lot longer to learn, while using Clark’s experiences as his reasons. Ironic that Clark was cool with Lena by the end of the first episode. 
34.18 - Lena looks at Kara in THAT way and flusters her once again. She essentially tells her she should be a reporter. Kara in response looks like she just had a religious experience. 
34.31 - Lena. ‘I hope this isn't the last time we talk?’ Kara still flustered ‘ I hope not either’. 
34.40 - Literally the next scene and Kara is telling Cat she wants to be a reporter. Lena, a woman Kara met that day told her she could be a reporter and suddenly she wants to be one. 
Ironically, James spent the whole episode telling Kara all the things he ‘knew about her’ while getting no where. Yet Lena says she thought she was a reporter and suddenly Kara is ecstatic and wants to be one. Lena, a woman who doesn't know Kara, knows Kara better than James does! 
35.20 - Cat gives Kara her CV, it has ‘Reporter’ written across it. Wow.. Cat and Lena had the same realization about Kara the moment they met her! Clever women! Yet Kara’s family, friends and the guy she is about to date were NO help at all in this situation. (Well Clark was a bit! )
36.11 - Cat tells Kara that she inspires her and she sees the hero in her. Lena will later say the same things to both Kara and Supergirl. 
36.53-  Kara meets James on the Cat Co balcony. She tells him that back on Krypton she would be a spinster, something to lighten the mood. But instead of appreciating this, or even acknowledging the fact that, joke or not, Kara just shared some Kryptonian heritage, James is still butt hurt and sulking and he IGNORES her! This prompts Kara into saying she knows she should have things figure out but she doesn't. Last year was about Supergirl, and now its time to figure out who Kara is. 
37.22 - Kara tells James he was right, something has changed. She wanted them together but now her heart is telling her they are best as friends. (and you know what? Thats OK! you can have a failed date with a friend and realize you should stay friends). 
37.41 - James, finally realizes that he has lost this battle and his sulking wont change that, he tells her that they will always be friends and gives her shoulder a squeeze. (Weirdly he does the same shoulder grab/squeeze on Lena’s bare shoulder, but that time is super creepy!)
37.49 - Kara tells James shes’s off to see Clark and invites him to join her, James obviously still sulking says no, but tells her to say hi to Clark for him. Wow... mature James, mature. 
38.03 - Winn is invited to become a permanent member of the DEO. Alex even requested his help at the start of the episode. Id like to take this opportunity to point out that James will NEVER be invited to join the DEO. He simply turns up there and people tolerate his presence. Alex only ever acts annoyed and puts up with James at the DEO,  and pissed at the Guardian nonsense. Winn she wanted there. Even Lena is invited to come and help at the DEO and is welcome there. Why? Because she is actually useful!
39.00 - Clark says he likes it want Kara talks about Krypton. A fact that went over James’ head earlier who didnt appreciate that at all. 
OK! That was a lot. But ive concluded that throughout this entire episode Kara did NOT want to date James. She tried to convince herself she did and that is not good, even Alex noticed this immediately.
Kara rambled and didnt look comfortable with James at all!
Kara had more chemistry with Lena than she did with James the entire episode (or the  previous season). She even showed more interest in her than anything James had to say. 
Kara didnt deliberately mess up her time with James, but he acted like she did. She didnt ask to have the whole Venture, Lena, Corbin emergencies. She even went out of her way to try and fix this. But it was ALL about him. 
James even told Kara to admit there was an issue, he didn't let her speak before going on at her again. Then when she respected him (something he hadn't done) enough to do as he asked, he got butt hurt and walked off like the mature adult he is. 
The writers really went out of their way to destroy whatever spark had been there huh? they couldnt even drag it across two episodes. I have to be honest. I never liked that ship anyway. It took me a while to even remember their ship name! 
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