#chicken garroth...
mcdgarroth · 1 month
How MCD Characters Who Never Interacted Would Be Like With Each Other
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1dreamsareweird1 · 6 months
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grandmarielaylanen · 7 months
MCD out of context (part 5)
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baybeeu · 1 year
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2023 - 2017 - 2016
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
He also voices Lucinda’s ex boyfriend. And other characters. It’s wild.
Just went through the VA page
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Malachi, Ivan the ex-boyfriend, some background characters, filling in for a couple MyStreet guys . . . Xavier?? Xavier the dude who created the Jury of Nine??? LEVIN????
I was watching S2 last night and I did not connect Levin & Malachi’s voices at all. I thought Malachi was voiced by Andy Cowley (Garroth & Jeffory's main VA) because to me it sounded like Garroth and Malachi speak with the same cadence, but Kellen Goff's always voiced Malachi. Andy Cowley used to voice LEVIN though - he voiced him at the start of S2 and Kellen later took over as Levin's VA is both MCD & MyS.
We're learning things today, y'all.
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happy valentines day!!
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eepythegoof · 7 months
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Just some Aphmau doodles I made awhile ago
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stellisketches · 2 years
I’ve never made a fancast of what actors should play who in Diaries mostly because I’m picky and I’d have to find someone who looks exactly like how I picture them in my head, however the one (1) exception to that rule is Castor the Chicken Shaman, who is specifically designed be played by Jack Black. 
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Despite seeming like a dog guy, Garroth is actually afraid of dogs. He prefers cats, but he will be around dogs… just not very casually.
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mcdgarroth · 6 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 10
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Part 1 Part 9 Part 11
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whorencezvahl · 2 years
Some fun facts about me and @hotpockt00 's my apartment complex:
☆ Laurence, Aphmau, and Garroth are in a poly relationship and all live in a shared apartment, they're trying to save up to get a house together.
☆ Part of the saving up for a house together is a swear jar
☆ Laurence is a Target manager, Garroth is currently in college, and Aphmau is working at Cadenza's boutique (as well as part time at KC's café)
☆ Dante is sharing an apartment with Gene and Travis (its going about as well as you'd expect)
☆ Vylad is actually staying in the upstairs room of said Boutique as works there as well. (Vylad uses they/them pronouns in our rewrite) and they're also good friends with Cadenza.
☆ Dante is a streamer
☆ Zane is not a part of the apartment complex, he actually got his parents old house which is a slay for him. (He gets lonely someone please interact with him)
☆ Castor also works at Target
☆ Yes Castor is in this me and my bestie fucking love him
☆ We are including a lot of MCD characters that were forgotten,, mainly because we are both MAJOR MCD fans
☆ Hunter is in this because, Jonah Scott voices him. He also works at Target.
If you have any questions or want to know about any characters (if included/what they're doing) feel free to drop them or send an ask !!
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gumbootillustrations · 2 months
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i found out that there's a second volume, which means a second cover...
anyway, i like to think that laurance had to confess to garroth several times, not because he kept chickening out, but rather because garroth is so fucking dense that he kept thinking that laurance's declarations of love were platonic.
(he gets there in the end, but it takes an intervention.)
(also, yes, i have realised that i have kept drawing laurance's scabbard and dagger holster on the wrong sides. this shall be rectified in the future.)
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attourney-at-lycan · 1 year
in my mind, i have an au where garroth turned into a shadow knight instead of laurance. it’s not overly detailed but it’s just a fun ‘what if’
smthn smthn, laurance didn’t get stuck in the nether and saved the chicken shaman but was gravely injured smthn smthn they thought only zoey’s healing magicks could save him but it was aphmau’s irene magick
garroth, on the other hand, went to the nether to try and save zenix bc he thought ‘aint no way my wittle boy zenix (32 y/o 6′5 man) would do this w/o a reason’ basically in denial
but he goes to the nether and gets stuck BC HIS ASS WENT W/ A GAPING WOUND IN HIS CHEST he did not let anyone heal him jsut went alone
and then boom, shadow knight garroth
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gonedreaminggg · 22 days
Laurance Zvahl's Hair
this wasn't supposed to happen. i promise. it just appeared in my drafts.
but, as promised, here is almost 2000 words about Laurance Zvahl's hair. (with some garrance sprinkled in there for the crazies 😏)
Laurance and his hair go way back. When he was a kid, it was always messy. He'd get dirt and grime in it and Hayden would always just shake his head and tell him to bathe when he got home from playing all day. His light brown locks would get so long in between haircuts, and the longer it was the more likely it was to get matted. So Hayden would cut it very very short, stopping right behind his ears.
But, he'd be able to escape Hayden's scissors every once in a while. If something was amiss in the village, it would take up all of Hayden's time. So, he managed to grow it out long again.
Until one day, when Laurance was 8. Him and Cadenza were playing in the backyard, and she pushed him a bit harder than she thought. He ended up crashing into the chicken wire fence. His hair got all tangled up in it, and he was stuck. Cadenza was all panicked, apologizing profusely as she yelled for their father. Hayden grabbed his scissors and cut Laurance free from the fence. It was super super short, shorter than it had ever been. And super choppy, too.
After that, Laurance was terrified of haircuts. He never let anyone cut his hair ever again. And at this time in his life, he was getting more curious about his parents. And his heritage. There were people still in Meteli that knew his parents. They were Tu'layan immigrants, much like most of the population in Meteli. He wanted to know more about Tu'la and its culture. One of the things he learned was the superstitions they had about hair. There's an intense spiritual connection to it. It's a part of their spirit. It holds their strength and confidence. It connects them to the land around them.
After that, Laurance definitely did not want to cut his hair. In respect for his parents and his heritage. He also truly believed that it held his strength. If he wanted to be a guard, or a lord, he needed his strength. He grew it out for years. When he meets Aphmau, the last time he had cut his hair was the whole chicken wire fiasco. It was so insanely long, and damaged from the dye Cadenza had put in it. He usually held it in a messy braid, just to keep it cleaner. And yes, he finally learned how to take care of his hair in the years he'd been growing it.
When he was at the guard academy, he had no clue what to do with his hair. He had the longest hair out of the boys. The girls training there called him “wasted potential.” Which had nothing to do with his fighting skills, by the way. He was already climbing the ranks in his first two years there. Eventually, one of the girls took pity on him, and gave him a bottle of conditioner. She taught him how to do the towel wrap thingy, which he thought was literal magicks.
After that, girls literally started flocking around him and Garroth. And he earned his flirtatious attitude from that. He never had a girlfriend at the guard academy, but he did get around.
Garroth was very intrigued by his hair. He’d never seen a boy with hair so long. He asked Laurance why he kept it long. To him, it seemed more like a pain than anything. When he talked to Garroth, it was the first and really only time he explained everything about his hair. What it meant to him, why he had started growing it out in the first place, and his complete disdain for chicken wire fences. Garroth understood, but still questioned how difficult it might be when fighting. Laurance never gave him an answer.
Cadenza had also taught him how to braid his hair. Around the time they were 18, Laurance’s hair was so unruly, but he was absolutely not gonna let her cut it. So, she braided it for him whenever he had a shift at the guardpost. Eventually, she taught him how to do it. She was getting tired of taking care of his mess of a mane.
A few years later, Cadenza had the bright idea to dye Laurance’s hair. She was so adamant about it. But Laurance always remarked on how it looked like her head was on fire. But she ended up convincing him. Laurance regretted it immediately. He had been ready for some sort of change. But once he saw it, he just started laughing. He really DID look like Cadenza. Which is weird, seeing as they’re adopted siblings and from completely different racial backgrounds. But they have the same soft features, and the same sharp jawline.
And then, he met Aphmau. She was the first woman he really had to try with. In Meteli, if he gave someone the right look, they’d be fawning over him. But he was so interested in Aphmau. She was allusive, and powerful. And she did not give a shit about him. Yes, she was a very caring person, but all of his sly remarks were ignored. However, she was very interested in his hair. A lot of people were, but she didn’t know the meaning behind it. Once he told her, she was fascinated. The idea of hair holding spirit and strength enticed her, and it really resonated with her, too. She let Laurance braid her hair whenever he wanted after that.
When Laurance gets out of the nether, he feels entirely lost and disconnected from himself. Cadenza offers to clean him up, and get him in some new clothes. Even though he's blind, Cadenza can see the emptiness in his eyes. She offers to dye his hair back to its original color. And there's something unlocked within him. His hair. It feels wrong, and heavy. Not so much because of how dirty it is, his own blood and sweat in it. It's weighed down by everything that's happened. He's something new now. Something that feels less. "Cut it off," He says. Cadenza freezes. She knows why he keeps his hair long, and has witnessed his hatred of haircuts first hand. But she does it anyway. Whatever Laurance needs from her, she'll do it.
When Garroth saw him later that night at the baby shower, he was more than concerned. He really hadn’t seen much of Laurance since they’d found him, terrified of seeing him in that state. But then he did. He was blind. His hair was cut short, and it was brown again. Garroth knew more than anyone what Laur’s hair meant. He was scared of what this implied. And he knew Laurance was a Shadow Knight now. He couldn’t have survived the nether for that long without being transformed. Laurance was his friend, maybe more, but he was someone else now.
A distance formed between them. Laurance was struggling, even when his sight somewhat came back. And Garroth kept thinking about the amendment he made in the Guard’s Oath. He didn’t want Laurance dead, but he wanted Aphmau safe. And then, she wasn’t. She had left, and they hadn’t heard from her in weeks. So, with some malice between them, the two guards had to go find their Lord.
When Laurance, Garroth, and Aphmau went on that long journey, all of their hair grew out pretty fast. He saw Garroth and Aphmau cutting each other's hair one time. He didn't really mention it, not wanting anyone to get any ideas about HIS hair. But, eventually, Garroth pointed out the literal rat's nest growing on his head. Laurance let him cut his hair. It was the first haircut he ever had that he didn't hate. From then on, only Garroth could touch his hair.
Laurance realized how easy it was to take care of short hair. He hadn’t had hair this short since he was a child. But he felt lighter. He felt like he had completely changed as a person, now that he was a Shadow Knight. He held his strength elsewhere, now. He was growing a disdain for his heritage, and his past. Being something new opened a different chapter of his life. He was beginning to hate his human side, and his culture. So he let Garroth cut his hair every once in a while.
And then they went to the Irene dimension. And Garroth got left behind. Laurance was in a world without his other half, which Garroth had grown to be. He stopped thinking about his hair really, and when he did it was memories of Garroth sitting behind him, knife in hand as he trimmed his hair. So, over the months, maybe years that Garroth was gone, he began to grow his hair again. Was it in respect for Garroth this time? The memories they shared, the time they had lost?
By the time they saved Garroth, and Aaron had died, Laurance’s hair was past his shoulders. Garroth was trying to settle into this new era. He knew that so much time had passed, the decay of Phoenix Drop showing that. But when he saw Laurance, that just solidified the deep sorrow for all he’d lost. There were new scars on Laurance’s face, a tenseness in his posture. His hair was long again. Nowhere near the length it had reached before, but substantial enough to hurt Garroth in a way he’d never felt before.
Laurance kept growing out his hair after that. It just… felt right. The calling was consuming him. He needed his strength again, something to hold his true spirit. He needed a visible reminder that he was Laurance, not whatever the calling wanted him to be. And it worked, for a while. He let his anger simmer deep within him. He tried to hold on to whatever was keeping him sane. Garroth needed him, Aphmau needed him. He just needed to hold on.
And then he heard about Aphmau’s pregnancy. He had gotten over her for the most part, but there was something in him that just wouldn’t let her go. It was the calling. It wouldn’t let him let her go. And hearing that she was pregnant, with Aaron’s child, lit a flame inside of him. The simmering anger in his heart had exploded into an eternal flame.
He wasn’t in control anymore. His limbs moved against his command. He found a nether portal. He took his sword, the one Aphmau had gifted to him, and cut off his hair. And he jumped in.
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dev-mars · 7 months
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Headcanons for Laurance if I rewrote MCD
• Orphaned at 4 he was left in the forest and doesn’t what happened to his parents or who they were but he had a blanket with his name in it
• Ungrth found him and took care of him to the best of his abilities
• 24 at the start of the story
• was raised by Joh and Hayden
• Both him and Cadenza were taken in around the same time he was 6
• Before he was taken in he helped out on fishing boats for extra money
• Despite Cadenza only being 1 year older than him she treats Laurance like he little brother
•Really looked up to Sasha before she died
• Cadenza and Laurance would bother Castor (the chicken shaman) as children but eventually he became sort of fond of them
• As first in his class at the guard academy Garroth had to give a speech welcoming the new recruits that was the first time he saw Garroth’s face due to the traditional uniform
• He didn’t put it together until he saw Garroth’s face for a second time because he had forgotten about the speech although before that he felt he had met Garroth somewhere because he felt familiar
• Laurance also became first of his class
• Got his scar on his lip from being too cocky while sparring at the academy
• He was naturally gifted at fighting and didn’t have to try too hard in the past but the embarrassment from the fight led him to push himself to become better
• He got humbled just enough
• He before he became a shadow knight he was a little insecure about the scar
• He gave the welcoming speech for Zenix’s guard academy class
• Laurance is charismatic and a ladies man as to compensate for how awkward he feels he is
• Although he flirts a lot he rarely actually acts on his flirting although he occasionally goes out with someone
• He let Cadenza dye his hair saying he wanted to impress ladies but actually he wanted to look more like his sister
• It end up looking not that great and he was trying to grow out so he cut out the dye
• He found Joh’s body after he died and had to help bury him
• Immediately Cadenza was missing too and he thought he was terrified he would find her dead somewhere
• Had his nose broken he before he was killed in the nether now it’s permanently crooked
• Before he went blind his eyes were darker sea green then they changed to a paler light green
Theses are just some fun story ideas that I came up with for Laurance! Most of them take place before the events of the story. Let me know what y’all think!
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