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moochilatv ¡ 2 months ago
Men Who Wave presents: Your Move
The track also featuring Migtopia & Cisco J Lopez.
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Men Who Wave (Andrew Hardy & Doug Moore) are songwriters/producers from Chicago who feature a variety of our talented singer friends like Migtopia.
Migtopia it's Chicago based, Mexican singer/keyboardist with deep passionate melodies.
Stream Your Move:
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mikethebarberchicago ¡ 5 years ago
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Before / After on @bigsaxchi ... Schedule your next haircut online at www.CommonwealthBarbershop.com #chicago #chicagomusic #chicagomusicscene #chicagomusicexchange #chicagomusicians #asheville #pomp #pompadour #haircut #haircutsformen #menshair #mensfashion #mensstyle #menshaircuts #music #chicagomusician (at Chicago Music Exchange) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjFowLDT-f/?igshid=1uidnjncv1apm
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sharmonjarmon ¡ 4 years ago
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🟢HOME TURF🟢 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT! My song “In the Morning” has been pick in @wgci #HomeTurf! And thanks to your feedback I’m in the #Top50!!! The Home team fughin wit the song but now they want YOUR OPINION 📱 Could use your $upport! All you have to do is 📱 CLICK THIS LINK: https://m.me/128600047590?ref=s28v4x 📲 It will open Facebook Messanger 👂🏾 LISTEN THE SONG: RATE IT: HOT 🔥 NEEDS WORK 🔨 TRASH🗑 SPREAD THE WORD Shout out to @amimusic_ on production & @leaire_xciv on Vocals 🎙 #LinkInBio #IndieArtist #IndieMusic #independentartist #alternative #soul #music #chicagomusic #chicagosinger #chicagomusician #chicagoartist #wgci #hometurf (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXjECPHDDi/?igshid=1ugkqwtw5k6wh
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rossjernigan ¡ 5 years ago
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If you told me as a teenager that one day, with very little effort of my own, that my music would be played by people in 32 different countries across the world, I would be filled with glee, but I am also unsure if I would have believed you. If you took the time to follow and listen to any of my old work this year, I am appreciative of you. There will be A LOT of new stuff in 2020. So get yourself ready! 🎵 - - - - - #music #spotifywrapped #spotifyforartists #yearend #gratefulmusician #popmusic #chicagomusician #growth #amazed #comingsoon #newmusic #newyear #popartist #singer #singersongwriter #grateful #spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zKrpCpzZd/?igshid=1deffj6oyi4fe
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srecreates ¡ 2 years ago
Behind The Sound: People Make Love
Premiered Jul 2, 2021
See behind the vail as we worked on People Make Love visual. The shoot was two days long and consisted of an entirely WOMAN led team. Director, Producer, Make Up and Crafties. It was a very energetic shoot and we are glad to had worked with these beautiful souls.
Director: Kim Bosh
BTS Edit: Sharmon Jarmon
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chicagomusicguide ¡ 3 years ago
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Catch Big Dog Mercer at these fine establishments this month! Visit BigDogMercer.com for more information! @bigdogmercer #bigdogmercer #chicagoblues #blueshalloffame #chicagomusic #gandl #gandlguitars #quilteramps #chicagomusician #mickeyfinns #houseofblues #houseofblueschicago #hobchicago #foxfirerestaurant #attheoffice #frankfortfarmersmarket #mugshots #mugshotsbarandgrill #livemusic (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7pxi4LzoI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kyraleigh78 ¡ 4 years ago
It’s me playing guitar 🎸 🙌😎💗🏳️‍⚧️ #guitar #cranberries #zombie #playingguitar #singing #transmusic #transmusician #chicagomusic #chicagomusician #90smusic (at Rogers Park, Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQb3eophH_7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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moochilatv ¡ 3 months ago
Men Who Wave and Megan Hozick presents: Almost Anything
Classic Rock at finest
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Andrew Hardy & Doug Moore are musicians, songwriters and producers who feature a variety of our talented singer friends from Chicago, EEUU.
Listen the single Almost Anything in Spotify:
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theclichebluejay-blog ¡ 7 years ago
So here’s what happens. I drive a lot, usually for the purposes of schlepping my precious cargo i.e. children.  While driving my brain tends to get all “Alpha” - ideas, images, song lyrics, melodies, good deeds I never intend to do, etc - and them BOOM, I arrive at the intended destination with no fucking clue how I get there.  I stop, look around bewildered, and shiver.  Then I immediately voice text myself whatever thoughts I can still manage to remember while my children start yelling things like “CRACKER! THIRSTY! WHY ARE WE STILL IN THE CAR?! Am I late? DID YOU MAKE ME LATE?!” I named my phone number “Ideas Inspiration & Whimsy” for the specific purpose of holding on to some of my thoughts, however the texts usually read something like this:
“Suffragette holding poster Joe Cannon Ace Personal Trainer Test triceps exercises with kettle bell the abyss is a narcissist woman with snake wrapped around her body masturbating ancient cross stitch of cantoring mare.”
yea, so that’s been SUPER helpful.
I have inspired moments interrupted on the regular by a smiling toddler, expectant eyebrows high, offering me a handful of his fresh, warm shit.  There is a white board in my “office” that I have written at least 6 different blog ideas on. The margins of my enormous day planner are scribble-scrabbled with to do lists that I am certain are subconsciously created to fill me with shame and make me eat too much burned cheese off my childrens pizzas.  But I knew I’d get here eventually, I always do.
Today I would like to talk about The Grey.  Or The Gray.  I prefer the E.
In 36 days I am testing to be a Personal Trainer.  Originally I took on this challenge believing that because I was a massage therapist already the studying would be a breeze! No. Fuck No.  There’s like, NUMBERS. Formulas. Tables of numbers and formulas that require me to convert Lbs to kilograms. Then there is the psychology issue.  Rarely is it a problem to get a person on my massage table.   Everyone loves to see their massage therapist.  Getting someone to do 1 lunge? 1 plank? 1 mile? That’s much harder.  I frequently have tried to imagine what it would be like to try to motivate my mother-in-law to take a walk around the block, or get that teenagers at the gym to stop hypertrophing himself into a gorilla shape.  The dislike, the anger, the excuses.  Gag me now.
So right now I don’t know exactly what I am doing.  I know lots of “information” but it it is not yet gelled into the practicality of action.  I call it “The Grey”.  My therapist (SHOCKING!) says that The Grey is very hard for recovering perfectionists.  Worst of all, sitting in the pit of my stomach is the knowledge that in order to become great at something one must really try, and when we try we must make MISTAKES: **LOTS OF MISTAKES** : Unacceptable and Inevitable.
I was originally introduced to “The Grey” by my voice teacher, Doug, about a fifteen years ago.  The concept was that there are simply instances where you must allow the mechanism (the brain, the voice, the body) to do what it needs to do in order to find it’s way.  The person owning said mechanism has very little control of the process, and you must be willing to allow strangers see you FUCK UP IN PUBLIC repeatedly.  The Grey can last anywhere from 1 day to 100 years.  You’re supposed to “enjoy the natural process” he would say, and sometimes I would cry in his studio.  But Doug was always right. Always.
The cruel beauty of The Grey is that there is no short-cut.  It is an expanse of time musically punctuated with slogans like “growing-pains” “fake it til you make it” “awkward” and “oh my god I’m so sorry.” It is also a time of seemingly endless synchronicity.  Strangers come up to you and say things like “No one else decideds your value.  That is up to you.” The right people come walking by your table while you are studying; people that are in charge of hiring fitness professionals.  Suddenly all the information you have stuffed in your jumbled brain becomes accessible in a shining momement, and you are able to help someone in a new and improved way.  
But most excruciatingly, The Grey is a time of faith despite glaring evidence to the contrary. When the whispering voices in your head argue about WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE.  Maybe you don’t know who the hell you are yet?   Maybe you never really tried?  Maybe it’s finally worth it. Things I would do if I could tolerate more Greyness and/or imprefection: -Apply for a job as a Personal Trainer as soon as I’m legally able. -Paint my house one wall at a time instead of believing it all needed to be done beautifully and immediately.  I have about 600 walls. -Learn to sight-sing without having a panic attack. -Call myself a Jew in front of much more religious Jews, while my tattoos are showing. -Write 50 songs a year instead of 8.  Draw 100 pictures a year instead of 20. -Learn all the Kung Fu. -Collaborate with other musicians more often. -Make my basement into an Air BnB.
What would you do?
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sharmonjarmon ¡ 4 years ago
I must admit, I don't share this performance enough. one of my FAVORITE original songs and no matter how CRAZY the World is outside, this song takes away ALL my anxieties. WATCH. LIKE. SHARE PLEASE. SharmonJarmon! -- #OpenUp | via @ChiBrations
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djch3 ¡ 7 years ago
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Credit to @ear_pro : ✅GET THE PERFECT FIT with two pairs of different sized earplug shells included with every order. Fits most normal to small ear sizes( perfect for kids ). ✅Easy removal with a tug on the elongated pull tab ! KEEPS SOUND QUALITY of the music on concerts and festivals with our patentened ✅AcousticPro membrane filters. Audio fidelity damping of loud music to keep the full spectrum of the sound. No dull blocking like foam material plugs. ✅HYPOALLERGENIC MATERIAL EAR-PRO SoftTouch tested by independent German laboratories and suitable for long wearing. ✅No itching or pressure pain. ✅Ideal for full-day wearing at festivals and long band rehearsals. ✅HEARING PROTECTION TO GO - Professional ear plugs on the go with high quality membrane filter. 📍To ORDER 📌EAR•PRO 👉Click link 🔗 in bio 🔺☝️##music #lifemusic #earplugs #earplugsformusicians #earplugsforconcerts #concerts #lifeconcert #lifeconcerts #drummer #drummerslife #dj#djaccessories #fordj#musicianlife #musicaccessories #accessoriesformusic#musicianlifestyle #concertlife #concertlivefnac #concertlivemusic#chicagomusicians#chicagomusician#chicagodj#chicagodjs #earpro#earplugs #earprotection#earprotectors#earprotector
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srecreates ¡ 2 years ago
Behind the Sound: Music Soul on Fire
Premiered May 14, 2021
Jess on a ladder Ty on the close ups Jerome on the camera Attack the Sound on the rise Take a look behind how we made our video for "Music Soul on Fire"
Creative Direction: Ty Omni
Edited by Sharmon Jarmon
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chicagomusicguide ¡ 4 years ago
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Nothing like great live music outdoors, right? @cesaresalad1 at #rosieohares #summermusic #sunset #checkoutthatguitar #cesaresaladandthespicycroutons #cesaresalad #chicagomusician #chicagomusic #livemusic #livephoto #eastdundee #musicvibes #guitarist #guitar #bassguitar #drums (at East Dundee, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQmYEbxh91Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chicagograss ¡ 5 years ago
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“Daddy Rabbit” aka “Junior Pettis” playing rhythm guitar with Magic Slim & The Teardrops at Biddy Mulligan’s, Chicago 1979. Coleman Pettis, Jr. worked under a variety of pseudonyms, including Daddy Rabbit, Alabama Junior, and Junior Pettis. He learned to play guitar at the age of eight and moved to Chicago in 1952. He was strongly influenced by Lee Jackson, with whom he worked as rhythm guitarist, and is best known for his spell working with Magic Slim from 1973-83. He can be heard on several of Slim’s records, supplying excellent complementary work to the leader’s tough playing, and he also provides occasional lead vocals and compositions. In 1987 he made his only album under his own name for the Wolf label. He died of cancer in 1988. #bluesman #chicagoblues #earwigrecords #blues #bluesguitarist @michaelfrank5023 #chicagomusician #magicslim #wolfrecords #juniorpettis #restinpeace #rip #earwigrecords #biddymulliganschicago (at Biddy Mulligan's Chicago (closed)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5AlFTB6k-/?igshid=1emgdxzgsmlnc
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iquoismusic ¡ 2 years ago
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Hey y’all! It’s been over a week since I released my album, “Misunderstood”! Thank you for all the love and kind words I’ve received from you all. They mean so much to me! @meanzlabs and I are super grateful for all of the positive feedback we’ve received from y’all! Fuels our creative fire! We hope you’ve enjoyed listening so far! . . I’ll be deep diving into some of the lyrics of the album’s songs soon! Can’t wait to share these tidbits with you all! (Some of these songs are layered like onions, I swear! Lol!) If you haven’t listened already, head over to the link in my bio to pick your preferred streaming platform to listen to Misunderstood! . . Instagram lets you add music to posts now which is very cool, especially in my case! “Got Me Faded” is layered in many ways! Is it about a person, or something else?! Or both?! You’ll find out more once I do my deep dive of the lyrics of this song and the others! Or maybe you already figured it out! 😉 . . Let us know which songs are your favorites & which ones you’ve had on repeat this past week below! . . . #iquoismusic #iquo #misunderstood #debutalbum #chicagoartist #chicagomusic #chicagomusicscene #chicagomusicians #chicagohiphop #chicagoproducer #femaleproducer #hiphop #rnb #pop (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrTEwZvr2j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donnievie-blog ¡ 5 years ago
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I found a 20 year old fan letter from Japan with self address and postage paid envelope.she even included really fine ass rice lookin paper to write on. Im gonna answer it now. Doubt shes still at this address.. unless shes a total loser. She definately is a poor Judge of character ,in shitty taste in men. But she knows killer pipes when she hears them. #musicians #musiciansofinstagram #chicagomusician #japanfans #japan_of_insta #japanmusic #itunes #itunesmusic #itunesstore #donnievie #donnievieband #rocknroll (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yKe8JHjUK/?igshid=1hks38juqvpdl
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