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chibird · 9 months ago
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The temple of pom is open with many blessings to give! ✨
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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tumblingghosts · 7 months ago
Hope not too many for one ask sksk
re: ask game
🍅 — give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
i definitely think that my word choice & sentence structure can be pretty clunky because i tend to repeat certain words or phrases all the time. i'm working on adding more variety & changing up my writing style from time to time so i can get some practice with different styles. also, i have a bad habit of changing up sentences bc i don't like how they look -- not necessarily the phrasing, just stuff like not starting a paragraph with 'the' because i don't like how sharp a capital 'T' looks at the beginning of a sentence.
🧩 — what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
it honestly depends on my mood! i'm not too bothered by formatting or grammar, but if a plot doesn't really vibe with how i'm feeling (e.g. seeking out humor fics & finding a very plot-dense introspective one), then i'll usually click away. it doesn't mean the story is bad or anything -- just that it's getting put on a read later list for when i'm feeling like reading it. i basically click away from any fic i'm not in the current headspace for & save it for later.
🏜 — what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
i love getting long comments -- def super happy whenever i see those. i am very grateful for any kind of comments tho! it's very sweet knowing that someone took the time to stop by and drop a string of emojis or write out a few sentences <3
🪲 — add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Marcus can be saved. If there is one thing that Sejanus believes in, it has to be that. If Sejanus could simply be strong enough, quick enough, clever enough—maybe Marcus could live this time. If Sejanus could become enough, then perhaps Marcus would not be here at all. But over and over and over again Sejanus learns that it is not nearly so simple, that a life lost and regained and broken and undone would remain so, no matter how many turns he is granted to try just one more time. And another. And again.
☁️ — what made you choose your username?
it's kind of lame tbh -- the "tumbling" part was literally just bc i was signing up for tumblr, and i carried that over to when i was making an ao3 account. "ghosts" just bc of the profile i had selected (which is from chibird -- there's a lot of very cute and motivational art there & i highly recommend checking it out). i can't remember why "backpacks" was chosen though... i might have just been mashing nouns together at that point lol
🍦 — name three good things about a character you hate
ooo this is hard bc i can't think of a character i necessarily hate? either i like a character, or i'm indifferent. maybe coriolanus snow (though i do have a lot of fun writing from his pov) bc his mindset & the way he views others is very ehhhh.
but i digress -- three good things about him are 1) he's intelligent (he was very good at utilizing his charm and wit to pave a path for himself), 2) he's very driven (he's incredibly ambitious and motivated towards his goals), 3) he's funny (his pov, if nothing else, is incredibly entertaining)...too bad none of those things could make him choose to be a good person :/
thanks for the ask! :D
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gifimagecollection · 3 years ago
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Source: chibird.com
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fabforte · 4 years ago
Positive, motivational drawings to brighten your day! Featuring everyday life with Jackie, Chibird, Motivational Penguin, Shy Ghost, Positive Bunny, Hedgehog, and more! Find Chibird at chibird.com or @ChibirdArt on Instagram and Facebook! :D Don't miss today's update of #Chibird! #webcomic #WEBTOON
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zhieydailystory · 4 years ago
I hope u're taking care of ur self 😊
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glowcloud-axel-13 · 4 years ago
The power of inspiration
As the first post on one of the craziest and inspiring social media platforms, I took a long hard think about what I should post about. I wanted to make a post that either inspired people or have an impact on the way they think. And I realized that's one of the best things about humanity. With all the negativity going around, we still have the power and the will to live, to make a change. That to me is one of the purest things in humanity, that we believe that we can make a change and that other people will be strong enough to take on the change and live better lives, fuller lives. Humanity is a beautiful co-existence of people of different cultures, traditions and country. As people in this magnificent humanity, we throw a stone into the river hoping it will make a ripple in someone's lives. Our will to live and help others live is at the core of life. So keep strong, and keep inspiring people to keep their head up because I think that's going to keep us going and spread positivity to lengths we've never imagined. It doesn't have to be a big thing or a huge movement, the tiny things are the ones that people keep special and treasure the thought and are driven to make their little bubble of happiness and positivity. We have one life on this earth, cherish it and encourage others to do the same. :)
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{Art credit: chibird.com}
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sakiye · 4 years ago
simran simran simran!!! you’re amazing and I want you to know that!!! *hugs*
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ID: A gif of a blue and white penguin getting catapulted to the screen. When it reaches the screen, it gives a penguin hug, and a heart appears and goes up. On the top, there is text that reads, “Sending a penguin hug!” On the bottom right, there is text that reads, “chibird.com” End ID. 
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phoneboxfairy · 5 years ago
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Chibird.com , eh? Found this on a gif search. I'll have to look at the site sometime when I'm not about to fall asleep...
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asks-and-memes · 4 years ago
Hope school’s going ok and that you’re doing well! Here’s some mental hugs if you’d like them 🤗
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chibird · 1 year ago
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A lucky capybara has given you a blessing! ✨ May it last the whole year and more!
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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dank-wholesome-memes · 6 years ago
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Credit: chibird.com
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misfitthinker · 5 years ago
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gifimagecollection · 3 years ago
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Source: https://chibird.com/
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btsqualityy · 5 years ago
Aww thank you love ❤️
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qualifiedunqualified · 5 years ago
Lagi gabut, iseng gulir-gulir halaman tumblr and suddenly bumped into this...
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Ah, betapa gambar ini sangat-sangat mewakili isi kepala saya...
Semenjak lulus kuliah dan bekerja, hal-hal seperti ini cukup mengganggu pikiran saya, terutama kalo ditanya sekarang kegiatannya ngapain aja...
Melihat kawan yang sudah atau sedang S2 di luar negeri, bekerja di perusahaan yang bonafit, sudah melakukan ini-itu, pergi kesana-kemari membuat saya mempertanyakan kemampuan diri sendiri. Seringkali setelah mendengar kabar-kabar mengenai pencapaian kawan satu tongkrongan, membuat saya minder dan terkadang malah menghilangkan rasa percaya diri saya, terutama apabila sedang berkumpul dengan teman-teman semasa kuliah. Emang sih, jadi alumni universitas favorit, berarti harus siap bergaul dan berteman dengan orang-orang yang kemampuan dirinya juga jauh diatas rata-rata...
Kadang saya bingung dengan diri saya sendiri, kenapa ketika saya mendengar berita mengenai pencapaian justru energi saya malah terhisap, hilang, seolah berita tersebut adalah Dementor yang menyantap aura kehidupan saya hahahah. 
Dikatakan iri? Mungkin, hasad? Sepertinya enggak, karena saya juga bahagia mendengar kabar pencapaian kawan-kawan saya, dengki? Not in a million years, karena saya selalu mendoakan kebaikan dan keberkahan atas kawan-kawan saya yang sudah berada pada titik tertentu dalam kehidupannya. Mungkin yang saya alami lebih kepada “dia udah sampe situ, lo udah ngapain aja mi? Masih begitu-begitu aja jalan ditempat”.
Kata-kata motivasi seperti gambar diatas sudah sangat-sangat-sangat sering saya baca dan temui like, “semua orang berada pada timeline masing-masing” atau “pencapaian itu tidak melulu diukur melalui materi, tetap syukuri atas apa yang kamu peroleh hari ini” dan banyak lagi yang lainnya. Rasanya sih emang abis baca tulisan itu kaya jadi semangat lagi, bekerja lagi, tapi begitu mendengar kabar sejenis lagi? Ya down lagi....
Seringkali saya berpikir apa sih bedanya saya dengan mereka? Lulus dari universitas yang sama, umur sama, gaya hidup juga mungkin tidak jauh berbeda, hingga suatu ketika saya menemukan jawabannya dari kata-kata senior kampus yang juga satu kantor dengan saya..
“gw bingung mi, diantara anak-anak alumni kampus kita yang masuk sini lo tuh beda, lo tuh cenderung menghindar dari tantangan, gak embrace tantangan sebagai sesuatu yang membuat lo berapi-api dan bersemangat buat dikelarin, gw cuma nyuruh lo stock opname sendirian ke papua aja langsung kaya orang ciut”
Bingo! Itulah jawaban yang saya cari selama ini, fear of failure. Fear of failure is still dominant in myself, fear of failure is restraining me from taking a leap of faith in my life! Tapi bingung juga sih, apakah saya yang salah asuh, apa bagaimana tapi bisa dikatakan ya memang saya termasuk orang yang takut gagal. Berkali-kali saya ditugasin untuk jadi ketua tim audit, seringkali selama jadi ketua tim saya gelisah, takut gak bisa memenuhi ekspektasi orang-orang terkait, ditambah saya punya bos yang perfeksionis dan kalo evaluasi kata-katanya nyelekit banget. Karena rasa takut itu positifnya, saya sering sekali meminta feedback dan evaluasi dari orang-orang terdekat saya, sehingga saya mempunyai cukup bekal untuk evaluasi kepribadian saya, tapi negatifnya ya itu tadi jika ada tugas lagi, lagi, dan lagi saya juga jadi anxious lagi, lagi, dan lagi hahaha.
Terlepas dari rasa takut gagal dan anxious yang dominan dalam diri saya, setidaknya saya merasa bisa menjadi pribadi yang mudah mendengar saran dan kritik dari orang lain, walaupun jadinya kadang saya suka memberikan saran tanpa ditanya, yah berlagak jadi psikolog, daripada jadi tukang olok hahahaha..
Maybe, I just need to value my life, my struggle, my support system, and be bold a little bit more...
"Beberapa orang menghakimi lagi
Walaupun diludahi jaman seribu kali
Beberapa orang memaafkan lagi
Walau sudah ditindas habis berkali-kali"
.Feast - Peradaban
(pic by chibird.com)
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thegioicualinh · 5 years ago
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Pic credit: chibird.com (chou kute)
2019 là một năm siêu siêu dàiiiii
Dù đã cố tóm tắt hết sức có thể ấy thế mà bài tổng kết vẫn dài hơn 7 trang Word (gấp rưỡi 2018) 
Vậy là đủ thấy 2019 nhiều sự kiện thế nào rồi đấy. 
Và vì nó dài quá nên đi được 1 quãng là mình liền quên bay quên biến slogan đặt ra vào đầu năm.
“Càng cố gắng, càng may mắn”
4 tháng đầu năm mình cũng cố gắng khá nhiều đó. Nỗ lực thay đổi bản thân từng ngày, từng giờ, cố gắng không nổi nóng, không cay nghiệt với xung quanh, cố gắng giữ tâm thái bình tĩnh, vui vẻ. Cố gắng học hỏi những cái mới, nâng cao bản thân. Nhưng rồi cũng chẳng duy trì được lâu. Chắc vì thế nên thần may mắn bỏ đi nghỉ mát, nhọ vãi nồi.
2019 là một năm yếu ớt. Hở ra là ốm. Hở ra là đau đầu, đau họng. Sức khỏe giảm sút lắm luôn.
Chỉ có chuyện ăn chơi mới gọi là có chút thành tựu. Đi nhiều. Đi xa hơn năm ngoái. Nhờ thường xuyên mở định vị mà Google đã tính cho mình đi được 36% thế giới trong 1 năm qua nè.
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Và 2019 cũng xem được thực nhiều thứ hay ho. Một năm đại thành công đối với công cuộc xem biểu diễn nghệ thuật.
Chuyện công việc thì chán ngán dã man. Sau rất nhiều ngày tháng chán chường, đi làm mà lúc nào trong đầu cũng treo lơ lửng 2 chữ “nghỉ việc”, cuối cùng cũng đã hạ quyết tâm nộp đơn xin nghỉ. Nói chung là cũng đau đầu, đắn đo nhiều lắm, nhưng rồi mệt quá, dẹp hết, chả nghĩ gì nữa, kệ đời.
Chuyện tình cảm tới cuối năm đột nhiên biến động. Có người buộc phải kết thúc. Có người gạch bỏ mình ra khỏi đời họ. Có người mình cần nhưng lại không tới. Chẳng thể làm được gì ngoài việc chấp nhận. Dù sao thì mình cũng đã hết lòng hết dạ vì người, ấy vậy mà… Đã vậy thì thôi. Đường ai nấy bước. Để bảo toàn năng lượng, tốt nhất là né tránh tất cả những nơi có thể nhìn thấy những thứ dễ khiến con tim rối bời. Chỉ buồn cười là sao lúc nào chia ly cũng rủ nhau kéo tới 1 bầy vậy nhỉ. Liên tiếp liên tiếp, đến phát rầu.
Dăm ba cái sự buồn, đá qua 1 góc. Ngày cuối năm làm 1 bài tổng kết thực chi tiết, nhìn lại những niềm vui, những rạo rực đã có trong suốt 1 năm để thấy rằng đời mình vẫn tưng bừng vui vẻ lắm. Buồn cái mợ gì buồn.
2020 sẽ là một năm với nhiều thay đổi, nhiều thử thách mới. Mình nghĩ vậy :)) Vậy nên việc của mình là
Enjoy this fucking life Be strong be fresh to fight troubles (Mấy lời của Linh nhưng mà là Nguyễn Thế Hoàng Linh, nếu mình nhớ ko nhầm keke)
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