#chiacgo pd
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like i’m gonna lose you
summary: my take on the fall out of 8x16.
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“Get your hands off of me”
Hailey stirred in her chair, her grip on Jay’s hand tightening a bit. They couldn’t bring themselves to care about appearances as they sat in the waiting room of MED, anxiously awaiting news on Kim. Hailey had dozed off on Jay’s shoulder pretty quickly, not that he minded. He was sure she had had a rough few hours, despite her vague responses.
“You knew exactly what to expect when you came here.”
There was a soft moan from beside him and Jay looked down to find his girlfriend’s eyebrows laced together. Her knee shook slightly, grabbing his attention. “Hailey?” He whispered, earning no response.
“This is what it feels like.”
Hailey flinched hard in her sleep, her bottom lip beginning to quiver, Jay’s heart dropped into his stomach. She was having a nightmare. He shifted slightly, bringing his free hand to her hair and tightening his grip on her hand. “I’m here Hailes, come back to me.” He said softly in her ear as he ran his fingers through her hair.
The movement startled her, causing her to flinch again. “I saw.” She muttered - still asleep - a stray tear falling down her cheek, “I saw-” Before Jay could react, she shot up, grabbing the attention of too many people around her.
Jay’s hand immediately found her shoulder, “Hey, you’re good. It was just a dream, you’re safe.” He took note of the half nod she gave him, the fake smile, the way her blue eyes were clouded with tears. Hailey looked down at their intertwined hands, pulling hers close to her body. “Hailey?” He asked, a little hurt.
She looked like she had seen a ghost, and honestly, she felt like she had. The only way to describe the feeling in the pit of her stomach was absolute terror: she was scared that Voight would walk through the sliding glass doors, she was scared of what she had become, she was scared of what Jay would think of her. She was absolutely terrified of the shell of a person he would leave behind when he finally came to his senses and walked away. “I-uh-I,” She stuttered, standing slowly, “I need some air.” She barely got the words out before running out of the building.
Jay stood to follow her, he had always been good at giving her space, letting her handle things on her own first, but this was killing him. She was spiraling, he could see it. She had spotted it in him so many times before. He was sick of standing on the sidelines while she fought alone but she wouldn’t let him in, not this time. And as much as he wanted to be her husband, he knew the proposal was only a product of whatever the hell had happened, he just never got the chance to ask what that was.
“I don’t want to be without you.” Hailey said, her sad eyes locked on his. He knew (or at least he thought he knew) what she was getting at. He remembered the way he felt when she was kidnapped, he remembers the panic that set in on her face when he was shot.
Jay felt the tears forming in his own, squinting a bit. It almost wrecked him to see her like this, so scared of losing what they had. He understood, he felt the exact same way, but it was different. He knew that no one else had ever stayed for her, no one else every cared, and he was determined to be the one that did. “You’re not gonna be.” He said, because how the was he supposed to say everything that he tried to push into those 4 little words? How could he make her believe that she was it for him?
Hailey searched his face for any sign of regret or inconsistency, but she found none. Somehow though, she still wasn’t one hundred perfect sure. She couldn’t bear to lose him, she wouldn’t survive it. How could she ever feel secure when she had so much to lose? The second the thought crossed her mind, the words tumbled from between her lips, shocking her as much as him. “Maybe we should get married.”
Jay looked at her blankly, obviously in shock. She could see it all over his face, he couldn’t believe what she was saying, she couldn’t either. “I’m serious, let’s get married.”
In a split second, Jay saw it all. The life they would have: the white wedding, the lazy saturdays, the holidays, the kids, the house, the dog, the years they would spend growing old together, the family trips to the cabin. He saw it all, and it was in reach. He never believed that he would could have any of it, but with Hailey, he wanted everything. He would marry her tomorrow, but not like this. Not when the love of his life was standing in front of him so broken down that the only way she thought she could keep him was through a meaningless certificate.
Hailey watched his smile fade, causing the panic to set in. “Jay, we can elope. We don’t have to wait. We can fly to Mexico or Hawaii or anywhere. Hell let’s do it here, I just want to be with you-”
“Hailey, breathe.” He said delicately, placing his hand on her cheek to keep her grounded. He leaned in, kissing her gently before pulling away to look her in the eyes, which were focused on anything but his. “Look at me, please.” She did - reluctantly - taking a deep breath when she realized his soft smile had reappeared. “I love you. And I will love you for the rest of my life. Nothing is going to change that. All I want to do is be with you, please believe me.”
Hailey shook her head, tears beginning to fall. “I love you so much-”
“Baby, tell me what’s going on. I want to help. Let me help you.” He was practically begging her.
She shook her head again, “Jay,” She gasped, “I can’t. Not until you say yes. I need you-”
Suddenly, his phone began to ring. If it was any other day, he would ignore it, but today was not any other day. “It’s Kev.”
Jay talked quietly on the phone for a minute or two. Hailey took the time to compose herself, to prepare for the worst: the end of her relationship. By the time Jay turned back around the light in her eyes was gone and there was a fake smile on her face, one that only he could see through. “Is she okay?” Hailey asked.
“Uh yeah, he just wants us to come so that he can go switch with Adam.” Hailey nodded, grabbing her phone off the table along with her keys. He cautiously followed her to the door. “We’re gonna be okay Hailes, no matter what.” He said, knowing full and well that this conversation was far from over.
Hailey nodded, “I know.” The left the apartment, and Hailey did her best to ignore the feeling of dread deep in her chest, but it was inescapable. No one could walk away clean from she had done, not her, not even Voight.
Hailey leaned against the wall outside of MED, trying to catch her breath. Her heart was racing and her eyes were burning, she clenched them shut to dull the ache, but every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was a gun pointed in her face.
“Just because your stomach can’t handle it.”
Hailey gagged, doubling over and leaning against the concrete wall.
“Cause you’re scared.”
She emptied the content of her stomach into the grass, choking and coughing violently as tears continued to stream down her face. Her vision clouded again, images of Voight’s face splattered with blood as he approached her running through her head. It felt so familiar.
Maybe it was her father’s reappearance in her life, but she felt like she was a child again. Hiding behind the couch or in her room, him screaming at her and her brothers as they ran scared. Her past was taunting her, like it was trying to prove to her that she would never be rid of it. That history would always repeat itself.
Jay followed her, watching from the doorway as she threw up. He rushed to her, “Hailey-” His hand touched her shoulder and she gasped, pulling away quickly and facing him, her arms shielding her face. Jay took a step back, caught off guard by the terror clearly shown on her face. She was frozen, panting hard.
“I-I’m sorry-I,” She said softly, slowly bringing her hands down to her sides. Jay watched as her gaze fell to the ground, his heart dropping into his stomach. He took a cautious step forward. “I’m not, I’m not afraid of you, I-”
Jay’s expression softened, “I know, I know. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He was hurt, sure, but this wasn’t about him. It was so much bigger than him.
Hailey wasn’t sure what emotion was more overwhelming: the fear, the guilt or the physical pain she felt in her chest. He looked so defeated, and it was her fault. He thought she was afraid of him.
He took another step forward, “Can I?” He motioned to his outstretched hand, holding it out to her. Hailey nodded, slipping her hand into his. He slowly pulled her into to him, her arms snaking around his waist and her cheek pressed against his chest. She took a deep breath, instantly calming her. “Hailey?” She hummed in response. “Can you please tell me what happened? You’re starting to scare me.”
Hailey took a step back, looking him straight in the eye, memorizing the way they were looking at her, in case it was the last time they ever showed that much love. She nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him to a bench further away from the hospital. This was the last place she wanted to tell him, but he obviously couldn’t wait any longer, he shouldn’t have to. She couldn’t be selfish with him.
They sat down, facing each other. Hailey let her hand fall out of his, folding hers in her lap. “Voight did find a lead.” She said, shrugging. “Ruzek and I didn’t know, he gave us the legit addresses. Adam, he um, he kind of lost it so I told him to go be with Mackayla, and he did. So, I went to find Voight.”
Jay’s eyebrows were cinched together, listening intently. “He was at some warehouse, he had Roy. I walked in and he, uh he, he pulled his gun on me.” Jay’s jaw clenched, but he kept his cool (barely), letting her continue. “He was beating information out of Roy, then you radioed that you found Kim, but-but he was going to kill him anyway. We fought.” Hailey took a breath, but continued to ramble, “I convinced him to bring him in. I wanted to do it the right way, we were going to do it the right way, like you. I wanted to do it right, like you, Jay. But then, then-then he reached for Voight’s gun and, Jay I swear he was going to shoot Voight, so I-” Hailey choked out a sob, unable to look her partner in the eye.
Jay slid his hands in Hailey’s lap, wrapping them around hers. Hailey’s head shot up, shock written all over it, “So you shot him, to protect your Sargeant.” Jay finished for her. She risked her career to protect him even though Voight had no care for hers.
Hailey shuddered, “I promise, I tried. I told him to drop the weapon. I saw him, he had the gun in his hand. I wanted to do it right.”
“Shhh,” Jay said, pulling her to him. “It was a good shoot Hailes, you did it right.” He held her as her tears soaked his shirt, running a hand through her hair. He was trying to soothe her, but he was seething. He couldn’t believe Voight had put her in that situation. Voight had been on the job a long time, he knew better than to come into close contact with a violent offender with an exposed weapon.
Once he wrapped his brain around his anger, it hit him.
“No Jay, not until you say yes.”
Hailey was scared that he would blame her, or leave her over this. He held her a little tighter, his own tears gathering in his eyes as he held her. “I love you.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
That grabbed Hailey’s attention. She peered up at him, her blue eyes filled with tears and hope. “Really?” She asked quietly, her voice breaking.
Jay nodded, not trusting his own voice. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Hailey’s eyes fluttered closed, this time, no flashbacks plaguing her mind. His hand settled on her cheek, brushing his thumb over her cheek. Jay pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. “Really,” He whispered
There was a cough beside them, and Jay looked up first. Hank Voight was standing before them. “How’s she doing?” He asked.
Hailey stared at him in shock. He looked like he always did. He was no longer wearing his tactical gear and his face was no longer splattered with blood. He was Voight, like nothing had happened. For a split second Hailey envied him, his ability to walk away unscathed, like it was any other Wednesday night and the only thing wrong was Kim’s life was hanging in the balance. Then she looked at Jay, whose jaw was clenched and his eyes were stuck on sergeant. He was just as strong, maybe even stronger, and he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. If he could do it, so could she.
Jay stood, looking like a force to be reckoned with. “You need to leave.”
Voight scoffed, quickly glancing at Hailey, “Excuse me.”
“You heard me Sarge, leave. Now.” Jay said. His voice staying low, but intimidating nonetheless.
“I have a right to be here Jay, to see Burgess,” Voight said, his words becoming louder as he took a step forward.
“Then go, be the leader you’re supposed to be, but don’t you dare go near her.” Hailey’s breath caught in the back of her throat, her heart swelling at the sight in front of her. Voight glared at Jay, nodding shortly. Jay took another step forward, so that their faces were level, “And if she is brought into this, in any way, I will bury you.” He never raised his voice, or made any move to physically escalate the situation. The last thig he wanted to do was scare Hailey more than she already was.
“Understood,” Voight said, with a trace of venom that could have been deadly.
They parted ways, Voight entering the hospital doors and jay turning to face his girlfriend, who had been silent. “Are you okay?” He asked.
Hailey nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay.” She met his concerned gaze. “Thank you.”
Jay gave her a soft smile, “Of course.” She glanced between him and the hospital doors, a nervous look on her face. Jay held out his hand, which she gladly took. “Come on, we can come back in the morning.”
Hailey sighed in relief, standing. He guided them down the sidewalk, wrapping his arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her temple. “Let’s go home Hailes.”
“Hold on.” Hailey said, her anxiety getting the best of her again. She turned to face him, their eyes locking. She felt tears gather in eyes once again at the look in his, the one she had memorized, that she had prayed would never disappear. She smiled as he eyed her. “Ok, I’m good.” She grabbed his hand, pulling him in the direction of his truck. “Let’s go home.”
A/N: I couldn’t help myself, I had to haha. I can’t believe the premieres are only a month away! Thanks for reading <3
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Dante my awkward king!!
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these outfits were a look
cpd 301 // the rookie 216
#chiacgo pd#chicagopdedit#jay halstead#the rookie#therookieedit#tim bradford#jesse lee soffer#eric winter#mine#gifset#gifs
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HEY GUYS!! "Another Mini Hiatus Done & Upzek Is Fucking Over!! 😭💔"
#Chicago PD Season 6x20 Reaction Sacrifice#Chicago PD Season 6 Reaction#Chicago PD Reaction#Chiacgo PD#6x20#Sacrifice#TheFreaks05#DanReacts#Dan Mazzeo#Jason Baghe#Hank Voight#Jon Seda#Antonio Dawson#Jesse Lee Soffer#Jay Halstead#Patrick Flueger#Adam Ruzek#Laroyce Hawkins#Kevin Atwater#Marina Squerciati#Kim Burgess#Tracy Spirdakos#Hailey Upton#Amy Morton#Trudy Platt#Chicago PD Spoilers#Spoilers#CHIHARDS#CHIHARD#ONE CHICAGO
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Bomb Squad Alternative
Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): none
Author's note: Here is another crossover between firefighter Y/N and Jay Halstead. Hope you enjoyed since I’m really proud lol. Personally I think this would be a great episode.
Requests for Jay are open again so send in your ideas! I’m thinking about putting out Christmas prompts since I’m feeling festive. Also, I’m quarantied :( went to test yesterday and I’m waiting for the results to kick in. I feel fine so I shouln’t worry but I still do yk? Anyhow, school is a b and I’m doing online atm (maybe high schools will switch to online completely until Christmas but who knows at this point).
It’s also exam weeks so that’s why I’ve been lacking time to get back to writing.
Now perpare for me to get on my knees for you at the end of this one shot. <3
“Everyone get out of the station!” You exclaimed, barging through the train station with the rest of 51. Your loud voices and heavy gear alerted everyone enough to get them to move back.
“What do you think you’re doing?” A police officer questioned, throwing an accusing eyebrow your way.
Your lieutenant left you to the police officer’s mercy with a nod of his head. You sighed, turning to the man but still keeping a steady pace with the rest of your team. “There is a bomb threat, we need to evacuate the train station.”
“A bomb threat? I didn’t get a call,” He fought, looking around as if the bomb might be anywhere. Which was true.
“The intelligence is on their way, but I suggest you give us some room to do our job,” Matt joined his voice with you to explain. Although he quickly returned to shouting.
Soon enough, you saw two dark clothed figures march down the stairs towards you. Your boyfriend came striding down towards all of you, his blue eyes assassinating the surrounding situation.
Until they fell on you.
He looks good, you allowed yourself to think. Admiring his lean figure - the leather jacket covering his muscular arms and proud CPD badge at his hip - you watched as he stalked towards you. The old lady that was clutching to your side shakily suddenly became invisible to your eyes.
You weren’t surprised to see his jaw tick at the sight of you, which made you shake your head in annoyance. Helping the lady catch the arms of a fellow firefighter became your priority. You watched as she walked outside on unsteady legs.
“Y/LN, Casey.” Your chief grabbed your attention, “What’s the situation?”
“Still no sight of the bomb chief,” Matt said. “We’re trying to get out as many people as possible.”
“It’s rush hour Chief,” You breathed, glancing at Jay for a second before giving Wallace your full attention. “The next train will be here in 10 minutes. If this bomb has a timer then that’s exactly when it will go off. We need the bomb squad here now.”
“Understood. Voight?”
The sergeant looked at Jay who shook his head. “Stuck in traffic.”
You caught Matt muttering a violent curse under his breath, which only tempted you to do the same.
“Chief we need help!”
Severide’s shout brought you and Matt to your senses immediately. There was no time to think as you both ran towards him with your heavy gear on both your shoulders.
“Y/N stop!”
It was Jay who made you halt in your tracks to turn around. “What?”
He reached for your elbow, and with ease pulled you away. “Look I...”
You knew what was going on in his head. His protective nature over you often interferes with many things, including your job. But not today.
“I know you’re worried Jay, okay?” You reasoned, gloved hands grabbing his forearms in reassurance. “But this is my job. Trust me - I hate that we’re put in this situation but there’s nothing we can do except have each other's back.”
Jay let out a loose breath of fear before masking it under a facade of blankness. He waved his hand at the police officers, giving them a sign to follow him. “Be careful.”
You bobbed your head before planting a kiss to his cheek and running back to the scene.
The sight in front of you broke your heart.
A tiny boy with tears coloring his face sat at the bench with his foot dangling over the edge, connected to what looked like a time bomb. He was all alone - barely even 7 years old, with a bright yellow beanie covering his blonde curls. Rosy tear stained cheeks, and blue eyes filled with fear made you drop on your knees immediately.
Carefully, you approached him. The fear that brew inside was pushed aside and you plastered on a smile. “Hi buddy. My name’s Y/N. We’re here to help you”
You seized the ticking bomb and managed to decipher the numbers. Shaking your head, you ignored the buzzing of your anxious heart and grabbed your radio, dialing. “We have three minutes chief. No time to wait for the bomb squad. I have to do it.”
Jay looked at the police officers who surrounded him in an uneven half circle, and shook his head. He could see the men trembling, hands shaking and beads of sweat appearing at their foreheads.
“Alright listen up,” He boomed. “We need to evacuate immediately. Threaten with arrest, I don’t care. Just get the civilians out of here.”
They nodded in sync, each man letting out a different toned response before leaving him be to watch what was revealing a few yards away. Jay wouldn’t admit it, but he was shaking inside. His fingertips itched to grab your heavily clothed body and swing you over his shoulder in an attempt to keep you safe... No matter how chauvinistic that sounded.
But Jay Halstead had decided to date a strong woman. A dedicated feminist at that - a woman that refused to be manhandled unless it was to take her to bed when she desired.
Now he watched her - you - shout and shove around the train station, desperate to do what his job was too. Was he a bad man for not really caring if that man that just brushed his expensive suit against his shoulder came out of there safe? He only had eyes on you, so that’s why he spent moments watching you work around like a hawk.
And then you kneeled, and your colleagues stepped out of the way. Without his permission, his dark brows bunched together and his eyes narrowed at your stature. What are you doing?
His answer fell from the sky quickly - although not literally. Voight and Boden strode to his side to discuss the situation.
“There is no time to wait for the bomb squad,” Boden said roughly, his jaw clenching. “If that bomb isn’t deactivated within the next 3 minutes not only is that boy going to die...everyone on this block will.”
Voight knew what he meant by that. Thousands of casualties. Not only will Chicago lose millions of dollars worth of repair if the block blows up - as first responders what came to their minds were the civilians. How many of them will die or be injured because of a simple mistake of following protocol and waiting? They had a firefighter there, on the scene, ready to disable the bomb and save them.
Only that firefighter was you. And that made their decision ten times harder to make.
But Boden was sure in you, and so was Voight. “Okay. Do what you gotta do.”
Wallace nodded, griping his radio. “Y/N. Go for it.”
Y/N? Jay couldn’t believe his ears. It completely slipped his mind that you had been trained for this. At that moment, his body and mind said no. He forgot all about equality you have been trying to tattoo into his mind. You were you at that moment. A simple girl he fell in love with and wanted to protect.
“What the hell Sarge?!”
“Okay,” You sighed enthusiastically, hoping to divert the boy’s attention to your relaxed posture. “I need you to be really still for me. Can you do that?”
The boy could barely nod as Sylvie held his head still in the cervical collar.
“What’s your name?” Sylvie asked him, ignoring the fact that two minutes were left on the clock. You went straight to work the moment his attention was diverted and his leg was no longer shaking.
Swiftly, you grasped the leg of his pants and pulled it up, revealing the leather that was sunk in his flesh. You winced, “His leg circulation is bad.”
“Just focus on the bomb,” She reassured you quietly.
You grabbed the equipment and started to work on disabling it. Each step was more difficult than the other. You felt yourself tremble as the end seemed to never come any closer to you no matter how much you reached for it. “Go.”
“What? We’re not leaving you.“ It was Severide who spoke, only a meter or two away from you. Shaking your head at another trap within the system you decided that you needed all the help you could get.
1 minute.
“Jay?” You murmured against the radio - Jay’s reply was instant.
“Y/N you can do this,” his voice was raspier through the line, more prominent and harsh. Nevertheless, his words soothed you.
“I need help,” you told him. “You said this man is crazy right? Well I think there’s a story here. These wires mean something. Blue, white, yellow.”
You weren’t allowed to go for it... not when so many lives were at risk. This man was smart, that much you knew. There has to be a meaning behind the colors.
Jay could help you more than anyone. You knew it. He knew it too.
Blue, white, yellow.
“Blue, white, yellow.” He mumbled, not allowing himself to look at his watch. You didn’t have much time, he knew it - Jay just didn’t want a definite reminder of it.
He rocked his brain for explanations. For a clue within this case. Something.
30 seconds.
“Everyone evacuate now!” Boden shouted into his radio. Jay shut it out. His voice didn’t matter. Only you did.
Like an eagle, he searched for you and found you: crouched in front of the yellow capped boy, acting like his anchor he could hold onto. He couldn’t see how shaky you were from afar, he could only hope you were okay.
10 seconds.
“This kid was his last target. He looks for the details,“ He explained to you. “Yellow.”
Like his beanie. You casted a stray glance at the boy, flashing him a tight lipped smile. The puffy beanie that was supposed to protect him from the cold just became the thing that saved his life. And the poor boy didn’t even know it.
This is it.
You didn’t think, only did what Jay told you. You cut through the yellow wire and stop the ticking destruction at the last second.
No sound is heard.
No man moves.
Only rigid breathing of your own manages to make its way inside your ears.
And then the boy starts to wail. His cries turn into what look like never ending sobs. You were glad he’s crying, and not in a bad way. The sound he started to make was a clear indicator of your survival. The bomb didn’t go off. You were safe. You never felt more alive.
Your friends swiped you in their arms immidiately. Every firefighter gave you a congratulation you never thought you would recieve. You just disabeled a bomb.
And it looked like you were the only one shocked.
Still shaking, your eyes searched for the man that helped you.
But Jay was already there, and by the time you turned around to search for him he had his fingertips around you. With a clean tug he pushed you against his chest and hugged you. His breathing was just as harsh as your own, but inside - he never felt prouder.
“You had my back,” you mumbled. Jay pulled a moment later, his blue eyes gazing down at you before he laughed. Laughed. “You were amazing baby.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. Now let’s get you out of here.” He smiled, slipping his hand into yours and pulling you towards the exit. You were cheered after of course, it made your heart swell with pride.
On your way outside you saw the bomb squad, standing in lines next to their equipment. “Nice work guys.” Jay said sarcastically.
The two of you made your way to the shaky boy to make sure he was alright. People were gathered outisde, now that the threat was removed. Each and every one of them had their eyes glazed with tears of relief.
Their homes were safe. Their families were too.
Boden gave you the rest of the day off, and Jay was the one to drive you home.
“Let’s hope our work doesn’t clash like that ever again.”
“I agree,” Jay said quietly and pressed his lips safely against yours.
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#jay halstead#jay halstead imagine#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead x reader#Chicago PD#chicago pd imagine#chicago pd fanfiction#CHICAGO FIRE#chiacgo fire imagine#chicago fire fanfictio#reader oneshot
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stay with me
prompt: requested by anon, who said “a role flip where hailey gets critically injured and jay is the one loosing his mind” and of course i was going to do it because, well, who would say no to worried!jay? so thank you anon for the request, and for your kind words on my fic “attempts”, it truly did brighten my morning, i hope this is what you were after <3
title is from he is we’s ‘kiss it better’ as well as the iconic 7x10 line “stay with me, jay”
Today was the first time in a while Jay woke up in bed on his own. It felt like forever since he had done this, and he and Hailey hadn’t been sure on the whole idea when it had been suggested to them a few weeks ago at Molly’s, it had been his brother that had proposed the idea, saying it might be fun to stick with the traditional “not staying in the same place the week before the wedding” route, so they agreed in an effort to shut him up about the fact.
He missed being able to reach out and wrap his arm around Hailey, to convince her to stay in bed just a little bit longer with lazy kisses up and down her neck before having to jump out from under the sheet quickly and skip having breakfast and coffee at home and instead grab one at the district because they were running late, if they hadn’t been interrupted that was. What could he say, sometimes the lazy kisses turned into something a little more and they would lose track of time.
But there was no one there to do that to this morning, so Jay begrudgingly rolled out from underneath the thick sheet, not that he had really been underneath it - the sheet was too thick for the current summer heatwave overtaking Chicago right now and he had been awoken in the middle of the night to him sweating buckets so he had kicked it off.
He checked his phone sat on the nightstand, unplugging the charger from the port and smiling at the message from Hailey already waiting on his home screen sent under ten minutes ago, presumably when she woke up.
(07:02 - Hailey) Good morning soon-to-be husband. Just 6 more days
Jay quickly types back a response to let her know that he was awake too.
(07:10 - Jay) The day can’t come by fast enough
He hit send and then padded out of the bedroom, the smile immediately gone when he almost tripped up the pile of somewhat damp clothes placed right outside the bathroom door, in other words two steps out of the room he had just walked out of.
A mumbled curse escapes his lips as he carries on down the hall, finding his brother in the kitchen making himself a coffee.
“Seriously? The wet clothes on the floor, you’re still doing that?” Jay asks, gaining the attention of his brother quickly, Will turning sharply at the sound of Jay’s voice coming from behind him, almost making the older one drop the mug held in his hand.
After a moment to compose himself Will sighs, putting the mug down on the kitchen island and grabbing another empty one, sliding it along the top for Jay. “Sorry, I can’t help it,” he says before furrowing his eyebrows. “And whatever happened to not complaining to your host about the accommodation?” He questions.
Jay shrugs. “I don’t remember agreeing to that,” he mumbles, not meeting his older brother’s gaze and instead he just takes the outstretched mug from his hand and walks past him to the coffee pot. “And you were the one that said it, I didn’t specifically ask for this, I was quite happy being able to see my fiancée.”
Will rolls his eyes dramatically. “Shut up, you see her every day at work.”
The younger brother then looks up from pouring the coffee into the mug. “Speaking of work aren’t you supposed to be there right now?”
Will shakes his head. “Not for another two minutes.”
Jay’s phone on the counter beside him, making him lift up his attention from the mug to see what it was. A smile automatically appears on his face when he sees a text from Hailey, with a blurry photo attached. He slides it across, opening his messages and there he can see the photo better, it’s no longer blurry, and he didn’t think it was possible but the grin grew wider.
(07:13 - Hailey) I agree. Miss having someone there to clean up the mess, means I have to do it
The photo sent just underneath the message was one of the dining table, leftovers from breakfast everywhere. Sitting in one of the chairs was the same, it layered over the face of their two-year-old daughter, Macie. The girl had a cheeky grin on her face and oatmeal in the ends of her blonde hair, where clearly it had been accidentally dipped in the bowl. Her pajamas were covered in the food and her hands were slapping a specific spot of the mess on the table. She looked very proud of herself.
His brother’s voice rips Jay back up from his phone. “What you grinning at?” He asks over the mug in his own hands.
Jay turns the phone around so Will could see, a smile appearing on Will’s face at the sight of the picture. Jay slowly shakes his head as his older brother looks up from the phone, Jay taking it back so he could look at it again. “You know I saw her last night, but I already miss her.”
Will smirks, chugging the last of his coffee and then putting the empty mug down on the kitchen island once he catches sight of the time. He says a quick goodbye to his brother before having to rush out the door.
Jay finishes his rest of his coffee in the silence of the kitchen, putting both his and Will’s mug in the dishwasher for the cycle after dinner before heading back through to the bathroom for a quick shower before work, taking a moment to pick up the damp clothes from the floor and put them in the laundry basket because Will wouldn’t do it.
When Jay arrives into the district he’s greeted pleasantly by Trudy, as pleasantly as you could get from the desk sergeant at least, and then he makes his way up into the Intelligence bullpen, finding everyone already there.
He gives them all a smile as he passes by their desks before shrugging his lightweight jacket off and putting on the back of his chair, sitting down opposite Hailey, offering her the widest smile of them all.
“Nice to see you decided to join us.” Hailey jokes, looking across the two desks to him.
Jay leans back into his chair. “I’m sure it is.” He replies with a subtle wink in her direction, gaining a quick roll of Hailey’s eyes and then she turns around in her chair, trying to hide the smirk upturning the corner of her lips.
The moment is quickly over however when Voight leaves his office and walks over to the board, pulling it into the center of the room and starts briefing the unit on their new case.
An hour later someone was called to chase down a possible witness and Jay and Hailey being the only ones left in the bullpen - the others had also gone out to check out alibis and security footage from the surrounding area - they were sent on their way. On the drive over Jay quickly looks to Hailey, his eyes only on her for a second before back in the road.
“Did Mace go down alright last night? I know how difficult it is for her to sleep without my nightly bedtime story.”
Hailey chuckles, watching him from the corner of her eye. “You give yourself too much credit, she went down just fine without you last night.”
“Ouch.” Jay mumbles, dropping his face down to show a forced hurt expression.
Hailey then tilts her head to one side, fully turning it so she could see his profile. She reaches one hand up and places it atop his on the steering wheel, giving it a gentle squeeze before putting her hand back down in her lap.
Once they arrive at the house Jay stops the truck and they both step out simultaneously. Jay makes his way around the hood of the car and joins Hailey on that side but before they could make their way up to the house the sound of gunfire startled them both, Jay grabbing hold of Hailey’s shoulder and pulling her down into a squatted position just as another shot rings through their ears, the sound of the truck window directly above their heads smashing filling the air just after. Staying as low as they can they make their way around the other side of the truck, putting the vehicle between them and the shooter. Jay takes a shot at the window he could see the muzzle poking out of, scaring the gun away as Hailey radios it in, requesting back-up to their location.
Before the back-up could arrive however the sound of a scream coming from inside makes them jump up and advance toward the house and kick the door in and start their search in the house. In the living room they found a body of a woman on the floor.
Hailey kept watch around them as Jay knelt down, putting his fingers against her neck and leaving them there for a moment before meeting Hailey’s quick glance, shaking his head after he had felt nothing. He stood back up and they carried on their search around the house, clearing rooms as they did. When they made it to the kitchen however they were stopped by the man, said to be the witness they were there to speak to, hiding behind the wall with the gun pointed shakily at them.
Hailey and Jay didn’t lower theirs, they had seen many of these scenes in front of them before. The obvious uneasiness of the man’s hands could lead to one of two things - him dropping the gun quickly or another round would be let off.
Jay spoke in a calm manner, not wanting to scare the man anymore than he clearly was. “Chicago PD, lower your weapon and keep your hands where we can see them.”
The man shakes his head. “I didn’t mean to - I didn’t want to hurt her.”
Jay then nods. “I know,” he says, quickly carrying on but he doesn’t move his gun from up high and neither does Hailey. “But if you lower your gun and cooperate, we can talk to the State’s Attorney and work out a deal for you, but that will only happen if you put the gun down.”
It looks as though he was about to but all of a sudden he lifts it up higher, the tremors in his hand gone and he becomes swiftly confident pointing the gun toward the two detectives. He argues further for another minute before another round echoes through the room, and then another, and then another and then the gun gets thrown to the floor and the man bolts out of the back door.
Jay goes to follow him before catching the drop of someone in the corner of his eye. He looks over his shoulder to see Hailey on the floor, clutching her side and the thought of chasing the offender gets ditched as Jay throws his own gun back into the holster and kneels down beside her.
She’s insisting she’s fine the whole time he’s pulling at the strap of the vest to take it off, that it just knocked the wind out of her and that he should go after the offender.
“If patrol’s here they heard the shots. I’m not leaving you,” Jay shakes his head quickly, finally pulling the vest off of her left shoulder. “It didn’t go through, but it could have hit a rib.” He finds himself mumbling once he bunches her shirt upwards to see the skin underneath, making Hailey force a chuckle.
“Guess we might have to push the wedding back again, I was wondering what it would be this time,” she says, the words coming out gritted but despite that she carries on. “First a pregnancy, next a baby, then a huge profile case and now a bullet. What are we gonna tell people this time?” She asks, the words still an indicator on how much pain she was experiencing.
Jay tried to get her to keep her energy but he liked how she kept talking. If she was talking it meant she was alert, and if she was alert it meant she was okay - for the most part at least. After a beat he reached for his radio, having forgotten to do it before. “5021 George, officer down, I repeat officer down, need an ambo to 1812 South Racine Avenue. Offender is in the wind, blue jeans, dark sneakers, white jacket.”
The confirmation comes through the radio, telling them both there’s an ambulance on route and Jay spends the time keeping Hailey alert. As more time goes on he starts to notice her slowly drifting away, taking longer to answer questions and finish sentences, her eyelids starting to drop, the color drifting quickly away from her skin leaving her pale. The bullet didn’t penetrate through the skin, he didn’t know why this was happening and it wasn’t like he could apply pressure to try and slow the bleed. He kept tapping at her cheek to keep her awake, it working for the most part as they waited for the ambulance to show up.
“Hey no, you stay awake,” he tells her after he taps her face for the third time to knock her back into reality. “You’re not allowed to, remember? We made a deal, no dying.”
Hailey slowly nods. “I remember.” She responds, the words barely a whisper.
They may or may not have been a little drunk the night they made that deal just a couple months into their engagement the night they picked the first date for their wedding and it may or may not have been the night they conceived their daughter, but the deal was the one thing they can recall in full from that night, the other things were blurs here and there.
Jay gives her a smile at the fact she answered quicker than normal. “Good, good. Do you remember what we said the punishment was if one of us tried to break the deal?”
There’s a quiet mumble from Hailey before she shakes her head. “We made a punishment?”
Jay nods, repositioning himself so he sat up properly, squeezing her shoulder as he went to say what the punishment was before he catches the sharp movement from Hailey, the tight grimace as he touched her shoulder. The smile previously there is wiped away and replaced with concern. “Did you get hit there too?” He asks as he peeks through the neck of her shirt to see if there was bruising or a wound from a bullet.
The words were coming out basically inaudible, just small movements of the mouth as her eyelids dropped lower. “No, it just hurts.”
There wasn’t a bruise or wound so he brought the neck of her shirt back where it was before and then he notices just how pale she had become. She was white as a sheet and by the time he realized how close to unconsciousness she was it was too late, her slipping away before he could attempt to stop it.
He quickly reached for his radio, practically shouting through it. “5021 George, I need an ETA in that ambo.”
The response is immediate. “Ambo is one minute out.”
Jay curses, trying the tips of his fingers against the side of her face again but that doesn’t work.
The next minute was hell, nothing he was doing was working and she just wasn’t waking back up again. Eventually the paramedics came rushing in through the front door and made their way to the back of the house after Jay called them through.
He explained what had happened, how she had passed out a minute before and how she had kept getting more pale despite the fact the bullet didn’t go through the vest. They did their usual quick exam and then got Hailey loaded into the back of the ambo and Jay jumped in close behind, the ambo taking off toward Med as soon as the back doors slammed shut.
On the way over there Hailey kept slipping in and out of consciousness, being out-of-it when the ambo pulled into the bay and they moved her into the ED.
One of the paramedics guiding the gurney toward the room spoke. “Hailey Upton, GCS 8, heart rate 107, BP 75/50. She’s been in and out of consciousness the entire ride over here. Non-penetrating gunshot to the upper left abdomen and was complaining about pain in her left shoulder before she fainted.”
Doctor Marcel ordered the transfer on to the bed and the paramedics took the gurney back out, disappearing out of sight again as Jay stood alert in the doorway to the trauma room, watching as the doctor and nurses poked her with IV’s and prodded at her abdomen. Jay watched as Marcel's face dropped subtly and ordered an ultrasound and that’s when he spoke up.
“What’s going on?” He asks loudly from the doorway, making everyone look up momentarily toward him before the doctor puts his focus back on to Hailey, waving in his direction and Jay’s face scrunches up, wondering what that means before he feels someone’s arms wrap around him and pull him away. He fights it, kicking his legs because he just about couldn’t put the soles of his feet on the floor and waving his arms around, demanding to be out back down.
“Stop, Jay, you can’t stand there, they need all the space they can get.” The person behind him says, Jay quickly recognizing the voice as the one who belonged to his brother. Will puts him back down on to the floor and then stands in front of him, putting his hands out to stop Jay when he punches forward to try and go back to the room.
Jay fights against it again, trying to push past his brother but it doesn’t work. “Will just let me passed, I need to see what’s going on.”
Will shakes his head, stopping the brunette. “What you need is to stay out of the way, you can’t stand there.”
Jay huffs. “I won’t get in the way, I need to see what’s going on.” He says, not only fighting off his brother as he did but the tears filling up in his eyes, making it difficult to see what was going on anyway.
Will’s hands reach for Jay’s shoulders, only to have Jay swat them away quickly. “Protocol says you can’t.”
Jay’s eyes widen, making it easier for Will to see the emotion written clear in them. “What protocol?! She’s my fiancée, my partner, I’m allowed to stand there.” He replies, his voice raising and catching at the back of his throat, causing a subtle break.
Will sighs. “The protocol in emergency situations, nobody in the doorway for easy but quick transportation to an available OR. They need to save as much time as possible.”
The volume in Jay’s voice disappears and it’s all spoken cracked. “What’s going on?” He pleads.
Will gives his younger brother a reassuring nod. “I’ll find out.” He whispers, catching Jay in for a hug when the emotion eventually overwhelms him, kicking his balance off and knocking him off his feet and he slowly falls into Will’s open arms.
They stay like that for a beat before a commotion from behind Will, making them both part away from each other just in time to watch Marcel leave the room and make his way over toward them.
Marcel doesn’t waste a beat, getting the point straight away. “Jay, the FAST scan showed Hailey has a lot of internal bleeding in her abdomen, the force from the bullet caused her spleen to rupture and she’s unstable. It’s my best recommendation to perform a splenectomy and remove the organ in its entirety. Usually we wouldn’t jump to surgery but this is a very severe case. She’s still incoherent so as her next of kin it is your decision. Do I have permission to do the surgery?”
Jay quickly nods. “Yes, do everything you can for her.”
Marcel steps backwards into the room, coming back out moments later with two nurses wheeling the hospital bed toward the elevator. Will isn’t quick enough to react, Jay jumping forward and racing through the ED to the bedside, escaping his brother’s arms by a second.
He walks alongside the bed, grabbing hold of Hailey’s hand and giving her a forced smile when he sees her slightly awake. “You’re gonna be fine, Hailey, I promise you, and we’re gonna be able to get married when you’re out of here and then we’re gonna get to grow old together, just like we said. I’m gonna be with you every step of the way, I’m not gonna leave you,” he whispers to her before being pulled away by Will as the bed boards the elevator. “I love you, Hailey.” He adds, his voice slightly louder and he says it just in time, the steel doors shutting in his face.
Jay takes in a steadying breath and he just stands there, eyes glued to the doors in front of him. Quickly he loses it, spinning around on his heels and clutches on to his brother again, wrapping his arms around him and hiding his head in Will’s shoulder.
Will brings his hand up, patting Jay’s back and tightening the hug. Will doesn’t say anything, doesn’t move, just breathes calmly and listens to the quiet cries coming from his baby brother, allowing him to have all the time he needed to let it out, knowing it would be worse off if Jay kept it in.
Jay’s eyes stung. It had been just under an hour since Hailey had been taken upstairs to surgery and he hadn’t heard a word. The rest of the unit had showed up a few minutes after Hailey had been wheeled off and had taken Jay from Will’s arms, allowing the red-head to go back to work, and Kevin had then become the leaning post for Jay hold on to for another few minutes before he pulled away apologizing and then they were taken upstairs to wait in the appropriate waiting room. Since then everyone had been sat in the chairs silently.
Some of the other people in the room were looking through something on their phone, the odd few skimming through old newspapers and magazines kept on the ankle-high coffee tables and then there was the unit, who were looking around nervously and sunk into the uncomfortable chairs obsessively drinking their third coffee in time time they had been here. Jay was picking at the now non-existent fingernails on one hand and staring down the oddly coloured and stained carpet underneath his feet. Before that he had been rubbing the base of his fourth finger on his left hand, where in just six days there’s set to be a ring there but for the time being it’s still just an empty space waiting to be filled. It was probably going to be a lot more than six days until it did now, but he was used to that feeling, knowing the wedding would more than likely have to move again.
At least the first two times had been positive reasons.
He thought back to the first time, when Hailey had been acting off for a few days, being all distant. She wasn’t herself and when he confronted her about it, when he asked what was wrong she had just shook her head, muttering how she couldn’t do it before handing back over the ring. He remembers moping at the district until Will talked some sense into him and told him to speak to Hailey. He had gone back to the apartment to find her stood by the front door and once they went inside he gave a speech about how he wasn’t going to let a little bit of cold feet stop him unless she really didn’t want to get married.
"Jay, I didn't call off the wedding because of cold feet."
It takes a second before his face screws up with confusion, him sending her a slightly very confused look. "Then why did you?"
She gives him a smile as she shrugs her shoulders lightly. "Because I didn't want to be eight months pregnant when we got married," she replies and she watches the confusion drain from Jay's face at what she said, his face becoming very straight, "I had a hunch a few days ago but it was too early to be able to take a test, and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure because I know how you felt about having kids because of your own dad and I didn't want to freak you out if it was noth-"
She's cut off suddenly by Jay stepping forward and leaning over, locking his lips against hers whilst cupping her face with his hands, tangling the ends of his fingers into the loose strands of hair she had draped over her shoulders. She smiles against his lips, just beginning to move her hands up his arms as he parted them apart a few moments later after the initial kiss, leaning his forehead against hers for a beat before edging his jaw forward again, putting a more gentle kiss to her lips this time but it was over quicker.
A beat passes of just the two of them leaning with their heads still inches apart before she lets out a single breathless laugh. "Nothing." She whispers, finishing off her sentence that had been cut short by his mouth.
He remembers what had happened next, how the rest of the night had been spent in pure bliss. About how the next few months were spent in pure bliss. About how the last few years were just spent in pure bliss.
And now everything could be crumbling apart. It could have already fallen down and he wouldn’t know about it, not just yet anyway.
He felt sick to his stomach and he knew there’s nothing he could do to make that feeling go away, that it wouldn’t leave until he knew about Hailey and her being out of surgery, and yet that could still be hours away.
He doesn’t move his gaze away from the floor as he continued to pick at his bleeding nails, finding comfort in having something to distract himself, even if it wasn’t ideally what he should be doing.
There’s scenarios rushing through his head. What-ifs taking over. He should have stopped it. Maybe if he hadn't missed that window shot outside the house this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if he hadn't been so calm in the kitchen. What if he had dropped the offender to the floor before he got the sudden confidence spike? He easily would have been able to pounce on the guy and take the gun from his hands so why didn’t he?
Because you might have been shot yourself, dummy. He can hear Hailey’s voice in his head respond to the question he posed himself.
Although the voice was right. With the nerves clear in that guy’s hand there had been so many ways that situation could have gone wrong, ending up in a more fatal shot to one of them than the one Hailey took.
But still, he should have done it. He should have reacted faster. He was trained professionally, for the army, to be quick and have fast decisions, but he still pulled back and didn’t notice the signs early enough. He should have taken the man down there and then, disarm him before he shot, but he didn’t and now look where he was.
He feels a warm hand rest on his back and it makes him jump in his seat, shooting his head up to stare at the person standing beside him. At first the bright light coming from the ceiling blinds him, he had been looking down to the floor longer than first thought before he sees the gentle reassuring smile of Kevin hovering over him.
Kevin hesitantly sits down beside him, keeping his hand pressed against the detective’s back before pulling it away when Jay leans back in the chair to avoid having it crushed in between the two.
Jay props his elbow up on the arm of the chair and bunches his hand into a fist and leans his temple into it. After a beat the detective slowly nods, speaking his first words since Hailey had been taken into the elevator - until now he had been a silent statue sat there. “I should have stopped it.” He whispers and in the corner of his eye he could see everyone in the unit turn to look at him from their own seats, the surprise to hear him talking written on their faces.
Kevin’s face is the only one to drop though. “Jay you didn’t know, there was no way you could have stopped it.”
Jay’s voice is a lot more urgent this time, compared to the silent words he had just spoken before. “Well I should have tried.”
Kevin sends a quick look over his shoulder to the rest of the unit and they all look as lost as he feels. He doesn’t know what else to say to the detective, so he just brings his hand back up and puts it atop Jay’s shoulder.
Jay has to swallow back the lump in the back of his throat and the teary eyes that accompanied it. At this point surely he should be cried out, but the tears just kept on coming and he was quite surprised he still had that much water in his body left.
He leans back further into his fist, resting that half of his body weight on that one elbow propped up on the arm of the chair, and just lets everything play out again in silence.
He wasn’t sure at which point he fell asleep or how he even managed to, but the next thing he knows his shoulder is being shaken and someone is calling his name into his ear. He bolts up, looking around the room quickly to see what all the commotion was about before seeing doctor Marcel stood in the waiting room, being surrounded by the unit.
Jay jumps up from the seat, his legs a little uneasy at first but he gets to the other side of the waiting room without falling over so he’s calling that a plus.
Once he reaches the rest of the group and basically pushes to the front, Marcel shakes his head, gesturing for Jay to follow him. “She’s awake, wants to see you.”
Jay quickly follows, keeping less than a step behind the doctor at all times on the path across the floor to the surgical recovery. Marcel can barely open the door before Jay is already in there, walking over to the bed.
Hailey smiles when she sees him and there’s a giant wash of relief that comes over him, the weight he didn’t know was there lifted up from his shoulders.
He stops at the edge of the bed and leans down, putting a soft but long kiss to the top of her head, his lips upturned the entire time. After a moment he pulls himself away and stays put as doctor Marcel moves to the foot of the bed, running through the important information.
“You’re gonna be in the hospital the next few days so we can monitor you, and you should be fully recovered in about six weeks.” Marcel says, gaining a breathless chuckle from Jay.
“Guess we’re gonna have to push the wedding back again.” Jay cuts in.
Marcel nods. “Just a little bit.”
Marcel runs through a few more things before whispering how he’ll be back in a few minutes to go through things in more detail, and that he’d let the two of them have a moment alone, before sticking to his word and leaving the room.
Jay sat on the very edge of the bed, slowly grabbing hold of the hand that didn’t have an IV line in, rubbing the pad of his fingers along the back of her hand, giving her a weak smile. “See? I told you you would be fine.”
Hailey’s eyebrows knit together and she briefly looks down to where his hand lay on top of hers. “Did you mean what you said earlier? About growing old together?”
“You remember that?” Jay asks, gaining a nod from Hailey but nothing more. He sits sideways a little further so he could face her better. “Hailey, we’re getting married, of course I meant it. There’s no one else I’d rather grow old with.”
#anon request#i brought macie over from wattpad because why not#and that flashback is one i stole from a previous wattpad fic#upstead#upstead fic#jay halstead#hailey upton#chicago pd#chicago med#jay x hailey#hailey x jay#kevin atwater#will halstead#crockett marcel#upton x halstead#halstead x upton#jay x will#halstead brothers#one chiacgo#chicago pd fanfiction#upstead fanfiction
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Anyone want a starter from EJ? My wee precious bean is neglected
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Alright but the writers of these Chicago shows suck at developing characters and relationships
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Lost or Found - 2
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
2 - Every Breath You Take
Hailey found herself in the front seat of Jay’s pickup truck, which was a place she never thought she would be. After three days of trying to figure out where the text came from, they had given up. Jay called his best friend Greg, who Hailey didn’t even know existed, to help them trace the message.
It was just the 3 of them, Jay’s brother Will had just moved into Northwestern and his mom was at work. Hailey wasn’t sure where his dad was, but that wasn’t new, she had never heard Jay talk about him despite him being in the picture. They made their way to the unfinished basement of the small greystone, Hailey smirking in amusement at Greg’s shock after seeing Jay’s colorful and elaborate bulletin board.
“Wow,” Greg said, tracing one of the string trails with his finger. “This is crazy. And the cops don’t know about any of it?”
“No.” Jay said, leaning against the makeshift desk. “This is just between us.”
“So, what’s our next move?” Greg asked.
“I was thinking that you could stay here and track the text, while Hailey and I go to Erin’s and look through her room.” Jay said.
Hailey spoke in protest. “Really? Look through her room?”
Jay nodded, “There is something missing, maybe it will be there.”
Fifteen minutes later, Hailey stood with Jay in the middle of Erin’s bedroom. They had entered using Jay’s key. Unbeknownst to Hailey, Jay would stay at the Voight’s whenever things would get bad with his dad. Hank wasn’t home at the time, he was a private investigator and sometimes he would leave for days at a time for a job, not that it mattered, he treated Jay like his own son.
They sifted through the various stacks of books and clothes, the room had been untouched since she disappeared. Hailey watched Jay as he looked at the collage of pictures on the wall. She was only in a few, the new ones added on the bottom. There was one from the first night she met Erin and Jay, they had a bonfire in Kim’s backyard, she remembered joining Erin in teasing Kim about her blushing everytime Adam looked at her. The next one was the three girls dressed in pajamas for the first day of finals. And the third was from the day before the last day of school, it was Jay and Adam’s last baseball game. She must have hung it up that same night.
She followed Jay’s gaze to a picture of the two of them, he was kissing Erin’s cheek while she smiled wide for the camera. “I’m so sorry.” She said, “We haven’t really talked about it. It must be terrible.” And while it seemed crazy that in all their investigating that they hadn’t really talked about what happened, it was true. They talked logistics, motive, suspects, but never feelings. Jay was closed book, he had been the whole summer. It was only in the past few days that Hailey thought they were beginning to truly be friends, despite the horrific circumstances.
“I’m fine.” Jay said, turning away from the wall of memories abruptly.
Hailey sighed, she knew that lie well. It was her go to. “Jay, talk to me, I promise I’m the last person to judge.”
Jay took a deep breath, he could sense the sincerity in her words clearly. He looked a her, a little too long actually. She was almost smiling in defeat, she was expecting him to shoot her down again, challenging him to tell her how he was feeling. “I just,” He cut himself off, ready to retreat back to him silent shell, but he wanted to talk, he needed to talk. “I can’t stand not knowing. I don’t care if she really is dead, I just want to know.” He admitted. Hailey didn’t respond or console him. She just nodded, which is exactly what he needed in that moment.
Greg Gerwitz: I got an address for the server that sent the text. 1490 Wabash.
“What is it?” Hailey asked, noticing a slight smile appear on Jay’s face.
Jay held up his phone, “Greg got an address.”
“Let’s go.”
As they pulled up to the sketchy looking bungalow, Hailey realized that they had no plan. It didn’t seem to bother Jay, he jumped out of the truck and charged the front door. He easily jumped over the missing step while Hailey carefully climbed after him, her short legs giving her a serious disadvantage. As soon as they reached the door, Jay tried the nob, much to his his surprise, the door to the abandoned house fell open.
They carefully made their way in, Hailey unintentionally gripping Jay’s arm to keep him close. The main floor was completely bare, with the exception of a few random chairs and a very dilapidated kitchen. They rounded a corner and met the basement stairs, each step causing them to squeak. When they reached the bottom, Hailey thought she had stopped breathing. Just like in Erin’s room, photos of them lined the walls, but these were different. They weren’t staged or posed, the were the worst kind of candid. There were ones of each of them individually, small groups of them, Erin with lots of different people.
“Holy shit,” Jay muttered under his breath. Once he recovered he began to take photos of everything he saw.
Hailey stood there frozen, some of the photos were recent, as recent as Erin’s funeral. “Jay.” She said, starting to panic, “Jay.” He wasn’t paying attention. “Jay!” He finally looked at her. “What the hell is all this? We have to tell the others, this is about all of us now, not just Erin. Ohmigod, someone really did take her…”
She kept rambling on, “Hailey,” Jay said, but it didn’t stop her. “Hailey,” He said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “We will tell the others everything, but right now we need to take everything we can, whoever did this wanted us to find this, we need to take advantage of it.”
As soon as Hailey turned to look through the nearest stack of files, a car alarm went off outside. Jay went running up the stairs and Hailey chased after him, when they reached his truck, all the doors were open and the lights were flashing while the horrid noise sounded over and over again. The two shared a look before rushing to the pickup and locking themselves in. Whoever was responsible had been there the whole time.
Kim looked down at her phone, there was a text in the group chat to meet for breakfast in the morning. She smiled to herself, things were finally getting back to normal. She couldn’t deny that the loss of Erin hurt like hell, it still did. But being the optimistic person she was, she told herself that she would be okay and kept pushing forward.
“What are you so happy about?” Adam asked from the drivers seat.
Kim shrugged, “Nothing really, Jay just said that he wants all of us to get breakfast in the morning.”
“Sounds fun,” Adam nodded, “I’ll pick you up.”
Kim grinned at that, she has had feelings for Adam for a long time now, but wasn’t until Erin’s disappearance that she acted on them. Erin had always pushed her too, and doing so made Kim feel close to her again. They didn’t tiptoe around it formuch longer than that, he asked her to be his girlfriend a soon as possible, they understood now how short life really was.
They reached their destination, a little hole in the wall pizzeria by the riverwalk. Adam met her at her side of the car, quickly pressing her against it before lowering his lips to hers. Adam was big on PDA, not that Kim minded, it made her feel wild. After coming up for air, Adam pecked her lips one more time, and they made their way inside. All the while completely unaware of the the person that had been following them for six block now.
Hailey made her way into the dark house, dropping her bag by the front door. She headed to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on any lights on the way. She was pretty shaken up from earlier and was ready to sleep the whole day away. She heard a thud in the living rooma and immediately she cursed herself for not being smart enough to hit any of the switches she passed.
Her uncle was on shift all night at the firehouse and her aunt had plans with her work friends and would be home late. She slowly made her made towards the den, looking around herself constantly, she rounded the corner, sure that she was just hearing things due to her newfound paranoia, but she was met with a dark figure. She tried to scream, but the wind was knocked out of her as the figure slammed her against the wall behind her. They gripped her neck, molding her body into the hard surface. She clawed at their hands, trying desperately to breathe, but they were too strong.
“Stop looking.” A voice growled in her ear before she was thrown to the floor. Oxygen finally filled her lungs and she coughed violently, giving whoever was there the chance to disappear as fast as they appeared in the first place. She held her throat, which felt like it was on fire.
She crawled on the floor, searching for her phone that had been lost in the one sided fight. The tears began to fall as she fumbled with her passcode, she then called the only person she could.
“Jay,” She forced out along with another sob.
“Hailey? What’s wrong?”
Hailey’s breathing began to pick up, “The-There was someone in my h-house and they attacked me. I-I can’t breathe.”
“I’m on my way.”
Jay didn’t hang up until he pulled up in front of her house. He broke several traffic laws trying to get back to her house. He burst through the unlocked door and ran through the house. “Hailey!” He called out, he followed the sound of cries and found her still on the ground holding her chest. “Hailey, Hailey breathe.” He said, pulling her into his arms. “You’re okay, you’re safe.”
Hailey felt herself wrapped in his warmth, she finally felt like she could breathe again. She focused on his steady, but fast, heartbeat, trying to match her breath to it like she had learned. It had been so long since she had had a panic attack. Little did Jay know, that wasn’t the first time sh had been strangled and it definitely wasn’t the first time she had ended up on the floor sobbing. Eventually, Hailey reluctantly pulled herself away from him. “Thanks.” She said, casting her gaze on the floor.
“Of course.” He said, standing. He began to pace around the room, looking for anything the attacker might have left behind. He turned to her. “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“No!” She exclaimed, maybe a little too aggressively. “I’m fine, I was more scared than anything.” Jay eyed her like he didn’t believe her, but she ignored it. “Should we, um, call the police?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then no, we can’t risk them being another step ahead of us.” He explained, “We can’t trust anyone.”
Hailey nodded, playing with her fingers as she shifted uncomfortably. “Would you mind staying? Just until my aunt gets home.”
Jay cracks a slight smile, “Not at all.”
Hailey proceeded to turn on every light she could find, even though she felt much safer with Jay being there. She led him to the kitchen where she made a pot of coffee, they both needed it. They made small talk for the next few hours, neither of them wanting to veer into deeper water.
Somewhere close to midnight Trudy returned, surprised to find a Halstead sitting in her kitchen. Jay quickly bid his goodbyes, telling Hailey that he would pick her up in the morning. Trudy eyed Hailey as he walked out the door, but Hailey shook her head. The last thing she needed was her aunt thinking that she had something going on with her presumed dead best friend’s ex. That would be horribly messy. She made her way to her room, double checking the locks on all her windows. When she finally fell asleep, her door was open and all her lights were on. Which, little did she know, made it even easier to watch her.
#jay halstead#hailey upton#upstead#upstead au#kim burgess#adam ruzek#burzek#burzek au#kevin atwater#erin lindsay#hank voight#trudy platt#chiacgo pd#chicago pd au#one chicago
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I’ve watched Chicago PD so much lately and with the new One Chicago seasons this week I’m dying for some muses to play against Sophia.
Sooo if you have any canon or oc muses from Chiacgo Fire/PD/Med and want to throw them at my girl, like this or dm me! (or reply to any of her many opens or shoot her a meme)
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Congrats on the many successes of Furly Mac the man the myth the legend in the making! This Young Man is showing the acting community what TRIUMPH looks like. He's been featured on various primetime television shows such as Chiacgo PD and Empire and was featured in Nate Parker's iconic production Bitrth of a Nation. He's an Entrepreneur, Prodigy for the big screen, and a beacon of light for all up and coming actors and he embodies what it is to be a true New Age Hippie! It just the beginning. Congrats and Continued Success To You, #EMPIRE #CHICAGOPD #NAH #NEWAGEHIPPIE #FURLYMAC #YOUNGACTORS#NATEPARKER #HIGHCLASSCLOTHING #ATL #CHICAGO #LA #DENVER #MIAMI #HOUSTON #DALLAS #ICON #WEHERE
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the other way round - 7
He could hear Hailey shouting down the radio for a second ambulance and she appears in his eye line, hovering over him as she begins tugging at his shirt, meanwhile the quiet sounds of the confirmation could be heard coming through the radio she had thrown down.
She gets frustrated when the shirt won't go, mumbling under her breath and she tugs at it harder, finally getting the buttons to rip. Jay manages to look up when she's fiddling with the strap on his vest, trying to open it.
"It didn't go through, it didn't go through," Hailey says as Adam asks her what's going on in the corner of Jay's eye. Hailey's hand rushes to the site on his side, bunching up the end of his shirt and using it to apply pressure. He can just about see the blood on her hands, his blood on her hands. "It didn't go through, it's okay,"
- - -
Read now on FF and Wattpad :)
#new chapter#chicago pd#one chiacgo#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago med#jay halstead#hailey upton#will halstead#one chicago crossover#602 crossover#upton x halstead#halstead x upton#jay halstead whump#fanfic#light whump#upstead#upstead fic#canon divergent au#au
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First Post..
New here. Never was a big fan of tumblr until I saw all the amazing blogs dedicated to my favorite shows. Unfortunately, I am obsessed with most of my favorite shows.. It's sad.. Really sad. And worst part is everyone I know dislikes my shows.. With a strong passion. So here I am, hoping to join all of your fandoms and hoping to figure out this little thing called tumblr as I go.. If you have any pointers, please give me some insight. It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
#arrow#chiacgo pd#once upon a time#the flash#the originals#the vampire diaries#chicago fire#agents of shield
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Lost or Found - 0
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
0 - Summer Nights
Summer: The lifeline for every high school student. All the studying and stressing of the school year becomes worth it when the final bell rings, nothing beats the feeling. And this year is no exception.
Erin waltzed out of the building, her hand securely in her boyfriend Jay’s. They were followed by Kim, who was berating Adam, he had pulled a last day of school prank on their history teacher with the help of Kevin. New girl, Hailey, was bringing up the rear. She watched her friends from afar.
Hailey had moved to Chicago just a few weeks ago, she had language arts with Kim and they had become fast friends. Kim insisted that she sit with her at lunch and all of the sudden Hailey was sucked into the group. She clicked immediately with Kevin and Adam, but Jay hadn’t been as welcoming, which she attributed to Erin’s not vocal but obvious dislike to her.
They parted ways in the parking lot, Erin and Jay leaving together in his truck that he was gifted for his 16th birthday. Hailey and Kim waved goodbye to the boys as they got in Kim’s car, leaving them and sophomore year behind.
Several hours later, Hailey found herself standing on the front porch of Erin’s house, where she lived with her adoptive father, Hank. The door swung open and Hailey recognized the raspy voice, “Hey girls, they’re in the basement.” He said as she followed Kim through the threshold. They made their way down the stairs and found the rest of their friends seating on different couches. Hailey sat in lone chair while Kim parked herself next to Adam.
After Erin announced that Hank had plans and would be gone the whole night, Adam pulled a bottle of Tequila that he had stolen from his mom out of his backpack. They passed it around until the bottle was empty, all of them feeling the same buzz.
“Oooooh, lets play spin the bottle.” Erin slurred, grabbing the empty bottle off the floor.
Adam scoffed, “What are we, twelve?”
Erin glared at him before motioning for everyone to join in the circle. Hailey found herself between Kevin and Erin, directly across from Jay. She couldn’t shake her nervous feeling, and neither could Kim. She was sitting across from Adam, her drunk state causing her to stare shamelessly. Adam caught her gaze and smirked, Kim’s cheeks turning a dark shade of red.
They were pulled out of their thoughts by Kevin announcing he would go first, the bottle landed on Adam. Adam started to shake his head, “No bro, this isn’t happening.” The rest of the group booed and Adam reluctantly pecked Kevin on the lips, gagging afterward.
Kevin pressed a hand to his chest, “That hurts.”
Kim was next, and once again, the bottle landed on Adam. He looked a bit more excited than before. Kim blushed and Adam wasted no time closing the gap in between them. The kiss was intense, the players not involved began to hoot and holler until Kim finally pulled away.
The bottle was passed to Jay, who seemed less than excited. Hailey wondered how you were supposed to play this game while in a relationship. Jay spun the bottle and much to her horror, it was pointed directly at Hailey.
“Jay spin again.” Erin snapped, giving him a pointed look.
“No, no, no,” Adam yelled, “If I had to kiss Kev, Jay has to kiss Hailey.”
Hailey looked around at her friends, she’d grown to love them, but right now she hated them. How could they put her in this situation, Erin already didn’t like her very much. “It’s fine, I’ll just spin-”
“No,” Jay spoke up, as she reached for the bottle. “I don’t cheat.” Erin looked like she was going to explode. Hailey just nodded, letting Jay make the first move. He gently pressed his lips to her’s, her eyes immediately shut as she pressed back into him. Someone coughed and the two jumped away from each other. Hailey chose to ignore the look on Jay’s face, averting her eyes and locking gaze with someone else. And if looks could kill, Hailey would be six feet under.
Erin houghed and jumped up, sprinting up the stairs. Kevin hissed as Jay sighed, running his hands over his face, “Shit..”
“You better go after her…” Kim said, nodding towards the staircase.
Jay nodded his head and disappeared up the stairs.
Hailey kept her eyes trained on the floor, feeling the heat of everyone’s eyes on her. “Damn that was hot.” Adam said, causing Hailey to snap her head up.
Kevin burst out laughing and Kim slapped his chest. “What the hell Adam? He’s with Erin.”
“Unfortunately,” He laughed out, “I’ve been trying to get him to dump her for weeks. She is such a bitch.” Hailey’s mouth fell open, along with Kim’s. Kevin was struggling to stay quiet and Adam just shrugs.
Suddenly, Jay came bounding down the stairs, capturing everyone’s attention. “Guys, Erin’s gone.”



#jay halstead#hailey upton#upstead#upstead au#jay halstead x hailey upton#kim burgess#adam ruzek#burzek#burzek au#kevin atwater#erin lindsay#hank voight#chicago pd#chicago pd au#one chiacgo#pretty little liars
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