max-cortez · 1 year
location — open mic night, deja brew.
character — @cheyohara
Even in a large crowd, it was easy to spot her. She'd given him one of the best nights he'd had since everything had fallen apart in his life and truth be told, he thought about it more often than he should have. It was a good night of innocent verbal jabs and good games of pool. If it weren't for the bar owner calling for the last call, he wasn't sure they ever would have left that place. Like any other one night stand, they'd gone their own way. It'd been months, but he trusted that the one night they'd spent together was enough of a foundation to strike up a conversation once more. "You thinking about getting up there and telling some of those jokes? I know you've got 'em," he teased with a beaming smile as he moved closer to where she stood. "Long time, no see, stranger. You been good?"
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verdadurmaz · 9 months
location — the teacher's lounge.
character — @cheyohara
With another anniversary of the bakery's grand opening coming around, the world seemed to be spinning all out of sorts. Due to a setback with the company she ordered supplies from, one week's worth of bakery items had been lost. It left her doors closed for a few short days, meaning that revenue had dipped all the same. It was the kind of conversation she'd wanted to avoid with the investor that had taken a chance on a food truck and the ideas she had for a stand alone storefront. Her coffee had sat atop the wooden table as she poured over numbers. It was all good minus the most recent quarter where she thought sales had prospered. She was just shy of the profit line projected, her stomach turning with fear over the most recent incident that would only further cause numbers to dip. Her saving grace was the grand opening anniversary, a time where many (she hoped) would show up to display support. A manicured hand curled tightly around the cup, though the lift was absentminded and when the brim of glass grazed her lips and the taste of cold bitter coffee landed on her tongue, she pulled back, causing droplets to fall onto the white blouse she'd plucked from her closet hours earlier. "Shit." Eyes fluttered closed in defeat and when they reopened, she spotted a woman she'd thought about far too many times for a stranger. "I know you're good at giving advice when it comes to darts, but any chance you'd know how to get a coffee stain out?"
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atlaswilliams · 1 year
location — first annual renaissance faire.
character — @cheyohara
Having never been to a renaissance faire before, he knew little about what to expect, despite having dressed the part for it. The breeze that tickled his exposed chest was welcomed as a smiling Maggie pulled at the necklaces he'd been directed to wear. If it hadn't of been for a friendly face helping him toss something together, he would have lost.
The flower crown atop his blonde daughter's head was all Sage's doing. While she had no interest in parading around the faire itself, she'd gone all out when he mentioned his own interest. "You know, kid, you're stealing my thunder," he teased quietly under his breath as he pressed a kiss to the child's temple. It earned quite the laugh and had triggered a much wider smile on his mouth.
One side step later and his much larger frame was brushing someone in passing. "My bad." He'd barely gotten the half-assed apology out when he recognized the smaller frame he'd backed into. "I'm blaming the kid. She got a little excited over the swords and I was trying to show her a closer look. Not sure if I should be impressed, or scared, but," he trailed off, that smale boyish grin lit up on his features. "Maggie, this is a friend of mine. Can you say Chey?"
Shy as ever, the blonde hid her face in Atlas' neck before shifting around and giving the name her best attempt with the lightest giggle the world had ever heard. "Chey, this is Maggie."
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pennylind · 1 year
status / closed @cheyohara
location / skyline shopping center
Penny groaned as she turned the key in the ignition and was greeted with a clicking noise that only meant one thing. Her battery was dead. “Wonderful.” She mumbled to herself, hopping out the front seat to pop open the hood of her truck. The farm girl glanced around the parking lot until her eyes landed on another woman exiting her car. Penny hurried over, throwing a polite wave. “Hi, I don’t mean to trouble you, but my battery is dead and I could really use a jump. I have cables in my truck. I would be very grateful for the help.”
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character: Cheyenne O'Hara @cheyohara
location: End of Summer Bonfire Bash
Moving to grab one of the pokers, excited to roast some marshmallows, she realized just how difficult the task might be considering just how many people had the same idea to have a midnight s'more. Rachel had left her bottle of wine back at her tent since she hadn't felt like lugging it around with her. Looking for an empty spot to stake claim on, she noticed a person leaving a log and walked over that way. "Hey do you mind if I sit here or were you saving it for someone?"
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rcmandaniels-archive · 8 months
→ skyline shopping centre. closed for @cheyohara
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He hated malls. He hated crowds, and the overpowering smell of the food court, or the fact that people turned into rabid animals when they saw one of those big ‘sale’ signs in a clothing store. Ophelia asked him to come join her once he finished work for the day, because her partner was busy and she was needing the company. Which was probably a fat lie, considering she quickly waltzed off after fifteen minutes, leaving him to his own devices. Not hungry, and not in the mood to mindlessly wander the shops, he approached a bench with a woman sitting on it. Might as well get himself comfortable for a few hours until his sister returned, after all. “Do you mind if I sit? I’ve been ditched for hating malls, apparently. Just me, though. I’m sure my wallet was in her bag.”
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jacobklee · 8 months
— SETTING: providence peak university ; lunch time — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for CHEYENNE O'HARA | ( @cheyohara )
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It had been a few weeks since he'd seen her in person. Chit chatting and annoying your little soulsister every day through texts didn't really count, right? The holidays usually kept him pretty busy and now that he had Selvi, Jacob's end of the year seemed to have gotten even busier, but now that it was all in the past, of course he was going to make time for one of his favorite people.
After shooting Chey a text to check where she was, Jacob made his way there and knocked on her door before peeking his head in. "Uh... Excuse me, Mrs. O'Hara but I forgot to turn in my paper. Can I get an extra day to submit it?" With that, he flashed her a smiled and stepped in. "Brought you an extra jacket." He said as he moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her petite frame, then planted a kiss on the side of her head. "How's your stomach doing, kid? Feeling better? I was thinking we could go to the Teacher's Lounge and grab something to eat? On me."
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yasdogan · 8 months
closed starter for @cheyohara at skyline shopping center
Yas didn't have any particular plans for what she was looking for at the mall, instead just wandering some of the stores to see what she might find. Stopping in at one of the shops, Yas had tried on a few different outfits and opted against them all, her focus now turned towards finding a cute hat to wear. Picking a rather large one off the rack, Yas placed it atop her head, looking in the mirror nearby to weigh judgment on it. It was much to her surprise that as she turned towards the mirror, a different familiar face popped up beside it. "What do you think, is it too much?" she asked as a greeting, offering a bright smile towards Chey as she struck a pose with the hat.
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draslihanxfahri-bailey · 10 months
📜𝙰𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚑𝚛𝚒-𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 & 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎 𝙾'𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚊
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One month. Less than one more month until Theo's anniversary. No words could express how painful last year was, how hard it been to talk to Ray for the first time in months and see how he was doing. How grateful she'd been to be surrounded by so much love during that time. Yet that didn't leave her feeling anymore prepared for this year. Especially now that she has Rhiannon in her life and how many times she's wished or imagined that Theodora was here to be with her big and little sisters. Especially now knowing that her friend has been through a similar situation, that she's also experienced this horrible heartbreak. It was bittersweet having this knowledge. On one hand, she never would've wished this horrible fate on anyone. On the other, having someone else in her life who knew what it was like and to be able to lean on each other eased things in a way. Even though she wished, more than anything, that Chey never had to go through this like she did. "Alright, babe. I grabbed us some Silk Road tonight and some of Crane Distillery's finest; We deserve some deliciousness." Smiling warmly, she sat down on the couch. Everything already spread out on the coffee table. "How you feeling? Everything good at the uni? I have to admit, I miss our little lunch sessions. Feels weird not getting to see you around."
𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚒'𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎, 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔 ; 𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 || @cheyohara
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sarayoon · 11 months
— SETTING: haunted acres ; oct 27th — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for CHEYENNE O'HARA | ( @cheyohara )
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With Hanbin's official birthday behind her Sara felt like she could allow herself to enjoy some grown-up fun at the pumpkin farm while her child remained at home with the nanny. The short-haired brunette held the cup of apple cider tightly in her hands, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she watched the entrance of the so-called haunted mansion.
Her light yellow Converse shoes covered her feet as she rocked back and forth, debating whether or not she should go in. As a lover of true crime, she could see how this could end up badly for her, but at the same time, haunted houses had nothing to do with true crime and everything to do with messing with people's imagination, right?
Her fingertips tapped lightly on the plastic cup in her hands when someone stopped beside her. "Are you thinking about going in?" She asked the other, looking at the beautiful woman she's seen at the pumpkin patch with Max a few days ago. "Need a haunted mansion buddy?"
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austin-cartwright · 11 months
WHO: @cheyohara WHERE: Hayride at Haunted Acres
"Okay, but did this brilliant costume idea not disappoint or what?" There was a lopsided grin on her features as she looked over to her friend while the pair waited in line for the hayride. "I mean yeah, I'm a little cold. But when the light shines on me I sparkle like a diamond and I think that's pretty damn cool. Plus, like, what's a little hypothermia if it's for a good cause right? And I think looking this damn good is a great cause."
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max-cortez · 8 months
location — chey's and max's place, claret park.
character — @cheyohara
A quiet hum of music flowed through the kitchen and in between the sizzling in the pan and the beeps of the oven alerting him of the timers end, he could make out the lyrics of another Creedence Clearwater Revival favorite. Rather than the usual mug filled to the brim with his favorite amber colored liquid on tap, a water sat near the edge of the counter. "I just have a few more things to finish up. I hope you're hungry," he called out over his kitchen towel draped over his shoulder. Since the news had dropped, every waking second outside of the tattoo shop had been spent at the brunette's side. Happiness flooded his system, followed by the worry and fear of what the future would hold. The tattoo artist used the oven mitt to remove the pan from within the oven's hold and was careful to place it atop the covered counter. "After dinner, I was hoping to talk about something. It's just an idea I had, but I wanted your opinion on it." As the words rolled off his tongue, the male shifted to face the professor, his gaze trailing down her figure before raking upwards just as slowly. A different kind of hunger built in the pit of his stomach, one forged by the desire to eliminate every inch of space between them. A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth and his dark hues told the story of a man who had finally found his place in the world. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"
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verdadurmaz · 1 year
location — open mic night, deja brew.
character — @cheyohara
"Excuse me, I know this is going to sound totally random, but I noticed you were sitting over there on your own and I was wondering if you'd maybe want some company?" The offer came more so because Ver was lonely herself. What should have been a good night out with her wife was instead being spent all on her own while she wondered what would come from the filming in LA. If it was a repeat of the fate they'd faced years ago, she wasn't sure she'd recover. "I'll even throw in a drink if it helps sweeten the deal? I've got rum in my purse," she added, smile widening as she looked over at the other and waited her response.
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atlaswilliams · 1 year
location — the bonfire bash of 2023.
character — @cheyohara
Having made far too much progress on the six pack he'd brought along, Atlas had resorted to dipping into the boozy wealth of others. One cooler after another, he'd made pleasant conversation until he'd been invited to dip into yet one more. With two beers in hand and a pregnant fiancée somewhere around, he figured it was best to avoid the internal thoughts that were all but screaming double fist. Luckily, the sight of a particular brunette was the only solution he needed. "Just the woman I was looking for," he spewed teasingly, boyish grin wide as he held out the extra bottle for her to take if she wanted. "I come bearing gifts. Well, a gift and it's a pretty damn cold one. Picked it from the bottom of the cooler myself."
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deanchaiyachet · 11 months
— SETTING: the sugar shack ; sunday evening — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for CHEYENNE O'HARA | ( @cheyohara )
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After finishing up that day's stream, Dean took a quick shower changed his clothes into something less pajama-like and then made his way towards the sugar shack, where Chey and him were supposed to be meeting before the store closed. Wearing one of his favorite hoodies, the tall man cycled to the candy shop and waved his hand as he spotted Chey already there, waiting for him.
"Sorry, sorry." He offered her his best smile, though, as he climbed off his bike and chained it to the bicycle stands nearby. "Would you believe if I said traffic was awful?" Dean joked, then throwing his arms around his ex-turned-into-great-friend. "I promise I'll make it up to you, Chey." He then planted a kiss on her cheek, gently brushing her hair behind her ears. "You okay? Should we go in?"
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carlavillanueva · 1 year
Characters: Carla Villanueva & Chey O'Hara (@cheyohara) Location: Room Service Closed Starter
Redecorating her room was a spur of the moment decision, a thing to do to take her mind off all the other things going on in her life. The furniture was cheap so there was no risk in ruining it by painting over it. Maybe it was time to go for dark blue with pops of yellow. Yes, that would add color to the room and it seemed to be pretty much in vogue at the moment. She stood near the swatches, trying to decide between twelve different shades of blue that looked pretty much the same to her. "Do you see a difference between these shades? Because I definitely don't," she pointed out to the woman who was standing next to her.
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