#chex quest 1
m39 · 6 months
Beyond the WADs’ Roulette - Part 9: Chex Quest 1
Those alien bastards are gonna pay for ruining my breakfast.
#9: Chex Quest 1
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Main author(s): Digital Café
Release date: 1996
Version(s) played: CQ3 1.4
Required port compatibility: vanilla (original version)
Levels: 5 (E1M1-M5)
Chex Quest sounds like something that should’ve been doomed from the start. A game for kids published by a cereal company made on the Doom Engine? That sounds like a stinky bomb set to detonate in the near future and ruin everyone’s day. And yet, to everyone’s surprise, it actually ended up pretty good for baby’s first Doom.
How did this all happen? Well, from what I know, it started with WatersMolitor, a promotion agency hired by the owners of Chex cereals. They wanted to create a game based on this product, to show that these cereals are... kewl... God, I think I will throw up.
So with a budget of around half a million bucks, this game was released for free in around 5.7 million of the Chex boxes, convincing some people to finally buy their slop.
That’s most of the basic info I’ll talk about in this review. Check other sites if you want to know more because I don’t want to waste more time (at least in this section).
As for the plot of this game, it takes place on a mining planet Bazoik. A volcano erupted there, and one (or some) of the chunks that ended up being taken by the squadron of soldiers contained larvae of a slimy creature that would be later known as Flemoid. It started eating the base’s/colony’s food and before everyone noticed, these walking boogers were now everywhere.
Since the regular weapons can’t do shit on these filths, the scientists modified the Intergalactic Federation of Cereals’ (AKA the faction that Bazoik belongs to) weapons, Zorchers, to instead teleport these bastards back to the dimension where they came from.
Since the feds now need someone to get to the mining planet and take care of the problem, one of the walking waffles, Chex Warrior, decides to take the mantle and volunteer.
Now, before we start properly talking about this game, I’ll let you know, that I played on the modified Chex Quest 3, which includes both Chex Quest 1 and 2, along with the third episode. This version was made by Aroenai, who created the icon for CQ3, and it is based on GZDoom (the original version was based on ZDoom).
With all of that out of the way, let’s finally take a look at Chex Quest 1, and see if it’s good.
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For starters, Chex Quest looks pleasant for the eyes. It’s colorful and bright. And despite spending most of your time running around the facility near the mines that you visit on the final map, each map offers something different and distingue for lack of better words.
The music was also rather pleasant. It did sometimes sound like a cacophony in some parts but it wasn’t really that annoying (I heard worse tracks). I even like how Caverns sounds darker than the rest of the tracks, signifying the end of the Chex Warrior’s journey.
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If you didn’t get it already, Chex Quest is basically Ultimate Doom for babies. It plays exactly like Doom I with a different coat of paint – killing monsters, grabbing items, searching for keys, maze-like maps, etc. Not to mention being simpler than the Doom I maps (at least in my opinion).
While most of the time the maps are pretty much typical stuff that the WAD-making beginners would do at the time, there are three moments that stick out. The first one is in the Storage Facility, where if you grab either a blue or red key, you won’t need the other one since both teleporters behind the colored doors teleport you to the same area with a mandatory switch.
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The second interesting moment is in Arboretum, where at the end you encounter a maze between the facility and the entrance to the mines. And to make it actually challenging, the maze doesn’t show up on the map. It’s kind of infuriating, but I suffered through worse cases of maps not showing the areas (anyone who played Earth WAD will know what I mean).
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The last moment comes from Caverns of Bazoik. As you walk towards the yellow key, there is a secret room that not only has another yellow key, but also another secret passage that will lead you to the final boss without all of the key hunting.
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This game is child’s play, both literally and figuratively. With some amount of vigilance, you will be able to finish Chex Quest 1 without saving or even without getting hit by enemies. I would also say that it’s easier than the first episode of Doom I, but I believe it’s clear enough to notice that from playing the game.
All of Chex Warrior’s arsenal functions the same as Doomguy’s arsenal. It’s not really worth talking about them anymore aside from the Zorch Propulsor. If you play Chex Quest 3, this Rocket Launcher replacement will not give you a splash damage from the rockets which makes sense since these weapons are supposed to affect Flemoids and not you.
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And speaking of Flemoids, as soon as the Federation’s scientists manage to find a way to defeat them, they become a rather easy target for even one dude to get rid of them from Bazoik. It’s probably due to not having any hitscanning attack, but it won’t stop them from covering you in their slime so much that you won’t be able to move.
There are five different enemies (all with names starting with Flemoidus). Commonus, Bipedicus, and Cycloptis are your typical melee, cannon fodder; you might have to try to let them hit you. The armored version of the second enemy is additionally capable of throwing slime from the distance, but it’s still cannon fodder that functions like an Imp.
The last enemy is Flembrane, a living wall of slime (that probably started all of this mess) that you meet at the final level and protects the other Chex people; it’s still a rather easy enemy since it doesn’t move and is basically a Baron reskin.
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Honestly, the original Chex Quest game is worth checking out. A game that sounds like a guaranteed catastrophe on paper that ends up much, much better than you think. It is also a perfect introduction to the world of Doom games and WADs for your kids (if you have at least one of course). No matter what version you decide to try, just download it, take a look at it, and decide if it’s worth your time or not.
And while Bazoik is now free from the menace of Flemoids, for the Chex Warrior, it was just the beginning.
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To be continued in... Chex Quest 2.
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
I've ran out of current vods from my favourite streamer, do you have any recommendations for fun rtvs vods to watch? I've really been meaning to check some out
oh yes absolutely!!
i don't watch every rtvs member stream, so if anybody wants to chime in with vods from other folks, please feel free! i pretty much just watch wayne, holly, and scorpy's streams, so:
from wayneradiotv:
looking through wayne's catalogue i'm running into the problem that most of my favorites (like the among us, jackbox, & 420 streams) are best enjoyed when you're already pretty familiar with the crew, so maybe save those for later if you end up enjoying rtvs' stuff. all of the proximity chat among us videos are fantastic (and i like watching the same one from multiple peoples perspectives, holly's in particular are great). RTVS congress, a stream by baaulp, is also great and worth watching once familiar with the crew
i think my best wayne (well, on wayne's channel, all of these feature multiple members of the crew) recommendation though is gonna be I.M. MEEN, which is a completely normal playthrough of a regular copy of 90's kids' edutainment game i.m. meen, which has nothing wrong with it. for some of the other "rtvs brand of weirdness" sort of streams, check out waynekenstein's lab (fun with ai generated faces) and chex quest hd (just.. watch this one)
wayne does a lot of "grand tour" streams (technically the im meen one is one of these but), where he goes through older/weirder/obscurer games. fin fin on teo the magic planet is a FANTASTIC one (fin fin needs no introduction, but in case he does, odd 90's virtual pet with a great theme song), plus the echs bachs catalogue (a bizarre collection of pretty awful games made by one dude called Echs Bachs), and club penguin rewritten (it's club penguin, bro).
if you like seeing a game played over many hours and multiple streams, i'd check out chulip, lisa: the painful, minecraft 24 hour charity stream, and moon rpg: remix. lisa and moon remain unfortunately unfinished, but the streams are still absolutely worth checking out.
from hollowtones:
most of my favorite holly vods are biiiig long streams of a playthrough of a whole game. her stuff tends to be pretty chill and i find them nice and relaxing. sometimes there's friends joining her, sometimes it's just her. of these, i really like bugsnax (adore these ones. idk how to succinctly explain bugsnaz. is bugs, is snax, are you a jokester?), hypnospace outlaw (PLEASE watch these ones especially if you havent played/watched hypnospace before), and moonglow bay (really sweet fishing game).
holly also does a number of wikipedia streams, where she (and friends) read and discuss wikipedia articles about food for upwards of 6 hours a piece. it's really good. it's really good. i like the soup one.
another favorite holly stream is GO-FISH DELUXE FOR SUPER PLAYERS, where holly and a friend play a custom game of go fish for 7 and a half hours. i love this one.
and i would be remiss to leave out, of course, the pigmas in july peppa pig stream. which is where holly, joined by her sister if i remember correctly it's been a minute since i watched, plays the peppa pig video game for nintendo switch. this one is very worth watching to the very end.
from socpens:
my #1 recommendation from scorpy's catalogue is going to be every single one of the VHS VIEWINGZ streams. scorpy obtains and plays a bunch of vhs tapes on stream with friends, it's always always always a good time. my favorite of all of them is probably this one, which among other things, includes a tape about learning to be a clown. make sure to watch to the end for a t-bone tickler! this one, featuring Escalator Safety and VOLTON THE ELECTRITY DEMON is also great. i'm having a hard time choosing just a few, they're all really good, so i'm just gonna link the eye palming one and be done with it.
for gameplay with scorpy, i really like a way out with wayne (unintentionally hilarious 2 player narrative game about escaping from jail), any of the david cage game vods but here's detroit become human, and not for broadcast (a FMV game about running a tv station- censoring stuff, monitoring broadcasts, that sort of thing. has a very interesting narrative)
and a couple other things
ok so these aren't like, the typical stream vods, while they are technically livestreamed stuff they're not quite in the same category. but they're all really fucking good.
of course, half life VR but the ai is self aware. there's full stream vods available for these, but if you haven't watched before i highly recommend watching the edited versions on wayne's main channel linked above. in case you haven't heard of hlvrai before, basic concept is that it's an in-character playthrough (wayne roleplaying as gordon freeman) of half life 1 in VR with a cast of self-aware ai NPCs (played by other members of the rtvs crew) accompanying him through the game. no prior knowledge of half life necessary. just fantastic.
next up, GAMECLAM. a yearly e3-style gaming conference about the best video games console that doesn't exist. here's the first one, there's currently 3 in total. there's also a commentary video on scorpy's vod channel. PLEASE experience the gameclam. PLEASE experience the gameclam
lastly, half life: alyx but the gnome is TOO AWARE. wayne does a gnome run challenge of HL:A with a mod that gives the gnome a biiiit more personality. (due to some references, best watched after hlvrai, but they're not part of the same series/continuity). not all the way finished at the moment- the finale's been streamed (and you can find a 3rd party upload of the finale stream on youtube (thank you youtube user sawsily for everything you do)) but the edited version of the finale should be coming out pretty soon.
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wadbot · 1 year
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newmaps.WAD: Newmaps: A Chex Quest Mod E3M4: Flem Dock (9456, 3536, 128) Author: xbolt Date: 2008-08-13 Description: This is the final version of Newmaps. Newmaps is a Chex Quest mod (*cough*) based on The Ultimate Chex Quest. In May 2005 I came across The Ultimate Chex Quest. Then I saw some of the fanmade maps and thought: "Hey! Why don't I try my hand at making Chex Quest levels?" And so Newmaps was started. In June of 2005 I released the first beta which only had the first two maps complete. Back then, I only planned to make five or so levels, but then I started making more and more and it became this big thing. I don't even want to think of how many hours I put into it. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had making it for you. (Man, how many times has this been said before?) (NOTE: If you just play the first few levels and decide it's too boring and stop playing, don't. Remember, I had just learned to map when I made those. The later ones are much cooler!) (ANOTHER NOTE: This game was designed with OpenGL in mind. While the game will run in software mode, some things will not work properly. So I strongly suggest using OpenGL mode AT ANY COST!!! If you can't use OpenGL mode, oh well.) (YET ANOTHER NOTE: If you shut the game off, load a game, start a new game, etc. during a cutscene, specifically while the screen is black, it will be black when you start the other game! Wait until it's over, (Or just skip it, see THE LUCKY SEVENTH NOTE) then do your other stuff. If, for some reason, you do this, play the cutscene again. (And finish it this time!)) (NOTES - VOLUME IV: The fade to black effects are done by changing the fog settings. Since I have no way of knowing your fog settings, they are reset to the defaults. (Color: 000000, Density: 100) So if you had settings other than the defaults, they will be defaulted. Sorry, but this was the only way I could do it.) (PENTANOTE: The sniper scope. One of the coolest things in the game is the sniper scope. While you have the large zorcher equipped, press 'z' to activate sniper mode, and press 'x' or switch to a different weapon to deactivate it.) (THE SIXTH NOTE: If you do any of the stuff described in 'YET ANOTHER NOTE' while in sniper mode, you will not be able to see your weapons. If you do that, Don't Panic! Just turn sniper mode on and off. They'll be back.) (THE LUCKY SEVENTH NOTE: Starting with beta 10.5, all cutscenes are skippable. Just press the spacebar during one to skip it.) (ONE MORE, FOR GOOD MEASURE: This is Newmaps episodes 1-3. Episode IV is not included in this WAD. You can check for progress on that at my website: http://xbolt.knowledgehouse.info)
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chazraps · 9 months
My 2023 Christmas charity single with J57 is here! Behold "Yule Intentions" featuring special celebrity guests!
As always, 100% of the money from this single will be split evenly between RAINN & Wigs For Kids
Twas a week before Christmas, or two, maybe three, man I tell you at Christmas that time has no meaning An early Thanksgiving gives us an extention as sugarplum visions all dance for attention the mention of Christmas, retention of wishlists suspension your island of calm is an isthmus forgivenessness flourishes - yeah that's a positive even if holidays aren't your prerogative Some shut their eyes and just wait til it's over but they have the kindness to drive us home sober the warmth in their heart should be truly adored so give them gas money and Charcuterie boards the feeling's absorbed, it pleases the lord I heard he's in David's new Honda Accord Home for the holidays, truly we're blessed it's time for some special celebrity guests!
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #1) (Celebrity Christmas Cameo #2)
Trying to gleam some serene in the solstice when it seems to cold and it screams halitosis it deems the prognosis is holiday stress the pressure for pleasing all those we love best the quest for perfection is riddled with danger remember the first one took place in a manger and here we are now some 2,000 years later with snowfall and bowls of Chex Mix to cater Decatur to Davenport, Denmark to Dover there's glossy on cards and a lot to gloss over it's tempting to rush and do it all at once but traditions you miss are still good in 12 months Alone at Home or Lost in New York or stoking a fire and popping a cork consort with the spirits that give you a reason and go make the most of your holiday season
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #3)
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fpsprotag-poll · 1 year
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whatsappnumber14 · 10 months
广告游戏的 3 个示例:我向您保证您一定听说过它们! 广告游戏已经存在了一段时间,其中一些已经相当成功。我们单独举一些例子给你,希望对你有所启发。 1. 切克斯探索 (1996) 也许有史以来最好的广告游戏是这个美丽的《DOOM》模组,名为 Chex Quest,这是一项推广 Chex 早餐麦片的活动。
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grayrazor · 1 year
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It's funny that because of ZDoom, GZDoom, and Brutal Doom, the Id Tech 1 Engine probably gets more games now than it ever did back in the day. The original lineup was pretty much just Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and Chex Quest. It was Quake, Unreal, and Build that got all the third party action in the 90s.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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My attempt at analyzing references, mechanics, designs etc present in the mod MetaDoom, check this tag to catch up.
A mod that takes/combines features accross the Doom series, from main titles to spin-offs to even obscure corners of the series' history.
It has a lot of fun features and can even serve as a way to explore Doom history.
(I also wrote a post about D16/E based mods for old Doom)
This post itself is flawed because i'm not a huge Doom export but it could still give the idea of how complex/fun it is:
Random stuff/Part 1:
Logo shows Doom 1, 64, 3 (BFG lost edition image) and Eternal, integrated in the DOOM leters
Background represents first levels/early areas of 1, 2, 64, 3, DRPG, D2RPG, 4 and Eternal
Main theme is a remix based off D4 and game over theme from ultra nightmare mode is a piano cover of E1M8
Texts in TITLEPIC, Quit messages and even game over texts are lines related to/from Doom games, manuals, characters dialogues, lore related shit, even stuff like Repercussions of Evil and a Chex Quest reference (Martian Buddy and SnapMap are referenced, for example)
Difficulty setting menu uses Doomguy's face in a "Wolfenstein 3D-esque" way
Ultra-Nightmare being the hardest and most unfair setting uses the classic NIGHTMARE font for some text in the GAME OVER and it describes how you died
In the difficulty setting menu, going down a bit more shows a secret setting with Doomguy’s face replaced by a skull and the text “The Slayer’s time is now”, which is based off the UV plus setting in the Unity ports that uses fast monsters and co-op based enemy/gun/item placement
Ultra Nightmare is supported by co-op, which also uses some announcer sounds from Eternal’s Battlemode and if a player dies, they have to wait for their partner to finish a level before they respawn or else it’s game over, if they die
Doomguy has voice sounds related to beta Doom 3
Generally, a lot of thing may have beta Doom 3 sounds, but also assets from games that aren't even id related
HUD has some tiny ammo icons depending on weapons used
If gibbed, his face literally explodes, using an animation from PSX Doom
Doomguy has unique player sprites based off a mixed up Doomguy (Noticeable elements from Doom 64 and 2016)(Also, his visor may be based off Doom 2 RPG Java version)
Female gender option replaces Doomguy with Kira Morgan from D2RPG/Other gender options replaces him with Dr Peters from Doom VFR
Optional content like breakable props, secret enemies, optional bosses and more
There’s some proper Dehacked enemies support, where some enemies from the mod are replaced with the ones from certain mapsets for proper compatibility (eventually, the same kind of happened with props)
Dead marine corpses have randomized variants based off D64, 3, RPG, 4 and even some cut Doom sprites
Some gib sprites come from DRPG
Sound of doors/crushers crushing bodies may come from Duke Nukem 3D
Mod normally has a progress based randomization system, but an option makes everything actually randomized: Either for testing, a single map playthrough or to just drop balance
Options for performance based stuff like preventing some monsters from jumping or vanishing blood effects (Or to make gameplay less chaotic)
Wolfenstein SS have variants staring SNES port soldier, Mac port Officer, Apple stealth Wolfenstein game enemy and Wolfenstein RPG green soldier with RTCW sounds
Commander Keen has Dangeround Dave, Rescue Rover, Shadow Knights ninja, Catabombs 3D skeleton and a Hovertank 3D citizen
Keycards have randomized skins based off D64, 3, D2RPG and 4, along with a D4 sound (That one where you take a chip from the dead red armored marines)
Skullkeys get randomized skins from D64 and D4, along with a D4 sound
With default keybind being N, there's a codex inspired by 2016, in which info gets filled up with picked up items/guns and killed enemies, along with random lore objects with history about the franchise and sometimes outside of it
Codex info references ingame lore, text from game manuals, Doom media like the movies (RRTS) and novels (Robotic lost soul, sphere coating someone with a liquid) and even Impse
Some codex entries may not show up depending on settings affecting enemy spawns
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
1/29 - Week In Review
#JakeReviewsItch Week In Review Archives
This week's reviews: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 2000:1: A Space Felony 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 a completely normal dating simulation that is definitely sweet, innocent and normal 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Dance of Fire and Ice 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Mortician's Tale 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Day In the Woods 🧡🤍🤍🤍🤍 A e r o c r a f t 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Forgetful Loop
Game of the Week
Video games. Space. How many times have we seen this chocolate-and-peanut-butter combo? We've piloted and landed spacecraft, and lord knows we've zapped an alien or two, but you know what you don't see very often beyond the digital atmosphere? Due process of law.
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Oh, you know what? Frog Fractions. I almost forgot about the courtroom scene on Bug Mars. Fine, so 2000:1: A Space Felony or How I Came to Value My Life and MURDER Mercilessly. isn't the first or the best game to remind us that law and order are the bedrock of society, even beyond the confines of national and planetary borders, but it is a game about gathering evidence and presenting a solid argument in the case of Fake HAL 9000 v. An Entire Spaceship's Dead Crew. Give it a try. It's short, it's free, and it's easily the best Itch game I played this week.
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The early days of Nintendo Switch were the best. See, the best way to get visibility on the eShop was for a game to sell a lot of units, and the best way to sell—short of making a good, well-marketed game that people wanted play—was to put a game on sale for a couple cents. The sale would end, and the game would still be on the best-seller list alongside the big-budget blockbuster. Additionally, depending on one's system settings, owning a game from a publisher might enable that publisher to push advertisements to the owner's Switch News section. Shady tactics, but for those of us who kept up with sales, those were great times. Sure, most of the games I downloaded were trash, but the prices were so low, and there were enough pleasant surprises, that it was usually worth rolling the dice. Nintendo got wise, though, and quietly implemented some policy changes. Now, you'll rarely see prices dip below $1.99. And that's why the latest QubicGames sale is a big deal. Now through the middle of February, most of their lineup is available for just 50¢ a pop. (You won't see the sales prices in the eShop unless you own at least one Qubic release. Fortunately, Coloring Book is currently free. Claim it, and then watch the prices melt.) Qubic is actually really cool about breaking the $1.99 barrier. I snagged several games for 99¢ just a few weeks ago, which felt like a smokin' hot deal. If only I'd known. They also have a history of briefly making a handful of games free in December.
I'd love to tell you a little bit about all the games I recommend, but there's a problem: We're not talking about the kind of cheap eShop garbage described above. I have player 39 Qubic games, and most of them are pretty good. Some of them are all-time classics at any price.
The most efficient purchasing advice I could offer is a ranked list.
A Ranked List of the 39 QubicGames Games I Own
Pocket Pool
Pocket Mini Golf 2
One Strike
REKT! High Octane Stunts
Puzzle Book
Good Night, Knight!
Pudding Monsters
Dungeon Top
Zombie Blast Crew
Space Pioneer
Door Kickers
Chex Quest HD
Rimelands: Hammer of Thor
Akuto: Showdown
UTOPIA 9 - A Volatile Vacation
Coffee Crisis
Warlocks 2: God Slayers
Gravity Rider Zero
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest
Coloring Book
Escape Doodland
Mini Trains
Pocket Mini Golf
Mana Spark
Wreckin’ Ball Adventure
Eyes: The Horror Game
I'd be happy to talk about any of these in more detail, but they're so cheap! I keep futzing with the order of this list, but all you need to know is that the top 11 are fantastic. You can safely skip 29-39, although the only one that's outright bad is Eyes: The Horror Game. The rest deliver at least $0.49 of entertainment. Peep the store pages and see what matches your interests. There are still a few gaps in my Qubic knowledge, so take a look at the sale page if you're into, I dunno, boxing and sausage. (Ugh. Do I need to buy the sausage games?) Yuck, I sound like such a shill. To be clear, I'm not getting paid for this, nor do I have any other incentive to promote these products. I just really love those BIT.TRIP games.
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews…
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doomguy · 4 years
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what kinda name is ‘fred chexter’
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tiny-design · 3 years
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While based in id Tech 1 (the same engine used to produce the ultra-violent Doom), Chex Quest makes use of careful theming to ensure that the game is enjoyable for all ages, and even make the world take on a more comedic flare. This is perhaps best showcased through the setting of the basic melee weapon as a standard spoon, with the upgraded version as a electrically powered spork.
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m39 · 6 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2008): Chex Quest 3
Well, folks... This is it... This is the reason why I reviewed both Chex Quest 1 and 2 before tackling this one.
After over a decade since the last Chex Quest game, people thought there was no Chex Quest 3...
They were proven wrong.
G8: Chex Quest 3
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Main author(s): Charles Jacobi (Chukker)
Release date: 2008
Version(s) played: 1.4
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 5 (E3M1-M5)
Out of the ashes of Digital Cafe comes the official Chex Quest 3, and sweeps out one of the Cacowards.
But first things first – how did this game come to fruition? Well, back in 2003, one of the WAD makers, Boingo the Clown, asked one of the Digital Café employees, Charles Jacobi, if the latter could do some artwork for the WAD project called Ultimate Chex Quest. Charles, after playing what was made of that WAD at the time, has resparked the interest in this franchise in himself. In late 2007, he showed a sketch of a new Flemoid that would later become one of the new enemies in Chex Quest 3, and people enjoyed it.
The lead artist of Digital Café eventually wanted to make a new episode instead of a new set of maps. And with the help of a couple more guys who worked in the same company + others, Chex Quest 3 was released in 2008.
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it has been a decade since the invasion of Flemoids. Everything seems to be at peace. Unfortunately, those alien bastards want that damn, A+ quality food Federation has so they launch a complete invasion on the planet Ralston (that’s either the capital planet of the Federation, or probably where Chextropolis is, or maybe even both, I don’t know). Chex Warrior, while stationed at the central command station that’s overrun by Flemoids, jumps into the ship and flies to the planet, trying to save his people from these slime bastards one last time.
If you didn’t read my two previous reviews, I will be playing the GZDoom port of Chex Quest 3, simply for better performance.
Let’s take a look at this episode, and see the conclusion of Chex Quest.
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When compared to the previous Chex Quest games, this one is on a whole other level. It’s a gigantic leap in quality. Sure, it’s mostly due to the fact that over a decade passed since the second game so the standards and/or experience in WAD making has increased, but take a look at the locations in this game. It’s not just one overall area like the base on a mining planet or metropolis with few landmarks; it feels like you are traveling all over the world and then some before even reaching the planet.
You start at a space station, then respectively land on a command base, use the metro system to get into the Italy-inspired town (with an orchard that you find upon reaching half of the map), and even visit a national park with a couple of log cabins; and it all ends with a mothership meteor that you get inside and teleport every last Flemoid out of it.
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The music in CQ3 also peaked as well. Andrew Benon who created music for the previous games came back for the final time, now with help from Sabrina DiDuro, who made four tracks for this game. I feel like almost all of it sounds engaging and epic, with Chancer being the best one out of the last batch of tracks.
It’s not really worth talking much about the levels’ design. It’s basically similar to what was in the previous games, with some annoying backtracking and one section with a maze (this time at least you are looking for a key).
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Here is also something that I didn’t mention in my last two reviews – all of the Chex Quest games don’t show you the amount of ammo to the rest of the guns that you don’t use at the moment. It gets kind of annoying that in order to actually see the ammo amount, you have to switch to another weapon. It might be a nitpick, but it’s frustrating for me.
Chex Quest 3 is harder than Chex Quest 2, there is no doubt. I wouldn’t call it hard per say, you can still finish it without saving or getting hit, but the chance for that is much smaller compared to the previous installments.
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The only actual hard moment in this game is when you reach the motherbase meteor in the fourth map and you fight lost soul replacements. It’s more annoying than legitimately hard since you think you are done and you suddenly get rammed by another one of those buggers (and there are 37 of these on this map).
What this game has compared to the previous one is actual new enemies that are not just reskins of the old ones. And while Super Cycloptis, Flem Mine, and Lord Snotfolus are basically replacements for Cacos, the aforementioned lost souls, and the cyberdemon, Stridicus is a faster Pinky with 1.5 of its health, and Flembomination is a boss monster that constantly shoots a volley of two slime balls until it flinches.
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While I do recommend trying the GZDoom version of this game, it makes the last map unplayable due to the bug that makes it so it doesn’t register the picked-up keys; both the new flemkeys, and the regular ones. Thankfully, the give keys command seems to work and allows you to finish this map. Like I said just a moment ago, it might be the effect of the GZDoom port since from some of the footage I saw, I don’t think it affects the original version.
Ignoring the key bug in the GZDoom port, Chex Quest 3 is a great conclusion to the trilogy, offering the hardest, and prettiest episode from the original developers.
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As for the entire trilogy, Chex Quest as a whole is a lot of fun that starts relatively good, and it gets better as you go further with installments. Like I said in the past, CQ3 has all games in one WAD file, so you don’t have to check what the original versions were (although I won’t stop you from checking them out).
If you are interested in more of the stuff dedicated to Chex Quest, check some YouTube videos (especially the one from AVGN for the fun factor).
And that, folks, marks the end of the journey through the world of Chex Quest. I’ll see you next time.
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elisela · 4 years
For the buddie AU! Chimney is on paternity leave and Bobby gets someone from the relief pool to come and fill in for him and buck gets along super well with the new guy and eddie is upset because buck gave him such a hard time on his first day
1. The new guy’s name is Jimmy. What the fuck kind of name is Jimmy for someone in their 30s? Eddie hadn’t met him until now, but Jimmy has a stupid laugh which he knows because Buck makes a dumb joke that has Hen rolling her eyes and Eddie pushing his shoulder but Jimmy laughs and Buck lights up like it’s the fourth of July. And Eddie’s not saying he wants to be the only one putting that look on Buck’s face because Buck definitely deserves to feel like that but--not by some asshole who goes by the name of Jimmy. Jesus. 
2. Buck gave him so much shit when he joined the 118 and now he wants to act like he’s the station’s personal welcome wagon? Eddie knows, deep down, that he should be glad Buck doesn’t feel threatened. He should be glad that Buck feels secure enough with his place and his family that he’s so welcoming, but he doesn't, all he feels is a jealousy and bitterness that wears on him and makes him go around biting his tongue during every shift. It’s exhausting.
3. The first time Buck is working on Eddie’s day off, Eddie texts him constantly. Like, several times an hour constantly, until all of Buck’s texts start with “Jimmy just-” or “Jimmy says-” or worse, “Jimmy and I-”. Eddie hates that one the most. He hates it so much that he ends up at the station just before Bobby usually starts cooking, a stack of six pizza boxes in his hands. If he presses himself close to Buck and throws an arm around his shoulder as they eat, it’s just because he knows they had a bad call earlier that day and he wants to give him some comfort. 
4. Three weeks into Eddie’s bad mood, he walks into his kitchen to see Buck dishing out the Indian food he’d brought over onto actual plates because Eddie doesn’t want Chris eating out of take-out boxes. Buck doesn’t stop what he’s doing, just asks Eddie to get the drinks and then says, “You know Jimmy’s married, right? And straight? And you don’t have anything to be worried about?” He may or may not mutter that he was never worried, he’s not really sure, he’s too busy analyzing what Buck means by that and why he hell he thinks it’s okay to say things like that and then wander into the dining room and start having a conversation with Chris before explaining himself.
5. Chris insists on playing poker because he’s “too old” for movie nights and it’s his latest thing in a quest to be more grown-up. Eddie allows it; they have a value system comprised of various snacks (popcorn is worth 10, chex pieces are 25, teddy grahams are worth 50, and an oreo is a whopping 100) and most of the time no one is sure who wins because they eat most of it by the time the game is done. Eddie prefers it to movies, in fact, because it means they talk throughout the games, but now he’s just wishing his kid goes to bed so he can ask Buck exactly what he thinks he’s worried about. Eddie knows what he’s worried about, he just didn’t think Buck did, and he can’t say anything until he knows for sure that they’re on the same page.
6. Chris’ bedtime is still a half hour away when Buck stands up and says he has to go, and Eddie panics for a moment, but Buck just tilts his head towards the door after he bends down to hug Chris goodbye. Eddie follows him to the door and is still trying to figure out if he should say anything or just call him later when Buck gets in his space, leans down and kisses him sweetly. “If you can be nice to Jimmy tomorrow,” he says, straightening up, “I’ll take you out for dinner. Night, Eddie,” and then he fucking leaves.
7. Eddie apologizes the second he gets to work the next day. 
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viewtifu1backlog · 4 years
2020 Backlog Progress in Retrospect
2020 was the year of finally finishing the backlog. The final game ended up being Disco Elysium back on July 1st but in the months since I’ve built up a list again. Going forward I’m hoping to keep the backlog at 10 games or less since I’ve found I do like having a wider list of games to choose from after finishing something. After finishing over 100 games in 2020 there were a ton of classics that I finished for the first time, so many so that making a top 20 list was very difficult. I’ve always made this end of year breakdowns for my own archives but I thought it would be fun to share it this year alongside the full list of what I finished!
Top 20 of 2020 First Time Finished
1 Sakura Wars (Sega Saturn) 2 Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) 3 Dragon Quest XI S (Switch) 4 Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune & the Dice of Fate (Switch) 5 Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (PC) 6 Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC) 7 Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1) 8 Shining Force II (Genesis) 9 Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) 10 Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) 11 Sea of Thieves (PC) 12 Phantasy Star IV (Genesis) 13 Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Switch) 14 Shenmue (Dreamcast) 15 Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS) 16 killer7 (PC) 17 Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (Switch) 18 Maniac Mansion (PC) 19 ZeroRanger (PC) 20 VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (PC)
Favorite game of 2020: Sakura Wars
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When I was looking back at this year, the game that stuck the most with me was easily the original Sakura Wars for the Sega Saturn. Back in December of 2019 the english patch released online and I was so excited to finally be able to play the first entry in one of Sega’s biggest franchises for the first time. I had yet to play any games in the series beyond just fumbling around an import copy of various games on Saturn and Dreamcast and I was glad to be able to experience it with such a well-made fan patch. It’s a very simple strategy game mixed in with lite RPG and Dating mechanics but there’s such a great charm to how well everything mixes together. The way they mix in the animated cutscenes throughout each chapter make it feel like you’re playing a classic mid 90′s anime and it was just a nice cozy experience the whole way. I managed to play through it twice this year and tinkered around with later entrees in the series but I’m hopeful that the sequel will get picked up as a fan translation project soon, otherwise I’ll probably be going through those games the old fashioned way with a printed out GameFAQS guide at my side.
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Date breakdown of everything new or finished in the backlog this year:
12-13-20 Started: Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer  (Switch)
12-12-20 Beat: Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate  (Switch)
12-06-20 New: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light  (Switch)
12-05-20 New: Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate  (Switch)
12-02-20 Beat: Super Mario Sunshine  (Switch)
11-30-20 Beat: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch)
11-27-20 New: Steins;Gate  (PC)
11-26-20 Beat: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch)
11-25-20 Started: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch) Beat: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-21-20 New: Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer  (Switch) New: Vitamin Connection  (Switch) New: Paper Mario: The Origami King  (Switch) Beat: killer7  (PC)
11-18-20 Beat: Metal Slug 6  (ARC)
11-14-20 Started: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-13-20 Beat: ESP Ra.De. Psi  (Switch)
11-12-20 New: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes  (Switch) New: ESP Ra.De. Psi  (Switch)
11-11-20 Completed: No More Heroes  (Switch)
11-08-20 New (Null): Cave Story 3D  (3DS)
11-07-20 Completed: Gate of Thunder  (TGCD)
11-06-20 New (Null): No More Heroes  (Switch) Beat: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle  (Switch)
11-01-20 Beat: Danmaku Unlimited 2  (PC) Beat: Triggerheart Exelica  (DC) Completed: Gradius II  (NES)
10-28-20 Completed: Costume Quest  (PC) New (Null): No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle  (Switch)
10-25-20 Started: Murder By Numbers  (Switch) Beat: Blue Wish Resurrection  (PC) New: Blue Wish Resurrection  (PC)
10-22-20 Beat: A Hat in Time  (PC) New: A Hat in Time  (PC)
10-17-20 Beat: Thunder Force AC  (Switch)
10-16-20 New: Thunder Force AC  (Switch)
10-14-20 New (Null): Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 3: Daikaizoku to Shippo Dan  (3DS)
10-13-20 New: Shantae and the Seven Sirens  (Switch)
10-12-20 Beat: Chex Quest  (PC) Completed: Mega Man 5  (Switch)
10-07-20 Beat: Mega Man Zero 3  (Switch)
10-05-20 Beat: Cave Story+  (Switch)
10-04-20 Completed: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch) Started: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch)
10-03-20 Completed: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulations  (3DSDL)
10-01-20 Started: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch)
09-27-20 Beat: Star Ocean: First Departure R  (Switch)
09-25-20 New: Murder By Numbers  (Switch)
09-20-20 New: DELTARUNE Chapter 1  (Switch) New: Dragon Quest Builders  (Switch) New: Romancing SaGa 3  (Switch)
09-19-20 Beat: VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action  (PC) New (Null): Super Mario Galaxy  (Switch) New (Null): Super Mario Sunshine  (Switch) New (Null): Super Mario 64  (Switch)
09-16-20 New: Star Ocean: First Departure R  (Switch)
09-14-20 Beat: Armed Police Batrider  (ARC)
09-13-20 Beat: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch)
09-10-20 New: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura  (PC)
09-07-20 Beat: Disgaea 5 Complete  (Switch) New: VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action  (PC)
09-05-20 Beat: King's Quest: Quest for the Crown  (PC)
09-02-20 Completed: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  (PC)
08-27-20 Started: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch) New: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure  (Switch)
08-23-20 Beat: Wario Land III  (GBC)
08-19-20 Started: Wario Land III  (GBC) Completed: Broken Age  (PC) Beat: Bomb Monkey  (3DS)
08-17-20 New: Chicken Wiggle  (3DS) New: Mutant Mudds Super Challenge  (3DS) New: Xeodrifter  (3DS) New: Bomb Monkey  (3DS) New: Mutant Mudds  (3DS)
08-16-20 New: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  (PC)
08-15-20 Beat: Maniac Mansion  (PC)
08-14-20 Beat: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition  (Switch)
08-10-20 New: Wario Land III  (GBC)
08-09-20 New: Maniac Mansion  (PC) Beat: Red Dead Redemption 2  (PC)
08-03-20 New: Disgaea 5 Complete  (Switch)
08-02-20 Beat: Star Wars: Dark Forces  (PC)
08-01-20 Beat: Donkey Kong Country 2  (GBA)
07-31-20 New: Star Wars: Dark Forces  (PC)
07-25-20 New (Null): Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition  (Switch)
07-24-20 New (Null): Cave Story  (Switch)
07-20-20 New: Shin Megami Tensei  (SNES) Beat: Mega Man X4  (Saturn)
07-17-20 New: Donkey Kong Country 2  (GBA)
07-16-20 Beat: The Wonderful 101: Remastered  (Switch)
07-12-20 Completed: Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers  (NES) Completed: Rockman 8 FC  (PC)
07-11-20 Completed: Mega Man 8  (Saturn)
07-09-20 New (Null): The Wonderful 101: Remastered  (Switch)
07-06-20 Completed: Darkwing Duck  (NES) New: Red Dead Redemption 2  (PC)
07-04-20 New (Beat): Streets of Rage 4  (Switch)
07-01-20 Beat: Disco Elysium  (PC)
06-30-20 Beat: ZeroRanger  (PC) New: ZeroRanger  (PC)
06-25-20 New (Beat): Super Puzzle Fighter II X  (Saturn) Beat: Resident Evil  (Switch)
06-20-20 Beat: Xenoblade Chronicles X  (WiiU)
06-17-20 Started: Resident Evil  (Switch)
06-16-20 Completed: G-LOC: Air Battle  (Switch) New: Resident Evil  (Switch) New: G-LOC: Air Battle  (Switch)
06-08-20 Started: Disco Elysium  (PC)
06-06-20 Completed: Time Bokan Series: Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronboo Kanpekiban  (Saturn)
06-05-20 New: Disco Elysium  (PC) Completed: Mega Man X3  (SNES)
06-04-20 New (Null): Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition  (Switch)
06-01-20  Completed: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
05-28-20  Beat: Mega Man Zero 2  (Switch)
05-25-20  Completed: Diablo  (PC)
05-15-20  Completed: Aladdin  (Switch)
05-13-20  Beat: Bayonetta 2  (Switch)
05-10-20  Completed: Seaman  (DC)  Beat: Shining Force III  (Saturn)
05-02-20  Completed: Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin  (GEN)
05-01-20  Beat: Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard  (NDS)
04-29-20  Beat: Phantasy Star IV  (GEN)  New: Spider-Man  (GEN)  Beat: Mega Man Legends 2  (PS)
04-25-20  Started: Phantasy Star IV  (GEN)  Started: Seaman  (DC)
04-24-20  Beat: Shenmue  (DC)
04-20-20  Completed: Last Window: The Secret of Cape West  (NDS)
04-19-20  Beat: Sea of Thieves  (PC)
04-14-20  Started: Last Window: The Secret of Cape West  (NDS)
04-13-20  Beat: Shining the Holy Ark  (Saturn)
04-10-20  Completed: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)  Beat: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)
04-02-20  Beat: Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand  (GBA)
04-01-20  Started: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future  (NDS)  Completed: Mega Man Legends  (PS)
03-29-20  Completed: Phantasy Star II  (GEN)
03-27-20  Beat: Panzer Dragoon: Remake  (Switch)  New: Panzer Dragoon: Remake  (Switch)
03-26-20  Beat: Skies of Arcadia  (DC)
03-22-20  New (Null): Animal Crossing: New Horizons  (Switch)
03-17-20  Beat: Goldeneye 007  (N64)
03-14-20  Completed: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
03-09-20  Beat: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse  (WiiU)
03-07-20  Completed: Popful Mail  (SCD)  Completed: Retro Game Challenge  (NDS)
03-06-20  Beat: Mega Man Zero  (Switch)
03-05-20  Beat: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
03-03-20  Beat: Bangai-O Spirits  (NDS)
03-02-20  Beat: Super Monkey Ball 2  (GCN)
03-01-20  Beat: Shining Force II  (GEN)
02-29-20  Started: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair  (Switch)
02-26-20  Completed: Aliens Infestation  (NDS)  Beat: Banjo Tooie  (N64)
02-21-20  Completed: Ecco: The Tides of Time  (SCD)  Beat: Kirby & the Amazing Mirror  (GBA)
02-18-20  Completed: Shinobi Legions  (Saturn)  Beat: Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2  (DC)
02-16-20  Beat: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
02-14-20  Started: Super Mario Odyssey  (Switch)
02-13-20  Beat: Blazing Chrome  (Switch)
02-12-20  Beat: Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition  (Switch)
02-08-20  Completed: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle  (GEN)  New: Shinobi Legions  (Saturn)
02-04-20  Beat: Shinobi  (Switch)  New: Shinobi  (Switch)
01-30-20  Beat: Sakura Wars  (Saturn)  New: Blazing Chrome  (Switch)
01-23-20  Beat: Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves  (DC)
01-21-20  Beat: River City Girls  (Switch)
01-20-20  Completed: Charge 'n Blast  (DC)  Beat: Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX  (Switch)
01-17-20  New: Sakura Wars  (Saturn)  Beat: Iconoclasts  (Switch)
01-16-20  Beat: Guilty Gear X  (DC)
01-14-20  Beat: Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition  (Saturn)
01-12-20  Beat: Power Stone 2  (DC)  Completed: AI: The Somnium Files  (Switch)
01-11-20  Completed: Azure Striker Gunvolt 2  (3DS)  Beat: Azure Striker Gunvolt 2  (3DS)
01-09-20  Completed: Super Return of the Jedi  (SNES)
01-08-20  Beat: Mega Man ZX Advent  (NDS)
01-06-20  Beat: Disgaea PC  (PC)  Started: Mega Man ZX Advent  (NDS)
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terminusest13 · 4 years
If you check LimitedRunGames' Twitter, they've got some Chex Quest stuff, including a picture with what appears to be the Gigazorcher 2100 from Samsara. I know you based the Super Large Zorcher on an unused design that Charles Jacobi shared with you. Does the instagib weapon have a similar origin?
It was part of the original concept art designed for Chex Quest 1.
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drawmaticfanatic · 6 years
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Unlikely Team-Up #1: Earthworm Jim and Chex
People likely will recognize Jim, but Chex may have been a bit more obscure, even if his quest was the best prize ever to grace a cereal box.
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