kristo-flowers · 1 year
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sour cherry blossoms
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
Guys im officially @under-the-cherrytree number 1 fan and it will stay that way forever because im cool and all and im very proud of myself for that💪😎
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cafedeotocom · 1 year
Hibrit Chery Tiggo Modelleri
Çinli otomotiv üreticisi Chery, başarısını kanıtlamış TIGGO ailesine iki yeni hibrit seçenek ekledi.
Çinli otomotiv üreticisi Chery, başarısını kanıtlamış TIGGO ailesine iki yeni hibrit seçenek ekledi. Dünya genelindeki bayileri test sürüşü etkinliği ile bir araya getiren Chery, 75 kilometreyi sadece elektrikle katedebilen ve 1000 kilometrelik menzil sunan TIGGO 8 PRO e+ ve TIGGO 7 PRO e+ ile katılımcılara hibrit alanındaki teknik üstünlüğünü kanıtladı. Yeni enerji teknolojisi Ar-Ge’sine giriş…
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unluckyservice4 · 10 days
help me make a soup prrteyy pleac cheryys on top
I'm at the apartments atm Scarlett.
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white-poppie · 4 months
my lady, i've been wanting to buy your novel for the longest time now but i don't have money so im gonna save up for it 😭😭 when i buy it (in a few years lolz!) can u pls sign it 🙏🙏
Thank you so much aaaaaaaa it means a lot, sen <333 And ofc I'll sigh it for you and put cute lil kiss marks with a cheryy lipstick all over
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strawbabysweet · 7 months
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Cherry CHERYY OH MY GOD I FINISHED THE EPILOGUE OH MY GOD 😭😭😭 I’m so emotional right now!!!!
*sigh* I don’t even know where to start I’m starting to think that I’m using the same words over and over again but it’s simply amazing!
Believe me or not I’m literally crying right now as I write this. I felt the immediate connection to Second Son the moment I read the first chapter. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It literally mesmerized me because it was so different from the other fics I read and trust me I read so many of them. I was like “ok i just feel like this is gonna be my fav” and it is now and I’m so thankful for you for creating this amazing fiction and making me feel like this.
I’m so so glad that it has a happy ending! I adore the friendship between B and Reader, Luna and Reader and ofc Harry and Reader. You made me love them even more! And the end OH THE END I STARTED CRYING EVEN MORE WHILE READING HIS NOTE!! I remember how Regulus distanced himself from reader at first chapters and now look at my babies! He deserves all the love in this world and I’m so happy that now he knows how being in love feels like.
I want you to know that I’m so proud of you! Second Son is definitely a masterpiece and I’m hundred percent sure that I will come back here and read it all over again. It’s my favorite now. I feel so sad right now it always happens to me when I finish a book/fiction I love :’) But it’s ok bc I’m sure I’m gonna LOVE your future works as much as I love Second Son and I’m so excited for that!
I’m so glad I found your blog. I’m so glad I get the chance to read this amazing fiction. Thank you so much for writing Second Son Cherry! I’m happy to be with you in this journey! I love you sooo much dear!!! <33
I’m so proud of you.
-Your Val 🫶🏻
My Val <33!!
I'm sorry to make you cry !! <333 sending many hugs! I don't even know where to begin omg haha, but you have quite literally been here since the beginning, and I'm so honored to have been able to ride out this journey with you!
Your kind words always make my day! It is truly insane to think of the very beginning of this series omg, but I am so glad that I've been able to portray the relationships in such a touching light. I truly hold so much love for the world that's been created! Of course, I had to bring Reggie's heartbreaking note back!! Poor baby finally gets his happy ending <3
Thank you so much, Val <3!! It has really been my honor to write this story, and the support I've received has been the most amazing motivation !!
I am so glad that you gave my blog and the series a chance! You are truly so amazing, and I can't wait for the future works on this blog haha <333 I love you as well lovely <33!!!
With all my love,
Cherry <3
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Sağanak yağışlı havada, belki güneş açar umuduyla adalara gitmeye karar verdik. Kabataş'ta aşırı yağmur vardı tramvay istasyonundan başımızı çıkaramadık. Sonra vapuru kaçırmamak için yağmurda koşarak vapura yetiştik ama spor ayakkabı giydiğimiz için ayaklarımız baya ıslandı. Zamanımız az olduğu için Kınalıada' yı gezmeye karar verdik. Adalar içinde en küçüğü ve en yakını. Adada seyir tepesi varmış, oraya gidip hazırladığımız tostları yiyelim dedik. Yarım saatlik yürüyüşle yemyeşil yolları aştıktan sonra seyir tepesine geldik ama oturup yemeğimizi yiyebileceğimiz hiçbir yer yoktu.
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Daha önce tabelasında çay, kahve bulunur yazan ev tarzı bir cafe görmüştük belki yemek yemek için oturabiliriz diye oraya döndük. Etrafta kimseler yoktu. Sadece bize yargılayıcı bakışlar atan tombiş bir bayan kedi vardı.
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Ev sahibi yaşlı bir teyzeydi, bizi görüp dışarı çıktı ve bize istersek tek kuru yer olan evlerinin hemen önündeki masaya oturabileceğimizi söyledi. Teşekkür edip oturduk. Islak çoraplarımızı biraz kuruması ümidiyle çıkarıp astık. Yere seccade serip sırayla namaz kıldık. Ben namaz kılarken arkadaşım yiyecekleri masaya dizdi. Ekşi mayalı tost ekmeği arasına cheryy domatesli, peynirli, zeytinli tost yapmıştım. Arkadaşım da erik, çilek, muz getirmişti. Manzaraya bakarak yemek yedik. Bir yandan da durumun garipliğine güldük.
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Rüyada gibiydik. Etrafta tek bir ses yoktu. Başka bir dünyaya gelmiş gibiydik. Yemeğimiz bitince teyzeye teşekkür edip ayrıldık.
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He keeps asking me to sit next to him....HES BESIDE ME NOW WTF(his best friend keeps asking me if i want to kiss him and make him and i together) im trembling i cant wriye properly help me cheryy😫. btw he said to me that my crush like me back💗💗💗💗
good luck!! :D
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cheryy-a-live · 8 months
So, the introduction post!!!!
Hello my name is Cheryy! I'm an almost 19 year old (as of writing this I'm literally 5 business days away) aspiring artist from Romania. Having a bit of a difficult time finding time what with school not being done yet and some really specific psychological stuff I couldn't begin to explain but one day I really genuinely hope to become a talented freelance artist and get my name out there and have people enjoy my work alongside the big greats (literally everyone else uwu)
I'm also into video games, mainly fighting games and roguelikes but if I find something good I'll play it. Don't really have much to comment om this one just wanted to point it out for the sake of clarity.
Oh yeah also I'm trans and go by she/they so if that bothers you that's totally fine just please don't be an asshole about it
I know there's totally more I could say but I think this is enough for now I'll update you on things later down the line if needed. See you around bitches!
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lailosh · 4 years
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So I've changed Cherry's design a little bit because I wanted her to look even babyer . and boy do I like her design even more now ! I had a lot of fun drawing this ^^ , definitely going to draw more of her in the future .
What do you guys think of her ? Oh and another thing ...
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I've saved the lineart of this drawing , so if you want you can try and color her yourself ! (Thought maybe it would be fun) just tag me if you do so I can see how she turned out !
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sixteensaltines · 4 years
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yioh · 4 years
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overhacl · 5 years
spiderman double meme
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i had to make this just for u
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42soul · 7 years
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The Great Buddha by MarioTakahashi
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