#cherry/sunny anon
rodolfoparras · 4 months
Oh he definitely had it coming after all the shit he's said and done. I am currently working at a grocery store doing inventory/stock part time, though I'm definitely not staying long as the work is very difficult on my legs. (I have chronic pain) though luckily I am allowed to sit on the step stool, the manager doesn't mind. Just a temporary in between job, I'm looking for one that allows me to sit more during work :>
Mylah also was in a chemical blast, hence the lightning marks along his body - haven't 100% decided on what but he did get some powers from it, not really any good ones tho
Pascal has settled for a fluffy brown cat that kinda looks like a bear cub if you squint? She travels with him, usually laying on Geralts shoulders no matter how many times he takes her off😭 He's her little cat tree.
I didn't know that about foxes, actually! I would happily adopt those poor babies if I could, poor things💔 It reminds me of pigeons, how we domesticated and made them so dependent on us, then just abandoned them💔 I would love to have one but I definitely can not afford such a thing.
Ah I hope you find a job that’s much kinder to your body soon but I’m also happy you have something to support you in the moment! It’s not the easiest thing getting a job right now unfortunately and the economy is scary but I’m sending you all the magic dust so you land a stellar role🫶🏻
I absolutely love the marks!!! At first I thought they were stretch marks but lighting marks sound just as neat! And bad power as in inconvenient or bad as in evil? I think the first one would be a fun trope!
All I hear is portable cat tree!! A very fancy and very necessary invention if you ask me!!
Yes!! What we did to pigeons is so cruel!! Every time I see the attempt to make nests my heart breaks they genuinely do not know how to be birds and idk it makes me mad? That we humans get the privilege to live on this earth and all we’ve done is ruin it so many creatures have existed before and they’ve kept everything in tact but we got a developed brain and hands and ruined sm
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lalovi · 4 months
Hey I got inspiration from this other anon's ask and...gotta ask:
Same traits question...but for...well Royal margarine, clotted cream, shining glitter, cherry blossom, dark choco (after he redeemed himself), butter roll, red velvet, Caramel arrow and finally...cream unicorn.
If it's too many cookies at once...surprise me with who you choose from the List lol! (Sorry for so many...I simp for a LOT of cookies! Just picked a few from the list of cookies I Simp for.)
AN: I don't know some of these characters that well, so sorry if they seem a bit wonky-
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Multiple x Reader CRK
Warning: Some of these characters may be OOC, not proof read
Royal Margarine
First and foremost, Buttercream has to like you
If they don't, you're automatically out (sorry)
It shouldn't be that much of an issue as long as you are a halfway decent person
Since he's kind of a wimp, he'd definitely appreciate someone who can fight rly well
A person to take care of him when he's drunk
Oh, and you have to be able to handle his constant flirting
And he probably won't mind someone who flirts back as well
Starts blushing and kicking his feet at the thought /hj
So, someone outgoing and bold
Clotted Cream
Knowing his profession and all, his day to day life is very stressful!!!
Therefore, I think he'd like someone who can help him wind down a bit
Someone who is always put together and organized
Like housewife vibes, even if that's a bit stereotypical
A person to just help his life become a little easier and a little less dull
So, someone detail oriented and calm
Shining Glitter
Since music is such a big thing in her life, she'd enjoy someone who can create music with her
Or even just dancing along to her own would be enough
Someone who appreciates everyone's art
A person who never gives up on their dreams
Or a person with a lot of ambition and ideas
Since it reminds her of herself <3
So, someone determined and creative
Cherry Blossom
100% you need to go on picnics with her daily
Bonus points if you know proper tea-party etiquette
She gives off nice aunt vibes but gossips a lot
Probably enjoys someone who she can gossip with
Not only that, but I'm sure someone who can bake would do her some good
After all, you must bring plenty of snacks to a picnic
So, someone who always listens and is easy to talk to
Dark Choco
Enjoys a person who will always love and accept him, despite his past
It would be a sun an moon kind of relationship
He seems rather touch starved, so a cuddly partner will definitely serve him well
So, someone understanding and kind
Butter Roll
He'd like someone who appreciates and is interested in his work
A person who always listens to his rants and what-not
An upbeat person to match his sunny personality
And perhaps someone who can notice small details and point them out
Someone who's dedicated to their craft
So, someone focused and upbeat
Red Velvet
I think he'd be interested in someone who is very kind and gentle
Since he has a lot of dogs, (cakes?) He would appreciate someone who can help him take care of them
Not only that, but I think he'd enjoy someone who he can just rant to
I don't know why, but I feel like he has a lot to say
So, someone gentle and caring
Caramel Arrow
She would be attracted to a person who always looks out for others
A person who fights to defend those who can't defend themselves
Even if they have to defy authority
You two would share that struggle
So, someone who looks out for others and has integrity
Cream Unicorn
Though they are very kind, they are actually rather calm
Therefore, I think they'd need someone a lot more extroverted to be with
A person who always tells them about their day
They just find you so interesting
A person who is kind to everyone
Someone with lots of energy
So, someone who is energetic and loves to talk
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crissiebaby · 9 months
Sissy's First Date: Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, forced crossdressing, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. This story is a continuation of one of my first short stories, Sissy’s First Slumber Party (Link to DeviantArt), and while you don’t need to read that to understand this, it’s definitely worth checking out. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Anon
12:55 PM. Perfect. My plan to arrive five minutes early had gone off without a hitch. And as far as I could tell, my date was nowhere in sight yet. Hehe…my date. Just thinking about the fact I was going to be going on my first date with my new girlfriend had me giddier than I’d ever been in my life. I hadn’t had much luck with women up to this point, so to land a bombshell like Becca was a dream come true. Though, I have to admit, as far as dream dates went, the floofy purple party dress with white lace trim and the pair of double-thick diapers weren’t something I had initially envisioned for myself.
It all started a few weeks ago when my twin sister, Abby, decided to host a slumber party for herself and all of her besties. Since we shared an apartment at college, I shamefully decided to stage a small viewing party for myself and set up cameras all over the house so I could catch every second of action from the comfort of my bedroom. Sadly, the only thing caught that night was me. Needless to say, the girls were far from happy with me, and I honestly can’t blame them. However, the last thing I expected was for them to turn me into their own, personal baby doll as punishment, dressing me up in the most humiliating get-up of my entire life and forcing me to do many blushy things.
And the strangest part was…I liked it. At first, I didn’t want to. In fact, I resisted my sister and her wicked friends at every turn. It wasn’t until my sister’s best friend and my deepest crush, Becca, stepped in to make the night of torturous embarrassment all worth it. Turns out, she had a thing for shortie sissy babies, and she was more than happy to prove that as we enjoyed a night of padded pleasure together. It was like having my eyes opened to a completely new and exciting world that I didn’t even know existed. At the end of the night, she bestowed me with the sissy name, Cherry, and declared that I would be her sissy cherry-boy forever, something I wasn’t about to complain about.
That being said, just because I was starting to embrace the sissy baby lifestyle that had been thrust upon me didn’t mean I was exactly keen to be seen in public in such an outfit, or anyone else besides Becca for that matter. I’d even gone as far as to sneak out of the apartment with my girly clothes tucked away in a bag so that Abby didn’t know. I was far from ready to tell her what her devious punishment had awoken in me.
Thankfully, it was a bright, sunny day outside, so Becca had paired a matching purple parasol to go with my dress; a parasol that gave me the chance to hide my face from passersby whenever the anxiety of being in public got to me. Becca really did think of everything. Eeeeeee! Just thinking about her again had me prancing in place. I quickly restrained myself, hoping to avoid attracting any unwanted attention.
“That was a cute, little dance you were doing, Cherry. Was that for me?” said a voice that sounded all too familiar. Unsurprisingly, my face turned bright red as Becca leaned forward and lifted my parasol before sticking her face under and smiling at me in such a way that my big, dumb heart instantly melted. She looked so beautiful in her floral sundress, topped with a sun hat to match and bright red lipstick that made her kissably plush lips stand out. She also had a large diaper bag noticeably tucked under one of her arms with the strap over her shoulder. Almost immediately, I felt the blood in my body center around my crotch, filling my body with stimulating sensations. If it weren’t for the double diapers shielding my shame, my hard-on would’ve been on full display. “You…you look…wow,” I said, unable to blink or turn my eyes away from Becca’s beauty. I was so horny and flustered and head over heels to have someone willing to dress up for me like this. I had no idea what else to say.
Becca, on the other hand, was more than happy to steer the conversation. “Hehe! Thank you, Cherry, though I must say you’re giving me some stiff competition,” she said, making me feel like a doll as she looked me up and down seductively, “You must be so excited. This is your first date ever, yeah? Don’t worry, I promise to show you the absolute bestest time. Let’s head in, my lovely, little lolita.”
Becca punctuated her sentence by pinching my cheek lightly before looping her arms around mine and ushering me toward the entrance to the county fair, which was two towns over from where we went to college. That fact unfortunately did not prevent my heart from fluttering with every step. Normally, a local fair like this was the last place I’d want to be. They were hot, full of screaming kids, and almost always smelled like manure. But today, with a parasol and dress to keep me cool and Becca at my side, I didn’t care if she wanted to take me to the surface of the sun. I’d buy some SPF 1,000,000 and rocket my ass into space in a heartbeat for her.
Unfortunately, while the dress was certainly breezy, the diapers were another story. I’d only been standing outside for ten minutes or so and I could feel my undercarriage starting to broil. Mercifully, the line for tickets to the fair was super short and we were inside in a matter of minutes. Wiping the sweat off my brow with my free hand, I spotted a drink stand near the entrance that was calling my name. Some ice-cold water would keep my internal temperature in check, as well as help with the heat that double diapers brought with them. “Hey, do you mind if I grab a water real quick?” I asked, gesturing toward the stand.
“Oh, we don’t need to waste money on overpriced waters. I packed you some juice for just such an…occasion,” said Becca, her words petering off as she clocked the dejected look on my face, along with the beads of sweat that accompanied it. The amount of pity contained within her stare made me feel weak in the knees. I wanted to tell her that I’d be okay but before I got the chance, she tugged me toward the drink stand, her nervous expression shifting to an opportunistic one, “Hello, sir. Two large waters, please.”
“Certainly!” said the man working the drink stand as he opened the refrigerator behind him and snatched two giant water bottles from the rack. Oh, how I wanted to dive across the counter and shove myself in that fridge. Of course, I would never do such a thing but the thought was there all the way up until the man was passing the twin bottles off to Becca in exchange for her credit card. It was embarrassing to let her pay for me like this but I was instructed before the date began not to even dream of bringing my wallet. Luckily, the transaction was painlessly over seconds after it started, “You ladies have yourselves a nice day.”
Nodding to the man without hesitation, Becca responded, “Same to you,” allowing him to continue believing I was, indeed, one of the “ladies.” Heck, with the way I was dressed, I might as well be. Other than the hint of masculinity in my facial features and my deep voice, I doubt anyone would be able to tell I was a guy so long as I stuck to Becca and kept my mouth shut.
As Becca and I departed from the drink stand, I reached over for one of the water bottles, only for Becca to pull away at the last second before I could wrap my fingers around the cap and bottleneck. “Ah, ah, ah! You’ll get this soon enough. Follow me, Cherry,” she said seductively, causing me to swoon as she lured me toward the nearest set of restrooms. To my surprise and slight horror, she beelined directly to the women’s side.
“W-Wait, are you sure it’s okay for me to go…in there?” I asked anxiously, planting both feet on the cement ground as I stopped in the middle of the bathroom doorway. I may have just contemplated how well my girlish appearance passed but that didn’t mean I was ready to put my new look to the ultimate test yet, “What if, you know, someone sees me?”
Snickering as she playfully rolled her eyes, Becca clearly didn’t share my concerns. “Cherry, you look like a cupcake topper and you’re as sweet as one too. And if anyone says otherwise, I’ll bop ‘em in the nose,” she said, shadowboxing a couple of times and forcing several giggles out of me both from her silly behavior and her gushy compliments.
Part of me was still on edge as I let Becca lead me into the girl’s room. I kept my eyes trained on the black and white tile floor, too afraid of what might happen if I looked anyone in the eye. Fortunately, there were several empty stalls open, allowing Becca to pull us into one of the larger ones with a baby changing area near the back of the bathroom. “You’re not gonna make me lay down on that thing, right?” I whispered, keeping my voice low to avoid detection as I pointed to the plastic, fold-down changing table.
“Huh? Oh, pfffft! Nah, as fun as that would be, I think my little sissy is just a little too big for that. Don’t worry, though, I have something much more fun planned,” said Becca, approaching me and, without warning, lifting the skirt of my dress high. I instinctually moved to stuff it back down, only for her to swat my hands away effortlessly, “Now, now, don’t be fussy. Unless you want me to raw up your bottom right here and now.” Her stern voice and vague threat of punishment were enough to awaken my little buddy again, which was desperately wiggling around in my diapers for more space to grow. 
Closing my eyes, I was too mortified to watch as she ogled my diaper. It didn’t matter that she knew I was wearing it or that she’d even been the one to pick them out for me. It was still me standing before an unbelievably attractive woman in a diaper, something I don’t think I’d ever be used to. Moreover, I braced myself for the impact I was certain was coming.
“Eeeep!” I squeaked involuntarily as her palm pressed the exact spot where my stiffy was. I felt light-headed as she reached up and pulled the front of my diaper open. What on Earth was she doing? She wasn’t about to pleasure me in a public bathroom. After spending a night with her at my sister’s slumber party, I wasn’t sure exactly which cards were off the table with Becca. However, the next thing I felt wasn’t a warm hand wrapping itself around my cock. She had something much frostier in mind for my diaper.
All air evacuated my lungs as Becca quickly uncapped the recently purchased water and proceeded to pour its contents into my thirsty diaper. “Nothing feels better on a hot day than an ice-cold diaper. Trust me,” she said, continuing to load my diaper with the brisk beverage until the entire bottle was emptied. By the time she yanked the bottle from my diaper, the water had overtaken both the front and back of my innermost diaper, widening my stance ever so slightly.
“There you go, all nice and wet,” said Becca, lowering the skirt of my dress and leaning forward to present me with a kiss on the cheek. I raised my hand to meet the lipstick stain she left behind, practically feeling the love in her heart radiating off of it. I wasn’t sure this day could get any better. That was until she passed the second water bottle to me before lifting her dress and showing off her own pair of pristine padding, “My turn, Cherry-baby. And you better not spill a single drop.”
I gulped hard as my eyes absorbed every inch of her lude, partially nude body. I was very wrong. This day was just going to do nothing but get infinitely better and Becca was going to make sure of it.
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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prime-adeptus · 2 months
Okay, first of all: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW YOU DIS MY REQUEST!!! 😍 Secondly: I'm back to order another one if you don't mind. Hanzo x reader where reader worked/lived in the Shimada mansion as a child because reader's family is a family that has served the Shimadas for centuries. Hanzo reader and Genji were friends when they were kids, they played together in secret and everything. Hanzo had a crush on Reader, but as Reader was not from a noble family he knew that this relationship would never be accepted, so he hid his feelings (although Genji knew because come on Hanzo you can't look at them with love eyes and think that he won't notice). Years pass and what we already know happens between Hanzo and Genji happens, now in the present, in the Overwatch recall Genji called Hanzo to be part of Overwatch and he went, even hesitantly, but what he didn't expect was to find reader there, also being part of Overwatch. Basically a scenario of their reunion and how Hanzo's feelings never died, but now more than ever he don't think he is worthy reader love, even though the reader also likes him (extra points if Genji tries to play cupid between the two).
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The Winds of Tomorrow [1/3]
In which you find that Hanzo, the man who’d become a stranger over the years, becomes a loved one once again.
✧ PAIRING: Hanzo Shimada x GN!Reader
✦ CONTENT: Childhood friends to lovers, class differences, blood and violence, drifting apart, reunions, hopeful ending. AU - Canon divergent.
✧ NOTES: HI ANON I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS, I’ve been really uninspired and;; but I’ve been playing Overwatch again and I WILL feed you these crumbs. Hanzo loves you he’s just a little quiet about it
AO3 | Masterlist | @houseofsolisoccasum @interstellar-inn
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Hanzo has always had a special place in your heart since you were children.
You remember it clear as day — you, much younger than you are now with a flower tucked behind your ear and a toothy grin as you drag him through yet another clearing with joy. It was a sunny afternoon and your parents were away doing their respective duties. The elders weren’t quite happy with a servant child being so comfortable with the future successor of the Shimada clan, but that never stopped you. Master Sojiro, for one, was glad to see that his sons had a friend and got to have some semblance of a normal childhood.
It wasn’t as if you were unaware of the things those elders said. It wasn’t as if they were afraid to say it to your face, either. But your mother taught you to hold your head up high and ignore them, because what mattered was that you were happy and the brothers were too.
Genji was away for his tutoring session (“Seriously? I want to train with them!”) and Hanzo had fulfilled his duties for the day, leaving him available for your shenanigans. Your parents were helping take care of the guests whose arrival was imminent. All they told you to do was stay out of trouble.
Hanzo sat cross-legged under the cherry blossom tree with his arms over his chest, a small pout forming at his lips as you attentively adorned his hairs with flowers you’d found. He had a hidden love from the arts. It showed in his calligraphy and poetry, but he was also one to take his image seriously. It never mattered much to you. He was your only other friend, which left him no choice. Though he made it seem like an obligation, you knew he liked spending his downtime with you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you read some of his works or play with his hair like this.
“I can’t return to the manor like this,” he grumbled. You grinned to yourself, gently tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. “What will they think of me?”
“They’ll think you look like a prince!” you chirped. “Come on, do me next!”
Memories of your childhood have become a blur, but you remember this very well. How comforting it felt to feel his fingers running through your hair, how he’d huff every time you cracked a joke. It was one of the last moments of peace you’d ever have.
The next time you saw him beneath that tree, blood was dripping off of his hands. He held on to the sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white and his shoulders were shaking as the rain poured and washed away his doing. You were watching him from behind the corner, a frown tugging at your lips before you dragged yourself away. You couldn’t bear to see him in such a sorry state, but a greater part of you was furious — furious that he cared more about honour and duty than his family.
And so, you left. With everyone you loved dead and gone, there was nothing left for you in Hanamura.
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italoniponic · 1 year
𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 - mini-project
Charming Eyes
Notes: based on this Cherry’s Harvesting request where Anon asked for Trey, Azul, Deuce and Floyd (and whoever else I wanted) to discover that Reader’s very dark-brown eyes (nearly black) could be actually brown if you shine light directly into it. And then they fall more in love with Reader~ I used Lilia instead of Trey and Azul at that time, so now they’re here too yay &lt;3
Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto x gender neutral reader / fluff headcanons / reader has dark brown eyes / use of “you” pronouns
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Earlier that day, Trey had invited you in Heartslabyul to try out an old Clover family recipe. He planned to present this recipe to Riddle in order to expand the menu options at the Unbirthday Parties — if the Queen of Heart’s rules allowed, of course. And since Trey wanted to spend time with you, he asked for your help;
One of the first things to do was checking the egg cartons. Trey learned a trick in Magicam that consisted of using the cellphone’s flashlight over the shells to find out if the egg was good — the light would show an orange yolk — or bad — the inside would reveal to be dark. But, just as he turned on the flashlight, you crouched near the counter to take a look at the eggs;
Trey got terrifically surprised when the light flashed through your eyes and revealed, for a very brief moment, that behind your normally coal-black irises, it was the most beautiful shade of cocoa. Trey turned off his phone’s flashlight quickly, however. He didn’t want to blind you or anything;
But it still was a stunning discovery. During the preparation of the recipe, you commented on how it was a normal effect that the light had on your eyes. But so rare were the occasions that some strong light was cast upon them that you were sure hardly anyone noticed that your eyes had this effect;
And you sure couldn’t imagine the impression this would leave on Trey. He thought about it for a long time. So, he was one of the few people who knew? Trey felt special, although it was extremely embarrassing to admit it. He wasn’t very versed in romance, and this situation sounded like some of the honeyed things that he heard his parents saying to each other — and maybe he wasn’t that far behind;
As the days went by, Trey became more attentive to your eyes when you went out together in very sunny places or where the overall ambient light was quite strong. He hoped to see the glorious brown in your eyes again. Any day, any time;
It seemed almost natural that this was a unique effect of yours, reflecting your nature. You often keep things about yourself deep in your soul. Trey understood what that was like better than anyone else. He looked normal, too, but he could be unpredictable. Or rather, he seemed crazy, but he was in fact quite average;
You could pick up on that whenever you stared at him — meanwhile, he would look at you just as subtle and passionately. Trey’s eyes were golden as butter, soft like honey. Sweet and salty, mixed in the ceramic bowl that was his face. He would have died laughing at the comparison if he had listened;
You cooked together again, but this time at the Ramshackle. It was a pastry that Trey insisted on teaching you to make, called “Hatter’s eye” — an invention of his uncle, who was an oculist. It was worth the joke, you’d to say. It seemed complicated to do but it turned out to be pretty simple;
Finally, you tried the pastry when you two finished making it and it was really delicious. It looked like an eye inside a hat — honestly, the taste was better and easier to digest than the eccentric appearance. You turned around excitedly to thank Trey for the experience, your eyes shining like fireflies at night;
Then Trey ended up remembering something that was kind of obvious from the beginning: whether it was the black shadows of your eyes or their dark chocolate brown hue over the light, your gaze was beautiful in every way. That’s because it was you he was staring at deep down. And Trey could tell he just kept falling deeper down his heart’s rabbit hole, head over heels in love with you.
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Sitting on his VIP office couch and reading a magazine full of interesting advertisements, Azul waited for your arrival so you both could dine in the Mostro Lounge that evening. It was a date in its humblest form — if “humble” could be used with the octopus merman. But without any warning, you soon rushed in, completely exhausted and practically collapsing on his lap;
You scared the living daylights out of Azul with that. But if anything, with the day’s fatigue weighing on your shoulders, you didn’t mind him and got distracted by the round ceiling lamp above — it was only really visible if you were in that position. It lit up the office while the little lamps on the shelves did the rest. It was in this mixture of several different lights that Azul noticed something in your eyes;
A discovery simply unimaginable! Your eyes were usually so dark that Azul found himself wondering if there could exist humans with shark-like eyes. But, right there under that bright light, he came across a shade of brown hiding in the depths of your gaze, like a ship full of treasures resting on the sea;
Because staring too long at the light was starting to hurt your eyes, you sat more appropriately next to Azul. He was still surprised, yet disguised it well. Even though he was no longer in the old-fashioned business of rolling you into contracts, there was something about this tiny piece of information that delighted him;
How many people knew your eyes had this ability? Your friends? Just your family? Would he be a humble lucky one among your acquaintances? Eventually, Azul brought it up again and you explained things better — and yes, he really was the only one in the entire NRC who noticed the fact;
It was inevitable that Azul would feel indebted to you in some way. What could he do anyway? He discovered a special secret about you unintentionally, even if it wasn't this big shock he was making it seem like it was;
In short, that was how you ended up being called to the Mostro Lounge, at its night after hours. Azul decided to “pay” an exchange for his discovery in the form of showing you again what his octopus form looked like. He was inside the huge aquarium on the wall — half hidden while you didn’t arrive, a little unsure if it really was a good idea this situation he created for himself;
From your own part, you were more scared to find out the real, crazy reason you were there than at the sight of a half-octopus boy in front of you per se. As you approached each other — well, as you could since there was a wall of reinforced glass between you — you stared deep into Azul’s eyes and he, into yours;
The merman’s blue eyes seemed like a mixture of the crystalline blue of his human form and the slight eye opacity of certain octopus species — perhaps that's why his vision worsened when he took the potion to the surface;
From his point of view, on the other side, the lights in the lounge added a bluish marine effect to the brown color of your eyes. Azul was already completely in love with you but, it was as if you only convinced him more that he was in the right direction with each new conversation. Not as if you were selling your love, but as a confirmation. He had no doubt of his feelings for you;
But, in all honesty, Azul always knew that you were a rare pearl. This from the first time he faced you, trying to investigate your mysterious black-ink eyes to the present day. And don’t think that this wouldn’t continue in the future too. Azul loved you for who you were, the real person behind your eyes. And you thought the same about him.
| Special notes: as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist a pastry called "Hatter's eye" lol but now that I came with the concept, I'm curious about how it would look like and the taste... |
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banggyu0308 · 1 year
☕️ Moots + Anons
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My lovely anons:
🐼 <3
🧁 <3
🥨 <3
🌙 <3
☀️ <3
🎩 <3
🫧 <3
🌸 <3
🌱 <3
🦋 <3
🫥 <3
and my amazing mooties!!
@hyewka Rana <33
@fairyofshampgyu Nia <33
@bobabeomii Kyu <33
@napofamoon Moon <33
@cherrypeaking Cherry <33
@1004tyun Crystal <33
@guleh Leah <33
@berrysansworld San <33
@h3arts4hu3ning Soobin <33
@strawberry-kirby Kirby <33
@beomsl Mel <33
@ixayjun Ixa <33
@majestyjun Millie <33
@huen-ingkai Sun <33
@aistarz Ai <33
@huckleberrykai Berry <33
@gyuthmics Mj <33
@sunshinecherry Sunni <33
@soobsistotesadorbs Mimi <33
@miyseung Mallow <33
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astronetwrk · 2 years
congratulations on your acceptance! remember to tag @astronetwrk somewhere visible on your blog to confirm your acceptance! for members who wish to join our network's discord server, send us an ask off anon for the link!
@wanderersbell | aly | she/her | writer
@soleillunne | alyssa | she/they | writer
@aiikalvr | aika/akia | she/her | writer
@lychniis | aine/anya | she/her | writer + artist
@scorpius-major | artemis | she/they | writer
@countessofwisdom | austelle | she/her | writer
@calligraphii | cal | she/him | artist
@cherry-froggie | cherry | she/her | writer
@mikoochaan | chifa | she/her | artist
@abyssals-prince | esther | she/her | writer + artist
@inklier | inky | she/her | writer
@dreamsofminnie | jasie | she/her | writer + artist
@haithamstravelogue | kurisu | she/her | writer + artist
@lazulirus | lazu | she/her | writer
@kaelily | lily | she/her | writer
@taciturned-loqua | loqua | she/her | writer
@https-lotus | lotus | they/he | writer
@futuristic-tsuki | mitsuki | she/her | writer
@cherry-colored-petals | navina | they/them | writer
@manikasu-nyx | nyx | she/her | writer + artist + editor
@queen-of-wires | onyx | xey/them/her | writer
@spiriteddreams | spirit | she/her | writer
@scribs-dibs | sunni | any prns | writer
@keqism | sunny | she/her | writer
@vermillionbun | vermillion | they/he | writer + artist
@ilyuu | yui | she/they | writer
if you missed this round of applications, don't worry! applications open on the 1st and 21st of every month, and new acceptances are notified on the 7th and 24th of every month.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader: "Lovesick"
I apologize for any inconsistencies and errors. I'm pretty sure I got his personality wrong 😂This is really short, but hopefully it's sweet!
It was a beautiful, sunny morning, a week before Pure Vanilla Cookie's departure onto the dangerous continent of Beast Yeast. Pure Vanilla, being an early riser, fixed his partner a tray of their favorite breakfast foods and left a note beside it. After he had done all of that, he left to tend to his garden.
Usually by the time he returned from his garden, his beloved would already be awake and had breakfast. However, the opposite happened. The food nor the note was touched, and his partner was still fast asleep.
"My love?" he said softly and with concern, "Are you okay?"
His partner, (Y/N) Cookie, grumbled as they woke up. Their eyes met Pure Vanilla's, even though most of the time, Pure Vanilla's eyes were closed.
"Oh! Morning, Pure Vanilla Cookie," they said, voice barely audible, "Is it just me or is it cold in here?"
That's when all red flags went off in Pure Vanilla's head. Not eating any food, chills, and another thing Pure Vanilla noticed at that moment, their voice sounded a bit congested.
"Dear, I don't think you're feeling too well," he said sadly, "You need to rest, my love."
(Y/N) Cookie sighed. If it was anyone who knew about illnesses and what cures them, it would be Pure Vanilla Cookie. Having a partner was good enough, but having a partner who is an ANCIENT, and a healer, was the cherry on top. There was no point in arguing with him on that.
"Don't you have to prepare for your expedition to Beast-Yeast?"
"Yes, I do," he sighed, "However, I can always prepare for Beast-Yeast afterwards, but you are sick, my love. I want to make sure that you are happy and well before it's too late."
Ah what a boyfriend Pure Vanilla Cookie is. Always so caring about others and how they feel.
"Okay, sweetheart." they sighed, knowing that they cannot get pass his strong urge to help other people. He always said that healing was his specialty. However, sometimes they think that maybe, just maybe, he needs some healing.
Pure Vanilla Cookie made sure that his beloved had everything they could need. Fresh air, fresh food, even the right medicine. Finding the right medicine should not be that hard, considering that Pure Vanilla himself was a master healer.
By the end of the day, the Ancients' leader had nursed his partner back to full health, as if nothing had happened. It was truly remarkable, his partner wondered if perhaps he should have became a doctor instead of a King, even though that currently, he abdicated his position as king.
"Thank you, Pure Vanilla Cookie." (Y/N) Cookie said, before turning off their lamp to go to sleep.
Pure Vanilla Cookie smiled as he took his hat off and put it on his beside table.
"Anytime, my love" he said as he kissed his partner's cheek, before turning off his lamp.
"Anything for you."
- Reaction anon
Thank you for sharing ^^
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
YOU. i know this is supposed to be anon but shhh. you're one of the people i've known the longest in this community and one of the people i'd say i value the most- ever since i first met you, i've always seen you as very... sunny? like, despite all the darkness themes you have, i'd say you're something akin to a source of light. and it's always really really nice to see you around.
maybe to not ruin your whole darkness thing- something akin to a star in the night, helping light up the night and make the darkness more peaceful.
i value your friendship rlly highly and i'm glad to have you still be present in my life to this day!!! it's always so so nice to hear from you, no matter the topic, and i'm forever honoured to be able to talk to you so often!!!
Selwyn I feel like a deer in headlights
(source: this post by starspangledcaptainamerica-blog)
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can’t reply, I just have to read it and post it. - ..yes, no, I'm sorry, I have had this open since you sent it and am still thoroughly out of words about it. I just- thank you, first and foremost, for such incredibly kind words. I am truly going to treasure them, just as I treasure your friendship, because you are also one of the first people I met here and as such I think of you very fondly. I see that my gratitude is messing with my serious image. this is unfortunate. but there is a reason my icon is an entity of darkness that resembles a living cloud of cherry blossom flowers - pale pink petals in a pitch-black void. (insert name pun here.) i don't think of myself as radiating light - more "glowing" than "sunny" - but the fact i can bring a smile to the faces of the people i care about is something i am happy about.
i feel like i'm being overly poetic for no reason, but i really hope that it's a way for some of my gratitude to come through because what you've said really did mean a lot. so thank you, friend
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emodennis · 1 year
What are your opinions on the gang going to ireland (all episodes / in general)
hi anon ty for asking!
i liked it! they were definitely my favorite episodes of the season, the gang's still in ireland being #1 for me. i thought the gang tagging along with dee and also ruining her chance at acting was very on-brand. sad for dee though.
dennis' storyline was my favorite- they managed to make him arch and heightened in a funny way but still keep it grounded through him having & denying covid (which was also on-brand). and of course him collapsing and shitting himself after trying to attack dee was the cherry on top. it was a way to play with the humor of the serial killer theory while still keeping him pathetic and stupid and weak. 10/10.
i really liked the ambition with charlie's storyline, especially his emotional moment in the finale. really blew me away the first time i watched it. i thought there were some things that didn't make sense though (like why is it implied that shelly is related to him because his last name is kelly but there's no way bonnie would have taken the last name of one random guy she slept with? people have said oh well kelly is just a common irish name but it still bothers me. but that's beside the point). it was lowkey heartbreaking to see how quickly charlie got attached to shelly and ignored the fact that he was absent his whole life and prioritized him over frank. it let you see charlie's insecurity and unhealthy attachment style in an honest and real way.
i have mixed feelings about mac's storyline, and i don't think i can articulate it very well. on one hand, i think it was necessary for him to explore his identity in a deeper way. on the other hand, it felt like they were making fun of people who care about their social identities at all for some of the jokes (i'm specifically thinking about his conversation with charlie when he's like "you're just a straight white cis male" or whatever). but it's what sunny does. they poke fun at both sides of the extreme. but rcg saying that they try not to take any political stance also bothers me so idk. but mac freaking out about his identity and leaving the mountain gave us the funniest moment in the season "DON'T YOU DARE GET ANOTHER SHAMROCK TATTOO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!"
i don't have much to say about dee or frank tbh. i wish frank had more to do, that's all.
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
I had tried sending in my ask but tumblr decided to glitch out, said there was an error and deleted everything I had written down. :<
The only person that got hurt was the transphobic manager, I don't feel bad, especially since it was a very minor concussion and he is already better. I've applied for a few jobs, had interviews, just been waiting for a response back :<
If I remember correctly, the hair style is called a jellyfish cut? I really enjoy it, especially with fluffy hair.
Pascal is a big sweetheart, some mage got mad that his wife was swooning over Pascal when he was performing and decided to just steal Pascals voice for himself. He really didn't need to worry, though, Pascal is not attracted to women😭 but that mage is going to get jumped by Geralt and get Pascals voice back <3
Also his scars are from a bear attack when he was a child, it really was his fault because he was dumb and tried picking up a bear cub he saw when playing in the woods. Bear cub freaked out and scratched him up pretty bad. Luckily he didn't come across the mama bear. Despite this, Pascal still adores bears and still really wants to pet them :> he also loves cats very much.
I’m not saying the manager deserves it but gods timing is always right 🤭 and I hope they get back to you soon sugar bee!!! Are you looking for barista jobs or cashier positions?
Oh yes I know what you mean!!! I’ve only seen it on pin straight hair so seeing it on curly is absolutely beautiful!
Noooo poor pascal 😭 taking someone’s voice for such a silly little thing is so cruel I hope he gets his voice back soon:(
No because I understand him!! I too would love to pet bear cubs however I’m happy we cannot do those because I think more animals should have more anatomy? Over their own bodies and by being feisty they get to have that privilege!
Side note did you know that foxes are trying to get domesticated? They’ve found it difficult to continue living in the wild so they’re acting like cats and dogs and hoping humans will take them in to feed and care for them :(
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hulludragon · 26 days
☘OC art masterpost☘
All of the art of my ocs, current and old. Each of them have their own tags!
Send an ask or a DM if I've missed something or some links send to wrong posts :3
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General oc's without connections
Cold #cold the dragon ꕤ happy fluffy baby just sittin ꕤ sleeping cold redraw ꕤ Artfight ID 2024 ꕤ
Mylo ꕤ
Papu ꕤ
Chiller ꕤ
Cotzy ꕤ
Sunny #Sunny the bunny ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: Angel and demon (feat. Joshua) ꕤ
Joshua ꕤ
Rose ꕤ
Wala ꕤ
Mori ꕤ
Sakkaku ꕤ
Burri ꕤ
Felizia ꕤ
Ross ꕤ
Lamppost ꕤ
Roripoppu ꕤ
Amaro ꕤ
GB ꕤ
Lars ꕤ
Illum ꕤ
Sakura ꕤ
Evelyn ꕤ
Cici ꕤ
Robert ꕤ
Timantti #timantti the demigod ꕤ Artfight ID 2022 ꕤ idle sassy stance doodle ꕤ
Syren ꕤ
Xay ꕤ
Chomper ꕤ
Long boi ꕤ
Tenshi ꕤ
Zyph ꕤ
Zack ꕤ
John #john the dawg ꕤ simple fluffy boi shoved in a grey void ꕤ
Mico ꕤ
Scyther ꕤ
Lily ꕤ
Mint ꕤ
Anastasia ꕤ
Puppy ꕤ
Bushboi ꕤ
Veeti #veeti the terrariumhead ꕤ halloween prepping (feat. Juniper) ꕤ
Juniper #juniper the fallen angel ꕤ hyping up her bf <3 (mainly veeti) ꕤ
Damien ꕤ
Apollo ꕤ
Gallie ꕤ Cringetober 2023 ꕤ
Isabelle ꕤ
Jeffrey ꕤ
Shinogae (temp. name, will be changed💀) ꕤ
P.L.A.N.T. ꕤ
Lucky ꕤ
Shuri ꕤ
Lehti ꕤ
Shark ꕤ
Elias ꕤ
Grubb ꕤ
Koji #Koji the seabunny ꕤ Artfight ID 2022 ꕤ
Gáta-plásma (temp. name, will be changed💀) ꕤ
Herald ꕤ
Moon ꕤ
Blue ꕤ
Jack ꕤ
Temaris ꕤ
Sol ꕤ
Sol's unnamed sister 💀 ꕤ
Lumi ꕤ
Merina #merina the seadragon ꕤ mermay 2022 drawing 1 ꕤ mermay 2022 drawing 2 ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: MS paint ꕤ
octopus stinkhorn inspired oc (unnamed) ꕤ
Cherry ꕤ
Charlie ꕤ
Sucrine #sucrine the witch ꕤ at work, stirrin a pot of a potion doodle ꕤ
Blaze ꕤ
Elliot (aka son of the stars) ꕤ
Koga #koga the cursed man ꕤ Artfight ID 2024 ꕤ Man with his wife <3 ꕤ
Wisp ꕤ
Elleanore ꕤ
Angels pet ꕤ
Furry milf (unnamed oc) ꕤ
Clover (cw! yandere oc!!) #Clover the yandere ꕤ Man being an obsessed freak! ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: yandere ꕤ
Carmen ꕤ
Alec ꕤ
Kit ꕤ
Buttons (aka Tonton) #buttons the furry clown ꕤ Artfight ID 2022 ꕤ happy boi doodle ꕤ ominously standing in a circus tent ꕤ
Aurora ꕤ
Toast #toast the moth ꕤ Reference sheet ꕤ artfight ID 2022 ꕤ eating honey doodle ꕤ
Eve ꕤ
Cyril ꕤ
Arael #arael the incubus ꕤ doodle dump, including self insert for you arael simps :] ꕤ Artfighrt ID 2024 ꕤ
Rebecca ꕤ
Myria #myria the succubud ꕤ refsheet! ꕤ Myria doodle dump! including pocket sized myria :3
Lucille ꕤ
Reximus prime ꕤ
Dandelion ꕤ
Oliver ꕤ
Nemo #Subject 357-A aka Nemo ꕤ Refsheet and lore! ꕤ Artfight ID 2024 ꕤ
Mio ꕤ
Oceanic white tip lady (unnamed) tag to be added once named ꕤ Wedding dress outfit ꕤ leaning forwards/squatting a bit doodle ꕤ Venus #venus the monster ꕤ doodle for venus' biggest fan, d3scendd :3 ꕤ Soggy boy in swamp water ꕤ extra pretty boy (a bit ooc.. he looks flamboyant and has too many braincells compared to normal) ꕤ Artfight ID 2024 ꕤ
Penis head (idk if I'll keep that name XD) #penis head the thing ꕤ fullbody + doodles with him being pet :3 ꕤ
Bread loaf #Bread Loaf the pony ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: base ꕤ
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✿Persona and fursona✿
J #J the fursona ꕤ posin with May! ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: Fursona ꕤ
May #may the persona ꕤ reference sheet! ꕤ Edgy headshot with glowy tears ꕤ I was ill doodle ꕤ Hiding from thunder doodle ꕤ Artfight ID 2022 ꕤ Sleeping with a concerned fnaf moon watching ꕤ Artfight refsheet drawing crunch mood ꕤ Apprechiating all the ppl sayin hbd to me ꕤ Reply to a person wishing me a happy birthday :] ꕤ Celebrating not screaming at the void anymore ꕤ being picked up by sun fnaf ꕤ being spooked my posts/account being interacted with ꕤ trying to figure out who the anon was ꕤ complaining abt my old schools horrible tall tables ꕤ happy halloween doodle! ꕤ edgy tears May ver. 2. ꕤ May with explosions and nb flag on the background feat. moon fnaf ꕤ thirsting for big robot moobs :] feat. sun and moon fnaf ꕤ holdin a flamethrower against a flame hungry kitten ꕤ comforting basya abt me being here :] ꕤ thanking for support and pointing at other social media sites I'm at (feat. sun and moon fnaf) ꕤ eepygleeby snoozin with moon fnaf under the bed ꕤ huggin marabou mint krokant chocolate bar doodle ꕤ holding my back then new okami amaterasu plushie :3 ꕤ autism creachure may vine refrence ꕤ nervous about my horrendous profile scheme ꕤ thanking for someones super kind words ꕤ hyping my fave fit!! ꕤ flipping off the universe ꕤ posin with J! ꕤ
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✿Beast people with beast issues✿
Fang #Fang the bunny beast ꕤ Lore and family dynamics :3 ꕤ
Jake ꕤ
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✿The canine brothers✿
Klaus #klaus the werewolf ꕤ Refsheet and some lore :3 ꕤ
Pyry #Pyry the weredog ꕤ Refsheet and some lore :3 ꕤ Cringetober 2023. Prompt: animal traits (cw//suggestive implications) ꕤ
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✿Avien gods✿
Bearded vulture ꕤ
Lahore pidgeon ꕤ
Hooded crow ꕤ
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✿The doomed brothers✿
Meri ꕤ
Elanol ꕤ
Zeno ꕤ
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✿Houseki no kuni fancharacters✿
Amazonite ꕤ
Periclase ꕤ
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✿Cookie run kingdom fancharacters✿
Bear loaf cookie ꕤ
Tulipe ꕤ
Shaved ice serpent ꕤ
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divider credit: steddiecameraroll-graphics
0 notes
sh4tt3rg1rl · 7 months
We are so looking too much into this
Okay okay heres a list of semi-accurste stuff
Charlie -> sign
Vaggie -> bob
Husk -> Gangle
Angel Dust -> Starro
Sir Pentious -> Sunny
Cherri Bomb -> Moony
Alastor -> Insanity, maybe Dialtone
Lucifer -> Sigil, maybe someone else?
Lilith -> Sun, maybe someone else?
Eve -> Who the fuck knows
Adam -> one of the bitchass anons, probably
Lute -> Bitchass anon's girlfriend or something
Emily -> Dusk
Sera -> Sun, maybe someone else?
Vox -> ???
Velvette -> MAYBE Helpful
Valentino -> as far as I know nobody in TAOCC would sexually assault people so... no one...?
Oh... wait.
Helluva Boss too, guys
Moxxie ->
Millie ->
Blitzø ->
Stolas ->
Striker ->
Asmodeous ->
Fizzarolli ->
Stella ->
Octavia ->
Loona ->
I. Man
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peligrosapop · 1 year
Hiiii! The days are sunny, McLaren is finally making improvements in F1, Barca boys are back, you are constantly posting their golden hour pictures, new missions impossible was such a good movie, I get my final high school exam grades tomorrow and I hopefully did great on them 🤞, life is good and the Barca getting the band back together is just a cherry on top of my marvelous week. I just so happy rn so I’m sharing this happiness with you because you post some of my fave Barca content and pictures of EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. Okay lots of love, hopefully my good mood has passed to you to you by the end of this message.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh wow!!! I was kinda sad today bc I’m missing one of my friends a lot today, so, this totally made my daaaaay. So, thank you!!! I have a bunch of pics and gifs I haven’t posted and like 50 anons to answer but I gotta do shit and work lol this already takes a lot of time but I LoVeeeeeE to it. I love Barça and footytumblr (all art tumblr and photo tumblr and newwave/goth tumblr etc etc etc)
I’m so happy for you though! High fives and chest bumps (lol) all around!!! Hoping you get good grades? Are you doing college or uni or trade school or any post HS education? Hope so! Happy that your F1 driver is doing well and that Tom Cruise didn’t disappoint in the movie as he does in real life🤣. Thank you for sharing your good vibes, it filled my body with happy hormones reading that. I just want to give you a mother bear hug!! Instead here is a Pedri/Marc one.
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And to give you extra happiness here are the boys playing some beautiful one touch football in a doble rondo yesterday.
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smol-cherry · 2 years
just checking in to see how you feel <3 please drink some water and stay safe!
Sunn :(( /pos
Ily, stay safe too <33 /p
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hardskz · 4 years
So what's your final guess?
idk mate oH WAIT IS THIS U SUNNY 😳
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