nonneoposts · 6 years
I was out with a bunch of people this weekend and this guy suddenly went “man I miss my wife” and went home. like…I want that
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
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nonneoposts · 6 years
One time I got an extra large fountain drink from a gas station, and my boyfriend at the time was pissing me off as we were walking home. And I let him know if he didn’t leave me the fuck alone I was going to throw my full fountain drink at him. And I think he like ruffled my head and told me that I wouldn’t do it, so as he walked past me, I stared at the drink in my hand, and at his back. And I threw it. It was like 64oz of fresh drink. And it threw it so hard that the styrafoan Cup exploded. He apologised and got me a new drink.
you know what trope pisses me off the most? when the protag is pointing a gun at somebody and they’re like “you won’t do it. you’re too good” and the person holding the gun is like oh shit i am and they slowly lower the gun while the other person laughs. WHAT THE FUCK. if i were there, and somebody told me “you won’t do it” i would immediately shoot them dead without hesitating. who are you to tell me what i wont do. musty bitch
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nonneoposts · 6 years
The problem with the manic pixie dreamgirl trend in media is that it trains men to assume every girl they pass with a pretty dress, unusual hair, and sparkly eye-liner is some kind of deep and quirky and paradoxical nymph, which is complete erasure of girls like me, who are absolute gremlins.
There’s a certain point in conversations with guys when you can tell that’s what he’s thinking. He fell for the sparkly nails and the off-the-shoulder top and he’s expecting you to tell him how your dream is to bike across France with just the clothes on your back. How you like art museums because they feel like the beautiful preservation of long-dead artists’ souls. How you believe humans evolved sight in order to appreciate the infinitely unreachable cascade of stars above.
And at that point you’ve already lost. There’s no graceful way to clarify that you’re actually just a gremlin in a sundress, which you got for $14.99 on the clearance rack at Old Navy while trying to buy socks. That you actually don’t know anything about philosophy or whimsy or world-travel you get anxious taking the subway anywhere new. That you actually really have to go because you already have plans for the evening of lying in a blanket-burrito in bed watching a 49 minute Youtube video review of an anime you’ve never heard of.
The manic pixie dreamgirl trope is socially-anxious-dumbass erasure and i wont stand for it
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nonneoposts · 6 years
girl in language class: so why are you taking Italian? :)
me thinking about my plan to go back in time and raw Leonardo Da Vinci so hard he can’t walk for three days: I love the food
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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nonneoposts · 6 years
Mhhhhh halo halo
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I remade my Solosis jellies!
This time, they’re coconut and pandan flavored, and served in halo halo (a sweet treat from the Philippines typically made with shaved ice, sweeted condensed milk, tropical fruits, and various other sweet things) Ingredients: agar, gelatin, coconut milk, coconut water, pandan extract, food coloring, and sesame seeds.
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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I am morally opposed to there being glass between me and these puppies (Underlook.org)
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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nonneoposts · 6 years
“owo whats this” is good but i think its worth noting where it came from cause too many people dont know
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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Imposter syndrome: The collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist even in face of information that indicates that the opposite is true. It is experienced internally as chronic self-doubt, and feelings of intellectual fraudulence.
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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Hi! At long last, I’m happy to announce that I have artwork available as tapestries, blankets, and other housewares on Society6! I snagged a couple of items myself to test them out, and I’m so pleased with the quality–the printing on both is crisp with perfect colors, the blanket is incredibly soft with a sherpa fleece underside, and the tapestry is bright and durable ♥
If you’re in the mood to snuggle up with a wilderness god or hang a window to another world in your room, check it out here: Dappermouth on Society6
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nonneoposts · 6 years
Autistic NY Black teen gets lost running 5K, assaulted by a white man who’s afraid of getting mugged.
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For more than two years, Clarise Coleman faithfully attended every track practice and every cross-country meet for her son, Chase.
A few weeks ago, Chase, who is a nearly nonverbal autistic child, was running in a meet in Rochester, New York, with his team from Corcoran High School - was assaulted by a stranger in the middle of a race.
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Coleman was waiting for him at a part of the course where runners would come down a hill but he didn’t appear and she went looking for him. She was shouting his name and then she started to meet people who pointed in the direction of her son. One of them said:
“I see a grown man, who is quite tall and fairly heavy … exit the vehicle and give this young man a shove that puts him back 10 feet and flat on his butt. Like, just shoved him across the road. The kid didn’t seem to be doing anything but standing there, obviously had nothing in his hands and weighed all of 130 pounds. This guy was easily twice that.”
This tall white guy was a 57-year-old man named Martin MacDonald who told the police that the reason he attacked the Black kid was he thought Chase was going to mug his wife and take her purse.
“My son is a minor. [MacDonald is] a grown man,” Coleman said she told police. “He put his hands on my son. Of course I want to press charges.”
However the police was deaf and on Oct. 21, Rochester City Court Judge Caroline Morrison sent a letter to the Colemans that shocked them: 
She had denied their warrant application, and MacDonald would not be charged for second-degree harassment.
Now the autistic Black boy refused to go to practices and skipped running in his last meet of the season. He turned his running uniform in to his coach, who gently encouraged him to change his mind. Chase refused.
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“We just keep telling him, ‘You didn’t do anything wrong. Chase is good. There are mean people and there are nice people and this person was just a mean person,’ ” Coleman said. “We just keep apologizing to him that happened. Especially me. I kept apologizing to him that I couldn’t keep him safe.” 
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The attack deeply traumatized him and he lost one of the few things that gave him a sense of pride and belonging.
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Please, make a shout out to this outrageous accident! The white man still didn’t receive any punishment for ruining life of the Black boy. THIS IS HELL!
#StayWoke #BlackChildrenMatter #WhitePrivilege
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nonneoposts · 6 years
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Sootballs And Ristrettos
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