#cherik week- day 6: family au
roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 6/23/23
Title: My Apologies Your Father is An Incompetent Bastard
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Inception (2010)
Relationship: Arthur/Eames (Inception)
Characters: Arthur (Inception), Eames (Inception)
Additional Tags: Mpreg, Kink Meme
Summary: Arthur and Eames are on the run from a job gone wrong when Arthur goes into labor.
Ah, mpreg. Probably the strangest trope I love. But this has always been so - when I started reading fic, it was a much more rare plot to see (and of course ABO wasn’t a twinkle in someone’s eye yet), but every time I found it, I loved it. These days I like to joke that mpreg is the gateway drug to get me to like a ship, which to be fair… is accurate. I could probably list off several ships that I was indifferent towards at best before stumbling upon a cute mpreg fic. But today, I’m talking about a ship I already loved, that just so happened to have a great mpreg fic written for it.
The characterization in this story is spot on. Arthur and Eames still feel close enough to their canon counterparts, but with a unique artistic flair, which I always appreciate (with how little actual canon there is for them, you kinda have to get creative). One aspect that rings so true is the state of their relationship, and how they both feel about it. More than one person has compared their canon dynamic to bitter exes who may or may not reconcile by the end of the movie, and that feeling comes across in this story very well.
I think Arthur’s characterization is my favorite. Eames is of course as amiable and jocular as always, but Arthur is much more bitter. And angry. Which is understandable given the, ahem, “state” he was left in by Eames. But there’s also a silly side to him, such as him refusing to acknowledge that he’s in labor because if he doesn’t acknowledge it, it isn’t happening, right? Oh Arthur - honey bear, boo child - that’s not how that works, lol.
As stated by the little preview I gave last week, the fact that the pregnancy isn’t explained is another thing I love. Oh sure, we know HOW Arthur got pregnant (you see, when a Forger and a Point Man love each other very much…), but just how men in general can get pregnant is open to interpretation; you’re left to draw your own conclusions, which I greatly appreciate. Same with the birth itself - how exactly the child came out of Arthur and into the world is not super elaborated upon, other than, obviously, it was a natural birth. Fill in the blanks as you see fit.
And, of course, happy ending. Maybe a bit ambiguous (there is still danger afoot), but for at least a moment, they can just exist as a family of three. It’s very sweet.
Last note, for one of my all-time favorite lines in any Inception fic ever:
Sometimes (most of the time) Arthur just really wanted to punch Eames in the nuts.
Next Week: How about some Cherik again? And this one is a nice little non-mutant AU, featuring paralyzed soldier!Charles and catatonic Holocaust survivor!Erik. It hurts before it gets better, but the hurt is so good.
Until next time!
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jackyjango · 4 years
Shark Shaped Love
Cherik Week- Day 6: Family AU 
‘That one!' Wanda says, tip-toeing to point at a grey soft toy.
'Are you sure?' Erik asks, and she nods her head sagely; just like she had the last two times.
‘Alright.' Now, Erik doesn't really need to use the controller to move the claw and grab the soft toy from the claw machine, but he doesn't need on-lookers accusing him of cheating with his powers. So he pretends to move the controller around all the while easily moving the metal claw across the glass with his powers and grabbing the grey soft toy.
'Here,' Erik says, picking the toy as it spills into the tray and handing it to Wanda. It's some sort of a fluffy shark with a wide, red mouth trimmed with sharp, white teeth.
Wanda grabs it from his hands with a feral grin. She turns the toy this way and that and her grin turns into an equally feral frown. 'This isn't Nemo,' she says, glaring up at Erik accusingly.
'What?' Erik asks, confused. 'But this is what you asked for.'
'I told you Nemo isn't grey, Wanda.' Peter laughs beside her, and when the thrill of his sister's misfortune fades, he tugs at her hand impatiently-- like he has been for the last ten minutes. 'Come on, let's go look at the cars.'
Still glaring, Wanda shoves the shark into Erik's limp hands with a force unfair from a five-year-old and runs away with her brother to a stall a few feet away from them.
A wave of amusement washes across Erik's mind, and he turns to find Charles barely constraining a chuckle. 
'Are my struggles that amusing?' Erik asks, sighing heavily. 
'Adorable, mostly,' Charles says, still smiling.
Now, Erik doesn't duck his head to hide his flush that takes over his face. He absolutely doesn't. He ducks his head to stare at the damn shark, and the offending shark stares back at him, mouth open widely in a silly grin.
'Right,' Erik says, clearing his suddenly dry throat. He moves to dump the damned shark in a large metal bin which is already full to the brim with discarded toys when Charles' hand darts forward to clutch at his arm so quickly that it leaves Erik reeling in place.
'No!' Charles says, urgently. 'Don't throw it away.' He must have sensed Erik's surprise and confusion, for he soon recovers and says hopefully, 'I'd like to keep it If you don't mind.’
What for? Erik wants to ask, but hey, if Charles wants a shabby shark soft toy, then Erik will bloody well make sure that Charles has a shabby shark soft toy.
'Thank you.' Charles lets out a relieved sigh and hugs the toy close to his chest when Erik hands it over to him. Erik tries not to feel jealous of a damned soft toy. He tries, he really does-- because this is just their first date, after all-- and fails miserably.
Speaking of dates, this isn't what Erik had in mind when he'd asked the twin's elementary teacher out after months spent in each other’s company-- either debating over a chess board or awkwardly trying to flirt. No. He had saved a few week's wages to reserve a table at a fancy restaurant and had promised Kitty a few extra bucks to babysit the kids and take them to the fair. He’d even rented out a suit. But in the end, Kitty had come down with a flu and had cancelled at the last minute. The kids had been too worked up by the idea of going to the fair to listen to his pleas and Charles had been adamant on not wanting to postpone. And so here Erik was, at a fun fair trying to wrangle his children’s whims while fumbling his way with Charles.  
'I'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind when I asked you out,' Erik says as they make their way to the stall the twins are jumping in front of.
'Oh, no!' Charles smiles brightly, eyes twinkling under the flashy LED lights strung around. 'This is wonderful, Erik.' His smile turns nostalgic and his eyes fond. 'Raven and I had always wanted to go to the fair when we were kids, but alas-' he huffs out a laugh, 'mother thought that it was below us. I-'
'VatiVatiVati,' Peter zooms towards them without warning, cutting Charles short. 'I want that car. Can I have that car?' he asks, pointing at a set of toy cars put out on display. 'CanICanICanI-'
'Fine,' Erik concedes before Peter’s words dissolve into a high speed rant. 'You can have them.'
'I want the silver one and Wanda wants the red one!' 
Erik sighs and lets himself be dragged towards the payment desk.
The night deepens and the wind picks up speed as they make their way through a few stalls and games, Charles and Erik content to stay back and keep an eye on the twins as they run around.
Charles begins worming his way to Erik's side subtly, and taking the hint, Erik risks looping an arm around Charles' shoulder, hesitant at first and then boldly when Charles smiles contentedly.
Ever perceptive, Wanda swirls on her heel and asks with a paint peeling scowl, 'Vati, why are you holding Mr.Charles?'
Erik takes a minute to curse at the nosiness of five-year-olds while Charles crouches down to her level and tells her gently that 'Mr. Charles was feeling cold and Vati was only warming him up.'
Mercifully, she takes his answer without further comment and gets distracted by the prospect of ice cream.
'No. Absolutely no,' Erik says as they stop by a cotton candy stall and the kids turn to him with twin pouts and a litany of 'please Vati's. Because the cheap cotton candy is nothing but sugar and the kids'll get high on a sugar rush by the time they get home and refuse to fall asleep-- not that Peter needs the excuse of a sugar rush to refuse to fall asleep. But then, Charles turns towards him, lower lip protruded in a pout and says mischievously with wide, blue eyes, ‘Please, Vati’, and Erik's protests die a strangled death.
In his branded slacks, expensive shirt and fine-wool cardigan, Charles looks out of place in a small town fair crowded by steel mill workers like Erik. Hell, he looks out of place with Erik himself, who's dressed in a worn plaid shirt, tattered jeans, unkempt hair and shabby beard. But then he looks at Charles, who's laughing brightly with his kids or playing with them or throwing popcorn at each other or beaming warmly when Erik buys them a ghastly looking pink cotton candy that Erik realises that Charles is exactly where he should be. By his side.
Still clutching the shark under one arm, Charles tears a bit of his candy and offers it to Erik. Though he should, Erik doesn't refuse and eats it from Charles' fingers.
Despite all the sugar they'd consumed, the exhaustion of running around wins and the kids begin to fall asleep eventually. Calling it a night, Erik picks up Wanda's sleeping form while Charles picks Peter up, and make their way towards the car.
Erik tucks Wanda in the back seat while Charles gets into the passenger seat with Peter. The tattered engine of his car rattles in protest as Erik starts it, startling Peter out of his sleep.
Charles pulls a confused Peter to his chest, tucks his silver head below his chin and murmurs softly until he goes back to sleep. Erik's heart constricts a little at the sight, and he suppresses the urge to smoothen a hand down his chest.
The drive to Charles' place doesn't take more than fifteen minutes, and all through it, his mother's voice whispers inside Erik’s head, I don't want you to be alone, Erik. 
A trepidation flares in Erik's chest as he walks Charles from the car to his front door.
Erik hasn't done this in more than seven years-- There were very few before Magda and no one after her. He doesn't know how to dress for a date, how to compliment his partner or what he should be doing apart from being his stoic self. What if Erik had somehow managed to sabotage the date? What if he had scared Charles away? What if Charles doesn't want to see him again? These questions repeat on a loop in his mind like a broken record. He must have projected some of it, or Charles must have caught it either way because Charles smiles softly at him as they stop at his door and says, 'Thank you, Erik. I had a lovely night.'
'Charles, I was wondering if you'd like to try dinner some-'  
Erik doesn't get to complete his sentence as Charles closes the distance between them to press a firm kiss against his lips-- a kiss that tastes sickly sweet like cotton candy-- and whispers, 'Yes. I'd like that very much, Erik. I'd like that very much.'
Later that night as Erik gets ready to go to bed, he sends Charles a message wondering why he wanted the shark soft toy.
Well, comes Charles' reply, ever polite, I can't go to bed alone. Or without cuddles. Terrible habit, you see.
The message is accompanied by a selfie of Charles lying in bed in a striped pajama top, hair tousled and smile warm, clutching the shark to his chest.
And this shark reminds me of you.
Erik's heart constricts in his chest once again, and this time, he smooths a hand down it to ease the pain.
'I'm not alone, Mama' Erik whispers to the ceiling, wondering if she's listening. 'And neither is this family.'
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teamxcherik · 4 years
Tumblr media
The time to celebrate the mutant husbands has come!!
Cherik Week will take place the first week of June (1st-7th) to celebrate our favorite ship, Fassavoy chemistry, and create more content.
Anyone can participate!
Content that will be accepted:
Art (from doodles and line-art, to complete colored works, can be digital or traditional)
Edits (this includes but it’s not limited to manipulations and mood boards)
Fanfiction (from drabbles to ficlets and even works bigger than 10k)
Poems (it also includes Haiku)
How to participate:
When posting your contribution to the event on tumblr, add the tag “CherikWeek2020″ so we can track it and reblog your post!
Be sure to post/share your themed content on the day of the week it corresponds to on the provided schedule.
You can also add your work to our AO3 collection.
June 1st - Day 1: • Space AU • Power Bottom June 2nd - Day 2: • Mutant Society • Dark!Charles June 3rd - Day 3: • Flower shop • ABO dynamics June 4th - Day 4: • Pygmalion AU • Intimacy June 5th - Day 5: • Horror AU • Transformation (morphing) June 6th - Day 6: • Family AU • Fake dating June 7th - Day 7: • Free • Free
More info:
If you want to meet other participants of this event and get more inspiration, you can also join our discord! We have a special section only for you! You can also ask any question you might have directly to our mods.
For more general information, click here. If you have any questions feel free to send us a message through tumblr! 
Hope to see your contribution to the ship during our special week!
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hraishin · 4 years
Hellfre's Cherik Week Works Masterpost!
And we pulled each other like gravity (E);
Erik accompanies Charles, Crown Prince of the Xavier Empire, to his first diplomatic meeting on the planet Themis, where he finds out something about the Prince and they end up talking about the past and how their paths had crossed before.
Fill for the Day 1 of Cherik Week: Space AU.
We want the same thing (M);
Charles is locked up underground, where his telepathy won't be a problem, deemed too dangerous now to be kept free. Erik pays a visit.
Fill for the Day 2 of Cherik Week: Dark!Charles.
Sonhando com amor, sem dor, amor de flor (T);
Erik is in need of a new job after being unemployed for a while, finding one in a small flower shop in the streets of New York. He didn't expect, however, that he would grow fond of the charming shop owner, who has a weirdly vast knowledge of flowers and their meanings and a smile that Erik can't help but smile back in return.
Title from the song "Bela Flor" by Maria Gadú.
Fill for the Day 3 of Cherik Week: Flower Shop AU.
Just let our walls cave in (G);
Erik hadn't known what intimacy was for most of his life, until Charles came.
Fill for the Day 4 of Cherik Week: Intimacy.
The drug, the dark, the light, the shame (T);
Charles and Erik are trapped inside a cabin in the woods with a monster keeping them inside.
Fill for the Day 5 of Cherik Week: Horror AU.
Love starts with an open door (T);
They truly didn't know how they turned into a family, it wasn't in any way their intention when it all started, but it ended up happening anyway.
Fill for the Day 6 of Cherik Week: Family AU.
Longing, Heartache and Lust (M);
Erik rides to a Northern town in search of some peace for himself so he can rest for a while. Unfortunately, instead of peace, Erik finds Charles.
Title from "Her Sweet Kiss" from the Netflix show The Witcher.
Fill for the Day 7 of Cherik Week: Free.
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slashergirl · 4 years
Happy Cherik Week!
A masterpost for all three of my celebratory fics for Cherik Week.
Day 1: Powerbottom. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24486391 3k words E rated Charles is a very determined guy. When he meets the dashing engineer at a party on campus, he already knows what - and who - he wants. Day 6: Family AU: Stargayzing https://archiveofourown.org/works/24568150 1.9k words T rated A family tradition over the years.  It's part of my uni-verse series but can be read as a single story. Contains traces of Pietro/Loki - that's my security blanket rare-pair <3 Day 7: Free: Uni-verse chapter 5 .https://archiveofourown.org/works/22133902/chapters/59400475 Chapter wc: 5k words, overall 22k words. Generally E rated, chapter 5 is T rated Erik has a gay crisis, gets some friendly advice from Azazel and finally opens up to Charles. That’s all folks, it was a wonderful week!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3PMmg
by LilyPotteri
A family tradition over the years. Written from Cherik Week's Day 6: Family Au. It's part of my uni-verse series but can be read as a single story. Contains traces of Pietro/Loki - that's my security blanket rare-pair <3
Enjoy and happy Cherik Week everyone!
Words: 1935, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of The Uni-Verse collection
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Loki/Pietro Maximoff
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3PMmg
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ao3feed-cherik · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3PMmg
by LilyPotteri
A family tradition over the years. Written from Cherik Week's Day 6: Family Au. It's part of my uni-verse series but can be read as a single story. Contains traces of Pietro/Loki - that's my security blanket rare-pair <3
Enjoy and happy Cherik Week everyone!
Words: 1935, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of The Uni-Verse collection
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Loki/Pietro Maximoff
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3PMmg
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enbynny · 7 years
When Opposites Attract (Cherik Modern Spy AU)
Chapter One
{A/N: Just an FYI, this probably sucks, but whatever. I love Cherik.}
Government Spy AU: Person A is a government worker and has been assigned to seduce Person B. Person A begins to fall for Person B in the process.
“Charles Xavier, good job on your last mission. You saved hundreds of lives.”
“It’s not a big deal, it’s only my job, sir.”
Charles Xavier has been a top notch spy for the United States for years. There’s nothing you could possibly think of that he hasn’t done. He’s hijacked submarines, interrupted heists, and practically ended what could have been wars. He’s extremely intelligent, charming, and handsome. The mind-reading is just a plus.
Charles carefully runs his hand through his wavy brown hair, and lets it linger for only a few moments before dropping it back to his side.
“Did you just call me in here to congratulate me, or is there some ulterior motive?”
Charles really knew there was another assignment. His boss was thinking too loud. Charles knows he just can’t expose his powers, it would risk his job and everything he’s ever cared for.
“Xavier, you always know what I’m thinking, and yes, this is about something else. A mission.”
“Alright, fill me in.”
“Erik Lehnsherr is our perp. He’s been linked to multiple grand crimes across the country, including (but not limited to) arson, grand theft, and in some instances, murder. He’s one of the nastiest we’ve seen, but he’s been on the down-low somehow. No one in the country’s heard of him. It’s like he’s a ghost.”
Charles’s boss hands him a hefty portfolio on “Erik” and allows him to flip through it.
“What am I supposed to do with him?”
“I’m sorry to say this, but this is an undercover mission. You may not like what I have to say.”
“What do you mean? Undercover missions are my specialty!”
“Well, our leading female agents are all on a global-ops mission right now, and we don’t have anyone else who can do undercover work as well as you…”
“What are you implying, sir?”
“I need you to give Erik a visit. We’ve noticed he’s been visiting the same bar in NYC every night for the past two weeks. I need you to seduce him, and get as much information out of him as humanly possible.”
Charles looks back at the open file before him. He never thought he would have to stoop as low as to use seduction techniques.
“I-I can’t flirt, there’s got to be someone better for the job! Anyone!”
“It’s already been assigned to you, X. There’s no going back.”
Charles had no problem with the ladies. They all practically flocked to him. All he had to do was speak a single word, and they’d fall for his British accent, and his looks kept them hooked. The more he thought about it, he couldn’t tell if he would loathe the mission, or if he’s slowly finding Erik attractive.
“O-Okay. I’ll do it.”
“Alright, I’ve got a plane ticket for 6:00 tonight to NYC, there’ll be a chauffeur waiting outside the airport gates for you. He’ll take you to your hotel.”
“Am I using a pseudonym?”
“No, go by Charles Xavier. It seems more natural if you’d go by your given name.”
“B-but that’s my identity!”
“Erik would know if you’re lying. He’s EXTREMELY cunning.”
“Okay, Charles it is.”
“ At 9:00 tonight you’ll visit the bar. You find him, and you do anything necessary to gain his trust. You go there until you leech all the information we’d need. You should get going, you need to pack. Good luck.”
“Thank you.”
Charles sighs as he steps out of his boss’s secluded office. How was he supposed to do this? Not only is it out of his comfort zone, it’s absolutely out of his league!
He steps out of the building, and jams his hand into his jacket pocket, scanning it for his car keys. He jingles the keys as he takes them out of his pocket, and glides his thumb over the fob as he unlocks his car. He opens the door and lifts his leg, struggling to fit himself into the compact vehicle. You’d think with a high-paying government job, that you’d buy a roomy, expensive car.
Charles chose a small Volkswagen beetle when he was young, and he’s loved it. Except for being too tall for it. Charles is extremely tall and lanky, and a Volkswagen beetle was the LAST car he’d need. He just liked how they looked, so he got one.
He turned his keys in the ignition, and put the stick-shift in reverse so he could back out.
As he drives home, he thinks about his new mission. He wasn’t quite comfortable with this form of espionage, he’ll still try to get used to it, of course. After all, maybe it won’t be so bad. The more he thinks about Erik, the more he’s intrigued. He might even enjoy it.
He pulls into the driveway of his mansion, (one of the many perks of a high salary,) and parks swiftly. He pulls his keys out from the ignition, and steps out of the car. He approaches the doors to his home, and barges through them. He goes straight to his room, and begins packing.
How many suits do I need? What kind of identity am I going for here? My boss said act natural, so I guess a new suit for each day, but how much does dry cleaning cost there? I’ve still got to dress to impress.
Charles goes on, worrying for an hour about what he should wear. He already had his hygienic essentials packed, that wasn’t hard. The bag almost entirely consisted of hair product, anyways. Charles took much pride in his wavy locks. He throws the bag into his suitcase, and sits on it so he can shut it. After much effort, he gets it zipped, and he goes to the bathroom to make sure his suit still looks presentable.
I hope this is fine. I do like this suit. Would he? I suppose it doesn’t matter, I’m supposed to be me. It’s sort of nice, not having the burden of a new identity.
He dusts off his suit jacket briskly with his hands and quickly straightens it before grabbing his suitcase and sitting it in the back of the car.
The car ride to the airport was extremely uneventful. It wasn’t too loud, it was quite smooth, and the weather was lovely. Until Charles began worrying again. The thoughts of people at the airport got louder, and clouded his head along with his inhibitions from the new mission. He clenched his jaw as he paced through the airport, went through security, and sat his suitcase on the conveyor belt. He tried his best to get through every checkpoint calmly. It isn’t the simplest task when the thoughts of thousands of people are constantly broadcasting through your head.
He went up to the attendant, handed her his ticket, and quickly walked to his seat. He wasn’t excited for this flight. Flying already made him nervous, and there’s always the chance he could have a meltdown. Whether it might be a nervous meltdown, or a meltdown of his powers from stress, was the real question.
He took a Xanax and closed his eyes for a few moments. He was glad he had a row of seats to himself. It gave him time to think, and room to look over his case files.
He grabbed his file on Erik, and flipped through it. When he gets to the picture of him, he can’t help but stare, trying to take in every detail of his face. He couldn’t tell if he was doing it to identify Erik on sight, or if it was merely an attraction. His eyes scan down the page to the personal summary.
Erik Lehnsherr came from an extremely traumatic background, he had lost his entire family at a young age. We can assume that Erik is a mutant-
Charles ogles at the phrase.
Erik is a mutant.
Charles began to get excited. It’s been ages since he’s met a new mutant. Not necessarily another mutant, though. His sister was one, too. He focussed his train of thought, and continued reading.
- He’s been seen in several instances when large amounts of metal were “mysteriously” manipulated. It wasn’t only the scale of a car, it was closer to the size of a stadium. His powers are thought to be magnetic manipulation of all forms. He is currently thought to be working with an underground criminal ring, our latest investigation.
Charles ran his hand over his forehead as he stared intently at the paragraph before being interrupted by a brief, “Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for landing.”
He was begging for the journey to the hotel to be a quick endeavor, he could block out some people’s thoughts, but only in extremely small crowds. Most likely a maximum of 10. He sped through the terminals, and rushed to grab his suitcase.
He scanned the area, looking for a sign. In front of him was a well-dressed man holding a sign labelled “Charles Francis Xavier.” He immediately knew this was his chauffeur. He power-walked to him, and explained that he wanted to get out of the airport as quickly as possible due to a certain “discomfort.”
They walked up to the car, and the chauffeur took his suitcase and sat it lightly in the trunk. Charles closed his eyes the entire way to the hotel, he needed some rest. Badly. He’s been worrying all this time about how his mission may turn out. They come to a swift halt, and when Charles hears the slam of a car door, he knew they made it to the hotel. He opened his door, and stepped out, taking his suitcase from the driver. He took out his wallet and gave a generous tip.
He stepped into the hotel, and approached the front desk.
“How may I help you, sir?”
“Hello, miss, I believe I have a room booked for Charles Xavier?”
“Hmmm, and yes, you do! Here’s your room key. Your room will be on the third floor. Have a good stay!”
“Thank you.”
Charles fiddled with the card in his hand, tapping the floor number on the elevator with it. He patiently waits for the *ding* of the elevator. When it reaches his floor, he quickly goes down the hall to his door. He struggles to unlock his room. When he finally gets his door open, he immediately tosses his case on the bed, and rushes to the bathroom mirror. He had to be perfect when he met Erik. First impressions are the ones that count.
He quickly returns to the ground floor, and strides out of the hotel. The bar is only a short walk away. He navigates his way through the sidewalk’s busy traffic, and reaches the door to the bar. He straightens his jacket out, and pulls the door open.
As he steps in, the red lighting definitely catches his eye. He looks forward and sees him. Erik. Erik hasn’t noticed him, so he decides to take advantage of it. He confidently strides towards the main bar area, and sits himself beside Erik.
“I’ll have a scotch, on the rocks.”
Charles turns towards Erik.
Erik looks at Charles from the side of his eye.
“Who are you?”
“I should be asking you the same thing.”
Erik turns to look more closely at Charles.
“I’m Erik. Erik Lehnsherr. And you are?”
“I’m Charles Xavier. Nice to meet you.” “What brings you here, Charles?” “Eh, business trips are tiring.”
“You could say that again.”
“Would you like to see a ‘party trick?’”
“Depends. Go ahead.”
Charles raises his fingers to his temples.
Erik, can you hear me?
Erik jumps back on the barstool.
“W-was that you?”
It’s me, Erik. It’s Charles. I have a feeling you aren’t so ignorant in the field of mutants.
What would make you say that?
I’m a telepath, if it wasn’t obvious enough, I can read minds.
“I suppose you’d like to see one of my party tricks.”
“I’d be delighted, Erik.”
“Watch that bucket of champagne, that one right over there.”
Charles squints as he watches Erik clench his fist, causing the bucket to fly towards him, but only in increments. The table it belonged to is shocked. It gets about 10 feet away from the table, until Erik relaxes his fist, and lets it fall with a crash to the ground.
Charles looks in awe at Erik.
“Erik, that was incredible!”
“You really think so?”
“Yes! Magnetic manipulation?”
“You really do read minds. The bucket had an iron coating on the outside.”
“It’s nothing really.”
Erik gazed at Charles’ ice-blue eyes for a moment, before responding.
“Would you like to…”
“Like to what?”
Erik’s hands were messing with the rim of his glass.
“Maybe go out for drinks? Some other time, maybe?”
“Like a date?”
“Like a date.”
“Of course, Erik.”
When Charles returned to his hotel room that night, he landed on his bed, and began to wonder. Maybe this wasn’t going to be a ruse for long. He really WAS falling for Erik Lehnsherr.
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anotherlikeyou · 7 years
I was tagged by @deliriumkitsune​ which wow, thanks ///
1. Coke or Pepsi: my next tattoo is gonna be a vintage coke bottle so yeah
2. Disney or DreamWorks:  honestly how can i choose like seriously Disney has my all time faves like Pocahontas and Beauty and the Beast and HERCULES AND THE EMPEROORS NEW GROOVE FFS but then Dreamworks has The Road to Eldorado and Shrek and How to Train your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda, it’s actually impossible for me to choose, it’s like asking me to choose between my mum and my dad smh
3. Coffee or Tea: tea is life
4. Books or Movies:  i used to devour books when i was a kid and i’m kinda upset i don’t read as much as i used to but i love watching movies so yeah, movies i guess
5. Windows or Mac: Windows
6. DC or Marvel: DC obv
7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: never played either of them but u had me at “dragon” so i guess Dragon Age
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl
10. Cards or Chess: i love playing cards but chess is just so engrossing and fascinating even if i’m shit at it lol
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
12. Vans or Converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: who are these people??
14. Fluff or Angst: fluff, i’m all abt that soft and fuzzy shit
15. Beach or Forest: idk really, i love the beach and the oceand and the sand and swimming but forests are so green and beautiful and the wildlife omg
16. Dogs or Cats: i love dogs, but i’m honestly a cat person
17. Clear Skies or Rain: rain is beautiful but i’m all for taking long walks in the park during a warm sunny day
18. Cooking or Eating Out: cooking, i’m also pretty good at it
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: mild, i have an embarassingly low tolerance for spicy food
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: christmas, i get to spend days with my whole family (there’s like 50 of us between cousins, aunts and uncles and various grandparents) and i absolutely love showering people with gifts
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too warm: i can’t stand hot, so i guess cold
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? flying, hands down
23. Animation or Live Action: animations
24. Paragon or Renegade: if by renegade u mean the tv show i guess it’s gonna be that, i mean, Lorenzo Lamas anyone??
25. Baths or Showers: showers, even if i love myself a long relaxing bath every once in a while
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: they’re both two fucking idiots, i’m team cherik
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi: fantasy ofc
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? Ha! i sure as hell do, but they’re quite long so i’m not gonna write them but the books they’re from which are “Cronache del Mondo Emerso” by Licia Troisi, “The Giver” by Lois Lowry, “Oceano Mare” by Alessandro Baricco and “Les Larmes de l’Assassin” by Anne-Laure Boundoux
29. YouTube or Netflix: I’d say Netflix but i live for crack videos so Youtube
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter, BOOKS ONLY FUCK THE MOVIES
31. When You Feel Accomplished? Eh, not very often sadly
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars has been my true love since i was like 6
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: I really don’t care
34. Handwriting or Typing: i always handwrite things first then i type them if i like the result. handwriting is so much more satisfying, i love it
35. Velvet or Satin: satin
36. Video Games or Movies: movies, i’ve never been a gamer
38. Sunrise or sunset: sunset
39. What’s your favorite song? all time favourite “Sere Nere” by my baby Tiziano Ferro, but also any Muse song
40. Horror Movies yes or no: i kinda started sort of liking them recently? Like i’ve watched the “Insidious” trilogy and yeah i was freaked out but i like the story, i watched “The Ring” like a week ago but it didn’t really scare me that much? Idk
41. Long hair or short hair: LONG, i used to have really long ass hair but then i cut them bc of the hot weather and i swear i’ve never regretted something more in my relatively short life
42. Opera or Theatre: opera, i absolutely love it even if i don’t go as much as i want to
43: Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? the Jurassic Park universe, like man DINOSAURS, SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? dude i love thunders 
45. Would you rather travel back in time or into the future? idk man i’d love to experience things like woodstock but then again i’ve always been curious abt what the future will be like
46. What is, in your opinion, the most pointless/unnecessary thing ever invented? the idea that people can be judged by their gender/sexual orientation/skin colour/religion
47. Favorite band/artist? my fave artist is Tiziano Ferro, my gorgeous talented smol boy, and my fave band is Muse, those three fucking dorks i love them
48. If you could meet a Famous person that’s either Dead or Alive who would it be? my queen Lady Gaga
49: How old were you when you had your first kiss? uhmmm i think 13?
50: Favorite TV Show: Shadowhunters, this show has taken over my life like nothing else ever has, it’s honestly kind of frightening
51: What is your dream outfit? my clothing style ranges from geeky af tshirts to red carpet sexy dresses to i opened my wardrobe and decided to wear whatever fell on top of me, but my dream is to be able to pull off the flowery/pastel look, i love pinks and flowers and stereotipically “girly” clothes
52. Who would you like to be for a day? aw man that’s a tough one…idk i think it would be rly cool to be a supernatural thing, like a vampire or a mermaid or a witch
53. Pick two of your favourite characters from different fantasy universes and shove them into a modern au where they’re rivals from first meeting but slowly become rivals with friends, what would it be like? (They’d still have their powers if they had any, and accustomed to certain terms or slang from their universe) I’ve always had this Supernatural/Dylan Dog crossover idea in which Dylan and Groucho go to the USA for a vacation and meet the Winchester and get roped in one of their hunts, Dean would be super salty abt Dylan getting all the girls but would actually laugh at Groucho’s weird ass humour while Sam and Dylan would get along pretty well, but Sam wouldn’t stand Groucho, man it would be super funny
New Question! 54. Pineapple on pizza: yes or no?
ain’t gonna tag 54 people man, i don’t even know that many people here @eversall​ @fangtasticsaphael @samspurpletoothbrush​ @soft-saphael @arosendes @rose-scorpius-otp HAVE FUN GUYS
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jackyjango · 4 years
Cherik Week 2020 Master Post
Mr & Mr. Xavier Lehnsherr Day 1 Prompt: Space AU / Powerbottom Rating: E Words: 1524 A Mr & Mrs. Smith AU in space Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26507488
Why Can't It Be That Easy? Day 2 Prompt: Mutant Society / Dark Charles Rating: T Words: 1430 Charles and Erik take a momet to themselves amidst the fight to love and to hope Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26507560
The General's Mate Day 3 Prompt: ABO dynamics / Flower Shop AU Rating: E Words: 3105 Omega Charles, Shaw's concubine finds love in the enemy, General Erik Lehnsherr Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26507695
The Salt of Skin Day 4 Prompt: Intimacy Rating: E Words: 505 Erik and Charles uniting after the accident and aftermath of cuba Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26507797
Of Fights and Phobias Day 5 Prompt: Horror AU Rating: T Words: 1475 Charles can't sleep alone at night after watching a horror film Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26508490
Shark Shaped Love Day 6 Prompt: Family AU Words: 1625 Single dad of twins, Erik Lehnsherr take Charles out on their first date Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26508598
Perfection! Day 7 Prompt: Free Words: 1443 Erik proposes to Charles in his own way Tumblr AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26508652
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ao3feed-cherik · 4 years
Love starts with an open door
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zWQ4U9
by hllfire
They truly didn't know how they turned into a family, it wasn't in any way their intention when it all started, but it ended up happening anyway.
Fill for the Day 6 of Cherik Week: Family AU.
Words: 5525, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Cherik Week 2020 Works
Fandoms: X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Magda (X-Men), Lorna Dane, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, David Haller, Alex Summers, Vision (Marvel)
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Lorna Dane & Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr & Magda (X-Men) & Charles Xavier, David Haller & Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Era, Kid Fic, Family, Fluff, Light Angst, Family Dynamics, Protective Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier in a Wheelchair, One Big Happy Family, rated T just to be sure, Past Erik Lehnsherr/Magda, Magda is not a bitch in this because she deserves more, Slow Burn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zWQ4U9
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