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guelfoalexander · 6 months ago
"My name is G.
Chepotle G. 😎"
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billybennight · 7 years ago
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After a hard night of clowning around I deserved a great meal. So I settled into Wurstküche for a Pheasant with Herbs de Provence dog with grilled onions and hot peppers. I had the small Klein fries with chipotle aioli. It was so good! @wurstkuche #wurstkuche #pheasant #hotdog #weenier #weenierdog #grilledonions #grilledpeppers #frenchfries #chepotle #aioli #food #foodporn #foodphotography #foodie #photography #photographer #photographerslife #photographerslifestyle #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #losangelesphotography (at Wurstküche) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhNwePADQH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aze7972conl5
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hyuna-uzumaki-blog · 8 years ago
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softmoxymuffin · 6 years ago
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“Check please...”
Read this tweet and I couldn’t fucking stop myself
Here’s so Ambrollins... lil bit of oblivious!Dean and oblivious!Seth with maybe some friends-to-lovers if you you guys want me to continue this
Chapter 1: Check Please
Chapter 2: Airplanes and Automobiles
Chapter 3: Tellin’ the Folks
Chapter 4: Hot Cocoa and Surprise Hugs
Chapter 5: Breakfast Sandwiches
Chapter 6: Learning Experience
Chapter 7: Keeping up Defenses
Chapter 8: Confessions in the Bitter Cold
It was so nice to eat some real fucking food right now. Seth has always done his best in many aspects of his life; work out, training, rehab. Usually he does pretty well considering his diet. But, the second Dean brought up the chance to eat the best damn plate of steak and eggs he’s ever had, Seth got weak.
Dean and hadn’t been able to hang out for the longest time apart from actual work. It had been way too long since they just got to relax and just chill and enjoy each other’s company.
They had gotten to the restaurant fairly late. It was a quiet place with old wood paneling and some stereotypical Americana style but it wasn’t ovee the top. On the contrary, if you hadn’t been looking for this place you might have just passed it by.
They walk in wearing just some jeans and shirts, with Seth adding a warm hoodie and his glasses with his hair in a bun, while Dean wore his leather jacket and topped it off with a beanie. They were first lead to a bigger table for two closer to the front of the restaurant, but before Seth could take his seat his friend had stopped him.
“You got any place more private?” He asked the hostess.
The young woman was a little surprised, maybe even intimidated but she quickly recovered and lead them to a smaller but more secluded booth at the back of the restaurant.
Once they took their seats and the hostess left them their menus, Dean pulled his beanie off and tucked it away in his jacket.
Seth still found himself expecting Dean’s old soft curls to tumble out of the woolen cap, but he had to admit the shorter hair did suit him too.
“This place doesn’t get too croweded.” Dean spoke without taking his eyes away from the menu. “But can’t be too careful... I mean just seemed like a nice night to not have to bother with too many people you know?” He asked rhetorically.
But Seth found himself nodding in agreement. As much as he loved the WWE Universe, there were just times he’d much rather just have a good quiet night with his friend.
Out of no where, Dean produced a lighter and lit the candle that sat between them on the table top. Seth looked at him confusedly.
“It kinda gets dim here at the back.” He explained as if it were a normal occurance. Maybe it was so Seth quickly shrugged it off.
Just then their waiter had quietly arrived to stand by their table. His pad open and ready with his pen.
“Good evening,” he spoke light and chipper. “I’m Kyle and I will be your server for tonight, what can i get you two fine gentlemen.”
Seth blushed from noticing the younger man’s emphasis on ‘fine’ when the he had spoke to them, but quickly coughed it off as he readied himself to order.
“No gentlemen here,” Dean had joked before he had taken his menu and Seth, from his hands, and gave them to the blonde waiter. “Both of us will be having the steak and eggs. I like mine rare with the eggs a little runny with a side of fries,” he ordered “My boy here like’s his medium with a pouched egg on top, also runny and a ceaser salad on the side. He’ll tell you no bacon coz he thinks he needs to lose a couple of pounds, but sneak some in there will you coz I think his six-pack really won’t suffer very much.”
Seth was really hoping the heat he felt on his face was just from the candle light, but he was pretty sure it was from Dean’s antics. The older man always had a way of surprising him in ways still in exactly him.
The young waiter giggled while taking their menus, the young man seemed so flustered that it was Dean who had to stop him from turning right away to add their drink orders.
As the server made his way back to the kitchen Seth asked his friend, “What was that about?”
“Didn’t have to order for me.”
“You would have read through the menu cover to cover if I hadn’t stopped you,” the blue-eyed man teased, “And like i said, the stake and eggs here are insane. You’ll love them.. plus i already know what you wanted anyway.”
Looking back, Seth did realized he would have just ended up ordering practically the exact same dish, sans the bacon, but he secretly thanked the other man for that.
They both talked while they waited for their food. They traded stories regarding their rehabilitation. Seth asked about the infection, a little shy not wanting to push too much. Dean answered eagerly in the only way he knows how when talking to people he trusts. They talked about family. Seth asked about Dean’s mom and sister. Dean asked how the wrestling school in Iowa was going, even teased flying over to teach the young bucks all about the creative use of barbwire and thumbtacks.
They were both laughing their asses off when Kylehad retured with their orders. The moment the aroma hit Seth’s nose, he knew Dean made good on his claim. This steak was going to be good. They had eaten enthusiasitically, taking breaks between bites only to talk about how good the actual bite was. The steak was perfect. The pouched egg was good and runny and even the salad hadn’t tasted boring. The bacon may have added a bit there. At one point dean used his fork to grab himself a cherry tomato from Seth’s plate which made the Armenian pout. But Dean silently apologized by placing couple of his fries on his plate as a peace offering.
They had cleaned off both their plates. Clear indication of their approval fro the meal. As Seth was busy drinking his beer, and maybe subtly adjusting his belt, Dean had motioned for the check.
Kyle came around to their table and placed the check on Dean’s side of the table.
“How much was that?” Seth asked.
“Don’t sweat it.” Dean said plainly as he tucked his payment in the small booklet and gave it back to Kyle their server. “I owed you for lunch the other week.”
Seth quirked his eyebrow as he recapped their las week together only to reply “That was for Chepotle.”
“Still owe you,” Dean shrugged it off, clearly it being a non-issue for the older man. “Anyway, I’m gonna to bathroom for a second. Be right back.”
Seth only nodded, he could barely move from how full he had felt. He slumped into his seat and just breathed. It had been so long since he had a moment to just chill like this. To be back with Dean again too, Seth could see this is a better night than he’s had for the past few months.
Kyle had returned with the little booklet and placed it almost exactly where he had placed it on Dean’s side.
Seth motioned for the server to lean closer, “Hey, how much was mine?” He asked quietly.
“Oh no no no sweetie...” Kyle spoke with an even lighter tone. “You do not want to anger a top like that. Just let him take care of you.”
“Huh?” He asked confusedly.
“Your man.” He clarified. “There are not dnough men like those and you got a good one; candle lit dinner, knows your order, pays for the meal. The man even gave you his fries.. I mean girl, anyone would be jealous of a daddy like that.”
“Wha-?” Seth’s eyes grew wide as the realization hit him harder spear to the gut. “You think- me and him.?!?” He stammered. “I mean.. no. No. No its not like that.”
“Hey baby you ready to go?” Dean chose that perfect time to come back to their table.
Kyle was beaming.
Seth only groaned.
Seth had stood up and nodded his head. The words from the server echoing in his head over and over again. He practically walked in a trance, with his friend following suit.
Once they got outside in the cold December, Seth felt sudden soft warm over and ontop of his head.
Turning to his companion in surprised. He asked “What are you doing?”
“What?” Dean shrugged in confusion, his face now left unhidden by his beanie. “You looked cold. You looked like you needed it.” He answered.
Seth only stared at him realizing the thought; Dean always seemed to know what he needed.
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years ago
Chepotle, mmedrite, 6 ave... $10
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zumpietoo · 3 years ago
A saggy ass and tits? Are Lili stans also blind or what? Also, they should be the last ones to comment on anybody's bodies given how their queen looks - all because she can's stop drinking Mounting Dew and eating Chepotle after every blunt.
Yep....and I'm not gonna body shame her about a few pounds, buuuut...her botox and coming from them? Also, she's a dick now, which is way moar important. And is dating a dick
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thesepeopleproject · 7 years ago
RT thinkpiecebot "it's telling how insincere any of these people's political beliefs are because the moment they can twist Marxism into something that says men are entitled to sex they are willing to buy into it"
— chepotle (@konedriver) May 3, 2018
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