therunwayarchive · 2 years
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Kristy Ponomar & Chenyin Qi at Prada, Spring 2022
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etsionrevaitt · 9 months
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Prada beauty
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modelsof-color · 2 years
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Fave Faves 61 - Rue Johnson , Marvella Niteka , Agel Akol , Ying Ouyang , Samuel Elie , Woojin Ham , Chenyin Qi & Toyosi Bamigboye
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maddstermind · 6 months
Heads Up Seven Up!
Thank you for the tag @saintedseraph!!!
     "Then I'm sure they knew peace with you, too. I think that's what love is. Being at peace with someone, even in dangerous times."      The words hung in the air around them. Ashton thought of Sutton, fighting knights with him, traveling through blizzards, getting trapped in the cave system, sliding down the valley into Chenyin, fighting the controlled Genesis together. It was frightening, it was dangerous — but he could think of no one else he'd rather do it with.      Tearily, Lucilio set the empty bottle down. "I think you're right."
hurrah hurrah! book three is going great lmao.
I shall tag @sodaliteskullwrites, @interroblog, @sentfromwolves, and @ladywithalamp!
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Chenyin Li plays F. Burgmüller's Ballade op 100 no 15
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"dance dance fantasia" : angela, coke, li xiangyu, qi chenyin, & xiao ming by weishan hu for bobosnap china spring '22 styling by qiuge wang, makeup by lin erduo, hair by nate peng
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kpop-crack · 7 years
home is a warm (werewolf) guy, chenyin, pg, 2436 words. i'm gonna call this series the puppy series from now on.
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paradisovacui · 2 years
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Featuring pieces made by Chinese designers Susan Fang, Didu Official, Scarlett Yang and Oude Waag.
模特 Models: 谢欣 (Xie Xin)、范龄分 (Fan Lingfen)、张艺涵 (Zhang Yihan)、戚晨吟 (Qi Chenyin)、杨梦楠 (Yang Mengnan)
摄影 Photographed by: 陈墨墨 (Chen Momo)
造型 Styled by: 赵慧 Michelle Zhao
化妆 Makeup by: Jonathan Yang
发型 Hair by: 伊恩 (Yien Yu/Ian Yu)
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dangermousie · 4 years
This mv for Goodbye My Princess is amazing!
The more I think about it, the more I realize that GMP isn’t just in my top 10 cdramas, it is my favorite romantic drama. Which if you have seen it, basically sums up all my tastes.
Some of it is the gorgeous visuals and some of it because Chen Xing Xu and Peng Xiaoran have ridiculous once-in-a-lifetime chemistry. But mainly because it’s so tragic, so inevitable, so perfectly crafted (I once tried to think through to see where could something have been changed to have the ending change in the story and there was literally one small moment in the entirety of it.) And because it does something cdramas (which tend to not even go for antiheroes much) never do - make the monster, the bad guy, the villain, also its romantic lead. And not in the “he starts out a bad guy and softens as much as he can” way either (see The King’s Woman.) No, it does something I have never seen cdramas do before (they came close with Yang Kang in LOCH 2008 and I was obsessed there too) - take someone sweet and slowly progress them to antihero and then past that to villain. Anyway, I love Peng Xiaoran as a Disney Princess in a bloody grim period drama (and her arc is something!) but for me the drama was made by Chen Xing Xu as Li Chenyin - lovable and terrifying, pitiable and repulsive all at once. By the end I both wanted to murder him and yet somehow still felt for him. As I said, he starts out a genuinely nice person even if you can see all the things in his upbringing and his life that will result in what he will become and then ooooh boy, are you in for let’s make him a monster ride? I am.
And you are watching every step of the way. And yes he achieves redemption at the very end, insofar as he is able, but the pile of bodies does not magically disappear nor is his life any less a perfectly crafted punishment because nothing less could achieve any measure of redemption. (I have almost never seen an ending not just this inevitable but this perfectly tailored at once in both logic and to destroy the male lead.)
That last shot of him as an old man, abdicating the throne to his nephews because he had no children of his own and he ended the insane inheritance system that way and wandering through the deserts looking for a woman long dead and that even he knows is long dead even as he refuses to admit it? So bleak, so gorgeous, so fitting.
I love love love “bad person soft for one person only” narratives but what this drama gets right that these narratives rarely do is that it never forgets he is still a bad person and that will bleed over to the person he wants to protect; he cannot he a monster with everyone and a good partner for her both because his personality will spill over and because what normal woman could be OK with being with a monster (it is paralleled in the story of his father; the man he fights so hard and whose love he wants and who, ironically, he is most like. Both are defeated by the same thing.) The only drama I have ever seen do that is the criminally underrated Taiwanese drama The Outsiders which takes sheltered princess x boy from the slums trope and shatters it with a hammer - he becomes a hitman for the Triads to protect and provide for her and that not only brings her in the orbit of an act of violence that breaks her but the violence in him spills into the relationship too. Anyway sidetrack.
Blah blah blah I love GMP. And most of all I love that they get a second chance and he destroys that too, because memories or not, the tragedy was rooted in his personality and his basic personality does not change.
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rigelmejo · 4 years
i think 1500ish hanzi has been the sweet spot where, although i do run into unknown hanzi all the time (which means i still need more tbh), i know enough hanzi to run into many unknown words per day that are formed using known hanzi.
and since i can easily pick up new words made up of hanzi i already know, and can usually sound those words out myself, there is a lot of vocab i can pick up nearly effortlessly in a day.
per reading session i probably run into 10-20 words that i can easily learn within a few times of seeing them - because i already knew their hanzi, and can sound them out myself.
then i usually run into other words of course with new hanzi, and while maybe 1-5 of them will start to stick in my mind after i’ve seen them, many of them will still escape me even after seeing them for the 20th time.
but, the more of the first kind of vocabulary word i run into, the easier it gets to focus on the completely unknown-hanzi words. because the first kind are easy to pick up, its like building a foundation of stuff i find easier to grasp, then make more solidly reliable, from which i can branch out and depend on when trying to figure out the rest. 
i think before knowing this amount of hanzi, i ran into just such a sheerly large number of words with at LEAST one unknown hanzi (and often 2 unknown) that it was good if i picked up 1-5 new words period.
other notes:
1. i still definitely should go through my 2,000 most common hanzi book, and my 3,000 hanzi deck... not all the hanzi i know are ‘common’ and filling in gaps would further make this easier. the less unknown hanzi, the easier time i have.
2. i should go through my grammar book when i feel like trying to do production again.
3. i think me skipping listening-reading and JUST reading, i am seeing why that may be less beneficial. i’ve read 28 chapters of ttwtadsl the last few days, and i realize that when i also listen i get a better grasp of understanding the full sentences in real time/recognizing the words more quickly. Also it gives me 1-2 more ‘review’ sessions for all the new words in a chapter (seeing the words a 2nd time when listening-reading chinese-chinese, a 3rd time hearing them with listening chinese reading english), which helps me remember them better. also while me reading to myself aloud has helped me a bit with sticking their pronunciations, when i read in my head i start skipping thinking about the tones as much - and listening reminds me of them again and helps them ‘stick’. likewise, when i just read aloud if i’m reading at a certain speed i’ll sometimes fuck up tones (forgetting a new words tones etc) and that may temporarily be reinforcing bad habits. if i add listening, then that can correct any errors i’m making earlier on by reminding me of what is correct. so like... while i do notice i’m picking up all of this author’s favorite words to use, i realize i am getting sort of a half-understanding of these words. and the added listening component was really helping to fix that. so, today, i’m going to go through Pleco probably and just zoom through chapters 1-27 again. Just so i can hear a clear correct pronunciation for everything, reinforce the words i’ve learned, correct any mispronunciations i was doing, and review the old chapter texts (which i’ve noticed i’m more able to read without a dictionary now! wooh! o3o)/
alternatively i could use the audiobook, but i’d rather do that later. the audiobook i can listen to with the english (to test how much i can comprehend with just audio and no hanzi to look at). For now, i just want a clear easy to pause-play and easy to stop and lookup with a dictionary tool, Pleco, so i can review all the old material and catch any words I’m saying wrong.
*again, I’ll say ttwtadsl is an excellent book for practicing reading and listening. The chapters are short enough that even when you get into looking words up, the comedy/ridiculousness pushes you to finish figuring out the scene, then the scene seems to end SO SHORT as soon as you got into the rhythm of looking things up, so its super easy to want to keep reading another chapter. then another. (whereas like, priest whom i love, has giant dense chapters that feel like a slog to look up words as i go through it lol... too above my reading level). the other thing? This novel seems entirely well suited for beginners-intermediate readers.
Most of the new words I’ve been running into have been: wuxia ish related words, and very simple ones that are probably worth knowing (wulin, gaoshou, jian, jianke, meng, zhengpai, jiaozhu, motou, daxia, 武林,高手,剑,剑客,盟,正派,教主,魔头,大侠)
or they have been descriptive words that are pretty broadly useful in reading stories, stuff like physical descriptions of actions (or adjectives): zhou meitou, guixia, zhouqi meitou, ditou, dian tou, jijing, binglengleng, shense, mangran, yizheng, chenyin , chenmo, yinchen, bajian 皱眉头,跪下,皱起眉头,低头,点头,寂静,冰冷冷,茫然,一怔,沉吟,沉默,阴沉,拔剑)
or like sentence transition words like huran, jing, jiujing, xujiu, yingdang (should), ruoshi, cishi, 忽然,竟,究竟,许久,应当,若是,此时
as a bonus, so far most of the names have been hanzi i’ve either already learned or seem worth learning (jian 剑and gui 归 both seem useful to memorize for example, and zhao 赵 is so common in names - and ji han’s name’s hanzi 季寒 come up all the time)
of course there’s more new words, these are just the ones actually sticking in my head and starting to be recognized. though i think that kind of shows its working well so far as a vocab source - these are words i’ve gotten used to in just a few days. i do think this story would be quite good for picking up simple action words and adjectives. its just i was reading hanshe last month and most of what i picked up from that novel was action-descriptors so i already know most of the ones in this novel now.
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gzmssrm · 7 years
Chenyin Li plays Debussy 'Serenade for the Doll' from Children's Corner
今宵は、DebussyのChildren's Cornerから『Serenade For The Doll』をChenyin Liの演奏で。色褪せぬDebussy。
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mintchocolatechen · 7 years
JUST to speak it into existence, Jongdae is older and more mature now and Chenyin are going to start dating this year 
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dangermousie · 4 years
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Hey, it worked for Li Chenyin in Goodbye My Princess! I say go for it.
In other news, I love how this drama can make me feel for characters we barely met and who are on the opposite sides from our protag.
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And you know, I love love love that we care for Fan Xian, we root for him, we want him to succeed - but in a lot of ways it’s because he’s the protagonist; the story never forgets that he does some effed up stuff and that in a story from a different POV, from the POV of Shangshan Hou or some other Beiqi person, he’d be the villain.
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fishhideout · 8 years
(Chen/Liyin. PG. 456w. 20160413. angst. AR.) He’s dialing a familiar number before he knows it.
  He’s dialing a familiar number before he knows it. A number he easily remembers from the numerous times he’s called in the past. The number hasn’t been saved on the new phone he’s finally got 8 months after debut, and he doubts she has his new number.
It’s a nerve-wracking wait for her to pick up, even when she does pick up after only 5 rings.
Words are stuck in his throat, and he can’t seem to get them out in the open. The feelings that overwhelm him, the memories that threaten him with devastation. The memories of her laughing softly at something he said. The memories of him telling her he will come for her after he succeeds. The memories of the fallen trainee who ended up tutoring him in preparation for his debut in China.
I miss you, he wants to say, but doesn’t. It’s the reason he’s called her so suddenly, but the words don’t leave his lips.
Yet another hello is said, and he thinks of breaking the silence with something light, maybe the weather, the weather is always a good choice. Or maybe even just a hi in return. But he doesn’t make a sound.
He remembers how broken she looked the last time they met up. He remembers how he steeled his heart to tell her he can’t meet her anymore. They had both been happy to know that he was finally debuting. He had thought he could date her even after debut, but that seemed bleak upon realising that fans who were beginning to follow him everywhere even before debut. They were likely going to hound her if they found out, and he could not put her in danger. He pretended he no longer liked her, acted like an asshole who became arrogant on debuting. He remembers the hurt he caused.
Please come back to me. So even though this is what he wants to say, he can’t. He has screwed them up too much, there’s no longer a them.
A few more hello’s and she hangs up the phone, leaving him to listen to the beeping noise.
A tear rolls down his face, and he closes his eyes taking a deep breath.
Let me listen to your breathing.
He may not have spoken during the phone call, but he feels calmer now. He still misses her, but the feeling no longer overwhelms him. At the very least, she sounds fine (or, perhaps, even freer than when she was with him).
She hangs up her phone and looks back to the screen at the recorded performance of a popular idol group, and smiles a broken smile when he appears.
I miss you, she doesn’t get to tell him.
      A/N: written to Breath by the both of them. i procrastinate by writing fics ha ha ha
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chenrrerorocher · 8 years
Liyin posted a clip of her singing Everytime.. My chenyin feels have resurfaced ;w;
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