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theblackpencil · 7 months ago
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infernothechaosgod · 2 years ago
Bbh : don't swear infront of your children it's a bad influence
Also bbh : do you have your cheinsaw?
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fentrashcat · 2 years ago
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Been a while but finally got myself back to creating 😅
This is a quick stitch I started last week, to practice long and short stitching... I like the texture of it but it's more difficult than satin imo. I have some gapping trouble but I'll work on that again soon. I tried to fill some of the gaps and made them a bit worse, so I think this is going to be the final iteration. I also struggled around the facial features.
"The void is loud and wants" was originally going to be practice for couching stitch, but I lost my needle minder and struggled to keep up with 2 needles, so I just did a back stitch with 2 stands. "Chimken" is a 6 strand whipped back stitch. I've used this before in a project I haven't shared, but I really like that it adds like a bold effect. These are both in my own handwriting instead of trying to do any fonts so I hope it's legible 😅
Tongue and eyes are surface satin stitch, but the body is where I practiced long and short.
This is based on a post I saw from Cheinsaw ages ago. I think about it all the time and it always makes me smile 😊
Anyway I'm getting back into the feeling of sewing, next big project will either be another Unexpectables thing or my profile pic, just depending on which pattern I finalize first 😁
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transjinako · 5 years ago
cheinsaw replied to your post “anytips for making a fan servant in genera:? always wanted to make one...”
my gf and i made a saberface sappho, she's a berserker, we literally just did whatever we wanted. also she's dating my oc Caster Tohsaka who is like if rin took shirou's role and became what emiya is. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS
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rabbiteclair · 5 years ago
i had a dream you wrote an m-rated touhou/arknights/sonic the hedgehog crossover fic.
i promise you that the only things I know about Sonic come from memes
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heartofsurgingflame · 6 years ago
🔪 for my girl rin
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jan that is not the correct emoji
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holy-shit-dangan-ronpa · 6 years ago
@cheinsaw said: gimme that nanami/sonia hot take
Don’t really ship it, but that’s probably because nanami just isnt a favorite character of mine. Romantically? It could happen. I’d be okay with it. I just can’t really find myself being invested in them as a pairing bc i just dont care too much about chiaki.
Anonymous said: opinions on toukomaru post-dr3, and on chihiro x chiaki?
Toukomaru: they love each other. Platonically or romantically they mean the world to each other and both are great characters and i love and support them. I dont think danron will ever have wlws that are as top tier. That said komaru is a minor and i am so tired of panty shots with her. We dont need em!!! The touko i know is going to grow outta her togami crush and realize komaru was here all along
Chiaki x Chihiro: i cant see this romantically. they dont really have any canon connection but i see chihiro as more of a parental figure for a.i. chiaki, even though, all things considered, they probably arent the one responsible for creating a.i. chiaki.
@roomofangel-s said: saimota or rantaro x shuichi
as in which one i like more? saimota. i love saimota so so much, man. as for amasai, i like it! the game makes rantaro out to be ace but i can still kinda see them together? rantaro often gets characterized as a playboy but he isnt, but i can imagine him being flirty if he like, gets permission, if that makes any sense? hes the kind to respect boundaries and all that and that is very valid of him. saihara is a bi disaster and definitely thinks he is hit bc lets face it, he is
Anonymous said: Shuichi/Happiness
yes!!! i am so down
Anonymous said: Kaede/Living
Real talk? i am like the only person who was glad kaede died. call me what you will, but i just didnt really like kaede. her design irks me, and she strikes me as “genki girl” in a lotta ways. it was cool seeing her go outta her way to murder. seeing my favorite character become the protag and basically be guaranteed to survive? oh i was so happy, because until then, i was so certain he was a goner
Anonymous said: How do you feel about Haijime and Mahiru as a ship?
Personally, Mahiru just Strikes Me as Lesbian, or at least, bi with a women preference. I can see them as good mlm (hinata being bi) wlw solidarity. great life partner friends, but i cant really see them as in love with each other. they definitely both shittalk their teachers in private though after becoming friends
@birded said: give me all your favorite dr trans hcs! 😍
i dont have too many? but saihara does give me Vibes. feminine voice, self-confidence issues, all that. in a non-despair au maki has to help him take his shots bc he has butterfingers and is also afraid and bc kaito still needs some help with the whole internalized homophobia thing (he would be understanding it’s just he grew up with old people so. yeah)
(the rest of these questions are also from birded im just not gonna tag them a bajillion times)
what's your favorite piece of dr content? mine is dr0 owo
i really liked all of them tbh? i really liked the atmosphere of dr1, the dr2 characters, the v3 ending... i really like drae but god i wish i were the creative director so we could remove that weird tickle minigame and all the komaru panty shots and kotoko undressing. i cant convince myself to read dr0. oops
what's some obscure or little/meaningless stuff in throughout the dr series that you really enjoy? what's some stuff you wish people talked about more?
definitely the use of honorifics! the nis translation removes them which is really sad bc they tell a lot about how the characters feel about each other! ishimaru uses -kun for everyone, which is kinda boyish but respectful! naegi uses -kun/-san bc hes nice, along with saihara and akamatsu.  hinata is just plain rude and uses none of them! i wrote a post abt one of my fav honorific moments here
what are youre thoughts on trans girl chihiro? what about thoughts on touko/komaru?
toukomaru i said up above, but, as for trans girl chihiro. please dont fucking kill me but. it’s not canon. danron 1 was written in 2010 and i doubt kodaka really wanted to make a cool story about a trans character. if chihiro was female, they wouldnt go outta their way and say that they’ve been “lying” to everyone. the game makes it clear they identified as male, and only dressed as a female due to their weak nature. trans people are the gender they say they are, and chihiro never goes and says “im actually a girl,” ya know?
in fics and stuff though? hell fucking yeah. go for it. if you think chihiro is trans go fucking ham but at the end of the day it isnt what kodaka wanted to write, just as much as i think maki is a lesbian and he went and wrote kaitomaki. youre allowed to take fiction and rectify shit you dont like in your art bc sometimes content creators are just bad. go wild
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aquacure · 6 years ago
1. My take on their canon relationship: i wish there were more explicit moments of interaction but there’s a decent amount if you look for it! as gonta said though, they didn’t get the chance to have many meaningful conversations or hang out too often but thats ok bc it’s Our House Now, the bottom line is that even though their interactions are sparse, what they do have is good and we can work with it
2. Do I ship them:
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3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them; they compliment each other so well!! at heart, they’re both good people who want to love and be loved. miu wants to be cherished and needs someone to be patient and understanding with her, gonta wants to care for and protect someone and needs someone loud and loyal enough to shake him away from his bouts of low self esteem n doubt. 
they've got enough of a contrast to be fun and have fresh interactions, but they have enough in common that they mesh well. i can see them being super protective of one another and constantly supporting each other in what they love even if they don’t fully understand it, it just makes em super happy to see each other happy and excited AAAA 
4. Headcanon, if any: Gonta’s so gentle with her. Many times he gets swept up in emotion and speaks a little more loudly than usual or moves with too much energy but when he’s focused on Miu, he slows down and becomes incredibly soft n kind, all to make her feel safe and loved. Even if she insists that she doesn’t need to be treated so delicately, she really appreciates that he cares so much, he treasures her more than anything
5. How much do I ship (%): INFINITE LOVE, BIG LOVE, LOTS OF IT
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chichorie · 6 years ago
also i was telling morg this, but its so wild that her name is megumi because in my big au saihara is trans and his birth name was megumi! its nice how people pay homage to his voice actor in different ways :')
and yeah i think its rlly cute!! i saw that a lot of people tended to use voice actors names when naming fankids so i thought why not.. megumi hayashibara is such a great lady and did a really good job with shuichi!! and of course we cant forget the service that megumi ogata did for us as well
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voidsiblings · 2 years ago
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heartablazed · 7 years ago
cheinsaw replied to your photo: tumblr i’m Begging you let me reblog ads because...
tsumugi gets this for kirumi and she’s shaking with laughter the entire time she’s buying it
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thewildwilds · 8 years ago
psst. ephemeral-elegance . tumblr. com/post/129740654141 gambler/yakuza au peko
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(Hey new followers have you seen the gambler/yakuza au??? you SHOULD!!)
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visual-error · 8 years ago
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▪ Aesthetic for lesbian Maki Harukawa with knives! For @cheinsaw
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transjinako · 5 years ago
cheinsaw replied to your post “List of servants who are hilariously physically stronger than Emiya ”
jaguar is just keeping his ass in line, also remember that taiga is actually world class kendo tournament material and only got disqualified from being in the fucking yakuza. if she were summoned as a saber instead of a lancer she would be stronger than god
Not only is emiya’s mom big sister stronger than him but shes doing it in a fursuit 
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rabbiteclair · 5 years ago
cheinsaw replied to your post “i had a dream you wrote an m-rated touhou/arknights/sonic the hedgehog...”
i didnt say it was a good fic. i think ch'en had some involvement with marisa and reimu
wait then where does Sonic come in
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heartofsurgingflame · 6 years ago
rate my Valid Kin of mhx alter
star warbs
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