neosprivacc · 2 years
Hinduphobia, Harassment, and Death Threats over Shipwars? What has the Naruto Fandom Become?
I'm an SNS shipper myself but I'm uploading a new post to bring to light the actions that have been committed by user @sneezemonster15, a fellow SNS shipper who also happens to be a toxic Sakura anti, Hinata anti, SS anti, and NH anti. I'm not sure why anyone would be okay with this. If you are, you're certainly sneezemonster15 apologists lol.
Receipt of their Hinduphobic behavior (original post here)
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Receipts of them sending someone a death threat (original post here and here)
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Receipt of them harassing someone (original post here)
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@misunderstood-ace @tamelee @sanmathi-sv @adelalovesmadara @sasukebabygirl @twomiddlefingersforthehaters @maoam @zxcvral @ayunami @casavacia34 @luna-22 @destiny-dreamland @fille-de-skroa @sueske @2li2ly2 @zxxalta @dargression @freshplaidbearcroissant @dattebayo8789 @kuroneko-ace @niki0 @elsa5678 @shameless-fujoshi @darkmistressofunknown @yeaxblossom @obsessingovermanythings @miralona963 @suxpxrpl @legendaryphoenixwarrior @sourtigerwolf-blog @narusasudestiel @sasunarualways @cerezatodd @kuhakukage @cheesiestfriste @maha7-3 @horikoshi-secret-ao3-account @naru-bruh @slowpokedragon @amiejesss @ghostlyluminarycloud @cosmicsasukes @shileyn-nea @isabeldc @wsutal @froggie-bolt @ghostlyluminarycloud @sasukeflavor @b1tterbae-x @elliotmap95 @sourtigerwolf-blog
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neosprivacc · 2 years
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Yes and I don't care because I know what I want, why I do it, and I will not stop until I'm satisfied. I'm pretty sure you're talking about user @sneezemonster15, right?
PS. I answer here because nobody will understand what I'm talking about if I answer where I got this ask from
@misunderstood-ace @tamelee @sanmathi-sv @adelalovesmadara @sasukebabygirl @twomiddlefingersforthehaters @maoam @zxcvral @ayunami @casavacia34 @luna-22 @destiny-dreamland @fille-de-skroa @sueske @2li2ly2 @zxxalta @dargression @freshplaidbearcroissant @dattebayo8789 @kuroneko-ace @niki0 @elsa5678 @shameless-fujoshi @darkmistressofunknown @yeaxblossom @obsessingovermanythings @miralona963 @suxpxrpl @legendaryphoenixwarrior @sourtigerwolf-blog @narusasudestiel @sasunarualways @cerezatodd @kuhakukage @cheesiestfriste @maha7-3 @horikoshi-secret-ao3-account @naru-bruh @slowpokedragon @amiejesss @ghostlyluminarycloud @cosmicsasukes @shileyn-nea @isabeldc @wsutal @froggie-bolt @ghostlyluminarycloud @sasukeflavor @b1tterbae-x @elliotmap95
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tamelee · 2 years
Helloo!!👋 Don't mind me venting a little bit about my struggles as a SNS Stan :')
Back in 2014 or so, I saw my uncle watch Naruto, he was in Pain Arc. I thought "Oh, that's cool!" But I didn't get into Naruto, or into anime until like, what? 2019, 2020? And I absolutely regret it, sometimes.. Anyway, SO like.... I've watched ALMOST every episode of Naruto. I literally stopped at War Arc aft er Neji died because what was to come after VoTE2 was complete bullcrap, so I didn't bother continuing (I would cringe too hard anyway too).. Like I said, I watched almost every episode, right??? But like, I can't bring myself to read the manga. IDK why, I just can't. Something about going back to the first episode I set my eyeballs just ticked me off. But sometimes I just want to read it.. Idk if it's because while reading I'll remember the fact that those sweethearts would not go in their separate ways and recollect themselves, and just have one next to the other. When watching Naruto actually, I was hellbent on them being together, I was like "For sure they'll end up together! they will 100%!" Reaching Shippuden, dumb as I am, I decided to take a peak at the very last episode.. I was so mad, and sad, and just overall disappointed.. After that I took a break..
During Thanksgiving or whatever, I was watching the part where Naruto had collected some chakra from Kurama and he was eliminating some of the white zetsus.. By the time I went home I was at the part where all the allied shinobi forces were joining Naruto to fight Obito and Madara. After Neji died I felt sad but tried so hard not to cry.. And then Hinata went all "Oh! Naruto kun's hand!!!" 😐😐 I honestly sometimes feel like an idiot because I actually liked her before.
So my main point is that, I cry just thinking about Naruto and Sasuke.. I once remember creating a random headcanon about them growing old, next to each other, and looking at each other passionately one more time before they passed away. Yeah, and this is just level 2... And another time I really put Sasuke in a sticky situation where he was kidnapped and his kidnapper put him under a genjutsu, and in the genjutsu was Naruto being killed over and over again by Sasuke's own hands.. I didn't really know how Sasuke would react, so I just head cannoned him to completely lose his mind. And then Sasuke found a way to escape, and, to me he doesn't seem so merciful when it comes to Naruto, so I thought he would just kill the person who set him under that genjutsu on sight and go to Naruto.. Or like another time I put Naruto and Sasuke in a really sticky situation where they were surrounded by shinobis from different villages to hunt Naruto down for who knows what reason. So like a normal SNS stan, I knew Sasuke would, without hesitation jump in front of Naruto to protect him (btw I'm more of a SN than NS, I still enjoy NS tho!)
So ya.. This is just the beginning btw.. It would take too long to write the whole thing.
Oh and,, sometimes I find it utterly stupid that SNS fans fight among each other because one prefers SN or the other prefers NS.. Like common, I mean it's free choice, you can like any of them. I don't do logic, so the one I personally like is SN. Trust me though, I am still inlove with NS.. Idk if this makes sense but.. Even though I personally prefer SN, I also go for switch.. I mean, to me they're both dominant so like..
And on your latest artwork, yk when S and N did the "thing" right? An idea literally shot up! Like I was thinking about Sasuke waking up from a nap.. And sweet, sweet Naruto disturbed him a little..
Also, I think I said this once, but literally thank you so much for sharing your art skills with the SNS fanbase!
Hi there lovely @cheesiestfriste 🧡!
Oh feel free, please do!~ 
“Back in 2014 or so, I saw my uncle watch Naruto, he was in Pain Arc. I thought "Oh, that's cool!" But I didn't get into Naruto, or into anime until like, what? 2019, 2020? And I absolutely regret it, sometimes.. “
Hahahaha, pffft.. I know, - I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.., but it’s more a.. “shit, we’re in the same boat”-kinda laugh, y’know? The kind of laugh one gets when you fall on your knees on a rainy night as you’re being illuminated by the only light-source around like you’re in a dramatic play singing ‘memories’ from ‘Cats the musical’ (no, not that shit-show of a movie)- or something, but nothing goes your way and no one is around, you’re stuck, it’s too late and fuck all of it. 
Fuck Anime. Fuck Naruto and fuck SNS for sure. 
Bittersweet regret, yet sour and salty as hell. 
At least you get it all. 
Haha.. ha :)
“Anyway, SO like.... I've watched ALMOST every episode of Naruto. I literally stopped at War Arc aft er Neji died because what was to come after VoTE2 was complete bullcrap, so I didn't bother continuing (I would cringe too hard anyway too)..”
Yeah, I heard a lot of people stop there, but I honestly think it’s worth watching until this point: 
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There are elements of the VotE2 fight that the anime definitely could’ve done better.. I think they changed key-elements from the manga and I really don’t understand why they’ve made these specific choices. If they kept certain parts of the manga intact, parts of it would feel much more intense between them.
But maybe that was their problem? Think about it.. it literally led to a confession that in the manga you can’t read as anything else, especially after Sasuke’s thoughts. Still, hearing their voices, the music, the effects.. those are things you just don’t have with the manga. So I guess for me, the Hitai-ate scene would’ve been a good ending. 
“When watching Naruto actually, I was hellbent on them being together, I was like "For sure they'll end up together! they will 100%!" Reaching Shippuden, dumb as I am, I decided to take a peak at the very last episode.. I was so mad, and sad, and just overall disappointed.. After that I took a break..”
Oh~ now it makes sense. Yes.. the ending..
You’re not dumb. 
My friend thought the same as you and I said to him “well duh, it's Shonen, what did you expect anyway!?” And I said this out of frustration more than anything, because in my mind this is just ‘a simple fact’. No matter what, despite it all.. and I mean every. single. thing. It’s simply not possible for them to end up together and I didn’t expect them to anyway, but that didn’t invalidate our findings right? 
But I was an idiot, because he replied: “well, how was I supposed to know what this ‘Shonen’-shit you talk about meant in the first place? I was just watching an anime with two guys being gay as hell and all of a sudden what I see isn’t possible, because of a label? Oh, I’m sorry Tamee.” 
And yes, he was being this sassy with me. 
And yes, he had every right to. 
I think a lot of times we say things like “of course.. it’s Shonen” expecting everyone to know what it means, when a random Japanese word in this context for some people could mean “anime to watch when you run out of milk”- for all we know.  
“After Neji died I felt sad but tried so hard not to cry.. And then Hinata went all "Oh! Naruto kun's hand!!!" 😐😐 I honestly sometimes feel like an idiot because I actually liked her before.”
No, in fact you’re one of the strongest human beings on this planet. One, for trying not to cry during the unnecessary Neji scene in which Hinata was the one who was supposed to die (yes, I genuinely think that). And secondly for being able to like an atrocious character like Hinata H. who from the beginning didn’t hesitate to screw over her teammates. 
Mad props to you. 
“So my main point is that, I cry just thinking about Naruto and Sasuke.. I once remember creating a random headcanon about them growing old, next to each other, and looking at each other passionately one more time before they passed away. “ 
“And another time I really put Sasuke in a sticky situation where he was kidnapped and his kidnapper put him under a genjutsu, and in the genjutsu was Naruto being killed over and over again by Sasuke's own hands.. I didn't really know how Sasuke would react, so I just head cannoned him to completely lose his mind. And then Sasuke found a way to escape, and, to me he doesn't seem so merciful when it comes to Naruto, so I thought he would just kill the person who set him under that genjutsu on sight and go to Naruto.. “
You a fic-writer? I mean.. maybe an idea.. just sayin’. 
Well, I do wonder how many times Sasuke would be thinking about that time his arm was rammed into Naruto’s chest. Imagine if he actually had killed Naruto.. oof. 
And no, you’re definitely right 😂 Naruto, Sasuke and the word “merciful” don’t go together in one sentence when it comes to an outsider harming one of them. 
“Or like another time I put Naruto and Sasuke in a really sticky situation where they were surrounded by shinobis from different villages to hunt Naruto down for who knows what reason. So like a normal SNS stan, I knew Sasuke would, without hesitation jump in front of Naruto to protect him “ 
*-* ooh~ 
Of course, of course. 
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“Oh and,, sometimes I find it utterly stupid that SNS fans fight among each other because one prefers SN or the other prefers NS.. Like common, I mean it's free choice, you can like any of them. I don't do logic, so the one I personally like is SN. Trust me though, I am still inlove with NS.. Idk if this makes sense but.. Even though I personally prefer SN, I also go for switch.. I mean, to me they're both dominant so like.. “
Meh, it’s a pointless debate. But “I don’t do logic” 😂 had me wheezing. 
“And on your latest artwork, yk when S and N did the "thing" right? An idea literally shot up! Like I was thinking about Sasuke waking up from a nap.. And sweet, sweet Naruto disturbed him a little.. Also, I think I said this once, but literally thank you so much for sharing your art skills with the SNS fanbase!”
“The thing” ~ I don’t know what you mean @cheesiestfriste you know how many things there are? How am I supposed to know what this is. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) hehe. 
J/k I love your idea so much, in fact I’m already on it! When it’s finished I’ll link it back to here, okay? 💕 I want to thank you for sharing your lovely idea’s and headcanon’s, because I’m really bad at them. This was such a fun read! I hope SNS doesn’t make you all too sad, tbh if you’re up for it I do recommend you to read/watch until the Hitai-ate exchange and then be free to continue your hc’s. 
And I always appreciate your support 🥰 I hope you’re doing well!! 
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