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Mafia!Max Verstappen x Reader

she asked me if I do this everyday, I said often (asked her how many times she rode the wave, not so often)
You’re a hard working, intelligent medical student - at the top of her class. Desperate to pay off your debts, you end up bartending in Monaco’s most exclusive nightclub….and catch the eye of the mafia boss who runs half the city, Max Verstappen. And now that he’s found you, he’s never letting you go.
Content includes: 18+ MDNI, smut, size kink, dom/sub themes, dark mafia!max, innocent student! reader tryna pay her bills, sugar daddy vibes
It had truly meant to be a one time thing. You’d been strapped for cash, as per usual - stretching yourself thin with your overpriced rent in your tiny one bedroom apartment in a dodgy area, with your utility bills, your parent’s monthly mortgage payments. And of course, the costliest expense of all was your goddamn medical degree. You were in your final year, so close to the end that you could almost taste it.
Maybe that’s what made you say yes to one of the other tutors you work with at your university tutoring job, when she sees you at your second job later than evening tidying up at a local clinic, and then your third the next morning where you hand her a fresh iced coffee you’ve brewed. You know, she says in a hushed tone, leaning in rather conspiratorially. You’re going to work yourself to the bone, with three jobs and putting yourself through med school?
You wave her off with a practised cheerful smile, used to hiding your tiredness from your peers who all thought of you as a model student. But when she persisted, texting you the details of her mysterious cousin who worked at some bar downtown and earned one thousands dollars in a single night…you couldn’t help but being intrigued. You were cautious about it, of course, asking to meet the cousin - Layla - at the coffee shop you worked at. And when she told you about the VIP club, JimmyZ, that she worked at - nothing like those sleazy stripclubs downtown, she hastily reassured, seeing the nervous look on your face. No, JimmyZ was an exclusive club, only for the rich and elite who enjoyed throwing stacks of cash for bags of cocaine and exotic dancers. That’s what Layla called herself, but you still privately think it’s a glorified term for a stripper, as you watch her on stage from your corner in the bar with mixed feelings of awe at how sexy she looks, and discomfort from the sleazy gazes on her.
You’d somehow been talked into helping bartend for a night, Layla having mentioned that you were the perfect girl for the kind of men who came to JimmyZ. At your insulted expression, she giggled, saying that she was trying to saw you had an angelic, natural beauty about you, exactly the kind of authenticity the clientele liked to see instead of the more artificial look found at cheaper clubs. You looked at her skeptically, but still ended up lured in to try and make your rent that month. And after your first night, where you noted impressive amounts of security protecting the gorgeous dancing girls on stage, you felt yourself seduced by the offer of a single night at JimmyZ making up for an entire weeks of your previous job’s earning.
So before you knew it, you’d been working steadily for a couple of months now, finding yourself at a familiar ease behind the bar as you expertly poured drinks and humming the sensual music. You loved the job, with its high pay meaning you had time to focus on your studies again, and last month you’d even topped your class in one of your exams! Of course, it came with its risks - you worked well through the middle of busy weekend nights, many curious and lustful gazes on you from men who enjoyed the skimpy bartender uniform you had to wear. A tight, low cut white button up shirt that showed off your cleavage, and a miniskirt that came dangerously close to flashing someone when you bent over, paired with heeled knee high boots. It was certainly not the type of usual thing you wore, with your conservative full sleeve tops and flattering jeans with scuffed converse that you recycled constantly given your tight budget. But after some adjusting of your long curls hiding your cleavage and avoiding any eye contact skittishly with any man who looked at you too closely, you found yourself falling into an easy rhythm at work.
Until one evening, a Friday night before some big racing event in the city, meaning the club was even more packed that usual with clubgoers overflowing out the entrance and bass thumping down the street. Your boss had found you as you checked in for your late night shift, rapidly saying something about how the owner was visiting tonight and there weren't enough girls for the show, could you help out just this once-
Despite your adamant protests and squeaks that you absolutely could not, would not go on stage, you find yourself shoved into the backstage room to get ready, or risk losing your job permanently, your boss says meanly before storming off. Your lip trembles in anxiety, at the thought of someone recognising you tonight and then seeing you working as a doctor after your graduated. You'd lose your reputation before you could even start your career. You feel lost in the bright makeup room, surrounded by stunning, slim women who had their hair blown own perfectly and makeup done to perfection. You never imagined that you'd have to be up on stage with the beautiful dancers, who you looked so plain standing next too. A few toss you sympathetic looks but are too busy getting ready themselves to help you - until Layla enters and catches sight of your shaking form. She scowls when you tearfully tell her what the boss had said, but gives you a firm pep talk as she quickly helps you get ready. You've barely used any of the dozens of makeup products she has open on the counter, never having had any money to spend on nice clothes or jewellery to spoil yourself with.
But you feel yourself start to settle as she hands you a shot of tequila, then another for confidence, as she guides you through how to navigate the stage, how it was all about faking it till you make it!
You nod determinedly as she coaches you, before quickly getting change into a glittery strappy piece of fabric she hands you, with strappy heels to match. It takes you a few minutes to adjust to the height, but you find yourself being able to walk comfortably in them. When you come out from the side room to show Layla, the rest of the girls in the room stop in their tracks and look at you with renewed interest, yelling out whoops of encouragements about how hot you looked, girl! You flush with the praise, eyeing yourself in the mirror every few minutes as this pretty girl you didn't recognise stared at you. With lush, long curls styled messily, and wide, doe eyed eyes framed in smoky liner and glittery eyeshadow, and full, pouty glossed lips. And your body, which you'd been feeling so insecure about compared to the other dancers, looked undeniably sexy in a shimmery gold minidress that was so short it showed off the swell of your thick ass and chubby thighs invitingly. See, Layla says rather smugly as she comes up behind you. I told you, face of an angel with a body of a dancer. The audience is going to go feral for you.
And she was right, when an hour later and another practise session later, this time with the aid of the other dancers as they critiqued your form, you find yourself on one of the three stages the club had throughout its two levels. If there’s one thing you pride yourself on, it’s being a quick learner. You relax, letting yourself get lost in the music as a sensual song by The Weeknd croons over the speakers. The other girls had told you that dancing could also be fun, empowering, and make you feel in control - and you know understood what they meant as you sway your body enticingly on the stage, running your hands across your tits where your cleavage shows through the low neckline. At least in a club like JimmyZ, which had the reputation of luxury and class to uphold, the dancers wore skimpy outfits but never got fully naked like at a proper stripclub. You made full use of this small mercy, giving teasing flashes of your cleavage and ass but never actually taking your tiny glittery dress off. You could feel dozens of eyes fixed on every movement you made, every toss of your curls, every breathy sigh and bounce of your ass as you let yourself get lost in the beat.
But there's one set of piercing blue eyes that you keep finding your wide eyes returning to curiously. A man you’ve never seen before is seated in one of the VIP lounges a level above and directly in front of your elevated stage. He’s tall and muscular, with messy blonde hair and the most gorgeous eyes you’ve ever seen. And to pull it off, he’s lounging comfortable on a leather sofa, well dressed in a fitted white shirt and jeans, his intense gaze roaming over your dancing body while everyone around him was standing up and hollering towards the dancers on the stage.
He looked like a lion amongst the pack of sheep, and you couldn’t help but bat your lashes in his direction just a bit more as a spark of attraction flutters within you. You've never felt so desirable in your life, and the rush it gives you is addictive. Your show is over before you know it, with enthused yells and demands for an Encore! from the frenzied crowd around your stage as clubgoers migrated to see your show instead of the two others. You giggle coyly, finding this new, confident side of yourself so much more fun than your usual run down, shy one. Stacks of paper notes have been tossed up on your stage and the bouncers dutifully collect it up to bring to you backstage. You blow a kiss into the air for the crowd, but your eyes don’t leave the gorgeous mystery man’s when you do so.
Afterwards, the other girls are laughing and excitedly hugging you backstage, oohing over the stacks of money you’d made and saying you needed to start dancing as a regular at the club, you’d instantly become a favourite! As you giggled their encouragement off, the mood suddenly soured when your boss strode in and said there’s been a request for a private show.
This was the darker, naughtier side of JimmyZ - only offered to the filthy rich VIP clients who could afford the outrageous hourly rate for the prized, beautiful dancers at the club. You’d walked past the closed VIP lounge doors before, your face turning red from the excited moans of male and female pleasure and lewd sounds. It was highly secret, of course, so you’d never known to much about what it fully involved. But you’d have to get to know it tonight, when your boss's finger points past everyone to land on you, to say the request is for our latest dancer, who’s been hiding how much of a natural she is!
Your quickly shake your head, saying you weren’t comfortable with anything more - but your boss says you might want to hear how much he's offering to pay, first. I turned him down, too, saying you weren't one of the regular dancers...but he's very certain he can make it worth your while. When you hear the figure being offered, specifically just for you, your jaw drops. It's enough to pay your shitty rent for two whole months.
You still feel uneasy, because dancing was one thing but to go to a private room was another, and you weren't sure how you felt about using your body for money. In the end, you find yourself curious to go, to get that addictive feeling of desirability and swayed by the security of the income. You’re fully in control, Layla reassures, there’s security in the room the whole time if the client gets touchy. You just have to undress a bit, down to your underwear and give them a show, maybe a lap dance or two. Nothing more than a quick handjob at most, she insists. Then, seeing your face go red as you stammer in response, she pauses to ask that you had done that before, right?
You nod your head quickly, saying yes, of course, I'm 23! You’re too embarrassed to tell her that even though you’re in college, you’ve barely had any sexual experiences and have never had a boyfriend. There was never any time with all the jobs you worked and your full time degree. You’ve had quick, forgettable and sloppy drunk hookups, with uncomfortable fingering that didn’t make you cum or half hearted handjobs at frat parties. You’ve never had sex before, but you know there’s no point freaking out about that now when you’re commited to getting paid tonight. Besides, it was just a quick lap dance probably on some middle aged divorced guy, right?
You can do this, you tell yourself internally, this was nothing compared to dancing in front of hundred of strangers. Maybe this month you’d finally be able to buy some nice dresses and heels to treat yourself with. It can feel good, too Layla had added as she helped you touch up your lip gloss. For your own pleasure, I mean. If you let it, she says with a wink. Remember, you're in control!
When you finally enter the VIP room that night, you're shocked at the man who awaits you. Because it was certainly no sleazy middle aged man. The gorgeous blue eyed blonde from earlier looks up from his conversation at you, his lips quirking up as he sees your golden minidress sparkle in the dim light. You’re too caught off guard to move, but once he dismissed the other men he was talking to with a tilt of his hand, he beckons you over. With a backwards glance to make sure the bouncer stands guard at the door, you take a seat on the comfortable sofa next to him.
It turns out the mystery man isn't just handsome, but friendly, and funny too, with an infectious laugh that makes your heart race. He introduced himself as Max, in a delicious low Dutch accent, and offers you a drink. You politely decline, not wanting to be too disinhibited, but he pours you a glass of expensive whiskey to match the one in his hand anyways. When he asks you for your name, you give him a fake one - but his eyes darken as he tells you he doesn’t think you’re telling him the truth. I’ll call you whatever I want, then, he hums. Schatje seems very fitting for an angel like you. I hope you don’t mind that I asked to see you personally tonight. But the way you danced, I was completely entranced. And then when I saw your pretty face, these big doe eyes...well, I knew I had to meet you. No matter the cost.
You flush under the compliment from such an attractive man, now comfortably sipping on your whiskey. You're the one who's meant to be pleasing him, but it seemed he was more focused on your pleasure. He relaxes you into a surprisingly easy conversation, making you laugh with funny stories about his two house cats. How cute, you say wistfully when he shows you his saved album on his phone. You miss the way his icy eyes hungrily glance down your tempting neckline as you admire the photos, taking advantage of the angle. The tension eases from your stiff form and soon you find yourself leaning in closer to the tall, muscular blonde.
You’re a very charming talker, Max, you say coyly, your newfound confidence emerging as your attraction for him grows. I think you’ve earned your reward. He smirks as you easily climb onto his broad lap, gasping slightly from the feeling of his strong, muscular thighs beneath your soft ones. Soon you’re performing your little routine, giggling and tossing your hair, running wandering hands over yourself, squeezing your juicy tits so they popped in your small hands and make Max’s gaze narrow with desire. Layla had been right. You did feel in complete control, and your pussy throbbed in interest at the gorgeous man whose lap you sat on.
He leans back to appreciate the view and you feel lust cloud your senses from the addicting feeling of those heated blue eyes on you, mixing with the heady feeling from the expensive whiskey he’d offered. And then his fingers are skimming your waist, sending electric sparks shooting from the lightest of touches. You’re not supposed to touch, Max you say with a teasing voice, your playful smile giving away how you really felt. When you untie your dress straps, letting it fall down your waist to show him your chest, barely covered in a see through lacy bra, he lets out a low groan. C’mon, schat, he murmurs huskily. I’m meant to see the prettiest tits in my life and not even kiss them?
You giggle again, running small hands down his shirt as you slowly unbutton him to reveal a muscular, broad chest. He smirks as he watches you bite your lip as your eyes wander all the way down to his blonde happy trail, where your curious fingers have now stopped. What’s the matter, baby, he teases a little twistedly, because he knows exactly what’s stopping you. Never done this before?
You flush, but shake your head adamantly and denying his claim. Of course I have, you say with a defiant look, the competitive nature rising up as you continue to unzip his jeans. He finds your determination so cute, how hard you’re trying to please him, but you give your innocence away with a sudden gasp when his erect cock jumps out of his boxers to rest against his lower abs. It’s so big, you say with a tinge of nerves in your voice at the sight of his drooling, angry red rip. He distracts you with soft kisses to your neck, your cheeks before pressing his lips gently to yours. You can’t resist him either, leaning back in to recapture him in a deeper kiss as you two begin sloppily making out. It’s starting to feel so good, the way his skilled tongue explores your willing mouth, that you eagerly nod when he murmurs he’ll show you how to make him feel good, yeah?
And when his large hand takes yours and presses it right in between his large, spread thighs, he captures your gasps with his lips. He guides your trembling hands over his huge cock, one hand encircling both your palms around him, whispering naughty things in your ear. There you go, sweetheart, right from the tip and then down to the base in a twist, just like that. When you get confident and cutely spit a small glob on his shaft to start pumping him more furiously, he praises you even more. Fuck, you’re a natural, just perfect for me.
You blush under the praise, and together you both watch his cock swell even more with your dedicated handjob. He can’t resist giving you a deep kiss again as he sees the concentrated expression on your face. Doing so good for me, babygirl, Max murmurs as he breaks away for a second, admiring your swollen lips and dazed eyes. Here, let me make you feel good too, hmm?
You squeal in shock as his lips latch right onto your already hard nipples. Ma-Max! No touching, remember! You try to remind him breathlessly. He swirls his tongue around your areolas, one hand still guiding you to jerk him off and his other expertly squeezing and massaging your heaving tits. You very quickly find yourself distracted from his rule break as he spoils your sensitive nipples with attention. So distracted that you stop your handjob, making him pull away again and you whine from the loss of his talented tongue. He resists smirking as you practically push your jiggling tits in his face, your doe eyes begging him for more. I didn’t say you could stop jerking me off, baby, he says in mock disapproval. If you’re not going to be a good girl then you’ll have to say sorry some other way.
You tilt your head in confusion at his statement, when his strong hand tangles into your pretty curls and gently but firmly pushes your head down. Your eyes widen as you realise what he’s asking of you, and you stammer and try to weakly protest. It’s not that you aren’t into this; if anything, Max is the first guy you’ve ever felt such instant chemistry with. No - it’s that this feels so fast, too much too quick for your inexperience and self consciousness. You haven’t even processed just how far he’s planning on taking this and that technically you were selling yourself at some nightclub for his money. Besides, wasn’t there meant to be a guard here to stop the clients going too far? But when you quickly turn your head to look, Max’s hand relaxing briefly to let you peer around, you find yourself only becoming more anxious.
Because there’s no one else in the room.
Where did he go, you say, confused. I don’t understand, I thought he has to keep watch-Schatje, Max murmurs smoothly into your ear. I’m a possessive man. Did you really think I was going to let anyone else get a glimpse of what’s underneath your pretty dress? You gasp, heartbeat now fluttering rapidly from the confession that he’d been so taken with you with one look he wanted you all to himself. You’re half terrified of how much power this man seems to have, and half dizzy with pleasure that he finds you so desirable that he wants to stake his claim. He takes his time working you up again, running hands that were more like a lion’s large paws over your curves while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, asking if you were ready to be a good girl for him.
A thought plants in your head then, as you nod obediently, and he presses a kiss to your curls to lower your head into his lap again. That Max wasn’t the sweet, gorgeous guy next door type he looked to be. No, this was someone with serious power and money, who apparently controlled the ins and outs of the most luxurious nightclub in the city as if it was his own. And tonight, for whatever reason, he wanted you.
It was just one night, right? You let yourself relax and get lost in the unfamiliar pleasure as you reassure yourself.
This time, your glossy pink lips part easily as you leave curious kitten licks to his cockhead, taking in the salty taste of his precum. He immediately groaned, head tilting back against the sofa as he rasped at you to stop teasing.
You hum in response, sending vibrations through his shaft as you press wet kisses down it. You’re obediently following all the orders he gives to you as he strokes your hair almost gently, licking him up and down. When you finally take him into your mouth, he moans your name in approval, praising how good you were being. But you can barely take half of his length, already feeling your mouth stretch and struggling to breath. Let me take over, baby he says with a dark smirk, and within a second he’s lifted you up and deposited you on the floor, in between his spread legs. You’re trapped by muscular thighs as his grip tightens on you, and then he’s thrusting his hips right to the back of your throat. Fuck yes, there you go, just like that sweetheart, he encourages with a low groan, drowning out your high pitched whines with his jackhammering movements. Mmmh! Obscene, wet sounds of your mouth drooling all over him fills the air, as you choke on the largest cock you’d ever seen. You’re gripping onto him for dear life, your teary eyes making mascara run down your cheeks and only making him more turned on as he ruins your innocent, doe eyed look. And when he cums you don’t expect it, your mouth flooded with unfamiliar white cream that he covers your chubby, blushing cheeks and bouncing tits with as he pulls out mid release and makes a complete mess of your pretty makeup. Heavy pants fill the air as he comes down from his high, looking down at you with raw desire and approval. His thumb swipes his cum off your pouty lips and slides into your lips, smirking when you obediently suck on his finger. You wouldn’t have been able to tell it’s your first time, he teases.
After you clean yourself up in the private bathroom, too embarrassed to look at your positively debauched appearance in the mirror, you find Max signing a cheque that he folds in half that he discreetly leaves on the table. But before he leaves after apologising as he has business to attend to, bending down to your petite frame to give you a sweet kiss, he offers you a deal. To quit your job and be his private dancer, every night…and in turn he’d spoil you with whatever money or gifts your heart desired.
You decline, of course, telling him this was just a one time thing, you weren’t planning on dancing here ever again. He smirks, giving you a final appreciate once over, before declaring that was obvious, he wasn’t going to let another man see you dance like that again.
You don’t see him for a few weeks after that, and it’s almost as if that electric night had never happened at all. Things go back to normal and you resume your bartending job - although you notice that there is significantly more security hovering around your counter than before. But every night Max revisits you in your dreams, making you breathlessly moan from the memory of how good his tongue and hands felt on you, how they might feel inside you next time….you’d always wake up with damp panties.
And then one night everything changes, when a rowdy patron manages to get past the security guards and leer in your face. He remembers you from the dance show and when you try to move away he grabs onto your ass, telling you he wants another sexy performance, he demands with a pervy sneer, I know you secretly liked all the attention, like a slut.
The guards manage to get him off you but you’re shaken with how persistent the man had been. So shaken that you don’t realise the staff have pulled you into a side room until Max is in front of you, asking if you were okay with an intense gaze. He offers you his promise again, to provide for you and protect you - if you became his.
You’re annoyed with him, for just barging in and acting like you were some damsel. You hotly tell him that you're an independent girl, who wasn't going to let him have her in exchange for safety. I can take care of myself! He watched you walk off with a dark gaze, his blue eyes roaming your curves that he was desperate to get underneath him. And whatever Max Verstappen wanted, he always got.
The very next day chills run through your blood as the rowdy patron somehow turns up at your university campus. You quickly hide before he sees you, heart rate spiking as you realise he's found out who you are. Your pride melts away as you dial the number Max's men had put onto your phone despite your protests. Now, you're thankful that they did as a husky Dutch accent picks up. You're a mess on the call, crying and asking Max to please come and help-
I'm on my way, schatje. Go hide somewhere safe. After you hang up you realize you never told him where you were. But it doesn't matter, because the Dutch Lion is there within minutes, stepping out of a sleek black Aston Martin that looks like it costs more than all 5 years of your student debt. Your stalker doesn't stand a chance as he's pushed into a back alley easily by Max, who re-emerges a few moments later discreetly tucking what you're pretty sure is a handgun into his belt. You stare in stunned silence as he gestures to some men who have appeared to clean up whatever mess he left behind, before guiding you with a firm hand on your lower back into his luxurious car.
Still want to turn down what I can offer you, schatje? he murmurs lowly as he smoothly drives you home, his large hand resting on your thigh. And you realise that you don't, because for the first time in your life you don't have to fight tooth and nail to protect yourself. No - because Max had just proved he was willing to do that for you.
So you let yourself be worshipped, be cared for by him. And he knew how skittish you got, and started with baby steps - paying your phone bills, your groceries, and then your rent. Buying whatever handbag or necklace you would happen to briefly admire when walking past a shop, getting you a cute but outrageously expensive car so you stopped taking the train. And you can't lie about how good it feels to walk into class wearing diamond earrings and the Louboutin heels you'd always wanted, to have your mean classmates look at you in awe and envy.
And so when Max insisted that he couldn't let you stay at the dump you called a home any longer, that it was just unsafe for a sweet, precious thing like yourself - you barely resisted and moved into his spacious penthouse apartment. Truly, he gave you whatever you wanted, his toy that he spoils and lavishes however she likes - and at night, lets him climb into her bed to fuck however he wants. And oh, did he fuck you good. It became a habit for you to greet him after his late night meetings with a sweet kiss on the cheek and a gin on the rocks in your hand - which he would drink with you sitting on his lap, telling him animatedly about your day. And of course, he’d get to unwrap his present when he pulls off your silk nightie and widens his legs for you to kneel between them. Dressed in pretty pastel scraps of French lace you buy with his credit card, you’re dutifully slurping and kissing his thick, swollen cock and slapping it against your cheeks. You knew how much Max loved seeing his cum drip down your face and you’d make sure to wear extra eyeliner and lipgloss so he could enjoy the sight of you utterly ruined for him, stroking your mascara tear stained cheeks as you choke on his length. Such a fast learner, schatje Max chuckles at you, stroking your hair almost lovingly but the roughness of his thrusts anything but.
And most of all, you loved when Max would pick you up from class and casually announce that he was taking you away for the weekend. You’d been confused at first, stressed about the study time you were missing out on, but once you sit down in his private jet with you laptop and textbooks in hand you realise you’re truly going to be taken care of in every way. It’s impossible to resist the urge to give back the same to Max, to show him just how much affection you’ve started growing for him. So on those nights in some tropical island resort, with the breeze blowing in through open doors, you give him a free use pass. Whatever he wanted, however he wanted it - all weekend long. It’s to no surprise that you’re chained to the headboard within the hour, thighs tightly tied up around your waist so you’re spread open for him and he could see the wetness dripping through your lace thong. You’re whining, so embarrassed by how intently his heated gaze roams over your body that it’s a relief when he blindfolds you with his tie, and clips a collar around your neck with his initials gleaming from it. He teases you mercilessly, taking you right to the edge with his fingers or tongue but stopping just before you cum, until you’re screaming his name and begging him to fuck you already. And then he takes you for so many rounds that you’re crying for him to stop, it’s too much Maxie, you can’t cum a fourth time-
It’s safe to say you’ve grown into your place by Max’s side very well. You knew what others thought, from the jealous looks from your classmates when his Aston Martin rolls onto campus or the judgemental stares from other vacationers when you obediently sit in Max’s lap while he takes his business calls, dressed in a skimpy bikini and his collar that he absentmindedly traces before moving down to possessively curl his hand on your hip. But you couldn’t care less if they thought you were a trophy girlfriend or a sugar baby - because after all, he was the one wrapped around your pretty little finger, ready to wage a war if you so much as shed a tear.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen fanfic#max verstappen#max verstappen smut#f1 imagine#f1 smut#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#max verstappen x you#18+ mdni#mafia au
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Won't Say I'm in Love (SMAU ft Lando Norris) part ii
pairing: lando norris x tennis player!reader (fem!y/n); past carlos alcaraz x tennis player!reader (fem!y/n)
summary: As a general rule, y/n does not date athletes. You've been there, done that - would not recommend. Besides, you definitely don't do love. There's no time in the world for complicated feelings when there's a career Grand Slam to be won. But what if your heart just refuses to listen?
genre: social meda/mixed au, friends to lovers
note: this is RPF and is obviously in no way, shape, or form reflective of real persons
series: part i
end of January, 2025
1st week of February, 2025
[Excerpt from Red Carpet interview]
Hi Y/N L/N! We're so glad to see you here. First of all, congratulations on your win at the Australian Open.
“Thanks so much! I’m really excited to have started the year this way.”
We’re excited too – and very happy that you could make time to come here to London for this. Your calendar must be incredibly full.
“I do try and always have a week off after the Grand Slams at least, but the WTA Tour schedule has definitely filled out over the years. It’s always a bit of a puzzle to both ensure I can play enough, win points, and at the same time strike that right balance in terms of fitness. Both mentally and physically.”
And yet you’re adding work for yourself by not only being a top athlete, but now also a brand ambassador for Dior. What made you want to do this?
“It’s a really cool opportunity to just play dress up from time to time, to be honest. Plus, I love that they recognise athletes and sports can be high fashion, too. I always think of how incredibly inspiring Serena Williams is, both on and off the court for breaking boundaries and for showing that sports and fashion can go really well together.”
Did you get any time to relax at all?
"Weirdly, this almost feels relaxing to me, because of how much time you have to carve out and focus on yourself – without any performance target attached to it. But I’ve also taken some time to hang with my friends and family."
You’re turning 27 this year as well, and you’ve been a pro athlete for almost 10 years now. Obviously last year wasn’t the best for you, performance wise. Has that made you reflect on what those performance targets will look like in the future? What’s something you’ve learned in that time?
"I mean, the main goal for me would be to achieve a Career Grand Slam – and just play the best tennis that I can possibly play. And in terms of what I’ve learned, I would say that it’s to choose your friends, your team very wisely. Sometimes I’ve regretted missing major events, and sometimes I’ve regretted giving people too much room in my life. You need people who help you keep that balance.” People who keep you grounded, who tether you. Because being a pro athlete means you have to be really selfish from time to time, and it means sacrifice. I don’t see my baby niece as often as I’d like, for example. But it’s just the way it is."
2nd week of February, 2025
3d week of February, 2025
[Transcript excerpts of Quadrant video]
“Alright so we’ve got our pro-athletes here, ready to battle it out in a game of Wii Sports,” Max starts, quickly introducing Lando and Y/N.
“You are going to lose so bad, Norris,” she says.
“Oh I see, we’re already starting the trash talking,” he retorts. “Haven’t even started the game yet.”
“That’s half the fun, isn’t it? Are we also going to play Mario Kart after this, just to see if Lando has what it takes to beat me on there?” Y/N asks eagerly, turning to Max.
“No fucking way, you always cheat!” Lando exclaims, with Y/N heard protesting in the background. “No I don’t, I just use the shortcuts that exist in the game! That is legitimate!”
“Birdie gets a birdie,” Lando cheers, though Max quickly chides him for encouraging the competition. “What? It’s not like she’s going to do it again, she’s terrible at this game,” Lando adds, motioning at the otherwise abysmal golf score that Y/N’s Mii character has racked up.
“Hey! She is right here, and she is currently in the lead after winning the bowling and tennis already.”
“Do you feel good about beating up a girl?” Y/N pouts, after losing the boxing match between her and Lando. He immediately makes a face, spluttering out an indignant “no!” that elicits a laugh from Y/N.
“Alright, that’s enough from both of you. With Lando’s win, it’s now tied again with only baseball to go. We’ll allow you both to consult your coach before starting this next round.”
They both turn to their coach for the day, one of the other Quadrant members, before taking their places – Wii Remote and Nunchuk in hand.
“You ready?
“Ready,” they nod, looking incredibly competitive. They even try and push each other to mess up their scores, devolving into a tickle fight halfway through. “No, Y/N stop, stop, I can’t - I’m crying,” Lando laughs, face red with tears streaming down his face.
“Does that mean I win?” She looks up from where she’d all but tackled Lando onto the ground, but then Max just shakes his head.
“It’s very close – but you’ve got one more pitch to go. You’re gonna need to let Lando hit it, or at least try to.” As soon as the words come out of his mouth, he blanches. Y/N rolls her eyes but starts uncontrollably giggling nonetheless.
“I regretted it as soon as I said it,” Max apologises profusely, but the camera zooms in on Lando who’s trying to hide his face behind both his hands, wheezing as Y/N tries to stand up and compose herself. Once they’ve finally managed to continue, it’s Lando who has the tiniest edge over Y/N.
“Ugh, well. This better not be a bad omen for me this season, but I guess I’d quite like to see you win the championship, Norris.”
“That’s actually very sweet,” he slings his arm around Y/N’s waist, then cracks open the champagne and pours it out over the two of them, with Y/N shrieking loudly at the cold, stickiness.
"So glad that's not part of tennis traditions."
4th week of February, 2025
[Excerpt Exit Press Conference]
“BBC Sport here. Your track record on hard court against Iga is not the best, now with 4 wins and 5 losses. How does that affect your training moving forward?
"Well, it was really close – so I feel like those type of numbers don’t really mean that much when it comes down to just a handful of winners or errors. Iga and I have played each other quite often, and she’s just an incredibly strong player. There’s a reason she’s had a long run at #1 and has returned to that spot for now.
In terms of training, I mean, we’re moving to gravel soon so it’s a completely different ballgame. Literally. We might run into each other again at Indian Wells, so of course we’ll come up with a plan – but my focus is already shifting towards the next Grand Slam, to be honest.”
Question from ViaPlay. Indian Wells is of course known for being the Grand Slam of the West and it’s one of the few 1000s tours where both ATP and WTA players meet. Last year, you entered into the mixed doubles with your then partner. Is that something you’d consider doing again in the future?
"Thanks for the question, but no. I’m playing singles, I’m not ready to mingle – I’m ready to pringle."
Will you actually have time to pringle, as you say? Or is it straight back to training for you?
"I’m going to spend a few days just hanging out, especially because I now have an extra day off all of a sudden. So I’ll try to make the most of that, then switch gears. Thanks."
A/N: Hope this uploads from the airport!! lol - next part coming March 14th, featuring Indian Wells, an interview faux-pas by Y/N, and of course some very fast cars 👀
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Title: Coming Home to You

Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Reader
Fandom: UConn Women’s Basketball
Summary: it’s senior night a very big night for Paige indeed.. and you can’t miss it not when you’re each other’s home
For the past few weeks, keeping this secret had been absolute torture. Every time Paige texted me about how much she wished I could be at her senior night, my heart ached. I wanted to tell her, wanted to ease that longing in her voice, but I knew it would be worth it. Everyone was in on it—her teammates, the coaching staff, even her parents. The only person in the dark? Paige herself.
Now, as I sat on the plane with my niece squirming beside me, I felt the anticipation bubbling in my chest.
“Auntie, are we there yet?” my five-year-old niece, Aria, whined, her little legs swinging beneath her seat.
“Almost, baby,” I reassured her, smoothing down her curls. “Paige is gonna be so happy to see you.”
She grinned, showing off the gap where she had just lost a tooth last week. “She’s gonna be so surprised, right?”
I laughed, nodding. “Yeah, she has no idea we’re coming.”
Aria giggled, kicking her feet harder. She adored Paige, and the feeling was mutual. Anytime we FaceTimed, Paige always asked about her, sending little gifts and promising to teach her how to dribble properly one day.
As the plane began its descent, my stomach tightened. I had spent months away from Paige, only seeing her through a screen, listening to her talk about the season, about how it felt knowing this was her final year in a UConn jersey. She deserved to have her people there, and I needed to be there for her—just like she’d always been for me.
By the time we landed, the rush of excitement made my fingers tingle. Paige’s mom picked us up, greeting us with a warm hug before driving straight to campus. The plan was simple: hide in the tunnels until the seniors were honored, then walk out as they announced her name.
Aria bounced in her car seat, unable to contain herself. “I wanna run to Paige first! Can I? Can I?”
“Of course, baby,” I smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “She’s gonna love it.”
Game Night: Gampel Pavilion
The energy inside Gampel was electric. The crowd was buzzing, the students loud as ever, and the court gleamed under the bright lights. My heart pounded as I hid just behind the tunnel entrance, holding Aria’s hand tightly while the announcer began reading out names.
Each senior walked out to cheers, their families meeting them at center court. Paige was the last one to be called.
“And finally, our captain, our leader—number five, Paige Bueckers!”
The crowd erupted. My breath hitched as I peeked around the tunnel, watching Paige step forward, waving to the fans, her eyes already glassy with emotion. She thought her parents were the only ones waiting for her—but that was about to change.
“Now,” I whispered to Aria, squeezing her hand before letting go.
She took off like a shot.
Paige barely had time to turn before Aria’s tiny body launched herself at Paige’s legs. Her arms instinctively wrapped around Aria, shock flashing across her face before realization dawned.
“What—? Aria?” Her voice cracked, looking down at the little girl clinging to her.
That’s when I stepped out.
The second Paige’s eyes met mine, everything around us seemed to fade. Her mouth parted in disbelief, her hands still frozen around Aria as if she thought she might be dreaming.
I smiled, my throat tightening. “Hey, baby.”
The moment shattered as she let go of Aria and practically ran to me, wrapping me up in the tightest hug imaginable.
“You’re here,” she whispered, her voice trembling against my ear.
“I’m here,” I murmured, holding onto her just as tightly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
She pulled back slightly, cupping my face with both hands, her thumbs brushing over my cheeks as if she needed to make sure I was real. “You—you flew all the way here? When? How? Why didn’t you tell me?”
I laughed, my own tears welling up. “Because I wanted to surprise you. Everyone knew except you.”
She shook her head, laughing through her disbelief. “You’re evil.”
“You love me, though,” I teased.
Her grin softened into something more tender. “Yeah,” she murmured, pressing her forehead to mine. “I really, really do.”
The crowd was still cheering, the moment stretching between us as if we were the only two people in the gym. Paige’s hands never left my face, and I could feel her heart racing just as fast as mine.
“This is the best surprise ever,” she whispered.
I bit my lip, glancing down at Aria, who was grinning up at us, completely unbothered by the fact that she had just helped execute the best senior night surprise in history. “I had some help.”
Paige laughed, ruffling Aria’s curls before scooping her up into her arms. “You little sneak,” she teased.
Aria giggled, hugging Paige’s neck. “I missed you, P!”
“I missed you too, munchkin.” Paige pressed a kiss to her cheek before turning back to me. “God, I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“I wasn’t gonna let you finish this without me,” I said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “You deserve to have the people who love you here, Paige.”
Her expression softened, and she tugged me close again, this time pressing a lingering kiss to my forehead. “I don’t know how I got so lucky,” she whispered.
I smiled. “I think we both got lucky.”
She let out a soft laugh before glancing at the crowd, then back at me. “You’re staying for a while, right?”
I nodded. “For as long as you’ll have me.”
Her grin turned into something mischievous. “That’s a dangerous offer, baby.”
“I’m serious.” I squeezed her hand. “I don’t wanna be apart anymore. I wanna be with you.”
For a moment, she just stared at me, and then—right there, in front of everyone—she leaned in and kissed me.
It was soft, sweet, and full of every unspoken word between us.
When she pulled away, her eyes were bright, full of something deeper than happiness. “Then stay,” she murmured. “Stay with me.”
I grinned. “You don’t even have to ask.”
She kissed me again, and this time, I knew—no matter where life took us, no matter what came next—I would always come home to her.
Paige’s POV
The adrenaline from senior night hadn’t worn off, but the moment we stepped inside my apartment, exhaustion hit me like a freight train. The last few hours had been a blur—cheers, speeches, hugs, and the overwhelming joy of seeing her again. Seeing them again.
Aria clung to me the entire time, refusing to let go even after we left the arena. Every time I tried to pass her off to her aunt, she just tightened her grip around my neck, mumbling, “I missed you too much.”
I wasn’t gonna fight her on it. I missed her too.
Now, after a well needed shower, the little girl was curled up against my chest, completely knocked out, her tiny fingers still clutching the front of my hoodie like she was scared I’d disappear again.
I glanced over at the love of my life—because that’s what she was, no doubt about it—as she set her bag down by the door, stretching out her arms with a soft groan.
“You look dead,” I teased, my voice barely above a whisper.
She shot me a tired glare, but the small smile on her lips told me she wasn’t really mad. “I feel dead. That flight, the sneaking around, wrangling her—” she gestured at the sleeping child nestled in my arms. “I deserve a medal.”
I laughed, adjusting Aria slightly so she wouldn’t slip. “You deserve a lot more than that.”
Her expression softened, and she stepped closer, reaching out to brush a stray curl from Aria’s forehead. “She missed you like crazy, you know.”
“I missed her too,” I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Aria’s head.
Her eyes flickered to mine, something unreadable in them. “And me?”
I smirked, tilting my head slightly. “You? Who’s that?”
Her jaw dropped. “Oh, okay. That’s how we’re playing this?”
I bit my lip to hold back a laugh, but the playful glare she shot me made it impossible. “Come here,” I said softly, and the teasing faded from her face.
She stepped between my legs, resting her hands on my shoulders as I pulled her closer with one arm, the other still supporting Aria.
“You know I missed you,” I murmured, letting my forehead rest against hers.
Her breath hitched, and I could feel the weight of the months apart in the way she exhaled, like she was finally letting herself breathe again.
“I hate being away from you,” she admitted quietly. “I hated every second of it.”
I tightened my hold on her waist, pressing my lips to her temple. “Then don’t be.”
Her fingers dug into the fabric of my hoodie. “You make it sound so simple.”
“Because it is,” I murmured, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes. “You said you wanted to stay. So stay. I don’t care how we make it work—I just know I don’t wanna go another night without you.”
She swallowed hard, searching my face like she was trying to memorize every detail. “Paige…”
“I’m serious.” I brushed my thumb over her cheek, letting myself get lost in her warmth. “I love you. I don’t wanna keep doing this long-distance thing when we both know where this is going.”
Her breath caught in her throat, and she let out a shaky laugh. “And where’s that?”
I gave her a knowing look. “Where do you think?”
Her lips parted slightly, her eyes flickering between mine, and I could see the exact moment she realized I meant every word.
“You mean—”
“I mean,” I cut her off gently, “that I see forever when I look at you.”
Her face crumbled, and she let out a soft, shaky breath before pressing her lips to mine. It wasn’t rushed or desperate—just right. Just home.
When she pulled away, her forehead rested against mine, and she whispered, “I see forever with you too.”
I smiled, feeling something settle deep in my chest. “Good.”
A tiny, sleepy voice suddenly mumbled between us.
We both froze before glancing down. Aria stirred slightly, blinking up at me with half-lidded eyes.
“Yeah, munchkin?”
Her tiny hand reached up to touch my cheek, her voice drowsy. “Don’t go away again.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, holding her just a little bit closer. “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”
She sighed contently, snuggling deeper into my hoodie.
I glanced at the love of my life, who was watching us with nothing but pure adoration in her eyes.
Home wasn’t a place. It was this. It was her. It was the sleepy little girl in my arms, the steady heartbeat against mine, and the unspoken promise that we’d never have to say goodbye again.
I had everything I needed right here.
-Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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PLAYING FOR MORE | alessia russo
(grumpy universe)

grumpy masterlist
alessia sat on the edge of her bed, her hands trembling as she stared at the pregnancy test. two lines, they stared back at her. her heart felt as though it was lodged in her throat, her pulse louder than any cheering crowd she had ever played in front of.
she had worked hard to get were she was — unc scholarship, a starting spot on the team, become captain, achieve her first call up to the senior england squad. she was a rising star.
and now, well right now she was a twenty year old college student staring down a future she hadn't planned for.
her phone buzzed on the desk, a message from her boyfriend: harrison.
alessia's usual type wasn't football players, they were too loud, too cocky, too much trouble.
but yet here she was, tying her boots on the sidelines of the practice field sneaking glances across the turf at harrison reed - the wide receiver who had too much charm and a smile that made her stomach flip.
it started during her freshman year, her soccer practice had run late and alessia sweaty and exhausted from the scorching sun of north carolina had cut across the football fields to get back to her dorm quicker.
she hadn't expected anyone to be there, let alone him.
"well if it isn't the soccer team's star girl herself!" harrison's voice rang out as she passed. she's rolled her eyes — of course he'd call her that.
"hey footbal guy." she shot back, not stopping. the only thing in her mind was the cold shower she was going to have when she got back to her dorm.
he jogged over, helmet in his hand as he fell into step beside her, "you always this friendly or did i get lucky today?"
alessia just snorted, brushing a strand of blonde hair from her face, "depends, are you always this annoying or am i just lucky?"
that should've been it, a quick exchange, a bit of teasing but harrison wasn't the kind of guy to leave things alone, he liked to push boundaries and push people's buttons — be annoying in simple terms.
so over the next few weeks, the end of the school year looming and they kept bumping into each other. in the corridor as alessia carried her books in her arms.
at the athletic center when harrison was nursing a sore shoulder. in the library when neither of them were studying but both of them pretended they were.
it was easy with him. too easy and that's what scared her.
they became friends at first - sort of. harrison would show up at her matches, yelling loud enough for half the crowd to hear as alessia claimed she only went to his games for the nachos but really her heart raced every time he made a big play.
one of the last games before the big final, alessia's team lost. alessia missing a crucial goal which ultimately probably cost them the game.
harrison was the one that found her sitting alone on the bleachers showered as her wet hair sat on her jumper.
"rough game," he winced as he sat next to her as he put a arm around her pulling her into a comforting hug which he knew she needed.
alessia sighed, as she leaned into him more, "yep, i missed an open goal."
"eh, you'll get the next one" his voice was softer than usual, not the usual cocky confidence he wore like it was amour.
for a moment they just sat there, the lights from the field buzzing faintly. alessia tilting her head to loot at him, "why do you even care?"
harrison hesitated, a small smile tugging at his lips, "maybe i like you"
the words just hung in the air, heavy and warm as alessia just blinked. "maybe?" she teased, but her pulse hammered in her throat.
"okay.. definitely" he admitted after a moment of silence, a grin creeping onto his face, "so what do you say soccer star? let me take you out sometime?"
"football. it's football."
"soccer. your in the states now less"
as she shook her head leaving the debate for another time and against her better judgement or maybe because of it — alessia smiled, "your impossible, you know that?"
"and yet your still haven't walked away."
that was the start, they started hanging out more after that. coffee dates between classes even though they'd both get a smoothie. late night calls when the pressure of school and sports became too much.
sneaking out to the quad when they should've been asleep, laughing about everything and nothing and supporting each other at the others games.
but it wasn't always easy. there were arguments, about missed plans, about the attention harrison got from other girls, about how alessia always seemed to put soccer first. the two being too stubborn for their own good.
in the end that was what made it work, the moments which weren't perfect, the times they argued they then made up and were stronger than ever. the late night cuddles and morning practices.
the way harrison would bring her a smoothie after every game, whether they won or lost.
so by the time their final year rolled around, everyone knew they were the package deal. alessia and harrison. the soccer star girl and football hero. two athletes who would do anything to win, but hopeless when it came to each other.
haz | 'can't wait to see you tonight, gonna get us a takeout from that taco place you love!'
her chest tightened as she looked at the message, harrison was everything she wanted in a boyfriend, charming supportive and ambitious.
but they'd never talked about kids or families or anything remotely close to this. from their late night chats they talked about their dreams of travelling the world and becoming the best at what they did.
children? that's was a word which never even entered the conversation. and she knew - she just knew this was going to be something he wasn't going to be ready for.
so she did the only thing she could think of. text her best friends: emily and lotte.
emily and lotte arrived within minutes, their concern palpable the moment they stepped into alessia's dorm room.
"less? what's wrong?" emily asked frantically dropping her gym bag by the door. lotte following close behind.
lotte, the over observant, noticed alessia's tear stealer face and the white stick lying on the desk. "oh less.." she said softly sitting beside her.
alessia took a shaky breath. "i'm pregnant." she said the words tasting foreign and heavy leaving her lips.
emily's jaw dropped, her expression quickly morphing into one of concern and determination. "okay, deep breath. we've got you, whatever you need. we're here for you, less."
"i don't know what to do," alessia admitted her voice quiet and shaky, "harrison's not ready for this. and my parents? there gonna be so disappointed."
lotte placed a comforting hand on alessia's knee. "first things first, you're not alone in this. no matter what you decide, we're with you. but you need to talk to harrison. you can't carry this on your own."
alessia knew they were right, no matter how strong she thought she was. she couldn't carry the weight of that on her own.
later that evening, harrison arrived at alessia's dorm his usual easy smile in place. he set out the takeout bags on her desk, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "what's up baby? you look like you've had a rough day."
alessia's stomach churned, rough day was certainly one way to put it. she motioned for him to sit on the bed, her hands twisting the hem of her hoodie. "haz, i need to tell you something and it's.. big."
his playful unserious demeanour faded, as his face paled, "you're scaring me less, what is it?"
she took a deep breath, looking at him with such fear as she bit her lips, "i'm pregnant."
for a moment, harrison froze, his expression unreadable. then he ran a hand though his hair, letting out a shaky laugh, "wait, are you serious?"
alessia nodded, her eyes welling up.
"wow," he muttered, standing up and pacing the small room, "this.. this wasn't supposed to happen. alessia we aren't ready for this. we barely managing school and soccer as it is."
"i know," she said quietly, "but it's happening, haz. we have to figure out what to do."
he turned to face her, his expression filled with frustration and fear, "look, i'm sorry but i can't do this. a kid? now? we are only twenty for god sake. i just started getting noticed in football. this would ruin everything - for both of us."
his words hit her like a punch to the gut, "ruin everything?" she repeated, her voice cracking.
"i'm not saying it's your fault," he said quickly, "but think about it less, we have our whole lives ahead of us. you've got the england squad, you're one of the best young players at the minute. a baby is gonna change everything, it's not the right time."
alessia just stared at him, her chest tightening with every word, she couldn't believe his words. "so what are you saying? you don't want to keep the baby?"
harrison hesitated, her silence speaking volumes. "i'm saying... i don't think we should."
alessia felt like the air had been sucked out of the room, she had known the conversation would be difficult. she had braced herself for his shock, his panic. but hearing him say it out loud 'i don't think we should' felt like a knife to the heart.
her fingers curled tighter into the fabric of her hoodie as she swallowed back the lump forming in her throat. "haz, this is our baby. my baby. i can't just pretend this isn't happening."
harrison exhaled sharply, rubbing a hand over his face. "less, come on be realistic. a baby means we'd have to give everything up. football, school, our future - everything we've worked for. we aren't ready for this." his voice was desperate, like he was trying to make her see reason, but all alessia could hear was rejection.
"you think i don't know that?" she shot back, her voice trembling. "you think i haven't spent every second since i found out thinking about how this changes everything? but it's happening haz, whether we're ready or not."
harrison let out a frustrated sigh and turned away from her pacing again. his usual confidence, his easy charm - gone. now he just looked scared. "there are.. options," he said hesitantly. "we could-"
"no." her voice was quick and firm and when he looked at her, she shook her head. "i can't. i won't."
he stared at her for a long moment, his jaw tightening, "you're sure?"
tears burned at the corner of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall, "i've never been more sure of anything."
harrison exhaled sharply, hands on his hips as he looked away. the silence between them stretched, heavy and suffocating. when he finally turned back, his expression, again unreadable but his next words shattered her completely. in more ways that one.
"then i don't know if i can do this, less."
her stomach dropped. he ran a hand through his hair again, exhaling shakily. "i'm not ready to be a dad. i can't be a dad." his voice cracked, but he pressed on. "and if you're keeping it... i don't know how to be part of that."
alessia felt like the floor had disappeared beneath her, her entire body felt cold, numb. "so, what? you're just going to leave?"
harrison's face twisted in anguish, but he didn't answer. that answer was enough.
alessia let out a shaky breath, nodding slowly. "okay," she whispered. "if that's how you feel.. then go."
"no," she cut him off, wrapping her arms around herself. "you made your choice. i'll figure this out on my own."
harrison hesitated for a second, like he might say something else. alessia's silently hoping he would say something else. but instead, he grabbed his hoodie and moved towards the door.
he paused for a fraction of a second, then walked out, closing it softly behind him.
the moment he was gone, the first sob broke free from alessia's chest. she curled up on the bed, clutching her stomach, her heart shattering.
she had never felt so alone.
alessia lay on her bed, she felt numb. sitting on the bed as his words replayed in her mind.
not ready.
not the right time.
ruin everything.
alessia had managed to find the energy to message emily and lotte. so when they arrived alessia was still sitting there with tears streaming down her face.
"he doesn't want to keep it," she whispered as emily wrapped her in a tight comforting hug.
"of course he doesn't," emily said, her voice tinged with anger but also comfort, the type alessia was craving. "he's a twenty yet old boy who is scared out of his mind. but this isn't just his decision."
lotte crouched in front of alessia, her voice calm and steady. "less, what do you want? not harrison, not anyone else - you. this is your life, your body, your future."
"i don't know," alessia admitted, her voice breaking. "i feel like everything i’ve worked for is slipping away. but.. i also can't imagine just walking away for this. it's a part of me."
emily squeezed her should. "then that’s all that matters. you'll figure it out, and we'll be here every step of the way. harrison doesn't get to decide your future — you do."
alessia's breath shuddered as she leaned into emily's embrace, gripping the fabric of her friend's hoodie like it was the only thing tethering her to reality. the weight of the moment was crushing, pressing down on her chest until it felt like she could barely breathe.
she had spent years building herself into the player she was today - grueling training sessions, sacrifices, endless hours on the pitch. football had been her whole life for as long as she could remember.
and now.. everything felt uncertain.
"i don't know what to do," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "i don't even know how to begin figuring it out."
lotte, still crouched in front of her, took her hands in hers giving them a reassuring squeeze. "you don't have to figure it all out tonight, less. you just have to take it one step at a time."
"but what if i can't do it?" alessia's voice cracked, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "what if i ruin everything - for myself, for my career, for this baby."
emily pulled back slightly, her expression fierce. "listen to me. your alessia russo. destined to be one of the best footballers in the world, the hardest working, most determined person i know. if there is anyone can handle this, it's you."
"but what if he's right?" alessia asked, her voice raw, "what if this really does ruin everything?"
lotte shook her head, "it won't. it'll change things - yes. but that doesn't mean your dreams are over. your not alone in this less, we'll figure this out together."
alessia sniffled, looking between her two best friends. the unwavering support in their eyes made something shift inside of her - like a tiny sliver of hope breaking through the overwhelming fear."
she exhaled shakily. "i just.. i thought he'd be here for me. that we'd figure it out together."
emily's jaw tightened. "if he can't handle being here when things get hard, then he doesn't deserve to be here at all."
lotte nodded. "you don't have to do this alone, even if he's gone. you have us. and whatever you decide, we're with you - every step of the way."
for the first time since harrison had walked out, alessia felt the smallest bit of steadiness return to her. she was still terrified, still completely unsure of what the future held.
but at least she wasn't alone.
#alessia russo#alessia russo x y/n#alessia russo x reader#woso#woso x reader#woso imagine#woso blurbs#lotte wubben moy#emily fox#woso fanfics#arsenal wfc#arsenal women#awfc x reader#awfc imagine#awfc#england wnt#england women#england#grumpy universe#grumpy universe asks#enwoso
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Lovers Rock ₊˚⊹♡ M. Sturniolo
"Y-yeah, I want to kiss you."
⟢ mentions of drinking, parties, smoking, longing, loner!Matt, trouble! Reader, kissing, that's it, I think.
PT. 1
She was a drug.
Everything, from her clothes to the way she saw him, clouded his mind, infiltrating his senses—he couldn't get her out of his head.
He was addicted, and he needed another fix.
Chris was shocked when Matt started attending more and more parties, tagging along every weekend and putting on his best outfit. He'd watch the way Matt would sit on the couches or stand in the corner, nursing an Angry Orchard as his eyes darted around the scene.
It was like he was waiting for something—or someone.
He wanted to question him, demand a reason as to why he was suddenly attending parties and leaving the house, but he bit his tongue.
For the longest time, Chris had tried to get Matt out of his shell, inviting him to places and eventually forcing him to go. Now Matt was willingly going, and Chris didn’t want to ruin it.
"Whose party is this again?" Matt questioned as he followed the GPS, making a left turn when instructed. In the passenger seat, Chris tapped away on his phone, fully immersed in the small device.
"I’m not sure. Iris said it was her friend’s house, Trouble or something. Never met the person, but I heard her New Year's parties are—"
Matt tuned Chris out, his palms adjusting on the steering wheel as they grew sweaty. Much like the ones in the sky, he could feel the fireworks in his stomach, his body buzzing with nervousness.
After endless parties for weeks on end, he finally got to see her again.
Before he knew it, he was parking behind a few cars and walking down the concrete path, soon entering the backyard.
It seemed like one of those coming-of-age movies—people laughing and talking around the bonfire, drinks in hand. The naked trees had fairy lights strung around them, letting off a warm glow and creating a peaceful atmosphere. The house sat right in front of a lake, a dock attached, as well as a boat.
His admiration was interrupted by a drink being shoved into his hand by Chris. "Sorry, bro, no Angry Orchards. You're stuck with the hard stuff tonight!" Matt examined the red Solo cup, bringing it to his nose and sniffing, only to jerk back when the scent burned his nostrils. Chris cackled loudly, clapping his hands together in enjoyment.
"What the hell is this?"
"Don’t know, but drink up! It’s New Year’s!"
Matt looked back down at the cup, staring at his dark reflection.
Fuck it.
Chris cheered as Matt took a sip, laughing and clapping him on the back. "Hell yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!"
With that being said, the night was a whirlwind—endless drinking, people stripping and running into the freezing lake, and much more.
Matt could feel his head spinning, his vision hazy. He mumbled to himself as he fell into one of the many chairs, leaning back and sighing out, closing his eyes in relief.
"Hey, Blue..."
His eyes darted open, his head whipping to the side at the melodic voice.
There she was, all in her glory—Trouble.
"Got a vape?" she asked, just like she did the first time they met. It took a second for him to respond, his eyes fluttering rapidly before he finally spoke.
"N-no... It died today, and I couldn’t get another before Chris and I left... I brought my cigs though. Want one?"
He reached into his pocket, fetching the pack of Marlboro Reds and holding them out. She eyed the small box before plucking one from the pack and settling down in the chair next to him.
"Got a light?"
She leaned in, watching the flame dance in front of her as he lit the cigarette. She inhaled the smoke before blowing it out, mumbling a small "thanks" before gazing out toward the water.
"So..." Matt started, his mind trying to find the right words to say. She said nothing, simply smoking the cigarette and continuing to stare out toward the lake.
"You weren't at the last few parties."
She finally turned toward him, eyeing him up and down before responding. "The real question is, why were you at the parties? Last time I checked, you didn’t like them."
He went to answer but closed his mouth. How was he supposed to say, "Oh, I was only going because I believe I have a crush on you, even though we barely know each other," without sounding like an absolute freak?
She chuckled to herself, a small smile making its way across her face as she looked back at the lake. However, as quickly as the smile graced her face, it fell.
"You want to know the truth?"
She took another hit of the nicotine before answering her own question.
"The truth is... I hate parties. Most people see them as a fun group activity. At one point, I did too. But now... now it’s just a taunt, a painful reminder... I meant it when I said I see you."
A thick silence sat between them, the background noise turning into muffled static.
She looked down, feeling Matt's hand settle on top of her own, their eyes soon meeting.
"I see you too..."
He wasn’t lying, and she knew that.
Their moment was interrupted by shouting. "Ten minutes until countdown!" Everyone began to shout in joy, the noise only getting louder. The girl ashed the cigarette before standing up from her seat, looking down at him.
"You cold, Blue?"
He nodded, and she motioned for him to stand up. "Come on, let’s go."
He was curious as to where she wanted to take him, but he wasn’t complaining. He stood up, and his eyes widened as soon as his body began to tilt, the alcohol in his system hitting him all at once.
She caught him immediately, her hands finding their way to his shoulders as she steadied him. "Whoa, looks like someone had too much to drink." Despite the pounding headache he had, he chuckled at her words.
"Definitely too drunk to drive tonight. Come on, let’s get you somewhere so you can sober up."
Everyone paid them no mind as they walked toward the house, too distracted by their own actions to even care. They stepped inside, and she guided Matt up the stairs, down a hallway, and eventually into her room.
She helped him onto her bed, the boy kicking off his shoes and immediately slumping over into her pillows. She said nothing as she walked over toward her record player in the corner, flipping through her vinyls before finally settling on one. Just as she put it on the turntable, she heard Matt's voice.
"Will your boyfriend be mad?"
"Boyfriend? What boyfriend? And if I did have one, why would he be mad?"
She sat crisscrossed in the middle of the bed, her knee pressing into his hip. "The guy who grabbed you from the bathroom? Thought that was your boyfriend."
She laughed loudly at his explanation. "Kyle? Oh god, no, that’s just my best friend. I’d rather go see JoJo Siwa in concert than date him."
Matt's breath hitches as the girl lays down next to him, their shoulders touching.
Maybe it was the alcohol in his system, his mouth moving before his mind could stop him.
"What's good?"
She turns her head to look at him, their eyes meeting once again.
"That you don't have a boyfriend..."
Their eye contact remains strong as their fingers hesitantly intertwine, the tension in the room growing with each breath. Just as Matt's eyes dart toward her lips, she abruptly sits up, her hand yanking away from his as she goes back into the corner, flipping through her vinyls once more.
Matt pushes himself up, his mind racing as he tries to figure out how to make his move.
She places a new vinyl on the turntable, adjusting the needle on the record before walking back over to the bed. The familiar tune of Fall Out Boy's "The Kids Aren't Alright" fills the space of the room, the faint start of the New Year's countdown being heard from outside.
"I like this song..." she says softly, taking Matt's hand and fiddling with his rings. He moves closer, their shoulders knocking into each other.
"Do you want to kiss me?" she asks suddenly, her eyes lingering on his lips as she looks at him.
He could feel the way his heart skipped a beat at her words, his fingers twitching in her grasp as he looked down at her own plump lips.
"Y-yeah, I want to kiss you."
"Good," Matt adds on.
"As the crooked smiles fade, former heroes who quit too late..."
"Who just wanna fill up the empty trophy case again."
"And in the end—"
Just as the countdown finishes and the chorus starts, their lips crash together, the fireworks shooting off behind them. The kiss was filled with longing, the two lonely souls seeking comfort in each other, craving something more.
They slowly pull away from the kiss, Matt’s hand cupping her face.
"Why'd you ask to kiss me?" he questions softly.
"Are you complaining?"
"Opposite, actually."
She kisses him once more, a quick but lingering peck.
"It's a foolish reason... I'm afraid I just wanted to."
#sturniolo triplets#matt sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#Matthew sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo x you#matt sturniolo x reader#matt girl#matt sturniolo imagine#Matthew sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo angst#angst#matthew sturniolo angst#sturniolo angst#matthew sturniolo#matt sturniolo fluff#matthew sturniolo fluff
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february fic recs ⋆ ༘⁀➷
the end of february means it’s, once again, time to shout about my favourite reads of the month! (same as last month, tagging authors i know the blogs of, but feel free to lmk if you want anything changed/removed) <3
Astronomia Nova by sreka (@smodernlife) - T, 35k. sirius raising harry, meets beautiful librarian remus and subsequently ruins a priceless book (meet-ugly everybody cheer!!). absolutely adored this!!
Be My Baby by pixelated (prettyremus) - M, 21k. dirty dancing au!! enough said just with that, really, but also the way queer themes are woven into the original story is so cool!
The Proctor House by @eyra - M, 5.2k, MCD. i honestly think it’s best to go into this one fairly blind. just let the beautiful writing take you where it wants to, it’s so so worth it. this one has stayed with me since i read it.
you don’t have to be alone (when you’re the place i wanna go) by @quiethauntings - E, 37k. remus reunites with his friends on a trip to the scottish highlands. nostalgia bottled into a fic! a very lovely depiction of loneliness and rekindling friendships. really beautiful!
Of Prefects, Pretence, and Precedent by Whoops_E - M, 121k. shouting this one out again because it’s now complete!!! i’m immediately diving in for a full reread. i go insane for this fic and specifically think about the grape jam chapter approximately 30 times a week.
nightlights by sadgeminimoon - T, 9.2k. single parent remus raising teddy, & sirius who helps out far too well. the pining!! adored this. i, too, would lose it if i came home to find sirius black doing a load of my laundry.
The Best By Far Is You by orphan_account - T, 13k. padfoot and moony are tumblr mutuals, while blind remus hires sirius as a reader for his classes. i believe this one is fairly well-known, but i only just got to it and it’s so so wonderful! there are also 7 more shorter oneshots (ratings vary) following this, all of which i subsequently inhaled. really recommend the entire Tumblr Trash series! (E, 35k total)
Perfect by wanderingdonut - T, 3.7k. ace4ace wolfstar learning to love each other :’) such a wonderful acespec story, i adored this <3
A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP (@languagelessonswolfstar) - T, 5.3k. harry pov feat. disabled harry and disabled remus (bonding!!). so sweet, such great disability rep, and adorable little peeks of wolfstar! loooved this!!
Let me Believe (Ever After) by @brigid-faye - M, 6/12, 47k. ever after: a cinderella story (1998) au! sad-eyed prince remus, riches to rags sirius. such great characterisations, relationships, and storytelling. i devoured these chapters so quickly!
Brave Face by @zoemillinwrites - M, 28/?, 252k, MCD. a canon-divergent, sirius-centric fic starting in hogwarts first year. such real and raw characters, being a little in love with your friends, and some of the cleverest, most unique magic explanations i’ve ever read. seriously, can’t emphasise enough how SO insanely cool the magic is!! (also shouting out the accompanying Story Shards WIP (E, 1/?, 4.3k) for some brilliant extra character studies!)
four thousand holes by aeridi0nis (@steelycunt) - E, 2/5, 41k. pride (2014) au. lesbians and gays support the miners; sirius is part of the organisation, remus is the son of a miner. truly so so obsessed with this premise. and the writing!! incredible, incredible prose.
As You Walk On By (Will You Call My Name?) by @imsiriuslyreading - M, 6/15, 23k, jily!!!! royalty au AND university au in one! royal james and eat-the-rich lily, creating such a fun jily dynamic. + a lovely dose of background wolfstar, too :)
#fic recs#wolfstar fic recs#+ one jily!#recent reads#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar#marauders#monthly rec lists#rain’s recs
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sentences sunday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess !! This is from a wip that is so old. I've had it since last august I really have no faith in myself to actually finish it. But if i keep posting bits of it maybe I will two years from now
It's hotch x lawyer!reader in a second chance/friends with benefits kind of situation!
1989 You throw your slipper at the lanky man sprawled out on your carpet. He doesn’t even flinch. The coin flipping between his fingers continues its path. “Aaron David Hotchner, get out of my house!” you groan “That’s not my middle name,” he whines “And this is an apartment.” You roll your eyes. He’s been here for weeks. Leaving your place after both of you celebrated acceptance into GW’s law program, only for him to show up hours later red eyed and disheveled. You were trying to be a good friend. But you needed your space back. In the time he’s been there he’s eaten through almost half of your food budget for the semester. “Yes. An apartment much like your own. Across town.” “Are you kicking me out?” “Yes!” “But I’m heartbroken.” “It’s been 3 weeks. Move on. You’re eating all my food and taking all my clothes.” You lean over him and yank at the hem of his sweatshirt — your sweatshirt — for emphasis. He sits up abruptly, almost bumping your heads together as he stands to pace around your bedroom. You plop yourself down on your bed with a huff, tracking his movements across the room. He stops in front of you and you cheer internally, readying yourself to show him the exit. Only for him to yank the navy blue sweatshirt off, exposing his lower stomach and waist to you briefly, before chucking the thick fabric on your bed.
tagging a random few but no pressure!
@aureatelys @kiwriteswords @sincerelybubbles @cerisereids @mariasont
#i feel like this is a lot of sentences but idk how many sentences is the intended amountttt#tagging as#aaron hotchner x reader#because maybe if anyone sees this and validates me enough ill actually feel good enough to continue on with this
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What do you think about Dumbledore giving Harry and co. so many points at the ending feast of the Philosopher's Stone? Do you think slytherin (and who I think are the poor first years) got cheated?
I mean, Harry deserved some house points for what he pulled off (even though he shouldn't have had to but it's not his fault Dumbledore built him an obstacle course), but yeah, I think they were cheated because of how Dumbledore did it. Yk?
It would've been one thing to give Harry and Co points in the week before school was over and Harry was in the hospital wing. Then everyone would've arrived at the Great Hall when it's clear Gryffindor won, that's fine, yk, happens, I'm not inherently against Harry and co + Neville getting these points. But making a whole spectacle of Slytherin winning and then snatching the victory away by giving Harry and Co + Neville just enough points to surpass Slytherin, yeah, that's a dick move on Dumbledore's part (not just for the first years, for all of the Slytherins).
Like, if we're talking favoritism practiced by Hogwarts faculty, this is definitely an act of Dumbledore showing disdain toward Slytherin. I mean, he 100% planned it to go down the way it did to spite the Slytherins and Snape:
“Yes, Yes, well done, Slytherin,” said Dumbledore. “However, recent events must be taken into account.” The room went very still. The Slytherins' smiles faded a little. “Ahem,” said Dumbledore. “I have a few last-minute points to dish out. Let me see. Yes… [...] Dumbledore raised his hand. The room gradually fell silent. “There are all kinds of courage,” said Dumbledore, smiling. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom.” Someone standing outside the Great Hall might well have thought some sort of explosion had taken place, so loud was the noise that erupted from the Gryffindor table. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood up to yell and cheer as Neville, white with shock, disappeared under a pile of people hugging him. He had never won so much as a point for Gryffindor before. Harry, still cheering, nudged Ron in the ribs and pointed at Malfoy, who couldn’t have looked more stunned and horrified if he’d just had the Body-Bind Curse put on him. “Which means,” Dumbledore called over the storm of applause, for even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were celebrating the downfall of Slytherin, “we need a little change of decoration.” He clapped his hands. In an instant, the green hangings became scarlet and the silver became gold; the huge Slytherin serpent vanished and a towering Gryffindor lion took its place. Snape was shaking Professor McGonagall’s hand, with a horrible, forced smile. He caught Harry’s eye and Harry knew at once that Snape’s feelings toward him hadn’t changed one jot.
(PS, Ch17)
Dumbledore knew exactly what he was doing and took joy in the spectacle and embarrassment of Slytherin.
Also, I just wanted to note Percy being adorable in the above scene because I read it so you deserve to be reminded of it too:
Gryffindor cheers nearly raised the bewitched ceiling; the stars overhead seemed to quiver. Percy could be heard telling the other prefects, “My brother, you know! My youngest brother! Got past McGonagall’s giant chess set!”
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Thank you! This is so cute!! y’all gotta lmk how to get that bold font 😭
✿ what’s the origin of your blog title? - I’m not sure why but I always like hearts4(anything) type of users, they were just cutesy to me so I made a lot of my usernames with the “hearts4—“ and I luvvv Sam Monroe so… hearts4sammonroe.
✿ favorite fandom? - hayden, star wars, it, the walking dead, the summer i turned pretty, billie eilish, tyler the creator, niall horan
✿ OTP(s)/shipname - what Izzy said!! 😭
✿ favorite color - purple and gray!
✿ Song stuck in your head - Living Legend by Lana Del Rey
✿ weirdest habit / trait - I’m not sure how it started, but I’ve done it since i was a kid 😭 just when I’m sitting/relaxing my bottom lip comes out and I just move it around, idk it’s so hard to explain but I don’t ever notice until someone is like “tf🤨”
✿ Hobbies - singing, acting, reading, coloring
✿ If you work, what's your profession? - I don’t have a job yet, but I babysit my niece 5 days a week for free if that counts 😭 but i also used to babysit random kids last summer for money! (I was not payed well)
✿ if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? - psychologist or massage therapist!
✿ Something you're good at - singing, acting, entertaining a 1 year old lmao
✿ Something you’re bad at - math, handwriting
✿ Something you love - theater, coloring, music, reading, my friends and fam, tumblr ofccc
✿ Something you could talk about on hours off the cuff - the school system and how specific teachers can actually traumatize students 😊🙏
✿ Something you hate - math, politics, cliques
✿ Something you collet - funko pops!
✿ Something you forget - when my laundry is in the dryer 😭
✿ What's your love language - I think gift giving/receiving!
✿ Favorite movie/show - favorite movie is life as a house or grown ups, favorite show is the oc.
✿ Favorite food - cheesy rice from my local Mexican restaurant 🙏
✿ Favorite animal - cats and my pet dog bc he’s my baby
✿ Are you musical? - I think so! I play a little piano and do musical theater.
✿ What were you like as a child - I was very quiet but super creative and I had a wild imagination lolll
✿ Favorite subject at school - history
✿ Least favorite subject - math
✿ What's your best character trait? - I will do anything goofy to cheer someone up ig 😭
✿ What's your worst character trait? - I get angry very easily
✿ If you could change any detail of your day right now, what would it be - I would have eaten a bigger lunch 🙏
✿ If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? - Ralph macchio in the 80s he’s so bae
✿ Recommend some of your favorite fanfics (spread the love) - probably any of my mutuals fics! I’ve been binge reading @ysrjune and @anakinstwinklebunny fics!
tags: @jaxsontrimaldi @padme-urlove @danoslvrr @staraayla
silly little tag game, a get to know me! i saw someone else do this and wanted to join!
⠀★⠀⠀what’s the origin of your blog title? ─ this was originally a yandere blog... it's literally eros (my bf's name) + mutt. so like... eros' mutt. sigh.
⠀★⠀⠀favorite fandoms ─ star wars (obvi), kpop (bts, enha, nct), jjk
⠀★⠀⠀OTP(s)/shipname ─ bruh idk. hayden + kaleigh... kayden. or haleigh. they're both nice names. sam + kaleigh... saleigh? or kam? ooh! harrison + kaleigh. karrison. also haleigh. i like kayden and karrison, lol. but what about eros + kaleigh? keros? ealeigh? keros is pretty cool <3
⠀★⠀⠀favorite color ─ grey
⠀★⠀⠀song stuck in your head ─ ironically it's can't get you out of my head by kylie minogue
⠀★⠀⠀weirdest habit/trait? ─ honestly idk, if i had to pick i'd say either sucking my tongue (i have a very strong oral fixation, not very sure why) or rocking back and forth (i do this subconsciously, and both of these are self-soothing)
⠀★⠀⠀hobbies ─ writing, drawing, making little handmade gifts for my boyfriend, baking, making character playlists, making bots,
⠀★⠀⠀if you work, what’s your profession? ─ right now i'm an artist apprentice
⠀★⠀⠀if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? ─ mortician!
⠀★⠀⠀something you’re good at ─ many things! writing, singing, and art are a few!
⠀★⠀⠀something you’re bad at ─ um, skateboarding? my posture is fucked so my balance got fucked too.
⠀★⠀⠀something you love ─ my mom, my boyfriend, my cat, thai tea
⠀★⠀⠀something you could talk about for hours off the cuff ─ the horrible staff at my previous school and their mistreatment towards me
⠀★⠀⠀something you hate ─ arrogance
⠀★⠀⠀something you collect ─ the tabs off of cans, paper towel tubes
⠀★⠀⠀something you forget ─ i often forget to eat. actually. and drink water. until my mom asks me about it or my body is like "sustenance please"
⠀★⠀⠀what’s your love language? ─ physical affection
⠀★⠀⠀favorite movie/show ─ favorite movies are a series of unfortunate events, life as a house, and the fugitive. my favorite show is black butler.
⠀★⠀⠀favorite food ─ oddly specific but baked chicken, cabbage, and cornbread!
⠀★⠀⠀favorite animal ─ pallas cat
⠀★⠀⠀are you musical? ─ definitely. i love to sing and i've played a few instruments. violin is my favorite that i've played!
⠀★⠀⠀what were you like as a child? ─ very smart, very playful, and very imaginitive. i love to learn and i have a very good imagination, especially being an only child.
⠀★⠀⠀favorite subject at school? ─ english/reading!
⠀★⠀⠀least favorite subject? ─ probably math
⠀★⠀⠀what’s your best character trait? ─ my empathy
⠀★⠀⠀what’s your worst character trait? ─ also my empathy. it's very draining and i find myself exhausted giving myself and my kindness away.
⠀★⠀⠀if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? ─ being cold. i hate being cold.
⠀★⠀⠀if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? ─ oh my. probably jeremy irons in his prime.
⠀★⠀⠀recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love) ─ okay here i go. i rec sins of the father on ao3. it's so well written.
TAGS: @102hannah @addictedtohobi @ilovekmchenzie @vilemorals555 @schizo-toddhoward @cocobear18 @theladykassia @zapernz
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merry crisis guys!!!!
#‘it isnt christmas yet’ ‘it has been christmas for h o u r s ur late’ sshhhh my timezone is law ok~~~#cheers to the last week of the year~~~~~~~~~#sometimes i forget that it’s supposed to be a christian holiday though… i remember going to church for the ‘mas exactly once#it was boring :( i didnt even get the little bread biscuit thing :( i’ve always wanted to try it tbh#only bc it sounds crisp when people bite into it. i wonder if it has the same texture as like potato chips or sth#or like those ‘toasted bread chips’ that occasionally pop up in the stores… i like the cheese bread variations#or maybe it’s crisp at first bite then turns soggy (like those potato wheel crackers) m a n. do i hate those potato crackers.#they’re all salt; no substance. the dried and fried onion crackers are 100000000 times better#ngl i had no idea what those onion crackers were called for. like. 90% of my life so i called them ‘suntanned keropok’#only bc my mother used to dry them out under the sun on bright days (or in the toaster when she got lazy) before frying them#since frying them straight away without drying made them super hard instead of light and crispy..#man i kinda want onion crackers now… the slightly over-browned ones were the best~~~~~#anyways!!!! free holiday!!!!!!! no work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’ll try to get ch36 of idol sengen up later~~~~~~~ i was gonna do part of it earlier but then i took 3 hours to finish my dinner sobs#not making any concrete promises though~~~~~~~~ all i want for crisisssss is asunaaaaaaaa#(asuna and… onion crackers… that is… aha~~~~ keropok bawang loml…)
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Dax, he’s gonna need a stronger raktajino
#I don’t really watch any Star Trek since voyager so imagine my surprise when I found out just last week that lower deck gave me#the best new year gift of all#Three cheers for canon garashir#Then I found out ‘A stitch in time’ exists! what a wonderfully written tale and character study#Loved the messy non-linearity and the fluctuating reliability of garak’s pov#My fanart#garashir fanart#deep space 9#ds9#star trek fanart#julian bashir#elim garak#a stitch in time
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Happy new year y’alls :D
It’s the year of the snake so enjoy snake ink!
#happy new year :D)))#dreamswap#ds ink#tw slight blood#isaacballz#scheduled post#yea so that means ignore anything that seems off pls 😞. 17/12 allen sees this as an alright finished product#This is like a tradition within my country and some others so don’t mind my whining and I felt weird I didn’t do#this last new years but imma start by this year. I am sorry if I’ve offended anyone#I promise it wasn’t intentional and I have kinda matured I still am pretty immature but I swear I am trying my best.#Additionally I don’t remember some things I’ve posted I remember seeing a reblog that I didn’t remember rebloging#and the next day it was gone I’m pretty sure no one took my devices nor my account is hacked#I’m not saying this as an excuse for anything offensive#I may have said to anyone I’m just stating this as I have some assumptions on my memory#Besides that I really do appreciate everyone who had been patient and supportive with me#ik I’ve said this like last week (I think?) but I#seriously cannot thank you enough. I hope everyone is doing well don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated and cheers to the new year! :D
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I have absolutely zero spoons to provide links this is not a news post this is a ... a sigh. it's widely reported and easily searchable info. Fuck it i came back and added links
memos relating to the bullshit huge federal funding freeze and demanding orgs answer 14 questions by next week to keep their funding, to ensure they aren't supporting "illegal" "DEIA"
The acronym has grown
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
They're gonna go after the whole fuckin ADA, aren't they.
Oh, and he repealed instructed the DOJ not to enforce the FACE Act, the 90s law to protect clinics, patients, and staff from anti-choice protestors (they can now get right back up to the doors, and short of basically killing someone it just won't be enforced)
They're trying to institute a way to simultaneously email all 2.3 million federal employees at once to be able to "communicate directly" and not have orders "filtered by management". Several lawsuits already, massive privacy concerns, etc.
Loyalty tests have begun for both current employees and applicants, mostly headed by department-inexperienced youths, to ensure full 100% enthusiastic support specifically of MAGA over Republican party and with zero non-party associations or opinions
He revoked equal opportunity employment, killing 60 years of labor+civil rights just as both my trans wife and my trans self are trying to find work
The funding freeze has everyone scrambling. Compliance by 5pm today, so many have been working through the night because some of these programs can't just be flipped like a switch. non-profits panicking. Research suspended. Emergency meetings. Already "temporary" layoffs of medical staff and others, for grant freezes.
r/fednews is a new subreddit for Fed workers to whistleblow and share internal fuckery. Have a random screenshot.
The reddit account that discovered that the funding freeze EO was written by two randos bc the pdf metadata wasn't scrubbed, one of whom is Heritage Foundation, was nuked. An hour later the EO was updated to change the "author"
Aaaaand he's openly talking about deporting "criminals," and regressives are enthusiastically supportive of the idea of deporting "dissidents" like [checks notes] American citizen Selena Gomez.
Etc etc etc oh god there's so fucking much already.
I am left wondering how to personally tread the line between "do not comply in advance" and "do not draw attention to yourself." How to keep my family safe. I am wondering how many of the social media posts encouraging people to scream and be loud and DEMAND to be SEEN and RESPECTED as QUEER/DISABLED/ETC are maybe written by people who don't know or remember how fucking bad the baseline social attitude was towards marginalized people even just twenty years ago, and therefore have zero context for exactly how bad it can get and what it's like to survive daily life in even the mildest of strict national oppression, and maybe don't really even believe us when we try to tell them, think we could never go back that far surely, not for very long surely.
And I am so, so sorry my loves, but you have yet to see a true winter, and you're treating the snow flurries as hyperbole.
#us politics#it is going to be. a whiskey night. a d vidya games and art and whatever else#furiously practicing self care while trying not to hyperventilate. yknow how it goes#rambleramble bullshit time#tw alcohol#is it cringe to tw tag for ... other tags. idk but just in case#disabled#LGBTQ#i s2g i am trying to take my own advice and pace myself and not look at the news more than like. once a day#it is still like getting immediately and repeatedly curbstomped. this is not like last time. this is already so much worse#cheers m8s&str8s#<- catchall personal negativity/doomer/grim acceptance tag#uuugggGgGgghhhggghh ITS BEEN ONE FUCKING WEEK#welcome to project 2025 🍻 'but we ALREADY--' no. stop.#that was Petri Dish activities. the culture was successful and the prototype approved and we are now in Main Production#those were the previews. the trailers. and yeah they sucked. but now it's a four-year movie we can't fucking leave#it is a WHOLE different SCALE
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#I didn’t agree with navalny’s politics/plans for Russia as much as I did someone like Nemtsov#but he was incredibly courageous and he stood up for good against a regime of pure evil#and even kept good cheer as he did it#I remember when I was just starting to learn Russian my first year at university. watching his videos to try to practice listening and see#the real news out of Russia#and the last time I actually went to Petersburg. seeing all the people I knew who were supporting the opposition underground. hoping this#would never happen#but we knew and he knew he was taking a a huge risk when he came back after that poisoning to be with his people#I really hope my friends who haven’t fled make it through the next days and weeks of arrests safely#and that we all live to see a free Russia one day#навальный#not the stones
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i think someone should come to my house and cast spell of explode on me. i am very nervous
#afhshdhdhdhshdjd what do you mean i leave in two weeks. girl what#spent the last 5 years saying i need to get out and yet the instant i get the opportunity to do so i can't stop freaking out about it#ohhhh my god . ohhhhhhhh my god#i'm sure it'll be fine but i'm jittery and anxious right now because i don't want to mess up#i've done this before i can do it again#cheers to going places where i'm not terrified of existing!#its just studying abroad oh my god why am i being so dramatic#jun.log
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My birthday was a few days ago so, I'm officially 18 now. I was also diagnosed with autism 😁.
#kirakirabug talks#just to update y'all on where I've been this past week or so#well. i was diagnosed with the autism in like 2019 but it wasn't really brought up until October last year so. y'know#i also took my first dose of vitamin d so uhh yeah cheers hope that goes well for me too#now i just gotta go through the process of getting my id
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