#cheered up at the thought of the vote coming up
padfootastic · 1 year
I raise you this crack scenario: the final year that Sirius Black is allowed to win hottest person at Hogwarts is actually a tie between him and Bellatrix, because they may be deranged murdering bigots but they looked fucking stunning in their arrest photos. The Black family: Giving people complexes since their family began
hehehehe this is even funnier if like. bella was a few years above them. and by the time reg’s in say, 7th year, he thinks he might just have a chance since he’s more visible now, prefect and capt of Quidditch team and what not ykno? sirius has been out for a bit, bella’s shacked up w a cult leader.
everything’s on track for him winning it. some random student doing so isn’t even the question—for as long as a black has been in hogwarts, they’ve bagged the top spots (except that one year when james potter’s robes disintegrated in the middle of the great hall due to an accidental self prank and all his assorted muscles & tattoos were on display just a few days before the voting. reg maintains it was sabotage. others say it was an attempt to flirt with his brother, which is exactly the worse option)
except. except. nope. that’s not gonna happen either. sirius consistently sweeps the whole thing. (i forgot the timeline for a sec but if u could ignore canon years and pretend like bella and s were caught when reg was in his final year—this scenario is HILARIOUS)
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lessi-lover · 1 month
illicit affairs II l.williamson x reader
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votes are in and it's romantic szn, this is as much as my tiny brain can handle rn enjoy x
★ illicit affairs II l.williamson x reader
you jumped and let out a yelp as you heard somebody rap their hand roughly against your front door, the familiar voice of your sister ringing through the entrance as she twisted her keys into the lock and popped the door open quicker than you could even get yourself off the couch.
"mil! i told you to return those keys last week!" you groaned in annoyance, snatching the silver piece out of her hand before she could slither it away and tucking it into your backpocket with a shake of your head. the older blonde giving you an amused look before she made her way to your kitchen.
"just let yourself inside, no worries! it's not like i was in the middle of something!" you muttered sarcastically, pushing the door closed behind you as you followed your sister who had apparently decided that she was now entitled to entering your home whenever she wanted.
"oh sis! how wonderful for you to invite me over for dinner!" she cheered, yourself surprised at her sudden appearance as she enfluged you in a tight hug. "hi mil." you wheezed, using your hands to push yourself further away as she restricted your breathing.
"how are you?" she asked, grabbing your shoulders in her hands as she stepped backwards. "i'm doing good, why are you here mil?" you laughed and she only confirmed your suspicion with the way she danced around or more like ignored your question.
"you've really made this place up haven't you?" camilla admired as she walked around your living area, pausing to take note of the time you had clearly spent cleaning up your apartment over the summer break. the small decorations and framed photos that littered your house catching her eye as she filtered through the living room.
the last time your sister had been over was when you'd just moved out your childhood home and the place was filled to the ceiling with unpacked boxes and unpackaged furniture, which meant she promptly left accordingly when she saw your pleading eyes for her to help you carry some heavy things up the front steps.
"thank you? what are you really doing here camilla?" you questioned as camilla took priority on your couch, popping her sneakers up on the sofa, before you could push the dirty soles off as you grimaced at how in a total of five minutes your sister had completely ruined what was meant to be a lovely afternoon at home by yourself.
"what? your favourite sister can't come over just to see you? i don't always want something, i promise you!" she frowned, looking at you expectantly as she patted down the spot next to her. "mhm okay." you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest as you took the spare place on the sofa.
"first of all, you're my only sister. and second of all, you always want something from me, mil. spill it." your sister tutting as she batted her eyes in innocence, the girl notorious for always coming over to your flat with less than desirable intentions for things you most certainly were not in the right mind for to even entertain.
"fine i'll be honest. there's an event on at the sapphire and i planned to go with a friend from work but she messaged me saying she's gone down with the flu from the kids she was looking after and i need a fast replacement." the blonde rambled on, moving to sling her arm around your shoulder as you gave her an unimpressed look.
"and i thought it would be nice if you came with me instead?" she grinned, smiling as if you would magically agree to go to a bar you hadn't visited in years and in reason, squeezing your shoulder which only made you roll your eyes as you sat back up against the head of the couch.
"so let me get this straight, mil. you broke into my apartment to drag me off to some bar because your coworker went down with the flu and you have no other friends to go with?" you quirked your head in annoyance as all your sister did was smile and nod eagerly at you.
"pretty much, yeah!" she exclaimed, her smile widening as she rested her head against your shoulder. "you’re unbelievable," you sighed, running a hand through your hair as her eyes pleaded for you to say yes and you knew there was no point in arguing with your sister because history stands she always gets her way.
"come on it'll be fun! we haven't had a night out together in ages!" she said, flashing her eyes desperately as you shook your head knowing that she would get you down to the bar either way.
"fine, i'll come. but no funny business trying to set me up with any of your mates like last time. swear on it mil! " you yelled, pushing your finger into her chest in accusation at the last time she successfully got you out the house.
you let her know how much you appreciated her little dating experiment one last time as she crossed her fingers in the air in promise, your sister casually making her way to your bedroom before you could even register what you had agreed to.
as you walked her towards your room the blonde followed closely behind, already deciding which clothes she remembered you owned that she was going to rummaging through your closet to find.
"what are you doing, mil?" you asked, watching as she pulled out various pieces of clothing that you hadn't seen in ages, opting not to go to any clubs during the last few months and instead putting all your efforts into your new internship that you had moved down to london for.
"helping you find something to wear, of course," she said in an obvious tone, holding up different tops she had brought out from your wardrobe and holding them against your chest. you rolled your eyes as your sister continued to bring clothing piece after clothing piece off the hangers and carelessly throwing the ones she deemed 'not suitable' onto your bedroom floor.
"this would look great on you," she tried to convince you. holding up a tight black dress and a pair of ankle strap heels in her hand that you had probably not worn since you were out partying every free night in your first semester of college. "i can dress myself, you know. i'm not five anymore."
you sighed at her choice of clothing, flopping back down onto your bed when the dress in her arms and the determined look on her face didn't falter, only a few seconds later when the dress in her hands made its way to you as she tossed it over your face.
"great then if you're all grown up you can go put this on yourself and then we can go!"
"one strawberry daiquiri please," you ordered at the bar, tapping your phone against the pay machine as the bartender quickly got to work. giving a small smile to the man as he started making your drink you sat down on one of the stools, laying your hands on the table and immediately recoiling your hands from when you felt the stickiness of the counter surface.
"sure thing. you look like you could use something sweet tonight, darling." you nodded with a tight lip, keeping your smile friendly but small enough to signal that you weren't really interested in the man and that he better go try his unhandy pick up lines on another desperate girl tonight. besides he really wasn't your type anyway.
you slumped back into you seat, seeing the obvious guilt in your sister's eyes as she made eye contact with you from across the room. the guy she had met at the door had his arm slung loosely around her waist as they sat together in a barely visible corner by the window, the both of them clearly having had a few drinks and looked hazy as they spoke loud enough for you to hear.
looking around the crowded club although not one you had commonly visited before tonight you felt weirdly comfortable, but it still felt unusual to be back to the scene years later when during your college days you seemed to be here almost every night, chasing after your then boyfriend who came down with his close mates most free evenings.
that relationship had ended in shambles. leaving you with an all to bitter taste for the london nightlife which seemed to had stayed well and truly alive in your time away, as if time hadn't taken it's toll it seemed the same crowd was still hitting the club on a saturday like you could remember.
it was never nice to catch the person you trusted cheating on you only to find out from other club regulars that the affair had been going on for months and they weren't even aware that you were his girlfriend let alone that he had one to begin with.
the betrayal of the guy you had dedicated years of your highschool life to had cut you deep and even now you still found it difficult to fully immerse yourself in relationships that weren't purely just for sexual intimacy and rather deciding to relieve yourself with meaningless hookups and flings to save yourself the tears if somebody decided to break your heart again.
you took one more look at the guy your camilla was still talking to; his curt looks, arrogant smile similar to that of your ex and you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at how sure of herself your sister looked and how carefree she looked as she spoke to him.
the scars of your breakup were still fresh on your skin and looking at the man from across the room the memories of those nights spent trying to fix your irreparable relationship came flooding back.
the endless screaming matches, the tearful conversations, and the eventual breakup that had left you unable to feel the need for a relationship again.
"come on, can we dance?" you looked up to see camilla standing in your eyesight, you had clearly missed her walking over as you were so far gone in your thoughts.
the blonde was slightly out of breath and definitely a little tipsy, probably from the fact that as soon as you had entered the building she had been dragged off by the guy she had been stealing air time from for the last thirty minutes, you'd never seen him but he certainly seemed to know your sister.
"really, mil? you've just spent the last half hour with some guy and now you remember me?" you smiled in amusement, adjusting your position at the bar to properly tease the older girl as she almost knocked into the table when she moved closer subconsciously.
"could've sworn you invited me here yourself? or did i dream that?" you teased, poking your sister in the stomach as she declined the bartenders offer for another round with a curt wave of her hand. the blonde shook her head in determination as she continued to coax you out of your seat, her hand sliding around your wrist as she pulled you up.
"oh, come on, sis! it's just for a little fun! you can't spend the whole night sulking over your ex." she decided, grabbing your hand as you lifted the last remains of your drink to your lips and she pulls you away to the dance floor.
"leah you're being a stick in the mud! just go find a lay and quit sulking alone with a beer!" beth grinned, slipping her hand around her friends' ice cold bottle as she moved it across the table. "i was drinking that." leah seethed, giving the blonde a dirty look as her other friend, lia passed the pint back to the blonde with a small minded smile.
"besides. there isn't anyone here i want," she shrugged with a shake of her head. the blonde still not able to find a single person in the entire club that she wanted to take home with her, which was not a common occurrence she would find herself in.
the women kept looking more and more painfully straight the more time she spent in the bar and looking even lesser friendly than when she had first walked in.
and men she could quite easily call her mates all only interested in talking to her about football, which generally speaking was fine but the european champion was looking for any excuse to talk about something other than work, but it seemed she didn't have luck on her side tonight.
and it wasn't going to come any faster than her will to stay at the club for any longer as she continued to drink moodily in a booth behind the dance floor, the dance floor she would certainly not be hitting tonight.
admittedly it wasn't difficult for the english skipper to have a different hook up almost every night and it wasn't an unusual scene for her to have a meaningless hook up running out the back door of her apartment, heels in hand and a skimpy dress from the previous night pulled haphazardly across their chest as they tried to escape the discomfort after what would have been incredible sex had brought in the morning.
the blonde had clocked up quite the reputation at the small pub she and her friends were drinking at tonight and if it wasn't for her taken saturday nights she knows her free minutes would certainly be spent back at the bar with another random girl she hadn't even caught the name of hanging of her lap like every other night.
but something was off about tonight, as if the looks she'd received when her friends had entered the club were enough to tell her that she was known, and it probably wouldn't be as easy for her tonight as it had been the last.
beth leaned over to leah's side with a mischievous grin, her eyes trying to communicate with the blonde although she definitely could not understand what her friend was trying to say. the english woman gave her a raised brow, wondering what beth was up to as she cornered even closer.
the blonde leaned in even closer to leah, her breath fanning against her captain's ear as she pointed towards your hard to look at lonely self sat at the open bar. "what about that one? she's cute and alone and possibly waiting for somebody?" beth suggested, her voice dripping with intent as she nudged leah out of her seat with an insistent push that almost had her falling over.
leah followed beth's eyes, eventually taking in the sight of you sitting by yourself, looking ever so lost in thought as you traced patterns with your nails into the sticky counter beneath your drink, somehow entertained by the small indents that in made into the rough wooden surface.
"cmon. don't go fucking waitresses like usual, she's beautiful lee." beth pressured, nudging her friend when she tried to shrink further down into her seat.
"i don't know, beth." leah replied, glancing at the woman across the room. she really did think you were so gorgeous and maybe that was the thought in the back of her mind stop her from going up to a pretty girl like she usually would. "yes you are, she's exactly your type and she's all alone waiting for her charmer."
the younger blonde sighed, setting her beer down on the table in front of her friends with a resigned thud. "fine, i'll go talk to her," leah muttered, rolling her eyes at beth's triumphant smile and the way she wiggled her eyebrows in encouragement of the footballer finally getting up to talk to a girl like she usually would be found doing so.
straightening her jacket and running a hand through her hair, the blonde made her way over to you, her earlier moodiness dissipating as she approached you and could see your face clearer. noticing the distant look in your eyes and the way you seemed to be in your own world, not even glancing up when she stood in front of you.
leah cleared her throat to get your attention, offering a cocky smile as you finally looked up. "hey, i'm leah." she said, her voice dripping with confidence as she started a conversation you were clearly not looking for. "you're not a regular here are you? just coming down to check out the scene?"
you raised an eyebrow, barely hiding your disinterest in the blonde woman in front of you as she so easily read you like a book. "and if i'm not? do you know something i don't?"
leah leaned closer to you, her smile widening, her minty breath lightly fanning your skin. "just trying to figure out why a girl as gorgeous as you is sitting alone on a night like this one. it's not often I see someone like you in a place like this."
"well, aren’t you charming," you replied. your tone as cool as the drink in your hand. "but flattery won’t get you very far with me. i'm sorry but i'm not really interested." leah chuckled, her grin barely faltering at your words as she sat down next to you, silently signalling to the bartender for a refill of her empty glass, the man only nodding with a sneer as he watched her easily start a conversation with you.
"well, pretty girl." leah began, her eyes sharpened on your face as she tried to take in each any feature. "i promise you're not the first to underestimate how good i am and most of london can confirm that one for you."
"you’re not wrong, i've seen that you make your way around." you admitted, a slight smirk tugging at your lips despite yourself barely knowing anything but the girl's first name, you still found it humorous as she raised a brow in surprise.
"though i’m not sure your special charm is going to cut it tonight." you pouted demeaningly, watching as her jaw tensed and her eyes shifted cockily to her right.
leah tilted her head to the side, a smirk of her own playing on her lips as she shifted closer, her hand resting closely next to yours. "oh, is that so?" she gave you her own pout back, grinning when she watched your eyes swell in her direction again.
"well, you don’t strike me as a woman who turns down a good challenge. what do you say we test that one at home?" you eyed her skeptically, noticing the cocky gleam in her eye.
"are you always this confident at getting women into your bed, or is it just me?" you questioned, as the blonde's drink was finally read and she reached her hand over the bar to retrieve it from the bartender's hand.
"just you, darling." leah said, her smile widening as she finally slid her hand comfortably over yours and you let her lock your fingers together as she brought your entwined hands closer to her body.
"tempting offer." you smile, leaning back into the table and crossing your arms over chest. "but i’m not sure you’ve got what it takes to take me home tonight, leah." leah's eyes darkened, her grip on your hand tightening slightly as she leaned in closer, the warmth of her body radiating towards you.
her lips curled into a knowing smirk, her breath brushing your cheek as she whispered in your ear. “is that a challenge, baby? don't think i could handle you?” and you swore your heart may have fallen right there, her lips brushing against your ear as she pulled back to meet your reddened face.
you tilted your head slightly, eyes narrowing as you studied her face her piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you, the slight tilt of her chin that hinted at a confidence you were sure had been built from countless nights like this.
there was something undeniably magnetic about her, something that made it hard to look away from her perfectly sculpted face as she stared hard, begging you to look into her eyes even as your mind screamed at you to keep your distance.
“maybe it is challenge.” you replied steadily, though you felt the faintest flutter in your chest that threw you off, a feeling you weren’t quite prepared for as she took your response as a means to keep testing the waters.
you pulled your hand away from hers, the loss of contact making you feel strangely lonely, but you quickly masked it by wrapping your fingers around your glass, bringing it to your lips to take a slow sip.
“so, do you usually get what you want?” you asked, your voice teasing, but there was genuine curiosity beneath it. leah’s eyes sparkled with that recent mischievous glint, and she leaned in just a little, closing the space between you and looking straight into your eyes.
“more often than not.” she said bluntly, her voice poisoning you a dare that you couldn't help but accept. “but i’m always up for a bit of a challenge. keeps things interesting.”
you felt your breath catch, the intensity of her gaze on your body making you lose your focus and you find yourself stumbling to answer back. “i bet it does.” you mumbled before picking up your glass.
leah’s eyes flickered to your lips as you drank, her gaze lingering on the way your mouth curved around the rim of the glass, and she flickered her eyes away when you looked back at her, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“what do you do for work, pretty girl?” leah asked, her voice softer now, the cocky edge replaced by her genuine tone as she tried to make conversation with you.
she leaned back slightly, giving you space that wasn't nearly appreciated as much as she thought it was, in fact you missed the feeling of her touch on you from only a few moments ago when her hand was wrapped with yours.
“i’m in marketing,” you replied, your voice calm, though a small part of you wanted to reach out, to reclaim her hand and never let it go. you couldn't deny the feelings this mystery woman was making you feel since the moment she had sat down next to you.
“nothing too exciting, really. mostly just trying to convince people to buy things they probably don’t need.” leah’s lips quirked up in a small smile as she listened to you.
“sounds like you’re pretty good at it,” she admired, the blonde enjoying your company more than she initially thought she would. “i bet you can be pretty persuasive when you want to be.”
you couldn’t help but return the same smile, a low laugh escaping your lips. “i’ve had some practice.” you admitted, the relaxed edge creeping back into your voice as you allowed yourself to settle next to her, to let the conversation flow naturally even if you had some nerves.
“but i’m guessing you’re no stranger to persuasion yourself.” leah shrugged, “comes with the territory.” she replied, but there was something more beneath her words, something you just couldn't figure out.
“i play football," she told you, leaving out the part that she played for one of the biggest and most famous football clubs in europe and was a regular player for her country.
you found yourself studying her, noticing the subtle signs, trying to pinpoint whether she was interested in you, or if this was the same old ploy just to get you into bed with her. the way her shoulders were so defined caught your eyes, the slight marks on her hands, the way she carried herself. all the while, she watched you with curiosity, as if waiting to see how you’d react to being caught staring.
“football, huh?” you noted, “so that’s where the persuasion skills come from. contracts, trying to get the ball passed up the line, that sort of thing?” leah chuckled at your mocking words, her eyes narrowing playfully as she tilted her head in amusement. “something like that,” she replied.
“you know,” leah began, her voice falling lower, “this place is nice and all, but..” she trailed off, her gaze sliding over to the dance floor where people swayed drunkenly to the loud music, lost in their own world of liquid sourced endorphins.
“you want to dance?” you asked, trying to keep your tone casual, but there was no hiding the eagerness in your voice as you locked eyes with the footballer.
“something like that,” leah said with a grin, her hand reaching out to you again, fingers brushing against yours as she pulled you out of your seat, guiding you through the stream of drunken people.
as you found a spot among the other dancers, leah pulled you closer, her ands settling on your waist, the other still holding yours. the music thrummed around you, a steady beat that matched how rapidly your heart was pounding as she snaked her fingers into the cut at the back of your dress.
she was fucking intoxicating and you felt yourself drown in her scent as she pulled your face into her neck, swaying you to music that had slowed significantly since getting on the floor. you let the music guide you, the scene around you reduced to a blur of lights and sound and you ignored it.
leah’s fingers pressed gently against your back, her hands falling down to the curve of your ass as she grinned cheekily and kissed your cheek.
as the song reached its end, leah leaned in close to your face, her lips close to your ear, her breath warm against your skin. “want to get out of here, darling?” she whispered, the words carrying an invitation that sent a shiver down your spine as you thought about what the next few hours would entail.
you pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation that you had read her wrong in the slightest way, but all you saw was that same confident look on her face, only this time her eyes were full of lust.
“yeah,” you breathed out, an excited smile tugging at your lips.
“take me home with you, leah.”
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katsu28 · 3 months
ooooo “Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth” for Lando???
thank you for requesting! hope you like this one <3
lando norris x reader, 1.3k, request something from here!
There aren’t many times you can get Lando all to yourself. His job comes with many responsibilities, as does your own. You understand the time and hard work it takes to do what he does day after day, week after week, and you like to think the two of you have found a way to balance it all. Dinners together whenever you can, texting and calling between meetings; you even have a shared calendar on your phones to keep track of your hectic schedules. 
Racing takes precedence on most weekends, of course. Some of them you’re able to attend, but lately things have been getting busy at your workplace nowadays, which means you’ve been working weekends too. Weekdays are slim pickings as well, with all of the traveling and training and things you have to get done as well. 
With all that’s been happening lately, you haven’t been able to spend nearly enough time with Lando. Late evenings at work, long training days—everything seems like it’s been piling up until the only time you really get to spend with each other on days that he’s home is right before bed. And even then, it isn’t long before one of you inevitably falls asleep first. 
Which is why when you miraculously find yourself and Lando with a totally empty schedule today, free of any work related commitments for either of you, you’re over the moon. He suggests a day trip up the coast, just the two of you and the open road. Honestly, you don’t even care where you go, you just want to be with him. 
You’d think he’d be sick of driving given what he does for a living, but he just presses a kiss to your temple, saying that driving with you is something he’d never tire of. 
That’s how you end up here, sitting comfortably in the passenger seat of Lando’s Miura, fingers intertwined with his as he cruises down the coastline. Crystal clear water dotted with boats and even bluer skies on one side, beautiful scenery on the other, and the man you love sitting right next to you—what more could you ask for?
“Like what you see?” Lando’s teasing voice draws you out of your thoughts, and you refocus to see him still with his eyes on the winding highway ahead. But he’s grinning rather smugly, a grin that only grows bigger when you huff. “It’s alright, you can stare at me all you want. I know how sexy you think I am.” 
“That’s bold. Maybe I’m admiring the view.” 
“Yeah, and the view is called my carved-by-the-gods side profile.” 
“Someone’s a tad self absorbed. You’re voted top three hottest drivers on the grid one time and you start getting a big head, hm?” 
“I beat out Carlos, baby! Carlos fucking Sainz! You’ve seen the man, do you know how that makes me feel?” 
“Is there something I should be worried about, Lan? Are you going to leave me for Carlos?”
Lando snorts, aiming a brief but still effective skeptically arched brow at you. “Please, if I was gonna leave you for Carlos, I would’ve done it already.” 
“Oh, cheers. That’s reassuring.” 
“Happy to help.” 
“Can I play some music? I need to drown out the sound of your complete and utter betrayal.” You grumble, slouching in your seat with crossed arms. Lando laughs and nods, passing you his phone. He knows you’re just being fussy for the dramatics of it all.
You scroll through his Spotify playlists in search of something that looks interesting, but one in particular instantly catches your eye. Labeled “For my love” with an absurd amount of heart emojis after, you can’t help but feel like maybe, just perhaps this one might be for you. Or for Carlos, but you’re ninety percent sure it's you. 
Next to you, Lando inhales sharply through his teeth like he’s just remembered something, hand shooting out blindly. “Fuck, wait, hang on—” 
“Lando…” You say, only slightly teasing. All previous betrayal is instantly forgotten. You shift so his wiggling fingers can’t reach the phone, giggling a bit at the garbled noise that escapes from his mouth. He’s obviously figured out what you’ve just come across. “What’s this?” 
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” He sighs, cheeks already flushing pink. “It was meant to be a surprise.” 
“You made a playlist for me?” 
“Well, yeah. It’s sort of embarrassing.” He mumbles, suddenly sounding bashful.
“Oh come on, don’t get all shy on me now.” 
“Alright, fine! At first it was for me. Just songs I thought you’d like, and I’d listen to it all the times I was away and we couldn’t talk. Or if I was nervous before a race and started spiraling. And then…it just turned into songs that made me think about you. Made me think about us.” 
“There’s hundreds of songs on here, how did you even—when did you even start making this?” 
Lando swallows hard, knuckles flexing on the steering wheel.
“Honestly? The day we met. Call me a weirdo, but from the moment I saw you I knew you were it for me. Took both of us a while to get our shit together, but I never stopped believing it.” He says softly, hastening a glance over at you. He smiles and shrugs, reaching out to thread his fingers through yours once again. “And the songs…I dunno, they’re just my way of remembering how we got here. I meant to save it for our next big anniversary, but you’ve mucked it all up by being nosy, so now the cat’s out of the bag!” 
“You’re so fucking cute, babe,” You coo, leaning across the center console to press a smattering of kisses to the side of his heated face. “You made a whole playlist for me and listened to it when you missed me? That’s the cutest thing anyone’s ever done, you sap.” 
“Yeah, alright. You can shut up about it now,” He grumbles, but he still looks pleased. “Have a look through it. I think I’ve got some good ones on there.” 
The more you scroll through the list of songs, the more you feel like your heart is about to burst out of your chest. It mixes your music taste and his, and in a way, it feels very representative of not only who you are as individuals, but who you are with each other.  
It reads like a letter to you, to your relationship. To who you were back then and who you are now, who you’ve grown into together. 
There’s no doubt that in the years you’ve known each other, you’ve both changed. You’ve had good times and not so good ones too, but one thing that’s always remained is each other. From friendship, to teetering on something a little more, to finally finding love with one another, Lando has been the most unwavering constant in your life. You think that deep down, it was something you already knew, even from the first time you’d met him. 
“I’m gonna fucking cry, Lando,” You whine, emotion seeping into your words.
“Why? Is it bad? Is it too much?” He looks worried, but he can’t exactly take his eyes off the road to see why you’ve had the reaction you did.
“No, no. It’s perfect.” 
His shoulders sag in relief, and the smile returns to his face. “Oh. You like it?” 
“I love it.” You lift your joined hands, pressing a kiss to his knuckles that has him positively beaming with adoration. It goes without saying, but you truly don’t think you could love a person any more than you love Lando. You don’t want to, because he’s it for you. 
“You know what else?” He hums his piqued interest, likely expecting more praise. “Carlos can suck it. I got a playlist, what did he get? Absolutely nothing!” 
“For fuck’s sake, I was kidding!” 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new fic :)
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world0fmadness · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆ ✩ ˚ LOVELY VOICE
lando norris x voice actress! reader
featuring: a bisexual reader and lando being obsessed with reader
faceclaim: assorted
୨୧ i know pride month has just passed but let me be! the timing for all of the games is completely wrong but once again, it’s fanfic, just let me be… i’m really just sticking with this short and sweet formula, i like short and sweet things, i no longer care about trying to stretch them to be as long as possible because longer ≠ better
୨୧ related hc available here and here
reading music recommendations: in the flood by ariana gillis - blood upon the snow by hozier - warning call by chvrches
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ynln: had an incredible time at the game awards last night! met so many amazing people, the event had a great energy and oh! i won best voice actress for my role as aloy in horizon forbidden west! holy shit! thank you so much to everyone who voted for me and congratulations to the other winners ♥️
landonorris ✔️: there goes my girl!
❤️ liked by ynln
landonorris✔️: so so so proud of you love, your awards outshine mine ❤️
❤️ liked by ynln
> ynln ✔️: thank you lan but don’t make me laugh <3
> landonorris ✔️: what? i’m telling the truth
ynlovevoice: DESERVED! your voice acting in this game in particular was insane
lewishamilton ✔️: congratulations yn! was watching the event, your speech was great ❤️ here’s to many more wins, i’m sure! 🥂
❤️ liked by ynln and landonorris
> ynln ✔️: thanks lewis! means a lot coming from you ♥️
loveuyn: oh my god her and lando looked so good 🫣
> lanyn: hottest couple there and they knew it
oldf1lvr: when the camera panned over to her after she won, you could literally see lando cheering SO loud right in her ear 😭
> lanyn: i hope her hearing is okay lmao
> seyloy1: he was hyping his girl UP 💔 he had a facebook mom moment with his phone too, taking pictures of her on stage when there was literally like 10 professional cameras doing it for him 😭
oscarpiastri ✔️: you both looked terrible, truly… congratulations on the win yn!
> landonorris ✔️: i know you’re jealous oscar but there’s no reason to lie, is there?
❤️ liked by ynln
> ynln ✔️: because i’m feeling nice tonight, i’ll just ignore that first part! thank you oscar…
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ynln: behind the scenes of my upcoming game, judas! i’ll be voicing a very different character to my usuals so stay tuned 👀
loveuyn: ANOTHER YN VOICED CHARACTER? she is spoiling us this year guys omg…
landonorris ✔️: can’t wait for this one, love ❤️
❤️ liked by ynln
> lanyn: he’s so supportive of her i can’t 😭
> iluvf1: supportive? he’s downright obsessed with her! he literally has every figurine ever released of all of her characters lmao
> ynln ✔️: can’t wait for you to play this one ♥️
> landonorris ✔️: …dotface 🙃
> ynln ✔️: i thought we were over this…
> landonorris ✔️: i can hear you laughing in the kitchen
❤️ liked by ynln
> oscarpiastri ✔️: why are you commenting back and forth when you’re in the same house? christ…
> landonorris ✔️: leave us alone oscar, we’re in looove, something you will unfortunately never experience
> oscarpiastri ✔️: whatever…
> landonorris ✔️: ohhh someone is salty 💔
> ynln ✔️: lando enough omg 😭
seyloy1: are we getting yn as a major antagonist for once? i’d dieee 🫣
> loveuyn: no but really… she’d make such a hot major antagonist… she already went crazy as bela in resident evil village and that was a minor antagonist…
ynlovevoice: she’s so cute oh my god…
> loveuyn: there really is two sides to yn fans, the people that find her cute and the people that find her hot… i’m the latter 🫢
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landonorris: my girl has been working so hard for her next game! took her karting as a reward ❤️ check out the trailer here, i’ll be playing it on stream so tune in then!
ynln ✔️: ah yes, MY reward!
> landonorris ✔️: you loved it!
❤️ liked by ynln
> ynln ✔️: i guess i did, thank you lan ♥️
❤️ liked by landonorris
> oscarpiastri ✔️: you guess? you were bouncing off the walls begging to keep going even as the place was closing…
> ynln ✔️: this is why you’re always a third wheel and it’s never a double date, no one likes a sourpuss
❤️ liked by landonorris
lanyn: they’re so so cute together… when will it be my turn? 💔
oscarpiastri ✔️: never coming karting with you two again, she nearly took my leg off and you egged her on
> landonorris ✔️: sounds like you should’ve kept your legs inside the kart
> ynln ✔️: yeah, sounds like another you problem
> oscarpiastri ✔️: it’s always a me problem…
❤️ liked by landonorris and ynln
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ynln: happy pride month! as a member of the lgbt+ community, the importance of genuine representation in media is something i hold dearly to my heart ♥️ here’s to all of the wonderful wlw characters i’ve voiced 🏳️‍🌈
oscarpiastri ✔️: happy pride, loser
> ynln ✔️: loser? well at least that means i’m still miles cooler than you oscar ❤️
> landonorris ✔️: ohhh burn, oscar, go cool off in a ice bath
> oscarpiastri ✔️: wasn’t even a good “burn”… i hate it here
loveuyn: i wouldn’t be surprised if they named their future child clementine, given how much that character means yn 🥹
> iluvf1: i’m not a gamer, can you explain why?
> loveuyn: it was the first character yn ever voiced at age 9, then 11, then 13 and finally 16! she basically grew alongside her character and has expressed how much she loves her
landonorris ✔️: happy pride, love! SEYLOY FOR LIFE ❤️
❤️ liked by ynln
> lanyn: lando being a #1 seyloy shipper will always be the absolute cutest thing to me 😭
> landonorizz: right? instead of being a weird ass bf that gets stupidly jealous, he ships her characters with other characters
lewishamilton ✔️: happy pride month yn, sending lots of love your way ❤️
❤️ liked by ynln and landonorris
> ynln ✔️: love from lewis, what everyone wants but only some can have, thanks lew!
> ynln ✔️: oh and happy pride right back at you
> oldf1lvr: omg 😭
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
lando has some trauma
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purinfelix · 2 months
forever young ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
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pairing: (childhood bff) gavi x reader summary: a scene from your childhood, a promise from your best friend, and a full circle moment word count: 889
a/n: it's finally done! this is the gavi fic i couldn't decide on the ending for - thank u to everyone who voted in my poll for it <33 😭 - also I KNOW there aren't live commentators when you watch football matches in person okay its for the plot
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“In ten years, I’ll probably be so good that I’ll score all the time! And you can come and watch my matches!” 
You could remember it like it was yesterday - Gavi sitting next to you on a park bench, the two of you messily devouring ice cream cones you had begged your mum for enough pocket money to buy. He was excitedly explaining his plans for when the two of you were older, him being a professional footballer obviously, and you still by his side. 
“And when I do score, I’ll point up to you in the stands just like this, okay?”
“That’s so far away in the future, you’ll probably forget by then,” you sigh, but you can’t stop yourself from laughing as he poses and his melting ice cream drips down his small hands and onto the pavement below. 
“I won’t, I swear!” 
You nod unconvincingly, more concerned with making sure your treat doesn’t become a similar mess and for a moment the two of you sit in silence. The warm summer sun tingles on your round cheeks, even as the approaching afternoon causes it to dip below the horizon. You watch as Gavi tries again, and fails, to clean up his hands by lapping up the dripping ice cream. Despite being so young, you’re struck by a sudden desire to retrospectively freeze this moment in time and make sure the two of you can stay like this forever, safe from the changes growing up might hold. 
“I’ll have to go back soon,” Gavi’s voice cuts through your uncharacteristically angsty thoughts, as he turns back to you worriedly after noticing the dimming skyline. 
“Ah, right,” you mumble, slumping back onto the bench - the two of you had been enjoying yourself so much you had almost forgotten how strict of a curfew the academy gave him. 
“Hey, don’t worry!” Gavi pipes up, noticing your expression, “the more time I spend training the sooner you’ll get to watch me score super cool goals!” 
You try your best to muster up a convincing smile, not wanting to send him back in a bad mood after the two of you had had such a fun afternoon together. Satisfied, he finishes what’s left of his icecream before hopping up off the bench and brushing the crumbs of his cones off his lip. You stand too, albeit slower, since you too need to get home before it gets dark.
“Oh and hey, Fermin showed me how to use the dorm phone last night, so I can finally call you! Keep an eye on your phone tonight, okay?”  
Before you can reply he pulls you into a tight hug, and all you can think about is how you hope he can't feel how hard your heart is beating in your chest. Before you can hug back he’s already pulling away, shooting you another quick smile before turning to jog in the direction of the dorms, and you wave goodbye as you watch him go. You’re not sure why you do this, since you’re pretty sure he won’t see you - but if not for him, you wave to give yourself an excuse to stand there a little longer and watch his tiny silhouette disappearing into the afternoon sun.
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Despite the deafening cheers of thousands of fans, Gavi is able to spot you from where he's standing on the pitch - his worried expression is instantly replaced with a beaming smile, his arms frantically waving to get your attention. As soon as you spot him you can't help but do the same, almost falling out of your seat as you do, excitement coursing through your veins.
Sitting back, you take a minute to take everything in - the vibrant green of the field is almost blinding and the clamour of everyone around you is enough to give you a headache. But more than anything, you're hyper-focused on one thing tonight, this being the first professional match you'd been able to watch your childhood best friend play.
The match starts with the shrill shriek of the whistle, and you're on the edge of your seat, eyes following the quick movements of the ball as best as you can. To be honest, you know very little about football despite Gavi talking your ear off about it at any opportunity you gave him - but you know enough to know he's absolutely killing it. It's actually a little difficult to keep up with how fast he's moving.
It happens before you can even register it, but the surge of cheers and people jumping up around you forces you up to your feet to join in. Your eyes race, desperate to find your friend - but it seems he's already found you, both eyes locked on yours as he points up to you with the widest smile you've ever seen.
At that moment, you see an echo of the young boy you had fallen in love with over ten years ago - and you can't believe he's kept his promise, the pose and smile the same as it had been back then. You're breathless with joy, and you feel your heart swell.
"Oh, and what's this? The young midfielder seems to be pointing up to someone in the stands!" the voice of a commentator booms through the speakers as you sink back into your seat, your cheeks almost aching from how wide you're smiling.
"We can't really see who it is, but whoever it is must be someone extremely special to him, and extremely lucky!"
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writingwithciara · 7 months
For The Cameras ~Matt Sturniolo~
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summary: a kiss cam produces unexpected results
word count: 1.9k (not as long as normal but a decent length imo)
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader
note: got a sweet message from @lolasturniolo and i loved the prompt. hope you don’t mind that i made it a sorta friends-to-lovers fic 😊
“so who are we taking to the game tonight? we have 1 extra ticket and 3 options.” nick looked at his brothers.
"i vote to bring justin." matt said without looking up from his phone.
"really? i say nate." chris looked around the room.
"so you guys bring me back to boston and i'm not even an option for you?" y/n threw her hands up and shook her head.
"if it helps, i was going to pick you." nick smiled.
"if we each choose a different person, we're just right back where we started." matt set his phone down.
"we could always put their names in a hat and pick randomly." chris suggested.
"or, we think about this. both justin and nate have been to a hockey game and y/n has never been to one. plus, we did drag her all the way here. do we really want to be leaving her alone?"
"well, as good of a point as it is, i'm keeping my vote for justin. we don't spend a lot of time with him and i think it'd be nice to bring him to a game while we're here." matt smiled.
"i'm changing my vote to y/n. she deserves to have some fun on this trip." chris looked at his friend and smiled.
"that's two-to-one." nick looked at matt. "so you're overruled no matter what."
"okay fine. but justin gets to go with us to the next one." matt stood up and went to his room to get ready. chris did the same, leaving nick and y/n in nick's room.
"nick, i don't have anything to wear to represent the team."
"don't worry about it. we can buy you something when we get there. don't forget to dress warm. i'll wait for you to get changed then we can go."
"yes sir." y/n began to dig through her bag for something to wear. she pulled out her favorite ransom shirt and a hoodie she borrowed from chris nearly 3 years ago. after she changed into her favorite pair of jeans, nick came back into the room to change.
once everyone was changed, they met out at the car.
the drive to the arena was short and the car was filled with nothing but silence.
when they arrived, nick went to take y/n to get something to represent the team but matt pulled a boston jersey from the car and handed it to her.
"figured you wouldn't have anything to show your pride in the team so i grabbed an extra jersey."
"wow. you're so thoughtful for someone who didn't even want me to come to the game with you guys."
"i never said i didn't want you to come. i just said we barely spend time with justin and he would've loved it."
"i'm messing with you matt. i don't care that you didn't want me to be here."
"i didn't....whatever." matt walked away with nick. y/n pulled the jersey over her head and looked at chris.
"how do i look?"
"you look..really good." chris smiled and the two of them jogged to catch up to matt and nick.
the group looked at their tickets and went to their seats. matt was between y/n and nick, while chris was on the other side of y/n. he made eye contact with y/n as they sat down and he rolled his eyes.
he didn't hate her, nor did he dislike having her around. in fact, he loved having her around all the time.
to him, she was perfect. and his brothers knew it. they were always trying to push them together but y/n would never show interest in him & had only referred to him as a friend. and so born was his hatred towards her.
as the game went on, y/n cheered at the right moments and matt couldn't help but admire her every feature, hoping he wouldn't get caught.
unfortunately for him, chris and nick were in the bathroom when the kiss cam came around. he was still admiring y/n when the camera pointed at them. she noticed the stupid grin on his face and looked over at him.
"i think you should look at the screen, matt."
"huh?" he snapped out of his daze to glance at the screen. the large words KISS CAM flashed in red and his cheeks darkened. he knew he had been caught. he looked at the camera and shooed them away.
y/n stared at him with both shock and awe on her face. part of her wanted to kiss him but the other part of her didn't want to make him uncomfortable. so she just went back to watching the players skate around.
a few minutes later, the kiss cam returned to them and once again, matt declined. this time though, the fans around them booed. it nearly embarrassed matt but as he looked down at his feet, y/n grabbed his hand, almost immediately calming him down.
"thanks." he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.
"not a problem." she smiled sweetly at him and returned her attention back to the players. her hand didn't move from matt's grip but neither of them seemed to mind.
at the end of the 2nd period, the kiss cam returned. no matter how many times matt asked them to leave, they kept coming back. y/n felt matt's grip tighten on her hand so she placed a gentle kiss to his cheek, hoping it would satisfy everyone.
it did not.
the camera continued to point at the duo and all eyes, even the players, were on them.
"i'm sorry about this." y/n whispered to matt before turning his head and kissing him. the crowd finally cheered and the camera crew went away.
but y/n and matt were too wrapped up in each other to notice.
his hand detached from hers and he placed them on her cheeks. y/n smiled into the kiss.
when they both finally stopped kissing each other, the smile on their faces was permanent.
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing or awkward for you." y/n smiled and went back o squeezing his hand. matt didn't say anything. his earlier focus on the game was long gone and replaced with y/n.
when the game was finally over, y/n stood up and stretched.
"oh my goodness. that was amazing."
"yeah it really was." nick smiled and began heading out.
"it was good but i think matt really enjoyed it." chris smirked, earning a punch to both of his arms by his brothers and best friend. "ouch."
"anyone have to use the bathroom before we head out?" nick stopped outside the bathroom and looked at everyone.
"yeah. i promise i'll be quick." y/n walked into the bathroom and matt felt his brothers staring at him.
"so, that kiss was certainly something, huh?"
"it didn't mean anything. it was just to get the kiss cam people off our backs."
"i don't think that was the only reason you guys kissed." chris raised an eyebrow.
"yeah. it looked pretty intense from an outside point of view."
"what do you mean?"
"you guys kissed for like 10 seconds after the camera crew left. you can't tell me that your feelings for her aren't returned."
"please can we change the topic?"
"what are you dorks talking about now?" y/n asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
"the hockey game." matt quickly covered up before the awkward tension got too high.
"it was so good. and oh my god. jeremy swayman is so hot. wow." y/n swooned and began to walk ahead of the boys.
when they got to the car, chris got in the back, allowing y/n to sit up front with matt. the drive home wasn't as quiet as the first drive but the air felt different. like there was something that needed to be said but nobody wanted to say it.
matt put the car in park and everyone got back.
"well, i'm beat. think im gonna go to bed. good night." chris yawned and headed up to his room. y/n followed nick to his room and flopped down on the bed.
"hey, do you have feelings for matt?"
"why do you ask?"
"that kiss tonight seemed very electric. the chemistry between you two was already really intense and if you don't have feelings for him, you need to let him know. because he's been crushing on you for years and the way you kissed him looked like you might have the same feelings."
"god, nick. of course i like matt. what's not to like? he's incredibly thoughtful and he's so cute. he doesn't judge me for my taste." she shot her best friend a look. "he's just perfect in every aspect of the word and...." she paused and sat up. 'are you sure he likes me?"
"when have i ever lied to you, sweetheart?"
"every day since you learned to talk."
"only when it saved your ass." he looked at her as she walked to the door. "but i promise you that i am not lying about this. matt really does have feelings for you."
"okay. if this is some sort of cruel joke, i will never speak to you again."
"and why would i risk that?"
"good point. wish me luck then." y/n took a deep breath and opened the door.
matt was leaning against the counter and when he heard the bedroom door close, he looked up.
"hi." y/n stood awkwardly just outside the bedroom. matt put his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms.
"can i ask you something?"
"of course, matt." y/n's composure returned to normal when she heard the worriedness lining matt's voice.
"why does this have to be weird between us?"
"what do you mean?"
"we kissed and now, the air around us has changed drastically. did you....did you not like it or something?"
"of course i liked it, matt. but it's not how i pictured our first kiss happening."
"really?" he finally looked at her face. "h-how did you picture it happening?"
"this is going to sound really cheesy and cliche. are you sure you want to hear it?"
"oh, absolutely." his interested piqued and he found himself moving closer.
"well, when i pictured kissing you for the first time, i always used to think it would happen after you stood up for me somehow. like a knight in shining armor. and then i would run up to you and kiss you. you would be shocked at first but you would kiss back and you would put so much emotions into it."
"how did the kiss cam kiss measure up to what you pictured?"
"it was incredible, sure. but it didn't meet my expectations." y/n smirked. matt took an extra second to understand what she was hinting at but when he got it, he returned the smirk.
"didn't meet your expectations, huh?" he inched closer. "maybe i should change that. i-if you want me to."
"just kiss me, please."
matt wasted no time at all. he quickly grabbed her face and kissed her. all the feelings they had both been building up for years was being poured out into the kiss.
matt pulled her closer and made sure she felt what he was feeling. and when they pulled away, they both couldn't stop smiling.
"how was that?"
"better than expected, for sure. and something i think i want to keep doing."
"i can totally deal with that." matt smiled before pulling her back in for another kiss.
taglist: @worldlxvlys @lolasturniolo @carolinalikesthings @ciarasturn1 @fearfam69691
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k-atsukibakugou · 8 months
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the bathrooms at house parties are really only used for one thing
pairing: katsuki bakugou x f!reader w/c: 4.0k warning/s:  fem!reader (has a pussy, wearing makeup + skirt), established relationship, toxic relationship, cheating, alcohol mention (tipsy sex), blood/biting/marking/cutting mention, unprotected sex, degradation/name calling (not really but just in case), hair pulling, fingering (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving)
crossposted to ao3 • masterlist • wip updates & voting • kofi • askbox
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“you know you're a terrible friend, right?” your voice was already broken, growing more and more uneven the more your chest heaved against his, your words nearly silent against the blond’s skin, painted lips planting a kiss on his before travelling down his jaw and neck to the collar of his shirt. your airy voice was just loud enough to be heard over the heavy bass music shaking the wooden door, near deafening on the other side of it, the party in full swing, whooping and cheering, and a near constant clink of beer bottles tapping together breaking through the music occasionally, the celebrations downstairs continuing as if the two of you had never been there at all.
“i am, huh? what about you? abandoning the party you set up, just for a quick fuck?” katsuki was too breathless for his mean tone to carry any of the usual bite, the words only coming across as a hushed, panted attempt at his typical bullying. it made you return an equally breathless giggle at him, pulling back from kissing his neck to stare up into his carmine eyes studying you with half-lidded, smoky eyes; your dark eyeliner smudged around them just the way he liked. leaning back on the sink to rest your back against the small mirror behind you, your eyes sparkled staring into his, mischief and lust swimming around the depths of your pupils. he couldn’t wait to have them rolling into the back of your head, exactly like they did every time you met like this, rushing, locked in cramped, darkened rooms whenever you both had a free moment, not a second thought for the time or place, only thinking of feeling one another.
even here, your game of kings cup and bursts of dancing cut short when your eyes met his ruby red ones across the hall the moment he walked through the door, only breaking the intense contact to answer a heavy tap on your shoulder; the birthday boy tilting your chin up for your punishment drink, the cup half full of random splashes of everyone's alcohol; your’s and eijiro’s hard lemonade, ochako’s gin and tonic, momo’s prosecco and jirou’s fruity vodka, and you thought you could taste juuuust taste the beer denki dug out too. eijiro flashed his sharp white teeth down at you in a lopsided grin when you dipped your head back further and opened your mouth, your eyes locked up into his scarlet ones as you tried your hardest not to choke on the gross mixture of the drinks, cheering with high fives, whistling and whooping with everyone when you swallowed it with a sour face, missing the way katsuki’s scarlet eyes tracked a stray droplet of the liquid down your jaw, to your neck, to your chest before it disappeared into your neckline.
while you were celebrating, receiving a boyish slap on the back from hanta, katsuki was still surveying you, only pulled from his focus on you by his friends shoving him in greeting, dragging the fashionably late blond into the kitchen, denki passing him a can while mina handed him a fresh cup, pressuring him to catch up before you could even get in a greeting. katsuki had already downed half the cup by the time the redhead let go of your jaw to greet his final friend to arrive. you wiped your chin, catching any last stray drops from the foul drink with your finger, sucking into your mouth, your heart jumping to your throat catching his gaze once more, cherry red eyes locking to your lips over the rim of the plastic cup, stormy pupils glued to your dark lips wrapped around your finger.
not even an hour after he showed up, here you were: your skirt hiked up around your hips and your hair mussed while your heartbeat thrummed under the skin of your throat against his soft lips, the centre of them stained red from whatever he was drinking before pulling you in here, the empty cup abandoned on the edge of your sink beside your own, both of you preoccupied with exploring hands under shirts, lips and teeth clashing, both of you trying to take everything you needed from each other; desperate to feel his hot skin against yours already, one kiss from him already getting your breath hitching in the back of your throat, your blood burning hot with need.
“oh please, you know that is nowhere near what you’re doing, this has to be some kind of record, you couldn’t even wait, what? a week?” you teased, catching the way his eyes flashed a shade darker in the mirror ahead of you when he spun you around, a threatening squeeze of his rounded fingernails into the fat of your hips and the sharp point of his canines serving as a warning to shut your mouth before he’d do it for you. you were right, he knew it, but he also knew you weren’t much better, maybe even worse, parading around in the shortest skirt he knew you owned; he could picture you clear as day digging through all of them for this one, picking it for the way it hugged your figure, for the ease katsuki would hike it high on your hips to leave your thighs on display, so little of the fabric covering you he hardly even needed to tug at it to admire the curve of your ass. biting your lip, you submitted to his threats, not having the time you typically would to play with him, to mock his obsession with you, your addiction to each other, instead settling in more against the sink, pushing your ass back against him, “you got a condom, ‘ki?
“i’ll pull out,” his warm breath and soft lips on the side your neck reminded you of every time you’d ended up exactly like this, katsuki always determined to kiss you anywhere he could reach in the time you had, but never leaving any evidence, the same couldn’t be said for your lipstick marring his jaw, clearly this rule was being thrown to the wind tonight, dull fingertips digging into your clothed tits as his teeth latched onto your neck, finally laying his claim on your skin after nearly a year of this, letting his fingertips leave ten cute bruises on your skin beneath his hands, ignoring the way you tried to push him away from you (with next to no effort, not really wanting him to stop), whispering sternly to him, “oi.”
“shut up, no one out there is sober enough to notice.” his lips didn’t move far from the side of your throat while he gruffly responded in your ear, sliding your shirt up your stomach to expose your tits to him, hot fingertips toying with your hard nipples as his mouth moved, stormy garnet eyes watching you shiver at his unusually bold behaviour before he moved back up toward your face, nipping hard beneath your ear to force a gasp from you, “‘n i know you need it, sweetheart, need it rougher than what he gives you, i could cut you and you’d thank me. or don’t you remember when you were on your back, voice all high, beggin’ me to fuck you like a bitch in heat? use me, katsuki, that sound familiar?”
you flushed hot hearing him mock your high-pitched moaning, your mouth snapping shut, not wanting to admit you thought of it constantly, replaying his growls and deep groans in your mind when you needed to cum. when you stayed quiet, not admitting anything, he continued, one thick hand travelling up your bare navel to your chest to settle at your neck, holding your jaw like the redhead had earlier, keeping your face forward for him to stare down in the mirror, “next time you tease me like that, you’ll have handprints to try n’ explain to him.”
it wasn’t so much a threat, as it was a promise, no venom coating the words, only desperation underlying his arrogance, damn near begging you to give him a reason to make you his. you melted more into his touch hearing his voice dropping at the mention of his handprints littering your skin, giving up trying to dissect his tone, instead just revelling in his rough, impatient hands roaming your body, slipping between your thighs to stroke the slippery, sensitive skin there, the very tips of his fingers tugging at the tiny amount of fabric there. katsuki’s frenzied touches to your pussy sent electricity through your nerves, the feel of his warm hands on your more addicting than any other date could ever hope to be, his eyes far more captivating, always keeping your gaze locked on his in the mirror, your eyelashes fluttering to break the intense contact the moment his fingers sunk into your dripping cunt with a low groan.
“see, baby? you still need me, you always will.” you were too distracted to respond, to try and argue despite how wet you got looking at him, focusing on keeping your sounds of pleasure as soft as you could, making sure the music remained the most prominent sound in the house. katsuki had already let go of your face, but hypnotised by his sculpted form, you kept staring forward at his reflection, his free hand now pressing on the small of your back to keep you arched in front of him, keeping your needy cunt on display (katsuki addicted to how your body reacted to him, it didn’t tease or mock him, it never lied about how much it needed him). your pussy was the star of the show, evident by the way he toyed with you; plunging and curling his fingers deep inside you until you keened, only pulling them back to rub your clit, taking his time to warm you up, hardly needing to when you fucked him only five days ago in an unused supply closet, shelves covered in a thin layer of dust disturbed only by his handprints and your ass.
you got lost staring at him, your heart racing anytime his strong hands were on you, thinking about what he was saying with his hand around your neck; he was right of course, katsuki had always been the only one to satiate you, to scratch the itch deep inside you that no nice guy you’ve ever dated would be able to, the kind of itch only he could relieve, a frenzied fuck that had you both out and done in under thirty minutes, half of that time spent toying with each other, instead of making love for hours into the night. his thick fingers, sharp teeth, venomous words and stormy glare doing more to you than all the others before him combined, locking knowing eyes with him across a room getting you closer to cumming than some of their cocks.
“quit thinkin’ so loud.”
his words brought you back down to earth, back to focusing entirely on his body heat on your skin, one of his hands squeezing your hip so tight you were worried he’d keep his promise and leave a dark mark on your skin for days to come. attentive eyes were locked on your reflection, he waited until your mouth dropped open to spit back some bratty retort at him, certain it would’ve been dripping with attitude if he didn’t sink himself into you, cutting you off; barking out a laugh at the way your eyebrows furrowed and you immediately bit down on your bottom lip to stay quiet, he thought you looked like your eyes were about to cross like some lewd manga kaminari and sero would froth over. not even giving you a moment to adjust to him, not like you really needed it with how effortlessly he got you wet, katsuki started fucking you urgently, his hips slamming into your ass over and over again, almost as if he was suddenly aware of the time constraint you were on, someone sure to notice the pair of you missing soon enough.
hard porcelain dug into your hips, your hands gripping the edge of the sink doing little to hold your body up against the strength of katsuki’s hips pumping behind you, no concern for the way he kept pushing you forward, your head nearly bumping the mirror if not for him gripping the hair at the back of your head.
“nothin’ to say now, huh, baby? you know i’m right, he doesn’t fucking compare to how i fuck you, or you wouldn’t keep crawlin’ back.”
katsuki’s arrogance was well-deserved, even if you wouldn’t say it aloud, the barely-there brush of his calloused fingertips over your clit had you hissing, your hips bucking into his touch, demanding more. he’ll give it to you, finally giving up the cat and mouse once he was satisfied with how you sought after him, circling two fingers around your swollen clit, lust-filled eyes flashing at the surprised moan that escaped you, your palm not fast enough to cover your mouth to muffle it. your shining eyes rolled at his cockiness, now stuck back in your skull at his ministrations, drawing you closer and closer to your end while you desperately nodded your head as much as you could in his grip at his words rather than squealing out a “yes, yes, yes katsuki!” like you wanted to.
katsuki kept a tight hold on your hair, his grip close to your skull, keeping your head up while the rest of your body slumped over the sink, your chest nearly touching the mirror with how deep your back arched, only getting deeper the more you slid against the slippery porcelain of the sink. your body was entirely supported by his hand, and the sink at your hips, your arms and legs weaker and weaker the longer he fucked you, the fat of your ass rippling with every slap of his hips against them, every thrust back inside you forcing another gasp and whine from your throat, muffled as much as you could with your hand, “you’re really about to cum?”
his voice was back to being mean, low and mocking, nearly black eyes watching your face contort with his words, his rough tone like a lightning strike straight to your cunt, your muscle squeezing around his cock enough to have him following you soon after. you couldn’t even nod if you tried, the only motor skills your brain was concerned with being your hand, buried under your skirt, circling your swollen clit until you were trembling, thighs tense and your knees shaky. still with a vice-like hold over your mouth, your eyebrows furrowed in the centre, your eyes squeezing shut, your tits bouncing against the mirror.
usually he’d be watching your face in the reflection, or the way your tits were spilling out more and more with every rut of his hips, instead, his eyes were glued to the way your cunt and thighs glistened in the dim yellow-y tinted light, admiring the white ring of your cream around his cock. the sight of your cunt so wrecked had his hips stuttering in your beating cunt, having only just enough composure left to pull out of your heavenly pussy, leaving you shaking and slumped over the sink without his strength to hold you upright.
your body felt like unset jelly, your head swimming with pleasure, your body still recovering from waves of aftershocks that had you whimpering when he was muttering to you again, pulling you off the sink with strong hands, “c’mere, baby.”
delirious, you blindly let him guide you to your knees in front of him, his leaking, hard cock level with your glassy eyes, wide and cockdrunk staring up into his. without another thought, you sat up straighter on your knees, reaching a hand out to stroke his cock, wet with your cum, your eyes flicking down when you licked your lips before staring back up at him through your eyelashes, parting your glossy lips to take him eagerly into your mouth, any remaining lipstick you might’ve had after kissing him now smearing down his cock.
“shit,” he hissed when you sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth, your tongue swirling slowly with your hand wrapping around the rest of his hard length, slowly taking in more of him until your lips met your hand, whimpering around him at the taste of yourself on his skin. his hand shot to the edge of the sink when his head bumped the back of your throat, gripping the edge warmed by your skin until his knuckles were turning white. his head fell back to stare at the ceiling with bitten lips, sure if he kept looking down at your pretty face he’d cum down your throat far too fast, garnet eyes flicking down to you when you whined around him, eyebrows squeezed together, your tongue gliding over his skin clouding his mind. katsuki swore again under his breath, squeezing the sink impossibly harder, grounding himself when he pulled out of your mouth, the soft pop sound drowning out your sound of disapproval.
“stick your tongue out.” you obeyed his gruff demand, at the stage of your encounter where you were too dumb to argue anymore, your games at the very back of your mind, resigned to listening, obeying. katsuki’s eyes looked darker, menacing to the untrained eye, but you knew the black was swimming with pleasure, your kneeling form reflected in his endless pupils. his eyelashes cast shadows over his face, kissing the tops of his cheeks, the light hitting the tops of your cheekbones when you tilted your head up toward him, your mouth falling open in front of him while he jerked his wrist over his length; only thrice more until his cum was spilling from the tip to your eagerly awaiting tongue. your lips shined under the light, saliva, your own cum, and now his reflecting under the downlight; your eyes shining with something else katsuki could’t place, the sparkle swiftly replaced with your usual fucked out expression, your mouth closing around the tip of his cock, your tongue flicking over the head to savour the last of his salty taste.
about to take him further into your mouth, desperate to make him shake like he always did when you pressed your tongue to the vein running along his cock– your eyes go wide staring up at him, a gentle, irregular knock echoing in the small room, your heartbeat spiking at the dull sound, jumping away from the blond at the noise, like a child caught in the cookie jar. you sobered up immediately at the noise, your mind suddenly clear and your blood cold, your body lost in anxiety instead of the intoxicating air surrounding katsuki.
katsuki returns a fist of his own on the wall, a louder slam of his hand on the wall than the soft rap of knuckles on the door, yanking his pants back up his hips with his other hand, belt between his fingers when you scramble to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, “occupied, fuck off.”
whoever interrupted you was sent stumbling down the hallway at his brash response, searching for another bathroom while you both tried to recover from the sudden adrenaline surge, katsuki sliding his belt back into place while you sucked in a deep breath, letting it out in a soft laugh before turning around to face the mirror. the silver surface reflecting back your smeared makeup, looking just as debauched as you felt. with another slow, deep breath, you wiped a thumb under your plump bottom lip to clean any remnants of lipstick, cleaning yourself up as best as you could, trying to ignore katsuki shifting from foot to foot behind you while you tugged your skirt, straightening it against your thighs, trying your best to not to look like you were just fucked stupid in the upstairs bathroom of eijiro’s birthday party. katsuki looked perfectly dishevelled, his hair spiked around his head like usual, his belt done back up loosely around his hips, the accessory serving no real purpose other than to watch the way your mouth watered when he tugged it free from the loops. shaking your head, you dropped the thought of his thick fingers around the leather, instead leaning closer to the mirror when you smacked your lips together, your thoughts of him interrupted by katsuki's gravelly voice, “you should head down first.”
your gaze flicked back over to his, he looked as if nothing had changed between his arrival and now, minus his stained, swollen lips, the same couldn’t be said about you, reaching under the sink to search for your lipstick, hoping the cute tone could save you. rubbing the colour onto your lips with your ring finger, you admired the same colour still on katsuki’s jaw, running your fingers over your hair when you were satisfied, you hummed in agreement, “yeah, i’ll go get the cake ready, you’ll come down in two?”
you did a quick twirl, waiting for his approval on your state, his eyes raking over you to make sure your skirt was over your ass, your shirt back in place, and your face clean of lipstick, spit and cum.
“i look alright?”“wouldn’t fuck you if you didn’t, sweetheart.” you rolled your eyes at his teasing, like a switch for his cockiness was flicked back to on, a proud smirk painted on his face, carmine eyes already feeling like he was trying to see through your clothes to the skin beneath, a signature expression around you. he doesn’t move when you shove his shoulder, your uneven movements barely even disturbing a hair on his head when you stumble past him to exit the cramped bathroom, alcohol and adrenaline swimming in your veins making each step downstairs wobbly.
with a lasting stare down at you, mostly watching the way your hips move from side to side, vermillion eyes locked onto a single wet spot on your skirt, the patch easily explained away if anyone could see straight enough to ask you about it, he could already hear your sweet voice now excusing it, “the sink splashed back at me!”, or “ugh, i knocked my drink over when i was fixing my lipstick.”, sure your friends would believe either excuse without a second thought before realising the truth of the spot. katsuki only turns back around to face the mirror when he can’t see you anymore, roughly rubbing at the blooms of colour on the underside of his jaw. he does little more than smudge the pigment around, the colour now covering his fingers and in patchy lines than in the clean kiss marks they were when you’d first locked the door. satisfied he was as clean as he was going to get it, he turned back around, swinging open the door to follow you out.
hearing your laughter in the living room, katsuki makes his way down, sauntering down the stairs far slower than you had, turning left at the end where you swivelled right, circling around to the kitchen from behind, second nature to him at this point to cover his tracks without even needing to think about it. rounding the corner into the kitchen, katsuki’s eyes found you again, drawn to you, a need panging deep in his stomach watching your skirt swish around your thighs as you twirled around in the kitchen, spinning a final time to walk a cake over to eijiro, his name messily written in red icing underneath too many burning candles. you placed it at the head of the table, gently setting it down in front of him, the birthday boy drunk and oblivious to where you and his best friend had disappeared to for the last twenty minutes, even more oblivious to the evidence still on your skirt and low on your throat when he smiled sweetly up at you.
“happy birthday, baby, make a wish!” you plant a kiss on your boyfriends cheek, transferring your fresh lipstick in a perfect kiss stain, identical to the ones katsuki just finished ruining, eijiro slurring back his affection with a bright, lovestruck smile, “i’ve got everythin’ i need with you, baby.”
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© all works belong to @k-atsukibakugou, @gwen0m, and dlirious on archive of our own, do not plagiarise, translate, repost, feed my works into ai or recommend my work on other platforms, or bind my fanworks for sale.
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1d1195 · 5 months
Toothpaste II
Here's the rest: Toothpaste
Here on 1d1195.tumblr.com we throw ethics and patient-doctor boundaries out the window. Proceed with caution.
~2.1k words
Warnings: Some smutty thoughts and innuendos present. We're getting there... 🤭
Now she was situated in the chair once more; looking prettier than she did last week. Perhaps because she was no longer in pain. Harry felt a bloom of pride swell within him. Grateful he could take the tears and pain away from her. She was too pretty to be sad.
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Harry was insistent that she come back in for him to check on her teeth and the cavity he filled. He wanted to make sure that everything was correct and that she wasn’t in pain. He was analyzing her X-rays and consulted his colleagues to see if there was something he was missing when it came to her susceptible teeth. The thought of her in pain—especially after making her cry for several moments during her appointment—made him utterly distraught.
It took every spare ounce of decorum and professionalism in him to not give her his personal phone number. When he read her new patient form that she submitted online, he thought he was just being kind. He didn’t have anything to do that particular Wednesday she needed to be seen, so to him it was no big deal. He thought she was exaggerating—not that he thought patients exaggerated in general, but the idea of her pulling her own tooth out in the hardware store...
There was a reason one of the secretaries had Harry look it over while she laughed at the hyperbolic words on screen. But when Harry saw her, something shifted inside him. He didn’t know she was going to be pretty. So pretty it was hard to believe her teeth were stuffed with so many fillings. He read her dental history for the better part of the hour waiting for her to arrive. It felt like he knew her. The little quips that she expressed in previous appointments: “I’m in pain. Again. I always thought it was a joke that dentists were sadistic. But I think you like seeing me here.”
But the physical beauty was more than he ever could have anticipated. She was dressed for her job, and she was stunning. It made him wonder how anyone managed to work at all. It was hard for him to focus on his job while he was looking into her mouth. He never wanted to kick himself more than making her answer her boss’s phone call. He could see the resignation in her eyes. If Harry hadn’t intervened, she would have gone back to work. Completely in pain and he wouldn’t have gotten to fix her up. Wouldn’t have convinced her to come back in a week to make sure everything was alright.
Now she was situated in the chair once more; looking prettier than she did last week. Perhaps because she was no longer in pain. Harry felt a bloom of pride swell within him. Grateful he could take the tears and pain away from her. She was too pretty to be sad.
“Good morning, love,” he smiled kindly. She grinned back.
“Good morning!” Her voice was cheerful.
Harry busied himself with putting on gloves, checking the computer, and making sure that everything was in place for his examination. “Y’seem t’be in better spirits,” he shouldn’t have felt so prideful. It was his job to fix teeth. But something about her made him feel that way. It wasn’t just that he made her feel better. It was the fact that she looked happier and more relaxed.
“I think you should refill all my current fillings. I wasn’t in any pain. Not even from the Novocain or anything,” she sounded proud herself. It was adorable. Harry was thinking the least professional things about that sweet face of hers and how badly he wanted to kiss her. It didn’t help that he would spend the better part of his examination staring at her mouth. It was a bad profession to fall in love with someone. A sweet gentle smile like hers? He was royally screwed—she didn’t even need to talk.
He chuckled at her assessment. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, love. S’kind,” he pulled the mask over his mouth and sat on the little stool and grabbed the little mirror and dental probe to press to start examining. She opened her mouth instinctively without him having to say a word. Of course it wasn’t otherworldly, but he thought she was. So, it meant something to Harry. It was silly and insane, but he couldn’t help it. She was adorable. It made him nauseous to think she’d be in pain and continue working. Moreover, working for that sorry excuse for a man that screamed at her loud enough Harry could hear through the phone pressed to her ear. “Feeling better?” He asked quietly.
“Uh-huh,” she mumbled around the tools in her mouth. “Muh bett-ah”
He smiled; grateful it was covered by the mask on his face. He was sure he was smiling at her the way he wasn’t supposed to. He was glad he had the glasses and light to hide the adoration that was surely in his eyes as he watched her. “Good,” he nodded firmly.
“I got laid off,” she said. “I didn’t even realize how much I hated it,” she shook her head with distaste coloring her features. “I loved my work, but I hated my job. Does that make sense? Probably not,” she shrugged with a giggle that made Harry almost gleeful with the sound. “But I went right to a temp agency, and I’ve already had two job interviews. My boss didn’t write me a letter of recommendation, but the HR woman was happy to do so for me. Apparently, she was really sad I was let go,” she frowned. “I guess I caused the least amount of drama in the entire building, and it was right of me to stick up for myself. That’s what sick time was for,” she bit her lip. “So, thank you.”
“Me?” Harry couldn’t contain the surprise on his face or in his voice. He pulled the mask from his mouth, removed the goggles and light. Confusion lined his face as he tilted his head at her. “I jus’ fixed y’cavity love. S’my job.”
“But you made me stay so you could do that. If you didn’t tell my boss off, I probably would have gone right back to the office before you had a chance to help,” she explained.
He was glad his assumption was right, but it made him sad. Frowning, he tutted disapprovingly at her. “Love, s’not good.”
She shrugged. “It’s irrelevant now. I’m happy for the first time in like two years. Money is a little stressful, but I got a severance to keep me afloat. They have to give me insurance through the end of the year or until I get a new job so...” she shrugged. “I have good references. Plus, I always have dental school,” her smile was so cute. Like a secret for just the two of them. It nearly made him blush.
He chuckled. “Well...m’glad y’happy. If y’have trouble finding a job let me know. I know people...and I was serious. I’d hire y’in a heartbeat.”
“I’d be useless, Dr. Styles. I know next to nothing about dentistry other than my own history—”
“Harry,” he said quietly. A reminder that he told her to call him that last week.
She bit her lip. “Harry,” she repeated just as soft. Like she wasn’t supposed to say it. “Anyway, thank you,” she repeated, gratefully. “But I think I need a little break. I took that job because I was fresh out of college and wanted my foot in the door. I can wait a minute before taking a new job. I can research and make sure I don’t just like my work but my job too.”
God, he wanted to kiss her. “Well, m’offer stands,” he started to remove his glove from his hand.
“Actually,” she said and pointed to one of her molars in the back of her mouth. Harry left the glove in place. “One of my old fillings has a rough edge, could you look at it? I was so stressed-out last time I didn’t even get to ask.”
“Who was this dentist, love?” He frowned. She giggled sweetly leaning back in the chair. Harry grabbed the little mirror off the tray of tools. He didn’t replace his goggles or his mask. He just reached gently for her lower jaw and held the mirror in front of her lips. “Open.”
“Not even dinner first?” She asked quietly, with a smile. It was a reflex. Flirty and inappropriate beyond his wildest imagination. This time he did actually blush. His own lips parted, and his eyes flicked to hers unsurely and he almost released her jaw. “Oops,” she giggled, feigning innocence. Harry was so startled he didn’t know what to say to her. The words were lost. She flirted with him. It made the pit of his stomach flutter with butterflies and his heart skipped a beat. How was she so casual about it? She was so cute and so pretty he couldn’t believe it. “Sorry,” she whispered more seriously. “It just slipped out,” she promised. “I’ll be professional,” she assured him, straightening her posture and her eyes seemed to lack the light and playfulness that he witnessed only seconds before.
But he didn’t want her to be professional. He wanted to make another joke. Or lock the exam room door and take her up on the offer. But he needed to relax before his scrubs left little to the imagination for her innuendo and how it affected him below the waist. He cleared his throat and peered in her mouth trying to focus on the task when all he could focus on was how pretty her mouth was open and waiting for him.
He shook his head. “Fuck, love,” he mumbled.
“S-tha bah?” She asked around the tools in his mouth. Her eyes widening with fear again like they did last week.
“No,” he shook his head. “S’nothing. I’ll fix y’up in a minute,” he mumbled removing his hands and turned back to the computer to occupy his mind and hands before he did something stupid.
“A dentist has never cursed at my teeth,” she continued.
“Mm,” he was trying to play it cool. He didn’t want to think about what she said. Even though it was adorable and funny. Even if it was on the inappropriate side.
But Harry didn’t care if it was inappropriate.
“I have. God,I have,” she shook her head. “Sometimes I think I should just get dentures. But I need better insurance for that.” He didn’t even crack a smile, staring at his computer, trying to keep his composure. “Me and this mouth,” she mumbled. “Between what I say and my teeth I just always ruin something here.”
“Y’didn’t,” he sighed. “Y’didn’t ruin anything,” he murmured.
“You won’t even look at me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It was inappropriate and honestly rude. You’re a professional. You’re taking care of my teeth doing my job. I’ve dealt with enough sexual harassment seminars in the workplace to know that was out of line and I shouldn’t—”
“I liked it,” he turned to her and caught her gaze, cutting her sentence off. Her lips were partially open, not helping any of the inappropriate fantasies that were plaguing his mind at all. She was speechless. Harry thought it was the first time in their two meetings that he had seen her speechless. “M’not supposed to.”
“Right,” she whispered quietly. “I’m sorry,” her cheeks flushed with the same pink color as the bubblegum toothpaste that the little ones requested in the office. “I...I won’t do it again,” she promised looking at her lap shyly.
“S’not what I meant. It was funny and cute,” he smiled at her. The first sign he was breaking when he really shouldn’t have. But she was a consenting adult. There weren’t any explicit laws in thinking she was cute and adorable. He wanted to get to know her more. It just wasn’t his best idea. Sighing, he rubbed his jaw. Caution to the wind. “Can I take you to dinner?”
She smiled, and despite so many cavities when he could clearly see her gums and teeth were otherwise so well taken care of, she had the best smile. A perfect smile. All that dental work must have stressed her beyond belief. There was a mischievous glint in her eye, and he should have known the second he suggested they get dinner what she would say. But he was so enamored already he wasn’t thinking clearly, obviously. In just two short appointments it was easy to see she made his mind all jumbled. But he should have known already what she would say, all the same.
“Just so I’ll open wide?”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl @somethingabout1d19
toothpaste taglist**: @risicup322 @harryyskiwii @luvonstyles
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 months
A Shot at Love: Welcome to the Mansion
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5.65 words
meet the 12 eligible bachelors
It’s time, for the premier of ‘A Shot at Love: An NHL Dating Show AU’ ! The 12 lucky bachelors arrive at the mansion to meet our lovely bachelorette Y/N!
Who will impress? Who will receive the coveted first rose? It’s all up to the viewers in this one of a kind interactive au series!
Voting is only open for 24 hours, so be sure to cast your vote for who should get the first rose!
note: if you want to be added to the tag list for this series, please comment or send me an ask! :)
A deep sigh left your lips as you looked yourself over once more in the mirror, palms smoothing over your dress before nervously messing with your hair.
In just a few minutes you’d be introduced to twelve NHL players that were going to be competing for a chance at forever with you. The idea was one you sure would never come to fruition when first pitched to you, and when you found out the players of the league would be voting for the twelve eligible bachelors, you were surely convinced the concept would die.
But as the twelve players were determined and had all accepted their spots on the show, you were realizing this funny concept had turned into your reality.
“Y/n, are you ready to get this show started?”
The voice of Paul Bissonnette interrupting your thoughts as you turned to find him and Ryan Whitney, the hosts of the show, both waiting patiently for you before heading out to the front of the mansion to welcome the mystery men.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
A soft chuckle left your lips as you could feel your palms growing sweatier as you headed for the door. The limo transporting the men now visible in the distance as it drove down the long winding driveway.
“Pink Whitney to calm your nerves?”
Ryan pulled 3 mini bottles of the pink lemonade flavored vodka from his suit pocket, Biz quickly taking one and cracking it open.
“Are you guys gonna constantly plug your vodka during this show?”
“You bet your ass we are!”
Biz and Whit tapped their bottles together before throwing them back, you rolling your eyes before joining them in taking the shot.
“Alright, we are gonna go give the boys a warm welcome, then it’ll be show time!”
Nodding your head you watched as the two hosts headed down to meet the limousine, each of them climbing inside to welcome the mystery men. Your nerves at a high as you tried to imagine who would’ve actually accepted a spot on this show, quickly running through every team in the league trying to picture who would come out of the limo. Surely no stars were putting themselves on a dating show, your expectations assuming them to be lesser known guys who maybe didn’t have some superstar image to uphold.
“Holy shit Whit, look at these fucking beauties we got in here!”
Whit quickly smacked his co-host as the group seated around the limo laughed. “Biz watch the mouth! This is national television, you’re gonna get us fired before we even make it to the rose ceremony.”
Biz covered his mouth in embarrassment before mouthing an I’m sorry to the camera.
“Alright boys, so you’re all here because the players voted you all as the worst in the league when it comes to dating and the ladies. So congratulations!”
The limo erupted in laugher and some half hearted cheers. “Y/n’s waiting for you all. She’s a little nervous, but excited. And she’s a drop dead smoke show, so it’s you all who should be nervous!”
Biz went to climb from the limo, time for the grand reveal, but Whit stopped him. “Biz, I think they all could use a little liquid courage don’t you think?”
Whit pulled a bag full of Pink Whitney bottles seemingly from out of nowhere, tossing one to each of the men. “This portion of the show is sponsored by Pink Whitney, the official drink of ‘A Shot at Love.’ Cheers boys!”
As you headed to the bottom of the staircase out front of the mansion, hearing the boys all saying cheers with their shots in the limo, you rolled your eyes.
“Those two are seriously gonna plug that drink every chance they get.”
Biz and Whit reappeared and headed your way, signaling that it was finally time to meet the men that would be competing for a shot at love with you. Your mind racing as you wondered what their opinions of you would be. Would they like you? Would they think you were attractive? Certainly being professional athletes they’ve had plenty of women throwing themselves at them.
“Y/n, it’s time. Should we bring out the first gentleman?”
A simple nod was all you could muster as you patiently waited for the door of the limo to open and Biz or Whit to call their name, wondering who you might see emerging from behind it.
“From the New Jersey Devils…Nico Hischier.”
Nico stepped out of the limo, his smile immediately settling your nerves. A hand running through his hair to ensure it sat perfectly as he buttoned his suit jacket before he walked towards you.
If this was how the night would start, you couldn’t imagine who else was hiding in the limo.
Your heart racing as Nico now stood in front of you, politely taking your hand and kissing it. A true gentleman.
“Hi y/n, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Hi Nico, likewise, even though I had no clue you would be here.”
The blush on your cheeks had to be visible at this point as you couldn’t stop smiling. His accent sounded like music to your ears as he spoke.
“Though I have no clue what to expect out of this experience, I’m excited to get to know you,and for you to get to know me. At the end of this hopefully we are jetting off to Switzerland together.”
“I mean that would definitely be a pretty great ending in my eyes!”
“Well we could leave now? Screw this show?”
Nico playfully pulled your hand to run, but stopped as he laughed, making you melt right there.
“I don’t wanna take up more of your time, I’ll let you meet the rest of the guys. But I promise they won’t be as great as me.”
Nico shot you a wink before heading up the stairs and into the mansion, your smile now permanently on your face.
“So? What did you think of that fine piece of Swiss chocolate?”
A cackle left your mouth at Biz’s drunken commentary, shaking your head as Whit moved to knock on the door of limo to signal the next man to reveal himself.
“You guys are drunk and we’ve only met one guy, oh my lord.”
You were surely in for a wild night, and this was only the beginning.
“From the Philadelphia Flyers, Jamie Drysdale.”
“Hi y/n, it’s nice to meet you. You, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you Jamie, it’s lovely to meet you. How’s your shoulder doing?”
Jamie was shocked at your question, surely he didn’t expect you to be familiar enough with him to know he’d injured the same shoulder two seasons in a row. Laughing a bit as he playfully rubbed it.
“It’s good, better than ever. I’ll never turn down a good shoulder rub though.”
“Maybe if you’re lucky we can do that later for your one on one time?”
“Sounds like a plan to me, I’ll head inside and find a good spot for a massage.”
Jamie flashed a smile before heading inside, Biz looking towards the car to see who was next. A soft chuckle leaving his lips as he gave you a thumbs up, as if to say it’s a good one.
“From the New York Rangers, Matt Rempe.”
Your eyes went wide as the Rangers rookie emerged from the limo. You’d seen him on tv and knew he was tall, but seeing him in person made that crystal clear.
A soft chuckle leaving your lips as you could sense his nerves and the awkwardness emanating from him.
“Hi, um, I’m sure you get this all the time but, you’re even taller in person.”
“Yeah, I hear that sometimes. Does that mean you’ve watched me on tv?”
“I might have a few times, but don’t think that’s gonna give you any type of advantage here!”
He smiled wide as he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m just happy to be a part of this with a pretty girl like you, I’m not expecting any special treatment.”
“As long as you don’t start any fights here okay?”
He shot you a devilish grin as he headed up the stairs.
“No promises.”
“Hey, how many shots have you boys had over there?”
You shouted across the drive, noticing the two men getting the giggles. Most likely laughing at something stupid, telling you they were well on their way to being drunk.
“We might as well have just brought a whole bottle out here. These mini bottles aren’t cutting it.”
Shaking your head you smoothed your hands over the front of your dress, readying yourself for the next mystery man to emerge.
“You guys aren’t gonna make it to reveal number six at this rate.”
“From the Seattle Kraken, Vince Dunn.”
The moment Vince stepped out of the limo he’d immediately caught your eye, noticing his style differing from the first few guys. No suit for Vince as he wore a short sleeve shirt that was tastefully showing off the outline of his chest and arm muscles thanks to it being a little on the tighter side. Pairing that with some solid colored chino pants, and some slip on vans.
“Am I a little underdressed or something?”
He playfully joked as he walked up to you, giving you a hug before taking the time to look you up and down. A smile on his face as he held your hand.
“If this is your style, then never worry about being underdressed. I think you look great!”
“Suits are great and all, but my mind is always focused on when I can just throw on my sweats and be comfy.”
“Trust me I’ve been thinking about that the entire time I’ve been standing here, I especially can’t wait for the moment I can take my bra off.”
You and Vince laughed as he made his way towards the staircase to head inside and join the growing group.
“Oh me too, taking my bra off is the best part of my day for sure!”
“From the Vegas Golden Knights, I fucking love this kid-“
“Biz watch the goddamn mouth!”
“Oh fu-I mean, fudge. Jacky Eichs!”
Jack emerged from the limo laughing at the two drunk hosts, both of them giving him a little cheer as he made his way to you, giving you a hug before he introduced himself.
“Hi y/n, I’m Jack. And if we are gonna be together at the end of this, I think it’s important I be honest with you right from the start.”
“Okay, I love honesty.”
He sighed, as if to suggest it was something tough for him to say, making you nervous as this was only night one and you weren’t expecting any drama this soon.
“My, my real name isn’t Jack, it’s John. Woo, that feels good to get off my chest!”
Rolling your eyes you let out a sigh of relief, playfully smacking him on the chest as he laughed. “I thought you were gonna say something off the wall crazy Jack, I mean, John?”
“You can call me Jack, I just didn’t want any secrets on day one, big or small you know?”
He headed up the stairs as Biz and Whit are still shocked they never knew his real name was John, chirping him until he’d finally shut the door to the house behind him.
“Fuc-fudge me Biz what are we on six now? I mean I can’t even see who is coming out of the limos anymore.”
“God forbid you say the wrong name Whit, better put on the glasses for the next one.”
“From the New York Islanders, Mat Barzal.”
If your heart could stop beating, but somehow you’d still be standing and breathing, it had just happened. The minute he’d stepped from the limo you were confused as to how he’d ended up here. Mat was one of the hottest guys in the league, but he did have a bit of a reputation. So how they got him to agree to something as crazy as this, you’d never know.
“Y/n, nice to meet you, I’m Mat.”
“I know, I’ve seen you on tv once or twice, so I know a thing or two.”
“Uh oh, good things or bad things?”
His smirk shot you right through the heart and you could barely focus on speaking. Aspiring how good he looked in his dress pants as loose fitting button up, following Vince in the more casual style of dress.
“I guess you’ll have to wait and find out?”
He shot you a wink before heading inside, your heart rate not slowing down as you urged Biz to hurry up with the next man.
“From the Anaheim Ducks, Gouda!”
You looked at the two hosts confused as Whit shook his head at Biz, taking the Pink Whitney bottle from his hands as he quickly corrected his partner.
“Jesus Christ, please ignore his drunk ass for the rest of the night, it’s Trevor Zegras.”
The smiley boy emerged from the limo, running a hand through his hair as he approached you. Wrapping you in a tight hug as he seemed to exude confidence.
“Hi y/n, so nice to meet you.”
“You as well, is it Trevor or Gouda?”
He threw his head back laughing as he shrugged. “Whatever you wanna call me, I’m here for it. Trevor, Gouda, maybe your boyfriend by the time things are done here. I’m fine with any of those options!”
“Confident, okay, I like it . Well, I’ll stick with Trevor for right now, don’t wanna get ahead of ourselves.”
Shooting him a wink you bid him farewell as the next man was already emerging from the limo.
“From the Vancouver Canucks, Quinn Hughes.”
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Quinn was known to you as a bit more reserved, often quiet. And quite frankly, he was the last person you expected to be on a dating show.
“You seem a bit surprised, were you expecting Jack to come out of that limo?”
He shyly laughed as he gave you a hug. Quickly shaking your head you tried to erase any thoughts from his mind that you weren’t thrilled to see him.
“No no! Not at all, you just don’t strike me as the dating show type.”
“Well I guess there’s a lot you need to learn about me. For one, reality dating shows are actually a guilty pleasure of mine. And two, maybe I’m not afraid to admit that t I might need some help in the dating department. So here I am.”
“I guess you could say I need some help too and that’s why I’m standing here. But I’m very happy that you’re here too Quinn!”
“How many more guys are there holy shi-shoot?”
Biz headed to the limo, peeking his head inside to count the remaining guys.
“Can we speed run these last guys? Like oh my gosh.”
“Imagine standing on cobblestone in heels this whole time Biz!”
“Exactly! Speed round, hello?? Whit, help me out here!” Whit shook his head as he continued with the script, not wanting to add to the list of reasons he and Biz would be on the chopping block after this episode airs. Most of those reasons being the accidental f bombs and high alcohol content.
“From the Toronto Maple Leafs, Auston Matthews.”
If you had to rank the players you were most familiar with, Auston would have been towards the top of the list. Though you knew of him for the fact that Toronto wasn’t known for doing too hot in the playoffs the last few years, though you’d never say that to him.
“Hey y/n, how are you?”
He wrapped you in a hug with a smile plastered in his face, unsure if it was him or the Pink Whitney shots that had you blushing.
“Hi Auston, nice to meet you. Loving the outfit, different from the other guys. Which is good, helps you stand out for sure.”
He playfully showed off his outfit, which was more street style than formal attire. But it was true to Auston, which you appreciated him taking the chance to just be himself and show that.
“Figured it was best to show up true to me. Glad you like it. I’m hoping that here I can bring home the win, unlike my track record on the ice.”
“Viewers, he said it, not me!”
You pointed to the camera, staring it down playfully as you laughed, Auston backing you up that it was his words and not yours.
“God bless, final 3 boys, then we’re done.”
“Biz they still have the opportunity for some one on one time, we aren’t done after this.”
“Jesus….pass me another shot.”
“From the Montreal Canadiens, Cole Caufield.”
The smile on Cole’s face never left from the time he exited the limo to when he hugged you. Kindly greeting you as he introduced himself.
“Y/n, ask him what his nickname is.”
Cole immediately shook his head at Biz butting into the meeting, “we really don’t need to do that. Maybe we can reveal that if I make it past tonight.”
Despite Cole’s pleading to ignore Biz, you couldn’t help but be intrigued. “Is it really that bad?”
Cole sighed as he rubbed his neck, debating on whether or not he wanted to tell you. “I’d rather leave you guessing for now, it’s not bad, just, not television appropriate let’s say.”
Your eyes went wide as your mind raced as to what the nickname could be, but letting it slide as you could sense Cole’s nervousness.
“Maybe later you can tell me without these two hanging around.”
Cole smiled as he headed inside, hearing him mumble “fuck I need a shot after that” on his way up the stairs, making you chuckle to yourself.
“I don’t know who let this kid in because he’s not even old enough to drink Pink Whitney, the official sponsor of ‘A Shot at Love’. But he’s here so I guess we just have to deal with it. Get this boy an apple juice, from the New Jersey Devils, Luke Hughes.”
The idea of 2 Hughes brothers’ being included in this show was not one that crossed your mind, but if it had, Luke would definitely have not been the other brother you expected to see step out of that limo.
He shyly made his way over, a soft smile on his face as he hugged you. You couldn’t help but smile, trying your best to make him feel less nervous or anxious.
“Hi Luke, very nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. I’m sure you weren’t expecting this to become Hughes’ bowl, minus Jack of course. But he’s not that great anyways, so you’re not missing much.”
The two of you laughed at his brotherly jabs, appreciating how he’d seemed to relax a bit once he made you laugh.
“Well things definitely just got interesting with 2 Hughes’ brothers in the house, I’d say cheers to the idea of you both making it to the end, but the boys said you’re not 21.”
Like shrugged off the comment, not paying much attention to that fact. “Trust me, it’ll come in handy for me when all these other guys are hungover trying to compete in some sort of physical challenge!”
You were thankful that you’d reached the last guy to appear from the limo, desperately needing to not be standing on cobblestone in your heels.
“And finally, thank the lord, from the Utah Hockey Club. That’s so fucking weird to say oh my god, John Marino.”
John appeared from the limo, laughing at Whit’s comments on his new team, and if you were honest you’d not paid much attention to him prior to him being traded. But as he walked over to you, with a smile on his face as he ran a hand through his loose curls, you were mad for not paying attention sooner.
“Hey y/n, how are you?”
“I’m good, feet hurt a little from standing for so long, but I’m surviving. What about you? Last guy having to sit in that limo all night.”
John shrugged it off, “it was worth my butt falling asleep 4 times if it meant I got to walk out here and see you.”
Playfully holding a hand to your forehead as you pretended to become faint, John laughed.
“Well it’s true! You look beautiful, and I’d wait in the car for another 4 hours if I had to. But, I’ll wrap this up so we can get inside and you can get your feet off this cobblestone. Lovely to meet you, and I’ll see you in there.”
John pulled you in for a hug before heading up the stairs, Biz and Whit joining you as the three of you followed suit. Ready to welcome all of the guys as a group.
As you headed inside, the competition was now seeming like it was going to be more difficult than you’d imagined. Thinking of all of the guys that were inside waiting. All of the handsome, funny, talented athletes, full of personality. How the hell were you going to eliminate any of them tonight?
Entering the room the men had all been waiting in, you took a deep breath. Facing them all together made you nervous as they surely had been sizing each other up from the moment they’d all settled in. All of them smiling once they saw you walk in, a few whistles and cheers coming from the group while you found your place in front of them.
“Okay, well, we’ve made it this far! I can’t speak for Biz and Whit because I think they are one shot away from passing out on us. But, I just wanted to thank you all for being a part of this crazy journey. I find it hard to believe that the twelve of you would voluntarily put yourself through something like this, for me. And for a shot at love. I’m so excited to learn about each of you for who you are off the ice, because that comes first to me. I’m not paying attention to who in this group scores the most goals, who plays on the best team. I’m here looking to find my person, and I’m excited to know that one of you will be that guy.”
The guys cheered as your lovely hosts were passing around more Pink Whitney shots, as if they’d hadn’t had enough tonight already.
“Can you two even handle another shot?”
“Are you kidding? Pink Whitney is the official sponsor of ‘A Shot at Love’, and the best pink lemonade flavored vodka on the market. Of course we can handle another shot! Plus, we made the damn thing!”
Rolling your eyes you accepted the shot from Biz, the group holding their shots up as you proposed a toast.
“Well, I can guarantee with hosts like these there will never be a dull moment around here. Cheers to ’A Shot at Love’! Sorry Luke…promise we will get you something non-alcoholic for next week so you can still feel included.”
Everyone tossed back their shots, then placed the empty bottles on the table. Immediately the competition had begun as it was a race to who was going to ask you for some time alone first.
Jack Eichel appeared at your side, taking your hand as he asked if the two of you could talk, the other guys immediately groaning at his eagerness to steal you away.
The two of you found a spot in one of the side rooms, taking a seat on the sofa with a sigh as Jack laughed.
“Tough night so far?”
Shaking your head, you smiled as you weren’t trying to come across tired or anything with the night so far. “No no, just, nice to sit down! Heels on cobblestone do not mix.”
“Well if beauty is pain, you must be in agony because you look gorgeous tonight.”
Blushing at his words you couldn’t help but smile, softly biting at your lip the way the compliment just effortlessly rolled off his tongue.
“You’re a pretty smooth talker Mr. Eichel. How’s the night been for you? Probably weird seeing all these guys under one rough and you’re all competing in a different way than usual.”
He nodded his head as he chuckled, “you could definitely say that. It’s weird seeing some of the guys, only because they seem a bit out of place in my opinion. Like I know we were voted here by guys in the league, but some of these guys, I mean Luke Hughes? He’s 20, how much dating experience does that kid have? I just think it’s a little unfair to him that he found himself thrown into this you know?”
Nodding your head you were unsure what Jack’s intentions were with this conversation. It seems odd that he’d take his first opportunity to chat with you to talk about who he believes should and shouldn’t be in the house.
“Well, hey, he’s here right? So, either he will make the best of it and find love for himself. Or he won’t. But, I think that’s for him to worry about Jack, not you, you know?”
The conversation with Jack continued on, thankfully moving away from the focus on what guys were voted in the house, but soon enough you’d be interrupted by another man trying to steal your attention.
“Knock knock, times up Eichs.”
Jack looked over his shoulder to see Auston and he reluctantly got up, playfully whining that time went by too quick. Bidding you goodbye as he exited and allowed Auston to take a seat next to you.
You could feel your smile had doubled in size from the moment Auston walked in. Something about him just gave you butterflies, and you almost felt embarrassed for how excited you were to see him.
“How are you?”
He took your hand in his as he watched you attentively, waiting for your response as you laughed. “I mean, it probably sounds wrong to say, but I’ve got 12 pretty amazing guys all in one house because they want to date me. That’s a pretty nice feeling I’d say?”
Auston laughed with you as he sipped his drink, nodding in agreement.
“I mean, I think we’d all be crazy not to be here, and any one of us would be lucky to walk away with you after this.”
Though all the guys had made a point to say that, you could hear the sincerity in Austin’s voice, he meant it.
“I guess I just wonder how some of you ended up here, or why. I feel like you all should be in relationships and unavailable, how do some of the league's best stars get voted here by their peers?”
He shrugged as he sighed, “because that’s just it, we’re stars, so we should have a girl on our arm. And there’s countless girls we could have on our arms. But, they aren’t there for the right reasons, because of who we are. I can’t speak for any of those guys, so I’m simply speaking for myself. I’m not here for a check, some screen time to promote myself, I’m here because I genuinely think you could be the girl I’ve been missing.”
You felt your heart practically melt at his words, something you’d only ever dreamed of hearing someone say to you.
“I can’t tell you how amazing that makes me feel, hearing you say that. Truly.”
He held your hand tighter as he could see you trying not to get emotional.
“I’ve been through my fair share of rough relationships, being used or played by guys. And, it’s not fun. Thinking you’ve found someone that loves you for you, and it turns out to just be a game to them. But I can hear in your voice how sincere you are, and you mean what you say. And that really just warms my heart. So thank you.”
“Well I’m happy to be the one to say those words to you. And I hope you really do trust me when I say, you’re going to find someone here. Whether it’s me, which I hope it is, or another one of these guys, you’ll find your person. I promise you that.”
Conversations continued throughout the night, some more awkward than others. Particularly with the younger guys like Matt Rempe and Luke Hughes. Both of them taking awhile to open up, but as soon as they did another guy was coming to take their place.
Jamie made a point to ask if you were serious about his shoulder massage, to which you told him if he won the date with you next week you’d promise to give him one.
Trevor and Cole were probably the most talkative out of any of the guys, both full of energy and constantly cracking jokes. Which you appreciated since you knew you needed to find a guy that could make you laugh, that was non-negotiable.
You were sure that Nico was thankful when Quinn came to interrupt the two of you. You’d been talking Nico’s ear off asking him about Switzerland, his taste in music, anything you could think of to get to know him better in the short amount of time. But little did you know he found it adorable, loving how sincerely interested you were in learning about where he’s from, and his interests. He wished he didn’t have to let anyone else have their time with you because he could’ve talked for hours.
Quinn noticed you were a bit talked out when he walked in, but he didn’t mind. Taking the league in telling you about himself, making a point to talk about his love for his family and how important they were to him. He expressed that his past relationship struggles weren’t exactly his fault, as he wanted to be sure the girl he chose to be with would love his family and vice versa. He was a picky sort of guy, but he wasn’t the type to waste anyone’s time when he knew what he wanted, and you appreciated that. Hearing him talk about his family and the love he had for them, it warmed your heart because you could only hope that you’d be the girl Quinn chose to meet his family one day.
As the night was winding down, with only a few guys left to talk to, you found yourself realizing that also meant an elimination was just around the corner.
“How the hell am I gonna do this?”
Questioning yourself as you paced the floor, your thoughts the only noise in the room, you tried to imagine who you would eliminate. But it seemed almost impossible to choose, they were all so amazing. Sure some conversations weren’t the best, but no one had given you a reason to say goodbye to them so soon. Not to mention you still needed to decide who would get the first rose of the night.
Letting out a groan you plopped back onto the couch in a huff, resting your head in your hands. The pressure of things weighing heavily on you as you tried to calm your nerves.
“Is now a bad time?”
Looking up you saw John poking his head in the room, a playful smile on his face as he waited for your invitation to join you.
“Now is actually a great time, please.”
A slight laugh came from you as John found a place on the couch, studying your expression and sensing how stressed you were. Before you could say anything more he pulled you into his chest, one hand rubbing your back while the other rested in your hair. You felt yourself melt in his embrace, that hug not what you’d expected, but everything you needed. John could feel you relax the moment his arms wrapped around you, a smile on his lips knowing such a small action could bring you so much comfort.
“Thank you, I, I really needed that.”
A soft blush on your cheeks as you pulled away, tucking some hair behind your ear as he smiled down at you.
“It’s okay to be stressed. This is a crazy experience, probably more for you than the rest of us. But, a crazy experience nonetheless.”
John’s hand rested on your thigh as his thumb traced circles over the fabric of your dress, simply enjoying being there with you in that moment and not needing to have conversation or ask you tons of questions that could add to your stress.
“Y/n, we’ve got 5 minutes before first rose.”
Biz popped his head in to give you the warning, a soft smile on your lips as you thanked him. Looking at John with a sigh, you apologized.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get time to really talk, I was busy being stressed.”
He wrapped you in a hug once more before heading off to rejoin the group. “Don’t apologize, I think we spent our time exactly how you needed it. And I’m happy to have helped in any way that I could’ve.”
Entering the room to see all of the guys once again, you could feel your heart beating out of your chest. Their eyes on you as you stood before them holding the first rose of the night. All of them were hopeful that their name would be called, knowing it would be a boost in confidence for them heading into next week.
As you scanned the room, you took a deep breath, a smile on your face as his name sat on your tongue, eager to shout it out and see his reaction. But you kept your composure, as you finally called his name.
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joekeeryswife · 7 months
Love island Episode one: Coupling up.
a/n: it’s here! thank you to everyone who voted over this past week. here is the love island series. Mason has his pretty prince hair😍. villa is the 2019 UK love island villa, it will get better but i wanted to get the coupling up over with. anyways sorry if there is any mistakes, enjoy reading 🩰
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you’d never been this nervous before. sure you’d been nervous but never this bad. you had been scouted for love island by the producers and you thought you’d give it a go. you had a pretty big following being a model/influencer with just over 500k followers and this would be the perfect opportunity for you to finally find love instead of focusing on your job.
you walked into the villa in you hot pink bikini, you picked it because it would stand out and that’s what you wanted to do. you wanted to make a good first impression on whoever was in here. you made your way to the garden and saw four other girls meaning you were the last to enter before you saw Maya Jama.
“hey everyone” you said making the four girls turn towards you and scream with excitement. they met you halfway and one by one introduced themselves to you. “i’m Molly nice to meet you” she kissed you on the cheek and hugged you closely. the next girl hugged you “hi im Chloe” she hugged you.
“i’m Anna” she hugged you and kissed your cheek and then you finally moved onto the last girl “im Amber nice to meet you” you didn’t know what it was but the girls even though you hadn’t been in there long had all made you feel welcome already.
“i’m y/n, nice to meet you all” you were still nervous as Molly poured you a drink. “so, tell us about you y/n. what’s your type?” you took a sip of the champagne before starting. “well, i’m 22, in a model and influencer. my type is tall, tattoos, brown hair brown eyes, tanned skin, someone who’s athletic and don’t think i’m weird but i love noses” the girls laughed.
“don’t worry y/n, i’m with you on that one” Chloe laughed. “tell me about you girls then, we are gonna be living together for a while” you tucked your hair behind your ear as you listened to them.
Chloe started “well, i’m 25, i’m a marketing executive. my type is anyone who is taller than me to be honest. i don’t really have a type i usually go for. i like anyone, and i do have a thing for noses” you laughed again knowing that this was gonna be a recurring thing that you would all speak about.
“as you know i’m Molly, i’m 23 and i’m an influencer. my usual type is a tall brunette but i’m open to get to know everyone here” you nodded and then Anna started talking. “so i’m a pharmacist and my usual type is anyone taller than me, because i’m so tall i want someone taller than me”
to be honest Anna was very tall so it wasn’t a shock that she’d want someone taller than her. lastly Amber started talking “i’m a beautician so i do facials, lashes, lip filler, everything like that and my usual type is tall dark and handsome, i don’t know how else to explain it” you all laughed and then you all heard a voice behind you.
“hello girls” you turned towards the voice and saw Maya standing there. a few of the girls screamed, seeing her made this experience feel so much more real. “how about we all gather around the fire pit and have a chat?” all of you made your way over to the fire pit and sat down.
“so, Amber, tell me, how are you feeling about being here? are you nervous? excited?” Amber nodded “yeah i’m excited because you never know who’s gonna come through that door like it could be the love of my life” her gordie accent thick as she spoke.
you all laughed and nodded, you really never knew who was about to come through the door. “Chloe, do you think you could meet someone here? or are you skeptical about it all” Chloe shrugged “i’m pretty skeptical but i’m optimistic about the whole thing. i’m excited to meet everyone else”
“okay well, are we ready to meet some boys?” you all cheered and made your way over to the five love hearts that were by the pool. you were on the fourth heart in between Anna and Chloe. “right, remember girls that you can step forward for the guy you like but he can pick any one of you even if you don’t step forward” Maya spoke so you understood the rules.
“let’s welcome our first boy Ovie” you all looked toward the door and saw him, he was very good looking. you all clapped as he made his way down the steps. “you girls doing alright?” you all said yes as he stood next to Maya. “so girls, step forward if you like the look of Ovie” you looked at the girls and saw Anna, Chloe and Amber step forward.
“wow three girls stepping forward already. Amber, why did you step forward?” Maya questioned “he’s just really good looking, definitely my type” Ovie was shocked that three girls stepped forward for him. he was hoping for at least one let alone three.
“y/n, why didn’t you step forward?” you blushed “now don’t get me wrong you’re very good looking but i just want to see the other options before i step forward for someone” Ovie and Maya nodded understanding where you were coming from.
“okay Ovie you have three beautiful girls who have stepped forward for you but who have you decided you are going to pick?” he was silent for a few minutes before he finally spoke up “the girl i would like to couple up with is Anna” Anna clapped with excitement that Ovie picked her. to be honest when they stood next to each other they looked perfect together.
“okay, next boy we have coming in is Toby” you all clapped again as he made his way down the steps and you heard Chloe whisper ‘oh my god’. she liked him for definite. “okay girls, if you like the look of Toby please step forward” straight away Chloe stepped forward. Chloe was the only one who stepped forward for Toby.
“okay ones not bad” he said making you frown but you quickly changed your face back to normal. “Toby you have Chloe who has stepped forward for you, would you like to couple up with Chloe or would you like to couple up with someone else?” Maya said fidgeting on her feet.
“Chloe is beautiful so i’m going to couple up with Chloe” you all clapped as Toby made his way over to Chloe and he kissed her on her cheek. Chloe blushed and smiled happily that Toby picked her.
“Molly why haven’t you stepped forward for any of the boys?” Maya asked looking at her intensely. “they just aren’t my type really, i bet they’re lovely but i’m just waiting for that spark straight away” Maya nodded “okay well i think you may like this next boy then, please welcome Tommy”
Molly gasped as he made his way down the steps, she was in shock at how good looking he was. “okay girls, if you like the look of Tommy please step forward” Amber and Molly stepped forward. “wow two girls, didn’t expect that” Tommy said smiling widely. “well, Molly and Amber have stepped forward for you Tommy, who would you like to couple up with? remember you can pick someone who has stepped forward for you, in a couple or even a girl who hasn’t stepped forward.
Tommys eyes scanned through the girls before making his decision. “i would like to couple up with Molly” she jumped a little as Tommy picked her. “thank you for picking me” Molly said as she gave Tommy a hug and he kissed her on the cheek. “you’re welcome beautiful” she blushed brightly.
“okay girls, last two boys. y/n, do you think you will step forward? you haven’t stepped forward for anyone” you nodded “i know, i feel bad but no one has really caught my eye yet” Maya understood “hopefully someone will catch you eye” you agreed.
“okay girls welcome Curtis” you didn’t even like the sound of that name right off the bat and seeing him just solidified that for you. he was not your type at all. “okay girls, if you like the look of Curtis please step forward” you were not stepping forward. you didn’t want to just step forward because you had too, you were here for yourself.
it was silent for a few minutes and sadly no one stepped forward for Curtis. his smile faltered slightly before he quickly put it back on his face. “oh Curtis i’m sorry” Maya said and he just shrugged it off “it’s no bother, they just haven’t gotten to know me yet.” he replied.
“okay well don’t worry, you can couple up with any of these girls. who would you like to couple up with?” Maya continued “i would like to couple up with y/n” your heart dropped but you didn’t show your sadness, you just had to get on with it.
Curtis made his way over to you and gave you an awkward hug. “y/n, how are you feeling?” god you hated that she had to ask you that “oh uhh, i’m glad i got picked but i just didn’t see that initial attraction but i guess i don’t know Curtis?” you sounded like you were questioning yourself.
“okay well, let’s see our next boy. please welcome Mason” you turned your head toward the door and your heart started beating. there he was and you were in shock at how pretty he was. “hey everyone” he said, even his voice was sexy. “girls, if you like the look of Mason please step forward” straight away you stepped forward as did Chloe and Amber followed.
“wow y/n, i’m shocked. you actually stepped forward for someone” you blushed and laughed. “well, it glad she did step forward for me” Mason winked at you and you felt weak. he was making you feel things you’d never felt before.
“Mason you have the choice to couple up with any of these girls, who would you like to couple up with?” Mason answered straight away “y/n” you were ecstatic. “that means Curtis automatically couples up with Amber” Curtis walked over to Amber and Mason made his way over to you and kissed you on the cheek and pulled you into a nice hug. “nice to meet you” he said as you stepped back to the heart.
“nice to meet you too. thank you for choosing me” your body felt hot, he was the perfect man by looks, and he had a nice nose. “well, you’re a beautiful girl. i’m excited to get to know you” you locked eyes with him, his eyes were dark brown but in the sunlight you could see golden hues which were so pretty.
“okay guys, everyone is now coupled up. i’ll leave you too it and remember, if you don’t get to know anyone your place in the villa may be at risk. good luck” with that Maya left and it felt even more real. “should we go over to the swing? i want to know more about you” you nodded your head and smiled. Mason grabbed ahold of your hand and the two of you headed over to the swing.
*to be continued*
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corroded-hellfire · 11 months
Something Sweet - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A collab with my beloved @munson-blurbs
An As You Wish story
Summary: When the Munson boys that you babysit ask you to join them for trick-or-treating, how can you say no? Especially when you have a massive crush on their father.
Note: Happy Halloween! Please enjoy the first time that reader gets to spend the holiday with the crazy Munson gang 🧡
Warnings: older!eddie, dad!eddie, babysitter!reader, male masturbation
Words: 4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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It’s the week before Halloween, and while the weather has cooled and fall decor is in abundance, the Munson boys are still trying to determine their costumes. 
“I can’t deciiiide,” Ryan whines to you, flopping back onto the couch with a dramatic groan. 
You take a seat next to him, scrunching up your nose in thought. “What’re we down to?” you ask. 
“Vampire or Scooby-Doo.”
You consider both options, trying to drown out the sound of the Hey, Arnold episode Luke’s engrossed in. “Hmm…my vote is for vampire.” You laugh when his face pinches in a frown. “That right there tells me you wanna be Scooby-Doo. I knew I could help,” you teasingly add. 
“Hey!” Luke calls out, startling you briefly.  
“Hey is for horses.” You grin. “What’s up?”
The front door opens with a soft groan, and Eddie steps inside. He shrugs out of his leather jacket and hangs it on a hook near the door. 
“Daddy!” Luke calls, pushing himself off the ground and running full speed at his father.
Eddie catches him easily and tosses the small boy over his shoulder as he walks further into the house. Luke’s little legs kick excitedly against Eddie’s torso. 
“Hello, my two jesters.” Eddie smiles, holding onto Luke with one hand and ruffling Ryan’s hair with the other. 
“Whatsa jester?” Luke asks from behind his father’s back.
“Like a clown but fancier. For a king,” Ryan tells him.
“And Princess,” Eddie addresses you, doing an abbreviated form of a bow with his son slung over his shoulder, being sure not to drop him.
The name and gesture make you giggle nonetheless, and you can feel the heat climbing in your cheeks.  
Eddie heads towards the kitchen, but Luke starts to flail in his grip, legs kicking dangerously close to a light fixture on the wall that’s already had to be replaced twice because of incidents involving the little boy.
“Waaaait! I hadda question!” 
“What’s up?” Eddie asks as he plops Luke back down on the floor.
Luke raises his eyebrows. “Not for you.” His tone implies that this should have been obvious. The five-year-old turns towards you and gives you his best pleading smile, complete with batted eyelashes. “Will you come trick-or-treating with me and Ryan? Pleeeeease?”
Ryan instantly loves the idea and bounds over to the stand next to his brother, both of them giving you those large Munson eyes that you’re helpless against.  
“Yes, pleeeeeease!” Ryan adds, jutting out his lower lip in a puppy dog-esque pout. 
As if you could say no to them. You didn’t want to either, really. It’d be fun to go around with them, and you’d never turn down time with Eddie. 
Speak of the devil… “As long as it’s okay with your dad,” you tell them.
As one, the boys spin around to face Eddie, giving him the same longing stare. 
“Don’t give me that look; I invented it,” Eddie tells them before looking at you over their heads. “But, of course. You’re always welcome, you know that.” 
“Yesssss!” The boys cheer and you give Eddie a grateful smile. He nods in return before grabbing a beer from the fridge, opening it using the side of the countertop. For some reason, it’s incredibly attractive to you, and you smile at him. 
“Ryan!” Luke says loudly, jarring you out of your daydreams about your boss. Luke turns to his older brother and places his hands on his shoulders. “I have a very important question.”
“What?” Ryan asks, frowning in confusion.
“Are your pillowcases bigger than mine? Cause we gotta use whatever lets us get the most candy!”
“Ooh!” Ryan lights up at the idea. “I’m not sure, let’s go check.”
Eddie turns to you as the boys dart to their rooms. “How long do you think it’ll take them to realize they’re the same size?”
You just laugh, thumbs dancing around each other nervously. “I’m excited to trick-or-treat with you. Them. All of you.” Heat creeps up your neck in embarrassment.
If Eddie notices, he doesn’t show it. 
“Yeah, me too. I gotta warn you, though,” he adds mischievously, “I’m more ‘tricks’ than ‘treats.’”
You furrow your brow. “What does that mean?”
He leans in so his lips are next to your ear, about to let you in on a secret. 
“I’m home!” an already irritated voice calls from the front door. You’d been so caught up in your conversation (flirtation?) with Eddie that you hadn’t even heard Brittany come in.  
Eddie lets out a small groan under his breath that you don’t think you were meant to hear—it’s just that his lips are so close to your ear. 
Brittany strides down the hall and Eddie takes a subtle step away from you. His wife hardly spares a glance in the direction of you two as she continues down the hall towards the master bedroom.
“I should head out,” you say, eager to avoid any more Brittany appearances. 
“Drive safe,” Eddie says. “Lots of weirdos out there around Halloween.”
“I’m a college student,” you remind him. “I’m very used to weirdos.”
Eddie chuckles and you give him a wave before walking out of the kitchen, exhaling a long-held breath once the door closes behind you. 
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On Halloween, Ryan and Luke come bounding out of school, even more hyper than usual. They come bearing crafts that they made in school and chatter on a mile a minute about the fun activities they’d done that day in their respective classes.
“Are you guys sure you need more candy?” you tease. “Looks like you’ve had enough sugar to last a lifetime.”
They just chant “more candy” in response, and you regret even asking. One of them hyper, you could handle no problem. But when it’s both of them? This is how you assume zookeepers feel while trying to care for the monkeys.
“Whatcha dressing up as tonight?” Luke asks once their chanting has come to an end.
“Ah, that’s just gonna have to remain a surprise,” you tell them, a smirk growing on your lips even though they can’t see it from the back seat.  
Once they figure out that they’re not going to break you and get the information they want, the car ride is filled with them singing at the top of their lungs, even Ryan, who is usually much more reserved. They jump from song to song: some they must know because of Eddie and some from Disney movies. 
Despite their protests to rifle through their bags when you get home, you manage to get them to eat some apple slices with peanut butter for a snack. Something healthy before their mouths feast on the pounds of sugar they’ll collect tonight. 
They still have an abundance of energy, so you get the idea to teach them the Time Warp dance. It’s something you remember learning long ago—from your sister, actually. And even though they are far too young to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it’s still fun to pass on the iconic choreography to the brothers. 
It also serves as a means to distract them since they’ve now tried twice to peek inside your bag and find out what your costume is. All attempts were unsuccessful. Maybe soon they’d actually start believing that you have eyes in the back of your head. 
You’re just finishing up cleaning the dishes as they jump to the left and step to the right, when the front door opens. Fight or flight instinct kicks in as you freeze on the spot, ready to protect the boys against the mystery intruder. But you relax as soon as Eddie calls out, “who’s ready to trick-or-treat?”
Ryan and Luke run over to their dad as usual, even more excited than they normally are since he’s come home early. 
“Look what we learned!” Luke exclaims, and the two of them execute the moves to The Time Warp as well as they can without music. It’s a little stiff and robotic, but they give it a valiant effort. At least Eddie was able to figure out what the hell they were doing.
“All right, little Riff Raffs,” Eddie chuckles, ruffling their hair. “Let’s get going before it gets too dark.”
“We’re not afraid of the dark!” Ryan protests. 
Eddie points to you as you step out of the kitchen, a shit-eating grin on his face. “She is.”
If the boys weren’t there, you’d flip him off; instead, you stick out your tongue. 
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart,” he coos, “I—we’ll protect you.”
“My hero,” you playfully gush, hands coming up to clasp beneath your chin and your voice going an octave higher to portray your role as the damsel in distress. 
The boys shuffle off to their rooms to change into their costumes, and you go into the bathroom to do the same. You unzip the old, faded gray duffel bag and take your fairy costume out piece by piece, the bright colors contrasting nicely in the mostly black and white bathroom. It would be a little difficult to attach the baby blue wings in the cramped space of the bathroom, so you decide you’ll do that last, out in the living room. The off-white dress you zip yourself into is off the shoulder and the short skirt has layers of cream-colored chiffon resting atop one another. The ballet flats you slip into are the same shade of white as well, with a touch of silver glitter sprinkled on them thanks to one of your friends in the art department at school. Deciding it’s probably easier to put your fake pointed ears on before your flower crown, you struggle to get the right ear to stick. Once it’s successful, you pick up the beautiful, thick flower crown adorned with red roses, pink peonies, and yellow carnations. It takes a little maneuvering to get it to sit on your head just right, but you smile to yourself in the mirror once you’ve got it just how you want it. You inspect yourself as you’re looking in the mirror and decide you’re glad you chose this costume. Of course, since Eddie’s going to be seeing you in it you want to make sure it looks good. 
Bringing the wings and bag out with you, you make your way back into the living room.
“What do you think?” you ask Eddie, mustering up all your courage to give a little twirl. The layers of your skirt spin with you, giving a cool breeze to the tops of your legs. 
Eddie swallows thickly. “Wow, um, I mean, you’re…” Hot. Gorgeous. Sexy. The girl of my goddamn dreams. “…a fairy,” he decides lamely. 
You nod, trying not to show your disappointment at his reaction, or lack thereof. “Yeah, I am,” you say softly. “My friend is going as one, too, so we’ll kinda match.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Which friend?”
“Just someone from school. But we’re both going to the same party tonight, so we figured it would be fun to have similar costumes.”
“Oh, right, yeah.” Of course you’re going to a party. You’re young and carefree. Was he really expecting you to stay here with him and the boys? What would you do, curl up on the couch and watch Charlie Brown and his pumpkin while snacking on candy? And then after the kids go to bed, you and he would taste the chocolate on each others’ tongues—
“We’re ready!”
Luke’s announcement catches Eddie off guard and startles him. He’s quick to compose himself though and gives his boys a bright smile.
“Let’s head on out.”
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“Wait, I’m coming!”
Luke’s slightly shorter legs have him trailing behind his big brother as they climb the small hill to the next house. The orange streetlight glints off the golden dog tag resting against Ryan’s, or Scooby Doo’s, throat. The younger Munson brother’s hand comes up to keep his pirate hat in place as he struggles to catch up. 
The boys have all but forgotten that you and Eddie are there with them. The pair of you trail along behind the two excited boys, strolling leisurely in the chilly air and enjoying talking with one another. 
“Do you think the constant running will balance out any effects from the sugar so that they might actually fall asleep before four in the morning?” Eddie asks. He shakes his head in amusement as Luke barrels up to the next door.
“Unlikely,” you say with a chuckle. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure they’re all hopped up on candy again when you come home from work tomorrow.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you and even in the dim lighting as you walk in the dark patch between streetlights, you can tell how nonthreatening of a gesture it is on his face. You don’t dare for a moment think that Eddie isn’t capable of an intimidating look. Without a doubt, you know Eddie would flip a switch if anything happened to either of his children. You would never want to see anything happen to your two favorite boys, but part of you is curious what temper Eddie hides beneath the coveralls and metal band t-shirts. 
“You want me to fire you, huh? Is that it?” Eddie teases, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. 
“Oh, please,” you say, shrugging your bare shoulders. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
You have no idea how right you are, Eddie thinks. He pretends to consider your words though, as he slips his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket—one better suited to combat the wind tonight than his usual leather. 
“I don’t know,” Eddie playfully muses. “How about you ask that friend of yours tonight if they’d be interested in babysitting two adorable, if not slightly crazy, little boys?”
Your responding giggle is like air to Eddie; he needs it so desperately that it goes far beyond a want or a craving. Each laugh of yours has him feeling like he’s Tinker Bell who needs applause to keep himself alive. 
“Lily serves coffee all day, so she could just as well give that to the kids. I think candy is the better option here,” you say, pulling Eddie out of his thoughts. 
Okay, the friend tonight is a girl, Eddie thinks with relief, before it’s quickly replaced by guilt. Why should it matter to him anyway? But it does and he’s in deep enough where he can admit that to himself. She said they were going as fairies, of course it’s a girl friend. But aren’t you glad to have that bit of confirmation? Jesus Christ, Eddie. Stop having internalized conversations with yourself and listen to what the intoxicatingly beautiful fairy next to you is saying. 
“…my sister’s for Thanksgiving, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen,” you’re saying as Eddie manages to zone back in. “Do you know what you guys will be doing?”
“Uh…” Eddie stammers as he tries to shake the cobwebs out of his brain. “I think it’s our house this year.” Eddie scratches at his stubble as he thinks back to whatever Brittany yammered on about Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. “My uncle might be coming over. Or Britt’s sister and family. I don’t know, I’d rather just go over to my uncle’s place, honestly. Bring the kids back to the home I grew up in and have a nice dinner.” He’s babbling, but he can’t stop himself. “H-Have you met Wayne?”
You nod, confirming with a kind smile. “A few times. He seems really nice, and he obviously loves the boys.”
“Yeah,” Eddie beams. He’s so used to Brittany bashing his uncle that he’s caught off-guard by your compliment. “He pretty much raised me, so Luke and Ryan are like grandkids to him.”
Your heart soars, yet you’re compelled to know why Wayne took care of him instead of his own parents. It’s not a discussion for right now, so you tuck the thought in your pocket and move on. 
“If you need a babysitter to keep an eye on the kids while you get the cooking done, just let me know,” you chirp. 
“Thanks, Fairy Princess.”
“Any time, Boring, Costume-less Man.”
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Somehow despite all the energy they previously possessed, the boys drag their feet on the way back to the house. At one point, Eddie even throws Luke over his shoulder, the little boy slowing you all down so much with his tiny, tired steps. Happily, you hold his plastic pirate sword in one hand and pillowcase full of candy in the other as Luke is slumped down his dad’s back. Ryan trudges along beside you, each of his steps looking like it’s heavier than the last. You duck your head away to hide your smile; it’s just so nice to see him tuckered out after a fun evening with his family—and you, you mentally add. As much as you’d love to be part of this family, you’re still just a paid employee. 
Even through his massive lack of energy, Luke still begs to go through his collected stash before they go to bed. Because he can tell his youngest is wilting fast, he gives the okay while Ryan gets his pajamas on and brushes his teeth. 
“Both of you tuck me in?” Ryan asks sleepily, the palm of his hand rubbing his left eye.
“Sure thing, bud,” you tell him, following him to his room. You and Eddie tuck both of them in, watching contentedly as they snuggle into their blankets. They’re happy, innocent kids; just as they should be. 
Eddie presses a kiss to each of their foreheads. Luke is nearly asleep, but Ryan musters up the energy to crinkle his nose, looking at you through heavy-lidded eyes. 
“Can you kiss me, too?” he asks, yawning at the end of his question. 
“Me, too,” mumbles Luke. 
You look at Eddie for permission, not wanting to overstep bounds. He smiles and steps out of the way, and you place a soft kiss on their scalps and wish them sweet dreams. 
“Thanks, Fairy Godmother,” Luke says with a sleepy smile.
Jesus Christ, I wish she was your mother, Eddie can’t help but reflexively think, shaking off the idea. Brittany. You’re married to Brittany, and she’s the love of your life. Something nags at him that he shouldn’t have to constantly remind himself about it. 
Oblivious to Eddie’s inner turmoil, you giggle and muss up Luke’s soft curls. “See you tomorrow, First Mate Luke.”
“I’m the capt’n…” Luke slurs as he already falls headfirst into sleep. 
Both you and Eddie head back out to the living room and you scoop up your duffel bag that now holds your clothes from earlier in the day. 
Eddie takes full advantage of your back bring turned to let his eyes rake over you. “Have fun at your party tonight,” he says as he appreciates the curve of your ass. “Just be careful, yeah?”
His eyes automatically snap back up as you turn around to face him, hoping the pink tinge in the tips of his ears doesn’t give him away. 
“Of course,” you assure him. You hike the strap of the bag over your shoulder and give Eddie a smile. “Thanks for letting me come with you guys tonight. I had a lot of fun.” I always have fun with you and the boys, you think.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “You did me a favor being there. Didn’t have to wrangle two hopped up munchkins on my own. Also, I had fun too.” Eddie feels the heat stinging his cheeks at the statement, but it’s the truth. 
He walks you over to the front door and just before you reach for the doorknob you remember the wings attached to your back. 
“Oh. Would you mind unhooking the wings for me? It’d be kind of hard to drive with them on.”
He nods quickly. “Yeah, uh, sure. How do they come off?” Eddie asks.
You turn your back towards him and maneuver yourself so he can see them better. “There’s a little hook about midway down my back. About where my bra clasp is.”
Eddie bites down on his lip to silence any noises that might have wanted to escape him at the reference to your bra and just how close his hands will be to it. That, plus the way your soft dress feels against his fingers as he undoes the hook and the heat radiating off your body has him half hard in his pants. 
Okay, maybe three-quarters hard, but who’s measuring?
A shiver goes down your spine as well at the feeling of his hands so gentle against you. Guys your age just paw at you, treating you like a piece of meat. You’re not used to being handled so delicately. Eddie clears his throat and removes the wings, handing them to you when you turn around. 
“Thanks,” you say, giving him a shy smile.
“No problem.” Thank you for giving me a reason to think about your bra. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you then.” He winces as he’s sure he’s coming off cold, but really, he’s just trying to keep his composure. You’re going to a college party with college guys; what could you possibly see in a man of his age, who has two kids of his own? 
You open the front door and a chill wind bursts in, making you shiver. 
“It gets cold earlier and earlier each year, I swear,” you joke lamely, forcing a smile through your nerves. 
Before he can overthink it, Eddie quickly grabs his denim jacket off the hook near the door and drapes it over your shoulders. 
“Here,” he says. “Can’t have you getting sick, can we?” 
“Thanks. Again.” You pull the jacket tighter around you, reveling in his scent engulfing you. If the smell of his cologne lingers on your skin, you’ll be hesitant to wash it off. “I’ll bring this back tomorrow.”
“I trust you,” Eddie tells you with a playful wink that sends fireworks erupting in your belly. 
On the inside, Eddie is thinking that you never have to give him back his jacket. He’d rather see you wearing it any day. Though, if he’s being honest, the sight of you in an item of his clothing is not helping the situation behind his fly.  
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, sweetheart.”
You give him one more smile before heading out to your car. 
Eddie closes the door behind you and lets out a long groan. “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. He rubs his hands over his face as he heads towards the bathroom. Suddenly he has a whole new variety of fantasies about you to play in his head while he’s in the shower, starring one particular fairy princess. 
As soon as the water is warm enough, he steps into the tub and wraps his hand around his cock. It only takes a few tugs—coupled with images of you—for him to get fully hard. 
You, in your cute fairy costume. 
You, flirting with him and showing off your body. 
“Thassit,” Eddie mumbles to himself, “on your knees for me. Please.” He pictures you following his orders, opening up your mouth as he taps his length on your lips. “Good girl.”
He increases his pace, groaning as he jerks himself. “Love being in that pretty mouth of yours, honey. So warm and wet. Almost as good as your pussy, fuck.” He blinks the water from his eyes. “You knew what that costume would do to me, didn’t you? Knew how fuckin’ hot you looked, hmm? Would be a shame if someone were to…ruin it.”
He can’t help how quickly he cums, grunting and panting as he spills onto his hand. In his mind, his load drips down your once-flawless costume. “Poor little fairy. Christ, you look even better covered in my cum.”
Embarrassment sets in as his orgasm wanes. He needs to stop thinking about you this way. You’re twenty years old, you’re his kids’ babysitter, you’re forbidden fruit. 
What he wouldn’t give to take a bite. 
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midastouch013 · 6 months
Hickey Prank Backfire
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Summary: A hickey prank goes wrong
Warnings: Insecurities, Cheating (As a prank), Sad Nat, hurt/comfort.
Not Proofread, and also feel free to leave me requests for Nat, Wanda, Yelena and Kate. This won in the poll, and I'm writing the next per the vote results.
It was 8 in the evening, and to say you were bored was an understatement, your job had finished earlier than usual, and with the fact that you'd already done everything you could think off, you sat on your phone mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, when a particular one caught you.
It was just a hickey prank, what's the worst thing that could happen, right?
So there you sat, watching The Suits, as you waited for your redheaded girlfriend to come home.
When Natasha finally arrived, her eyes lit up at the sight of you, and she hugged you warmly. "Missed me?" she teased, a genuine smile playing on her lips.
"You have no idea"
The evening started on a cheerful note with her mission having gone well and no one being hurt. Laughter filled the apartment as she laughed at you clumsiness, her voice making you smile too, and you relished the moments spent with Natasha.
As the night progressed, Natasha's playful demeanor shifted, her eyes seeming to darken, and innocent banter morphing into one of dirty ones, as Natasha's touches grew more lingering.
"Is that so?" Natasha whispered, her voice dropping to a low, husky tone, her fingers tracing a path up your arm. A shiver ran down your spine, and you felt the atmosphere growing heated.
The redhead moved to sit on your lap, start to leaving love bites on your neck, when she suddenly pulled away, getting of your lap
"What happened?" you asked worriedly. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at Natasha, genuinely unaware of what was wrong, forgetting about the prank you had planned earlier.
Natasha's eyes narrowed, her gaze fixed on your neck. "This," she pointed, her voice steady but tinged with a mix of frustration and hurt.
You instinctively touched your neck, trying to figure out what had caught her attention, when you remembered your prank, and decided to keep on with the act for the fun of it. "Oh, that? Must be a scratch or something. I didn't notice."
The room fell into an uneasy silence as Natasha continued to scrutinize you. Her disappointment and disbelief were palpable, and you struggled to maintain the façade of obliviousness.
"A scratch?" Natasha's tone carried a note of skepticism. "Y/N, I may not have been here for a few days, but I know my way around your neck pretty well."
You blinked. "Maybe I scratched myself and forgot about it. It happens."
Natasha's eyes bore into yours, and you could sense her frustration growing. The air thickened with tension as the truth hung in the balance, a delicate dance of deception and realization.
"You're lying, that's not a scratch"
The room felt smaller, the once-cheerful atmosphere replaced by an uncomfortable silence. You tried to read Natasha's expression, but the hurt in her eyes was unmistakable. The line between prank and betrayal had blurred, and you could see it was going overboard, when you noticed her subtly lean away.
You cracked, finally admitting "It's just a prank Nat, See" you rubbed the mark away"
"A prank?" Her tone turned colder, disappointment creeping into her eyes. "You thought it would be funny to pretend you've been with someone else?"
" It was meant to be a p-"
Natasha cut you off, her disappointment palpable. "This isn't a prank, Y/N. Trust is not something to be taken lightly."
Natasha's expression softened, and not in a good way, the hurt still lingered. "Trust is everything to me, Y/N. I don't appreciate jokes about betraying that trust."
"Nat, no, it's just a prank. I didn't mean to—" you began, but Natasha's stern look silenced you.
Her gaze bore into yours, and the room seemed to shrink. "This isn't just a joke, Y/N. You know how much I struggle with trust, especially after everything I've been through. And you choose to pull something like this?"
The gravity of your mistake hit you like a punch to the gut. You, who knew her vulnerabilities so intimately, had thoughtlessly triggered the very fears she fought against.
Natasha's eyes, once filled with warmth and trust, now held a guarded sorrow. "I thought you understood me better than this."
The room fell into a suffocating silence, each passing moment amplifying the hurt between you. Natasha stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor, and she walked away without another word. The door to your shared room closed with a quiet click, leaving you alone in the heavy silence.
Guilt gnawed at you as you sat there, realizing the depth of Natasha's pain. It wasn't just a harmless prank for her; it was a breach of the trust you had cautiously built. As the minutes ticked by, you knew that mere apologies wouldn't be enough to mend what was broken.
Over the next few days, the apartment felt emptier than ever. Natasha remained secluded, the distance between you growing. Every attempt to apologize or ease the tension was met with a cold silence. The weight of her hurt hung in the air, and you were determined to do everything in your power to make amends.
Late one evening, you found Natasha sitting alone on the balcony, gazing at the city lights. The air was thick with tension, but you couldn't let the silence persist any longer. You approached cautiously, the weight of guilt heavy on your shoulders.
"Nat," you began, your voice softer than usual, "I messed up, and I'm truly sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know I can be an idiot sometimes, but this wasn't just thoughtless; it was insensitive, and I should've known better, especially with your history. "
Natasha remained silent for a moment, her eyes fixed on the city below. Finally, she sighed, a mixture of resignation and vulnerability. "Y/N, you have to understand. Trust is fragile for me. I need time."
" I understand, I'll sleep in the guest room tonight" You said dejectedly, walking away before softly muttering "again"
Over the next week, you threw yourself into a series of heartfelt gestures, each carefully designed to convey your remorse and reinforce your commitment to Natasha. Small notes expressing your love and appreciation dotted the apartment, hidden in places you knew she'd discover throughout her day. You cooked her favorite meals, organized movie nights with films that held sentimental value for both of you, and even arranged a surprise picnic in the park, complete with all her preferred snacks.
However, Natasha remained somewhat distant, accepting your gestures with a quiet acknowledgment but not fully letting down her guard. It was clear that the hurt ran deep, and the emotional chasm between you persisted. Undeterred, you continued your efforts, understanding that healing would require patience and persistence.
And finally, when you felt like you were going to burst if you spent a singular day more without being able to kiss the redhead, to hold her, hell just talk to her like before, you spoke up.
You were both in the living room, unspoken tension that neither of you seemed willing to break. Natasha's eyes, usually warm and inviting, now held a guarded look that hinted at a deep sense of hurt and disappointment.
"Nat, we've got to talk about what happened. It's been too long," you say finally.
She sighed, avoiding your gaze. "What's there to talk about, Y/N? You thought it was funny to pull a stupid prank, and now we're dealing with the aftermath."
You could sense the bitterness in her tone, "It's not just about the prank, Nat. I want to understand how it made you feel. I care about you, and seeing you hurt is the last thing I want."
Natasha scoffed, her eyes narrowing. "Words won't change what happened. You can't just undo the hurt."
You moved closer, reaching for her hand. "I'm not trying to undo it, Nat. I just want to understand, and I want to be here for you. Please, talk to me."
She pulled her hand away, frustration etched on her face. "Talking won't change anything. It won't erase the fact that you thought it was amusing to play with my trust."
You took a deep breath, realizing that coaxing Natasha into a more open conversation would take time. "Nat, I messed up, and I'm genuinely sorry. I know words won't change the past, but they can help us move forward. Let me in, please."
She hesitated, her gaze flickering between your eyes. After a moment, she sighed, relenting slightly. "Fine, talk. But don't expect me to pour my heart out just because you're apologizing."
You nodded, respecting her boundaries. "Okay, I'll start. I should've thought about how the prank might affect you, especially with your history. It was thoughtless, and I regret it. I want to make things right."
Natasha remained silent, her arms crossed defensively. You continued, undeterred, "I care about you, Nat. More than anything. If I could turn back time, I would. But since I can't, all I can do is apologize and try to understand how to make things better."
She finally met your gaze, a mix of skepticism and wariness in her eyes. "Make it better? How?"
"By talking," you replied. "By letting me in, so we can figure this out together. I want us to get through this, but I need your help."
Natasha sighed, her walls slowly starting to crumble. "I don't know, Y/N. Trust is a fragile thing for me. It's not easily repaired."
"I get that," you said softly. "But shutting me out won't help either. I'm not asking you to forgive and forget. I'm asking you to let me in, so we can work through this together."
As Natasha reluctantly agreed to talk, a palpable tension still lingered in the room. You sat down beside her, maintaining a respectful distance, and began the conversation.
"It's not just about trust. It's about feeling like I'm not enough. That I'll lose the people I care about." she began slowly
"Nat, you are more than enough for me. I love you for who you are, and I want to work through this together."
" But what if one day you realise that my life is too harsh, or that I'm a monster because off all those people I killed, Hell, I think I'm a monster myself."
"Let me finish. What if? What if you actually left. Because, I've lost a lot of things in my life Y/n, I'm not-" her voice cracked "I'm not ready to lose you"
And with that, restraint was broken, and you were gathering her into your arms which she graciously accepted, pushing herself into you as you felt silent tears slip onto your shirt.
After a while, when she had calmed down, you pulled away just enough to see her face "You mean the world to me, Nat. I want to show you how much I love you."
She looked at you, curiosity and a touch of wariness in her eyes. Without saying anything, you leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a silent promise of comfort and understanding.
"I know actions speak louder than words," you said, your lips brushing against her temple. "And I want to show you, every day, that you're the most important person in my life."
Your kisses moved down to her cheek, each one carrying a message of love and reassurance. Natasha's guard started to soften as she allowed herself to feel the genuine affection behind your gestures.
Finally, you pressed a lingering kiss on her lips, pouring all your emotions into that moment. "I love you, Natasha Romanoff. And I'll do whatever it takes for us to work, whenever."
She looked at you, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions—vulnerability, gratitude, and a growing sense of warmth. The scars of the past week were slowly healing, replaced by the promise of a stronger, more resilient connection.
You loved Natasha Romanoff, and never were you pulling a prank on her again, but little did you know the redhead was planning one on you
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littledovesnow · 9 months
president snow, the prelude
a/n: so there were like 750 words that didn't make it into the final fic for president!coryo, here they are! i wasn't going to publish this, but it sets up a lot of the backstory for future fics i have planned :)
The room was electric as Lucky Flickerman’s face popped up on the TV, ready to announce Panem’s next president.
Your husband, who was freshly twenty-five and had his name on the ballot fo the first time, stood next to you, hand laced in your own.
“You’re a shoo-in, Coryo, I don’t know what they’re even doing counting the votes. Everyone knows you’re going to come out on top. After all, Snow lands on top.”
Coriolanus smiled softly at the sound of his family’s favorite phrase. He knew he had most likely won the election as well, but he wanted to hear the final vote before celebrating anything.
“The results are in,” Lucky Flickerman’s dramatics were dialed to a hundred tonight, as he flicked open an envelope brought to him by a station worker.
“Panem’s next president is,” he trailed off, wanting to build the anticipation.
You could feel the electric in the air, squeezing your husband’s hand as Lucky opened his mouth to continue. “The Capitol’s own Coriolanus Snow!”
Cheers erupted from the Snow’s great room, Coriolanus’ closest family and friends having gathered for the momentous occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Plinth, who thought of you considered your in-laws, wasted no time in congratulating the young man, their next president. “We always knew you had it in you, Coriolanus. Ever since you and Sejanus first were mentors way back when!”
You and Coriolanus shared a look, neither of you had ever come out with the truth about what happened when Coriolanus was exiled the summer after the 10th Hunger Games.
Putting on a smile, Coriolanus hugged the older woman, and shook hands with his late classmate’s father. “You’ll do this nation proud, boy.”
“Thank you, Mr. Plinth.”
Mrs. Plinth brought her attention to you, the nation’s next First Lady. “You’ll be a splendid First Lady! Oh, the Capitol will be overjoyed to have a young couple at the helm again! Especially once a child is brought up!”
You stopped yourself from frowning, instead giving the woman a soft smile.
Coriolanus watched with a careful eye, not wanting to cause a scene at the woman’s comments. He and you had been trying for a child for a few months, to no avail. One of his first tasks as president would be to find better fertility care, as he was growing worried that each failure was taking a larger toll on you than you let on.
“If you’ll excuse us, I believe I do need to go make a speech.” Coriolanus smiled, tugging you out of the room with a promise to catch up at his inauguration.
You waited until you two were in the privacy of your bedroom before letting any emotions go, inner turmoil over your husband’s victory and sadness over Mrs. Plinth’s comment.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Coriolanus murmured; voice much softer than when he is in public. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
 You looked at your husband with tears on deck, stomach rolling over. “She’s true. The Capitol’s going to want us to start a family as soon as possible. I’m going to be seen as a failure if I can’t even get pregnant!”
Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you as your emotions crumbled, heat growing in his heart. He wanted to immediately call for her to lose her tongue, with little regard that she was one of the two people who had helped him financially be able to make it to this point in his life.
“We’ll figure it out, my love. I vowed to help you become a mother, and it’s a vow I intend to keep.”
You sniffled, wiping your nose on your sleeve, earning a tsk from the president-elect. “I just wish it was as easy as It is for everyone else. I deserve this, for God’s sake!”
Coriolanus frowned, hand running up and down your spine. “I know, my love.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, so he kept his lips closed.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments more, until there was a knock at the door, an Avox opening it once Coriolanus granted permission.
Holding a phone up, the Avox gestured to Coriolanus, who begrudgingly stepped away from you to take the call, which was Lucky Flickerman himself, conducting a phone-style interview live on air.
Coriolanus rolled his eyes, playing into the pizazz and cheer over the phone, stating how excited he was to have this honor as president, all while sitting on the luxurious bed you two shared, hand moving up and down your arm as you curled into his side.
a/n: and there it is folks, basically why i made coriolanus want funding for a fertility clinic :)
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bigbawdy-benzz · 1 year
Mi hermoso bebé
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Pairing: Miles42 x chubby reader!
Tags: @aaliyahwalkshere @sheluvv-jen @missmyluv
Warnings; none that comes to mind
A/N; enjoy this was the most voted, before we get into the headcannons, everybody is beautiful even if you’re thin or thick you’re beautiful, don’t let anybody tell you any less. your perfect just the way you are!!.
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❥ Miles is in love with everything about you, from the way you dress to the way you carry yourself.
❥ Miles who loves touching your rolls, touching you in general he always has his hands on you.
❥ Miles who shows you off but gets jealous when people starting a bit too much.
“I know she fine you can stop looking now”
❥ Miles who helps you when you’re feeling insecure, feeling insecure is forbidden with Miles. He never wants you to feel bad about yourself because you’re beautiful.
“Baby no you’re beautiful cut that shit out, fuck what all them people gotta say mama, they probably unhappy with themselves and have to hate on a bad bitch to get cool points, they aint competin wit you”.
❥ Miles who will kick somebody ass for talking crazy about you or to you he don’t play that shit.
❥ Miles who always has your back.
❥ Miles who helps you eat food when you’re struggling or have a bad relationship with food.
“Baby it’s ok i'm here, I'll sit and eat with you!”
❥ Miles who wants a fashion show every time you buy new clothes or HE buys you new clothes. He’s a sucker to see you prancing around in the clothes he bought you, or that you bought.
“Yess mami gimme a 360”,
❥ Miles who loves seeing you in revealing clothing, the way the clothes hug your body and the way YOU wear them makes him go feral, he just wants to eat you up.
“Ma not gonna lie im boutta bu-”
❥ Miles who falls asleep on your stomach, chest, or butt.
“It's so comfy don’t move”
❥ Miles who loves slapping your ass whenever it feels convienent
“What it's fat what you want me to do?”
“Not hit it so hard”
“Okay im sorry ma” He says casually grabbing it giving you a smile. 😁
❥ Miles who buys you anything you want your his princess, speaking of princesses MAJORRRRR princess treatment!!
“pick up what you want princess, lemme give you some princess treatment”.
❥ Miles who is your number 1 supporter anything you do Miles is clapping is his hands rooting for you. You dance at every practice and competition, You cheer at every game, You play sports at every tournament, You make jewelry promoting it in any way possible, You do hair telling ppl they need their hair done REAL BAD.
❥ Miles who makes you feel comfortable around his family when you first meet them, you didn’t want to eat in front of them or even go get your own plate in front of his family because you thought they were gonna judge you, (They aren't like that).
“Bebé deja de pensar así (Baby stop thinking like that), its okay go get some food I will come with you they aren’t gonna judge you and if they do I got you”
❥ Miles who loves you with his whole being and lets you know that, you’re perfect in every way and you don’t need to change yourself for anybody, not even him.
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crayooongle · 20 days
Comfort (2.8k)
SoftDom!Bakugo x sub!(f)reader + HardDom!Todoroki x sub!(f)reader
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Cw: cheating, unprotected sex, (f)receiving, remote vibrator, edging, shower sex, hair pulling, slight voyeurism, Todoroki is pretty mean here, neglect, recording w/o consent
Pet names: princess, slut
Notes: so sorry for going on a hiatus but im back now! Hope you guys enjoy, this was a gift for @hitoshilover 
!Not really proofread so tread carefully😓!
your boyfriend, Todoroki, has been quite neglectful so you turn to your old friend Bakugo for comfort. You really didn’t mean for it anything more, unfortunately for you, your boyfriend ended up finding out
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You were voted most loyal by your whole friend group back in high school. Kinda ironic now considering you were on your way to Bakugo’s apartment. Your intentions are very far from cheating on your boyfriend but even just going to another man’s apartment, let alone someone your boyfriend was most definitely not fond of, felt wrong. Even with that in mind, you knew you just needed comfort and you’d be on your merry way. It wasn’t your fault your boyfriend was being neglectful and not treating you the way you knew you deserved. He never had time for you anymore, he stopped taking you out on dates and getting you thoughtful gifts. It’s like he just didn’t care to put any effort into the relationship. 
 You tried addressing this issue to Todoroki but he became very defensive almost immediately. You understood he was most often stressed, overworked and tired but you still deserved attention too. 
 You were at your breaking point, you’d had enough of Todoroki being a dick and not having someone to vent to about it. Which is exactly why when your old high school friend, Bakugo, texted you; you immediately poured your heart out in his dms. That was the first time you two had talked in months, he wasn’t very good at keeping in contact with people and neither were you. 
 Furious would be an understatement in describing how he felt about your situation. Obviously, not at you- though he thought you weren’t the smartest person for getting with someone like Todoroki- but he would’ve never suspected you to just let someone treat you that way. You didn’t go into much detail since it would be too much to talk about over text. So, Bakugo suggested you come by his apartment so he could cheer you up. Since, it was close by- about a 30 minute drive- you thought whats the worst that could happen?
 You hop out your car and walk towards what seemed like Bakugo’s apartment complex. There was still time to turn back and rot away in your bed, like you’ve been doing for about a week now. But there was really no point when your much needed comfort was on the other side of the door. 
 You gently knock on the door about 3 times and wait. Not a moment later the door swung open and you were greeted with the blond haired man. He was trying to hide a smile, you could tell he was pretty happy to see you again. You two always had chemistry, it never went past small flirting and “hanging out” which were honestly just dates but you two played it off like they weren’t. 
 Tears began forming in your eyes as soon as you saw Bakugo. His small smile dropped into a frown and he immediately held his arm out to hold you. He kept one arm on you and dragged you inside, using the other hand to close the door behind you. He led you to his couch and he let go of you to sit down but gently pulled you by your waist so you could lay on him. You then rested your head on his chest and continued to silently sob in his arms. He held you tightly, caressing your check to wipe away the hot tears streaming down your face every so often. 
“I cant believe Todoroki out of all people,” Bakugo started,”He’s a dick and a loser, who gave him the right to treat you like this? Who the fuck does he think he is? Why are you even dating this fucking guy? You know he doesn’t deserve you.”Bakugo said through gritted teeth, he was progressively getting more and more irritated the more he thought about your situation.
“I dont know.” Is all you could get out in between your heavy sobs. 
 Bakugo immediately softened up, he realized getting mad wasn’t the approach and it definitely wasn’t going to help you feel better. 
He took a deep breath before putting his hand on your chin to make you look up at him. 
“You deserve someone who is going to treat you right, y/n. You shouldn’t just let some guy walk all over you and be an asshole because he has nothing better to do than treat his girlfriend like shit.”
“Any guy would be lucky to have you,” He said as he caressed your cheek softly.
“You have an amazing personality and a bright future ahead of you. You need someone that’ll compliment you and help you become a better person, not someone that’ll treat you like you’re worthless when you’re not.” He paused for a moment before speaking again.
“I hate that this is how we ended up talking again. But I really missed spending time with you.” He continued.
“Youre too pretty to be crying over that loser,” You chuckled and looked away as you blushed out of embarrassment. 
“Youre just saying that to make me feel better,” you playfully said and rolled your eyes.
“What? You don’t think i mean it?” He asked and grabbed your chin to make you look at him again.
 There was definitely tension as you two made eye contact, you noticed as Bakugo switched between looking at your glassy eyes and your puffy lips. 
“Well do you?” You practically whispered as you subconsciously leaned in. 
“How about i show you,” Bakugo finally said before closing the gap between you two. 
 You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been waiting for this moment for some time. You and Bakugo got along so well back in high school, the only reason it didn’t work it was because you were too scared to confess your feelings before graduation. He ended up moving out of the city and you two lost contact. He had only moved to a place near you recently and it was pure coincidence. You honestly had no idea the feelings were reciprocated though.
 His lips were so soft and gentle against yours, the kiss was full of love but you could tell he’d been waiting to kiss you just as long as you’d been waiting to kiss him. The way his tongue danced against yours was perfect, you two had never kissed before but somehow he knew exactly how to move his lips against yours in just the right ways. You never wanted this moment to end but you knew it was wrong.
 You pulled away and tried to move back,“Bakugo… we really shouldn’t be doing this”.
“Says who?” He asked, eyes once again focused on your lips. He leaned in once more and pulled you closer to him. Your thoughts were definitely clouded but you gave in anyway.
 Without breaking the kiss Bakugo lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso. He carried you to his bedroom as you guys sloppily ate each-other’s faces off. He laid you down on your back on his navy blue sheets. He pulled away from you so he could slide his sweatpants off.
“How bout i make you forget all about that jerk, how does that sound princess?” He asked while pulling your shorts and panties off. 
You looked up at him and nodded, you watched him slip his dick out of his boxers. You only caught a glimpse of it but it was definitely bigger than Todoroki’s. Not that you even really remembered what his dick looked like anymore. Todoroki hadn’t touched you like this in what- weeks? Months? Who knows, all you could really focus on was Bakugo’s rough hands dragging across your soft skin.
 He slowly slid into you and attacked your neck, leaving bites marks and hickies all across your neck and collar bone. You gasped once you felt him fully in you, his pace was just perfect. He knew how to hit the same spot with every thrust and make you chant his name like a prayer. 
 You didn’t care about the morality of the situation at this point, you just cared about cumming on Bakugo’s dick like you’ve wanting to for all these years. 
 “I bet you wish he fucked you like this.” Bakugo chuckled while he was balls deep inside you. 
 He kept switching from slow and deep to fast and hard, you were so close your legs were shaking.
“Bakugo please, please make me cum,” you begged and wrapped your legs and arms around him tightly. 
“Fuck- you feel so good, cum for me princess,” Bakugo groaned.
 As soon as you finished, he pulled out and finished on your stomach before laying down next to you. You were both sweaty and breathing heavily.
 “What time is it?” You asked Bakugo while wipping off his cum from your stomach with a napkin,
He stood up and walked to his bookshelf where his phone had been propped up. It seemed a little odd but you didn’t question it.
“6:53.” He read to you.
“Oh shit, I forgot Todoroki said he was gonna come to my apartment today.”
You quickly got up and threw your clothes back on. 
“Thank you for everything,” You said and gave Bakugo a smile but you could see he was a little hurt. You wish you could’ve stayed but you had no time to console him. 
 You practically ran out the door and made your way to your car. You got all your things together and started your car. Todoroki usually isn’t on time whenever he says he’s coming over. I should have time to shower and order something for us to eat before he gets there- you thought to yourself.
 You made it into your apartment and immediately dialed up your favorite mexican spot nearby. You placed an order for you and Todoroki to share. As soon as you got off the phone you hopped into the shower. 
 You signed and leaned against the shower wall as the warm water hit your skin. Your legs were a bit weak from how rough Bakugo was but you knew you’d be fine by the next day. You heard your apartment door unlock and someone walk in. Todoroki had the spare key to your place so you already knew it was him and continued your shower with no second thought. 
 You rinsed off the suds on your body, you were planning on just let the water run for a bit longer before getting out. You heard the bathroom door open and you turn to see your boyfriend, you smile at him but he didn’t seem happy at all. 
 “Hey baby, im almost done. You wanna hop in with me?” You say sweetly.
 He didn’t answer you, he just began to strip. After removing everything he opened the shower door and stepped in with you. You were about to turn to face him but in one swift motion he bent you over and rammed his dick in you.
 “Ahh- ha, Shoto-“ You choke out.
“You think I don’t know what happened?” He questioned while slamming his dick in and out of you. 
“What?” You stuttered, now getting nervous.
“That bitch Bakugo sent me a full video of him fucking you,” He uttered in an aggressive tone. He grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled your head back, which caused you to yelp in pain.
“How’d i end up with such a slut. You couldn’t have waited for me to fuck you, no, you had to go on and open your legs for him instead.”
“M’ sorry Shoto, i-“
“I dont wanna fuckin hear it.” He cut you off. 
He kept thrusting in and out of you rough and fast. This was the most aggressive he’s ever been with you. It hurt but it honestly felt so good. Todoroki could feel how wet you were despite the water running over your bodies. 
“Wow, and youre getting off to this?” He spat and tightened his grip on your waist so he could go faster.
 You could already tell you were going to have bruises and little cuts on your waist from how he was sinking his fingers into it. He began to breathe heavier and his thrusts were more sloppy, it was obvious he was going to finish soon and so were you. 
“You better not fucking cum,” He growled. 
You bit your lip in an attempt to hold back your whines and moans. Todoroki immediately noticed and let go of your hair to grab your throat instead 
"You wanted to be so loud for him but you wanna keep your mouth shut when it comes to me?” Todoroki asked.
You wanted to protest and save yourself from the situation but his grip was too tight on your neck for you to he able to say anything in response.
 You felt your orgasm building up, you wanted to finish so bad. Your moans were getting louder and louder with each thrust. Just as you thought you were going to cum Todoroki pulled out. You turned your head back and saw Todoroki jerk himself off and finish on the shower floor. 
 Todoroki then reached over to turn the shower off. After, he stepped out the shower, you just watched in confusion.
“Are you coming or not slut,” He practically barked at you.
 You quickly followed behind him, he led you to your bedroom.
“Get on the bed, in the same position he was fucking you in.” He ordered.
 You did as you were told, you laid down on your bed and held your legs up but still kept them closed.
 Todoroki laughed once he saw you, “What? You’re trying to act shy now?” He said as he grabbed your legs and forced them open. His hard hand went down and smacked you right on your raw pussy.
“Ah-“ You jumped.
 Before he could smack it again you both heard the door bell. 
“Thats the food,” You said slightly embarrassed.
“Stay put,” Todoroki spoke, he then reached into the drawer at your nightstand and pulled a pink remote vibrator out. 
 He brought the vibrator over to you and slid it into your aching pussy without a warning.
“Now get up and go get the food. You make any noise and ill walk right out the door,” 
You nodded and stood up to go get your robe. You put it on and walked to go answer the door, right as you made it to the door you felt Todoroki turn the setting up on the vibrator. You bit your lip, unintentionally drawing blood but you didn’t care, you then opened the door. 
“Order for Y/n?” The delivery guy asked.
 You cleared your throat and tried to smile and nodded. The delivery guy gave you a weird look, he could tell something was up. Your face was completely flushed and you were slightly leaned over. You grabbed the food as quick as you could and closed the door right in his face, thank god you paid for the food over the phone already. 
 You dropped the food onto the table and just as you were going to make your way back to the bedroom you felt a knot in your stomach. 
“Oh fuck-“ You moaned out and gripped your robe tightly.
“You better not finish, get your ass back in here.” Todoroki yelled from the room. 
You were panting and softly whining as you made your way back to the room. 
“Get back on the bed.”
You did as you were told and got right back into position. 
 Todoroki pulled the vibrator out of your pussy and replaced it with his dick. He threw your legs over his shoulders to make sure you could feel every inch of his dick go in and out of you. 
“I can’t believe im even putting my dick in your slutty hole after what you did,” He growled while fucking your abused pussy. 
 You’d been edged about 2 times at this point, you’d been craving a sweet release. You were so close you’d do anything to finish and Todoroki could tell. 
“You think you deserve to cum after what you did?” He asked but he didn’t slow his pace.
“No,” you answered truthfully, hoping it would garner you sympathy and he would let you finish. 
“Why dont you apologize and beg, and maybe then ill let you cum,” He suggested.
“Please Shoto, m’ sorry for what I did. I just wanna cum, please let me cum?” You pleaded with tears in your eyes. 
 He looked down at you and chuckled at your desperation. You truly would say anything just to get to finish.
 “If you wanna cum so bad then go ahead,” He said and sped up, making sure to go deeper with each thrust. 
 A couple more moans slipped past your lips before a pool of your juices formed right on his dick. He pulled out and finished on the same spot Bakugo had before, intentional of not you didn’t care. You were just glad your boyfriend was back.
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loveushijima · 2 months
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes | matsukawa issei (mattsun) x reader
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where you want nothing to do with mattsun but he wants everything to do with you.
fluff, involved talks of religion but not serious at all, veryyy very very mild cursing | gender neutral reader
Despite the hot air coming in through the opened classroom windows with summer rearing its head into the Miyagi Prefecture, you were still left shivering and shaking sitting beside Matsukawa Issei.
You had hoped to be assigned sitting beside one of your friends in class — or just anyone but him for that matter — but of course God turned a blind eye on your prayers and the Devil himself interrupted with his own intercession and now here you sat, beside Matsukawa-san. For the rest of the year.
What a great way to start your final year at Seijoh.
To say you were scared of Matsukawa-san would be a dire understatement. He scared the absolute living shit out of you.
If the Devil had a son, his name would be Matsukawa Issei, and he’d be the scariest person you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. From his intimidating looks to his frightening blocks on the court, and the way his veins would pop out of his neck and forehead when Oikawa-san annoyed him a step too far, there’s no doubt at all that he is the living, breathing reincarnation of a demon from the underworld.
You wholeheartedly think that out of everyone in class, he’s most likely to become a serial killer after graduation just based off his look.
You wondered if today’s hot, summer air brought a sense of familiarity to Matsukawa-san, seeing as he had probably clawed himself up to Seijoh from the fiery pits of the underworld. You looked at him as he listened to the English teacher with a bored expression, head leaned onto his right palm as he lets out a small sigh out of boredom.
His eyes suddenly dart to you.
You let out a small squeal as you immediately turned your head to the front of the classroom. You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you pretend to write in your notebook. So this is how you die — at the hands of “voted most likely to become a serial killer after graduation”.
Issei stares at you as you feign innocence anxiously, as if you hadn’t just been caught staring at him. He hopes you were at least looking at the good side of his face.
He smiles to himself.
Issei thinks you’re an angel sent from above, the truest beauty known to mankind. He’s seen the way you help others. You never hesitate to initiate small acts of kindness. He’s seen you at the local food bank nearby his house, volunteering your time on the weekends there and never without a smile on your face. He’s seen you surprise your friends in class with handmade paper flowers and a small cake from the bakery nearby the campus whenever it was their birthday. He’s seen you rush from one end of the school to the other end just to catch your classmate who forgot their study materials under their table.
Issei would daydream about finally going up to you one day and striking up a conversation with you, maybe about your studies? Or how your volunteer work at the local food bank has been going? But then that would give away how he’s been observing you there and you might start to think he’s weird. Issei has so many ideas on how to start a conversation with you and yet none of them seem good enough. But alas, his throat dries up and the words die out at the tip of his tongue when you’re around. So he ends up chickening out anyway.
Issei has wondered if impressing you through his actions would’ve worked better. During one of his games, he saw you in the stands, awkwardly standing beside your friends as they cheer loudly (mostly for Oikawa).
He thought you looked absolutely beautiful, handcrafted by God and sent specially for him.
Issei has never played better than he did during that game, landing block, after block, after block — consecutively! Your eyes on him was all the motivation he needed to get through both sets victoriously and with a boosted confidence in his stride. After the game you were nowhere to be seen though.
Oikawa seemed to have caught wind of his little infatuation with you and started giving him shit for it. He really did live up to the crappykawa nickname. Iwaizumi was right. However, Oikawa has since learned to keep his mouth shut after a particular incident:
“Mattsun! Isn’t that your darling over there?” Oikawa exclaims as you walk past them one day on campus. Issei has never been more embarrassed in his life and started beating the shit out of Oikawa.
Anyway all this to say, Issei thinks you’re a saint. Though in a constant state of nervousness and for some reason always avoiding eye contact with him, he thinks it’s charming.
Now you’re sitting beside him in class, and Issei doesn’t know which God to thank or what kind of divine intervention was bestowed upon him, all he knows is that he’s feeling very very blessed.
You don’t know who to curse or what kind of karma this is supposed to be. Were you a war dictator in your past life? Why did you have to be sat beside the one person who looked like they would strangle you to death if provoked?
“Could I borrow a pen?” Issei blurted out suddenly.
You freeze in your thoughts.
Issei has decided that being desk mates in your last year together is a sign from above to pursue his infatuation with you, and he’s had enough of beating around the bush. He won’t let you slip away now — and even if you still do, it most definitely will not be because he’s too chicken to even start a conversation with you.
You gulp as you slowly turn your head towards the man sitting on your right, nodding your head benignly so as to make sure you’re not making any wrong or sudden movements around the scary middle blocker.
“Yes.” You reply curtly, your voice shaking and your hands trembling as you retrieve a pen from your pencil case.
Your voice sounded like honey. It sounded better than what Issei could’ve ever imagined it to sound like. Your eyes up close were breathtaking especially when you were finally looking at him and not at the ground. He takes the pen from your hand and smiles at you gratefully.
He smiled, you gasp.
It shocked you that someone who you once thought of as so petrifying and daunting would have a smile so bright and angelic that it could outshine even the brightest of suns.
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