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mx-lamour · 1 year ago
"CoS is actually a Western."
Hang on. I have something for this. (I was going to reblog this, but things got out of hand fast, so here's an entirely separate post instead. Be warned... it's long.)
I usually like to share just some of the most dramatic/cinematic moments from our game, and Ezra's perspective in particular, but hoo boy. Hopefully this will give you some insight into the utter weirdness that also went on through most of our campaign.
The party was traveling south, toward the ruin of Berez.
We notice a bizarre row of thin wooden walls on either side of the road ahead, propped up from the behind by long angled beams. Only a couple of small one-room structures jut out from the back of them.
The wheels of Ezmerelda's wagon creak lightly, crunching along the dirt road as we approach the anomaly. We can see that the front of the walls are painted to look like buildings. Amongst them are a few figures. A man wipes his brow with a handkerchief. Jaunty piano music wafts through the scene.
In a sudden shattering of glass, something crashes through the window of a building labeled "saloon". Ezra approaches the object now lying in the road. It's a thin wooden cutout, painted on one side to look like a man.
We look around. All the figures in this theatrical setpiece are painted cutouts, animated by a series of ropes and pullies. Dulan spies a zombie or two through the gaps between facades, operating the mechanisms.
This is undoubtedly one of Strahd's works.
For context, we were aware of two separate personifications of Strahd von Zarovich, but were still not entirely sure why the duality existed or what to do about it.
Our first was one we dubbed "Strahd von Strahd", an unhinged caricature with a deep and thoroughly exaggerated Dracula voice, who had encouraged us on other occasions to participate in small theatrical scenes (this wild west town was an escalation of a sort we had not yet encountered).
The other, we labeled "Business Strahd", who we had begun to speculate the existence of only after meeting Ezmerelda, and had only recently confirmed/witnessed at Yesterhill.
Ezra lights one of his shoddy cigarettes.
We peer through the busted saloon window. It's set up with a few tables and chairs, some of which are occupied by more ambient cutout figures. Off to one side, a zombie sits at a harpsichord. There's a man behind the bar, wiping the inside of a glass with a rag.
"Do we want to start placing bets that's Strahd in disguise?" Ezra mutters warily.
After some hesitation, we steel ourselves—Ezra casting a protection on himself—and bust dramatically through the swinging doors.
As we enter, we're startled by a tray lowering jerkily down to us on ropes from the ceiling above. Presented on it are a stack of black cowboy hats, and a pile of metal brooches shaped like stars, the word 'deputy' etched on each of them. A sign suspended between the ropes of the apparatus reads: Choose your role.
Kreig scoops up one of the shiny metal stars. Dulan, who acts like an elder brother around Kreig, joins him, and pins a star to his vest. There's a silly moment where Krieg sees this and goes to mimick Dulan, but then we remember the barbarian isn't wearing a shirt, so he kind of just stabs it into his pec instead.
Ezra dons a black hat. The tray raises back up into the makeshift rafters.
"What can I get you?" The line is flat and stilted. The human bartender is sporting a thousand-yard stare.
Kreig asks for water, since we've been traveling a while.
"Good choice. Three sasparillas."
Ezra sniffs at the substance this the poor man hands us, which was described as essentially a brownish watered-down apple vinegar. Kreig tries to drink some of it and resists the urge to make a sour face, in an effort to be polite.
While Dulan tries to chat with the barkeep, Ezra wanders away with his cup of swill to survey the rest of the setup. There are more zombies, dressed in western outfits, suspended from the ceiling. For now, the corpses hang inert.
The saloon doors swing open again, and Rahadin stands in the doorway. He's decked out in classy outlaw attire: black leather jacket, black boots adorned with shiny silver spurs, and atop his head is a black cowboy hat. But he still wears a sword on his hip.
He catches Ezra's eye and nods to him. "I don't know how you can stand to drink in here, ol' Dynamite McCoy." The background music and other ambient sounds abruptly cease.
Ezra lifts his glass slightly. "Ale's ale," he says blandly.
"I know what you mean, but I wish they would serve a better class of folk in this establishment."
"What do you mean?" Dulan chimes in.
"I mean that you two," says outlaw Rahadin, addressing deputies Dulan and Kreig, "are scum of the earth."
Dulan plays into it, puffing up his stocky dwarven chest. "I'm the long arm of the law in this town!"
"You won't talk so high and mighty when Gravedigger Jim comes into town." We naturally assume that this is in reference to Strahd.
"Them's fightin' words," Dulan declares, trying to figure out what the end goal of this playacting is supposed to be.
"Gravedigger Jim sent me to tell you, you've got one last chance to leave this town. If you want to see another sunrise, you'd best be gone by high noon."
"The junior deputy and I ain't goin' nowhere," Dulan retorts. "Go find yourself a new town to harrass."
The human bartender interjects lamely, "Now now. I don't want any trouble in here. Take it outside or be done with it."
Rahadin fixes the deputies with a look. "You've been warned."
He's about to leave. But Kreig pipes up. "Well, wait. Why don't we put aside our quarrels and you have a drink with us?" He plops a coin down on the bar. "A round for this... gentleman."
The barkeep pours another drink. Rahadin strides up to the bar and levels Kreig with a look. "You're not going to win me over with a drink, so what's your game, junior deputy?"
"No game, just trying to enjoy my day. It's mighty hot out there, so I figured you could use something to quench your thirst," Kreig says. Rahadin reaches for the glass, but then Kreig adds, "Unless you ain't up for it," in some unfathomable challenge.
At that, Rahadin takes the drink, throws its contents on Kreig, and sets the glass back down on the bar with a decisive thunk.
"Thank you," Kreig says. "I needed that." And pours his own drink over Rahadin's head.
Rahadin steps back, pausing to let the liquid drip off of him. "Thanks," he says dryly, and picks up a chair from a nearby table.
Dulan raises a hand. "Now, the barkeep asked us to take it outside," he says loudly. "This is a civilized place."
With incredible mid-swing restraint, Rahadin merely lays the chair down on its back atop the bar. He tells Dulan, "Your junior deputy would have preferred the chair," and walks out.
"As far as I can tell, you've just invited yourself to a duel," Ezra observes from his place far on the sideline.
"Get your kind out of my town!" Dulan grumbles emphatically, gesturing at Ezra's black hat.
With a pointed look, Ezra sets his own glass down on a table, turns, and walks out after Rahadin.
Outside, wagons have been moved into the road at either end of the set. A couple new cutouts, depicting gangs of tough-looking outlaws, have come into play. And Strahd is there, standing in the middle of it all, dressed in his usual Count attire, but with the addition of a black cowboy hat.
Rahadin reaches into a barrel on the side of the road and starts pulling out hand crossbows. He offers one to Ezra.
Strahd also acknowledges him pleasantly. In his most outlandish Dracula voice, he says, "Good evening, Ezra. You have chosen an interesting part to play today. Welcome to the other side."
Ezra plays it cool. He tips his hat in reply.
Back inside the saloon, the piano music resumes. The zombies in the rafters are lowered down and become vaguely animate. They seem to follow Dulan and Kreig, but do not attack. So Dulan continues to play the game. "You were born in this town," he says, rallying the mock townsfolk. "We will defend this town. No low-down cattle rustlers are going to take it from us!" The zombies grumble and groan in raucous agreement. There are ambient cartoon sounds of bullets loading into chambers, and cylinders spinning, despite a distinct lack of weaponry. A table is flipped on its side and hefted up by zombie arms. Dulan, Kreig, and the unlikely crew huddle behind it like a massive shield.
A hawk cries in the distance.
"Come on out of there, you yellow-bellied cowards!" Strahd calls richly from outside the saloon. "Face Gravedigger Jim!"
Dulan, privately reeling at the absurdity of all this, somehow plays that classic Western sound [wa wa waaa... wheeooo-oo...] to inspire Kreig, who rages as they stomp through the doorway with a gaggle of zombies and a table in front of them.
"Howdy pilgr—Oh no, they're rushing it!" Strahd yells. "Next cue! Next cue!"
Strahd throws his cape aside, and draws out not a crossbow, but an actual, literal hand gun. Something none of our characters have ever seen before. He aims, and just obliterates the head of one of Dulan and Kreig's loaner zombies. The other zombies keep moving, treading over the now mostly-headless corpse.
Kreig advances toward Rahadin, slapping the crossbow from his hand with the flat of his blade. "We can still settle this calmly," he says.
"You should have let me keep the crossbow," Radahin replies coolly. He draws his sword. "And, by the way... this is calm." The man makes three melee attacks.
"Gravedigger Jim!" Dulan improvises, "Unlike your name, you'll be hangin' from that tree, like your father before you!"
As an aside to Rahadin, Strahd comments, "He's totally off-script, but I love the energy."
Ezra takes another puff of his dwindling cigarette, playing the cool observer, letting the bosses handle it. He keeps his eyes trained on the barrel of Strahd's gun.
"You keep my papa out of this," Strahd banters, leveling it at Dulan.
Ezra's eyes flash when he sees the spark. The revolver backfires in a gout of flame that billows back at Strahd's face, igniting his clothing.
Strahd blinks. "Son of a bitch," he remarks. "Rahadin, you warned me, but I really wanted to give it a try."
Kreig attacks Rahadin, who vanishes in a puff of smoke. A molotov cocktail hurtles at Kreig from above, smashing to the ground by his feet. Kreig dives out of the way, glancing up at the trajectory to see Rahadin standing on a makeshift balcony.
Dulan pulls a rope from his pack and ties a lasso. He makes himself invisible.
"Why don't you let me give it a whirl," Ezra offers, extending his hand to Strahd and nodding toward the gun. "Those things can be a bit finicky."
In a miracle of dice rolls, Strahd practically shrugs as he relinquishes the revolver. The fire consuming his sleeve licks Ezra's hand in the exchange. Ezra doesn't flinch. With a breath like blowing out a candle, he extinguishes the flames.
Relieved of the gun, Strahd draws his sword instead. He and Rahadin converge against Kreig, Rahadin flinging a terrifyingly dark rusty dagger at the barbarian from aloft. Together, they take him down. Rahadin remarks, "I told you he would have preferred the chair."
Dulan catches Strahd with the lasso. He pulls on the rope, calling the remaining zombies to help him. "Pull!" he yells.
Strahd topples over. He rolls on the ground a bit, palms up in mock despair. "No! You have captured me! How can this be? I, the great Gravedigger Jim, will go out the same way as my pappy."
"This is why one shouldn't get tangled up in the wrong side of the law," Dulan declares.
Ezra makes his way over to Kreig. Goes to remove the nasty-looking dagger from him, but it falls apart in his hands, disintigrating into nothingness and leaving behind an infectious-looking oozing black wound in Kreig's hide. Ezra carefully burns it away, sparing him his descent into death.
Dulan and Ezra spare a glance at each other, trying to figure out where to go from here.
Rahadin watches the conclusion of the little episode with his elbows propped on the balcony railing, chin resting on a closed fist.
"Oh no, you won," Ezra says lamely.
Dulan leans down to Strahd, still wriggling on the ground. "You have to hang me," Strahd insists.
With aid of the zombies, Dulan sets out to hoist the rope up somewhere nearby. He avoids moving the lasso from Strahd's arms, so Strahd does it for him, positioning it around his own neck like he's adjusting a bowtie.
And then he hangs. He makes a dramatic show of gurgling and going limp.
"And, cut!" he announces, slashing easily through the rope and dropping gracefully back to the ground. "Good work everybody. You really studied the material this time. A marked improvement on your last show. Great work. Get some water, stay hydrated, and... we will move onto the next scene." And with that, he simply walks away.
Strahd makes his exit between two of the building facades. Rahadin turns, too, leaving through a doorway behind him on the balcony. The zombies de-animate and crumple to the ground.
Ezra hurries after Strahd, still intent on gleaning some additional insight. Throughout this encounter, the man has been wholly committed to his act, completely devoid of caution or care, never once breaking character. There's been no trace whatsoever of the Strahd von Zarovich from his own journal, nor their encounter at Yesterhill, nor even Vasili von Holtz. He would truly have to be the most talented actor in the world, or this is a completely different entity. So, who is he really? And why is he wearing Strahd's face?
Strahd is standing with Rahadin by his black carriage, giving him notes. "I think we need to do better next time. They seemed to be a tad confused. Maybe a bit more stagecraft. But they seem to be taking hold, starting to dig into their parts. Fantastic." Rahadin opens the carriage door for him and Strahd steps inside.
Ezra approaches them as Rahadin climbs up to the coachman's place. "Good evening, Ezra," Strahd greets him again. "You made an interesting choice today. I think perhaps you need more practice, but I like this new direction you are taking your character."
Ezra takes off his black hat and sets it on the carriage seat next to Strahd. He touches Strahd's arm. "I said I was here to help," Ezra reminds him, and surreptitiously casts Remove Curse, just to see what it will do.
It does nothing. He can't feel any difference, can see no change in Strahd at all.
Strahd pats Ezra's glowing hand amiably. "Oh, but you seem so hot and clammy. Perhaps you should see a doctor." He settles into the carriage, then, closing the door.
Before they depart, Rahadin leans toward Ezra, regarding him over his shoulder. "There are always more black hats available, should you decide it suits you, Ezra." He flicks the reins, and they're off. The ominous black carriage rolls north, back up the road.
In the background, Dulan had the spirit of the wizard Emari [it's a magic item situation] trail after Ezra. When Ezra returns, Dulan regails the group with the information Emari gleaned from the interaction [Dulan is the only one who can see/hear the wizard's spirit].
When Ezra was speaking with Strahd, Emari said, Strahd's mind was a minefield of incessant cacouphanous screams and wails. And Rahadin's thoughts were shielded completely from detection.
A direct reversal of a previous encounter we'd had with both of them.
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tychodorian · 10 months ago
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I'm thrilled to introduce you to the spine-chilling villains lurking in the shadows of my new LitRPG vampire fantasy, "King of Dust" – the hags. These sinister sisters have cast a long, dark shadow over the land of Starkovia for centuries, their malevolent presence striking fear into the hearts of its inhabitants.
In the world of "King of Dust," the hags embody the archetype of wicked witches from storybooks, but their cruelty and depravity far exceed mere folklore. Fuelled by a relentless thirst for power and eternal youth, they sustain themselves by sacrificing innocent children, consuming their essence to maintain their unnaturally youthful appearance.
But their atrocities don't end there. With their dark powers and insidious machinations, the hags have transformed Starkovia into a nightmarish realm, a breeding ground for vampires, demons, and other monstrous creatures. Their influence has plunged the land into darkness and chaos, spreading fear and despair wherever they tread.
Perhaps the most tragic aspect of their tale is their connection to our protagonist, Darius. Once, he placed his trust in these deceitful beings, believing their false promises to reunite him with his lost love. Little did he know, this decision would seal his fate, cursing him with vampirism and unleashing untold horrors upon the realm.
In "King of Dust," the hags stand as formidable adversaries, their twisted ambitions and dark powers posing a grave threat to Darius and all who dare to oppose them. But with danger comes opportunity, and the battle against these malevolent forces promises to be an epic struggle of light against darkness, good against evil.
Are you ready to uncover the dark secrets of the hags and embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of Starkovia? Don't forget to check out the Kickstarter campaign to secure your copy and join the adventure!
There are only a few days of the campaign left to get your exclusive hardcover with the fancy art on it, so if you're interested, you can jump into the Kickstarter before it's finished. Head to my pinned post, find the Linktree, and you can get to the Kickstarter from there!
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quantummindclassicalheart · 2 years ago
Master post of quantum's Critical Role fic
You can now find me on AO3 as FiveCamellia! I will be gradually archiving older fic there. Various other things I’ve written including scicomm stuff and poetry live in my general #writing tag, feel free to check it out! For scicomm specifically, check out my #quantum talks quantum tag.
(This is a repost of my old pinned post, but with the new post format.)
a dream within a dream (AO3, Tumblr. New! Completed 2023/01/21.) > When the fog of Rumblecusp steals away Caleb’s memories, Jester must help him remember. But this time, it’s going to take a little more than a fifth-level spell slot. For Widojest Secret Santa 2022.
The Lovers’ Lie (original song) > There is an old folk song that is sung in Exandria.  It goes by a lot of titles–In Marquet it’s commonly known as The Liar’s Love, while natives of Xhorhas would know it as The Fey Groom, and the elves of Syngorn’s version has a title that translates to “The Sacrifice of Truth for Love.” This is one bard’s rendition of the song in Common, as accompanied by ukulele.
verbal and somatic (AO3) > In which Jester has a creative idea for how to use the Polymorph spell, and with a truly heroic effort (and the benefit of War Caster), Caleb succeeds on a series of concentration checks with increasingly high DC. (AKA: Widojest body swap sexy times.) (Post-campaign, established relationship AU.)
a soft place to land (AO3) > A few years after their travels with the Mighty Nein, Caleb and Jester reunite for the summer and kinda sorta fall in love all over again. (Post-campaign, as the summary suggests, but more or less canon-compliant)
a dream of flight (AO3) > My first Loquaerryn fic, about their first dance (and what comes after). Laerryn is used to taking the lead, but when she meets Loquatius Seelie, he challenges everything she knows about following.
rainy days and twisting braids > Yasha braids Beau’s hair, and softness follows. For Beauyasha Week 2022 Day 2: Hair. (Takes place post-campaign.)
like it’s the last time > A Widojest epilogue “missing scene,” i.e. the final conversation Caleb and Jester never got in canon. It’s the night before Fjord and Jester leave Nicodranas, and the Nein are throwing a party. Everything should be great. Except Caleb’s been distant lately, and Jester wants to know why. (Takes place during the Campaign 2 finale, roughly.)
waves of memory > A short Shadowgast piece based on some merperson!Essek AU art.
we must all tend our gardens > A character study of everyone's favorite drow hotboi and his complicated relationship with faith, as told through gardening. (Takes place during the Campaign 2 finale.)
[podfic] Die Smaragdwelle (Jade_Sabre) > A reading of Die Smaragdwelle, a fairy tale about a princess swallowed up by an emerald wave and the wizard who had to find her. (Featuring my vocal impressions of all the Mighty Nein.)
und andere Zemnische Volksmärchen > What if things had gone just a little differently post-Katzenprinz? (Fluff. Fluff is what happens.) For Widojest Week 2021 Day 6: Der Katzenprinz.
four-and-a-half waltzes of caleb widogast > A series of vignettes in which Caleb shares four dances with four of the most important people in his life, and learns to embrace the magic of possibility. (Spoilers for all of Campaign 2, minus the finale.)
the divine transmutation of the self > In which magic changes Veth, and Veth changes her mind about magic. (Spoilers through C2E97)
drawn together > Making stuff for (and with) the people you care about is a love language. In which Beau decides to learn how to draw, and also learns a few other things along the way. (Takes place sometime post-C2E111) 
a taste of summer > In which Caleb’s hidden talent for baking and Jester’s love of sweets collide in the best possible way. (Takes place sometime post-C2E111) 
sunrise over eiselcross > A little scene between Fjord and Jester from the morning after their big conversation in C2E118.
you're still there > Beau has a nightmare about a path not taken. Yasha’s there to help her through it. Cuddles ensue. (Takes place sometime post-C2E111)
disguise selves > An AU where Caleb and Jester are (human) roommates, preparing for a Halloween costume party over Zoom. Jester being Jester, she insists on a photo shoot in costume. Everything goes better than expected. (no spoilers)
the nature of possibility > Two things possessed me to write this: the concept of including some actual thermodynamics in a fic about dunamancy, and the idea of hand contact during a spellcraft lesson. What ensued was nearly a thousand words of Shadowgast. (Takes place sometime post-C2E77)
an unnatural tide > Caleb doesn't normally forget things. But Rumblecusp isn't a normal island. What did he forget that last morning? Here's my best guess. (Spoilers for C2E105)
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thatone-churro · 6 months ago
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, I was diagnosised with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week.My donation link is available on my pinned post
watch out: this user & campaign is a scam.
(citing this post here, which explains all the tell-tale signs of a scam campaign. remember, if a blog just says it’s legit and vetted, but doesn’t cite the verification, always take a double look; it also has a very similar url pattern to other verified scam blogs as well.)
remember to report scam blogs and always check before sharing and donating.
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tempestimes · 1 year ago
Hiiii Hana hehehehe
Thank you for the tag!!!! Let's tag some moots! (my memory is garbo)
the sweetest person on ninjagoblr istg
bonded over morro and now we tag each other in picrews sometimes YAA
cutest ocs, kindest personality, and ever so patient and encouraging (tysm) and LOVELY ARTIST
we were both into this one thing at one point BUT THEN I SAW YOU IN THE TALES OF ARCADIA TAG AND IN THE NOTES OF MY SIDE BLOG AND!!! (i also remember seeing one of your posts featured in like this one random buzzfeed(?) article about stranger things fans reacting to a new season and going !!! FAMOUS FRIEND!!)
I follow your art insta and love seeing your ocs whenever i remember to check my art acc anyway the vibes on your Tumblr are REAL.
You've had your current pfp for so long i just associate you with bisexual frogs and also the campaign you're a part of !! i wanna know more about i!!
You've changed your url a few time but I remember each time going "who???" then i check your pinned and go PASSERINEHAFJKSE holy shit wait you changed your pinned again anyway i love your pinned.
not a tag, but genuinely those y'all who are moots from that fall 2020-2021 era, I know we don't talk, but y'all reblog the best takes i've seen and the funniest and most relatable stuff about writing and fandom and DND and music. I'll scroll on my dash and see the same post reblogged a few times in a row and go "ah, so it's reached the circle". Y'all are loved and appreciated by me. Can't believe it's almost 2024 ahfsdjkf.
Back to the tags:
Real ones remember the Gaydy Bunch
i got another four star today.
No pressure tags: @rainofthetwilight (again ty for the tag!!), @off-center-milk, @l0on, @prismarts, @singing-not-sleeping-beauty, @elliotofmakinstuff, @yarn-dragon, @anxious-mosspatch, @secondhandsentiment, @amazinglissawho, @yarnboi
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Fuck it lets make a chain
Madeline Celeste
(The Other) Badeline Celeste
see the joke is they're probably the same person-
Catgirl who happens to like the letter a
A bunch of spiders piloting a very fucked up body
A fire hydrant
The one with the goddess
Slime girl (and my gf)
Presumably Not A Celestial Object Spanning Lightyears
Cat Boy Commits Tax Evasion
madeline celeste, but different this time
A different catgirl that likes the letter a
Actually Reads Papers
@empress-of-dark2005 @archaicfirehydrants @meltedusername @nebulaaaaaa @nellaaaaaa @carawith17as @taxfraudcatboy @alforalice @justsomespiders @xxm4 @tranny-physiccs
(if you wanna name someone already mentioned, feel free, i recommend writing the description different)
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natsunoomoi · 3 years ago
About this blog
I unpinned the previous pinned one because it was too long and it was when I made the design and name change.
This blog is basically my personal one where I write thoughts and use it to comment on things. If you want my portfolio where I post artsy things I make, go to ekcportfolio and if you want my travel related posts about I do/see around Japan, go to teacher-reika. Every now and then if I have other personal commentary to add to something I post on those places, I might reblog it onto this one too, but otherwise go there for that stuff.
I'll probably post other more mundane things that may be related to either of those blogs here like stuff I bought in those places or things I got that I'm going to scan or something, but yeah....
Name of the blog means “memories of summer” or “Natsu’s memories”. Because my birthday is in the summer one of the names I went by when I was in uni was summer related, but I couldn’t really decide on which one I wanted. Like I thought Natsumi was too boring. Natsuko was too, but I kind of liked Natsuko? I kind of more or less settled on Natsue. I used them for my in-my-head explorations of the worlds I enjoyed watching in media, so my self-insert character was some variation of Natsu at any given time so I would just think everyone would *just* call me Natsu. I used it a lot for games and character creation too.
So yeah, that’s where that comes from and it’s more personal to like my inner thoughts and everything, which is more what this blog has become. The actual Japanese name I go by more often is Reika actually because it’s based on my Chinese name, which my grandma, who chose it, decided it would be better to give me a Chinese name closer to my English name. My English name is Elizabeth, which is often written as  伊莉莎白 in Chinese. My Chinese name is  伊莉, so it’s basically like calling me Ellie or something. I probably could have a Japanese name that’s just “Eri” too, but that's too on the nose. But I mean, technically it wouldn’t be wrong either if people called me that. My Chinese name in Cantonese is read as “Yilei” and in Mandarin “Ili”. I never much cared for the Mandarin reading. In Japanese it uses the second character in my Chinese name as the first is basically meaningless. The second means “jasmine” and to kind of make my Chinese name more Japanese and sound nice, I have Reika written as  莉花 so that the meaning didn’t change much and using more of the Cantonese pronunciation. More commonly in Japanese it’s read as Rika, but like names are weird and you can use whatever reading you want and I've seen people use it as "Rei" too. So yeah, that’s why my Japan blog uses Reika and this one I use Natsu.
The header photo I use probably more represents me now as well as that’s a park that’s near my home. It’s from Ritsurin Kouen during hanami season almost four years ago.
The side-bar thing has simple stuff about me. The middle thing is like alignment, horoscope, and other stuff like that. The last one is a charanavi alignment, which is hard to explain because it’s like a horoscope analysis thing that hasn’t really left Japan.
The Japanese in the footer is a quote from the Hojoki by Kamo no Choumei. It’s basically a quote that is a metaphor for time and how it keeps going and changing. Just like my life.
Content I blog/reblog about:
Anime - Anything I've seen is a potential, so check here. My absolute favorite is Yu Yu Hakusho, so there's a lot of that and other Jump manga turned anime. Non-Jump includes stuff like Bungou Stray Dogs.
Critical Role/DnD - Anything from all CR campaigns, general DnD and sometimes some Dimension 20 stuff.
Video Games - I play FFXIV, but I like almost anything by Square Enix (all FF and side games, Nier/Drag-On Dragoon[Drakengard], Kingdom Hearts, Bravely, Star Ocean, World Ends with You, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Super Mario RPG, Mana series), the Tales series, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Ragnarok Online, the Sora no Kiseki series, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Breath of Fire, and a bunch of mobile apps and a great deal of which also overlap with aforementioned titles. I have a bad mobile app problem though and keep starting new ones. FFXIV - Reika Mikazuki; Xiaohua Mikazuki. I have other alts too of different races, but I play Lala the most.
Movies/TV shows & Actors from those things: Most of the movies are probably Western movies and like Marvel, but I watch other things to and have an interest in cinema. Also sci-fi properties like Star Trek and Star Wars. Disney movies too, but never got into the TV shows. TV side probably not as much because most of the shows I used to watch back in the States are either over or got so long that the plot got really convoluted and/or I haven't been able to keep up. Probably a bit here and there from different stuff I happen to be watching when I'm home in Japan.
Seiyuu - Sometimes general stuff, sometimes my faves. Most of my faves are male and are the popular ones that voice the characters everyone likes. Unless it's related to Critical Role, this doesn't include any English VAs. I understand Japanese and even when I was still learning, watching subs was more useful because it helped me to study so I never got into the English VAs.
MXTX works especially SVSSS because I read that one during lockdown since I had time. I unfortunately don't have time for the others so much, but I watch the donghua. This is also the only BL you will probably see me talk about because most BL I've seen isn't good or worth talking about.
Various other Chinese novels and literature because I've read classics, had a period where I was obsessed with Journey to the West/Xi You Ji, and have a couple of mobile apps that let me read translated modern online novels.
General good for society stuff.
Random thoughts that come up during my day. Sometimes related to my teaching and my cute and/or funny students.
Life stuff.
7 notes · View notes
elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
This is for @upbeatmeeting
It is a pretty long answer and I hope it’s ok😅
13: Any recommendations on reading materials/documentaries for the marshals?
I just assume that you have barely started to look into our marshal babies in detail and don’t know a single French. To be honest, the number of English biographies on the marshals, individually, is scarce and most of the books and websites in my list are more overall, brief biographies of the marshalate. (Ngl the marshals made me learn French)
Here’s my list—first, free resources!
I mainly find books from Project Gutenberg and Google Play Books, since they’re more accessible to me to read on mobile phone. Archive.org is also a great website for free books which you can check it out!
Here are some introductory reading on the marshals:
“Napoleon’s Marshals” by R. P. Dunn-Pattison (free book on Project Gutenberg)
“Napoleon and the marshals of the Empire” by Rufus Wilmot Griswold (free book on Google play books)
“Napoleon and his Marshals” by Joel Tyler Headley (free book on Google play books)
Here’s some first-hand resources written by individuals:
“Memoirs of Marshal Ney”
This is a series of works by Ney, published by his family in 1833. Great book for all Ney fans out there OwO (free book on Google play books)
“Military Studies by Marshal Ney”
If you are interested in Napoleonic tactics you should check this out XD (free book on Google play books)
“Recollections of Marshal MacDonald”
This was written by our MacMarshal in 1825; if you would like to get to know some first-hand experiences of the Napoleonic Wars, this is a pretty good account. In addition, you can get to know a bit about the author’s character through his words (volume 1 volume 2)
And then here are some other books on the Marshals:
“Marshal Ney - The Bravest of the Brave” by A. H. Atteridge
A very nice introductory biography on Ney which we have some excerpts posted here (just search through the tag #excerpts from babey book in this blog, I am going to post some more on Ney during the campaign of Russia)
The same author has written a biography for Murat as well, but I personally don’t really like it :p
“The Iron Marshal, a Biography of Louis Nicolas Davout” by J. G. Gallaher
Here’s a pretty nice English biography on marshal Davout, which you can also find the excerpts in the Davout tags (#louis nicolas davout/#savage edge lord) in this blog XD
“Bernadotte: Napoleon’s Marshal, Sweden’s King” by Alan Palmer (*available on Kindle Unlimited)
If you are interested in our trashy bitch, this bio is a nice one to start with.
“Memoirs of a Contemporary” by Ida Saint-Elme (aka. My Story with General Moreau and Michel Ney);
This was an account written by an actress who had intimate relationships with general Moreau and marshal Ney during the wars. I had read this recently and found it rather entertaining. (Spoiler: what the bloody hell are those people saying that Ney was having an affair with that Ida woman???? She was LITERALLY PINNING AFTER MY LITTLE GINGER BABEY BRO MICHEL)
For documentaries, recently, Epic History TV has been making a series of videos on the marshals and you really should check it out because they are quite good. (I’m so much looking forward to see them talking about Ney—hopefully they will do him justice🥺😭)
Watch: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Last but not the least, besides me, we also have some very lovely people who posts a bunch of Napoleonic content here for this humble fandom🙈
Imma tag some here: @histoireettralala @joachimnapoleon @microcosme11 @bougredane @twice-told-tales
Thank you for your ask!
26 notes · View notes
storiesbeyondthestars · 6 years ago
Sorry I had no real updates for you today. I have to do battle with my laptop, that decided today was the day it was going to end itself. Don’t worry though, after hours of work-arounds to try and get at the files that I hadn’t backed up on my external hd, I got it all! Then I had to nuke the jerk. RIP laptop, back to factory settings you go.
Anyway, my woes aside, things are going awesome for the campaign! As of right now, we are about $100 away from Lotor, and though it seems like a lot I know we can get there! If you’ve already pledged, please share our posts, and tell others about it!
We also only have FIVE more spots for our free stickers, so if you were waiting to pledge, don’t let this freebie pass you by! Seriously, we only have 50 stickers.
And if you’re genuinely interested in it, don’t forget about the interest check for the fairy tale zine! You can see the post for that here! 
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chill4life · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and do you even dependence it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes in the same way as every the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to in fact PLUG AND PLAY and it every beast over and done with FOR YOU. In complement to providing actual campaigns students can conveniently import into their own ad accounts and make known upon forgive traffic sources with actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT connections that create the game definitely easy.
Insta Commissions evaluation - Affiliate promotion is the Greatest issue to Happen to Internet Commerce and its not quite to Blow Your Mind later than angry Cash. Jamie is back afterward a brand other pardon of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not only from him but his students too!
Online publicity has misrepresented the game for entrepreneurs bearing in mind you and me. And affiliate promotion is leading the charge. Imagine beast nimble to motivate a high conversion recess toss around in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR authenticity  a authentic money maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate aerate for years and my frequent classified ad mileage tells the tale. I just got assist from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting on a crazy big affiliate project helping people understand advantage of the skills youre approximately to learn for roughly nothing. This is the life  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest in the same way as you. My moving picture wasnt always this supple and exciting. Im sharing my bank account next you to prove that affiliate marketing is the best realizable artifice to tweak your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens behind you graduate instructor like 6 figure student move on debt and tab card debt in the tall fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses under too!
0 notes
black-nidoking · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and accomplish you even infatuation it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes next all the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to in reality PLUG AND PLAY and it all creature ended FOR YOU. In adjunct to providing actual campaigns students can helpfully import into their own ad accounts and make known on free traffic sources next actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT connections that create the game unconditionally easy.
Insta Commissions review - Affiliate promotion is the Greatest situation to Happen to Internet Commerce and its about to Blow Your Mind following mad Cash. Jamie is assist similar to a brand other freedom of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not abandoned from him but his students too!
Online publicity has untouched the game for entrepreneurs with you and me. And affiliate promotion is leading the charge. Imagine monster skilled to set in motion a high conversion niche advocate in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR certainty  a genuine keep maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate song for years and my frequent announcement mileage tells the tale. I just got encourage from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting on a crazy big affiliate project helping people agree to advantage of the skills youre virtually to learn for very nearly nothing. This is the energy  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest like you. My enthusiasm wasnt always this supple and exciting. Im sharing my tally behind you to prove that affiliate publicity is the best feasible pretension to bend your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens taking into consideration you graduate scholastic as soon as 6 figure student go forward debt and bank account card debt in the tall fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses below too!
0 notes
uralonee · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and get you even need it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes in the same way as every the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to really PLUG AND PLAY and it all brute the end FOR YOU. In accessory to providing actual campaigns students can helpfully import into their own ad accounts and proclaim upon pardon traffic sources behind actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT contacts that create the game utterly easy.
Insta Commissions review - Affiliate publicity is the Greatest thing to Happen to Internet Commerce and its approximately to Blow Your Mind later angry Cash. Jamie is back up bearing in mind a brand other pardon of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not and no-one else from him but his students too!
Online promotion has untouched the game for entrepreneurs in the manner of you and me. And affiliate publicity is leading the charge. Imagine creature skilled to motivate a tall conversion bay disturb in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR truth  a authentic maintenance maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate atmosphere for years and my frequent public notice mileage tells the tale. I just got incite from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting on a crazy huge affiliate project helping people receive advantage of the skills youre nearly to learn for practically nothing. This is the vibrancy  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest bearing in mind you. My energy wasnt always this gymnastic and exciting. Im sharing my report subsequently you to prove that affiliate marketing is the best practicable showing off to fine-tune your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens taking into account you graduate hypothetical gone 6 figure student increase debt and credit card debt in the high fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses below too!
0 notes
bak3d-loaf · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and get you even obsession it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes later all the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to in reality PLUG AND PLAY and it every living thing ended FOR YOU. In auxiliary to providing actual campaigns students can straightforwardly import into their own ad accounts and reveal on pardon traffic sources taking into consideration actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT friends that make the game completely easy.
Insta Commissions evaluation - Affiliate promotion is the Greatest event to Happen to Internet Commerce and its not quite to Blow Your Mind afterward angry Cash. Jamie is back up later a brand other forgiveness of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not only from him but his students too!
Online publicity has misrepresented the game for entrepreneurs subsequently you and me. And affiliate publicity is leading the charge. Imagine living thing nimble to motivate a tall conversion bay whisk in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR certainty  a authenticated child maintenance maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate ventilate for years and my frequent advertisement mileage tells the tale. I just got support from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting on a crazy huge affiliate project helping people put up with advantage of the skills youre about to learn for virtually nothing. This is the spirit  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest next you. My liveliness wasnt always this flexible and exciting. Im sharing my tally subsequent to you to prove that affiliate promotion is the best reachable quirk to change your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens in the manner of you graduate literary later 6 figure student build up debt and bank account card debt in the high fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions evaluation and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses below too!
0 notes
yourlittle-scarletharlot · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and attain you even dependence it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes in imitation of all the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to in point of fact PLUG AND PLAY and it all creature done FOR YOU. In addition to providing actual campaigns students can conveniently import into their own ad accounts and make known on forgive traffic sources like actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT connections that make the game categorically easy.
Insta Commissions review - Affiliate promotion is the Greatest concern to Happen to Internet Commerce and its practically to Blow Your Mind behind mad Cash. Jamie is incite subsequent to a brand other release of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not isolated from him but his students too!
Online publicity has distorted the game for entrepreneurs in the same way as you and me. And affiliate promotion is leading the charge. Imagine subconscious nimble to motivate a high conversion bay stir up opinion in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR realism  a real money maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate impression for years and my frequent personal ad mileage tells the tale. I just got support from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting upon a insane big affiliate project helping people take advantage of the skills youre roughly to learn for virtually nothing. This is the dynamism  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest taking into consideration you. My computer graphics wasnt always this athletic and exciting. Im sharing my checking account taking into account you to prove that affiliate promotion is the best viable mannerism to correct your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens next you graduate instructor taking into account 6 figure student improve debt and tally card debt in the high fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses under too!
0 notes
lanadelreyes · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and get you even need it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes similar to every the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to essentially PLUG AND PLAY and it every being the end FOR YOU. In complement to providing actual campaigns students can conveniently import into their own ad accounts and publicize on forgive traffic sources behind actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT associates that create the game agreed easy.
Insta Commissions evaluation - Affiliate marketing is the Greatest thing to Happen to Internet Commerce and its nearly to Blow Your Mind taking into consideration angry Cash. Jamie is encourage behind a brand other pardon of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not isolated from him but his students too!
Online promotion has tainted the game for entrepreneurs later you and me. And affiliate marketing is leading the charge. Imagine innate skilled to trigger a high conversion bay work up in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR veracity  a true money maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate vent for years and my frequent commercial mileage tells the tale. I just got assist from a whirlwind trip to Dubai consulting on a insane big affiliate project helping people agree to advantage of the skills youre approximately to learn for virtually nothing. This is the vivaciousness  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest in imitation of you. My vibrancy wasnt always this supple and exciting. Im sharing my explanation considering you to prove that affiliate publicity is the best feasible quirk to regulate your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens taking into consideration you graduate educational in the same way as 6 figure student forward movement debt and financial credit card debt in the tall fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions evaluation and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses under too!
0 notes
la--recluse · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and complete you even craving it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes taking into account all the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to essentially PLUG AND PLAY and it all creature the end FOR YOU. In complement to providing actual campaigns students can simply import into their own ad accounts and make known upon pardon traffic sources past actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT connections that make the game extremely easy.
Insta Commissions evaluation - Affiliate marketing is the Greatest matter to Happen to Internet Commerce and its very nearly to Blow Your Mind bearing in mind angry Cash. Jamie is urge on as soon as a brand other liberty of his and his systems are always backed by real results  not by yourself from him but his students too!
Online marketing has misrepresented the game for entrepreneurs with you and me. And affiliate marketing is leading the charge. Imagine mammal able to motivate a tall conversion niche toss around in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR authenticity  a authenticated grant maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate proclaim for years and my frequent trailer mileage tells the tale. I just got help from a whirlwind vacation to Dubai consulting on a insane big affiliate project helping people acknowledge advantage of the skills youre nearly to learn for about nothing. This is the moving picture  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest taking into account you. My life wasnt always this energetic and exciting. Im sharing my story taking into account you to prove that affiliate publicity is the best realistic pretension to amend your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens behind you graduate intellectual subsequently 6 figure student progress debt and description card debt in the tall fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses under too!
0 notes
stormtheraikou · 4 years ago
Insta Commissions Review
Insta Commissions Review! What is Insta Commissions by Jamie Lewis and David Kirby and realize you even dependence it? InstaCommissions is the first IM software to lay out the individual campaign recipes in the manner of all the tested, detailed ingredients and settings to truly PLUG AND PLAY and it every being ended FOR YOU. In complement to providing actual campaigns students can helpfully import into their own ad accounts and name on free traffic sources subsequently actual targeted results, InstaCommissions provides SHORTCUT contacts that create the game unconditionally easy.
Insta Commissions review - Affiliate marketing is the Greatest matter to Happen to Internet Commerce and its very nearly to Blow Your Mind later than mad Cash. Jamie is help similar to a brand other release of his and his systems are always backed by genuine results  not and no-one else from him but his students too!
Online marketing has misrepresented the game for entrepreneurs later than you and me. And affiliate promotion is leading the charge. Imagine mammal nimble to get going a high conversion niche excite in your pajamas sipping coffee without a care in the world? This is no longer the dream. This is YOUR realism  a legitimate allowance maker!
Ive been crushing it in the affiliate melody for years and my frequent want ad mileage tells the tale. I just got encourage from a whirlwind vacation to Dubai consulting upon a insane huge affiliate project helping people consent advantage of the skills youre roughly to learn for practically nothing. This is the computer graphics  YOUR LIFE!
Ill be honest with you. My vigor wasnt always this athletic and exciting. Im sharing my balance bearing in mind you to prove that affiliate marketing is the best reachable artifice to bend your life! My financial struggles were out of control. Thats what happens in imitation of you graduate researcher later than 6 figure student early payment debt and bank account card debt in the high fives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MflY93xeTjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TWXzrn1674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mn6ha56Fc0 https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1317382720469729281 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3945043785512290 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2789940167929314 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143376/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143386/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686375143383/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_1038 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_1040%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6723149619049635840/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_insta-commissions-review-demo-5697-bonus-activity-6723149774989643776-DV0H
Watch my full Insta Commissions review and demo above and check out the Insta Commissions bonuses below too!
0 notes