#check bounce case punishment
Sending a Cheque Bounce Legal Notice: A Quick and Easy Guide.
A Cheque Bounce Legal Notice serves as a formal warning to the issuer of a bounced cheque, outlining the details of the transaction and requesting payment within a specified period. It provides a clear opportunity for the issuer to rectify the situation without escalating to legal proceedings immediately. Sending such a notice is often a necessary step before considering further legal action to recover the owed amount.
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advparthraval · 2 months
Best Cheque Bounce Lawyer in Ahmedabad
Are you facing cheque bounce issues in Ahmedabad? Advocate Parth Raval offers expert legal guidance tailored to your needs. With a focus on effective solutions and proven results, he specializes in navigating the complexities of cheque bounce cases. Trust in his extensive experience and comprehensive understanding of the law to resolve your legal challenges. Get reliable support from a dedicated cheque bouncing lawyer, advocate in Ahmedabad. Contact Advocate Parth Raval now for personalized assistance and safeguard your rights.
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luveline · 3 months
Hey my lovely, could i equest a blurb where reader seeks one of spencer's hugs and he's all soft and mushy about it!! I just think he'd give really warm hugs and want one so bad!
shy!reader + post!prison Spencer have a hug
Spencer understands why you might find him intimidating. He did go to prison for a few weeks, and even if the idea of his being a potential felon didn’t scare you, there’s nothing wrong with being nervous around the unknown. You’ve had a few more weeks to get to know the others on the team. He tries not to take it personally that you’re closer with some of them than you are him. 
Plus, you’re awfully shy. 
Spencer’s been trying to communicate that he’s an idiot. He was shy, once, and he tends to be shy about things now, too, even if he’s taken to hiding that. He hides a lot, these days. 
But things aren’t hopeless with you. You’re inarguably his best work friend now that Morgan’s not around, taking the desk next to his —through coincidence or insistence, he has no idea. 
“What flavour do you have today?” he asks. 
You show him your bag. The convenience store outside of work has the strangest sweets from all sorts of places. You’ve been bringing in a different bag each day, and you always share. “Today is apricot and peach ‘millions’,” you tell him, shaking the bright pink bag like a rattle. 
Inside, the millions bounce against each other like miniscule polystyrene balls but with a heavier weight. 
“Awesome!” he says, holding out his hand. “Please?” 
You rip the corner and tip a generous helping of candies into his palm, doing the same in your own hand. “Ready?” you ask. 
“Three, two, one.” 
You both tip your heads back at the same time. Apricot and peach are similar flavours, and Spencer can’t tell the difference when they’re both in play. He can also taste apple juice and the sharp citric acid flavour they put in every candy. 
He can’t tell if you like them. He quite enjoys it, will happily eat the leftovers if you’re not interested, but your attention isn’t on the candy when he looks up. You’re staring straight at him. 
“What?” he asks, perturbed. 
“Nothing, just. Had a rough morning. Thanks for trying the candy with me.” 
He frowns. “I’m sorry. Let me know if there’s something I can do to make you feel better. I can make you a cup of hot chocolate?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
Spencer’s sure that to an outsider, he and the team appear to travel to a hundred cities a month. In reality, cases aren’t as densely packed, especially with the government expanding their profiling teams, and the majority of Spencer’s day is spent answering emails and giving advice to agents, law enforcement, and his colleagues. He doesn’t see much of you (where you’re forced to work ViCAP calibration as newbies usually are, almost like a hazing) but he does take you that hot chocolate around lunch time. Just to make sure you have the option. 
It’s sometime past four PM when you appear again. 
“Hey,” he says, turning to you where you’re paused behind your desk chair, “you're finally done?” 
“Not yet. So many case files to transcribe, opinions to cross check, signatures and…” You wince. “It’s a lot. You already know.” 
“I don’t, actually. I only ever had to do ViCAP as punishment, and I was extremely well-behaved. For a while, anyway.” 
You hesitate with something heavy on the tip of your tongue. You’re like every profiler wherein your tells are self-identified and quelled, but you’re still so new, and Spencer’s an expert. You want to ask him for something, but you don’t think you’re allowed. If he presses the issue you’ll shut down, and if he offers you another cup of hot chocolate you’ll simply drink it without letting him in on the real secret. 
Spencer waits. 
“Spencer, you don’t have to say yes, just… You’re the nicest friend I have, and you always know what I need to hear. Um, I know you don’t like touching people and I wouldn’t ask you to if you don’t want to, but it’s been a really long time since someone hugged me, and…” Your voice gets quieter and quieter, until you’re whispering, and then fizzling out. 
“You want a hug?” he asks, surprised. 
“If that’s okay.” 
“I give really good hugs,” he warns, climbing from his chair immediately, arms opened, an unmissable invitation. “You’ll never get over it.” 
He can’t believe you came to him specifically for a hug. He’s gonna lose his mind. Gentle, Spencer ushers you into his arms, head quick to duck down, his thumb on your shoulder. 
You could’ve asked anybody in the office for a hug. Penelope would have hugged your brains out. Emily, Unit Chief and secret sweetheart, would’ve taken you off of ViCAP and given you a loving pat on the back. But you didn’t ask Penelope or Emily, you asked him. 
“You don’t have to ask me first,” he says quietly. 
“You don’t like touching.” 
“That’s more to do with germs, and I’m not worried about yours,” he says. “Unless you’re about to tell me you have a headache.” 
“It’s like this pounding behind my eyes,” you say with a laugh. 
Spencer smiles, his mouth and nose to the side of your head. He gives you a good ten seconds of quiet, his palm warming your shoulder, before he murmurs, “Any better?” 
“You’re really warm,” you murmur back. 
Spencer resists the urge to squeeze you. “It's the oxytocin.”
“Or you’re just really, really warm.”
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retroellie · 2 months
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Summary: After being dragged to a small town for a case, spencer found himself littering the town with his moans because he couldn't keep quiet.
A/N: I actually hate this, but i wanted to post something. Work has been killing me (literally) Anyways, miss yall <3
Warnings: NSFW, riding, dirty talk, praise, normal CM stuff
Word count: 3.9K
Spencer Reid was vocal in anything he did whether it be profiling, chess, books, statistics... you name it and he can talk your ear off about it. So this didn't come as a surprise to you when he was extremely vocal and loud in bed. He would whimper and whine until his noises were bouncing off the walls, consuming every single quiet corner. He couldn't help it, it was so hard to focus on anything when his cock was deep inside of you. It did not help that you tried your hardest to get these noises out of him, it fed the huge ego that you had developed since having sex with him.
Spencer had been shamed his entire life for how talkative and loud he was, so he assumed his loud whimpers weren't an exception. He tried so desperately to keep quiet, he would bite his lips till they bled, shove his face into your skin until it turned red, he would strain himself so hard so no noise could sneak past his lips. You hated the fact, that Spencer tried so hard to keep his noises in. You wanted him to enjoy himself, you wanted him to be comfortable with everything you were doing with and to him. You didn't want him to feel like he had to hide, ever.
To be completely honest, you had grown to enjoy his high-pitched whimpers filling the room. It was your favorite song, your favorite melody to play as you rode him into the sun. You would constantly reassure him that you loved those noises, you would even sometimes punish him if he tried to hide them. One time you even got so frustrated with his shyness that you edged him for 2 hours, teasing him with your pussy until all he could do was babble... suddenly a 187 IQ went straight down to 60.
As much as you loved his loud moans and would usually encourage them! This was neither the place nor time to be letting them flow out of his mouth freely...
A case had dragged the team all the way to a small town in Alaska, a population of less than 300 people. It was a quiet town, made on top of hunting and farming. There was only one motel, the townspeople were more than happy for you and the team stayed in it. They were actually more eager to get you checked into the motel, they had all been so tired of this person killing their loved ones.
It was a small motel, with only 4 rooms and 2 shared bathrooms between the team. You couldn't complain though, it was beautiful and quiet... quiet, something Spencer wasn't being at the moment. Something along the long trip here had gotten you excited, basically bursting at the seams as you were immediately on top of Spencer as soon as you stepped foot into the room.
Both of your clothes had been scattered around the small room floor, things knocked over from tables, the bed already looked slept in as you rode Spencer roughly. There was already so much noise that echoed through the room, between Spencer's moans, the sound of slapping skin and the headboard being rocked into the wall. You prayed that the others didn't hear, but it was a small and old motel... The walls were thin. You were going at an animalistic pace, trying to get both of you guys off in a quick round so you wouldn't disturb the rest of the motel for long and hoping it was quick enough to be able to be written off as "old cabin" sounds. You knew Spencer wouldn't last too much longer, due to his high pitched whimpering and beet red face. He started off good, his moans stayed below a whisper but his cock started grazing the spongy part deep inside you... he couldn't hold back.
"Shhh..." You shushed, putting a hand over his mouth as his eyes fluttered closed. "gotta be quiet honey... Morgan and Garcia are quite literally 5 inches away from us."
Spencer moaned into your hand, digging his nails into your thighs. He couldn't make out most of your words, his hearing going in and out as you spoke to him. He threw his head back, your hand falling from his mouth as he obeyed you and quieted his moans.
"72 inches...." Spencer huffed out, squeezing his eyes shut as his cock twitched inside of you. He was so extremely close to the edge that he could taste it.
"What?" You asked. Your words barely above a whisper as your confusion took over your mind.
Spencer let out a few more moans, gripping tightly onto your thighs they started turning red and will probably leave a bruise in the morning. Your confusion led you to slow your movements, causing a whimper from spencer to rise from his chest. He sounded whiney, almost pathetic as he pouted that your movements had slowed. Spencer squirmed underneath you, taking in a breath as he found the words to explain himself.
"Garcia and m-morgan are actually 72 inches from us..." He stuttered, moving his hips up to meet you as your confusion still filled your head.
You didn't really even want to know how he figured that out, especially since the only time you guys had been in this room is now... and Spencer didn't have enough time to scope the room before you were on him. Spencer's mind worked in mysterious ways, it was the main reason why you were riding him now. His mind was amazing to you, his knowledge of literally anything was so impressive that it felt so amazing that only you could make him a dumb, moaning mess. Spencer looked up at you as you furrowed your brows, a face that he saw often because everyone was confused about why he knew anything he knew.
"I took the square footage of the building, divided it into 4 rooms, and then..." Spencer couldn't finish because, with a swift move of your hand, you took your underwear that had been hanging off one of your ankles and showed it in his mouth to silence him.
He looked up at you with big eyes, his surprise taking over his face as you leaned down to be face to face with him. He bit down on your panties as you drove your pussy down on him, a couple of hard thrust almost pushing him over the edge.
"It doesn't matter..." You hissed, watching his eyes snap shut as you brought him closer and closer to the edge. "Either way, they can hear you... the entire cabin can hear you. Do you really want our coworker to know how much of a whiny brat you actually are?"
Spencer whimpered softly, the taste of your juices making his back arch into you and his hips thrust widely. Your dominance leaked from every pore of your body, only causing Spencer to moan louder. You were getting frustrated with him, his moans bouncing off the walls as the sound of your hips hitting his was still echoing through the cabin. However, there was a slight bit of excitement that coursed through your body. Everyone hearing how easily you can break down the boy wonder, everyone knowing that you were the only one who can reduce a 187 iq down to 0 with just one swift move of your hips.
"can't... gonna..." He tried to get his words out through your underwear that was stuffed into his mouth. He was shaking now, frustrated with his inability to speak but also your slowed movements. You chuckled softly, brushing his hair from his face before pecking his cheek.
"Gonna what?" You asked, mocking his inability to form a single sentence. "Gonna cum huh? Gonna cum in me like a good boy?"
Spencer whined softly, your praise ripping his self-control away from him. He could no longer control his loud moans or his hips snapping back into yours. You leaned back from him, sitting straight as you placed your hands on his chest. You prepared yourself to go faster, preparing yourself to push you both off that edge. You lifted yourself and then snapped your hips back down over and over again, watching as Spencer bit harder down on your underwear with each thrust. Your nails dug into his chest, your own moans escaping your mouth as you sloppily thrust into him. It took only seconds for you both to be cumming, your liquids soaking the bed beneath you.
You shoved your face into the sheets next to Spencer, moaning loudly into them as you were too embarrassed for your own moans to be heard. Your body spasmed out, not able to stop your hips from fucking yourself through your orgasm. Spencer had been doing no better than you had. He had left his body and went to cloud nine, your underwear now soaked with his drool as his body tensed. His nails were still dug so deeply into your hips, small moon-shaped crescents were becoming present now. It was a fast but lovely type of pleasure, it was there and then it wasn't.
Your body shook, hands placed into Spencer's hair as you left sloppy kisses on his neck appraisingly. Spencer was coming back into his body as you did so, each kiss sent him further down within himself until he was there and he was present with you.
"Did so good for my love..." You spoke, continuing your kisses on his neck. Spencer and neck kisses were like a puppy to a treat, his favorite way of getting praised. "Always so good for me. How'd I get so lucky huh?"
Spencer couldn't help his blush, he loved the praise and it had caused his cock to twitch once more. You rubbed his cheek softly, leaving a small little love bite down his neck. He definitely was going to scold you for that decision in the morning but as of right now, you did not care. All you cared about was the fact that you were deeply fucked for spencer, you just fucked him in a small town, with a serial killer on the loose, while your coworkers were 72 exact inches away. How fucked can someone be for another person?
"Not lucky..." Spencer whispered out, his voice raspy. Your panties had been taken out of his mouth, laying by his head as he tried to catch his breath. "Just really nice boobs." He joked.
You chuckled softly, pecking his neck one last time before sitting up. You were still straddling him, feeling as his cock was starting to get hard again. The way your sweat-drenched chest looked while on top of him had his cock standing to attention, his exhaustion soon melting away and turning to excitement. You would have loved to go a couple more rounds, fucking spencer till he cried and than passing out in his arms was one of your favorite before-bed activities. However, this was not the time or place to go multiple rounds.
You looked around the room, looking for anything in your close proximity to clean you both up with. Spencer took this time to sit up, wrapping his arms around you to keep you in place as he started to work his own soft kisses down your neck. The feeling felt heavenly, his hardening cock beginning to brush against your clit as his mouth worked wonders on your soft spots. You could feel yourself slowly start to melt into his kisses, moaning softly when he nibbled at your collar bone.
Spencer was kind of messy and dumb when he was horny, he didn't have much common sense when it came to it. All he cared about was how good it felt, how the inside of your walls would clench around him until he felt he would go crazy if he didn't cum deep within you. So as of right now, his mind was not in the place yours was. He wasn't thinking about the serial killer on the loose or your team being only inches from you, all he was thinking was you and how he wanted to be inside you once more.
If you weren't in your "FBI profiler" mode then you would have caved in the moment he started kissing your neck, but you were and you knew one round was enough for right now. You didn't want to disturb the motel more than you already had, knowing that Morgan was definitely going to be teasing the both of you in the morning. You just wanted to save you both the embarrassment of it all, even if Spencer was the one making all the noise.
"I gotta take a shower." You said simply, reaching up to grab his face in your hands. He looked up at you, eyes glossed over with lust as he looked at you like you were a goddess. That look alone was going to really make this much more hard than it already was. You left softly little kisses along his face, the only thing you could do without losing complete control over what your vagina did.
"Can I come too?" He said innocently, his lip coming to rest between his teeth.
You wanted to say yes, so desperately wanted to let him come with you. But you knew better. You knew that every time you took a shower with spencer he some how had your face shoved against the cold wall as he fucked you roughly. Spencer didn't like the germs that came with sex, so he let loose when he fucked you in the shower. It was never an innocent "I'm going to help you get clean" shower, it was always a shower that still came out dirty. You sighed softly, brushing your hand through his hair as you knew the one single word that was going to come out of your mouth was going to break his little heart.
"No." You stated simply.
"What! why?" He pouted, looking like a literal child as he did so.
You smirked softly, hoping off his lap as you made your way to your closet. You were still naked, with only a flimsy button-up over your shoulders. Spencer thought you had been teasing him, watching your thighs glisten with his cum as it dripped out of you. He wanted more, he craved more and you were completely denying him of a need. Spencer knew in the morning he was going to regret this entire decision, he wasn't dumb. He knew he would cringe at the fact he was so loud, that Morgan would probably cook him for this one. But he didn't care, all he could focus on was his now very hard cock.
"Because..." You mocked him, bending down to grab your pajama pants that somehow made their way onto the floor when you threw your bags down. You weren't worried about where they would land, you were too worried about the fastest way to get Spencer's cock in you. "Showers always end with sex and since you can't keep quiet... you will not be joining me."
You took a washrag from the desk, assuming that the motel staff put them there for your stay, and wiped his cum off the insides of your thighs. Spencer pouted some more, letting out huffs and promises that he'll be quiet and blah blah blah. You didn't hear much of it though, trying to clean yourself up as best as you could before going over to Spencer and doing the same thing. He was still pouting when you wiped your own juices off his cock, making sure to get his lower stomach as you did so.
This was definitely a punishment, it was so much fun hearing spencer begging to fuck you and get all high-pitched when he didn't get his way. When he was all cleaned up, you quietly collected your things as he listed the reason for you to let him get in the shower with him, your favorite one being "You made a mess out of me! I need to get cleaned up too!". You knew his intention was not to get clean in that shower, you knew he'd somehow end up inside of you. You were stronger-willed than him however, you begged and he would cave almost instantly but it was not the same for you. You couldn't tell if you were good at not giving in or if Spencer was bad at begging.
"You will live my love." You smirked, collecting your things in a small shower bag before making your way to him. You bent down to peck his lips softly, taking his face in your hands as you did so. "One shower without me will not kill you."
Spencer tried to make the kiss deeper, trying to make it so you just couldn't say no to the hard passionate kiss he had created. You again were much stronger than that, pulling away with a smirk as he whimpered at the loss of your lips. Spencer sighed softly, he couldn't stand your self-control sometimes. You grabbed buttoned up the long button up shirt, making your way to the door.
"There's still an unsub on the loose, so it might kill me." He pouted out, watching you walk away. You couldn't help but laugh loudly at his words, shaking your head as you did so.
"Alright well, don't die I guess." You joked back, opening the door to your hotel room. Spencer ripped the sheets over him as he was still sitting on the bed, cock out and everything. "cause then you wouldn't ever get to fuck me ever again."
You fake pouted, watching as he rolled his eyes as you mocked him. You stepped outside the room, closing the door as you did so. You swear he was going to be the death of you, his sassiness and sex drive was going to one day make it impossible for you to even utter the words "no" to him. But for tonight, you were going to take a nice hot shower without your boyfriend's cock deep inside of you... although that did sound nice.
You made your way down the steps to the old motel, files in your hand as Spencer followed closely behind you. There was a new break in the case, a new suspect that the town's sheriff had put together with the help of your profile. This caused hotch to call your cell phone at 4 am, telling you that you needed to be at the police station in 20 minutes. You debated on getting up this morning, wanting nothing more than to sleep off the side effects of an overwhelming orgasm. Your thighs were sore and your legs were still slightly shaking. Spencer wasn't doing any better, for he had to go to bed with a hard cock.
He woke up extremely needy this morning, but he couldn't do anything about it due to the fact you both were rushed out of your hotel room to come and once again go over the details of the profile. You found yourself being extremely irritated with the day already, you should've just caved in and let spencer fuck you... maybe this mood you were in could have been avoided if you didn't avoid the orgasm. You debated on if you and spencer could get in a quickie in before you arrived at the station, but most of the drive there was spent going over case details and you actually did care about catching this fucker.
You both arrived a bit late, the team had already begun talking about the suspect and Morgan even went in to interview him. As soon as you two had stepped foot into the room, the team had stopped what they were doing and their eyes landed on you both. Even Hotch had begun looking and if Hotch looks then you know it's bad. Spencer was completely clueless about it, he was never much for picking up on social cues, but you knew. Spencer sat down with a smile, saying "good morning" before digging right into the new case file.
"Good morning indeed, pretty boy." Morgan teased, causing the rest to snicker.
'Oh god, it's already starting' you thought to yourself, hoping that you could at least get a moment of peace before they started throwing their jokes at the two of you. You rolled your eyes, sitting down at a chair next to Spencer as you sat your stuff down on the table. You were not prepared for today, even on 3 cups of coffee you could not handle this. Spencer squinted his eyes at the team, again not really picking up on their reason for laughing.
"Did y'all sleep well?" Morgan added, hoping at least Spencer would fall right into his trap... and he did.
"Yeah, we slept as good as you could in a 60-year-old bed," Spencer said back, his statement not even an overstatement. Those beds were around 60 years old and they sounded like it when you fucked in them.
You just kept your head down, not wanting the attention on you even though it was. Spencer was lucky that he was clueless, not understanding that you are quite literally the butt of the joke. Spencer's words caused a slight reaction in them all, they all knew you did a lot more than sleeping in that 60 year old bed... they all heard it. You could tell they all could, even Rossi who was the very last door in the hall could hear you.
"I know I didn't sleep too well..." Emily added in, looking over at Morgan as she smirked softly. "I kept hearing what sounded like a grunting goat?"
There it was, Spencer's confusion turned to embarrassment as she said those words. He suddenly sunk into his chair, feeling exposed as he now knew he was the butt of the joke.
"No, it was more of an owl who hasn't gone through puberty yet." Garcia joined in, causing everyone to laugh as you and Spencer both grew red.
Hotch was even laughing softly, his eyes peeling away from the file as he looked at you both through his eyebrows. You knew this was going to be a long trip... excruciatingly long and you knew this was only the beginning of the teasing and the jokes. Morgan had now started to make high pitched moaning sounds and Garcia would do it back to him, sounding completely ridiculous but honestly pretty close to what Spencer sounded like... you couldn't hide your laugh as they did them.
"Alright, alright..." You finally said, your face now on fire as you tried to redirect their focus on the case. "I'm sorry you guys are all not getting any... but we really have to focus on the case right now." You joked back, wanting the attention off of you now.
Spencer looked over at you, silently thanking you for attempting to get them to stop. They all continued to laugh, however, laughing even harder at your words. Your embarrassment slightly dissolved as you realized how stupid this entire thing was. You felt stupid for being embarrassed at how good you fuck your boyfriend, how he wasn't able to control his moans when he was with you. Your embarrassment turned to an ego as you looked at it like that.
"Y/N is right..." Hotch joined in, looking back down at his file. "But y/n, If you and Spencer keep me up until 2 am again... you're fired." 
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idwt-money · 5 months
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continuation of this blurb 🫶🏼
MDNI 18+
1.6k words, Noah sebastian x fem!reader
CW: unprotected sex, slight choking, dirty talk
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you were on the way to your doctor. you had been feeling sick and unwell when you called and made the appointment last week but now you felt fine. 
your doctor still wanted you to come in so he could run standard tests and to make sure it was nothing to be concerned about.
you sighed as you parked your car in an empty spot. you hated coming to the doctors, the hospital just freaked out. but you didn't mind your doctor. doctor Noah, he was so fucking fine. he had tattoos seemingly everywhere and he was so tall he towered over you every time he spoke to you. his hair somehow fell perfectly around his face and those glasses he wore, you could rip them off his face and have him fuck you silly.
did you have a minor crush on him? yes. did you fantasize about him every time you visited? also yes. 
it was just a hopeless little crush. he was strictly professional every time you've seen him, but you wished so desperately that he would break this nerdy character he seemed to have and dominate you in ways that appeared impossible. 
you stepped into the building, speaking to the front desk.
“i have an appointment with dr. Noah at 1:30.” you spoke softly, no one else was in the waiting room but it felt punishable to break the silence.
the lady took your information and checked the time.
“okay, take a seat and he will be with you momentarily.” she seemed bored speaking to you. 
you muttered a small ‘thank you’ before taking a seat and playing a game on your phone to pass the time. 
“y/n?” you popped your head up when you heard your full name being called by a nurse.
you followed her back, into the first room available.
she took your blood pressure, weight and such before telling you the doctor would be in, in just a couple of minutes.
you bounced your leg as you sat on the paper covered bed, although you knew nothing was wrong, every time you got a check up you were worried they'd find something harmful. 
also mixed in with the anxiety of seeing one of the finest doctors you've ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. that for sure didn't help. 
the silence of the room dissipated with the crack of the door opening. 
“hello, y/n.” dr. Noah said, giving a soft smile before squirting hand sanitizer into his palm.
“so, how are you feeling? you had some irritation in your chest?” his face looked at you with a puzzled expression painted on it. 
“uh- um yes. but i'm feeling much better now. simply taking your advice to get it checked out. just in case.” you were cursing at yourself for blushing at his appearance alone. under the fluorescent lights, you were sure you had no way to hid it. 
“well, everything here on your chart looks good, but your blood pressure does look a little high.” he pushed his glasses up, reading your chart thoroughly. 
“well…this place does freak me out a little..” you openly admitted. 
he gave a small chuckle.
“no need to be anxious. i don't bite.” he shot you a small wink before grabbing a stethoscope. 
“i'll listen to your chest now.” 
he stood up off his chair and put the cold metal against your shirt.
“breathe in, nice and deep.” 
“god, please don't hear my heart going fucking wild” you pleaded with yourself in your head as you followed his instructions.
“aaaand out. one more time."
once done listening to your lungs, he put the stethoscope away. as he walked back to his chair, you caught a sniff of his cologne. you swore to god you could have tackled him then and there. you pressed your thighs together in desperate attempts to ease the slow burning that was now pooling between your legs. 
“well, your lungs sound just fine, nothing you should be worried about.” he scribbled something down on the paper he had clipped to his clipboard. 
he looked up from the paper and got noticeably awkward. that was the exact moment you noticed your cleavage wanting to spill out of your shirt. your mind started racing the longer he looked at you.
“uh..is there something wrong, doctor?” you tried to put on a confident facade. 
“....no! just-” he cleared his throat “just uh-” 
for the first time, you had seen your doctor lose his “cool calm and collected” personality. he readjusted his tie and tried to come up with words as his mind drew a blank. 
“doctor, i feel like we know each other enough to talk outside of this professional setting. don't you think?” you cocked your head to the side as you asked your question. you stood up, approaching him. he, as per usual, was towering over you. 
you watched his eyes as something snapped in his brain. his facial expression turned from flustered to something you couldn't quite put your finger on. 
“you don't think i haven't noticed you trying to hide how bad you want to fuck me?” his voice was more of a growl in your ears, his words struggling to flow through his gritted teeth. 
the sudden switch up had you in a mix of emotions. 
he slowly pushed his body against yours, causing you to hit your backside against the counter.
“do you know how. many. fucking. times. i've had to run to the bathroom after your visits and jerk off?” 
you were simply at a loss of words. you looked like a deer in front of headlights.
“i-i didn't-” you stuttered.
“you didn't what? didn't mean to? i call bullshit. wearing skirts short enough i can practically see your entire fucking ass.” 
he had quite the grip on your hips now, digging his fingers into your skin. 
you lost track of any thought that was previously roaming around your mind and brought him into a kiss, it wasn't pretty. your teeth almost clashing together. 
you were quick to unbutton his white doctors coat, as he threw it onto the paper covered bed, you noticed he had many more tattoos than you expected. they were up and down his arms. as he undid his tie and undid a couple buttons of his shirt, you realized he was completely covered in tattoos. if you weren't wet enough you sure were now. 
before you could think he turned you around and your skirt was being lifted. you heard his belt and zipper come undone before he pushed your panties to the side and pushed himself into you. 
your eyes rolled back your mouth hung open. he was fucking massive. you'd figured he be big but you currently had no clue how the fuck he was fitting inside of you. 
as he slowly started to fuck into you, you couldn't help but let a long string of moans out. 
your moans led him to covering your mouth with his tattooed covered hand. you took no time at letting two of his fingers fall into your mouth. 
as he picked up his pace, his free hand traveled down to work at your clit. 
“be fucking quiet. it's dead silent in here. one noise and im leaving you a fucking mess.” 
you tried your best to stifle your moans and cries, but his fingers being shoved down your throat sure did help you a shit load. 
“fuck you feel better than i imagined.” his words were quiet and breathy, only loud enough for the two of you to hear. 
you both knew you had to be quick, there was only so much time until his next appointment and you weren't going to be left mid fuck.
you had fixed your position, your back now against Noah's chest. it only allowed him to reach deeper within your pussy, you didn't know what heaven on earth felt like until you had this mans cock 7 inches deep in your stomach. 
Noah's hand that was covering your mouth was now wrapped tightly around your neck. 
“fuck, doctor, youre going to fucking break me. you’re so fucking big- oh my god!” your words were extremely hushed, only wanting Noah to hear the dirty words you were mindlessly mumbling out. 
“mhm, fuck baby, i know. your pussy feels so good, so fucking perfect around my cock.” 
you were teetering on the edge of your orgasm and you weren't sure you'd be able to support yourself. 
“oh god- i dunno- i can't-” your words were rushed and worrisome until Noah took you in his arms.
“it's okay, i got you, let me have it. i wanna feel you so fucking bad.” 
his thrusts were getting sloppier but it only made it feel that much better. 
with Noah's reassurance you let yourself fall into a blissful orgasm, your body shaking against his. your cunt squeezed Noah's cock, causing him to lose himself in his own orgasm. you heard him grunt words out, but you were too fucked out to even take them in. 
you slowly came back down to earth, as did Noah. when you heard a knock on the door, you looked at each other panicked.
“your next appointment is here, dr. Noah.” his assistant spoke through the door.
“i will be there shortly.” was all he was able to say in his current situation. when he heard her walk away, you both rushed to put your clothes back on.
as you walked out of the building, you heard him mumble something to what you could guess was the janitor. 
“sanitize this room thoroughly, thank you.” 
you giggled to yourself before making your way back home. 
tag list ♡ : @th4t-em0-k1d
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writing-rat · 8 months
Wednesday Addams NSFW Alphabet
Content: G!P Wednesday Addams
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She is gentle after sex as she is rough and hard. She gives you water and food. She even makes sure to bathe you and cuddle you as well as doing a check-in, on what you liked, what you didn't like, and what was the best bit.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Wednesday's favourite body part of yours is your thighs. She loves what they look like. Wednesday's favourite body part of herself is her abs as she shows them off to you and only you when you want to see it. She likes to show how strong she is often.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She likes to cum in you and on you. She prefers to be inside you however as she doesn't want to make too much of a mess. She also has you on a towel in case any leaks out which you appreciate. She also likes you to swallow it sometimes but not often as she would rather give you pleasure too.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wednesday's dirty secret is that she wants to fuck you in front of Weems on the table to pay her back. She refuses to actually do it however since her imagination gives her enough satisfaction.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Wednesday isn't as experienced but she is knowledgeable about it. She was taught at a young age by her parents as they wanted to give her safe sex tips before she went off just in case. She does know what she's doing most of the time but sometimes she needs help like when she couldn't enter it in and got insecure about it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Her favourite position has to be in is the cowgirl as she likes to watch your tits and ass bounce as well as touching your thighs. She is in control however and makes that clear as she puts a collar and lead on you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She is serious in the moment and shows true passion. If something goes wrong she is quick to care about you. If something goes wrong she would laugh if it was a bit funny. She does tend to be more serious though.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She is well groomed. She has a thin layer of pubic hair that runs up to her belly button but it is trimmed daily as well as cleaned. She doesn't want it to be messy but shaving all the time is a time waster. At most she gives it a month before she trims. She doesn't care about your body hair. She also shaves her armpits and legs.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
In the moment they are romantic. She prefers to kiss while fucking you or grabbing you all over and complimenting and speaking to you during sex. She will keep speaking in French. She also goes however you want whether it be gentle or rough.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She doesn't masturbate often during the day. She only does it once a day, 2 times at max. She does it in the morning and at night. She tends to masturbate with a death grip as she prefers that and loves it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
One of her kinks is punishments. She likes to spank you, likes to cage you and collar and lead you. She will do it in public even if you are bratty. Another of her kinks is recording it as she loves the aspect of seeing it over again and finds it better than porn. She makes sure more of you is seen.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Her favourite place to do it is at Weem's desk when she isn't there or the hiding spots in the school. Her parents told her all about the nooks and crannies and even the Nightshades library. She does prefer it in the bedroom though where it is more private as she doesn't want anyone else to see you nude.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
What turns them on is if you tease her or send her photos. She doesn't usually focus on her hormones so she feels different. What gets them going however is if she can't solve a mystery fast enough or she has writers block then she will fuck you out of frustration.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She doesn't do feet. She finds them nasty and would rather not involve them. She also won't do public sex during the day as she is jealous.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She prefers to give than receive as she feel she would have to pay it back. Of course if you just want to give her pleasure she will allow it but she will write a reminder for herself to do something for you in return. She is quite skilled at it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She is usually fast and rough. She does that especially when she is frustrated or angry. If she feels romantic or happy then she is slow and gentle unless you want it hard and rough then she would do it. She would scratch and bite at you too.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She doesn't really like quickies. She wants to take her time with you, please you, love you, compliment you, and take care of you. She might do them if you beg for them but you always end up late for classes as she ends up taking her time anyway.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She does experiment often. She does take some risks but not all risks. She doesn't want to be separated from you after all as you are her one and only love. She makes sure to not be too obvious too. The worst she's ever done is using a knife on you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She can last many rounds, 6 at most. She makes sure you always orgasm first however. She can last for a long time, reaching up to an hour, sometimes an hour and a half if she hadn't done a lot during the day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She does own some toys not many. She only has vibrators and never really used them on herself. She also had a fleshlight but found it uncomfortable so it isn't used. She uses the vibrations on you though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She is a big tease, especially if it is part of a punishment. She sends pictures of her dick regularly in class when she is sitting away from you and avoids every touch from you. She will 'accidentally' brush her hand against your thighs though. She also sometimes prohibits you from having sex during the night.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She is quite quiet. She doesn't want others to know. She only groans, grunts, and gasps. She rarely moans out loud but she has quieter moans. She is only loud if she has you over at her house and her family are out of the house.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Wednesday likes to have a private folder of your nudes so when you are away from her or if she is away from you, she can jack off to you. Sometimes she even initiates phone sex with you but only when she is desperate.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Wednesday is BIG. Wednesday has a solid 9.3 inches with hair going up to her belly button. She has some muscles which she doesn't make obvious as well as a six-pack. She doesn't have hair under her armpits and her legs are cleanly shaved.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Her sex drive isn't high at the start and can last 2 weeks without sex but as your relationship develops she wants it more and more to the point she has to do it once a day with you. She is happy to do it but if you don't want to she understands.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She doesn't fall asleep straight away. She takes care of you and makes sure you are ok before she can sleep while cuddling you and rubbing your back. Sure she is tired after but her focus is on you instead.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
What are your expectations/theories for Messmer?
I have a few! I even considered making a predictions bingo on him specifically to check when DLC comes out! XD But overall the predictions resulted from me and @val-of-the-north bouncing the ideas around 🤔 I'll need to link a few of other posts here too to help clarifying some relevant topics!
1) I think he is one of the children between Marika and Godfrey, or maybe even her first-born!
At first I was also thinking that him having red hair was a damning evidence that he had to be born from selfcest, like Malenia and Miquella! But Val brought this to my attention that in ER manga, which is apparently on a stronger level of directing than BB comics from my knowledge, Rykard is a blond!
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So Val suggested that genes can work a funny way since Marika and Radagon are still the same person, and if Rykard got Marika's golden hair gene even from Radagon's body, the reverse is possible and someone in Golden Lineage could have red hair even from Marika! I also agree because Miquella is venturing into the Shadows Land presumably to discover Marika's secrets:
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(Famitsu interview with Miyazaki, taken from this ( x ) post) But Messmer to me feels like he would be fully aware of every Marika's dark secret there is! I joke that he is very Lucifer-coded, but actually Satan-coded is a better comparison. He is the holder of "Hell", where the 'graceless' beings and those rejected by Golden Order reside, like that ancient Misbegotten(ish) creature! If he was the third sibling of this kind, why would he know more than Malenia and Miquella? (I mean, surprise me!) But if he had been there from the very start, carrying her (God's) punishment, then sure!
My other clue towards that is that he shares the "spartan" aesthetic in his clothes with Godfrey and his Duelists ( x ) (and actually Goldmask too)! This whole thing with leg wraps and waistwrap!
2) He is the first to historically partake in Dragon Communion, and the inspiration of Drake Knights
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There are dragonic features about himself, the design of his armour and his snakes! Initially I thought of Dragonic Sentinels too, but their whole deal is to combat Granssax, who I concluded attacked after Farum Azula war and Placidusax' lord was fled. More than that, their deal is 'electric' line of dragons specifically, whereas Drake Knights and others who that partake in Dragon Communion are not picky! They eat dragon hearts to take their power, and that includes 'fire' line of dragons, like Greyoll and her spawn!
I speculate that he was the first person historically, with the bright idea of eating dragon heart to take its power, and this is where his fire powers came from. Fire is associated with heresy, but in his case it was both: assuming powers of dragons was heresy itself (so, before Godwyn made dragons 'friends'), but fire powers came from it! As a Demigod, he also did not meet the same miserable fate as Magma Wyrms! He had the privilege to really take something useful by being not mere mortal.
3) The snakes, therefore, are part of his body!
There are two of them, and I assume they're growing from the base of his spine and function like his tails! If Placidusax is anything to go by, this is part of him developing multiple heads but in the way that would not mess with his body too much. Funny enough, I had two dreams of Gwyndolin as a baby, and in both Gwyndolin as a child only had two snakes that did work as tails, so maybe I am biased!
4) Rotten Duelists also take inspiration from him
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I am resharing the image by Val from a post I've already linked, but whereas they elaborate sign of Godfrey and hatred for the Giants in their design, the snakes around their arms and on their helmets are supposed to refer to Messmer!
I imagine Godfrey and Messmer being that super cool OG battle duo. Duelists feature two kinds of 'heresy' in their design - the snakes and the symbols of the Giants, and I assume they were proudly wearing these before being driven from the Coliseum! Back then symbolism of "taking power from the enemy" was something honourable, and so was what Messmer did - becoming 'sinful' to be the more powerful weapon of Marika was courageous and virtuous of him. So, snakes were also fine to proudly depict in the clothes! Until it was not:
5) He is banished for (attempted) burning of the Erdtree
This theory is coined in by @val-of-the-north! In this ( x ) post it is explained better, but in short, there are evidences that the big golden Erdtree we see is an illusion, most interesting one is ashes being all over Leyendell even before defeating Maliketh. So that's why it no longer is giving its blessed sap and is "only an object of faith" now, though its lower part is still physical of course. I agree with this idea!
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I think he had to do something bad because of the huge sealed eye possibility! Ranni and Melina also have an eye sealed, and both are Demigods that had their 'privilege' within the Golden Order removed in one way or another. Messmer, on the other way, wows to burn whoever is devoid of grace, so I doubt that he would willingly divest himself of it! Whereas he's been heretical for dragonic powers and the 'Satan' to her system to take care of the 'sinners' from the beginning, but he got excommunicated from the family and likely erased from its records! Bonus points if Godwyn being the first in the Golden Lineage is just what they tell people now!
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I've always had a feeling that whereas everyone is anticipating him to become the first true Soulsborne sexyman, something just has to put a dent in it. Just something to sour the character. I can't explain it, it is like sixth sense...? But I think I finally know what it is. During answering this ask, I payed attention how even with other things put in consideration, he still appears to be loyal to his mother and the purpose she intended to him. He speaks defensive against her letting the "unworthy" to become a Lord. Like... this is not necessarily something weird, it could just be strong loyalty even against his self-interest like what we see in Maliketh or Morgott, but there is just strange sixth sense about perhaps some Freudian shit going on in his head that I can't shake, and not anti-climatic one after what they did with Mohg.
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7) Motivation for attempted burning of the Erdtree were themes of ambition and perfection
I will link a couple of posts (with pictures) in which I explained how Erdtree is itself a Crucible and how I theorise existence of Omens resulted in denying and loathing the thing ( x ) ( x ). They're not too long tbh, and in both I forgot to bring up the fact that Ancestral Followers worship Minor Erdtrees :') But the main point is, everything sacred will eventually rot and die, however, giving the way to a new thing to sprout from it, and that was something Marika was unwilling to accept. Erdtree and Golden Order, were supposed to be Eternal, like herself.
Marika made everything that reminded of the other side of life, like Misbegotten and Omens, illegal, and ensured immortality in the best way she could, but Messmer took it even further. He attempted to remove the 'life' aspect of the Elden Ring, to separate the sacred power granted to his mother and relatives from the earth. So, from from inevitable death, from ever rotting, from 'cycle'... from everything "imperfect", so it could be just the one perfect, pure, 100% spiritual thing in their hands. + I think what he did happened after Gloam-Eyed Queen fiasco, so that was another point in realising the instability and imperfection. + to draw from the previous point, he might have been really pissed at Greater Will itself on behalf of his mother.
Except, what he did was not something even Marika would agree to. Greater Will specifically sought this "imperfect" world FOR its "imperfections", to gain form and purpose through births and deaths and feelings and struggles from the amorphous empty cosmic state. It was suffering from its superiority, there was nothing to love or hate or want. It gives me the same vibe as how in BB, the Great Ones are willing to trade their perfection for simple joy of loving a child; they don't need to give birth since they're immortal and their genes are not in need of surviving, but there is just... nothing in this immortality. This is something Messmer would not understand. Sellen is another example of this mindset, aspiring for the things the "perfect" beings were willing to escape. It is always the case of 'greener grass' lol
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But yes, absolutely no one appreciated the attempt to separate the Elden Ring from being rooted into mortal "flawed" things. I think he still thinks he is right, and that whatever little dialogue he will have should contain quite the vitriol.
8) In the second stage of his battle, he will become far more dragonic.
I expect at least something happening with the snakes akin to becoming his wings. Maybe he will even turn into a dragon, a two-headed one! + also if there is no particularly gruesome (lethal) visceral attack by his snakes I will rebel lol
Soooo yeah... This isn't much, but my imagination is weak when I have limited information x) I have also seen an idea that the thing that pierces Marika's body might be his doing since he is titled the Impaler, but for now I think this is not the case! Her hammer is full of similar sharp shards of Elden Ring, so I think this is just another shard, or, perhaps, something Elden Beast threw at her. Red coloration comes from being bloodied! Marika was a mortal once, after all!
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thewolvesof1998 · 1 year
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (18+)
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (2.8k, E) 
Fluff and smut and love confessions; Buck and Eddie use Morse Code when they can’t use words. 
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Buck can’t keep still.
It was a known fact that some part of Buck’s body will be in constant motion, and when it wasn’t? You should be concerned.
A bouncing knee, an elastic band wound around his fingers, head bopping, fingers tapping Morse code he had learned on a whim after Eddie told him that he knew it.
“Army, Buck,” Eddie humorously drawls at the look of shock on Buck’s face. Buck flushes a pretty shade of pink and ducks his head the way he does when he’s embarrassed.
“Oh, right-yeah,” Buck says, scratching at the back of his neck.
Eddie decided to take mercy on him and knocks his shoulder against Buck’s, “They don’t teach it much anymore but my Captain liked to use it, he taught us.”
Eddie’s throat is suddenly dry, panic seizing his muscles…they were all dead now.
“Maybe we could use it? It might come in handy on calls where we need to communicate without talking or if we couldn’t see each other, like imagine-” Buck continues to ramble, his voice calming Eddie, grounding him in the present. Eddie didn’t know if Buck did it purposely, but he is grateful either way.
And so they started using Morse code to communicate, not for anything serious, but mostly just as a way to silently communicate between the two of them.
One finger for a dot, two for the dash, tapped on whatever surface was near, sometimes into skin, other times waved through the air.
To check-in in the middle of a burning building when they couldn’t hear each other well enough, sure they had radios but some words are just for them.
E: Dash-dot-dot-dot. Dot-dot-dot, dot-dash, dot-dot-dash-dot, dot. (b safe)
B: Dot-dot-dot-dot-dash. Dot-dot-dash. Dot-dash, dot-dash-dot-dot, dot-dash-dash, dot-dash, dash-dot-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot. (4 u, always)
In the firehouse, sitting on opposite couches, not wanting to break the fragile silence of some ungodly hour but wanting to connect.
E: Dot-dot-dash. Dash-dash-dash, dash-dot-dash. (U ok?)
B: Dash-dot, dash-dash-dash. (No)
E: Dash-dot-dash-dot, dash-dash-dash, dash-dash, dot. Dot-dot-dot-dot, dot, dot-dash-dot, dot. (come here)
Buck ends up with his head in Eddie’s lap, Eddie’s fingers in his hair and tears on his cheeks. He falls asleep not long after that, Eddie tapping silent comforts into his skin.
So Buck can’t stay still even if his life depended on it. Or in this case an orgasm. And Eddie-well Eddie is annoyed.
“Buck,” He warns, looking up from in-between Buck’s thighs. One of Buck’s hands freezes in his hair, the other on Eddie’s shoulder. Buck blushes and smiles guiltily before pulling them away and placing them back on the headboard. 
“If you move again, I will have to punish you,” Buck squirms at Eddie’s words, his mouth drops open and a whine slips between those pretty pink lips. Buck’s hands flex on the headboard as if he’s not sure what he wants, for Eddie to continue fucking him with his finger or to punish him. 
Buck's grip tightens on the wood, always desperate to be good for Eddie. Eddie smiles into the skin of Buck’s thigh, biting down on the soft skin, a reward for both of them. They both love it when Eddie leaves his mark on Buck, claiming Buck as his. 
Buck gasps as Eddie licks at the forming bruises until it’s oversensitive.
Continue Reading on ao3
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cyren-myadd · 7 months
Do you have a chapter snippet??
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Hey guys, the last two weeks have been really busy for me, so chapter 19 is going to be late. Thank you for your patience and in the mean time, here's a snippet!
Wainfleet hopped off his bed and bounced over to Spider with a big stupid grin on his face. For a moment, Quaritch looked like he was going to say no, but then he heaved a sigh and waved for them to leave. Spider followed Wainfleet out of the room and down the hall, following an arrow that pointed them in the direction of the restroom.
“Maverick’s on the way to making a full recovery, by the way.” Wainfleet said cheerily.
Spider started walking towards the bathroom faster. The last thing he wanted was to put up with small talk from Mr. Clean’s evil twin. “Right… um, who’s Maverick again?”
Wainfleet looked slightly offended. “My dog. You hurt him the night you tried to run away, remember?”
“Oh,” Spider cringed at the memory of snapping jaws and razor sharp fangs. Privately, he wished the dog wasn’t going to make a full recovery. “Look, man, I’m really sorry, I—”
“Don’t look so nervous, kid, I ain’t mad at ya!” Chuckled Wainfleet as he patted him on the back. His big, thick fingers probed uncomfortably over his half-healed lashes. “Besides, you’ve already paid your dues for it, haven’t you?”
Spider shrugged his hand off and doubled his pace towards the bathroom. Why did the damn thing have to be so far away? “Yeah, I guess I have.”
If Wainfleet picked up on the signals that he didn’t want to talk, he must’ve ignored them, because he easily caught up with Spider and continued, “all water under the bridge! By the way, you cost me a lot of money when you ran off. I really believed you when you said you weren’t gonna make a run for it. We had a hell of a time placing bets on you! Ha!”
“Well, I’m glad somebody’s having fun here.” Spider hissed between his clenched teeth.
Wainfleet stopped in his tracks as it finally seemed to dawn on him that Spider wasn’t enjoying their conversation. “Wait, c’mon, kid, I didn’t mean it like that.”
At long last, Spider finally reached the bathroom. He grabbed the door handle, but before he could yank it open and escape Wainfleet’s presence, a big, pale hand slammed it shut. Spider yanked on the door handle, but it was in vain. Wainfleet was just too strong.
“Dude, I’m gonna shit my pants. Let me go already.”
“Just wait a minute, okay?” Wainfleet pleaded.
Spider heaved a long, dramatic sigh before releasing the door handle and turning to face him.
“Look, Miles, I know things have been… hard for you here.”
Spider scoffed.
“But I promise, this really is for the best. I know your dad was pretty harsh on you the other night, but he only does it because he’s scared for you. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but…” Wainfleet glanced around to check if anyone was listening and lowered his voice. “Ardmore didn’t really want him to get you back, especially after the whole fiasco with the court case and him going to prison. Your dad is working really hard to convince her that you’ll be an asset to the RDA, and every time you run off or disobey an order, it gets harder and harder for him to do that.”
“And what happens if he can’t convince her?”
Wainfleet grimaced and poked a finger into Spider’s chest just like Quaritch had done earlier. “Your dad wasn’t just saying all that to be mean. He really is scared for you, so if you don’t listen to him, he has to punish you to keep you in line. Trust me, it hurts him just as much as it hurts you, but he doesn’t have a choice. He’d rather do that to you than let you run wild and end up with the labcoats. So, please, don’t give him a reason to punish you, okay?”
“Okay, I won’t try to run off again.” Spider nodded in agreement while internally his head was reeling with the confirmation that he actually could get dissected or something. As far as he was concerned, Wainfleet had only convinced him even more that he needed to escape.
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atvace · 10 months
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Chapter 7: Lil Preppy
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You sat in the headquarters cafeteria, spinning your pink can of Monster energy drink. you collected your thoughts about the case, trying to connect the dots. You were slightly puzzled about how a big-ass missile is interlinked with drug trafficking. it's pretty out of your field to mend evidence by evidence into a conclusion, but you're trying.
"You okay, Dior?" You felt a soft touch on your shoulder, frowning at the callsign you tilt to the source of the voice. he raised his eyebrow and bent his face to your side, "The walls have ears, gotta get tactical, yeah?" you smiled and nod. "I'm fine, I was just recollecting my thoughts. I feel like there's something deeper about this case." you shuffled your small notebook and open the content to soap. "I genuinely think that they have a backup. it's crazy powerful if this organization runs independently."
He rested his fingertips on the rail of the chair, "This taken?". you shook your head as he sat to examine your papers. turning a few pages with scribbles and doodles around, highlighted texts, and many more notes. "You're investigating this outside duty?" You nodded, "could've used my spare time for clues." You shrugged, shifting the notebook to your fore.
"Any closure?" You raised your eyebrow at the question. "Suspect is Iranian holding possibly more than one missile. my deduction was two but I could be wrong," you submerged a few pictures of a missile anatomy. "I'm certain hostage is unnecessary for them, because," you flipped a page to multiple cut newspapers. "I haven't found the very root of this but the US missile that shat on them, they got grumpy when their leader died so their second-in-command took over," Soap listened to your lecture.
But his mind was a little out of space. whilst you're talking, he gets to closely notice many of your small features. now, the military has been up his ass, the only time he has seen some woman in his life was whenever the team went to the bar to get some mission accomplishment tributes but that doesn't count because it was based on lust. he never gets to actually notice a woman who is charming in her own way, like you.
you're a smart woman, nobody ever dared to speak down about yourself because you know how high your self-worth was. you're a content woman with dreams and steel ambition. despite your demotion, you still mastered whatever skills that held tightly to you like a rope, you took your punishment in demotion professionally.
his surroundings turned mute, everything but you were blurry, the way your tired eyes mend from the paper and back to him in a hypnotic motion, your strands of hair brushing your cheekbones felt like slow-motion, the way the light mirrored your iris shines and bounced to his sight, the way you pursed your lips as you talk makes him flustered at the thought of an intimate scenario.
His lips parted, his eyes softened at the sight of your soul. he felt light, he felt like falling to your voice. its like luring him into something intoxicating. The longer you talk, the more you bewitched him into questionable feelings.
"...and that is why I think they had another organization giving resources." you placed both of your hands to your waist and huffed. the silence made you check on Soap's attention span as a 5-year-old iPad kid. you glared down at him as your cough pulled his senses back to earth.
he blinked a few times trying to form a word from his hazed mind "....what?"
you groaned in annoyance and frustratedly run your hand through your hair and clicked your tongue. "I can't."
"Dior, I understand-" "Okay, repeat what I said." you stood and glared down at him.
He paused for a few moments with his lips parted trying to form a word or two. "Exactly." you slammed your book shut. "I, uh they have multiple missiles rockets, drug sailing, and a strong ally." Soap tried to win you back to your seat. "And you will be lurking, and..." you raised one eyebrow as he grin defeatedly. Still annoyed, you sighed "That's fine. I don't expect you to listen anyways. cause you're just a man, that's what you do." you shrugged and scooted over to the kitchen counter.
He frowned at the statement and melted to the table, watching you closely. "Can't help it, I'm sorry." he hides his face to the table and crossed his arm to his forehead. "Why can't you?" You smirked, pouring water into a glass for yourself. "Nevermind, I'm s-"
"Forgiven." you sip the water from your cup and leaned to the table beside him. "So tell me, before all this happened, what are the mission you went through." you rested your head on the table, he fixate himself and tilt at you. "I uh I was assigned to Ghost for a mission in Al Mazrah to find Hassan. and then we thought that's all he did until turns out they kidnapped a kid." he paused to look at you for a moment but break it off as soon you raised an eyebrow.
"And, uhm.. well.." he rubbed his palm. "Well?" you leaned closer, facing him. For the hundredth time, his lips parted and watched galaxies in your eyes. "We heard there was a sudden new recruit-" "ASSIGNED FBI." you grumpily cut him off which made him chuckle, "..There was a sudden assigned FBI joining our task force so we were off duty for a few days until Hassan made another move." He explained as you nodded slowly. after a few moments of tinkering, you decided to lie on the table in front of soap, taking out your notebook and pen.
"This Hassan guy was a second in command of General Ghobrani? Killed in action by...you?" scribbled down to the book, raising your pen, you pointed at Soap.
"K.I.A yes but I didn't kill him, I was in another batch that time." he got up and sat at the table beside you, "But in what I heard, heard Commander Graves and Ghost were under that mission. Ghost confirmed Ghobrani's existence in the field chatting with the Russians and then Graves launched a missile towards the old guy." You look at him with a surprised expression "Damn, that was him then? holy shit I thought Graves isn't the type of person who would use huge force for something...as a small cranky old man like Ghobrani." Invested with the talk, Soap lay down next to you at the table.
"Actually I saw Ghobrani once in Laswell's computer when I was filing something." Soap tilts his head to you, "Really?" You nodded rapidly and put down your notebook to your stomach. "He's ugly, but fat fuck shepherd is uglier." you crossed your arms to your chest and huffed. "Is there any reason why you hate General Shepherd so much?" Soap squinted his eyes and focuses his gaze on you. "I just hate ugly guys." you shrugged, "Dior, you're not the type of person who has little respect for upper-ups, and in what I recalled Laswell is in the same league as Shepherd. thought you had a mother-daughter thing with her?" Soap knitted his eyebrows.
you paused for a few moments to collect some thoughts, why did you hate Shepherd so much in the first place? what made your blood boils hot so much? He ain't done nothing to you but you just despise him the most. One time you put peanut butter on his sandwich once to trigger his allergic and accidentally sent him to the ER. but that was when you were 16.
"I just don't trust him, that's one" You gained Soap's full attention. "So you don't trust Graves either?" his reply makes you gasp softly. he raised his eyebrow at your response "General Shepherd's minion is Graves, Graves owns-" "Shadow company?" you bit your tongue. "...Yeah, I thought you knew." Soap rubbed the back of his head.
You and Soap stared at the ceiling for a few moments, gathering thoughts in the air. "He's so weird, Soap. like the most white American men ever." You snickered. "Actually I agree. I didn't like the way he stared at you back this evening. you see," The two of you turned to each other, facing one another. "In his Twitter, he would retweet every American content he sees and every time he post a picture of himself, he would tag all the shadows, regardless if they're in the picture or not." Your reaction made Soap satisfied. "what a fuckin dick" you snorted a laugh.
"And then one time when everyone went out to see Barbie, he won't stop complaining how Barbie always made Ken feel left out." You scoffed. "I knew that Graves guy isn't trustworthy. men who despise the Barbie movie are red flags!" You fisted yourself in pissed, "But there was a truce thing and we just happen to work along. but not gonna lie, I must agree with your trust issue. you can't trust anyone on the battlefield." Soap got up and sat, looking at your notebook.
"I mean, I guess I trust you" you chuckled whilst watching him. his expression changed to serious as he looks down on you. "...Soap?" your smile drops as he lunged at your wrist, pinning it above your head and tickled your stomach with his left hand. you wheezed and arched your back, feeling euphoria up your nervous system, once again you felt happy. your laughter echoes against the spacious kitchen making Soap shifted his small tickles to the side of your waist.
you died from laughter as tears formed in the corner of your eye, "Can't escape the Scottish tickle torture!" He jokingly said as he continued to tickle you. but stopped immediately when you let out a pig-like snort when he tickled you. "SOAP! I hate you." you laughed again as you got up holding your stomach, "Well good to know the super agent FBI is ticklish, yeah?" the two of you laughed at each other and you kicked him unintentionally not aware of the power of your legs, you sent him flying off the table rolling through the kitchen floor.
"Ohh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." you said getting off the table to help him on the floor.
The clock strikes at 2 Am. The whole hallway echoes with loud thudding footsteps and many other soldiers running back and forth to get ready to war. apparently, you learned that Grave's men are called 'Shadows'. and everyone has their own numbers.
You were getting ready in the armory room, checking your compound bow once in a while, looking at your arrow making sure it's sharp enough. you saw Graves talking to a group of his shadow.
He was giving a gentle pat on the shoulder to all his men. which you find... cute. "Dior, explosives." Gaz's voice broke off your gaze. "Oh, thanks!" you received his grenades and plugged them into your vest. "Nervous?" He bent to your level as you laughed. "Hell nah, nervous is for the weak." you swayed your hair. "Good, catch you on later, yeah? we'll be in a different car." He patted your back before parting ways.
Grave ran his hand through his blonde hair before plugging an earpiece in, "All shadows, I want us to make room for Dior to lurk in the dark. watch for her accordance, I want everyone to stand by 24/7." Graves threw a tactical radio toward you.
catching it with your hand, everyone's gaze shifts to your black Baiwa Croc Over-the-knee boots, full tactical gear vest, and a metal arrow bag. you put on the radio earpiece and slid it to one of the pockets, "I will come back in one piece, that's one." you braided your hair and turn it into a bun before wearing the helmet and a tactical half-face gas mask.
"(y/n), Your sh-" "Graves." Price held his shoulder and shook his head lightly. the captains watched you readjusting your handguns and the customized compound bow. "I know, she'll be fine. you have my words." Graves bit his cheek and sighs, "Okay, I hope she won't complain about her legs getting all steamy from that...heels." Grave's doubt made Price frown. "the only thing she'll complain about is her nails not getting done before a mission." Price shrugs away to get into his assigned car with the rest of the 141.
You stretched yourself to make sure everything was in the correct position. but by that time, you realized there was a loose belt behind your back. your arms were too short to grasp it. "Here," Ghost's figure got to your back, and he helped you strap the belt.
"Thank you, Lt." you feel yourself tight in the vest. "What're your side arms, Sergeant?" you raised both of your eyebrows and showed him your fully loaded Revolver and tase gun. "Do you know how to switch on the radio channel?" He pointed at your earpiece, "Well, it's Grave's. he said he'll teach me on the way but it shouldn't be so hard." you held the belt of your vest.
"I think it's best if you have this," he took out something from his pocket, it was two identical throwing knives. your eyes perked in happiness and grasped it from his hands. "Dope! thank you, Lt." you grin and shove the knives into one of your pockets.
"Don't let ego take over you. it's okay to use handguns when your bow is at stake." He pats your shoulder and nodded, "I'm on station 1 switch, could give private updates while were parted on the field, yeah?" you chuckled. he looks at you boringly. you couldn't really tell his expressions from his mask.
"Dior, RedCon to move!" Graves shouted from the distance, "Copy, commander!" you waved at Graves. "byee Lt-" You quickly turned towards the Range Rover waiting for you. but Ghost stops you by holding back your arms gently. "Hey, be safe," he said coldly. you tilt your head back and smiled at him. "I will." felt warmth in his heart, and he then lets you go and watches your figure going inside the car.
"Be safe..." Gaz held Soap's waist and laid him like a bride, "I'll be so safe..." Soap teased and place his hand to his forehead like a Damsell in distress. Ghost glared at the two in pissed. "Can you guys stop?" the Lt grew irritated watching his two sergeant making kissing and baby noises. "Stop." Ghost tilts himself disturbingly, "I'm gonna kill you."
"But how will that keep us safe?" Soap held his hand to Gaz's chest. "I'm so safe" Gaz still teased with his hand resting to Soap's waist. from the distance, Captain Price rubbed his temper in stress.
"what the hell are those muppets doing..."
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
"Red rotator for private station 0-1, me, and Captain Price. Blue rotator for all shadows, just click it to your desired person to contact, and flip this switch if you want to get on the 141s." Graves instructed, showing how the radio he gave you works, flipping the device back and forth.
"If you're in a tight position, there's another switch behind in red. it will send a 15-minute live location to my phablet. make sure you're in a very emergency state because you can only deploy it once before it selfs destruct from the inside." he gave back the radio.
You nodded in understanding, "Might've contacted you the most but we'll see what goes down in the field." You leaned yourself to the window of the car. "Could also contact me outside duty." he does the same but to the other side of the window. you look at him dirty.
Grave looked at the rear mirror, exchanging looks with the shadow in the shotgun seat and the one driving. he cleared his throat and fix himself, "So, you're American. which sta-" "Classified." He knitted his eyebrow at your short remark.
"I grew up in Southern America."
"I see."
"My mother loves Christian Dior, usually most of my savings goes to her shopping cart."
"I am a cat person," He's certainly not.
He gritted his teeth trying hard to get you to talk to him. but you won't bat an eye like the streets are more interesting than him.
"Did you know I navigate nuclear missiles for a living?"
You swore you could hear his two men holding back a laugh in the fronts. He dug his nails into his knee, thinking hard about how to impress you.
"What's your motivation for joining the military?"
"Fiesty, I aspire to be like Leon Kennedy-"
Now you finally tilt your head to him. "-I thought he's cool back in middle school." You pursed your lips at his opinion, "He is." He looks at you with a sigh of relief that you finally gave him attention. "I want to look like him" he smiled at you
You scoffed and crossed your legs, "You look nothing like him." his smile drops.
Out of a sudden, your radio vibrated in your vest. "Dior, this is Ghost. Do you copy?" You raised your eyebrow and rotated the radio to reply, "Ghost, this is Dior with Commander 0-1, over." you released the button which made Graves smile, "You're a fast learner." he commented.
Your radio buzzed again, "Dior, Soap hasn't got a hold of the security cameras outside the gates. You need to lay low and coherent towards the southern gate. when you reach the main entrance from the inside, contact me. we'll send in men as you open the door. 10-4" You nodded as the buzzing stopped.
"What'd he say" He scooted over to you but you move away from him. "He told me to drop off from the southern gate because Soap hasn't taken over the cams." You tighten the straps in your chest and cracked your knuckles. "Shadow 2-3, you heard that?" Graves looked at the driver. "Copy that, Sir. No breaks." He gassed faster.
After a few minutes of the wheels crashing through mud and rocky roads, the car stopped at the designated area. you pulled down the built-in glasses from your helmet and open the door. "Dior," You turned to Graves whose in the car. He lent you a Mini-Uzi gun. you raised your eyebrow and slowly receive the gun he gave you. "Just in case, soldier." you paused for a moment and smiled. "Tango Mike, Commander." you proceed to run towards the gate. it was just a mile, they drop you off from far to avoid detection.
the sound of the car disappearing in the distance is followed by the muffled footstep from your running legs, you could feel your memory flooding back. the sight of you receiving multiple FBI certificates of honor, Chief Artofay assigning you to be his right hand, and your old agent friends cheering in the club waves over you. You are now unfortunately a sergeant. but it won't be long, because you own half of your country once. you will be back in the FBI seat as soon as possible. you will get the rank you deserve back. this is all will be just your playground.
You look up at the huge gate, it looks easy to climb over, at least for you. entering will be easy but surviving inside is the challenge. you took a deep breath and clocked the gun Graves gave you. pausing for a moment before tuning to your earpiece.
"Attention all stations, this is Dior from the southern gate going dark, over."
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Chapter Nine: The Drop
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Summary: A night at the bar doesn’t go how you and Eddie thought it would and it ends with you getting punished. Eddie lets you in on some of the darker moments of his past that no one really knows about. 
Pairing: Rockstar/Bar Owner!Eddie Munson x Baker!Reader 
Words: 9K
Warnings: 18+, dom/sub dynamic, smut, spanking, vibrators, fingering, safe word used, sub drop, alcohol, mentions of drugs, jealousy, an almost bar fight, angst, cussing, overuse of pet names, Y/N used, talks of past jail time, the word whore is used a lot, mentions of canon character death by suicide. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Hello! Gonna be honest this chapter was hard as hell to write. I had zero motivation and I ended up re-writing a part of it like three times. I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update but here is chapter nine! As always the girl in the gif does not represent what the reader looks like, I just needed the aesthetic of a pinky promise! Please tell me what you think! Also I've never experienced sub drop so I probably didn't portray it correctly please be nice about it!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! I will be double checking if you have your age in your bios! AGELESS OR BLANK BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE TAG LIST!
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They say that time heals all wounds and you knew that was what you needed for your heart to get back into shape. After taking a few days to grieve you easied your way back into work, knowing Nana wouldn’t want you to dwell on her passing and soon you found yourself back in the swing of things. The kitchen was a place where you could let your stress melt away, letting you focus on the task at hand; currently that was a cupcake cake in the shape of a dinosaur. You went about adjusting the cupcakes into the perfect spots before you were confident enough to start frosting it. Outlining the dino with white buttercream you then moved onto filling it in with the light green and blue buttercream for its skin and spots. Cartoonish. Cute. The kid will love it. 
“Y/N,” Emma said as she poked her head back into the kitchen. “Mrs. Reynolds is here for that dinosaur cake.”
“Just finished!” You smiled as you picked it up and placed it in a box for your customer. “I’ll bring it right out!”
“I’ll let her know!” Emma smiled as she moved back into the front of the shop. You heard her quiet. “It’ll be out in just a minute.”
Slapping the sticker on top you picked it up and maneuvered your way out of the kitchen into the shop towards the empty register. “Mrs. Reynolds?”
“That would be me!” The red-haired soccer mom said as she stood up from your cafe table and bounced over to you. She seemed more excited about this cake then her kid probably was.
“Your order is ready!” You smiled as you placed it on the counter pushing it towards her. “I hope the birthday boy likes it!”
“I’m sure he will!” She smiled as she touched the top of the box. “Can I look?”
“Be my guest!” 
You watched as she lifted the lid and did an excited little dance. “Oh my it’s perfect! I knew you wouldn’t let me down!”
“I’m so happy you like it!” You laughed in glee holding your hands to your chest. This. This reaction is why you decided to open the bakery in the first place.
She smiled brightly at you as she closed the lid on the box and pulled it carefully into her arms, gave you a little wave, and headed towards the door with a little bounce in her step. 
Grinning, you headed back into the kitchen to finish a few more orders until you had to leave. Tonight you were going to the bar for the first time in a few weeks. You hadn’t been ready to face a lot of people since the funeral but Eddie had convinced you to come out cause the boys were playing again and getting the chance to get out and listen to your favorite band with a few drinks with friends is just what the doctor - or in this case the Dom - ordered. Plus the band would be leaving for New York soon to work on a deal and a new album with their record company and Eddie wanted to spend as much time with you as he could before he had to hop on that plane out of state for a few weeks. 
Looking at the clock you nodded to yourself and got to work on a new order. Just a few more hours and you can see your boy.
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The bar was busy tonight as you pulled into an open space in the parking lot. Grabbing your purse you pull it over your shoulder and exit your car, bumping your hip against the door to close it after you locked it. It was nice out, the heat of the day had diminished enough that your sundress could be paired with a light jacket and you were comfortable. Walking up the steps to the patio you smiled as the sound of the bass rattled your bones before you even opened the door, pulling it open as you stepped inside. By the looks of it you were late to the party, Eddie was already on stage, singing his heart out into the mic with his guitar in his hands but once he saw you his face lit up like the fourth of July. Mid song he gestured for you to come over to the stage. He wanted his hello kiss. Didn’t matter to him that he was in the middle of a performance or that you haven't even sat your purse down yet. He tossed his guitar over his shoulder so it hung against his back before he pulled the mic from the stand and knelt down, holding his hand out to you which you gave as he sang. You laugh a little at the attention he was giving you and for a moment it's like he's singing just for you, completely forgetting the crowded bar behind you. 
Once the lyrics had momentarily stopped to allow for a good second guitar solo from Jeff, Eddie moved the mic away to pull you closer with your hand, placing a kiss on your lips before he pulled back his voice starting to get raspy from singing. “Hi baby.” 
“Hi.” You smile up at him, your sweaty rocker. “You look sexy up there.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs as he fakes shock before a smirk graces his plush lips.
“Yeah.” You nod before tapping his hand holding the mic with a little smirk of your own. “You have a song to finish. I'll be at the bar.” 
He nodded with a chuckle pulling you back in for one more kiss before he let you go with a wink and let out an over exaggerated groan as he stood up just to make you laugh. Puting the mic back on the stand he pulled his guitar back into place as he started to sing again.  
You mouthed the words along with him as you walked to the bar, knowing the song by heart since college, and a smile flashed on your face as you noticed Lizzy sitting with her back to you. Slowly you crept up behind her and placed your hands over her eyes laughing as she jumped in surprise. “Guess who?!”
Lizzy’s hands came up quickly to grab yours, her fingers feeling around for anything that would give away who it was. “Well the band’s still playing and these hands are way too soft to be Jeff’s. I was just talking to Robin so… it has to be… Y/N!”
You laughed as she pulled your hands away so she could turn on the stool to face you as you perched yourself on the stool next to her. “Hey!” 
“Hey! How have you been? Are you doing okay?” She asked with a low concerned voice, her hand rubbing up and down your arm. 
“I've been alright,” You smiled tilting your head a little with a small shrug. “Finally getting back to normal.”
“That's good. If you ever need to talk you know Robs and I are here for you.” Lizzy said as Robin slid you your usual drink order.
“Thank you.” You said for both the drink and her offer. It was nice to have friends like the ones you made here at the bar, you’ve missed them. “Where’s Steve? I thought he was working tonight.”
“Over there.” Robin said pointing behind you. 
Steve seemed almost back to his old self. He was always able to move on with things faster than you ever could, but Nana's passing took a toll on him, you could see it. His smile wasn’t as wide as it normally would have been but by the look of it he wasn’t doing too bad of a job flirting with a girl at a table by the stage. 
You smiled at your cousin when he looked up at you with his own little grin. Yeah. You guys would be okay. Moving your gaze back to the stage you watched as the band finished their last song on a strong note, Eddie always loved a big finish when it came to his performances on stage. He was sweaty and winded but smiling at the ceiling lights as the last note was played, he really loved what he did. Turning to Robin you ordered Eddie a water knowing that his throat would need it after all that singing.
The crowd went wild as the band moved off the stage to take a break and mingle with the patrons of the bar. Eddie stopped at a few tables on his way to the counter, to you, he was checking in on the crowd seeing if they were having a good time or needed anything else. A few people slapped him on the back making him laugh with a well placed joke or comment. Soon he was behind you, his arms going around your waist so his chin could lean on your shoulder. “There’s my beautiful girl.”
“Well hello handsome.” You smiled as you looked at him the best you could from the awkward angle he was forcing. “You sounded great tonight. Sorry I missed most of it.”
“It’s okay. We’re playing again another day.” Smiling he kissed the side of your neck before he pulled back with a fake little pout. “And are you saying I don’t sound great every other night?”
“Yeah…” You smirked, it was time to mess with him. “You were a little pitchy last time.”
“Pitchy?!” He gasped as he leaned back to look you in the eye, his eyes narrowed when he saw that little gleam of mischief in them. Tickling your side he pushed his nose into your hair so he could whisper in your ear. “Oh you are such a brat.”
Your laugh was interrupted as the small redhead from open mic night walked up to Eddie. She was back in her tight corset and short skirt.“You were great tonight Eddie!”
“Huh?” He asked as he pulled back a little to look at her. Misty. She was a nice girl but extremely pushy. There was no telling how many times he had turned her down. “Oh, thanks Misty.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” She asked, lifting her hand towards the bar, cocking her head to the side in a flirtatious manner.
“No thanks, Misty. I’m good.” Eddie said as you passed him the water that you had asked Robin for. “My girls got that taken care of. Thanks baby."
“You’re welcome.” You smiled as you looked over at her before you turned around to take a sip of your own drink. 
“Then maybe I can buy you dinner sometime?” She batted her eyelashes at him this time. She was laying it on thick, trying to get Eddie to fall for her in some way shape or form. 
This whole conversation was awkward to be in the middle of and you looked over at Lizzy and Robin with a wide eyed glance. Was this girl really trying to pick up your boyfriend right in front of you? Lizzy gave you a knowing look back while Robin just shrugged and went about making a new drink for another customer. She had seen this time and time before, she knew Eddie wouldn’t go for it.
Eddie sighed, leaning his head against the back of yours as he rolled his eyes and whispered into your hair so quietly that you barely heard him, “She doesn’t give up…” Before he lifted his head and looked over at her. “No, thank you. I’m not into cheating. The only girl I’m going out to dinner with is this pretty girl right here.”  
“So… You're dating someone?” She asked in shock as she looked you over behind your back. Her tone made you look over your shoulder at her. “You told me you weren't interested in dating anyone right now.” 
“And I wasn't. Then I met her and I changed my mind. As a fully functioning adult and human with free will I'm allowed to do that.” Eddie said as he set the cup down on the counter next to your drink after he took a gulp of it, one of his hands caressed the small of your back while his other one sat on his hip.
Misty's lips puckered like she just sucked on a lemon and her eyes narrowed. “I've been trying to get your attention for months and this chick walks in one night and you fall all over her?!”
“Look Misty,” Eddie sighed as he dropped his hand from his hip to your thigh rubbing it up and down. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. If you don’t like the fact that I’m dating someone you don’t have to come back.”
“But that’s not fair!” She snapped looking at you again with a glare. You didn’t look like the type of girl Eddie would go for. What could he see in you? “She’s not even your type!”
Eddie blinked at her before he turned to look over at you, he took in your hair, your eyes, the little smile you always gave him when you looked at him. “Nah, she’s definitely my type.”
All of Misty’s questions and arguments were starting to get to you. So what if you didn’t dress like her? Sure you didn't dress the way people thought Eddie would like, you weren’t a metalhead or even a punk but Eddie was your boyfriend, your dom. He likes you for you. Rolling your eyes a little you look back at your drink trying to ignore Misty the best you could. 
Taking a deep breath Misty straightened her shoulders and stomped away back to her spot at the other end of the bar. 
“Well she's pissed.” You mutter at Eddie as he invades your space again. “Does she bother you a lot?”
“Yeah. She started coming around for a few months before you did and I made the mistake of sleeping with her. She has not left me alone since.” He shrugged as he laid his chin back on your shoulder. “She'll find someone else to cling on to, that's kinda what she does. I feel bad for hurting her feelings but she won't take no for an answer.”
“My offer to fight her still stands, Eddie Bear.” Lizzy said as she took a drink looking a little too eager to fight the redhead.
“And while I appreciate it, I think Jeff would kill me if I let that pretty face get hurt.” Eddie said as he poked her nose before he leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the offer though.” 
You and Eddie laughed as Lizzy put her fists up punching the air in front of her slightly. “Just say the word.” 
“Hey Eddie!” Someone shouted over the music getting his attention. The older man waved in a come here motion. 
“Be right back babe. Behave. Both of you.” He said kissing the side of your head and ruffling Lizzy's hair, cause he knows she hates it, as he went by to see what was up.
“One day that boy is going to learn the hard way about messing with a black woman's hair…” Lizzy snarked as she fixed her ponytail. 
“I would pay to see that!” You said raising your drink in her direction. 
Lizzy lifted her own drink and tapped your glass with hers. “And I will take your money!”
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After a while Gareth had taken up residence on the stool next to you, leaning over the bar to grab a lime slice to go with his tequila shot. “I have been looking forward to this shot all night!”
“Only one shot?” You asked as you watched him down it before he bit into the citrus in his hand.
“I promised my wife I wouldn’t drink a lot tonight.” He muttered around the slice. “She wants to have a serious conversation and being hung over is not an option.”
“Ooooh…” Lizzy smirked as Jeff wrapped his arms around her. “Trouble in paradise?”
“Maybe she’s pregnant…” You offered as you gave him a playful wide eyed look that made him nervous.
“Stop it.” Gareth quipped as he threw the rind at you. “I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
You and Lizzy laughed at him as you took the last sip of your drink. Putting the empty glass on the counter you smiled as Robin and Steve joined you both behind the counter passing out drinks and taking payments. Eddie flitted about the bar going in between loving on you, taking smoke breaks, and talking to the people who had come out to see them play. It was just like old times and exactly what you needed, well except for the glares of a certain redhead being thrown your way from across the bar, you could have done without that, but you just ignored her. She wasn’t your problem.  
One of the times that Eddie had found himself behind the bar you hopped off the stool you were perched on and went around the counter. Since you were the boss's girlfriend you were more than welcome behind the bar but you mainly stayed on your stool more than content to watch them mix and serve drinks, you didn’t like feeling like you were in the way. Tonight though you had a plan to mess with Eddie. You needed to make a little bit of trouble to get back into the swing of things so to speak in your dynamic with him. He’s been treating you like spun glass since Nana passed and while you were grateful you were ready to go back to your regularly scheduled program. 
Coming up behind Eddie you wrapped your arms around his waist as he leaned on the counter talking to an older gentleman you haven't met before. His hand dropped down to hold yours as he looked over his shoulder at you, “Hey sweetheart. Come here I wanna introduce you to someone.”
You let him pull you around so you were standing between him and the bar so you could see the older man. “Hi.”
“Hey kiddo,” He said in his gruff voice. He was balding and the little hair he did have was gray and white, scruff covered the lower half of his face. He had the same kind look in his eyes that Eddie did. 
“Y/N, this is my Uncle Wayne.” Eddie introduced as he smiled down at you. “Wayne, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”
“Nice to finally meet the girl that Ed doesn’t shut up about.” Wayne smiled as he held his hand out for you to shake.
You laughed as you shook his hand. “He’s told me so much about you too! Please tell me you have embarrassing stories?!”
Wayne laughed as he took a sip of his beer. “Oh you bet I do. That boy’s been an adventure since the moment he stepped foot in my house!”
“Fuck...” Eddie sighed leaning his head back towards the ceiling. “This was a terrible idea.” 
The three of you chatted for a while laughing as Wayne told you of the time a young Eddie tried and almost succeeded in befriending the raccoon that dug through their trash at night. “That animal bit his arms up real good. He’s lucky there was little to no scarring. We spent almost a full night at the ER making sure that boy didn't get rabies!”
Snorting into your water you looked up at Eddie as he rolled his eyes. “A raccoon really?”
“What?! They’re wearing masks! They look like cute little bandits! I thought I could teach him to help me steal snacks!” He laughed. “I went for an easier pet next time.”
“A possum.” Wayne laughed into his glass as he finished the last mouthful. “He kept a possum in his room for three days until I found it. Little bastard started hissing at me from under the bed.”
“I would have gotten away with it too if you didn’t go searching for cigarettes.” Eddie mumbled into his own beer.
You shook your head as you laughed. 
“Laugh it up babe,” Eddie smirked as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, making you bite your lip to hold back your smile. “We’ll see who gets the last laugh later.”
Wayne smiled at the two of you as he pushed his empty glass away and stood up from his stool. “Time for this old man to head home. This is enough excitement for me for one night. Moving from the night shift to the day shift has me all tired.”
“You know you can always retire.” Eddie said as he watched his father figure stretch his tired muscles. “I can pay your bills as you do whatever you want. Shit you could go fishing everyday for all I care.”
“Maybe next year. But you ain’t payin’ for shit, I got my money handled just fine.” Wayne said with a look at Eddie before he turned to you. “It was nice meeting you sweetheart. You and Ed should come by for dinner soon.”
“I would love that!” You smiled.
“You two have a goodnight. I’ll talk to you later, son.” He said, leaning over the counter to pat  Eddie on his shoulder. Taking his wallet from his back pocket he dropped a couple bucks on the counter for his beer and gave you both a little wave before he moved through the crowded bar towards the door.
“I like him.” You smile as you look up at Eddie as he grabs the money off the counter and puts it into the tip jar. He would never tell his uncle that his money was no good here. So no matter the amount Wayne left on the counter it went straight into the tip jar for Robin and Steve to divide up later.
“He likes you too.” He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. 
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Eddie nodded as he looked down at you. “He wouldn't have invited you to dinner if he didn’t.” 
The thought made you smile, you had somehow won over his uncle, that was a big step. But you had no time to sit in that moment because now it was time to put your plan into action. Slowly you slipped your hand into the pocket of your sundress and produced a shitty pair of plastic handcuffs. It was the type you would get in a childs police officer costume. A kid at the bakery insisted on trading them for a cookie, a free cookie, but hey a trade was a trade. They were easy to break and wouldn’t hurt Eddie but it would get the point across and that’s what mattered. Quickly you slapped the cheap cuff onto his wrist and the otherside onto the handle of one of the fridges that sat under the counter. 
Eddie raised his brows at you as you ducked away from him when he went to grab you, a little smirk on his lips. He jostled his wrist that the plastic was holding him hostage. “Really?”
Jeff and the other boys leaned on the counter to get a better look and laughed at Eddie's plight. Biting his lip Jeff chuckled at him. “Gonna be the sub tonight Ed?”
“Shut up.” He muttered as he pulled a little on the cuff before looking over at you. “You wanna play this game?”
“Maybe,” You shrugged, sticking your tongue out at him. You winked as you took a step back out of his reach when he lunged for you, the tiny fridge door opening as he moved. “Careful baby. Don’t want to hurt your wrist.”
“The only thing that’s going to hurt tonight is that cute little ass of yours.” He smiled as he took a step back to close the door and fiddle with the cuff until it fell off his wrist. Standing up straight he pointed to the ground in front of him. “Get over here.”
“Hmmm,” You hummed as you rocked back and forth in your converse. “No.”
“Child.” A scoff sounded from behind you. 
Turning you looked at Misty as she rolled her eyes at you. “Excuse me?”
“I said you’re a child.” She sneered as she propped her head on her palm. “Why would you embarrass him like that? In his own bar? In front of his band?”
“I wasn’t…” You shook your head. You were just playing. Your brows scrunched together as you stared at her, your hands balling into fists at your sides. It was just a prank.
“Misty.” Eddie said in warning as he came up behind you. “Don’t listen to her baby, you're fine. You didn’t embarrass me.”
“I don't know what he sees in you…” She said ignoring Eddie. “You’re nothing special.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you stared at her. 
“And you think you are?” Lizzy asked as she leaned on the counter to get a look at her from where she sat not too far away. Jeff put his hand on her shoulder in warning.
“I would be better for him than you will ever be.” Misty said as she leaned in towards you. “I wouldn’t embarrass him or act like a child. I would be the perfect submissive.”
“Enough.” Eddie warned as he put his hand on your shoulder. “Don't listen to her Y/N… Hey. Look at me.”
You turned and looked at him, he didn’t seem bothered by your prank, so instead of dwelling you took a deep breath and rolled your eyes at Eddie to show your frustrations and shook your head turning back to look at Misty. “I’m not having this conversation. I’m sorry you feel slighted but that’s not my fault. Have a goodnight.”
“Scared I’m right?” She called as you started to walk away.
“No,” You shook your head again at her. “I just think this conversation is stupid. You’re just mad that Eddie made a choice and it wasn’t you. Simple as that.”
“Come on baby.” Eddie said, pulling you away from Misty. He wanted to get you as far away from the bitter woman as quickly as possible.
“I bet he’s only putting up with you cause you put out like a cheap whore.” Misty snapped, throwing one more jab at you as you turned to walk away. 
Your steps faltered as you snapped your head around to face Misty. You were getting really tired of people who don’t know or care about you calling you a whore. “Wanna say that again?”
“I said. You’re. A. Cheap. Whore.” 
Eddie could see you were about to fly over the counter at her so he grabbed you around the waist pulling you back to him. Your back slamming against his chest. “Okay, calm down, feisty pants.” 
Looking at Misty he glared at her for a moment before he was distracted by you. You were fighting Eddie's hold on you not caring that your nails were digging into his arm as you tried to get at her but he wasn't having it. Leaning down so only you could hear he muttered in your ear. “Take it easy, she's not worth it.” 
“Eddie. Let me go!” You said as you tried to lunge for her, making her take a step back in shock she hadn't expected that. She had expected you to sulk like a child not try to fight her. The other patrons of the busy bar turned to see what the commotion was about. “I'm not going to hurt her, I'm just going to rip her hair out!” 
“No you won’t.” Eddie said sternly as you struggled in his arms.
“I’ll do it…” Lizzy said moving to get off the stool but Jeff pulled her back with a hand on the back of her neck. That shut her up quickly but she was still seething.
“Let me go Eddie!” 
“Nope.” Eddie announced and lifted you off the ground easily, carrying you out from behind the bar and over to the stairs. As he placed you back down on your feet he blocked you from getting back down the steps. His dom voice in full effect as he pointed at the ground “Stay here.” 
You tried to push past him but he wasn’t going to budge. Sometimes you forget how stupid strong your boyfriend is. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him but he wasn’t a pushover. With both hands on the railings as he took a step up so he could now tower over you. “Enough Y/N. Get upstairs. Now.”
Glaring at him you stomped your foot like the child Misty said you were. You hissed out his name before he gave you a stern look making you huff in anger before stomping up the stairs muttering the entire time.
He watched you go before turning around to look at Misty. The anger he felt in his chest for her was overpowering. He had never regretted sleeping with someone more than in this moment. She had put some weird claim on him and that was ending right now. He was never comfortable with the attention that Misty had lavished him with but he dealt with the photos and her slipping him her number, not wanting to look like some asshole rockstar but tonight he wasn’t having it. Enough was enough. You had finally felt okay enough to come back out and she had to open her big mouth. Dom voice still out to play he moved back to the counter glaring at her. “You need to leave.”
“She tried to attack me!”
“You provoked her.” Eddie said, trying to stay calm. “Everyone saw it.”
“But Eddie..” She muttered as she looked around. 
“No.” He said with a shake of his head. “I’m not interested in your excuses, Misty. Whether you like it or not, I have a girlfriend. So I won’t be having dinner or drinks with you tonight or ever. It’s time to let that idea go. You’re no longer welcomed here. Get out."
“You made a mistake picking her. You'll see.” Misty seethed for a moment before she flipped her hair over her shoulder and grabbed her purse muttering about not wanting to be in this shit bar anyway under her breath.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Eddie yelled back at her. Watching her leave he sighed as he looked at his friends. “Make sure she doesn’t come back, yeah? I need to check on Y/N.”
“No problem..” Robin said with a nod. She was happy to see her go but watching that scene had ramped up her anxiety a little. She would not have pegged you for the fighting type.
“I'll make sure of it,” Steve said with a nod and a serious look on his face. It had been a long time since he's seen you like that and he hated every single second of it. Moving around the counter he followed Misty’s path and stood at the door watching as she got in her car and drove away. 
Nodding his thanks, Eddie walked through the crowd and up the steps to the top landing, moving around the walkway until he was at his door. He took a moment to calm himself a bit more before he opened the door. He needed to go in with a level head. Twisting the knob he pushed the door open slowly, he could hear you muttering to yourself and he had to duck the moment he walked through the door as a pillow sailed through the air towards his head hitting the wall next to him. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed it from the floor and tossed it back on the couch. “Easy babe."
“I'm… ugh!” You cried as you paced around the living room. “You should have let me hit her!”
“That wouldn’t have made the situation better.”
“It would have made me feel better!”
“Calm down sweetheart.” Eddie said, holding his hands up. “She’s gone anyway.”
“Tell me to calm down one more time.” You threaten glaring at him as he walks farther into the room. Huffing you watched him cross his arms again, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs. 
“If you don't lose the tone I’m going to beat it out of you. Take a breath.” Stepping into your path he grabbed your shoulders rubbing his thumbs over your spaghetti strap covered shoulders. “Don't let her get to you like this. She’s not worth any of this.” 
“Did you hear what she said? She called me a whore. I'm so sick of being called a whore for no reason. First my dad and then that bitch! She was acting like we didn’t belong together. Just cause I don’t dress or act like her… like she’s so fucking special.” If the situation wasn’t so hostile Eddie would have said that angry look on your face was hot. But now was not the time and you were still ranting. Once you got started it was hard to stop. “You make me happy… and I make you happy right? So she has no place to talk about our relationship…”
“Yes baby you make me very happy and you're right she doesn't. But right now I'm very disappointed in how you handled that situation.” He said as he cupped your jaw in his big palms.
“What? Why?” You asked, your eyes wide with shock. It's not like you actually hit her. 
“Let's count. You handcuffed me to a fridge, almost started a fight in my bar, was a complete brat on the stairs, and then you threw something at me. If we count all those offenses up you owe me… five per offense… so twenty hits.” 
You whined at him with a pout wanting to protest. It wasn't your fault! “She started it, that's not fair Eddie!”
“Nope, nuh uh, not getting out of this. I understand you didn’t start it and that you were upset but you almost jumped someone. I've never seen you act like that, and as incredibly hot as that was, that’s not how good girls act is it? So..” He kissed your forehead before he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch making you face away from him. “Get undressed.”
“But Ed-Sir I-”
“No more buts. Strip and wait for me.” He said as he gave your ass a slap. “That doesn’t count as one.”
“Yes, Sir.” You mumbled as you started to pull your dress off your form. You listened as he moved around the room, the sound of a drawer opening caught your attention as you tossed your dress on the usual spot, the one chair he had in his living room, your panties soon joining it after you toed off your shoes and socks. You heard him walk back towards you, felt the heat of him against your back but he never touched you, not yet. You wanted so badly to look over your shoulder at him but you also wanted to hear him call you a good girl again so you had to listen. 
Eddie moved around you, setting down the items he had in his hand before he took a seat on the center cushion of the couch holding his hand out to you. “Come on baby. No more waiting.”
Sighing, you took his hand and let him pull you over his lap adjusting you to his preference, your ass on his lap and your chest on the cushion next to him. Then he started your punishment, by kneading the fat of your ass. You gasped and wiggled when he gave a couple of quick slaps to your sit spots. 
“Sit still.” He commanded as he continued his slaps breaking them up with more kneading. 
“Sorry Sir.” You whispered as you counted the slaps in your head when he went past twenty you glanced back at him. 
“This is just a warm up baby.” He said giving you one more powerful smack before kneading the spot. Once he was sure you were ready, the blood flowing to your bottom heating your skin, he grabbed the wooden paddle and showed it to you. “Twenty hits. Count them out for me, you can cry if you gotta. What’s your safeword?”
“Red, Sir.”
“Good. Deep breath.” He waited until you took your breath before he started, the sound of the paddle making a loud crack against your skin had you gasping and your eyes closed at the pain. He was starting out easy.
“Three.” You clenched your fists on the cushion. The hits were getting steadily harder as he hit you in quick succession. “Four, five, six.”
“Why are you being punished, baby?” He asked as he smacked you again.
“S-seven. I almost started a fight..” You muttered your eyes starting to tear up. This hurt so damn bad. “A-and I was a brat and threw a pillow at you.”
“And?” Another two smacks on your sit stops. 
“Eight! Nine! I handcuffed you to the fridge!” You cried as you tried to not focus on the pain when he smacked you again. Shame welled up in your chest making you feel terrible. “Ten!”
He took a break then, rubbing the small of your back as you tried to control your breathing tears falling down your cheeks. “Doing so good, baby. Ten more. You can do it.”
The last ten hurt so badly that you shoved your face in the cushion to hide your sobs as he hit harder and harder and you counted higher and higher. At one point you swung your arm back to try and stop him but he just grabbed your wrist and held it tightly at the small of your back. “Don’t do that. I could hurt you. A bruised ass is nothing compared to broken fingers.”
“I’m sorry, Sir!” 
The very last one was the worst, making you cry out into the room. “Twenty!”
“That’s it. All done. You did so good sweetheart. So good for me aren’t you, baby?” He said as he dropped the paddle on the cushion next to him out of your line of sight and pulled you up carefully to sit in his lap. Your flaming cheeks hitting his jeans made you hiss out in discomfort as he cuddled you. “Deep breaths. Good girl. My sweet girl.”
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled into his shoulder as you leaned into him. “I’m sorry, Sir.” 
“It’s okay baby. Water under the bridge right?”
“Y-yes Sir,” You nodded sniffling. That feeling of shame was still sitting heavy in your chest, this punishment didn’t make you feel better at all. How could you have been so thoughtless? Trying to fight that girl, you were just as ugly as she was. Nana would be disappointed in you. She taught you better than this. Whore.
He leaned back on the couch letting you get comfortable on his lap as he ran his hand up and down your arm, whispering sweet things to you as you settled down. “You okay? What's your color?”
You didn’t feel okay but you nodded anyway. Placing a kiss on the side of his neck you looked up at him as he maneuvered you to straddle his thighs with his hands on your hips. Sniffing you wiped under your eyes. “Green, Sir.”
“You sure?” He asked as he watched you. He searched your eyes trying to see if he needed to call it.
“I'm okay," You nodded. You felt heavy in a bad way but you continued to nod anyway. “I'm okay.”
“If you're sure, beautiful.” He mumbled as he looked into your red and mascara smudged eyes. “You gonna continue to be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded.
“Took your punishment so well. I think you deserve a reward.” A mischievous little grin grew on his face as he manhandled you so you were standing between his legs with your back to him as he brought your hands behind you and placed a pair of leather cuffs around your wrists. 
Usually this would have done something for you. Excitement would have burst through your veins but all you felt was a tightening on your chest and a sick feeling in your gut. You didn't want to do this. Your safeword was at the tip of your tongue but when he turned you around the smile he gave you made you swallow it. He looked so proud of you and happy to be doing something you usually both found fun and you had caused him so much trouble tonight. Could you really ruin his night even more? Giving him the best smile you could muster, you let him move you around so you were back on the couch, the fabric rubbing against your abused bottom as you laid down. You moved around until you found a comfortable position for your hands and watched down your body as Eddie picked up the vibrator from the same cushion the paddle sat on. 
You heard it before you felt it and jumped a little as the head of the vibrator hit your clit. Closing your eyes you tried to focus on that, just focus on how the vibrator made you feel. It felt good but you still couldn't get into the right headspace. You were thinking too much. Whore. Shame still bubbling inside you. He said you didn't but you couldn't stop thinking about how you had embarrassed Eddie in his own home, in front of his friends and patrons and fans. Tears bit at your eyes making them sting. Whore. You felt his fingers start to prod at your entrance but you weren't wet enough. This wasn't what you wanted. The tears you were holding back finally pushed through and you were sinking into the shame that was drowning you as you gasped out your safeword. “Red... Eddie red. Red.”
His eyes snapped up to you as he stopped immediately, you felt him move his hand away from you and heard as he tossed the vibe on the table. His hands came back towards you grabbing your shoulders gently and pulled you to him to lean on his chest as he reached around you to get the cuffs off. Tossing them to the side he pulled you into his lap again his arms holding you tight as if he could hold you together while you cried into his shoulder. “Shhh it's okay baby. You're okay.” 
“I'm sorry,” You repeated as you sobbed. “I'm sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I didn't notice you weren't in the right headspace. I'm proud of you for using your safeword. Such a good girl.” He whispered into your hair as he rocked you, shushing you the whole time.
“I have to go. I need to leave.” You muttered as you tried to pull away, shaking your head. You needed to stop being a burden and hide away with your shame. You embarrassed him. You weren’t any better then Misty, and you brought shame to yourself and the memory of your grandmother. Was she watching you right now? Was her spirit mad at you for being so weak and letting Eddie do this to you? Did she think you were a whore too? Everyone else seemed to think you were. 
“No baby, no.” Eddie said, shaking his head. Leaning back so he could get a good look at your face he cupped your jaw gently, his big brown eyes searching yours as you cried. It was finally happening. You were dropping. “No sweetheart, you're not going anywhere. I got you. I'm right here. I’ll take care of you.” 
You shook your head but continued to let him hold you as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. Pulling it over you to warm you, tucking it around your body, careful of your stinging ass. He simply held you for a long time. Knowing that after a scene you needed that closeness as he brought you back down but today the quiet did nothing to settle your racing thoughts but having him just holding you helped a little. You started to calm down and your tears were finally drying up. He moved, bundling you up more and laying you gently on the couch before he got up and went into the bathroom to get some lotion for your butt. You watched as he moved into the kitchen to get your aftercare snacks. He managed to juggle all the things in his hands as he came back over setting them down on the table. 
Handing you your water bottle he stroked your head calmly as he watched you take small sips before you handed it back and he gave you some fruit snacks. Placing your bottle on the floor next to you for when you needed it. He also had your favorite chocolate sitting there in case you wanted some. Holding up the bottle of lotion, he smiled at your little nod and helped you turn around lifting the blanket up and off your bare ass so he could rub some on. You hissed a few times but made no real objection to his gentle massage. The lotion was cool and it felt nice as you wiped your nose on the blanket.
“I saw that,” He chuckled as he finished rubbing the lotion into your skin. Pulling the blanket back down he set the lotion back on the table and helped you turn back around moving your head so he could sit down and you could use his thigh as a pillow. His hand is now sitting softly on your chest while the other stroked your hair some more. “Feeling better?”
“Not really.” You mumbled.
“Wanna talk about what happened?” He asked as he played with a lock of your hair. “You can tell me anything, you know that right?” 
“I know.” You hiccupped as you looked up at him. You thought for a moment and then you told him everything. All of your feelings, the shame you felt, how you were sure your Nana was angry with you, how you were starting to feel like everyone was right and maybe you are a whore. 
“No.” Eddie shook his head. “None of that is true. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're not a whore, and your grandmother isn't mad at you.”
“It's not the first time someone's called me a whore you know? There was this guy in college. We had been fooling around for a while and I brought this up and he rejected it. Told me that this kind of stuff was for whores and he couldn’t be with a whore. I told him to fuck off. I don't know why it bothered me so much this time.” You sniffed, biting your lip.
“First of all, if you ever see that guy, point him out. I’ll punch him in his stupid face. Second, you've had a hard few weeks, baby. A lot has happened that’s thrown you for a loop.” He said as he dragged his finger over your forehead and down your nose. “Not to mention we rushed into this today. It was your first night playing in a while and I had to give you a punishment and not one of the fun ones you like. I misjudged that. I'm sorry.”
“It's not your fault.” You said taking your hand out of the blanket to reach for his face. You smiled a little when you felt him kiss your palm and hold it to his cheek. “I know I was being a brat. Are you okay? I didn’t upset you did I?”
“No baby you didn’t.” Eddie said as he shook his head. He was now only disappointed in himself for not seeing the signs but all he could do was make a note of it and do better next time. No one was perfect, not even him. He smiled down at you. “I'm fine. I could use some cuddles though. Wanna get in your Pj's and watch TV while we cuddle?”
“Yes please.” You nodded as you went to sit up, Eddie helping you with a little push on your back to help you. He followed you up not long after, watching as you walked to the bathroom to wash your face. He took a detour to his dresser to grab your Pj's.
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It's been about an hour since the start of your drop and you still weren't feeling like yourself. This is the first time you've ever dealt with it so you didn't even know how long it was supposed to last. Has Eddie ever dealt with this? Did it always feel like this? Sighing, you adjusted on the couch as you curled into Eddie as best you could. You both had been mindlessly watching some cartoons on the TV. You think it was Futurama, that's what Eddie said it was at least. 
“You okay baby?” He asked as he played with the back of your sleep shirt. The one you always wore here, the Iron Maiden one. Eddie tilted his head at you, his hair being mushed by the pillow under it. 
“Just thinking.” You said looking up at him. “You said you were a sub before you were a dom right?”
“Mhm.” He nodded. 
“Have you… dropped… before?” 
“Plenty of times.” He confirmed as he looked down at you, his hand still fiddling with your shirt. “I would hit a real low sometimes. I had a lot to work through at that time and the drops only made it worse. It felt really lonely.” 
“This doesn't feel like loneliness…” You give him a sad look. “How long does this usually last?”
“It’s different for everyone. It could be a few hours or a few days. All we can do is make sure you're feeling comfortable and safe. I'll be right here with you for as long as you need. I'm not letting you go through this alone.” 
You nodded looking back at the TV. You needed something else to distract you, the cartoon wasn't cutting it. “Tell me about your time as a sub? How did you get into all this?”
Eddie stared at you for a bit, like he was thinking of a way out of this conversation and for a moment you thought he was going to avoid it all together but instead he sighed and closed his eyes. “It's not a fun story and I'm not proud of it. I made mistakes when I was younger and I paid for them but I need you to understand that I'm not that kid anymore. I've grown up a lot. Can you listen with an open mind?”
You nodded your head. What could he possibly tell you that would make you think any differently? “I will. I promise.” 
“Okay.” He said as he took a breath trying to figure out how to start his sad tale. “Remember how that night on the porch when we talked about our parents, I told you I lived with Wayne until I was about twenty?”
“Yeah.” You nodded blinking up at him.
“When I was twenty I was still living with Wayne in that one bedroom trailer, I was in my third year as a high school senior, and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t find a job in that town to save my life. Everyone thought that I was no good. The town freak. Because I didn’t dress like the others, or listen to their shitty music, and I played D&D. I was the devil sent to corrupt their children and since I was doing so poorly in school I was seen as unreliable for the workforce so no one would hire me. Wayne was working long hours at the plant to keep us above water but money was tight so I did the only thing I could. I met up with the local dealer, Reefer Rick, and I started dealing for him. I was good at it. Jocks, cheerleaders, burnouts, nerds, desperate housewives, stuffy business men; you name them I gave them drugs. Weed mostly, a few pills here and there, but I never sold the hard stuff and I tried not to sell to minors.” Eddie always tried to be smart about who he sold to. He closed his eyes as if he could look back in time and see where it all went wrong. “There was this one girl that year, Chrissy, she was the Queen of Hawkins High. Popular, a cheerleader, always smiling but no one knew how terrible her home life was. She was stressed, had trouble sleeping, and just needed help. She asked to meet up after school for a deal and I tried to sell her weed but she needed something stronger, so I sold her Special K. Ketamine.”
You blinked at him completely enraptured by his story. He looked so sad. You had never seen him like this before, so you did your best to wrap your arms around him as he took a moment. Saying her name after all these years made his chest tighten and he took in a little stuttered breath, his hand stopped moving as he clenched your shirt in his fist. 
“What I didn’t know was that she had been stockpiling the pills. Her mother was hard on her, she always had to be perfect, and one day she just couldn’t do it anymore. She OD’d on the drugs I had sold her. If I had known this was her plan I would have never sold them to her. Her friends knew she was buying from me so when that happened they told the cops where she got them, they came and searched the trailer. Found my stash and I was arrested for possession and the selling of illegal substances. They tried to get me for her death but since I just sold the pills and didn’t force her to take them they couldn’t. I also got a lighter sentence because I ended up cutting a deal and giving them the name of my supplier. In the end I was sentenced to five years in prison.”
“Oh, baby.” You muttered as you hugged him. “Five years?”
“I only served three out of the five I was sentenced to. Got out early for good behavior with one year of probation.” He looked down at you now, that sadness was still pinching at his features. “Does that change how you see me? Knowing I was in jail on drug charges? Slightly responsible for the death of the one person in that fucking school who was ever nice to me?”
“It wasn’t your fault.” You said, shaking your head. “None of this changes how I feel about you.”
“Good.” He sighed in relief as he moved his hand to cup the back of your head. “I don’t want you to be scared of me or anything because of this.”
“I'm not scared of you.” You whispered, pressing your face into his chest. "Never could be."
“I’m glad.” He smiled at you a little. He took a moment to let you take in all the information before he continued with his story. “I got out just after my twenty-third birthday and I was… angry. Really angry. No one tells you about the shit you have to deal with when you’re on the inside of a prison and how it would make you feel once you’re out. I was so scared that Wayne was going to hate me, that all he was going to think was that I was just like my old man. But he didn't. He would visit every week and when I got out he welcomed me back home. I crashed on his couch until I was able to get a job as a mechanic with the help of my probation officer and saved up enough to get a shitty apartment in town. I was careful for that first year I was out, never did anything that would make it so I had to go back. But when that year was up… I spiraled. Hard. I’m talking about drinking, drugs, anything to make me forget and it was bad. I barely remember this but I was at a bar in Indianapolis one night and I was plastered apparently but I got into it with this biker guy, he almost murdered me, but some guy in a business suit stepped in and saved my ass. That guy was Daniel Christianson.”
“I’ve heard of him.” You spoke up then. “Seen his billboards on the highways and around town when I go into the city.”
“Big time lawyer man.” Eddie laughed a bit then. “Well mister big shot, don’t tell him I said that, took me to his place to sleep it off, said he didn’t trust me to make good decisions so he revoked my driving privileges. Stole my keys right out of my pocket. The next morning when I was more or less myself I wanted to leave but he didn’t let me, not until we talked about what happened that night. I was about ready to fight him but he put me on my ass. He saw that I was lost, and angry, and that I just didn’t care about what happened to me. He had been in this community for a while but hadn’t had a submissive for a few years. He brought it up carefully saying he could help me and gave me his number and time to think about it after he dropped me off at the bar so I could go home. I sat on it for a few days, BDSM was something I hadn’t really thought of before. I mean, I’m a guy, so yeah I’ve seen the porn, had a ridiculous amount of dirty mags that kinda leaned towards it, so I thought what the hell. I’ll give it a try and if I don’t like it I can leave. So I called him, we set up a meeting, and he became my Master. I stayed with him as his sub for about three or four years. He helped me get my head on straight and taught me a lot, he helped me let go and forgive Chrissy and myself. When I decided I wanted to try being a Dom he took over my training, everything I know is because of him. He was with me when Corroded Coffin got back together, when we got our first record deal, when we bought the bar, and everything else after that. He’s actually my lawyer.” He sighed as he played with a lock of your hair. “And that's the whole story.”
“Damn,” You muttered as you blinked. All of your issues seem so frivolous now. “You had a rough couple of years. I’m surprised none of this has gotten out before.”
“Dan looks through all our contracts and interview questions so no one can ask questions we don’t feel comfortable answering,” Eddie said, his fingers tugging at your hair. “It wouldn’t look good for the record company if my history got out so no one knows anything we don’t want them to. I told you because I trust you.”    
“I won't tell a soul.” You promised as you held up your pinky. A little giggle left you as he hooked his pinky with yours and pulled it to his lips dropping a kiss to your knuckles with a little grin. 
“Thank you sweetheart."
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
*clears throat and offers double chocolate chip cookies to GP Reader* Hello Mrs. Barber, I hope I am not being too forward in asking you these questions like I asked your dear husband last week. What are your favorite parts of your smokeshow husband's body and personality? And do you have any dating & relationship advice for this very introverted but very romance obsessed woman? Thank you so much for your time, you are like the cool aunties I've missed hanging out with.
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Summary: It's Baby Girl's turn (also known as Mrs. Barber) to answer a few burning questions about her relationship with her husband, the infamous Andrew Barber. Written from Reader's POV.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Girl!Dad Andy Barber, Discussions of Fatherhood, Mentions of Oral Sex (Man Rec), Fingering (mentioned), Lloyd Evans-Drysdale, Punishments (mentioned), Spanking (mentioned), Fluff, Cursing, Minors DNI.
A/N: This installment of the A Growing Pains Interview Series also contains a brief reference to my fic, Handsy, where I first introduce Mr. Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. For more insight into Andrew Barber and his Baby Girl, please check out my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. ___
Hello! Finally, a question for me! I’m super excited, let me tell you. I believe we already know the ground rules with this…and I’ve sent Mr. Barber out of the room so we can all chat freely. I’ll show him this later. Maybe it’ll even earn me a reward. This girl right here has been on her best behavior this past week, which means no punishments!
You even have my promise to keep the hot streak going. Scouts honor, folks.
Let me start by saying that I love my sweet Andy Bear, and I am so unbelievably proud to call him my husband. He is by far the most amazing and brilliant man I’ve ever met. He’s also quite the menace, and I say that with all of the love. Whether we’re talking about his body or his mind, Andrew Barber is a fucking force, you guys. 
But at the end of the day, my man is foine as hell. Andrew is a luscious piece of ass wrapped in one big, well-proportioned package. And speaking of asses, have you seen his? You could bounce a quarter off that butt.
Quick fun fact: I tried it. It worked. So then I kept doing it. I even made a game of it which actually took up the entire day.
Although, the kids kept asking why Mama was “throwing money” at Daddy. So, I just made up some story about Daddy being forgetful and leaving his coins around the house, which meant that I had to try to put it back in his pocket for him.
But I had to be careful, because I didn’t want him to feel bad about being so darn forgetful. Worked like a dream. I mean, our beautiful Barber Babies bought that tale hook, line, and sinker. Even BiBi! She seemed suspicious, but then I caught her offering Andy one of her little wallets just in case he needed it. 
He was so touched by her gesture that he did eventually accept it. And then went out and bought her another one, complete with a matching piggy bank. Well, it was more of a llama bank – which also happens to be her favorite animal. Where he found it, I have no idea.  
Can I just deviate from the physical for a second to talk about what a wonderful father this man is? It’s not always about the big, grand gestures with us. In reality, it’s about the small, more intimate moments. Yes, our house is chaotic at times. We have four children under nine-years-old, so chaos kind of comes with the territory. 
And he handles it spectacularly – even when he fucks up. Now that might sound a bit harsh, but if I’ve learned anything from this whole parenting gig, it’s that you will fuck up sometimes. And we both do it, but he’s a wonderful partner who strives to be the best Dad he can possibly be. 
I love watching him with our children. He’s so protective and encouraging. He reads to them every night, takes them on “camping trips” in the backyard, and coaches pretty much every sport they’re involved in. I don’t quite get the whole camping business – I don’t do nature, or bugs – but apparently the kids do.
And they love that stuff. We don’t stay out all night, but we set up tents and tell stories and enjoy campfire snacks. Everyone stays up well past bedtime and my sweet little A.J., who takes after his father in so many ways, keeps me safe from “dah buggies” by sitting in my lap. See, Andy told him that bugs scared me, so it was up to them to keep me safe. Which is exactly what he does. 
Lord, help me when he grows up. I don’t know if I have it in me to live with two Andrew Barbers. But I guess I’ll just have to keep them, won’t I?
Oh! And in case you didn’t already know, Andy is also amazing company at tea parties. Katrina and Rory threw one the other day. They had me deliver a special, handmade invitation and everything. He picked out a suit, brought cookies from the local bakery, and even sat in a chair that was much too small for his bulky frame to be comfortable. 
But he did it all for his girls without so much as a fuss. 
I snuck a peek and nearly melted on the spot. And when we finally got a moment to ourselves, you can be damn sure that I got down on my knees with the quickness and sucked the soul out of my Big Man’s body. 
He didn’t fully understand why until I explained it to him later, but he also wasn’t complaining either. That man is the most delicious mouthful you could ever imagine. Mr. Barber is, eh, very well endowed. But I’ve also had ages to refine my technique. 
And he is always more than willing to let me practice. It’s actually very kind of him. That man has the patience of a saint – unless I’m deepthroating him. But otherwise his stamina is pretty top notch.
That aside, Andrew Barber is so completely and utterly devoted to me and this amazing little family we’ve built together that sometimes I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. I’ve never been loved so thoroughly or so deeply before. 
If I’m being honest, and I am, it actually used to scare me. And sometimes it still does if I let it. But I also accept my handsome ogre for who he is – the same way he accepts me for who and what I am.
Meaning that I’m a fucking brat, which I am through and through. It’s not my fault. My husband brings it out of me even when I least expect it. It might have something to do with that cocky grin of his, or that arrogant swagger he walks around with from time to time.
It makes me want to wreak havoc in new and inventive ways on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Andy knows this, of course. He claims he knew I was a brat from our very first date. I still have no idea what he means by that, so whatever. I just let him think what he wants. 
But we have fun together. And the things we do, the games we play…
It keeps things spicy. I guess you could say that it’s really Andy’s mind that turns me on. Couple that with his dominant and possessive nature and hot damn! Sometimes it can be a bit much to manage, but this girl doesn’t mind being slung over an impressive man’s broad shoulder every now and again.
I enjoy being manhandled. If it’s with the right man, that is. And Andrew Barber is definitely more than enough man for me. 
Anyway, I think that’s all I’ve got for now. As for your question about advice…hm. I would encourage you to just be yourself. 
But also, and I know this is much easier said than done, try to make yourself step outside your comfort zone. I’m saying go crazy or anything, but it might be worth taking a small risk here and there. Occasionally it’s okay to make the first move – even if you find that idea terrifying. 
With Andrew…I made the first move. Of course he tells it differently, and yes he may have seen me first, but I made the first move. Which was something that I had never done before. And I was so unbelievably nervous. At the time I found it so strange to be drawn to a person like that, especially with someone who possesses such an intimidating aura. 
But being just a little brave is ultimately what led me to the love of my life. Don’t get me wrong. My palms were sweaty and my legs felt kind of like jello, but I just felt like I had to try. 
And to this day, I’m so glad that I did. Because it means that I get to live my own love story. And while it’s not all a bed of roses, because we do have our problems, I do firmly believe that I’ve found my other half. And it’s because we continue to take a chance on one another and the bond that we’ve built every single day. 
Whatever you believe in, things happen for a reason. And when you find your person, you’ll know. They will accept you for who you are and will work hard to love you the way you need to be loved.
Just take a deep breath and have a little faith. Take a chance. Take a risk. But don’t settle for anybody, man or woman, who refuses to see your worth, girlfriend. You’re much too special for that. 
Signing off with love – Mrs. Barber 
P.S. I’ll be your cool Aunty all day long, boo! I’m always here if you need something or if you have more questions. Andy Bear and I screen these things together, but nothing is really off limits with us. And I will always happily take advantage of any opportunity to gush about the love of my life. Even if he is a menace. 
P.S.S. I also forgot to mention that I love Andy’s hands. You know in romance novels where they write about the hero having perfect hands with long, nimble fingers sporting just the right amount of callousness? That’s him. And not only that, but my Big Man’s fingers are absolute magic. Or instruments of torture. Depends on the day, really. 
By the way, my husband has the most delightfully one-sided rivalry with my favorite Hollywood actor, Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. It’s so funny! But the other day, I pulled up this interview where Lloyd cracked this eyebrow-raising joke about “all of his fingering being accurate” and watched it in bed right next to Andy. And then I may or may not have made some comment about how some men ought to be more like him [Lloyd Evans-Drysdale] and maybe take some notes. 
My husband didn’t like that. I got in sooo much trouble for it too. I mean, if you consider being held down, spanked, and then fucked within an inch of my life trouble. 
Completely worth it.
And in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes. All of Andy’s fingering is incredibly accurate in its own right. Even more so than Lloyd’s. And this girl has had more than enough orgasms to back him up. 
Also, Andy would probably also like me to mention that he is, in fact, taller than my movie star crush. And that he’s never had to wear a lace-front wig because his hairline isn’t receding. My sweet man can be a bit of a mental patient, but I do love him...
So, I guess I'll just have to put up with it. For now. Thank goodness he's cute.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
I remember in regimen, Tord recalled "fondly" When they lived together, waking tom up, and tom nearly stabbing him with a bottle cuz of it, any interesting stories to say about young tom and tord? Any times where tords small "obsession" With tom got them in interesting situations/adventures?
Stay au, i get that their relationship is hidden, but do they brag about eachother to anyone? If so, who does the most bragging/showing eachother off
Would, lets say, a rebellion group or another army be able to get a bunch of info were they to get access of Tom's VR (stay au) in a hostage situation. Is there anything Tord can do to stop that? Or Tom in that case?
You're probably sick from hearing this since your community is surprisingly wholesome af, But every day i check your tumblr its got me BOUNCING on my feet, You give me confidence
I see you're art and im like *chefs kiss* mm succulent.
but I'll stop rambling
Any video games, books, or movies you're into?do you think you'll start those stay au oneshots you mentioned before?And how are you? Cant help but feel concerned after u fell down the stairs, and then got sick (p.s. sorry for writing so much again, cant help it)
HAHAHAH Nawww its okay buddy! I'd be happy to answer your questions again ^^
I remember in regimen, Tord recalled "fondly" When they lived together, waking tom up, and tom nearly stabbing him with a bottle cuz of it, any interesting stories to say about young tom and tord? Any times where tords small "obsession" With tom got them in interesting situations/adventures?
Hmm, let me think of something I'm not gonna put in the fic itself. Probs will be in regiminis tho, just more in depth.
Well, as teenagers, Tord often tried to get an explosive reaction out of Tom in public, especially when they were in school. At this time, Tom still somewhat cared about his image in front of other people, yknow cause teenager lol, so even if Tord tries to tease/bully him he wouldn't react too much in fear of making a scene.
One day though, Tord decided to kick it into overdrive, to the point where he finally got Tom to snap and lunge at him in the middle of the cafeteria. They got into a really nasty brawl that ended with both of them getting sent to the headmaster. Surprisingly though, even if witnesses say that Tom was the one who started the fight, Tord actually- happily- admitted that he was the aggressor, and that Tom was defending himself.
"....Why did you do that?" "It's the truth, Thomas. Why should you be punished for something I started?"
And that started Tom off on his confused and mixed emotions about Tord, but don't be fooled though. Tord didn't say this out of goodwill. Remember, even at this point, a small obsession with Tom has already blossomed. Meaning what he said is actually; Why should you be punished by someone else who doesn't even deserve to touch you?
Stay au, i get that their relationship is hidden, but do they brag about eachother to anyone? If so, who does the most bragging/showing eachother off
They can't. No matter how much they want to they can't tell anyone. This applies more to Tord, as Tom is content with only having people he loves/is close to know about his relationship, Tom has always been more private out of the two of them. Tord on the other hand....he wants to brag about his husband so bad. Especially during the times Tom succeeds in any of his field operations. Paul and Pat could be talking about how well Tom is doing and Tord is literally vibrating in his seat like 'Thats my husband thats my husband thats my husband that my husband THATS MY HUSBAND-'
Unfortunately, this means Matt is the only one Tord gets to rave to, which makes Matt's life a living hell, because he has to listen to his boss/maybe old friend foam at the mouth for his best friend.
"He was so cute this morning!! I had him in my arms when he was still sleeping and- and he smiled at me when he woke up and whispered 'Good morning, Elskede'!! AAAAAA I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!!"
"Thats...nice, Tord."
"Omg also did you know that he likes to cuddle?? HES SO CUTE FUUUUCCCKK!"
"Yes Tord, I know Tom likes to cuddle you have told me this a million times, also Tom is my best friend I KNOW he's a cuddler."
"AND THE WAY HE SMILES I JUST- AUGH, And his laugh?? *SIGH* I don't know how I ever managed- *keeps rambling*"
"This is my hell."
Would, lets say, a rebellion group or another army be able to get a bunch of info were they to get access of Tom's VR (stay au) in a hostage situation. Is there anything Tord can do to stop that? Or Tom in that case?
It wouldn’t really work tbh. Tom’s visor is strictly registered to his biometrics. If you saw my drawings that have him in it, his temples have ports where the visor connects to, thats how he’s able to access and see through the visor, his eyes are actually glass eyes.
If there were attempts at hacking into his visor, it would self-destruct. Just fizzle out when it’s still connected to Tom, and straight up explode if it isn’t connected to Tom.
Of course, Tord would get a distress signal if Tom was ever captured and he can’t handle it alone. In which case he would send out Red Sentries first, troops second, Paul and Patryck if the first two don’t work, then come himself last. (This is for the sake of their safety, Tord would WANT to go first, but they have to go through command chain to maintain their personal lives.)
For Tom, if the situation gets desperate, he will resort to using his hellhound (again, his monsterform in this AU) but like I said, as 3rd gen the shifting is agony, so it really only is a last resort.
You're probably sick from hearing this since your community is surprisingly wholesome af, But every day i check your tumblr its got me BOUNCING on my feet, You give me confidence
DHAJSJ NAWWWW I don’t get sick of hearing it, it REALLY REALLY warms my heart that you guys are so supportive of me, it gives me confidence in my works knowing someone enjoys it.
AND YEAH!! Everyone is so SWEET!! You guys are such kind-hearted people, I’m so glad the people who came to me so far are the kind of people I would be happy to associate with! My mutuals are all good, kind, and talented people, and you guys like I said are so so sweet! I like to think I’m cultivating a little corner that’s soft and calming, it really costs me nothing to be kind, especially in today’s climate, when I’m here I want to forget the bad things and rave about the stuff I like, so I’m glad you’re all here to do that too ^^
I see you're art and im like *chefs kiss* mm succulent.
*hides in a bush to scREAM /pos*
Any video games, books, or movies you're into?do you think you'll start those stay au oneshots you mentioned before?And how are you? Cant help but feel concerned after u fell down the stairs, and then got sick (p.s. sorry for writing so much again, cant help it)
OOOOH! Well I like the Bioshock series, Dishonored, Journey, Sky: CoTL, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Pokemon, Don’t Starve, and lately I’m getting into Hades but haven’t gotten that far yet ^^;
For books I’ll always recommend the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld, if you’re into historical war retellings with steampunk aspects.
The Monstrumologist series by Rick Yancy if ya fancy some monster horror
The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa if you’re into faeries and smoochin faeries I guess lol
Steelheart series by Brandon Sanderson and Villains series by V.E. Schwab if you like post-apocalyptic/dark superheroes stories.
aaaand Ascendance series by Jennifer Nielsen which is a series I read when I was younger which is about war, royal conspiracy, and all that funky stuff lol
Of course I also love some of the classics like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes plus lots of the Shakespearean plays bc I’m a stupid theater kid wjsjfjsnd
So yea,,,,,my book tastes are….inconsistent. As long as the story is cool, I will eat it lol. Plus, all these authors and books practically raised the type of writer I am lmao.
And, I’m not much of a movie fan? I think the Ghibli movies are cool though, and I like silly goofy movies like Knives out and Bullet Train so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for how I am, tired, overworked, still a little sick, I was born pretty weak with a broken lower respiratory system so thats just how it is lmao. The studio also has been piling work on top of me so thats….neat, but at least I can afford food??
But thank you for asking!! I hope you’re doing well too ^^ And don’t worry, I never mind when you guys write to me a lot.
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all-for-geek · 8 months
Unfinished Business - Love, Family, and Possession Chapter 6 - The Girls
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Word Count: 3,456
Summary: As everyone prepares for the big audition, Caleb is putting plans in motion.
TW: Physical/Emotional Abuse
Song used in this chapter
Nick grunted as he hit the hard floor in his living room. He made a point of making eye contact with Caleb as Nick gingerly massaged his chin. He wasn’t sure how a ghost could punch him, but that wasn’t his main concern as the cold, unfeeling shadow above glared down.
“I don’t enjoy doing this Nicolas.” Caleb stepped through Nick’s body. The cold chill sucked the air out of Nick’s lungs. For a moment, he felt his heart stop. “It will make everything much more complicated for the both of us.”
Nick remained silent on the floor. Caleb stepped over him and knelt down at eye level.
“You still have a choice, though, Nicolas. You always had a choice. You choose to make our arrangement difficult, but now, you can choose to have your punishment end now or later. I just need to know one thing.” He leaned in close enough that Nick would have felt Caleb’s breath if he had one. “Where is William?”
Nick chuckled. Willie never mentioned where they were going in case this very thing happened. Not that Nick would have told even if he did know. “I don’t know. Hopefully as far away from you as he can get.”
He wasn’t. Caleb knew that much. He could still sense his brand on Willie’s arm glowing bright, and it ensured that Willie couldn’t go far without his permission. He just couldn’t pin him down. A white, hot rage simmered dangerously close to his smiling facade. Caleb could tell that Nick was telling the truth, but that didn’t matter. He at least had a target for his rage.
“Very well.” Caleb dragged Nick up to his feet. A small piece of him admired the fire that still burned in Nick’s eyes. The other piece reveled in getting to stamp it out. “Understand that this was your choice.”
Nick was thrown back into the dark where he would stay for a very long time.
“And a 5 6 7 8!”
Electronic pop music bounced off the pristine walls of the dance studio. The five members of Dirty Candi began moving in perfect unison. The man standing by the stereo started circling the girls analyzing their every move.
Don’t mess with the girls!
With the girls!
With the girls!
The blonde in the middle stepped forward. She eyed her moves in the two-way mirror. She hopelessly wondered if her dad might be watching on the other side. She brushed the idea away in one choreographed motion. He hadn’t watched her dance in months.
See the, see the black rims pink headlights
Bring the, bring the bags all win 
Yeah, their all mine
Diamond-plated names bouncin’ on our necklines
“Keep with the tempo, girls,” Mr. Durrell shouted. The other members of Dirty Candi snapped to attention as they joined Carrie for the chorus.
Don’t mess with the girls!
With the girls!
With the girls!
Carrie allowed herself to get lost in the music. In those fleeting moments when she performed with Dirty Candi, she believed in the image she presented. The fearless and powerful Carrie Wilson. The daughter of a massive rock star. As she stepped in beat with her girls, the confidence she exuded felt genuine.
The music petered out as they hit their final pose. It was replaced with Mr. Durell clapping behind them. They all quickly broke formation to grab their waters.
“Excellent work everyone,” he said. “You’re going to kill it tomorrow. Carrie-” She whipped around at the mention of her name. “-I want you to go over that beginning section. You were dragging again.”
Carrie mentally kicked herself as she smiled. “Sure thing, boss.” 
She grabbed her sparkly pink dance bag and made for the door. As she reached to check her phone, she was stopped by a tap on her shoulder.
“Hey,” Kayla smiled at her, “We were thinking of going over to Kylie’s and hanging out for a while. You down?”
“Love to,” Carrie responded, “But tonight is my night with my mom.”
“She’s actually coming this time?” Carrie didn’t try to hide her glare, and Kayla didn’t try to hide her regret. They all knew that Carrie’s mom was a sore subject ever since the divorce.
“Of course! I’ll see you tomorrow.” Carrie smiled and waved as she pulled out her perky voice. Kayla waved back as Carrie hopped into the back of her car. 
“Where to Miss Wilson?” the driver asked politely.
Carrie’s answer was interrupted by the message on her phone screen. Her stomach sank as she saw the ID.
Hey sweetie! I’m really sorry, but I can’t make it tonight. I’m being kept for another late night. I’m going to put in for next month so I can make it for sure!
Right. Just like she did this month.
Carrie sighed. “Just take me home.”
Julie woke up bright and early the next day. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure if she actually slept that night, but she didn’t care. Her body was buzzing with excitement. It was the first day of the competition! 
She blasted her “Pumped up” playlist through her earbuds as she got dressed. Every turn and move she made was to the beat of the music. Her body vibrated with joy as she packed her bag for the performance. It was right after school, so she needed to make sure she had everything ready.
Julie dramatically threw her bedroom door open as she continued to dance around the hall. She jumped down the steps as the final song came to its crescendo and struck a pose that nearly smacked Carlos in the face.
“Gah!” the boy shouted as he ducked down. The momentum caused him to stumble forward, but luckily, the open laptop remained safely in his hands.
“Oh my gosh. Sorry Carlos!” Julie whipped her earbuds out and did a quick scan of her brother, but they both knew that he had had worse falls at ball games.
“It’s fine.” Carlos waved absentmindedly. He started to walk up the stairs before stopping to turn around. “Do you know if Reggie’s name is short for anything?”
“Reginald, I think. Why?”
“No reason.” He slammed the laptop shut up and ran the rest of the way to his room.
Julie laughed and rolled her eyes. Before she had time to ponder her brother’s weirdness, Flynn walked into the house with her face deep in her phone.
“Okay, I’ve sent a lighting set up to Destiny Management.” Flynn briefly looked up from her phone and beamed. “I can’t believe I said that. It’s fairly simple like they asked, but I added a few dazzlers in there. You can thank me later. I double checked, and we will have about 10 minutes for any band specific set up, and I can ‘set up’ the hologram projector then.”
“Have I mentioned that you are amazing?” Julie asked.
“You have, but I won’t stop you from saying it again.” Flynn pulled Julie into a bear hug that she gladly reciprocated.
“Thank you,” Julie said as she pulled away, “I wouldn’t know where to begin with all the tech stuff.”
“Anything for my girl.” Flynn playfully punched Julie in the shoulder.
“Alright girls, are you ready?” Ray asked as he rounded the corner.
“Heck, yeah. Let’s get this show on the road!” Flynn shouted as she and Julie raced to the door.
“Excellent. I’m always glad to see you excited for school.” Julie and Flynn stopped and stared sheepishly at Ray.
“Right…” Flynn started.
“...school…” Julie finished.
“I kid, girls. I just wish that I could be there too. I don’t suppose Flynn needs an assistant?” All three laughed at the thought of Ray trying to handle tech equipment.
“If I ever have a wire that I can’t reach, I know who to call,” Flynn joked.
“Deal.” Ray turned back into the house and shouted, “Carlos! You ready?”
“Yeah!” Carlos shouted back as he ran downstairs. He whizzed past all them towards the truck.
“Um…actually, Dad, there’s something I need to check in the studio real quick,” Julie said.
“Alright. Make it quick.” Julie nodded and whizzed towards the garage.
Inside, the boys were abuzz. Alex was pacing the floor mentally going over the set and everything they needed while Luke and Reggie chatted in the corner about the finishing touches. As Julie entered, they all stopped and stared at her and each other. There was a pause as the energy rose. They bursted into excited screams.
“Dude, are you pumped? Because I am PUMPED!” Luke shouted over their hootin’ and hollerin’.
“I am pumped UP, man!” Reggie shouted back.
“So am I!” Julie shouted over them. “I’ll see you guys at the audition. We’re set to perform at 4.”
“Why don’t we go over the song again real quick?” Luke poofed his music journal into his hands and started thumbing through the pages. “I think we've got everything nailed down.”
“You said that last night,” Julie replied warily.
“I know, but after you left, I got this idea, and it just keeps bouncing around in here you know? I think it's really gonna put our show over the top.” Luke bounced on the balls of his feet as he showed his masterplan to Julie. 
She scanned the paper. Luke had added a new key change to the end of the song. She still had the melody, so it would be simple enough to learn by tonight. Being the front man had its perks.
“I’ll look it over and practice it during music class and lunch,” Julie promised. She quickly scrambled down the notes and made for the garage door. Luke poofed in front of her. Julie instinctively went to walk through him, but slammed into his chest instead. She tried to ignore the blush on her cheeks, or how toned Luke’s abs seemed to be for being a 17-year-old dead kid, as she backed away.
“You sure we can’t try it out? Just once?” Luke pleaded, giving his best puppy-dog pout.
Julie wanted nothing more than to jam with them all day. It sure beat slugging through 8 hours of class, but she made a promise to her dad. She had to put school first.
“I can’t. I’m pushing it to get to school on time as it is.” Julie made a point of stepping around Luke as she made for the garage door again. “I’ll see you guys tonight.”
The halls of Los Feliz High were abuzz. Word had already spread about how Dirty Candi and Julie and the Phantoms were up against each other in Destiny Management’s coveted competition. Students whispered as both girls walked by the halls. A few betting pools had already formed over which, if either, girl would win. Julie found herself once again clutching her books and trying to keep her head down as the entire student body peered down at her like a hawk.
She hoped that at least music class would be a nice distraction from the world around her. Sure, it was the one class that she had with Carrie, but at least there, Julie could hide herself in her music. Besides, Flynn and Nick would be there too, so at least she was in good company.
Once everyone was settled in their seats, Mrs. Harrison stood up to begin the announcements for the class. The smile she gave to Carrie and Julie did not sit well in Julie’s stomach.
“Good afternoon everyone,” she greeted as the class greeted her back, “I’m sure at this point I don’t have to tell you all this, but a couple members of our class have been given a very special opportunity.” Julie gripped Flynn’s hand as the whispering around her threatened to overwhelm her. “I would like to give personal congratulations to Julie and Carrie for receiving auditions for Destiny Management’s upcoming competition.” 
A round of applause was given for the two girls. Carrie stood up a little straighter and basked in the support she was being given. Julie slumped down deeper in the seat. 
“If you girls are comfortable, would you be willing to share with the class a little of your journey?” Julie would have rather ripped all her hair out, but Carrie was already out of her seat.
“I would love to,” Carrie’s voice had extra honey in it as she turned to face the class. “As you all know, about a year ago, I started Dirty Candi with a few of my closest friends. We’ve put in a lot of hard work to get as good as we are today. We performed everywhere we could, and eventually, the right people saw us and offered us a spot. I would like to thank everyone who has ever supported Dirty Candi. Many of our first fans are in this very room, and we couldn’t have gotten here without you.”
A round of polite applause was given. Flynn couldn’t help but scoff at Carrie’s little speech. 
“Five bucks that her dad somehow bought her the spot,” she whispered to Julie.
Julie tried to ignore her friend’s comment as Mrs. Harrison looked at her expectantly. Julie rose from her seat slowly to ensure that she legs weren’t going to wobble out from underneath her. She tried to focus on any part of the room that didn’t have eyes staring back at her.
“Um…well. This past year has been hard for me. I lost my mom, and I lost my music along with her. For a long time, I couldn’t play because…” Julie restrained herself from breaking down into tears. “...because playing her just didn’t feel right. But then I got into contact with the guys. They got me back into music, and with a lot of luck, we got chosen. I suppose if I had to thank anyone it would be my mom. She’s my biggest inspiration with music and with life, and I just hope that I can make her proud.”
The applause for Julie was cut short by Carrie running out of the room.
“Do you think that Carrie is okay?” Julie asked Flynn. The two walked through the halls as they made their way out of music class.
“Carrie has never, and never will be, okay,” Flynn countered, “She’s probably just trying to stir up more drama.”
“Maybe,” Julie muttered, unconvinced. 
As if summoned by their conversation, Julie noticed Carrie and Kayla crossing at a nearby intersection. Well, more accurately, Carrie was storming through the halls and Kayla was trying desperately to reach her. Julie couldn’t help but feel a twinge of empathy for Carrie. It wasn’t that long ago that she had her own outburst.
“What if she’s actually hurting though?” Julie wondered aloud more to herself than to her bewildered friend. “Maybe I should go and check up on her?”
“Jules, have you actually lost it, she’s-”
“Hey, Julie!” Flynn was cut off by Nick’s voice guiding them to his direction. He sauntered to them with his usual confidence. Right as he reached them, he stumbled over the thin air underneath his feet.
“Woah!” Julie reached out instinctively to help him, but he had regained his footings before her hands reached his arms.
“I’m alright,” Nick reassured her. “Just my two left feet is all.”
Flynn took the opportunity to position herself by the two. “Nick! Hey! Look Julie, someone sane to talk to.”
Nick eyed them curiously, but Julie just rolled her eyes playfully. “It was just an idea.”
“Right.” Flynn retorted. “Anyway I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on. See you after class.” Flynn left with a wink.
Julie rolled her eyes again before turning her attention to Nick.
“I just wanted to say Congratulations about the opportunity for your band,” Nick began. “First the Orpheum, now this. You are moving up in the world.”
“Yeah, we’ve gotten really lucky.”
“Luck is nothing without the skill to back it up. But if luck’s what you want…” Nick pulled a silver bracelet out of his pocket. It shimmered as the light bounced off of the amethyst embedded into the bracelet. Julie admired it as she let him close the clasp over her wrist with a click. “...I think I might have something for that.”
“Nick, it’s beautiful,” Julie whispered, dazed. “I can’t possibly-”
“I insist,” Nick persisted. “Consider it the first of many gifts from your adoring fans.”
“Thank you!” Julie wrapped Nick into a massive hug. As they separated, Julie didn’t notice the unnatural glow of the gems.
Normally, the time when Julie was at school dragged for the boys as they waited impatiently for their friend to return. On a performance day though, there was always something to do. Whether it be practicing the song again or scouting out the stage they would be performing on in just a couple hours, it was easy to find a way to keep themselves occupied.
For a while, at least. Julie had to go from school directly to the venue, and with Ray and Carlos taking her, they were left with more time on their own than they were used to. They only had an hour left before they would need to get to the stage, and they had exhausted nearly every topic under the sun. Perhaps, that is why the conversation went in the direction it did.
“Have you guys ever wondered what our unfinished business might actually be?” Alex asked seemingly out of nowhere.
“Not really,” Luke answered, “You?”
“Sometimes,” Alex admitted, “It feels weird not knowing. The Orpheum seemed like such an obvious unfinished business to have. What else could it have been?”
“Maybe it’s something more personal?” Reggie offered. “Like, maybe that was Sunset Curve’s unfinished business, but was that our unfinished business?”
“I don’t know, man.” Luke sat up from his position on the floor to face his bandmates. “The only other regret I had was not making things right with my mom, and I kinda checked that one off the bucket list.”
“It’s strange to think about. Willie,” Alex paused at the thought of the ghost, “He said that some ghosts never figured out what their unfinished business is.”
“All the more time to rock out then,” Luke said. He grabbed his boys into a group huddle as they chuckled.
The semi-pleasant moment was interrupted by a knock on the garage door. The boys turned and were startled to see Alice phasing into the studio.
“Alice, hey, what’s up?” Reggie bounded over to her.
“How did you know where to find us?” Alex questioned, keeping his distance.
“I’ll explain as much as I can later, but I need you guys to come with me,” she said. She quickly scanned the room as if she was looking for something. Her eyes then locked on Alex “It has to do with your pal that you mentioned.”
The boys had a few fond memories of the Roxie. When they were little, their parents would sometimes bring them to see the different performers, but they always preferred concerts or the actual movies. If they had roamed the halls long enough, a few memories from simpler times might have resurfaced. But there was no time for that now.
As soon as they poofed into the theater and Alice explained what where Willie was, Alex bolted off. He wasn’t thinking clearly enough to poof into the room. His head was filled with too many emotions as the air whipped past him through the halls. He could feel a whisper of heart thumping between his ears. It was all Luke and Reggie could do to keep pace.
Alex rounded a corner and flung open the door to an old greenroom. He was panting, out of breath, but he didn’t have time to think about that. All he could focus on was the pale boy in front of him.
The color was starting to return to Willie’s face, but it was clear that whatever he had gone through to get here had taken a lot out of him. He had heard Alex stomping in the halls toward him and carefully stood up hoping, praying, that Alice had kept her word.
The two locked eyes. They stood there for a moment. Alex took a tentative step forward, afraid that if he made the wrong move, the beauty before him would disappear. That this would all be nothing but a dream. But ghosts don’t dream. He closed the distance between them and locked Willie in a tender embrace.
Willie’s knees buckled, relying on Alex to keep him up right. Both boys stood there soaking in the presence of the other. They didn’t hear Luke or Reggie crash into the room as well or notice Alice standing outside the doorway. For the first time since that day in the museum, it was just them.
Willie pulled away far sooner than either of them would have liked. He kept his grip on Alex’s forearms to make sure that he didn’t fall or that Alex didn’t vanish in front of him. Alex stared down at him with joy and relief in his eyes. Willie stared back with sorrow in his.
“We don’t have much time,” Willie stated, breaking their moment. “Your friend, Julie? She’s in serious danger.”
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silverslate221 · 2 years
What kwamis are in your European box? Also if possible what are their powers?
I don't think I ever said anything about a European Miracle Box but I do have one xD
Allcy the Kingfisher of Hope (I changed my Nightingale)
Power: Song of Hope- By playing into their Ocarina (which also functions as the Miraculous itself) they produce a soothing melody that brings hope to the hearts of all that hear it
Flikker the Firefly of Light*
Power: Flikker is an Elemental Kwami similar to Longg so he grants three powers.
Radiance- Unleashes a blinding blast of light or allows the holder to transform into light
Refraction- Allows the holder to manipulate light in any way they please, bending it, reflecting it, or even focusing it into a powerful weapon
Hologram- Allows the holder to produce solely visual illusions
Oskkr the Squirrel of Jealousy
Power: Imitate- Can perfectly transform into whoever they see including powers, memory, skills and of course appearance
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition (Sass similar to many of the other canon kwamis' I've changed the concepts of and even the powers of some of them)
Power: Perceive- Allows the holder to analyze and gain a complete understanding of everything they perceive
Sixth Sense- The holder gains a passive ability to detect danger before they appear
??? the Moth of Oblivion
Power: Void- Allows the holder to create a black hole that devours anything or anyone that comes in its way trapping them in an empty lightless dimension where they're forced to float aimlessly until the holder releases them
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Power: Smooth- Allows the user to completely erase any friction from whatever surface they're touching
Grip- Allows the user to increase the friction of any surface they're touching even the air itself
Torri the Aurochs of Strength (Taurus)
Power: Strongarm- Grants the user unlimited physical strength and the durability
Gemm the Chameleon of Perception (Gemini)
Power: Sensation- Allows the user to project sensations to whoever they desire from a single person to a whole crowd. They can project anything from an optical illusion to burning pain
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Power: Sentiment- Allows the holder to manipulate the emotions of everyone around them
Skyy the Griffin of Air* (Leo)
Power: Check out @mymiraclebox version of Skyy they're basically the same
Duchess the Swan of Reflection (Virgo)
Power: Rebound- Creates a reflective barrier that can bounce any attack right back at the attacker
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Power: Judgement- Using their scales they weigh the actions of a person. If Judged Innocent the person is transformed into the holders faithful knight. If Judged guilty the victim faces punishment and they are bound to follow the punishment, anything from community service to death in the most severe of cases
Scorro the Scorpion of Beauty (Scorpio)
Power: Mesmerize- Anyone who view the holder is entranced and will do whatever is asked of them however unlike Pollen's power (which I've changed since even if she's been retconned as the kwami of action she was the kwami of Subjection first and she should have powers that reflect that) which grants absolute unbreakable control strong enough willed people can resist the holder's allure
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius)
Power: Deadeye- The holder's aim will always remain true no matter what they use from their Mikkado sticks to a plain rock and they will always reach their target no matter the distance or angle
Akwwa the Seahorse of Generosity (Capricorn)
Power: Charity- Allows the holder to bestow buffs and helpful items to their allies however they can never take advantage of these gifts themselves
Nøkk the Kelpie of Water* (Aquarius)
Power: Once again check out @mymiraclebox 's version of this kwami they're basically the same
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy (Pisces)
Power: Siphon- The holder can breath out a large cloud of mist that absorbs the emotions of anyone enveloped and transforms it into energy that once inhaled by the holder or their allies will invigorate them and amplify their physical abilities
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legal2001 · 4 months
Unraveling the Legal Predators: Check Bounce Punishment and the Sharks of the Law
In the vast sea of financial transactions, the term "check bounce punishment" surfaces as a warning buoy for those who navigate the waters of monetary exchanges. As individuals engage in various financial activities, the repercussions of a bounced check become a legal battleground where predators of the law, akin to sharks in the ocean, await their chance to strike.
Understanding Check Bounce:
A bounced check occurs when there are insufficient funds in the issuer's account to cover the amount written on the check. This seemingly simple act can trigger a cascade of legal consequences, transforming the financial transaction into a legal minefield. The legal sharks, in this case, are institutions and authorities tasked with upholding financial regulations.
Legal Consequences:
The punishment for a bounced check varies depending on jurisdiction, but common consequences include financial penalties, legal action, and damage to one's credit score. Financial institutions typically charge fees for bounced checks, adding a layer of punishment beyond the initial transaction. The amount of these fees can be substantial, depending on the policies of the bank involved.
Civil and Criminal Implications:
In many jurisdictions, bouncing a check is considered a criminal offense. The severity of the punishment depends on factors such as the amount of the bounced check, the intent behind the action, and the individual's past record. The legal sharks may pursue criminal charges, turning a financial matter into a legal battle that could result in fines or even imprisonment.
Recovery Measures:
To recover the funds and address the consequences of a bounced check, the payee may resort to legal measures. This could involve filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies or taking the matter to small claims court. The legal sharks, in this scenario, may act on behalf of the aggrieved party, ensuring that justice is served and financial losses are recuperated.
Legal Defenses:
While facing the consequences of a bounced check, individuals may employ legal defenses to mitigate the impact. Common defenses include lack of knowledge, mistake, or issues with the transaction itself. However, the effectiveness of these defenses may vary, and navigating the legal waters requires a skilled attorney to ward off the sharks of the law.
Credit Score Ramifications:
A bounced check doesn't just result in immediate financial penalties; it can also leave a lasting mark on one's credit history. The legal sharks in the financial sector use credit reporting agencies to document instances of bounced checks, impacting the individual's credit score. A lower credit score can affect future financial transactions, making it imperative to tread carefully in the waters of fiscal responsibility.
Preventive Measures:
To avoid falling prey to the sharks of the law in the realm of bounced checks, individuals can take preventive measures. Maintaining a diligent check on account balances, setting up overdraft protection, and communicating transparently with payees can help navigate these treacherous waters.
In the intricate world of financial transactions, the consequences of a bounced check can unleash legal predators akin to sharks in the vast ocean. Understanding the intricacies of check bounce punishment, its legal ramifications, and the potential long-term effects on one's financial standing is crucial. By staying informed and taking preventive measures, individuals can navigate these waters with caution and mitigate the risks of encountering the sharks of the law.
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