#cheapest offshore bank account
ads247365 · 4 months
Unlock seamless international trade with ADS247365. Our comprehensive guide simplifies the process of opening an international business bank account, ensuring secure and efficient global transactions. Empower your business with expert insights and practical steps to thrive in the competitive global market.
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offshoregateways · 1 year
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It comprises societies with partial tax exemptions or complete exemptions from taxation in the nation in which such an organization is set up. As seaward organizations are built on enrolment in ocean societies, this is a remarkable way to reduce assessments expenses. Offshore company registration The most popular method of establishing the seaward organization in a foreign country is really quick and has remarkably few requirements that may be met even without issues. 
An offshore corporation is a large corporation established outside of the country in which the business is based. The bulk of the time, a company's need to maintain records, submit reports, and/or pay taxes is waived if it doesn't conduct business there. When referring to a firm with its headquarters in a tax haven region that offers considerable tax advantages, the phrase "offshore company" is frequently used.
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alphaequity43 · 2 years
Entrepreneurs who wish to start a business can benefit significantly from offshore company formation. An offshore company is legally registered in a country other than the entrepreneur’s home country. Offshore Company Formation In Dubai provides numerous advantages, including tax benefits, reduced bureaucracy, and privacy.
This complete guide will explore the benefits, processes, and considerations for offshore company formation.
Benefits of Offshore Company Formation:
One of the most significant advantages of offshore company formation is the tax benefits. Many offshore jurisdictions offer low tax rates and tax incentives, making it an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to reduce their tax burden.
In addition, offshore companies offer reduced bureaucracy and increased privacy, as the information about the company’s ownership and financial records are not available to the public.
Offshore company formation also provides asset protection. Entrepreneurs can protect their assets from legal claims and other potential liabilities by having an offshore company.
Process of Offshore Company Formation:The process of
Offshore Company Setup In Dubai
typically involves the following steps:
Choose a Jurisdiction: The entrepreneur must choose an offshore jurisdiction that offers the desired benefits.
Name and Registered Agent: The entrepreneur must select a unique name for the company and appoint a registered agent who will act as a liaison between the company and the jurisdiction.
Incorporation Documents: The entrepreneur must prepare and file incorporation documents, which typically include the company’s articles of incorporation and memorandum of association.
Capitalization: The entrepreneur must provide capital to the company, which can be cash, assets, or a combination of both.
Bank Account: The entrepreneur must open a bank account for the offshore company and deposit the capital.
Considerations for Offshore Company Formation:
Entrepreneurs should consider the following factors when deciding whether to pursue offshore company formation:
Cost: Offshore company formation can be expensive, as it involves legal fees, registration fees, and ongoing maintenance fees.
Reputation: Some offshore jurisdictions may have a negative reputation for being tax havens or facilitating illegal activities. Entrepreneurs should carefully consider the importance of the jurisdiction before proceeding.
Compliance: Offshore companies must comply with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction they are incorporated in. Entrepreneurs should be aware of any compliance requirements and ensure they are met.
Offshore company formation provides numerous benefits for entrepreneurs, including tax benefits, reduced bureaucracy, and privacy. The offshore company formation process involves selecting a jurisdiction, preparing incorporation documents, and providing capital.
Entrepreneurs should carefully consider the cost, reputation, and compliance requirements before pursuing offshore company formation. However, carefully considering offshore company formation can provide a significant advantage for entrepreneurs looking to start a business.
Therefore, contact Alpha Equity if you need a company for Cheapest Offshore Company Formation!
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visaservicesindelhi · 3 years
Ever dreamed of living in Europe?
Many of us have.
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However, Europe’s stereotypically high tax rates have turned many successful entrepreneurs and investors away from the idea in search of zero-tax countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, or the Pacific Ocean.
Here’s the deal: while living in Europe and paying zero income tax is a rare feat, it is possible for almost anyone to live in Europe full-time and pay low taxes on their income… even if they’re not a millionaire.
I’m not talking about living like a digital nomad. Sure, it’s possible to spend three months in the summer living in Europe, then spending another few months further south in a country like Serbia. So long as you don’t establish tax ties in any one country, your only concern is making sure you aren’t on the hook for taxes in your home country.
However, as I increasingly work with seven- and eight-figure business owners, one recurring theme I hear is the desire for a home. For many successful people, dragging a suitcase around the world just isn’t their thing. They want a (nearly) full-time home AND the benefits of minimal taxation.
That’s where low tax countries come in.
The good news is that you don’t have to move to the Bahamas or Dubai to enjoy low tax countries rates so long as you’re able to invest some of your money in Europe. While some countries like France will always be off-limits to those seeking excellent tax planning, We’ve made a list of nearly a dozen European countries with favorable tax rates.
Nestled into the mountainside, this medieval village shows the beauty of the Andorran countryside.
Pressure from the European Union caused Andorra to implement its first ever income tax in 2015, but Andorra still remains a low tax haven conveniently nestled between high-tax Spain and France.
Long known as a destination for duty-free shopping, Andorra is an idyllic mountainous country that also happens to offer residence permits to investors and business owners. Fortunately, Andorra has positioned itself to attract those of more average means than other low tax countries like Monaco.
Andorra is perfect for those with capital gains or generational wealth; it has no wealth tax, no gift tax, no inheritance tax and the only capital gains tax is assessed on most sales of Andorra real estate.
The only tax is an income tax, of which a generous 24,000 euros is exempt, and the top rate of 10% takes effect at the 40,000 euro level.
Unless you’re well-noted in your field, there are two ways to qualify for residence: make an investment or start a company. Either way, you’ll need to pledge to spend 90 days per year living in Andorra, rent or own a property, maintain a bond, and maintain health insurance; many residents are exempt from the already low tax rates depending on how their income is earned.
To start a company, you will need to present your CV and a business plan, as well as deposit a 50,000 euro bond for a single applicant. This route requires far less upfront capital but you do need to actually run a business, which means living in Andorra should be part of your overall corporate and tax planning. If you prefer to be a passive resident, you may invest 400,000 euros in Andorra, which can include an investment in real estate.
Bulgaria offers Eastern European city charm, plenty of beach resorts on the Black Sea… and a flat 10% tax rate with no minimum.
At a flat 10%, Bulgaria has the European Union’s lowest personal income tax rates. Corporate income tax rates are the same flat rate of 10% (tied with Cyprus), and Bulgaria maintains tax treaties with many countries that could allow for special tax treatment for some international entrepreneurs.
Basically, Bulgaria’s tax system is simple: live there and pay 10%. You can become a fiscal resident by living in Bulgaria for at least 183 days in a year, or by convincing the tax office that Bulgaria is your “center of life”. While merely staying in the country is often easier, the “center of life” test gives you more flexibility and involves a number of factors.
Eastern Europe is one of the world’s most underrated places for living in my opinion, although out of the Balkan countries I would personally prefer living in Serbia or Romania. That said, Bulgaria has the advantage of being a rather open place to operate, with bank accounts being easy to open and a substantial low-tax offshore company industry attracting plenty of entrepreneurs and capital.
Despite being a top tourist destination in Europe, Prague has one of the cheapest costs of living in central Europe.
The Czech Republic is often ignored as a low tax jurisdiction despite the fact that it has streamlined both personal and corporate income tax rate to reasonable levels. Considering that Prague is one of the most cooed-over cities in Europe, the idea of living in the Czech Republic is worth considering.
As a low-tax residency, the Czech Republic (or Czechia, as they prefer) is best suited for European Union citizens. That’s because self-employed Europeans can not only avail themselves of Czechia’s 15% flat tax rate but may also apply a lump sum tax deduction in lieu of actual expenses. For most business owners, the lump sum can reduce the flat tax by 40% or 60%, leaving an effective tax rate of 6% or 9% on self-employed entrepreneurs.
Like Portugal and other European Union countries, real tax planning is required if you choose to live in Czechia. For one thing, you will need to rent or own an actual home; the good news is that the cost of living in Prague is surprisingly low given how popular the city is for tourists and digital nomads.
Georgia has a diverse tourism landscape. For instance, Mtskheta, Georgia is home to a UNESCO world heritage site.
While Georgia may not be in the center of Europe, its position in the Caucasus places it squarely between eastern Europe and Asia. Fun fact: Georgia also happens to be the only European country with a largely territorial tax system, meaning properly structured foreign source income is not taxed in most circumstances.
For non-US citizens, it is easy to create an international structure and pay zero tax on profits while being a legal resident of Georgia. It is also possible to maintain a part-time home base in Georgia without incurring tax obligations. You can even become tax resident without living in Georgia if you can prove wealth or high income.
While Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi is not Paris, Georgia is one of the safest countries in the world and a favorite of ours here at Nomad Capitalist. The cost of living is extremely low, and activities like smoking and gambling are extremely cheap compared to the highly over-regulated European Union.
Gibraltar offers residence visas to wealthy investors willing to pay an annual flat tax.
Gibraltar has long been a popular tax residence for British citizens, but Gibraltar’s benefits as a low-tax residence are available to anyone. Nestled at the southern tip of Spain, Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and not a sovereign country, but is able to set its own tax policies.
There are two ways to become resident in Gibraltar: start a company or demonstrate a high net worth. As is usually the case with these programs, it is easier for entrepreneurs to qualify by forming a company but proving wealth is easier in the long run.
The High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills method, or HEPSS, allows entrepreneurs with Gibraltar companies to pay a maximum tax on their salary. You must earn more than £120,000 per year, but will only be taxed on £120,000. That essentially translates to a flat tax of £29,940, although you must also consider any Gibraltar corporate tax. You will need to own or lease a home in Gibraltar.
The Category 2 visa program is also appealing but requires a £2 million – roughly $2.5 million – net worth to qualify. There are few requirements besides proving this level of wealth; the main requirement is to purchase or lease a “qualifying” home.
Other than that, you may not carry out almost any business within the territory of Gibraltar. You will pay a minimum annual tax of £22,000, and a maximum annual tax of £28,360 based on Gibraltar’s oddly progressive-but-then-regressive income tax rates ranging from 10% to 29%.
Malta allows foreign citizens to pay an annual flat fee and exempt their foreign income from Malta tax.
Malta is one of only four countries on this list that are part of the Schengen Area, and one of only three that are also part of the European Union. Malta has developed some of the EU’s most tax-friendly programs for both individual residents and corporations, with corporate tax rates as low as 5% possible for non-resident companies.
Malta has long had a flat-fee residence program available, but as I have discussed in the recent post the newer Global Residence Program has become the second residency of choice. Unlike Andorra and Monaco, Malta does not require any physical presence on its two Mediterranean islands, meaning you can establish residency but not live there at all. Furthermore, they have prided themselves on reducing bureaucracy and even allowing residents to include domestic staff on their applications (similar to Malaysia’s MM2H program).
Maltese residents are not subject to tax in Malta on foreign sourced income that is kept outside of the country. What’s more, they are not subject to tax on foreign capital gains even if those gains are sent to a Malta bank account. Other income, including pensions, can be taxed once at a flat 15% thanks to Malta’s tax treaty network.
The cost of maintaining the residence in Malta is a flat 15,000 euro “minimum tax” payable each year. With proper planning, this should also be the maximum tax. It is also possible to obtain a tax residence certificate.
Monaco eliminated income taxes entirely in 1869, making it the only sovereign zero-tax jurisdiction in Europe.
While Monaco is not a full member of the European Union, it is a de facto participant in the borderless Schengen Area, offering excellent mobility. Monaco’s exclusivity and proximity to France and the rest of Europe make it a more serious tax residency than some tiny island in the middle of the ocean.
According to the tiny principality, it is not a tax haven. It does allow foreigners to establish residence in Monaco merely by proving their wealth. Doing this generally requires a 500,000 euro bank deposit and purchase (or in some cases, rental) of a property there.
Seeing that parking spaces can often sell for up to 1 million euros, residence in Monaco is reserved for the wealthiest entrepreneurs and investors. It’s also reserved for those actually willing to live there; you must spend three months per year for the first nine years, at which point you can obtain what is effectively permanent residence but requires 183 days of stay per year.
If you’re interested in getting a residency or second passport in Monaco, we have just published our Ultimate Guide where you can get all the details.
Montenegro has low corporate taxes and is one of the least expensive countries in Europe to start a company.
Montenegro boasts the lowest headline personal income tax and corporate income tax rates in Europe, both pegged at a flat 9%.
Like many of its western Balkan neighbors, Montenegro has sought to attract business to its small country – population: 620,000 – by lowering tax rates. While almost all of eastern Europe offers rather reasonable tax rates in the teens, Montenegro offers the lowest tax rates and the benefit of a country you might actually want to live in.
Locals know Montenegro as Crna Gora, meaning “black mountain”, but the Italian name stuck and gives the country an air of sexiness by sounding similar to Monaco. Personally, I believe it is a completely stunning place to visit during the summer season, which is why I purchased my beach house for holiday getaway right there, where I relax, do some writing and enjoy the sunsets and Mediterranean cuisine.
Montenegro’s government seems to have played to that notion, inviting foreign investors to develop luxury resorts on its pristine coastline in a bid to be the jewel of the Adriatic Sea. It was enough to attract me to buy a home in Montenegro.
Montenegro allows foreigners who buy residential property to obtain a temporary residence card, renewable yearly. If you spend fewer than 183 days in Montenegro, you will generally not be taxed. If you live in Montenegro the majority of the time, you will become tax resident and be liable to pay the flat 9% rate on your income.
While Montenegro isn’t a zero-tax country for full-time residents, it is a very attractive home base primarily for Europeans seeking a legitimate low-tax residency to appease their home government.
Even though Portugal is a high tax country, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.
Most people don’t associate Portugal with low tax countries.
In most cases, they’re right; Portugal is hardly a tax rate favorable place for the average resident. However, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.
While this exemption doesn’t allow you to live in Portugal tax-free forever, it is long enough to allow you to claim Portugal citizenship if you meet the rather lenient physical stay requirements.
The first step to living in Portugal is to obtain Portugal residency; this can be done by purchasing real estate through the well-known Golden Visa program, but can be done more easily by hiring people or by merely proving you have rental income overseas.
There is a catch, though: the most tax-optimized structures won’t qualify for Portugal’s tax exemption. Income from blacklisted tax countries is not subject to exemption, meaning your offshore company in the BVI or Hong Kong won’t work. Substantial tax planning is needed to ensure that all of your business and passive income is structured to eliminate taxes while you live in Portugal.
Switzerland was one of the first countries to allow wealthy taxpayers to negotiate a flat annual tax with its cantons
There is no doubt that Switzerland has become less friendly both for immigration and banking in recent years. That said, it is still one of the safest and most respected countries in the world with a location at the heart of Europe. Swiss residency offers an air of legitimacy that many other low-tax residencies can’t match. Foreigners have two residency options to choose from.
The first is to form a new company in Switzerland and hire local employees. This company will pay corporate income tax based on which canton (region) it is incorporated in, and you as the manager will pay Swiss income tax.
The more common and lower tax method to living in Switzerland is the Lump Sum Taxation method, also known as “taxation according to expenditure”. Under this method, a family may move to Switzerland and pay a flat annual tax based on their cost of living rather than their actual income. This has often been described as negotiating a flat tax, and each canton has their own policies.
Generally speaking, expect to pay at least $150,000 and up to $1 million in flat tax each year depending on which canton you want to live in. You will also not be able to legally reside in Zurich. If your income exceeds $1 million each year, maintaining your home and tax residency in Switzerland would give you a moderate tax rate. If your income is in the millions, Switzerland could reduce your tax rate below 10%. While Switzerland is hardly a cheap place to live, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.
The UKis far from a tax haven, but there are certain exemptions from the rule when it comes to tax rates, which you can take advantage of if you’re a wealthy entrepreneur.
Like Portugal, the United Kingdom isn’t exactly a haven in terms of low tax countries for all… but it is for a select group of wealthy individuals. By exploiting the difference between domicile and residence, certain foreign citizens can live in London and pay an annual flat tax.
This “non-dom” system has been popularized thanks to Middle Eastern and Russian billionaires who take up residence in the United Kingdom yet claim they are not running their businesses from Kensington. Because their income is a foreign source, it is eligible to be taxed on a remittance basis; keep the income out of the UK and it is not taxed.
Obtaining residency in Britain requires a substantial investment, but for the right person, the tax benefits outweigh the initial costs. Claiming non-dom tax benefits may be free for up to six years, after which the remittance basis charge is anywhere from £30,000 to £90,000 depending on how long you’ve been a resident.
Tax residence in the UK is a highly complicated topic and always worth discussing at length with a tax professional before claiming any benefits, particularly as some non-dom benefits must be claimed in advance.
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obsoletelibrarian · 6 years
Hello, friends, family, countrymen!  I am off on a new adventure!  I am trying to keep a better track of this year than the one I spent in Toronto.  I did better in Oxford, so I will try to go back to that dedication.  For those of you who don’t know, my husband Dan was recently offered a position working as an instructor and researcher for ETH Zurich, a position where he will earn a full salary, and also leave in 3-ish years with a PhD.  Not a bad deal!  I always knew he was a smart one.  A real keeper.
Anywho, I am therefore now in Zurich, Switzerland.  We just decided to pack up and leave in fairly short notice.  We had to fly to San Francisco to get Visas, which was a terrible process which involved me at 3:00 am demanding that an airline give me a flight so that their delayed flight wouldn’t prevent us from reaching our consulate appointment, and several other such hiccups.  Especially difficult was the fact that while we tried to prepare to move, I was working very hard to participate in a version of Comedy of Errors in Clement Park, Colorado.  Brutal.
But we have made it!  I have now been here a little less than a week.  It has been about 94 degrees or hotter all week, which is insane, particularly with the humidity.  I feel like I have been just damp forever.  The Swiss spend their summer weekends in the lake and the river, but due to the airline accidentally leaving part of my luggage in Minnesota for the time being, I have no swimsuit.  I just bought the cheapest swim top money can buy, so that I can wear it with Sofi shorts as a bathing suit next weekend, to cope with the heat.
Our new apartment is nice.  350 square feet is more than I thought it was.  Our kitchen is actually quite nice, although the appliances are all half sized!  Food is in smaller portions here anyways, so it actually all fits.  This complex is actually for both students and retired individuals (it is government-run housing).  So our bathroom has a shower seat for a more elderly person than either of us.  There’s also a tiny cot/bed that smells strange.  We only use it for storage.  We sleep on an air mattress we brought with us.  We have a small issue with cockroaches, but it is nothing our boot soles cannot handle (thus far).  The two windows are open until we go to sleep, and we bought a rotating fan to deal with the heat.
Getting settled has been difficult.  The immigration office didn’t want to accept us without our marriage license, which was hard.  I was praying harder than I’d ever prayed that the guy would let us off easy on that one, and he did, so thanks to God for that one.  We still have to have our biometrics taken to get residency, and we are really worried that we won’t get full residency until our current entry visas run out, so we’re just moving as fast as we can and praying for the best.  We got Swiss health insurance, which also took some doing, but was necessary to get residency.  
At the immigration office, we were also mandated nuclear medication, because Zurich is so close to many nuclear sites.  It is a weird thing, and we still have to go to the “Apothece,” or Pharmacy, to get those pills.  This goes with the missile barn (not nuclear missiles, I think it’s just anti-aircraft or something--the nuclear is from power plants) we saw just in the city.  You can tell that it’s a missile barn because of the large “VERBOT” (forbidden) signs and the roof the comes off with a pulley system.  We had read about these before arriving here.
We just got Swiss bank accounts, but it’s taken some doing.  They are really worried about Americans doing illegal offshore stuff out here, so we really had to prove our poverty and good intentions.  But we ended up with the nicest banker of all time, who had learned German and English in the past couple of years, after having to learn Italian first when his family moved from eastern Europe.  His dream is to move to America and become a painter.  He was so nice, and gave us espresso, mineral water, and chocolates on a fancy tray as if we were the rich clients he normally works with.  He did a great job, and I hope he gets to paint someday.
We both bought year long bus passes for the greater Zurich area, which are great.  I hope onto any transportation I want and get wherever I want to go in no time.  Yesterday, Dan was at work, so I went over to the Altstadtt, the Old City, where you can see the Alps across Zurichsee, the big lake here.  I walked around the lake, and also saw more of Bahnhofstrausse than I saw from our banking time.  
I also went to the two old churches in the Altstadtt:  Grossmunster and Fraumunster.  GM was founded by Charlemagne himself, and FM was founded by his grandson, so you can imagine that I was absolutely elated to visit them.  They both have been redone many times, so actually the coolest part to me about each is the crypts underneath.  In GM, there is this ancient medieval statue of Charlemagne that used to be on the roof, but it weathered away too much, and there are these very old drawings/pictures on the wall from medieval times.  In FM, they actually have taken cross sections out of the floors in the crypts, because you can see all the levels of church buildings that have been erected at the cite, from old nun housing to waterways, all intersecting each other with different-aged stones.  They even have parts of columns from the era when Charlemagne’s grandson started the church.  Truly breathtaking.  FM also has a Chagall window, which is just gorgeous.  It is actually 5 panes, each a different color and scene from the Bible, and I just sat in the church, staring up at them and crying, because there is something about that beautiful old church with those beautiful new windows that is holy.
Dan actually couldn’t buy those bus passes before I got here though, because he made the mistake of speaking English at the counter.  They told him, “We speak German here” and turned him away.  Whether it was my meager amount of German (we eventually spoke English at the counter anyways) or our newly stamped paperwork from the Swiss government, it was much easier to get passes the second time.
Overall, we hear, “You are in Switzerland, and we speak German here,” a lot.  It’s like karma for every USA person who has mocked someone who speaks Spanish.  The older man in the apartment next to us told us that right away, and then explained the rules of the apartment complex, eying us warily.  He took us to the mailroom, and asked us where the name “Hammerland” was from, sighing that “you never could tell where people were from, nowadays.”  At first, I was worried that he didn’t like us at all, because we were Americans.  But he warmed right up to us, and now I believe he is the best friend we have out here thus far.  He gave me a book of German “Weisheit,” or wise sayings, and a card to get into Fraumunster for free (it is normally 5 franc).  He also has given us tips for everything from fashion to tourism to life.  His English is excellent, because in the 60s and 70s he was part of the music scene in New York.  After that, he studied Renaissance art and music in the Sorbonne!!!  How cool is that?!  
Dan hasn’t met many people at school thus far, but that’s because his group mates are on a trip, and he is going to get to hang out with them much more when they get back!  And we did make some friends at church.  We went to the IPC, the international protestant church, where they speak English and are very welcoming.  They offered us friendship and help, and one of them attends Dan’s school in the chemistry department.  Additionally, the assistant pastor’s wife is from Colorado, with family in Minnesota, she left her career to follow her husband here, and her name is Jenna.  It was such a relief to have a person who understood me well so immediately.  So we think we might make some friends here.
Dan and I have been having some good adventures, finding good places to buy groceries (the main stores are called Migros, Coop, and Denner, but boy, are they all expensive!), walking by the river and seeing all of the people in intertubes or swimming in the dammed sections, seeing art in the Wasserkirche (the Water Church), and trying to adjust to the very cheese-and-small-bits-of-bread diet we have out here (Dan has to adjust.  I think I’ve been eating Swiss accidentally all along!).  So things are starting well, despite some setbacks.
Some things you may not know about Switzerland, because I surely did not:
1) They don’t believe in air conditioning.  Ever.  They only have it in supermarkets and banks (and some busses, but rarely).  So most stores, churches, and our apartment are approximately a billion degrees at the moment.  And sticky.  Swiss women (especially the elderly and pregnant) all carry these white collapsible fans with little flowers painted on them in the Swiss style, and the bus is filled with the sound of little fans going back and forth.
2) The Swiss are all SO TAN.  Every single person has a golden summer glow.  I am about eight shades whiter than anyone here, which definitely sets me apart.  Dan looks much more like a Swiss person than me, but he dresses American so it is a dead give away.  Luckily, in public, I keep being mistaken for a Brit (unlike poor Dan who has been really lashed out at for his USA heritage), which is overall less of a problem than being an American.
3) Pretty much all bottled water is sparkling, or “mit gass”
4) It doesn’t look like pictures.  Most of Zurich is a bunch of concrete apartments, trying to fit as much as possible into the smallest space.  It reminds me a lot of London in that way--there are beautiful old buildings, but a lot of the city is just overcrowded and overbusy.  I kind of like it, though.  The bustle reminds me of Toronto.
5) They don’t get married in Switzerland.  People hardly date, but if they do fall in love, they just live together until they die.  People literally cannot comprehend me and my situation when we explain it.  Get married?  And then move somewhere without a job prepared, simply because of a partner?  As one person curtly informed me when I suggested it, “Well, the Junge do not do that here.  Here, we are all supposed to function.”  That has been a little disheartening.  Only that other Jenna at church understood my predicament.
6) The healthcare isn’t free.  Indeed, we will be paying quite a lot for it.
7) There are no taxes on food!  What you see on a pricetag is what you get!  Huzzah!
8) Swiss croissants are called “Gipfeli” and are delicious
9) Swiss German is a cross between half of the world languages, I feel like.  There are signs in French talking about hair stylists, advertisements with English puns, Italian menu items, and weirdly almost-German greetings.  When you meet someone, you say “Gruezi,” and when you bump into someone you say “Ӓxcusi,” and if someone bumps into you, you say “Scho guen” (it’s all good).  None of these things is German, but they are all quite Swiss.
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helloyoganandsblog · 3 years
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LIC : Life Insurance Corporation Agent - How to Find One Near You
The Life Insurance Corporation is one of the largest life insurance companies. It was started in 1911. At that time, the US had few life insurance companies, so the Corporation created a way to get more business. It has diversified into many fields of business, including property, investment, and commercial activities. Today, it's very much focused on health, annuities, and whole life. To serve the diversified needs of customers, It has many Life Insurance agents all over the country. So you can find easily for Life Insurance Agent near you. There are four main areas that the LIC has agents in. Those areas are Northern California, the Great Lakes, Kansas, and the Pacific Northwest. The company serves all the states of Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Each of the four areas has different types of coverage for people living in that area.   Life Insurance Corporation Agent - Manager Lincoln was created in 2021 by a man named Richard W. Snyder. Mr Snyder graduated from the University of Illinois, with a degree in business administration. He worked for several years in the public relations department of a university and then worked for two years in sales for an insurance corporation. Since leaving the corporate world, he's become the Life Insurance Corporation's general manager. Because of his familiarity with the life insurance services in Lincoln, Mr Snyder was tasked to build a local office and train employees. In just a short period of time, he had created an agent network with over eighty agents in thirty-two states. He now oversees the organization's growth in Northern California, Nebraska, and the Pacific Northwest. When someone in those areas takes out a policy, it goes to Lincoln to be handled by the LIC. Lincoln then pays the insurance company a monthly fee called the "service commission", which it then uses to expand its business.   Insurance Companies - USA There are about a hundred and twenty-nine insurance companies that sell policies in the United States. Some people believe that Life Insurance should be sold only through a life insurance agent(s) with state-licensed. However, in recent years, the United States government has allowed for the sale of policies directly to consumers without a license or agent. If you're curious about starting your own business, selling life insurance can be quite profitable. To get started, all that you need is access to the Internet. The first thing that you'll need to do is search for a Lincoln-based life insurance company. As far as selling policies, Lincoln life insurance corporation agent(s), brokers, and service providers have a few things in common. They will all be trained in how to answer questions about specific risks. They will also all sell policies that pay out a lump sum at the beginning of the term. Most agents also offer settlement services to help with large financial obligations like inheritances or probate. Since most people who take out policies pay them annually, this is a good way for a company to build up its reserves of assets. Most agents also use online resources to keep in touch with current customers and to learn about the most profitable policies. If you live in Nebraska, then finding a good agent is relatively easy. You can search for local insurance companies on the Internet by typing in keywords such as "life insurance corporation in Nebraska" and " National Association of Attorneys General" insurance agents, brokers, and service". If you aren't familiar with the search engines or you don't feel comfortable entering your information over the phone, you can also call around any one of the local insurance agent(s). Many of them will be more than happy to talk to you, no matter what you may have in mind.   Local Insurance Services To find a good agent in Lincoln, look for brokers, agents, and sales representatives who work at local insurance services. You can also check out the Internet for advertisements from a local life insurance agent near you. You should also be aware that the internet is a great resource for finding brokers, agents, and other sales professionals, so don't neglect it when looking for a broker. There are many different types of agents - senior agents, life coaches, property agents, and others. Once you find one or two Nebraska brokers you are interested in, you may need to contact them via the telephone to set up a face-to-face meeting.
Different Types Of Life Insurance Plans Offered By The Life Insurance Corporation Of India - LICI
Life Insurance Corporation of India or LICI is one of the leading insurance companies in India dealing in many types of insurance policies like Term Life, Whole Life, Variable Life, Universal Life, Health Insurance, Annuities, etc. It is a totally State Owned Corporation. It is also one of the leading life insurance companies providing low-cost insurance coverage to its clients. It also provides an online insurance quotes facility to its customers. It is one of the biggest buyers of life cover in India. It has numerous locations throughout the country. One of the main objectives of Life Insurance Corporation of India is to provide insurance to its customers at the best rates possible. It also aims at reducing the cost borne by the policyholders, to ensure healthy competition among the competitors. Policyholders can choose from a wide range of policies provided by LICI.   Know About LIC - premiums It ensures that the beneficiaries are properly taken care of after the policyholder dies. The beneficiaries receive the lump sum amount from the insurer, either in a fixed interest fund or in some other mode. It also pays the premium on behalf of the insured. One of the major reasons behind this massive popularity is that it is insured for a very long period and the policyholders pay lower premiums. Premiums are based on various factors like occupation, health, age, area of residence, occupational group, occupational tenure, and many more.   Benefits of LIC The benefits of Life Insurance Corporation of India includes Legal Residence Benefit, Legal Allowance Benefit, Retirement Benefit, Annuities, Disability, Theft & Fire Protection, and Legal Cover. The main idea behind providing insurance to people is to help them meet the expenses and monetary needs after their death. They offer a wide range of policies including Term Life, Whole Life, Variable Universal Life, and Term Life Insurance. These policies are offered by the Indian unitary life insurance company. The company offers various plans including, premium indemnity plans, income protection policies, group insurance plans, provident funds and several other schemes for meeting the needs and requirements of the insured and the beneficiaries. Life Insurance Corporation of India was established in 1965 by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Initially, the company offered insurance only to women. Later, due to high growth rates and an ever-increasing demand for this insurance product, the company was able to introduce different specialized policies for males and females. Life Insurance Corporation of India has offices in all major Indian cities including Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, and Chennai. Some of the major clients of the company include multinational companies as well as Indian public sector banks, pension funds, educational institutes and colleges, Indian military, customs brokers, Indian citizens, businessmen, government organizations, international hospitals and firms, etc.   Life Insurance Corporation Agents - India Since its establishment, the Life Insurance Corporation of India has expanded its branches in various parts of the country like Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkata, Mumbai, Goa, and Lucania. It also has offices in New Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. It also has branches in China, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore. Besides these branches, it also has 24-hour service in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Dubai, Egypt, and several offshore branches. Nowadays, there are different types of policies available in the market. The cheapest policy is the Standard Variable Life Insurance Policy, which can be purchased with a minimum investment, at the Bank of India or Credit Union. With the help of this insurance plan, the policyholder can purchase extra coverage for his/her dependents for a nominal monthly payment. These dependents are not covered during the time of death, but during the time of emergency or if the need arises. Another type of policy available in the market is the Universal Life Insurance, which comes under the provident funds of the Indian government, and provides the beneficiary with an option to choose from various options like investment in an educational institute, fundraising activities, a special fund meant exclusively for a relative or an associate, and so on.   LIC - Plans, Offers & Categories There are many plans under this category like the Indemnity Bheema plan, which offers financial assistance during accidents or illnesses. Under the Life Insurance Corporation of India plan, the name of the beneficiary is included in the policy, and at the same time, the benefit under this plan is restricted to the individuals who are members of an affiliated scheme. It offers limited premium payment and does not offer any cash return benefit. Finally, the Term Life Insurance Company of India offers the Individual Voluntary Arrangement plan under which the premium payment is done only on the death of the annuitant and the withdrawal of the same from the bank account or any other form of investment. This company offers the facility of fixed premiums and offers higher interest rates compared to the other companies.   Read the full article
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magistralconsulting · 4 years
Investment Management Outsourcing. Who Benefits and How?
Around the globe, there is a trillion-dollar business of investing in all sorts of assets like equity, both public and private, real estate, and upcoming assets like cryptocurrencies. Once the investment is made, the task on the part of the investor shifts to investment management. There are many activities of investment management that could be outsourced and that is what leads us to analyze the stream of investment management outsourcing. Investment management and hence investment management outsourcing takes all forms depending on the asset being invested in, and the prime business of the asset or investment manager.
Here we take a look at major activities of each type of investment manager or asset manager which could be effectively outsourced to save on costs and improve quality.
Who Should Outsource Investment Management and How?
Outsourced Investment Management for different types of Asset Managers
Private Equity and Venture Capital firms
The underlying asset that a Private Equity or a Venture Capital firm invests in is equity. Sometimes it’s for stocks listed on exchanges but most of the time these are private investments, the target of which are start-ups are unlisted companies.
In the PE/VC value chain of investing, there are activities like Fundraising, Deal origination, Deal execution, and Portfolio Management. Quite a few activities in these departments are outsourceable. For fundraising, the activities like investor reach-out, investor profiling, CRMs, newsletters, white papers, and data management jobs could be effectively outsourced. Regarding, Deal origination, the deal pipeline management has a great potential of outsourcing along with initial due diligence. Deal execution processes like valuation and financial modeling are templatized and could be considered. Portfolio management has varied activities and outsourcing potential vary as per the nature of the business of the portfolio companies. Most activities related to Strategy and Marketing have great potential for outsourcing when it comes to Portfolio Management.
Hedge Funds
For the most common type of hedge fund out there, that is a long-short equity hedge fund, multiple activities should be considered for outsourcing. Equity Research is the foremost one. The research that is done for the investors is almost always best to be outsourced. Apart from Equity Research, Fund Administration and Fund Accounting are better done when outsourced. It makes sense from the cost and expertise point of view. Marketing activities almost always have great potential for offshoring.
Real Estate
Managing a real estate asset after the investment comprises standardized work-streams. Most of it relates to collecting data, analyzing it, making reports, and raising red flags if any. Accounting and administration along with research has a great potential for outsourcing
Investment Banks
Investment Banks are into all sorts of assets directly or for their clients. For the varying types of their work pallet, there is varying potential for outsourcing.  For investment banks, activities that are commonly outsourced are Equity Research, Security-based Investment Research, development of excel or other automated models, investment research for private investments, marketing, deal origination, and deal execution. In fact, 30-50% of all activities performed by an investment bank has a solid potential for outsourcing that may be explored
Asset Management Firms
These are for specialized asset managers like managers managing a portfolio of crypto or commodities. There is no one size fits all approach to outsourcing for these asset managers. As a thumb rule, everything related to technology like platform development, automation, website development, or software development can be outsourced. Also, anything that is of support function’s nature like Strategy or Marketing could be looked at.
Models of engagement with the outsourcing vendor
Once you have made your mind to explore outsourcing, the biggest concern is around the way an outsourced vendor or the service provider would work with you and your team. There are three established models of working while outsourcing. These are FTEs, Retainer, and Ad-hoc. Some progressive vendors like Magistral are signing up success-based contracts too.
Investment Management Outsourcing Engagement Model
FTE the most common engagement model for investment management outsourcing.
FTE stands for Full-Time Employee equivalent. It’s like a virtual employee who is operating from a different country. This virtual employee could be coordinated with, on email, video calls, WhatsApp, chats, or any other mode that is suitable to the client and is convenient as per time zone differences. It looks like a person is aligned with the client full time and he works seamlessly with the client. That is always the case, but the vendor, his processes, training, supervision, and culture play a big role in ensuring the continuity of services. A vendor enables the FTE to perform optimally by providing training and desired supervision. The vendor’s processes ensure that the client is insulated from the bad performance of FTE as the work is supervised by more senior resources. In case the individual decides to leave the organization, similarly, qualified and trained professionals are available on the bench for the replacement. That is the reason it makes sense to work with individuals through the service providers who may be an established name in their industry. Working directly through freelancing websites or hiring directly exposes clients to manage costs and risks, which is not the case while dealing with an established service provider.
This also is the cheapest model on per hour basis. But it is inflexible as there may be contractual obligations for a minimum period of support. This case is more prominent when resources are specialized in niche skills
Typical jobs that require FTE engagements are operational, where the offshored team works with the onsite team seamlessly. So, if a task is part of your ongoing investment management operations, mostly it will be outsourced on FTE-based engagement.
You know there is a need for outsourcing tasks. At the same time, you think a full-time individual working on these jobs may be overkill. In these situations, where tasks just require some hours every month, the retainer model of engagement comes in handy. Say rather than hiring an FTE or a full-time virtual employee, you would only want 100 hours’ worth of tasks outsourced every month. A retainer is far more flexible than FTEs but costs higher on per hour cost basis. Typical jobs that are suitable for retainer-type outsourcing are newsletters, MIS, reports preparation, and other marketing-related tasks.
Ad-hoc Projects
As the name suggests the engagement is for one-time projects only. A client gives out the scope of the project. The service provider or the vendor provides a proposal that carries, scope of work, timelines, and commercials. The project kicks off after the client signs off the proposal and is paid after the delivery of the project. Almost any project that is strategic and is not expected to be repeated on an ongoing basis is an ideal candidate for ad-hoc based outsourcing. Also, it’s an ideal mode, if you would want to test the services of a vendor before signing a longer-term contract. It is the most flexible outsourcing arrangement as projects may start or end at your convenience, but at the same time, it is costliest in terms of cost per hour basis.
Success Based
Most traditional service providers shy from signing a success-based engagement. The fear stems from the trust deficit, performance fears, and the complications of defining a success scenario. Magistral signs success-based engagements with clients, with whom it has existing relationships. Existing relationships take the risks related to trust deficit and performance. A mutually agreed “success” scenario could also be defined in those situations. The tasks that are outsourced under these arrangements usually relate to fundraising, deal sourcing, and meetings’ set up
Magistral has helped more than 100 clients in outsourcing and offshoring multiple activities related to the Investment Management process. To start a conversation drop a line here.
About Magistral
Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modeling, Portfolio Management and Equity Research
For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact
About the Author
The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached at [email protected] for any queries or business inquiries.
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pmcsolutionsdmcc · 5 years
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Cheapest Dubai Offshore company setup package in UAE by PMC Solutions DMCC
We are approved registered agents for offshore company in JAFZA and RAK.
Our UAE offshore company formation services include offshore company formation in Dubai, RAK offshore company formation and bank account, Ajman offshore company incorporation, JAFZA offshore company incorporation.
For more details log on to www.pmcsolutions.me or contact us at +971 588 631 656 or email at [email protected]
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alphaequity43 · 4 years
Get RAK Offshore Company Setup From Alpha Equity Management Consultancy!
There are no second thoughts while stating that Alpha Equity Management Consultancy is renowned for RAK offshore company setup and open offshore bank account services. Alpha Equity Management Consultancy is best- especially when it comes to RAK offshore company setup- as it is a group of financial and legal consultants serving the local and international business community. We have secured a prominent status in RAK offshore company setup and open offshore bank account services. Over the years, we have done the heavy-lifting and came up with everything you need to know about RAK offshore company setup, continue reading to unbury the same!
About RAK Offshore Company Setup!
If you are an investor looking forward to starting a business in United Arab Emirates (UAE), but your business model doesn't intend to conduct any business in UAE, you can consider getting RAK offshore company setup in RAK offshore international registry service. To be precise- RAK Offshore company set up and services are suitable for those companies who are looking for minimizing their corporate tax liabilities, asset protection, or need to establish some exchange control trading vehicle. The RAK Offshore company setup cost is not much, and Alpha Equity Management Consultancy's agent fees are even low. The best part about the RAK offshore company setup is it gives an international image to your business. The RAK Offshore company setup grants general trading and professional services in a single license. Once you connect with Alpha Equity Management Consultancy, you won't have to worry about how to set up an offshore company in RAK instead you can get ready to enjoy RAK Offshore company benefits.
What Are The Documents Required For RAK Offshore Company Incorporation?
RAK Offshore company setup is no kid's play. Hence there will be numerous documents required-
1.       Open Offshore bank account as details will be required.
2.       Bank reference letter addressed to RAK Offshore authority (original)
3.       Six months bank statement for the formation of offshore company in RAK.
4.       Passport copies for the formation of offshore company in RAK.
5.       Residential proof like a utility bill or municipality certificate
6.       Curriculum Vitae of a shareholder of the offshore company set up in RAK
The documents required for non-individual shareholders/applicants are as follows-
1.       The incumbency certificate of the applicant company.
2.       Applicant company's copy of license or incorporation certificate.
3.       Certified passport copies of the shareholders and directors.
4.       MOA attached for the formation of RAK offshore company.
5.       Certificate of the goodwill of applicant company.
How To Setup RAK Offshore Company?
If you are searching for ways to set up RAK Offshore company, the first step is to connect with Alpha Equity Management Consultancy. Alpha Equity Management Consultancy has numerous RAK Offshore agents who are approved and registered agents of RAK Offshore. Their agent will apply for name approval for your cheapest RAK Offshore company formation along with all needed documents. After approval, they will make sure to get MOA and application forms signed, and you will have to provide all the original documents for RAK Offshore company setup. They will get the RAK Offshore company set up at the earliest with complete bank account application signing. Further, the RAK Offshore company incorporation with a bank account will be operational within a week.
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dubolemo-blog1 · 6 years
Understanding the various Types of Merchant Accounts
If you are starting a business you'll need to consider how you anticipate to process credit cards. That is done through a process called a vendor accounts, there are a variety of different accounts available and that may suit your requirements best will depend on the kind of business and physical set up available for you for you company. Eliminated are the full days where business only accepted cash or paper check. We are now living in a virtual world where plastic is the real way to pay. Your business will not have a potential for making it without taking bank cards and finding a quality and constant credit card processing account to take action. Depending on the type of business you run you might take cards physically in your location where in fact the customer would actually physically swipe the card or you might obtain the information over the internet through your web webs store. Regardless of the type of platform you use it is important to make certain you are thinking about all options for your business.
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Merchants accounts are accounts with a band or payment handling center that enable you to actually physically accept and draw money from the credit card for your businesses products or services. Many different platforms exist including physical locations, e-commerce and telephone processing. The beauty of excepting bank cards it will allow you to have customers from all the world starting many opportunities that you should increase your business. There are two various kinds of merchant service accounts which are card present and card not present accounts. These basic types also have a number of subgroups, which we shall discuss at length below. A cards present account is just that, the card is present at the right time of swiping the card on the transaction. This is the kind of transaction where the merchant is able to take the physical credit card from the client and swipe it through their magnetic cards reader. These kind of processing accounts are extremely low risk as the client themselves is present when they make the purchase and are required to sign, which ultimately shows the purchase was made by them. This merchant account will yield you the cheapest fees and rates also. Physical retail locations shall want to think about this type of accounts, as it is most convenient for his or her customers and will cost them the least sum of money in the long run. It is also important for a retail location like this consider a mail order credit cards processing account as well. When a vender has a portable credit card machine this is named a radio merchant control account. The vender will still swipe the customers card the same manner but the actual credit card machine is portable and cellular allowing for portability and use of the device in various locations. The fees with this kind of account stay very low but the cost for equipment is higher for this type of device. This would be considered a great option if you area business that needs to accept credit cards when you are in the field. This would include home repairs, build or farmers market retailers or salespeople. This will greatly boost the true number of sales you can receive from your business. A store and forward account is the type of credit card processing account where in fact the credit card information is stored however, not processed into a handheld machine. After the unit is hooked up to a telephone line and Web connection the unit will process all stored bank cards. Since the real time credit approval is not granted. This is a choice that is well suited for business that are on the go and require credit card acceptance but have low ticket value and few credit card declines. It's very similar to a radio account but less expensive for the vendor. There are a few smaller types of accounts designed for specialty businesses. The first is a grocery merchant service account, which is made for locations that sell perishable food and no gasoline specifically. It does not need to be a sizable market but it does have to meet up with the guidelines. These kinds of accounts are generally considered suprisingly low risk and have suprisingly low fees. Lodging accounts are for those businesses that are within a hotel, motel or other unit where customers spend the entire evening. The lodging accounts have higher rates then most card present locations.
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This is due to the fact of varied incidental charges that may be accumulated throughout a customers stay which might cause the card to be declined at the ultimate point of sale. One last kind of specific cards present account is the restaurant merchant account. This enables the restaurant to authorize the customer's card and then go back and change for gratuity. These types of restaurant accounts can get a little difficult to use and may end up costing the restaurant on high tip amounts. It is very important to consider all these options before registering for a restaurant control account. We will now discuss credit card not present accounts. This is often as it sounds the physical cards is not show owner when they take the credit credit card information. This would the primary type of take into account all Online business, telephone sales and mail order business. It is impossible to ensure the cardholder was present when the order was placed with the credit card. The only path you can prove that has been card present accounts as the customer must swipe the card in the vendors process and can be asked fro identification if necessary. Credit card not present accounts are a higher risk because of this and subsequently will have higher fees. If you are reviewing various credit cards processing solutions you will have a different rate for card present versus credit card not present merchant accounts. This is true if your company holds both types of accounts even. It's important to consider each one of these things into consideration when identifying what would be your best option for your business. Find out more info offshore merchant account for pharmacy
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Understanding the various Types of Merchant Accounts
If you are starting a continuing business you will need to consider how you anticipate to process bank cards. This is done through a product owner was called by a process account, there are a number of different accounts available and that will suit your requirements best depends on the type of business and physical set up available for you for you company. Gone will be the days where business only accepted cash or paper check. We are now residing in a virtual world where plastic is the real way to pay. Your business will not have a chance of making it without taking bank cards and obtaining a quality and constant credit card processing account to do so. Depending on the type of business you run you might take cards physically in your location where in fact the customer would actually physically swipe the card or you may obtain the information over the internet through your web webs store. Regardless of the kind of system you use it is important to make certain you are considering all options for your business.
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Retailers accounts are accounts with a band or payment handling center that allow you to really physically accept and pull money from the credit cards for your businesses products or services. Many different platforms exist including physical locations, e-commerce and telephone processing. The beauty of excepting credit cards it will enable you to have customers from all the world opening many opportunities that you should grow your business. You will find two many types of merchant service accounts that are card present and card not present accounts. These basic types likewise have a number of subgroups, which we will discuss at length below. A cards present account is merely that, the card exists at the right time of swiping the card on the transaction. This is the kind of transaction where the merchant is able to take the physical credit credit card from your client and swipe it through their magnetic card reader. These type of processing accounts are very low risk as the customer themselves exists when they make the purchase and are required to sign, which ultimately shows they made the purchase. This merchant account will yield you the cheapest fees and rates also. Physical retail locations would want to consider this kind of account, as it is easiest for their customers and will cost them minimal amount of money in the long run. Additionally it is very important to a retail location such as this consider a mail order credit card processing accounts as well. Whenever a vender has a portable credit cards machine this is named a wireless merchant handling account. The vender will still swipe the customers cards the same way but the real credit card machine is portable and cellular allowing for portability and use of the device in various locations. The fees with this kind of account remain very low but the cost for equipment is higher for this type of unit. This would be a good option if you area business that needs to accept credit cards when you are in the field. This might include home repairs, art or farmers market sellers or salespeople. This will greatly boost the true number of sales you can receive from your business. A store and forward account is the kind of credit credit card processing account where in fact the credit card information is stored however, not processed into a handheld machine. Once the unit is hooked up to a mobile phone line and Web connection the unit will process all stored credit cards. Since the real time credit authorization is not granted. This is a choice that is perfect for business that are on the run and require credit card acceptance but have low ticket value and few credit card declines. It's very similar to a radio account but less expensive for the vendor. There are many smaller types of accounts created for specialty businesses. The foremost is a grocery product owner service account, which is specifically created for locations that sell perishable food and no gasoline. It does not need to be a sizable market but it can have to meet up with the guidelines. These kinds of accounts are considered very low risk and also have suprisingly low fees generally. Lodging accounts are for those businesses that are within a hotel, motel or other unit where customers spend the full night time. The lodging accounts have higher rates most card present locations then.
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This is because of the fact of various incidental charges that can be accumulated throughout a customers stay which might cause the card to be declined at the ultimate point of sale. One final kind of specific cards present accounts is the restaurant product owner account. This allows the restaurant to authorize the customer's card and then return back and change for gratuity. These kinds of restaurant accounts can get a bit difficult to use and could end up priced at the restaurant on high suggestion amounts. It is vital to consider all these options before signing up for a restaurant processing account. We will now discuss card not present accounts. This is exactly as it sounds the physical credit card is not show owner when they take the credit cards information. This would the primary type of take into account all Internet based business, telephone sales and mail order business. It really is impossible to ensure the cardholder was present when the order was placed with the card. The only way you can prove that has been card present accounts as the client has to swipe the card in the vendors process and can be asked fro identification if necessary. Card not present accounts are a much higher risk for this reason and subsequently will have much higher fees. When you are reviewing various credit card processing solutions you'll have a different rate for cards present versus cards not present product owner accounts. That is even true if your business keeps both types of accounts. It is important to take each one of these things into consideration when identifying what would be your best option for your business. Get more information info offshore merchant account for pharmacy
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
150 of The Most Expensive Keywords on Google (By Industry)
You may have heard that Google Ads is a quick way to get ROI from search engine traffic. This is an appealing prospect, especially because Google runs on a PPC (pay per click) model where you only pay for traffic that actually makes it to your site. However, handing Google your money is a concerning prospect, especially if you’ve heard rumors that it can be cost-prohibitive if you’re bidding in a competitive space on some of the most expensive keywords. 
The best thing you can do for your strategy is understand exactly how Google Ads determines cost per click (CPC) on specific keywords, what makes certain keywords more expensive, and how you can build your ad budget in a way that actually gives you ROI. How Does Google Ads Determine Keyword Costs? Google has many different sources of revenue, but one of their most noticeable is the ads that appear next to search results for specific keywords. How much that keyword costs depends, in part, on how often people search for it — the more people search for a certain keyword, the more expensive it is. Ad placement is determined by an action system. The combined impact of these two factors will determine if and where your ad is placed on the page when a user searches for your query: The maximum bid you specify for the keyword The Quality Score that Google has given your ad These two factors will help Google determine your ad rank. In short, higher bids and higher quality ads win the best placements. 
If a user ends up clicking on your ad, Google determines the cost of that click using the following formula: The ad rank of the person below you divided by your quality score plus $0.01. With this in mind, as long as you have a solid keyword strategy and high-quality ads, you can win ad placements even over organizations that are spending more on Google Ads than you are. The only thing to keep in mind is how strict your competition is. Most Expensive Keywords by Industry While it’s difficult to quantify the most expensive keywords on Google because of the sheer amount of data that changes daily, we’ve broken down the most expensive keywords for some of the most common industries: Legal 
Top CPC: $1090.00Average CPC: $6.75 The legal industry has some of the highest CPCs in this article, primarily due to the high amount of competition they’re up against and the higher ticket service cost. For this industry, we looked at keywords relating to “lawyer,” “attorney,” “legal services,” and a few other related keywords. Here are the ones that topped the list: Keyword CPC houston maritime attorney $1,090.00 offshore accident lawyer $815.00 best motorcycle accident lawyer $770.00 18 wheeler accident lawyer san antonio $670.00 scranton personal injury lawyer $560.00 truck accident attorney dallas $515.00 houston trucking accident attorney $500.00 mesothelioma attorney assistance $490.00 new york construction accident lawyer $485.00 maritime lawyer new orleans $485.00 california auto accident laywer $475.00 auto accident attorney california $465.00 auto accident attorney colorado springs $460.00 car accident lawyer jacksonville $430.00 truck accident lawyer dallas $425.00   Medical
Top CPC: $90.00Average CPC: $2.62 What’s curious about this is that we targeted keywords around the top most common types of doctors, yet it was still urgent care and detox programs that dominated the highest costs per click. Keyword CPC urgent care emr $90.00 hospital alcohol detox $65.00 dermatological problem $65.00 fort lauderdale hospital detox $65.00 transporter hospital $60.00 children’s hospital emergency room near me $60.00 kensington hospital detox $60.00 urgent care jasper tx $55.00 childrens oakland hospital $55.00 weight loss surgery dallas tx $55.00 urgent care snider plaza $50.00 dallas bariatric $45.00 endocrine weight loss $45.00 urgent care 77041 $45.00 urgent care electronic medical records $40.00   Marketing & Advertising
Top CPC: $165.00Average CPC: $3.33 Marketing professionals in this space presumably know advertising tricks to help keep costs down, but this industry is also more likely to put value in Google Ads. That’s why the average CPC is relatively reasonable compared to these top CPC keywords:  Keyword CPC what is marketing channels $165.00 call tracking marketing $125.00 marketing your law firm $120.00 seo and social media marketing services $115.00 affiliate marketing software free $110.00 law firm marketing los angeles $100.00 marketing automation for agencies $100.00 what does cpm stand for in advertising $95.00 3 p of marketing $95.00 marketing cloud software $90.00 ppc advertising management $80.00 marketing integration $80.00 email marketing automation software $80.00 what does ppc stand for in marketing $75.00 best marketing quotes $75.00   Business Software
Top CPC: $95.00Average CPC: $3.80 For this category, we didn’t want to include “SAAS” since that would not be a keyword a consumer would use to find the software of their choice. Instead, we used aggregate keywords around “business software” to see what the most expensive CPCs would be:  Keyword CPC complete business solution $95.00 top 10 help desk software $95.00 help desk software for small business $90.00 small business call center software $85.00 accounting online program $70.00 best online accounting program $60.00 business performance management software $60.00 employee management software for small business $60.00 email marketing software for small business $55.00 best medical billing software for home based business $55.00 marketing automation software for small business $55.00 best crm software for small business $55.00 crm software for small business $55.00 best hr software for small business $50.00 small business marketing software $50.00   Real Estate
Top CPC: $95.00Average CPC: $2.37 Curiously, despite pooling all keywords related to “real estate agent” and “REALTOR” along with the other service-based keywords, it was the descriptive keywords using “fast” or “with cash” that seemed to outpace all others when it came to cost per click. Keyword CPC sell house fast austin $95.00 sell my house fast phoenix $70.00 sell my house fast austin $65.00 sell my house fast san diego $65.00 selling a house as is by owner $60.00 teacher home buying programs texas $60.00 sell my house fast orlando $60.00 quickly sell house $55.00 we buy houses fast for cash $55.00 will my house sell $55.00 sell house cash $55.00 buy house cash or mortgage $50.00 sell house fast for cash $50.00 buy my home for cash $50.00 worst month to sell a house $60.00   Home Improvement Services
Top CPC: $320.00Average CPC: $6.40 The home improvement industry is a large one, but we focused primarily on services such as HVAC, plumbing, and restoration and renovation. It seemed as though air conditioning and water damage seemed to be the ones with the dominant CPC in this group: Keyword CPC ac repair coral springs fl $320.00 emergency flood repair $265.00 flood restoration san diego $210.00 air conditioning repair weatherford tx $210.00 best ac repair phoenix $185.00 air conditioning repair boca raton $150.00 water damage restoration portland oregon $145.00 water damage restoration los angeles $145.00 air conditioning repair phoenix $140.00 air conditioning repair mesa az $135.00 air conditioning repair simi valley $125.00 air conditioning repair plano tx $120.00 water damage restoration mesa az $120.00 water damage restoration dallas $120.00 water damage restoration vancouver wa $115.00   Automotive
Top CPC: $50.00Average CPC: $2.46 For this industry, we decided to pull keywords relating to “auto repair,” “auto body,” and “dent removal,” taking care to remove any insurance or car accident litigation keywords. You’ll notice that lower ticket items such as oil changes and tire services are not present on this list. We can reasonably assume that advertisers in this category want to put their advertising dollars toward higher ticket items: Keyword CPC auto repair shop modesto ca $50.00 paintless dent repair denver colorado $45.00 abs unlimited auto repair $45.00 paintless dent repair mn $40.00 denver auto hail repair $35.00 change oil light $35.00 automotive repair lubbock tx $30.00 auto repair shops stockton ca $30.00 paintless dent repair colorado springs $25.00 auto ac repair las vegas $25.00 auto repair shops omaha ne $25.00 auto repair shop mesa az $25.00 aftermarket automotive warranty $25.00 dent repair colorado springs $25.00 paintless dent repair denver $25.00   Insurance
Top CPC: $280.00Average CPC: $3.44 Car insurance completely dominated the insurance industry: Keyword CPC compare vehicle insurance $280.00 oklahoma auto insurance quotes $210.00 insurance companies okc $185.00 cheapest auto insurance reddit $170.00 insurance strategy $160.00 texas auto insurance quotes online $155.00 preferred auto insurance companies $150.00 what is insurance deductible $140.00 what is premiums in insurance $135.00 fort myers auto insurance $130.00 auto insurance connecticut $125.00 definition collision insurance $125.00 hail damage car insurance claim $120.00 car accident other driver has no insurance $120.00 define insurance brokers $120.00   Loans & Finance
Top CPC: $320.00Average CPC: $3.44  In the finance space, we compiled keywords relating to banking, credit, debt, loans, mortgages, and more. The common theme among the high-CPC keywords was debt relief or loan acquisition (VA loans being especially popular): Keyword CPC irs tax debt relief program $320.00 va loan multi family $190.00 tax credit for college students $135.00 va loan after chapter 7 $130.00 how to get preapproved for a va home loan $125.00 structured settlement loan $105.00 national guard va home loan $95.00 cost to refinance home loan $95.00 how long does a credit card balance transfer take $90.00 va home loan specialist $85.00 will refinancing hurt my credit $85.00 maximum fha loan amount $85.00 does opening a checking account affect credit $80.00 fha loan foreclosure waiting period $80.00 tax debt relief program $75.00   Education
Top CPC: $140.00Average CPC: $2.40  It’s clear that online learning overtook the list of high-CPC keywords. This is likely due to smaller ticket educational items such as certifications, courses, and training not providing high enough ROI to justify such high costs per click. Keyword CPC online business degree programs accredited $140.00 online accredited psychology degree $135.00 online degree in educational psychology $135.00 online business degree florida $135.00 online university college $125.00 online psychology bachelor’s degree $125.00 online college business degree $125.00 fastest criminal justice degree online $125.00 online masters degree in business administration $125.00 parapsychology degree online $125.00 online degree criminal justice $120.00 online school for business degree $120.00 online masters degree programs in healthcare administration $120.00 masters degree in human resources online $120.00 public administration masters degree online $115.00   Some Notes About Our Methods: The list of highest CPC keywords was determined from approximately 10,000 related keywords per industry. This information was accessed from Ahrefs and compiled on April 3, 2020 and should be used only for editorial purposes as there are many more keywords out there, CPC is subject to change with current industry and economic conditions, and keyword tools will provide differing data. Be sure to perform your own keyword research before making advertising decisions. The average CPC per industry is unable to be determined from small datasets, so we pulled this information from WordStream’s keyword benchmarking report.  Didn’t see your industry represented? Follow the steps below to find the keyword costs for your most relevant keywords. How Do I Find Out How Much a Keyword Costs? Thankfully, not everything on the Google Ads platform is so expensive. In fact, WordStream estimates that the average CPC on Google is between $1 and $2.  With CPCs like that, you might be ready to: Decide if Google Ads is right for your business Find out the true cost of your most desired keywords Estimate the budget that it will take to power your lead generation engine The unfortunate part, though, is that Google’s Keyword Planner is no longer available for use if you don’t have an account. That means you’d have to go through the entire process of signing up and providing your payment information upfront, before you’re ready to create your first campaign.  That means you need a way to find keyword cost estimates before committing to a campaign. Here’s how: Use a Third-Party Keyword Research Tool The good news is that Google is not the only place where you can get data about keyword cost and volume. There are a number of keyword research tools that you can use to estimate CPC for the keywords you want to target in your campaign. Brand Overflow Brand Overflow allows you to look up 10 keywords completely free, so if you’re doing preliminary research, this is a great option. After your 10 free keywords, their plans start at $9 per month.  Here’s how to estimate CPC in Brand Overflow: Navigate to the Keyword Tool. Type your desired keyword in the first field.  Ensure that the second field accurately describes the geographic location you’re targeting.  Click the Search button.  Scroll down and look for the AVG CPC box on the left.   SEMrush SEMrush is also a full-scale SEM and SEO platform that includes keyword research and discovery as just a subset of its functionality. Unfortunately, it does not offer any free keyword searches without signing up for an account.  Plans start at $99.95 per month, but have the option to take advantage of a 7-day free trial. This is a great option for those who are doing more in the digital space than just setting up a Google campaign.  Here’s how to estimate CPC in SEMrush: Create an account or log in.  Type your keyword into the search bar at the top. Click the Search button.  You will be directed to the Keyword Overview tool, and CPC is at the bottom of the first box on the left.   Ahrefs Ahrefs is also a full-scale SEM and SEO platform. Its plans start at $99, but there is no free trial. In order to determine if this software is worth the investment, you can start a 7-day trial where you get access to all features for $7.  This is also a great option for individuals investing in search as part of their ongoing website and digital marketing strategies.  Here’s how to estimate CPC in Ahrefs:  Create an account or log in.  Click the Keywords explorer option in the top menu. Ensure Google is selected at the top of the field.  Type your keyword(s) into the field. If you are wanting to do multiple keywords at once, separate them with commas or line breaks. Click the button with the magnifying glass. CPC is represented in the third box in the top row.    Set up a Fake Campaign in Google Ads If the cost of a third-party keyword research tool turns you off, you can still use Google’s Keyword Planner. You just have to go through the campaign process and then turn the campaign off.  Note: By doing this, you’ll see a temporary $50 authorization which Google uses to verify your payment information. This is typically removed within a week. If you don’t turn off your campaign, your card will be charged every 30 days or when you reach your billing threshold. Be sure to review Google’s billing policies yourself before taking this advice.  Here are the steps:  Sign up for a Google Ads account. Go through the prompts to set up your first campaign. Once complete, click Explore Your Campaign.  In the first card that shows the campaign you just created, click the arrow next to Pending.  Select Pause campaign.  Once you verify that you really want to pause the campaign, you now have a Google Ads account and can use the Keyword Planner for free (once the verification money is returned to you, of course). The plus side to this approach is that if you decide to move forward after your keyword research, you already have an account set up and a jump start on building a campaign.  Here’s how to estimate CPC in Google’s Keyword Planner: Navigate to the Keyword Planner. Click Get search volume and forecasts. Type your keyword(s) into the field. If you are wanting to do multiple keywords at once, separate them with commas or line breaks. Select Historical Metrics from the top menu. Instead of providing an average CPC, Google provides a low range estimate and a high range estimate. These are represented in columns on the left side of the table. Getting CPC costs for your target keywords is the first step toward setting up your Google Ads campaign. The next thing you’ll want to do is determine the budget you’ll need to achieve your goals with the campaign. Start by reading our Ultimate Guide on Google Ads or downloading our free Ads kit.
Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/150-of-the-most-expensive-keywords-on-google-by-industry/
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alepietrocola · 6 years
The Bootstrapper's Guide to Set up Your Business in Asia. Singapore, Hong Kong or Malaysia?
Working as CEO of Astorts Group, my team and I have received many inquiries about a cost effective way to start a business in the Asian region, so I decide to write this bootstrapper's guide that can be useful for many of you. 
Are you going to launch a new company or to develop an existing one in the Asian countries? I think you may already know that Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong will likely prevail over most other jurisdictions due to the level of conditions provided.
Undoubtedly, every jurisdiction from the above-mentioned has it's own benefits and advantages. It goes without saying that the Asian market is tremendous, you could find there the huge scope of business opportunities. And last but not the least authorities aim at accelerating efforts to attract foreign direct investment and the investment climate is becoming considerably more accommodating, many of our clients even prefer the Asian Jurisdictions in comparison with the «classic» offshore ones
From my experience several tricky matters may come to your mind when you decide to enter the asian market:
1.      What are the requirements for the company formation?
2.      Can you get the special incentives within the current taxation systems?
3.      What is the actual situation with the bank accounts opening?
Asia has recently become the growth and prospective engine of the world economy.
According to the statistics from September, 2015 of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2000 the region accounted for less than 30 percent of world output. By 2014 this contribution had risen to almost 40 percent, and is predicted to account for over half by 2050. Undoubtedly, most entrepreneurs entering the asian market now will be far better positioned to achieve long term sustainable growth than their counterparts whose operations remain domestically focused or still use the offshores.
The best jurisdictions in Asia to launch your business:
It is a well-known fact that Singapore has been recognized as the most easiest jurisdiction to launch your business. Malaysia and Hong Kong are also considered to be the flexible and comfortable jurisdictions for company formation, tax payment, investors' interests protection, borderless commerce. In Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong you are able to find the modern approach of doing business, young and flexible network, enabling environment for startups. Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong wondering to attract as many investors and businessmen as they are able. They make the huge effort to decrease the level of corruption and usual barriers to enter the market.
 I can hardly tell you which country is currently more attractive. Usually, at Astorts Group, we suggest Singapore when the client is interested to relocate. Singapore is the lowest crime-rate state in the world and the quality of life is extremely high. Singapore is also the best choice for smaller business due to the tax benefits . Most clients choose Hong Kong to enter the greater Chinese and North Asian markets. Another profitable reason is the tax exemptions, for the profits not generated in Hong Kong. We advise to choose Malaysia if you are searching for the cheapest alternative to run your business, but you are looking for higher standard. Kuala Lumpur offers a really good quality of life mostly due to the excellent healthcare, low cost of living and well-developed environment and infrastructure.
Briefly about the countries:
It is obvious that often the new entrants would like to estimate not only the market conditions but also some important and relevant facts about the usual life of citizens of the chosen country, specially if you intend to relocate. I try to make a briefly overview according to my personal experience.
Singapore is a wealthy city state in south-east Asia. Once a British colonial trading post, today it is known as a global financial center, a shopping haven, and you can taste many activities, dining and entertainment. Stability and security are the main characteristics achieved by the strict local laws.
Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country in Southeast Asia. This is the country of industrial growth and political stability. The country is benefiting from a growth in manufacturing, and is a major tourist destination.
            Hong Kong was a British Crown colony for more than 150 years, It is since 1997 a Special Administrative Region of China, and has the high degree of autonomy, special legal regime that allows to get the huge scope of investments. Hong Kong's area is consist of more than 200 islands, it is a major port city with an outstanding deepwater harbor on the South China Sea. 
 It is necessary to notice that all mentioned jurisdictions have good legal and corporate systems with English throughout. They are able to provide the great banking, high level of government support and low tax rates. They have small area and this fact becomes the main benefit to get better efficiencies at managing their tax income. It is great fact that all jurisdictions allow to incorporate a company 100% foreign owned.
You have to be aware of the following requirements and procedures for Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong company formation:
It is possible to have one non-local individual or company to set up your company. It is not mandatory to have a local partner who has shares in the company.
In Singapore you need to hire a local director who is registered with the government. There is not the same requirement for Hong Kong and Malaysia company formation. All directors can be non-resident individuals. Nevertheless, there is a requirement for a local company secretary, who is able to help to file all reports required on behalf of the company's directors.
Authorized Capital
There are not minimum amount to be paid in in all three jurisdictions.
Tax Rate
The most attractive things in all three countries is the corporate taxation and current exemptions:
Singapore allows 0% tax rate on taxable income of up-to S$100,000 per annum for the first three years of operation. The taxable income above S$100,000 and up-to S$300,000 per annum will be taxed at 8.5%, while the taxable income above S$300,000 will be charged at the normal headline corporate tax rate of 17%.
The standard corporate tax rate in Malaysia is 24% (except for company incorporated in Labuan , while the rate for resident small and medium-sized companies (i.e. companies incorporated in Malaysia with paid-up capital of MYR 2.5 million or less and that are not part of a group containing a company exceeding this capitalization threshold) is 18% on the first MYR 500,000, with the balance being taxed at the 24% rate.
What is «Labuan Tax Exemption»? Labuan is a federal territory of Malaysia and it is world-wide known as an financial centre offering international financial and business services. You can incorporate a company with 3% of audited net profits or fixed tax of RM20, 000 there. In addition, it is able to provide you 100% ownership and control, less tax filing obligations, capital requirement with only minimum of one share. You don't need physical presence in Labuan.
Hong Kong allows 8.25% on assessable profits up to $2,000,000; and 16.5% on any part of assessable profits over $2,000,000. Profit not generated in Hong Kong are not taxed.
Accounting and audit requirements
Annual professional audit required in Hong Kong while in Singapore and Malaysia there are small company concepts which determine exemption from statutory audit.
Bank account opening:
Undoubtedly, opening a business bank account is getting harder and harder in Asia too, but having a strong and faithful connections with banks in all mentioned jurisdictions can help you with the company account opening. If you need bank introduction feel free to contact me. In Malaysia and Singapore is easier than in Hong Kong to open a bank account. Presence is always required.
Professional Fees:
Usually the full package to start your business in Asia is in the range of $3000 and includes:
Singapore, Malaysia or Hong Kong company formation;
First year Company registered address;
One set of original corporate documents and rubber seal;
Due Diligence file for Directors and Shareholders of the company;
Introducing to a bank for business bank account for the Company;
Apostilled Set of Documents
To sum up, we dare to say that under the conditions of the changing global market Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong become as well the new haven for all who are interested to reduce the tax burden but not to run own business in the offshore jurisdictions loosing their previous status gradually. Also my team could advise you about the incentives and privileges  in accordance with the most attractive business activities. The journey to conqure the new market is not an easy one, it requires a lot of time, effort and hard work, my  team will be glad to help you cover all obstacles you can face on the road to success.
0 notes
Finding the least expensive Viagra online
With brand name Viagra distributors dishing out their products at $25 a pill, many American men are in search of a cheaper alternative that will allow them to alleviate their erectile dysfunction (ED) when and where they need to. However, when looking for Viagra, the best price options will only be uncovered after an investment in careful research and with a little insider knowledge.
The key is understanding how generic medications, patent law, and international pharmacies all play a role in the global pharmaceuticals market, and can affect your ability to save.
ED doesn’t have to mean the end of an otherwise successful love life. Millions of men all over the world have found relief in generic Viagra. And while a few barriers end up separating many from the solution they are seeking, new trends in e-commerce are opening new doors all of the time. The key to successfully incorporating a new pharmaceutical into your life comes from a combination of understanding the uses and benefits of the drug, knowing what potential problems to watch out for, and learning how to get your hands on it as cheaply and easily as possible.
Continue reading and discover a few important tips that will help you find the least expensive Viagra for ED relief without draining your bank account.
The history of Viagra and how it can help you
More than a quarter century ago, the Pfizer corporation produced a chemical compound called sildenafil citrate. Originally, their goal was to produce an effective medication for the treatment of different forms of heart disease, and although their new drug proved to be ineffective for this particular purpose, researchers quickly discovered that it could serve as an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. In 1998, when it became available across the world under the brand name Viagra, it immediately gained notoriety as the first effective treatment for those seeking a boost in their sexual performance.
Since then the sale of Viagra in the United States has been controlled by Pfizer’s original patent, which does not expire until 2019. This means that prices for this in-demand drug will remain strictly controlled by the company, and likely remain around its current $25 per pill price for sales in the US. All countries around the world have different patent restrictions that pertain to the sale of Viagra, and India is one of those that allow unrestricted sale of the generic version of the drug, for whatever price the pharmacy chooses.
In the early 2000s, the rise of the digital marketplace found a solution for American buyers who couldn’t afford the large price tag on brand name Viagra, by offering generic forms of the medication through online pharmacies in countries like India. For a fraction of the cost of the brand-name product and available completely without a doctor’s prescription, online shoppers were able to find a cost-effective solution to their ailments.
Today, the online pharmaceutical market is only growing and continuing to expand its benefits to Viagra buyers everywhere. Through expedient shipping, low prices, best selection, and the opportunity to obtain free trial samples, international sellers have found a definitive edge over their American counterparts. The only struggle today is bridging the gap between the US and foreign market, and educating this growing buyer base about all of the unique benefits.
About generic drugs – Finding the least expensive Viagra online
Generic drugs are formulated the same way as their brand name versions, and can be expected to have the same effect. Though generic Viagra is not available in the US, offshore pharmacies offer safe and reliable alternatives at the lowest possible prices. Although concentration may differ from pharmacy to pharmacy, any drug sold as sildenafil citrate is legally required to conform to a series of rigorous production standards.
How can I find the cheapest options of Viagra available?
Because of the popularity of erectile dysfunction medications, many of them are available through online pharmacies in India at up to 98% cheaper than in American pharmacies. However, the search for the absolute best prices will only end after thorough research into the many different options that are available. Luckily, there are a few tell-tale signs that a savvy Viagra buyer can watch out for. Although not all pharmacies will be able to offer you every single benefit on your wish list, it helps to prioritize and figure out what matters most to you. Think about which of the items from the following list will most affect your Viagra use.
Free Viagra sample – reputable sellers will always make it their priority to offer their product in as easy a way as they possibly can. For online pharmacies, one key tactic is offering free trial samples of Viagra to new customers who are looking for a try-it-before-you-buy-it experience. In many cases, customers can get their trial sample free of charge, and for only a small shipping fee. Different pharmacies will offer samples of varying sizes and strengths, so looking for an option that gives you the biggest bang for your buck is definitely in your best interest.
A top-notch online pharmacy – once you find a pharmacy you trust, getting consistent results becomes simple. One of the greatest benefits of buying Viagra through international pharmacies is the ability to compare benefits of competing companies. If shipping time is your core concern, you can pick out a company that ships quickly to your door. If the best customer service is your goal, look and see what each site’s online reviews say. In time, you will be able to narrow down your choices and end up with the very best available. Think about the following benefits when making your decision.
Certified and approved by the leading authorities in the industry – the best online pharmacies will let you know about all of their official certifications. Look for FDA approval to make sure you are getting a safe and reliable product. While track record and customer feedback can go a long way toward proving the quality of a drug distributor, getting the OK from the experts is always going to be a major reassurance for health-conscious buyers.
Fast Viagra shipping to the USA – don’t bother with pharmacies that leave your order hanging for weeks on end. Find a professional distributor who will be able to ship you their product in just a couple of days. While shipping times will vary depending on the part of the world your pharmacy is located, most companies will be able to get your order to you in just a few weeks. Also, businesses that offer expedited shipping are a bonus, as the extra cash is often worth it, if it means saving time.
Keep track of your shipments – today it is more common than ever for international businesses to offer tracking on shipments that allow their customers to know where exactly their purchase is. With just a few simple clicks, companies can offer all of the important information about shipping for anyone that needs to know.
Guaranteed privacy – maintaining the privacy of our personal lives is a priority for many people, and the best generic Viagra suppliers understand this. Discreet packaging and billing information keeps all purchases secure and under wraps, meaning buyers won’t have to worry about nosy neighbors.
Without a prescription – although it is often wise to consult with a doctor before taking a new medication, those that want to avoid a potentially awkward conversation with their physician need not worry. Many international pharmacies don’t require a prescription for Viagra. It all comes back to simple philosophy, which is that the customer is the best judge of their medical needs.
Verified reviews only – e-businesses that are confident in their product don’t need to stock their customer feedback page with fake reviews. Quality pharmacies let their customers be heard, and let the quality of their medication show through. While a few negative reviews are nothing to worry about, one should definitely beware of sites that have clearly fake reviews.
Secure payments – a reliable online merchant is one that is able to guarantee the most secure transactions possible. This is another factor that can be checked through customer reviews, or else look for advertised security systems the website has in place. Online businesses that take pride in their security features will usually find a way to communicate them loud and clear to their buyers.
A good refund policy – trustworthy pharmacies understand that buyers looking for generic Viagra online [https://viabestbuy.com/shop/buy-cheap-viagra-pills-online-100mg-x-200-tablets/] only have one thing on their minds: finding the highest quality product for the best price. So, it stands to reason that if the pharmacy is proud of their product, they will have no fear in offering a generous return policy. In the best case scenario, your medication will only be taking a one-way trip, but it always pays to have a backup plan.
Viagra best price – it shouldn’t come as a surprise that nearly every generic Viagra seller will claim to have the lowest prices available, but a bit of web browsing will quickly reveal whether or not these claims are substantial. When comparing prices, make sure to factor in all of the hidden costs like shipping and processing.
Returning customer benefits – many offshore pharmacies will offer loyalty benefits to customers who buy in bulk or make frequent orders. You might not have a clear idea about how much of the medication you will be going through right off the bat, but after a few shipments, saving an extra $25 or so will go a long way.
Other freebies – some companies will offer free pills with every order, while others will offer discounts on shipping. Depending on your own situation, one benefit might end up making more of an impact than another, so thinking carefully about which suits you best is key.
Reputation – Viagra users who have experienced success will often want to share their story with the people who made it possible. Scan your seller’s website for testimonials or in-depth customer reviews that can shed some light on their past success. Viagra in all its forms is proven to be effective on 96% of men, so any provider has a pretty high standard to match.
Easy checkout – don’t waste your time with confusing payment processes, or difficult to navigate web layouts. Many online pharmacies today base their checkout system off majorly successful distribution giants like Amazon, making most buyers feel right at home with their interface. If this is an online destination you plan on visiting again in the future, make sure it is one that feels intuitive and enjoyable.
About Viagra
Making a good decision when shopping for the best priced Viagra on the market also means having an in-depth understanding of the drug, including how it works, what it can be used for, and any potential side effects that users may experience. It is important to remember that Viagra has been a pharmacy staple for over 25 years, so it comes with a large body of reliable data that can help guide potential users.
How does Viagra work?
Some people believe that Viagra is designed to stimulate feelings of arousal in users, but this is a misconception. In actuality, the drug allows individuals who experience erectile dysfunction to achieve and sustain an erection. In males who experience healthy arousal, the erectile tissue in the penis gives off a chemical enzyme which is called cyclic guanosine monophosphate. This compound relaxes the muscles within the penis and allows additional blood to circulate more freely, stiffening and elongating the tissue.
Choosing the right dosage
While generic medications are formulated to work in the same way as brand-name drugs, there is a spectrum of different formulations and strengths that are available. Pills and capsules come in standard sizes of 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, and 200 mg, which will all have differing ranges of effect on different individuals. When trying Viagra for the first time, the safest and most reliable method is to start with a 25 mg dosage and work your way up. Once you find the strength that suits your needs best, do not take a stronger dosage. When switching between different brands of Viagra, check the concentration of the new brand to see if it matches up with the brand you are used to. It is often wise to return to a lower dosage when switching to a new brand.
Incorporating it into your sex life
Make sure to read the instructions on the package first, as the supplier should take responsibility for informing their customers on proper usage. This label will be able to warn you about potential side effects and other dangers associated with the drug. Generally, pills should be taken a half hour before sex and work best on an empty stomach. Viagra should not be used by those who do not experience erectile dysfunction, and should never be used more than once a day. If you have questions about your dosage or about proper usage, consult your doctor. Individual medical background or additional medications may affect Viagra use.
What to watch out for
Most of the side effects associated with Viagra are not serious. Mild back pain, headaches, or sore stomachs are experienced by some users. In rare cases, heart arrhythmia, vision impairment, allergy symptoms, or an erection that lasts longer than five hours may afflict some users. In these cases, it is important to get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible.
Should I talk to my doctor before use?
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newstfionline · 6 years
Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.
By William Wan, Washington Post, August 13, 2018
What is about money that makes people do bad things?
It seems a fair question when the news is dominated by misdeeds of the rich and powerful. The Paul Manafort trial, now entering its third week, has revealed details of his alleged crimes: defrauding banks out of tens of millions of dollars, evading taxes by stashing huge sums in offshore accounts and using riches earned through unregistered work for foreign governments to buy $15,000 ostrich and python jackets.
Manafort’s deputy Rick Gates testified about the small fortune he embezzled and spent on his globe-trotting infidelities. Also last week, Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) was charged with insider trading. Scandals have shown Trump’s Cabinet members flouting government rules and ethics for private jet rides, $31,000 dining table sets, $43,000 soundproof booths and questionable business trips abroad.
“To researchers who study wealth and power, it’s dismaying but not surprising, because it tracks so closely with our findings. The effect of power is sadly one of the most reliable laws of human behavior,” said Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley who has spent decades studying wealth, power and privilege.
Six years ago, Keltner and a then-graduate student in his lab, Paul Piff, published influential innovative experiments that confirmed many of our worst assumptions about the rich and the corrupting power of wealth.
In one experiment, the researchers stationed themselves at a busy intersection with four-way stop signs and tracked the model of every car whose driver cut off others instead of waiting their turn. People driving expensive cars--like a brand-new Mercedes--were four times more likely to ignore right-of-way laws than those in cheap cars like an old beat-up Honda.
“It told us that there’s something about wealth and privilege that makes you feel like you’re above the law, that allows you to treat others like they don’t exist,” Keltner said.
Next, they had a researcher play a pedestrian trying to cross at a crosswalk and tracked which cars stopped as the law requires and which blew right past him. The results were even more stark.
Every one of the cheapest cars stopped, while half of the expensive cars ignored the pedestrian in the crosswalk--many even after making eye contact.
There have been warnings throughout the ages about the corrupting effects of wealth and power. Buddha, for example, gave up the rich life of a prince for enlightenment. Jesus warned his disciples a camel would have an easier time squeezing through the eye of a needle than a rich man trying to get into God’s kingdom. Rapper Biggie Smalls reached a similar conclusion before his untimely death: “Mo money, Mo problems.”
In the past few decades, a growing body of psychology research has tried to capture and measure the exact effects of wealth on behavior and morality.
That research has shown the rich cheat more on their taxes. They cheat more on their romantic partners. The wealthy and better-educated are more likely to shoplift. They are more likely to cheat at games of chance. They are often less empathetic. In studies of charitable giving, it is often the lower-income households that donate higher proportions of their income than middle-class and many upper-income folk.
In one of the more surprising findings from their 2015 paper, Keltner and Piff found the rich are more likely to literally take candy from children. In that experiment, they first asked 129 subjects to compare their finances with people who had either more or less money. Then they gave their subjects a jar of candy and told them the sweets were intended for children in a nearby lab but they could take some if they wanted. Those who felt richer after comparing their finances to poorer people took significantly more candy for themselves.
The findings build on similar research in recent years that suggests wealth and power strip people of their inhibitions, increase risk taking and feelings of entitlement and invulnerability. At the same time, power makes people less empathetic and able to see others’ perspectives.
“Wealth is basically a mechanism for power, and power has a freeing effect on people. It takes away the constraints of society and frees people to act according to their dominant desires,” said Adam Galinsky of Columbia Business School, whose experiments have explored how power often propels people’s actions. In some cases, those desires may be altruistic or helpful to society, so power heightens those goals and can give rise to effective philanthropists. Often, however, power leads to self-serving behaviors unrestrained by the usual concerns over rules or the consequences for others.
Because much of the psychological research into wealth and power is relatively new, many of the findings are still being tested and need to be confirmed by replication, researchers say. “I wouldn’t say these questions are settled. There are disagreements about the exact effect of wealth and ethics and how large the effect is,” said Michael Kraus, a social psychologist at Yale’s School of Management. But the research has never seen such booming interest and momentum--with growing inequality in America and a multimillionaire born into wealth in the White House.
“There’s a lot of reasons we should care about the ethics of wealthy people,” Kraus said. “Even if research found that they were no more unethical as anyone else, their influence on the world is so much greater. If someone like me steals something, it only affects only a handful of people. But if someone like Manafort steals or lies or cheats, it affects so many more people. There are foreign governments and banks involved. You start getting into that area where it can affect the whole country and the course of democracy.”
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