#cheap living room rugs for sale
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therugcollective · 1 year ago
The Ultimate Guide to Practical and Affordable Style: Machine Washable Rugs for Every Room
In the quest for stylish yet convenient home decor, machine washable rugs emerge as the unsung heroes of modern living. This article unveils the versatility and affordability of machine washable rugs, particularly focusing on their application in bedrooms and living rooms. We'll also explore the realm of cheap rugs, proving that budget-friendly options can be both fashionable and functional.
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1. Practical Luxury: Machine Washable Rugs
Discover the freedom of hassle-free maintenance with machine washable rugs. From spills to everyday wear, these rugs offer a convenient solution for keeping your spaces clean and stylish.
2. Bedroom Bliss: Transforming Spaces
Explore how machine washable rugs add a layer of comfort and style to bedrooms. Learn about sizing, materials, and design options to create a cozy haven without compromising on practicality.
3. Living Room Elegance: Function Meets Fashion
Delve into the world of machine washable rugs as the perfect addition to your living room. Uncover tips on selecting the right size, color coordination, and patterns for a seamless integration into your living space.
4. Cheap Rugs, High Style: Affordable Options
Challenge the notion that cheap rugs compromise on quality or style. Discover budget-friendly alternatives that bring both flair and functionality to your home.
5. The Rug Collective's Affordable Excellence
Introduce readers to The Rug Collective's selection of machine washable rugs, bedroom rugs, living room rugs, and cheap rugs. Highlight the commitment to quality, diverse designs, and pocket-friendly options that set us apart.
6. Customer Testimonials: Real Stories, Real Satisfaction
Share testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced the practicality and affordability of machine washable rugs from The Rug Collective.
7. Style Tips and Trends: Expert Insights
Provide style tips and trends on incorporating machine washable rugs into modern home decor. From color trends to innovative placements, empower readers to unleash their creativity.
8. Elevate Your Spaces: The Perfect Rug for Every Budget
Conclude by inviting readers to explore The Rug Collective's collection and elevate their living spaces with the perfect rug for every room, proving that practicality and style can coexist harmoniously.
Embrace the convenience and charm of machine washable rugs while discovering affordable yet stylish options for your bedroom and living room. Transform your spaces with The Rug Collective, where practicality meets elegance without breaking the bank. Explore our collection and redefine your home decor with rugs that make a statement in every room.
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lennadanvers · 10 months ago
Winter back home
Simon Riley x Reader
He has a problem.
He’s had problems all his life. He’s got a lot of experience in dealing with problems, really. The ones that can be solved with bullets, anyway.
This is not that kind of problem. Well, maybe a bullet could take care of this. But he promised himself he would never take that path. So, he suffers.
His problem is the dichotomy. His problem is Ghost, months of suffocating under a stale mask, the orders, the blood, the uniform. His problem is Simon, weeks of nothing, the silence, the civilian comfort, being a person.
He’s gone. Somewhere between base and “home”- a cold, dark flat in the outskirts of London-, he lost his soul. Now he isn’t here nor there. None of his names fit him.
He is just a being, two legs on top of two feet that can’t stand the feeling of dry, clean socks inside of simple sneakers. A head, a neck, on top of a pair of shoulders too wide to fit the door of normalcy. A back too tight to bear the weight of actual life. Hands too strong to hold reality without breaking it, skin so rough it tears instead of caressing. A pair of eyes that do not know where to look if not for threats.
He's a storm waiting to happen. Too dark to be a person, too broken to be a man. Too heavy for a ghost.
The flat feels wrong. Especially the first few days. He has to open the windows to let the fresh air in- more like freezing air. It’s okay, he’s used to dealing with the cold. It’s actually being comfortable what makes him uneasy. The fact that he has so much space for himself. He doesn’t have things. He doesn’t own more than a couple changes of clothes. His sofa looks new, even though he bought it years ago. His bed is soft, his bedside table is empty. He owns a table, two chairs and headphones. One bottle of water. Four glasses, a cheap six-piece cutlery set. Some plates he bought on sale. One rug he doesn’t step on. A broom. Shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste are in the bag he brings from base. Even his bike just takes up half his designated parking space.
Other than that, he has nothing.
The other thing that bothers him is the silence. He should be able to sleep in the quiet- he’s fallen asleep in active bombing zones, for God’s sake. But the white noise of the cars, the soft humming of the refrigerator- all they do is keep him awake. It’s always too quiet, too… Too safe. He knows it’s a trap. It always is.
That’s why he checks the windows.
Like now, when he enters the apartment in silence. The lights stay off until he’s cleared every room. Then he turns them all on. His duffel bag goes into the wardrobe, still closed. The boots under the bed. He changes into civilian clothes, checks the pantry- empty, always empty- and starts his rounds.
He checks the three windows: the small one in the bathroom, the one in the bedroom that looks over the neighbor’s rooftop, and the one in the living room. Usually, the last one is his favorite. The view lets him keep an eye on the street, alert in case there’s something suspicious lurking down there.
This time, though, he can’t look down.
He’s stuck in the window in front of his. The apartment building across the street is nicer than the one he’s standing in. By his standards, anyway. That means it looks warm and worn down. Brick walls instead of grey cement, wood stairs instead of metal. It has pots with flowers and an old mirror in the entrance.
There’s only one apartment with the lights still on. It’s late, he reminds himself, for normal people. Most of them are asleep at two in the morning.
You’re not. Through your open curtains, he can see your tired face. You’re curled up on a desk chair, with messy hair and reading glasses on. Your pajama is cute, it looks soft and a little too big. It fits you perfectly. You’re holding a steaming cup and frowning at the pile of papers on top of your desk.
When you fix the -presumably hand-knitted- blanket on top of your shoulders, he frowns. Aren’t you cold? You should close the window.
And go to bed, while you’re at it. What are you doing up this late, anyway? Working? He hopes not. A cute little thing like you should have a quiet job, with stable working hours and low stress. But you look very stressed. Maybe you’re studying. That’s it, probably. You don’t look his age, but he’d bet you’re in your late twenties, maybe thirties.
He pictures you getting a degree. It’s easy, you look smart. Oh, you must have a degree already. Surely, he decides, you must have one. You’re getting a doctorate now, aren’t you?
It’s a silly question, of course. He knows nothing about you, except that you should be sleeping instead of munching at a cookie. But it’s a relief to pretend he does. To believe he can see life through your window. If he had to guess, that’s what living looks like: a woman in the room, plans for the future, eating homemade treats and knowing you’ll survive the upcoming test, even if you don’t pass.
For the first time since he bought this place, he’s actually there. As if taking a deep breath, Simon is suddenly aware of his body. The t-shirt he’s wearing is soft, a little too thin for the weather. The place smells like leather- must be the sofa. Was the ceiling always this high? Simon makes a mental note to buy air freshener and a blanket.
It takes him a couple of days of staring out the window to realize what happened.
It’s Friday, and he’s checked your closed blinds for the third time this afternoon. Simon hasn’t seen you today. He sighs and turns around. He goes to open one of the kitchen drawers when it hits him.
There are cookies in there. Two different kinds. And he’s wearing slippers- they were on sale at the supermarket, and he didn’t even think about it. But he’s thinking about it now. Simon looks around. One of his jackets is hanging by the door. There’s lint on the rug. The cushions on the sofa are out of their place. He left a mug on the counter.
He's living again.
It a crushing discovery. Once he saw it, it’s impossible to miss. He made plans. He has tickets to watch a movie next Tuesday. When was the last time he planned something other than a mission? And cookies? Simon hasn’t eaten cookies since he enlisted. Maybe longer. His clothes are comfortable. Actually comfortable, he doesn’t need to ignore the fabric irritating his skin. The windows are closed: he’s not cold. It’s quite nice, honestly. And the place smells like someone lives here. A mix of cologne, tea and leftovers from lunch.
The flat doesn’t feel empty. Simon doesn’t feel empty.
His muscles give out. It’s not a dramatic fall, more like an extreme relaxation. It hurts a little; like clenching your fist for hours and then letting your hand open. The blood starts flowing back with a tingle. The oxygen gets where it is supposed to go. There is a strange open space in the palm of your hand.
The relieved smile is a side effect.
He still wears it when he settles back down on the couch. Someone is playing music outside, and the plants on your building’s hall are blooming. What a weird time to bloom, in the middle of the cold.
Simon understands, though, when he sees you finally open your blinds.
Yes, he gets the desire to be alive now.
A/n: I sat down to write and four hours later I'm posting this. It is not proofread and I'm a little too tired to care. Maybe I'll fix it later. Also, my anxiety has been a bitch lately (that means I freeze instead of being able to reply to messages and asks- my poor friends have the patience of a thousand saints stacked on top of each other), so I won't reply to the asks today. Maybe tomorrow, we'll see. In any case, I hope you're all having a great weekend, full of flowers and treats <3
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rubystatic · 1 year ago
Asking For Trouble
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I wasn't sure what to write for my first post here. I haven't written for Hazbin Hotel before, but I figured what better introduction to the fandom than a literal introduction between Alastor and the reader? I've had this scene rattling around in my head for a few weeks, so I hope you enjoy it.
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Contents: demonic summoning, Alastor being an eldritch horror, hints of gore, blood, minor self-injury (not sh)
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The red paint glistens like fresh blood in the light of the candles. A dozen or more of them, scattered around your living room, resting atop the coffee table, the TV stand, melted onto the top of the bookcase and the windowsill. Thick, black candles you bought from the Halloween clearance sale at the local big box store. You don’t think colour matters, but it felt right for the occasion. If you’re going to do this, you might as well do it right. 
A clear space dominates the centre of the room—all the furniture has been pushed aside, crowding up against the walls to make room. You’ve rolled up the living room rug and propped it against the stairs. 
When you first moved into your basement apartment, you were dismayed to discover that it had a poured concrete floor, and that the landlord hadn’t bothered to put in carpet or laminate or even cheap lino. However, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and the rent price was such a steal, you didn’t dare question him on it in case he decided he wanted a less whiny tenant. 
You have reason to be grateful for it now, though. A red pentagram painted on a wooden floor or carpet would be a quick way to make sure you never got back your security deposit. A bit of turpentine and it’ll be like this never happened. 
Assuming that you’re still alive. If this even works.
The thing that started it all, a simple black notebook—some Moleskine rip-off—sits open at the edge of your circle, along with a whole mess of measuring implements. A simple protractor wasn’t good enough for something like this. You’d had to buy some stuff off the internet, and now your Amazon recommendations looked like a geometry professor’s wet dream. 
And there I was, thinking 10th grade math would never get me anywhere in the real world. 
You pick up the notebook, glancing between the scrawled diagrams and measurements and your own summoning circle. It looks right. It had better be, since you spent all afternoon hunched over, painting it with dollar store acrylic paints. Oh, and your life depends on it. Can’t forget that much. 
The notebook is a journal of sorts. You found it behind the bookcase when you first moved in, wedged there and forgotten. The pages are covered in the feverish scrawl of a previous resident. At first you felt a little weird about reading it, but curiosity overcame any moral quandary you had in the end. 
The journal outlines the three month period it took for a young writer to seemingly descend into madness as his work was rejected, over and over. As his girlfriend left him, his father died, and his life fell to pieces. He became more and more desperate, his writing growing erratic. His writing research had already led him down some occult paths, but it seemed he’d decided to pursue them even further.
Which was you’ve come to be kneeling on your living room floor, trying to summon a demon.
Taking a deep breath, you flip to the last page, where the invocation is written, the pen almost tearing through the paper in some places. It’s the last entry. 
You reach out, and use your fingertips to push a plate of venison over the boundary line, into the centre of the pentagram. The meat is a dark, pinkish red, practically pulsing with blood and vitality, as the journal instructs. 
Getting it necessitated a trip outside city limits to a questionable butcher in the countryside who specialised in game meat. The journal is very clear—it has to be fresh. Supermarket meat won’t cut it.
Everything is in place. There’s nothing left to do but begin.
You take a deep breath, your hands trembling slightly as you lift the journal, holding it open. You have a strange feeling of duality, that you’re both at once powerful and ridiculous. Someone tearing open the veil between worlds to seek higher (or lower) power, and someone playing pretend. 
You force yourself to ignore the latter, pushing it aside and holding onto the image that what you’re doing is going to work. Faith is important, even if it isn’t invested wisely. 
Oh, shit, you’ve forgotten a step. 
Dropping the journal in your haste, you reach for the small pen knife lying at the edge of the circle. Gritting your teeth, you tighten your grip on the wooden handle, and make a small cut on the side of your thumb. Holding your fist out over the circle, you let a few beads of blood, looking almost black in the candle light, splatter the venison. 
You open a bandaid and slap it over the cut, pleased you haven’t completely sliced your palm open like they do in movies. Don’t they know how long that takes to heal? 
Anyway, back to the demon summoning. 
“Let this offering of flesh and blood open the veil between the earthly realm and the depths of Hell,” you read aloud, your voice becoming stronger with every word.
No wonder that writer guy couldn’t get his shit published if this is how he wrote everything. Despite the stilted prose, you keep reciting it aloud, just glad it’s not in Latin, or worse, rhyming. 
“I summon you, o’ Deal Maker, Keeper of Bargains, Purchaser of Souls—” 
Seriously? Writer of Bullshit, more like. 
“I summon you, Alastor!” 
You hold your breath as the last echoes of your voice fade from the walls, waiting for something to happen. The candles continue to flicker gently, and you can hear the muted hubbub of voices from your neighbour’s TV upstairs. Your knees are starting to hurt from sitting on the floor. 
Sighing, you let the journal drop to the floor. It hasn’t worked. Of course.
Why did you think this was going to work? Summoning a demon of all things—
The candles ripple as if stirred by a breath, then their flames spike upwards, rigid. The light throws shadows across the walls, but the shadows don’t move in the right way. They sway back and forth, almost in a trance, as if the room is tilting side to side. 
The candle flames stretch up and up, thinning out into streamers. The golden glow dims, before blooming a bright, venal red. Your ears fill with the sound of static as the painted lines of the summoning circle begin to glow crimson. Smoke boils up from the centre into a plume of pulsing fog, backlit by the red light and twitching shadows. 
Something very old, buried and half-forgotten in your DNA screams at you to run, but you’re frozen to the spot, gaping as a figure takes form within the smoke. A tall, thin silhouette, long limbs distorted. Ice seeps into your gut.
The smoke clears, leaving an apparition, a demon, in your living room. It is not the monster you expected. No red skin, no black pits for eyes, no fire and brimstone… But whatever he is, he’s definitely not human. 
Stretching from floor to ceiling, he must be seven feet tall or more, with a thin, attenuated form and an inhumanly narrow waist. The demon is a vision in red, from his hair to his suit to his eyes, red on red, his pupils black slits in a sea of glowing crimson. 
It’s his smile that truly terrifies you, though. 
His teeth gleaming, the colour of aged ivory. Two rows of sharp, dagger-like points, ready to sink into flesh, designed to rend and tear. Whatever this creature is, death sustains him. 
Red hair, tipped in black, frames his face in a short bob, and tufts up at the top in what you think might be ears. Two small, black antlers jut from the top of his head. 
The static in  your ears crescendos like a wave crashing over your head, and the demon’s smile widens. He hums to himself, his voice a crackle, and looks around your meagre apartment. Finally, his gaze comes to rest back on you, the most interesting thing here.
“My, my,” he says, a strange, Transatlantic twang to his voice, “it’s been a while since someone summoned me. You really know how to set the mood, don’t you? Summoning circle, candles, and what’s this?” 
He leans down to pick up the plate of venison. Your blood has seeped into the meat by now, indistinguishable from the dead deer’s blood. The demon uses his gloved hand to pick up a morsel of the meat, his red eyes widening in pleasure, before popping it into his mouth like an hors d'oeuvre. 
“Delicious,” he praises. “Not a bit of fat on it, either. How did you know venison is my favourite?”
Before you can answer, his gaze lights upon the abandoned journal. He lets out a chuckle that’s half radio static. 
“Oh, that old thing. I should have known!” He slaps his knee in an over-the-top display of amusement. “You’re all so eager to throw yourselves into the Abyss! Humans, lemmings, what’s the difference?!”
The demon pretended to wipe a tear of mirth from his eye, before finally paying attention to you again. His grin cranked up a notch, practically splitting his face in half, and his hooded red eyes gleamed at you. 
“I haven’t introduced myself. How remiss of me. The name’s Alastor. A pleasure to meet you, my dear.”
The static in his voice fuzzed out, leaving behind a raspy baritone.
“Now, what can I do for you, darling?”
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dumbass-tumbler-cryptid · 1 month ago
Thank you for answering my ask about Mansk and how spider learns that information. i’ve been wanting to ask that question for months. How are you gonna change that in cabin?
Also, another question that I have is how does Quaritch fund himself in cabin like I know that he saved up all of his money while in the military and has the money that he got after Paz was killed but like has he honestly been going 13 years without a job? How was he able to build the cabin and support himself without a job since he was just following spider around the entire time? Because like he has an entire grocery store in his basement and he still gives money to the recalls when they bring gifts for spider.
We’ll have to see. It won’t be anything major. I’ll have to go back to re read and then I’ll just shift and add to the dialogue between Z, Spider and Quaritch a little. I probably won’t get to it until I’m back to working on Cabin. Currently I’m working on Visited on the Son but then my inbox started blowing up so now I’m taking a little break to answer questions.
Also before I get to your question I saw your other message and thank you for letting me know that you don’t get notifications when I go in to correct my fics. I felt bad sometimes because I would make a correction, re post, find another thing to correct and then have to repost it again. Only to find another thing to correct. I’d be like damn I really hope anyone who’s bookmarked this fic doesn’t get notifications when I do this because I am blowing up their inbox right now.
So for the cost breakdown. I made a huge list of everything the cabin would need with the average price of everything. First though is how much money Quaritch would have. I looked up a while ago what on average someone in Quaritch’s position would make. The answer is $200,000 a year. I aged him down a little from his canon age from fifties to forties. So let’s say he rose up the ranks quickly and earned his position by his early thirties. In ten years he’d have about 2 million saved up. In fifteen years it’d be 3 million. And then he got half a million from Paz’s death.
I won’t write out the entire list I made of price breakdowns for the cabin because that would be a lot. But I looked up average costs of things like solar panels, a new electrical system, a water collection system, new plumbing, appliances, and so on. He wouldn’t have to spend money on wood since he’s using the trees he cut down to build the cabin on, so the siding of the cabin and all the furniture he built himself is free. Also he’d save on money since he’s installing all these things himself. The prices I based my numbers off of include the cost of labor.
I think he’d spend good money on quality mattress so two of those would be around $2,000. I got average prices for things like a couch, rugs, curtains, living room chairs, but honestly I think he’d thrift all this stuff. I’ve gotten really high quality furniture from estate sales or people moving for either cheap or completely free. I set a budget for a new wardrobe for Spider at $1,000. Another $1000 for his books, school supplies, and art supplies.
And then theirs everything in the basement. I went to a bulk stores website and looked up things like canned goods, water, and toiletries. 2,000 cans of various fruits and vegetables would be a little over $2,000. 500 bottles of water would only be about $50. And then all the toiletries added together is $364.
The chickens, their coop and necessities is about $4,125. For the garden if he had 20 different varieties of fruit and vegetable seeds, with each packet being on average $5 that’s $100 for all of them. Times that by ten of each packet and that’s another $1000. Now if he got starter plants for all the fruit trees and bushes that adds up to about $1,500
The grand total for everything was $44,040. I just went ahead and rounded up to $50,000 to compensate for whatever I missed. I figured Quaritch would already own a lot of the tools he’d need for all of this but things break or he might need a special tool for something. And then one of the recoms would need to helicopter a lot of supplies to him and Quaritch would want to pay them for that. Even if I doubled the $50,000 to $100,000 that hardly makes a dent in his wealth.
As for how he lived for thirteen years, he’s probably only spending about $40,000 or less a year on cheap motels to stay in since he’s constantly moving around to follow Spider, food, gas for his car, and any other expenses that comes up like maintenance on said car, or the latest long range camera to take pictures of Spider. $40,000 ever year for thirteen years is $520,000
The grand total of all of this is $570,000. That’s the total settlement from Paz’s death, plus a little over a third of one year of his salary from when he did work. So yeah he’s definitely good on money.
Thanks for reaching out again! I had fun making this break down. 💞
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expatesque · 2 years ago
Referring to your recent post, would love to see some of the fun things you’ve bought! You have the best taste 😊
Aw thank you.
So the main categories of things have been home stuff and fashion stuff. I do have a tag (of course) but haven't posted everything so to summarize...
Home stuff
Living room: The swan table (an icon, a queen, the inspiration for the room), the insane green velvet chair (we love her, gotta keep it eclectic), snake rug (hiss hiss), a fundamentally impractical sofa (Ikea, concessions had to be made somewhere. I'm going to restuff to make it look more fluffy and expensive). I'm keeping my vintage curio cabinet, 1960's referencing 30's circular bar cart, black arched lamp, and big rubber plant. The inspiration is somewhere between this 1930's Thorne miniature room and hummusbird. I need some paintings, a little table for under the window to display a great vase (got this one in ivory, tbc if it's the right size), and some big new throw pillows (I'm thinking dusky pink). Oh also I'm getting a fish to go in the bookcase (I wanted a white Betta but my dad has said that's a bad idea and suggested a gold fish instead).
Kitchen: An oval marble topped cast iron bistro style table. Keeping my black bistro chairs (2x) and will also use 2 of my armless ghost chairs (like these). Likely to get a small floating island to get a little more counter space. Also bought an insane copper kettle ala my man Rajiv recently.
Main bedroom: I've got a new headboard for my bed (this one), I'm getting rid of the wardrobe in there (using the one in the 2nd bedroom) and will replace it with a vintage dressing table and mirror (I do like this one but would rather not spend that given... everything else) to display my great great grandmother's silver mirror, brush, etc. Need some big Euro shams and perpetually looking for a navy woven blanket that's big enough (I want it like, almost duvet sized).
2nd bedroom: Currently is an office / video game room, turning into a proper 2nd bed. I'll use my meh existing bed, need bedside tables, maybe a new desk chair.
Fashion stuff
It's been a lot of big skirts (my love the Prada one, a really full white canvas-y one, this crazy pink one, a beige cashmere Theory one), a set of heavy ribbed tops with high necks in black and browns (for autumn, this is one of them), a few cropped cardigans (can't find any specific ones that I've bought right now, but short enough to wear with the skirts), a totally sheer cream colored top (that is proving surprisingly versatile already), two cheap Zara wrap vests that I'm waiting to arrive (one in cream and one in black, we'll see the quality when they get here), a Victorian gold charm bracelet (+ a charm of a monkey holding a pearl), a pair of really gorgeous silver and mother pearl earrings from the 50s, some rag and bone soft leather mules, some baby blue Mary Janes, and a set of tiny kitten heels that I really like but am not sure I'm keeping (they're a little narrow but I think I could stretch them). I think there's more but if I think too much about it I'll be stressed (rip my budget). Pro tip: Laura Riley has an incredible fashion newsletter that rounds up what's new and what's on sale -- I've gotten almost everything I've bought on 50%+ off.
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Two weeks ago the Mee’s told me that the guy who I restored the two paintings for a little while ago - “is interested in maybe you cleaning some more…” and that he was going to call me.
We spoke - I thanked the .Mees, and they said “He’s very cheap, so be sure to bake in some extras that you can then remove, and make him feel he’s getting a bargain.”
We arranged for me to come out to his house because “there’s a LOT of paintings.”
Hoo boy.
A long winding drive up a hill, flanked by giant oaks - a tennis court, and an extraordinary Victorian stone mansion at the crest.
“My father collected art. The house has been sold, and must be cleared. I’m moving to Mullaghmore into a smaller home and can only take some of the favorites.”
I am in heaven. The walls are covered with paintings, lovely antique furniture, huge Asian vases, and bookcases filled with silver and statuary. Exquisite oriental rugs, the most incredible carved oak tall case clock I’ve ever seen ticks away in the hallway, and everywhere my eye falls - is a treasure.
The man collected what he liked - and although much of it is Victorian genre stuff - there are a few heart-stopping things which leave me breathless….
“Which pieces do you think are most valuable, and will bring enough at auction to justify the expense of your restoration? “
When I stopped at the small Paul Henry landscape in the dining room - I told him “let’s start here” Henry is the single most famous and easily recognizable Irish artist imaginable. One of his paintings sold recently at Whytes in Dublin for €420,000.00.
“Funny.” Says the guy “Victor Mee walked right past that one.”
I took photos, signatures, and got terribly excited by the Jack Yeats, and the Alfred J Munnings sketch of a man on horseback jumping a fence….
I told him that many of the paintings should go to Whytes, Christie’s, Sothebys or Bonhams - and I did some research when I got home - sending him the artists, and a few of their sale prices. (Munnings paintings are well over a million dollars each…)
I took six tiny oils with me, and promised to return for the series of large hunt paintings from the living room.
I texted the MEE’s to tell them about the afternoon, the amazing, VALUABLE. paintings - and to thank them again for hooking me up.
“Did you TELL HIM?!” Comes right back at me…and …”ummmmm….yes?”
Turns out, they had a handshake agreement to SELL THE ENTIRE COLLECTION - and didn’t tell me. Now I’m in Dutch with the MEE’s? For answering the questions put to me, and for KNOWING what the fuck I was looking at?
Somebody should’ve SAID SOMETHING - and now it’s all six kinds of AWKWARD.
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divinehandicraft · 2 months ago
Renovate Your House By Browsing These Exclusive Handmade Products
The right accessories must be well selected to achieve a comfortable, inviting, and fashionable home. Manual products are becoming highly demanded because they provide an environment with uniqueness, substance, and warmth. Handmade products include beautiful rugs and artisanal candle holders. You name them, and they will add value to your interiors. It’s time to consider some particular and fancied handmade decorations that can be used in interior design.
Turn Your Lifestyle with Two Unique Handmade Ceramic Candle Holders
Lighting to a very large extent determines the type of mood that is want to be created in a home. Handmade Ceramic Candle Holders can be handcrafted and the holders not only practical objects but also interior enhancements. If you are cooking a romantic dinner or just having a quite evening at home, these candle holders can be great decor and welcoming addition for any room. The unique design for them means that every item is produced by hand so it will look perfect in any collection.
Make Your Sofa Beautiful with Sofa Cushion Covers UK
Renovate your living space hassle free with sofa cushion covers UK. The covers are intended to update the look of your sofas by adding some color and feel to the room. These are handmade cushion covers which come in different patterns, fabrics and sizes to suit a variety of clients. It is very effective in consisting a warm and welcoming ambiance in your home while adding an individuality on your home’s interior.
Revamp Floors with Jute Rugs on Sale
Affordable, long-lasting, and fashionable, jute rugs on sale should become the new EPS for all household owners. They are made from the natural fiber making them eco-friendly and suitable for use in places with much traffic. It is for this reason; they offer a raw feel to any room, and can easily assimilate different interior designs. No matter where you put a jute rug, be it in your family room, your bedroom, or your dining area, its uses are obvious and the looks classic.
Brighten up the House with Chindi Rugs Online
For those, who prefer warm and bright atmosphere of home decor, Chindi rugs online are perfect. Cut from used fabrics, these rugs are environmentally friendly and uniquely cute. They are colorful and beautifully designed for bright and cheerful appearance, suitable for child’s bedroom, entrances or for patios. Also, being relatively cheap means that it is expensive to compromise on quality and looks.
Why Choose Handmade?
Handmade means are very elaborate making the final products to be of high quality compared to products that are produced in mass. They sometimes patronise local crafts-people, who keep ancient craftsmanship alive through their work and also encourage eco-friendly techniques. When opting for handmade décor, you opt for a product, a story, a culture and a form of artistry.
Use of handmade items is the most effective way to bring unique character, cozy and personal feel into any home. Starting with handmade ceramic candle holders which enliven the nights, to sofa cushion covers UK that transform your living space, these are quality accessories for contemporary interiors. Play up the texture and earthy aesthetics of your floors with jute rug with deep discount or brighten up your interiors with chindi rugs. Make use of handmade décor to give a natural look to your home as well as uniqueness that reflects the personality of the occupants
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tiletopiauk · 5 months ago
Stylish and Affordable Tiles for the Living Room Floor: Your Guide to Transforming Your Space
The living room is often the heart of a home, serving as a space for relaxation, entertainment, and family gatherings. Choosing the right tiles for the living room floor can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic and functionality of the space. If you’re looking for stylish yet budget-friendly options, you’ll be pleased to discover a range of cheap tiles in the UK that can elevate your living room's design.
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Why Choose Tiles for the Living Room Floor?
Durability: Living rooms experience a lot of foot traffic, making it essential to choose a flooring option that can withstand wear and tear. Tiles are a durable choice that can maintain their appearance for years, even in busy households.
Variety of Styles: With an extensive selection of designs, textures, and colors available, tiles for the living room floor can complement any decor style—from modern to traditional. You can create a warm, inviting atmosphere or a sleek, contemporary look based on your preferences.
Easy Maintenance: One of the major advantages of tiles is their ease of maintenance. They are resistant to stains and spills, making them ideal for families with children or pets. A quick sweep and mop are usually all that’s needed to keep them looking pristine.
Complement Your Living Room Wall Tiles: When selecting floor tiles, consider how they will coordinate with any living room wall tiles. A cohesive design can create a more polished and harmonious space. Choose colors and textures that work well together to enhance your living room’s overall appeal.
Tips for Choosing Tiles for the Living Room Floor
Consider the Size of Your Space: Larger tiles can make a small living room feel more expansive, while smaller tiles may work better in larger spaces or complex layouts. Think about how the size of the tiles will affect the room's overall look.
Think About Color and Texture: Light colors can brighten up a dark space, while darker shades can create a cozy atmosphere. Textured tiles can add depth and interest to your flooring, giving it a unique character.
Focus on Comfort: If you’re concerned about cold tiles, consider adding area rugs to warm up the space. Additionally, some tiles come with underfloor heating compatibility, adding an extra layer of comfort during colder months.
Explore Affordable Options: There are plenty of cheap tiles in the UK that provide great value without sacrificing style. Keep an eye out for sales, clearance items, or discounted collections at local home improvement stores.
Popular Tile Options for Your Living Room
Ceramic Tiles: These versatile tiles come in various colors and patterns, making them a popular choice for living rooms. They are affordable and durable, perfect for any decor style.
Porcelain Tiles: Denser and more durable than ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles are ideal for high-traffic areas. They can mimic the look of wood or stone, offering a stylish finish without the upkeep of natural materials.
Vinyl Tiles: If you're on a budget, vinyl tiles are an excellent option. They are easy to install, water-resistant, and available in numerous designs that can mimic more expensive materials.
Natural Stone Tiles: For a touch of luxury, consider natural stone options like slate, granite, or marble. While they can be pricier, their unique beauty and durability can add significant value to your home.
Choosing the right tiles for the living room floor can dramatically enhance the look and feel of your space. With a wide range of durable, stylish, and affordable options available, it’s easier than ever to create a living room that reflects your personal style. Don’t forget to think about how your floor tiles will coordinate with living room wall tiles for a seamless finish. Start exploring the many options for your living room tiles today, and watch your space transform into a beautiful and inviting haven! With cheap tiles in the UK, achieving your dream living room is within reach. Happy decorating!
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therugcollective · 1 year ago
Exploring the Rich History of Rugs: From Antiquity to Modernity
Discover the Fascinating Journey of Rugs through Time: A Comprehensive Guide
Dear rug enthusiasts and history aficionados,
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Welcome to an immersive journey through the captivating history of rugs—a journey that unveils the stories, techniques, and cultural significance behind these timeless treasures. In this blog post, we'll explore the evolution of rugs, from their ancient origins to their modern-day presence in our homes.
Rugs have transcended centuries, bridged cultures and serving as artistic expressions. As we delve into this post, be prepared to be transported through time, uncovering how these woven marvels have left an indelible mark on civilizations worldwide.
Join us as we unroll the rich tapestry of rug history, one section at a time.
 Section 1: Origins of Rug Weaving
 Tracing the Beginnings of Rug Craftsmanship
In this section, we'll journey back to the dawn of rug weaving—a time when nomadic tribes and ancient civilizations first wove these functional and symbolic creations. We'll explore the earliest weaving techniques and designs, showcasing how these rugs have evolved into the exquisite pieces we cherish today.
 Section 2: Rugs in the Ancient World
 The Silk Road and the Global Reach of Rugs
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Our adventure then leads us along the Silk Road, a bustling trade route where cultures converged, and rug weaving flourished. Discover how these rugs became sought-after commodities, adorning the courts of emperors and sultans. Dive into the intriguing stories behind iconic carpets like the Pazyryk and the Ardabil Carpet.
 Section 3: Renaissance of Oriental Rugs
When East Meets West: Oriental Rugs in the Renaissance
In this section, we'll delve into the captivating fusion of Eastern and Western influences during the Renaissance. Explore the timeless allure of Oriental rugs, renowned for their intricate patterns, rich colors, and enduring elegance. Learn how these treasures captivated the Western world, shaping interior design for generations.
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 Section 4: Rugs as Cultural Artifacts
 Rugs: More Than Floor Coverings
Rugs hold stories, beliefs, and traditions of the communities that craft them. This section uncovers the cultural significance of rugs across different societies, from the symbolism of motifs to the rituals associated with their creation and use. Rugs are more than decor; they're cultural artifacts.
 Section 5: The Evolution of Rug Craftsmanship
 Innovations in Rug Making Techniques
Time brings progress, and so do rug-making techniques. Discover the evolution, from hand-spun fibers to modern mechanized looms. Learn how technology and design innovations have shaped the rug industry into the vibrant, diverse field it is today.
 Section 6: Rugs in Contemporary Design
 Modern Rugs: Blending Tradition with Innovation
In our final section, we bridge the gap between history and modernity, exploring how rugs continue to be vital in interior design. From minimalist concepts to avant-garde creations, contemporary designers seamlessly blend tradition with innovation, breathing new life into the ancient art of rug weaving.
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 Conclusion: Threads That Connect Us Through Time
As we conclude our journey through the history of rugs, we reflect on the enduring legacy of these woven wonders. Rugs that grace our homes today carry with them the stories of generations past, connecting us to traditions, cultures, and artistry. Rugs are not just decor; they are threads that bind us across time.
We hope this blog post has deepened your appreciation for rugs, revealing the rich tapestry of history they bring to your space. As you explore the world of rugs, remember that you're not just acquiring decor; you're preserving a piece of history.
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Ready to explore the world of rugs and bring history into your home? Visit www.therugcollective.com to discover a curated collection of rug designs honoring the timeless art of weaving.
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cozygnomesandhomes · 10 months ago
Discover the Best Places to Buy Cheap Home Décor Products
Are you looking to spruce up your living space without breaking the bank? Whether you're moving into a new home or just want to freshen up your current décor, finding affordable yet stylish home décor products can be a game-changer. Best Places to Buy Cheap Home Décor Products With so many options available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. To help you out, we've curated a list of the best places to buy cheap home décor products that will transform your space without emptying your wallet.
Cozy Gnomes and Homes (https://www.cozygnomesandhomes.com/)
One of the top contenders on our list is Cozy Gnomes and Homes. This online store offers a wide range of home décor products at affordable prices. From throw pillows and blankets to wall art and accent pieces, you'll find everything you need to add a touch of style to any room in your home. What sets Cozy Gnomes and Homes apart is their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. With fast shipping and excellent customer service, shopping for home décor has never been easier.
Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/)
Amazon is a household name when it comes to online shopping, and it's no surprise that they also offer a vast selection of affordable home décor products. With thousands of sellers competing for your attention, you'll find a wide range of prices and styles to choose from. Plus, Amazon Prime members can take advantage of free shipping on eligible items, making it even more budget-friendly to update your home's look.
Wayfair (https://www.wayfair.com/)
Wayfair is another popular destination for budget-friendly home décor. They offer a variety of products for every room in the house, from furniture and lighting to rugs and accessories. Wayfair often runs sales and promotions, so keep an eye out for discounts that can save you even more money on your home décor purchases. With user-friendly search filters, you can easily narrow down your options based on price, style, and more.
IKEA (https://www.ikea.com/)
IKEA is known for its affordable furniture, but they also have a great selection of home décor items at budget-friendly prices. Whether you're looking for minimalist Scandinavian designs or trendy pieces to liven up your space, IKEA has something for everyone. With flat-packaging for easy transportation and assembly, IKEA makes it convenient to bring home stylish décor without breaking the bank.
Target (https://www.target.com/)
Target is a one-stop-shop for everything from groceries to clothing, and they also have a fantastic home décor section. With their affordable Threshold and Project 62 lines, you can find stylish and budget-friendly pieces to enhance any room in your home. Target often runs sales and promotions, so be sure to check their website regularly for deals that will help you save even more on your home décor purchases.
In conclusion, finding cheap home décor products doesn't mean sacrificing style or quality. With these top places to shop online, Best Places to Buy Cheap Home Décor Products you can easily transform your living space into a stylish and inviting haven without breaking the bank. Whether you prefer cozy and rustic or modern and chic, there's something for every taste and budget. Happy decorating!
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rugs-n-more · 10 months ago
Introducing Rugsnmore: Your Destination for Affordable Rugs Online in Australia
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Rugsnmore stands as a beacon of quality and affordability in the realm of rugs, offering an extensive collection of premium yet cheap rugs in Australia. As one of the largest retailers of rugs online, we take pride in curating a diverse range of styles, from modern rugs to timeless classics, catering to every taste and budget.
In today's fast-paced world, the convenience of online shopping has become indispensable, and Rugsnmore has embraced this trend wholeheartedly. Our online platform provides customers across Australia with access to our vast selection of rugs, allowing them to browse and purchase from the comfort of their own homes.
At Rugsnmore, we understand that decorating your space with quality rugs shouldn't break the bank. That's why we've made it our mission to offer cheap rugs in Australia without compromising on quality. Our collection features a wide range of affordable options, ensuring that everyone can find the perfect rug to suit their style and budget.
Whether you're looking to add a pop of color to your living room with a vibrant modern rug or seeking a cozy addition to your bedroom with a plush shaggy rug, Rugsnmore has you covered. Our extensive range includes rugs of all shapes, sizes, and materials, ensuring that you'll find the perfect match for any room in your home.
But affordability is just one aspect of what sets Rugsnmore apart. We also prioritize quality, ensuring that every rug in our collection meets our rigorous standards for craftsmanship and durability. From the finest wool to durable synthetic fibers, our rugs are designed to withstand the test of time, providing you with years of enjoyment and style.
At Rugsnmore, we believe that shopping for cheap rugs in Australia should be a seamless and enjoyable experience. That's why we've designed our website to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing you to easily browse our collection, compare options, and make informed decisions about your purchase.
But our commitment to customer satisfaction doesn't end with the sale. We also offer fast and reliable shipping Australia-wide, ensuring that your new rug arrives at your doorstep in no time. And if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, our friendly customer service team is here to help, ready to assist with returns or exchanges.
So whether you're redecorating your home or simply looking to add a touch of style to your space, Rugsnmore is your ultimate destination for cheap rugs in Australia. With our extensive collection, unbeatable prices, and commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we're confident that you'll find the perfect rug to elevate your home decor. Visit Rugsnmore today and discover the affordable luxury of our premium rugs.
Contact- Web - https://rugsnmore.com.au/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - (03)93088395 Address - 2/2122 Hume Hwy, Campbellfield VIC 3061, Australia.
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cesium-sheep · 1 year ago
the kirby dr moricky pillow in beige (the color I wanted cuz it has the drawing I didn't get on the mat I will eventually hang up or the storage case) is on sale for $10 rn. but I've already got 3 multi week purchases in the queue and buying that still sets everything back by another week even if I'm lucky and shipping is cheap. (preorder a lauraillustrates tapestry blanket ($140), buy the princess peach game ($67), buy The Rug for soon-to-be-just-my room ($300).) I got paid extra for the unicorn but that only means I can get the blanket first instead of having to push it to the very end of the preorder window.
decisions are hard and $40 a week is very very small even when someone else is taking care of the bills. (once my credit card is paid off I can raise my allowance because I actually get allotted now $300/mo but I put everything above the current allowance rate to the credit card, but that's still got $1330 left on it even with matt helping me out last week. originally once arin finally started getting paid in 2022 I negotiated $250/mo to cover 5 weeks of allowance (for the months that have 5 mondays), plus a minimum card payment of $50, but months that don't have 5 mondays I'd put the extra $40 on it too more often than not. and sometimes scraping some out of personal savings if it seems unlikely to be immediately necessary. (plus for a while the minimum payment was actually $60 but it's not like she was available for further negotiations.) mom's still a co-signer on that card and I really just need it fucking gone already, but it took a lot of hits getting through the past couple years.)
theoretically my disability compensation appeal is still in the queue somewhere. I'm sure they'll email me in a couple weeks with my quarterly reassurance that it is. maybe I'll be really, incredibly fortunate, and it'll get scheduled for after the immunologist tells me about a powerhouse treatment that'll turn my bones to dust but let me fucking live again, but before the treatment actually takes effect, so I'm still as pathetic as possible for the hearing but not quite so fuckin defeated. (as if I have been truly no-silver-linings fortunate even one time in this whole fucking travesty.)
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lauracholeblogs · 1 year ago
Shabby Chic Decorating Tips
Shabby chic has a reputation for being expensive, but you can easily bring this style to your home on a budget. Whether you paint your own furniture or buy shabby chic pieces, all it takes is a bit of sanding and a few coats of paint to achieve the recognizable rugged, time-has-passed look of this decorating style.
Tips When Decorating Shabby Chic
When you're decorating shabby chic, a neutral color palette is key. Choose whites, creams and tans for walls and furniture to provide a calming backdrop that's a blank canvas for small pops of character in pastel hues like misty blues, barely pinks and washed-out mints. Natural textures like crochet, linen and lace add depth to this look.
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If you love the idea of shabby chic but find neutrals boring, earthy tones are a smart alternative. Shades of sand, taupe and grey feel neutral but warming and play up the laidback luxury aesthetic that defines shabby chic, reports Better Homes and Gardens.
Light neutral shades of blue, green and purple also work well with shabby chic decor. You can even create a soothing and relaxing space with soft floral patterns, including floral wallpaper, bedding and throw pillows. If you want to add more color, try painting a piece of furniture or using fabric paint pens to stencil flowery motifs on bedding and pillows.
Inspiring Shabby Chic Decor
Like the country cottages that inspired shabby chic, rustic materials and a worn-in appearance are important elements in this decorating style. Keep in mind, though, that the rustic ambiance should not become cluttered or messy. Instead, choose items that balance texture and material. For example, a quaint nightstand with chipped paint pairs nicely with a glass vase and coarse rope tabletop.
Similarly, pastels are often associated with shabby chic because they add a romantic and feminine touch to living spaces. Light greens, dusty pinks and sky blue hues work well for drapes, furniture, decor and wallpapers.
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The Finished Space notes that shabby chic is also an excellent choice for home lighting because it promotes natural light. This allows for a soft glow that enhances the beauty of wooden furniture and other rustic accents. It also complements the delicate colors of lace and floral patterns. Moreover, the natural light can highlight imperfections that make a room feel even more comfortable.
The Main Key to Shabby Chic Decoration
As shabby chic decor has evolved, many have come to embrace the cozy elements that this style is known for. Homebliss notes that a key component of shabby chic is the use of fabrics and textures that are soft to the touch. These can include ruffles, checks, stripes and flower-patterned patterns.
Other shabby chic decorating ideas often include using a combination of vintage pieces and comfortable slip-covered furniture. This is where flea market finds and thrift store pieces can shine, but you can also make use of new furniture that appears old through sanding and special finishes.
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The bed is often the focal point in a shabby chic bedroom, with a duvet, quilt or comforter featuring floral or other feminine motifs. Layer with throw pillows and shams in a variety of colors. A flannel bedsheet set adds to the warmth of this decorating style, but you can also go with linen or cotton instead. Visit several online property sales sites such as property.thegardengranny to get cheap chic houses.
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paypant · 2 years ago
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divinehandicraft · 2 months ago
Renovate Your House By Browsing These Exclusive Handmade Products
The right accessories must be well selected to achieve a comfortable, inviting, and fashionable home. Manual products are becoming highly demanded because they provide an environment with uniqueness, substance, and warmth. Handmade products include beautiful rugs and artisanal candle holders. You name them, and they will add value to your interiors. It’s time to consider some particular and fancied handmade decorations that can be used in interior design.
Turn Your Lifestyle with Two Unique Handmade Ceramic Candle Holders
Lighting to a very large extent determines the type of mood that is want to be created in a home. Handmade Ceramic Candle Holders can be handcrafted and the holders not only practical objects but also interior enhancements. If you are cooking a romantic dinner or just having a quite evening at home, these candle holders can be great decor and welcoming addition for any room. The unique design for them means that every item is produced by hand so it will look perfect in any collection.
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Make Your Sofa Beautiful with Sofa Cushion Covers UK
Renovate your living space hassle free with sofa cushion covers UK. The covers are intended to update the look of your sofas by adding some color and feel to the room. These are handmade cushion covers which come in different patterns, fabrics and sizes to suit a variety of clients. It is very effective in consisting a warm and welcoming ambiance in your home while adding an individuality on your home’s interior.
Revamp Floors with Jute Rugs on Sale
Affordable, long-lasting, and fashionable, jute rugs on sale should become the new EPS for all household owners. They are made from the natural fiber making them eco-friendly and suitable for use in places with much traffic. It is for this reason; they offer a raw feel to any room, and can easily assimilate different interior designs. No matter where you put a jute rug, be it in your family room, your bedroom, or your dining area, its uses are obvious and the looks classic.
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Brighten up the House with Chindi Rugs Online
For those, who prefer warm and bright atmosphere of home decor, Chindi rugs online are perfect. Cut from used fabrics, these rugs are environmentally friendly and uniquely cute. They are colorful and beautifully designed for bright and cheerful appearance, suitable for child’s bedroom, entrances or for patios. Also, being relatively cheap means that it is expensive to compromise on quality and looks.
Why Choose Handmade?
Handmade means are very elaborate making the final products to be of high quality compared to products that are produced in mass. They sometimes patronise local crafts-people, who keep ancient craftsmanship alive through their work and also encourage eco-friendly techniques. When opting for handmade décor, you opt for a product, a story, a culture and a form of artistry.
Use of handmade items is the most effective way to bring unique character, cozy and personal feel into any home. Starting with handmade ceramic candle holders which enliven the nights, to sofa cushion covers UK that transform your living space, these are quality accessories for contemporary interiors. Play up the texture and earthy aesthetics of your floors with jute rug with deep discount or brighten up your interiors with chindi rugs. Make use of handmade décor to give a natural look to your home as well as uniqueness that reflects the personality of the occupants
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yes-rughouse-universe · 2 years ago
Transform Your Space with a Cowhide Rug: Discover the Beauty of Cowhide Rugs in NZ
Cowhide rugs are on massive sale in New Zealand. All floor cow skin is specially imported from Brazil by Rug House. Buy genuine animal hides in all sizes at the best cheap price. Choose from our 10000 rugs collection of cow fur pelts for living rooms. All leather hide and skin are freshly tanned for the best quality.
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