#chazwozza mantis
charanchula · 2 years
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Some of my new men. 
Aphonopelma Seemanni (Costa Rican Zebra, or more well known as the stripe-knee tarantula) - this poor kid (I think it might be a female) was all scrunched up on her back in the cup she was shipped in and freaked out as I unpacked her into her new house. I’ve left her alone all day, and she’s finally starting to look a little more relaxed.
She washed her face earlier on, it was adorable.
The mantis is, as you can see, hierodula majuscula, the giant australian mantis (or chazwozza mantis, apparently) - wayyyy smaller than I thought he’d be, so now I have to wait a couple of days for the taller cups to come so I can make him a more suitable enclosure than the large sweet jar I DID have set up for him.
Sad news, my Phiddipus Regis/Isla Juventus jumping spider, escaped from the MicroZilla habitat almost as soon as he got in and now he’s lst somewhere in my room. I saw him on the corner of my TV, but was too slow to catch him - I suspect he’s inside the TV. I’m hoping he’ll reappear at some point, I’m just so sad - he’s beautiful, he has a ridiculously blue mouth.
I’ve left catch cups lying around so that I can - hopefully - drop one on him when I find him again.
In other new baby news, the Ybyrapora diversipes (Amazon Sapphire Pinktoe) sling is gorgeous, and a little bigger than I anticipated, which is good in this instance.
The Avicularia Metallica is the spit of my previous Avicularia Avicularia, and I don’t know if it’s just my head telling me it’s so, but it actually does look more metallic.
The neischnocolus sp panama is maybe the teeniest tiniest sling I’ve got.
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