#chay sam wedding
paulinawoodpecker · 12 days
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The Jung family!
Featuring: Kenny Jung, and li Jung
Age: 16
Likes: dicos, being a CIA junior, li Jung, chai, Ramirez (his biggest fan)
Dislikes: making mistakes, being punished, Sam pickles (technically Kenny has a fear of him)
Personality: sweet, kind hearted, caring
Li Jung:
Age: 49
Likes: Ramirez, Kenny, being a CIA agent
Dislikes: Sam pickles (technically, they’re both rivals) losing Kenny, pickles being strict on him and Kenny
Personality: sensitive, intelligent, smart
(How it all started)
Kenny’s Mother and Her Meeting with Li:
Kenny’s mother, Mia Jung, was a warm, adventurous, and compassionate woman who worked as an investigative journalist. She met Li during an assignment that involved covering a high-profile case Li was working on. They were introduced at a press briefing, where Mia was immediately drawn to Li’s calm demeanor and quiet confidence, while Li admired Mia’s tenacity and inquisitive nature.
Their first real conversation happened by chance after the briefing, when they bumped into each other at a nearby coffee shop. They struck up a conversation about their respective careers, with Mia sharing her latest stories and Li offering insights into the challenges of his line of work. There was an instant connection between them, marked by mutual respect and a shared appreciation for each other’s dedication to truth and justice.
First Date:
Their first date was a spontaneous dinner at a small, cozy restaurant that Mia suggested. It was a place she often visited after long days of work, and she thought Li might enjoy the calm atmosphere. They spent the evening discussing their lives, passions, and the complexities of their jobs. Mia’s lively personality complemented Li’s more reserved nature, and they found balance in each other’s company. By the end of the night, it was clear that they had found something special, and they continued to see each other regularly.
Engagement and Wedding:
Li proposed to Mia during a quiet weekend getaway at a cabin in the mountains. Surrounded by nature, Li expressed his love and admiration for Mia, telling her how much he valued their partnership and her unwavering support. Mia, deeply touched, said yes without hesitation. They celebrated their engagement with a simple toast, enjoying the peace and intimacy of the moment.
Their wedding was a beautiful, understated affair, held in a garden with close friends and family. It was a day filled with joy and meaningful moments, as Mia and Li exchanged vows that reflected their shared values of loyalty, love, and a commitment to facing life’s challenges together. The ceremony was intimate and heartfelt, capturing the essence of their relationship—strong, supportive, and full of mutual respect.
Parenthood and Raising Kenny:
Mia and Li were thrilled to welcome their son, Kenny, into their lives. From the start, they were dedicated to providing him with a loving and nurturing environment. Mia’s warmth and creativity complemented Li’s structure and discipline, creating a balanced home where Kenny could thrive. They encouraged his curiosity, supported his interests, and always made time for family adventures.
Tragically, when Kenny was just six years old, Mia passed away in a shotgun accident during an investigative trip that went horribly wrong. Her sudden death was a devastating blow to both Kenny and Li. Li, deeply affected by the loss of his beloved wife, had to navigate the difficult path of raising Kenny as a single parent while dealing with his own grief.
Despite the immense challenge, Li remained strong for Kenny. He leaned on the values Mia had lived by—courage, resilience, and the pursuit of truth—and worked hard to pass those on to his son. He took on the role of both father and mother, ensuring that Kenny always felt loved and supported. Li often shared stories about Mia, keeping her memory alive and helping Kenny understand the kind of person she was.
Present Day:
Today, Kenny is a tech-savvy teenager with dreams of following in his father’s footsteps in his own way, focusing on cybersecurity and digital investigations. He admires his father’s work and the sacrifices Li has made to protect others. Kenny’s passion for technology and problem-solving has grown into a potential career path, and Li supports him every step of the way.
Li continues his work with the CIA, balancing his demanding job with being there for Kenny. He ensures that their bond remains strong, often taking time to engage with Kenny’s interests and encourage his academic pursuits. Despite the loss of Mia, Li and Kenny have created a resilient and loving family unit, built on the foundation of the values Mia and Li always believed in.
Together, Li and Kenny honor Mia’s memory through their actions and by striving to live lives that reflect the integrity, courage, and compassion she embodied. They look to the future with hope, knowing that the lessons of the past have made them stronger and more united. The Emersons continue to face life’s challenges with a shared commitment to each other, always keeping Mia’s spirit close in their hearts.
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newsatsix1986 · 2 years
The Newsreader - Michael Lucas Write Night (Part Two)
For a show that only has six episodes (so far), The Newsreader packs so much in! At the Write Night, Michael Lucas described the writing process, how he fit the historical events into the story, some slight time shifts and also shared the two events they had to cut out. 😢
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Due to the filming nature of The Newsreader; having been filmed in a big non-chronological block, all six episodes of Season One were written prior to filming, although alterations to the script were made along the way. Michael Lucas wrote the character and relationship arcs first, researched the news stories separately, and then shifted the characters’ personal storylines to complement the news stories.
Because of COVID guidelines, they could not have many internal car scenes as they would have liked.
The only time that he felt as though they were pushing the truth was the visibility of Halley’s Comet in February. A similar slight time shift will occur in Season Two as well.
In early plans of the show, there were eight episodes. The two missing news stories that were cut from S1 were the Weeping Woman Theft and Andrew and Fergie’s Royal Wedding.
Friends, we nearly got a Royal Wedding episode (admittedly, with a questionable royal...). So not fair! I wonder if - considering Season One’s success - the ABC might consider giving us eight episodes in Season Two? Wouldn’t that be a dream!?
@dontwanderoff @fazcinatingblog
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news99alert · 3 years
#ChaySam split: Duo's stylish wedding photos
#ChaySam split: Duo's stylish wedding photos
They were the most loved couple down South. But #ChaySam have announced their separation. . Source link #ChaySam split: Duo's stylish wedding photosJournalist Fatema Hosseini recounts escaping Kabul as Taliban closed in: 5 Things podcastLAL vs BKN Dream11 Prediction, Lakers vs Nets Fantasy, NBA PreseasonStrictly’s Katie McGlynn and Gorka Marquez ‘don’t get on’ say fans who spot…
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
lady grey & chai!
Hi Sam! 💜
Lady grey: favorite outfit?
Hmmm I’m not sure I have a single favorite outfit? I love shirts with v-necks and 3/4 sleeves, that’s my favorite kind of top to wear. I also have a blue vegan leather moto jacket from Anthropologie that I wear whenever I can. Comfy-but-cute is my wardrobe aesthetic.
Maybe my favorite outfit I’ve ever worn is my wedding dress? It’s certainly the best I’ve ever looked in my life, and I’d give anything to have an excuse to wear it again. It was actually not a dress, but a separate skirt and top that looked like it was all one piece, and this gorgeous sparkly belt.
Chai: what do you order at Starbucks?
Ironically enough, chai! I don’t drink coffee, so chai is my go-to. Sometimes I’ll also go with a matcha latte or frap, and in the winter I’ll get white hot chocolates. 🤤
Send me tea asks! 🍵
(Bonus pic of my wedding outfit under the cut:)
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manandmachines · 3 years
Meta on muses and religion
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Scott was born and raised Jewish from his mom and safta. His dad Robert, though born Jewish, isn’t exactly religious since growing up in Soviet Russia. His mother Ruth and his safta Jadzia are Polish, Ruth being born sometime during WWII, while her parents were on the run. The war would leave Jadzia a single mother who’d raise Ruth to never hide who she was, who would in turn pass that onto her son. 
Scott’s never denied being Jewish, and considers himself a reformist Jew. He even wears a chai bracelet given to him by his safta most of the time.
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Chai in Judaism means “life,” and also refers to the number 18, which is considered the number of life, because each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent. It’s the sum of two Hebrew letters —chet (ח) (8) and yud (י) (10) which makes 18. He wears more often than not as a reminder of what he’s out to protect while being a superhero.
Some Reform Jews reject the idea of a Messiah as an actual person. They do not believe that the leadership of one person is required to achieve a Messianic Age. Instead, Reform Jews believe that ordinary people have the power to bring about a peaceful and prosperous age by carrying out good actions. An idea that Scott holds close to his heart, especially with being Ant-Man. Scott holds strong to his leaders like Sam and Steve, but really believes the team together is what’ll really bring change to the world. 
Although Scott hasn’t been able to practice as much as he’d like to, it’s not for lack of faith but lack of time. He used to celebrate the Shabbat about every Friday with his parents growing up, but Ant-Man duties leave him able to celebrate at least one Friday a month. Still making time at least to call his parents on Friday to talk and update them on his life and share a prayer. 
With Scott being reformist, he doesn’t exactly follow kosher rules, but he does go out to serve only kosher foods when it’s time for Shabbat, as is his family tradition with Ruth being raised more traditionally. He’ll also make time the next day on Saturday morning after Shabbat to visit his local synagogue.
He also celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at 13, and hopes to hold a Bat Mitzvah for Cassie at that same age, which is the same celebration like what he had, but for women. He also speaks fluent Hebrew and taught that to Cassie as well.
I also headcanon Maggie to be Jewish, and they were both married at his parents synagogue in Florida, and like his parents, both Scott and Maggie’s wedding rings are both simple bands. This is because of an old tradition where the worth of the ring is measured in weight, and so there’s no stones to alter the weight and value. Both Scott and Maggie also chose the old fashioned route to wear their rings on the left forefinger, because the vein there leads up to your heart, and Scott just thought as man of science, that was pretty neat. Everything was followed by the seven blessings, Scott breaking the glass and a celebratory mazel tov.
If Scott were to ever get remarried to a non Jewish partner, he’d want to at least do another glass breaking. As he heard of a new way couples do it where they break wine glasses together, instead of just a man breaking a lightbulb (or just any glass thing, really, but it’s typically a light bulb)
And do not worry thinking I’ll have to change his face claim, as Paul Rudd himself is Jewish, with his parents being descended from Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants who had moved to England from Belarus, Poland, and Russia.
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Being born to third generation Romanian immigrants, Bucky grew up Roman Catholic and often would go to mass with his mother on Sundays. He’d be baptized sometime after Rebecca, since his family was living in Indiana around the time he was born, and couldn’t do it then due to the lack of Catholic churches in the area. Luckily Winnie was finally able to arrange a service for both Becky and Bucky when they had finally settled in Brooklyn, and would go on to baptize the rest of her daughters as well.
The family would go on to celebrate the usual holidays associated with Catholicism, such as the Holy week, Christmas and Easter, as well as Lent.
His father was also not religious due to the trauma from being off fighting in WWI. He’d never go into detail with his distrust in a higher power, but whenever Bucky questioned George as to why he never came to service, George would just reply on how God just wasn’t as kind to some people as he was to others.
He’d think about that sometimes when he went to service, but never thought about it terribly until getting drafted. Then did he really see what dear old dad meant all those years ago in the garage after service when Bucky went to bring him up for lunch.
Religion was really the last of his concerns being the Winter Soldier, again with how Soviet Russia was on religion and I doubt anybody in the Red Room cared about God, with how they were trying to play it with making the girls into weapons of war.
He hasn’t been to service since. Simply taking after the words of his father that God’s not as kind to some people as he is to others.
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Neyti was never religious, but however did arrange for subjects to learn about popular religions throughout the galaxy in the idea it’d make them better at handling patients with certain beliefs. Rocket finds the whole idea of religion to be another human hang up and hardly if ever thinks about it, despite having clashed with several Gods of several types. He doesn’t believe in another side, just instead that everyone turns into dust someday.
...although he does like the sound of that reincarnation stuff. The idea that you’ll come out of this life into something either better or worse. He like to think...if it is real, then he’d like to come back as something good. Maybe bring him back as what he was supposed to be before the cybernetics and endless knowing. Back in that little time of peace he had before being turned into what he is now.
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chromalogue · 4 years
I wasn’t here much over the summer, partly because my parents had a lot of houseguests who are disturbed by my nocturnal wanderings so I just stayed home at the apartment a lot, and partly because I had so darned much to do: two catering gigs, writing an article, editing my own book chapter, editing other people’s articles, developing a themed reading list for the magazine, and putting together a mammoth job application.  (As in, once I got the requested materials together it was 600 pages.  I didn’t apply to grow my teeth out and wander around the ice caps naked on all fours, because I don’t have the accreditation for that.)
Also, that pandemic thing that makes you bake your own bread hit me too, so my normal aversion to food waste kicked into high gear.  I made dandelion jelly and chokecherry syrup.  My parents have a freezer full of strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, and Saskatoon berries; and more pears and apples are sitting dehydrated in bags.  One of my best friends came back to town after the death of one of her grandmothers, and we spent some time over at her parents’ house, and her parents said, “Oh hey, by the way, when you pass the house, pick some pears.  Off the ground, off the tree, doesn’t matter.  The place is empty, and you’ll save us cleaning them up.”  So yeah, lots of tiny juicy pears.  And seeds for next year, in case the job application doesn’t go through.
And the garlic scapes my father bought ended up going brown and gross down in the basement.  I’d promised to pickle them, but by the time the houseguests left there was no doing anything with them.  Well, except harvesting the heads to plant our own garlic for next year.  I was supposed to build raised beds for them this week, as per instructions from the local alliomancer, but the hardware store is out of 2x4s, because remodelling is apparently sourdough for homeowners.
I’ve also taken up smoking.  Started with a cheese, and when that seemed not to kill anyone immediately, tried salmon.  I like it just fine, but Will said I should slice it more thinly.  I wasn’t able to make the homemade smoker I cobbled together out of two lasagna pans, tinfoil, and a couple of binder clips work the way it did in the YouTube tutorial--perhaps because I was using a barbecue lighter, and the YouTube guy had a blowtorch--but in the end I just put the chips and the food into my dad’s barbecue, turned the burner on low, and closed the lid for like three hours. 
Still no cases in town.  A new case pops up every couple of days in Sudbury, but so far there have been no deaths in our district since May.  But Toronto is going wild.  
The original plan was for my mom to go down to spend Thanksgiving with my brother’s family, and then, on the way back, scoop up another of my best friends and her mom, who would spend a week at my parents’ house and then take the bus back.  But a couple of weeks beforehand, as case numbers kept rising and rising, the friend and I decided that it was too risky--even if she and her mom made it up okay, being on a bus for hours seems kind of iffy right now--and then my brother found out that one of his sisters-in-law who’d been visiting had attended a wedding where someone tested positive, so everyone stayed put for Thanksgiving.  And there was lamb and toasted pecans with garlic and roasted vegetables and cheesy bread and chai pumpkin pie and apple-cranberry kuchen.
Oooh!  And the dive bar at the end of my parents’ street has been replaced by an Indian restaurant, the first one in town.  The food is AMAZING, and every time I pass they are as full as they can be while observing proper distancing between tables.
I finished La Baronne Trépassée, but it was kind of disappointing.  Like, a genre fail.  Imagine LOTR if when Frodo and Sam and Gollum made it to Mount Doom, Frodo offered Sam the ring and confessed that this was all an elaborate proposal, and all the orcs and ringwraiths took off their costumes and they were just students, and Sam said yes and they lived happily ever after.  
Best books so far this year have been Happiness by Aminatta Forna and Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko. 
153 000 words on the new fic.  Probably gonna need cutting.  
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years
This is entirely and forever the fault of @angelfishofthelord and their “The Genre You Struggle With” challenge.
And thus, I present, a schmoopy, silly, rom-com style epoch of the first meeting of Sam and Sam’s Blurry Wife (from the finale). 
Summary: A coffee shop, a sprig of mistletoe, and a barista who just might be Santa’s little helper...looks like Gabrielle and Sam are learning a little more about Chemistry.
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“Good morning, Professor!”
Gabrielle D'Angelo raised a hand in greeting at Nico, the morning barista at Renegade Coffee. She had to duck a little bit to avoid the excessive use of tinsel around the door, but once inside the warm coffee shop she could almost forgive the sheer ton of glitter and sparkle and twinkle around her.
“You certainly went all out,” she commented as Nico set a tall, steaming cup of her usual morning order on the counter. “It's barely December and this place looks like a Hallmark exploded in here.”
“Well, you know,” Nico shrugged. “Gloria went a little nuts. She downsized to an apartment this summer, so we get all the decorations that won't fit in her new place.”
“Uh-huh,” Gabrielle nodded. She couldn't help but notice the row of nutcrackers on top of the display case. They were all in different little service uniforms—like a postman, milkman, garbage collector, teacher. She pointed at them, eyebrows raised. “No barista?”
“Some people have no taste,” Nico replied with a haughty sniff before breaking out in a dimpled smile. “What else can I get you, Professor?”
Gabrielle leaned down to study the pastries in the case. She liked that Nico always called her Professor, even though she wasn't teaching this year. It sounded better than “textbook revisionist”, which was her actual profession. “Cheese danish?”
“Coming up. I'll bring it out to you when it's warm.”
She raised her coffee cup in toast and left a ten-dollar bill on the counter. That would cover the coffee, pastry, first refill, and her tip...for now. If she couldn't get through Dr. Adair's notes on the taxonomy of noble gases she was going to need more than this. Not even Nico's secret whiskey flask could get her through Dr. Adair's notes on the taxonomy of noble gases.
Gabrielle made her way to her favorite booth in the corner and began unloading her rolling laptop case. Well...it wasn't actually a case. More of a plastic milk crate on a portable luggage dolly, with her laptop tucked in to one side. From the crate she unpacked three older chemistry textbooks, a half-dozen manuscripts held together by alligator clips, and a Hello Kitty pencil case that contained the pens and highlighters she'd need (shut up, it was lucky).
“Cheese danish for milady?” Nico offered, as soon as Gabrielle had unloaded and booted up her laptop. She accepted the little plate and absently took a bite from the warm danish, ignoring the fork Nico had placed at her side, and stared at the glowing logo as the computer slowly roused itself.
Her laptop was old, still a relic from her graduate days. She always meant to buy a new one when her tax refund hit every year, but something else came up. Car repairs, a friend's wedding, sewage line backing up into her bathroom...there was never enough money. If she could make the deadline on the textbook revisions, though, she should have enough for a new laptop and a new muffler. No more cable ties and duct tape!
As Gabrielle waited, computer slowly idling its way awake, she caught herself staring at the door, wondering if Hippy Man would appear today.
Hippy Man was...well, she really was supposed to be above these things. But with that hair and the little bit of stubble...hey, a girl could still dream, even if that girl had two doctorates and a Very Important Opportunity. Plus, he was probably taken. Or an asshole. Or both!
Hippy Man didn't come in as often as Gabrielle did, unless he was here the three days a week she let herself sleep past 6am. He didn't have a regular order, Nico and the others didn't know him by name, and he never stayed longer than the time he took to drink his tea of the day.
(She knew he favored Chai because he ordered it at least twice a week, and Nico put a cut little accent on when he called out a Chai latte...that was why she knew it, she wasn't snooping.)
The bell over the door jingled (and jingled...and jingled...looks like Gloria replaced the little shop bell with an entire harness of sleigh bells), and in walked Hippy Man. Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear.
He was in the blue flannel today, which was Gabrielle's favorite. The brown one washed out his complexion, and the yellow one was just a no. Between the flannel and the beanie he looked like some kind of beatnik poet, though the muscles in his forearms and the callouses on his hands spoke more to manual labor.
(She wasn't snooping! She was just...bored.)
“Chai latte today, sir?” Nico asked. Ah, good! Hippy Man was coming in regularly enough to start being recognized.
Hippy Man started back, staring from the board to Nico for a moment. Gabrielle wanted to roll her eyes...maybe this wasn't a small town, but it was a small coffee shop. Come to Renegade Coffee enough times and Nico would learn something about you. It happened. Just go with it.
“Yeah, uh, sounds great,” Hippy Man nodded. “Do you have any of those vegan blueberry muffins?”
“Saved one for you!” Nico replied cheerily. God, he was the best. Gabrielle ducked her head, pretending like she wasn't snooping. (Okay, so she was snooping a little bit.) Obviously Nico had noticed that Hippy Man only drank tea and ate the vegan muffins (ew). Nico had probably figured out the guy's entire backstory based on his morning orders.
The bright tones of the Windows theme alerted Gabrielle to the fact that her laptop had finally booted up. Gabrielle shook herself, crammed the last of her danish in her mouth, and started on the arduous process to getting her dinosaur of a machine to log on to the Renegade Coffee WiFi.
Hippy Guy always waited at the counter for his order, which just added to the weird. Most patrons took a seat, relaxed a little, but not this guy. He stood there, hands shoved in his pockets, bowed forward a little as though to hide his ridiculous height.
(Really, instead of Hippy Man maybe she should have called him The Moose.)
“Here you go, dude,” Nico announced, setting Hippy Man's beverage and muffin on the counter. “Enjoy!”
“Yeah, uh, thanks. You too.”
Gabrielle bit back a snort, covering it up with a sip from her coffee (Renegade's own Double Dark Dark blend, guaranteed the strongest coffee in the tri-county area. Hey, the taxonomy of noble gases wasn't a laughing matter). At least Hippy Man was as human as the rest of them.
She rested an elbow on the table and leaned her chin in her hand to watch Hippy Man blunder through an embarrassed apology/explanation for what he'd just said—even though Nico had heard “you too” so many times he didn't even react anymore—while she waiting for the little spinny thing to connect her to the internet. Dr. Adair had probably sent three more emails, each one trying to decide between “the order to which we assign these elements” and “to which order we assign these elements”.
In the corner of her eye she saw her screen go white and leaned back to look at it.
No connection.
Gabrielle frowned and tapped the WiFi icon again.
More spinning. She took a minute to straighten the manuscripts—Dr. Russel's additions to the chapters on heavy metals were probably the best she'd seen yet, especially considering Dr. Russel had her own proofreader and hadn't demanded to revise her entry dozens of times, like Dr. Adair.
The screen flashed white again. No connection.
“Hey, Nico?” Gabrielle called. She noticed Hippy Guy frowning at his phone, but ignored him for the moment (which was difficult). “Is the WiFi down?”
Nico poked his head out of the back, towel draped over his shoulder. “Sorry, Professor. It was acting up last night...guess it's still out there. Gloria said she'd call it in when she gets here.”
Gabrielle sunk down in her chair, biting her lip and staring blankly at her computer. She could always pull up the emails on her phone, she supposed. The textbook itself was in a shared online file so she wouldn't be able to work on that until the WiFi was fixed...but she could go through the manuscripts and make notes by hand. With a heavy sigh she slapped her laptop shut and tugged the first stack of paper over.
Oh shit. Hippy Man was watching her.
Gabrielle bent forward over the table, letting her dark hair fall forward like a curtain to cut him off from view. Sure, he was cute and all, but she didn't really want to get into this with him now.
Hippy Man was standing up.
Don't come over, don't come over, don't come over....
Hippy Man was walking over.
“Hi, I'm Sam,” Hippy Man said, holding his hand out.
Gabrielle blew out a sigh and accepted the gesture. “Gabrielle.”
Apparently that was enough for Hippy Man—Sam—and he pulled out the chair opposite. “So, you're a professor?”
“I'm not teaching at the moment,” Gabrielle hedged. Sam was looking at the books on her table, actually touching one of the old textbooks to turn it so he could see the spine. His eyebrows shot up.
Oh god. Here it comes. She could see the headline now...Local Himbo Knows More About Chemistry Than Distinguished Textbook Revisionist.
“You teach chemistry?” Sam asked.
“I'm...working on the textbook,” Gabrielle said. She braced herself for it. Every time she met a guy—at least the tall, ruggedly handsome, flannel-wearing, beatnik-poet-looking ones—they were always intimidated by her work. Or they broke it down to something less (no, it wasn't the same as his mom putting together the family newsletter...yes, she did have a degree in chemistry...no, that didn't mean she could break bad or whatever, and no, she didn't know how to make meth!).
“That's incredible!” Sam said. He actually had the textbook open, caressing the table of contents. “I think I used this edition my sophomore year—is this the one you're revising?”
Gabrielle stared at him. “Well...we're about three versions ahead, but we're going back to that edition for the section on Amphoterism, Peterson really didn't do it justice even if he did have tenure at the time.”
Sam's eyebrows had shot up even higher, almost into his beanie. Gabrielle had to laugh at herself. “Sorry, shop talk.”
“It's okay,” Sam gently closed the textbook and placed it back on the stack reverently. “I see you in here a lot, you just always seem so busy. I didn't want to disturb you.”
Gabrielle shrugged. She had a lot of work to do. Coming out to Renegade Coffee to do it just felt better than working at home, with nothing but her beta fish to distract her. “And how about you, chai-tea-and-vegan-muffin-man? What do you do when you're not telling Nico to enjoy his meal?”
Sam blushed and stared down at the cup in his hands. God, he was cute, up this close. He even had dimples. “It's just a reflex,” he said defensively. She giggled—actually giggled, like an idiot in a rom-com. Instead of making Sam blush even harder, he peered up at her through his bangs and unleashed a devastating smile.
“So?” Gabrielle insisted. “What do you do?”
“This and that,” Sam shrugged. “Mostly pest removal.”
“Yeah?” she took a sip of her coffee. It was almost cold now...this was the point she usually drank the rest of it in one long shot, but she decided to savor it this time. Nico had snuck in a pump of peppermint flavor, and while she would normally beat him with edition three of A Modern Approach to Chemistry she was willing to forgive him this time. It was almost Christmas. “So, like, mice and roaches and stuff?”
Sam gave a halfhearted shrug. “More...specialized.”
Gabrielle felt her own eyebrows rise. “Specialized pest removal? What, like...coyotes in the crawlspace?”
He held up a hand, forefinger and thumb about a centimeter apart. “Almost. It's...complicated. I'm kind of doing it on the side, taking some time off to deal with...personal stuff.”
Shit, Gabrielle could understand that. When her widowed father had gotten remarried she'd taken almost a year to work with a pharmaceutical company in Canada. She loved her new step-father, sure, but it was hard to see anyone else in her mother's place.
Nico stopped by the table, a fresh coffee in one hand and a hot tea in the other. “On the house,” he explained. “Gloria will be in in about twenty minutes, she said she already called the internet guys.”
“Thanks, Nico,” Gabrielle smiled. She threw back the rest of her coffee in one long pull and set the empty cup to one side before tugging the new, hot cup close.
Nico was staring at her. Well, he was staring from her to Sam and back again.
“What?” Gabrielle demanded.
He pointedly looked up.
For the first time, Gabrielle noticed there was mistletoe hanging from the light fixture above her head.
“Nico!” Gabrielle moaned.
“Oh, sorry, I didn't...see that,” Sam protested. He tried to scoot his chair back but Nico had stuck a foot behind it.
“Either you kiss her or I kiss you, big fella,” Nico said, winking.
Face burning with embarrassment, Gabrielle looked over in time to see Sam give a helpless shrug. He shuffled sideways into the booth next to her and gently caught her chin with one hand.
“Merry Christmas, Gabrielle,” he whispered, leaning down to press his lips to hers.
Her stomach did a little flip, which had nothing to do with the coffee she'd just down, and she found herself unconsciously leaning toward him when he pulled back.
Gabrielle blinked, staring up at the man who was now sitting beside her. “What was that?”
Nico snatched up her empty cups and gave her a wink. “That, my dear Professor, was Chemistry.”
* * *
The challenge:
-Must not deviate into your usual preferred genre of writing (I normally write hurt/comfort, action, and suspense, so this was romance/rom-com)
-Must be written in third-person (done!)
-For added difficulty, add an essential original character (pick between Gabrielle as the OFC version of Sam’s Blurry Wife or Nico the barista as Santa’s little helper)
-Use less than ten tags (not including character/relationship tags) (is “chemistry words” a tag? I looked them up)
-For extra added difficulty write for a ship you hate (Sam/SBW is one I hate if SBW isn’t Eileen...but I named her Gabrielle because I also hate Sabriel)
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paulinawoodpecker · 12 days
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The Ming Kong family!
Featuring Jie Mei, chai Ming Kong, and Lu mian
Age: 17
Likes: Victoria moon, tad, dicos, her grandparents, her parents
Dislikes: trespassers, Sam pickles, the loss of her parents
Personality: strict, helpful, honorable
Jie Mei:
Age: 66
Likes: being a seamstress, chai’s mother, chai, Lu mian
Dislikes: the loss of her daughter, losing chai, mistakes on silk
Personality: nurturing, resilient, caring
Lu mian
Age: 70
Likes: chai’s mother, chai, Jie Mei, being carpenter (he retired from that job at a old age)
Dislikes: his retirement, the loss of his daughter, losing chai
Personality: calm, wise, kind hearted
(How it all started)
How Lu Mian Met Jie Mei:
Lu Mian and Jie Mei’s love story began in their small hometown, where they met at a local market. Jie Mei was there shopping for fabric for her sewing projects, and Lu Mian was delivering a piece of furniture he had crafted. Their paths crossed when Jie Mei accidentally dropped her basket, and Lu Mian kindly helped her pick up her belongings. They struck up a conversation, finding that they shared a love for their crafts and a desire to build a meaningful life.
Their first date was a simple yet memorable outing to a tea house near the river. They spent hours talking about their families, dreams, and the values that were important to them. Jie Mei was charmed by Lu Mian’s sincerity and his dedication to his craft, while Lu Mian was captivated by Jie Mei’s warmth and kindness. They soon realized that they had found something special in each other, and their relationship grew stronger with each passing day.
Engagement and Wedding:
Lu Mian proposed to Jie Mei in the same market where they first met, presenting her with a hand-carved wooden ring that he had made himself. The gesture was deeply meaningful to Jie Mei, who appreciated the thought and effort Lu Mian put into creating something unique for her. She happily accepted, and the couple began planning their future together.
Their wedding was a modest and heartfelt celebration with close friends and family. The ceremony was held in a small garden, surrounded by flowers and the people who mattered most to them. Lu Mian and Jie Mei’s wedding reflected their values of simplicity, love, and commitment, and it marked the beginning of a strong and enduring partnership.
Parenthood and Raising Chai’s Mother:
Lu Mian and Jie Mei were blessed with a daughter, whom they raised with love, care, and a strong sense of family values. They encouraged her to pursue her dreams and provided a supportive and nurturing environment for her to grow. Their daughter inherited her mother’s kindness and her father’s practicality, and she became a beloved figure in the community, known for her generosity and dedication.
When Chai’s mother grew up, she married Chai’s father, and they started their own family. Chai was born into a loving home, and her parents were devoted to giving her a happy and fulfilling childhood. However, tragedy struck when Chai’s parents died in a fire explosion, leaving Chai orphaned at a young age.
Becoming Parents to Chai:
After the loss of Chai’s parents, Lu Mian and Jie Mei stepped in to raise their granddaughter. Despite their grief, they were determined to provide Chai with the love and stability she needed. They moved into a smaller home and adjusted their lives to focus on Chai’s upbringing, ensuring that she always felt safe, loved, and supported.
Lu Mian often shared stories about Chai’s parents, keeping their memory alive and helping Chai feel connected to them. Jie Mei taught Chai how to cook traditional dishes and shared the family’s cultural heritage with her, instilling in Chai a sense of pride and belonging. Together, they created a warm and nurturing home where Chai could thrive despite the challenges she faced.
Present Day:
Today, Chai Ming Kong works at Dicos, where she is known for her friendly demeanor and dedication to her job. She takes pride in her work, always going the extra mile to make customers feel welcome. Though life has not been easy, Chai is determined to build a bright future for herself, drawing strength from the love and support of her grandparents.
Lu Mian and Jie Mei continue to be an integral part of Chai’s life, offering guidance, wisdom, and unwavering love. They are proud of the young woman Chai has become and remain committed to supporting her as she navigates adulthood. The bond between Chai and her grandparents is a testament to the power of family, resilience, and the enduring legacy of love that transcends generations.
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bride ❤❤
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Wedding Bells, Part One (Steve Rogers x Desi!Reader)
A/n: *Slides up to you* Good Evening (technically its morning hehe) but this fic was made possible by Amy (some may know her, she was formerly @thelazypangolin ), by @messy-random-bitch and @officially-tonynat-shrine who listened to my crazy headcanons and gave me amazing ones. @nasarogers is the clueless American I would die for (love you bby) and @shurisneakers and @chillingbucky wanted to be tagged. Technically this is a desi au, so translations are right next to the sentence and some pop culture references are in the glossary. The story is based in Delhi so if any of y’all live there don’t come for my head skkssk. (P.S.: IDK if the ‘person sitting in the lap of another person in a car’ is technically illegal here or not? Imagine my surprise when I went to Europe and found out it’s illegal there RIP. So ignore the “is this actually allowed?” question, please and thank you.
Warnings: Floof, some violence and blood, swearing (well it’s in another language)
"Agent (L/N), thoughts?" The post mission debrief was often long and complicated but this time, one of her many gods had clearly smiled upon her as it was over in an hour. Most of the junior agents had cleared out of the room, leaving behind a few of the senior ones and the director of SHIELD. "Don't let Richardson go next time; all he does is whine and make extremely bad decisions. Our job is to provide assistance to the Avengers, not to be heroes ourselves. Let's keep ourselves a bit on the down low." "Agreed." Smith piped up. There were nods around the table. "I'll talk to Richardson, push him on a desk job for a while." Everyone stood up and filled out. Walking beside Nick, YN grabbed his tablet for him. "Always working, Sir." "Unlike you, Agent (L/N). A whole month for a wedding? It's not you that's getting married is it?" He looked completely serious but she could see the glint of mischief in his eye. "What? I haven't taken a single holiday in a year. Besides,its my cousin's wedding; they're pretty close." "I suppose you're not joining us for the Islamabad mission?" "Not really, already I get called unpatriotic too much. Good luck!"
She handed off the debrief files in the Avengers' living room. A few were lazing around, some off to shower or maybe nap. She herself wanted one, not wanting to wrestle with a saree and a suitcase. "So I hear you're not showing up for the next month?" She handed the file to Natasha while Tony looked up from his phone where he was declining with Pepper and Morgan who were away to Chicago for a meeting and visiting Pepper's family. After Ultron, it was always better to have physical copies of files. "Yeah, cousin getting married." "Oooh, with the number of days you were leaving I thought it was yours." "Don't, Fury already made that joke. And besides, wouldn't I invite you lot to my hypothetical wedding?" She smiled as she sat down on the sofa next to him, grabbing an apple from the coffee table. "Considering it was Steve's wedding too I would think we would already be invited, I did call you all to mine." He smirked. Y/N nearly choked on her apple. "Wait, what?!" "Darling, we know you've been hooking up. Or planning to." Natasha sighed and glared at Tony. "So much staring at each other on missions. You always covering his ass, and might I remind you of the time he went into a coma after a mission and you nearly ripped the place apart?" "Clearly, your super senses are gone because there is nothing there. Nada. Zilch. There is absolutely no potential there. We're just colleagues." "Colleagues who hooked up once? Last new year's you two were slobbering over each other. You left Bucky and Me dancing alone to that...what was it called again?" "Sheila ki Jawani*?" "Yes! Amazing song, by the way. Movie didn't make a lick of sense but then again, which heist movie does?" Glad at the change of topic, she smiled. "Do you need more movie recommendations?" "Nope, Bucky and I still have your old list to go through." "Call me if you need explanations. Only WhatsApp calls though, I'm not shelling out a fortune to explain the reincarnation of Shanti Priya* to you."
Hungry, jet lagged and extremely fatigued she landed at the Delhi airport, hoping against hope that the crowd assembled at the pick up was for the Tik Tok star that was also on her flight and not because her whole clan hadn't seen her for 3 years. But when was she ever lucky? When she had left the army to join SHIELD everyone had been very disappointed in her. Not that any of them knew. For immediate family, she was in HR for Stark Industries and for the rest she was in 'Amreeka, doing something or the other'.
When they told her she would be sleeping alongside her younger cousin who was training to be a doctor she just sighed. The nerd would probably study the whole night and keep the light on. Maybe she could do some pending work; jet lag would keep her awake anyway. Work, yes. Work would keep her awake. Definitely not daydreaming about a pair of blue eyes that wouldn't go away; the owner of whom was the biggest fattu (coward)  she had ever seen.
He missed Y/N. It had barely been 4 days since she was gone. He should ideally know better. Fraternising among agents wasn't good. Her job would be in danger if anyone found out. He never really had a thing for rules though. "Good God, Rogers, stop moping about and give her a call." "I-what?" "Yes." Natasha frowned at him from where she was leaning against the countertop. He was crushing the cardamom, trying to figure out if it went after the chai was done or before. "Ask her when the cardamom goes in. I think it's before the whole thing boils." "I, uh, I'll look up a recipie." "Care to tell me why Steve Rogers, who loves coffee as black as his soul is trying to replicate YN's sweet as hell chai? Couldn't you get some from Starbucks?" "That's no chai,that's just tea and milk. She had it once and almost threw it at the barista's head...Nat, why are you looking at me like that?" "Nothing, nothing at all."
"They're no longer in Islamabad." "What?" "Someone leaked the details of the raid to them. They're moving it to India now, possibly to the capital. They have enough contacts to pull it off, even HYDRA's helping them." "New Delhi, isn't that where Agent (L/N) is now?" "Fury, she's on vacation; besides she's not picking up any of her calls." Natasha glared at Nick. "A radioactive gas that can take out the entire subcontinent and a dude who's not stopping at anything to further his our-return-to-the-dark-ages agenda? Pretty sure it beats all weddings. Send someone with the briefing and gather your team. We’re sorting this shit out, fast."
"No. Absolutely not. I'm not going to show up at her door asking her to cancel her family commitments and go back to work." "Really, the concern you two have for each other is extremely sweet and nauseating; but you have to do it. Get in, get recon and get back in contact. If the rumour is true we'll have to assemble the whole team." The former assassin rolled her eyes at Steve's aghast face. "I got her address off an old file; I'll ask her to pick you up. And please, don't get lost somewhere; we really don't have any spare agents to track you down." "I've been outside the States before, Widow. And using confidential information for personal purposes? Nefarious." "This is the reward I get for being a good wingwoman. Fine, don't come crying to me when you're invited to her actual wedding." As he set about packing he daydreamed about jumping off the top of the compound and wondering if his feet would still work to escape into the surrounding forest.
She got the text the minute Natasha assumed Steve's plane took off. "Your boyfriend is headed towards Delhi. Introduce him, be the black sheep you are and for the love of God read the files and make a plan." The rest was just code saying the plans had changed, the expected mission derailed. When her family began pestering her, saying that her turn at the altar was next and asking about boyfriends, she had blurted Steve's name by accident, the fact that it made a perfect cover was a different matter. That's what happens when you space out while talking to Sunita Chachi*, woman has a tongue sharper than Gordon Ramsay's knife. Her mother had just smiled sadly and asked two of YN's younger cousins to share a bed when told another guest would be joining them.
30 minutes after the plane landed he immediately wanted to go back. What he was used to was executing secret and well-coordinated missions, not the actual planning and coordinating. Sam argued he was growing soft. He just liked listening to YN's voice. And now he was in an unfamiliar land with no foreseeable end to his stay and a wedding to attend, apparently. YN smiled at him at the receiving line, smiling as a lover receiving a spouse after a long separation. She walked up to him and whispered "You're my boyfriend from work, you know zero hindi and Natasha introduced us." She embraced him and leaned forward for a kiss. It lasted shorter than he would've liked. She continued whispering as she grasped his hand and lead him to the car which already had three people in it. "Did you pick up more guests?" "Nope, they just wanted to see you first." Opening the door as Steve tossed his bag in the back she yelled something at the assembled children and got in the right. Was the kid in the front supposed to drive? "Do you need an invitation?" One of the kids yelled out.
He had judged wrong. There were not only three teenagers, there were two more kids who had been too shy to outright stare at him like their elder siblings (he assumed) had. One sat in his lap, staring outside the window. The others chose instead to glare at him unnervingly. YN drove, swearing at everything. One of the younger ones laughed at something she said and immediately had his ears covered and shushed."Didi* don't teach Gudiya bad words!"
"Arey baba sorry, tu toh janta hai traffic kitna bura hai; akele chalane ki adaat ho gayi hai bhenchod. Sorry."  (“You know how bad traffic is, I’m used to driving alone, sisterfucker” Basically the reader’s saying the traffic is the worst and how she’s used to driving alone and hence swears often while driving; also people from Delhi apparently like to attach swears to everything.)  She grinned as her cousin gasped again. She was at the moral, change-the-world stage. YN missed that.
“So, change of plans?” Pinky grinned at Y/N as she looked up from a complicated looking textbook. The kid had somehow made it to medical school without losing her mind or her calm demeanour. “I’m only gonna switch places at night, right now let me study Anatomy.”Sighing at her cousin’s confused stare, she glared back.  “Arey you’ll want to sleep next to your boyfriend na?” “Uh, yeah, I mean, thank you, but it’s no problem. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.” “Calm down. If we get caught sneaking around in the middle of the night its worse for the two of you. I got into MBBS, I can basically get away with murder now.” she smiled. Y/N wondered whether her cousin would be a sociopath or a leader later. She went about chalking up the updated plan for the recon, only hoping her family would behave themselves around Steve. She caught some part of her wishing it was the real thing so that the poor guy’s suffering wouldn’t be in vain.
Hey bhagwaan (oh God), I need gangajal* and a stiff drink. Also a lobotomy.
“How did that idiot even cross the border this quick? And how are we getting informed this late? This is going to be a logistical nightmare, the government is going to put the pressure on us.” “Maybe someone exposed him or he got pushed back down on the social hierarchy. It’s a mess.” On the pretense of sightseeing, Y/n had dragged Steve away from her nosy relatives to get details for the now completely changed mission. "Can I try that?" He gestured to the bowl of chaat* in her hands. "Don't cry if you find it too spicy then. You couldn't even tolerate my butter chicken; even my youngest cousin can eat that." "My tongue is really not fond of burning and not being able to taste anything for a fortnight." "Oh? What is it fond of then?" His answering blush made her smile. "I-uh, we need to report within three days, Nat is busy getting everyone together and ready for the mission." "The engagement is in 2 days! How are we even going to get out?" "How much do you like this cousin anyway?" "How. Dare. You. Rahul is one of the few I actually like." "Yeah, how many are there? I lost count at 13." She punched his arm and snorted, earning a smile from him and a glare from the chaatwala*.
YN truly regretted coming back here. The never ending taunts, the upcoming solo recon mission (that she would have to give Rahul’s engagement a miss for, he was one of her favorites too) and the fact that the guy she had been thirsting over the past few months was suddenly her so-called boyfriend. Massaging her temples as she got up to get ready, she hoped desperately the recon would not involving fighting. She already had thinning hair due to the stresses of being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, her hair being yanked out while pins were still attached to her hair wouldn’t help the cause.
"Mummy!" She yelled over the din of the loud, jarring music. Her mother was smiling and gossiping with her sister-in-law. "Thoda kaam aa gaya; Delhi wale office Jana padega." (Some work popped up, I’ll have to go to the Delhi office) "Itni raat ko? Uss gore ko lekar?" (So late? With the foreigner in tow?”) "Are kuch nahi hoga, bohot important hai, warna nahi jaati." (Nothing will happen. It’s too important, otherwise I wouldn’t have gone.) "Wapis aa jaiyo jaldi, raat ko ghumne safe nahi hota." (Come back quick, It's not safe to roam at night.) "Pakka." (I promise)
"MADARCHOD!" (”MOTHERFUCKER!”) She grunted as she ducked, the bullet nearly embedding in her collarbone. She fired back two shots, one at a goon's head and one at his accomplice's knees. Whipping her head at a noise, she gasped as Steve has a bullet graze him as one of them took a lucky shot at him. He only winced. The goddamn lehenga* got in the way of her running after the idiot who could run like fucking Milkha Singh* even after being shot in the knees. They both chased. The recon turned ugly after someone spotted the tent she was wearing that was pretending to be a skirt. If they somehow got out alive, she'd burn this thing. By the time she caught up to Steve, who had left her long behind, she came upon a sight that gave her a heart attack. The men (apparently some were laying in wait for them) all lay dead in various poses, with Steve in the middle grunting and struggling to get up. Firing at someone who awoke, she leaned down, cradling his head in her hands. "Steve. Hey, whoa. Don't die on me. Where are you hurt?" He was bleeding all over her skirt. "Knife to the ribs. Two or three times..may...maybe. Hurts like a bitch." "I'm getting you up. We're going home, okay?"
This was a terrible situation. Somehow supporting the huge, burly figure of an extremely injured Steve, she set him down, leaning against the bike they had zipped around on and somehow escaped on, looking for her phone in the carrier attached. She lived this bike even when she lived here; it belonged to her uncle who would give the keys to only her. The sagaai* had clearly ended an hour or so ago. People still milled about, probably the men from the tent house they had booked for the whole tamasha*. “Shobhit, neeche aa. Garden ke side. Aur Bunty aur Puneet ko bhi leke aaiyo.” (”Shobhit, come downstairs, to the garden side. Bring Bunty and Puneet with you.") “Itni raat ko kya kar rahi ho bahar? Khatam ho gaya aapka office ka kaam?” ("What are you doing out so late, is your office work done?") “Are tu neeche aa, sab samjhaati hu.” ("You come downstairs, I’ll explain everything" )
“Samjhaana agar shuru karti toh achha hota.” "It’ll be good if you start explaining now." Shobit muttered as all three of her cousins stared at the crumpled figure of Captain America on the ground, to their cousin wincing in pain, her lehenga covered with blood, again to Steve. “Isko uthake Pinky ke kamre tak jaane mei meri madad kar. Yeh marr warr gaya toh naukri gayi meri.” "Help me pick him up and take him to Pinky’s room. If he dies, I’m losing my job."
“First of all, I’m not a doctor. Yet.” Pinky also did her fair share of staring at everyone. Y/N could feel her eye twitching. Whether it was out of anger, stress, or the false eyelash that had ripped from her lash line as she drove like a madwoman in the traffic, no helmet or gloves. Steve screaming like a grandma as he held on for dear life was a tiny bit amusing though. Endearing maybe, Nope, definitely not endearing.
“I should tell you that because I have very, and I mean very little experience in sewing. Particularly sewing up bodies professionally. If he dies, I am not responsible.” She yawned once, extremely sleepy. “That being said, someone get cotton, Dettol, and uh my sewing kit is in the left front pocket of my backpack. Jija*, there’s no anesthesia, but I suppose you don’t need it, super strength and all. Didi*, aisa muh mat banao (don’t make that face), just because none of the oldies know who he is doesn’t mean we’re stupid too.” Y/N shut her gaping mouth.
“He’ll live.” Pinky said as everyone in the room collectively sighed. The suture had been painful to witness, Y/N biting her lip so hard she tasted copper. Steve seemed okay now. When he had taken that guard’s knife to the stomach, Y/N’s heart had stopped. The fear she felt, that was no general fear at seeing someone stabbed or even a friendly fear (was there even such a thing or was 3 AM her just rambling?). The panic she felt was heartbeaking. “Make those self realisation faces later, Di. I’m tired and I just want some sleep.  “Jija ko unke kamre tak chodke aa. Koi raaste mei mile bol dena bike bhid gayi thi, hospital se aate hue late ho gaya tha.” (Jija is the hindi word for sister’s husband. Pinky’s telling him to drop him to his room and if anyone asks to tell them he had an accident, the bike hit something and they were late coming from the hospital.) “Tu sabko heart attack dilayegi kya?” (Do you want to give everyone a heart attack?") “Aur koi bahana mile toh batao.” ("If you have any other excuse then tell"
As everyone scattered, Y/N shut the door to change. Her cousin just lay down on the bed, semi-asleep. She cracked one eye open when Y/N reached out her hand to switch off the light, whispering “So you are a secret agent?” “Nope, I sell veggies with Captain America.” “Ugh, way to thank me for saving your boyfriend’s life, with terrible puns.” “He’s not my...leave it. Good night. Oh, and PInky?” Pinky hummed. “Thanks.” “So jao.” (Go to Sleep)
“Tell Romanoff we’ll need backup. They clearly planned ahead for the move, the facility is impossible to get into, and now they know we’re coming. Also, Steve is injured." “Very well, we’ll invite ourselves to the wedding. Take care if your boyfriend until then."Natasha sounded worried but her tone was light. “Bring a gift, I’m not keeping strangers in my family home without payment.”
Glossary *-Sheila ki Jawani is a pretty popular Bollywood Item Song. Played at every wedding /party since 2010 *-The Reincarnation of Shanti Priya is a reference to the film Om Shanti Om where the leads get resurrected after having an unhappy ending *Chachi- Father's younger brother's wife; aka yn's aunt *Gangajal- Water from the river Ganges that Hindus consider sacred, its used for purification purposes (guess why Y/N wanted it *wink wink*) *Didi- Elder Sister *Chaat: some spicy-sweet snack, it's a general term; desis feel free to imagine your favourite. *Chaatwala: the person who owns the chaat shop *Lehenga: a crop top and floor-length skirt outfit worn at weddings and traditional functions *Milkha Singh: famous Indian athlete, also known as "The Flying Sikh" because of how fast he was. *sagaai- engagement *tamasha- a sarcastic way of saying how over the top the whole wedding is.
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour Septembre 03. Actors + Seventeen – Espace B 05. Oh Sees + Frankie & The  Witch Fingers (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Bataclan 05. Domenico Crisci + Falhaber + Oposition – NF-34 06. Myako + Othello Aubern + DSCRD – Bigwax records (gratuit) 06. Frustration + Arndales + Ero Guro + Bracco + Succhiamo + Maria Violenza (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – La Station 06. The Horrorist + Kobosil + VTSS + Airod + Félicie – La Machine 06. Superpitcher & Chloé – Rex Club 06. Jas Shaw + C.A.R. + Charlotte Atmoi + Dress Rehearsals – La Java 06. Varg & Croatian Amor + Damien Dubrovnik + CTM + Traversable Wormhole (Adam X) + Rhys Fulberg + New Flames + Salem Unsigned + Limbus Puerorum – Protocol (Pantin) 06. Deena Abdelwahed + Ivan Smagghe + Peach + Royer – Dehors brut 07. Collectif Sin + collectif Young Echo + Rabit + Swan Meat + Cecilia (Les Siestes) – Parc de la Fondation des artistes (Nogent/Marne) (gratuit) 07. Le Prince Harry + Exek + Entracte (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Point FMR 07. Illnurse b2b Herrmann + I Hate Models + K + Makornik + Mayeul & JKS + Paramod + Parfait + Raär – Dehors brut 07. Dom Tom + Hippie Diktat + Pious Faults + La Secte du futur + Années Zéro + 11Paranoias + Roy & The Devil's Motorcycle + Occvlta + Vitamin X + The Rebel (fest. Frissons acidulés) – Théâtre de verre Co-Arter 08. Harry Merry + ZOH/astre + Holliday INN + Chevignon + Pow! + Pile + Llamame La Muerte + Infecticide (fest. Frissons acidulés) – Théâtre de verre Co-Arter 11. La Fraîcheur + Miley Srious + Crystallmess + Epsilove – Parc de la Bergère (Bobigny) (gratuit) 11. Faux Ferocious + Deaf Parade – Espace B 11. Crack Cloud – Petit Bain ||ANNULÉ|| 12. HGU + Thharm + Yone – Cirque électrique 12. La Colonie de vacances – Le 104 12. Blawan + ABSL + Parfait – NF-34 13. La Colonie de vacances – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 13. Blackmail + Bruit noir + Gontard + Bay – La Maroquinerie 13. Arnaud Rivière & Mario De Vega + Cancelled (fest. MAAD in 93) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Giant Swan + Nene h + Myako – La Machine 13. ANFS + The Empire Line + Parrish Smith + Dentelle + Terdjman – Protocol (Pantin) 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb + Je t'aime – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 14. Franck Vigroux : "Chronostasis" – La Maison des Métallos 14. Oberst Panizza + Bunker Bal (dj) + Law & Haktion (dj) + Sylvia Slut (dj) – Le Klub 14. Ellen Allien + Maxime Iko – NF-34 15. Efrim Menuck & Kevin Doria – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 16. Patience + Tallies – Espace B 17. Black Midi – La Boule noire ||COMPLET|| 18. The Wedding Present – Petit Bain 18. Lust For Youth + Bernardino Femminielli – La Boule noire 18. JC. Satàn (Safari Boat) – Jardin Tino-Rossi/Quai Saint-Bernard 18. Mùm – La Maroquinerie 19. Cosmonauts – Espace B ||ANNULÉ|| 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 20. Michel Cloup duo + Troy von Balthazar – Petit Bain 20. Evol + Evil Moisture + Extractor Fan + Andcl + All Pass – Treize 20. Silent Servant + Ceremony NWPP – Petit Bain 20. Alien Rain b2b Regal + Headstrong + Parfait b2b Illnurse + Remco Beekwilder b2b Raffaele Attanasio (Dream Nation fest.) – Dock Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 21. Surgeon + Regis + AnD + Dj Pete aka Substance + Lady Starlight + Anthony Child + Inoxia aka Myako & Basses Terres + Oko Dj b2b Tryphème (Redbull Music Fest.) – tba 21. Tieum + Shifted + X-Pander + Rebelion + Zadig + Luke Slater... (Dream Nation fest.) – Dock Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 22. Antilles + Terrine + Radiante pourpre + City Dragon – Espace B 23. The Foreign Resort + Seventeen at this Time + Trancept – Supersonic (gratuit) 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 24. Drab Majesty + SRSQ – Petit Bain 25. Franck Vigroux : "Tempest" – La Maison des Métallos 25. Rudolf Eb.Er, Dave Phillips & Alice Kemp : Schimpfluch Affiliated Actions – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. Dälek + L'Envoûtante – Petit Bain 25. Jeff Mills : "Things to Come" + Anthony Linell & Ali M. Demirel : "Winter Ashes" + Kangding Ray (dj) (fest. Les Veillées électroniques) – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Monolake + Peder Mannerfelt + Murcof & Manu Lacroix (fest. Les Veillées électroniques) – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Burial Hex + Les Chasseurs de la nuit + Common Eider, King Eider + Visions – Les Voûtes 26. Wayne Hussey – Bus Palladium 26. Thomas Ankersmit + Martin Tétreault + Mohammad Reza Mortazavi (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merri 26. Graham Dunning + Knappy Kaisernappy + Bugaled – Espace B 27. Léa Bertucci + Hubbub + Tijana Stankovic (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merri 27. Noseholes – Espace B 28. Onceim joue Éliane Radigue + Pancrace + Martin Tétreault (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merri 29. James Murphy + Colleen "Cosmo" Murphy + Vincent Privat + Seb le vinyl (Redbull Music Fest.) – Péripate 29. Pour X raisons – CIPC 30. Kasper T. Toeplitz : musique pour "Glissements" de Myriam Gourfink (fest. d'automne) – musée de l'Orangerie Octobre 01. Emma Ruth Rendel – Petit Bain 01. Sleaford Mods – La Cigale 02. Phoenician Drive + Le Réveil des tropiques – Badaboum 02. Bill Orcutt + Perrine Bourel + Yvan Etienne – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Piotr Kurek + Papivores + Matthias Puech – Espace B 04. Kontravoid + Hide + Soft Riot – Espace B 04/05. Blush Response b2b Thomas P. Heckmann + Dave Clark + Rebekah + Regis + Tommy Four Seven b2b Ancient Methods + ABSL + AZF + Dax J + DVS 1 + Marcle Dettmann + Poison Point + Anetha b2b Randomer + Ben Klock + Andrejko + Amato & Adriani + Bassam + Boston 189 + Charles Green + Dersee + DJ Bone b2b Ben Sims + Fabrizio Rat + Felicie + Louisahhh b2b Maelstrom + Newa + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Thomas P. Heckmann + Tripeo b2b Hemka (Pulse fest.) – Le Grand Dôme (Villebon/Yvette) 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 06. Quator Bozzini joue : "Occam Delta XV" d'Éliane Radigue, "Five String Quartets" de Phill Niblock et "Koan" de James Tenney – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 07. I Hate Model + Illnurse b2b Herrmann + K + Makornik + Mayeul & JKS + Paramod + Parfait + Raär – Dehors brut 08. Sleep + Pharaoh Overlord – Bataclan 09. New Model Army – La Maroquinerie 09. Trumans Water – Espace B 09/10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band – La Cigale 10. Bruce McClure + Paul Smith joue "A Jim O’Rourke European premiere of a new 2019 Moog Synthesizer playback installation work" – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Bitpart + Mary Bell + Rive droite + Going away Party + Ours blond + Shit Rockets + Alison Backdoor  – Espace B 11. Kazumoto Endo + Spore Spawn + Vomir + Autocastration – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Birds in Row + Lane (Jimi fest.) – Théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 11. Marc Acardipane aka Pop + Manu le Malin + [KRTM] + DJ Chuimix + Raw + Makornik + Fuerr – La Machine 11. New Order – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 12. Lucas Paris : "Emotional Synthesis" + Orson Hentschel + Sentimental Rave (Biennale Nemo) – Le 104 12. Ben Shemie, John McEntire & Sam Prekop – Petit Bain 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 14. Shannon Wright – Trianon 15. Kate Carr + Valérie Vivancos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15/16. Metronomy – Olympia 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 17. Automat : musique pour "Archeologia" d'Emmanuelle Huynh – Centre Pompidou 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 18. Total Victory – Espace B 18. A_r_c_c + À travers + Simple Appareil + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke – église Saint-Merri 18. Rendez-Vous + Marble Arch – Le Plan (Ris-Orangis) 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Lingua Ignota – Espace B 19. Josin – Lafayette Anticipations 19. Adam X + David Caretta b2b The Hacker + 14Anger + Phase Fatale + Terence Fixmer + Raffaele Atanasio + Darzack + De-Dust2 + Dersee – tba 19. Juan Atkins + Vril + Ceephax Acid crew + Antigone + Onur özer + Fasme (Le Champ des machines) – Le Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 19. Pixies + Blood Red Shoes – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 21. Pawns + Youth Avoiders + Barren? – Espace B 22. Thurston Moore – Trabendo 23. Ecstatic Vision + Les Tigres du futur + Os Noctambulos – ESS'pace 23. Four Tet – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 24. The Necks – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 25. A Certain Ratio – Petit Bain 25. Poutre + OK fdp + Bruant zizi – ESS'pace 25. Jozef Van Wissem – crypte Notre-Dame de la Croix 26. The Monochrome Set – Petit Bain 26. Mørbeck + Philipp Strobel + IV Horsemen – La Machine 29. Agent Side Grinder – La Boule noire 30. Oiseaux-Tempête + Jessica Moss – La Maroquinerie 30. Jenny Hval – Centre Pompidou 30. Battles – Trabendo 31. Skepta + Mura Masa + Hamza + Zola + Ateyaba + Celeste + Duendita + Ezra Collective + Flohio + Kojey Radical + Master Peace + Slowthai + The Comet is Coming + Yussef Dayes + Charlotte Dos Santos + Kojaque (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 31. Arrington de Dionyso – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) Novembre 01. Chromatics + Belle & Sebastian + Primal Scream + John Talabot + Weyes Blood + Barrie + Briston Maroney + Chai + Desire + Helado Negro + Jackie Mendoza + Nilüfer Yanya + Orville Peck + Sheer Mag + Squir + Loving + Nelson Beer + Sons of Raphael (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 02. The 1975 + Charli XCX + 2manysdj (dj) + Aurora + Agar Agar + SebastiAn + Aeris Roves vs Jamila Woods + Jessica Pratt + Kedr Livanskiy + Korantemaa + BEA1991 + Caroline Polachek + Ela Minus + KhadyaK + Mk.gee + Oklou + Tobi Lou (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino 07. Xiu Xiu + Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte – Petit Bain 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La Gaîté lyrique 14. Girl Band – La Maroquinerie 15. Kap Bambino – La Gaîté lyrique 15. Von Pariahs – Point FMR 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm – Badaboum 19. Earth – Petit Bain 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque électrique 23. Billy Childish (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. TR/ST – Le Trianon 24. Midori Takada (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Boris – Le Gibus 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Kompromat – La Cigale 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 18. Amenra – Bataclan 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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twenty4newsdotcom · 3 years
Samantha Akkineni to receive 50 crore alimony for divorce?
It was in October 2017 when Samantha and Naga Chaitanya Akkineni got married in fairytale like wedding. It’s been 4 years since Sam and Chay have been married and while everything seemed to be going well for the two until last year, 2021 has been buzzing with their separation rumours. Neither Samantha nor Naga Chaitanya have issued any statement regarding the separation rumours as yet but…
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kaoskakimurahmeriah · 3 years
Update transfer resmi Premier League musim 2021/2022 pada hari Sabtu (31/7/2021) pagi WIB. Arsenal kembali mendapatkan pemain baru.
Arsenal menuntaskan transfer White pada hari Jumat (30/07/2021). The Gunners disebut memboyongnya dengan harga sekitar 50 juta pounds dari Brighton.
Arsenal memberikan kontrak jangka panjang pada Ben White. Sang pemain akan mengenakan jersey nomor empat.
Sementara itu, Chelsea memutuskan berpisah dengan salah satu pemainnya. Gelandang muda mereka, Conor Gallagher dilepas ke sesama klub Premier League Crystal Palace.
Gallagher akan memperkuat Palace dengan status pinjaman selama satu musim penuh. Ini Ini merupakan peminjaman keempat kalinya bagi Gallagher.
Berikut informasi lengkap seputar pemain masuk dan keluar klub-klub Premier League di bursa transfer musim panas 2021/22 ini.
1 dari 20
Nuno Tavares (Benfica) Albert Sambi Lokonga (Anderlecht) Ben White (Brighton)
David Luiz (dilepas) Levi Laing (dilepas) Joseph Olowu (dilepas) Luke Plange (dilepas) Jason Sraha (dilepas) Trae Coyle (Lausanne–Sport) Zech Medley (KV Oostende) Mark McGuinness (Cardiff) Dinos Mavropanos (Stuttgart) Pinjaman Daniel Ballard (Millwall) Pinjaman Daniel Oyegoke (Brentford) Ben Sheaf (Coventry City) Matt Smith (Doncaster) Pinjaman Matteo Guendouzi (Marseille) Pinjaman William Saliba (Marseille) Pinjaman Nikolaj Moller (Viktoria Koln) Pinjaman Deyan Iliev (SKF Sered) Pinjaman Tyreece John-Jules (Blackpool) Pinjaman
2 dari 20
Aston Villa
Emiliano Buendia (Norwich) Ashley Young (Inter Milan) Josh Feeney (Fleetwood Town) Finn Azaz (West Brom) Tim Iroegbunam (West Brom)
Ahmed El Mohamady (dilepas) Neil Taylor (dilepas) Tom Heaton (Man Utd) Lewis Brunt (dilepas) Brad Burton (dilepas) Jack Clarke (dilepas) Charlie Farr (dilepas) Ben Guy (dilepas) Callum Rowe (dilepas) Harrison Sohna (dilepas) Michael Tait (dilepas) Jake Walker (dilepas) Bjorn Engels (Royal Antwerp) Indiana Vassilev (Inter Miami) Pinjaman Lovre Kalinic (Hajduk Split) Pinjaman Seb Revan (Grimsby Town) Pinjaman
3 dari 20
Nathan Young-Coombes (Rangers) Dom Jefferies (Salisbury) Daniel Oyegoke (Arsenal) Jude Russell (Crystal Palace) Frank Onyeka (Midtjylland) Kristoffer Ajer (Celtic) Matthew Cox (AFC Wimbledon) Myles Peart-Harris (Chelsea)
Jared Thompson (dilepas) Kane O’Connor (dilepas) Aubrel Koutsimouka (dilepas) Julien Carre (dilepas) Henrik Dalsgaard (Midtjylland) Luke Daniels (dilepas) Emiliano Marcondes (dilepas) Ellery Balcombe (Burton Albion) Pinjaman Aaron Pressley (AFC Wimbledon) Pinjaman
4 dari 20
Brighton & Hove Albion
Jeremy Sarmiento (Benfica) Gary Dicker (Kilmarnock) Enock Mwepu (Red Bull Salzburg) Kjell Scherpen (Ajax)
Jose Izquierdo (dilepas) Teddy Jenks (Aberdeen) Pinjaman Davy Propper (PSV) Alex Cochrane (Hearts) Pinjaman Jan Mlakar (Hajduk Split) Bernardo (Red Bull Salzburg) Ryan Longman (Hull City) Pinjaman Viktor Gyokeres (Coventry) Romaric Yapi (SBV Vitesse) Mat Ryan (Real Sociedad) Jensen Weir (Cambridge United) Pinjaman Matt Clarke (West Bromwich Albion) Pinjaman Carl Rushworth (Walsall) Pinjaman Alireza Jahanbakhsh (Feyenoord) Ben White (Arsenal)
5 dari 20
Nathan Collins (Stoke) Mark Helm (Man Utd) Jacob Bedeau (Scunthorpe) Harry Williams (Bebas Transfer) Wayne Hennessey (Crystal Palace)
Robbie Brady (dilepas) Connor Barrett (dilepas) Jordan Cropper (dilepas) Ismail Diallo (dilepas) Marcel Elva-Fountaine (dilepas) Arman Taranis (dilepas) Matty Rain (dilepas) Mace Goodridge (dilepas) Ryan Cooney (Morecambe) Joel Mumbongo (Accrington Stanley) Pinjaman Ben Gibson (Norwich) Jimmy Dunne (QPR) Bailey Peacock-Farrell (Sheff Wed) Pinjaman Adam Phillips (Morecambe) Pinjaman Josh Benson (Barnsley)
6 dari 20
Willy Caballero (dilepas) Jamal Blackman (dilepas) Pierre Ekwah Elimby (West Ham) Fikayo Tomori (AC Milan) Izzy Brown (Preston North End) Levi Colwill (Huddersfield Town) Pinjaman Nathan Baxter (Hull) Pinjaman Charlie Wiggett (Newcastle) Billy Gilmour (Norwich) Pinjaman Victor Moses (Spartak Moscow) Juan Castillo (Birmingham) Pinjaman Olivier Giroud (AC Milan) Marc Guehi (Crystal Palace) Lewis Bate (Leeds) Myles Peart-Harris (Brentford) Dynel Simeu (Southampton) Ian Maatsen (Coventry) Pinjaman Conor Gallagher (Crystal Palace) Pinjaman
7 dari 20
Crystal Palace
Jacob Montes (Georgetown University) Michael Olise (Reading) Remi Matthews (Bebas Transfer) Marc Guehi (Chelsea) Joachim Andersen (Lyon) Conor Gallagher (Chelsea) Pinjaman
Sion Spence (Bristol Rovers) Pinjaman Stephen Henderson (dilepas) Wayne Hennessey (dilepas) Andros Townsend (Everton) Mamadou Sakho (Montpellier) Bebas Transfer Patrick van Aanholt (dilepas)
8 dari 20
Andros Townsend (Crystal Palace) Asmir Begovic (AFC Bournemouth) Demarai Gray (Leverkusen)
Theo Walcott (Southampton) Matthew Pennington (Shrewsbury Town) Bebas Transfer Joshua King (Watford) Yannick Bolasie (dilepas) Muhamed Besic (dilepas) Josh Bowler (dilepas) Dennis Adeniran (dilepas) Con Ouzounidis (dilepas) Callum Connolly (dilepas) Bobby Carroll (dilepas) Daniel Lowey (dilepas) Jack Mcintyre (dilepas) Dylan Thompson (dilepas) Bernard (Sharjah) Beni Baningime (Hearts)
9 dari 20
Leeds United
Amari Miller (Birmingham City) Jack Harrison (Man City) Junior Firpo (Barcelona) Sean McGurk (Wigan) Lewis Bate (Chelsea)
Gaetano Berardi (dilepas) Ouasim Bouy (dilepas) Barry Douglas (dilepas) Cole Gibbon (dilepas) Niklas Haugland (dilepas) Eunan O'Kane (dilepas) Matthew Turner (dilepas) Ryan Edmondson (Fleetwood) Pinjaman Oliver Casey (Blackpool) Kun Temenuzhkov (Real Union) Pinjaman Rafa Mujica (Las Palmas) Alfie McCalmont (Morecambe) Pinjaman Ezgjan Alioski (dilepas) Mateusz Bogusz (UD Ibiza) Pinjaman Pablo Hernandez (Castellon)
10 dari 20
Leicester City
Patson Daka (Red Bull Salzburg) Boubakary Soumare (Lille) Ryan Bertrand
Christian Fuchs (Charlotte) Matty James (dilepas) Wes Morgan (pensiun) Josh Knight (Peterborough United) Admiral Muskwe (Luton)
11 dari 20
Ibrahima Konate (RB Leipzig)
Liam Coyle (dilepas) Joe Hardy (dilepas) Abdi Sharif (dilepas) Jack Walls (dilepas) Adam Lewis (Livingston) Pinjaman Georginio Wijnaldum (PSG) Bebas Transfer Sepp van den Berg (Preston) Pinjaman Remi Savage (Newcastle) Paul Glatzel (Tranmere Rovers) Pinjaman Kamil Grabara (FC Copenhagen) Liam Millar (FC Basel) Marko Grujic (Porto) Taiwo Awoniyi (Union Berlin) Harry Wilson (Fulham) Jakub Ojrzynski (Caernarfon Town) Pinjaman
12 dari 20
Manchester City
Scott Carson (Derby) Bebas Transfer
Sergio Aguero (Barcelona) Bebas Transfer Eric Garcia (Barcelona) Bebas Transfer Louie Moulden (Wolves) Bebas Transfer Taylor Harwood-Bellis (Anderlecht) Pinjaman James Strafford (Accrington Stanley) Pinjaman Gavin Bazunu (Portsmouth) Pinjaman Lewis Fiorini (Lincoln) Pinjaman Jack Harrison (Leeds) Callum Doyle (Sunderland) Pinjaman Lukas Nmecha (Wolfsburg)
13 dari 20
Manchester United
Jadon Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) Tom Heaton (Aston Villa) Raphael Varane (Real Madrid) (tinggal tes medis)
Sergio Romero (dilepas) Joel Pereira (dilepas) Jacob Carney (dilepas) Iestyn Hughes (dilepas) Arnau Puigmal (dilepas) Max Taylor (dilepas) Aliou Traore (dilepas) Nathan Bishop (Mansfield Town) Pinjaman Johan Guadagno (FC Copenhagen) Mark Helm (Burnley) Reece Devine (St Johnstone) Pinjaman Tahith Chong (Birmingham City) Pinjaman Will Fish (Stockport) Pinjaman Charlie McCann (Rangers B) Di’Shon Bernard (Hull City) Pinjaman
14 dari 20
Newcastle United
Charlie Wiggett (Chelsea) Remi Savage (Liverpool) Cameron Ferguson (Tranmere Rovers)
Owen Bailey (dilepas) Oliver Walters (dilepas) Jude Swailes (dilepas) Yannick Toure (dilepas) Oliver Marshall (dilepas) Ludwig Francillette (dilepas) Florent Indalecio (dilepas) Kyle Scott (dilepas) George Rounsfell (dilepas) Lucas Gamblin (dilepas) Lewis Brannen (dilepas) Tom Midgley (dilepas) Josh Gilchrist (dilepas) Josh Harrison (dilepas) Tai Ebanks (dilepas) Lewis Cass (Port Vale) Pinjaman Florian Lejeune (Alaves) Elias Sorensen (Esbjerg fB)
15 dari 20
Norwich City
Kenny Coker (Southend) Milot Rashica (Werder Bremen) Angus Gunn (Southampton) Flynn Clarke (Peterborough) Ben Gibson (Burnley) Dimitris Giannoulis (PAOK) Billy Gilmour (Chelsea) Pinjaman Pierre Lees-Melou (Nice) Liam Gibbs (Ipswich) Louis Thompson (dilepas)
Alex Tettey (dilepas) Mario Vrancic (dilepas) Jordan Thomas (dilepas) Zach Dronfield (dilepas) William Hondermarck (dilepas) Louis Lomas (dilepas) Ethen Vaughan (dilepas) Emiliano Buendia (Aston Villa) Philip Heise (Karlsruher) Reece McAlear (Inverness Caledonian Thistle) Pinjaman Orjan Nyland (dilepas) Moritz Leitner (dilepas) Marco Stiepermann (dilepas) Josh Martin (MK Dons) Pinjaman Daniel Barden (Livingston) Pinjaman Sebastian Soto (Porto) Pinjaman Josip Drmic (HNK Rijeka) Pinjaman Akin Famewo (Charlton Athletic) Pinjaman Sam McCallum (QPR) Pinjaman Gassan Ahadme (Portsmouth) Pinjaman Danel Sinani (Huddersfield) Pinjaman
16 dari 20
Theo Walcott (Everton) Romain Perraud (Brest) Dynel Simeu (Chelsea)
Ryan Bertrand (dilepas) Jake Hesketh (dilepas) Josh Sims (dilepas) David Agbontohoma (dilepas) Lucas Defise (dilepas) Pascal Kpohomouh (dilepas) Kingsley Latham (dilepas) Kameron Ledwidge (dilepas) James Morris (dilepas) Thomas O'Connor (dilepas) Tommy Scott (dilepas) Wesley Hoedt (Anderlecht) Kayne Ramsey (Crewe) Angus Gunn (Norwich) Jake Vokins (Ross County) Pinjaman Alex Jankewitz (BSC Young Boys) Dan Nlundulu (Lincoln) Pinjaman Callum Slattery (Motherwell) Mario Lemina (Nice)
17 dari 20
Tottenham Hotspur
Pierluigi Gollini (Atalanta) Pinjaman Bryan Gil (Sevilla)
Danny Rose (Watford) Bebas Transfer Paulo Gazzaniga (dilepas) Enock Asante (dilepas) Chay Cooper (dilepas) Keenan Ferguson (dilepas) George Marsh (AFC Wimbledon) Rodel Richards (dilepas) Jack Roles (dilepas) Aaron Skinner (dilepas) Kazaiah Sterling (dilepas) Shilow Tracey (dilepas) Juan Foyth (Villarreal) Erik Lamela (Sevilla) Toby Alderweireld (Al-Duhail) Troy Parrott (MK Dons)
18 dari 20
Kwadwo Baah (Rochdale) Mattie Pollock (Grimsby Town) Imran Louza (FC Nantes) Ashley Fletcher (Middlesbrough) Bebas Transfer Danny Rose (Spurs) Bebas Transfer Emmanuel Dennis (Club Brugge) Dapo Mebude (Rangers) Peter Etebo (Stoke City) Pinjaman Joshua King (Bebas Transfer) Vincent Angelini (Bebas Transfer)
Achraf Lazaar (dilepas) Carlos Sanchez (dilepas) Jerome Sinclair (dilepas) Mamadou M’Baye (dilepas) Ben Wilmot (Stoke City) Ignacio Pussetto (Udinese) Pinjaman Adalberto Penaranda (Las Palmas) Pinjaman Tiago Cukur (Doncaster) Pinjaman Myles Roberts (Concord Rangers) Pinjaman Adam Parkes (Dover) Pinjaman Daniel Phillips (Gillingham) Pinjaman
19 dari 20
West Ham United
Thierry Nevers (Reading) Pierre Ekwah Elimby (Chelsea) Armstrong Oko-Flex (Celtic) Bebas Transfer Alphonse Areola (PSG) Pinjaman
Oladapo Afolayan (Bolton) Fabian Balbuena (dilepas) Sean Adarkwa (dilepas) Olatunji Akinola (dilepas) Samuel Caiger (dilepas) Alfie Lewis (dilepas) Joshua Okotcha (dilepas) Joseph Anang (Stevenage) Pinjaman Felipe Anderson (Lazio) Nathan Trott (Nancy) Pinjaman
20 dari 20
Wolverhampton Wanderers
Yerson Mosquera (Atletico Nacional) Louie Moulden (Manchester City) Bebas Transfer Francisco Trincao (Barcelona) Pinjaman Rayan Ait-Nouri (Angers) Jose Sa (Olympiacos) Bendeguz Bolla (Fehervar)
Sadou Diallo (dilepas) Cyriaque Mayounga (dilepas) Hong Wan (dilepas) Toti Gomes (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Ruben Vinagre (Sporting Lisbon) Rui Patricio (Roma) Leonardo Campana (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Bendeguz Bolla (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Dion Sanderson (Birmingham) Pinjaman Renat Dadashov (Desportivo de Tondela) Pinjaman
0 notes
shippingeruri · 6 years
~ Tag Game III ~
Thank you for tagging me @aplevi
What is/are your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? 
changes but atm:
Fantastic Baby from Big Bang
Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
The Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner
What is/are your favorite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)? 
Myosotis / forget-me-not
Favorite color(s)?
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)? 
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your favorite warm drink? 
start the day with 1-2 coffees with lots of milk
have tea during day (unsweetened)
Favorite candle scent? 
anything that smells like forest / wodden
or sweet flowers
Sunrise or sunset?
sunset > sunrise (but mostly because I usually sleep during sunrise xD)
What perfume do you wear if any?
Hypnose (for her) by Lancome and
1 Million (for him) by Paco Rabanne are my faves
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone? 
When I’m alone I usually “dance” to k pop ^-^ So no specific move
Favorite quote? 
More than one
“But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why.” 
Sam Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 
The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Favorite self care thing(s) or routine(s)? Self-care?
drinking chai latte, cuddeling with my cats, listening to music <3 
Fuzzy socks or house slippers? 
What color are your eyes? ´
 blue/grey (winter more grey, summer more blue)
What’s your favorite eye color on others?
I have no idea since I don’t care for looks
Favorite season? Why? 
spring / summer 
because all my chronicle diseases get better
Cheek, neck or nose kisses? 
neck > cheeck > nose
What does your happy place look like? 
atm: the garden behind my house
Favorite breed of dog?
labrador <3
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colors would you pick for your wedding theme? 
it’s not something I’ve thought much about and I am not sure if I’m fit for “until death do us apart”
Silk or lace? 
lace > silk
Favorite weather 
sun, some clouds, blue sky, a gentle breeze
I’m tagging @zedsdead1001 @kittyboo8015 @dontworryeruri @anastasiabeksinski @chuulain @smiss-miss @ladymacbethsspot
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