#chavez y chavez fanfic
Dagger to the Heart ~ Young Guns.
Summary: Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder had quite a simple life before she met Billy and his gang or Regulators, forced to ride with them on their mission for freedom and revenge she will become a loyal regulator herself and also find the best of friends in Doc Scurlock, but best of all? She gets her biggest wish of finding love again, until that too is cruelly ripped away from her again, forcing her to become someone she never thought she would be. A seeker of revenge.
Character Pairing: Chavez Y Chavez X Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder.
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“We need a horse, and a nurse.” 
Bobbie just laughed, looking up at the man on his literal high horse, showing off his power by pointing a gun directly in her face.
“You’re going to have to be nicer to me than that if you want my help.” She had turned to walk away but stopped short when she finally realised that his whole gang had made a circle around her on their horses, hands on their belts. She just scoffed and looked at them all individually as she slowly turned to look back at who she supposed was their leader, but hesitated just about half way when she had locked eyes on one face.
It was only for a second but in that moment she knew everything was about to change.
“I’ll ask again.” He leaned forward in the saddle. ”A horse and a nurse.” 
She sighed, nodding over to where the barn was where at least eight horses were enjoying their supper.
She looked down towards the soft brown dirt then back up to the man who still had the nerve to have his gun pointed at her.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it sweetheart.” He had smirked at her then rode off in the direction she’d nodded in.
“Whoever needs the medical care, follow me.” She started off in the direction of her home, through the gap in the circle where their leader had just been. 
By the time someone had eventually joined her in the kitchen, she had set up a sort of makeshift medical station. Her back was to the door as she poured some alcohol on some cotton, so she had no idea out of all the faces she’d seen who had walked in wounded. 
So when she turned and found the dark haired man she had been drawn to locked eyes with leaning on the door frame she was pleasantly surprised, it was like the air got knocked out of her lungs.
“What’s your name?” She pointed to the chair she had set up by the table for him to sit so she could get started. 
“Chavez.” He winced out in pain but managed to give her a slight smile. “Yours?” 
“Bobbie Ryder but people usually call me Bo” She walked back over to the table and in front of Chavez who had extended his bloody hand out onto the cloth she’d laid down.  She looked at it closely. Gunshot wound, most definitely. “How did you get this?” She looked up to find that he was already staring at her. “Or do I not want to know?” She smiled at him, but it slightly fell at the look he was giving her. 
“Sorry for interrupting but I just wanted to apologise for Billy.” Their heads both shot to the door way where a man now stood with hair the colour of straw, He looked so young and innocent as he fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. “We’ve had a rough past couple of weeks and well he’s not really all there anyway. My names Doc.” 
“Nice to meet you Doc, don’t worry about it. Unfortunately, living out here I’m use to it now.” She set to work cleaning Chavez wound and making sure to remove every tiny bit of shrapnel so it wouldn’t get infected. “So what brings you out here in such a large group?” 
They chatted some more and the boys told her all about their teacher who had been murdered and they were supposed to be the law and arrest all the boys that had committed the crime, but then Billy had taken matters into his own hands and executed them instead. So now they were all on the run. She knew from the moment she’s set eyes on Billy that he was a bad egg and up to no good, and she didn’t like him one bit, she couldn’t wait for him to be off her land. When Bobbie had finished dressing Chavez hand he stood, towering over her. He thanked her but she brushed it off, thanking the both of them for being so well mannered and polite. 
She invited them to dinner, but on the condition that Billy behave himself, and if he stepped one foot out of line in her house they would be out. They all agreed for most of them had already made themselves comfy while he tended to Chavez. She was stood at the stove preparing the stew when she felt a presence behind her, looking over her shoulder she was happy to see it was Chavez. 
"Would you like me to do anything? I mean, you probably just saved my hand from infection, least I could do.” She just smiled at him, surprised that one of them had asked to help her for her hospitality. 
"I'm good. But thank you, it's nearly done anyway." He gave her a faint smile but nodded and started to turn away. "But! if you wanted to keep me company, I wouldn’t say no." She suggested. 
Without a word he turned back around and leaned against the fireplace, silently watching her. "Do you live here alone?" 
Just his presence being around her was so calming, she didn’t even had to look up at him to know that he was staring at her again. "It used to be my husbands house, but now me and my father live here." 
"Use to?" She dared to look at him now. 
She just gave him a sad smile. "He died, Murphys men murdered him. Shot him dead right out there in the barn in front of me." 
He returned her sad smile. "I'm so sorry." 
She shook her head and returned her focus back to the stew. "Nothing could of stopped it, once they have a target in mind they don't stop for anyone." 
Just then the stew started to bubble, meaning that it was ready. As if her father knew, he walked through the door. She informed him of the situation and he didn't mind, all he cared about was getting a good plate of Stew. Once she plated up the dish for everyone she looked around for a spare seat, a happiness and warmth spread through her chest when she found the only one was in the middle of Doc and Chavez. 
The gang had persuaded Bobbie and her father to let them rest for the night, it took many promises from Doc and Chavez to keep Billy and the rest of the gang in check for her to agree, she’d only known the two for a few hours but she knew she could trust them. She brought blankets for them all, they all made makeshift pillows or just did without. The last person she handed a blanket to was Chavez, who had made himself comfortable in one of the bigger chairs. 
"You sure you're going to be comfortable sleeping in that thing?" She pointed to the chair. 
He thanked her for the blanket and nodded. "Believe me, I've slept in worse." She just smiled but nodded and bid him good night. 
She must have laid in her bed for the longest while, uneasy thinking about their guests lying beneath her on her kitchen floor. Her mind travelled to Chavez and how she’d caught him looking at her, she hadn’t thought this way about anyone for a long time, the last time she felt this spark was with her husband, and even that wasn’t this strong. She had finally managed to drift off after what must have been hours, her dreams filled with the man sleeping below her. 
As soon as she had seemingly drifted into a deep sleep, she was startled awake by a sound. 
A gunshot. She would know it anywhere, it haunted her dreams most nights. She willed herself to get up and investigate the source. But as soon as she'd opened her door a gust of burning orange flames greeted her, she unconsciously raised her arms to defend her face, she could feel the lick of heat traveling along her forearms, but no screams could leave her lips. When it had died down a little, enough so she could look out and inspect just how much damage it had caused, she tried to get herself to safety. But she didn't like her chances if the flames had already reached her on the second floor. Just when she thought she was lost, she caught a glimpse of a silhouette rushing up the stairs, the effects of the heat and smoke had started to get to her and it seemed liked it all happened in slow motion, the next thing she knew she was being wrapped her tightly in a blanket. She didn’t know exactly how the piece of cloth was going to protect her but it’s all she had, and she didn’t not have the energy to try something else, so she let the figure drag her to the stairs. Everything was now in full speed as they rushed down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the door, she was surprised as it was still night and the smoke had made it even more harder to see, but as soon as she felt the cool patches of grass on her exposed, probably now burnt feet she knew they had made it out, and it was like a tether back to reality. One she didn’t want to face. 
When the blanket was finally removed and thrown aside, she saw Chavez sit down next to where she was stood. She fell to her knees, then laid on her back to try get some fresher air into her lungs, hoping to replace the black ash that now resided there. She sat up and noticed just how close she'd been beside Chavez, their arms glided against each other. She then looked to the house. The house she had shared with her husband, where good and bad memories had been made, everything she owned, every last piece she had of him was now burning to the ground in front of her eyes. 
Her father! Where was her father? She got up in a daze, not exactly knowing where to start looking but her feet seemed to carry her straight to the barn. The gun shot. That's when something had caught her eye, her vision was still blurred from the smoke but there was no doubt in her mind that there, sticking out of one of the stalls where a pair of legs. As she got closer and the body came more into view, there was no doubt about it, it was her father.  A clear gunshot wound to the head. 
Before she could fall to her knees, someone had caught her.
She faintly heard Doc whisper in her ear. "We need to leave, they could be back any moment to finish us off, you can ride with me." 
The next thing she saw clearly was Doc's silver horse and Chavez standing beside it, ready to help her mount when Doc had gotten comfy. 
Once she was up, she felt and uneasy feeling come over her, one that made her not want to  let go of Chavez hand, he just squeezed her’s gently making her look him in the eye. "You're going to be okay, Doc will take good care of you until we're safe, and I’ll be right behind you the whole way.” 
She nodded the best she could and finally let him have his hand back. She followed him, her eyes fixated on his back all the way to his horse. Doc pulled the reigns and the horse started to walk forward, she wrapped her arms around him and felt the exhaustion wash over her. "It's okay, sleep. I've got you." 
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olsenmyolsen · 20 days
softly dusting crumbs from their cheeks when eating
R doing that to Kate after Kate's demolished the plate of cookies that R baked for her.
Chocolate Chip Cookies!
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maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
Post: Hawkeye / The Marvels (Female Reader X Kate Bishop)
Summary: You and Kate talk while baking.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Fluff, Comfort, Feelings
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Being the only one on the new team to use the kitchen properly had pros and cons.
Pro: You could make whatever you wanted.
Con: You had to do the dishes after you made your fabulous meals and desserts.
Pro: It made everyone like and appreciate you more!
Con: People then loved to "subtly" drop hints about what they wanted you to make.
Regardless, you still loved to bake and be one with the kitchen, as America Chavez loved to point out!
"Whatcha making?" Kamala asked as she wandered through the kitchen in her pajamas without even looking up from her phone. You glanced up at the sound of her voice before looking at the clock on the microwave, confused. It was 4:13 pm.
Had she crashed at the YA Building??
You tilted your head and continued placing chocolate chip cookie dough balls onto a tray as the oven preheated. "Kamala, did you go to class today?" You asked, knowing how much being the hero of New Jersey affected Kamala's college studies. "Dude, it's Saturday," Kamala said without lifting her eyes from her phone.
You couldn't tell if she was playing a game or texting Bruno about how she needed him to hack into something or other. Either way, you shook your head. "Kamala, it's Friday." You knew precisely what day it was because... Oh man, what was the saying in Germany?
It's Strawberry Week.
Kamla lifted her head. "What?!" She said, eyeing you before looking at her phone. Her mouth dropped open as she scrambled up off the couch. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "I have a paper to turn in!"
And just like that, Kamala was gone.
"Okay." You said to yourself as you removed your gloves and threw them away before moving some dirty dishes into the sink to wash later.
"Oh, cool cookie dough!" The voice of your friend America startled you and made you jump. "Oh fuck!" You yelled as you caught your breath and swung around to view America with her eyes above the remaining cookie dough.
"Can I have?" She only used those three words to ask. You shook your head. "No, America, you'll get sick!" You replied, knowing how America loves to eat.
Dimensional jumping was tiring and made her a bottomless pit.
"Oh, come on, just one lick of the spoon?!" Your friend whined as she followed you to the sink with the bowl of the leftover cookie dough. You sighed. The younger woman would just pester you anyway. "Fine. Just one." You gave her the spoon, and before you could say anything else, she opened a portal and was gone.
You could hear a pin drop.
"That was my favorite wooden spoon..." You whispered as you were now alone in the kitchen. Luckily, the oven had your back and broke you out of your solemn thoughts by beeping to let you know it was now fully heated for cookies. Slowly, you walked over to the tray of cookies and popped them into the oven.
"Okay, we'll check them in about 12 minutes." You said as you spoke to yourself after setting an alarm on your phone and then opening Spotify. Being left alone with your thoughts for too long was hazardous, so why not listen to your favorites while washing some dishes?
About halfway through singing and swaying to a certain pop star's lyrics, you heard the sounds of a golden retriever. You looked up and over in surprise to see Lucky as he barreled towards you. "Pizza Dog!" You shouted with glee as you threw off the soapy gloves and bent down to get kissed attack by the canine after stopping your music.
However, as much as you loved Lucky, you would have to say his owner tops that.
She could top you, too, but that would require being vocal and honest about your crush on Kate Bishop.
So you'll settle for dog kisses.
"Pizza Dog!" Kate exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen from around the corner, dropping her bow and quiver of arrows in the hallway. "Kate, he's fine!" You reassure your friend and fellow teammate as she runs to where you and her pet are on the hardwood floor.
She squats beside you and laughs as Lucky doesn't stop showing you how happy he is to see you.
"Dman, I don't even think I get this much love." You laugh at Kate's claim. "Please, I think he smells the cookie dough on me." Kate makes an "ah" sound and rises up to look at the pile of dishes you were working on. You follow her up.
"Where's your cookie spoon?" Kate asks after seeing it missing. You sighed. "With America. She did her portal thing, so who knows where she and the spoon are." Kate nodded her head and did her best not to let the smile creep on her face.
But she failed as she looked at you.
You and Kate both knew getting sad over a wooden spoon was silly, but seeing how glum you were about it made Kate want to laugh.
Coming from a good place, of course.
"Well, do you need any help?" Kate asked as she went to wash her hands. You shook your head. "No. I got it taken care of." You lifted up your phone. "Thank you, though." You smiled at Kate and averted your eyes before you were caught staring at her striking beauty.
Thank goodness she didn't have any bandages on her face.
Those made you borderline feral.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to be a taste tester," Kate said, bumping shoulders with you after looking you up and down. You started washing your hands and laughed with a slight blush on your cheeks. "Fine by me."
Any reason to be with Kate was good enough for you.
"So, what was your latest mission?" You asked as Pizza Dog went off into another room, and Kate sat at the kitchen bar. Kate looked over your face and smiled as she thought about it. "Stakeout. I was watching some wannabe mafia group. It was boring. I spent most of my time doodling."
"Oh, I have to see those pieces of art!" You said it as a joke, but deep down, you were dead serious. Kate laughed and made a note to show you sometime in the future while she started to play with her fingers. Kate tried to play it cool, but being around you made her nervous. Not because you were scary or anything but because Kate liked you.
Like really liked you!
"So, which cookies did you make today?" Kate said as you finished the dirty dishes and washed your hands. "Chocolate Chip." You replied with a smile back at the archer.
Chocolate Chips weren't Kate's favorite, yet she said: "My favorite!" and lifted her cheeks as you looked happy.
Over the course of the next few minutes, you and Kate talked about anything that came to your mind. Whether it was TikTok trends, gossip about the Old Avengers, or what to do with the upcoming holidays.
Whether you would go with Kate or not to the Barton's farm.
The answer was still in the air as silence surrounded you two until Kate broke it by looking you up and down as you glanced at your phone. "Hey..." Kate started after clearing her throat. You looked towards her. Kate took that as a sign to continue. "So I've been thinking..." Kate's voice wavered as she did her best to be brave. "And I don't know if this is dumb or if I maybe have read it wrong, but..."
You were fully engaged in whatever Kate had to say, but your 12-minute timer for the cookies went off, interrupting Kate. You gave Kate an apologetic smile, who nodded that it was okay as you turned to the oven and pulled out the tray of cookies with your bare hands.
It helped that one of your powers was no pain.
You looked the cookies over and ensured they were baked enough to cool down. When satisfied, you turned off the oven and went back to Kate.
"So you were saying?" You smiled and gave her your full attention. Kate blushed and opened her mouth.
Chocolate Chip cookies ended up being Kate's favorite after that day.
And you couldn't help but laugh at your girlfriend's face as you softly brushed her cheeks after she demolished the plate of cookies you made.
They were for everybody, but after that day, Kate got the first pick for everything.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Too Close
America Chavez x GN Reader
Request - Could you write America Chavez x GN Reader?
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America decided to stay on Earth-199999 and she will be trained by Dr. Strange. You became friends with her and you spent more time with her almost every day. But she started to develop feelings for you, but she hasn't told you. She does smile more when you are around her and she tries to flirt with you but doesn't go well.
“So, Halloween doesn't exist on your Earth?” You asked.
“No. So why do people celebrate Halloween?” America asked.
“Just to have fun. Some people like to wear costumes and go to parties and everyone gets free candies also people just like the treats” You said.
“That doesn't sound boring. Why do people ask for candies?” America said.
“It just became a tradition to ask for candies. Oh, you should celebrate Halloween! We can wear costumes” You said.
She starts to think about it.
“Okay!” America smiled.
“Awesome” You smiled back at her.
While walking to the store, she starts to talk about her training. She is getting stronger but has a lot to learn, you can see that she has a strong bond with Dr. Strange. While in the store, you two start to look around and you help decide what to wear. You got your costume but she hasn't decided what to wear. It took a while for her to pick a costume but she finally did it. Later, you and America went to get something to eat. She starts to ask what makes you attracted to someone and you start to tell her. But you didn't notice that she is into you.
✫ ✯ ✫ ✯
It's Halloween, and you are dressed as Sully from Monster Inc. America is dressed as Luigi and you take a selfie with her. You went to a party with her and Peter is happy to see you and America.
“Who are you dressed as?” America asked.
“I’m dressed as Han Solo from Star Wars” Peter smiled.
“What is a Han Solo?” America asked.
“Y/n, please tell me that she is joking,” Peter said.
“On her earth, Star Wars doesn't exist,” You said.
“Well, that explains it. Okay, Star Wars is about-”
Peter started to ramble on about what is Star Wars. But America got confused she didn't understand who are the characters or what is a jedi.
“Peter! Next time, we will show her the movies. Breathe and let's take a break from talking about Star Wars” You said.
“Okay. There are drinks and food in the kitchen” Peter smiled.
“Okay,” You and America said.
You and America are starting to have fun. Wanda and her kids are at the party, Wanda isn't after America or Dr. Strange anymore. Wanda just said hi to you and America then walked away.
“So no more fighting?” You asked.
“No. We worked it out and she doesn't hate me” America said.
You don't dance but America tries to convince you to dance.
“Come on, Y/n it will be fun,” America said.
“I don't know how to dance,” You said.
“It will be fun, Y/n,” America said.
“Okay, fine” You smiled.
She tells you to let loose and just have fun. You are starting to hesitate and she gently grabbed your hands. You start to dance and you are feeling very nervous about it, but she encourages you to keep dancing. You and America keep smiling at each other while dancing.
Later, you and America went to get something to eat in the kitchen.
“I’m really liking Halloween,” America said.
“That’s good to know,” You said.
You and America are standing very close to each other. She leans in and kissed you on the lips, she gently put her hand on your cheek and kept kissing you. She pulled away and you are speechless, it felt like your heart was beating much louder than the music.
“Y/n, I really like you a lot. I wanted to kiss you for so long” America said.
“Wow... America I-I”
“I get it, you don't feel the same way,” America said.
She started to walk away fast, she is leaving the party. You start to chase after her, then start to use her magic to leave but you grabbed her arm and pulled her towards you.
“America, I have feelings for you too. When you kissed me... I was caught off guard but I liked the kiss” You said.
“You mean it?” America asked.
“Yeah, I mean it. I wouldn't lie to you about my feelings and I want to kiss you again” You smiled.
“Me too, I want to kiss you again” America smiled.
She wrapped her arms around you and you start to kiss her.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” America asked.
“Yeah, I would go on a date with you. Wait, does this mean you are my girlfriend?” You said.
“Yeah, I will be your girlfriend,” America said.
You kissed her again and she starts to smile then she kissed you back. But, you leave the party with her and went to get pizza. While walking to get pizza, she would hold your hand. You and America can't stop smiling about what just happened.
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kitmoas · 11 months
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seized within the silk we grew
WandaNatKate x Reader (Part of the Training Grounds Universe)
Warnings: ***18+** **MINORS DNI** **Vague Smut-ish*** Mommy kink, slight public things
As usual if i missed anything let me know!
Author's Note: ...........Shhh it's a Halloween Treat (an unedited one so I do be sorry if it sucks)
Kitmoas | Necrosis Kitmoas | Navigation
Blinking slowly as the sun sunk into your eyes, reveling in the slight pain. The noise below you kept your anxieties down, but you knew that the quiet in your head was only temporarily lulled. Everyone else wanted you to move on, but how could you? Your world had crumbled, the foundation cracked and shattered so quickly and you never even stood a chance. One day the rest of them would understand, and maybe this was selfish but you couldn’t stop the thought, it was always you. First your father, your home, and now your temple; gone. 
A hand on your shoulder, gentle but firm broke you from your thoughts. “Hey Pete is done, you ready?” The small smile makes you blush and you know the influence of others has caused you to not quite understand your own emotions, but you have nothing else to grasp so you allow that to run rampant. Nodding, you let your body get guided with a soft hand on your lower back as the two of you step out onto the thin but strong webbed walkway. 
Your face brightens the closer you get to your friends, all in various states of lounge from where you all dangle in the web that the spider boy created. The sun is setting in the background giving you a beautiful view of the city, even below where you can see kids all dressed up running around knocking on doors and getting candy. Settling down next to your best friend, her hand reaching up to tangle in your pant leg tugging at you insistently, a slight sound of disappointment comes from the one who helped you across the bridge in the first place. “I believe boy of spiders did well with this, do you agree?” 
A loud groan, a small web flying past you, and you don’t even have to open your heavy eyes to see the young boy’s pout. “We have been friends how long Yelena, I am Spider-MAN. Man.” 
Her body shakes as you curl into her, exhaustion starting to catch up despite your want to be a part of the group. You want to speak up and laugh, you know that was the point of everyone inviting you but you can’t help how you relax around them. 
“You say that like our little resident Russian hasn’t had her accent and lack of English stick with her for this long, you aren’t ever going to be a man in her eyes.” The taunting voice of America is obvious, and you know she’s trying to get a rise out of both of them but neither bite as the loud giggles of one night only demons and heroes down below ring through the air. 
Clearing her throat, finally shaking the sting from earlier Cassie stands up. “Why don’t we just start drinking? Yeah? Maybe everyone can be men that way?” She’s giggling as she sticks her tongue out at the boy, tossing him a bottle. “My special cocktail, drink up everyone.” She gently sets one in your hand, waiting for your eyes to open to smile at you. “At your own pace, no rush.” 
“Should we drink since most of us are on duty?” Even you groan at Peter’s question, rolling out of Yelena’s arms to stare at the boy.
“Take the spider mask off for a minute and have fun, does Bishop really have your balls in that tight of a grip?” You mean it as a joke, you swear to yourself but you can almost swim in the haze that the tenseness creates. It was the first time anyone has mentioned the archer, and no one thought it would be you first. Rolling your eyes at the panic spreading across his face, you pop the lid off of your bottle and lean back. The strong liquor stings as it goes down your throat, though anything feels better than the weight of the silence. 
A loud laugh and a slap on the back interrupts your thoughts, “You heard her! Follow her lead you weak little Avengers!” You knew that you could always count on your best friend to match your energy. Everyone else follows suit, but one, gulping down their own drinks.
When you finally pull the now half empty bottle from your lips, a drop of the deep Periwinkle liquid escapes down your chin but a gentle thumb doesn’t allow it to get too far. Swiping it away quickly, the hand cups your cheek and sky blue eyes search for your own. They should be comforting but you always did prefer a storm. “Careful there.” 
“Careful there sweets.” Always cocky. You knew that before you started dating her, and you know it’s only gotten worse now that you are on her arm. “Wouldn’t wanna ruin your pretty little costume, now would ya?” She’s pushing into your space, her hand cupping your jaw giving her even more control as she smirks down at you. 
The barely there costume was already ruined before you were even able to leave the girl’s apartment. She had shoved you against the wall the moment she had sauntered down the steps in her cheesy pirate costume, the tattered vest hanging open to show off her abs and the hat barely hanging onto her head. The brunette was holding a sword when she realized that your torn tied up shirt barely covered anything and your skirt had multiple slits so high that she barely had to swing one to get access to between your thighs. 
Eyes rolling, you hope that the darkness of the room conceals the way your cheeks flush. “Well I know you won’t be getting the chance to, so someone has to.” Biting your bottom lip, you know that you’re challenging her. It’s always fun to see how far you can push her until she finally breaks and gives you what you want. 
Kate’s eyes are intense as she stares you down, dark cobalt swirling before it’s interrupted by a hiccup. Giggles erupt from both of you and you feel your heart almost stop, frozen as you watch her head fall back. You never understood how you got someone so amazing to even look at you, let alone have her fall in love with you too. Her head falls to your shoulder, even as her body still shakes with laughter, as her arms wrap around you. She’s tugging you closer, into her body, and you know it’s the safest place you’ve ever been. 
You can feel soft kisses along your neck, a gentle nip as she finally pulls away. Her smile is wide and the glossy nature of her eyes are the clear giveaway of the alcohol she’s consumed. The breath you take gets caught in your throat while she looks at you, almost like you’re the gravity keeping her on the planet. “Let’s go back to the party, I gotta show off my pretty girl.” 
A whine tears through your teeth and you want to beg her to come back, to put her hands back on you but you know that she’s ready to be back in the spotlight. She’s aching to parade you around, not only you but the fact that you are hers. You love it, something you had never gotten to feel before, but in the moment you just wanted her to take what was hers. 
Sighing you just nod, but when she roughly pushes you back against the wall. Her knee shoving its way between your thighs and her mouth smashing against yours. The taste of alcohol was strong on her lips and her kiss was messy, but her hands were rushing along your body. Desperate to feel you up before she finally pulled away, shaky breaths as she smirked down at you. Watching as your hips subconsciously grind down onto her thigh, “I’ll take care of this within the hour, don’t you worry sweetheart.” Cobalt eyes twinkling as she winks at you, her hand cupping your cheek as she pulls you towards the dance floor.
Shaking your head, you smile up at the girl and you try to clear your head from the memories. You were working on that, it’s hard but one day you hope that it will be easier. You let her rest her hand on your face for a few moments before you gently move away, settling back into your position with Yelena. 
It takes a bit before the group starts up their normal antics, America dumps her drink on Peter when he starts practically drooling over MJ. “Do you have to dry hump your webs every time your little girlfriend comes up?” Everyone is laughing, the two somehow constantly at each other’s throats. 
“Yes Peter, what does that MJ even do? Can she take down a secret agency?” The blonde leans up, letting your heavy head fall from her shoulder, as she sticks her tongue out at the boy. Everyone likes to give him crap for being the only one that likes someone out of the business. 
Cassie starts laughing, rolling on her back. “Really going for that spider-man damsel in distress trope aren’t you?” She’s trying to keep her hand stable as she almost spills her drink. 
The shaggy haired boy huffs, though used to the teasing and he knows it’s all just fun, the alcohol in his system is making him a bit more sensitive to the taunts. “At least I have someone Cass and I’m not pining over someone I can’t get!” He blinks, but doesn’t make eye contact with you or the other girl. “I have someone amazing, and she’s perfect. She makes me happy and for the first time I can relax. I don’t feel like I’m always on edge or ready to jump into a fight when I’m around her. I can put down the mask and the responsibilities and feel like a college kid. I’m just a kid and she makes my life better. She makes me better. I’m a better Peter around her, a better Spider-Man.” His voice trails off, realizing that he let his emotions get the better of him. 
It's the one thing every single person in the job wants. Someone, despite the title they hold, to love and melt into. It’s hard to find a patient and understanding person, someone who won’t get mad at the late nights or broken bones. To find someone like MJ was rare, and every single person sitting there knew that. They knew that you had to hold onto those ones with an iron grip, and do anything possible to keep them in your life. 
America sighs, letting her head fall on his shoulder. She leans up to kiss his cheek, a sign that she’s done teasing. It’s quiet as the group take the time to sip at their drinks, enjoying the chilled wind. You should have noticed the way that they all side eye to look at you, the way that Cassie is longing after you, but you’ve lost your own mind. 
Your giggle rings through the mostly quiet room, body squirming to try and get away from the soft kisses that Natasha was leaving along your stomach. She had been soft and sweet all day, her phone and earpiece nowhere to be found. The two of you had spent the entire day dressed in soft onesies, you in a devil one while the ginger donned a random one that made absolutely no sense to you. She had gasped, acted so offended that you wouldn’t know the classic that is Trick r’ Treat but she just tugged you onto the couch anyways. The movie was immediately started, though you don’t remember most of it. 
After what feels like forever, trying to avoid her tickles, the older woman finally leans her chin on you to look up at you. ���Thank you Malyshka.” She giggles at your confused look, kissing your hip bone softly. “I wanted to spend today with you because I know you like Halloween, and though I never really celebrated it I thought it would be nice to at least be together.” She stumbles over her words a bit, a blush rising up her neck. “I made Wanda take my technology and I wanted to just feel the safety of being with you. Nothing taking away from us or the way you make my body feel relaxed, just you and me. Together.” 
Something in your body stops, your heart practically giving out, and you know that you’ve dreamt about this moment since the day that the two of you met. You had always wanted the older women to look at you like you mattered, like you were more to them than you were supposed to be. You could feel your head nodding, mindlessly as you tried to keep your emotions in check. You couldn’t be obvious, or too clingy, or else you might chase her away so you just accepted her words. It felt wrong but you wanted to keep her in her safe little bubble for as long as possible, and if that meant you would spend every single day wishing that she would be different with you more often then okay. If that meant for the rest of your life you would feel inferior so that she would be able to relax just for a bit, then that’s just fine for you. You would give up everything if that meant keeping her happy. 
Natasha was leaning over you, a soft smile on her face. It wasn’t uncommon for you to be on the receiving end of them, but this felt different. It felt real and you did everything in your power to not react. You wanted to kiss her, but you were scared that it would push her away. Instead you waited, with bated breath, as she just stared at you. It was the sound of the music from whatever movie was playing that broke the trance she was in, the ginger bounces back. 
Her eyes were no longer soft, instead they were panicked as she looked around trying to figure out what to do. She was only that vulnerable after she put you in a much more defenseless position, having normally left this type of interaction with Wanda. You want to reach out, but she turns to you suddenly with the smile back on her face. “Let’s make some brownies, we can even decorate them like mummies.” Her hand encases yours softly, and she’s guiding you to the kitchen and for a moment the freak out was forgotten. 
Blinking, you can’t help the embarrassed look on your face when you realize that everyone is looking at you. You try to look the other way but the sun is gone and the moon is entirely too cloudy to even watch it, so you just sigh. Rolling your eyes at yourself, you try to not focus on how many times you have made the group go quiet or how many times you have completely killed the mood. All you wanted to do was drink and hang out with friends, but even that was too hard for you to do apparently. 
The web moves below you and you feel familiar arms wrapping around your shoulders, tugging you back into her body. The two of you sit in silence for a moment before everyone else starts to move, giving the two of you a bit of privacy. “It’s okay, you know?” America’s eyes are soft as she searches for yours. She shrugs when you reject her, and just pulls you tighter against her. 
“How can it be?” Your voice catches you off guard, it sounds sure even though that was far from what you actually felt. “I’m ruining everything and it’s been so long.” 
The girl shrugs, her messy bangs falling into her eyes as she chuckles. “You think we expect you to be okay? We don’t. We’re your friends, real ones. We want to build you up regardless of everything, and we can’t do that if you act like you’re whole. We tease and taunt and mock, but we love you. At the end of the day we love you, no boundaries and no conditions. If you let us, we’ll be there for you and even when you fight it we will be too; just waiting in the background for when you need us.” She’s blowing her hair away from her face, a quiet falling over you to like a security blanket. Leaning over to place a soft kiss against your temple, she whispers reassurance once more as she leaves you to be. 
You want to reach out, beg her to come back and wrap her arms around you. For her to drag over Yelena or even Peter so that you can fall into their arms. It hurt to let her walk away and it almost felt like a weight was slowly crushing your chest, breaking and cracking at your ribs to puncture your lungs. The breath falling from your lips, blue in your imagination. 
“I think it would be fun to actually go out to eat tonight, don’t you Мой красивый ангел?” Her voice echoed through the doorway into the room where you were curled up on the bed, a wave of sadness hit you and it felt like your entire body was caving in. A head of curly brunette hair pops into the bedroom, eyes twinkling but the moment she sees your body in the fetal position it dims. 
Rushing over to you she pauses at the foot of the bed, hand hanging in the air as she tries to quickly assess the situation. Before she can even move you’re flopping over, a pout on your lips and tears in your eyes. Reaching out, your hands grab at her as you silently beg for her touch. The pain is searing and you swore that it was real, but you had a horrible feeling that it was just all in your head. Your anxiety is coming to destroy your favorite holiday, but you wanted to fight it. 
She’s on you in moments and it’s almost like nothing happened, unsure of what even started it you decide to instead melt into the older woman. You weren’t sure if it was just her powers at work or if maybe it was just your desperate need to be around the Sokovian, but whatever pain you were feeling disappeared. The secret of which it was would never be revealed to you, instead you decide to spend the time you now have in bed to your advantage. 
Slowly you move in the witch’s arms so that you can look up at her, a twinkle in your eyes as you miss the red mist falling from her fingers. “Mommy, I think I would rather stay in. We can make sure the candy bucket stays full that way!” It’s a bad excuse and you know it, but you couldn’t think of anything else quickly. You were craving her touch on your body, and you knew that if you were to go out the most she would let you do is get filled by her magic. That wasn’t enough tonight. 
The smile on her face is hesitant but the look in your eyes is real, and how can she deny you of anything? If you needed her touch to feel better than that’s what you needed. Her kiss is sudden, surging forward to connect your lips. The brunette lets you have a few seconds of a mostly gentle kiss before she pushes you onto your back, body pressing you into the mattress. Her weight keeps you pinned as she snaps her fingers and your clothes start to rip off. It’s all so fast and you almost want it to stop, overwhelming your senses but when she pulls away to watch you your racing heart calms. 
“Well hello there little one.” Her voice is soft, it’s gentle and you almost think tonight might be different than every other time. “You’re Mommy’s. Say it.” Her hand cups your chin, thumb swiping along your bottom lip. Her eyes are predatory, but in a warm nature, as she watches your body come into view. Her magic is working to tear your clothes to shreds. She makes a mental note to buy you more, as you whisper it. 
Her hand strikes you out of nowhere, the sting along your cheek forces your head to the side before her rough grip on your jaw brings it back. “Mine, and I own your little body.” Something in her snapped as she trails her free hand down your body. “You know, you seem confused for such a smart slut. Did your brain turn to mush already?” She’s sneering as her eyebrows lift, her fingers slipping in between your thighs where she finds wetness already gathered there. 
Shaking your head, you know it’s a lie. You weren’t sure where it came from, unaware of your own arousal. You had thought you wanted her to be nice, but you can feel the warmth in your body as she settles into her normal state. It’s harsh and almost uncaring, but it’s habitual and comforting. The actions and brash tone turns your mind off, and you realize that even in the state that you’re in the way Wanda treats you is what keeps you level headed and calm. 
A quiet thwap takes you out of your thoughts, and the bouncing unsettles you from your spot as the group starts walking towards the building. You spot the candy that Peter threw at you, hanging just above you though you can’t pinpoint where the web is connected. Sighing you sit there for a moment, eyes watching as Peter and America push each other–both determined to be the first one off the web. 
A firm hand lands on your shoulder and you immediately smell your best friend’s perfume, the blonde kneeling next to you. The two of you silently watch the last of the trick or treaters below you, and you head falls onto her shoulder. “You know, I think the world really does test the best people. It is unfair and mistreatful, but only the best end up the way you do. I am always on your side. I know you didn’t ask me to be, and you don’t technically need me to be, but I am. I will always save you no matter what, and together we will not just survive but we will conquer.” She smiling now, against your shoulder where she tilts her head to suppress her giggle. 
Shoving her away, you can’t help the eye roll as you relish in your time with the Russian. “Okay, don’t get too crazy. The FBI is gonna think you want to start a war or something.” You watch her shrug, rubbing her thumb along your shoulder blade as she stands up. Opening your mouth you go to say something, but she’s already walking away. Even with the mouthed apology, you want to whine and complain but your attention is being pulled from her as someone settles down next to you. 
Feet swinging off the edge of the web, the two of you sit in silence. You wait there for her to say something. You don’t have any negative feelings towards her, and you do really enjoy spending time with the girl. The two of you both enjoy a lot of the same things and conversation is easy, but there’s just something that isn’t right. Maybe you should take a chance, let her take you out just once, but at the same time it’s just too simple. It feels mindless after the past six years but the need to restart is strong, so maybe you should. 
There were a lot of maybes, and you hated that. You were always so sure before, and if you weren’t then someone else was sure for you. It was a stable foundation where your own personal castle was built, but now you have to rebuild. You’re on new land, new terrority, and you have to stumble around to find materials. Even now, lost in your thoughts, you can feel the warmth along your ribcage and it makes you wonder what is happening. Can you truly find a new foundation while the old one pulses along your body? 
Cassie stands, a hand outreached to you with a gentle smile pulling at her lips. She waits, patience unending, as you stare back up at her. Blinking slowly, you try to put together your thoughts. She isn’t rushing or pushing, just there. So you nod, taking her hand and allowing her to pull you up. Her arm is heavy as she wraps it around you, guiding you off the web. The two of you don’t speak, and you hate how it feels comfortable even as you take the stairs down to where everyone else is waiting. 
You can hear the chatter even from the staircase, the three of them arguing about something. “I have a higher ranking than you! I will not switching just so I can have a stupid title!” Chuckling as you hear the Russian yell out, the alcohol must be just starting to hit her with how animated she is being. 
Stepping into few, the two of you immediately gain the attention of the others. Three pairs of stares, the lack of reaction would have gotten to you if America wasn’t able to shake it off first. “Tell them that one day you’ll join the Young Avengers! You wanna work with me and Petes, right?” It’s hopeful even through her confusion as she stares at the arm around you. 
“Why would she want to be a YOUNG avengers when she could be partners with THE White Widow?” Yelena is screaming, howling almost, and you can’t help but giggle with her. 
Peter shrugs, chugging the rest of the drink in his hand before he politely drops it in the garbage next to him. “I personally think you both should join up, we would be unstoppable.” 
There as the entire group starts laughing, the world quiet at the end of the night and litters of empty candy wrappers floating past deflating ghosts, something feels right. You let yourself sink into the feeling, for the first time in months, and you shrug. “Maybe I’ll be on call for both of you, Young Avengers and the infamous White Widow. How about that?” Everyone laughed and nodded along, the group starting to walk down the sidewalk. If anyone looked out the window too quickly it would look just like a group of college kids, laughing and joking, they would never know that the group had fought for their lives from childhood. 
It feels weird to casually agree to something like that, your life on a spiral since you graduated. You weren’t sure where you were going, but at least here on your favorite day of the year you weren’t alone. Surrounded by friends you knew that everything would be okay, and you just needed to allow that to happen. It wasn’t just yet there, but one day it would be and that was all that mattered. 
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pinkthick · 1 year
Attention Marvel fanfictions writers!
There is a scam going around Tumblr and AO3. I checked my inbox recently on one of my fanfictions from a username I can’t click on (not sure if it’s a privacy feature or something) which didn’t seem trustworthy. I searched up the username both in AO3 and Google and it revealed nothing AT ALL.
Not to mention that the group name is very weird. The basically ask you to become one of their writers and to join their Discord group WHICH YOU SHOULDN’T.
They can get your private information based on solely that.
Wording may change from time to time, but it's all the same. It’s spam most of the time but it would be a good idea to delete the message.
The message read as follows (some details blanked out for safety etc.):
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Be safe people!🫡
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its-really-dry · 2 years
before you start, please read [this] which is a summary of the series and disclaimer -> it is good to know that this au series will have a good few spoilers to the new dr strange. so if you haven't seen it and don't want to have it ruined, pls don't read ittttt.everything i write is fic NOT fact!
A/N: ok sorry for not posting in like YEARS but we are back, forgive me 😭 fake spells yall and there is a un-detailed death of multiverse strange
@goodness-gaycious @incorrectlycorrectfun @wandaspov @itsthescarletwitch @smallestavenger @v0idl1nq @tu-mama727 @genderfluidnoodleboi @feedonme @adi06lena @yelenabemylova @daenerys713
word count = 1.6k
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photo is mine babe :3
chapter seven: strange awakens
the next morning, you are woken up by what sounded like trillions of alarms going off at once.
and you were right.
there were trillions of alarms.
"what the f....?" you open your eyes slowly, the blaring sounds making your head pound hard.
once your (wanda)vision clears, you jump at the sight of america being a nose touch away from your face.
"good morning star shine, the multiverse says hello!" she says happily.
"you've been watching WAY too much tiktok." you groan as push her off of you, looking around for the source of the sound.
"where the flying duck is that noise coming from!?"
"oh! over here! i opened a portal to the clock-a-verse!"
"babe. is that the actual name of that universe?"
"what? nooooo. idk what any of them are called, i say what i see there, then add an 'a-verse' to the end of it." america explains, closing the annoying portal.
you roll your eyes and roll out of your bed. you glance up to the clock that was on the wall.
"damn! we should go and check on stephanie!"
"right behind you!"
both you and america rush down the staircase and into the living room and see that stephen hasn't budged one bit. capey was covering him like a blanket too.
"wow. he really is a stone cold sleeper!" the brunette jokes, "out real hard. he was probably smoking a joint or som cause he knocked tf out, CLEAN."
you sigh while you look down at him, the feeling of guilt washing over you once again. the sound of a small cough brings you out of your trance and you see agatha walking into the room with a smile.
"hello there my little birdies! how did ya sleep?" she asks.
"not too bad. thanks again for letting us stay the night witchy."
"awww, it's really no problem y/n! it's always nice to have a bit of company from time to time." the older woman says as she hands you a cup of coffee/tea the exact way you like it.
you stare at agatha in surprise, "NO WAY."
she just smiles and hands america a box of pizza.
"NO WAY." america says.
agatha chuckles at this, "it's just a witch thing darlings. we always know at least a little but about our guests, it's the least we can do."
aggie sits down on the couch, you and america following suite. you glance over to you tutor again and agatha catches your glance.
"he's out like a bad battery torch!"
"do you think he will wake up anytime soon?" you ask and agatha shakes her head which makes you frown.
"it's not a concussion. he's been spelled."
"how do you know that?"
"apart from the fact that i'm a literal witch, there is a big give away. you see, the spell perpetrator wasn't at the least discreet. though it is as if that was a deliberate action." agatha explains and points to a sign that was glowing red on strange's forehead.
"a rune." you mutter.
walking over to strange, you kneel in front of him, moving the hair from his forehead, to fully show the marking. america stares in awe at the rune, hella confused.
"the hell is that!?"
"it's called a rune hon. they can be used for all different purposes. in this instance, they've used it to keep strange in a constant state of sleep."
"that's not just anyone aggs. that's a maximilf doing!" you say as you stand up.
"a maxi-who?"
"y/n's talking about wanda, wanda maximoff." america snickers.
"ohhhaha! good word play y/n/n."
you wink at the witch and she shakes her head. you hold your hand out, summoning a book from thin air and you turn the pages until you find the chapter you wanted.
"i am actually digging this thor-hammer type power! alright, it's the spell, living lamented."
"how could wanda achieve that spell? the living lamented is only written in the dark hold!"
"well, that isn't true actually. the dark hold is just a copy of the original." you tell her.
both aggie and america raise an eyebrow in question and you turn the living room into a look alike of mount wundagore which agatha smiles widely at.
"my, oh my, y/n! aren't you getting good at this?"
"well, what can i say? i was taught by the best so...." you say with a shrug. "there is a place called, mount wundagore, which was carved by chthon, who carved it for the 'prophesied' scarlet witch, who we now know is wc-maxi-witcher. all the OG dark hold writings are carved into the walls of this cave and that's where the book was transcribed!"
america spins around, and around, and around, totally gobsmacked at the interior of wundagore.
"this is the most lit map ever! probs even better than GTA 5!"
"bro i would say that is disrespectful, but you are DAMN right!" you squeal and give the girl a high-five.
agatha studies the walls and their engravings.
"that is amazing. how do you know all of that?"
"i read the books inside of the forbidden section of kamar-taj's library." you reply and agatha laughs.
you seize the reality of wundagore and you are all back in aggie's living room.
"thanks for that lesson kid, it's given me a few ideas of how to get this old chap, up and running again."
"oooo to the library?"
"too the library!"
you cheer and just as you and agatha were about to walk out, america pulls your arm back.
"i would love to stay and geek out with you nerds, i kinda wanna practice my multiverse jumping!"
"sure thing mary, just please get back safley."
"you have my word ma'am!"
strange runs faster then he has ever had to in his entire life. debris and huge rocks float around in the sky that looked like space? he doesn't know why he was running, but he knew he had to.
"how are we supposed to get down there!" a voice says.
strange whips his head to the left and he sees a young girl, brown hair up in a ponytail and a split lip. he felt like he knew who she was, but his mind was so clouded and dysfunctional, he couldn.t narrow it down.
"uhh hello? stephen? we are about to be eaten by a huge a$$ monster!" the girl screams and that snaps him out of his trance.
"jump!" he shouts as he takes a hold of her hand, jumping down hundreds of feet, onto a longer piece of rubble.
the screal from the monster that was chasing them, gets louder with every passing moment. that encourages them to pick up the pace as strange continues to shoot magic at the creature.
but suddenly they were being surrounded by tentacles. the girl looks around in fear and strange rackes his brain to find an idea. he shoots his magic a little harder, up to the belly of the monster and it growls in pain, stumbling backwards as it tries to regain it's balance.
strange uses his magic to pick up the rocks and encloses the monster with them, using all of his might to keep it in there.
"go!" he calls to the girl and she runs.
the monster roars as it tries to force it's way out of the rubble. it manages to get a single tentacle out and it hits strange right on his leg. strange seethes a grimace, resulting in his magic faltering which allowed the monster to escape.
the creature continues it's path to the girl, but just before it could grab her, strange jumps in front of her and puts up a forcefield.
"i am so sorry." he whispers as he looks the kid right in her eyes. she squints at him, trying to understand why he was apologizing.
stephen sighs, "this is the only way. i am so sorry, please forgive me."
and with that, he begins to take all of the girl's powers. she screams and wriggles about, trying to set herself free, but it is no use.
strange can feel the guilt build up inside him, but he knew that what he was doing was the right thing to do?
he is grabbed by the monster who holds him up with it's tentacles around each of his wrists and ankles. the kid drops onto the floor, and she begins to regain her breath. the monster sneers at him before taking another arm and stabbing him in the stomach.
the girl gasps in horror as she watches the life drip from stephen's eyes.
"run. and don't look back. i am sorry-"
stephen shoots up, breathing heavily and sweating. he looks around, frantically and he takes his shirt off, using it to dry his forehead.
a loud crash catches his attention and he sees a star-shaped portal open, and the same girl from his dream on the floor and another body on top of her.
"what in the world is going on!?" you ask and your eyes find an awake strange, "holy heck! you're awake!" you exclaim and rush over to him.
"uhh hi, but what is going on, where am i, and is that the kid-"
"guys, you will not believe this, but i just almost died and i have a dead stephen strange emo tried to kill me!" america pants, as she holds up the dead stephen.
your eyes widen in fear.
"what happened?-...... well that's not something you see everyday!" agatha says, an awkward chuckle following.
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Could u do a america chavez x fem reader fluff? you can do whatever u want with it plot wise!
Chef Strange
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(gif not mine credit to owner)
a/n: I couldn't help myself from adding Strange in lol. the gif sucks ik. but there wasn't a lot of options and idk how the hell to make one myself moving on- thanks for requesting! i hope you like it :))
word count: 800
summary: you didn’t know that dr. strange could make pancakes…
warnings: none, unless if you think calling Dr. Strange homophobic as a joke is one LMAO
marvel - masterlist  m.masterlist
The morning was quiet. Silence was the only thing coursing through your room. Footsteps making their way past the door every now and then. You laid silently, your chin propped on America’s head as she was cuddled into your chest. Running your fingers lightly through her hair, detangling the knots that formed during the night. Her soft breath falling on your skin. The both of you moved into the Sanctum after the incident with Wanda. Which took a toll on both of your mentally and physical health. 
And some how you ended up here. Learning how to do magic and such under Wong’s teaching. He usually in the morning came to the Sanctum to bring you both to the training at the Swayambhunath Temple, as you haven't been able to use the rings yet… It was a work in progress. 
Today however was different. Wong said that you have been working hard enough to earn a day off. You highly doubted that that was the actual truth as a magician's work is never done, that’s what you read on wikihow when learning to do the rabbit in a hat trick after you found out you would be learning magic.
In truth you knew that Wong just needed a break himself. Having to deal with America and you on the daily can take a toll on a person. The two of you hardly ever seemed to get proper work done. Always sneaking off now and then as well as giggling throughout the training sessions. He never really could discipline you on it though. As for some reason you always got what was needed to be accomplished… for America however… anyways.
A soft sigh left your lips as she curled closer into you. Dragging your fingers lightly down her back, you listened to her calm breaths. Even and steady. That was until a loud knock was sounded followed by a voice.
“Come out before I think you died in there,” Strange said, continuing to knock. America shot up, shocked awake by the noise. You groaned, rolling yourself out of bed and approaching the door. You opened it, an annoyed expression making it’s appearance. “Morning, or should I say afternoon,” he remarked. “Why aren’t you up yet?”
“Because it’s our day off,” America mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She slouched herself into your side. Strange’s brows furrowed.
“Don’t you have a room not even three door’s down.” America nodded.
“Yeah, but why would I be there when my girlfriends in here?” she asked, holding onto your hand. The man’s face scrunched up.
“Ew,” he turned around, beckoning you both to follow him. You let out a gasp, pulling America with you.
“Strange that was kinda homophobic of you,” you stated. He rolled his eyes, having heard that sentence more times then he would like to admit.
“I don’t want to hear any of your gross relationship talk.” 
“That also sounded homophobic,” America butted in. Strange turned to face you, freezing you both in your step.
“If I was homophobic would I be letting you stay here?” he questioned.
“Technically it’s Wong’s place since he is the Sorcerer Supreme,” you pointed out. “And Wong would never kick us out, cause he’s not homophobic unlike somebody-” Strange cut you off with a sound of frustration, dragging a hand down his face. He once again started making his way down the hallway. The three of you approached the kitchen, something smelt like it was previously burning.
“Well, am I really be homophobic if I made you guys breakfast,” he said motioning to the plates set out. A stack of pancakes in front of them. Your eyes light up, once again pulling America along with you. She giggled lightly, taking her spot next to you. Strange moved to sit across from you both.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” you informed, grabbing some syrup that was set aside. He hummed.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Oooo, mysterious,” America whispered, passing a carton of fruit to you. You cut a slice of the pancake, holding it to your mouth before stopping yourself.
“How do I know your pancakes aren’t homphobic?” you asked, pointing your fork at him accusingly. He groaned once more, placing his head in his hands. Making you and America laugh. “I’m joking,” you comforted him lightly, taking a bite. “This is really good. Thanks, Strange.”
“Yeah, thanks. They’re a little burnt in some places but it’s the thought that counts,” America nodded. She slid her hand once again into yours under the counter. You took it, running your thumb across her knuckles. The two of you smiled at each other. Once again Strange groaned.
“Don’t do that in my kitchen. You make me miss my love life.”
“Then don’t being homophobic in the kitchen!”
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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mrs-munson-quinn · 2 years
The Immortal Witch | A Stephen Strange Fanfic.
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| A Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Fanfic.
| MoM Spoilers !!
Slow burn !!!
Summary | When Stephen cant find Wanda so he looks for help from the immortal witch, y/n.
Im bad at descriptions sorry but i promise the writing is good or at least i think so.
Previous parts >>>Prologue
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Chapter 1
Happy Chatters can be hear at the beautiful decorated venue.
Stphen was slowly starting to regret coming at this wedding. Who goes to their ex lover wedding? He mentally scolds himself.
He lets a disagreeing head shake at his idiotic decision to coming at this wedding as he lets out a huff before taking a big gulp of his drink.
He could help but divert his eyes to where Christine was dancing with her now husband. Pain and regret thats all he feels. As he stares at the happy married couple.
That could of have been him dancing with christine. But of course his self absorbed self had to ruined what they had.
After he had that fight with her years ago he felt regret. He didnt mean to hurt her. And after everything he still would think about her. Even after many years.
He really is happy for her. He can see the happiness in her eyes and that all that matters to him, her happiness.
He them finally decides to divert his away from the happy couple.
Needing some fresh air he decides to go out at the venues balcony.
With a brand new drink in his hands he heads there.
He stands there starting down the street. Millions of thoughts in his head.
As he stares down the street crash noises suddenly can be heard coming down the street.
People screaming can be heard as chaos starts happening.
What the hell is that, he thinks as he stares down at the street where a weird looking creature is. People can be seen running and screaming from it.
He takes one last sip of his martini and set the glass down
“Thank you” he say to the man holding the tray where he set his glass down.
He takes out the handkerchief that was on his pocket suit. As he turns the handkerchief on his hand turns into the cloak of levitation.
The cloak wrapping itself around strange neck and back as he jumps down the balcony.
His fancy suit turning into the other suit in which he fights in.
Strange then flys down towards the chaos .
“How much experience do you guys have with the multiverse” asks the girl while looking between him and wong. Taking a bite out out her pizza
After defeating the weird creature the girl who was the victim of the creature. stayed with strange and wong.
They had decide to take the girl to eat.
Which is now why they are seating down at a table from a pizzeria.
While all of them look ruff. The girl looks the worst. With a cut on her cheek and her clothes all with dirt and scratches.
The girl came to be the one from his dreams which apparently is from another universe.
“We have our experince with the multiverse” Strange responds to the young girl.
“We recently had an incident involving Spider-Man” Strange say while remembering about the incident wirh spider man.
“Woman” the girl says.
“Uh. No. Spider-man”
After the girl revealed what the creature wanted with her. And after she told what her powers They sat in silence at the restaurant.
“Prove it” “prove that what you said happed really happend.” Strange being hesitant in believing the mysterious girl. Especially when she brought the multiverse into this.
“See “ the girl says as she uncovers the blanket that was covering the dead body of the other strange.
Strange then explains his theory about the multiverse.
“How do i know you wont betray me like he did” chavez askes strange while pointing tlt he other strange.
“I guess you are gonna have to trust me” sighs strange.
“ the creature that kill them did it have the same markings as the octups” asks wong.
“Runes” strange aswers wongs question.
“This isn’t sorcery” wongs says
“It’s witchcraft” strange says coming with the realisation that this is different that they excepted.
“Doe we even know who know such a thing” wongs asks
“I think i might” says strange breathless with relief of some help. (Cue the wandavison theme song ;) )
“But the problem is i dont know where she is” as he thinks where wanda could be.
“But i know someone that could find her”
“Theres this legend About a witch, who is said to be hiding. They say that she has invaitable power, said to be able to stop anything. Now i dont know-if she even exits or not but i been doing my re search on her, and i think i know where she might be hiding” strange tells to wong and chavez.
“ and if she really is that powerful as they say she is she will be able to stop this” strange says.
While strange wasnt sure if this witch even existed.
But this was the only way to get of hold of wanda.
Who knows witchcraft.
Hope you guys like this chapter!
Constructive Criticism allowed!!
Also i didn’t put much of their convo like in the movie so please dont get mad at me for that.
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annesthaeticc · 2 years
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in honor of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' worldwide release, i present to you, a new doctor strange fanfic! this one's a bit different from my usual doctor strange fics, and it is greatly inspired by the film, so there's gonna be minor references/spoilers in here.
here is an excerpt of the fic, hopefully, i'll be posting it tonight or tomorrow morning <3
You and Stephen stepped back a little as America channeled her energy into making a portal. A mist of electricity surrounded her and with an ear-piercing scream, she punched into the empty space, opening up a star-shaped portal. America looked at the two of you and smiled.
“You guys ready?” she asked. You nodded and smiled.
“Hope you don’t up your throw up your Froot Loops this time Y/N.” Stephen teased you, you glared at him and America giggled.
“Says the man who threw up on his first Multiversal travel.” America snickered and it was his turn to look serious.
“Are we doing this or not?” Stephen huffed with impatience. The three of you held hands, and disappeared through the portal. Sometime, the portal sent the three of you somewhere in the multiverse, stumbling, bodies crashing against the hard concrete.
“Are you okay?” you heard Stephen ask America as you slowly got up and got to your bearings. Soon, the three of you changed into casual clothes, thinking it’d be better to blend in with the rest of the crowd and not draw any attention. The three of you set on finding the Sanctum first. Once you were on the familiar footpath; in the midst of cobbled stones of Greenwich Village, the Sanctum Sanctorum stood mighty and proud, just like in any other universe. Stephen led the three of you to the door and he cautiously knocked. The doors opened and a version of stood by door, opening it wider to welcome the three of you.
“Ah, Doctor Strange,” multiverse you, greeted with a smile.
“And you must be Y/N.” Stephen said and shook her hand.
“I am, Master Y/N, Master of the New York Sanctum. And you must be me, in another universe.” she grinned at you and you shook her hand.
“And you, you must be Ms. Chavez.” America nodded in greeting, quickly warming up to the alternate you.
With the introductions done; Master Y/N led you three to the main area. She offered you tea and you all agreed, admitting you were all parched. Master Y/N served tea and reassured the three of you, “Don’t worry, it’s just tea, with a little bit of honey.”
“Just like how the Ancient One takes it,” you mused as you took the first sip.
“I’ve come to like how she took it.” Master Y/N nodded.
“I’m assuming your Doctor Strange here is the Sorcerer Supreme?” Stephen piped up.
“I’m afraid not. Our Doctor Strange is practicing medicine at the Metro General Hospital.” Master Y/N replied, Stephen looked at her curiously.
“But we know each other. He’s a great help when we need it. He volunteers in the health drives we host annually,” she continued.
“Huh, if he’s not the Sorcerer Supreme here, then who is?” Stephen probed.
“Wong.” Master Y/N proudly said. Stephen exhaled and leant back and you tried to keep in your laugh.
“How did you know our names?” America suddenly asked and Master Y/N grinned, already liking the young one.
“You aren’t the only ones fascinated about the multiverse. We are too, curious about it. Only we don’t have the means to travel through it, we just watch, we simply observe. There are a lot of universes out there and we are sure that we haven’t seen half of it. And we’ve seen yours, so I know you.”
“He’s still practicing medicine?” Stephen asked, as if he’s finding it hard to believe it.
Because in every universe he’s been in, his alternate version was the same. Their hands were broken caused by the car accident. And this, this was the first universe he’s been in where his alternate self is still practicing medicine.
“He is, and I believe he’s in. Would you like me to portal you there?” Master Y/N kindly offered and Stephen almost instantly shot up from his seat, following the Master. Master Y/N dutifully opened a portal and Stephen looked back to where you and America were seated.
“Aren’t you two coming?” he asked.
“Uh, I think you should do this on your own,” you said with a smile and America agreed.
“I’ll see you later then.” he said.
“You will.” America replied and waved goodbye.
Master Y/N walked through the portal and Stephen closely followed. His eyes took in a not-so-new environment, one he sometimes missed. Walls were bleak and boring, lights too bright, almost cold, busy health workers dashing about, and patients wheeled in wheelchairs. But one thing he found different, were the murals on the walls. In great contrast to the white, there were bright paintings of animals, cartoon characters.
“This is the…” Stephen started his sentence.
“Pediatric wing of Metro General Hospital, yes.” Master Y/N looked up at the man beside her and grinned.
“Are you saying…”
“That our Stephen Strange is a pediatric specialist? Yes.”
Stephen stood frozen in spot, blinking, trying to process the newfound information. Master Y/N must have sensed his panic, so she said, “Don’t worry, he’s less of a dick compared to you.” Stephen looked at her in shock and she laughed.
“His office is just down the hall.” Master Y/N cleared her throat and pointed to the said hall. Before Stephen knew it, he’s all alone standing, Master Y/N must have left him. And before he knew it, he’s walking the short distance towards the end of the hall. Stephen found himself standing by the door, looking at the shiny placard that said:
Stephen gazed at it with an indescribable, unknown emotion. It was almost overwhelming. And so, he took a deep breath and shakily raised his fist to knock on the door. But before he could do so, a voice boomed through the other side of the door.
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( watch out for the full fic!! you can join my taglist and be one of the many to find out what happens next!!!! join the fanfic taglist here! )
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Dagger to the Heart ~ Young Guns. Chapter 2
Summary: Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder had quite a simple life before she met Billy and his gang or Regulators, forced to ride with them on their mission for freedom and revenge she will become a loyal regulator herself and also find the best of friends in Doc Scurlock, but best of all? She gets her biggest wish of finding love again, until that too is cruelly ripped away from her again, forcing her to become someone she never thought she would be. A seeker of revenge.
Character Pairing: Chavez Y Chavez X Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder.
Masterlist Here! Part One here!
Taglist ~
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Bobbie woke with a start.
Disoriented she tried the best she could to take in her unfamiliar surroundings. It was light but she could tell it was late morning, sitting up on her elbows all she could see was sand and weeds covering the ground in all directions, this wasn't home. Where the hell was she? It took her a minute or two to stop the panic that had set in, things started to come back to her, the regulators, the fire, her father laying dead in the stables. God her poor father. 
"Hey." Startled she whipped to her left. "You okay?" 
All she could do was stare at the blonde man that was stoking the fire in front of him, for the life of her she couldn’t think of his name. “What?”
It was only then she had noticed someone out the corner of her eye heading her way, when she looked up Chavez was just kneeling down to her eye line, his arm outstretched. She was honestly surprised that she’d been able to remember his name but not the other mans. She took him in for a moment, she noticed his eyes, brown almost hazel in colour but they held such intelligence. Safe to say she was mesmerised, when she had found herself back to reality she finally looked down at the battered metal cup in his hand, she'd been that distracted that she hadn't even noticed how parched she was, so she gratefully took the water. Chavez almost cracked a smile at her, admiring the way she gulped the liquid down but he made sure to hide it. 
"We only stopped for a rest, I'll get the horses ready." With that Chavez walked away, it took everything in Bobbie not to burn a hole into the back of his head, for she was sure he would be able to sense it.
"You didn't answer my question." She turned back to where blondie had been sat observing the entire encounter between her and Chavez.  Doc! that was his name! He was now fully focused on sharpening his blade.  
She just looked at him confused. "Sorry what?" 
Doc focused his gaze back to Bobbie. "I asked if you were okay, you look startled.” He gave the blade one last strike against the stone before burying the tip into the soft sand and chucking the stone aimlessly behind him. "but to be fair, can't say I at all blame you it's been a rough night."
She smiled at him, all that effort just to ask if she's okay. "I'm fine, I think. A little disoriented after every thing but I've been through worse plus, some of the company isn’t so bad.” Doc nodded in understanding. "I'll be fine, thank you though.” 
Just as he was about to say something else they both heard two people bickering, one of which sounded frantic. It was coming from just around the corner of a big rock to their right, both Doc and Bobbie stood up to see what was happening. Chavez had already beaten them there and was trying to calm the situation down but to no avail, Charley just kept walking in circles and ranting over and over again.
The only word Bobbie could make out was 'hanging', at this point she had no idea exactly what she'd gotten herself into but she sure was about to find out. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse Steve brought over Billy which made Charley freak out more. She hadn't even been around Billy for more than a day but there was just something about him that she already detested. And she was right, straight away Billy was describing hangings that he'd been witness to and of course Charley was incredibly distressed and getting worse, Billy even went as far to tell him that he most likely would be caught and hanged, just to rub salt further into the wound he also started to laugh in his face.
Bobbie had, had enough. "Hey Billy, why don't you cool it down a bit huh?" He gave her a look, one that she didn't like at all, one that instilled fear into her.
"Why don't you just keep your mouth shut huh? You're not apart of this gang little girl." He started to move towards her but to her surprise Chavez stepped in front of her.
"Billy." Chavez warned in a low tone. He backed off, but not without glaring at Bobbie who was peaking over Chavez's very wide shoulder. 
“Why is she still here anyway? All she is is a bother, if anyone is going to get us killed it’s her!” Bobbie bolted past Chavez, determined to rip Billy’s face off, but Chavez’s reflexes where faster and he caught her by the waist and held her tight against his chest. 
To Bobbie’s surprise it was Doc that spoke up this time. “She lost everything because of us, what were we going to do? Just leave her in the middle of no where without family or a place to live?” 
Billy just scoffed. “She’s not our responsibility, if she slows us down or gets us in trouble I’ll kill her myself.” He seemed to drop it after that and walked over to Charley to continue their conversation.
It was only then that Bobbie realised that Chavez was still holding her, she couldn’t help but to notice how warm and comforting it was to be so close to him. But as soon as the thought entered her brain, he’d let go and started walking away.
They'd finally decided to treat Charley to one final good day, just incase they did get hung. Bobbie felt awkward at first walking into the bar, the girls walked around, shoulders exposed and low, very low necklines. She had sat down next to Doc, Chavez passing them, sitting down at the other table across from them with his back against the wall. A brunette rushed over to him, sitting behind him and immediately draping her hands all over his shoulders and chest. Bobbie tried her hardest to not look at them, she could feel something stirring in her but she tried to push it all down, she had no right to get possessive over him, they hadn't even known each other 24 hrs yet, what right did she have? What she didn't know was that Doc had clocked her stare at Chavez and smiled to himself, he knew exactly what that look meant.
Bobbie had been so distracted by Chavez and the lady hanging on to him that she hadn’t even noticed the tension rise in the room when Billy had walked himself over to the unknown man. Only realising the peril they could be in when Doc and Steve both took out their guns and laid them on the table, almost in sync. Doc as if sensing her discomfort did his best to give her a smile that was meant to calm her nerves, it did anything but.
“I would sure like to touch the gun that’s going to kill Billy the kid.”
Billy was going to get them all killed.
“I heard this Billy the Kid has a way with the woman.” She hadn’t meant to scoff out loud, in fact she only knew she had when all heads turned in her direction. 
Luckily for Bobbie, Billy didn’t like when the attention was taken away from him for too long and continued with his doomed teasing of the bounty Hunter.
But Bobbie found herself once again distracted by the man sitting opposite her. In order to concentrate on the escalating situation behind him, he’d finally shooed the letch from the tight grip she had on his shoulder, Bobbie’s vision of Chavez was blocked only for a moment while the female walked past her, no doubt to find another willing male to latch onto. But the moment her sight was cleared again she found Chavez was already staring at her, in those matter of seconds he’d lifted his head and their eyes had met, he lifted the glass up to his lips and took a swig of his drink, never breaking the contact until he heard the fatal words come out of Billy’s mouth.
“Hey! I see him!” He pointed to himself in the mirror. “There! There’s Billy the kid!” Bobbie couldn’t help but roll her eyes and lean back, defeated in her seat, if a bounty Hunter didn’t come and kill this stupid kid soon she had half the mind to do it herself.
The man wasn’t having it though, he just thought he was being a stupid kid and was teasing him, if only he knew. When Billy started to whistle that’s when she knew this was going to go sour, and she was right. Trying to shoot Billy the man didn’t succeed for Billy had taken out all his bullets when the man had stupidly handed Billy his gun to look at, he tried several times but all that was heard were clicks. Then Billy pulled his gun, Bobbie will never forget the look on the man's face when it dawned on him that he was about to die.
He shot him, and that was it for Bobbie. After everything she’d been through she couldn’t take it so she stormed out and hoped that no one would follow her. But she would be disappointed, she could hear Doc calling after her as she marched her way to the horses. When she turned to look at him she could see that not far behind him was Chavez who was also walking towards her but he was walking a lot slower and definitely stalling to catch up to her. 
“Let me guess, it was Billy that started all this in the first place?” Doc didn’t say anything but he stopped short in his tracks which was a dead give away. “How can you stand him? He’s so insurable.” 
Doc looked confused and lost for words. "He sometimes has a point though, they killed our mentor, at first I didn’t agree. In fact I’m not sure what I think and feel right now but it’s happening and all we can do is go along with it.” 
She was pacing in front of the horses now. "And that justifies killing more people? That just makes you as bad as them!"  
"Bo." His soft voice stopped her in her tracks, she looked over to where Chavez was now stood next to Doc. "It's gone too far now, we have to see this through. Me and Doc definitely agree with you, but we've done too much and Billy isn't going to stop until he's satisfied. Murphy's men are definitely not going to stop hunting us until they see us shot or hung." He then turned to Doc, putting his hand on his closest friends shoulder squeezing it to reassure him, he gave a nod which made Doc sigh and he began the walk back to the bar. 
Chavez watched until Doc was out of earshot. "I can take you to the nearest town if it'll make you feel safer, i'm sure we can find you a decent hotel." 
She thought about it deeply, she had nowhere to go, no friends, no family and no place to call home. If she had also been a target because they were with her in her house then she too was probably being hunted. "I have nothing." She dryly laughed. "You guys are kind of the only thing I know right now, they also burned my house down and killed my father, which probably means i'm also a target right?" 
"You are more than welcome to stay with us and i'll do my best, I mean me and Doc will do our best to keep you safe but you must know we can't promise your safety."  Bobbie's heart fluttered, maybe staying with them was the best thing, even if it would just be to stay close to Chavez and Doc. 
She never got to say what she wanted as Charley screamed for his life. “IT’S JOHN KINNEY!”
Chavez rushed past her to untie his horse, she was too shocked to move. Everything was moving too fast. He jumped up onto the horse seamlessly and reached his hand down to Bobbie. 
“You can ride with me.” 
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
I was tagged by @fuckerao3 (thank you!) to post summaries of my WIPs. Enjoy!
First up would be all the Requests I’ve got sitting in my Inbox, but I haven’t been able to write a single word for any of them, yet, so I’m just re-wording the Asks here, I guess. Anyway:
Oberyn Martell being jealous and possessive with a Male Reader; I have no specific circumstances for that, yet.
Gender Neutral Reader snapping at Billy Lenz, because work is stressing them out, specifically one co-worker, but they apologise and reconcile later on.
Dave York with a Male Reader, who has a Daddy Kink; no specific scenario so far.
Smut Fic about BoP!Roman Sionis, in which the Male Reader either gets caught wearing or is gifted Lace Panties and is a Pillow Princess and Roman is more of a Soft Dom; includes some Fetishes and Daddy Kink.
Brahms taking and hiding a box of soda or energy drinks that the Gender Neutral Reader has bought to drink by themself, and what would happen, then.
Smut Fic about a Gender Neutral Reader being in a Poly Relationship with McKirk; Reader is from our time and has landed in their time through some Time Travel Shenanigans.
Mateo Chavez and an Anxious, Gender Neutral Reader; no specific scenario for this one so far, either.
Headcanons of Slashers + Dan Torrance hugging the Gender Neutral Reader after not having seen them in several months.
Now, my own WIPs:
Fic Ideas that were sent to me by @detectivebarba:
1) Rafael Barba and a Male Reader, in which one of them is held hostage and the other one has to get there in time to save them.
2) Rafael Barba and Male Reader are in a relationship, but Reader is a detective with SVU, and so when Olivia Benson finds out she gives them a week to break it off, or she’ll inform 1PP.
3) Male Reader is accused of a crime and he couldn’t have done it, but his alibi would out Barba, and so he refuses to tell. [I’m very set on writing them all, because they’re great ideas and apparently, people really want me to write more Barba Fics anyway, so-]
Ron Stoppable is actually a(n evil) genius, but he’d been taught early on that his ‘weirdness’ and his genius are bad things and so he hides it; until one day he becomes Dr. Drakken’s apprentice, which leads him down his true path, such as the realisation that Kim isn’t good for him and that he doesn’t need her if she really doesn’t like him for who he is. An Evil!Ron Fic that is very much centred around the Found Family Trope with Dr. Drakken as the Queer Uncle-Figure, basically, who shows Ron that it’s all right to be different and helps him come to terms with his sexuality and other struggles.
An Original Story that used to be a McKirk AU, but since it’s an original concept taken from dreams I’ve had as a child, I decided against making it into a FanFic. It’s about Vampires and a Hunter. The Leader and the Hunter fall in love over time and it’s pretty angst-y, but it has a happy end. That’s how much I can say without telling y’all the whole storyline, right now. [The Vampires’ powers and such is what I’ve taken from my dreams, the rest I just built around McKirk first, years ago, and have hung onto ever since, only now exchanging the characters through original ones that I’m still designing. So far, I’ve only done the Vampire Leader and the Hunter.]
ZsaszMask Prequel Fic, in which Roman has a more thorough back story (which is very much pieced together from some of his comic origins), feels trapped in the life he has and finds his way out via Victor Zsasz, who is happy to help him thrive on his own, once Roman’s parents cut him off. [Chapter 1 has been out for over a month now (on Ao3 only) and I’m yet to continue writing on this Fic, but unfortunately that’s exactly when my body and mind both decided to shut down entirely.]
That’s about all I’ve got that I’ve actually written down in their own documents and such. Everything else is just in my head, kept safe there until I can write those, too.
I’m tagging: @k0diak-k1llz , @doktorgirlfriend and @detectivebarba , if you’d like to share your WIPs, too (no obligation, though, of course, and I hope it's all right I tagged you at all)! :) <3
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atearsarahjane · 7 years
S and Y for the fanfic asks
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Reading: Secret dating. Besties that love each other but don’t know the other loves them. Having to share a bed and waking up entangled. 
Writing: Babies. Overly dramatic reunions.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Bernie Wolfe. Shelagh Turner. Angela Turner. Pam Poovey. Todd Chavez.  Morven Digby. Jasmine Burrows. Cameron and Charlotte Dunn. Basically just AAU and it’s family.
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impossiblelibrary · 7 years
Recommendation from Geek and Sundry’s Twitch stream: The Wednesday Club
Hello, I’m the Sorceress of Pens (aka SorcPenz), from the Twitch Chat.
I wanted to give ya’ll a nice list of all the titles thrown at us each Wednesday by the amazing Amy Dallen, Taliesin Jaffe, and Matt Key and the mythical Chatroom, creating a thirst for a comic store trip each week. It's a long list. Here's as many as I could catch from just Episode 1.
If you can’t wait for the titles from last week’s horror episode, be sure to check out Geek and Sundry’s articles on The Wednesday Club.
From the hosts:
Comixology as an online place to get sales on comics
Rumiko Takahashi- one of the richest women in Japan because of comics. Inuyasha horror and comedy. Strangers in Paradise America Chavez solo comic Patsy Walker Hellcat- for awesome Letters column with fans' cat pics.
Comics that changed you:
Tal- Invisibles-by Grant Morrison published by Vertigo
Jack Kirby anthology, early DC stuff
Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow
Amy- Sandman, Funhouse, High Cost of Living, V for Vendetta
Matt- Nightcrawler- for a Catholic superhero that talks about god
Squirrel Girl, Dr. Strange, X-men
X-men Legacy 2012 run, Volume 2 (or 2nd run) The Last Boy on Earth by Jack Kirby Adam Warlock Generation X
Squirrel Girl The Wicked and the Divine Grant Morrison's Dune Patrol- psychotropic nightmare fuel Grant Morrison's Filth- gave nightmares to @erikredin Y the Last Man- same writer of Saga Runaways Avenger's Arena- Marvel's take on Battle Royale, horrifying, you have been warned DC Bombshells Gotham Academy Champions-where Ms. Marvel goes once parting from the Avengers Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel- tumblr girl with superpowers, Pakistani-American Muslim who writes fanfic Vision Kids Man Thing- swamp monster, RL Stein will be doing new run Secret Wars Ironheart- Female Iron Man East of West by Jonathan Hickman
Videos and other non-comic book recommendations: Legion TV show *!! Japanese 90s X-men intros !!* *!! The LARPosal (and trailer) !!*
From the chat:
@figure_04: Pathfinder, Rat Queens- medieval comics for beginners @Quaraxkad1: Fables, Y the Last Man, Alias, The Pulse, Powers @chaoticcloony: Avengers Annual #16 (1987), TMNT, Elf Quest @JJ_Dane: Superman Annual #11, Divinity @CosmicVoyagerX: Superman Peace on Earth- for idealistic inspiring stories @mogodontsocialize: Dark Horse Star Wars @Sorin_ Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men, Man Without Fear (1993 run) @starpilotsix: Marvel 1602, Brian K. Vaughn @Readrlady: Allstar Superman @sorcpenz:Books of Magic, Tanpopo @Lwnasidh: No prize book @Toonimator: She-hulk #21 by Dan Slott- first talk on the A-holes @Serenitywake: Grifter, Godeater @niconico666420ni: Panorama Island, noir bySuehiro Maruo @chuckytheclown11: Blackest Night @TenguBruxo: Old Man Logan @bluelinnet: Finder by Carla Speed McNeil @Ser0nionKnight: Avenegrs Academy after Avengers Arena, All New Wolverine @charlierose11: Mockingbird 2016, Princeless, Lady Castle @esweed3: Unworthy Thor @Triamas: New Mutants Asgard Adventures, Warren Ellis's Moon Knight @RiskyPixels: Uncanny X-men, Wolverine Unleashed @jrobie_1970: Hulk #180 @Darthpapas: Iron Fist #14 @JodyHouser: Narbonic, start into webcomics @WDM1262: American Alien
Comics that changed them: @JodyHouser: Things from another world, Mad Love @HonoroableDiscord: Neil Gaiman's Death, Alan Moore's Kingdom Come @ThatNerd: Watchmen @niconico666420ni: Shoko Tsubaki @alanmac9: Doctor Fate by JM Dematteis, late 80s run @Greekheat: Paul Dini's Dark Knight: A True Batman Story @rhammpy: Logicomix: An Epic Search for the Truth, made them love philosophy again @0606evan: A History of Violence @kalrany: Order of the Stick changed D&D for them
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its-really-dry · 2 years
before you start, please read [this] which is a summary of the series and disclaimer -> it is good to know that this au series will have a good few spoilers to the new dr strange. so if you haven't seen it and don't want to have it ruined, pls don't read ittttt. everything i write is fic NOT fact!
A/N: reader is defs the strongest non-avenger ong 🤨
@goodness-gaycious @incorrectlycorrectfun @wandaspov @itsthescarletwitch @smallestavenger @n0idl1nq @windchaser1990 @tu-mama727 @therealhawkguy @feedonme @adi06lena @yelenabemylova @feral-acosmist @daenerys713
word count = 1.6k
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photo is mine babes :3
chapter five: DUDE ur like jesus and satan!
agatha stares at you in surprise. but her expression soon turns curious as she now wears a small smirk on her face.
"well my, oh my. i have never been so right in my life!"
"i'm sorry. right?" america asks.
agatha smirk widens as she places the plates of food down on the big table and slowly makes her way over to you.
you stop floating and you furrow your eyebrows in question while you watch the older woman walk closer.
"what i mean is, my assumption could not have been more perfect!"
you still don't understand what the witch is saying, and she laughs st that.
"you're the enchanter! i knew it, i knew it, i knew it!" aggie squeals as she does a little dance.
you raise your eyebrows at america who shrugs, being just as confused as you are.
"what exactly did you know harkness?"
"oh y/n! i knew you were the solitare enchanter!"
you and america stare dumbfounded at the woman. what in the world did she mean by that? yeah sure you went all shiny and got a glow up by doing the 'spell', but that hardly meant anything. right?
"look. come on over here girls and take a seat." agatha says and you follow her instructions and sit back at the table. aggie smiles and pushes both of your plates of food. you and america take them after a quick 'thank you', and just as america was about to stab her fork into the lasagne, agatha waves her hand and you all end up around the kitchen table. you sit there, unfazed really. it's nothing you haven't seen before. however, america sat there in confusion and awe.
"crikey!" she exclaims and then digs in.
you laugh, she really was a character you had to say. agatha opens up the said book you were just spell-ing from and she magically creates a pair of reading glasses in her hand, staring up at you.
"did you read the prophecy?" she asks and you shake your head in response
aggie chuckles, "oh y/n/n! it's the first thing in the book! you can't just skip to the spells cause they're the fun parts. no. no, i am lying. skipping is actually a good idea right now. most of the first pages are boring, so let's get to the helpful stuff."
agatha puts on the reading glasses and starts to flip through the pages before she stops abruptly.
"ah ha! here it is. are you ready for a story girls?"
you nod and america lets out a muffled 'mmhmmm' as her mouth is full of lasagne. agatha smiles and begins to read the unfinished prophecy.......
"dame jendi, one of the most powerful witches to walk the earth, was a selfless and good-hearted woman. she had knowledge of the unknownable and powers that were unimaginable, and of course, there were those who envied her greatness. the dame had created a spell that would give her powers to a single deserving soul. a soul, who's intentions and interests were even more pure than her own. people, without knowing about this spell, would often hunt her down or set traps to kill her so that they, themselves, could obtain all the power for their own greedy hearts. however, no one was able to accomplish their evil doings. the dame jendi was far more knowledgeable than them and would instantly find out about their plans and killed them instead. jendi knew that she had to do something about her powers, she knew she had to hide them somewhere. so she put a rune on it, in hopes that the real deserving soul will attain them. dame jendi gave me, ganjo, her ghost writer, the spells which she has instructed me to put the page in this book. only that said soul can open to it. only that soul can become, the solitare ench"
"the solitare ench?" you ask.
"dame jendi and her side mans ganjo?" america snickers.
"you're trolling right now aren't you?"
"no! i am not kidding, this story is real! names like those were normal back then."
"yeah, like 15,000 years ago!" america states.
you shake your head in disbelief as you take the book from agatha and inspect it yourself.
"there is no way that only i was able to open the spell page."
"it is true. you see, people call this the 'unfinished prophecy' because to them, the undeserving souls, there is no spell page. and of course 'ench'." agatha explains which you nod to.
"holy smacc aggie's right! if you weren't the enchanter, then how did you even open- no. even know there was a page?"
your eyes widen. america is right that agatha is right. you flipped to that page as if it was always in the book! well, it was always there, it was just that nobody could see it.
"oh wow. okay now i'm trippin. THIS IS CRAZY!" you say with your hands on your face.
"y'know, from this angle you really look like kevin mcallister from home alone." america laughs and wipes her mouth with a napkin, "are you gonna eat that?" she asks you, pointing to your plate of lasagne.
you roll your eyes at her huge appetite and shake your head, "you can have it. my mind is way too blown to do anything but think about how awesome this day has become."
"sure." the brunette shrugs and pulls your plate over to her, immediately stuffing her face.
agatha smiles at the girl, proud that she made such a likeable dish. you to the witch woth squinted eyes.
"wait. didn't the book say that the solitare enchanter was rivalries with the red bi**h?"
"you mean the scarlet witch? yes. that is correct."
america chokes on her food at that, "haha maxi-pad."
"well, you don't have to fight, but it is intended."
"girl stop making things more complicated than they already are. PLEASE." you scold.
agatha apologises and waves her hand again to which the dark hold appears in it. both you and america look at the book, then to each other, then to agatha, then the book again in complete shock.
"how the hell did you get that!?" america questions.
"it was in your bag, which you had dumped out on the table back in the library. i must say that i am quite impressed you were able to steal it from wanda."
"we didn't steal it."
"oh, so she gave it to you as an early christmas present ?"
"no, i mean, not as a christmas present but-"
"we stole it. that's also a part of why she's mad." you admit.
agatha smirks and opens the dark hold, showing you the page she is on.
"you see, where the dame's writing finishes, the dark hold continues. the story of the scarlet witch, i'm sure you girls know by now, actually has a continued ending. when one of them is awoken, the other arises soon after." agatha reads.
"so basically, wanda went coo-coo and now y/n turned poggers?"
"so even if i were to find out i was the enchanter earlier, wanda still would have been the scarlet witch?"
"correct. even though they are enemies, in a way, they still work hand in hand. though, two of them cannot exist along side each other, cause it would end up in total chaos only one of them can win."
"yeah, y/n! remember? you have to fight the maxi-pad!"
"OOF." you grimace, "so who wins? who's the good guy and who's the bad guy ?"
"they are neither. no good, no evil. they are natural."
"LIES. wanda is tryna KILL ME." america yells and you rub her back.
agatha sighs, "witches weren't really good at deciding those things. all we know is that they are opposites in every way. from thinking, to intentions and probably even sense of fashion!"
"DUDE! you're like jesus and satan ! but like, if they were both homies and hated each other." america laughs.
you frown. making a decision on wither wanda stays or you overthrow her, was hard. especially when you didn't know who was the good guy.
"does that mean i have to kill her?"
"the prophecy is unfinished. you essentially get to choose your paths."
"that doesn't make it any easier!"
you stand up from the table and walk into the living room, slumping onto the sofa.
"WHY ME!?" you whine as you cry into the pillow you are holding on your face.
agatha chuckles and comes to sit next to you, embracing you in a hug.
"there, there. it's all gonna be ok, sweetheart! you are gonna do just fine."
just then, the doorbell rings.
"i'll get it!" america says. she hops off her chair and runs over to the door. when she opens it, she is met with a peculiar sight.
"uh guys?" she pokes her head round into the loving room, "there's a cape here?"
the cloak flies past america and into the room where you are. you throw the pillow to the side and hold your arms out.
"CAPEY!" you squeal and the cloak 'hugs' you.
"what are you doing here!? how did you find us!? is strange and wong with you!? oh my gosh did wanda capture you!?"
the cake wraps itself around you and you begin to realise.
"mc-maxi-witcher just attacked kamar-taj, stole belshazzar, took wong and forced him to take her to mount wundagore and stephen is in critical condition." you tell them, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"the cape told you that!?" america queried with furrowed eyebrows.
and gets up off of the sofa and pulls you up.
"it's time for your lesson on power control moss chavez! and you, miss y/n, it's time you read my spell book." agatha says and hands you the old book.
"we're gonna go save your old man, and all the universes."
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its-really-dry · 2 years
before you start, please read [this] which is a summary of the series and disclaimer -> it is good to know that this au series will have a good few spoilers to the new dr strange. so if you haven't seen it and don't want to have it ruined, pls don't read ittttt.everything i write is fic NOT fact!
A/N: not much to say. oh, actually, there is one thing NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWWWNNN🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
@goodness-gaycious @incorrectlycorrectfun @wandaspov @itsthescarletwitch @smallestavenger @n0idl1nq @windchaser1990 @tu-mama727 @therealhawkguy @feedonme
word count = 1.7k
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photo is mine babes :3
chapter three: the stranger flags are red, unless they spare you a bed
the hotdog stand guy, mikey, hands the lady the three dogs and sets up his stall for the next customer.
"here you go girls! better start chompin before they go cold!" she says as she passes you and america a dog each with a smile.
"th-th-thanks?" america stutters out which makes the lady chuckle.
"my name's agatha. agatha harkness!"
"it's nice to meet you! i'm america chavez, and this is my friend y/n y/l/n!"
"aww! what gorgeous names, for such gorgeous girls." aggie complements with a wink.
america's eyes widen and you choke on your hotdog. the brunette is quick to be at your assistants and attempts to un-choke you by hitting you square on the back, but to no avail.
all of a sudden, you stop choking which makes america stand tall with pride.
"ha! i knew i could do it!"
however, after straightening yourself out, you raise an eyebrow at agatha, to which she only raises one right back.
"i know a witch when i see one." you smirk and america stops her little happy dance and gives you a confused pout.
"well, i know you girls need a place to stay. my house is just there and dinner is on the stove." aggie says.
america is now extremely confused. how did she know that?
agatha tsks and shakes her head, "you really think if i were her, i'd be that easy? i would really be giving it away by saving y/n from choking to death, wouldn't i? it's not very easy to trick a sorcerer."
"WAIT HOLY SMACK HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT YOU ARE A SORCERER and it wasn't me who saved y/n/n from the claws of death?"
"sadly, no, i did that, and as a witch myself, i know a sorcerer when i see one." agatha replies with a another wink. "aaannnddd i might've seen the sling on her fingers but hey! who's asking?"
america now has 3 less brain cells than she did at the start of this conversation. was she missing something? had she zoned out half way through the convo? maybe she just wasn't plugged into the weird telepathy that was going on between you and agatha.
"so? are you coming or what? i've got a spare room with two beds, and more than enough space for yall."
"well the stranger flags are red, unless they spare you a bed i guess."
"uhhh that's not how the saying goes, y/n/n"
"maybe in your universe mary." you shrug and start to follow agatha.
"wait up!" america calls out and runs towards you and stops in front of you and walks backwards as she whisper yells to you.
"ok but what if she is working with wanda, and then she stores us in her basement until mc-maxi-witch gets here?"
"oh darling, i can assure you. wanda maximoff is a far cry from agatha harkness, in the terms of sanity." aggie tells america and that causes her to speed up and walk backwards in front of her instead.
"so you're telling me, you know wanda, but you're not working for her?"
"that is correct. watch your step honey."
and just before america trips over the step, you open a portal that makes her miss it, and walk straight again. america sighs in relief before leaning her arm on your shoulder.
you all walk up the steps to the front door and agatha opens it, guiding you inside. you and america follow close behind her as you take in your surroundings. it was a nice little house, decorated like a 15th century witch would. wind chimes where hanging from the ceiling, dream catchers and beaded curtains separating the rooms. you watch as agatha walks over to the kitchen and pours out 3 glasses of water and brings them over to where you both are, handing them to you.
"please! take a seat!" aggie says, gesturing to the couch.
america takes a seat next to the older woman while you take a seat on the rocking chair opposite.
"dinner will be ready in a few, but for now, tell me. why are you on the run from wanda maximoff?"
"um.... it's kinda complicated. basically, she wants to take my powers so she can travel to through the multiverse and live with her children again."
"you can travel through the multiverse!?"
"however, if wanda takes mary's powers, it would result in death."
"straight away. powers stolen? death now rollin." america sings and pretends to slit her throat with her thumb.
agatha sighs at that, "oh..... i knew this day would come, but just not so soon. guess that is my own doing."
"what do you mean by that?"
"well, back in westveiw, i had pretty much aggravated wanda to point break because of my greed for power."
"back the truck up. you were in westveiw? like, when wanda mind-controlled everyone?" you ask in disbelief and aggie nods her head.
"i was."
"you were the purple witch lady!?"
"that i was also, miss chavez."
"goodness gracious me!"
"golly lollies." you mumble.
agatha holds her head down in guilt, even though she was an evil woman, she still knew it was wrong of her to let it get this far.
"after essentially being put back in place by the girl, she sent me into whatever mind hex spell she had put on the other westveiw residence, turning me into the character agnes 'permanently'. i was eventually able to get out of it, of course. she hadn't perfected the spell completely, so i was able to find some holes. i moved out here to pack pickett to get away from my wrong doings and start over. anyway, it was sometime last year that i actually sat down and began to think, what the hell i was going to do if i did ever take wanda's abilities from her? what would be the next move? and it's then when i found out that i, in fact, had humongous tear in my so called 'plan'. turns out, having all the power and authority ever to exist can become quite annoying, and most probably lonely."
you and america look at each other with frowns. in a way, you kind of felt sorry for aggie, but then again, it was the consequence of her actions. america lays her hand on agatha's back and rubs it up an down slowly.
"we all make mistakes aggs. it's just a fact of learning from them. you can't make the same mistake twice, and if you do, it then becomes a diliberate action." she explains.
agatha gazes up at her and gives her a weak smile.
you and agatha laugh at america's genuine concern and you go and grab some tissues from the kitchen.
as you reach the counter to get the said item, you feel something brushing at your legs. you glance down and see a bunny?
"oh! hey there lil guy!" you pick up the bunny and it instantly snuggles into your warm hold, seeming quite content. you walk back into the living room, carefully, and hand the tissues to agatha and she chuckles.
"i'm guessing that señor scratchy really likes you!"
"ha, i guess so."
"he doesn't like most people, just like his mother!" aggie says and you all laugh. as you sit back down, agatha begins to talk about her past, different stories and her evil doings as a youth.
"oh my honkers you realLY MADE YOUR FELLOW WITCH-EES DISSAPATE INTO CORPSES?" america shouts in shock.
agatha laughs and nods, "yes, i did. i can't say i'm very proud of it though. now looking back at it, it was that same power-thirsty witch that made me hurt wanda the day."
"oh... WE ALL MAKE REGRETFUL CHOICES but ok. foreal now. i asked you this earlier and you gave me a ridicules response. how old are you really?"
"i wasn't lying!"
"I'M SORRY WHAT? no one is 12,000 years old, woman!"
"12,00!?" the look on your face makes agatha laugh.
"12,503 to be precise. i've been around for quite a few centuries!"
"i think a few is an understatement." america mumbles which makes agatha laugh again.
"how old are you, runaway?"
"um. i'm 20."
aggie raises an eyebrow at the younger girl.
"is that so?"
"no. i'm 20. mary's 15."
"america, honey, you can't lie to a sorcerer and a witch." agatha states causeing america to huff.
you shake your head in amusement and begin to think about the current situation you've found yourself in. two days ago, you were running around care-free with america, exploring new places and universes, thinking everything will be fine. planning on going to visit strange and wong, in a more formal matter, back at the sanctum but america ended up opening a portal to wherever wanda decided to reside after the events of westveiw. although you will admit it was your fault that wanda got angry however, she was trying to kill your new best friend! now on the run from the crazy wackus bonkus, you found yourself inside one of the witch's old nemesis' home, in a county you have never heard of. ever. the nemesis is currently repenting of her selfish actions- A LOT HAS TAKEN PLACE AND IT HASN'T EVEN PAST THE WEEK MARK.
you get up off of the rocking chair and take a seat next to agatha on the couch, placing scratchy on her lap.
"do you wanna make things right?"
"what do you mean?"
"correct your wrongs, and retake your mistakes?"
"if there is any way i can redeem myself, i'll do it without question."
you look over at america and you both smile.
"then, you can start by helping us study, and also, teach america how to control her powers." you tell her.
"yeaahhhh i can only open portals when i'm scared."
"well that's not true darling."
"ummmm it is? i am the one who struggles to do it on command?"
"everyone can control their abilities. it's just a matter of actually believing you can do so."
"oh my. you both have a lot to learn, and i have the key to it all." aggie says with a smirk, dangling a key from her finger.
31 notes · View notes
its-really-dry · 2 years
before you start, please read [this] which is a summary of the series and disclaimer -> it is good to know that this au series will have a good few spoilers to the new dr strange. so if you haven't seen it and don't want to have it ruined, pls don't read ittttt.everything i write is fic NOT fact!
A/N: yo so i am still a simp for wanda maximoff even after she became a literal serial killer-
@goodness-gaycious @incorrectlycorrectfun @wandaspov @itsthescarletwitch @smallestavenger @n0idl1nq @windchaser1990 @tu-mama727 @therealhawkguy @feedonme @adi06lena @yelenabemylova @feral-acosmist @daenerys713
word count = 2k 👀👀👀👀 I BROKE THE PROMISE I AM SORRY
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photo is mine babes :3
chapter six: powers under control
[ over on mount wundagore ]
wanda looks around at the dark cave, in awe of the detailed carvings that decorated the stone walls.
"this isn't a tomb." she says as she drags her hands along the walls, "this is a throne!"
suddenly, the cave begins to rumble which makes both wong and wanda stop in their tracks. 3 big stone giants emerge from the darkness, their eyes glowing red, and they stomp over to the two humans. wong puts belshazzar, the mirror, down with a huff and begins to conjure up his powers whilst wanda just tilts her head to the side. the stone giants stop as they are right near wanda and kneel before her. the woman lets out a snarky chuckle at this.
"seems as though they are here to serve me." she smirks.
wong sighs as he lets his whip disappear, but before he could relax, red whsips of magic circle him and he is brought up into the air, being bound by his hands and his feet.
"what are you doing!?"
"making sure you don't get away. i need you here."
"for what reason? i have bought you to mount wundagore! why must i stay here?"
"DO NOT QUESTION ME!" wanda shouts.
wong flinches slightly, sighing as he knows there was no use in fighting back because it would either end up in him getting vitally hurt, or others.
one of the stone giants help wanda up onto what looked like an altar. then she uses her magic to bring the mirror over to her, placing it on the floor in front of her. she begins to idk what you would call it but basically use her powers to use the mirror to try and find where you and america where hiding.
"it will never work."
wanda's head snaps round to were wong was bound.
"what did you just say to me?"
"i said, it will never work. you don't have the abilities to see through belshazzar." wong answers without hesitation.
wanda growls, "you should watch your mouth, sorcerer. i am capable of MANY things, that you could never even start to imagine!"
wong just shakes his head at the woman's defiance.
the witch tried for a solid hour but to no avail. she groans loudly in frustration after the millionth try and throws the mirror across the room with her wiggly woos.
"there must be another way." she grumbles.
wanda floats off of her altar and towards wong.
"tell me what to do."
[ back at aggie's joint in peach pickett hill ]
"mothertrucker- WATCH IT CHAVEZ!"
"sorry y/n/n!"
you roll your eyes at the kid and continue to read agatha's old spell book.
"that's it darling! now try and think of a destination, that is safe of course, and once you open that portal, close it after around 5 seconds." agatha instructs and america nods.
aggie is having a very successful teaching session with america. she has been able to control her powers even more as the minuets pass on and is almost, soooo close to perfecting it. you were so happy for her, when she doesn't open a portal right over your head like she has done already 6 times!
you, on the other hand, had also had a good learning session with reading the spells. once you read a fast pace spell, you used it immediately so you could read the book faster. IT WAS 11,000 PAGES LONG so who can really blame you?
"alright i'm finished aggs!" you say as you place the book in her hands and she smiles at you getting up off of the couch.
"okay then, create a spell."
"like, right now!?"
"right now."
"as in, this very moment in time, right now."
"uhhhh okayyyy."
now agatha knew that it took years and years to create spells, and even the most trained witches and wizards could never perfect them easily. however, agatha knew you were capable of doing it, and once you did, it would only prove that you were in fact, the enchanter, even more than it already had been.
you begin to look around the room, hoping that something catches your eye that will give you an idea of what type of spell to create.
on the small cupboard in the corner of the living room, you see the game shelf. you quickly grab the uno pack and take out the cards. after a bit of rummaging, you finally find the one you needed.
"i'm ready!"
"now remember y/n, concentrate on what you want the outcome to be." agatha says.
"you got it ma'am."
"good. america?"
"be a dear and open a portal over y/n's head."
"sure thing!"
america opens the portal before you could register anything, though you were still quick to act. you through the card that was in your hand, up into the portal that was coming down on you and it glitched from over you, to over america and it closed up on the brunette instead.
you smack your hand over your mouth in complete shock.
"i never told the spell to do that! it wasn't supposed to eat mary!"
agatha chuckles, "no, you didn't, but america made for the portal to eat you!"
"ohhhhhh........" you say and the realization hits you, "MY SPELL WORKED!"
you launch into a mini dance party which makes agatha laugh, and just then, a portal opens up behind the tow of you and a winded looking america walks out of it.
"remind to never open the portal to the narcissistic-verse. NOT poggers." she says then slumps herself onto the couch.
"what was that spell anyways?"
"the uno reverse spell. pretty neat if you ask me."
"that is dope! you could defs use that against wanda! she would never see that coming!"
agatha walks over to the two of you with a smile and she brings you both into a tight hug,
"you girls are my first students ever, and to say that i'm extremely proud of you is an understatement."
you gaze up at the older woman with a smile of your own, "aggs! we couldn't of done any of this without you! you were so patient and slow with us, it was a really easy process."
"yeah! what y/n said! you are THEE best teacher ever known to man- or witch- or multiverse hopper- or enchanter-"
you all laugh at that. sometimes, america could try so hard that she would eventually forget where she was even going with that sentence.
just then, you remember.
"holy hookers we forgot stephanie!"
"oMg i hope he isn't dead rn. that would NOT be poggers!" america says.
agatha raises an eyebrow in confusion when you run towards the fire place.
"this should work." you mumble and wave your fingers at the wood in the fireplace. low and behold, it did work! a burst of flames appear on the once fire-less wood. you squeal as you pump your fists into the air.
"woah! now that was defs steardy." america approves which is followed by an impressed hum from agatha.
you take a small bow before thinking deeply and then opening a portal to where strange was laying on the ground unconsciously. capey flies from off of your back and picks up strange, floating him over to the fluffly rug which aggie had materialized along with a blanket and some pillows.
you watch as capey lays your tutor down with a frown and fall to your knees. you brush your hand over stephen's forehead. you couldn't believe this was happening. if you never had decided to be so careless with america and go upset wanda, strange would be awake, wong would be here with you and most importantly, everyone would have been safe-
"none of this was your fault y/n."
agatha's voice breaks you out of your trance and you gaze up at her. the witch kneels down next to you and holds you close to her.
"all of this would have happened regardless, darling. it was just a matter of when, where and to who. wanda is heart broken, and she is driven by the want and need to find her boys. she's at the point now, were if you stand in her way, she will hurt, destroy and kill until she gets to her kids."
"b-but she k-k-killed all my h-homies at kamar-taj."
"she did. that is true. but, she is tunnel-visioned right now y/n/n-"
"i'm gonna kill her. in cold fu**ing blood. just like she did to the students and everyone else at kamar-taj." you growl.
agatha's eyes go wide, america's jaw drops and capey turns to you dramatically in shock.
"ain't no way in hell i heard that." america states in disbelief.
"oh yes there is. you know me and how i keep my word. wanda will wish she stayed in her stupid lil orchard hex."
"y/n/n, honey, are you sure that's what you want?"
unbeknownst to you, your eyes had turned black again and you had began to float. a harsh wind surrounded you, making whatever was loose around the room, move around and slam into things.
though, you were so filled with rage and anger that you never noticed your change in appearance. but what you do notice is the change in the other two's expressions.
america has all the fear of the world in her eyes and agatha, not so much fear, but surprise in her's. you frown, now aware of your doings and you lower so your feet touch the ground which makes everything go back to normal, including you.
"i..... i-i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." you sob with your head in your hands.
this time, it's america's hands you fell rubbing your back to soothe you.
"hey! it's okay bestie. we know you're grieving and it sucks." she whispers and you glance up at her with a small smile.
"yeah.... but it still doesn't give me a reason to act out like that."
"it happens to us all kid, even me! that's what's happened to wanda. all that power has finally gotten to her head and now she's acting irrational!" agatha explains.
america frowns, "please, y/n/n. please don't end up like wanda! i don't wanna have to hurt my best friend."
you shake your head and hug the girl, "i won't. i promise mary."
"you know what? i think we're all just tired and it's making all our emotions go loopy. how about we go get some rest?" agatha suggests and the two of you nod in agreement.
"you girls go upstairs and choose a room. everything you need should be up there! though if i've missed something-....... summon it i guess?" aggie shrugs making you and america giggle.
"alright. thanks aggs!"
"i can assure you that mary and i will be sleeping splendidly."
agatha chuckles, "well that's good to know. now hurry along! i'll stay down hear and keep an eye on sir good-looking and figure out what's knocked him out his cloak."
"good-looking is a stretch. stephanie is more mid."
"wait! what about your 40 winks aggie?" america questions and agatha grins at her.
"12,500 years darling. sleep is not really a necessity, especially when i'm a witch."
"OH alright valid. see you bonkos tomoz." america calls out, throwing up a peace sign as she walks away, pulling you along with her.
"woAh! okay! bye aggie!"
agatha turns to where strange was laying and raises her eyebrows.
"gosh! what a way to end the evening! i guess it's just you and me now mr cloak."
capey floats over to the witch and onto her shoulders, tugging her towards her library.
"what a great idea! i'll start preparing for ou plan idea sesh tomorrow! sleep tight stephen strange. hopefully you'll be of some good use to us when you do eventually wake up."
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