nirinnnnn · 1 year
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Alexander Chatsky (Vitaly Solomin ver
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Surprisingly, there's enough Tumblr sexymen in classic literature and here's my top:
1. Sydney Carton - our poor tired and depressed lawyer deserves every ounce of love he already has and much more to go. [Edit:] Severus Snape (the most legendary Tumblr sexyman ever (well apart from Onceler and Sans, I guess)) seems to be at least partially inspired by our dear boy Sydney
2. Henry Jekyll - let's return to the good old times of Onceler x Greedler asks. And who could be better candidate for such asks than the man whose name became synonymous with "split personality"?
3. Rodion Raskolnikov - should I even explain? Bad guy? Check! Intense? Check! Tragic backstory? Check! Duality motives? Check and billion times more check! Homoerotic implications with his best friend? Check! Truly, everything you may need to be a Tumblr sexyman...
4. Aleksandr Chatsky - contrarian, liberal, debater and the textbook definition of ENTP. Has his fair share of popularity with russian-speaking literature buffs but is yet to come to international fame. And his monologues are truly... something.
5. Yevgeniy Bazarov - your typical mad scientist sexyman. A weird unholy amalgamation of Viktor and Varian (both are as much as I know quite loved here). A doctor and somehow an edgy nihilist to boot. Also does already have some fans.
If you have suggestions feel free to comment
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myname-isnia · 1 month
Quoting classic russian literature at yourself after a crying fit is either a new low or a new coping mechanism that I will abuse the hell out of. I'll decide along the way
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vikachizh · 10 months
Modern au! Fem! Alexander x Grigory
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sonrycosplay · 5 months
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photo&edit by Chatsky
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drjohannn · 5 months
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A few new characters on Limbus: Bazarov, Jane Eyre, Kashtanka, Consuelo, Peter and Wendy, Chatsky, Lena (Scarecrow).
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rknchan · 2 years
shoutout to andrei semyonovich lebezyatnikov being one of the most underappreciated ruslit characters like... almost no one ever talks about him, neither critics or literature teachers (in our school tho we did discuss lebezyatnikov as "another counterpart of raskolnikov along with luzhin and svidrigailov" but as far as i know he's seldom mentioned and even considered as raskolnikov's counterpart). but he does play a part in the plot??? and is a reflection of social movements and ideas of his time???? to begin with, there was a common trope in russian literature: a character who tries to be "progressive and woke" but is actually not, who is shown as foolish, fake and inconsistent in their beliefs, who criticizes the "rotten society" but actually is a part of it; is often a parody of the protagonist - who is indeed progressive and smart and revolutionary and misunderstood and so on (bonus points if they admire the protagonist and try to copy him) we can see this trope in griboyedov's play "woe from wit" (repetilov - a parody on chatsky), turgenev's novel "fathers and sons" (sitnikov and kukshina - wannabe nihilists as opposed to bazarov though kukshina is a literal queen she slays), and dostoyevsky's later works - "the idiot" (hippolite terentyev's gang) and "demons" (verkhovensky's circle); maybe grushnitsky from "a hero of our time" can be counted too, he fits all the traits but he's obsessed with byronism not politics and is treated more seriously
when we first see lebezyatnikov in p5c1, it's exactly how he is presented like: silly and pathetic, with unattractive features, described with usage of very strong and borderline offensive language (how do you like "half-animate abortion"?), dramatic and self-righteous to the point he looks ridiculous... his surname comes from russian word "лебезить" [lebezit] - "to fawn on somebody" sometimes he has a point but some his takes are harmful (beating a woman with tuberculosis because "he seeks equality in fighting !!!" defending prostitution and saying it is empowerment and protest !!! while not knowing how sonya is suffering); even though he has sincere good intentions his ideology, like that of many 1860s-70s russian nihilists, is based on the ideas of nikolai chernyshevsky and his novel "what is to be done" (and other utopian socialists) but inverted and satirized the part where he defends freedom in marriage and "deceptions" ("Your wife will only prove how she respects you by considering you incapable of opposing her happiness and avenging yourself on her for her new husband...if I were to marry, ...I should present my wife with a lover if she had not found one for herself.") is a reference to "what is to be done" and chernyshevsky's own personal life - in witbd the main heroine tells her husband that she is in love with another man, and her husband pretends to commit suicide so that she would be formally a widow and able to marry her lover the "it’s an insult to a woman for a man to kiss her hand" line is also a direct reference to witbd (sorry for the spoilers btw witbd is quite an underaprecciated book if i ever reread it i ought to make a post about it) - chernyshevsky himself had a complicated relationship with his wife; he worshipped her, always put her interests above himself and let her make all the decisions in their family life, while she saw him only as a friend and a chance to escape from her abusive family; chernyshevsky said that if she liked someone else he'd forgive her and suffer in silence but would always forgive her if she came back SORRY what is to be DONE WITH CHERNYSHEVSKY LET'S GET BACK TO THE POINT. YEAH LEBEZYATNIKOV his description is summed up in this line: "one of the numerous and varied legion of dullards who attach themselves to the idea most in fashion only to vulgarise it and who caricature every cause they serve, however sincerely" but there's one important thing. he takes a step ahead. he protects sonya marmeladova!! and accuses luzhin of slandering her, explaining what actually happened and giving proof of luzhin's vileness!! (and later on he also helps sonya and rodion find katerina ivanovna mad and near death from her illness...) even katerina ivanovna says he was sent by god - for saving sonya's honour. the one who desires to fight for equality but doesn't know how and only makes a fool of himself in other characters' and author's eyes - he actually protects the weak, silent and oppressed. no parody sidekick has ever had such a character development, no trying-to-be-progressive character before had a chance to step out of their stereotype and do something good for another person or for the society this scene makes me so happy, not only because i love seeing someone protecting my beloved sonya but it also has a deeply personal meaning to me
i was also concerned about equality, freedom and perfecting the society and all such things, and ofc had confrontations with others regarding my opinions like all of us probably do, but in the end i always looked stupid, uneducated and worthless as i could never shut up, cried when i lost an argument and did nothing but whine about how things are unfair but never knew what to do to change it and so i thought: i don't deserve to call myself a profeminist and a liberal, i am not good enough i wanted to relate to strong-willed, enlightened, revolutionary characters like chatsky and rakhmetov, but i knew that i was a repetilov, a sitnikov, a lebezyatnikov - an useless caricature who is a shame to their ideology
and when i first read the scene where lebezyatnikov protects sonya, it made me genuinely happy to see how somebody who was viewed as an "useless and fake progressist" could also be a help to somebody and become a better person... it made me feel like i'm not worthless too, like im capable of such a character development and maybe even change someone's life for the better too.... ;;;;;
sorry it ended up too long and too personal and whiny in the end ... :c anyway i hope you did enjoy reading this or find something interesting
have a nice day!! <3
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lixifur666 · 21 days
nighty night chatskis fingerguns
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imchai · 1 year
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"Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov
Lizonka, and two sketches of Chatsky
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neenpu · 2 years
School doodles
Lisa and Sophia, Chatsky and Molchalin, Famusov(4) from "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov
It's just for haha, don't take it seriously
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nirinnnnn · 2 years
Vitaly Solomin's Alexander Chatsky, with nosebleed, bruises and broken glasses
(originally posted on Lofter, Aug 29 2022
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fierceautie · 2 years
Having a Hard Time Transitioning Isn't Just For Children
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Having trouble transitioning is a common characteristic of an autistic child. What does this look like for an adult? It is not the same but it's similar. For adults, it's transitioning to a big life change. For example, in my life is a huge move, and having to shut down my business that I have been building for almost 9 years. Decision to Move My husband and I made the decision to move our large neurodivergent family from South Florida to the Adirondack Mountains due to the cost of living. Our rent went up by close to $1000 in one year. If we stay, we would not afford to live. Moving will cause a huge change for our family. Soon after we made this decision, I applied for my old job that I had before we relocated to Florida. I got hired immediately. I have a job for when we move. That is a good thing. I hadn't worked for them in 15 years, though. Why This is difficult When It Is the Right Thing My husband and I have lived in South Florida for 15 years. I built a business over the past 9 years. I poured my whole life into building my pet care business. I am a veterinary technologist. Most vets could not relate to me and fired me. Florida is a right-to-work state so they did not need a reason to fire me. I have built an extensive client list. My clients have treated me like family. A few years ago I had tendonitis of the Achilles tendon. One of my clients is a doctor in a nearby hospital and told me to take a short walk behind her condo so I don't overdo it. As I was walking her dogs, her neighbor was freaking out that the dogs were pooping in the grass and I was picking it up. He then started yelling at me. I said I was sorry and I went back to my client's house. Then I texted my client to warn her about what happened. She then proceeded to scream at this neighbor because of what he did. He subsequently moved out. So when it comes to my business, it's a piece of me. The other day, it hit me that I will be closing it down. It caused many meltdowns and shutdowns. I build this. It was a part of me. It feels like I am losing a child. How It has Effected Us I started to pack and sort everything. This started over 6 weeks before our move. I first started with the garage, then our bedroom. I packed up the china cabinet and other chatskis. I was doing all of this way before we move and it started to freak the kids out. After this was said to me, of course, I internalized it all and thought I was an awful parent. I am always wondering if I am doing the right thing. I have a strong support system to reassure me and I really need that. I am having a lot more PTSD episodes. Everything the kids do have been causing a flashback. It's nothing that they did, I am just more sensitive now to triggers that cause these flashbacks. Just joking around with my oldest child, I have flashbacks of being the scared little child waiting for my father to come to abuse me. My mother never put her hands on me but my father did. My mother just said things over and over again to make me feel bad about myself. After being talked to by my partner, we scheduled a psychiatrist's appointment. I talked to the doctor and she said she can help me with medication to help with this. I start it tomorrow. We will see how it helps. What I Realized I recognized that I have a hard time with transitions. The process of moving is extremely stressful. When I have the plan to do anything, I am in a hurry to get it done so I am not in a transition period. The transition period is the hardest for me and a lot of the members of my family. I am sure we are not the only neurodivergent family that experiences it. We always tell the kids that we will be much happier after the move takes place and we are in our bigger house. If you are going through a big transition, give yourself some grace. I did not do that and it affected everyone around me. Read the full article
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sonrycosplay · 6 months
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Joshua Rosfield | Final Fantasy XVI
photo by Chatsky (instagram.com/chatsky.so)
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isobelline · 5 years
sofya : talks about molchalin all the time, defends molchalin from chatsky's remarks, faints when molchalin falls from a horse and injures his arm
chatsky : hMmMmMmMmM.... I wOnDeR wHo'S sOfYa In LoVe WiTh?????
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sb-sun-brother-blog · 6 years
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Запало в сердце мне это произведение и фильм
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melon-phoenix · 6 years
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Ok, I’m not saying anything, but have you ever thought of what a sweet, nice, badassed cinnamon pie Chatsky is?
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