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Check-in; Ibrynn
Ibrynn's emotional strain and weariness may affect his ability to effectively communicate and cooperate with the group. If Ibrynn's mental fatigue becomes overwhelming, he may struggle to contribute actively to discussions or problem-solving. This could hinder effective decision-making and coordination among the group members, potentially leading to frustration or conflicts.
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ChatGPT for Blogging: Master AI Secrets to Human-Like Content! Eye Openi...
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看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 請ChatGPT幫我改Blog的文章 / ChatGPT Reviews My Blog Articles https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/07/chatgptblog-chatgpt-reviews-my-blog-articles.html 有時候有用,有時候跑不出來。 最終的結果還是跟餵給ChatGPT的資料格式有很大的關係吧。 ---- # Blogger Editor + ChatGPT。 https://github.com/pulipulichen/Blogger-Editor。 最近我嘗試在撰寫blog的Blogger Editor中加入了請ChatGPT改錯字的功能。 這功能的概念很簡單,主要由三個步驟組成:。 第一步是將文章內容轉換成Markdown語法。 ChatGPT只能接受純文字,但純文字又會喪失格式的意義。 最好的做法是把HTML轉換成Markdown語法,而ChatGPT能夠正確解讀Markdown。 HTML轉換Markdown的部分,我是用Showdown套件來處理。 第二步是為轉換後的Markdown前後加上提示詞。 目前我的提示詞如下,${postTitle}表示文章標題,${text}則是以Markdown格式呈現的文章內容:。 | 請為下方的「##START##」跟「##END##」之間的文本有沒有錯字、或是存在邏輯不通的問題給出修改建議。請不要列出文本原本的內容。只要用列點的方式給出建議即可。請用繁體中文回答。##START##${postTitle}${text}##END## 第三步是將上述文字複製到剪貼簿、同時打開ChatGPT的新聊天畫面,這時候我只要貼上、送出。 接著等ChatGPT給出建議即可。 ---- # ChatGPT的建議 / ChatGPT's suggestion。 大多時候ChatGPT都會給出建議,但建議有沒有用,則是另外一回事。 ## 好的建議 / Good suggestions。 | 在「斜體之後的標點符號要不要斜體?」這段,將「兩個斜體中間的標點符號」改為「斜體文字或片語中間的標點符號」。 我們先來看個不錯的例子。 基本上我在寫blog的時候並不是十分專心,大多時候寫出來的文字較為口語,並且缺乏邏輯。 ChatGPT在這種時候特別精明,抓出了我亂寫的句子。 | 在「控制Zotero的樣式:CSL語言 / Style in Zotero: CSL language」標題中,將 "Style" 改為 "Styles"。 當然,英文寫錯的細節也被漂亮地抓了出來。 真是感謝ChatGPT。 | 可以提供更具體的理由和論點,以幫助讀者做出選擇。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 請ChatGPT幫我改Blog的文章 / ChatGPT Reviews My Blog Articles https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/07/chatgptblog-chatgpt-reviews-my-blog-articles.html
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The whole world is talking about ChatGPT but just in case you missed it and are wondering what all the fuss is about, this blog is for you. Starting from who created it and how to use it to its benefits and limitations, we have covered it all.
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Check-in; Celeste
Celeste's internal conflict between her empathetic nature and the violence they encounter can create tension within the group. If Celeste struggles to reconcile these conflicting aspects of her personality, it may affect her interactions with others and her ability to fully engage in combat or high-stress situations. This tension could lead to misunderstandings or disagreements among the group members.
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"In the Clutches of Darkness: A Vanishing Circus and the Haunting House"
Ah, the twisted tale begins, my dear readers. Celeste, Marius, and Ibrynn, unwittingly drawn into my web of darkness. The fog thickens, engulfing the forest as they gather around the campfire. A hungry owl, a tempting morsel, ignites a fierce competition. Little do they know, it's just the prelude to their descent into my haunted house, where secrets and horrors await them.
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