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sgbabereview · 10 months ago
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Name: Jolin
Age: 23
Estimated bra size: C
Our first IRL submission! This young model has tried to show her assets for the likes and we love it. Not a full slut but she sure knows how to tease with a pose.
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Something about girls with bleached hair drives me crazy hard. And Jolin does not hold anything back with her cfm expression too.
“Ngl the amount of times i edge n cum to her is uncountable haha one time i came so much i almost blacked out” - Jolin’s irl friend
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Just look at how high her thong goes in these pictures! Just beautiful.
Does Jolin make you cum too? Tell me when she makes you hard and let’s chat.
Submit your irl sluts and their leaks for review!
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unscharf-an-den-raendern · 10 months ago
Schloss Einstein Folge 1053
Es ist soweit, der Tag, an dem wir alle unseren Verstand verlieren ist da. Drei neue Folgen mit einer Extraportion Nolin Drama + der Kika-Chat mit unserem Lieblingstrio in dem sie wahrscheinlich wieder 10 mal gefragt werden, sie alt sie sind.
"Alles ist alles ist relativ normal" NEIN IST ES NICHT MEHR!
Der erste Charakter, den wir diese Staffel sehen ist Tahmina. Die stiftet erstmal Chaos, weil sie ein Rollbrett sieht (die Dinger, die man unter Pflanzen stellt) und ihr die geniale Idee kommt, sich selbst da draufzusetzen und dann in hohem Bogen irgendwo reinzukrachen. Lieblingscharakterpotenzial!
Im Internat ist derweil Frau Schillers Küchengeräte-Challenge in vollem Gange. Da kommen auch schon Joshua und Elly an. Die geraten auch direkt in Streit, weil Elly die Bus-App nicht kapiert hat und sie deswegen drei Stunden zu spät angekommen sind.
Joshua: "Nach meiner Geburt war einfach kaum Intelligenz für dich übrig."
Renna telefoniert mit Gustav. Mikka erklärt ihr derweil, was eigentlich los ist: Frau Schiller hat in den Ferien Inventur gemacht und es fehlen voll viele Sachen. Sogar ein Kühlschrank (wie zur HÖLLE hat den jemand transportiert ohne dass es aufgefallen ist?)
Mikka: "Auf jeden Fall hat Frau Schiller ne Schatzsuche gestartet" MUSS DAS JETZT SCHON IN DER ERSTEN FOLGE LOSGEHEN!?
U.a. gibt es kostenlose Kino-Freikarten zu gewinnen. Ich glaube ich weiß, wer die nicht haben möchte.
Außerdem erklärt Mikka, dass Casper die Schule gewechselt hat und nicht wiederkommt. Sie hatten aber einen schönen Sommer. Selbst die zwei haben ihr Happy End gekriegt. Wollt ihr mich eigentlich verarschen?
Colin sitzt derweil traurig auf seinem Bett, während alle anderen Spaß haben.
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Aber nicht lange, denn JOEL TO THE RESCUE!
Hat er etwa Noahs Gesicht auf den Boxball geklebt?
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Joel packt erst mal einen Fun Fact über Pastinaken aus: Sie waren früher beliebter als Kartoffeln jetzt. Ich werd den Fenchelsaft trotzdem vermissen.
Joel: "Ich hab doch gesagt, dass es nicht einfach wird. Noah kann seine Gefühle zwar wegschweigen, aber du nicht."
Colin ist sich aber sicher, dass das ganze letzte Schuljahr über schon was zwischen ihm und Noah war.
Noah und Colin so: Händedruck. Colin und Joel: Umarmung. In this essay I will...
Frau Amani schwärmt Chung von Tahmina vor, ohne dabei zu wissen, dass sie gerade ne Pflanze kaputt gemacht hat, die sie jetzt notdürftig wieder zusammenflickt, nur, damit sie danach direkt wieder auseinanderfällt.
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Noah überlegt, sich an einer Filmschool zu bewerben, hat aber noch keine Idee für ein Bewerbungsvideo. Er schlägt Colin daher vor, dass sie zusammen brainstormen könnten. Noah, willst du den armen Jungen wieder umbringen?
Colin willigt natürlich ein. Oh nein, ich hab das Gefühl, das geht gar nicht gut aus.
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Und dann verursacht Tahmina direkt schon das nächste Chaos: Sie hat das Schulskelett an sich genommen, Marlon sagt ihr, dass sie es wieder zurückbringen soll und wir hören es direkt wieder krachen - Tahmina hat die Leihgabe eines Museums kaputt gemacht.
New Lore unlocked: An dem Ort, wo jetzt die Schule steht, war früher ein Rosengarten.
Wie sich herausstellt, soll Dr. Berger auch direkt am nächsten Tag ans Einstein kommen, um das Bild zu enthüllen.
Noah und Colin sind zum brainstormen in den Wald gegangen.
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Noah will einen Film drehen über einen Vampir, der von der Liebe enttäuscht wurde und sich jetzt an allen rächen will, die gerade verliebt sind. HALT STOP!!
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Noah: "Liebe macht alles kaputt." DU MACHST ALLES KAPUTT DU IDIOT!
Colin hakt nach und Noah erzählt, dass sein Sommer scheiße war. Er war drei Wochen bei seiner Mutter und drei bei seinem Vater. Noah: "Wenn die Liebe vorbei ist, gibt es nur noch verletzte." Du meinst so wie COLIN?
Noahs Vater hat außerdem eine "ätzende neue Freundin", die ihm Zeit geben will, mit der Situation klarzukommen. Seine Eltern haben ihn aber jahrelang angelogen, dass sie sich lieben und haben sich dann scheiden lassen. Colin bietet ihm Hilfe an, aber Noah "Ich brauch kein Hilfe und Support" Temel sagt natürlich "Lass mich mit der Liebe einfach in Ruhe".
Gut, Nolin-Drama vorerst vorbei, jetzt geht's weiter mit Nesrin und Annika. Die sind traurig, weil sie kein Zimmertauschlos gekriegt haben. Frau Schiller beendet derweil die Aktion, weil sie drei Mixer wiederbekommen hat, obwohl sie nie drei Mixer hatte.
Massuda hat sich derweil direkt mit ihrer neuen Zimmernachbarin Elly angefreundet und freut sich, das "Party bis 0 Uhr" Los gekriegt zu haben. "Party bis 0 Uhr" meinten Sie: Ruhestörung?
Marlon und Tahmina versuchen im ShareSpace, das Bild zu reparieren und haben Nesrin als Verstärkung geholt. Leider haben sie keinen Kleber mehr, weil Tahmina versehentlich die ganze Tube geleert hat.
Leon erzählt Annika, dass Io erst in zwei Wochen wiederkommt, weil sie noch eine Summer School zu Ende macht.
Es scheint doch noch eine Chance für Nesrin und Annika zu geben: Im Basketballkorb hängt noch ein Löffel. Hausers neue Hoffnung Simon wirft ihn natürlich direkt runter und, oh Wunder, natürlich ist das letzte Los das Zimmertausch-Los.
Direkt schon Hetero-Geflirte zwischen Simon und Annika.
Zurück im Share Space: Es gibt eine gute und eine schlechte Nachricht. Die gute: Der Bilderrahmen ist repariert. Die schlechte: Er ist pink, weil das die einzige Farbe war, die es noch gab.
Joel plant sein neues Pastinakenimperium und Colin soll ihm bei der Pastinaken-Acquise helfen. Der hat aber (natürlich) gerade andere Sorgen.
Joel: "Du hast ohne mich gebrainstormed?" Ist da jemand eifersüchtig?
Nesrin: "Das wird das beste Schuljahr ever." Wenn man nicht Colin heißt.
Okay, guter Einstieg bisher. Bin jetzt Pastinakensaftfan.
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lepalaisdeslarmes · 1 year ago
Le policier commanda l'autre plat et grimaça. - Disons que j'ai eu une enfance et adolescence rude. Je m'estime simplement chanceux de ce que j'ai aujourd'hui et je suis reconnaissant. Mes critères du bonheur ne sont sûrement pas très élevé. Mon job doit accentuer ça, j'imagine. Le fait qu'il est un rescapé d'une secte également. Le serveur vint vous apporter les plats. - Goûte aussi le mien. Il avait prit le second plat exprès, à vrai dire. Il leva les yeux en repensant à ce que tu lui disais. - C'est plus complexe, à mon avis. Ils ont peur parce que tu n'attends pas qu'un homme soit dans ta vie pour vivre et ça fait flipper les deux de QI au mentalité préhistorique. Il en avait trop vu pour juger. Il commença à manger. - Mon chat s'appelle Atchoum, alors je présume que ça ne doit pas aider avec les femmes. En voyant ton expression, un petit rire s'échappa. - Bah quoi? La vie est déjà si noire dehors... Autant être léger avec le prénom de ses animaux et je me voyais vraiment pas l'appeler plume. Oui, parce qu'Atchoum est une femelle qui attend des petits. Voilà, tu connais un de mes secrets, si un jour, j'ai une femme, faudra lui dire de ne surtout pas me laisser choisir le prénom de nos enfants.
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La brune ne se fit pas prier pour goûter à ce plat qui lui avait fait de l'oeil également. Tu n'avais pas menti c'était vraiment excellent ! Bien meilleur que la nourriture à emporter qu'elle commandait souvent par flemme de cuisiner. (surtout parce qu'elle était crevée des longues journées qu'elle faisait.) La brune t'écouta avec attention, tu avais probablement raison. Le fait qu'elle était à l'aise avec l'idée d'être seule, ça en effrayait surement plus d'un. - Atchoum ? Pour une femelle ? Mais.. c'est original ça ! Joline couvrit son visage d'une main pour rire tranquillement. - Effectivement ils risqueraient de finir avec des noms improbables. Au moins de ta remarque elle déduisait que tu étais célibataire. Joline fronça les sourcils et releva le nez vers toi. - Célibataire par choix ou parce que la vie en a décidé ainsi ? Elle pinça ses lèvres entre elles. - Je m'excuse si c'est trop.. personnel. Des fois je réfléchis pas vraiment avant de parler. Dit-elle roulant des yeux, un sourire contrit aux lèvres.
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road-soft · 2 years ago
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only after a long period of darkness passed and he stood by the window watching the dazzlingly peaceful sky outside after removing the gauze over his eyes did he suddenly feel that something was missing from his side. — 全球高考 by 木苏里
Chapter : 001.
Warmest greetings. You probably know me from other identities and pseudonyms but please refer to me only by the name Archer and any other names beside that automatically invalid and should not be mentioned. I am in my twenties and go by the pronouns He/They.
I do realize that I seemed to be a bit hard to approach at first but don't fret, I am actually very very lively and noisy especially when we share a common interest. If you have any interest towards any topics, issues or anything you find interesting, please do not hesitate to hit me up on dm because I love to have some chat and even some detailed discussion.
Chapter: 002.
I have a lot of interest in chinese media, especially chinese entertainment, literature, music etc.
I like to do reading and watching thread so that makes my account become not spoiler free! Please keep in mind that my reading/watching thread maybe filled with a lot of profanities, uncanny reactions, inappropriate remarks and tons of memes so please be ready for my endless chatter.
Despite having a deep adoration and affection towards a certain media and group, I don't really put myself under the flag of any subtwt and my interests are generally pretty diverse. Therefore, please make sure you're fine with occasional hype tweets and a timeline full of screams.
I am an active writer of both gen!rp and closed agencies, this account was actually a side one dedicated to share WWW posts and some rp-related topics.
I do write sometimes and it's neither good nor otherworldly so please look away if you find my writings not up to your cup of tea, I love to store and make threads on the words I singlehandedly arrange as well.
I am not a rps/cpf but if you see me screaming about any cp in general or talk about them a little too much, please close an eye and move on and believe me that it doesn't represent my entire personality.
Please do not interact if you're a homophobic, zionist or 02 voter, likes to share baseless rumours about anyone in any form, minor under twenty (20) years old, put your account under LADStwt, HOYOtwt, anitwt and engaging to the fandom drama and rting looking for mutuals kind of tweets, stanning problematic idols or someone I dislike (I will mostly do a quick look at your profile and info before following you), chronic cpf, mxtx and meatbun main only, bjyx or fyx shipper, degrading women by calling them 🍵 or similar names and likes to engage to any non queer-friendly account, autobase and communities.
Please dm me if you need me to put any cw or tw in some topics that I might be a little bit ignorant to. I do put cw/tw on general sensitive topics.
I am beyond delighted if we share same interest and can be good friends. but please remember to prioritize yourself first, make yourself feel safe and comfortable just like i made myself feel so in this account and that's why i do not mind to break the mutual when you reached disagreement and can not stand eachother’s opinion.
Chapter: 003.
GAMES: Honor of Kings, Ashes of The Kingdom, Path to Nowhere.
C-ENT ACTORS: Yi Yangqianxi, Chen Feiyu.
CPOP: 时代少年团, TOP登录少年组合, TFBOYS, 队长YOUNG CAPTAIN, 等一下就回家, Jolin Tsai, Guo Ding, Orange Ocean, The Chairs, 831, Joyside. Fool and Idiot, Queen Suitcase, Mayday, Sunset Rollercoaster, Hedgehog, Escape Plan, No Party for Caodong, Manshuke, Wang Yitai, LASER, MANTA.
CHINESE VARSHOW: A lot tbh I'm more of a varshow enjoyer instead of drama or movie.
DANMEI NOVELS: Mainly 188男团, Zhichu's novels and unlimited flows. I read a lot of genres and tropes and don't have any exact fixation so you'll see me reviewing and talking about different kinds of novels.
Gen!RP: qiarnxi / cherngxin / zuoharng
Closed Agency: Fang Juexia (Stellis Lawfirm) / Lu Chen (The Arcanums) / Bai Changyi (Veiled Grandeur) / Song Juhan (The 1st Xue)
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jayudistrict · 10 months ago
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Jayu District is looking for Jolin Tsai to be our newest resident!
Jayu District is an idol based, Semi-lit/literate roleplay. Find your tranquility living within Jayu District. A community of friendly and neighborly residents. There's always something to do at Jayu, whether it be biweekly activities or have fun in our chats. Make a home for yourself and apply to be reside in Jayu today! We can’t wait to meet you! 
»»—— ♥ General/idol based »»—— ♥ 19+ »»—— ♥ City theme »»—— ♥ Semi-literate/Literate »»—— ♥ All Asians accepted »»—— ♥ AU options included within the RP
♡ Rules ♡ Master List ♡ Apply ♡ AFF ♡ Mobile Navigation
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wanghedi · 4 years ago
Callout post for @xmenlesbians because she will sometimes only communicate with me thru the lord farquaad pointing meme
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highladyluck · 4 years ago
Mat/Tuon meta: Will He/Won’t He (Stage A Military Coup)
Back on my Mat/Tuon meta horse! This is about why Tuon is absolutely convinced Mat won't mount a military coup against her, and under what circumstances he just might, actually. Obviously, ‘ware series spoilers. The personal/political dynamic Mat and Tuon have at the end of the series continues to fascinate me. Tuon is well aware that Mat’s prince-consort position, Prince of the Ravens, is a position that could lead a military coup against her leadership; she knows all about the power struggle that imperialist, expansionist government leaders face with respect to their armies and the generals that lead the armies. She also knows at this point that Mat specifically has the skillset to pull that kind of thing off; he has demonstrated political skill even if he's not used to Seanchan customs (she noted that the way he diffused tension in the hell boded well for his ability to handle Seanchan court politics), he quickly inspires personal trust and loyalty in his troops regardless of what troops he's actually leading (see: when he meets back up with the Band in the Altaran wilderness, plus how quickly her own armies took to him), and of course he is brilliant at tactics and strategy (see: the entire series starting at book 4). She is also *certain* that he won't actually use that power against her. He has shown her personal loyalty on numerous other occasions, and Tuon's entire brand and survival strategy is generating personal loyalty due to her power (or potential power), skills, and personal integrity. She knows what personal loyalty looks like and she knows how it works. She's a little appalled at herself for not being afraid of Mat staging a coup, and she even thinks that it's probably not good for her or the empire to *not* be constantly threatened by her top military commander, because she's been conditioned to believe that external threats keep her sharp and focused- but she absolutely does trust him not to be a threat to her. Which is wild!!! You have to understand how wild this is!
Tuon previously only trusted her personal safety to people she thoroughly controls- Selucia, Karede, her damane. She does have a kind of control over Mat, but it's not based on anything she's done or her position, it's based on his personality and choices, and I don't think she thinks she controls him. (I think she believes she has authority over him, and that's at least somewhat true, but that's much different from the total control she has over enslaved people, or even the political control she has over the Blood.) She does also trust people she doesn't entirely control- the people who are almost her peers- but notably she doesn't trust them not to hurt her. She trusts that they'll act in ways benefiting their own self-interest or the interest of the empire, which could mean they might hurt her.
Mat, on the other hand, she trusts not to hurt her except accidentally, by making choices that have implications for her standing. (That's what all the manners lessons are about, she's trying to protect him so he doesn't leave her exposed.) Again, THIS IS WILD. Tuon’s an autocratic empress raised under the threat of assassination from birth, she has MAJOR trust and control issues, and here is someone she does not fully control but whom she implicitly trusts not to physically or even intentionally harm her. Do you think she's ever had that experience in her life before? I can't see how she would have. I think there's room to explore this in a way that would be therapeutic for Tuon, but it's also an extremely tempting vulnerability to exploit narratively. Either way, it's fascinating. So what's Mat's motivation not to harm Tuon, and how much of it does Tuon know? It's both a character thing and a situational thing, and I think Tuon knows about some of it, but not all of it, and she also has some major blind spots about what Mat is capable of. Mat won't intentionally harm her for a couple of general character reasons: he's in love with her, which she knows about and is like 'weird flex, but ok'; I don't know if she really knows how to parse it tbh. Also, because he won't kill a woman, which she knows about and is like 'this dumbassery is going to get my himbo straight-up murdered; however, it's kinda cute'. Also, because he has a saving-people-especially-women-thing, which she may or may not know about; I forget whether it came up in any of her surreal chats with Mat's childhood friends, but even if it did she may not know enough to give it proper context in his motivations, or understand how truly generalized it is. He's also promised to protect her from harm in the past, and while that may have been a time-/situation-limited thing, she's seen that he keeps his promises, assuming he gave the promise in earnest. So while he hasn't necessarily made such a promise recently, she knows that he keeps his word and that's something she values as a mark of integrity and a reason to trust someone. The other reasons she trusts him are more down to circumstances: the Last Battle had him temporarily siding with the Seanchan against their common enemy, the Dark One. I think Tuon's aware that he's not fully committed to the Empire yet, but possibly she doesn't realize the extent to which he is ambivalent, or she thinks it's the kind of thing they can compromise on, like the uniform design, rather than a fundamental disconnect in goals. Or she thinks that once he understands what his responsibilities are, he'll absorb himself into the role the way she has, which is... uh... rather optimistic of her, but we all have our blind spots. Finally, I don't think Mat's fully realized that a military coup (which would likely look like a situation where he spares Tuon's life but gets her off the throne) is an option for him. Or, it's occurred to him, but the circumstance has not yet come up that would justify him taking that path. And I do *not* think Tuon has considered this! She might think he knows that the Prince of Ravens is traditionally a threat to the Empress, but I don't recall that she's actually said that to him. And I don't think she sees a difference between her not being Empress and her being dead- she's conflated 'being in power' with 'staying alive' literally her entire life, and she probably thinks any situation where she's not Empress but still alive, if it's even possible, would be so shameful/painful it would be better to be dead. So it wouldn't occur to her that one outcome of a coup would be to replace her as government head but still keep her alive. And Mat hasn't yet faced a situation where he might have major ethical issues with not just the structure of the army but also the goals of it. (Even his iconic ‘I am accidentally leading an army despite really not wanting to lead an army, because I can’t let these dumbasses get killed’ move was ethically consistent, since he was just trying to run away/save people.) And, as I will never shut up about, he’s done literal war crimes to achieve his goals before- he didn’t stop to give aid after he ambushed the Seanchan in the Altaran forest, even though Teslyn specifically says this is against Randland military convention. And given Mat’s early canonical history of being railroaded into leading military campaigns, I don’t think Mat’s going to balk at leading the Seanchan army just because he doesn’t like the Seanchan empire, though it will matter what specifically he’s asked to do with it and why. I think Mat's way more likely to be willing to lead the reunification of Seanchan than to deal with local Westlands slave uprisings or rebellion. You're going to hit his moral breaking point a lot sooner if there's domestic civil crises. An actual slave revolt or rebellion would get hit with military force, and Mat says as much to Beslan so he's well aware that he'd be, if not in charge, certainly culpable for the Seanchan government response to it. (They might try to prevent it from happening at all with Seekers; but Seekers are mostly focused on the Blood, I think, so I think it's possible that if there's minimal Blood involvement they might not know about it in time to nip it in the bud.) So if you wanted to force Mat to have a crisis of conscience that's one situation you could set up, and I think it's even somewhat likely. Post-TG Seanchan-Westland politics are going to be a Cold War, and many entities in the Westlands would be happy to lend plausibly deniable support to an organic citizen and/or slave uprising! The other thing is, Mat needs to be constantly occupied and he does like using his skills; if he gets an 'acceptable' target for military force he probably will go for it. So if the forces in Seanchan unified under a rando warlord, he'd probably be ok leading the Westlands Seanchan troops there, reasoning that Tuon is probably a better or at least more influenceable ruler than that other guy. (Might be complicated if it was a female unifier, but probably not that much.) He would not be keen on enslaving the free Westlands- not that that’s going to happen as long as the Dragon’s Peace is going on- but a ‘peacekeeping mission in a foreign land’? ...idk, I can see him going for it, especially if he doesn't have enough political capital yet to back up an outright refusal. Mat was conflicted about using the damane he captured in the Last Battle, but he did use her. She was a prisoner of war from the enemy side, which probably eased his conscience a little re: personally owning her, but I don't see anywhere in the text that he had issues commanding Seanchan sul'dam and damane in a less personal way. The Last Battle was an unusual situation, but we've also seen Mat willing to ally or at least put up with plenty of people he dislikes- on personal and ideological grounds- to achieve a goal (see: rescuing Joline) or just figure out his options (see: all that card-playing with nobles in the Stone of Tear while he had emotions about Rand. XD)
So if you wanted to force Mat to have a moral crisis while fighting in Seanchan, you'd make the people he's fighting in Seanchan be people he sympathizes with more than he sympathizes with imperial Seanchan; let's say it's a coalition of rebels who want a different, more equal society. Mat's got gilt by association (thank you for that amazing phrase, Terry Pratchett) and he's not pleased about it, and unlike Tuon, he can envision a situation where she's still alive but not Empress. So I think that'd be another situation that would force him to have a crisis of conscience and start planning a coup or at least using his considerable power for leverage. The key in both cases is that it's not just Mat randomly deciding to take a stand for freedom; frankly, I don't think he would, unless he thought it was the best way to 'rescue' Tuon, and even then he would wait or maneuver until the tactical/strategic landscape was as much in his favor as possible, which is where the external circumstances weakening the Empire come in.
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expirisims · 4 years ago
Li/Year 3/Week 2/Day 2
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It's about three in the morning and it looks like Hiram was having trouble sleeping..it's a good thing there isn't work tomorrow!
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Aww how sweet!  It looks like some of our town relationships are progressing!
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And what's this!?  Claire was busy setting up a prank in the bathroom and it looks like Tanika is actually going to visit Alex..It's about time!
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It's a very rainy morning here in Thicket.  Ya think maybe someone otta go grab the laundry from the clothesline!?
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It stayed pretty over cast the entire day, Alissa was busy chatting up Willard Decker while Hiram visited the Gilder Salon.
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Claire spent the day with the horses and Cairo and what's this!?  Sasha Kennedy and Brice Fuentes finally got married!! Looks like it was a big affair in town!  Congratulations and I hear that rain on your wedding day is good luck!
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Claire took Cairo to the Golden Hound Dog Park!  It was too dark to see who all was there..LOL!
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Uh Oh!  Looks like Hiram was the one who set off Claire's booby trap!  He's covered in toilet water!!
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So over night I thought I'd drop in on the Fosters to see what was happening since Dewey has been hooking up with Stacia.  Umm..they definitely don't look happy!  They already were not close anymore and Joline was getting suspicious.  Dewey worked up the courage to confess to the affair.
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Looks like he's been kicked out of the bedroom for the night.  OMG!!  Joline does NOT mess around!  She was obviously not done with the conversation and went up to the attic to attack him!  She won too!!
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Aaaand Dewey lost a snake from his inventory somewhere in the house after all of that!  I don't know if this marriage will recover..especially once Stacia realizes she's pregnant!
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Well I guess it's safe to say Rian has no idea yet!
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hollenka99 · 4 years ago
Henrik and Joline
Summary: Henrik and Joline spent many nights under the stars.
Warnings: Referenced death/infant death
After playing SoulScape last weekend, I really wanted to write something based on it. Please check out @power-of-friends-games on GameJolt because their games are really cool.
The night had been like any other. After clocking out, Henrik had walked down the road to his usual stargazing spot. Before long, he'd located both Hercules and Ophiuchus. It was as blissful as ever. Nothing could distract him from his time here, not even the sound of cars passing by. Or so he believed. "Excuse me. Do you mind if I join you?" Shooting upright in alarm, he momentarily forgets himself as their eyes meet. Oh. Well, he hadn't expected for her to look like that. While he can't see her eyes properly in this light, the waves in her hair are like the sea gently lapping along a beach. That three quarter length skirt she was wearing looked pretty on her as well. In years to come, he will swear this was the very moment he fell for her. "Oh, well sit, sit!" "Thanks." She drops down next to him. With a hand extended, she says "I'm Joline." "Henrik." They smile at each other as he returns the handshake. The two of them spend the night chatting and admiring the night sky. With no effort at all, 10 minutes become 100. The first time he hears her laugh, he knows he wants the chance to hear it as often as she'll allow him. And that smile... well, the sentiment remained the same. At one point, Joline begins talking about the sky, how she adores the amalgamation of swirling colours always present above. She's always had a soft spot she can't explain for the blue parts of it. He says nothing other than casual agreement. "You know, I've never seen you around. Was this your first time coming here?" "No, I am here a lot." Joline's brows furrow in thought. "Huh, that's odd. Would've thought I'd bump into you before tonight." "Well, we've met now. And I think I would like to keep meeting. What about you?" "Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd like that too." They go their separate ways soon after exchanging contact details. Henrik struggles to stop smiling slightly to himself the whole trip home. ---- Visiting their usual stargazing spot had become a practically daily affair by this point of their relationship. Henrik honestly wondered how he'd been able to be here on his own before meeting Joline. Some nights, they conversed on and off throughout their stay. Other times, silence would surround them comfortably. Tonight seemed to be one of intermittent chatter. It begins with Henrik and Joline laying on the grass. Their hands have effortlessly found each other with the sound of the breeze accompanying them. Their little contest to identify as many constellations as they could had concluded a while ago. Joline sighs contently. "I can't wait to be able to do this as a family." "That sounds lovely. I'm sure it will happen someday." "How about as soon as next year?" A beat passes. Henrik's face contorts into varying expressions before settling on amazed disbelief. Sitting up, Joline can do nothing but grin at her husband as he stares at her. "Henny, we're going to have a baby." She bursts into a fit of giggles as she falls back from the force of a body colliding into hers. Henrik seems not to take much notice of the playful warnings to be careful. Instead, he tightens his embrace. There comes a peck on her lips followed by a reminder that he loved her. It is a while before the joyful excitement dissipates enough for there to calm once more. "I didn't think anywhere else could have done this announcement justice. Just you, me and the stars above. They're responsible for bringing us together and now, well..." A few brief chuckles. "You know, you could say the stars ali-" His finger rapidly positions itself on her lips. "No, please. Being friends with Chase is bad enough. All those bad, bad jokes." The finger is gently removed. "But still, a baby." "A baby." He echoes in an exhale. "Our baby." "I can't wait." She gazes his way, grin firmly fixed on her face. He lets their eyes meet as fingers entwine. "Me neither." ---- Henrik double checks he had essential items such as his wallet and keys when Joline burst into the corridor. Odd, she'd been reading a magazine only a couple minutes ago when he kissed her goodbye. What on earth could be so urgent? "Henrik, wait." "What's wrong? I need to go to work right now. The clock is ticking." "I'm sure this is worth being a few minutes late." Joline beams as she grabs his wrist. His face lights up upon realising where his hand was being directed. Even more so when he feels the fluttering sensation she'd intended him to. If he had it his way, he'd spend all morning ensuring their daughter knew how excited they were to meet her. Joline regrettably cuts it short after a number of minutes. "Henny, you should probably leave." He grumbles. "But-" "Go! You don't want to be late for work, do you? We'll still be here when you get back." Despite the momentary reluctance at the door, Henrik begins his shift in a better mood than he was expecting. ---- It was clear Joline couldn't find comfort tonight. The larger her bump got, the more difficulty she had with finding a good position to relax in. This extended not only to their bed and sofa but also the ground at their favourite spot. Perhaps even more so. Either way, the manner she kept shifting worried him. Henrik is somewhat glad when she unexpectedly takes advantage of him lying back. "Have you ever considered a career as a pillow?" "Surprisingly, no." "Hmm. Maybe replace a couple of those ribs with whatever they stuff actual pillows with and you'd be good to go." "If you say so." He strokes the top of her head. In the night air, they revive the name discussion. For months, they'd thrown suggestions around but while a few had been decent contenders, none seemed to be quite right. There was still time, of course. However, the time that remained was growing ever shorter with each week that passed. Options such as Estelle were brought up without any real consideration. "No, I think I actually like the thought of an E name. How about... Emma? I like Emma." "Emma von Schneeplestein does sound nice." "We going with Emma?" "Hmm, maybe. Make sure we don't forget to write that down later." The two of them lie there with only the wind and the results of its influence to be heard around them. Joline drifts off with ease, head remaining on her husband's stomach. And for a good while, he doesn't dare disturb her. ---- Joline wasn't going to make it. Henrik had been there when she'd unexpectedly collapsed, doing everything he could think of to help save her in response. However, when all things were said and done, there was nothing more he could do for his beloved wife. Well, perhaps there was one thing. There was still Emma. Their little angel, as precious as she was small. If anything, Joline would want him to be with her. As if she had to ask. Their daughter shifts slightly in her incubator. Oh Emma. Don't worry, it was going to be okay. Daddy's right here and he's not going anywhere. They would go home together. Just without... without Mummy. They'd manage though. He promises he'll be there for her, regardless of the circumstance. Time slips by as he ensures his daughter knew how much he loved her, how much Joline loved her despite them never getting to truly meet. Emma becomes the sole audience to a multitude of stories featuring her parents. She learns of the day Joline had bought a light blue turtleneck to tease him, only for it to genuinely become one her favourite choices for the colder months. The anecdote revolving around how he knew he wanted to marry her is also told. Then there was obviously the time a beautiful woman had asked to sit beside him as they stargazed. They wouldn't be here today if the Mindscape hadn't been generous enough to allow their paths to coincide. As much as he wishes things could have gone differently today, at least there was one good thing coming out of it. Throughout the day, he monitors the baby's wellbeing. When his eyelids grow heavy without permission, his brain reacts by instinctively causing his head to jerk up. No, he couldn't rest yet. He needed to keep an eye on Emma. He could sleep once they were both cleared to return home. He's sure his little girl will like the crib Joline picked out. Being confused as to when he fell asleep is the least of his problems when he wakes. Emma is gone too. No, this couldn't be happening. He should have noticed the signs. Why didn't he spot the warnings? Surely this could have been prevented if he had been more observant. There must be something he'd missed due to his negligence. If only he hadn't been stupid enough to sit down and allow himself to pass out. He leaves reluctantly following several sympathetic prompts to head home. Supposedly, that was the best place for him right now, though he certainly disputes the notion. The issue is, he's not sure where he wants to end up. One thing is for sure. He doesn't want it to be home. Who would ever want their destination to be an empty house? ---- He avoids that particular spot. Their spot. It's not easy by any means. The damned place was to the side of the only road leading to the hospital. Despite every self protective effort, the day does eventually come when he finds himself standing where he'd spent countless evenings admiring the stars with his wife. Too long had he stood frozen on the other side of the road. He'd simply remained transfixed, mentally battling himself regarding whether this was a good idea. It wasn't but he doesn't believe sheer avoidance would be beneficial either. A particularly bright star catches his eye once he gains the courage to glance skyward. He knows it is most likely Venus or a similar celestial body. That doesn't prevent him from fooling himself enough to hear her voice for a short lived moment. From beyond the grave, she greets him with "Hi, Henny." And well, he supposes it was somewhat fitting she had used Venus just to say hello. Joline had been a display of utter beauty that he'd loved more than any other person in his life. As for desires? Ha! The one desire he had concerning her was to have her back by his side. Preferably with Emma in her arms. Not that he would deserve it, given how he'd betrayed their trust in failing to save them. "Good evening to you too, Joline." He brokenly mutters back. With another glance at the stars, it's almost as if she was beside him. He swears he can feel Joline sliding her fingers inbetween his and resting her head on his shoulder for a fleeting second. His fingers curl as his head leans sideways, both expecting to meet something solid. Instead all they find is air. No. No, sorry, he doesn't believe he can do this. Not tonight. Any remnants of Joline that had been anticipating his return here would have to be left disapprovingly watching him flee. ---- Henrik had travelled along this route so many times over the years it was practically second nature to him. The quantity of memories made here were innumerate. Granted, a great deal of them were filled with him and Joline not talking about much. He wouldn't take back a second of that time spent together. He certainly recalls getting through some rough shifts thanks to the promise of being able to relax with her at the end of it. A version of this location was the entry point to his worst memory. He's replayed that terrible day an unhealthy amount. Yet it was in the name of saving his son in everything but blood that he'd done it. He would force himself through it again if it could help Angus. He's so relieved the serum is being accepted by the hunter's soul. "Hellooo? Dad, are you there?" "Hmm, yes? Sorry, what did you say?" "I was just wondering what you thought about my idea. I know it's kind of a trek to get to my home from Attitude City and I should be focusing on letting the serum do its job but... I want to do this for Anti and the others. Especially after everything I did." "The party?" "Yes." "It is a great idea. I am proud of you for wanting to organise this. But let me help his friends first." "Dad, his birthday isn't until the 10th. I'm sure you'll have figured this stuff out before then." "Well, don't do anything too strenuous yet, okay? Until I am sure you are recovering, I want you to be careful." A chuckle is heard over the line. "Don't worry, Dad. I think I already feel a little better than yesterday." The call soon ends, leaving Henrik to sit in an all too familiar patch of grass. And for the first time in too long, there is no pain in coming here.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years ago
headcanons??? yes pls! Queen Rara and sweet bean Frank Zhang
ROXY! Of course :D
Let’s start with Reyna!
Reyna listens to songs like Juro Que by Rosalía, Figures by Jessie Reyez, Oye Donde Esta El Amor by Wisin y Yandel & Franco De Vita and En El Aire by Vega Almohalla
Reyna falls asleep in the Roman bathhouse. Because c’mon
Reyna crushes you at Risk. Accept your defeat. That and domino
Reyna barely uses emojis but her go to is this creature right here 🙂 which sets everyone off (including me) but she doesn’t get why people are mad at it. It’s just an emoji for her
Should she not have enough sleep she’s the type of person to act cold and stern until she finds the time to relax again
Should she be in a slump, she’d just ignore her bad feelings unless someone asks her directly what’s going on. Then it’s dumping waterfalls on info, not waiting for a response and just moving on with a new topic lol
Reyna likes horchata de ajonjolí and cranberry juice
Reyna prefers a sunny and slightly warm day with a fresh breeze that cools you down here and there
Reyna always wanted to be a PR spokesperson or work in advertising. Let people admire her work and see it directly.
Reyna has a very quiet and hushed sining voice. I think she’s a mezzo. Supported lower registers but voice easily cracks at higher octaves.
Reyna doesn't doodle (that’s a lie she used to doodle hearts but she stopped after a while), Reyna takes notes.
Okay. Let’s move onto Frank!
Frank listens to Stay by Sun Lux, Green Light by Lorde, Can You Let Me Know by Lupe Fiasco & Sarah Green and he also likes Play by Jolin Tsai lol. I also like to imagine that he listens to a lot of EDM subgenres without any large vocalizations going on
Frank falls asleep in the stables. As a horse. Because it’s that more comfortable
Frank is the type of dude to go on a rampage on Fortnite. He just is
Frank is an emoji guy! Instead of saying it’s raining he just writes ☔️ He uses this one a lot ☺️ especially to just end sentences.
Frank is also a hot cocoa and tea guy. Just adding little droplets of honey and lemon wedges when he’s having a cold!
Tired Frank just yawns a lot and gets a little bit teary but he always apologizes and tries to focus better 
Upset Frank wanders around for a little bit until people he’s close to have a little bit of free time so that he could chat with them or ask their opinions about things that have upset him in the first place. He appreciates advices and tries to follow them!
Frank wanted to follow his mom’s footsteps into the army until her tragic accident. Now he’d be happy with being an elementary school teacher
Frank likes a warm fall breeze that lifts golden leaves from the ground
I think that Frank has a high and soft voice. So he’s more likely a tenor. Beautiful color but he’s ashamed of his sining and doesn’t do much of it, hence he’d need assistance of a teacher.
Frank doodles all the animals that he’s transformed himself into!
Send me a character for the super cool headcanon meme!
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mingisblackgf · 5 years ago
romance | b.c (m)
song inspo: romance - jolin tsai (pls listen to this it’s so good !!!!) pairing: bang chan x fem!reader genre: angst, smut, slight fluff requested?: yes warnings: filth. and some sad stuff, ya know i had to do it
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“Where did the romance die?”
“Leave me the fuck alone, Chan.”
You were livid. Ranting and raving like a crazy person,  not at all worried about the stares for you two from other people at the outing with the other members. All you were worried about was getting as far away from your boyfriend as possible.
You didn’t know when or where, but something happened. To put it simply, you weren’t sure exactly what it was but you could tell that things between you and Chris had gone either stale or strained. Whatever it was, you felt it, and you wanted nothing more than to get the hell away from him at that moment.
The night had started off fairly alright, you went with the boys to a BBQ place. Ignoring Chris and his overly clingy antics only went so far. You began to realize that he was being extra clingy when you would do little things: laugh with the other members, fake flirt with them, and touch them extra.
What? You thought nothing of it. Chris wasn’t giving you the attention you wanted anyway, so why couldn’t you fish it from others? It wasn’t as if you were doing it to be sinister or cheat, you were doing it in desperation almost.
You ignore the electrifying feeling he gave you when he touched you, a violent ripping in your stomach and heart that was both beautiful and sad all in one.
The question remained. Did he notice you? Did he want to love you? You thought so.
Until you found him chatting it up with another girl when you went to the bathroom. You saw red just then, of course it was probably misplaced anger for the sight, you trusted him enough not to cheat, but in that moment you wanted nothing more than to go.
The other members had left in one van saying something about how they “wanted to continue the party somewhere else,” so you and him had to get a taxi for themselves, only to go home to an empty dorm. Great. Just your luck, right? Being in a car with him, alone. 
The ride was silent, you stared forward as his eyes bored into the side of your head.
“Y/N, would you just listen?” He chased behind you as you stormed into the dorm.
You didn’t want to. Really. You wanted nothing more than to shut him out and not listen to him, just as he began doing to you. 
“No, you know what? I don’t want to fucking listen to you, Chris! What are you going to do? Shut me out again? Leave me? Why don’t you just go chat it up with that other bitch, you two seemed like you were getting along just fine.” You spat, at this point you were just letting him have it.
He was leaning against his dresser and you were in front of him, never averting your eyes from him. You wouldn’t step down in the likes of him, no matter what.
Chan stood for a second, really taking you and your huffing figure in, and you watched in anticipation as his eyes darkened. 
“Why don’t you just shut the fuck up, huh? Do you really not know who you’re talking to?” He spoke lowly, making you nearly jump at the intense tone.
You gulped, the words bubbling out of you quicker than you thought. “Make me, Chris.”
He looked away for a moment, chuckling darkly. 
“Fine.” Chris responds.  “Then strip.”
The bass in his voice was enough to make you slowly begin to remove your skimpy clothes. As odd as it sounded, though, you felt wanted in that moment. 
As soon as you were completely nude, he spoke. “Good girl.” He smirked. “On all fours, kitten.”
You, knowing being bratty probably wasn’t the best idea, responded. “Yes, daddy.” 
You quickly got on all fours and waited paitently as Chan himself began to strip, slow, God slow as all mercy, your pussy pulsing in anticipation of your boyfriend. 
He snickered to himself as he opened up a condom for himself. “You’re daddy’s little slut, understand? You don’t get to be a fucking brat. You get to do whatever the fuck I say.” You moaned at his words. “Now, I’m gonna fuck you senseless.”
Chan kneels behind you and began to enter you. Although his words were tough, he was still caring as all hell, and started to fuck you at a steady, slow pace.
“Shit, f-fast-”
He cut you off with a sudden spank to your ass, making you yelp in surprise. “Beg.” 
You were putty at this point, almost aching for him to go just a little faster. “Fucking please go faster, daddy.” 
“You want it, huh? You really want it?” He needed to hear you say it.
“Y-yes!” You nearly shrilled, and moaned loudly as he sped up, skin slapping together as he fucked you. 
He, of course, wanted a full view of your back and ass, and he controlled you by pull of your hair. He continued to whisper provocative to you and each time he thrusted he hit your spot perfectly. Fuck, he always knew how to do it.
You moaned in distress as he pulled himself out of you, and swiftly flipped you over. 
Soon after, he was laying on the bed, and you were suddenly on top of him. As quickly as you switched positions, he slowed the rate down as he gripper your hips, lowering you tantalizing slow on his cock.
“B-baby,” Chan choked out, both of you groaning as you took the full length of his cock inside of you. “Fuck.”
You adjusted to his thickness, beginning to move up and down on him. You were whining as you road, and that was when he decided you were going to slow, and began to thrust into you quickly. He was fucking you while you were on top and he couldn’t even tell you how beautiful you looked then, sweaty, messy and in disarray. You were all his.
Both Chris and you were screaming and close to tears as you approached your high, both hitting it at once, continuing to ride him until you were both done cumming.
You collapsed next to him in bed and he stared up, hands on his chest.
“Chan…” You started, weekly. You didn’t notice the lump in your throat until you spoke, so you opted to stop. “Do you still love me?”
He could have laughed at the question. “Of course I love you, Y/N.”
“I don’t know,” You responded sheepishly, turning away from him. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. I just was feeling… something. If you didn’t feel the same about me-”
“I know,” Chan cut you off, cuddling into your body and resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’m sorry too. I’ll be a better boyfriend later, or tomorrow. I’ll cook your breakfast like you always ask, and I’ll iron your clothes and listen to your nagging...”
You knew better than anyone that his seemingly mumbling meant he was close to sleep, and once you heard his light snoring you thought it’d be okay to sleep held by him, too. ______ NOT PROOFREAD
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ansgar-martinsson · 4 years ago
The Best Intentions - Part 29
(Have to put all of it under a cut because the first part is kind of explicit, but hey, it’s Ansgar and Joline and if you’re reading you know how they are. Are you reading? Well, shit -- I have no idea. If you are thank you! xx)
“Ah… fuck! Going to… Joline, I’m…. ah!”
He’d tried to warn her, but his words went entirely unheeded. The starburst of light and heat built up in his core, and he knew what was coming.
Well, knew he was coming.
His hands squeezed against her head of their own accord, he couldn’t help himself. Couldn’t help anything he was doing in that moment, from the heavy wheeze of his breathing, to the punctuated moans that vibrated in his throat, to the random shuffling of his feet, to the clench of his fingers, to the stretch of his neck. He curled his head forward, his shoulders straining, and he opened his eyes.
And what he saw blew him apart.
It was as if he were looking through a tube - the sides of his vision had gone black and blurred, and within that lit circle he saw Joline’s face. And what’s more, he saw what he at that very moment considered was the most erotic, most gut-wrenchingly beautiful thing he’d seen in his entire life.
Joline’s lips embracing, pillowing his cock - red, flushed, and swollen; and her eyes - oh, God, her eyes - blown black and wide, staring at him, zeroed in upon his face, and his face alone.
Reveling in his moans.
Willing him to release.
Demanding of him to come.
Watching him. Watching him as he watched her. Watching him as his face went through a series of uncontrollable contortions of pleasure - his lips curling with every stroke of her tongue, his jaw dropping, sliding forward with every slide of her slick lips against his tender skin. He knew what she was seeing. He knew what she was doing. He knew.
And when she hummed a little “hmmm mmmm,” over his flesh, when she gave him a small nod, when she fluttered her eyelids in a slow, deliberate blink, when she curled her fingers behind his balls, and when she pressed her tongue firmly upon the underside of his length, he knew.
He knew she would take him, all of him, and that she would take him gladly.
“J-J-Jo-Joline! Ah!
And what she reveled in, what she willed him to do, what she demanded of him, and what she watched for – he, his entire being shaking and convulsing, gave her.
Ansgar couldn’t help but smile. And that smile seemed to remain firmly plastered to his face. A rather stupid smile, he knew, but he was on a natural high. He was giddy. He felt loose and happy and a bit reckless after Joline’s, ahem, relaxation technique.
“You are a wanton woman,” Ansgar leaned down and whispered to her, tucking a wayward, just-been-fucking strand of hair behind her ear as they walked back toward the food trucks. “Sucking me off like that, on my brand new car, out in the open, in the car park. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.”
She grinned up at him, a wry, tight lipped half smile. “I most definitely should be ashamed,” she replied, her tone rife with sarcasm. “Ashamed I hadn’t done that sooner. I don’t know how you could possibly be seen with me.”
“Hm,” Ansgar moaned, and, with a small chuckle, he pressed a kiss to her temple. He turned his gaze back toward the main music stage as they continued through the crowd, giving her hand a small, tight squeeze. “I wonder if anyone saw us,” he murmured.
“What if they did?” She bit her lower lip, her eyes fluttering. “What if someone was… watching us?”
He exhaled audibly, his jaw jut forward, showing his white bottom teeth, fighting the renewed twitch in his crotch. “All the better,” he growled, his eyes flicking down toward her chest. “All the fucking better.”
“Oi! Jo-Bo!”
Ansgar felt Joline’s hand clench in his, felt the pull through his arm as he kept walking and she stopped in her tracks. “What… Elias?” Her head jerked upwards to Ansgar, flushing hot and confused. “What are they doing here?” She hissed.
“Shh, darling,” Ansgar turned to her, taking her other hand in his. “I invited them.”
Her eyebrows shot up. She pulled her hands from his. “You did what? When?”
Shrug. “I texted Elias last night. I’ve something I need to discuss with him, and I thought the opportunity would arise quite nicely here. Besides,” he said, gripping her shoulder, “the boys are going to be starting at my STEM camp come the Monday, why not let them meet some of their instructors?”
“Yes, but my brother!” she hissed, teeth clenched. “He doesn’t know about… about….”
“About what, darling?” He batted his eyelashes, a playful, quasi-innocence writ large upon his features.
“About… Oi! Elias!” She whirled around as her brother and his family approached within earshot. She flashed Ansgar a quick, dirty look before stepping forward and enfolding her brother in a warm embrace.
“’Ello, Jo!”
Ansgar greeted the boys, giving each of them a firm, solid handshake and addressing them each by name. He then turned to Elias’ wife. “Leah,” he said warmly, taking her by the upper arms and pressing small, quick kisses to either side of her face. “So good of you to come. You look absolutely radiant.”
“Thank you,” she blushed. “Do you honestly think my boys would let us ignore an invitation like this?” She gestured around them, to the circus-like atmosphere of the picnic.
Ansgar gave them a wink. “Smart men,” he said.
“Herr Martinsson,” Elias stepped slightly in front of his wife, holding his hand out to Ansgar. “Thank you for the text. I… it was unexpected and appreciated.”
“Ansgar. Please,” Ansgar said. “Call me Ansgar. You must. We are friends after all.” He took Elias’ hand, gripping it tightly. He covered Elias’ hand with his other one, holding not only the man’s appendage, but his attention as well. “And it is my pleasure. I figure your boys will be working for me someday, so why not start their indoctrination early?”
Elias laughed nervously, and then turned his attention back to Joline, smacking her on the shoulder. “You all right then, Jo? You look a bit peaky.”
Joline swallowed, gave a weak smile, and nodded. Her eyes flicked up to Ansgar again, the butterflies flapping their wings in earnest in her stomach. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. “Just… just didn’t expect to see you here, that’s all.”
Ansgar clapped his hands together loudly, holding them near his chest, as he surveyed the family. “You,” he pointed to Leah, “look as if you would like one of those American funnel cakes, over there,” he indicated. “And the boys both seem hungry for some cheeseburgers, double chocolate ice cream and a lemon squash!”
The twins cheered loudly and, like baby birds, begged at their mother’s skirt for the sweets so temptingly dangled before them.
“And you, Elias,” Ansgar stepped over to him and wrapped an arm around the other man’s shoulders. “I suspect you could use a beer. How about it?” He cocked his head toward the windowed white VIP tent. “Join me?”
“Um… Ansgar?” Joline put on a wide, false smile, speaking through her teeth. “What - are - you doing?”
“Joline, darling. Why don’t you show Leah and the boys some of the midway games, over there? Would you do that while Elias and I go have a chat? Yes? You will? Oh thank you so much. There’s a lamb.”
And before Joline could answer, before she could protest, before she could even lift a negatory finger, Ansgar had swept Elias away and toward the lure of a tall, cold glass of lager.
“Oh, Christ, but that’s good,” Ansgar lowered the large tankard back down to the table, licking the white froth from his lips. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. “Can’t beat a German doppelbock. Liquid bread, as the monks used to call it. Twice the alcohol and four times the flavor. Heaven on tap, man.”
Elias nodded, swallowing down a gulp of his own. He looked around the mid-sized VIP tent, at the tables laid with linen, at the massive, gleaming buffet of gourmet food that lined one side of it. “Leah would love this,” he said. “She’s a bit of a foodie, my girl. Likes her fine wines, too.”
Ansgar smiled and winked. “Thought that about her. Good taste, yeah? She seems like an amazing woman.”
Elias blushed. “She is.”
Ansgar set his glass down. He raised his hand to flag down the server. Catching her attention, he pointed at his empty glass and then Elias, and then signaled for her to bring two more.
And almost instantly, she did.
Ansgar lifted his fresh glass and took a long pull, watching as Elias did the same with his second heady dark beer. He rest his elbows on the table and leaned slightly forward, the warmth of the alcohol coursing through his veins. “Good job you gave me your business card the other day,” he said. “Hope you don’t mind but I did a bit of…” he rolled his eyes slightly, head bobbling, “research… on you.”
Elias grinned, and shrugged. “Yeah. I figured you would. I Googled you, as well. That’s a given.”
“Hope you weren’t too put off by what you found, mate.” Ansgar chuckled. “But you get to the point. I like that. Okay,” he said, leaning back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest, his forefinger working in circles against the ball of his thumb. “Listen. Here’s what I know. You’re brilliant with investments, You use your talent and financial acumen to predict the markets, to move the proverbial chess pieces about the board, to make your clients…substantial sums of money.”
“Substantial enough, I suppose,” Elias said. “My accounts don’t tend to be all that large. More high end personal investments and small businesses portfolios.”
Ansgar nodded sagely. “Of course. Of course.“ He raised a finger. “Let me share a bit of a secret with you.”
“I’m all ears,” Elias chuckled.
“I…,” Ansgar smacked his lips together, “am about to lose my key investment advisor for the London and Zurich markets. The dear woman, well, she retires come January, you see, and I honestly don’t know what I am going to do without her. I’d offered her the American markets as well - you know how lucrative those can be - and she turned me down flat. Said sorry but she was leaving me. She’s going to pack up and move to Malta, going to bask in the sunshine and spend time with, ugh,” he shuddered jokingly, “her grandchildren.”
Elias’s eyes went from tightly narrowed to momentarily blown wide. A flash. A quirk of the lips. A microexpression, the pages upon which Ansgar read that the man knew exactly what Ansgar was getting at.
And he liked it.
“Poor thing,” Elias joked. He took a long drink of his beer and cradled the tankard against his chest. “Grandchildren. So difficult.”
“Yes, poor thing,” Ansgar agreed. “But her pending apostasy leaves me in a rather sticky situation, you see. I’m desperate to find someone who has the know-how and the talent and the balls and the wherewithal to handle,” he pulled his lips down at the corners and shook his head, “millions - hundreds of millions of British pounds in transactions, the potential of hundreds of millions of US Dollars more in dividends. Someone who could appreciate,” he said slower, his eyes intent and focused upon Elias’, “at least, say… thirty, forty million Kronor per annum in commissions alone, not… not to mention a substantial salary and benefits.”
Elias blinked rapidly.
Ansgar smirked. “Know anyone who fits that description? Eh, Elias?”
“I, erm….posshibly,” he slurred.
Ansgar took a long, deep breath, and another swig of his beer. “I’m not going to make any offers right now,” he said. “We’ve time. I,” he shrugged, “I simply wanted to germinate the… the idea with you, give you something to ruminate upon, something we can explore in the interim, in a more… hm… businesslike setting. My office, perhaps? Next week?”
Elias frowned. “Are you… asking me to come in for an interview?”
“Precisely that.” Ansgar said, tapping his finger on the table. “But I want you to think about it first, talk it over with Leah and the boys, talk it over with your mother or your friends if you want, and maybe even with your current clients.”
“Why them? Why my clients?”
“Because you’ll have to give them up, of course,” Ansgar stated. “If I hire you as my investment adviser you are my investment adviser. You’d not only be overseeing the holdings for Martinsson Construction, but my personal portfolio, and that of my family - my brother and his daughter. I have a sizable fund set up for my niece in the American markets. I would need someone to keep a hawk’s eye on that.”
“Think on it,” Ansgar said. “Maybe even talk to your sister about it. She knows me. She knows how I work.”
Elias’ face fell into an odd, unreadable expression. He kept silent for a long moment, and when he smiled, the light did not reach his eyes. When he spoke, his words were a whisper - not angry, but intent. “She knows how you… work, eh?” His eyes narrowed. “Does she now?”
The boys’ attention span shifted from begging for food to the next thing that caught their eye. Adrian tore across a spit of sand, Hugo a mere step behind, screaming as loud as their lungs could handle at the Harry Potter themed game they found. They nearly knocked several other guests and their kids over in their haste. For every ounce of enthusiasm they exuded, Joline felt anger and annoyance. Ansgar contacted her brother without telling her, without asking her. It was one thing to offer her nephews a workshop during their summer break, something quite removed from Ansgar personally. (She wasn’t exactly thrilled with that development either.) But it was quite another to invite most of her immediate family to an even without informing her. And it was something all the way not right to wander off drinking with her brother!
Infuriating arsehole! Goddamn him! He knew that she wouldn’t support the idea, let alone the activity of it.
Before she stomped after Leah to help wrangle the boys, she glanced in the direction of the VIP tent, wishing it would collapse entirely on Ansgar’s bloody thick, bold, arrogant, entitled head. Just his. Not her brother or anyone else in there. He had no business, personal or otherwise with her brother and she preferred it that way. Her partnership with Ansgar and their affair should be strictly between them, and it was precisely why she hesitated in agreeing to be his plus one for the corporate picnic.
She almost regretted it, if she hadn’t been having fun and enjoying the hell out of his relaxation techniques.
“Adrian! Hugo!” Joline called futilely after the overzealous twins, falling in step beside their mother.
“You’d think their birthday and all the holidays came all at once,” Leah glowed proudly, her gaze locked on her joys. “They slept all of two hours last night when Elias told them of today.”
Joline pushed aside her mood and her ire for one Ansgar Martinsson and smiled. “The event planners earned their pay without a doubt. Toys and games for the kids, alcohol and sedatives – probably – for the adults.”
Leah barely cracked a smile, she only wore that constant mild grin. She was the type that found her life’s purpose when she first became pregnant, the typical born to be stay at home mother, and it suited her. She was fulfilled by her family and thrived on their need and demands on her.
Adrian had picked up a wand and swung it around without much control or awareness of others nearby. Hugo brandished another wand and chose to dig into the play spell books inside the booth.
Predictably, Leah answered, “They deserve a little fun and be kids, yeah? They’ll sleep well tonight.”
Joline never related much to her sister-in-law. She didn’t dislike her, only found her bland, safe and tranquil, maybe a bit boring. She loved Leah because she was family and gave birth to two of her favorite people in the world. “Hey, boys! Hey, come give your Auntie Jo a hug! I didn’t get so much as hello out of you two!”
Neither one gave up their wands, but both ran over somewhat reluctantly, grumbling that they’d seen her just yesterday. The boys hugged her around her waist at the same time. She rubbed their backs affectionately. “I’m starving. How about you boys join us ladies for a burger and fries?” Jo cajoled temptingly, “First one to finish, picks the first ride!” She pointed towards the amusement section where the sound of giddy screams from the miniature rollercoaster blared in their direction. “How about that?”
Joline knew how to manipulate their short attention spans. The boys slammed their wands down where they found them. Adrian took his mother’s hand while Hugo took Joline’s and the boys pulled at them in the right direction.
Within minutes the boys shoved their burgers into their mouths at one table, while Joline and Leah sat one table away, eating more sensibly. “You’re good with them, Joline,” Leah complimented. It wasn’t the first time she’d said it, but it touched the other woman all the same.
“They’re my buddies. I adore every inch of them,” Joline shrugged, “as if they were my own.”
Leah reached across the table and rubbed one of her sister-in-law’s hands. “Thank you. They’re lucky to have you.” She patted her fingers along her arm. “Have you ever thought about… your own?”
Joline chewed slowly a french fry. It was a clichéd topic for a happily married mother of two to ask the somewhat wild single woman her plans for her womb. Leah was also the type to feel more comfortable with labels and categories. Joline decided to play along, “Thought about it, sure. The opportunity? Dwindling, I’m afraid.”
“You’re still young, Jo.”
Joline brushed it off again, lying to cover her own feelings on the subject. “I don’t think kids are in my future.” She was used to covering her regret and her desire for a child of her own. It’d become easier to lie than to face the truth, but her stomach ached for lying and for the longing that lingered since her divorce.
“We have news, Elias and me,” Leah spoke slowly. “As you already know, we’ve been trying to get pregnant for some time. It’s finally happened!” Her smile grew but her volume decreased to keep it private and just between them. “I’m pregnant. We went to hospital for confirmation, and we’re healthy!”
Each word felt like a dagger to another part of Joline’s body. The jealousy and the envy grew within her and it was difficult to find her own joy in it. Of course, she was happy for her brother and their family to have another addition, but she knew her own window of opportunity closing. “That’s… that’s wonderful!” she covered, pushing a smile to her lips. “It’d be… great to have another… little one around!”
Joline couldn’t help but feel used. The entire conversation hadn’t been about her, but about her sister-in-law revealing her secret to her. That only compounded her mood.
Joline left the boys in Leah’s care by the earlier abandoned Harry Potter after riding the tilt-a-whirl, the rollercoaster and ferris wheel with them. She felt out of sorts, and she hadn’t seen Ansgar and her brother emerge from the VIP tent. She wandered aimlessly floating from one tent to another, tamping down the urge to barge into the beer tent just to sate her curiosity. What would keep Ansgar and Elias there for so long?
“That’s the one,” she heard whispered behind her at one of the vendor tables providing beads and lanyards to make jewelry. “She’s with him.”
Joline kept her head down, pretending to survey the size, shapes and colors of the charms to make a bracelet or necklace of her own. She hated the attention on her, and she carefully chose her moment to walk away. She tried to tune it out, to not let it expose her vulnerability.
She folded her arms under her breasts as she meandered back through the food area. People stuffed their mouths and couldn’t talk shit about her there. Until…
“Hey, there, Joline! Hey, hey!!” She heard the familiar pleasing tones of a friend from behind her.
Joline stopped and searched through the crowd for the source, for a reprieve.
Rosie in her white apron bounded up behind her, hooking her arm around Joline’s shoulders. “I thought you’d be here. Is it business or pleasure this time?”
Joline grinned at the first real friend since Ansgar took off with her brother. Her nephews were too wrapped up in the excitement to pay her much attention. “If only I knew…”
“Yeah, that’s par for the course.”
“Where you off to?” Rosie asked, meeting Joline step for step. “I’m joining you. Need a break from cooking.”
“You? That doesn’t sound right at all.”
“You’re right. I’m nosy,” Rose shrugged without apology. “You’ve caused quite the stir.”
The two women walked through the last throng of people hovering around the fresh fruit smoothie tent to the lawn outside. It was the perimeter of the party, and Joline still kept an eye on the big white tent in the middle.
“I suppose I have.” She allowed Rosie to see how the noise had affected her with a rueful sad smile.
“Hey, there! None of that. Buck up, you’re getting laid. I guarantee half these people aren’t. At least not with another person.”
Joline tried to laugh, tried to let Rose’s humor chase away the negative bits of her afternoon. It hadn’t been all bad. She did enjoy getting Ansgar off in the carpark… until he took off with her brother. “How do you do it?” she asked suddenly without realizing she’d spoken one of the questions swimming in her head.
“How do I do what, honey?” Rose scrunched her chef’s hat off her head and started untying her apron to help her feel a little more human.
“The attention,” Joline sighed. “You’ve Michelin stars and restaurants and clients of your own. That comes with its own set of responsibilities to live up to. I’m not sure how to act with… with this.” She indicated the party with her palm shoved in the general direction of attendees.
Rose chuckled and flippantly replied, “I suppose the money helps…”
Joline stopped and faced Rosie, who in turn, stopped too. Hands on her hips, Joline cocked her leg out to the side, putting most of her weight on the other. “I don’t get a bonus… monetarily,” she snuck in quickly when she saw Rosie about to drop in another sexual reference. “I’m not sure I can do this. These fancy to-dos, I’ve always been removed from them… at the theatre, I mean. As house manager, even though I plan these events, I’m not really involved, other than looking to make money for the theatre.”
Rose looked at her new friend with compassion, “You’re unsure because this is personal… and you like him.”
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alpxcamin · 6 years ago
Spider Man
Requested?: Nope uwu
Words: 8.5k
Group: Qing Chun You Ni
Member(s): Jia Yi (feat. Next Door Tarzan Group A)
A/N: Okay so I’ve had this in my wips since episode 3 came out and I didn’t expect it to be this long or take this long to write oof...anyway, I can’t seem to find any qcyn fics?? someone pls tag me in anything you see ty :’)) Btw this isn’t really based off the comics or movies, I just borrowed the Spider Man character lol. Also, apologies if this seemed rushed at the end!! I didn't’ really know how to end it lmao...Also idk how to title so uh the title is boring...okay I’ll let you read now lol
“You really think Guan Yue is cuter?” your friend gasps.
“What’s wrong with Guan Yue? He’s super cute,” you scoff.
“Of course he is, but everyone thinks Wenhan and Jia Yi are the cuter ones,” your friend shrugs, closing her locker.
“They’re alright. Too overrated in my opinion,” you shut your locker, looking at your friend.
“Speaking of the devils,” your friend subtly points behind her.
You peek over her shoulders and casually roll your eyes. They are the most popular group of guys at school. Wherever they went, you can always find at least five girls hanging around. You didn’t really understand why they were so popular besides for their looks. However, you can’t say for sure because you didn’t know them personally.
You didn’t really like that group though because a lot of the girls that hang around them are rude and obsessive, which isn’t the boys’ fault, but they didn’t do anything to stop them. They also broke hearts like their lives depended on it...that’s what you heard at least. Also, there have been a few rumors that Jia Yi got into a lot of fights since he would show up to school with bruises or cuts sometimes.
You sigh, turning away as they pass by. You caught Jia Yi’s eyes on you and he offers a soft smile. You give him a tight-lipped smile, before rolling your eyes to show your friend your annoyance. You’ve noticed that they liked to flirt around a little too. Ever since you entered the school, you’ve vowed to never fall for any of their charms.
“I seriously still thinks Jia Yi has a crush on you,” your friend whispers as she watches the group of pretty boys breezes past the hallway.
“Pfft...nice joke,” you laugh, “He probably doesn't even know I exist.”
“He literally just smiled at you and he sits next to you in class,” your friend deadpans.
“Smiling at me doesn’t mean he has a crush on me. Also, he doesn’t have to know who I am just because we sit together,” you shake your head, chuckling.
“He stares at you in class all the time. I sit behind both of you so I should know,” your friend points out.
“Nope, he’s probably staring at Jolin Tsai. She’s pretty and popular. Even I lowkey have a crush on her,” you start walking towards your classroom.
“Okay yeah, true. But I seriously don’t think he’s looking at her,” your friend pouts, chasing after you.
“Really? She has a crush on him though. I bet those two are dating in secret,” you scrunch your brows together.
“Whatever, just peek at him some time in class. If he looks away, then I’m right,” your friend huffs, opening the classroom door.
“What? That doesn’t prove anything,” you step in, “He’s probably just daydreaming or something.”
“Just watch,” your friend whispers to you as the two of you make your way to your seats.
Unfortunately and fortunately, you sit right in between Jia Yi and Jolin. Pulling out your chair, you slide into your seat, greeting Jolin who waves back to you. You turn around after without giving a glance at the boys who are crowding around Jiayi’s desk.
“Remember to peek over some time,” your friend quietly reminds you.
“Fine, but you owe me lunch,” you roll your eyes, turning back around.
“Jia Yi, it’s that girl you like,” Wenhan wiggles his eyebrows, prodding his best friend in the ribs, pointing at you standing by your locker with your friend just a few feet away.
“Ow! Don’t say that out loud,” Jia Yi groans, but quickly turns to smile at one of the girls that passed by.
“You should really go talk to her,” Guan Yue encourages, placing a gentle hand on Jia Yi’s tense shoulders.
“No way! Do you guys want me to embarrass myself or something? Plus, you guys know she doesn’t like us...especially me,” Jia Yi pouts, looking down sadly.
“I don’t think she’s like that. She just doesn’t know us, that’s all,” Chunyang shyly suggests.
“You never know,” Hanyu shrugs, “Why do you like her so much anyway? You guys haven’t ever talked.”
“Yeah, but I see her around all the time. She’s so helpful and caring and kind. Plus, she’s super cute,” Jia Yi hums dreamily, “I can’t help it. She’s literally perfect.”
The group of boys immediately quiet down as they passed by you and your friend. Jia Yi swallows harshly and tries to look away, but he can’t. You make eye contact with him and he shivers a little, offering a shy smile. That sarcastic smile on your face makes his heart drop and when they finally reach the classroom, Jia Yi sighs deeply, allowing his smile to fall into a frown.
“By the way, you really need to stop staring at her in class. I’m sure her friend who sits behind her in class notices,” Wenhan snorts.
“I-I don’t stare at her!” Jia Yi squeaks, his cheeks darkening.
“I sit in front of you and I notice it too,” Hanyu rolls his eyes, chuckling.
“Ugh, I definitely don't. I’m just...uh...looking out the window!” Jia Yi’s flustered mind doesn’t aid him in coming up with an excuse.
“Sure…” Guan Yue gives a teasing smile.
“Oh, here they come,” Chunyang points at the door sliding open.
Jia Yi’s head whips up and he spots your friend, seemingly frustratedly chatting, open the door. Then, you walk in. He can’t help but melt a little when he notices the relaxed and teasing expression on your face. It’s like you are literally glowing.
Jia Yi quickly looks down again, staring at his hands, twiddling his thumbs. He tries to keep his breath even as you and your friend get closer and closer. He takes a daring glance and sees you waving cutely at Jolin before turning back to face your friend. He notices that your friend’s eyes quickly darted over at them before whispering something to you.
“Don’t be too obvious, okay?” Wenhan chuckles, patting Jia Yi on the back, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Literally shut up,” Jia Yi huffs, playfully nudging Wenhan, causing all of them to laugh.
Class couldn’t have been more boring. Sighing, you doodle mini Spider Mans all over your notes. He’s been your favorite hero, or “celebrity” crush, ever since he started his career. You admire everything about him. He never hesitates to save someone, doesn’t mind putting himself in danger, and you’ve heard that he’s quite the charmer. You wish you can meet Spider Man in person at least once in your lifetime.
Suddenly, you feel something small hit your back and you snap out of your daydream. Turning around, you give your friend a harsh look. She simply shakes her head, ever so slightly pointing in Jia Yi’s direction. You rolled your eyes before facing forward again and turn to look at the boy.
You make eye contact with him and you see his cheeks turn pink before he quickly fixes his gaze on the teacher, pretending to write something on his paper. You turn back to look at your friend who was smiling smugly.
“I told you! He was totally looking at you. Did you see him blush?” your friend violently shakes you back and forth.
“I saw, I saw,” you groan, peeling her hands off of you, “I’m still not convinced though. You know, if I was caught staring at someone, I’d be embarrassed too.”
“Are you serious?” your friend shrieks, “You know what, never mind. We can talk about that later.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you chuckle.
“Anyway, I can’t walk home with you today. My mom just signed me up for another tutoring class and I couldn’t argue my way out this time,” she sighs, clinging on to you, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. One day isn’t going to hurt,” you laugh, hugging your friend back.
“I know, but this might happen a few times a month,” your friend pouts, “Walking without you is going to be so boring.”
“I know. Hopefully, you won’t have to be in that class for too long,” you shrug, the piercing bell making you jump.
“Yeah. See you tomorrow then!” your friend sadly waves before the two of you split ways, heading to your own classes.
It is lonely the say the least as you stroll down the streets by yourself. Despite not having your friend with you, you still decide to stop by the bakery as the two of you usually do. Stepping in, a small smile makes its way onto your face. The sweet smell of beautifully decorated cakes and adorable pastries fill your nose. Shuffling up to the cashier, you order your usual and head towards your usual seat.
Pulling out your books, you decide to get a headstart on your homework before you went home. Usually, you and your friend would procrastinate until it got dark outside. Your food arrives quickly and you set to work.
Blindly, you reach for your cup, still intensely reading your book. Finally grabbing the cup, you carefully bring it to your mouth, but nothing came out of it. Blinking a couple of times, you bookmark your book and set it down. You peek at the clock and nearly fell over. It is already six and you have to get home soon. Quickly packing your things, you leave a tip on the table and left the bakery.
The dark sky and bright lights calm you down a little. It feels nice walking out at night, although you were a little scared to be alone. You decide to get home quickly since it was starting to get cold and your thin school sweater did nothing to help with blocking out the wind.
Suddenly, you feel someone place a tight grip on your arm. You try to pull away, but you are too weak and you are yanked into the dark alleyway. You scream until the person places a heavy hand over your mouth.
“Give me your money or I’ll shoot,” a low, grumbling voice mumbles from behind you.
Your throat tightens when the thief lets you go and pulls out his gun. You hear a click, and you see the metal weapon gleaming under the moonlight. You shakily pick up your bag from the ground and file through it to find your wallet. Closing your eyes, you hand the thief your wallet, but he doesn’t take it. However, you did hear a loud thud and you open your eyes.
There he is, clad in his classic red and blue suit, tying up the thief. Your mouth drops open just as Spider Man knocks out the tied up thief. He dusts his gloved hands off and makes his way over to you. He towers over you, standing at nearly six feet tall.
“Hey, you alright? He didn’t hurt you hopefully,” Spider Man carefully checks you over for any injuries.
You meekly shake your head, “I’m fine.”
“What are you doing out so late by yourself?” he asks gently.
“I lost track of time today and my friend isn’t here to walk back with me,” you whisper, a little scared to look away.
“I’ll take you home. Where do you live?” he wraps a strong arm around your waist and you pray that he can’t see the rising blush on your cheeks and feel your heartbeat quickening against his own chest.
“Uh, I live on the fourth floor of that small apartment across from the candy shop,” you shyly offer.
“Okay, got it. Just hold on tight!” Spider Man holds you tighter against him.
“W-Wait! Wait, is this safe?” you blubber in fear, but also because you wish for him to hold you just a little longer.
“Don’t worry, I’m here to keep you safe. Please trust me,” the suited hero reassures.
“Okay...I trust you,” you slowly wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.
As soon as you feel your feet lift off the ground, you close your eyes shut. You hear Spider Man’s soft giggle and you cling onto him tighter. The cool wind whips through your hair and you shiver a little.
“Hey, open your eyes. It’s really pretty at night,” Spider Man’s soothing voice brings you out of your anxious thoughts.
Slowly, you allow yourself to see again. Gasping, you enjoy the night breeze as you fly past the colorful lights and buzzing city. The dark evening sky above you is filled with glittering stars. The moon produces a soft light, bouncing off the cotton candy clouds. It is so calm and peaceful. Below you, however, is a city full of adrenaline and excitement. The multicolored lights, tall buildings, and bustling people brings the city to life.
You can’t help but let a small noise of surprise and pure joy slip out of your mouth. Before you knew it, Spider Man gently places you on your balcony as he balances on the railing.
“Is this your place?” he asks.
“Yup, thank you so much,” you smile softly.
“No problem. Stay safe, okay?” he salutes before leaping off the building.
You sigh dreamily as you watch your hero swing gracefully from building to building. You can’t wait to tell your friend about what happened. Begrudgingly, you unlock the double doors and slip into your room.
“Yeah right, there’s no way Spider Man has the time for that,” your friend crinkles her nose, “Doesn’t he have that other big project going on?”
“Why won’t you just believe me? He really did swing by and save me,” you pout, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I think you were dreaming,” your friend giggles at the sight of you pouting so hard.
Jia Yi silently listens in from the side, shifting slightly in his seat every so often. A soft blush appears on his well-defined cheeks. His brows furrowed as he strains to hear your soft voice complementing your favorite hero.
His eyes glazed over with wonder, leaning slightly closer to hear you. He really wishes you are complimenting him, but just the sound of you sounding so happy and charmed makes him happy. He can’t help but allow the smallest smile on his face.
A small knock on your balcony door brings you out of your trance. Saving your essay, you shuffle, a little scared, towards the glass door. Drawing back your curtains, you gasp. Spider Man’s strong back is facing you, his red and blue suit stretching comfortably over his muscles. He hangs from a thin strand of web and you are surprised that it is able to handle his weight. You quickly open the door and the sound makes Spider Man turn around. He drops from his upside down position and gracefully lands on the balcony floor. Though you can’t see his face, you know he’s giving you the most beautiful smile ever.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” you shyly ask, retreating back into your room, allowing the hero in.
“To check on you. You’re okay, right? You walked with your friend today?” concern laced his soothing voice.
“Yeah, she said she’d only be gone on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I’m okay, thanks for asking,” you smile, leaning back slightly on your desk.
You silently watched as he peeks around your room in awe. A smile dawns on your face and you giggle every time he lets out a small “woah” or “ooh”. He finishes touring your room and ends up in front and towering over you. You look up at him.
“Your room is cute,” he nods in approval.
“Glad you think so,” you laugh.
You stare up at his masked face and squint slightly to try and see if you could see at least his eyes. However, you find yourself mesmerized by just the shape of his face. You can tell his jawline is well-defined and his nose bridge makes a cute arch. He seems to be staring right back at you and you feel your cheeks heating up. Coughing slightly, you break out of your dream-like state and back away.
“Sorry, I’ll get going,” Spider Man sniffs awkwardly, “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Thanks, really,” you shake your head, looking away.
“Okay, I’m gonna leave now,” he slowly backs towards the door, not even turning back.
“Okay,” you giggle, following him.
It seems like he doesn’t want to leave and you certainly don’t want him to go. However, you still have a lot of work to do and he probably has many more people he needs to save. You step out into the cool night breeze, holding your arms a little closer to your body for warmth. Spider Man reaches an arm out, displaying his shiny web-shooter.
“Goodbye,” you give him a small wave.
“See ya later,” Spider Man nods before shooting a web and jumping right off your balcony.
You lean over to see him fall. Just as he is about to hit the ground, he swings back up in the air and you watch as he swings away through the city.
Winter break is nearing and you’re getting a little antsy. Finals are coming up and you’re a wreck. With eyebags hanging down to your cheeks, you stumble your way to your seat and collapse in the chair. Your backpack slides off your slumped shoulders as you drop your head to your desk, cradling it with your arms.
“Y/n...you okay? You’ve never been this late before,” you hear your friend whisper from behind.
You raise your head and turn around, staring at her blankly, “I know, I just have...a lot to do.”
“Aww, I’m sorry I can’t help because of my dumb classes,” your friend sympathetically frowns, gently brushing your hair with her fingers.
“It’s alright, it’s not your fault really,” you sigh, “I found some company on Wednesdays and Thursdays anyway.”
“What? Who?” your friend gasps, faking offense.
“You wouldn’t believe me,” you giggle.
“Tell me, tell me!” your friend eggs on.
“Fine,” you motion her to come closer, “Spider Man.”
“You need to stop obsessing over him,” your friend snorts, rolling her eyes.
“See, you didn’t believe me,” you pout.
“It’s kinda hard to believe,” your friend hums, challenging you.
“Fine, I’ll get a selfie with him today and send it to you,” you crinkle your nose before tiredly turning back to face the front.
You feel a pair of eyes watching you carefully and you slowly roll your head to face the boy sitting next to you. Jia Yi quickly looks away and you notice a light blush on his cheeks. You huff before turning back.
“Alright students, I know you guys are busy with finals,” your teacher strolls in, starting right away.
“I’m going to assign an easy partner project for your final so you guys won’t have to stress too much,” your teacher announces.
Everyone cheers unanimously until the teacher raises a hand and says, “But, I’m assigning your partners.” Then, there is a unanimous groan.
You take a quick peek back at your friend and the two of you share a disappointed look. The teacher quiets everyone before reaching for his glasses and a clipboard. He adjusts his glasses and takes a closer look at the clipboard before calling out names.
You are silently chanting that you would end up with your friend. You freeze as soon as you hear your name called.
“Y/n,” your teacher looks over at you and you stare right back, anticipating.
“Y/n, you’re with...Jia Yi,” the teacher nods at the two of you and you slide further down into your seat.
You look over at Jia Yi, mind blank. You just stare at the blond. It seems as if your brain had just malfunctioned. It’s not that you despise him, you just didn’t know him well and you know that with all the stress you have, you would end up just dumping it out on him. You didn’t want to do that to him.
Jia Yi bites down on his bottom lip when he hears his name called right after yours. He looks over at you and nearly fell off his chair. You’re staring at him so intensely, yet your eyes seem dead. His cheeks darken and he tries for a smile, but you just kept staring. His brows furrowed as he takes this chance to stare back at you.
He can practically see you fighting yourself through your eyes and he frowns. He overheard your conversation with your friend earlier and begins to worry about you. He quietly scoots closer to you before offering a hand.
“We got this,” he quietly whispers, trying his best to sound as confident as possible.
You weakly grab his hand and shake it. He nearly melts at the touch of your warm fingers and he glances towards Wenhan for a second before looking back at you. Your hand slips out of his and drops to the table and Jia Yi already misses the warmth.
“I’m sorry in advance,” you whisper.
“What do you mean?” Jia Yi’s eyes never left your face.
“It’s been pretty stressful for me recently so sorry if I ever take it out on you,” you shake yourself awake.
“Oh, it’s alright. I understand,” Jia Yi smiles brightly.
You offer a tight-lipped smile before turning away and resting your chin on one hand, not noticing Jia Yi’s smile dropping behind you.
“Hey, ready to go?” a familiar voice calls out to you.
“Spider Man! There you are,” you giggle, tightening your grip on your backpack.
“Yup, sorry I couldn’t wait at my usual spot. I, uh...lost track of time,” Spider Man explains, beginning to walk.
“It’s okay, we all have those days. I was late to class for once,” you groan, walking beside him.
“Aww, you must’ve been really tired, huh,” you can practically hear his frown as he loops a strong arm around your waist, “Hold on tight.”
You do as you’re told and the two of you whip into the afternoon sky. You have gotten used to the cool breeze as you fly across the city and you learned to enjoy the feeling of being so high up. You smile a little to yourself as you inhale the fresh air.
Finally, the two of you land back on your balcony. Spider Man would always leave right after he drops you off at home, then coming back later at night to check up on you.
Just as he is about to leap off the balcony, your hand darts for his wrist, preventing him from leaving. He turns to look back at you and cutely cocks his head to the side. You shyly retract your hand and look down.
“Sorry, I just remembered something,” you sniff.
“Oh, what is it?” he asks, leaning towards you.
“If it’s not too much trouble, would you take a selfie with me? I promised a friend since she wouldn’t believe that you take me home when she’s gone,” you laugh, a little embarrassed.
“Of course~” he laughs enthusiastically.
He slides behind you as you open the camera app and fix your hair that had been messed up by the wind. You fee; his arms snake around you, pulling you closer to him and you bite your lower lip, holding up your phone. You smile widely and you can tell he is too. Both of you hold up a peace sign and you snap a couple of pictures.
“Thank you so much,” you put your phone away.
Spider Man still had his arm around you, slowly pulling away from the semi-back hug. You are sure you are as red as a tomato, but you turn to face him anyway. He seems a little startled that you had turned around and drops his arm, to your disappointment.
“Gotta go,” he hums, seeming somewhat dazed, “Mr. Stark is calling.”
“Bye,” you softly tell him, waving slightly.
He takes one last look at you before diving into the busy city down below.
You sigh as you stare at the busy streets below you. The bright sun leaves a soft, golden glow on the buildings and people. Though it is cold, you want to enjoy the setting sun for just a little longer. A sudden ping brings you out of your daydream and you pull out your phone again.
It is Jia Yi. The two of you had exchanged phone numbers earlier so that you can contact each other for the project. You read the text and quickly change out of your uniform and into some cozier, warmer clothes before grabbing your backpack and heading for the library.
Luckily, you live quite close to the library so you only had to brave the cold for at most five minutes. You look around a little before spotting the tall boy. His bright blond hair seems so bright amongst the dull, gray environment of the quiet library.
“Hey, sorry. I almost forgot,” you apologize to Jia Yi as soon as you get to the table he was at.
He turned around, a little startled, “Oh, it’s okay. I just got here.”
“Should we start?” you pull out a chair and sit next to Jia Yi.
“Yeah…we should brainstorm some ideas first,” the blond nods in agreement.
After that, the two of you settle into awkward silence. You shift uncomfortably in your seat a few times, trying to think of ideas. However, you can’t seem to think of anything besides the tension looming over you and your partner. From the corner of your eye, you can also see that Jia Yi struggling.
“Why don’t we go somewhere else,” you speak up, “and get comfortable with each other before we start. I can tell neither of us is able to focus.”
“O-oh, good idea,” Jia Yi stands up. He begins walking out of the library after you got up as well.
“Do you want to go to that candy shop near your--” Jia Yi stutters, “Uh, near here?”
You give him a skeptical look before shrugging, “Sure, let’s go.”
The candy shop is only a few steps away and you are thankful since the sun had already been cut into half by the city landscape. The sky fades from a bright maroon to gorgeous deep indigo. You can see the tiny white stars beginning to appear.
The sweet smell of pure sugar gives you a jolt of energy and you peek around the pink shop. You’ve been in here quite a few times since you live right across, but the atmosphere always draws you back in. A smile makes its way onto your face and you head straight for your favorite candies.
Picking out a few, you turn back to pay and nearly crash into someone’s chest. You stumble back, apologizing. Your cheeks darken when you realize that you just nearly crashed into Jia Yi.
“I’m so sorry...should’ve looked,” you mumble, clutching your candies closer to you as if protecting them.
The tall blond simply chuckles, “It’s okay. Anything you recommend?”
“Oh, well I definitely recommend these,” you hold out your hands to reveal the three candies you had just picked out, “these are my favorite.”
“I’ll get some of those too,” Jia Yi gives you a warm smile before easily reaching over you to grab some candies as well.
You blush slightly at the close proximity and let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding when he leans away. You can still smell a light waft of his fresh scent after he backed up. He gives you his classic cheesy smile and you return it with a small smile of your own.
Both of you awkwardly shuffle over to the front to pay for the candies. You cheerfully greet the employee by the cash register and place your candies on the counter. Jia Yi slides his candies next to yours and pulls out his wallet. The employee types a few things into the register and asks for four dollars. You stop him and pull out your own wallet.
“Hey, no need to pay for me,” you pout, pulling out a five dollar bill, “It’s your first time here, right? I’ll pay.”
“No way, I won’t let you pay. It’s only five dollars anyway,” Jia Yi copies the pout of your face, shoving the five dollar bill into the employee’s face without even looking.
The employee quickly snatches the money from Jia Yi’s finger, a nervous expression on his face as you and Jia Yi have a stare off. After returning the change, the employee dashes off and disappears behind the staff door. You begrudgingly stuff your wallet back into your backpack and take your candy, your eyes never leaving Jia Yi’s. You narrow your eyes a little as he stores his wallet and takes his candy off the counter as well. He gives you a smile and the two of you break eye contact before heading to one of the small tables the shop had.
You and Jia Yi sit across from each other. You unwrap one of the candies and pop it into your mouth, moving it from one cheek to another, savoring the flavor. Jia Yi watches you carefully before imitating you, his face brightening as soon as he put the candy in his mouth. You giggle at the sight.
“Wow, this one tastes so good,” Jia Yi looks at you with sparkling eyes.
“I know, right? That one is my favorite flavor,” you chuckle at his childlike amazement.
The two of you spend a few moments enjoying the candies before Jia Yi speaks up again. He plays with the crinkly wrappers as he speaks.
“So, what do you like to do?” he asks, blinking innocently at you.
“Hmm, not much,” you shrug, contemplating on the answer.
“Oh come on, I see you and your friend in the book club sometimes,” Jia Yi shyly admits, “I was just passing by.”
“Well, I do love reading,” you smile, “What about you? I heard you’re on the football team or something.”
“Me? On the football team? Now that’s a good joke,” Jia Yi snorts, giving you a look of disbelief.
“What? Really? I thought all popular guys play football or something,” you hum, a little embarrassed that you had just assumed something that isn’t true.
“Nope, it’s just a stereotype,” he chuckles at your dumbfounded expression, “Wenhan does like playing football though.”
“Huh...there must be a lot of things I have wrong about you guys then,” you ponder, resting your chin in a hooked finger.
“Maybe. I can tell you what’s wrong and what’s right if you list them out,” Jia Yi suggests, “We can get to know each other that way.”
“Okay, sounds good to me. Can I start? I have a lot,” you look up at him sheepishly.
“Go ahead,” he laughs.
Time flies past as the two of you exchange stories and share laughter. You have to admit that you misjudged them and so you apologized to Jia Yi, the guilt escaping you after. After calming down from your hundredth fit of laughter, you take a peek at the clock and then back at Jia Yi.
“Hey, I think we should head home now,” you sigh, shoving your phone into your pocket.
“Good idea. It’s getting late,” Jia Yi stands up, holding out a hand.
You take his hand and he pulls you up. He pulls a little too hard and you stumble right into his chest. Both of you are too afraid to move for a moment and so you stood in his embrace for a minute or two before awkwardly pulling away. Cheeks red, you apologize to Jia Yi as he does the same.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you make your way home. Jia Yi had offered to walk you home even though you live right across. He had insisted and you would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a little weak when he pulled out his puppy dog face.
“Alright, this is me,” you shyly tell him, rocking back and forth, hands behind your back.
“Goodnight, y/n. See you tomorrow,” Jia Yi smiles.
You expect him to leave, but as you open the door to your apartment complex, the tall blond is still standing there, smiling. He notices you’re watching him and he waves. You wave back before quickly closing the door and heading upstairs. You let out a sigh of relief when you make it safely back into your room. Opening the glass doors, you step out into the balcony, enjoying the night breeze. You look down and nearly fall off when you see that Jia Yi is still down there. He notices you up there and gives you a thumbs up before running off.
You find yourself blushing at his gentlemanly actions, making sure you got back safe. You can’t help but smile a little. You had definitely misunderstood him before and you regret not getting to know him earlier. You hadn’t realized that he was so sweet and funny and he is an exemplary company.
Shaking your head, you get rid of the thought of Jia Yi. You remind yourself that you would never fall for his or his friends’ charms. Looking out at the brightly lit city, you wonder where Spider Man is. Perhaps he doesn’t have time to visit you today. You wait out a little longer before you head back in.
“Oh. My. Gosh,” your friend nearly knocks the both of you over as she rams into you.
“Ack! You’re gonna knock us both over,” you whine, trying to steady the both of you.
“Sorry, sorry,” she halfheartedly apologizes, “But that selfie with Spider Man though!”
“Shhhh! Keep it down, will you,” you hiss.
“This is so exciting! Are you sure you didn’t photoshop that?” your friend asks, suddenly a little skeptical.
“I promise I didn’t photoshop that,” you huff, jutting out your bottom lip.
“Okay, I believe you. You have to let me meet him one day though,” your friend winks.
Rolling your eyes, you chuckle at her teasing tone but agree to her request. The two of you make your way into the classroom and as usual, Jia Yi and his friends are already inside. Usually, you would ignore them, but you decided to wave to Jia Yi.
Jia Yi notices you and waves back enthusiastically, his smile widening. You giggle a little before settling down in your seat and greeting Jolin as well. Your friend sits down behind you and you turn so that you’re facing her. Her expression is priceless, jaw on the floor, eyes bulging.
“What?” you laugh.
“Did you just wave and smile at Jia Yi?” your friend gasps.
“Yeah, I did,” you shrug.
“Since when did you two become friends?” she asks, eyes darting between you and Jia Yi who is back to chatting animatedly with his friends.
“Yesterday. I really misjudged them,” you sigh sadly, “Jia Yi’s really nice actually.”
“Are you serious? You literally like hated him just two days ago,” your friend says.
“Okay, I never hated him...that’s a strong word. Plus, I said I misjudged him. Jia Yi’s really sweet,” you shake your head.
“Well spill the tea!” your friend shakes you violently.
“Ah, fine!” you groan, shoving her hands off, “I’ll tell you later though. Jia Yi and his friends are literally right there.”
“Oh~ Are you shy?” your friend teases, winking at you.
“I’m not, oh my gosh. It’s embarrassing though,” you facepalm.
“I think you have a crush~” your friend sings, making you groan.
“Fine, I won’t tell you then,” you huff, crossing your arms, slowly turning to face the front.
You feel her hand grip your shoulder and you turn back to face her, smirking, “What?”
“Sorry, tell me later,” she squints her eyes, “threatening” you. Giggling, you turn to face forward again.
Next to you, Jia Yi watches you carefully while chatting with his friends. Although your conversation was quiet, Jia Yi heard his name come up a couple of times and every time you said his name, he felt his heart skip a beat. The way you had said it so endearingly made him gush.
“Did she really just wave at you?” Wenhan’s gasps, poking at Jia Yi to catch his attention.
“Huh? Oh yeah,” Jia Yi nods, his eyes still on you.
“Since when did that happen?” Guan Yue tugs at Jia Yi’s arm, causing him to look away from you.
“Yesterday. We met up for the project, but it was too awkward so we went to the candy shop to talk instead,” Jia Yi sighs dreamily, recounting the memories of yesterday.
“Eyy, I told you she likes you,” Wenhan laughs, winking.
Jia Yi simply rolls his eyes, chuckling along, “She doesn’t.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Hanyu smirks, “She definitely likes you.”
“Don’t get my hopes up! We’re just friends...I just got on her good side yesterday,” Jia Yi pouts.
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” Wenhan chuckles before leading Chunyang away back to their seats just as the teacher walks in.
Over the next month, you and Jia Yi become close. You even begin talking to a few of his friends and getting to know them. You find yourself enjoying their company, especially Jia Yi’s. He even invited you over when he dyed his hair to a deep chocolate-brown color. You had anticipated seeing his other friends that day, but you did not. It was only you and Jia Yi and to say that you enjoyed those few hours with him would be an understatement. You didn’t want to, but you had to confess to yourself that you now have a huge crush on Jia Yi.
Finally, the school year comes to a quick end and you wave goodbye to your friend as she dashes off to the car waiting in front of the school so she can rush to the airport. Unfortunately, she will not be there for break and you begin to feel a little lonely as you wave goodbye to her.
Shivering, you begin to make your way back home, trudging along with your backpack weighing you down. You spot Spider Man in his bright red and blue suit at his usual spot and your face lights up. You quickly jog over to him.
“Hey, Spider Man,” you smile.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while,” Spider Man chuckles.
“That’s true...almost for a whole month,” you frown, “Busy saving people, huh?”
He hesitates a little, “Yeah...lots of people.”
“It’s alright, I’ve been pretty busy with studying too. Plus, there was that big final project I told you about and my partner and I have just been hanging out a lot after,” you paused, “To work on the project of course…”
“Oh, who is your partner?” Spider Man asks, suddenly seeming even more interested in the conversation.
“Uh, you probably don’t know him,” you shyly chuckle. You didn’t want to expose your crush on your schoolmate by sounding too dreamy when describing him. You didn’t even really want to admit that you have a crush on Jia Yi.
“Aww, tell me the name at least?” Spider Man begs and you can tell he’s giving you puppy dog eyes underneath his mask.
You hesitate, “J-Jia Yi…”
“Hmm...I’ve heard that name before,” Spider Man cheekily replies before scooping you into his strong arms and whisking the both of you away back to your apartment.
“Oh, you have?” you nervously ask as the two of you land on your balcony.
You unlock the doors and step in, inviting Spider Man in as well. He happily strolls in and takes a seat by your desk. You shuffle over to your bed and flop down, rolling onto your stomach. You use your arms to support your head so that you can face Spider Man.
“Yup,” Spider Man chuckles, “I know him pretty well actually.”
“That’s cool! He’s never told me that he knows you,” you hum.
“I guess he wants to keep it a secret,” there is an undetectable emotion in Spider Man’s voice. It almost sounds like he wants to tell you something, but chose not to.
“So...do you have Christmas off? Is Mr. Stark giving you a day off at least?” you ask, changing the subject.
“Well, it’s my duty to protect the city so Mr. Stark said he’d officially give me a week off but encourages that I try my best to help out that week,” he chuckles, “I don’t think Mr. Stark really wants me to do anything though since I cause him a lot of trouble.”
“Aww, I’m sure he doesn’t think you cause him trouble,” you hum, “You’re the best help there is.”
Spider Man chuckles shyly, “Thanks, but I really do cause him trouble sometimes. I appreciate the week off though.”
“You should come by to visit during your week off then!” you happily suggest, hoping he will accept the offer.
“I’ll definitely stop by,” you can see his attempt to wink through the mask, “But if you’re hoping I’d come without a suit, then you’re wrong. I can’t leak my identity.”
You let out a small, playful whine, “Aww, you know I wouldn’t tell anyone. I pinky promise.”
He giggles and lazily ruffles your hair a little, “Sorry, no can do. As much as I trust you, I can’t disobey such an important order from Mr. Stark.”
“Even as much as you trust me?” you slowly lean in closer, lowering the tone of your voice.
“Y-yeah…”Spider Man stutters, but he doesn’t lean away.
You stare up at him, eyes darting back and forth between each eye-hole of the mask. Your shaky hand steadily moves up to his face as you slowly move closer towards Spider Man. You gulp quietly as you find the edge of his mask and carefully begin tugging it upwards, revealing his sharp jaw and pouty lips.
You’re sure he can feel your breath down his neck, as he gives you a nervous smile. You recognize that smile...you could recognize it anywhere. You let out a small gasp and his smile falters before he takes a step back and harshly pulls his mask back down. You feel a blush growing on your cheeks. You think you know who it is and you’re pretty sure it’s him.
Spider Man frantically trips around until he makes it out, onto your balcony. He gracefully hops on the railing as you nervously shuffle towards him.
“A-ah...uh...I have to go now. Bye,” he waves before leaping off the railings and into the cityscape.
You sigh, leaning on the railings where Spiderman had just jumped off of. You watch carefully as your suited hero swings from building to building, his silhouette getting smaller and darker.
As the first week of break pass by and Spider Man has not visited. You’re worried that you had scared him off and now he won’t ever come back. But, as promised, Spider Man pays you a visit on Christmas day.
You glance at the clock and groan at the time. It’s already two in the morning. Your parents are out partying while you decided to stay home. Suddenly, a soft knock shakes you out of your thoughts and you bounce off your bed and rush to the double doors.
“Spider Man! You came-” you cut yourself off as he collapses into your arms.
“Ugh, I’m sorry. Wait, I need to sit,” he groans, trying to stand up.
You carefully help him to your chair and he slides out of your arms and drops heavily in the chair. You frantically look him over before rushing to the bathroom to get a first aid kit out. Luckily, there seems to not be any major injuries on his body. However, his whole mask is stained dark red by blood, whether it was his or someone else’s, you didn’t know.
“Hey, stay with me, okay?” you tell him softly, opening the kit, “Are there any injuries that are hiding under that suit?”
“N-no...it’s mainly my face,” he winces with each word.
“Okay, I need you to take off your mask,” you try to stop the shaking in your voice.
“I c-can’t,” he groans.
“This is serious! I can’t just let you bleed out here,” you cry out, “Why didn’t you just go back to Mr. Stark?”
“I wanted to s-see you…” he takes a deep breath, “In case anything happened.”
Your eyes soften, “Spider Man...you don’t have to worry about me. I should be the one worrying instead and I do worry a lot about you. Now take off that mask and let me help you.”
The two of you sit in silence for a moment before Spider Man cautiously pulls off his mask. The wait is painfully slow as he tries to avoid irritating the cuts and bruises as he peels the mask off. You patiently wait, damp, cold cloth in hand. Your eyes widen as the mask lifts above his nose. Your suspicions were right. It is him.
“J-Jia Yi…” his name tumbling out of your mouth.
He looks at you shyly, attempting a smile, “Hope you’re not disappointed.”
The sight of him all bloody and bruised makes you tear up. You shake your head, trying to contain your tears as you carefully begin to clean the dark blood off his face. He reaches for your free hand and you let him hold it. You wince every time he winces.
“I’m far from disappointed,” you mumble after a small period of comfortable silence, still carefully cleaning his face.
“Really?” you can see the hopefulness sparkle in his eyes.
You nod shyly, dropping the cloth. You reach up and gently brush his hair away so that you can get a full view of his face. You frown at all the cuts and bruises he has. His lips are a little swollen, a huge cut decorating it. His eyes are slightly puffy and teary and his nose is painted black and blue with bruises.
You finish patching him up and offer him a clean set of your father’s clothes. You let him take a shower and after he’s done, the two of you sit on the ground, leaning against your bed. You sit in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. A sudden surge of confidence surges through you and you open your mouth to speak.
“Y-you know, I’m glad you’re Spider Man. I would’ve been disappointed if it were anyone else,” you confess.
“Really?” his head whips to face you. His eyes search yours and you look away shyly. Both of you shift so that you’re facing each other.
“I…” you contemplate for a second, “I really like you.”
You look down, flushing, afraid of Jia Yi’s reaction. You feel his fingers tickling your cheek as he softly tucks a strand of stray hair behind your ear. You look up at him through your lashes and feel your face get even warmer. He has the widest (well as wide as his cut would allow him to smile), most charming, most dazzling smile on his face.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that,” he chuckles, pulling you closer.
Your eyes immediately flutter shut as he cradles your head and pulls you closer to him. Your lips collide with his and you can feel his shallow breath fanning your face. You lean into the kiss, but he pulls away, wincing. You gasp and frantically ghost your thumb over his lip.
“I’m so sorry! I forgot about your cut,” you rest your hand on his cheek, nearly crying.
He simply laughs, “It’s okay, I forgot too.”
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“More than okay,” he smiles, gently pulling your hand off his face and lacing his fingers between yours.
He leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. You stare into his soft eyes and he stares back. A small, shy smile makes its way onto your face.
“I can’t believe you’re dating Jia Yi now! You two are literally the most obvious, yet unexpected couple honestly,” your friend rants.
You simply chuckle but look past her. Your eyes settle onto your tall boyfriend who is animatedly chatting with his friends. He seems to notice a pair of eyes on him and looks up. He shoots you a wink, causing you to blush, before going back to chat with his group.
“So, any juicy secrets to spill?” your friend giggles, nudging you, bringing you out of your daydream.
“Secrets?” you give her a teasing smile, “Oh, a whole lot.”
You smile at her before making your way to the classroom, leaving your friend flustered and curious. She chases after you, asking question after question. You laugh to yourself. There are definitely times where you want to show off your boyfriend. He has saved so many lives and you’re proud of him. However, you couldn’t have wished for anything better, even if you have to keep your boyfriend’s superhero identity a secret.
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~Admin Liz ♡
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jayudistrict · 10 months ago
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Jayu District is looking for Jolin Tsai to be our newest resident!
Jayu District is an idol based, Semi-lit/literate roleplay. Find your tranquility living within Jayu District. A community of friendly and neighborly residents. There's always something to do at Jayu, whether it be biweekly activities or have fun in our chats. Make a home for yourself and apply to be reside in Jayu today! We can’t wait to meet you! 
»»—— ♥ General/idol based »»—— ♥ 19+ »»—— ♥ City theme »»—— ♥ Semi-literate/Literate »»—— ♥ All Asians accepted »»—— ♥ AU options included within the RP
♡ Rules ♡ Master List ♡ Apply ♡ AFF ♡ Mobile Navigation
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snailmailworldwide · 6 years ago
hi! my name's En and i come from this tropical island called Singapore. I'm a 00 female baby and will be attending uni later this "fall" sksks. i'm honestly down to write to someone of contrasting interests or hobbies bc that seems cool to me. i do prefer deep & meaningful chats and would like to pen to someone who is out of Asia and is willing to take all my sh*t (rants & stuff) and i'll willing take yours bc i love love love handwritten letters🌼
a few of my hobbies/interest are:
oil painting (tho ive just started)
reading (harry potter and the goblet of fire atm)
netflix (all the basic stuff)
anime!!! (naruto, noragami, aot, tokyo ghoul, kimi no nawa)
MCU (movies)
twilight 😂😔😔
MUSIC (i listen to sooo many but a few of my favs have to be ariana, post malone, prettymuch, billie eilish, the 1975, joji, green day, lana del ray, shinedown) i do enjoy folk genre as well 🤪
being asian i obviously grew up literally in the asian pop rabbit hole- and u've probably alr anticipated this KPOP: i grew up listening to girls generation 2ne1 big bang & beast. currently stan exo, nct & ikon. for mandopop i listen here and there but my childhood consisted of jay chou 周杰伦 & jolin tsai 蔡依林
i also have a spiritual connection with food??? i love rice and noodles and asian food like, GOD THAI FOOD IS JUST 🔥🔥 but dont worry i enjoy pizza and fries and burgers too
i love hiking/outdoors but my island has no mountains or hills & it's like 30°c all year round 😭 i'd also love to send pressed flowers and cute stuff/ local snacks tho we dont have pretty flowers here :-(
also really into space and conspiracy and philosophical topics like HMU i'd really love to hear ur opinion on things
i hope this wasnt too long and wordy gAH D:
OH WAIT I DO FOLLOW YOUTUBERS AS WELL really like shane & david dobrik & the social climbers (from the UK) & kian and jc & sam and colby &&&&& rachel and jun & danplan
ok thats quite enough. msg me if u wna be penpals!!!! ☺️☺️
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tinytownoregonrp · 3 years ago
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Welcome TAYLOR JOLIN (an ORIGINAL CHARACTER) to Tiny Town, Oregon!
Welcome to Tiny Town, Oregon-- an interesting town with a misleading name. A home to everyone from the unwitting humans who believe there are no things that go bump in the night to the demon blooded creatures who may see them as a meal. But as unordinary as the population may seem, the townspeople seem happy. Peaceful. Curious. And what is even more curious is the chat app that seems to pop up on half the populations cellphones, allowing them interaction with the most unlikely company.
This town only seems to draw in the strangest of sorts. It’s an ever growing town-- but the word tiny never was meant to describe the size of the city... There’s a reason for everything-- for the application that may have appeared on your phone, for the mysterious area called the Weald, for all the odd things that seem to happen. There’s a reason you came and a reason you don’t want to leave. Everyone has secrets…And in this town, it seems someone is always watching. Don’t bother looking over your shoulder and don’t bother trying to delete Tiny Town Chat. In this town, there’s nothing you can really escape from… but maybe you can try to find some peace.
Tiny Town, Oregon is an 18+ Multifandom Discord Roleplay Server. We are a multifandom modern fantasy group with a growing lore to incorporate humans and heroes, demons and angels, wizards and warlocks, and more! Currently we house 80+ fandoms and are always open to more! We also are welcoming to original characters with over 60 in play!
To learn more,  just check out our FULL DOCUMENT with rules / cast / blacklist OR hop into our SERVER WAITING ROOM to start checking out our lore-- inclusive of species, laws, and notable NPCs in the world!
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