punzgothel · 2 years
continued from here for @mrkitcharming​
Rapunzel wasn’t sure what he was implying, between the layers of him not having his own happiness and somehow being able to help her find her own. How he could do that, she wasn’t entirely sure, and the thought that he was unhappy in his own near-engagement broke her heart a little. In his hurt, she saw the same expression that Ella had been holding in her own eyes. To think that they were heartbroken over one another and that Rapunzel couldn’t tell either of them that undeniable fact. Part of her wished that he was still hurting over her, but she couldn’t have him and the two people who she was torn between now. “You want me to get my happy ending?” she repeated, giving him a sad smile. “Remember when I thought that would be you?” 
She thought about Jim and Flynn, both of whom were important to her in different ways. “I could use your help, actually. I need to make a decision, and I’m going to wind up hurting someone either way.” Rapunzel bit her lip, hesitant to open up with him in a way that she hadn’t before. “There’s two people, and I have such a strong connection to both of them, just in a different way, and I don’t know what to do. You were the one who made the decision last time, and I’m just--I don’t know how to do this, how to hurt someone like this.”
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attaant · 2 years
who: atta & @charmingkit
where: kit's house
It was crazy to think that Atta had nearly been betrothed to the guy sitting next to her on his sofa, in their sweatpants. Since they'd been children, Atta and Kit had been best friends, finding each other at parties their parents had gone to. Their engagement had been a discussion way back when, but all the blonde could think now was that she was glad it hadn't happened, since the two had grown so close on a platonic level since then. Kit knew her soul on a level that only two other people had seen, including her sister and Flik. "Am I invited to this butler birthday of yours?" she asked, looking over to him with a grin. A Friday with Kit in their pajamas, glass of wine in hand, was the best kind of weekend she could spend. "I just want to have some wine and cheese without having to go to that restaurant. You know Hopper likes it over there," Atta reminded him, giving a roll of her eyes. "I could be your plus one! Or plus two, if you have one."
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attadreyfus · 2 years
closed starter for @mrkitcharming​
All Atta had ever known was duty to her family, and it seemed like the only thing that she and Kit Charming had in common was just that. Except, she would never go and be with someone else while engaged to a man her parents had arranged for her to be married to. The last thing she wanted was to wind up like Marie and on the outs of her own engagement. That was something she had to set clear with Kit, her supposed-to-be-almost-fiance. If there was any way that this arrangement was going to work for her, there had to be boundaries set. 
The only thing was that Atta was never one that was good at setting boundaries, at least not without being incredibly anxious that she was going to wind up hurting the other person in the process. This lunch was supposed to be all about doing just that, in the house that was supposed to be hers someday. “So ... Kit. Is that short for something? Doesn’t matter if it is or not. Anyway, I just wanted to discuss, um, what was going on with the things that were written about you? Sorry, I’m just kind of a cut-to-the-chase kinda girl, and I just ... wanted to get it out of the way, y’know?”
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punzieeeee · 2 years
continued from here for @charmingkit
Kit seemed a bit frustrated beside her as he waited for Flynn, and though she was sure he was used to better service than the Duckling had to offer, he had to have known what he was getting into, coming here. At least she had his height to try and help to get her soda refilled. "Yeah, it's a busy one tonight. Why? I don't know. I think the second warm weather happens, people flock out of the house." That's how it seemed, anyway. Rapunzel could remember wanting to feel the warmth on her face when the sun shone through her windows when he was younger, too. Despite her differences with people who had been on the outside this whole time, there were still little things that made them all human.
"Rapunzel," she replied with a grin, raised on her toes in attempt to reach his height, taking his hand to shake. "Her name's Ella? Blonde, makes a fantastic batch of banana bread." Rapunzel could only hope that he knew who she was talking about, though she knew that he must have plenty of blonde girls working for him. "I met her at the bookstore, she's one of my best friends."
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smileystewart · 3 years
closed starter for @kit-charming​
One of the people Miley had been dreading running into most upon her return to Walt Grove was Kit. Though the two had a past between just him and Miley, what he didn’t know was that she was the one behind the blonde wig when he’d hooked up with Hannah Montana. It was definitely for the best this way, but she couldn’t help but feel like one day he’d catch on. She still had an unfortunate crush on the guy, but her time in California weakened the feelings she’d once had.
It was inevitable that the two would find each other sometime--the town wasn’t that big, after all. What she wasn’t expecting, though, was for it to be a Friday night, as she stood in her sweats in line at the supermarket with a bottle of wine in one hand and a bag of Cheetos in the other. She tried to avoid eye contact, but it was when she dropped the bright orange bag on the floor that he stepped forward to pick it up and her anonymity was over. “You ... thank you. You didn’t have to do that. I mean, I probably would’ve broken this bottle on the floor trying to bend over, but that was one time,” she joked, giving a shaky laugh. “Long time, no see, huh? How are you?”
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jayxnash · 6 years
Now that's a great shirt
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And don’t you know it, babe.
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jaqmaus · 3 years
event starter for @kit-charming​
Jaq considered Kit Charming one of his friends. The two spent time together at the parties that Kit and his friends threw around town, and they both seemed to match the same kind of party lifestyle that left Jaq single and working the festival instead of attending it with someone. Kit, on the other hand, was here with Ella, and Jaq couldn’t say he was thrilled about it. One of the reasons he hadn’t pursued Ella all of these years was that he knew she deserved better than himself, and he knew that she deserved better than Kit, too. He wanted to stay home and take the night off, but knowing that Ella and Kit would be here together got him off his couch and here to snoop. “Mr. Charming,” he said, handing Kit a glass of champagne from his tray. “Did you lose Ella already?”
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punzgothel · 2 years
continued from here for @mrkitcharming
It was clear that he didn’t get it, what she was saying and asking to hear. Maybe it was for the best: she wasn’t sure that she really wanted to know the answer after what Ella had told her. Rapunzel wasn’t sure how to move on, though, when she wasn’t sure that anything would ever feel the way it had with the person beside her. “Thank you,” she said finally, looking at the piece in front of her. She thought about his answer more, what the significance of a meteor strike really meant. What happened with Kit had to happen to move on and find what her new dream was supposed to be. All she wanted to ask was if Ella was his now. “I guess you’re right.” She wasn’t sure what to tell him about how she was doing: it wasn’t great, but how was she supposed to admit that without him feeling pity for her? Did he even deserve that much of the truth? “I’m okay. The event, um, is beautiful. Thank you, as I’m sure you had to have some sort of responsibility for me being a part of it.”
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attadreyfus · 2 years
continued from here for @mrkitcharming​
Atta let out a sigh, avoiding his gaze. She had been avoiding this conversation for a while now, but since she had somehow convinced Hopper to put off the dinner that was supposed to happen between he and Kit, it had to happen at some point. She couldn’t have him going into it blind, without knowledge of who he was dealing with. “My business partner--well, he’s kind of my boss? I don’t really know what he is. Anyway, the first thing you need to know about him is that he’s a dangerous man. Like, he blew up one of our trucks because he got mad dangerous.” She paused, finally looking at him for a moment.  He had to know the risks before meeting with him and signing his life away to being part of her company.
“He wants to have dinner with us, which would be a totally normal thing to expect out of someone you’re doing business with, but Hopper’s ... not normal. He kind of hates me, which is ridiculous in itself, because all I do is anything he asks of me! I don’t really know what else he wants from me, but that’s besides the point. He said he likes you already, because, well, you’re you.” Atta sat up straight, turning her body toward Kit now, serious. “You can’t buy into it, got it? He’s going to sweet talk and make it seem like getting involved with him is a good idea, and it just isn’t. He sells all sorts of illegal stuff, and I just don’t want you to agree to anything he asks of you, okay?”
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punzieeeee · 2 years
who: rapunzel & @charmingkit​​ where: the snuggly duckling
The people who she’d come to meet around the Duckling had been some of her favorites since stepping out into the world. There were people of all walks of life who found themselves at the hole-in-the-wall that Rapunzel was happy to consider almost a second home with how much time she spent there. Though she never drank much, Rapunzel just liked hanging around, sipping the non-alcoholic versions of the most sugary drinks, courtesy of Flynn, and talking to the people who came through the doors. “Excuse me?” she asked one man, stepping up to the bar to refill her glass. “Do you mind getting that guy for me? He knows what to fill this with.” Rapunzel slid her cup onto the counter, pointing at Flynn before looking to the stranger, who wasn’t really a stranger at all. “Oh, I know you! I mean, I don’t know you, but I know who you are--my friend works for you. Kit, right? I’ve only heard good things about you, I promise. She says you’re a great boss.”
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punzgothel · 2 years
closed starter for @mrkitcharming​
It wasn’t often that Rapunzel ran into someone like Kit Charming, especially not when she was in her haphazard disguises. She wasn’t sure he would recognize her with Eugene’s cap on her head and Cass’s sunglasses on her face. After searching her surroundings for her mother, she decided it was safe enough to take her poor disguise off and greet him. “I thought you had people to go out and run errands for you,” she teased, slipping her sunglasses into her jeans as Rapunzel greeted him with a smile. “Long time, no see. Have you not been throwing as many parties, or have I just not been invited?”
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punzgothel · 2 years
continued from here for @mrkitcharming​
It wasn’t long after the blog post had dropped that Rapunzel had received a text from Kit, but she wasn’t even in the right space to read it. Then came another, and another, and before she knew it, it was later that night, and there was a voicemail on her phone. Peyton was sleeping over, though, and she didn’t want to ruin what was supposed to be a night of not thinking about Kit and what the blog post had said about him.
Peyton was asleep, though, and maybe she could get away with listening to the voicemail, just to hear his voice, to hear if there was anything in there that might redeem him. Instead, it was simple: he was on his way, and Rapunzel leapt out of her bed, threw on a sweatshirt, and headed to the front door as quietly as she possibly could. She’d always had Kit pick her up on her corner, so that he wouldn’t know which house was theirs, and when she reached the steps, she could already see his car in the distance.
Rapunzel locked the door behind her and saw Kit get out of his car to begin toward her. She took slow steps, scared. She wasn’t sure what he was going to say or if she’d even want to hear it, but the slower she walked, the longer she could postpone the inevitable. When she finally reached him, her arms were folded over her chest, and she gave him a small wave in greeting. 
“Hi,” she said simply, keeping a safe distance from Kit as they met on the corner. “You can’t, um, come inside ... everyone’s sleeping. I have a friend staying over. If you wanted to talk, we’d have to go somewhere. If that’s okay.”
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punzgothel · 2 years
event starter for @mrkitcharming​
It had been a few days since Rapunzel had gone on her date with Kit. It went surprisingly well, as well as she thought first dates might go. It was exciting to actually do something with her feelings for once, but tonight, she just wanted to keep the peace between the two most important men in her life. That was way more important than any feelings she had. “Are you sure this thing is stable?” she asked him as they waited in line for the ferris wheel. Rapunzel crooned her neck up to look toward the top; she wasn’t particularly afraid of heights after living her whole life in a tower of all places, but she was afraid that the circular metal structure would just roll onto the sand in a moment’s notice. “We’re not going to just roll into the ocean, right? This is totally safe?”
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punzgothel · 2 years
continued from here for @mrkitcharming​
Rapunzel had not come with a decision in her mind before tonight, that much was true. She had no idea how she was supposed to proceed with Kit, not when she still had Flynn always on her mind and sudden advances from Charlie coming at her every which way. She hadn’t had the chance to sit and think about what she wanted, but from what was coming from Kit, she could tell exactly what he did, and it was her. 
The difference between him and the other men in her mind was that Kit was sure about this. She and Flynn had been dancing around the topic of togetherness from the moment they met, and Charlie seemed like more of a puzzle than a person sometimes. Kit, though, was safe, secure, and everything the other two weren’t combined. Why, then, Rapunzel couldn’t just fall on her knees and accept the love that was standing in front of her was a mystery.
“I know,” she finally said, “I know how you feel.” It had been clear since the day in the supermarket, maybe even before that, how he felt. Rapunzel just hadn’t wanted to see it. “I’m just ... I’m so scared,” she admitted, giving him a pained smile. It was the reason she hadn’t been able to think this through before, why she couldn’t just fall into his arms and say yes right now. “I’m terrified of--well, of you, for starters. You’re just ...” she trailed off, gesturing to all of him with a laugh, “you. You’re so put together, and everyone loves you, and I--I can barely go out in public without looking like a fool, and I promise you’ll know why. Someday, just not ... maybe not today. I don’t even know how to begin to tell you all the things I’m running from.”
She paused, letting out a breath after speaking far too fast. “The point is, I ... like you a lot, Kit. I don’t really know what I did to deserve you feeling the same way. I just don’t know if that’ll change once I tell you everything you don’t know about me, so I’m terrified to tell you, but it would be unfair to you to put you in, well, potential danger if we’re just friends. Not that I want to be just friends, I just ... don’t know what to do. I haven’t known what to do since that day when you got me chocolates and took me out of the forest.”
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punzgothel · 2 years
closed starter for @mrkitcharming​
The days leading up to going out with Kit for dinner were some of the most nerve-racking of Rapunzel’s entire life. Between not knowing what to do, what to wear, what to say when this very moment came when he picked her up, she was a bit of a mess. Talking to Anna about all of it made her feel better, but she decided not to tell Ella that she was going on a date with her boss just yet. She wasn’t entirely sure how much Kit shared with the people who worked for him, anyway.
The knock at the door scared Rapunzel, as it usually did, and she slapped her face to her cheeks as she looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath. “Okay, you got this,” she breathed to herself, shaking the nerves out of her hands before opening the door. Rapunzel felt a smile come to her face as she saw Kit, dressed a bit fancier than she’d ever seen him. “You look nice,” she greeted, closing the door behind her and turning the two locks on the door. “I’m excited about this. Thanks for taking me on my first date, ever.”
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