#chat: cara
unicorn-supernova · 17 days
💌 this is an open starter for everyone !
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Virginia havia ido assistir pelo menos uma sessão por dia de Rocky Horror Picture Show desde que o cinema abriu. Devia estar gastando dinheiro? Não, mas aquele musical a fazia se sentir tão em casa, que não conseguiu resistir. Em algumas sessões, haviam outros expectadores, mas naquela em específico ela estava sozinha, então saiu cantando e interpretando como se fosse a própria Susan Sarandon. "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me! Awww, I wanna be dirrrrty!" levou uma mão ao peito, usando a outra para agitar a saia de seu vestido antes de rodopiar. "Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me, creature of the niiiiiight!" se interrompeu quando sua rodadinha a fez esbarrar com tudo em MUSE, logo nessa parte da música. "Outch. O quê? Não estava cantando para você, é só o filme." defendeu-se "Desculpa pelo esbarrão."
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lostinforestbound · 4 months
Guess who started drawing again!
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tag-if · 9 months
May I know what the RO's love language is?! and ahem- who is the bigger spoon in their relationship with MC cough cough-
omg hi!! sure!!
so i've answered the love languages one; here
but! as for your spoons;
T. Bellefleur ; A. Bellefleur ; K. Valiev
A. Caras ; M. Serrel ; K. Valiev
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
Are you getting a Cara account? Now that insta's feeding everyone's stuff to it's ai
I'll have to look more into it! But from what I've seen, it looks interesting! As for IG, disappointed, but not surprised 😔 It was only a matter of time.
I'm still going to post on IG occasionally for now. Even though I haven't really posted on anything besides stories for... a month? 😅 oops 😬
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caramelmoony · 4 months
i just finished season 2 of heartbreak high and bro this show is wild fr i love it
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catboy-quackity · 1 year
I can't believe wilbur is late to his own event tehee what a silly guy i hope big q sends him a discord message i missed him very muALEXQUACKITY WHAT ARE YOI DOING WHAT IS THAT WAYPOIN
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heirbane · 6 months
[ PIN ]:     sender pins the receiver to the ground and straddles them while training together. // 🐺🐇 hi
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He wished he had an opportunity to simply gaze upon Arye's weapon for more than a mere moment. The make of Eorzean gunblades still confounded him. They were both children of Ilsabardian Hrothgar, twins separated but standing nigh identical in composure. One of them had been passed down, a heirloom of skill very few earned the honor to learn.
The other had been stolen, he knew. It had been one of the few things the ethnic Garleans had stolen back from those who pushed them through into Garlemald: the knowledge and the capacity to recreate one of the weapons that had stayed at their backs.
Gaius had inherited his weapon upon appointment of becoming an officer. Arye had taken the blade along his quest at some point: it had not been the weapon he originally had faced the Black Wolf with, but he fought with it as if he, too, had honed his skill for the last thirty summers.
It was that selfsame skill and certainty that had raised the blade to Gaius' throat, head tilted just so as his hair cascaded off his shoulder.
"Come, Wolf. It isn't polite to stare."
It mattered not that the Warrior of Light stood a fulm his junior. Their weapons were nearly of the same size, if of vastly different builds. The dark, coppery sheen of his own blade picked up the sunlight overhead as he lazily mirrored the younger man's stance.
"You would take pride in defeating an old wolf a second time?" Gaius asked, the sword's thorn hovering but a breath from the apple in Arye's throat.
The curl of pale lips and the snarl of the teeth behind told him enough: yes, he quite would.
So be it. The words in his mind sounded tired, weary: nothing like the way his pulse thrummed, an odd sense of excitement coiling in his stomach.
Arye did not give him time to even roll his shoulders or shake out his bandaged arm, hoping that pinpricks of sensation could follow. He took three steps back and simply pounced.
The weapon of choice might have changed, but the Adventurer was still the same as he had been all those years ago: snapping jaws and sinew, a morbid sort of grace within the way he bore his teeth and lunged. He fired a cartridge and watched in amusement as Gaius first flinched, and then swung himself, uncertain if he were to be impaled or covered in a miasma of aether.
When Heirsbane nigh bounced off of the arcing shield, he realized it was neither.
Their scuffle was not simply a small thing. Metal clashed on metal; Gaius cursed under his breath with every step back he was forced to take, sweat accumulating on the back of his neck. It was a lucky break that had the Legatus able to thrust his blade against the other, the thorn catching in Arye's jacket and ripping through the fabric as he yanked.
Arye wasted no attempt to recoil. He simply moved with the momentum, another canister clicking into place -
A high-pitched whistle soared through the air. It was akin to the sound a mother would make to alert her children to dinner, and both men dumbly whipped their attention in it's direction, blades and spars be damned.
They had barely a moment of realization before Arye caught Gaius off-footed. Their gunblades collided and cackled as they settled into the cobbles, just as compromised as the hare and his prey.
A mess of pink hair and a second loud whistle told Gaius all he needed to know. The sun above was wholly blotted out by the man atop his chest, long locks haloed in blinding white. Had he not just had the wind knocked out of him, Gaius would have sworn that gazing at the Warrior of Light was akin to watching the stars fall and fade.
"If you boys wished to play with your swords," Krile called, "you could have chosen somewhere more private."
There was a wheeze of laughter from the pink-haired Lalafell. He scantly heard any of it, gathering his wits and his ability to speak all the same. He licked his lips, reaching up with his numb appendage to wipe sweat from his brow.
Arye was still dazzling, sun-white and feral, shoulders wet with sweat and his fringe sticking to his forehead.
"Mayhaps they have the right of it," Gaius said simply.
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madame-fear · 3 months
¿Recordás la cita que tuviste con Fran y la foto que subiste a tu historia? ¿No...? Yo sí y tengo una captura para que presumas con todos 🤭
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Me vas a tener que perdonar, Barbie Romero, pero tengo que admitir que tu novio es re lindo y si no fuera tuyo, intentaría conquistarlo sin pensarlo dos veces.
CHICOS MIREN!!!! Agradezcanle a mi ✨ queridísima Lu ✨ por el recordatorio, me había olvidado de mostrarles que tuve una cita con Fran y hasta le saqué una foto y todo 🤭 ¡¿Vieron que precioso que es, por Dios?! ADMIREN A MI HOMBREEEE. MIREN ESOS OJAZOS Y ESAS MANOS Y ESA CARITA TODA TIERNA. 🤤😍
Btw no me puedo quejar en absoluto de lo que decís, estás perdonada porque te quiero mucho y tenés razón JAJAJJAJA Es demasiado hermoso, o no? Encima es un amoooorrr de personita! Orgullosa de mi chico 💋
LO AMO DEMASIADO, CHICOS, USTEDES NO SE DAN UNA IDEA. INHALO Y EXHALO AMOR POR FRAN. Las mejores citas y salidas son con él, ustedes confíen en lo que yo les digo 😭😭💗💗
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luckyashes-art · 3 months
unrelated but I was just thinking about how Tumblr is the only place where I'm gonna be posting art from now on
I mean, I left Twitter a while back ever since Muskrat started owning it methinks and now even recently, Instagram is going to shit thanks to Meta's new AI rules in their Terms n stuff it's a little saddening but 'm still happy to post my art at all- whether it's finished work or plain doodles
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solstcr · 8 days
* . ⊹ Lista de conexões!!!
Pra ajudar com os plots fiz uma lista com algumas conexões que achei que seriam legais de desenvolver com a Sol, está já explicado em cada uma se tem especificação de gênero ou sobre ser perdido ou canon. Se quiserem algo só comentar aqui ou pelo chat <3
Muse A foi extremamente gentil e compreensive com Solange desde que chegou, isso tornou mais fácil para que ela se adaptasse ao novo mundo e acabaram desenvolvendo certa amizade por isso. Muse A tem sido quase como um guia pra ela nesse mundo e um amigue pra toda hora! — Fechado com @gneralofhearts
Muse B foi uma pessoa que apesar de não estar muito feliz com os perdidos, acabou vendo em Solange uma amizade inesperada e bastante divertida. Pode-se dizer que pouco a pouco ela está ocupando seu espaço na vida de Muse B — Aberto para canons
Muse C aparentemente vai ser do mesmo conto que Sol e isso parece ter sido o suficiente para os aproximar, afinal, se forem mesmo ficar presos ali é bom garantir alguma amizade à sua volta. — Aberto para perdidos
Muse D compartilha do amor pela arte tal qual Solange e é isso que os uniu, não significa que sejam exatamente super amigos, mas podem sempre conversar por boas horas se o assunto for teatro, música, pintura e etc… — Fechado com @janepcrter
Muse E é o cérebro e Solange o Pink, desde que ela chegou viraram uma dupla que esta sempre pronta para aprontar alguma. Seja alguma pegadinha ou simplesmente algum plano mirabolante de tentar quebrar alguma regra. Muse E é quem costuma deixar a vida de Solange um pouco mais divertida. — Fechado com @allburnin
Muse F não é necessariamente contra os perdidos, mas certamente é contra Solange! O santo simplesmente não bateu e parece não ter nada que os faça se entenderem, são como água e óleo, simplesmente não se misturam. São definitivamente opostos que não se atraem.  — Aberto para canons e perdidos
Muse G e Sol podem até ter vindo do mesmo mundo, mas isso definitivamente não significa que pensem igual. Na verdade, é difícil achar um tópico sequer que consigam concordar. Nem sempre estão trocando farpas por aí, mas certamente não perdem a chance de se alfinetar quando tem a oportunidade.  — Aberto para perdidos
Muse H é provavelmente uma das únicas pessoas que Solange detesta tanto que poderia considerar usar a palavra ódio, Muse H desperta o pior lado dela e a deixa borbulhando de ódio sempre que está por perto. Provavelmente é uma das únicas pessoas que faz ela considerar virar uma assassina ou quebrar uma unha.  — Fechado com @bichopvpao
Muse I era o crush de infância de Solange no mundo real, era simplesmente u personagem favorite dela e com isso talvez ela tenha uma visão bem idealizada de Muse I  e isso atrapalhe um pouco de suas interações, já que pode acabar sendo uma desilusão e tanto para a Marchesi. — Fechada com @descrtmoons
Muse J e Solange já se conheceram antes em uma viagem dela, tiveram um caso de uma noite só que foi memorável, mas nunca mais cruzaram o caminho. Bom, isso até estarem ambos presos em um mundo mágico e sem muito controle do próprio destino, que bela forma de se reencontrar, não? — Aberto para perdidos
Extras: Você quer alguém pra curtir uma boa festa? Ela é a companhia pra você! Conselhos em como trair seu conjugue e não ser pego? Ela pode ajudar! Precisa de alguém maluca o suficiente pra xeretar onde não deve? Solange tá ai pra isso! (Literalmente, aceitando qualquer loucura com essa aqui)
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hearts4cara · 1 year
what did taylor just post on her youtube channel 😭
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charfletchh · 8 months
who: @cara-mrrsn
where: a fraternity party, first week of classes
charlie was maudlin in the way she got when she had too much wine and not enough tequila, overlayed with the realization that for real, this could be her last fall at ogden, her last first week of classes. it better be, if she wanted her dad to keep bankrolling tuition. draping herself over cara, she found herself distracted by the blonde of her hair, pouting that it no longer matched hers. "cara, am i too old to be here?"
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logiyande · 1 year
who: @cara-mrrsn
where: g's rave
"sorry," logan was less apologetic than normal as she barreled past cara, more focused on the pipe above her- the same pipe she'd seen in the upper corner of the picture she'd just received on her phone. "did you see them?" no need for an explanation- she could see everyone around her griping at their phones at what she assumed was the text from g. she was sure cara would know what she was talking about. "the picture had to be taken literally right here, did you see someone take one?"
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kenmolly · 2 years
Hi :)
Do you do whump prompts ?
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hello hello! im so sorry for the extremely late reply, but may I ask what are those? i can think about it depending if it fits into my rules :)
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caramelmoony · 5 months
i have a sims save that i’ve had for ages which is wolfstar but they’re lesbians and i love them so much i think about them every day
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plethodontidae · 2 years
love how mando just collects lesbians
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