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scribesandvibes · 4 years ago
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#wheresbookbaeat? Repost @chasinggarza ・・・ LOLLLLLLLLL why yes. Yes, I am. -#chasinggarza ・・・ #vibewise: i think i've discovered where #bookbae is at... #shesinthehouse #reclaimingenergy, #gettingbacktohappy, avoiding frenemies, #pursuingherpurpose, and setting #goalsontrack. i mean, i want her to #read that #tbrpile, yet how's a brother supposed to articulate his #bookbaelove if #sheinthehouse? since the quarantine, all she care about is #nerdysocks and a #comfyspot on the couch. if you believe in #threeninetyeightpointtwo like i do, tell her to #getoutofthehouse and #gotothelibrary for a while. but don't mind me, i'm jus' a #blackbookstagrammer with an affinity for the #wellreadblackgirl with proper grammar. for #mypoemsarenotpoems, eye tend to pen #snapshots with these #stanzas. okay. okay. okay. #imemewell so don't take this the wrong way. #dearawkwardblackgirl, how #yousingle and #fineaf, just #sittinginthehouse every day. -stevie #scribesandvibes • #singleandfineaf https://www.instagram.com/p/CRzUIrbLuq5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sassysophiabush · 5 years ago
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7 years ago today @osopepatrisse @opalayo and @chasinggarza declared #BlackLivesMatter as a rallying cry for justice, right here in LA. In looking through my photos to see what happy memory I wanted to share, I found this amazing shot from 2018. We were all at @janefonda’s house, organizing with @reformlajails to demand our city NOT spend $3.5 billion on another prison, but instead invest in our communities. And thanks to the leadership of women like Patrisse, the tireless rally energy of @kendrick38, and a damn amazing group of friends and allies? We did that. Whether it’s making the news or behind the scenes, this group doesn’t give up on each other, or on our neighbors. Patrisse, thank you for leading, and building a table big enough for all of us to show and up and speak up. And for that SMILE! Happy Movement-versary. Onward. Love ♥️
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avaduvernayfans · 5 years ago
#repost @dawnlyen
Excited to join @mattmcgorry and my @weinspirejustice family in the #CoronaAidDanceChallenge! And yup, I roped in my @queensugarOWN co-star + NOLA neighbor @nckash and friend @standup4justice, on double duty as DP and editor! 💃🏽🕺🏽 Join us in the fun by taking a few minutes to act like a fool with a dance break 😜 and donating to mutual aid funds which you can find at weinspirejustice.com/cod19 (link in bio). And don’t forget to tag 3 friends to make their own videos!
I challenge @rutina_wesley @kofisiriboe and @chasinggarza to upload their own dance videos and donate to one of the funds! 😊 Together we can spark some joy *and* support those economically impacted by this pandemic.
Disclaimer: No #socialdistancing rules were broken in the making of this video 😆
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selenagomezz · 5 years ago
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selenagomez: Please meet Alicia Garza (@chasinggarza). She co-created #BlackLivesMatter, runs the @BlackFuturesLab to make Black communities powerful, has her own podcast at @ladydonttakenopod, and is an all around force for change. Alicia is taking over my account today!
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greyreign · 5 years ago
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Give these women everything!! #BlackLivesMatter @opalayo @chasinggarza @osopepatrisse — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3juFwwr
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johnmichaelantonio · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @chasinggarza - #SundaySermon let’s just go on and add to this that gender equality is not just about, between, and among cisgender people 💁🏾‍♀️ (*cisgender: people for whom their *assigned* gender [everyone is assigned a gender and a sex at birth] matches how they define themselves) #feminism #thisiswhatafeministlookslike #inspiration #equality https://www.instagram.com/p/BzD2A4hnF9J/?igshid=inrxspw5eldw
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urchinadvokist · 6 years ago
Pride Month Spotlight: Alicia Garza
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What’s Up. It’s Pride Month. I’m gonna try to post to all my social media every day this month with links to the pages of a contemporary LGBTQ+ person who I think doesn’t get enough credit and is really positively contributing to the pride I have in our community. Folx I’m proud to be associated with, if only by our identification as LGBTQ+. (Maybe I should just say I stan them.) 
A really easy way to become a better ally is to follow and learn from queer and trans folx. Let those already in the public eye educate you rather than making your friend or family member do it–and anyways, there are a lot of really inspiring people out there! You’ll be better off for learning what they’re up to!
First up! Alicia Garza
Garza is an writer and organizer who identifies as queer. She is most well-known as one of the co-founders of #BlackLivesMatter, an activist and organizing network devoted to anti-racism created following the 2013 murder of Trayvon Martin. She is currently a Director of Special Projects, Strategy, and Partnerships at the National Domestic Worker’s Alliance and previously served as the Director of People Organized to Win Employment Rights in San Francisco. She also recently co-created the women’s political action committee Supermajority, focused on working for a “women’s new deal,” with Ai-jen Poo, Cecile Richards, and the Facebook organizing group Pantsuit Nation. Garza has fought for a variety of progressive causes, drawing attention to police brutality, anti-trans violence, students’ and workers’ rights, and actively and powerfully opposing capitalisms and oppressions. She is married to trans activist Malachi Garza. Here is her most recent piece for Marie Claire on the South and abortion bans: https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/a27615254/abortion-bans-the-south/. 
Her posts regularly highlight work by Black leaders, activists, and political candidates across the U.S. I especially love how she uses her platform to focus on local issues across the country and to help her followers find other activist and progressive folx and groups to support. Garza definitely recognizes the necessity of community and active allyship and is just an absolute icon, so. Having her pop up on my feed helps me keep centered on intersectionality, and focus on anti-racism in my queer-trans activism. She is a forward-thinking and inspired Black queer champion–I’m so glad she exists!
Follow Alicia Garza at these links!
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thesterlingstudies · 4 years ago
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To those on Instagram that don't know me, call me Sterling. I'm a 24-year-old poetry writer, former math tutor, aspiring author, and self-employed journalist who wants to not only make a name for myself in the writing community but also be more and different than the average journalist. This new study guide I am working on is entitled "Correlation 104 - Is Joe Biden next for the Curse of Tippecanoe?" To those who were able to read my "Correlation 101 - The 2020 Census: An Unauthorized Recipe for the Coronavirus" study guide were surprised by that correlation, then get ready to be more shocked when I finish this one as soon as I can with as much detail as possible. Please do feel free and share this study guide introduction with anyone you know while I am working on the entire study guide that I plan on sharing with everyone for free. God bless and I will see you on the next page. Exploring and Exposing One Page At A Time -Sterling of the Sterling Studies ------------------------------------ @ethelsclub @blackgirlpr @startablackbusiness @blackmillionaires_ @blackwall.st @theshaderoom @officialblackwallstreet @becausewecan @blackenterprise @the.root @npr @washingtonpost @naacp @nytimes @cnn @rickeysmileymorningshow @blklivesmatter @barcharts @osopepatrisse @chasinggarza @opalayo @politico @blacksuccesstoday @nowthisnews @arthurbailey @hebrewrootsuniversity @angusreidusa @whillybermudez @thealiciacouri @cassiecouri @joebiden @potus @kamalaharris @vp @realdonaldtrump @mikepence #TheSterlingStudies #journalism #journalismmatters #instagram #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blm #introduction #correlation #donaldtrump #joebiden #election #study #indians #bible #politics #curse #tippacanoe #CelebrateBlackWriters #blackbusinessowner #blackownbusiness #blacklivesmatter #supportblackbusinesses #blackcommunity #businessstartup #blackowned #headline #photooftheday #picoftheday #storyoftheday (at Miami Gardens, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwz4C4MSyd/?igshid=1cuejvk2h8g4m
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mholquinn · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @peopleiveloved [image: tweet by @theconsciouskid that reads “Did you know Martin Luther King, Jr. and Anne Frank were born in the same year in 1929? If they were still alive (as they should be), they would both be turning 92 this year. The Civil Rights Movement and Holocaust were not that long ago.” Below are side by side color photos of Martin Luther King Jr with Coretta Scott King (left) and Anne Frank (right)]⁠ ⁠ To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we wanted to think about how recent this actually was. I thought a lot about what to post today. Post something we made, post something from someone else or post nothing. And decided on posting something that really spoke to me. In school when we learned about King and Frank, there was something really distant about it. Like we've learned from the past, it won't happen again. I know this is a position of privilege but that was my experience. ⁠ ⁠ How do we take the lessons from the past and use them to make a better future? How do we use love and peace as guides for being our best selves? I don't know. But I look to @michelleobama @aoc @opalayo @ibramxkendi @osopepatrisse @rossgay @robindiAngelo @jerichobrown1 @staceyabrams @ayannapressley @onbeing @chasinggarza ⁠ ⁠ I wanted to take some time to advocate checking out some of the people I go to for help in navigating life in these moments. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKM5jslAouy/?igshid=msu17lxybgjm
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wellbeingportal · 4 years ago
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Emotions should drive us into a state of wanting to transform for the better. Thank you for this, @chasinggarza!
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xpo125 · 4 years ago
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Prepared a 2021 Prosperity Plate of coconut fried cod cod w/ turmeric rice (for gold), black eyed pea salad (for coins), and micro cilantro (for dollars) with @lastsuppersociety and social justice leader @chasinggarza. Paired with Paso Robles Major Wines's 2019 Albarino and followed up with an ube cake from @baked_by_olga. #TheCookIn https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkaKLjpAux/?igshid=1uei26ngq2vcm
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aishaadkins · 4 years ago
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When the gig sends you the new @chasinggarza book… 😍 [Can’t wait to dig in – after graduation, because all of my brain space is currently dedicated to academic texts.] • #Reading #Books #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #AliciaGarza #CaringAcrossGenerations #CAG #FridayFeels #Academic #Academia #Nerd #FanGirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-89qiJEvv/?igshid=joz9b0mc1hiy
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themlb · 5 years ago
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Oakland Athletics: @chasinggarza, Principal at Black Futures Lab and co-founder of Black Lives Matt...
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trascapades · 5 years ago
✊🏿⚖📢 #ArtIsAWeapon Thank you @osopepatrisse @chasinggarza @opalayo for creating and continuing the global @blklivesmatter movement for #BlackLiberation! 🖤 Reposted from @osopepatrisse 7 years ago today Black Lives Matter was born. We are so grateful for the gift of BLM. We took to the streets of Beverly Hills to protest the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer.
Love you @chasinggarza and @opalayo
And thank you @blmlosangeles for creating a Black political home in a city that continues to try and displace us and continues to kill us.
To all the BLM chapters and everyone around the world that used the hashtag and uses the phrase to uplift what’s happening in your country. We love you. We see you. We will continue fighting for you and with you.
#TrayvonMartin #BreonnaTaylor #EndPoliceTerror #Justice
#Liberation #Freedom
#BlackWomenLead #BlackWomen #ArtistActivists
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hellogoodonpaper · 5 years ago
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Join the @phenomenal Woman Action Campaign for Black Lives Matter to uplift ongoing protests against anti-Black racism and police violence. Millions of protesters across the country are speaking out against anti-Black racism and police violence. But we still have a lot of work to do, and we can't let up. So keep going. Continue fighting for our Phenomenally Black community until there's full accountability. All proceeds from this @phenomenal tee benefit @blackfutureslab, which is working to build Black political power. This is Alicia Garza (@chasinggarza), co-founder of @blklivesmatter and founder of @blackfutureslab. Order a tee from @phenomenal (I ordered some kids tees!)💯 Other ways to support: Sign the petition on change.org to make Juneteenth a National Holiday in 2020 . Urge your Congressional representative to support Justin Amash and Ayanna Pressley's bill to end Qualified Immunity (a simple email here! I emailed @repbarbaralee) . Donate funds to @blackfutureslab https://www.instagram.com/p/CBV1wDjhAkw/?igshid=b9ytf3t8uvh0
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voncrobead · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @prettydyarncrafty Thank You Alicia, Opal & Patrisse!✊ Reposted from @theconsciouskid Millions of people in all fifty states and countries around the world are loudly proclaiming Black Lives Matter. Please do not erase or forget that this movement was started in 2013 by 3 Black women who were called terrorists and a threat to America for affirming the humanity of Black people and actively responding to systemic racism. Their names are Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Khan-Cullors. They have not stopped doing this work, and you can follow and support them here: @opalayo @chasinggarza @osopepatrisse Recommended Reading: When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Cullors’ and ashe bandele. It is described as: "A reflection on humanity...an empowering account of survival, strength and resilience, and a call to action to change the culture that declares innocent Black life expendable.” We would also call it a love story. Patrisse’s story asks us to remember that protest in the interest of the most vulnerable comes from love. So much of what will stay with us about this book are affirmations on the fierce and vulnerable ways in which we love and fight for our families, our lives, and each other. #BlackLivesMatter 📷: Glamour - #regrann - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKMy-AJIh1/?igshid=1xp6x4bamnpum
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