#chasing cars ch 3 ask
oddinary4bts · 4 months
Oh damn, there ain't no coming back from what they just did! I can't wait to see what happens when they wake up and how they deal with the morning after. Oh, and how long it takes them to realize they can't keep their hands off each other and wind up actually fucking. Probably not long at all. Tae doesn't have to know everything right? The V-Day date was really cute though. You can tell he has some strong emotions for her, especially when Tae said he doesn't cook for girls. But he went out of his way to cook for OC. That definitely means something more than just casual friendly feelings.
There sure isn’t any coming back from what happened🤭 and oof yeah how long will they be able to resist after this??🫣 I guess we’ll see haha
Tae doesn’t need to know everything indeed😌 I’m glad you liked the Vday date!! Jungkook definitely has feelings for her but don’t ask him what they are or what they mean bc he has no clue. But I can guarantee you that seeing her crying set everything in motion for them bc JK was horrified and needed to make her feel better🥹
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
new ride 🏍️༻ (Miguel O’Hara x reader)
🕸️ Entangled series 🕸️ ch. 3 prev part
author’s note: I had this hot vision of motorcycle Miguel last week then came across this artwork which completely cemented my idea. Check out the artist!!!! 💘🕸 ALSO this is a flashback chapter!!!
Summary: Your best friend/crush, Miguel, comes over to study with you. His arrival to your apartment surprises you, and gives you a new reason to procrastinate and get closer to him.  CW: none 
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I looked down at our text conversation, pacing in my bedroom.
Miguel: I’m on my way from Alchemax :) give me 5
Me: Traffic is bad rn so drive safe :D I’ll be waiting in front  Me: Also it’s so dark out so drive carefully. don’t text and drive
I threw my phone on my bed and finished getting ready and cleaning up my place. I headed out and stood in front of my apartment complex, nearing the sidewalk so he could park and I could help him with his books and our lab equipment, though I knew he would reject my help.
I stared down the street waiting for Miguel when headlights approached, blinding me, and spotlighting me in the darkness. The dark blue motorcycle pulled up in front of me, parking exactly where Miguel was supposed to park. I shyly backed up into the grass to avoid blocking their path. I took a deep breath, “Sir, I was… saving this spot for a friend,” I blurted, attempting to be assertive. He took his helmet off, revealing Miguel under. "Oh yeah?" he asked, smirking as he wiped sweat from his forehead. "Miguel," I muttered, confused.
His wavy brown hair was messy, damp with sweat, cascading onto his face, and his cheeks were rosy. I admired his black fingerless gloves wrapped around his muscular hands, which gripped tightly around his motorcycle’s handlebars. He wore a compression shirt, snug around his biceps, and his dark gray pants that his crimson briefs peeked out of. He turned the engine off then got off of it. He grabbed his backpack and textbooks out from the back of the bike and slung it onto his shoulder, while I grabbed the heavy textbooks from his hands and continued to stare at him in awe.
I snapped myself out of it as Miguel looked at me through his furrowed brows, while he locked his helmet to his mirror. “Miguel, when were you going to– I mean– since when did you have a motorcycle?” I asked, interrogating him. “Since always,” he replied, shrugging. He walked past me and towards my apartment, avoiding my questions, and supporting his guiltiness. I chased after him.  
“No, you liar, I’ve never seen… When did you even…?” “Y/N, I always bring the car so you can ride with me. It would be too dangerous and… I wouldn’t want to risk anything with you,” he explained. “So you only drive your car… for me?” I asked, hiding how flattered I was. He nodded. 
“Okay but that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve still been keeping this from me,” I shrugged, “I mean, Miguel, you’ve been living a double life. You’re a double-agent, double-crossing, traitor, backstabbing, liar,” I accused jokingly, chasing after him. I caught up to him at my door, as I watched him scoff and smile, avoiding me as he opened my apartment door and entered before me.
“You have to make it up to me,” I exclaimed, “I mean, don’t you think it would be a little fucked for you to drive over here with your fancy new ride, and rub it in my face just to not let me ride with you,” I said, shrugging, blocking his way. “And that is exactly why I kept it from you,” he said, sarcastically smiling, walking around me and into the kitchen. He dropped his backpack to the floor as I placed the pile of books onto the kitchen counter. He sat at the counter, dragging the textbooks in front of him, and opening them up, ready to study. “But– but–” “It’s not safe, Y/N,” he declared, firmly. “Damn, okay,” I muttered, sitting beside him, slumping and slowly opening up my notebook. I sighed and began to write. He turned to me then hung his head low, sighing to himself, and muttering in Spanish.
“You brat,” he said, as he stood up and slammed his textbook closed. He walked towards the front door, heading back to his motorcycle. I followed happily behind him. 
He stood beside his motorcycle, his hands on his hips, “Get over here,” he demanded. I walked quickly across the grass then arrived on the opposite side of his motorcycle, awaiting his instructions.
“Get on top,” he demanded. Never thought I’d hear him say those words. “Okay, geez” I muttered, slinging one leg across the bike, trying to climb up. He watched me struggle, his arms crossed, as he rolled his eyes. “Not all of us are fucking 6’9” Miguel, help me up,” I exclaimed, annoyed.
He came to my side of the bike, and put his hand underneath my thigh, lifting me up onto it. 
I sat on his bike, as he stood tall beside me. “Nice,” I said, nodding excitedly. “Good, now safety,” he said, pulling an extra helmet out from the back. He grabbed his helmet and rested it on my lap as he helped me put the spare on. He brushed my hair back, gently moving it out of my face and sliding the helmet onto me, adjusting it. He lifted the shield up so he could see my eyes. 
“Do I look cool?” I asked, grinning with my eyes. He stepped back, taking in the view of me hovering on his bike. “So cool… and kind of…” “hot,” I finished, confidently. “I feel like all-black was the way to go today,” I said, looking down at my pants, tracing my hands along my hips and thighs. He nodded, smiling down at me, “you do look… hot,” he affirmed, nodding, his gaze soft on me. He cleared his throat then came back closer to me, adjusting the helmet. 
He traced his fingers down from the bottom of the helmet to the black cord around my neck. “You’ve always eyed this one,” I whispered nervously, as I looked up at him. “Triquetra: body, mind, spirit,” he said, tracing it. I nodded. “Your Irish is showing,” I muttered, nudging him as he smiled down at me. “Take it,” I said, as I undid it and began to wrap it around his neck. “No, what are you doing, Y/N? It’s yours,” he argued, gently pushing my hands away. “Don’t be annoying. I’m going to Dublin this summer, I’ll buy a new one,” I pushed. He surrendered, as I wrapped it around his neck. I continued, “This one has been mine since forever, so it has luck and my… essence, so you can… wear it when you’re driving or whenever you need protection,” I reasoned, clasping it.
“Thank you, Y/N. I’m never taking this off,” he said, looking down at it, his fingers caressing the charm. “So,” he took a deep breath then climbed onto the bike, now sitting in front of me. He pulled his helmet on then turned it on, now gripping the handlebars. “Scoot closer to me,” he said, reaching behind him to grab my arms and wrap them around him. “We’ll ride, but only for a bit,” he asserted. “Okay,” I whispered. He reached back and grabbed under my thighs, lifting me effortlessly up and closer to him, my thighs now completely wrapped around him. He smelled like cinnamon and… Miguel. I lowered the shield on my helmet, my face flushed. His gloved hands clenched around the bars, as he slowly started to drive. 
We drove down the street, as I held onto his muscular body tightly. I’m enjoying this a little too much. “We should head into the main city, just barely, for a little,” I whined. “We have to study,” he exclaimed back at me, through the wind. “Please, just for a bit, for me,” I said, squeezing him tighter. I felt him exhale against my chest. He dropped his head low, defeated. He headed towards the freeway. “I hate you,” he exclaimed. I grinned under my helmet, leaning my head into his back. He sped up, my hair combed by the wind. 
We entered the main city, the huge skyscrapers lit up, shining above us. I looked up in awe. “You good back there?” he called out, patting my leg. I squeezed him tightly, nodding against him. We drove through the city, then eventually headed back. 
We pulled up in front of my apartment, as he turned the engine off and got off of the bike. He took his helmet off and ran his fingers through his hair. He stood beside me, and helped me take off mine. He lifted it off of me slowly, his eyes immediately meeting mine. 
“See, not as dangerous as you thought it would be, huh?” I teased, hoping it would convince him to let me ride with him again.
“Mmmm, you are still in one piece,” he said, shrugging, helping me get off of the bike. “So, you’ll invite me to ride with you again, someday, maybe?” I asked, smiling up at him, leaning closer to him. “I’ll consider it,” he said, smirking down at me as we walked to my apartment to study. “Fair enough.” 
next part
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older is a relative term (not old enough ch.3)
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pairing: leon kennedy/reader, chris redfield/reader (light)
cw: smut, age-gap, oral sex, vaginal fingering, infidelity, degradation
summary: Leon comes back into reader's life a few years later. More sex, more complications.
word count: 5.7k
ao3 link
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You told yourself you were never seeing Leon again, and you didn’t for quite some time. It was years later when you did. You moved back home, out of the city, for a while. Over-drinking, overspending, and disastrous flings with older men brought you to that realization that you weren’t ready for the world.
When you decided to move back to the city, you were still your fun-loving self, but a smarter young woman now. Smart women end up in bad situations, too, you’d come to find out. You tried your best to stay away from creepy guys, but one night, you found yourself sprinting home, being chased by a stranger.
You didn’t know if you’d get there in time, you’d be out of stamina by then if it weren’t for the adrenaline rush from the terrifying thoughts populating your mind. All you had was your phone, your wallet, and the key to your apartment. No pepper spray or pocket knives to defend yourself with.
You didn’t have a boyfriend or a dad living nearby. You needed a man, which was something you’d hate to admit, but you knew the intimidation of another man would be better than whatever fight you could put up against the guy following you. There was only one man in the city that you trusted: Leon S. Kennedy.
You didn’t know much about his job, but you knew he had some sort of weapons training. You’d seen his gun before. Moreover, you knew the type of guy he was - a good man - and he’d said you could call if you needed anything, right?
His number was still saved in your contacts, so all you had to do was press a button to reach him.
“Please pick up,” you prayed internally, not wanting to waste your breath.
Thank your lucky stars that he did.
Leon heard the phone ring - he’s an old man, he keeps his ringer on - and it was half-past midnight. Telemarketers don’t call this late. Someone needed something from him and he knew it. He picked up, didn't even look at the number, so whether he’d saved it under your name or not, he was surprised to hear your voice.
He’d heard you out of breath before, but not panicked like this.
“Leon,” you said, barely getting his name out of your mouth.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taken out of his state of sleepiness.
“I need help.”
“Where are you? Give me your location.”
You didn’t have to beg him, didn’t even have to ask twice. You gave him your current location, which was only an approximation because you were running, and your address, which was your destination.
He got up, grabbed his keys and got in the car. You were lucky that he was dozing off on the couch and hadn’t even taken off his jacket yet. Though he’s known among friends to be a car accident magnet, he tries to be a good driver, rarely speeds if he doesn’t have to because he knows what it’s like to be in a car crash, but now, your life was on the line, so he was racing through the streets. He didn’t see you on the way, so he parked in front of your apartment complex and prayed that this means you got inside safely and not the other option.
He banged on your door and startled you. He heard you shriek, so he reassured you, “Hey, hey, it’s just me. Just let me in. I’m here to help you.”
His voice was soothing, even if you could sense the worry in it. You opened the door and he walked inside, immediately surveying the area after locking and dead-bolting your door. You explained who the man was and how you only sort of knew him, but you were able to give Leon enough of a description for him to figure out the stranger’s identity. Whether it was through legal means or not, Leon would have that man in a position where he wouldn’t have a chance to hurt you or anyone else again, he swore it.
He took you home for the first time, which was fitting considering it was your third date, if you could count him saving you as one. This was for your safety, not just an excuse to see you again - that was just an added bonus.
When you walked into his house, you were surprised by how clean it was, but you were more surprised by the fact a single man lived in a whole house by himself.
“Is it lonely or freeing?” you asked.
“A lot of both,” he answered honestly, “Sometimes I feel like there’s too much space in here for just me.”
“Why not live in an apartment then?”
“I did for a long time, but I wanted to have a place of my own. I wanted to mow the lawn.”
“What?” you asked, barely holding back a laugh, “No one likes mowing the lawn. It’s a chore.”
“Damn right it’s a chore!” He responded with a smile, “It makes you sweaty and it hurts your back.”
“Then why would anyone ever wish for that?”
“I think I wanted something else to complain about,” he said with his eyes far-away in thought, “You know, something that’s not work, something stupid and normal.”
You gazed at him fondly, while he continued.
“A problem I can control,” he said, definitively, meeting your eyes.
“You’re an interesting man, Mr. Kennedy.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment?”
“Oh, I have many compliments for you.”
“I’m willing to listen if you’re looking to share.”
“I should start by telling you that you’ve aged well.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“Am I old enough for you now?”
You expected him to let you down easy, let yourself sit with the idea of rejection. When you saw the genuine indecision in his eyes, you said, “I’ll ask you an easier question: Do you want me?”
“I do, always have.”
“Then,” you pause, letting him fill in the blanks.
“I want to do things differently this time - if we’re doing ‘this’ , that is.”
“I wanna do ‘this’.”
Whatever ‘this’ is, you thought.
“I want to take you out for real this time. I want to get to know you.”
“That sounds good to me, Mr. Kennedy.”
“You’re going to have to start calling me ‘Leon’, too.”
“Because it makes me feel old when you call me ‘Mr. Kennedy’. I’m not your teacher or your friend’s dad.”
You wouldn’t mind if he was.
“Can I be honest?”
“It’s hot. That’s why I call you ‘Mr. Kennedy’.”
“Similar to how you called me ‘Daddy’?”
You blush, surprised he remembered, “You remember that?”
“I- uh- yeah, it is like that… if I’m being honest. It’s just more appropriate.”
“Oh? So it’s a kink of yours? You like being on a last name basis?” He teased, looking amused by the whole thing.
“Don’t make fun of me! It’s not about last names… It’s about you being in charge, I guess…”
“You want me to dominate you or something?”
“That makes it sound too rough. I want - God, this is not going to sound good for my case.”
“Go on.”
More timid now, you admitted, “I want to be your good girl. I want you to be proud of me.”
“So the fact that I’m older and more experienced than you is attractive?”
“I know you’re probably not going to want to date me now.”
“I didn’t say that.”
You looked at him, hopeful.
“I never thought it’d be something that I could get into, and I’m still not sure how I feel about the whole ‘Daddy’ thing, but as long as you don’t actually want me to baby you, then I might be able to go along with it… for you .”
“I’ll take care of you, too, you know?” You said to sweeten the deal.
“Yeah? How so?”
“When you have back pain, I can give you a massage, or when your eyesight gets worse, I can read the menu to you.”
He started laughing. “The massage sounds kind of appealing, but I can read on my own, thank you very much.”
“Are you having any aches and pains right now?”
“Now that you mention it…”
He gave you a coy grin that made you think he’d say he needed a ‘dick massage’, but you forgot he has a little bit more maturity than that and a more subtle flirtatious charm. He asked you for a back massage, which you gladly provided.
“Lie down.” You motioned to the couch.
He narrowed his eyes, looking for an ulterior motive to appear across your face. When it didn’t, he asked, “Mind if I take my shirt off?”
“Please do.”
His physique never failed to leave you gawking at him. His arms had gotten even more toned since the last time you’d seen him. He winked at you when he saw the way you were eyeing him.
He lied down as instructed and you loomed over him, deciding to use his butt as a temporary seat after you got a good look at it. You pressed the balls of your palms into his shoulder blades.
He groaned at the feeling of your hands working out the knots in his muscles.
He heard your breathing change and felt your hesitation to continue - it wasn’t not because you didn’t want to hear more noises from him, but because they reminded you of another, more desirable activity - and he said, “Keep going. It feels good.”
His tone was so deep and sultry. There was a clear correlation that he must have at least noticed even if he wasn’t actively trying to get you worked up. You continued to massage his upper back, eliciting more sensual sounds from him.
“Are you doing this on purpose?”
“Doin’ what?” he asked, face happily shoved into the couch cushion.
“You’re moaning.”
“You have magic hands. What can I say?”
“If you think my hands are magic, you should find out what my mouth is like.”
“Sounds like the good girl I knew grew up to be a little bit naughty.”
“I can be a good girl for you, Mr. Kennedy.”
“Yeah? I want proof.”
“How can I prove it to you?”
“Get up.”
You did, waiting expectantly for him to give you more instructions, but he didn’t, he picked you up by the waist, put you over his shoulder, and carried you to his bedroom.
“Whoa,” you said at the sudden movement, but you couldn’t complain - this is exactly what you were hoping he’d do.
Leon’s bedroom was minimalist and organized. He dropped you on the mattress and you noticed how perfectly soft it was and the freshly clean laundry smell of his sheets. Soon, he was atop you, kissing you fervently and you almost forgot your intentions. You wanted to please him.
You pushed him away, gently, but you saw the disappointment in his face. He felt rejected until you reassured him.
“Can I please, Mr. Kennedy, have the honor of going down on you?”
He knew you were exaggerating, but he still felt a bit flattered and it was written all over his rosy cheeks.
“I can’t so no to a girl as pretty as you.”
You stood up, now that you’d untangled yourself from his grasp, intending to get on your knees, but he pulled you up.
You wanted to huff in frustration, stomp your feet and cross your arms, but you’re too old for tantrums.
“I’m old. I want to lie back while we do this.”
“Okay, your highness, or should I say, your high maintenance .”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, which you found ironic because he was always telling stupid jokes.
“I’m kidding,” you whispered as he inched back on the bed and you crawled toward him.
You hesitated and Leon noticed. He furrowed his brows and cocked his head to the side, hoping you’d notice his confusion.
“I feel like I look weird in this position.”
He scoffed and turned his head to the side trying to avoid laughing at you.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“No,” you whined.
He lifted your chin so that he could make sure you were paying attention when he said, “You look so fucking gorgeous right now. You have no idea.”
You shied away from the compliment and he took your hand and placed it on his clothing-covered cock, which looked painfully hard.
“I’m serious,” he said, “Feel what you do to me.”
“All for me?” you said, giving him a coy grin with your newfound confidence.
“All for you, baby.”
Leon reignited the eagerness in your body and you decided you needed to have him. You had his pants off in a matter of seconds and your greedy fingertips were hooked in his waistband. You could barely hold yourself back, but you wanted to see his face when you teased him.
You pressed open-mouthed kisses along the length, still covered by his underwear, while still toying with his waistband. You looked into his eyes, continuing your teasing routine and you watched as desire filled his eyes.
You sat up for a minute and he subconsciously voiced his disappointment in a pathetic noise, short of a whimper.
“Relax,” you said, taking off your top, “I wanna give you the full experience.”
The sight of you in your lacy black bra elicited a pretty noise of satisfaction, yet yearning, from his lips. You were ethereal and untouchable to him in that moment. He wanted to reach out and feel your skin - you could see it in his hands, practically twitching in eagerness. You removed your bra and guided his hands to your tits.
“Even better than I remembered.”
You allowed him to knead your breasts as you removed his cock from its confines and began to stroke him slowly.
“Do you ever think of me? When you’re alone at night, touching yourself?” You asked, seductively.
Normally, he’d be caught off guard, and try to tease you for being so bold, but in moments like these, he’s already prone to running his mouth, so he told you the truth.
“Fuck yes,” he sighed.
“How do you imagine me?” you asked, leaning your head down towards his cock, which was throbbing in your hand.
He was speechless at the sight of you.
You licked a stripe up the length of him from the base to the tip, stopping for a moment to place a kiss on the head.
“Like this?”
“No, not like this. This is way better than I imagined.”
His words transitioned directly into a drawn-out groan as you sucked on the head, circling your tongue around it, enough to feel him twitch.
Looking up at him, you saw sheer desperation in his eyes and pitying him, you took him into your mouth, quickly making your way down.
Taking him inch by inch, you earned incremental groans from him. He didn’t even try to hold back the noises he was making, especially when he felt how you hum around him in response to each one, sending vibrations through his body. It became a sort of call and response between the two of you.
When your nose met his abdomen, he pulled your hair out of your face into a messy ponytail, but he didn't tug, so as not to ruin your perfect rhythm. With your nose nestled in the neatly-trimmed patch of hair above his dick, he hit the back of your throat, making you choke and pull back again.
Leon, with his caring instincts, almost stopped you, worrying about your well being. Until your dewy eyes met his and he watched as mascara tears fell down your face and saliva dripped out of your mouth around him. At that point, he could no longer stop you because, in your messiest state, you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes upon.
He warned you before he came as a courtesy, but you both knew that you were going to have him finish in your mouth. His release came with near-painful satisfaction, strangled moans and labored breath. He fell back fully into the mattress, allowing you to swiftly pull off. You made sure to catch his eye before swallowing, so you could open up your mouth and show him how much he came. He was speechless in awe at that finishing touch. Once you’d wiped your own spit off your chin with the back of your hand, he pulled you up to meet him in a grateful kiss.
Leon, the old man he is, promptly fell asleep with you in his arms. With you by his side, he slept peacefully, without nightmares for the first time in a long time. His soft breathing and steady heartbeat lulled you to sleep as well, splayed halfway across his chest.
You woke up in the middle of the night and unraveled yourself from Leon’s embrace to use the bathroom. Seeing yourself in the mirror, with smudged makeup and messy hair, you couldn’t believe he thought you looked good like this - you looked like a disaster in your opinion, though your appearance also reminded you of yours and Leon’s collective arousal that night, making the heat between your legs return.
When you got back in bed, Leon felt your weight sink into the mattress beside him. You were light, but he was a light-sleeper, especially without you in his arms. As not to disturb him, you lay down beside him, relaxing into his plush pillows. But he wanted you closer. Feeling the blood pooling between his thighs, he realized he must’ve had a pleasant dream about you, even if the details were fuzzy.
He turned to you, realizing he hadn’t returned the favor the night before, he had a goal in mind. He pressed soft kisses to your neck in an attempt to wake you up with sweetness, so he could get your consent before going any further. Luckily, you had only begun to doze off. You would’ve been mad that he’d interrupted your dream about him - if your dream wasn’t going to play out right now, but it was. This was exactly what you wanted.
“Baby, ‘m sorry I fell asleep. I wanna make you feel good,” he whispered in your ear.
You hummed in response, leaning your head to one side, encouraging him to continue kissing your neck.
His fingertips brushed your sides, and he asked, “Can I touch you, baby?”
“Mhm,” you agreed with a smile, pushing yourself up on the bed slightly.
“Shh,” he said, gently pushing you back down, “Relax for me. It’s your turn. Don’t have to do a thing, baby.”
Feeling his thumbs graze your nipples, you let out a moan, soft and sweet.
“Except, lemme hear those pretty noises.”
Leon was lucky that you’d removed your bra earlier, so you were bare-chested in front of him. Allowing you to stay in the warmth of the covers, he ducked under them and took one nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. When he received your positive affirmations in the form of whimpers, he sucked lightly on the other.
He would be satisfied continuing this for the rest of his life, but he knew you needed him further down your body, so he made his way down your stomach with wet kisses, until he reached your panties. It was a beautiful surprise that you’d removed your shorts earlier. With his hands on your thighs, he kissed you through the lace fabric, which was already wet with your arousal.
“Can’t believe I forgot how good you taste,” he mumbled into the skin of your thighs.
He removed your panties and slowly began to tease your folds, only giving you the tip of his tongue.
Your hands shot down to his head, giving him the cue to continue. He moaned into your core, pleased at the opportunity to taste you. He began by licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit, eliciting a drawn-out moan from you. For the next couple of minutes, he savored you, spending his time on your clit. He hummed in delight, and his noises reverberated through your body. When he could tell you were close, he dipped his fingers in you and replaced his mouth on your clit with his thumb, so he could beg for you. “Please, baby, come for me. Need you to come on my face.”
His voice dripped with desperation and need.
You came hard, legs clamping around his head, nearly suffocating him. After he took you through your orgasm, he emerged from the covers and you both lied beside each other, trying to catch your breaths.
You fell back asleep entangled, but when you woke up, Leon was no longer in bed. You found the t-shirt he’d worn the day before on the floor beside the bed, and you put it on. It smelled like him, which made the soft fabric feel even better on your skin. You found Leon in the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“Good morning, handsome,” you said with a wink.
“Where’d you get that shirt?” he said with a knowing grin.
“I can’t remember,” you said, smiling coyly.
“It looks good on you.”
He pulled you into a kiss and you could taste the coffee on his lips already.
“What are we doing today?” you ask.
“We? I have something that I have to do for work. I can drive you home, though.”
“But it’s Saturday.”
“And? I have to work.”
You were suspicious about whether Leon actually had ‘work’ obligations because you assumed that he worked a 9 to 5, but even if his activities were personal in nature, it wasn’t your business and you knew that. You weren’t even a couple. There was no right for you to feel upset that he had a life outside of you.
“I’ll call you,” he said when he dropped you off.
You held onto the kiss goodbye for longer than you would have if you’d thought he was telling the truth about calling. You were old enough to know that people lie sometimes.
But he did call. That night he called and asked you out on a real date.
You switched shifts with a coworker that Friday, so that you could have more time before your date with Leon to get ready. You had already gotten the mani-pedi earlier that week, so it was just makeup, hair, outfit, and shaving every centimeter of hair off your body.
You were staring in your bathroom mirror, fixing your eyeliner for the tenth time when your phone buzzed. You picked it up to see a text from Leon.
“Hey, baby, I need to take a rain check for tonight. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”
You wanted to get mad and say ‘ how could you do this to me when I spent so much time getting ready ’, but what you said was, “Promise?”
“Promise,” he said with a smiley face.
You repeated the routine the next evening, except, this time Leon was there at 7 pm on the dot. The way he looked in his suit made it worth the wait.
He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh.
“Do you think they’d mind if we’re a little late for the reservation?”
“We’ll get there on time.”
“But what if we didn’t?”
“Are you worried we won’t?”
Now, stopped at a red light, he turned to you and saw the desire in your eyes.
“After dinner,” he assured you with a squeeze to the thigh.
It was hard to focus on dinner. The food was great, but you wanted Leon.
You did most of the talking with Leon asking the questions. You came to find that ‘getting to know you’ was a one-way street with him. You had to accept that he’d keep his secrets.
You found yourself at Leon’s place at least once a week. Not just for sex - you really enjoyed his time, too. He was a good dinner date, shower buddy, sleeping partner, binge-watching companion to name a few things.
After you’d had an intimate encounter that was memorable in the moments after, and would’ve continued to be if your memory of that day hadn’t been tainted by what you found in his bathroom trash can.
A condom wrapper, which was alarming because you and Leon had opted for a slightly more careless route when it came to sex.
“Leon?” you called from the en suite.
You rarely used his first name, so when you did, it set off alarm bells in his head.
“Come here.”
You heard the springs of the mattress rise with the loss of his weight, and subsequently, his feet hitting the hardwoods.
“What’s up?”
“What is that?”
He looked at you with furrowed brows when you pointed to the waste basket.
“What? Is there a bug or something you need me to kill? Because I don’t see anything.”
“There’s a fucking condom wrapper in your trash.”
“Oh. Sorry about that, babe. I should’ve taken out the trash, but it completely slipped my mind. Hope it’s not too awkward for you.”
“Well, yeah, I imagine you don’t want to think about me doing those things with other women.”
“You’re not even going to try to lie your way out of this?”
“Why would I?”
“Cheating is one thing, but doing it so shamelessly somehow makes it worse.”
“Yeah, when you sleep with someone else, that’s considered cheating.”
“It would be if we were in a relationship, but we hadn’t discussed being exclusive yet.”
“I thought it was implied.”
“Clearly it wasn’t.”
“Did you not even think about me?”
“Look, I think there was a misunderstanding between us. If you want to talk about being exclusive, then we can do that, but since we hadn’t, I don’t understand why you’re mad.”
“Fuck you, Leon!”
You’re making your way to the front door when he puts his hand on your shoulder and makes you face him.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says in a futile attempt to calm you, “I’m not just going around sleeping with the whole town and obviously I’m being safe about things.”
“When was it?”
You won’t accept the answer anyway, but your morbid curiosity won’t let you leave without asking.
“Yesterday,” he sighs, “but I don’t know why that matters.”
“Did you even change your sheets before we slept together? Did you even shower?”
“Of course I showered! Do you really think I’m that gross?”
“I’m not going to answer that.”
Physically, you doubted it, but deep inside, he was pure filth, you thought.
So, you were back at square one: no more Leon. Older men suck, Leon sucks, everyone sucks.
You went to a club one night because that’s something that single women who like to have fun do, right? Plus, you had friends going and didn’t want to spend Saturday night home alone. Leon wasn’t on your mind, especially since Leon was sober. You weren’t going to see him at this club and that was for the best.
You were getting a drink at the bar because Saturday is a special enough occasion for you to grant yourself one or two or three. You were on drink number who the fuck knows anymore when a man - older, a bit more sober, came up next to you. You casually gave him the once-over and decided he wasn’t bad looking. You weren’t subtle about it at all, you’d come to find out, when he called you out for staring. He wasn’t mean about it, though, in fact, it came with a compliment.
Perfect - the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. All the information you’d gotten from him before you pulled him onto the dance floor was his name - Chris.
You hadn't lost your touch, or your body. In fact, you’d gotten better at this - more confident, better coordination in heels from practice. You were wearing an outfit that was similar to the one you wore when you first met Leon in that it covered very little. Your tits were still in your shirt and your ass was mostly covered by your skirt. Plus, whatever was peeking out was probably - hopefully - hidden by Chris’ big hands on your hips.
You were definitely thinking about what he could do to you with those hands. You were grinding your hips into his, hoping you could egg him on enough that he’d ask you to go somewhere private.
But before you could do that, you caught someone’s eye - Leon.
What the fuck? Did he lie about being sober? Why is he here?
There was a girl with him, and she was pretty, but he was looking at you. His expression was unclear - confusion, arousal, jealousy, plain old recognition?
There was only one way to go about this. It didn’t matter whether you preferred the idea of Chris or Leon, you were leaving this room with Chris and you knew it was going straight to Leon’s head - which head, you were unsure, quite possibly both of them.
You didn’t end up in the men’s bathroom this time. Chris is a gentleman who took you to his car, which was parked in a somewhat secluded area, though whatever you were about to do was almost certainly illegal. But nobody was around to arrest you.
You were making out before you actually got in the car and he had two fingers knuckle-deep inside you - you were so right about his hands - while you were pressed up against the side of his car.
You were thinking about the logistics of getting on your knees in the parking lot when you heard footsteps and slow clapping. Deja vu.
It was exactly who you were hoping would come out. At first, you couldn’t believe a man of his age was going to be that childish about the whole thing. I mean, he was the one who cheated on you, right? And you weren’t even seeing each other anymore, so why did he give a fuck what you were up to?
But Chris turned to look at him, too, and said, “Leon, what the fuck?”
Holy shit .
This was going from good to great. You held your tongue. Didn’t want to laugh preemptively.
“Wow, I take back what I said about you - however the fuck long ago that was - seems like the ‘ good girl ’ really was a whore all along.”
“Watch your mouth.”
Chris gave you a brief apologetic look before walking towards Leon with an I’m-going-to-kick-your-ass look on his face.
“How do you like my sloppy seconds, Redfield ?”
You realized that Leon was drunk by the way he slurred his words.
“That’s enough, Leon.”
The fight that went down in front of you should’ve been pay-per-view. This was not some run-of-the-mill drunken bar fight. You should’ve been horrified, but you took a moment to admire both of their skills.
The woman you’d seen sitting next to Leon earlier came outside and broke up the fight, barely acknowledging your existence, no malice, only disappointment at the two men. She took Chris by the arm and was seemingly giving him a stern talking-to as she dragged him across the parking lot. You wondered how she does it.
Leon, alcohol on his breath and blood dripping from his nose, opened his mouth and you were already preparing your exit from this conversation. His words were not what you expect, especially after what had gone down just minutes earlier.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of me.”
There were a million unanswered questions in your mind, including: How do you two know each other? Who was that woman? How much have you had to drink? What the fuck were you thinking?
“Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?”
“I will. If that’s what you want, I will. I know I fucked up. Twice, now. I’m sorry.”
You realized what he meant before he said it.
“Yeah, right now, and before, when you found… the evidence… in the trash can and I got all defensive instead of being an adult about it.”
“You were right, though, about the fact that we weren’t together.”
Sort of , you thought. It was a real “‘we were on a break’ Ross and Rachel situation” .
“Still, I was a dick to you about it, and I shouldn’t have been.”
“Thank you for apologizing. I’m sorry for trying to make you jealous.”
You were only a little sorry.
“Oh, so that’s what that little stunt was?” His words came with a smirk, thinking he was somehow ‘winning’ now that you’d admitted to being a bit petty.
“I mean, it wasn’t only for that - I wanted to get out and forget about you. Look where that got me…”
“If you want, I can go bargain with Claire to get Chris released from timeout,” he offered, getting all tongue-in-cheek about it, despite the situation.
“You kinda ruined the mood with your interruption.”
You fucked it up completely. Bold of you to even try to lighten it.
“I’m sorry, again. I would make it up to you if I could.”
“Make it up to me?”
Does he mean what you think he does? And if he does, is it just a drunken spur-of-the-moment thing to say? Like the whole “we should go somewhere private” thing years ago was.
“I owe you more than a pathetic apology. Don’t you think?”
“I’m surprised you still care about me… after what you said.”
“You thought I meant that shit?! Not for a second. Who am I to be calling you a whore?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, deciding not to entertain him, “I’m gonna call you a cab home”.
“Who are you? Me? ”
“Maybe. Guess I’ve grown up a little.”
“I’ll accept the cab if you call yourself one. Don’t want you getting into any more trouble tonight, young lady.”
“Alright, dad.”
“Don’t you mean ‘daddy’ ?”
“Not tonight, I don’t.”
You both went home in separate cabs. You win some, you lose some. Leon was back - could be a win, could be a loss. He fought for you. Yeah, he fought . But for you . You couldn’t decide how to feel about that. You weren’t not just going to let him off with that. It wasn’t even about jealousy. The violence was too far. And the ‘whore’ comment was uncalled for. He better be serious about making it up to you.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender No Outbreak AU - Ch. 3
Things change for the Miller family. A continuation of Lavender No Outbreak AU Ch. 1-2 found on Tumblr here.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Just a lot of fluff. Whole fic as smut and some mature themes so Minors DNI 18+ only. No use of Y/N.
Length: 3.3K
Friday, January 16, 2004
“Last chance, Miller,” you smiled, elbowing him playfully in the side. “Think Tommy would drive the getaway car if you need…” 
“Nope,” Tommy shook his head. “That idiot’s on his own if he takes off now. He fucks up again though, Kid, just gimme a call…” 
He gave you a wink. 
“Language Uncle Tommy,” Sarah looked scandalized. “There are children present!” 
“Just you,” Tommy winked. “You don’t count.” 
“Thank you,” Joel said wryly. “Thank you for both of those things, Tommy.”
“Any time, brother,” he clapped Joel on the shoulder with a smirk before leaning around him to talk to you. “His feet are plenty warm, Kid.”
“You think a little formality is gonna scare me off now?” Joel tugged you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Thought the bureaucracy might do it,” you teased, fidgeting with the small bouquet that Cass had brought you. “Feel a little silly wearing white though.” 
“Don’t look silly,” he said. “Most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen…” 
“You’re biased,” you said. 
“And you’re sure you don’t want to run off and start a commune?” Cass asked. “I’ll leave Josh right now.” 
“Hey!” Josh protested. 
“Oh hush,” she waved him off. 
You laughed. 
“I think we’re making it down the aisle, folks,” you smiled. 
“About time,” Sarah smiled. 
The door to the court room opened. 
“The Miller wedding?” 
Joel looked at you and smiled. 
“Ready Baby?” 
He offered you his hand. You smiled and took it.
You’d never been the type to dream about your wedding day. You never even really wanted to get married, not until you met Joel. After that, you’d thought a lot more about what it would mean to be his wife than the day itself. 
But standing at the courthouse with Joel, Sarah, Tommy and Cass? It was exactly the day you wanted. 
Joel was right, it really had been more of a formality than anything. When he left a few days after he showed up at your school, things felt a lot more real.
The two of you told Nan together. That you were pregnant, that you were engaged, that you were moving back to Austin. Her cancer had been in remission for more than a year at that point and leaving her alone felt, while not quite right, doable at least. 
“I supposed there’s no way to change your mind,” she’d sighed, sounding resigned. You just shook your head. She turned her attention to Joel. “Are you marrying my granddaughter out of some archaic notion that you should because you got her pregnant? Because if you’re only going to leave her in five years, I’d rather you cut to the chase.” 
“No ma’am,” he said before looking at you. “I’m marrying her because I love her more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. Love someone like that, you marry them. If they’ll have you.” 
You flew down over Thanksgiving break to tell Sarah and Tommy the news together in person. Tommy just pulled Joel into a tight hug and clapped him on the back when he came into the kitchen to get a drink as you basted the turkey, your bump a lot more noticeable than it had been when you were in town a month before. 
“Could’ve fuckin’ told me, man,” Tommy clapped Joel on the back. “Good for you. Finally lockin’ that down?” 
“That’s the idea,” Joel smiled. 
“About fuckin’ time,” Tommy said. 
Sarah, on the other hand, got a bit of a softer introduction to the idea. You wore a bulky sweatshirt on the plane and sat down with her in the living room as soon as you were home from the airport. Joel’s hand was laced in yours, Sarah sitting on the couch while you both stood in front of her. 
“Why do I feel like I’m in trouble?” She frowned. “Because I swear I didn’t do it.” 
“Not in trouble,” Joel laughed a little. “We have some news. You know we got back together…” 
“Yeah,” her frown deepened. 
“Well, we decided to get married, too,” he said. 
“What!” She shrieked, leaping off the couch and launching herself at you. You caught her with a laugh, Joel grabbing you to help you stay upright. “Ugh FINALLY!” 
“OK well let’s be a little more careful,” Joel said, Sarah’s arms still around your neck. “Because she’s pregnant, too…” “What!” She let you go and looked between the two of you. “I mean ew, don’t want to think about WHY but oh my GOD! You’re having a baby?” 
“Yup,” you nodded. “It’s your last Christmas as an only child, kiddo, enjoy it while you can.” 
You moved down at the end of the semester, Joel flying up so you wouldn’t be driving or doing any heavy lifting. You settled in quickly, life so much like what it had been before you moved back to New York. You signed up to work as a substitute teacher at the local school district - Sarah even giving you her blessing to teach at the high school where she went - and studied for the MCATs. Life felt so natural, you hadn’t really thought further about the wedding. 
“Did you want to do something big?” Joel asked one evening in late December, your feet in his lap as he rubbed them, an MCAT study book on your lap. 
“For what?” You frowned. 
“The wedding,” he said. “Should do it soon, make sure you’ve got health insurance…” 
“Oh,” you frowned. “That’s true. I hadn’t really thought about what to do for it, I don’t really know that many people…” 
“Me either,” Joel smiled a little. 
“Want to just go to the courthouse?” You shrugged. He frowned. 
“You sure you don’t want something better than that?” He asked. 
“Well, if I leave your wife,” you shrugged again. “I don’t think there is anything better than that.” 
You took the MCAT on the 10th and applied for your marriage license on the 12th. Nan said she didn’t want to be there for it, regardless of the date. That stung. But, with time, you hoped she’d come around.
The vows were simple but you weren’t sure you’d ever heard anything better than Joel promising to love and cherish you for the rest of his life. You had to remind yourself that your new brother-in-law and step-daughter were there when you kissed him. You would have been happy to kiss him for hours. 
For a celebration, the six of you went to lunch downtown, Joel getting a bottle of real champagne for the table. You and Sarah split a glass during the toasts. 
“Couldn’t imagine a better woman to welcome into the family,” Tommy smiled. “You’re already the best Miller I know. Besides Sarah.” 
Everyone laughed and your husband kissed your cheek. 
“And you’re sure you want to take my name?” Joel asked as he drove to Galveston for your first weekend as a married couple. “Your degrees have your name on them…” 
“I’ve never had anyone that loved me enough that they wanted me to have their name,” you smiled, watching him drive. “I want to have your name, Sarah’s name. Our baby’s name. The degrees can deal.” 
You checked into the hotel room, a view of the gulf from the balcony and chocolate covered strawberries waiting for you when you got there. You squealed, grabbed one and stepped outside to watch the waves. Joel came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you a few minutes later, his hands on your stomach. 
“Found the only downside to not having a big wedding,” you leaned back into him. 
“We’re going to have to try really hard to make sure the next thing we dance to isn’t something stupid,” you smiled. “Otherwise our first dance is going to be a let down.” 
“Well,” he kissed your temple. “I might have thought of that.” 
You frowned, looking back at him. 
He tugged you back into the room. The boombox from Sarah’s room was set in front of the TV, Joel stretching over to press play. You heard the opening notes and laughed. 
“Joel!” You put your arms around his neck. “Really? Wonderful Tonight?” 
“If you hate the song choice I did bring other options,” he said, pulling you against him but not moving yet. 
“Just dance with me, Mr. Miller,” you smiled. 
“Anything you want, Mrs. Miller.” 
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
“Baby, you are in active labor,” Joel ground his teeth. “The applications can wait.” 
“My contractions aren’t close enough together to be that big of a…” You stopped talking for a second, clenching your teeth as a contraction hit you. You waited for it to pass, gripping the bed. You spoke again when it did. “Problem. And I’ll never get these done with a newborn at home.” 
The doctor came in, snapping on her gloves. “Alright Mrs. Miller,” she said. “Let’s see how we’re coming along…” 
“Dr. Baxter,” you said as she lifted the blankets and your gown. “Can you please tell my husband that the sooner med school applications are in, the better?” 
“You’re at eight centimeters,” Dr. Baxter said. “Almost there! And Mr. Miller, I’m afraid your wife is right, early applications are pretty important.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Doesn’t mean I think you should be filling them out right this second, Mrs. Miller,” she raised her brows at you. “I think I need to side with your husband on this one.” 
“But I’m almost done!” You protested. “I just got my MCAT scores back yesterday, I couldn’t finish any sooner…” 
“Finish that one,” she said. “Then I’m confiscating them. Orders from one current doctor to a future one.” 
“Fine,” you muttered, going back to the form. “But I still think you’re overreacting.” 
Joel held you as you pushed, doing everything the classes had told him to do. The man had practically been a star student, paying close attention to everything the lamaze teacher had said. 
“Didn’t know what the fuck I was doing last time,” he said after your first class. “Making sure I get it right this time.” 
You weren’t sure you’d ever been as exhausted as you were on the last push but you knew you’d never been as happy to hear anything as you were to hear the sharp, cracking cry of your daughter as she came into the world. 
“Congratulations Mom and Dad, it’s a girl,” Dr. Baxter dropped her tiny, wriggling body into your arms, the cord still attached. You stared down at her in wonder, her little eyes scrunched closed, her small mouth open in a wail. 
“Hi beautiful,” you breathed, looking at her. You’d never seen anything quite so perfect. She already had thick, dark hair and Joel’s nose. “Welcome to the world, Evelyn.” 
Joel reached around you to cup her tiny head in his large hand. 
“So proud of you, Baby,” Joel kissed your wet cheek. “You did so good.” 
“Thank you for her,” you whispered, unable to take your eyes off of her. “Thank you.” 
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 
“Hey Mom,” Sarah called in a bit of a singsong voice. “Something came in the mail for you!” 
“For me?” You called back before blowing a raspberry on Evie’s tummy. She giggled. “Can you bring it over? I’m in your sister’s room…” 
You weren’t really sure if Sarah had made a conscious choice to start calling you Mom or if it was something she just fell into but you hadn’t fought it. The first time it happened was about six months after Evie was born. 
It had been a particularly hectic morning in the Miller house. Evie was teething, Joel couldn’t find the phone he needed for work, Sarah had overslept and had misplaced her homework, you felt like you were inches away from crying from stress, it was not a great combination. 
“Mom, you’re sure it didn’t get moved off the kitchen table last night?” Sarah poked her head into Evie’s room where you were getting her dressed for the day. You just looked at her for a second, a bit dumbstruck. “Mom. Homework? Purple folder?” 
It still took you a moment to respond. 
“Last place I saw it was the kitchen table after dinner,” you said. “If it got moved, it was either by your father or the ghost that haunts this house and all its inhabitants.” 
“Stupid ghost,” she sighed, calling after Joel as she went down the hall. 
When Joel went to kiss you goodbye, you grabbed his arm, Evie propped on your hip. 
“Sarah called me Mom,” you said, eyes wide. 
“Oh,” Joel blinked for a second. “Is that… is that OK? If it’s not…” 
You stretched up to kiss him before he could keep talking. He kissed you back, deeply, and you had to fight the urge to put the baby in the crib and start ripping his clothes off. He pulled back from you eventually.
“You’re not helpin’ me be OK with leavin’ the house with that, baby,” he smiled. “But are you OK? With her callin’ you that?” 
“Of course I am! I want her to do nothing BUT call me mom for the rest of my damn life now!” 
“Think we can work with that,” he kissed your forehead. “Love you, take care of all my girls. Including yourself. See you tonight.” 
You beamed, your morning suddenly so much brighter. 
You closed Evie’s onesie and pulled on her little jeans. 
“You’re getting too big too fast, girl,” you muttered, scooping her up as Sarah came in, a thick envelope in hand. 
“OK you, give me the birthday girl,” she said, setting the envelope on the changing table in front of you. “Because I think you have to open that like… immediately.” 
The University of Texas logo was on the corner and your breath caught. 
“It’s a big envelope,” Sarah said, bouncing her sister on her hip. Evie reached her fat fingers out for Sarah’s curls. “Pretty sure they only send big envelopes for good news.” 
Your hands still shook as you opened the envelope. You’d been so distracted planning a birthday dinner for Evie that you hadn’t been thinking about the looming threat of med school acceptance or denials. Inside the envelope was a thick booklet and a piece of paper on top. It said your name and then the word “Congratulations!” 
You shrieked and dropped the envelope, jumping up and down for a second before throwing your arms around your daughters, crying as you squeezed them tight. Evie gurgled and Sarah laughed. 
“Knew you’d do it, Mom,” she said. 
Joel was later leaving the job site than he wanted to be. Well, it was always later than he wanted it to be. He’d get there in the morning and want to leave, to turn around and go home to you and his daughters. But today, he had a plan. Leave by five. It was 5:20 before he made it to the truck. 
“She’s not the type to bite your head off about it man,” Tommy said as Joel drove to the house. “Don’t think you need to be this stressed about it.” 
“I know,” Joel said. “But she’s been busting her ass to plan this dinner, I don’t want to cause her any more stress…” 
“Hate to break it to you but I think she’s stressed just by bein’ married to you,” Tommy elbowed him in the ribs. Joel rolled his eyes. 
Thankfully, the job site wasn’t far and he was home before six. He opened the door to see Sarah sitting on the floor with Evie, his younger daughter using the older one’s hands to help balance as she stood, stomping her tiny feet. 
“She’s getting so close, Dad!” Sarah beamed at him. “She’s going to be an athlete, I can tell.” 
He just stood there for a moment, watching them, his heart hurting from just how fucking happy seeing them together made him. 
“Oh, Mom’s in the kitchen,” she said. “You should go see her, she really wants to see you.” 
“Might have been wrong on that,” Tommy smirked a little, going to the living room, his hands out to pick up his niece. 
You were putting something in the oven when Joel came in, you bending over giving him the perfect peek down your shirt to your breasts. 
“Hey Baby,” he said and you looked up, closing the oven and wiping your hands on your apron. Your hair was in curlers and you were still the most beautiful fucking thing he’d ever seen. “I’m so sorry we’re late, we got held up at the site…” 
“Oh,” you waved him off. “I kinda figured you would, we’ve got a good 45 minutes before anyone should be getting here anyway, I’ve got it under control.” 
You grabbed something off the counter and came over, pressing yourself against him, stretching up to kiss him. 
“You know,” he said between kisses. “I was thinking, in honor of Evie’s birthday, we should seriously consider getting her another sibling.” 
“Oh really,” you smiled against his lips. 
“Oh yes,” he said, his hands going around to the back of you, cupping your ass and pulling your hips tightly to his own. “Watching you mother my girls might just be the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen, can’t help but want to see you do it again. Plus you were a fucking gorgeous pregnant woman…” 
“Might want to hold that thought there, Daddy,” you took the envelope you’d picked up from the counter and put it between his lips and your own. He frowned and took it, pulling the papers out. 
“Congratulations!” It said. It took him a moment to figure it out but when he did, he gasped and gathered you into his arms, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around and kissing every part of you he could reach. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you, Baby!” He said as you laughed against him. “I knew you could do it, I fucking knew you’d do it…” 
He put you back down and you laughed for another moment before looking at him more seriously. 
“We should still really look at whether or not I should actually go,” you said. “It’s expensive, it’s time consuming, it’s going to be years of insane work schedules and bad pay before I start making good money, especially since I think I might want to be a pediatric surgeon…” 
“You’re going to be the most incredible surgeon,” he cut you off. “You’re going to be so amazing, you are so amazing. We’ll figure it out. It’ll be OK, we’ll figure it out. You’re going to be amazing.” 
You smiled like he’d just given you a gift and he pulled you against him again, kissing the top of your head. 
“C’mon,” he said. “If we hurry I think we can squeeze in a quickie and still have time to get dressed before anyone shows up….” 
You giggled and he took your hand, leading you to the bedroom as Tommy played with Sarah and Evie on the floor. 
“Da!” Evie reached for him. “Dada!” 
You and Joel both froze, looking at each other for a second. 
“Has she…” Tommy asked. 
“Nope,” you said, staring at your daughter. “That was her first word. Oh come ON kid, I literally feed you with my body and it’s Dada? I know he’s the best but some consideration!” 
Joel pulled you along with him to pick your daughter up tucking her small body between the two of yours and kissing her plump little cheek. He didn’t think he’d ever been as happy as he was in this moment, surrounded by love and his girls. 
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“But oh..Cara mia”
Ch. 3: I want context
Dick Grayson x Latina! Readers
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: none
Author’s note: Ages of the group in the present:
Barbara - 28
Dick - 27
Yn - 25
Jason - 23
Tim - 19
Steph - 19
Duke - 18
Cass - 17
Damian - 11
Dick is two years older than Yn.
Enjoy the story!
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00
Series Masterlist:
Yn stiffened at the question, she felt as if the air had been punched out of her lungs. Damian noticed the girl pale a little. She lets out an uneasy laugh and looks down at her notes, where she fiddles with her pen. “Nothing has happened between Richard and me, Damian, what makes you say that?” she mutters and Damian deadpans, he clears his throat making her look at him and answers, “You have an inconsistent relationship in comparison to the rest. It’s...” he trails off, looking for the right word, “concerning, Grayson is awfully bright and annoyingly charismatic. You are very kind and overall tolerable to be around. The problem is both of you get along like oil and water when one would assume the opposite based on your personalities. Why is that?”. The young woman was stunned, to say the least. She didn’t know how to answer. She bit her lip unsure of what to say.
Thankfully, the engine of a car and various motorcycles were heard in the cave. Everyone had arrived; Yn had never been more relieved of seeing everyone. Giving Damian a tight smile, she told him, “That’s a discussion for another day” and she stood up, walking towards the rest. Once again, Damian noticed her eyes find Grayson in relief that he was alive. What the hell had gone down between them? 
During the week, Damian tried chasing Yn down, wanting an explanation, and seeing as the girl was successful in avoiding it he decided to track down the next suspect on his list. Grayson. This one had been easier to identify seeing as Grayson liked any excuse to spend time with his siblings, yet, when asked the very same question, Grayson had avoided it completely, much like YN. He had tried a few times until he realized he wasn’t getting any help from either of them. Why were they avoiding it so much? It frustrated Damian to no end having absolutely no progress in his investigation. Bruce was out of the equation knowing that he would not offer any amount of clarity and he couldn’t ask Alfred because he would get berated for intruding on other people’s business.  His next target was Gordon. From what he had observed, Barbara and you seemed to be best friends. You were constantly together. Although you spent time with all of them, having movie nights with Cain and Thomas, playing video games with Drake and Brown, and going to the library with Todd, the person who you seemed to be closest to was Gordon. It would make sense the most seeing as Gordon, Grayson and you were the eldest, with you being the youngest of the three. He sought her out during the day and found her and Drake discussing something in the Batcave. The only other people in the cave were Jason, Duke, Cassandra, and Stephanie. Bruce was at work, Alfred was running errands, Yn was in New York visiting Diana, and Grayson was God knows where. He thought for a second if he should question in front of everyone but he figured that they could also help to provide information since they had been around much longer than he had. He went down the stairs and called her out, making everyone look at him. “Gordon, I have a question that I believe you would be the best for assistance,” he said. Cass and Steph were sparring, Jason and Duke were working out, and Tim and Barbara just looked at him curiously. “What is the relationship between Ln and Grayson?” he asked and everyone stopped what they were doing.  They all looked at each other, then at Barbara, who was staring at Damian with wide eyes. “What do you mean, Damian?” she asks nervously. Cass, Steph, Jason, and Duke neared, intrigued by what was going to happen. “You are the one that has spent the most time with them, what happened between them? Every time they interact, something is off. Sometimes they bicker lightheartedly and other times there’s this coldness from both of them. As a matter of fact, Grayson is known to not behave that way with any of us, why are they so hostile with each other one second, and the other they share looks of fondness. It is infuriating and confusing” answered Damian, and everyone stayed silent for a moment. Then, Stephanie spoke up, “You know, I’ve always wanted to know myself what went down between those two. I guess over time, I got used to the lack of context and just dealt with their weird-ass relationship.”, Tim nodded in agreeance. For all he had investigated about them before he was Robin and everything he had come to know after he became Robin, the mystery of the hostility between them two was something he never figured out? He just had gone with it because of the lack of answers. Then Duke spoke up, “Honestly, thank everything that Damian brought it up. Seeing as I got here last aside from Damian, their relationship is super fucking weird.” Cass nodded in agreement. Both Jason and Barbara looked at each other. Both of them had witnessed a good amount of that hostility and were wondering who was going to speak up first. Another silence engulfed them and, Jason was the one to break it. “Their relationship is rocky at best. To be fair, you guys haven’t witnessed the messiest fights between them” at that Tim spoke up, “OH! I have seen a few, even Bruce knew not to get in between them” and everyone else’s eyes widened. Finally, Barbara stood up, and spoke “Fine. I will tell you all that I know, but not here. We need a more secluded place.” and all of them agreed. 
They had settled for the library, where they would hear if someone would enter and could talk lowly just in case. They had all settled on the couches and thus, Barbara began her story. The rest were so ready to hear everything and didn’t even try to hide their curiosity. Finally, the context of the real mystery would be revealed and maybe, together, they would figure out what really happened between Yn and Dick. 
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pocket-lad · 7 months
CH 3- I'm a Borrower, or Whatever
They drove onto the island in a car and parked it, alongside another car and a massive trailer, beside the edge of a cliff. Not that Adelaide got a good look at any of it.  She was still extremely uncomfortable and her butt was sore from sitting so long, but she was mindful to keep her squirming to a minimum.  She repeated Ian’s words in her head. 
The sooner you get that over with, the sooner you get out of the pocket.  
She could literally reveal herself at any moment now and put an end to her suffering, but fear held her back. She knew Ian would protect her no matter what, and these Beans were probably fine people, but Adelaide had been trained since birth to associate Beans with danger. It wasn’t something that was easy to forget, and it took Ian forever to gain her trust. It was difficult to offer that trust to anyone new. 
The Humans piled out of their vehicles and regrouped, then immediately set out to look for Sarah per Ian’s insistence. 
It wasn't as hot as Adelaide remembered, but it was still toasty and definitely humid. The landscape was also quite different. Instead of open plains, they were now in a dense forest, which was marginally better in Adelaide’s eyes. She preferred a sense of cover. 
As they got closer to Sarah’s tracker, (Adelaide was very curious to see how it worked) Ian mumbled something only she could hear.
“Della, cover your ears,” he warned.
Adelaide slowly obliged since she had no reason not to. She was glad she did, because Ian started shouting Sarah’s name alongside the others. 
Sitting against his chest, it was still unbelievably loud, but the warning probably saved her eardrums from bursting. She could feel his voice physically envelop her body, and all she could do was stick her fingers in her ears and wait for it to be over. 
Then, something shook the ground. The sensation could almost be confused with Ian’s yelling, but it was too big and too distant. And it was approaching fast. If Adelaide wasn’t mistaken, that something was the familiar footsteps of a dinosaur.
“This is magnificent,” Eddie exhaled. Adelaide hoped it wasn’t some man-eating dinosaur. She honestly didn’t know what she’d do if it was , but from the tone of Eddie’s voice, it probably wasn’t. That was good.
“Yeah, ‘ooh’, ‘ahh’, that’s how it always starts. But then later there’s running.... and screaming,” Ian said. Adelaide snorted, but there was a very real fear behind the joke. 
Then, an unmistakable voice called out. “Hey Nick!” 
Ian looked up to see Sarah Harding laughing her ass off at Nick, whom she just scared off a log. Ian was instantly on the move, and Adelaide took that as an excuse to continue laying low.
Or not, she thought. Maybe she should ride the wave of shock caused by the dinosaurs and introduce herself now. Dinosaurs are real, and so are tiny people! But before she could make a decision, it was too late. Ian was chasing after Sarah and Sarah was waving him off. 
She rattled off information about the dinosaurs they just saw, but none of it told Adelaide whether they ate people or vegetables. Ian ignored all of what she said and asked, “When Hammond called you, why didn’t you say something to me?” 
“I knew you would have stopped me from coming,” she said. Hm. That sounded pretty familiar. Adelaide shook her head at Ian’s predictability.
If there was one thing Adelaide appreciated about last time, it was that she often knew what was happening. This was because she was unwillingly forced to meet a bunch of Beans, but because the Band-Aid was ripped off for her, she spent most of the trip out in the open, alert to her surroundings. 
Ian muttered to himself about how reckless Sarah was, that she was too close to the dinosaurs, but his worry was contrasted by the others who went off about how amazing the dinosaurs were. 
That, combined with the fact that Adelaide couldn’t stand being in the dark anymore, combined with the ache of sitting in a pocket too long, combined with the need to lay eyes on the danger ahead, had her chancing a peek out of the pocket.
Whatever the dinosaur was, it was huge, and there were three of them. They were long animals with plates lining their backs and spikes protruding from the end of their tails. They seemed disinterested in the Beans.
Boldly, Adelaide tried for a look at the other Beans, and it was the first real look she got at either of them. She figured they’d be distracted by the amazing, terrifying, awe-inspiring dinosaurs that stood before them, anyway.
The man immediately to Ian’s right was a little shorter and balding, and he carried a massive gun, which was unnerving. The man next to him was just as tall as Ian, which was also unnerving, and he carried a camera, which was also unnerving. Ian was the tallest Bean Adelaide knew (not that she knew a lot of Beans), so to see one just as tall as him was mind-boggling. They both wore incredulous expressions on their faces at the sight of real, live dinosaurs. 
She also saw Sarah up ahead with her camera, taking pictures of what looked like a baby version of these dinosaurs.
“What did you think you’d see?” Ian genuinely asked the others.
“Animals,” Nick muttered. “Maybe... big........ iguanas,” 
Adelaide looked up at him as he trailed off, and she realized why. Nick was looking directly at her. 
Whatever she did, she could not take cover in the pocket. No. Nick had seen her. There was no taking that back, and so she just had to put on a brave face and keep moving forward. Adelaide’s eyes went wide and she froze in place, unable to come up with anything to say.
Ian looked up at Nick, registering his odd behavior, but Nick wasn’t looking at him. He was looking at his chest. 
Ian had felt Adelaide shifting around, but she’d been doing that all day. He wrote it off, but now he realized she was fully hanging out of the pocket. He looked down to see her staring at Nick, who was staring right back. Adelaide looked like she would bolt at any second, and Nick’s mouth opened and closed a few times in search of words. Ian was tempted not to do or say anything, just to see how long it would take one of them to make a move. 
“Malcom...” He blinked a couple times, assuming he was imagining things and that the little person in Ian’s pocket would disappear if he did it enough. 
“I’m Adelaide,” Adelaide shouted abruptly. Her voice was unnaturally loud and stiff, and at a much higher pitch than normal, as if she had suddenly been forced to say that. 
This drew Eddie’s attention, and he had virtually the same reaction as Nick. He rapidly looked between Ian and Adelaide, waiting for an explanation from someone. 
Unfortunately, instead of choosing fight or flight, Adelaide’s body chose to freeze. If she didn’t say or do anything, then she couldn’t say or do anything dumb. She couldn’t say or do anything smart either, but choosing to do nothing felt like a safe middle ground, at least until she had time to think. 
In all honesty, she had hours upon hours to think, but she spent so long debating whether or not she should introduce herself that she didn’t think about how she would introduce herself. Shouting her name at them was hardly a good way to do it, so Ian took it upon himself to try again. 
“Uh, gentlemen.... Adelaide. Adelaide...... Nick Van Owen, and uh, Eddie Carr.” 
“What the hell,” Eddie started, but a loud shriek from up ahead served as a distraction. The baby dinosaur Sarah was taking pictures of wailed, calling the attention of its parents. The parents quickly became defensive, which put Sarah in danger of getting crushed or skewered (or both) by their spiked tails. 
They attacked, swinging their tails at her, and she just barely dodged them. Ian took off in her direction, but he was just going to get himself hurt if he ran out there, so Nick held him back, grabbing his arms. 
“Shoot them!” Ian shouted. 
“They’re just protecting their baby!” Eddie countered, hesitantly aiming his gun at the animals. 
“So am I!” Ian argued, still fighting against Nick's hold.  In their brief struggle, one of Nick’s hands landed dangerously close to Adelaide. 
“Hey, watch it!” she called, and she wasn’t sure whether she should fall to the bottom of the pocket, stay still, or take a leap of faith. All options sounded dangerous, but she certainly wasn’t about to let herself get crushed.  Luckily, Nick’s hand didn’t get near her again, though she wasn’t sure if he actually heard her. 
The Beans watched helplessly as Sarah took refuge in a log and hid until the dinosaurs became disinterested. Adelaide didn’t get to see it, too preoccupied with avoiding grabby hands. 
She thought about how quickly everything became dangerous. One moment, you’re sitting in a car talking about kids. The next, a T-Rex breaks out of its enclosure and attacks you. One moment, you’re on the hunt for Sarah Harding. The next, Sarah Harding is getting attacked by dinosaurs. It was the unpredictability that scared Adelaide the most. 
The dinosaurs themselves were predictable. At least, it was always a safe bet to assume they were dangerous and ready to strike. It was the humans' reactions that could prove troublesome. She couldn’t blame them for not thinking straight (she could hardly do so herself), but that meant she was usually in the hands of a Bean who wasn’t thinking straight, and that was never good. 
When the danger subsided, Ian briefly checked to make sure Adelaide was okay, then sprinted over to Sarah. Adelaide collapsed into the pocket to regroup, and they all wandered back toward base camp. 
Ian and Sarah argued about her being on the island again, so Adelaide tuned them out. She needed to form a game plan now. Nick and Eddie saw her. They didn't say anything yet, but they would soon, right? The dinosaurs could only hold their attention so long. They didn’t grab at her or give any signs that they wanted to, but they were also probably in shock. Sarah hadn’t seen her yet. Ian was also here. That was all the information Adelaide had to work with. 
Hi Sarah. I’m Adelaide. You don’t know me, but I know you. I watch you from the walls.  
That probably wasn’t good. 
Hi Sarah. I’m Adelaide. Ian kidnapped me one day but now we’re friends. Also, I watch you from the walls.  
That was even worse. 
Suddenly, somebody called out that there was a fire, so the Beans sprinted toward base camp. Adelaide didn’t understand how a fire could break out in such a damp environment, but she understood enough to know that it was really bad. They arrived at the camp shortly, and she could both smell the smoke and feel it in her lungs, even through the fabric walls of the pocket.
“Who started the fire?” Ian wondered aloud. His calm voice probably meant that the crisis was averted and Adelaide probably didn’t need to panic, but the controlling part of her brain still longed for a way to see out.
Another, very familiar voice came from somewhere behind them. One that was not supposed to be there. 
“I just wanted to make dinner. I wanted it ready when you guys got back,” Kelly said casually. 
Kelly?! What was she doing here?! Ian explicitly told her she wasn’t supposed to come, and she wasn’t on the boat with any of them. At least, not that Adelaide remembered. She would have remembered that. This was not the place for a child. 
Adelaide took a breath, realizing she was thinking like Ian. Though she didn’t exactly sneak her way onto the island, Adelaide pretty much dismissed Ian’s wishes and came along. She realized she was treating Kelly the same way Ian treated her, and that wasn’t fair. If there was one thing Adelaide learned from the kids last time, it was that children were much more capable than people gave them credit for. 
Still, Ian was furious, if his heart rate was any indication. This was to be expected. 
He pulled Kelly to the side, and she defended herself. “You practically told me to come here. You said, ‘don’t listen to me’. I thought you were trying to tell me something.” 
Adelaide laughed, appreciating the attempt. 
“Kelly, you knew exactly what I meant,” Ian said, not taking the bullshit. He banged something on something else, making Adelaide jump, then said, “Why doesn’t this thing ever work?” Adelaide had to assume it was the phone. 
“You got to wait for a decent signal,” Eddie explained. 
“Is there any reason to think the radio in the trailer might work?” Ian asked frantically. 
“If you feel qualified, try flicking the switch to on.” 
Adelaide laughed again. She also wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but Ian needed to relax.
“Okay, I’m taking my daughter out of here,” he said. “Anyone coming with me, this is your last chance to get out.” 
Maybe they’d actually make it out of here without incident. No dinosaur attacks, hardly even noticed by Beans. Adelaide was suspicious of her luck, and rightfully so, because two seconds after she had that thought, Eddie spoke up. 
“What about your little friend?” 
Everything froze. Ian. Adelaide. Time. 
Both Sarah and Kelly looked at Ian quizzically for an explanation. 
“My-” Ian started, his brain already going into overdrive to find a clever way out. 
Adelaide couldn’t let him handle this. She needed to be the one in control of the situation, so she didn’t think much before she hauled herself to the lip of the pocket and casually swung her arms over the edge. She clasped her hands to keep them from shaking. “Who are you calling little?” she asked, offense clear in her voice. 
She was mildly offended, but she was also well aware of the fact that she was indeed little, so she tried for humor. She had no idea if she pulled it off.
Everyone stared. Eddie, Nick, Sarah, Kelly, and Ian. The silence stretched on for what felt like a lifetime. 
Adelaide took stock of her surroundings. The trailer sat to their left and a car to their right. Kelly sat on the car, putting her well above Adelaide’s eyeline. A couple of feet in front of them sat another car, with Eddie on top and Sarah and Nick standing beside it. The only one within grabbing distance was Kelly, which gave Adelaide a little sense of relief, but she still had to stay on guard. 
“Is it hot out here, or what?” she chuckled awkwardly. Still, nobody said anything. She refused to look up at Ian, not wanting to seem like she was waiting for his permission or his help. She grasped her hands tighter, feeling them start to shake despite her death grip. 
“You probably want to know what I am?” she guessed. 
“Uh, yeah,” Nick said, as if it was obvious. Rude, even, but Adelaide was grateful somebody else said something . 
“Well, I do have a name, first of all.” 
“Yeah, uh, Adelaide,” Eddie pointed out. It was hard to forget the way she shouted it at him.
“Right.... um...... I already know all your names. But I guess.... I guess I’m a borrower, or whatever,” Adelaide trailed off. She refused to look down at the ground, but she couldn’t hold eye contact with anyone for very long, so she settled on looking just off to the side of them. She thought she'd come up with a better explanation in the moment, but what else was there to say? She was a borrower. Really, that was it.
Nick fiddled with the contraption in his hands as he smacked on some gum. “So are you like, Malcolm's pet or something?” He raised the contraption up to his face, and Adelaide realized he was pointing a camera directly at her. 
She dove down into the pocket as fast as gravity would let her, and she felt Ian move. She really did not want to show any fear around the Beans, and she thought she was at least semi-successful up until this point, but it was all thrown in the trash when she took cover. It was incredibly embarrassing, but regardless, Adelaide could not let anyone take a picture of her under any circumstance. 
“Do not point that at her,” Ian said seriously. 
“Alright, okay, geez,” Nick conceded, and he sounded a lot closer. He also sounded semi-genuine, so Adelaide pulled herself back up. If she thought about what just happened any longer, she’d either get too embarrassed to show her face or she’d start shaking. Or both. 
When she poked her head out, her vision confirmed what she’d heard. Ian stood extremely close to Nick, so Adelaide had to crane her neck, and she almost fell to the bottom of the pocket while trying to do so. 
So, it was either sit here and stare up at this awkward, uncomfortable, and frankly frightening angle, or climb onto Ian’s shoulder and put herself at a higher risk of being grabbed. 
Ultimately choosing the option that made her look more confident, Adelaide ignored her surroundings and took fistfuls of fabric to hoist herself up. She could actively feel everyone staring at her, but she forced herself to keep going. 
“Sorry,” she wheezed, out of breath, but she couldn’t stand the silence that filled the air while they watched. “I just don’t mix well with cameras. And, um,” she paused to haul herself up the last couple inches and get settled, “no, I’m not his ‘pet’.” Her face scrunched up in disgust with that last word. 
Though she still had to look up, this angle was a bit more doable, so Adelaide forced herself to make eye contact with Nick. She kept twitching as her body tried to warn her about the unfamiliar circumstances, and she hoped nobody noticed. (They did.)
“Right,” Nick said, still full of disbelief. 
Seeing a way out, Ian took over the conversation. “Okay, I’m taking my daughter AND Adelaide out of here. Anyone coming with me, this is actually your last chance to get out.” 
He made his way toward the trailer but was stopped by protests from Sarah and Kelly. Kelly hopped off the car, and both made their way toward Ian. He reflexively angled himself so that Adelaide was furthest away from them. 
“Alright, you can’t just drop something like that and take off!” Sarah said, her face sparking with curiosity. 
“I didn’t - didn’t drop anything,” Ian said as he continued to back toward the trailer. 
While they spoke, Adelaide looked down at Kelly, whose eyes bored into her soul. Adelaide knew she was a good kid, but everything about the girl screamed, “I want to hold the tiny person,” which was unsettling to say the least. At least she was polite enough to not just try. 
Adelaide kept her gaze split between Sarah and Kelly, unsure who looked more eager. Eddie and Nick stayed back by the car. 
“She’s impossible!” Sarah exclaimed. 
“ She is right here, if you’d like to say hello,” Ian said, indicating his shoulder with a slight shrug and forcing Adelaide to do everything in her power not to tumble into his neck.
“Hi,” Kelly whispered, taking Ian’s command literally, but Sarah was beyond hi’s and hello's. 
“What are you? Three – three and a half inches? And where are you from? Pale, layered clothes – well-made for that matter, couldn’t be anywhere warm, and why-” 
The barrage of questions made Adelaide dizzy, and she didn’t like the pressure of having to answer them. If Sarah would even stop asking them, Adelaide wouldn’t know where to start answering. Luckily, Ian interrupted. 
“Sarah - Sarah, I uh, I think Adelaide has been wanting to meet you for a while, and I don’t think she’s too – too keen on answering a bunch of, uh, questions.... right now....” 
“What do you mean?” Sarah asked. 
Adelaide glared up at Ian. Nice one, genius, she thought. She was dreading having to explain that she actually knew who Sarah was because she lives within Ian’s walls and sees and hears everything and privacy is a lie. She was really hoping to avoid that one for now. 
Seeing the struggle on both Ian and Adelaide’s faces, Sarah decided to drop it. There was something more going on there that none of them had time for, so she’d ask later. Probably after they left the island. After a pause, she continued. “Right, sorry. It’s great to meet you, Adelaide.” She gave Adelaide a warm smile that put the borrower at ease. 
“Likewise,” Adelaide said, and she meant it. Despite the circumstances, and despite how bumpy it was, she was happy with their initial introduction. As long as she wasn’t getting grabbed at, it was going to be alright. “And I think I’m just over three inches tall, by the way.” 
Adelaide figured she’d offer some kindness back, and that was a question she could sort-of answer. “I don’t have a way to measure myself, and there's no way I’m letting this one measure me.” She indicated Ian to her left. Sarah laughed. 
Ian faked a laugh. “Haha, alright, well it’s been fun, but maybe we can pick up this conversation on the – on the way home.” That last bit of the sentence was a very pointed plea for Sarah to follow them back to the mainland. 
Ian left it at that and took Kelly’s hand, dragging her into the trailer. Adelaide turned behind them to give Sarah a look that said, what can you do? And then the trailer door closed and it was just the three of them. 
“Dad, are you mad?” Kelly asked. 
“No, I’m not mad, I’m furious!” Then, after taking in the state of the trailer: “What is this? This looks like your room. Clean it up. Now.” 
The trailer truly did look like a food bomb went off, and Adelaide couldn’t help but think about how excellent it would be to borrow in a place like this. Wrappers and food and plenty of hiding spaces – a borrower’s dream. It was a shame it was about to get cleaned up, but as always, Beans looked at things differently. 
Ian busied himself with the technology on the trailer wall, trying to figure out how to work any of it, while Kelly cleaned.
With nothing else to do, Adelaide figured she should engage in conversation. 
“Hey, Kelly,” she said. 
“How do you know my name?” Kelly asked. 
“I uh, I live in your dad’s walls.... That sounds.... really weird, but I’ve been there for a while so.... oh, and also he talks about you a ton.” Adelaide mentally scolded herself for not leading with the second thing. That’s what a child would want to hear. Not that there’s a weird person in their dad’s walls. 
Ian suddenly called out to Eddie, interrupting their conversation and proving he wasn't paying attention. “Eddie, Eddie! There’s a hundred switches!” Adelaide flinched and blinked a couple times, annoyed at the loud noise right next to her ears. She shared a knowing look with Kelly. They both knew how he got when he was frustrated, and they were riding this wave together. 
The trailer door swung open and Sarah barged in. “Ian, don’t be mad. I was gonna call you in a day or two to let you know where I was. I always do, don’t I? I’m the best kind of girlfriend there is. One who travels a lot. You like that, right? You love your independence.” Sarah immediately got to cleaning, and Adelaide felt a little guilty that she couldn’t help out. 
Something in Ian softened. “I’ve gotten used to being apart, but that’s not uh, how I want to live. Kelly, Kelly, this is um, tall talk. Just - just, uh, just for a minute.” He grabbed Kelly’s arm and ushered her away, indicating that he wanted privacy. 
“Tall talk?” Adelaide repeated, offended. 
“You know what I mean,” Ian said. 
“If you want privacy-” Adelaide began, but Sarah interrupted. 
“No, it's okay.” She turned her attention to Ian, and Adelaide got the feeling that she was the least of Sarah’s concerns. “If you wanted to rescue me, why didn’t you bail me out of that museum fundraiser three weeks ago, like you said you would? Or – or why not rescue me from that dinner with your parents that you never showed up for? Why not rescue me when I really need it, actually be there when you say you will? I have made a career out of waiting for you.” 
Adelaide was suddenly very uncomfortable, and not for the usual reasons. She felt like she was intruding on a conversation that needed to be private, and though she wasn’t sure where she was supposed to go, she knew she probably shouldn’t be on Ian’s shoulder for this. Again, she offered to leave.  “Seriously, I can go somewhere else, if you want. I don’t think I should-” 
“No, no, Adelaide, it’s fine. Really,” Sarah said distractedly. Again, Sarah turned her attention to Ian, and again, Adelaide got the feeling she was the least of Sarah’s concerns. Part of her was relieved that Sarah felt comfortable enough to have this conversation in front of her, but another part wondered if it was because Sarah thought she wasn’t intelligent enough to understand what was going on. Probably not, but it was hard not to think that way. 
“I know what I’m doing,” Sarah continued. “You guys should definitely go, but I’m going to stay. I love you. I just don’t need you right now.” 
Adelaide thought Ian might actually back down, which was practically unheard of, but stubbornness prevailed. “What you need is a good anti-psychotic.” 
“What bothers me is I’m not afraid of this place, and you are,” Sarah argued. 
“Of course I am! That’s the whole thing!” 
“If I may-” Adelaide interrupted. 
“You may not,” Ian shot back. 
Adelaide did not like that, so she tried again. “ If I may , Sarah, I get it. I get how he is-” 
“I’m right here,” Ian interjected. 
“-and I get that you’re smart and capable and strong and everything, but I was at Jurassic Park, too. And I also get that I’m not like, a dinosaur expert or anything, obviously, but I’ve spent my life evading predators.” Adelaide neglected to mention that those predators were Humans. 
She grew twitchy the longer she talked. The longer she talked, the longer she held Sarah’s attention, and she felt completely under qualified to say what she was saying. Who was she to tell a Bean about danger? But maybe she could get through to Sarah where Ian could not. “These things are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, and no matter how well prepared you are, it’s not enough. I know I can’t convince you to leave. I mean, we just met, kind of, but I need you to know that Ian isn’t just being protective. It’s really dangerous out there.” 
Sarah’s eyes softened. “I appreciate the concern, really, but I’m a big girl. We’ve taken all the necessary precautions, and it’ll only be a couple days.” 
A rumbling shook the ground, followed by the sound of machinery. 
“What’s that sound?” Kelly asked, apparently having gone nowhere.
They all ran outside. Adelaide clung to Ian’s shirt and blinked in the sunlight to see a bunch of planes flying through the sky. Ian waved to get their attention, hoping they could provide a ride to the mainland since he couldn’t figure out the trailer radio. 
Eddie, who was looking through binoculars, added insight. “I don’t get it. It says InGen on the side of that chopper. Why would Hammond send two teams?” 
“Doesn’t he trust us? We haven’t started!” Sarah complained. 
At the same time, Adelaide and Ian realized what was going on. They thought back to their time at Hammond’s mansion, and how he explained that his nephew, Peter, intended to exploit Site B. This wasn’t a team sent by Hammond. It was sent by Peter Ludlow, and this meant they were not alone on the island. This meant they were staying for the foreseeable future, and there were going to be more Beans joining them, guaranteed to be hostile.
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I have no idea what I require but I want you to provide ahahah
dealers choice of fics?
Hey Lovely!!
OOOOOHHH!!! This is FANTASTIC because I have 5 lists that are ready-to-post but I don't have asks for, so letting me pick which list I want to post is a rare treat that I would love more of!! <3 Thank you so much!
Hmmm... Newcomer fics, John POV or Sherlock POV fics? Hmmm.
Since there's been an uptick requests for H/C with John fics, let's do that one :)
See also:
POV John First/Second Person Pt. 1
POV John 3rd Person Pt 1: Fluff, Humour & PWP
POV Sherlock 1st & 2nd Person
POV Sherlock 3rd Person Pt. 1: Fluff
POV Sherlock 3rd Person Pt 2: Hurt/Comfort & Whump
Promises Kept by grannysknitting (K+, 844 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG, John POV, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Sherlock’s Violin, Worried Sherlock, John Whump) – When they were in hospital, Sherlock made a promise to himself. Now he's keeping it. Set after 'Polygamous Marriage' but before 'Back in the Saddle'
You Lead, I Lead, You Follow, I Follow by BrighteyedJill (M, 862 w., 1 Ch. || Fever, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Sherlock’s Violin) – John wakes up after a chase gone wrong to find Sherlock watching over him, but he’s a little hazy on the details.
Concussions And Good Old Fashioned Awkwardness by Belldere (K+, 894 w. || Humour, Hospitals, Mild John Whump, Misunderstandings, Platonic Relationship, Concussions, Not-Gay John, Possessive Sherlock) – When John lands himself in hospital... again, all he wants is to just get out of there as soon as possible, too bad his doctor has other ideas about where John may be getting his injuries. Good thing concussions make everything strangely funnier.
The Four Incidents by TheGirlWithRedHair22 (K+, 1,064 w., 1 Ch. || S1 Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, John Whump, Accident, John POV, Hand Holding, Worried Sherlock, Sherlock’s Self Esteem) – The first time John was present when someone insulted Sherlock, he brushed it off as a strange coincidence.
Black Cars by johnsarmylady (T, 1,186 w., 5 Ch. || Post-TRF, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, 221B Ficlet) – John is getting on with his life...if only he didn't see black cars everywhere! A short Post Reichenbach tale in 221B style in 5 parts.
Sleep Tonight by Jenn1984 (T, 1,220 w, 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Bed Sharing, Worried Sherlock, Sick John, Hugs/Cuddles, Touch Neediness) – Fingers begin prying open his jacket looking for a wound and John would really like to swat at them. No, he's not hit anywhere, he's just damn sick.- John Watson has a fever.
Hallucinations can't open doors by Bespectacled dreamer (K+, 1,330 w., 1 Ch. || Reunion, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Hallucinations, John’s Wedding, Light Humour) – In which John gets married and Sherlock gets a broken nose. 
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w., 1 Ch. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
They're Taking My Wisdom by whitchry9 (K+, 1,939 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Drugging, Dentists, Friendship, Anxious Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock goes to the dentist. Of course, being Sherlock, things have to be complicated. Oh and drugs. They're always fun.
A Room of One's Own by whitchry9(K+, 2,174 w., 5 Ch. || S2 Timeline, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Coma, John Whump, Worried Sherlock, POV John, Angst, Friendship/Bromance, Hospital) – When a severe head injury lands John in a coma, somehow he ends up in Sherlock's mind palace. It's actually pretty nice there, and John is entertaining the notion of staying there, rather than returning to his broken body. But Sherlock isn't taking it as well, and John can feel him breaking around him.
The Many Faces of Concern by sdrawkcabemdaer5 (K+, 2,473 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Angsty Fluff, John Whump, Mildly Clueless / Guilty Sherlock) – John is injured on a case, leading to some surprising reactions and discoveries about their friendship.
Those Days by StillWaters1 (T, 2,663 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD / Sensory Attacks, Caring Sherlock) – If Sherlock had danger nights, then these were John's danger days.
Not My Proudest Moment by charlock221 (K, 2,695 w., 1 Ch. || Lunar New Year, Mild PTSD / Panic Attack, Coping Mechanisms, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – John tries his best not to get in the way of Sherlock's cases, but when the vivid noises of fireworks unnerve his senses and begin to bring back unwanted memories of Afghanistan, he cannot help but to hope Sherlock will notice and help him before things go too far.
As You Wish by PipMer (K, 3,311 w., 1 Ch. || Bromance/Pre-Slash/Epic Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Hospitals) – When John woke from his coma, he wasn't at all surprised to see the wrong Holmes brother sitting at his bedside. Disappointed, but not surprised. 
The Dangers of Dating by verityburns (T, 3,325 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Case Fic, No Slash, John Whump, 3G, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock and John acquire a new client... with a very unusual problem.
The Sound of Silence by Dubbers (T, 3,593 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF Hiatus, Reunion) – After Sherlock's fall, John loses the ability to talk. Three years later, Sherlock is back.
Water Is Another Matter by cathedral_carver (T, 3,903 w., 1 Ch. || Sick Fic, Pining, First Kiss, Heat Wave) – He thinks it’s in trouble, his poor heart.
Bitter Nights Turned Sweet by Hyliare (T, 4,076 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Insomnia/Hallucinations, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, POV Present Tense John Watson, Cuddling/Snuggling) – Sherlock has always had trouble sleeping; he hasn't always had someone in his life willing to help.
Trapped and Upside Down on the M6 by BootsnBlossoms (E, 4,256 w., 1 Ch. || Whump, Car Accident, Hurt / Comfort) – Everything felt wrong. His hair was going the wrong way. His arms were bent in ways he wouldn’t choose to bend them. His neck hurt and he couldn’t really feel his toes. Something was dripping on his face – and rolling up. A car crash. He had been in a car crash.
Between Asleep and Awake by katydidit (K, 4,309 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Sick Fic, Post-TRF / Reunion) – John is sick. Incredibly, extremely, dangerously sick. Plagued by a high fever, he begins to hallucinate, start seeing things that aren't really there. Because they can't be there. Can they?
Carry On by Mazarin221b (M, 4,647 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Hurt/Comfort, Afghanistan, Frottage, Hand Jobs, First Time) – Five times John didn't want to be carried, and one time he did.
Welcome Home, John by slashscribe (G, 5,504 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S3, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Awkwardness, Stabbed Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Panic Attack (Sherlock), Self Esteem Issues, Love Confessions, First Kiss) – When John moves back to 221B, he thinks he’s the broken one, but after a while, it becomes clear that he might not be correct.
Nothing Quite So Spectacular by Kerkerian-Horizon (K+, 5,762 w. || Drama, Hurt / Comfort, Post-TRF) – How John Watson grieves after Sherlock Holmes' alleged suicide, and what happens when the detective returns home. Set post-Reichenbach, two parts.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: John Watson, RELATIONSHIP: Saint by blueink3 (M, 6,229 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt Sherlock, 5+1, Hurt/Comfort) – The first time Sherlock Holmes realizes he needs an emergency contact is the first time he mentally appoints John Watson with the job. John, of course, does not know this and neither does the local hospital. Part 2 of The Emergency Contact Series
Victim, Bait, Hero, Friend by KimberlyTheOwl (T, 7,887 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG Epilogue, Angst, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Past Kidnapping / Torture / Implied Rape, Panic Attacks, Worried / Possessive Sherlock, Lestrade is a Good Friend) – Some insights into why John was perfectly willing to throw everything away for a chance to kill Moriarty at the pool. Trauma, ugliness, and finally healing. Some nice supporting work by Lestrade as well.
Beyond the Vow by tunteeton (M, 8,994 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending, Post-S3, Explosions, Mary is Good-ish?, 3G, Infant Death) – Being a sociopath was never this emotionally exhausting. 
The River Variations by withoutawish (T, 11,619 w., 1 Ch. || Soulmates, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Three Garridebs, Romance, Light Case Fic, Near Death Experience, Angst and Fluff, Dark Humour) – John Watson never knew that he wanted a ‘no toast in the mornings’ normal until he realized what an honor it is to be destroyed by Sherlock Holmes.
Where the Sun Never Shines by teahigh (T, 11,634 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, PTSD, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sex) – John is a mess. Sherlock can't fix him, but he tries. That's good enough, John thinks.
I See You Through by belovedmuerto (T, 12,078 w., 8 Ch. || Psychic AU || Empath John, Alternate TGG, Whump, Nightmares, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn, Pre-Slash) – John has never asked Sherlock about his past, his childhood, the reason he quails in lonely misery almost every time he sees his brother. He’s never needed to. Part 2 of An Experiment in Empathy
A Brand of Gold by aquabelacqua (M, 12,757 w., 1 Ch. || Mutual Pining, POV John, Phone Sex, Texting, Masturbation, Long Distance, Drunk Texting) – What am I doing? he wondered. The answer came back at once:  Flirting. He let the vital, missing piece snap into place as surely and as cleanly as if it had always been there. He was flirting with Sherlock Holmes.
Understanding by rizandace (T, 13,268 w., 15 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Worried Sherlock, John Whump Then Sherlock Whump) – Sherlock's hiding something about his newest case, and John wants answers. Set post-TGG. Friendship fic, mostly, with brief entrances from Harry and Lestrade just for fun.
The Palmyra Atoll by elwinglyre (E, 16,609 w., 3 Ch. || TSo3 Divergence / Episode Fix-It, Stockholm Syndrome, Kidnapped John Watson, John Whump, Evil Mary, Angst, Cuddling & Snuggling, Toplock, Limited 3rd John POV) – As John's preparing for the wedding, Sherlock is preparing to have his heart broken, and Mary is prepared to do the unthinkable. Intervention required. Enter Sherlock. Set before Sign of Three with a far different outcome. John is drugged, kidnapped, and left on an island, but not just any old island.
I Will Take Care Of You by SailorChibi (T, 16,664 w., 15 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Sick Sherlock, BAMF John, BAMF Lestrade, Reunion Fic) – Two years after Sherlock's death, John comes to find him on the sofa. Wounded and ill, Sherlock is convinced he's hallucinating and refuses to share any details about Moran or the fact that Mycroft has been compromised. That doesn't stop John from stepping up and taking care of the last of Moriarty's web, BAMF-style.
Best of Three by SilentAuror (E, 17,473 w., 1 Ch. || POV John, John is Shot, Porn with Feels, Post HLV, Rimming, Denial, Anal) – “You want to have sex with me,” Sherlock announces one evening about a year after John's divorce. John's vigorous denial sparks a three-day wager wherein Sherlock is determined to prove his point, and John is determined to hold onto his heterosexuality. Set well after HLV. (Canon-compliant). PORN. With feels.
John Watson doesn't have a Boyfriend by naughtyspirit (E, 18,932 w., 7 Ch. || UST / URT, Fluff & Smut, Voyeurism, Masturbation) – John's date has gone very well. Sherlock requires tea. John wishes he hadn't resolved that their relationship was strictly hands off and isn't about to address it.Unless he has to. Smut, fluff and shower time for a naked John Watson.
Rupert Street by WritingOutLoud (M, 27,262 w., 9 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || Case Fic, Sexuality, Demisexual Sherlock, Drugging, Smart John, Sherlock Has Internalized Biphobia, Fluff, Angst with Happy Ending, Gay Bar, Flirting, John Manipulates Sherlock to Eat, John Deduces, Arguments, Kidnapping/Torture, Hospitalization, John Whump) – Discharged from the war with nothing but the clothes on his back and a realisation of his bisexuality, John Watson has to learn who he’s become. He can’t afford London on an army pension, but the city is the only friend he has. In an effort to understand his newfound queer identity, he heads to a bar one night, where he stumbles across a mysterious stranger who turns his life upside down. ‘I dug around inside myself, and I'm not quite sure what I found, but it was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.’
Vena Cava by SilentAuror (E, 27,452 w., 1 Ch. || HLV Fix-It, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Infidelity) – Sherlock has been shot in the chest; John has been shot in the heart. Though everything is broken, they do their best to heal the wounds that Mary left on them both.
Silhouettes by allonsys_girl (E, 28,585 w., 7 Ch. || Canon Compliant, POV John, Heavy Drinking, Sad/Depressed John, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reunion, Foot Jobs, Blow Jobs, Infidelity, Cheating, Drug Use/Abuse, Anal, Switchlock, Rimming, Parentlock) – Sherlock and John find comfort in each other's arms, but as ever with these two, it's not your typical relationship. It's fluffy at the beginning, gets deeply angsty in the middle, gets porny at the end.
Darkling, I Listen by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 73,254 w., 8 Ch. || Fairy Tale AU || Loosely Based on Beauty and the Beast, Magical Realism, Suicidal Themes, Romance, Creepiness, Adventure) – No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse... Part 1 of Darkling I Listen + Extras, Deleted Scenes
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets,  Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w., 18 Ch. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w., 26 Ch. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Dubious Consent, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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angelofrainfrogs · 4 months
Into the Pit: Ch. 3
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: He should be in the Daycare. 
Gregory emerges from the ball pit to find not the bright, rainbow room he’s accustomed to, but a house with a huge backyard and a kiddie pool of plastic “water.” Calling for Gregory is a familiar voice—Michael. Only this time it’s not Charlie or Freddy by his side, but someone completely new. And why do they insist on calling him their son?
Gregory soon comes to realize this existence is vastly different from anything he remembers. Perhaps these last few weeks at the Pizzaplex have all been a dream…?
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
Thankfully, Gregory was pulled from his reverie as Jeremy posed a very important question.
“So,” the blonde started, running his thumb on the outside of Michael's palm while he spoke. “Are we doing pizza at Freddy's again tonight? Or are we going home for food?”
“Pizza...?” Gregory echoed, chasing away intrusive and betraying thoughts of unreality.
“Pizza it is, then,” Michael confirmed, meeting Gregory's gaze in the rearview mirror with a smile. The boy was being quieter than usual, a far-off look in his eyes that Mike hadn't seen in a while. He was thinking about something—likely that too-real dream he had that left him totally off-kilter for the day.
“...You know what?” Mike quirked an eyebrow, his mouth widening into a sly grin. “I think this day calls for a kitchen-sink-slush—provided we can keep out of Sam's sight. He hates it when we 'waste product' like that...”
The last part was said in a slightly mocking tone, though it was all in jest as evidenced by the twinkle in his eye. Despite Sam's reservations about raiding the soda machines to make the deadly concoction, he was always willing to turn a blind eye if the situation really called for it. Today was certainly one of those days—one mention of Gregory having bad dreams, and Mike knew Sam would straight up disable the kitchen cameras if needed so he didn't have to see his stock depleted.
Meeting Gregory's slightly confused gaze in the mirror again, Michael asked: “What do you think, Greg? Feel like rotting your teeth out with sugar today?”
Gregory perked up, very, very interested in the name alone. He met Jeremy's quick gaze in the rear-view mirror before the older man focused back on the road.
“It's been so long—how does that sound, kid?” Jeremy asked, trying hype up their son for what would be a fun trip to the Pizzaplex. Especially if the cousins were there with their parents. The only issue was finding parking on a Saturday...
“Hell yeah!” Gregory said, grasping the little musical robot on his shoulder and clipping the new friend to his belt for safekeeping.
“—Heck yeah, Greg. Come on, man.” Jer laughed. He was just glad to see Gregory coming out of the funky mood; it was hard to seriously scold the kid when he was having a fun time. After squinting at the full Pizzaplex parking lot, Jeremy glanced sidelong at his husband. “Is it right—morally—to park in the employees’ spots on my day off?”
“Jer, we practically live here,” Michael pointed out dryly. “I don't think we're gonna get in trouble with the boss if we take up a space. Plus, look—my father's already done it.”
Sure enough, there was William's bright car two spots over from them. The man himself was nowhere to be found, already wandering through the massive mall in search of his family or old business partner. Though he wasn't technically employed by the Pizzaplex, he and Henry were considered lifetime members—meaning they could do pretty much whatever they wanted. William certainly took advantage of this fact, to the great annoyance of his eldest.
With a little shake of his head, Mike unbuckled himself and hopped out before moving to open Gregory's door, snagging his hand when he exited as well. Locking up the vehicle, Jeremy was quick to join Gregory's other side, completing a three-person circuit with their son in the middle. As one they stepped through the sliding doors and entered the air-conditioned lobby of the Pizzaplex, keeping their eyes peeled for friends and family among the hundreds of guests milling about.
Everything was... the same. The decorations and vintage style décor that Gregory was familiar with graced his vision, bright neons calling out and dividing his attention every which way.
Getting through the lobby was a lot for him. Many kids were trying to get their admission stamps and parents, tired but patient, were attempting to reign in their hyperactive excitement. Gregory squeezed onto both his dads’ hands, finding himself saying honestly: “I hate crowds.”
“I know, bud. We'll be through the doors in a second! You're doing really well!” Jeremy encouraged. Since starting therapy, the constant encouragement was helping Gregory’s attitude and the way he coped in stressful situations. Reaching out, Jeremy pushed open the door and held it for his family to pass on through and into the atrium.
“Sam's gotta be in his office with all this going on,” Jeremy remarked, knowing Sam well enough at this point to correctly assume he’d leave the customer interactions up to Charlie and the Glamrocks.
Meanwhile, down by Rockstar Row, Charlie was in fact helping out with the customers. Parents didn't realize that you don't come into the Daycare and openly berate the attendant in front of the General Manager. Since taking up customer relations, she'd found that being more assertive came more naturally to her.
It did help when you had a 7 foot tall Moon-Man standing behind you for back up, though.
“Ma'am, we don't use excessive language like that here. If you can't behave properly in the Daycare, you're banned! That's it. Please sign the release form for your child and—”
“No! This is bullshit! I want my money back for the hour they spent here,” the irate patron argued. Charlie wished she could ban the woman from even existing at all, but that wasn't something she was about to say in front of other customers. “You can't possibly be the General Manager with that attitude, missy! Find me the real one so I can have him can your ass!”
Charlie bit her tongue hard, managing a decently straight face until she saw the familiar shape of the Fitz-Afton family heading towards the Daycare.
“Hm, he's off the clock. But I'm sure he'd love to speak with you. Mr. Fitz-Afton! Some assistance, please?” Charlie called, hating to do this on his day off.
Gregory squinted hard. Did he need glasses or was that lady... Charlie?!
She was older, certainly. Her big eyes still held that youthful countenance Gregory knew and loved, though her face had lengthened and thinned out with age. Honestly, he might not’ve recognized her were it not for her clothes. Despite being theme-appropriate for the Pizzaplex, the tomboyish style was something he could have seen her wear in his dream.
“Ooh, look—trouble already.” Though Michael’s words indicated annoyance, his face showed that he was fired up. No one was rude to Charlie on his watch. He smiled down at Gregory and released him, tone cheery as he cracked his knuckles. “Be right back!”
Michael didn't like conflict by any means. He simply found that sometimes it was easier to handle people with the curt edge that only his father could've raised him with. Stepping up next Charlie, he gave her a nod of acknowledgement as he turned a suddenly-cold smile on the irate mother. “Hello, ma'am—what seems to be the problem?”
“Oh, for god's sake—I'm not going to explain it again! I just want my damn money back!” the woman hissed, and from the darkness behind him Mike heard a little tut of discomfort.
“She's in quite the mood, Michael... such naughty language near all these impressionable little ears,” Moon muttered softly. Holding his hand was the woman's daughter, standing half in the dim light of the pick-up area and looking very upset.
“Well, I'm sorry our services weren't to your satisfaction,” Michael continued easily, his smile showing far too many teeth. Taking the release form from Charlie's hand, he held it out again. “As my General Manager told you, unfortunately you've been banned from the Daycare for use of foul language. In any event, no refunds are offered unless proven neglect or injury occurs on our end, which doesn't seem to be the case here. Please sign the release form—”
“Oh, fuck this!”
In a fit of rage the woman smacked the clipboard out of Michael's hands, sending it clattering across the floor. A blanket of silence settled over the Daycare, save for the bright, ambient music that played in the background during opening hours.
“...Charlie—” Michael began, the friendly mask now completely gone. “—can you please radio security and ask which of our Glamrock friends is closest and available? We need a guest escort.”
Oh no—she did not just smack the clipboard out of Michael Fitz-Afton’s hand. With the speed of one of those sharpshooting cowboys in an old spaghetti western, Charlie flipped a walkie-talkie from her belt and spoke into it.
“Any band members nearby? We need security by Superstar Daycare. We've got a Karen,” she said calmly, watching as the nuclear reactors melted down inside the mother's head. The rage was only being held back by a very thin shred of awareness as Michael's far too friendly smile had dropped into an instantly pissed off demeanor. Charlie loved it when he did that, even if it admittedly creeped her out. It always took people off-guard and their reactions made up for an otherwise stressful day.
Over the radio, there was an immediate response from the toughest girl in the mall. Roxy growled over the static: “You in trouble Charlie? Monty and I are at the end of Rockstar Row!”
Gregory balled his free hand into a fist. Getting ready to watch the Glamrocks fight some rude Mom would be a great way to start the day off. Jeremy hated these sort of parents as much as the next guy, but watching it all go down was not something he liked doing—especially with his own impressionable kid at his hip. All he ever did was think of how rough it must be for the child to watch their parents have a meltdown when they couldn't admit they were in the wrong.
“Nuts to this, Greg; let's not watch this. It might get messy,” he advised, much to his son's chagrin.
“But they're gonna beat her up!” Gregory protested, making his dad roll his eyes good-naturedly while he chose to escort his son just a little farther away.
“Right—well when they start putting wrestling moves on her, I don't want Monty tagging you in,” he teased back. The woman didn't like the idea of being kicked out with force, and was half-inclined to start filming with her phone before Roxy and Monty came stomping over.
“Alright—” Roxy huffed, making sure her mane was tied back in a loose pony tail since people have on rare occasion grabbed for her and pulled locks of well-groomed hair from her synthetic scalp. A scan and a quick profile search in, and Roxy was quick to demand that: “Veronica? You and your daughter Mandy have to come with us to the exit now. You're on temporary ban for the next seven days.”
“Oh, shut up!” Veronica exclaimed, though her demeanor was noticeably shaky as she stared up at the huge robots with far too many teeth.
“I’d listen to them if I were you,” Michael advised, all traces of a smile gone as he crossed his arms over his chest. “These two are not very patient when it comes to rowdy parents…”
“Y-You can’t touch me!” the woman insisted as the animatronics took a step closer in unison. “I’ll sue—”
“I can’t, but they can—as our security system, they’re programmed to remove threats. And you, ma’am, have just used physical violence against me and are now considered a danger to the other patrons.” Michael shrugged; it was as simple as that. He was tired now and just wanted to spend some quality time with his family. With a lazy wave of his hand, he instructed: “Monty, will you please remove this woman from the premises? Roxy, take her daughter out as well.”
“You got it, Mike!” the gator bellowed, wasting no time in grabbing the woman—carefully, as his programming made it 98% impossible to cause accidental harm to humans and 100% impossible to cause intentional damage—and hoisting her to rest over a shoulder pad. She’d be relatively comfortable if she wasn’t literally kicking and screaming. Monty simply held firm, his tail swaying to counterbalance the angry woman’s thrashing.
“Alright, little moonbeam, it’s time to go with Miss Roxy now,” Moon said in that hushed, gravelly voice. He too hated children seeing their parents act up, but sometimes it was unavoidable. With gentle prompting, he passed the tiny girl over to the wolf, who was quick to take her hand in Moon’s stead.
“Okay, sweetie! We’ll be outside in no time!” Roxy promised, whisking her away while attempting to make the girl smile. It was always hard letting these kids go with people who themselves acted like children. There was nothing more she could do, though. Roxy wasn’t programmed to be a permanent caretaker, after all.
Charlie was thankful for Mike’s intervention, though hated that no one believed the woman when she asserted her title as General Manager. Resting her tried forehead against his shoulder, Charlie sighed in relief. “Thank you! That lady was a nightmare!”
Luckily the nightmare customers were few and far between. She then saw Jeremy on the approach with one of her favorite kids, and Charlie’s stressed expression instantly flipped to one of happiness.
“Are we doing family day?!” she asked, a little spark of the young Charlie that Gregory knew peeking through the wisdom-aged glint in her eyes. “You guys picked a good day! Evan’s hanging out with Sam and Dad in the office.”
“Sweet! You feel like taking a break and joining us?” Jeremy asked, ready to convince her—but after that interaction, Charlie didn’t need to be swayed and responded with an eager nod before he finished his sentence.
“Perfect!” Michael exclaimed, his smile easy-going and content. “Yeah, I asked Liz and Evan to meet us here. My dad’s wandering around too, though by now he’s either found Henry or is horribly lost again.”
“Uncle Will? Getting lost? What—no, he has the mind of steel-trap remember?” Charlie snickered, drawing a chortle from Jeremy at the wild things they’d quote William saying.
Will’s ability to go anywhere in the Pizzaplex came at a cost: the building was so massive compared to any prior Fazbear establishment, it was easy to take a wrong turn in the employee hallways and end up in some liminal-feeling back room. It didn’t happen that often nowadays, though Mike would still get the occasional call from his dad while on duty to:
“Hurry the hell up and get me out of here, Michael! I’m not getting any younger…”
This thought tangent made Mike let out a snort, though he shook his head at the other’s questioning gazes and began walking towards Sam’s office. He made sure to keep Gregory’s hand securely in his own the whole time.
“Bye, Moon!” he called as the group made their exit through the darkly-lit area.
“Bye everyone; thank you, ehehehe,” the lanky animatronic cackled, paying special mind to the younger boy. “Good to see you, Gregory!”
Ah, the good old Daycare attendant. They didn't seem out of the ordinary with their mannerisms. Same with Roxy and Monty—from the short glimpse Gregory had been able to get, they’d seemed like their normal selves.
“Bye Moon! I'll hang out with you later!” he replied. Who knew—maybe the more talkative Sun could help fill in the gaps of his memory.
The closer the group drew to the office, the harder Gregory clung to them. Although outwardly he was smiling and content, the boy held reservations. What else was different from what he remembered? It wasn’t necessarily the changes, but the uncertainty of it all that bothered him the most.
Charlie hadn't bothered knocking, letting herself into the office and holding open the door to Sam's little executive clubhouse and personal workspace. Her and Michael's fathers were sitting at the workbench in the corner, playing cards and drinking from short, clear glasses. Relaxing at the couch was a severely-less stressed looking Samuel. Even the grey streaks in his hair seemed minimal from the last time Gregory saw him. Now that Charlie resembled her real age, Gregory could see why they were twins.
“Oh no, not these guys!” Samuel groaned teasingly, getting up to come and greet the rest of the family. Seeing Sam this energetic almost gave Gregory whiplash.
“Yup, trouble has officially arrived!” Mike announced, releasing Gregory to hook an arm around Sam’s neck and give him a noogie. While Sammy fought off his old friend, another familiar-yet-new face came up to meet them.
“Hi, Jeremy!” Evan greeted warmly, going for the blonde first since his biological brother was preoccupied. His face really hadn’t changed much from when he was a kid—it was a bit thinner and covered in laugh lines like the others', but putting him and Gregory next to each other would still show an uncanny resemblance.
After giving his brother-in-law a hug, Evan knelt down in front of Greg with a soft smile. If there was anyone who understood the boy’s emotional intricacies, it was the man who’d cried at his own shadow when he was a kid. 
“Hey, mini-me!” Evan chuckled in that same soft tone Gregory knew, just deepened a bit with age. He held out his arms, always offering a hug but never offended if it wasn’t reciprocated, a wide grin crinkling the corners of his dark brown eyes. “How’s my faaaavorite nephew today?”
Gregory was almost speechless. This was... Evan?! Aged by forty-odd years and taller than he ever expected the kid to get if he was alive.
Of course he was alive. Shit, that dream had really messed with Gregory’s head.
Gregory fell forward and gave Evan the biggest squeeze around the shoulders he could. No longer were they the Pizzaplex twins, but uncle and nephew. Burying his face into Evan's shoulder, Gregory realized that even if this all was some manner of strange hallucination, he was glad to be in a reality where everyone was living.
“I'm so much better now,” he said with confidence. Everyone was happy and safe; it was something he never thought he’d see. Over Evan's shoulder, Gregory watched as William folded down his cards and quickly batted Henry playfully on the arm.
“You're cheating, Hen—where's the cards in your sleeve? You can't use my own tricks on me!” William could be heard saying over his own laughter as he patted down Henry's sleeves for extra cards on his person.
Sam was put in a helpless headlock, struggling to break free from Michael's grip as Charlie watched on, laughing at the two goons she'd spent her entire life with. You'd think after so many years she'd grow tired of Sam and Michael always trying to one-up each other with their wrestling moves. Yet here she was, still giggling like it was backyard wrestling at the Aftons’ in '83.
Gregory closed his eyes, unsure if he wanted to let go of Evan just yet, gripped by an emotion he seldom felt. It was a complete feeling. Like, for once, everything was right with the world.
As Jeremy recognized the long look in his gaze, he warned Evan: “Uh-oh; he's not gonna let go of you now, you know.”
To which Gregory went back and hid his face in Evan's arm. Something Jeremy found so dang cute.
“That’s fine with me!” Evan replied with a chuckle. He had no idea what happened this morning, but it was clear the kid had been spooked. He wasn’t usually this clingy… not that Evan minded in the slightest. Still—
“Although at some point you’re gonna have to fight the triplets off,” he remarked, his eyes growing softer at their mention. Finally done pestering Sam, Michael had tuned into the conversation at just the right time.
“Oh, are they here?!” he asked with a grin. “How’s Kelley doing, by the way?”
Evan’s little triplets just turned seven and were the light of his life, not to mention a top highlight of everyone else’s. Two boys and one girl made the house he shared with his wife Kelley buzz with energy—and it was about to get even livelier with another kid on the way.
“Yes they are, and she’s doing great,” Evan replied brightly, standing up when Gregory finally released him. He didn’t move though, putting a hand on Gregory’s head as comforting reassurance for whatever the kid was going through. “Cassidy’s actually with them right now since Kel picked up a last-minute shift—last I heard she was trying to wrangle them into Mazercise.”
Kelley was only a few months along, so she was still able to perform her job as an NP in a small clinic. She was one of the top practitioners, which meant she was often called in to cover shifts when others couldn’t. If not for his best friend stepping in as surrogate aunt when Liz wasn’t around, Evan didn’t know what he’d do…
“We’ll have to stop by and see them later!” Mike promised. When his gaze shifted to Gregory, the boy’s face yet again showed immense confusion. This time he was trying to hide it, but he wasn’t as good at that as he thought he was—not to his dads, at least.
Gregory had caught Michael’s worried glance and tried quickly to wipe the look of surprise off his face. Four kids… Four? Maybe even more if Evan had another set of multiples.
Gregory was still confused beyond a doubt, but at least the sad boy he met in the basement of the Pizzaplex seemed to be doing pretty well these days. These weren’t just any kids Evan had, either—they were apparently Gregory’s cousins, too. His family was suddenly way bigger than it was before, with more members to expect on the way. He had an Aunt Kelley, and Cassidy was still in their lives, apparently unable to leave Evan alone even without the entrapment of their shared Fredbear tomb.
“Where is Liz, anyway?” Gregory decided to ask, figuring it was normal to question while he tried his hardest not to appear lost in the verbal sauce.
“She’s in her little workshop—you know how we’re trying to get an extension on the mall? Liz is drawing up designs for the Glamrock Circus characters,” Sam revealed, knowing the upcoming secret project was safe in this room.
“I don’t know why you kids want to keep bringing back the 80’s. You all were so eager to get out of that era, and now you can’t leave it alone…,” William voiced, sorting the cards while looking to Henry to see if he agreed. Surely he wasn’t the only one who remembered how fast they all wanted to grow up.
“Much as I hate to admit, Will’s got a point,” Henry conceded, smiling gently even as his leg was kicked under the table and he returned the gesture tenfold. “I think it’s the nostalgia factor.”
“Hey, we might’ve been annoying kids, but we were happy for the most part,” Michael laughed, nudging Evan to make him agree.
“Mm, for the most part,” he hummed, giving Mike a knowing look. There’d been a short period of time where Michael fell in with the wrong crowd as a teen and bullied Evan near-relentlessly… but one day he came to his senses, ditched his “friends” and apologized to his brother for being such a shithead, and the rest was history. Even so, Evan never quite let Mike live that unfortunate part of their lives down—though nowadays it was only spoken of in teasing reminiscence.
Michael Afton could never be so mean.
“You should go see her—I’m sure Lizzie needs a break!” Henry encouraged, glancing up from the table after slapping a card down and grinning at Will’s outraged cry.
“I’ll go with you!” Evan volunteered, raising one hand while ruffling Gregory’s hair with the other. “Might as well track down those little rascals afterwards before they or Cassidy lose their minds…”
“Oh, please; Cas already lost that years ago,” Charlie reminded the group. The pair hadn't always been on the best of terms as kids, but after realizing they’d be in each other’s lives for the foreseeable future the girls were able to work through their differences. “June should be hanging out with them in Mazercise. You better go say hi.”
Charlie said it like a warning, but the smile in her eyes let Gregory know it wasn't so imperative. Gregory knew at this point he would have to start responding to these things. Michael and Jeremy were growing increasingly more aware that something strange was going on with him, and Gregory didn't want to raise anymore alarm bells.
“Is it cool if we both get sodas?” he asked, thinking a more neutral answer was safe for now.
Charlie, not suspecting much, told him: “Sure! You brought your Best Friend Card right? If you didn't, I've got some cash—”
“No worries Charlie! I've got Gregory's card,” Jeremy interjected. Always prepared, he dug into his beat up old wallet and pulled out Gregory's all-access pass.
“Anyone else coming with?” Michael question. He met Jeremy’s gaze, eyes twinkling playfully. “Besides you, of course—I’m stuck with you.”  
Jeremy matched the grin to a tee, replying in a rather smug tone. “You couldn't get rid of me for over 20 years, dude; of course you're stuck with me. Also, I hid the receipt.”
“I've got payroll to do—plus babysitting these guys,” Sam responded to Michael’s question, nodding to the men playing cards behind him.
When Gregory glanced over, William had smoothly produced two aces from the same sleeve and entered them into his hand before tossing his cards down on the table along with Henry. It almost worked—but Henry had four aces.
“See? You're cheating. I knew it!” William exclaimed, and it was hard to tell if his fury was genuine or not.
“Dad…” Evan couldn’t help but sigh, knowing it pointless to mention they were both clearly cheating in increasingly obvious ways. Especially when Henry responded with a jovial:
“Takes one to know one, buddy!”
—which started a squabbling argument that neither of the old fogies was ever going to win.
“Right… well, you have fun with that, Sammy,” Michael said with a grin, patting his friend on the back. After a second, Mike perked up as he remembered something. “Oh, you wanted us to check out Freddy after his new software update, right? I’m guessing he’s in his room—we’ll stop by sometime today and give you a report.”
“I’d do it sooner than later,” Henry piped up, stalling the argument over cards for a moment. “Bonnie’s been getting on my poor children’s cases about his friend being MIA, and I don’t want any of them to blow a gasket…”
Evan tried to put on a sympathetic face, though he couldn’t help but snicker at the mental image of smoke pouring out of Sam and Charlie’s ears from frustration at the overly-attentive bunny.
Michael chuckled as well. “Alright, we can swing by after we visit Liz.” He glanced down at Gregory and gave his hand a little squeeze. “Sound good, kiddo?”
“Yeah! I need to talk to Freddy anyway,” Gregory told them. It probably wasn't out of the ordinary for Gregory to want to see the bear regularly; clearly, Freddy was his favorite character regardless of circumstance.
Gregory tugged lightly on Michael’s arm to get him moving. Feeling Jeremy bump into his side as well, he decided to take his other dad’s hand in his and tried to rationalize the situation in simple terms: if Michael trusted these people, so did he—until he was given a reason not to. Which, hopefully, would never happen.
William took a deep swig from his glass. Reaching across the table to refresh both his and Henry's cups, he warned: “You'll be a good boy and not climb inside Freddy's chest compartment again, right, Gregory? I'd feel so terrible if you hurt yourself in one of those robots.”
The worry on his face was so genuine, it made Gregory wonder what the purpose of it all was when he did it before. He could feel the claustrophobic thrumming of Freddy’s internal mechanisms as he sandwiched himself between a gap in the bear’s endoskeleton. In his dreams, Gregory was running away from things trying to kill him… most notably, the very same man who apparently couldn’t stand the thought of him getting hurt by the very same bot.
Gregory nodded his understanding, feeling somewhat bad as his worried grandfather shuffled his and Henry's cards anew. “I won’t, Pappy.”
“He'll be fine, Dad,” Michael reassured with an easy smile. He knew William was just being paranoid, despite the fact that Gregory hadn't tried to climb inside an animatronic in a while—at least, not to Michael's knowledge.
Evan took the lead, walking confidently through employee-only passages and waving to staff as he went. It wasn't a secret when the Afton and Emily heirs were around, as they were so involved in other family members' franchises the staff quickly learned to memorize their faces due to frequent surprise visits. While Evan didn't work in the Pizzaplex—he was perfectly content to manage his own smaller, homier diner branch of Fazbear Entertainment—there was no mistaking his kind face as someone of great importance.
Gregory was treated much the same way, though arguably with more genuine greetings than his elder family members received. It wasn't that any of the heirs were unlikeable—though Michael had scared quite a few staff on occasion with his calm and collected lectures underlain with veiled threats—it was just that they were so important it was intimidating.
But Gregory? Yes, he was right up there in the status quo, but he was still just a kid—and dealing with kids is what the members of the Pizzaplex knew how to do best.
Soon enough, the group reached a door hidden away from the usual path of employees rushing to and fro. Michael rapped on the wood three times before pushing it open. “Liz? I brought visitors...”
Liz was dressed down today in overalls and an old painting shirt as she worked. Finishing the latest designs was something she was being particular about, having thrown away half the original concepts and finding herself in a creative rut. At Michael's voice, Liz was quick to break concentration and turn around in her office chair.
“Visitors? You brought a whole party; hey, guys!” she remarked as the group filed into the office. Meeting the youngest boy’s eyes, Lizzie waved him over with a sense of urgency. “Gregory! Quick, I need your opinion on Circus Baby and Ballora.”
Gregory was fast to let go of his father's hands to do some investigating, curiously coming to peep the watercolor characters Liz painted in her sketchbook. Circus Baby looked far less uncanny then her predecessor, as well as Ballora. While Ballora seemed to still take role as a dancer, Baby's design leaned more towards that of a pop singer.
“They're cool! They're not as weird... They kind of look like they're from like—the 90's maybe.”
Liz groaned at this, closing the book even as it was still drying.
“I'm sorry I hate shoulder pads.” Elizabeth stressed before pulling Gregory in for an aggressive hug. “How ARE you, sweetie? Did you cut your hair?” Deft fingers played with the mullet Gregory seemed to obtain between last Wednesday and now.
No, Charlie did, Gregory thought. Outwardly, he shrugged and decided to act cool about it. “Just needed something different.”
“I think it's cute—er, cool. Super cool.” Evan tried to cover his slip, knowing that if his seven-year-olds hated being called cute, surely the almost-thirteen-year-old would despise it. He hummed as he assessed the style, noting: “Kinda reminds me of Mike's hair when we were growing up. Remember how you'd lock yourself in the bathroom for hours? God, it was so annoying…”
A tiny flush of red graced Michael's cheeks as his little brother jabbed an elbow into his side. “Look, it was called fashion, Evan. I was just doing what everyone else did back then.”
“Mm... I think you just wanted to impress—”
“So, Liz—” Michael cut off whatever Evan was about to say, moving to his sister’s side and slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Uncle Henry says you need a break—wanna come visit Freddy and then go find Evan’s kids?”
Evan rolled his eyes at Mike’s poor attempt to deflect, shooting a knowing look at the other Afton-Fitzgeralds. Michael had never been one for subtlety, so it was always obvious when someone caught his attention in a way others hadn’t. As for Liz taking a break, she bounced up from her chair and stretched her arms above her head to get her circulation going again.
“I’m so glad you all showed up—I was about to start atrophying,” she lamented, then threw a smirk at her big brother’s clear embarrassment.
“We gotta go see Freddy first!” Gregory reminded the group, reminding Charlie and the others that he had an ant in his pants about beta-testing Freddy’s new updates. It came as no surprise to the others. What with Freddy being his favorite and Gregory’s interest in coding, who could blame the kid?
“Yes, yes—Freddy first, as always,” Michael chuckled, shuffling his son towards the door.
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oddinary4bts · 4 months
Girl I need to go touch some grass before I get back to you on CH3 of Chasing cars but I’m at a loss for words rn 🫠 brb
Tumblr media
LMAO understandable😂 I’ll be patiently waiting for you here😇
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real-time-twilight · 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
May 22, 2006 (Monday)
Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 🌘
🌄 Sunrise: 5:28 AM
🌅 Sunset : 8:59 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 3 ("Motives") (from Pg. 75, line 18)
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at school; Edward asks Bella to stay in the car and wait until he comes back; Bella notices Jake with his motorcycle parked on the sidewalk; Edward informs Bella that her assumption regarding Jakes motivation for calling want to see that she was still human, but to plan on talking with Edward in an area with witnesses .
8:50 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella approach Jacob; Jacob tells Bella that the Cullens and The Pack had a border dispute involving Emmett and Paul over the weekend; Edward demands that Jacob leave as Bella realises that Edward's real reason for taking Bella to Jacksonville was to get her out of town and away from Victoria
8:57 AM (Approx.) - Principal Greene arrives to formally tell Jacob to vacate the school premises
9:06 AM (Approx.) - Over a series of notes passed in English class, Bella demands the whole story from Edward: Edward explains that Emmett wandered too close to the boundary while chasing Victoria and Paul reacted defensively. Rosalie reacted in kind and Carlisle and Jasper defused the situation.
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Mr. Berty tries to bust Edward and Bella for passing notes in class, only to find that the paper on Edward's desk are his notes on the lesson
11:15 AM (Approx.) - In Calculus, Bella overhears her male classmates (all witnesses to the morning confrontation) betting who would win in a fight between Edward and Jacob
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Maestro Hiccups 3: Chaos Incarnate
Ending: Outed and Outnumbered
Without a moment of hesitation, you chuck the fireball down into the fight, only to have it bounce around and accidentally hit Drew and Vito, knocking them out.
The kids, now seeing the knocked out brothers, looked up and sneered "Well Well...planning a sneak attack were we?" The kid with the paintbrush sneered. The kid with the bow gave a whistle before an entire wave of enemies came towards your location. You don't have time to react as a Cheep Cheep jumps from seemingly no where, and hits you from behind, causing you to lose your fireball power up.
You groan as a few Shy Guys grab you and hold you down, as the Koopa Kids in the clown car fly up to get a better look at you. "You must be new here...and do you know what we do to newbies?" The kid with the paintbrush asked "You let them go and pretend you never saw them? You asked hopefully
"No. We feed them to the CHAIN CHOMPS!" The kid shouts. You feel fear coursing through your veins. "And since you oh, so graciously took care of those bothersome brothers, we can take Kiara back to our dad in peace." The one with the sunglasses said. "And that leaves you as chain chow." The one with the bow says.
Another kid with black cuffs on his arms gives a loud whistle as a loud pounding sound, and a pounding "BARK BARK!" met your ears. You pale when you see the large enemy looking at you with hungry eyes "Bon Appétit!" The kid with the paintbrush says, as the Shy Guys push you forward into your impending doom.
You shut your eyes as you think about your impending doom, regretting the MOMENT that you threw that fireball. Maybe you should have listened to your better judgement and not threw it during the fight. But it didn't matter now, for you have reached the end of the line, or should I say...
Drew, Vito, The Bronson Family and Project Link Up belongs to @sundove88
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heartlessfujoshi · 11 months
flufftober day 15 - promnis 'no stakes'
Title: No Stakes Chapter: 3 of 6 Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Teen (Subtle Flirting - Fluff - Ep Ignis V2 - Minor Angst - First Kisses) WordCount: ~2,130 Prompt: Confession
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2
Prompto wasn’t necessarily avoiding Ignis, but he also wasn’t going out of his way to be around him. When they had gone back to the motel after being stuck up at Wiz’s place, Prompto had decided that keeping his distance was probably the wisest thing he could do. It wasn’t that he didn’t like spending the night with Ignis - there were times when he would wake up and wish that he was still in Ignis’ arms, but that wasn’t possible with the Prince and Gladio around. No, that couldn’t happen because Ignis had a job to do, and that meant that Prompto needed to stay away. 
It was difficult, the first few days, because he could sense that Ignis wanted to say something to him. Wanted to find a reason to get the two of them alone, but Prompto thwarted every attempt by saying he wanted to stay with Noctis, who had no idea what was going on, but agreed that he wanted Prompto to be with him. 
Two weeks. It took two full weeks before Prompto found himself in a position that he couldn’t get out of. He was walking back from where Noctis was fishing near their haven, and came to a stop when he saw Ignis standing directly in his path, his arms crossed over his chest, and had a look on his face that made Prompto’s stomach lurch. 
“Are you going to run away again?” Ignis asked, keeping his arms planted across his chest, giving Prompto a look with narrowed eyes. “You do know that I can chase after you if I wish to, should you decide that is your best course of action.” 
His shoulders dropped with an exasperated sigh. “Fine, Iggy!” He threw his hands up, then looked around to make sure that they were alone. “What do you want?” 
“I want to know why you’ve been avoiding me.” His arms dropped, making him look more relaxed than intimidating. “You have been avoiding me, haven’t you, Prompto?” 
Blushing, he looked down at his boots and shook his head. “N-No, I haven’t. I’ve been keeping the Prince busy, that’s all.” 
“I think you’re lying.” 
He lifted his head, and saw Ignis was looking at him with an expression that was a little confusing to Prompto. Was it sadness? That couldn’t be right, could it? He never wanted to make Ignis feel sad. Far from it. He wanted to make Ignis smile at all hours of the day, as he had such a nice smile. A smile that could make a bad day turn into a good one. 
“I….” He trailed off, not sure what to say. Because Ignis was right, he was lying, but for good reason. He didn’t know how to tell Ignis he’d been avoiding him because he was scared to be alone with him. He was afraid that those feelings he’d been having since Ignis had practically saved him at the mines were going to be waived off by him, and he really didn’t need that. 
“Prompto.” The way Ignis said his name, it sent a small shiver down his back. Looking back at Ignis, he knew that it was going to come out, whether he wanted it to or not. “Why don’t you tell me the truth?” 
There was a group of rocks nearby that Prompto walked over to, and sat down with a hard thunk. The ground was still wet from a shower that had finished a half hour ago, Prompto not caring as his clothes were already damp because of it. He stared out at the road that was nearby, the sound of passing cars few and far between. Travel was happening less and less, as more Niflheim patrols were making their rounds in the Lucian kingdom. 
“You’re right. I’ve been avoiding you.” He could see Ignis’ form moving closer to him, but kept his distance. Prompto was grateful that Ignis was giving him room to breathe, but there was a small part of him that wished they could bypass all of this bullshit and return to that glimpse of happiness they’d shared at Wiz’s together, albeit he was suffering badly from the thunderstorms that had kept them trapped there. 
He heard Ignis sit down nearby. “Why? Have I done something to make you upset? I thought that everything was going to be okay after what I did.” 
“What??” Prompto quickly turned and looked at Ignis, trying to figure out what he meant by that comment. “What do you mean, after what you did??” 
Ignis’ eyebrow rose up. “I kissed you? Without specific permission from you?” 
“Augh, what.” He shook his head. “No, Iggy. That has nothing to do with this. Okay, maybe it does a little, but that isn’t why. It’s complicated.” He had jumped up, and began pacing back and forth, as he tried to figure out the best way to approach this subject. 
“If that isn’t it, then why have you been avoiding me?” There was a trace of hurt in Ignis’ voice that was making Prompto feel awful. “You seem quite happy to spend all of your time with both Gladiolus, and with the Prince, but when it comes to me, you want nothing to do with me.” 
Prompto walked over to where Ignis was sitting, and dropped down to be on his knees. “That’s just it, Iggy! You’re right - I’ve been spending more time with them, because I’m scared.” 
“Of what?” 
Rain began to fall again, the drops pelting his skin with a soft pitter patter that was more distracting than anything else right now. “I’m scared because I really like you.” Prompto stayed on his knees, looking up at Ignis as he felt the words tumbling out of his mouth. “You are nice. You are kind. You make me feel a part of this team, even though both you and Gladio have been with the Prince for fifteen plus years.” 
“You are a part of the team, Prompto. His Highness has-” 
“No, Iggy.” Prompto reached up and put his hand against Ignis’ lips, not sure what had possessed him to act so forward with him. It got him to stop speaking though, which is what he wanted. Lowering his hand, he stared into Ignis’ eyes, ignoring the rain that was steadily falling faster. “That isn’t it. You know what I mean. And I know that my feelings for you can’t really be something because you have a job to do. And if you knew how I felt about you, and if you reciprocate those feelings, then that means that your job is now compromised.” 
Ignis’ eyes narrowed again as he stared at him. “How dare you think such a thing, Prompto.” Ignis stood up, Prompto quickly stood up with him. “Do you really think so little of me? Do you think that I’m not aware of what my duties are, and what my feelings for you mean?” 
“Feelings?” He was surprised to hear that word leave Ignis’ mouth. “What do you mean?” 
A soft sigh left Ignis’ mouth. “Oh, Prompto. What am I going to do with you?” Two strong hands touched his shoulders, Ignis turning him to look directly at him. “Do you need it spelled out? Here you are, telling me that you like me, and I’m trying to confess to you that I feel the same way, and yet you’re confused.” 
“You like me?” Prompto repeated, still staring at Ignis with a dazed look in his eyes. Is this real? That couldn’t be possible. 
“Need I remind you that I was the one to kiss you?” The hand on his left shoulder was pulled away, and brought to his face. Prompto closed his eyes as the soft touch of Ignis’ hand made his knees weak. “Prompto, Prompto, Prompto.” Ignis’ breath touched his lips, as he brought his head closer to Prompto’s. “We’re going to need to work on your self-esteem. It shouldn’t be surprising that I’ve fallen for you, as you make me feel unlike anyone has ever made me feel in my life.” 
“Iggy, I-” 
Prompto wasn’t able to finish his thought, though, as Ignis’ lips touched his, sending a spark traveling through his entire body. The hand on his face stayed where it was, as Ignis’ lips moved against his, the two of them surrendering to a feeling that both had been denying the last two weeks. Prompto softly moaned against his lips, his hands finding their way to the suspenders that Ignis wore, tugging on them as his head spun. 
He dropped back down to his feet, not realizing he’d been on his toes to kiss Ignis, his heart pounding very fast in his chest. “Iggy.” He whispered his name, unable to look away from him. ��W-What does this mean?” 
“This means that you should stop avoiding me.” Ignis reached over, and pushed some of his bangs off of his face. “And, we should get out of this awful weather. This region is awful with this rain.” 
“W-What does this mean for us, though?” Prompto needed to hear what it meant. Sure, he had told Ignis he’d liked him, prostrating himself on his knees while confessing to him, but Ignis had said it so matter-of-factly that it was a tiny bit jarring on his end. “Do you like me?” 
“I have said as much.” The smirk on Ignis’ lips ignited a fire in his stomach that spread all the way up to his cheeks. “If you’re asking what this will mean while we’re with the others, I will leave that up to you.” 
“Won’t they care?” He asked, thinking about how both Gladio and Noctis were sneaking around behind their backs, engaging in a whole mess of a relationship that neither was admitting to. 
Ignis reached for his hand, which he gave freely to him. “Does it matter? We know they’re in their own little tryst.” 
“But that isn’t why this is happening, right?” His paranoia was getting the best of him. “You’re not saying you like me out of desperation, are you, Iggy?” 
“I am not, Prompto.” Ignis stopped walking, and stood in front of him. “You will need to learn to trust me-” 
“I trust you, Ignis. With my life.” Prompto needed him to know this. Because he did. He trusted Ignis more than he trusted anyone else. And that included the crowned Prince of Lucis. 
“You should.” He was pulled into his arms, and was soon the recipient of a long, satisfying hug from Ignis. “I fear how you will act when I confess my love for you. Prompto.” 
Closing his eyes tight, he clung to Ignis as he hugged him back. He couldn’t say anything though, because he knew Ignis was right. If he was having trouble right now with how Ignis felt about him, how would he ever handle something more than this? There was no way that he would be able to. 
He slowly pulled away from Ignis, and rather than ruin the moment by saying something stupid, he reached for his hands, and laced his fingers together with Ignis’. “Will you sleep by me tonight, Iggy?” He asked, hoping it didn’t seem too weird of a question. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that since our stay at Wiz’s.” Ignis murmured the words into his ear, causing his brain to slowly melt as he found it difficult to breathe. “You will be in my arms tonight, Prompto. I do not care if the Prince or Gladiolus sees.” 
“Iggy.” He bit his lip, trying not to cry. 
The smile on Ignis’ face made those tears disappear, and instead brought a sunny warmth to his face, even with the rain still falling onto them. They walked back to the haven together, and saw Gladio was sitting by the fire, while it appeared that Noctis was in the tent, fast asleep. Prompto didn’t care. Ignis hadn’t let go of his hands until they began to approach Gladio, and then would glance at him every now and then, as he had a discussion with Gladio about Noctis. 
That night, they all went to bed at a reasonable hour, Prompto choosing to sleep next to both Noctis and Ignis. He waited, and waited, and after what seemed like an eternity, he felt Ignis’ arms envelop him from behind, pulling his back to be up against Ignis’ chest. A whisper of a kiss touched his cheek before Ignis settled, Prompto finding the most comfortable spot as he closed his eyes, now safely back in Ignis’ arms. A smile curled on his lips as he put his hand over Ignis’, which was resting against his stomach, and fell into the deepest sleep he’d had since that night at Wiz’s, when he’d last been in Ignis’ arms. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
It Could Always Be Worse, Ch. 3: A Queer, Sultry Summer
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Butterfly universe version of Happily Ever After, Ch. 3: A Queer, Sultry Summer.
Prev - A Queer, Sultry Summer - Next - All - [ AO3 ]
WC: 705 - Rated: T - CW: Self-harm
"It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York." - Sylvia Plath, the Bell Jar (1963)
Virgil fidgeted with his sleeves in the passenger seat next to Logan. His eyes bounced between the window, his phone, and the clock on the dashboard. He signed heavily and turned to his father. "What time will we get there, Dad?"
"We are only about four blocks away, so just a few minutes, Virgil."
Virgil sucked his teeth. "Yeah, I know that, I mean what time."
Logan clenched his teeth for a moment, mentally counting to five before responding with more anger than the situation warranted. "I believe it will be two o'clock."
"'Kay, thanks," Virgil mumbled, tapping at his phone. Virgil looked up when he felt the car turn sharply to the left, slowly easing up the gravel driveway to his best friend's house. He sighed, "Finally."
Opening the car door the moment the wheels stopped moving, Virgil flung off his seat belt and yanked open the car door. His sleeve caught on the locking mechanism for a moment and he quickly tugged the sleeve back down, glancing over at his father. "Um, can you pick me up at 9?"
"Of course, Virgil. I will check with Matt's parents to be sure that works for them." He waved toward Matt's mom who was walking down the driveway to greet him.
"Hi, thanks for dropping him off," she called as she chased after Matt's little sister.
"It was my pleasure, really. Thank you for having him over. The boys have a good time together." Logan stood next to his minivan, hands in his pockets. Matt's little sister stepped a little closer to him.
"Hi," she grinned, looking at him sideways.
Logan smiled and crouched down, tilting his head the same way. "Hello," he said and signed in ASL. "How are you today?"
Matt's sister giggled and ran off, copying the sign for today. Logan chuckled then stood. Matt's mother had her arms crossed and was staring at Logan with an unreadable expression. His eyebrows knit together, "Is everything okay?"
"Sure, sure, um." She looked down at her feet and sighed. "Well, no." She looked up at Logan, "I don't know quite how to say this, so I'm just gonna blurt it out." She took a deep breath, "I think Virgil might be cutting himself."
Logan blinked and shook his head slightly, taking a half-step back and bumping into the minivan. "Wha—what?"
"I don't know if you know this, but, Matt has a history of it and I noticed that Virgil's showing some of the signs, and, well, Logan, it's the middle of July and he's been in long sleeves every time he's come over." Logan looked down at his own hands, catching himself rubbing at the skin under his watchband. He pressed his lips tightly together and shoved his hands in his pockets.
Matt's mother was still talking. "I just think you should ask him about it, or maybe, you know... get him some professional help." Both parents' heads suddenly swiveled, looking toward the far side of the lawn at the sound of Matt's little sister suddenly crying. She was sitting on the grass, holding a scraped knee. "Sorry, I need to—"
Logan nodded, "Of course, of course, um, I will be by at 9 to pick up Virgil."
"Sure, sure... see you then..." she called over her shoulder to Logan before murmuring to Matt's little sister, "Oh, kiddo, lemme see, okay...."
Logan gnawed at his lip, looking up at the house. He thought about the little scratches he'd seen on Virgil's hand about a month ago and how he couldn't explain how he'd gotten them. He rubbed his hands against the sleeves of his own shirt, swallowing hard. He waved one more time to Matt's mother and sister, then climbed back into his minivan. He took a moment to make a note on his phone to call Virgil's doctor on Monday morning for a referral. Pocketing his phone, he checked to see that Matt's sister was still safely out of the driveway, then pulled out and back into the street, slowly driving home.
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4, 9, 25, 31
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Just about anything I read will inspire me in one way or another. In the course of writing When the Longing Returns I've directly taken inspiration from Angela Carter, Charles Dickens and Elizabeth Gaskell. The last was especially influential on Chapter 4.
9. Which Characters do you find difficult to write
So far I've only really written 5 characters (Erik, Christine, Raoul, Meg and Madame Giry) and none of them have been particularly challenging, because I've always known exactly what I want them to do in the scenes they're in. Like they all have their little challenges situationally.
With Erik my main concern is finding the right balance of self-confidence and self-loathing. I determined early on that i didn't believe ALW Erik to be defeatist--somehow he always manages to cling on to hope. So my gauge is "Does he sound too much like Edward Cullen in Midnight Sun? If yes, dial it back.
But I think I would say the one that will be most challenging in the future will be Madame Giry. And there it isn't so much not knowing how to write her, and more just finding difficulty in actually articulating it. There's some big scenes with her coming up one of which I wrote all the way back in Ch. 3 and its one of my favourite things I've written, but it was also quite challenging.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
No so much side adventures, more like outtakes--scenes that take place in the universe of the fic birthday just don't fit the trajectory of the story. And they're mostly smutty.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Now are we talking OC's for a piece of media or Original characters for Original works?
If the latter, not really no. If the former, my OC for Twilight, Ada, is very near and dear to my heart, to the point where I have a whole side-blog for her (@crookdeclipses).
I have always had a self insert for Twilight, but when I first came up with her she was called Audrey and she was very thinly written. I just didn't have a good enough scope of knowledge or emotional experience to come up with a character that add anything to the Cullen family dynamic. She read kind of just there. So when I embraced the Twilight Renaissance, I decided to completely strip her down and rebuild her from scratch. Just about the only thing she retained from the I original incarnation is her hair colour and her car. Audrey Cullen became Adeliza Charlotte Wakefield Cullen (Ada for short). I placed her backstory in Regency England (as I was coming off of a major Jane Austen kick) with the basis of her vampire origin being what if Marianne Dashwood's story ended.... badly? Like, at the foot of a cliff badly?
That background grew to involve her fiancé disappearing in action during the Napoleanic Wars who she then discovers (after she becomes a vampire) was actually alive, and an obsessive vampire creator who's affection she was not ready to receive chasing her across Eurasia (this aspect of her story was added to explain the numerous vampire covens of OC's I came up with back when Breaking Dawn came out and International Vampires became an option). The obsessive vampire creator (he's called Jonathan) was an idea I had because I wanted to explore Stephenie Meyers concept of "vampires can only fall in love once". Namely what happens when you fall in love as a vampire and the object of your affection doesn't reciprocate. Things don't end well for poor Jonathan (my heart goes out to the poor guy. I really feel like I did him dirty.)
Her full backstory and various other details can be read here
Thank you for asking <3
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fushiguroll · 2 years
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⇢ oikawa toru x f! reader x iwaizumi Hajime 
⇢ soundtrack. this love by taylor swift
⇢ tags. summer romance, childhood friends to lovers.
⇢ taglist. open - send an ask 
synopsis. some summers are just prettier than others. summers were spent chasing behind your older brother and his friends, begging to be included in their “big boys only” activities. but the summer before your senior year of high school, you were gone to your grandparents’ before makki, oikawa, iwaizumi, and matsukawa could return from college. now that you’re finally back, what will you do when the boys you’ve chased after your entire childhood suddenly looks at you like you’re not just their best friend’s little sister?
a/n. it’s here, it’s finally here! heavily inspired by the series, “the summer it turned pretty” by jenny han. this was one of my favorites growing up and in honor of it finally being adapted into a television series, here is my own take with my favorites from haikyuu. 
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preview. one year away from you and you’ve grown up so much that Oikawa Toru and Iwaizumi Hajime is having a hard time taking their eyes off of you. “you’re makki’s little sister. you’re only makki’s little sister” they repeat in their head. now if only their hearts would believe it too. 
CH. 2 - MY HANDSOME PRINCE (oikawa’s POV) 
preview. growing up, you called oikawa your prince and you made him promise to marry you one day. it was a joke. but now that you seemed to have your mind on someone else, oikawa suddenly wanted to make good on that promise.  
CH.3 - SIT ON MY LAP (iwaizumi’s POV) 
preview. on the rare days you were actually allowed to tag along on their activities, iwaizumi hajime’s lap was your special seat. and now in an overcrowded car, he automatically pulled you down to himself. only when he caught whiff of your unfamiliar perfume, spotted the glossy lips, and felt the grown weight of you did he realize everything has changed and that makki’s adorable little sister were...well, not so little anymore.
preview. now that you’re finally 18, your brother reluctantly agreed to let you tag along to the annual Miyagi bonfire. you meet an old acquaintance from elementary school who has not only gotten taller but cuter as well. if only your brother’s friends would stop being so overprotective, you might just get a shot at the summer romance you’ve always wanted. 
CH.5 - TBA 
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oddinary4bts · 4 months
How many minutes or hours left? Already twiddling with my thumbs 🤭🤭
24 minutes left😎 can’t waitttt
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