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seventytwoowls · 4 years ago
Judging you based on your CS OTP
Carulia: How are those mommy issues working for you?
Redcrackle: How are you doing with those daddy issues?
Haberzack/TreyZack: How’s that gender identity crisis going?
Slimebomb/electric slimebomb: How are you handling that diagnosed/undiagnosed ADHD/ADD?
Chasulia: You put a bit too much hot sauce on that burrito…
Carmivy: How are you coping with that crush on your childhood best friend?
Papertiger: What do you even do to swing between straight As and almost getting held back every grading period-
Jeantontio: See Carmivy
Chasezari: Settled on a consistent art style yet?
Feel free to add on
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bxttxrflybxddie · 4 years ago
Chase Devineaux hcs w any theme like i'll take anything and also some Chasulia (Chase x Julia) hcs too, some soft ones cuz my heart is sore for them. Forgive me. xx
We love a frenchman n his smart gf 🥴
Chase Devineaux (+ Chasulia) Hcs
ong i cannot put my finger on it
but hes a cat person
i think he perfers the lil fwuffy ones
ever since he was little he always wanted to stop no-good criminals and help the world
cuz childhood angst? yea prolly
so throughout high school n college he has multiple detective + criminal justice degrees
so once he works for interpol its a little weird
finally!! dreams are happening!!!
but its so tedious
most of the criminals he arrests are pathetic
either doing bad stuff for the right reasons or just making light stupid mistakes like shoplifting
this isnt what he wanted
he wants to stop serious threats!
save a community!
save a life!!
but he gets that chance
a few years after joining hes told about a serious heist of a jewelry shop near Paris
hes the first one on the scene and there he sees her
shes dressed in a ruby red and holding a bag of what must be important
"Stop!" he calls out to her
but with a saddened look from her, she disappears
after an investigation he learns that all was stolen was a priceless necklace that was about to be shipped to an import-export company
our man chase here is staight up distraught
he had an actual chance to stop a serious crime and it slipped through his fingers
he reported his sightings to his superior and they suggested a partner
shes cute. and brillant.
shes gonna go far
and her name falls out of his mouth oh so beautifully
hes jealous, insecure, and impressed
so to make a good impression to the partner
and the best way to do that is tell the story of the mysterious red woman
he half expected the young woman to not believe him
or scold him like how he does himself
but when he peers back at her
shes listening
holding on his last word
theres this small smile upon her lips
"what happened next, sir?"
and it was at that moment he decided
the facts and details of such dull things are his job to talk about
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bl0ss0mlily · 4 years ago
opinions on shipping in carmen sandiego?
The reason I love Carmen Sandiego is because it almost barely focuses on any romantic aspects and so it's up to the fans to interpret any couples as they will!
In fact, most of the ships I like are thanks to the lovely people on AO3 with their amazing fanfics (sometimes paired with amazing visuals!)
Here are the ships that I prefer/mainly ship:
Jeantonio (Whose isn't?)
ZackDash (Zackhabery? Haberzackary? It's a complicated name haha)
Anything Mimebomb, notably Slimebomb and Cracklebomb (Thanks to fanfiction!)
Carulia (Cute interactions within the series!)
Chaseulia (It's the 'bi wife energy' audio for me)
Tigerstar (A couple of chaotic gals)
CleoBellum (Well... I mean they're pretty close and it's cute.)
Paperbomb / Tigermimestar - Basically Paperstar and Mimebomb the unhinged duo with Tigress as the babysitter.
NealDash - I like the thought that since Countess Cleo/Dr. Bellum often have joint-missions, they're often paired. That and the thought that maybe they were in the same class together when they were younger is funny. I see them as the "insult each other but care very much about each other" friendship.
IvyDash - Same friendship dynamic as NealDash except Ivy does more of pushing around LMAO
Chasebomb - Chase is, for the first time, the rational one out of the two. It's the 'Let me see what you have - A KNIFE! - NO!' energy for me.
ChaseShadow - Tired dads. That's it, that's the tweet.
MechanicBruntDriver - It's the two chaotic beings and one rational one for me.
Any ships I haven't mentioned are simply because maybe I do like them, but not enough to make it on my list or they're ships I haven't actually considered!
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grrrrrrrbarkbarkbark · 4 years ago
Yall: ugh we probably not joing to get craulia and chaseulia is probs fine become cannon
Me: julia has two hands.
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