#chase ginvin
justandumbkid · 16 days
Does Mellow live with Greaser??
My mind just thinks that Mellow lives with JUST Greaser, or at least Vinny and Ginger
Basically my mind says she lives with Vin and Ginger because of Chase,, and like whenever she streams and whatever, sometimes Chase just interrupts and her chat knows him by now, and just goes wild- "CHASE" "HI CHASE" "OMS IT'S SHARK BOY" etc and I think it's adorable, she ofc gets annoyed and tries to politely shoo him away
Also bc you draw Chase interacting with Mellow and Alex alot and I haven't figured out where and who Chase officially lives with
She actually lives with Alex and their husband! The only reason why she often interacts with Chase a lot is because she would follow Alex visiting Ginger and Vinny which is almost every day lol, or because Alex is babysitting Chase for the day
She used to live with Fresh and Greaser, but after her left eye got cracked which caused it to go blind she moved in with Alex and their husband, because living with Fresh and Greaser would give her flashbacks of how she got her crack eye which she is very insecure about the only reason why she doesn't cover it up with her hair because of her bff
But would she visit Fresh and Greaser? Of course! As much as she hates her own parents she still loves them, the only reason she isn't is because she's scared if they don't wanna see her again, like what if they forgot about her?, or just don't care about her? (Which they probably don't)
No doodle today because of laziness, maybe I'll update this post with a doodle:^
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solroswaslost · 2 months
Greasers kids:
Skillet (FreshGrease)
Billy (FreshGrease)
Jellybean (FreshGrease)
David (FreshGrease)
Retro (FreshGrease.. but technically PaperFreaser?)
Disco (Surprisingly.. FreshGrease might be PaperFreaser)
Glossy (FreshGrease)
Swirl (Oh hey, FreshGrease)
Yoyo (FreshGrease again)
Cherry (It's... FreshGrease)
Pastille (Oms.. FreshGrease)
Bubba (Did I forget FreshGrease?)
Gummi (I think I did... FreshGrease)
Mazie (FreshGrease)
Nifty (Right... FreshGrease)
HotRod (FreshGrease)
Pepsi Pop (FreshGrease)
Furbah (...FreshGrease)
Tune (PaperGrease)
Jody (PaperGrease)
Chase (GinVin)
Mellow (Oms it's FreshGrease)
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solroswaslost · 1 month
Here are the twins meeting Chase for the first time! I got bored and have nothing else to post...
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Who's up for a Q&A for the twins?
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solroswaslost · 19 days
Does Chase go to school? Like preschool or kindergarten or something like that, or he just stays home 24/7?????if any of this makes sense
(Ps, Also does retro and disco also go to school?? Or are they all homeschool)
Chase goes to Special Ed, which is simply just one class where it specializes in things like autism, adhd, behavioral issues, learning disability, etc. If Chase doesn't go there, Ginger just homeschools him, it'll change, depending on how Chase feels, if he wants to go out or if he wants to chill at home with mama (He goes to pre-k sometimes if Ginger is too busy, but not as much)
Retro and Disco, they go to school, CQ takes them every morning and one of their siblings(Cherry, Billy, HotRod, Skillet) picks them up after school
Little bonus: CQ and Ginger get a little paranoid, so they all have car seats, as they feel more safe and secure than just a booster seat, Retro has a red car seat, Disco has a purple one, and Chase has a blue one, and yes, Retro and Disco are small enough for a car seat,,, I wonder if I can find pictures of the said car seats-
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solroswaslost · 1 month
A "little" question about Chase
Does he know any sign language?? Just asking about this question has been haunting me like a ghost who hates me(´∧ω∧`*)
He does! He knows alot of asl
When he doesn't feel like it, he likes to be annoying and use one sign like, he'll go up to Ginger or Vin and sign "Eat" meaning he's hungry and would refuse to sign when they ask if they want certain food
"Do you want fruit snacks?" He shakes his head "Do you want [food/snack]?" And again, he shakes his head
It's pretty funny, do with that what you will
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solroswaslost · 2 months
I wonder who's his favorite is then🤨
Chase loves the FreshGrease family, and he does have a favorite,, I want y'all to guess
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solroswaslost · 28 days
I'm gonna be honest w you, Mellow is quite scared of Chase Lmao, it's just that she doesn't like getting stare at for an abnormally long time, and Chase just stares at her with those eyes, she just doesn't like it one bit
(Imagine at night Chase wakes her up because.....idk for what reason-)
I guess his neutral face doesn't help,, but he does have autism(Reason why he's mute) and has a hard time making different expressions
But that's a bit funny and understandable- like Chase isn't a normal 4 yr old, he has autism and is completely non-verbal so he just has a habit of staring at people since Ginger kind of accidentally taught him that he needs to make eye contact with others so they know he's listening, but he takes it to another level and just stares and stares at them.....
But anyway-
Mellow: Asleep
Chase: Just standing by her bed, staring at her
Mellow: Wakes up cause she feels like she's being watched, and looks at Chase AHH- Oh hi- buddy, what's the matter??
Mellow: ..Right- can you- show me?
Chase: Nods and he just points to his room as if she'll understand
Mellow: ..........Right-
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justandumbkid · 2 months
Ignore the fact I forgot Mellow's other eyebrow on pic 4 and the fact there's spelling/grammar mistakes I'm heavily sorry 4 that one lol
Also greaser is (probably) broke to pay child support/hj(not really)
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Chase belongs to @solroswaslost (go show them some love and support they deserve it)
Made this bc I was bored and it was rotting in my gallery anyway 🤷‍♀️(I FORGOT ABOUT MELLOW'S FUCKING GLASSES FUCK🤬)
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justandumbkid · 28 days
..Since Alex loves fishing and Chase loves anything that has to do with the ocean, especially sharks(He has shark autism)
Alex would take Chase fishing, and the first time they did, they would explain that being quiet helps sometimes,,, and Chase just gives them a death glare (Get it? Cause he's mute?)
Ah yes, Alex cruel jokes.... What a lovely older sister could he ask for? Alex just teases or jokes with Chase, and Chase is not having any of it-
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All jokes aside, I love that idea, Alex joking/teasing Chase about being mute on a daily basis and Chase is not having it is my favorite, kinda remind me how me and my older brothers relationship are-
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justandumbkid · 1 month
Made another shipkid (ginger x greaser/vinny)
The reason why I made a ginger x greaser/vinny shipkid bc that ship is SO underrated then fresh x greaser/vinny, so I'm just trying to make things a like a little more popular (kinda-)
Also that's just a sketch I will draw them better next timeಥ_ಥ
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Their name is Alex.... That's it Alex.. BORING NAME
But uhh, ye their bisexual, their very chill as long you don't cause problems, and they LOVE fishing so much like if you ask them to go fishing they would explode with excitement that's how much they love fishing
Also they would most probably have a Scottish accent because their ginger
They also have a pet turtle They named it Leonardo(tmnt reference..)
They are in their 20s but live with their mummy(ginger lol)
They were HEAVILY inspiration by chase by @solroswaslost (go show them some luv they are so underrated 🙏)
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