#chart delineation
stylishanachronism · 1 year
What iffffffffff size charts had actual measurements on them
Like…………………… just a thought
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crunchybees · 1 month
saturn = your duties.
this applies to any chart. natal, solar, lunar, transits, composite, etc etc. if delineating a synastry chart, the saturn person will pose a challenge to be overcome by the house person, which will lead to growth in the house.
saturn in the 1st house.
your duty is to discover who you are, without trying to be other people (stop idolizing and just exist as you are).
saturn in the 2nd house.
your duty is to build material security for yourself. to put yourself in a position where you understand and attract what you value.
saturn in the 3rd house.
your duty is to refine your communication skills, and to understand your place in social settings.
saturn in the 4th house.
your duty is to build a home for yourself. figuratively or literally. you had issues with feeling nurtured in your home, so you need to make sure you take extra measures to cultivate that feeling.
saturn in the 5th house.
your duty is to create. to learn that what you have is worth sharing with the world.
saturn in the 6th house.
your duty is to take care of your health and be really serious about making healthy choices for yourself.
saturn in the 7th house.
your duty is to learn what it means to exist outside of yourself. to know the other.
saturn in the 8th house.
your duty is to do everything you can to transform and elevate yourself. to turn your pain into power.
saturn in the 9th house.
your duty is to dissolve any boundaries between yourself and the journey.
saturn in the 10th house.
your duty is to carefully!! cultivate a public image. to be a boss ass bitch. naturally, saturn is at home here.
saturn in the 11th house.
your duty is to connect to the masses.
saturn in the 12th house.
your duty is to understand the things which we cannot see. saturn exalts here because these things are the governing force of our world.
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xeruessx · 2 years
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#scribble #girl #gun #warrior #art #drawing #sketch #draw #outline #draft #design #rough #sketch #layout #delineation #framing #schema #graph #chart (em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXG2evOjvu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saturnianoracle · 5 months
How to learn real astrology: what it is and is not
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
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It is VITAL that if you want to understand astrology properly, you come in with an open mind and forget everything you think you know. Especially, remove yoruself from the belief that astrology is some occultic mystical spiritual practice, and/or that it is solely some psychological tool.
I used to be quite the hater of astrology. None of it 'resonated', and it seemed like wishy washy hippie shit. In lockdown, astrology stuff kept coming onto my feed, and some of it made sense, but most still did not. I then initially wanted to debunk astrology. But when I properly stated looking into it, the deeper I went the more accurate it started to become. Equally, parts still remained highly inaccurate. But this was due to a mismatch of how 'influencers' out there synthesised and understood the traditional foundations of astrology and modern information. Thus, I committed myself to truly understanding astrology, and my life has significantly improved for it and I've only just started.
As an introductory post to what astrology really is, I have formatted it into the following sections: i. the problem with pop culture astrology, ii, the history of astrology, iii. how astrology works, and iv. where meaning in astrology comes from.
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The problem with pop culture astrology
This is the type of astrology we see in newspaper horoscopes, online articles, tiktok viral posts, instagram horoscopes, etc.
This is borne out of the allure astrology holds for desperate individuals seeking an easy and quick answer to their life problems, and using it as a form of confirmation bias for hating their ex (for example). But this misuse of astrology will undoubtedly hit for most people, due to the barnum effect, but is ultimately inaccurate and those who think it true have now misleadingly correlated the pop culture reasons for why X happened to what astrology is.
The new moon in your 7th house is not a sign that your crush will leave his partner for you. Being a gemini sun does not mean you are a two faced, loyal-less individual. Having your sun sign the same as their venus sign does not mean you two are compatible. And so on and so forth.
Here are some key things to understand about astrology:
✎ Stop using co-star, and those websites which give you your astrology information like this:
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-> This does not tell you anything remotely significant aside from standard archetypal and superifical meanings of having a sun in Sagittarius or whatever (which you might not even 'relate' to, because of a multitude of other factors this does not show). Your chart instead, should, at the very least look like this:
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-> Even better, make a chart and add in decans, asteroids, and considers more aspects. Viewing your birth chart like this is essential for gaining a better understanding. Aspects are what brings everything in your chart together to give it more significant and individualised meaning, the houses and the angles are also explicitly identifiable this way. Also, always make sure your chart is in whole sign houses, I will make a post on this later on why, but you will have to go to settings for this as popculture astrology has made placidus the default (as well as other inaccurate takes).
✎ Sun sign is astrology is fake, no matter how much you think it resonates with you it is the wrong footing to base your understanding of astrology off of. Astrology is extremely complex, one thing might resonate for one person and not for another, because of house placements, condition of the planet, aspects to the planet, etc. Consequently, all basic and simplified delineations of a chart are unhelpful and will put you on the wrong footing for future proper readings you might wish to do. This is how astrology can be so inaccurate.
✎ Astrology is not about resonating. Although, this is a part of how we can test astrology, it is linked far too much with resonating with personality. Your birth chart is not a map of who you are specifically, we evolve all the time (as the universe, so the soul), it is a map of your entire life. It is a map of the sky and its energies the minute you were born. Some things you think you do not resonate with is because those energies have not yet played out in your life.
✎ Astrology is not a psychological tool, although it can give us insight into psychology when used and understood properly. Again, it is the blueprint of our life.
✎ Astrology is not spiritual. It is not a belief system, either. Although, one can use astrology to advance their spiritual practices.
✎ Free will exists. I will likely go into this in another post but the energies of our bith chart, solar return chart, profection year, progressed charts, transits etc, are merely indications of how things are likely to unfold. The energies are malleable within their themes' ambit, and it is up to us to decide how we choose to interpret what is/will happen and what to do with that information. A transit might indicate difficulty in a law suit, ok, how can I mitigate that then? What other charts, energies, and transits can I use? If I did not know of this then I would not know how to alter my behaviour to yield a better results, even if it might not mean a completely opposite result.
✎ Your natal chart will not show you everything. There are relocated charts, progressed charts, solar return charts, profection years, etc. All this goes into a holistic assessment. Your natal chart, however, will always remain the anchor of it all.
A brief history
Astrology is not some woo-woo, spiritual, new age, belief system. Astrology's history and use goes back to the Babylonians. It used to be intertwined with astronomy; Galielo and Kepler, for example, were simultaneously astrologers and practised it widely (even as court astrologers). People in positions of power have always consulted astrologers to time events, in the modern era many Royal families, celebrities, and politicans still consult astrologers. Carl Jung, JP Morgan, Nancy Reagan, and Roosevelt are examples of this. Of course, it might be argued that just because famous people have used/use astrology does not give it any more credit to which I say: ok please read my post below pls and ty xo.
Astrology's history has been relatively tumultuous, however. I have condensed this timeline from an article I found below:
- Astrology was a widely accepted practice but, in Europe, after the fall of the Roman empire and much of Europe, it fell into decline along with other disicplines. - The middle ages saw a renaissance of intellectualism with a particular focus on science and thus the astronomy part of it. This was largely due to the Church who viewed astrology as divination and going against free will. - However, in other parts of the world astrology was still a crucial element of daily life, and those in power would use astrologers to time events. - Astrology did re-enter the curriculum, though, in the 14th century, with a focus on being used for medical astrology in part due to the recently available Hippocratic Corpus. These texts were crucial to advancing our understanding of medicine, but Hippocrates emphasised that "a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician". Astrologer still had a healthy dose of criticism back then, though. - Astrology was a major field of study in universities in Europe, well ingrained in daily life. - It died out in the 17th century, mostly due to the increasing emphasis on science being increasingly and misleadingly viewed as separate from astrology, the church, and astrologers falling into disrepute due to political involvement. - Its resurgence in the 19th century saw an oversimplified, and largely 'spiritualised' version of astrologer. This is because this period also saw an increased interest in the occult and mystic. - Since becoming conflated, astrology has become even further diluted, but this is not to say that every new discovery has been wrong; modern interpretation is crucial to informing the bigger picture of astrology and how we can utilise it. But it is vital to be critical and separate it from pop culture nonsense, aimed at lost and desperate people looking for quick answers and confirmation bias, and have some media literacy.
So, how does astrology work?
: ̗̀➛ Astrology has NOTHING to do with the physical constellations. Astrology is based on the signs on the ecliptic (the path of the sun amongst the constellations, which is the plane of the earth's orbit).
: ̗̀➛ The equator has 15 constellations, and the ecliptic has 13. So why do we have 12 zodiac signs? This is because babylonians divided the ecliptic into 12 equal segments of 30 degrees each thousands of years ago. The ecliptic was divided into SIGNS. 12 constellations were just used to identify where in the sky each sign would be, at the time for ease of astronomical mapping/calculation - it is merely symbolic. This is why Opphiuchus is not the 13th Zodiac SIGN, although it is a constellation (and has always been known).
: ̗̀➛ Another reason why they are not based off the physical constellations is because the actual size of the constellations vary massively in size. Below is a representation of this:
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: ̗̀➛ As you can see, Virgo, for instance is huge, and on a literal view overlaps into the next segment because the constellations do not all equally fit a 30 degree division. Yet, we do not give scorpio like 5 days for its season, because the physical constellation does not dictate anything meaningful.
This gives us the tropical zodiac, which is to do with the earth's seasons:
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: ̗̀➛ The solstices are therefore reference points for Capricorn and Cancer (tropic of capricorn and tropic of cancer), not the constellations themselves. Accordingly, the spring equinox is marked by Aries (with the sun entering the segment of Aries at 0 degrees until 29), and the autumn equinox by Libra.
: ̗̀➛ The precession of the equinoxes, are therefore irrelevant to astrology (and this is why vedic/sidereal is, in my opinion inaccurate). The slow change of the direction of the earth's axial tilt, over around 26000 years, cause a precession of the equinoxes. This means, the segment of the sky that used to be identified by the Aries constellation from the earth's position at the time, is now looking at Pisces. But as we know, astrology has nothing to do with the physical location of the constellations. Vedic astrologers use sidereal positioning, aka taking into account the precession of the equinoxes, yet they still divide the ecliptic in the same way. This causes problems, leading to many branches in vedic because few agree on where aries actually even starts. But, I will write an extension of this segment in a future post on tropical vs vedic/sidereal astrology.
Where does astrological meaning come from?
As explained above, constellations do not give us meaning, the planets in the signs do (of which the signs' names just derive from where the constellations were at the time, i.e. are merely symbolic).
Astrology operates in a heliocentric context, in that its setting is derived from the solstices (as the sun is what gives us life) and the ecliptic etc, but is geocentric in function in that the meaning comes from how the celestial bodies going through the signs affect us on earth; it is all about OUR relation to the planets, not constellations.
Returning to the quote above (as above so below...), what happens up up there reflects its energies down on us below. For thousands of millenia, astrologers have developed an accurate pattern recognition framework which aligns with the maths and astronomy. This was done using the ephemeris, which tracked the trajectory of celestial bodies against the context of worldly (mundane), or natal events. Eventually, this knowledge could be used for predictions, (to understand transits, or for electional and horary astrology), by utilising the knowledge of how the trajectories of the planets and their interactions with eachother in what sign and house affected what.
Why does it affect us? Well, all the things that happen above us radiate energies. But when I talk about energies, I do not mean it in some spiritual sense, it is quite literal. Everything has frequencies. As mentioned above, astrologers, since the Bablyonian times, have studied these patterns and created an objective framework to align with it. Physical energies or not there is direct causation. The moon for instance, affects the tides on the planet because of its gravitational pull. We are 70% water, there is little reason to deny that the moon cannot affect us either (it does). Perhaps you might understand your broken leg as because of being hit by a car. But astrology can assess the chart of the event, and transits to your own chart to provide further explanation of why you got hit by a car in the first place, and why it caused a broken leg etc. Subsequently, the energies of what happens above relate to the themes found in planets, signs, houses, aspects, asteroids etc - but these energies are not set in stone as explained above.
Ultimately, it is disappointingly small-minded to think that there is nothing 'greater' than the physical reality we tether ourselves to. We are in fact part of something bigger; and again I do not mean this in some culty spiritual hippy sense. It is literally a fact, the world and cosmos at large is so vast, mysterious, and beautiful, how could anyone deny the interconnected web we are all collectively a part of. We might never fully understand the mechanisms of the universe, but what we can do is use the information we do have to make use of it and help inform us on how to live better lives. The fact there is something 'greater' inherent in our lives, connecting everything, which is objectively difficult to truly grasp, is not a reason to reject it. A lot of people who are averse to astrology (which used to be me) are those who pride themselves on rationality and objectivity, yet are restricting themselves to a very particular interpretation of what rationality and objectivity means.
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With all this said, I hope it has helped someone understand and appreciate astrology better. There is such a fascinating rich and deep history to it, spanning various cultures and eras, making it difficult to at least not enjoy learning about even if one still chooses to not practise it. I would like to reiterate, however, that to truly embrace astrology and its millenia of knowledge, evidence, and practice behind it, one must divorce its concept from pop culture astrology.
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annabelle--cane · 6 months
I got into tma in 2022 on a road trip with no internet and then only tangentially interacted with the fandom (light hcs, fanart) and I am. so compelled to understand what the fandom was like in 2020. what were the takes. why was it so awful. does it explain why every time I try to look into protocol I get a rancid Vibe and jump back 5 feet.
to preface: on scale, it really wasn't any worse than your average fandom, it just A) got Very popular over a short period and B) that period was during a time of particularly high stress where many people suddenly could only experience a social life online. tma is also a fairly political and progressive work, which inevitably leads to certain kinds of Takes. it also got Very popular right at the point where the episodes were reaching their peak of explicit social commentary and sustained morbid tone, which, especially combined with point B from above, drew out some really visceral reactions from a lot of people. nothing was actually inherently rancid about 2020-2021 tma fandom, there was just a bit of a perfect storm of factors.
having said that. some common discourse themes:
the perennial shipping discourse. georgie is the only one of our leads to have never killed a person, but really, I pinky promise that your ship between two unrepentant serial killers is 100x more problematic than my ship between two unrepentant serial killers.
asexuality: how dangerous is it? on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being "mostly" to 5 being "completely," how humiliating is it to be asexual? what is the singular true asexual experience that is unproblematic to write about?
wow, jonny was so out of line for writing this episode, what gives him the right to--oh he said it's directly based on personal experiences? so sorry, my bad, I'll learn for next time. wow, jonny was so out of line for writing this epi--
I did not like this episode. this is obviously a direct act of violence against me. why would an episode be Not Good when there is, in the world, Sadness?
hello, I have sorted all of the characters into a simple chart that clearly delineates which of them are completely irredeemable monsters with no interiority or motives and which of them are perfect angel victims who have only ever been nice and never hurt anyone, ever (and if they did hurt someone then that person deserved it). if I see you adding nuance to any of my rulings, I will kill you. this also extends to the podcast writers. #ilovebinaries.
the characters... are queer... and maybe even other marginalized identities as well... and yet, they do bad things? there's not even a single completely morally innocent character? by god, did they not think about the implications this might have!
web!martin. lol people are so stupid for thinking that the theory is at all plausible, media comprehension much? that would lichrally imply that a queer, poor, mentally ill character might be capable of badness. what do you mean we are currently listening to an arc where he's an accomplice to serial murder.
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transmutationisms · 3 months
Hi do you have any brainy thoughts on the disney movie inside out (and the sequel). My family and i went to go see inside out 2 today and i kind of hate it. Theres something about presenting an office, its warehouse and all the associated mechanisms as the objective truth of our minds that i dont especially like, but i dont really care about that ultimately. But what i do hate is the idea that we all feel the exact same emotions which can each be neatly identified and delineated, to the point that they act as entirely separate people in our heads. People who dress and look the same no matter who you as an individual are outside of extremely surface level changes (maybe). But I'm having a hard time articulating precisely what I dont like about it. In your studies have you read about like ... the taxonomy of emotions or sensations ? Many therapists value the idea of each emotion being readily identifiable with a name. They have charts about it. It feels all in service of an understanding of ourselves rooted in flawed psychological frameworks. One in which the literal "mood disorder" exists
congrats on the only disney anon i would probably ever answer. yeah i saw the first inside out in like 2018 or 19 really stoned and this also pissed me off. in general when people start trying to present living things in really tidy taxonomical schemata i am immediately suspicious; what's being done is not 'reading' this or that out of nature but actively interpreting a phenomenon according to some set of predetermined rules or distinctions. in psychology this especially gained popularity toward the end of the 18th century and into the 19th: the notion of discrete brain 'functions' was the foundational assumption of phrenologists, and also intimately tied up with the idea that 'emotions' / affective states could be neatly distinguished, delineated, named, and ordered.
it's a really curious sort of dualism that ends up taking hold, esp in much of the anglo and german literature, where you the subject are configured as, on the one hand, a conscious experience resulting from your material brain, and yet, on the other hand, distinct enough from that very brain to experience a kind of dysphoric disjunction from its operations. in inside out, this is dramatised quite literally, as a conflict between the protagonist and the independent entities that 'are' her emotions (where the medium even allows each to be protrayed by a different actor!)---a better work might interrogate this schizophrenic conception of selfhood and ask, for instance, if such a portrayal of a split self is intended to resonate with many people's everyday experience, what is it that distinguishes the 'pathologically' fractured consciousness, and what does this suggest about what's at stake for those who seek to understand affective experience by naming and categorising it...?
& i do also find the warehouse metaphor odious haha. such a throwaway choice on the part of the filmmakers, but one that really speaks to both a failure of imagination (all forms of social organising must be one that i am already familiar with, even in a fully fictional and animated story) and a somewhat disturbing conception of human interiority (i would argue there's a continuity here from using the labourer-owner metaphor in a dramatisation of the mind, to broader attitudes about human dominion over 'nature').
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the-virgoperspective · 3 months
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Part 2
Hello all! I just wanted to share what I have been learning while reading up on composite charts. The composite chart is a very interesting and helpful tool to show one what a relationship looks like with themselves and another person. The composite chart is casted by using the midpoint of each planet from each individual natal chart and creating a completely new chart for the individuals as one. This method can apply for just two people or multiple people. For a better understanding of midpoints in astrology, please click here.
In this post, I will be using the writings of Robert Hand, from his novel “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to explain the meaning and significance of each house in the composite chart. Please always keep in mind that this is only one vital step to reading an entire composite chart and should not be seriously considered without viewing everything as a whole. This is just one piece. Enjoy!
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The Composite 7H
The composite seventh house, like the first, is a sign of a relationship in which the two people are truly trying to function as a unit. The seventh is the house of intimate one-to-one encounters. If a chart is on the whole favorable, a strong seventh house is a good indication that any kind of partnership, including marriage, can survive. A strong and well-aspected seventh house is not absolutely necessary for a marriage or business partnership, but it helps.
A clearly seventh-house relationship that is not well-aspected will still be an intimate encounter, but the people may be enemies or at least competitors. This is because the seventh is also the house of one’s open enemies.
Obviously a strong seventh house cannot guarantee a marriage between two people who love each other, but because they will think of themselves as a unit, it is quite likely that they will get married or at least live together.
A strong seventh-house chart is also favorable to any one-to-one relationship in which one person consults the other, such as a patient and doctor, patient and psychotherapist, client and astrologer, client and lawyer, or client and any other type of professional.
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The Composite 8H
In traditional astrology, one meaning of the eighth house has been joint finances and property, or the “partner’s” finances and property. In a composite chart it is difficult to distinguish between the meanings of the second and eighth, because one cannot clearly distinguish between the two partners. One difference is that the eighth house can refer to finances and property of people outside the relationship. Otherwise it is difficult to separate the two houses, insofar as they both refer to value and things that are valued. Therefore the reader is urged to review the second house for further information.
Traditionally it is the house of death, but this meaning is not limited to actual physical death. It really means the passing away of an old order and the building up of a new one. Therefore we refer to the eighth house as the house of major transformations.
A strong eighth house may signify some great involvement with property, but it is more likely to mean a relationship of great significance that will bring about major changes in the lives of the two people, especially at the psychological level.
Whenever you encounter a strong eighth-house chart, be sure to keep in mind the double nature of this house. It’s effects can be manifested at either level or both at once.
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The Composite 9H
The composite ninth house signifies the overall view of the world taken by the persons involved in a relationship. The phrase “consciousness-expanding” is often used in the delineations, because a ninth-house relationship usually broadens the views of the two people. They are exposed to new ideas and forced to think in terms of a broader spectrum of possibilities than before.
Since the ninth is the house of ideas and consciousness, a strong ninth house enables people to communicate at a very high level. They can really understand each other and share their views with one another. Of course, difficult aspects to this house, especially involving Saturn, can turn this around so that failure of communication becomes a major factor that weakens the relationship. Similarly, some planetary combinations, particularly Mars and Pluto, can create intense competition on the intellectual level and great resistance to each other’s views. The one certainty is that a strong ninth house will make it very important that the two people have a strong intellectual relationship. If they do not, that fact will be the major source of difficulty between them.
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The Composite 10H
The tenth house in the composite chart has much the same significance that it has in the conventional natal chart. However, “career” seems to have little relevance for a relationship, unless it is a business or professional relationship. But even in an individual horoscope, the tenth house has a much deeper meaning. It tells about a person’s development as an individual, a unique human being, and how they establish that uniqueness in the world. Because of this, the tenth house refers to status and reputation. It also tells about the directions of a person’s evolution and the principal occurrences of that process. All these matters apply in a composite chart, especially the uniqueness and evolutionary purpose of a relationship, both for the persons involved and for the outside world.
A strong tenth-house relationship will be more than normally concerned with directions. The two people will often ask, “What purpose does this serve in my life?” And often the encounter with each other will help them find out exactly what they are doing in this world.
The issues of the tenth house are more than ideals and hopes, which are ruled by the eleventh. They are plans that will probably be realized, because they are the real intention of the relationship.
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The Composite 11H
A strong eleventh house is very appropriate in a composite chart, for it is the house of friendship. It does not limit a relationship to friendship, but it helps two people to be friendly in whatever they are doing together. This is especially important in a sexual relationship; lovers who have a strong eleventh house will also be friends. A strong eleventh house is an excellent house for a marriage composite.
Because it is also the house of hopes and wishes, a good, well-aspected eleventh house gives a relationship a strong sense of shared ideals. Both persons are looking for the same things in life.
Difficult aspects, especially those of Saturn, may bring about conflicts of ideals in a relationship. Or friendship may be denied, limiting a relationship to a purely professional one or a purely sexual one, without friendship.
In any case, a couple with a strong eleventh house must be able to share with each other a great deal of their lives. Otherwise it is not likely to be a very successful relationship.
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The Composite 12H
The composite twelfth house has many of the same meaning as it has in an ordinary birth chart.
Basically, the twelfth house represents repressed thoughts. It signifies once-conscious ideas that have been eliminated from the waking mind because the mind has chosen not to deal with them. The twelfth also clearly indicates the environmental factors that has caused the thoughts to be repressed. The traditional meanings concerning hospitals, prisons, and other places of confinement do not really apply here.
In a strongly twelfth-house relationship, the persons involved do many things to and with each other that do not make sense in terms of what is really happening between them. As a result, they wind up dealing with behavior patterns automatically when they should be making a thorough, conscious evaluation of them. Even when a couple makes a great effort to deal with problems consciously and openly, There is often more going on that is raw, intimate, and heavily psychological than most people can deal with in a personal relationship.
If people can handle what comes up in a twelfth-house relationship, fine, and some people even enjoy such a relationship. Marriage is not normally recommended for a couple with very strong twelfth house. But there are those who benefit greatly from intense, day-to-day psychological encounters.
part 1
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 ombré divider by @cafekitsune   image + support banner by @roseschoices 
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learnastrowallura · 22 days
🧡The 9th House in Astrology🧡
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The source if this information is The Astrology Podcast (Chris Brennan) on Youtube and from the book The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas and I will add a personal example as well
9th house: Religion, spirituality, the mystical, occult, esoteric matters, wisdom, direction of life, meaning, fulfillment, magic, astrology, divination, temples, pilgrimage, retreats, higher learning, university, philosophy, foreign topics, the unfamiliar, long term travel, quests, truth, seeking knowledge, God, cadent house
Our 9th house can tell us a lot about our view and relationship with religion and spirituality; whether we are more of the skeptical type (Saturn in 9th house), or maybe we find comfort in such matters and we tend to focus on the beauty of them (Venus in 9th house), how we determine our beliefs or our "truth", how we live our lives according to that truth, how we interact with/how comfortable we are dealing with foreign matters and people as well as languages, and also perhaps how we feel about moving away from home or committing to long journeys for the sake of the expansion of the mind or even discovering other cultures as well
I've seen people consider this house the most positive one out of the cadent houses and I agree with that as well <3
Personal example: Saturn in Cancer in 9th house
This is a tough one for me to delineate, to be honest but let us see how this goes
The obvious starting point is my view on religious matters and I am not religious at all despite having been raised in a religious country. Now what is interesting is that is I love astrology more than life I mean I LIVE for it at this point and I would consider myself pretty spiritual so we can say that if were seeing it in a black and white manner it would be contradictory but I think it makes sense for me; in the way that I am still skeptical in spiritual matters; I always keep an open mind but the "what if this is not factual?" Or "what if this is not the truth I am looking for?" type of questions are always in my mind however I do not like to lean into them so much
And the reason for that can be found in my chart as well since I have my Saturn squaring my Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house (placidus) or 1st house (whole sign) and if we were to be literal about it we can say that Saturn is restricting me from having that kind of harmonious feeling, I suppose because I'm always skeptic and for that reason I truly do not think I could ever feel good or comfortable being religious
My Saturn squares my moon in Aries in the 5th house (placidus)/6th house (whole sign) as well and with my Aries moon I like being impulsive emotional maybe break the rules a little bit yk and sometimes I do not feel so comfortable (moon) doing so because of my religious trauma and fearing God and being a sinner etc but thankfully I do ignore this most of the time
On a more positive note I do have Saturn trining my Sun in Sagittarius in the 1st house (placidus) or 2nd house (whole sign) and I will be honest having Saturn in my 9th house does help me take my learning journey seriously because I also have faith that it will lead me to achieve my dream of freedom whether it is time/location freedom (Sagittarius) or financial freedom (2nd house) as well so yeah
I should also mention that long term/distance travel scares me ahaha idk why but I mean I have Sagittarius sun/mercury/pluto placements so yk it is kind of mitigated by the fact that I am curious about life but yeah I should explore my fear more because it is interesting as well
Honestly my Saturn placement for me is an area of struggle for me especially since I have a night chart and so it is is my malefic plus Saturn really gives me that pressure of I have to work hard to become knowledgeable/wise and reliable too
But I have faith that it will get better with time since Saturn is the ruler of time as well
And when I turn 20 this November it will be my 9th house profection year so we will see how that goes and I will update you guys x
Thank you for reading <3
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liminaltrickster · 2 months
Show Your Work: Nicola Coughlan/Penelope Featherington
For now, I've decided to call this series of astrological investigations "Show Your Work." It's a working title 😉
As promised, let's look for Penelope Bridgerton (née Featherington, aka Lady Whistledown) in Nicola Coughlan's chart.
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But first, the same disclaimers as before:
I'm a traditional astrologer. This is the source from which I pull the meanings of the planets, houses and signs. This also means that I use Whole Sign houses. If you're used to Placidus or another house system, things will probably look a bit different here.
Yes, there are natal charts available for the characters of Colin and Penelope. I just haven't had a chance to look at them closely yet. I hope to soon, and we'll see what we can glean!
When we look at a natal chart, individual placements can be read in a multitude of ways depending on what we're wondering about. I'm coming to this chart looking for Bridgerton, so the reading will be very specific.
I don't and won't make delineations for people's personal lives without their consent. That's why we're focusing on a piece of Nicola's public creative output here.
This chart was cast with an estimated birth time, but assuming the rising sign is correct, it's fine for our purposes.
Just as we did with Luke's chart, looking at the ruler of the 5th house feels like the most natural thing to do. This means that for Nicola, we're going to be focusing on Mercury (☿) in Capricorn (♑) in the 12th:
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The 5th House and its Ruler
Being an Aquarius rising, Nicola's 5th house is Gemini (♊). Gemini isn't the sign of our focus, but I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that the Gemini themes of duality, changeability, deception and invention are quite apt as far as Penelope and Whistledown go.
Anyway, the ruler of Gemini is...
This first part is pretty simple: Mercury rules the mind, writing and speech. Penelope is a thinker and a writer. When anyone cares to listen to her, she has a lot to say, and she says it exceedingly well.
But Mercury is also the trickster, so let's discuss the archetype (see: my username). In myths and stories, the trickster is cunning and witty. We'll always find them breaking rules and crossing boundaries, including those associated with the social order, often to chaotic effect. Penelope not only publishes a scandal sheet, but she also blows past the limits of propriety by naming names.
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There's also much to be said about gossip's usefulness in holding the powerful to account and the gendered criticism of gossip. Gossip has always been a way for vulnerable groups (in this case, women) to share information outside of the influence or control of the dominant group (in this case, men). The trickster is a disruptor who challenges authority. This is Penelope as Whistledown (and, eventually, as herself).
The trickster is a shapeshifter, and I'm not only talking about Penelope donning a disguise and accent to do business on behalf of Whistledown. Just as the trickster often exhibits gender variability, Penelope plays with the gender roles of Regency society. While she's not completely free to do as she pleases, she has an occupation that she's good at, that she's passionate about, and that brings in a hefty income.
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In Nicola's chart, Mercury is very closely conjunct the Sun (☉)—this is called being combust. Combustion is a visual phenomenon whereby a planet is said to be "burnt up" by the Sun and cannot be seen because the Sun's light is too bright.
I don't know if it's possible to count all of the ways that Penelope goes unseen in this show, but let's try:
Not only does the ton spend three seasons not knowing who Whistledown is, but they very rarely take any notice of Penelope either.
At any given ball, Penelope is a wallflower of the first water because none of these dud(e)s think to ask her to dance.
In fact, it's this disregard that allows Penelope to collect information, disappear from events, and even repeatedly spend unchaperoned time with Colin Bridgerton.
Colin himself takes two and a half seasons to see what's directly in front of his face (Penelope... it's Penelope, lol). He doesn't see that she clearly has feelings for him, he doesn't see her as more than a friend, and he doesn't even see that he already has feelings for her. Heck, for a while there, he doesn’t even see her as a woman (“You are Pen. You do not count. You’re my friend.” 💀).
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Eloise spends two seasons looking for Whistledown, and it turns out it was her best friend all along. She's also surprised when Penelope and Colin show up engaged because she has somehow never noticed that her closest friend has been in love with her brother the whole time.
Penelope's mother and sisters assume that she's a lost cause who'll remain unmarried. When they find out she's been writing letters to Colin in season 2, they scoff at the idea of them being friends. Portia takes comfort in the idea that Penelope will always be around, but she has no clue that her home is Whistledown HQ.
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The 12th House
The 12th house doubles down on these themes of something or someone being unseen. It is a difficult place, but it makes sense for Penelope. Some of its topics include secrets (yes), scandal (uh huh), and hidden enemies (I'd say so).
It's also a place of ostracization. As a woman seen as undesirable for marriage, Penelope is already snubbed by Regency society. Whether it's by her friend (and future husband) Colin Bridgerton or her enemy Cressida Cowper, she's suffered no shortage of slights and cruelty.
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She keeps her identity as Whistledown a secret for so long because she risks further alienation if the ton discovers who's been casting aspersions and spilling their secrets.
This house is a place of "self-undoing." Whatever we may think of Whistledown's utility, the whole scheme gets away from Penelope this season. By her own admission, she's made mistakes, hurting others and herself in the process. The only way forward is to own up to it.
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Nicola herself has referred to Capricorn as a "famously uncool sign," and I suppose Capricorn has this reputation due to the seriousness of its themes. Resourcefulness, persistence, ambition and goal-setting aren't particularly cool, but they can certainly get you stacks of money under the floorboards.
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Capricorn can also be steely and even ruthless. Penelope is a fundamentally good person, but there's an eerie level of discipline, detachment and single-mindedness required to publish gossip about those closest to you, not to mention about yourself.
That being said, I believe that Capricorn (like all signs) is much more complex than folks give it credit for. Let's refer again to Liz Greene in The Astrology of Fate:
I understand [Joseph] Campbell to be saying by this that the father-son polarity, the avenging Lawgiver whose strict and structured rules of life collide with the lusty, libidinous goat-like desires of the son, exists within the one individual. Morality and shame, law and lawlessness, seem to comprise some of the polar opposites of Capricorn. The son must face the father's punishment, only to find that the father is within himself; and the father, the old king, must face the son's rebellion, only to find that it is his own youthful spirit that he thought he had outgrown long ago. The initiation of the son by the father is an inner experience which, it seems as though by fate, Capricorn is often denied in the actual parental relationship, and he must therefore seek it within himself on a deeper level. By this description I am, as usual, not talking about men only, for this father-son constellation belongs as much to woman and her capacity for effectiveness and self-sufficiency in the world as it does to man.
That sums up Pen’s arc pretty tidily, don’t you think?
It's only when she decides to come off the wall and integrate these two disparate parts of herself that she's able to start saying what's really on her mind and articulating her needs. This is when she starts getting what she actually wants: to be with the person she loves, to have better relationships with her mother and sisters, to earn the forgiveness of her best friend, to write openly as herself, and to be recognized by society.
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That’s all folks!
The next one of these, whenever I get to it, will be looking for Sydney Adamu in Ayo Edibiri's chart.
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lilacstro · 4 months
Checking the overall composition of planet and elements in your birth chart (+ finding the dominant planet and elements) (tutorial)
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Hey! Have you wondered what do people mean by "water dominant" and terms like "Mars dominant"? I know its ridiculously easy but I took some time to understand that so I am posting this for people like me who couldn't quite get this at first.
This is how you can check what element and planet you are dominant of and also, how is your overall chart composed and where is your power. I hope this helps gain you more insight in your birth chart.
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1.Go to astro.com
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2. Go to chart& calculations and go to extended chart selection
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3. If you have already saved your chart, it will appear under birth data. However, if you didnt, click on add and enter the details.
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4. Tap on the Pullen/Astrolog tab and select "simple chart delineation". and click show chart
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5. Keep on scrolling through and stop when you see a table like this. Look carefully. This should be somewhere in the middle. Now check for the highest percentages
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hope this helped, i love you all! this might be the last tutorial for now before i post more observations <33
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hoodreader · 2 months
venus persona chart (002 — the 4h & ic.)
this will be the foundation of ur “love,” the fourth house / ic are the two lowest points in ur chart. so it serves as the “floor” u build upon.
since it’s ur foundation, it also shows how to maintain. in hellenistic astrology, the 4h is associated with the earth element. u know how buildings need regular maintenance or they crumble apart? yeah. reinforce the foundation so it won’t give.
ic isn’t always in the 4h, sometimes it’s in the 3rd or 5th. so keep that into consideration when delineating ur ic’s role in ur venus persona.
i think it can show where u inherit beauty, charm, or otherwise venutian qualities from ur ancestors.
how u love in utmost privacy. instead of dates & whatnot, it’ll represent the most intimate moments of ur relationship. this doesn’t just mean sex, but the 4h is the least visible house in the chart. so sex is one of the possible ways to read for the 4h.
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diasporicfemme · 2 months
Astrology of Situationships Pt 1
Ah, the dreaded situationship. A symptom of our post-capitalist malaise. I don’t want to spend too long diagnosing the origins of situationships and their normalization in our collective popular consciousness because that will take a whole set of blog posts 😩😂
In the first part of this post, I’m going to look at some astrological significations in natal charts that suggest the potential for situationships in romantic interactions.
DISCLAIMER: It’s worth noting that each of these placements might get into or end up in situationships for varied reasons, and they are not all tales of victimization. Some of these placements can actually be the perpetrator, or swing back and forth both ends of the spectrum like a pendulum.
As always, reading a chart is a holistic exercise, and these placements should not be analyzed in isolation, as it will not reveal the full picture. These are archetypical descriptions. You might have these placements but these delineations may not apply to you because of specific details in your own chart. 
Natal Placements
Venus in Aries
Simply put, venus in Aries can be selfish AF. As a cardinal sign, they are typically better at starting relationships than maintaining them. Venus is in detriment in Aries (a sign ruled by Mars) so this means that Venus is uncomfortable and not functioning how it prefers to. They can hop from one partner to the other, and may be reluctant to commit.
Venus square/opposite Moon
In a man’s chart, this can show that his relationship to the feminine is conflicted. What he wants from women or the energy he expects from the feminine is misaligned with what makes him feel emotionally safe. What he wants and what he needs tend to be two very different things. This can create a yo-yo effect in relationships as his confusion or indecision will ensure he remains non-committal in relationships. In a woman’s chart, her relationship to her own femininity is fraught, which can signify a lack of self-esteem and low self-worth, leading to people-pleasing and an inability to set boundaries in relationships.
Venus conjunct Mars (depending on what signs both are in)
Similar to Venus in Aries, Venus conjunct Mars can exhibit more martian traits in love and romance. They can be impulsive and their interest may not be easily sustained. However, this depends on the sign and house the planets are in.
Venus square/opposite Mars (depending on their mercury) 
With this placement, what a person wants may not appear to align with the actions they take. This can confuse their partner if the Venus square Mars person is not able to communicate clearly. This signification depends on the condition of their mercury, which shows how they express themselves. 
Venus aspecting Neptune 
Neptune is the planet of illusions so when a person’s natal Venus aspects Neptune, they might be prone to giving mixed signals or proceeding with unclear intentions in romantic relationships. On the other hand, they can be more prone to delusion, or to staying in illusive situations. 
Venus aspecting Pluto 
With this placement, power and control are highlighted in relationships. The native could be prone to exerting control or domination over partners, or could  attract people who attempt to do the same to them.  
Venus conjunct/square/opposite Jupiter 
Venus negatively aspecting Jupiter can signify untamed desires. The native can struggle with knowing when to stop and typically goes over the top in the pursuit of pleasure, which can manifest in dealing with multiple people at the same time and/or unclear boundaries in relationships.
Venus conjunct/square/opposite Lilith 
This placement is super sexy and easily attracts others to themselves. Despite this, people with this placement could repeatedly end up in situationships as potential partners fear losing control in the relationship due to the emotions this placement arouses in them. 
Venus aspecting Uranus
Uranus indicates sudden and unexpected shocks, so when this planet aspects Venus, relationships can end as quickly as they begin, or potential partners are liable to switch up on you with no warning.
Venus in the 2nd, 5th, 11th, and 12th houses
If Venus in the 2nd house is afflicted, the native could struggle with self worth issues which could lead to compromising themselves in relationships and a lack of strong boundaries.
Venus in the 5th house of pleasure could be a player, as they might be determined to pursue every viable option.
Venus in the 11th house is prone to getting into relationships with their friends, which could lead to friends-with-benefits situations.
Venus in the 12th house could experience people trying to hide their relationship or keeping them a secret. They could also be the one to do this to others.
Mars aspecting Jupiter
This can indicate a very high sex drive, and might show that the person is prone to pursuing multiple options at the same time. This also depends on what houses and signs the planets are in.
Mars aspecting Neptune
The person’s actions could have unclear intentions, and they might move in ways that disregard boundaries or may have issues setting appropriate boundaries with themselves and others. 
Mars aspecting uranus
This can point to someone with unpredictable behaviour. This could also signify someone that takes sudden shocking actions in relationships e.g sudden breakups and reconciliations.
Mars in the 1st house, 5th, 9th and 12th houses 
Mars in the 1st house can be extremely attractive and alluring, but also extremely selfish. 
Mars in the 5th house can be pretty lusty and also have a lot of success dating which could lead to being non-committal since they have a lot of options.
Mars in the 9th house can be non-committal since they aren’t focused on something as mundane as a relationship. They are concerned with their freedom first and foremost and this can externalise itself in an avoidance of commitment
Mars in the 12th house could experience boundary issues or issues with asserting themselves. 
Moon aspecting Neptune
Moon aspecting Neptune could show an inability to set emotional boundaries, or a lack of clarity around one’s emotional needs.
Moon aspecting saturn 
Moon aspecting Saturn can find it hard to open up and connect with others as they sometimes feel that there is a barrier to their emotional self-expression. This can make them come across as ambivalent in relationships.
Moon aspecting Mars
This is a lusty placement, and depending on the house, the person could be more interested in initiating romantic relationships than maintaining them once the sexual passion has died down. 
Moon aspecting Uranus
Their emotions can be erratic. It can be hard to pin this person down emotionally, and the inconsistency of their emotional world can make it so that they find it hard to know what they want or provide clarity to others in relationships.
This person is extremely sensitive and might have deep emotional wounding that could affect their self worth. This depends on what house this placement is in.
Moon in the houses
Moon in the 2nd house
If the Moon in the 2nd house is afflicted, the native could struggle with self worth issues which can cause them to make self-detrimental compromises in relationships.
Moon in the 7th house
If the Moon is afflicted in the 7th house, this person can display codependent tendencies in relationships.
Jupiter in the 5th house
Jupiter in 5th house could have many romantic or love options, and may take advantage of this to play the field.
Jupiter in the 7th house
This can indicate many partners or multiple partners, depending on the state of the planet, the aspects it makes and what sign it’s in.
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degreedummy · 2 years
Empty Houses
So, before I start, I think we just need to talk about some misconceptions first, one being that an empty house has no meaning or value to your life, the lack of placements in that area being equated with complete silence, like an empty house. The most common practice people will use, when trying to understand empty houses, is by looking at the houses "lord", aka the ruling planet of the empty houses' ruling cusp.
When looking at the house lords, I prefer the modern method (but still use Traditional alongside it):
Aries - Mars
Taurus + Libra - Venus
Gemini + Virgo - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Scorpio - Pluto
Sagittarius – Jupiter
 Capricorn – Saturn
 Aquarius - Uranus
Pisces – Neptune
When looking at house lords, we look towards where that placement falls in our chart, using the house it falls under, any aspects, and if you apply it, malefic/benefic delineations to understand how that houses themes express themselves. So, say someone has an empty Cancer 3H, the lord of that house would be the Moon, meaning that we look to their Moon placements, any aspects towards it, etc. to understand how they (3H) communicate their emotions.
For me, under that same circumstance (empty Cancer 3H), let's say the house cusp is at 25° 25°- Aries- square degree influence- causes conflict between (25°) their desire for leadership and (square/cancer) their understanding of being able to express themselves as that leader. So, through house lords and other theories, we're able to see that we are able to find meaning in empty houses. Especially when it comes to transits through those houses, we can miss out on a lot in our chart if we treat these transits as *entering a void*. So, now to go through the houses and what they mean on their own! If these don't apply, try applying the degree aspect method and see if you have square or inconjunction degree influences over said house.
This is someone who doesn't have to put thought into who they are, most struggles they face when it comes to their identity having to do with almost being careless with who they represent themselves as. This is someone who doesn’t feel the need to prove themselves. An empty 1H is someone who... isn't by any means immune to insecurity, but they aren't driven by it. Doubting themselves, if they're able, only happens in response to failure, needing a direct cause to make them start thinking about themselves.
This is someone who has an easy time communicating their morals, values, and need for stability to people, sometimes overstepping by laying out an NDA for a new friend. Empty 2H folks tend to be... while they value their possessions, this is someone who isn't broken by something breaking. If they lose something, to them, all they can do is either find it or replace it. There is no intermission with them, they push forward.
This is someone who... may have issues with recognizing social dynamics and cliques because they're so ready to give everyone an equal opportunity to get to know them, usually never considering what can be done with all that information. An empty 3H shows someone who, really, talks to hear themselves talk. While the house may be empty, this is where the silence of it becomes uncomfortable, pushing the native to make up for it on their own.
Empty 4H's tend to have a cohesive home life, possibly getting in trouble for not switching things up enough. These are folks who tend to go home with the intentions of staying home, entering a new mindset depending on what side of the door they're on. The 4H being empty can show someone who, actually, needs an empty house. Not having any placements, these folks aren't used to not being able to escape the stress, so shadow work literally starts at what they consider to be "home".
An empty 5H represents someone who, maybe even though having a touch childhood, still never lost their connection to their innocence and curiosity. This is someone who's never felt scared of or embarrassed by their own need to share and receive love. The 5H being empty shows someone who tends to follow trends more than starting them, and it's because they don't mind being introduced to something new. Their love isn't limited by any insecurity, their heart reaches as far as consent allows them to.
This is someone who has little problem staying organized, or lives life so comfortably that they have their own version of being organized. These will be the 6H cusps to have their own system, holding to it no matter how much sense it makes. When they don't need to do a lot of work to maintain their life, this can sometimes lead to them... not being so great at adhering to other peoples' schedules. They tend to assume everything will take the least amount of work, sometimes falling apart because they didn't check up.
An empty 7H shows someone who, usually, doesn't ever know the relationship is going south until they're literally told it is, assuming everything is alright as long as the two people who need to be together [are] together. They're truly about "us against the world", having a habit of forgetting, romantically and platonically, to check up on the other person and actually ask what they need out of a partner. This 7H needs to focus on more active communication, even if they don't think they "need" it.
This house being empty shows someone who has no hesitation in how they share themselves with people, simply following the desire to be closer to someone and wanting to be the one who changes them for the better. And it isn't necessarily their goal to change the people they love, but intimacy to them is pushing each other forward through the anxiety and fear, not letting each other get stuck in feeling out of place-- fear they forget to say they don't really experience.
This is someone who swings around a sword with three edges, one who needs no validation for their beliefs, one who sees no limitations in exploring other peoples' beliefs, and one who asks so many questions that people perceive it as doubt. Empty 9H'ers are... always looking to understand, over anything else. I think sometimes digging too much can get them in trouble, but it's never enough to put an end to their curiosity, because that ease in their approach to expansion already accounts for growing pains.
The 10H being empty represents someone who doesn't usually feel a strong desire to change who they are to affect perceptions of them, not seeing value in being [known] if it means they have to be known for being someone else. This is someone who... for better or worse, rushes past criticism, setting their minds to a goal and only accepting failure if that specific goal isn't reached. This is representative of a hard worker, but tunnel vision can be their worst enemy in terms of other areas in life.
I think, when it comes to the 11H being empty, this can either represent someone who finds ease in surrounding themselves with people, or finds ease in knowing they don't need that many people in their lives. An empty 11H shows someone who's dreams change constantly, maybe so much that people lose belief in their ability to follow through, but everything is connected. They may bounce around a lot, but every "thoughtless" risk they take has purpose.
Probably being the most intimidating house to face silence in, an empty 12H, to me, either represents someone who is in constant communication with themselves, or is so driven to push past their subconscious that they don't find the closure they need. An empty 12H shows ease in the connection between conscious and subconscious, but not everyone can handle a relationship they have little choice in being a part of. Sometimes it's silencing the endlessness of their anxiety that helps them find the answers they need.
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xeruessx · 2 years
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#scribble #girl #gun #warrior #art #drawing #sketch #draw #outline #draft #design #rough #sketch #layout #delineation #framing #schema #graph #chart (em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWk6cJOWQE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
When I'm ready, I do want to prioritize queer and BIPOC clients. I think our natal charts are so fascinating just from our experiences. Our experiences make the delineations of our natal promise so much more layered and it requires a lot of critical thinking outside of the standard. Not everyone can be interpreted to a white, heteronormative standard and in reality, no one should be.
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 months
Neurodivergence in the birth chart and the issue of "aspects that indicate xyz"
I, once again, have rolled my eyes at an astro tiktok video. It was a few days ago so my level of annoyance has already (mostly) dropped and I'm now realizing that at least I have something to talk about.
How many times have you seen an article that said "aspects that indicate fame/talent/wealth or whatever"? I bet many, I've seen them too. But the problem is, astrology is a complex thing and there's no "one size fits all" solution. Fame in the birth chart? Have you looked at charts of more than 20 celebrities? All of their charts are different and will have barely anything in common. Singing talent in the birth chart? Yea singers have diverse charts as well. And so on...
Of course, sometimes there are some patterns and they work on some percentage of people, for example, Sun-Jupiter people are extremely lucky. But also notice that it is a generalization and in reality, some are lucky only in one sphere of their life, some are lucky alllll the way, for some that luck shows in travelling the world, for others they have high position at work. Or they survive a plane crash and that is their "lucky" moment (true story btw).
I like to say that the easiest delineations are often the most accurate. Let's say someone has Mars in the 6th house. Mars is sharp objects, 6th house is accidents - and that shows as an injury with a knife or whatever. Or let's say Venus in the 9th house. Venus is art, 9th house is higher education - the person studies art history at uni.
But these are the most basic keywords for these things. And sometimes they work on that basic level and sometimes they're more subtle or complex.
Now let's go back to the tiktok video I've mentioned. The person was talking about "aspects that indicate that you're neurodivergent". The first thing they said was Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th house or Aquarius placements in general. I frowned. First of all, you're telling me that every Scorpio rising with Saturn in the 4th is neurodivergent? Second of all, so only those born every 30 years are neurodivergent? And third of all, the 4th house??? This is a mess.
But let's start from the top.
There is no keyword in astrology for neurodivergence and its specific types. So the closest we can get to it are hints of different ways of thinking, troubles with communication, unique ways of assesing things and maybe some mental dysfunctions. So what we can look for, just from the top of my head, is: afflicted 3rd house (learning) or its ruler, afflicted Mercury (communication/learning/thinking), afflicted Gemini or Virgo placements (both mercurial signs), afflictions of the 1st house (the self) or its ruler, 12th house placements (subconscious, mental issues), maybe even 6th house placements (illness) and generally really any harsh aspects or even overloaded/prominent Mercury. Keeping that in mind, this is still a very generalized list and it probably won't apply to everyone who falls on the spectrum.
After this quick thought and listing these aspects in my head, I googled celebrities who are neurodivergent: some of them have Asperger's, some Tourette's or OCD. Let's have a look:
Anthony Hopkins has retrograde Mercury in the 1st house as well as both Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house. Elon Musk has stationing Mercury on the ascendant which is squared by Chiron, Saturn in Gemini as well as 3rd house Virgo Moon in squares. Billie Eilish has 3rd house retrograde Saturn in Gemini, Mercury conjunct Chiron and ascendant ruler in the 12th.
Greta Thunberg (untimed chart) has Mercury in retrograde and Saturn retrograde in Gemini. David Beckham has Mercury on the ascendant, 3rd house Saturn in detriment. His Moon is also on the apex of a Neptune-Chiron t-square. Deryl Hannah has Mars in fall in the 3rd house and the 3rd house ruler in Gemini.
I'd say there's a theme going on here, as I expected. Although, to be fair, in a few examples that I checked, I didn't see any afflictions in the chart (granted, some of them were untimed).
But here's the problem
The person in said tiktok video said that they were first diagnosed with autism by an astrologer before they had an official diagnosis. And now this is where I see the biggest issue. As I've mentioned, you can make generalized assumptions but to pin point a specific thing? I'd say either you have to have an amazing intuition or just make a lucky guess. Because the spectrum is big, the person could as well have ADHD or dyslexia so why autism exactly?
Just to compare, it's the same with other things. Years ago I made Halsey's chart analysis and I said it's very clear that she has mental health issues (physical as well), especially ones that are of the nature of identity crisis. But in no way I could guess that it's specifically bipolar disorder.
Just to give a different example from my own chart. Someone would look at it and mayyybeee say I have some sort of thinking/communication/motor skill issues: 3rd house Moon afflicted by Saturn and Chiron, Mercury in detriment and, most importantly 3rd house ruler Mars in retrograde in Gemini. But who would guess that I have cross eye dominance and used to have a heavy lisp as a kid? Probably no one. (some say I still talk funny lol).
So, if you have any of the aspects that I've listed in the beginning, you may be somewhere on the spectrum... or not. You can also stutter or have a lisp or never learn to drive. Or be held back at school... not because you have dyslexia, dyscalculia or ADHD or whatever, but because you're just a lazy ass. Or... it can manifest in a completely different way that won't be your standard cookbook definition.
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